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Make You Shiver Through Your Feet (2024 Misty/Opaline foot fetish)

By Lego
Created: 2024-02-28 19:26:52
Expiry: Never

  1. Lightning crashed into the rough countryside. The wind was howling, the raindrops were moving at very close to horizontal levels. If the castle in the midst of such weather was any older, it would have been at risk of blowing over.
  3. And in said castle, a certain mare sat on her throne, spying on the activities of her greatest enemies, scheming ways to destroy their lives, to regain her former blazing power.
  5. Opaline Arcana, legendary fire alicorn.
  7. Eating popcorn, and sipping cranberry juice, with a hand over her eyes.
  9. “UGH. I did NOT get out of bed today to watch these pathetic creatures set up a BAKE-OFF…” she groaned.
  11. Where were the magical secrets? When was she going to learn of a way into that irksome barrier left by the supposedly-honorable Twilight Sparkle?
  13. “And before we begin ENJOYING all these tasty goods, today’s Maretime Bay-koff sponsor is…ME! That’s right, Pippsqueaks, Mane Melody wants YOU, to take care of all your manicure and pedicure needs! I mean look at this!”
  15. The camera panned down to show off the pink pegasus princess’s immaculately-kept feet, and zoomed in uncomfortably on her gold-painted toes. The nearby crowd all had expressions that resembled something she had seen on a ’streaming website’ her assistant had shown her.
  17. She was not old. Just isolated.
  19. Opaline couldn’t tolerate any more of that princess’s smugness, nor the intrusive way she advertised. Well, she couldn’t stand advertising whatsoever. Thus, the alicorn paused the spyware on the princess’s freshly pedicured feet.
  21. “Mmm, how hilarious…those sad little ponies, just dying to be in the presence of…THOSE hideous monstrosities? I almost find that sad…” she mused to herself. The alicorn took one singular glance down at her bare, exposed maroon feet, curling the brightly painted toes and rubbing the soles together.
  23. “Monstrosities? Opaline, are you talking to yourself again?”
  25. The evil tyrant jolted slightly as she looked to her side. “Hello, Misty, I see you’ve learned quite well to return at inopportunistic times…” Opaline growled at the smaller unicorn.
  27. “S-sorry, hehe…I just got back from Maretime Bay, I was watching this movie about a guy and a big bomb…it was kinda weird, ‘cause a lot of stallions were also there to see a live action movie based on a doll, and I got a smoothie from Sunny’s, and-“
  29. Opaline stood up out of her throne before the unicorn could finish her little tirade. “Do you see this, Misty?” and gestured her hand towards the scrying pool.
  31. She looked over to see Pipp Petals and a crowd admiring her newly-freshened pink feet. “W-well, yeah, I do…a-are you getting jealous of other ponies gawking again?”
  33. “NO. NOT JEALOUS, MISTY, REMEMBER THAT. Now, I’m sure YOU of all ponies will agree with me, Misty, that mine are FAR more deserving of such reverence, such excitement, are they not?”
  35. Opaline accentuated her point by lifting up one of her feet, tapping on Misty’s nose with a single toe, and grinning while running her sole along her now-blushing cheek.
  37. Despite the fear the little unicorn had for her adoptive ‘mother’, the only ‘affection’ that Misty had been shown for much of her life was rather…pleasurable interactions involving Opaline’s soft alicorn soles. She had been involved in so many of those situations, that she could not help but find herself enjoying the…acts, she was made to perform.
  39. “O-oh, hehehe, yeah, of course, Opaline! They’re super soft, and hooftastic!!” Misty nervously giggled as the alicorn’s foot ran down her chest.
  41. "More of your weird descriptions, Misty Brightdawn? 'Hooftastic'? I believe I told you ages ago that is NOT a real word. These, after all, are not hooves."
  43. Opaline took a seat, squeezing into her throne, crossing one of her legs over the other and flexing her rather appealing toes for Misty to observe. "Nnff...I have GOT to cut back on the cake, lest i end up like a certain SUNBUTT of a previous age...ahem, as I was saying, Misty, these are feet. Soles. Lower extremities, that you are seemingly obsessed with."
  45. "I-I just meant tha-"
  47. "Of course, my darling. That they are divine, beautiful. That you are almost as concerned with kissing them as you are receiving your Cutie Mark. I suppose I shan't blame you..." the tyrant chuckled. She stretched out her legs, placing them on a nearby cushioned stool that she ensured Misty kept around. Instantly the heavy black anklets had the young unicorn's attention.
  49. As a bead of sweat dripped down Misty's face, Opaline stared her down smugly, knowing a single curl of her toes could make her weak in the knees. "IF you are to gawk at my so-called 'hooftastic' feet, as you so often do, then I suggest you make yourself useful, Misty, and work away the tension in them. Go and fetch the massage oil, and get to work. Perhaps they will be motivation to not fail me next time I send you out.”
  51. Misty hid her face behind her hair briefly, shamefully enjoying the wondrous sight of the maroon soles beckoning to her for attention. "B-but Opaline, we don't have any massage oil...?"
  53. The cruel alicorn let out an exasperated sigh. "I THOUGHT we forgot to order something from Ponyzon this week..."
  55. "D-do you want me to go order-"
  57. "NO. You'll find something else to massage me with..." the alicorn trailed off slightly, and her eyes caught sight of the smoothie in Misty's hands.
  59. "Well, that will do just as well, will it not? Come, Misty, you have revitalizing fruits and vegetables in there, do you not?"
  61. Trembling, but with excitement growing by the second, the poofy haired unicorn opened up the lid of her smoothie, gently pouring the cool fluid over the toes of her mistress. Her hands wrapped around Opaline's larger alicorn feet, gently and lewdly rubbing them together to spread around the healthy, delicious refreshment.
  63. "Mmm, delicate as always, Misty...yes, continue your work. I will be expecting all of your usual vigor, as you cannot seem to control your freakish impulses. One can but dream..." she sighed.
  65. Misty knelt down next to her mistress's wonderfully large feet. Her hands held onto the delicate soles, pulling Opaline's cyan-painted toes back and forth. Each tiny crack earned her a small moan of satisfaction from her 'rescuer'.
  67. "Not a hint of hesitation, I flattering, Misty, do keep going...I do enjoy the chilling feeling of your smoothie. Ensure to get between the toes, yes?" A smile emerged upon Opaline's usually pouty face.
  69. "Yes Opaline! Oh and by the way, just like every day, your feet are-"
  71. "Don't."
  73. "I wasn't going to say hooftastic again...I was just gonna say beautiful! And mean looking! And-"
  75. "Misty, darling, if I wanted to be grovelled to, I would have ordered it. Continue with your massage and be silent," Opaline demanded, pushing her large alicorn sole against Misty's face.
  77. The gesture had always managed to catch the young unicorn by surprise, and that instance was no different. Opaline took no small satisfaction as Misty's cheeks warmed up against the bottom of her foot, and her other foot was only squeezed tighter as a result.
  79. "Now, Misty, THAT is more like it...I want you to do that with BOTH of them. Do try to concentrate for more than a few minutes this time," the grumpy alicorn commanded, dragging her foot down Misty's body and back to her hand.
  81. Misty tried her best to obey the orders of her mistress, each of her hands working over the soft flesh of her larger feet. From the heel, over the arch, and all the way up to Opaline's toes her hands went.
  83. "A passable job thus far, Mist-" The alicorn was cut off by the eager little unicorn lifting her smoothie-soaked feet upwards, squishing her face into the curvy soles. Knowing that Opaline would not tolerate slacking, Misty immediately began to use her tongue, swirling around her mistress's delicious, divine feet.
  85. "You lasted barely five minutes this time, Misty, It's rather unbecoming. No matter, I am aware of how this typically ends...ensure that you worship every inch of them. The better you show me your devotion, the sooner you will be afforded your precious Cutie Mark."
  87. Misty's ears twitched at the sound of such a tempting offer, though she knew that offer was dangled in front of her almost every day. She just had to do a better job this time than last time! Surely this time would get her close!
  89. An evil grin crossed Opaline's face as she rubbed her smoothie-soaked feet up and down on Misty's face, rather enjoying the feeling of power, of domination, that such acts afforded her. She certainly had to admit, despite her uselessness, Misty was eager to please.
  91. The unicorn's tongue explored between Opaline's sizable toes, collecting the flavor of the smoothie and texture of her divinely-soft feet to its fullest extent. She slowly let one hand travel down her body, unable to take the intense lust, the need within her body, anymore.
  93. Unfortunately for her, Opaline’s foot quickly slammed down on her wrist, pinning her hand to her thigh before it could reach her skirt to…care for herself.
  95. “Did I give you PERMISSION for release, Misty? I may not be as…young…as I used to be,” she growled, acknowledging that time is a cruel mistress, “but I do not recall allowing you to pleasure yourself.”
  97. “Wah…hah…I-I’m sorry Opaline, it’s just that they-“
  99. “Tasted so good? Were so soft? So warm? Please, Misty, as if we haven’t talked about this before…now, you will kneel before me like the good girl you are, and you will bring your loving mistress to orgasm first.”
  101. The shy unicorn’s legs quivered at Opaline’s command. The exquisite, magical flavor of the alicorn’s feet lingered on her taste buds, and all over the inside of her mouth, and she was scarcely able to control herself. She needed more. She needed the kindness of her mistress to be allowed to experience such pleasure.
  103. And so, she wasted no time in crawling forwards to Opaline’s throne, and as per routine, placed her head between her spread legs.
  105. She received a pat on the head from her adoptive ‘mother’, and an expression that blurred the line between condescending and loving. “Mmm, such an obedient little unicorn…I think you will notice that my undergarments match my footwear, especially for you…”
  107. Misty, having noticed that her mistress was wearing not a thing under her dress, obediently pushed her face between Opaline’s legs. Her eager tongue plunged into the alicorn’s depths, immediately eliciting a moan of pleasure from her.
  109. The helpless unicorn suddenly felt the tingle of magic on her lower legs, and ever so slowly, the removal of her sneakers and her socks. Her adorable, sky blue feet were exposed to the air before long, the chill of the castle being felt between her bare toes. She gulped in fear, her eyes peeking up into Opaline’s devilish ones.
  111. “What’s wrong, Misty? Can’t handle your loving mistress reciprocating your affinity for her precious feet? I certainly hope you don’t plan on forsaking my needs just so you can giggle at my touch…”
  113. Her soft legs then tightened up around Misty’s head, further trapping her face against her dripping sex. The second Misty began to pleasure Opaline again, she felt an awful sensation. A magical feather, ever so gently exploring the wrinkles of her soles, which were in such a compromising position while she was on her knees.
  115. Misty tried not to think about that feather, and curled her toes to lessen the sensation as Opaline’s evil giggles were mixed with more moans of pleasure. Her hair tickled the inside of her mistress’s thighs as she buried her face between her legs, her tongue rubbing along the alicorn’s clit vigorously.
  117. The feeling of power over such an adorable little unicorn was becoming too much for Opaline, but she wasn’t quite ready to allow Misty the satisfaction of a job well done yet. She decided to use her magic to tie her little servant’s toes together, in order to keep them still so three more magical feathers could explore the soft, adorable soles.
  119. Misty tried very hard to ignore the addition of more soft, delightful torture against both of her precious soles, but her giggling was pouring forth like a dam burst. The only thing salvaging her efforts were her hands gripping tightly onto the evil alicorn’s legs, and her eyes shut as tightly as could be.
  121. “Mhhhhh, M-Misty, I h-hope…you aren’t…ohhh, f-falling to distraction…nngh…” Opaline barely managed to get out. One of her hands felt through Misty’s hair, grabbing the back of her head firmly as she reached her climax, an evil laugh mixed with a cry of pleasure escaping her maw. Opaline’s whole body trembled as she lost concentration on her magical abilities, the magical feathers coming to rest on Misty’s bare feet before fading away.
  123. Misty pulled away, gasping for breath, face as red as a beet. “O…Opaline…did I…?”
  125. “Urgh,” the alicorn sighed, putting on her usual pout. She could never allow Misty to think she did TOO well. “You have done an acceptable job. Just remember your loving mistress and her generosity, allowing you to experience such…pleasures.”
  127. Her beautiful emerald eyes lit up at the words of her mistress. Misty grinned gleefully, while Opaline’s strong arms lifted her up to sit Misty on her lap.
  129. Misty felt a little awkward being allowed onto her mistress’s throne with her, but nonetheless enjoyed the tight embrace she was locked in. She trembled in anticipation as Opaline leaned in to lay a kiss on her neck, and her soft hand trailed down the unicorn’s body before slipping into her skirt.
  131. She let out an adorable squeak, which melted into a pleasured moan, as Opaline began to explore her depths. Each of her dexterous fingers sent a shocking wave of pleasure through Misty’s smaller body, and she was barely able to contain herself at her mistress’s touch.
  133. The evil despot’s touch was driving Misty crazy, causing her to sweat profusely and shut her eyes tightly, letting out a cute groan of pent up pleasure.
  135. “Mmm, Misty, enjoy this while it lasts…I do hope you’re prepared to put in more of what you do best, in exchange for my generosity…” Opaline murmured into her ear. She grinned evilly, and scooted Misty slightly more down between her legs, so her larger feet could wrap around Misty’s soft right foot.
  137. “Yes, yes, you like these silly little foalish games of footsie, I know…I suppose it cannot be helped…” she giggled while Misty’s ticklish left foot rubbed against the top of her own. She hid her cheeks behind her hands shamefully and shut her eyes while the pair’s feet rubbed together sensually, lewdly, until Opaline’s fingers hit her sweet spot one last time.
  139. Despite the embarrassment of it all, and Opaline’s little jabs at her desires, Misty couldn’t hold back and succumbed to the greatest climax she had ever felt in her life, her head pushing up under Opaline’s neck as she rode it out. The alicorn’s toes curled, grasping onto Misty’s while her free hand pet her curly, poofy hair, to help her recover from the blissful experience.
  141. “I certainly hope you savored that, my darling Misty, because I am expecting you to return to Maretime Bay sooner rather than later…after all, becoming my most privileged, newly cutie-marked servant is quite appealing to you, is it not?”
  143. The young little unicorn gulped and looked at the freeze-frame of Pipp and the rest of her ‘friends’, and then glanced down at Opaline’s large, soft feet hugging on her own smaller ones.
  145. She just knew she was doing the right thing. The maroon alicorn had her best interests at heart. She sighed and nodded, laying back into the chest and neck of her mistress.
  147. -End

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