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Nightmare Moon and the Healing Heart

By Hugh_Neutron
Created: 2024-03-03 23:15:32
Updated: 2024-10-15 03:44:07
Expiry: Never

  1. Title: Nightmare Moon and the Healing Heart
  3. Status: Complete 2024-03-05
  5. Synopsis: Anon and Nightmare Moon share an intimate night, with some problems.
  6. Sad, Feelings, Romance, RGRE genre.
  8. Notes: A short story, trying some writing for a possible longer full story with Nightmare Moon and Anon.
  9. I'm sorry to disappoint but the story is complete. This short piece is a standalone because I don't know when or if I will expand into a longer story, and if I do, it would take a long time for me to write.
  10. Don't worry though, I plan on writing more short Nightmare Moon and Luna stories in the future.
  11. This scene partially inspired by these pictures.
  12. UPDATE 2024_10_14
  13. I've written a sequel story which can also be read as a standalone.
  14. =====
  16. Anon sat across from Her Majesty Princess Nightmare Moon, his girlfriend or ‘Eternal Beloved’ as she would put it. A single candle between them framed them both in flickering light. They were deep inside a lavish restaurant. Despite being a 3 Michelin star rating, it was almost deserted. The few patrons there refused to look their way, and half discretely left when Anon and Nightmare Moon arrived. Nightmare Moon flicked through her menu casually as if she didn’t notice. A mare stood by to serve them.
  18. The Waiter began speaking but her voice broke, and had to clear her throat. Anon thought he saw a bead of sweat on the side of her head. “The Chefs have made very special preparations for tonight.”
  20. “What did they prepare?” said Anon.
  22. “Anything you or Her Majesty, Nightmare Moon, could desire, Sir,” said the Waiter.
  24. “So it’s all special?” said Anon.
  26. “I-It is all made to the highest standard capable of the Chefs, with the finest ingredients!” said the Waiter.
  28. Anon nodded. “Sounds good. Lay it on me, my good mare.”
  30. The waiter launched into their practiced recital of the restaurant’s best dishes. “The grilled oat and hay dumplings with asparagus and carrots is very popular. We also have a traditional hay salisbury with iceberg salad, and we also have a pumpernickel slab with savory sauce and Canterlot Salad.”
  32. Nightmare Moon lowered her menu and locked eyes with the Waiter, who froze immediately. “Prithee, I see thine steak tartare. Was’t this the norm on menu?”
  34. “No, it isn’t. We don’t normally carry m-meat dishes except for the Cloudsdale fish fillet,” said the Waiter.
  36. “Tis any good?”
  38. The Waiter blinked, her fake smile waivered. “Our Master Chef is the one who would prepare it herself,”
  40. “Tis *fresh?*,” Nightmare Moon asked pointedly.
  42. Anon addressed Nightmare Moon in a chastising voice “Nighty, it’s a high class restaurant. I’m sure it's good.”
  44. “I am simply ensuring. It is not want to do to receive food poisoning,” said Nighty.
  46. “And I’m sure that even if they did mess it up, nothing could make you sick. You’re practically invincible,” said Anon.
  48. “Not invincible. I nay should throw caution to the winds.” said Nighty.
  50. “The m-meat is fresh,” said the Waiter.
  52. “Very well. I shall have two servings of it, and accompanied by three measures of Great-Mane Reserve whiskey with two ice lumps.” said Nighty.
  54. “Can we actually not drink tonight?” said Anon.
  56. “For what purpose?” said Nighty.
  58. “You’re going to need your wits and stamina for what I have planned,” said Anon.
  60. “A few drams of liquor shan’t affect me. Thou knowest,” said Nighty.
  62. “You don’t even know what I have planned,” said Anon.
  64. Nighty sighed and addressed the waitress. “Very well. Give me the orange seltzer.”
  66. “Excellent choice, and you sir?” said the Waiter.
  68. “Give me the Ribeye, please, and an ice water.”
  70. ===
  72. The food came quickly, with so few other patrons and Nighty’s status, it was not a wonder as to how it was accomplished. The tartare was glistening red with a jewel of a yolk sitting on top. The ribeye was sizzling and could be smelled long before it reached the table. Nighty put her nose right above the tartare and sniffed the aroma.
  74. “I’ve heard, of this venue, many good things from the ‘magazines’. Prepare thine buds for delicacies beyond thine dreams, so claimed. They were booked a whole season in advance.” said Nighty.
  76. Anon already had a large piece of steak in his mouth. “They were right!”
  78. Nighty looked up from her plate and chuckled. “Thou art hopeless.”
  80. “Just be thankful I’m not scrapbooking these meals,” said Anon.
  82. “Dost humans really do such?” said Nighty
  84. “Yeah, more of a contemporary thing. Might not be there in 10 years who knows,” said Anon.
  86. “Strange...” said Nighty.
  88. At this time, the restaurant was deserted of all other patrons, having left in the short time for Anon and Nighty to get their food. The lonely scrapes and clacks of their utensils on the plates and their speaking were the only sounds in the restaurant. It was eerie to see a lively place of business so empty at a peak time.
  90. “Not a lot of ponies here tonight,” said Anon.
  92. “The common folk and even higher classes art afraid of me. No doubt they must have fled when they found I wouldst attend this night. Or mayhaps the restaurant removed them from mine presence, for fear or to garner favour, or mayhaps inbetwixt. I know not which,” said Nighty.
  94. “Not very friendly if you ask me,” said Anon.
  96. “I took away their sunlight, their precious princess. They all fear me, *loathe me*. I can feel it,” said Nighty.
  98. Anon saw the nearby waiter begin to shiver.
  100. “Hey now.” Anon placed a hand on Nighty’s hoof, running his thumb through her trim fetlock hairs. “Let’s not start with that right now. We’re having fun tonight.”
  102. “Yes, forgive me, beloved,” said Nighty.
  104. Anon smiled at Nighty, letting her know everything was alright. Then he took his fork and stole a piece of tartare from her plate.
  106. “That stuff looks good, let me try some,” said Anon.
  108. Nighty was stunned. “Foul trickery. Thou shouldst ask for permission before such an act!”
  110. “Better to ask for forgiveness than permission, I always say,” said Anon.
  112. Anon’s ribeye was enveloped by an indigo glow of magic, and levitated from his plate to Nighty’s. She brandished her steak knife to cut a large bite for herself.
  114. “Turnabout is fair play. I hope thou don't mind,” said Nighty.
  116. “Hey, I only took a bite. You’re taking half the steak!”
  118. ===
  120. Having finished their dinner and left the restaurant behind them, Anon and Nighty wandered side by side down quiet streets. Anon was in a merry mood, and skipped between lamp lights. Nighty was subdued, happy but calm. Both were content to explore as their stomachs settled. The air was warm and sweet. Nighty turned her gaze up to the stars and moon. It was a very familiar infinite expanse for her.
  122. Anon rambled on about a work of fiction from his world. “Okay so then Raiden is chasing this guy, Jetstream Sam, and they’re talking about their swords. Remember what I said about Japanese people love overly poetic things? Here, Raiden says his sword is a tool of justice-”
  124. Nighty was content to nod along and listen. She continued staring up at the heavens, her footfalls became instinctual and the white noise of Anon slowly lulled her until it fell away into the background. The world around her, space and time, began melting away. She turned and walked and wandered wherever her hooves pleased along no trail.
  126. Nighty’s trance was shattered by a violent shaking, Anon was calling her name. “Nighty, hey, Nightmare Moon!”
  128. Anon kept shaking her and loudly calling for her until she put her hooves on his arms and steadied them.
  130. “Tis the matter?” asked Nighty.
  132. “You were daydreaming. Or night dreaming, whatever the word is,” said Anon.
  134. “My apologies, I oft get lost in mine thoughts. how long hast it been?”
  136. “I’m not sure, maybe like 10 minutes? but you were really hard to wake up” said Anon.
  138. Anon smiled. He thought the situation was funny. Nighty recognized the area and judged it to be about 20 minutes walk from the restaurant at a normal pace.
  140. “Mayhaps it’s time we madeth our way back to the castle...” said Nighty.
  142. ===
  144. On the way back to the castle, Nighty and Anon decided to cut through a public park. A small lake and stream lent the sound of water to the air. There were a few other ponies in the park, playing their last games of frisbee on the grass or finishing conversations before heading home, that is until they spied Nightmare moon. Wherever Nighty went, ponies migrated around her like she were surrounded by an impenetrable bubble. Anon and Nighty were both used to this behavior by now and ignored it.
  146. Anon and Nighty followed the nature path until Anon spied a small flat stone. He picked it up and flung it across the water, skipping it multiple times.
  148. “I wonder how big of a stone I can skip. You think I can skip one as big as my hand?” said Anon.
  150. “I’d wager yes. Taketh care not to strike anypony,” said Nighty.
  152. “That only happened one time,” said Anon.
  154. “That one time struck *me*, and twas the only time I’ve seen thee skip stones,” said Nighty.
  156. Anon wore a sheepish smile “That’s true. Okay, I won’t hit anyone,”
  158. Anon and Nighty skipped many stones into the lake. It was almost absentminded for Anon as he tried to throw with all his strength, skipping a stone ten whole times. Nighty tossed leisurely as she could easily overshoot the lake with her Alicorn strength, skipping a stone twenty times.
  160. Anon whistled at Nighty’s throw. “Nice!”
  162. Anon saw Nighty begin tossing her stones at a boulder, skipping several times before it bounced off with a satisfying clack. He aimed for the same boulder, and let loose. It missed by a few inches. Anon sighed and looked for a new stone. He scrabbled along the ground, brushing away inferior stones until he finally found one. He looked back up, and saw Nighty was throwing stones directly at the boulder, not skipping them. He watched her pick up any size, and shape, of stone and mindlessly toss them at the boulder for a full minute.
  164. Anon looked closely and saw Nighty had a glassy, faraway look in her eyes just like the last time she daydreamed. He passed a hand in front of her and received no response. He shook her, and she jolted awake.
  166. Nighty was startled. “What the-!”
  168. “Nighty, are you tired?” said Anon.
  170. Nighty looked around and remembered where she was. “No, simply more daydreaming.”
  172. “That’s quite a strong daydream,” said Anon.
  174. Nighty turned her icy cerulean eyes to Anon. To most, they were intimidating, but he knew there was love and warmth in there.
  176. Nighty did not respond, so Anon continued. “What were you dreaming about?”
  178. Nighty looked away. “There art no thoughts when I daydream and wander. Tis more a daze or trance. It simply passeth the time.”
  180. “That does not sound good at all. Why do you do it?” said Anon.
  182. Nighty was silent for a spell. She was finding the words to express herself and debating if she should even express them.
  184. “In truth, the grinding passage of time is painful. Being without thoughts, like a dreamless sleep, tis... soothing, numbing. I didst much of it on the Moon. I lost days, if not weeks, at once.” said Nighty.
  186. “But why didn’t you just daydream normally? Imagine something better? Fantasize about being back home and stuff,”
  188. “On the moon, tis so cruelly boring. And when thou art trapped somewhere for so long, you canst even imagine being anywhere else. Eventually thou stop even dreaming of other places and greener pastures. Thou woudst close thine eyes to sleep and tis simply moreth the same soul annihilating barrenness and isolation. Now, oft I accidentally slip into dazes, losing hours,” said Nighty.
  190. “You should try not doing that anymore. You should be here, living in the present, with us,” said Anon.
  192. “Not so easily done,” thought Nighty. She nodded then spoke aloud. “I can try. For now, tis getting late. We should return to the castle.”
  194. ===
  196. Anon’s shoes echoed off the polished marble floors as he and Nighty walked through the halls of Canterlot Castle. The occasional castle staff passed them by, meekly offering a greeting before continuing on their way. Anon hung onto Nighty with a draped arm around her neck though it didn’t generate much reaction, the castle staff were accustomed to his presence. Nighty allowed it, and Anon could tell she enjoyed it by the smile forming at the corners of her mouth.
  198. “You know, it’s been an hour. Almost time for second dinner,” said Anon.
  200. “First thou speak of second breakfast, and now second dinner? When will the madness end,” said Nighty.
  202. “Oh come on, like you wouldn’t go for that. I saw you were thinking about getting a third plate of tartare,” said Anon.
  204. “Mayhaps thou art correct,” Nighty said.
  206. Anon got unusually close to Nighty as they walked. His hands covertly wandered down to her barrel. More than once he stopped his walk, letting his hand glide along her side as she pulled ahead, dangerously close to her rump but resetting his place before the last moment. Nighty looked at him the first few times it occurred but he always seemed to be innocently admiring some ancient vase or painting. Then he started bumping into her by ‘accident’. Nighty bumped him back, almost toppling him over. She had to restrain her laughter. Eventually they arrived at the guest room that Anon was staying at but he didn’t release his hold on her.
  208. “Anon, tis time to bid goodnight,” said Nighty.
  210. “No it’s not, I still have the surprise for you,” said Anon.
  212. “Hmm?” said Nighty.
  214. Anon turned and looked into her eyes, smiling sweetly. “Well I can’t give it to you here, it has to be your room,”
  216. On the surface, Anon’s request was not unreasonable, He had been in Nighty’s quarters before. Based on past experience, Nighty knew exactly what he was up to.
  218. “Oh really? And what, pray tell, is the surprise,” said Nighty.
  220. “Well I can’t say it out here, otherwise it wouldn’t be a surprise,” said Anon.
  222. Nighty sighed, trying to think of an excuse to get out of this situation. “Tis now not a fine time, there couldst be sayers of impropriety.”
  224. Anon slowly hugged Nighty and swayed back and forth. “We’ve known each other for months now. I’ve been in your room. There’s nothing wrong with two ‘beloved’ simply... enjoying each other's company.”
  226. The warmth of Anons arms flowed through Nighty’s neck and shoulders. She could feel his fingers wandering along her back and into her feathers.
  228. Anon spoke in a low husky voice. “I can’t help it being needy, you just drive me wild.”
  230. Anon leaned into Nighty’s neck. Her hooves instinctively met his sides, sliding over his ribs onto his back to embrace him.
  232. Nighty began to panic. She could feel a heat within herself but also a growing worry, so thought of another excuse. “We should beest sober for such an occasion...”
  234. “We haven’t drank anything, remember?” said Anon.
  236. Nighty had no excuses now, and Anon was asking for her. He had waited and been patient when Nighty had rebuffed him many times before, she didn’t want to disappoint him. It is one of the duties of a beloved. Nighty breathed in his scent and tried to relax into his embrace.
  238. “Come with me,” said Nighty.
  240. They made haste to the royal quarters. Nighty could feel the flames of passion taking her, lightening her steps and invigorating her, or was that anxiety?
  242. Soon, they were together and alone in the Royal Quarters. Anon’s breath was quick and he was clearly excited above and below. Nighty was sweating but not from anticipation. Both of their bodies were hot to the touch. Anon wasted no time, he was like an octopus, wrapping his arms around Nighty again and kissing her neck. Nighty laughed at the sudden assault, pushing him back slightly so they could kiss properly. Her hooves roamed over his body. His hands spread wide into her tuft.
  244. “You’re so fluffy. I just want to pet you everyday,” said Anon.
  246. Nighty maneuvered to the bed as best she could with Anon acting like an anchor tied to her neck. She laid down, pulling Anon with her, until they both rested on the luxurious covers. Nighty faced upwards and Anon was face down in her tuft. He went limp and moaned, Nighty could feel a hot, moist exhale on her chest.
  248. “Anon, what’s mine surprise,” said Nighty.
  250. “Hmmm, wha?” Anon lifted his head from the tuft and looked at Nighty. “Oh right, it's this right now.”
  252. Nighty played dumb. “I’m not sure I understandeth. We’re just having an embrace, nothing more.”
  254. “Please don’t make me beg, Nighty.”
  256. Nighty nuzzled him on the nose. “Very well, my Beloved.”
  258. Nighty pushed Anon gently, asking him to stand up. She guided him and began to peel off his clothes, one by one. So many pieces of clothing that it created a small pile before she was even done. Anon interrupted her to take off her helmet and other Royal jewelry. Gently, he set them aside. Finally they were both bare to each other. Nighty put a hoof to his chest, she could feel the skin, bones, muscle, sweat, and oils uncovered for the first time. To her, he seemed so exposed, much more so than ponies naturally are. Anon, explored Nighty as well, tracing along the previously forbidden parts, feeling her scalp, pressing his thumb into her frog.
  260. “That tickles,” said Nighty.
  262. Anon smiled. The thought that something tickled the invincible Nightmare Moon was amusing to him. He pushed her back, guiding her back to the bed. He laid her down. She saw his lower organ, standing tall and shameless. His hands glided across her sensitive and soft belly, teasing her nipples and giving a playful squeeze to her teats on its journey, all the way to her marehood. His hand brushed over it down and up again, then his thumb swiped over the covered area of her clitoris, back and forth. He did it again, and watched her snatch with interest. Interest turned to concentration as he moved his other hand to assist with massaging her groin. Nighty willed her body to comply with ardor, and accept the ministrations but it did not respond. Anon leaned down and kissed the top of her vulva, then began licking and lending much needed lubrication with saliva but again there was no response. His fingers dragged on her folds, too dry to appropriately mate in any way.
  264. “Ummm, shouldn’t there be, like, a winking and a wetness and stuff going on over here?” said Anon.
  266. Nighty covered her face, burning with embarrassment. “Oh, I feared this would happen.”
  268. Nighty sat up and pushed Anon away. He sat beside her.
  270. “Hey, is something wrong?” said Anon.
  272. Nighty looked away from Anon. She clenched her hooves and set her jaw in frustration “Yes something is wrong.”
  274. Anon sat patiently. “Do you want to talk about it?”
  276. There was a pause as Nighty considered her words. “No, but I owe thee an explanation,”
  278. “Okay,” said Anon.
  280. Nighty sighed, preparing herself. “I has’t E.D. Engorgement Disfunction.”
  282. “Whats that?” said Anon.
  284. “I can’t becometh engorged and lubricate myself at which time I wish, that is the ‘wet’ and ‘horny’ in the urban language. Even in arousing events like this, it simply doest not. It hath been such way since sometime during mine exile, mayhaps before,”
  286. “I thought you were invincible and could heal anything. Is it a curse or disease or something?” said Anon.
  288. “I told you I am not invincible. And it’s not a curse or disease, not a physical one anyways.” said Nighty
  290. “So... we just need Lube then right? That’s not so bad,” said Anon.
  292. Nighty slouched further. The idea that she would require lube was humiliating, and there were other problems. “I wouldst prefer not to has’t sex at all than to rely on external lubrication, even if that be the only issue. Without engorgement, there is no cushioning and tightening of the vagina. It could beest inadequate stimulation for either of us, or even painful.”
  294. Anon raised his eyebrows at that statement. Nighty sighed again. It felt like the room was stuffy and running out of air. She continued to face away from him, she couldn’t bear to look him in the eyes with the shame hanging over her.
  296. “Mine apologies Anon, I cannot please thee as a mare should.” Nighty took yet another deep breath, trying to stave off the emotions. “It seemeth I’m forevermore a pathetic, broken mare.”
  298. “Hey now, stop with that.” Anon slid closer and placed his hands on her shoulders, near her neck. “I’m sure we can work on this. You just need time to heal.”
  300. “I’ve hadst time, I’ve been back from exile for years now. I can’t keep using that as an excuse,” said Nighty.
  302. “I’ve seen the way other ponies look at you. You’re back in Equestria, but still alone. Ponies don’t really talk to you, they don’t shake your hoof and listen to how your day was.” Anon took Nighty’s hoof into his own, and she turned to face him properly. “Do you remember when you found me in the forest?”
  304. “Thou were... brutalized, half starved, and only one quart sane,” said Nighty.
  306. “Yes and my hand was split open, bleeding everywhere, but you held it and led me to the hospital. You said it was the most intimate contact you’ve had since before your exile. How can you heal under conditions like that? You can’t!“ said Anon.
  308. Nighty nodded. “True.” She had nothing else to say, the words wouldn’t come to her.
  310. Anon rubbed her shoulders, pressed his thumbs into her back and massaged the muscles. He had a habit of doing this, one could easily mistake that humans considered simple massage and petting as a cure-all.
  312. “Why don’t we take a bath, get cleaned up, and sleep. I’ll join you and we can just relax,” said Anon.
  314. “That sounds like a wise plan,” said Nighty
  316. Nighty felt exhausted, her hoofsteps were lethargic. She let Anon lead the way. It felt like the night was spoiled and taking a bath together for the first time was a paltry consolation.
  318. The Royal Bathroom held everything to clean and pamper one's skin, fur, and hair. It even had amenities for hoof trimmings. Many different soaps, conditioners, pommades, and gels were stocked here. Anon quickly got to work drawing a bath in the extremely large tub, big enough for Nighty to fully stretch out in. She retrieved the soaps, but Anon took them from her magic.
  320. “I’ll do the washing, you just relax. Let me handle everything,” said Anon.
  322. Nighty frowned, “Tis not necessary, I hast attendants that I can calleth unto wash me anytime,”
  324. “But you don’t, do you? You probably wash yourself only,” said Anon.
  326. “Correct...” said Nighty.
  328. Anon continued as if nothing had been said. He coaxed Nighty into the hot water before climbing in himself. Even with both of them, there was still a comfortable amount of space. Anon wet a soap bar and got to work lathering up Nighty’s torso. He started with her back. Nighty could feel his fingers pressing through fur to her skin, rubbing small circles everywhere they traveled, gently removing the dirtiness of the day. He hugged her from behind spreading lather between them as he reached around to her front and put shampoo in her tuft. Anon smiled as he worked, enjoying the closeness and bonding. He playfully kissed her back and pressed his nose into her fur. Without either of them talking, the bathroom was quiet except for the sound of water and gliding skin.
  330. The bathing was not fast and methodical as Nighty thought it would be; It was slow and deliberate. Minutes crawled by. Nighty could feel Anon put his hands on her because he wanted to. At some point, there was a magical transition in the experience. It was ethereal, the way his hands moved, the way he hugged her, the care and consideration. She could feel Anon’s enjoyment of touching her and being touched by her. It felt like a divine energy was diffusing into Nighty’s body, uplifting her to the heavens.
  332. Anon moved in front of Nighty to start on her legs and hooves, scrubbing the frog with his thumbs earning a small giggle from Nighty by the ticklishness. He looked into her eyes and smiled.
  334. Nighty could feel that every touch was from another warm living thing, infused with life, love, and so much more. By the time he started on her wings and hair with shampoo, she felt like she was floating. It was like he was an angel made of light come to feed succour to her soul. Nighty was filled until full and could hold no more. There was so much, too much! And it spilled over her eyes in tears.
  336. Nighty took a shaky, unmistakably distressed breath. Anon paused.
  338. “Is everything okay?”
  340. Nighty nodded but Anon could easily hear her soft crying in the quiet bathroom. Her lonesome sniffles seemed to echo off the walls.
  342. Nighty’s voice was unsteady. “It doth feel good, v-very good. Mine apologies, I knoweth tis unbecoming of me.”
  344. “It’s fine, no need to apologize,” said Anon.
  346. Anon continued rubbing lather in Nighty’s scalp. He thought she would enjoy this but he didn’t anticipate this kind of reaction. He rinsed Nighty’s hair with splashes of water then started the same cleaning process on her massive wings. Anon concluded that her reaction was a good sign; this is the healing Nighty needed.
  348. “Lets do this again sometime soon,” said Anon.
  351. ~~~The End

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