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Prodigal Son's Prodigy Progeny Protege of the Sun

By CrookedIronsights
Created: 2024-01-18 03:26:43
Updated: 2024-03-12 08:00:18
Expiry: Never

  1. A longer story born from the conversation following Glimmer offering you salvation short.
  2. ///
  3. >>40711218
  5. >>40710180
  6. >A family with healthy foals.
  7. My wife and daughter!
  8. ///
  9. <40712457 (Me)
  11. >>40711218
  12. Oh, and don't forget that mind resetting sex. That's how you get those cute foals.
  14. Would the offspring of Anon and a magically talented mare be a prodigy too? I'd like to think so.
  15. ///
  16. >>40712720
  18. >>40712457
  19. >Would the offspring of Anon and a magically talented mare be a prodigy too?
  20. Yes, humans always improve the genes of their pony partner. Lusty would be quite the archmage.
  21. ///
  23. And so we begin. Here's the story.
  25. @Define Prodigal:
  26. **Negative Connotation: **
  27. * recklessly extravagant, spending to the point of poverty *
  28. **Positive Connotation: **
  29. * to be lavishly and sacrificially abundant in giving *
  31. ///
  32. <40713321
  34. >>40712720
  35. >>40713175
  37. >Monogamous Anon in Herd Equestria
  38. >Anon manages to help Starlight with her reformation and manages to convince her to be monogamous with him despite her doubts.
  39. >They marry and have a daughter.
  40. >Luster Dawn is a healthy young foal that makes the two proud.
  41. >Within even just a few days, she had begun to show her talent.
  42. >Using magic to levitate items already and move them about.
  43. >The shock on everyone's face when they saw her move the balloons Pinkie brought in celebration of their new baby filly.
  44. >Magical aptitude is usually something that's tested about 4 years into development, but her talent on display was quickly made a note of by Twilight and relayed to Celestia.
  45. >It was decided that she would take the test at just a year and a half old.
  46. >Time would pass and the date came.
  47. >It was stellar the potential she displayed in every aspect that could be tested at her young age.
  48. >Her capacity seemed to be deeper and more full than the average unicorn by far.
  49. >And the capacity typically grows with age and practice.
  50. >She was labeled a prodigy to be and expected to enroll on the academy for gifted unicorns early just like Twilight and a few others before.
  51. >It wouldn't take long before Celestia, with her centuries of background knowledge, to realize that even this was more rare than the outliers before.
  52. >She put two and two together and suspected that it could be Anon who helped act as a catalyst for his daughter's talent.
  53. >And so she asked if he'd be willing to test as well.
  54. >She discovered something that shocked even her.
  55. >Anon the human possessed a strong affinity for magic despite believing himself to be inept.
  56. >More discussions and interviews filled in the blanks.
  57. >Humans didn't believe in magic largely, believing it to be an archaic concept to explain that which they couldn't with the technology they gravitated towards developing instead.
  58. >But this wasn't true.
  59. >Humanity did know full well how to use magic.
  60. >But it was a lost art that borrowed from greater powers and developed differently depending on the culture.
  61. >The native American magic was wild and untamed, one with nature, while the European magic was structured and orderly - using the unseen laws of nature to guide the desired results to fruition.
  62. >Anon wasn't necessarily a special case.
  63. >It was humanity that possessed a strong affinity for magic and his presence in Equestria outside limiting factors on earth allowed his full potential to awaken while dormant.
  64. >No longer was he limited by what greater forced drip-fed humanity when offered sacrifices, rituals, or pacts.
  65. >He wound up in tune with the magical confluence of Equestria itself.
  66. >A direct connection to the core of their world and the boundless magic within.
  67. >Ironically, it seems he cannot quite use any of it, since he is alien to this world.
  68. >But that didn't stop his affinity from exponentially increasing that of his daughter's when it was passed down to her.
  69. >This means that it can be replicated.
  70. >With the Elements of Harmony gone Equestria needs another failsafe.
  71. >Surely the chance to produce more prodigies cannot be wasted.
  72. >Celestia wants to know if Anon plans to have more foals.
  73. >He said that they planned on a few, but with the intensively revolving around Luster, he thinks they need to sit down and readdress where they stand.
  74. >In short, it'll be a minute before they have more.
  75. >When they know more about the situation when she's older, then they can make a safer decision to proceed.
  76. >She then asks about growing his herd.
  77. >Raising foals is made more manageable inside the usual herd unit.
  78. >The herd mother designated as the stay-at-home mother would be more than capable of addressing all the needs of a few foals.
  79. >Should the herd grow, and more foals be had with them beyond her capacity, it's not strange to have another herd mother either.
  80. >Anon was reluctant to accept that just for the sake of having more foals than he knows he can take care of.
  81. >Besides, humans are traditionally monogamous, and he feels a special connection to Glimmer.
  82. >Piling in more mares feels selfish and he thinks it could undermine his connection to her and destabilize the relationship over all.
  83. >Celestia asks how Glimmer feels about the arrangement.
  84. >Anon admits that she was unsure about not starting a herd herself.
  85. >"Starlight is the one making concessions then?"
  86. "Uh, yeah. I suppose."
  87. >"If your concern is about being selfish, then I think you're already guilt of that."
  88. "What?"
  89. >"You see Anon, much like the 'nuke-clear' family unit that provides the best outcome for children in your world, this is the expectation for my little ponies regarding herds."
  90. >Anon stays silent but adopts a defensive posture.
  91. >"Mares like Starlight grow up in these family units or see most others do so and have the expectation that they'll likely do the same. That they'll be able to comfortably provide for the herd with their stallion while a herd mother can raise the foals without aid of strangers - or fill that role for themselves."
  92. >Anon starts to look pensive.
  93. >"Are you aware of how herd usually form?"
  94. >Anon shakes his head.
  95. >"Networking."
  96. "Networking?"
  97. >"The stallion normally look to collect every pretty mare he sees. He forms a special bond and chemistry with a few he admires. And, if there aren't many he has his eye on, it is usually expected that he opens up the herd to include the close friends of his alpha mare and others. Many times, sisters to avoid further complicating the family tree since future herds may have issues regarding that."
  98. "I'm not sure I follow. Are you implying incest is okay here?"
  99. >Celestia titters.
  100. >"Oh Anonymous, quite the opposite. Sisters in the same herd ensure more diversity in bloodlines and more options for their children. When this doesn't happen it becomes quite confusing who is and isn't compatible down the line. Some mares would be but then their sisters wouldn't be because the stallion and mare have common ancestors who split into different herds. Thus perpetuating the problem."
  101. "So, you want me to date Starlight's sister? I'm pretty sure she doesn't have one Princess."
  102. >"Well, I would if you planned to open up your herd, but I'm afraid that I was referring to the other route in regard to your relationship."
  103. "How do Starlight's friends impact my relationship with Glimglam?"
  104. >"Well, with your lack of other prospects and interests, it would be expected that you would open up your herd to her friends. And when you refused to start one, you may have disappointed Starlight who may have been eager to invite her friends into her herd. It's not strange for her to have already started grooming them on what it is that you like.~"
  105. >Anon seemed to get embarrassed at the idea Starlight shared his intimate preferences and desires with her friends in anticipation of coaching her into the real deal.
  106. "I- I'll be sure to talk to her about it now Princess. Thanks."
  107. >"It's my pleasure to guide you through the intricacies of our culture Anon. Be sure to ask me or Twilight should you have any more questions or doubts."
  108. "I suppose I will. Until next time Princess."
  109. >Anon gives a friendly wave and leaves.
  110. >Celestia's trademark smile slowly morphed into a grin.
  111. >The seed was planted.
  112. >Subtlety was usually the best way to get what you wanted done.
  113. >Now all she had to do was sit back and wait.
  114. >Luster Dawn was nearly 2.
  115. >She decides to check back in directly with him half a year after the milestone to see if he's making any progress on expanding his family unit.
  116. >With Twilight keeping an eye on the two with periodic reports back of course.
  118. >And so time went on.
  119. >Anon brought forth his concerns and she assured him it was fine.
  120. >Trixie was disappointed but neither of them holds anything against him and respect his decision.
  121. >Twilight kept a close eye on him and saw an effort to try expanding his horizons, but he overall remained skeptical and concerned.
  122. >Anon and Glimmer also had their hands and hooves too full with Luster and work to really think about expanding their herd as it was.
  123. >Luster had become 2 and a half, showing further leaps in development.
  124. >And Celestia came knocking again.
  126. >Of course, her arrival was previously scheduled.
  127. >The usual pleasantries were exchanged.
  128. >The happy couple eagerly invited her in and set about making their guest comfortable.
  129. >One prepared the tea while the other checked on Luster.
  130. >Once they had settled in, Anon and Glimmer then congratulated her on her impeccable timing saying that Luster had just woken up from a nap.
  131. >Luster was quick to ask who that was.
  132. "That's Princess Celestia sunshine, she came to see you."
  133. >While it was true that Celestia intended to measure her progress, the true nature of her visit was dual purposed.
  134. >She was here to measure their progress, both with the new bright mind, AND to see how Anon is coming along with his herd.
  135. >The little filly had suddenly become self-conscious and tucked herself away to hide behind her father's suit jacket.
  136. >Everyone giggles at the cute display.
  137. >Anon with a warm smile coaxes her out with reassurances of Celestia being a friendly and frequent face.
  138. >Starlight then asks her to introduce herself.
  139. >"Alright Sunshine, why don't you properly introduce yourself to the princess?"
  140. >The bashful filly is slow to start, measuring the patience and kindness of the princess before doing so.
  141. >She lightened up once she realized she only saw the warmth of a second mother staring back.
  142. >Without the disciplined ceremony of a bow, she announces herself.
  143. >"I'm Lustew Dawn!"
  144. >Celestia giggles mirthfully.
  145. >"I am Princess Celestia, I look forward to teaching you."
  146. >The filly appeared confused at the statement.
  147. >"You'll be taught how to use your magic by her in a few years."
  148. "Visits like this will happen more and more as you get older, Dawn."
  149. >And like that, they began a few rudimentary lessons that she appeared capable of.
  150. >Some of the feats she displayed earlier on seemed above her ability to replicate at the moment.
  151. >So the focus was to see how well she could control what she can do and try to explain it.
  152. >Celestia did an excellent job at guiding her, showcasing what is truly an eons worth of experience in even the fundamentals.
  153. >Luster would encounter a harder time understanding one concept.
  154. >Starlight and Anon would remind her that it's just like what her foalsitter Trixie was trying to show her.
  155. >This seemed to click, and she grasped the concept.
  156. >By the end of the evening, she had grown tired and looked ready for bed.
  157. >And so the proof of progress visit had come to an end.
  158. >Starlight and Anon put their daughter to sleep with a plushie of a star speckled bear reminiscent of a certain unruly foe Starlight's best friend had encountered.
  159. >And so, the formal visit would end on the note of idle conversation to recap the events of the day.
  160. >Despite the apparent regression, it appears that she's more aware of what she's doing and may be subconsciously holding back.
  161. "Is this normal? I mean, it's not like she suddenly has performance anxiety. This regression has been noticeable for many months now."
  162. >Starlight offers up her reassurances.
  163. >"It's nothing unusual for a developing unicorn to withhold their capabilities once they're capable of understanding what it is they're doing."
  164. >"It can be described as having a freer flow of magical ability when you have not the presence of mind to intercept that flow and stifle it. Starlight is correct Anon, it is a most normal phenomenon."
  165. >"I believe I heard about a similar thing with the Cake twins from Pinkie Pie when she foalsat for them. They displayed rather incredible ability for foals such as early flight and teleportation since they didn't have any restraint to it. Of course not as early as our little sunshine, but once they became conscious of what they were doing, it regressed their talent."
  166. "Ugh, don't remind me. I remember when she was going through that phase. It was always hide and seek when it was nap time and if she didn't want Starlight to leave for work she would just poof the keys away too! Hehehe. Thanks for clearing that up, I was worried about whether I should miss those days or not."
  167. >"Quite Anonymous, a fundamental understanding of what they're doing is usually more than enough to instill the confidence and discipline required to recover their full talents."
  168. >Celestia's reassurance did much to ease his concerns.
  169. >A few more observations were brought up before the conversation molded the visit from a formal one to an informal one.
  170. >One could even say that this was her real purpose for visiting all along.
  171. >"So, Anonymous. How has the herd situation been coming along? Have you had that conversation with your wife yet?"
  172. >Anon almost fell out of his seat on the couch.
  173. "OH! Yeah, that. It's fine. We talked about it."
  174. >Celestia paused to allow the unspoken dissatisfaction with the answer prompt an elaboration on his response.
  175. >But there was none.
  176. >She decided to try from another angle.
  177. >"Starlight, is your friend Trixie doing well? I caught that she was aiding in the tutelage of Luster."
  178. >Starlight shrunk under the gentle inquisition.
  179. >She looked over at Anon.
  180. >As if she was gaging his reaction to see if she had somehow faltered in her conviction and given away too much information.
  181. >"GREAT! I mean, the Great and Powerful Trixie is doing just fine. She gets along splendidly with Luster and Anon."
  182. >And this was all it would seem she could gleam from the two without pressing her luck.
  183. >Maintaining the appearance of benevolent curiosity was beneficial.
  184. >Celestia maintained her practiced smile of warmth at their answers.
  185. >And so, she stated her gratefulness they had their affairs in order and bid farewell.
  186. >Knowing they were withholding the entire truth.
  187. >Celestia then begins to think.
  188. >Ultimately, Glimmer is the bottleneck towards his production, and this would be remedied if he were to open up his herd.
  189. >This must be accomplished no matter what she had to do.
  190. >And she knew just how to set this plan in motion.
  191. >First, she needed actionable information.
  192. >Having moral justification on her side would not only preserve her image as the kindly matriarch, but it would also reinforce her position of authority and further compel them meet her expectations.
  193. >Now.
  194. >Where to find this...
  195. >Trixie.
  197. >A quick trip to Twilight's castle was in order.
  198. >She knew the two had hid how Trixie had taken it.
  199. >The princess made it there in short order.
  200. >While she had a few citizens to humor, they weren't any hassle.
  201. >They showed their respect and bowed but nothing accosting.
  202. >Twilight was receptive and excited as always.
  203. >Particularly eager to learn about how the meeting went.
  204. >Celestia let her in on the details, comparing the progress usually observed together.
  205. >Luster may have regressed as foals usually do, but she was beginning to tap into her potential faster than usual.
  206. >As though it was coming so natural to her that she hardly needs to try.
  207. >The former librarian made sure to note that while fast progress is desirable, that they must emphasize importance of a controlled growth.
  208. >The teacher was quick to understand what she was getting at.
  209. >There were many dangers to raising a unicorn filly adept at the arts.
  210. >A useful fact she resolved to remember for later.
  212. >Once she felt it appropriate, she inquired as to the whereabouts of the stage magician.
  213. >Twilight was curious but thought she could just ask Trixie about it later and told Celestia where she could be found.
  214. >With this the two wrapped up their conversation and Celestia bid her farewell until next time.
  215. >Marking the unicorn's humble wagon as her final destination on her way out of town.
  216. >Upon approach the faint sounds of crying could be heard.
  217. >Regardless of her motives, Celestia took great pride in her strides to care for her little ponies.
  218. >Their pain was hers.
  219. >Gently, she knocked a hoof on the door.
  220. >The response lagged behind silence but came loud and abrasively.
  221. >"Go away! I- The Great and Powerful Trixie busy with something in her eye!"
  222. >Her haughty and proud attitude was undercut by the wavering trembling of her voice.
  223. >She was truly upset about something.
  224. "I'm afraid I cannot leave one of my little ponies to their misery if there's something I can do about it."
  225. >The sniffling stopped.
  226. >It appeared she had to stop and take a moment to realize that she did hear Celestia's voice on the other side of her door.
  227. >The sound of hooves approaching prompted Celestia to step back from the door.
  228. >Trixie cracked open the door to see her visitor.
  229. >Once she realized who it was she opened it, the door fully swinging open outward.
  230. >She took a quick bow.
  231. >"Princess Celestia! To what do I owe the *sniffle* pleasure?"
  232. >Wordlessly the princess closed the gap and nudged her back to standing up before enclosing her with a wing.
  233. "No need for formalities here Trixie. This is a formal visit."
  234. >Still confused, she rolled with it and leaned into the embrace.
  235. "Why don't you tell me what has you bothered?"
  236. >Trixie's breath caught in her throat.
  237. >"Trixie couldn't possibly bother you with her problems."
  238. >You understood that she would refer to herself in the third person from a passing comparison Twilight made to your sister's royal speak.
  239. >Something Trixie seemed to have forgotten to do temporarily.
  240. >No.
  241. >She had learned to reserve it for her appearances if you remember correctly.
  242. >You take a moment to observe her.
  243. >She didn't exactly take time to compose herself before answering the door.
  244. >So she was in rather rough presentation now.
  245. >Sniffling, and little trembles could be felt against you.
  246. >You realize, with the unicorn held to your breast under your wing, was in fact distancing herself.
  247. >Her body language of shrinking into herself.
  248. >Avoidance of eye contact as if to hide the vulnerability she doesn't want to expose.
  249. >This reversion in speech is really just a subconscious tool to try and build distance.
  250. >Distance that she doesn't have physically.
  251. >This requires a more personal approach.
  252. >Doing so why leveraging your authority to drop in unannounced is going to be a little difficult.
  253. "I came to check on you specifically my little pony. Come, let us discuss inside."
  254. >You looked at the wagon to try and see if you could both fit as you were.
  255. >She struggled to hold back tears and her body wracked with subtle motions of held back sobs.
  256. >Once she had control over herself again, she spoke.
  257. >"We're friends aren't we?"
  258. >This caused you to pause.
  259. >Your brow furrowed.
  260. >You craned your neck back and looked down at her again.
  261. >You were met with a heart-wrenching sight.
  262. >Her eyes were bloodshot and puffy from crying.
  263. >Muzzle lightly stained in trails of wiped away mucus.
  264. >Big sad purple eyes looked up at you as if to rephrase her question and ask it again.
  265. >As if to ask 'will you leave me behind too?'
  266. >You hugged her tighter, and she moved in closer.
  267. >These ponies were like your children.
  268. >Your eternal charge.
  269. >Your empathy was strong, as was needed to be a true matriarchal figure for the denizens of Equestria.
  270. >And it always pierced deep to see them hurt.
  271. >Like your heart, lungs and throat were all sewn together and rubbed with drying salt.
  272. "I would like to think that multiple mutual friendships would make us more than strangers at least."
  273. >Trixie made no move to reciprocate the gesture.
  274. >Sensing the answer insufficient, you continued.
  275. "Regardless of the circumstances, my heart is always open to my little ponies-"
  276. >You held her with a foreleg now too.
  277. >She had used the additional gesture as an excuse to press herself closer to you.
  278. "And not as Princess Celestia. I'm here to listen as a friend."
  279. >She responded in kind burying herself deeper.
  280. >The showmare struggled more to hold back her emotions as her eyes clenched tight.
  281. >Trickles of tears following the already made path down her face.
  282. >You weren't here to talk to her as an all-knowing monarch.
  283. >No.
  284. >She could perceive that as you treating her as a reformed villain again.
  285. >She's made great progress according to your faithful student.
  286. >You were here to listen as an equal.
  287. >That you were able to understand her as a fellow pony.
  288. >This does the trick as Trixie nodded against your soft coat in the embrace and you two shuffled inside one at a time into the cramped space.
  289. >You would comfort your little pony.
  290. >And if she felt like opening up about the herd situation with Anon, you may just happen to find an actionable reasoning to interfere with executive authority.
  291. >You barely managed to fit inside the humble wagon.
  292. >While you could just use a disguise spell similar to the changelings to adopt a more comfortable form like Golden Feather, you'd rather not.
  293. >No use in trying to foster an earnestly honest relationship while you're wearing a mask for your own comfort.
  294. >Not only would that be jarring, it'd be counterproductive.
  295. >Centuries of diplomacy made you aware of these subtle perceptions and their associated costs and benefits.
  296. >Comfort was by far not the only thing you've had to sacrifice for temporary, immediate, or long term success.
  297. >Thus, you hardly feel it inappropriate to demand a concession of comfort on Anon's side.
  298. >A male such as himself shouldn't feel too bad about satisfying his primal urge for multiple mates
  299. >You just needed to figure out the best way to accomplish this task without treading into tyrannical territory.
  300. >Perception.
  301. >And Optics.
  302. >They needed to be willing to hand over their foals for tutelage.
  303. >As well as any of the mares they manages to scoop along the way.
  304. >For the future.
  305. >While this mission briefing replayed in your head, you maintained a practiced focus on your host.
  306. >She didn't even notice the determination asserting itself internally.
  307. >Another perfected social grace.
  308. >You simply waited while she got comfortable.
  309. >There was always an opening.
  310. >You willl have your opportunity to pry the truth about their decision in time.
  311. >But first you must resolve this aching heart.
  312. >And so you waited patiently for her to compose herself.
  313. >And so you waited.
  314. >The blue mare took a moment to get comfortable herself, scooching and stacking various oddities and tools in order to accommodate herself and allow you more room.
  315. >While doing so you couldn't help but see a little bit of your sister in her.
  316. >Perhaps it was the combination of the mane and the shades of blue the two share - well, at least in the moment you were reunited.
  317. >Soon your host was able to collect herself, her cry having been a good one.
  318. >Fortunate timing for you since she should be easier to communicate with and comfort with the majority of her venting done.
  319. >A few blows of the nose and wipes at her eyes with the remaining tissues from what must have been her 2nd box allow her to regain some semblance of the collected and cocksure mare she usually is.
  320. >A semblance yes, but this was understandable given her disheveled state.
  321. >That didn't stop her from making an earnest effort to look presentable though.
  322. >She takes a deep breath before opening the conversation anew.
  323. >"Princess, is Tr- am I a pretty mare?"
  324. >Careful to not show your surprise at the question, you ponder it.
  325. >Not what you were expecting, but you decided it best to see where this train of thought goes.
  326. >You take another moment to observe her.
  327. >Careful to see past her haggard state, you can tell that she really is a refined beauty.
  328. >The kind which requires no make up or jewelry to emphasize.
  329. >Her body remains surprisingly toned and athletic.
  330. >Likely a result of pulling her wagon to travel.
  331. >The telltale giveaways in a lack of self-care are absent.
  332. >Fetlocks are well trimmed.
  333. >Hooves polished near as well as yours.
  334. >Her mane and tail possess a polished luster contrasting the uncombed appearance it has taken on.
  335. >If anything, it was as if she was trying harder than usual to try and get the attention of somepony.
  336. >Has she been trying to find another stallion/ herd?
  337. >Perhaps this is why Anon and Starlight were avoidant about the conversation.
  338. >Either way, you cannot allow her to find another herd.
  339. >Your plans for her were far too important.
  340. >Whatever the situation, there are usually many answers.
  341. >While it feels wrong to set out to comfort a hurt heart with a preconceived ulterior motive - who's to say one of the many answers can't be what you intend to do?
  342. "Praytell Trixie, whatever made you feel as though you weren't adequate? You radiate the beauty of the noblemares in Canterlot who stake their name on it."
  343. >This seems to help a little.
  344. >She perks up and smiles for but a moment before some kind of realization reminds her why she thought the contrary.
  345. >The tension as to why something doesn't make sense can be seen building inside the mare as she huffs.
  346. >"UGH! T-then why?! Why doesn't anything I do work?! Why am I not good enough?!"
  347. >Unphased by her outburst, you watch as she collects her breath.
  348. >She looks down at the floor.
  349. >"I just- perhaps Trixie didn't change as much as she thought. Perhaps she's still just an unwanted troublemaker after all..."
  350. >Still looking at the floor, she starts to sniffle again.
  351. >Extending a wing to her and under her muzzle, you lift her head up by the chin with a primary feather.
  352. >Despite her going along with the motion, her eyes remained fixed down her muzzle at the floor.
  353. "Now now, I will have none of that. Surely the praise my student has sung of you was not given without cause."
  354. >This causes her to look up in surprise.
  355. >"Twilight spoke well of me to you?"
  356. "Spoke well? She practically bragged about how your turnaround was the example to point out in the progress an individual can make in reformation and other endeavors when surrounded with support and friends."
  357. >She'd been growing a smile up until the end, where it faded as quickly as it appeared.
  358. >"That's right. Friends..."
  359. >A friendship issue?
  360. >You wonder why the map hasn't pointed it out.
  361. >Unless this is more of a relationship issue then.
  362. "You can tell me if you're having trouble with somepony important to you."
  363. >Her hoof scuffs the floor as she finds her words.
  364. >"I am sure you know of my *ahem* mistakes, right?"
  365. >The Ursa Minor Incident and the Alicorn Amulet Duel, of course.
  366. >But surely she doesn't want to hear her follies called out directly.
  367. "As far as I am concerned, you have already been forgiven for them, have you not?"
  368. >"But everypony hasn't forgotten."
  369. >She turns to look at herself in the mirror of her vanity.
  370. >She studies herself as though her image is permanently married to her mistakes.
  371. >Friendship and redemption has no room for that.
  372. >She must know that her efforts are not a waste.
  373. >That she's not the only one to struggle.
  374. "Sometimes I too struggle with what I see in the mirror."
  375. >She looks over at you in the reflection of the mirror, possible because of the way they reflect light at angles.
  376. "I often find myself wondering what could have been. If I really needed to send my sister away like I did. I know the answer, but that doesn't stop the feelings of failing as a big sister and seeing that synonymous with my own reflection."
  377. >Trixie stares at her in awe.
  378. >Seeing a new side of the princess in the mirror that had taunted her so much.
  379. >"I-I'm sorry princess..."
  380. "No, don't apologize to me, apologize to yourself. Just as Equestria continues to function and trust in me, everypony will also do so for you."
  381. >"But that's just not true! I'm not an all powerful mage like you! I'm a showpomy who uses tricks to hide her ineptitude with mana. And most of all, I'm not pretty enough for stallions to look past my faults."
  382. >Stallion issues.
  383. >It's always the existential dread of trying to find a herd in time that drives a fear so deep in a mare.
  384. >Now you understand.
  385. >Lucky for her, you were already resolved to solve this issue.
  386. "What makes you say that? You're a very pretty mare Trixie, even if you don't believe me, I know it to be true."
  387. >"But Trixie isn't pretty enough. She sees the way others look at her! The stigma painted on her flank makes her stand out too much, and she loses her spot to any other mare every time she tries to find a herd! It never works!"
  388. >And there's the issue at heart.
  389. >The ratio of mares to stallions forces this herd culture.
  390. >It's usually a pleasant arrangement with ideal benefit, but sometimes there are problems.
  391. >Competition can be fierce.
  392. >Without the connections to get your hoof in the door of a pre-existing herd, you must rely on your charm alone and what you can bring to the table.
  393. >It can feel like you're competing with the world.
  394. >Trixie here only really has her showmareship to offer.
  395. >And while she's gotten better at magic, she still has a long way to go.
  396. >It's not exactly the most desired profession.
  397. >The only option she has is to be a caretaker of the foals.
  398. >A position her previously established image hasn't done well to sell.
  399. >"Trixie can tell that she has no options for herds. A couple simple mistakes live too warmly in the memories of everypony around for Trixie to be given a chance over any other mare who approaches the same herd!"
  400. >And in this case, she very clearly is competing with the world.
  401. >A losing battle when stigma automatically handicaps her chances in comparison to literally every other mare the stallion has the option to choose.
  402. >Meaning...
  403. >"So Trixie only had one option and she blew her chance!"
  404. "You were unable to take advantage of your connections to find a herd."
  405. >"Exactly! Trixie thought she could count on her friend, but it seems she was wrong..."
  406. >What convenience.
  407. >This explains why Anon and Starlight seemed to hide the truth about how the herd expansion was going.
  408. >A perfect candidate trotted right up to the door and they somehow managed to chase her off.
  409. >Well, possibly.
  410. >It's still too early to judge when you don't know exactly what happened.
  411. >Let's recap and give her the option to explain exactly what happened.
  412. "To be clear, you feel as though you are unable to realistically start a herd due to the arbitrary reputation you once had?"
  413. >She nods.
  414. "Despite the fact that everypony knows you're a reformed and constant presence in the community, stallions will write you off in lieu of the myriad of other options who don't have a past associated with them?"
  415. >"Trixie is used to this treatment, but it's what happened after that that hurts her so."
  416. "And what exactly happened?"
  417. >"Trixie knew her best friend was happily engaged. She figured there was a chance that she..."
  418. >She stares at herself in the mirror again.
  419. >"That she could form a herd with them."
  420. "Do you love them?"
  421. >She hesitates for a second before nodding.
  422. "Did you make your intentions clear to them?"
  423. >Another nod.
  424. "Were they ready to open up their herd?"
  425. >You know the answer, but it's important to maintain a natural progression in the conversation.
  426. >"Yes? No? I don't know..."
  427. "Why couldn't they give you a clear answer?"
  428. >"They did! Well- kind of. It's complicated."
  429. "Then begin from the start. Who are you talking about?"
  430. >She stiffens up at that, reluctant to put the spotlight of the solar diarch on the heads of those who have birthed your future student.
  431. "It's okay, I promise not to treat them any differently than I would have otherwise."
  432. >A loaded promise, but she doesn't need to know that.
  433. >"It's Starlight Glimmer and her husband Anonymous, the human. You know them."
  434. >You give no reactions aside from a nod of confirmation, your poise well-practiced.
  435. >This gives her confidence to continue thinking you're not upset with them.
  436. >"Starlight was so happy to get married to Anon, I was happy for her too! I just... felt a little jealous."
  437. >Her attempts to gage your reaction are now an attempt to see how disappointed you were in her.
  438. "Such feelings can be normal. It's important that you kept them in check most of all."
  439. >"I did. I continued to support them, and then when I asked Starlight about their herd, she promised to recommend me first and foremost when she could convince him to give it a chance. Apparently humans don't do the whole herd thing, and it puts him off."
  440. "So his reluctance has caused the issue at hand?"
  441. >"Yes."
  442. "But Starlight has been helping you to secure a spot, if he opened up after all?"
  443. >"Mhhm. She made sure to give me pointers so that I'd have the best chance to get his attention. But then they had a foal, and I was put on the wayside while their little bundle of joy became a prodigy."
  444. >Despite the way she spoke about Luster, she smiled brightly at the thought of the filly.
  445. >"I decided this was the perfect opportunity to prove myself, and when they were ready a year ago, I offered to be her foalsitter."
  446. "A brilliant idea, surely Anon saw the benefit of a herd then?"
  447. >You knew he was reluctant, but you don't know how genuine of an effort he made outside of what little observations Twilight reported to you.
  448. >"Not really. He seemed to stay guarded, nothing I did worked! I thought that maybe if I prettied myself up some more he'd notice me. That maybe if I wore a cute hoodie with twintails for that authentic babysitter look, he'd come to appreciate me as a cute mare. But that didn't work, he just looked guilty whenever I caught him looking. And that made me feel awful."
  449. >She used her magic to pull out said hoodie in question.
  450. >It had the same appearance of her cape, but looked a lot more youthful, casual and cute.
  451. >She held it up to herself and her magic pulled back her mane into two twin tails on either side of her head.
  452. "I'm surprised any hot-blooded male could resist."
  453. >This gets her to blush, her pride being stroked in a way she must feel to be odd after spending so long taming and coralling said pride.
  454. >"Uh- well, Starlight thought so too. I was happy to help their little bundle of joy, but I was starting to grow a little bitter seeing their joy. But Luster warmed up to me, and when she did I could see it in Anon! He was beginning to open up around me!"
  455. "You were making progress it seems."
  456. >"I was, I even managed to get away with more flirty behavior. But he still kept a safe distance, and Starlight tried to talk to him about it. He just said he wasn't comfortable with the idea. In the process, I found myself forming an attachment to Luster." She flustered for a moment, "not that that's a bad thing! I enjoy my time with her - but it's just..."
  457. >She sighed heavily at the exhausting nature of confronting the feelings that bubble up inside you.
  458. >The kind of feelings that roil like a boiling pot, the simmering surface of which can feel like it's both choking your breaths the bottom of your throat all while crushing your drowning heart.
  459. >A tiring endeavor to be sure.
  460. >You knew this dread for an eon yourself after all.
  461. >Apparently Trixie found herself more fitting to the role of a herd-mother than she'd hoped.
  462. >While this must have been a relief, a new weight wore on her heart.
  463. "This new friendship only served to remind you of what you were missing out on. Despite the joy, you felt a growing weight of fear of being forlorn in the end and an impatience towards Anon's stubbornness?"
  464. >Your host's eyes widened in surprise at your ability to articulate the crushing contemplations she had trouble finding words for.
  465. >A simple nod.
  466. >"While it is true that the reality of being sent home to my wagon at the end of the night took a toll on me when I was so successful forming a bond with Starlight and Luster, I wouldn't say Anon was stubborn. At least, he was until a few months ago - he was just indecisive until today."
  467. >You didn't need her to elaborate.
  468. >You knew time frame from your last visit.
  469. >This sudden willingness for Anon to try that she clinged onto in hope was born from your last meeting with Anon.
  470. >But he tackled the task with hesitancy and wasn't as candid in his attempts as she was.
  471. >Presumably, this is what frustrated her so much.
  472. >All this effort, the indefinite nature of his attempt, and the end result which promised she would have no refuge or chance elsewhere drove her to seal herself away in her wagon to breakdown.
  473. >"I was thrilled to hear that he was going to give the idea of opening up a herd a chance!"
  474. >You remained silent, not exactly eager to elaborate on the timeline lest you reveal your hoof too soon.
  475. >Instead you fixed your attention on her once more and allowed her to continue."
  476. >"Starlight was true to her word and Anon decided to give me a chance. But it probably helped that he had grown more familiar with me as a closer friend to the family instead of just Starlight."
  477. "Naturally, I take it that he wasn't exactly giving the attempt his full effort with your description of his indecisiveness?"
  478. >"Well, kind of? He seemed to try because of Starlight. She made a constant effort to break the awkward tension that built up from his seeming failure to recall courtship procedures when it's not in regards to his wife. He tried to make her happy, and Starlight did her best to encourage him to be more close and open with me."
  479. >She rubs a foreleg with a hoof.
  480. >"At first it was stifling, but soon he grew comfortable with me. For a brief month I-" her voice chokes up. "I even began to feel what it was like to be a part of a herd, to be part of their family."
  481. >Her brilliant smile is betrayed by the hurt in her eyes.
  482. >"I-I..."
  483. >You close the distance to embrace her against your breast again.
  484. >She sniffles.
  485. >"I was there at breakfast, lunch AND dinner. I didn't even need to go home to my wagon every night. I was able to sleep in the guest bedroom while they warmed up to my more fixed presence..."
  486. >Having seen for yourself how shy Luster Dawn could be, you wondered how she reacted.
  487. >It was important for her to grow up with the correct family unit as an example after all.
  488. >A studious pupil is no use to you or the country if they struggle to maintain their love life.
  489. >Especially if it's the result of a deeply ingrained misunderstanding of expectations because of a lack of an ideal model.
  490. "How did your new friend react?"
  491. >Rather than the brief silence that precedes her answers, Trixie immediately responded.
  492. >"Little Luster was over the moon to have her 'Auntie Trixie' over for a longer bit of time! Her warm reception made it easier for me to become a part of their family."
  493. >The little one took well to this showmare without a home.
  494. >Truly an impressive feat.
  495. >One which makes her role as a caregiver evident.
  496. >Trixie had returned the embrace before you knew it and she had now begun to hold you tighter without realizing that herself.
  497. >"Sometimes she'd voice her desire for 'Da Gweat an' Powafuw Awntie' to be the one to- to tuck her in for the night."
  498. >Her voice broke more and more over the course of that last sentence.
  499. >And you can see why.
  500. >While she took her moment to collect herself, you thought.
  501. >You're the mother figure for all your little ponies in general, but even still, you rarely had the pleasure of feeling like a true mother.
  502. >In your centuries of lived experience, you find that it would be moments like those that bring the most everlasting joy.
  503. >But with that joy, comes the chance for a potent heartache whenever it's taken away from you.
  504. >Ideally, most of your ponies don't have to experience a child being taken from them.
  505. >Even if by proxy.
  506. >But alas, poor Trixie here has been made to suffer that pain.
  507. "Truly an exemplary effort and result on your part my little pony."
  508. >You hold her in the embrace for a little while longer.
  509. >Eventually you move to break the contact, pulling away to look her in the eyes again.
  510. >Seemingly calm enough to continue, you voice the obvious question.
  511. "If everything had been going so well, what went wrong?"
  512. >Trixie looks past you as she searches her mind for the answer.
  513. >Her mouth opens to answer before closing.
  514. >She looks down.
  515. >"I-I don't know..."
  516. "Perhaps a better question would be what happened? You said that you were a part of the family. Let us start there. What was that like?"
  517. >She looks back up in thought again.
  518. >"It was a tentative start, but eventually Anon would begin to talk to me while Starlight was busy feeding Luster at breakfast at the start."
  519. "Talk to you about things like?..."
  520. >"Well, about me. How I felt about the arrangement. What I expected. What I thought of Star and Luster."
  521. "I take it things went well at first?"
  522. >"For the most part. His walls were not immediately lowered, but Star's efforts to soften him up worked. She had a way of easing his concerns."
  523. "Then you were able to share his company more naturally."
  524. >"Yes. It was still a little awkward - well, at least for me it was. But Star was right there to encourage our interactions. Soon we found ourselves starting and carrying out conversations without Star's help!"
  525. >A smile that is once again hampered by her sadness adorns her blue muzzle.
  526. >"But with the apprehension still felt, Star suggested we go out on a date together."
  527. >You remain silent as she tells you the details leading up to her heartbreak.
  528. >"Thanks to Star again, things went well. Anon and I were pushed together the whole time while she stayed back as a sort of supervisor. Smoothing out any details we forgot about one another, changing topics for conversation when it was a good idea. Even taunting us with flirtatious banter that revealed our insecurities to each other."
  529. >Having grumbled out the last part with an adorable pout, you barely held in your snickering.
  530. >Apparently she must have caught you in your close proximity and called you out on it.
  531. >"I was so angry with her when she did that!"
  532. >She sighs in resignation.
  533. >"Yet, when I think back on it I can't help but think she was being rather clever and solving a problem in the way that she would."
  534. >You permit yourself a polite titter.
  535. "So she aired your insecurities by openly stating embarrassing facts about the two of you to each other. Becoming a common ground that unites you two when you scolded her."
  536. >An act which brought down their defensive barriers and forced a familiar and more intimate knowledge with one another.
  537. >Thereby fostering a closer relationship between the two by breaking the ice and allowing them to be more comfortable with each other going forward.
  538. >Starlight is a clever amd devious one.
  539. >"Ooooh! She drives me up a wall sometimes!"
  540. "Best friends usually do."
  541. >You share a look.
  542. >And then the two of you began laughing together.
  543. >She was finally able to smile genuinely without the burden on her heart framing it for the first time since you arrived.
  544. >Soon the two of you calmed down to mere giggles.
  545. >Trixie now gave you a look that spoke of gratitude.
  546. >"Thank you Princess, I needed that."
  547. "Any time."
  548. >She takes a moment to relax before continuing the story with a less saddened atmosphere.
  549. >Now it maintained the air of a wistful recollection.
  550. >"There was some more bonding during game nights and I was trusted with some of the daily responsibilities for Luster. Some I haven't had to do while foalsitting."
  551. >She looks back at the outfit from earlier.
  552. >"Soon enough I was even able to secure a spot next to Anon during their couch cuddles. While he seemed nervous to take it much further or explore beyond that, I felt happy enough to be under his big arms."
  553. >The human certainly did have some appealing definition to his stature.
  554. >Rather than looking gangly due to his height over your little ponies, he instead towers over them like a vigilant guardian.
  555. >In your many years you have known and commended many a war hero or military star.
  556. >They always carried themselves in a way that set them apart from the general public.
  557. >You never had the need to ponder how that translated to a bipedal species.
  558. >During negotiations with the minotaur, their present generals answered a question that had yet to be posed.
  559. >Yet the striking similarity that needed no translation across anatomy were the eyes.
  560. >The expression of one who has assimilated the part of them that is willing to do what it takes.
  561. >It's a hardened face.
  562. >Eyes carefully observant yet exuding a hardness of will.
  563. >You saw this in the human.
  564. >He kept his personal history and some larger parts of human history secret - much like he hid this side of himself that told all that he knew how to carry himself.
  565. >If it came down to it, you have little doubt that he would protect his family.
  566. >All the more reason to entrust his household with grooming Equestria's next peacekeepers and possible leaders.
  567. >And when it came to his foals needing to step up and guard Equestria, he wouldn't fight it and would understand their call to duty.
  568. >"We were able to enjoy each other's presence more and more and eventually he would run his fingers through my mane or hold me close. It felt incredible!"
  569. "Oh? Is this the full length your intimacy went?"
  570. >She winced a bit.
  571. >"Er, yes and no."
  572. >You raise an eyebrow.
  573. >The one she can see that isn't obstructed by your mane naturally.
  574. >"Well, I may have been coached by Star personally... and learned a few things... and tried something on him with her..."
  575. "Does this mean?..."
  576. >You must know.
  577. >Here in Equestria a mare's value is sacred.
  578. >She cannot afford to lose any substantial ground she has when competing with other mares for a spot amongst a herd.
  579. >And her virginity was no small hill to concede before commitment.
  580. >Being a non-virgin outside of marriage was considered the height of failure as a mare.
  581. >Securing a spot and thus a family and legacy was neigh impossible.
  582. >Not when plenty of other mares were more careful about opening up.
  583. >This is why any ban on premarital sex didn't have to be enforced.
  584. >Mares were usually too smart for that.
  585. >Usually.
  586. >Then there were also instances of stallions being charmers and ruining mares like a twisted perverse game.
  587. >You installed legislation to punish these stallions whole-heartedly.
  588. >And this usually involved him taking responsibility for that mare.
  589. >Sometimes they'd resent her for it.
  590. >And special counseling and further intervention would be required.
  591. >Thankfully, this was incredibly rare.
  592. >Rare enough that the delegation of these duties was reserved to the Princess of the North in the Crystal Empire as the Princess of Love.
  593. >Rare enough that the position wasn't missed after an extended absence.
  594. >Though you did eventually track down her bloodline in the adopted orphan prgasus Cadence.
  595. >Your careful nurturing restored her title and that position too.
  596. >And while you may not be the Princess of Love, your word was law and you would make sure Anon took responsibility if he used Trixie and tossed her aside.
  597. >Said mare in question tugged at the collar of a cape that isn't there and asked a question that made you realize you had lost composure.
  598. >"Whew, is- is it getting hot in here Princess?"
  599. >Regaining your composure caused the heat to be instantly dissipated.
  600. >Too fast to be natural.
  601. >Surely a mage like Trixie could pick up on that and realize that unnatural warmth was none other than magical and coming from you without any effort or horn activity on your part.
  602. >"Nonono! Not like- Anon didn't do that! In fact it was the opposite really!"
  603. >The unicorn waved her hooves frantically ahead of her face.
  604. >"He would never, really! He may be stubborn but he cares about ponies deeply! Even if they're not somepony he intends to herd with."
  605. >The solemn note her explanation ended on toned down the atmosphere like a wet blanket.
  606. "I apologize, I appear to have lost my composure for a moment."
  607. >An appreciative smile eases your concerns.
  608. >"Well, I think that just means you care."
  609. >She smirks.
  610. >"The Humble and Gracious Trixie is flattered that Your Highness would spare her their concern."
  611. >Smirking back you can tell that your friendship is budding beyond just the pretense you used to initiate this interaction in the first place.
  612. >You titter at the showmare using the form of speech monarchs would when referring to themselves, their land and their people in official settings while you, the monarch here, are actively dropping such formality.
  613. >Once the mirth of her self-aware joke had been absorbed, you settled into a more relaxed position within the wagon.
  614. >Your student really was right about her.
  615. >While she had this arrogant pride at first, which had all but been humbled, the cocky personality that remained was quite humorous.
  616. >Moreso since she had become more personable as a result of her trials.
  617. >But it was best that you moved on and understood just what she was referring to.
  618. "Well, if you wouldn't mind. Would you care to explain just how far you and Anon had gone?"
  619. >She blushes and straightens out like a troublesome filly who had been caught by their parents.
  620. >"I-uh... well, you see. There was this..."
  621. >Once again the eyebrow raised.
  622. >From your more relaxed position she could see a hint of the hidden side of your face and determine that the other eyebrow had only lowered.
  623. >Completing the look of playful unamused doubt
  624. >"-It was Starlight's idea! Yeah! She said she needed the help!"
  625. >Your other eyebrow raised to join the other for surprise.
  626. "Care to elaborate?"
  627. >She offers a disarming laugh before speaking up.
  628. >She sighs and looks at you with a pleading look.
  629. >"Promise not to get mad?"
  630. >Radiating motherly warmth you respond.
  631. "I trust that you two haven't done anything untoward to the apple of your eye."
  632. >You raise a wing to titter disarmingly in kind.
  633. "If anything, it's Anon that I'm made at."
  634. >She smiles at the jab and giggles under her breath.
  635. >"That's not much better princess."
  636. "After finding you in the state you were? How could I not be. Now, praytell the lengths this stubborn man has driven you to."
  637. >Opening her mouth for but a moment she closes it to reconsider what to say next.
  638. >"Y-you also have to promise not to tell anypony. Okay?"
  639. >Before you could inquire she clarified.
  640. >"It's kind of embarrassing, and Starlight made me promise to keep it between us- well, the reason why she's trying to open Anon up to the idea so badly."
  641. >A nod.
  642. "You have my word."
  643. >Sighing in relief, her body relaxed at the words of a monarch whose promise was guaranteed.
  644. >As though the mere action lifted the burden of the responsibility of her secrecy altogether.
  645. >"Well, Starlight had this idea. It was kind of mean, but she was desperate to try and get him to see why they both needed this so badly. So, she kind of used manipulative tactics..."
  646. >The last words rolled out in a slow innocent delivery meant to downplay the significance of what was said.
  647. >"Anon has a high sex-drive, so she actively tried to delay and minimize the number of times they would engage in, *ehem* nightly intimacy. She used the excuse that they had a daughter who could hear them and that she was too tired after the last time to go again for awhile."
  648. >This struck you as really odd.
  649. >Any hot-blooded mare wouldn't shy away from the opportunity to for intercourse with their husband.
  650. >At least, not when he could barely satisfy one mare a night.
  651. >She would need to be really desperate to try using a tactic like that.
  652. >Trixie picked up where she left off abruptly.
  653. >"She said the intent was to subconsciously make him more open to engaging in intimacy with me."
  654. >Possibly to stem your growing suspicion that had become evident on your face.
  655. >A sign that you were growing too casual around her.
  656. >Though you doubt hiding your confusion would've helped make her spill the beans on this at all.
  657. >You'll find out eventually.
  658. >You always do.
  659. >"Y'know, like cuddling and stuff, and that he'd maybe see me the way he sees her if I was the one lavishing attention on him."
  660. >Letting the contested point of the reasoning behind her desperate move rest, you move on.
  661. "I imagine this frustrated him."
  662. >"Well, it did. But it's not like we didn't see to his needs at all."
  663. "We?"
  664. >She nods.
  665. >"I said that we had tried something on him. This is when we did that."
  666. "Just what was it that you tried on a sexually frustrated extradimensional male?"
  667. >Surely the two hadn't bound and blindfolded him.
  668. >Tricking him into sex with Trixie would've been a fair bit dubious.
  669. >Despite your issues with the human, that would be unacceptable.
  670. >Besides, she has assured you of her purity.
  671. >So you won't entertain the thought.
  672. >She gathers her courage to admit to something that bends morality a little.
  673. >"Star had this idea. She wanted to show me why- I mean, WHAT she was, uuuhh... working with so to speak. Hehe."
  674. >You don't press her.
  675. >"So we planned a game night with just us adults. One where we could mask our horn activity under the plausible deniability of constantly manipulating game pieces."
  676. >Now you think you know where this is going.
  677. >Nothing new under your sun.
  678. >And your expression reflected that.
  679. >"Star's plan was for her to pretend to inconspicuously initiate an aurajob under the table, but for it to be largely done by me."
  680. >Shrinking only a little in fear of judgement, she relaxes when she sees you're only displaying professional interest and curiosity.
  681. >But you refrain from asking how she felt about it.
  682. >She obviously agreed to it, and asking her about it would only really illicit the impression you wanted to know how much it got her sparks off.
  683. >"Starlight planned to tell him eventually of course."
  684. "What was the goal? What were you trying to gain from this experiment?"
  685. >Putting it as an experiment may be a little inaccurate, but it put her at ease a little more.
  686. >"The idea was that he may have this hangup of doing anything with another mare and felt like doing so would be betraying her. So..."
  687. "So you intended to push him over that hump without his knowledge to then show him he already did after the matter."
  688. >"Yeah. Talking it through now makes it sound kinda crazy. But we were hoping to show him how much of a non-issue it was. That his worries were unnecessary and Star and I actively wanted this to work out..."
  689. >Not entirely flawed.
  690. >Though to say you had a right to judge was laughable.
  691. >You had much greater intents with the strings you pulled.
  692. >Your very presence was because of said intentions.
  693. >Though, there was no way of telling how he would react exactly.
  694. >Even if he was reared up and ready to go.
  695. >This could have even been the instigating incident behind why Trixie was here as she is now and not the freshly christened member of their herd.
  696. "Did you tell him?"
  697. >She looks guilty.
  698. >"No."
  699. >Wait.
  700. >That wasn't the instigating event?
  701. >Then that means-
  702. "Something else happened before you could?"
  703. >She nods, still bothered at hiding a rather inconsequential secret.
  704. >Pushing away that feeling, she settles back into the sad and wistful retelling of the events leading up to today.
  705. >"Recently, as Anon became more open to my presence, he was also opening himself up to more public displays of affection during a couple of the last dates together. With great effort on his part, he even initiated! Star and I didn't even have to team up like usual!"
  706. >The alpha mare of the herd opening up the stallion by initiating and then allowing the other mares to take over was a common tactic used.
  707. >But for Anon to cross the line altogether, it seems he was making a genuine effort.
  708. >Despite being assured his decision was fine with Starlight after your first visit, he's clearly understood that she wants him to at least try.
  709. >"The cuddling felt more than just sitting with them as a third wheel. He made room for me and held me tight. It was..."
  710. "Magic, wasn't it?"
  711. >A nod is your answer.
  712. >"I didn't feel like an invader anymore. An outsider. He was making me feel like a genuine part of their lives. When he and Star were heading out for work and left me to watch Luster, he would even lean down and give me a peck on the cheek."
  713. >She bashfully held a hoof up to her cheek as if to hide the proof.
  714. >If he had somehow marked her with such an action, it was doubtful the evidence would show through her blush.
  715. >You could see it now.
  716. >The outcast showmare, wearing that cute little foalsitter outfit to earn his attention, flustering at the action.
  717. >Even if she had defeated her ego, her type still can't help but show embarrassment at her own vulnerability in romance.
  718. >It's honestly adorable.
  719. >Love and romance is all about being vulnerable with and trusting one another.
  720. >She's fated to be embarrassed and self-conscious under Anon's care.
  721. >But you know she immediately came to look forward to it.
  722. >She really did fall for this human didn't she?
  723. >"Things were really going well until this afternoon..."
  724. >Finally getting to the issue here.
  725. "What happened?"
  726. >"We were cuddling together in a big pile on the couch, to wind down and relax so that Luster can go to sleep, Anon leaned down and kissed Star on her lips like usual."
  727. >Another blush and embarrassed body language to match.
  728. >"Usually I'm left out, but then he kissed me on my forehead. It would've been nice if he could kiss me properly at first..."
  729. >At least she could understand his intentions.
  730. >"Little Luster jumped in and demanded 'me too!'"
  731. >This gets a giggle out of the two of you.
  732. >"He of course kissed Luster on her head too. Then when she wound down and was tired enough for her nap, I offered to take her to bed. I had become pretty good at transporting a sleeping filly undisturbed after all!"
  733. >This boast was full of the lighthearted humor that had become her new trademark display of showmareship.
  734. >But beyond that, you could see an exuberant joy.
  735. >A genuine happiness and bond with Anon and Starlight.
  736. >And a growing pride at her flawless transition into the role of a herd mother.
  737. >Even if she has much to learn, she's taken well and thoroughly enjoys her time with Luster.
  738. >"Anon put her on my back and I went to tuck her in for the night. Then when I got back-"
  739. >Her happiness transitions to a squeamish embarrassment again.
  740. >"Star met me when I got back to the couch and she pulled me up onto it to join her and Anon again. That's when she, uh- she pulled me in for a deep kiss in front of Anon."
  741. >Her muzzle adopted a telltale scrunch of embarrassment.
  742. >You raised an eyebrow playfully this time.
  743. >"She then teased Anon about kissing mares he likes the right way."
  744. >If she were paper she'd have burned away at the embarrassment.
  745. >You decide to egg her on a little.
  746. "Well did he? I'm certain he couldn't pass am opportunity like that up."
  747. >She flustered.
  748. >"I- uh, well... we repositioned and he kissed me. T-the same way he did Star..."
  749. "How was it?"
  750. >She collected her thoughts as her bashfulness began to abate.
  751. >"It was everything I was hoping for..."
  752. "And how did he react?"
  753. >"He- I... we continued cuddling like we were before. Anon was trying to play it cool, but I could tell that he liked it too. It's like he was feeling guilty for enjoying that. And that..."
  754. >A heavy sigh.
  755. >"Normally, that would make a mare feel awful. Like he was ashamed to have enjoyed that. But- it felt great! Like a victory. Like he was getting closer to accepting me like her. Even if it took a nudge."
  756. >Despite her words she's still a little sad.
  757. >The fracture earlier today must be coming up soon.
  758. >"Then we settled down and relaxed together a little longer. Enjoying each other's embrace. I may have snuggled in a bit more freely after that too."
  759. >You watch as she blushes as if still feeling his embrace.
  760. "Go on."
  761. >"I got a little warm from the attention, so I took the hoodie off. I was surprised when Anon pulled me back into his arm when I was done."
  762. "It is sounding more and more like Anon had come to accept you."
  763. >"Yeah... Felt like that too."
  764. "Oh?"
  765. >Prying every detail of her interactions with Anon to better understand what happened, making her bare her heart and embarrassment whole, brings you at least some second-hoof embarrassment.
  766. >It was almost as if you were a couple of young mares in the school yard giddily prodding one another for the 'deets' on what happened when one of you were alone with a particular schoolyard heartthrob.
  767. >Though, this was also for her own peace of mind too.
  768. >You would see to it that she feels better.
  769. >With her clear fit as the herd mother, ideas have formed in your mind.
  770. >Surely she would be open to more help.
  771. >You resolve to extend an offer to teach her some magic that you think would help her get into the herd.
  772. >Surely she would accept.
  773. >She has calmed down quite a bit since you arrived.
  774. >And from everything you have seen, there's quite the chance for her to still get I'm and open him up.
  775. >She probably thinks so too.
  776. >"After Anon pulled me in, his hands began to hold me like he does Star. Like he finally noticed that I like him too. It felt really nice to be caressed. Like I was wanted. Like somepony wanted me to stay somewhere. Settle down for real."
  777. "You believe he likes you the same way as Star now?"
  778. >"Uhm, maybe? I don't know. Things went really well up until this afternoon like I said."
  779. "Do you care to continue?"
  780. >She takes a breath to collect herself and temper any building embarrassment or frustration.
  781. >But a little of her hurt still made it through the collected countenance.
  782. >"I decided that I should try to make a move since he was growing comfortable and intimate with me."
  783. >She wet her lips.
  784. >Not that they were dry.
  785. >As if she were trying to recollect a taste or feeling.
  786. >"I turned in his arms so that I could look up at him. To better make my move. This seemed to catch his attention and he focused on me. I crawled up just enough to be face to face and we shared breaths."
  787. >Oh my.
  788. >How lewd.
  789. "I am curious. He understood the gesture right? He is foreign after all."
  790. >Her cheeks burn again.
  791. >"I've seen him do it with Star, so I know he knows what that means."
  792. >Sharing breaths is an intimate gesture between lovers.
  793. >Where they gaze into each other's eyes, and one breaths in through the nose when the other exhales.
  794. >You've heard that the human had a little bit of culture shock despite adapting so seamlessly.
  795. >So he may not have known about it.
  796. >Though anypony would have a hard time believing Starlight didn't initiate it a few times.
  797. >Sharing breath is the reinforcement of the bond and friendship.
  798. >It is acceptance, acknowledgement and a shared experience.
  799. >Quite the intimate interaction.
  800. >So much so that it's not out of place as foreplay.
  802. (((To Be Continued on the Glimmer Threads)))

Sheltered Dawn

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Beware the Bat-Rape Gangs

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(You) Get Your Throat Slit [/BAR/Dark]

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Destitute Anon the Prostitute [Dark]

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