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By poneponepone
Created: 2024-02-18 08:45:19
Expiry: Never

  1. (from ~2015)
  3. [anon prompt]
  4. >You hear a light knock at your door. Right on schedule.
  5. >However, instead of that yellow birdhorse with boundary issues you see that orange apple horse.
  6. Hey apple horse how are you this morning?
  7. >"Neigh neigh."
  8. Where's creepy yellow?
  9. >She pulls a drawing from under her hat. It shows the yellow horse with a thermometer in her mouth and a hot water bag on her head.
  10. Oh she's sick and you're the one who gets to check up on me today?
  11. >"Neigh neigh."
  12. Want some coffee?
  13. >*Excited whinnying*
  14. Alright, come on in.
  15. >You spend the rest of the morning sipping coffee and scratching the orange horse behind the ears.
  17. [response]
  18. >Day 840 in Equestria
  19. >You've managed to settle into a pretty decent life here
  20. >Pones are pretty accepting creatures after all
  21. >You are able to find "work" here and there, mostly carrying things
  22. >The most annoying thing is communication
  23. >All you hear is horse noises and clearly they can't understand you either
  24. >You are able to communicate to some extent, just as 2 humans with completely separate languages can
  25. >Some things can be communicated through drawing, so that helps
  26. >Still, not having any intelligent conversations in over 2 years is stifling
  27. >And it is annoying almost daily how simple things are made so complicated by no efficient communication
  28. >But hey, still beats your old life on Earth
  29. >Twilight being who she is made a legit effort to try to bridge the language gap
  30. >You aren't exactly a linguist but you were all for helping with this experiment
  31. >She used all her electronic analogs on you while talking to you and while you talked
  32. >No results
  33. >You tried to break the language barrier same as you would back home
  34. >Point to objects and say your words for them, she would do the same
  35. >But you could not replicate what she was saying
  36. >Besides every "word" sounded pretty much the same
  37. >You just couldn't tease a vocal pattern to their language
  38. >It seemed pretty clear from Twi's frustration that the same went for her
  39. >You figure that language must involve magic in this crazy pastel horse world
  40. >Just like their improbable flying and earth pony growing skills
  41. >Not to mention their outright ridiculous hoof grasping ability
  42. >Took over a year before both Twi and you gave up on the language experiments
  43. >But hey, you could still get through everyday life just fine
  44. >You wonder if yellow's continued courting attempts are the result of you being unable to clearly tell her no
  45. >or if your actions somehow suggest you are interested in candy horse language
  46. >It's tolerable tho, since she never gets aggressive
  47. >You mostly feel bad for her, that you are somehow leading her on
  48. >You got REAL excited the first time you saw a difference species in town
  49. >A griffin in the market, seemingly talking to a pone
  50. >You booted it over there to listen in
  51. >There is griffin, squawking away, and the pone responding in neighs
  52. >They understand each other just fine
  53. >That all but confirmed your "language is magic" theory
  54. >Some minotaur came to town one day, putting on what sounded like a sales pitch to a big crowd of pones
  55. >cow sounds, as you predicted
  56. >You noticed yellow there
  57. >She got extra weird for a couple days after that
  58. >Then went back to "normal"
  59. >Life went on, your hopes once again dashed
  60. >So along comes aforementioned day 840
  61. >Bump into that adorable mailmare with the wonky eyes
  62. >Well, she bumps into you
  63. >Pretty hard
  64. >Her mailbag was open on one side, letters go flying everywhere
  65. >You can't into pony body language much, but it is pretty obvious she is feeling pretty apologetic and embarrassed
  66. >Give her a pet and a smile to show her it is no problem
  67. >Even high speed marshmallow collisions aren't exactly taxing on you
  68. >What with your natural picker uppers, you start helping her collect envelopes from the ground
  69. >Actually pay attention to one
  70. Sugar Cube Corner
  71. 33 Mane St
  72. Ponyville
  73. >...
  74. >......
  75. What the fuck?
  77. >Look at another envelope
  78. >You can read the addresses just fine
  80. >Freak out a bit, stuff the envelopes into her bags and hurry home
  81. >Calm down on the couch and think
  82. >Pones are so old fashioned, especially in Ponyville, that they tend not to write things
  83. >Stores just use pictorials for their signage
  84. >Shelves in stores aren't labelled either
  85. >Prices usually aren't marked
  86. >Pones just assume the price is reasonable and fair, because it always is
  87. >You never even considered looking at any books in the library
  88. >You are a pretty polite guy so you never leaned over to see what Twilight was writing during your language study attempts
  89. >Seemed like a futile idea anyway
  90. >Maybe you're seeing things
  91. >It was kind of a hot day
  92. >Figure you'll have a drink, maybe a light snack, sleep on it
  93. >Have some water, but the curiosity gets the better of you
  94. >You abandon your nap plans and make your way to the treebrary
  95. >God you hope that Twilight is home
  96. >Knock on door
  97. >Hear high pitched rumbles from inside
  98. >That's Spike (you know the names from the precognitive show)
  99. >He lets you in
  100. >Good, purple is there
  101. >Go over to her and grab quill out her magic
  102. >She looks at you a bit odd
  103. >You look about as frazzled as she sometimes does, so you can't blame her for the face
  104. >Take a quick glance at what she was writing
  105. >Something about how magic flow is affected by the amount of friendship felt between two adjacent pones
  106. >You can read it perfectly
  107. >With excitement and nerves so strong your handwriting is shite (but still just barely legible) you write on another blank scroll lying on the table
  108. "Can you read this?"
  109. >You show it to twi
  110. >Her eyes grow huge
  111. >"Neigh!"
  112. >fuck
  113. >She quickly shakes the shock off and grabs the quill back from you
  114. >Writes "Yes!"
  116. >Day 1093
  117. >3 year celebration of your arrival in Equestria
  118. >Of course Pinkie is throwing a party for the occasion
  119. >Big ol' banner with the occasion spelled out clearly in big letters
  120. >You have an enchanted little chalkboard that writes whatever anyone talking to you says
  121. >You learn to write tolerably quickly in response
  122. >Life in Equestria isn't just decent anymore
  123. >It's pretty damn good
  124. -fin-
  125. captcha: magic heemept

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