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Glimmer offers (you) salvation

By CrookedIronsights
Created: 2024-01-18 03:08:10
Updated: 2024-01-18 03:08:46
Expiry: Never

  1. Another short inspired by the following:
  3. >>40706600
  5. Starlight's fetish is definitely femdom and/or being dommed
  6. ///
  7. >>40707924
  9. >>40706600
  10. Need her to slip into her cult leader personality during sex so bad
  11. ///
  12. >>40708030
  14. >>40707924
  15. >she makes a sex cult just for you
  16. ///
  17. >>40708072
  19. >>40708030
  20. >ywn have your wife brainwash you into spiritually purifying yourself through sexual intercourse for the good of society
  21. ///
  22. >>40710180 (Me)
  24. >>40708072
  25. >Starlight likes Anon since he doesn't hold any grudges against her and is generally understanding and forgiving while pushing her to be better.
  26. >Starlight wants him to like her.
  27. >Starlight observes that Anon is receptive to female interest and attention.
  28. >She shows that she's interested in him and where he came from.
  29. >She learns of his world and more importantly, culture and religion.
  30. >She hears about his insecurities and how his God judges him.
  31. >Decides to use Machiavellian mind games to foster a codependency on her in Anon to satisfy her desire for control and stability in the relationship.
  32. >Asks questions to form doubts in his mind on whether or not his arrival in Equestria could've been a punishment.
  33. >A purgatory even.
  34. >Constantly undermining his world view to make him doubt himself and seek a convenient answer for security.
  35. >Then guides him into believing that she is the answer by using the information about his beliefs that he gave her against him.
  36. >"Well, it's not all hopeless Anon. You did say that marriage was held specifically in high regard with its parallel to the faith and connection between him and humanity. Perhaps the reason you were sent here is so that you could have a proper chance to form that bond and verify your faith and connection to your creator in doing so? In our creator."
  37. >She then grooms him to be the ideal husband to marry her.
  38. >Once married they then proceed to consummate the marriage.
  39. >The final act to cement their bond and salvage his soul is forged in the passion of months of delayed gratification and effort on both sides.
  40. >A fire fueled by the frustration Glimmer has no other proper outlet for, and the earnest desire to be forgiven and saved by Anon.
  41. >The wildest sex is had many times and they live happily ever after.
  42. >A family with healthy foals.
  43. >But Anon always finds himself fucking Glimmer like the fate of his eternal soul depended on it.
  44. >A fervor matched by her own issues and excitement at a tangible successful result for her desire in stability and control.
  45. ///

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