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Smol Toes, Mall Closed (2024 Zipp/Pipp foot fetish)

By Lego
Created: 2024-03-10 17:45:21
Expiry: Never

  1. "Wait till the folks in Maretime Bay see this!" Zipp laughed. She trailed backwards, holding up her phone to record her loving younger sister, Pipp Petals, stumbling into her room with a very summer-y outfit. A button-up Haweighan shirt, matching shorts that reached halfway down her thighs, a backwards baseball cap and funny winged sunglasses.
  3. The younger princess may have had just a BIT too many strawberry margaritas for the day. Not quite blackout, yet, but still fairly buzzed.
  5. Not that Zipp could blame her, of course, the most recent Grand Galloping Gala was good princess-training for Pipp. The event may have been a centuries-old tradition with new life breathed into it, but you know what they say, the more things change, the more they stay the same.
  7. Boozing up, laughing, and yakking with other equally boring politicians. That was what the Gala had been for the last ten generations at that point, and it wasn't about to change anytime soon.
  9. In time, both she and her older sister would have to take over Zephyr Heights, and rule together like the princesses of old. So the two of them always attended, without the guidance of their mother, to essentially train to rule hands-on.
  11. Of course, after a bit of drinking and a lot of negotiations that would likely lead to nothing, Pipp decided to reward herself with a small shopping trip.
  13. Zipp couldn't keep her snickering quiet as Pipp struck a pose. "I'm a MOVIE star!" she proclaimed.
  15. “Uh, yeah, we KNOW that, Pipp. New entry: Pipp is a little drunk. Must take care of her. Ensure no head pain," the more active sister murmured into her phone. She lifted Pipp up into her arms, bridal style, causing the social media influencer to giggle.
  17. "Ziiiiipp, I can still wallllk! C'mon!!" Pipp whined, playfully swatting at her older sis. Such meager resistance amounted to nothing, however, as she was placed into her big comfortable 4-poster bed, the one she had slept in since fillyhood. The one Zipp told her scary stories in. The one where she was fed her favorite soup when she was ill.
  19. Life in Maretime Bay with her friends was amazing, and Pipp would not trade it for the world, but she did sometimes miss the luxuries of Zephyr Heights. So she made herself quite comfortable, not even bothering to retreat under the sheets while Zipp laid back on the other side of her bed, sprawled out.
  21. "My feet are killing me," Pipp whined. Zipp shook her head and smiled, because she knew exactly what it was like. To walk in uncomfortable shoes all day that royals were supposed to wear for some reason.
  23. The athlete certainly wasn't OPPOSED to an opportunity to lay a hand on Pipp's royal feet for a moment...
  25. So she reached over to her sister's feet, slowly undid the straps on her high-heels (seriously, Zipp never understood the appeal) and popped them off, earning a moan of relief from Pipp, as well as a curl of her gold-painted toes.
  27. "Alright, sis, we've probably got a couple hours till you get your head back, and I've got nothing better to do tonight. Is it gonna be storytime, more Chronicles of Chervalia? Or are we gonna be watching perfectly-cut scream compilations again?"
  29. Pipp shook her head, feeling around for the remote to her television. "What's on TV??"
  31. "Well there's this documentary coming up on the ancient Timberwolf, I mean, it's been said that one could be killed by throwing a rock into its maw! Wanna-"
  33. Pipp grabbed onto the remote, groaning slightly at her sister's nerdiness. "You know what, I got it, we're watching infomercials..."
  35. "Alright, alright, you're the boss tonight, sis..." Zipp said, facepalming and preparing herself for a long stretch of her slightly-intoxicated sister criticizing advertisements. It wasn't the first time she had combed over every detail of every commercial she came across, and it certainly wouldn't be the last.
  37. The TV was flicked on, and it was off to the races.
  39. -A few hours later-
  41. 'We use new Stench-a-Way Deodorant! Keeps me dry and fresh!' the stallion on the screen said.
  43. "That junk wrecked my clothes," Pipp growled while chewing on a Rainier cherry from a bowl her sister brought to her.
  45. Zipp had since taken off her sneakers and her socks, her legs crossed in bed. Her snow-white, unpolished toes rested against one another, in close proximity to Pipp's much more pampered, gold-polished ones. Not even half of what Pipp whined about in the last few hours had registered to her. Thankfully, Pipp was mostly focused on sobering up and critiquing thirty-second segments trying to show off newfangled products, instead of wondering why her older sister's eyes kept wandering towards her bare feet.
  47. Something Zipp rather enjoyed about Pipp was how much her feet tended to move around. To curl. To rub up against one another. She had learned to be more careful about where her eyes wandered over the years, but Pipp's constant spa treatments, pedicures, and designer jewellery she wore on her ankles and her toes was all to direct the attention of others.
  49. And direct attention they did. Just from more ponies than Pipp realized. Of course, Zipp would never be able to let Pipp know that, unfortunately.
  51. "I mean, look at those movements! I know I sing and eat my fair share of hors d'eouvres, but their animations look like they'd make that wobbling sound that a sheet of metal does! Who even-" Pipp began to rant.
  53. But she was cut off by her mother. Bursting into her room.
  55. Typical parental behavior. (I'm going to spare you the complaints on my end.)
  57. "Whoa!! Mom, what's up? Why do you look in such a hurry? Is everything alright?" Zipp said, sitting up in a slight panic.
  59. "Oh, I do apologize for scaring you, my darling Zephyrina. It's just that Alphy wanted me to come to this wondrous new restaurant here in Zephyr Heights and-"
  61. The two sisters' faces fell into the same grimace at the same time.
  63. "Nope! Nope! No need for details, Mom! You go do whatever with...Alphy..." Pipp gagged, forcing her now-sober mind to forget what would go on between the two.
  65. Queen Haven scowled at her daughters. "ANYway, ignoring your rather rude remarks, I'm going to be gone for the night, and I only thought it polite to SAY something..."
  67. Zipp nodded quickly, giving her best false smile. "Yup, love you Mom, have a good time!"
  69. "That's better, Zephyrina. Now, if you'll excuse me..." the queen began, texting who the sisters could only assume was Alphabittle Blossomforth, "I must hurry to meet up with a lovely stallion."
  71. And with that, the door to Pipp's room was shut, leaving silence (well, silence minus informercials) to reign.
  73. "I see you're feeling a lot better," Zipp commented.
  75. The short princess nodded, standing up out of bed and stretching. "Yeahhhh, but now I'm all bored, I already said all I needed about the dozen vacuum cleaners out there..."
  77. Zipp giggled. "Well, what's on the agenda for tonight? Now that Mom's gone, we could go and set up bedsheets on strings in the east wing of the castle again? Try to spook some of the guards?"
  79. "Mm, noooo, that wouldn't work twice...I know I said my feet were killing me, but I kinda wanna go out and DO stuff again..." Pipp replied, trying to think.
  81. "Hmmm...wait, I think I got something," Zipp said, pointing a finger upwards.
  83. "What is it? I know that look, c'mon, spill it!"
  85. "You know the Mane Square Mall? Where Mom would always take us for CinnaPon?" the older princess asked.
  87. Pipp cocked her head to the side slightly. "Well, yeah, I totally remember all that...but didn't it just close, like, two years ago?"
  89. Zipp pulled out her phone, typing the name of the place and showing her sister the results. "Exactly. See? Closed permanently..."
  91. It was only then that Pipp started to see what her loving older sister was getting at, jumping up and down excitedly. "Ooooooh, you KNOW I can't resist a bit of urbex...let's go! I LOVE dead malls!"
  93. "Hah, knew you'd be up for it. And it's gonna be at NIGHT! OooooOOoOoh..." Zipp laughed, wiggling her fingers.
  95. "Wait, hold on, isn't it a bit late?" Pipp said, sitting on the side of her bed and turning off the TV.
  97. "Yup! Do you have your sleeping bag?" the taller princess said.
  99. Pipp's jaw dropped. "You mean we're gonna be alone for a whole night in an abandoned mall?! Zipp, aren't you supposed to be the responsible one? What's Mom gonna say when she gets back??"
  101. "Weeeelll, I wouldn't go THAT far, calling me responsible...and it'll be fine! I'll take the blame if we don't get back in time! C'mon Pipp, we're all done with our Gala business, we got a few days to spare here!"
  103. Pipp gave off a heavy sigh, but she could never say no to such an adventure. "Fiiiiine, I bet I could get some serious content for my little Pippsqueaks...Alright, Zipp, I'm in. Let's go!"
  105. “That’s the Pipp I know. C’mon!” Zipp said, as the influencer grabbed her sleeping bag, a couple of pillows, her heated blanket, a couple different perfumes-
  107. “Pipp…” the older sister sighed.
  109. “Fiiiine…” She just grabbed a pillow, a phone charger and her sleeping bag, changing into far more comfortable footwear, while Zipp did the same in her nearby room. They also ensured to pack up a couple of beignets they had baked with their mom a day ago as a Gala dish.
  111. Before long, the two sisters were out on the streets of Zephyr Heights. Using the back alleys that Pipp had shown her friends when they first met, the heiresses managed to slip by the night-crowds, and ended up towards the southern end of the city, far from their royal palace.
  113. Not a soul was around this area of the city. There were barely any street lamps to speak of. The grass was overgrown, and the pavement was cracked from weeds pushing up through.
  115. “It….it….it’s BEAUTIFUL,” Pipp stammered, hugging her sister and comedically crying, pointing at the massive white building in front of them. Zipp blushed slightly, but returned her hug, stroking her back.
  117. “There there, Pipp, no tears,” she laughed while Pipp pulled away, the biggest smile on her face, “Now we gotta figure out a way to get inside. New entry: Arrived at the mall. Still closed. Must find a way in.”
  119. “Hmmmm….” Pipp mused, walking up to the front door. Obviously they weren’t about to just slide open like they did in the past. “Zipp, do you know of any other ways into this place? Did you even bring your lockpicking stuff?”
  121. Zipp scratched her head, sheepishly. “I uhh, probably should have made a plan before we decided to vis-“
  123. “OPEN!” Pipp exclaimed, pulling one of the automatic doors to the side.
  125. “It wasn’t locked in the first place…of course not, silly me, why didn’t I think of that…” the older sister said, facepalming. “Alright, let’s get this party started.”
  127. The shorter sister skipped her way into the dark space, followed by her sibling, who closed the sliding door behind her. The two princesses stayed close together, each step of theirs careful and calculated, and the only sounds audible were one anothers’ steps. (As well as Pipp’s Cliptrot recordings).
  129. “Oh. Em. Hoofness, Pippsqueaks. You would not BELIEVE how dark and scary it is in here. Lucky I got Big Sis here to keep me company! Now stay tuned, there’s gonna be a BIG video tomorrow of our little adventure. But right now I gotta spend some time with Zipp! Bye byeeeee!!” Pipp cheerily waved to her phone, turning off the app she was using.
  131. Dead malls and abandoned buildings weren’t really her thing, but Zipp wasn’t about to say that to her younger sister. Time alone with her always made her get slightly excited, especially after all those wacky and dangerous misadventures with their friends.
  133. Pipp turned on her powerful phone flashlight to reveal a long concourse, full of abandoned storefronts, and then turned around, poking her older sister’s chest. “Zipp…whaddya say we do a little investigating? See how much cool stuff we can find?”
  135. “Pipp, you read my mind!”
  137. The two sisters ran off into the dark depths of the mall, flashlights at the ready. Each storefront was thoroughly explored.
  139. -
  141. “Oooooh, old Wishentine decorations!” Pipp squeaked, taking a selfie. “It’s sooo sad to see them just left in the dust!”
  143. -
  145. “Yo, sis, check this out!” Zipp said, beckoning over her shorter sister. “Look! This is what cellphones looked like when we were fillies!”
  147. “Oh that is OLD SCHOOL!” Pipp said, panning her camera all across the wooden table, still full of displays from a decade prior.
  149. -
  151. “Oh Ziiiiipppp! Look at me! I’m Sherclop Holmes!” Pipp giggled, one of her flats dangling off her foot. She plopped them up on the front counter of the old hat store, a dusty deerstalker sitting atop her head.
  153. Zipp turned around for a laugh, grinning…but she couldn’t help noticing that her sister’s sole was partially exposed.
  155. The heiress had always loved those flats.
  157. But she swallowed her excitement, pretending not to notice. “Pssshh, you know, that hat suits you. Maybe you can be my dear little Trotson.”
  159. -
  161. The two sisters were close to their limit. They reached their final stop, in an old hayburger restaurant, carefully sitting in one of the booths amongst the dust, and the leftover knickknacks on the table.
  163. “Well, here we are I guess. You got the goods?” Zipp giggled.
  165. Pipp nodded and pulled the small lunchbag up to the table, revealing some leftover fancy pastries they loved so much. “Dig in sis!”
  167. The two sisters wasted no time in getting into the succulent baked goods. Pipp grabbed a nearby old newspaper to read while eating using her phone flashlight, while Zipp took the time to walk around, admiring the retro architecture of the fast food joint.
  169. “Hey…Zipp, come check this out,” Pipp called, while the athlete was inspecting the last work-schedule of the place.
  171. “Yeah Pipp? What’s up?” she asked, walking over to look at what Pipp was reading.
  173. “It’s a newspaper from looooong ago. Check out this tabloid article!” Pipp said, pointing at a picture that Zipp instantly recognized. It was her, sitting across the table from the first mare she had ever dated. And it seemed to have been taken from a nearby bush.
  175. ‘Zephyrina Storm: Heir to the throne or common servant? Zephyrina ’Zipp’ Storm, seen at night, rubbing anonymous mare’s feet under table! Could she be a secret spa attendant? Is this the secret to her heart? Will she engage in further degeneracy?’
  177. The older sister’s face had become completely red, and her jaw dropped further and further while she read every word. “But…but…how…wha…GAH!” she yelled, quickly swatting the paper out of Pipp’s hands, causing her to shrink back.
  179. “Oh…oh no, I’m sorry Pipp, I didn’t mean that, I was just-“
  181. “Wait, you’re into mares? I thought you, um, had a little ‘thing’ for Hitch?” Pipp said, curiously.
  183. Zipp facepalmed, sighing deeply. “Well, since it’s clearly no secret NOW, yeah. She was an old classmate. But that doesn’t mean I can’t wolf-whistle at a good hunk of a stallion!”
  185. Pipp giggled and finished another beignet. “Ohhhh, Zipp, you always take yourself too seriously…I just didn’t know you were into mares too! That’s all, nothing to be ashamed about!”
  187. “…Thanks, Sis, you’re always there for me. Seriously. I was just mad that some weirdo managed to catch me like that.”
  189. “And feet? Really? That’s your little thing? I THOUGHT something was a little off about you tonight…and always…”
  191. That little comment only made Zipp blush even more furiously. “Alright, ALRIGHT, let it go, Pipp, everyone has their ‘thing’…”
  193. “My Pippsqueaks were right! They KNEW they saw you monkey-necking whenever some mare or stallion walked by wearing flip-flops or stuff like that!” Pipp laughed.
  195. “Grrrraahhhh, enough, Pipp! It’s bad enough you found out I dated a mare once!” Zipp groaned, getting up from the booth. “Alright, I finished my stuff, now can we go to sleep now and forget you ever saw that newspaper??”
  197. Pipp got up to follow her older sister. “Aw c’mon, it was just a little girl talk! I was just teasingggg…”
  199. The athletic princess covered her face as she walked along the dark hallways of the mall once again, checking the time on her phone. It was already past midnight. So she stopped in the carpet common seating area next to an old, dusty playground, setting up her sleeping bag and pillow on the rug. She kicked off her sneakers and socks, feeling the still, cold air run through her white toes.
  201. Pipp followed Zipp, setting her sleeping bag next to her, but facing the opposite direction. She giggled at her sister’s still-blushing face, and decided to reach down, gently pressing a well-manicured nail into her pure white sole while she wasn’t expecting it.
  203. Her entire body jumped at the touch. Despite how much she knew she loved a beautiful pair of soles, she wasn’t used to having her own ones touched like that. And she certainly wasn’t ready to squeal like a filly at Pipp’s teasing.
  205. “Piiiiipp, what’d you do that for??” Zipp shouted.
  207. “Oh come ONNNN, Zipp, you can’t tell me that you weren’t looking at MINE sometimes…why can’t I look at yours too?”
  209. Immediately, a bead of sweat rolled down her face. Her head slowly turned back to Pipp’s little smirk, and she had just taken off her flats. Her shiny toes curled, and legs crossed, showing off the two golden toe rings she loved to wear, and a beaded anklet gifted to her by Izzy Moonbow.
  211. “S…sis? I don’t know what you’re-“
  213. “Ohhh, Zipp, we had little tickle fights as fillies…don’t you remember? You teasing me for going to the spa too much? Holding me down? Making me scream for Mom? It’s no wonder why you like feet a little TOO much now…” she teased.
  215. Zipp gulped and tried not to drink in the marvellous sight before her, tried not to give into the temptation. Here she was, completely alone with her younger sister, and her constantly-pedicured feet were rested right in front of her.
  217. The influencer lifted up one of her feet to show it off better in the meager light of their phones’ flashlights facing upward. Zipp felt her face warm up as the toes curled just slightly, the other foot swaying back and forth on the floor.
  219. “Come onnnn, you can touch them if you want…I promise I won’t tell Mom about this, no matter what…” Pipp murmured.
  221. Zipp took a deep breath, her nose picking up the star jasmine perfume her younger sister usually wore. Her hands rested upon Pipp’s raised foot for the first time, with her explicit permission.
  223. The immensely silky sole was like heaven to Zipp, her hands gently feeling the foot up and down, from heel to toe. The caution slowly began to fade away, the desire to feel the influencer’s feet melting away any fears she had felt.
  225. “W…wow sis, uh, they feel…wow, I kinda…wish mine were as nice…” the older princess stammered.
  227. Pipp had a bright, loving grin on her face as she reached for her older sister’s legs. “Well, why don’t we find out just how nice they are then?”
  229. “W-wait, I’m not so sure about th-“ Zipp’s protests quickly turned to quiet giggling, as Pipp grabbed onto her snow-white feet, her manicured nails pressing into the sensitive soles.
  231. “It’s only fair, c’mon, don’t take ‘em away,” Pipp said, playfully pulling Zipp’s slightly larger toes back and forth. Strangely, despite Zipp’s complete non-affinity for skincare routines, and her intense workouts, her feet were almost as soft as Pipp’s. And far, far more ticklish, as the influencer had previously noted.
  233. “Wow, Zipp, look at you! Soft as me, but all natural! You GOTTA give me some of your skin!” Pipp gushed.
  235. “Ok, sis, that was the weirdest thing I heard you say in years. You gotta stop with the Nightmare Night movies,” Zipp remarked, trying not to laugh.
  237. “Whoops, hehehe, sorry, caught up in the moment!” the short princess giggled, giving Zipp’s feet a loving squeeze.
  239. The athlete held onto both of Pipp’s silky, delicate feet, keeping them both close to her face so she could continue to indulge in the sweet aroma of her sister’s soles. “Hey…Pipp..would you mind if I, uhhh, tried your toes? Please?”
  241. “Ziiiipp, you gotta let go of this shy stuff! Keep the vibe going! I told you, no matter what you do, I’m not gonna tell anyone!” she said, pushing her tender, curvy feet up against the princess’s pale face.
  243. At last, Zipp decided to listen to her carefree, loving younger sibling. Her hands gripped onto Pipp’s lavender feet, her face rubbing up against the pampered soles. Zipp’s reddened face emerged from behind her feet, and her mouth wrapped around one of Pipp’s toes at a time.
  245. The now-blushing influencer tried to keep her giggles in as her older sister’s tongue made its way around and around her gold-ringed toes. Each wet, slick swipe of Zipp’s tongue caused them to scrunch up, and each time they scrunched she would pull off and lay a kiss on the toe she had just tasted.
  247. While Zipp continued to indulge, letting loose after holding her desires in for the longest time, Pipp held onto her older sister’s much-stronger legs. Her palms rested against the bottoms of Zipp’s powerful white feet, locking her fingers between the toes. Such a move allowed Pipp to really get a feel for her older sister’s admittedly-adorable feet, and also allowed her nails to rake all the way down when she wanted to feel further south.
  249. This caused Zipp to burst out laughing in the midst of one of her sucking greedily on Pipp’s left middle toe. The shorter princess decided to tease her older sibling, skittering her expertly pampered fingers over the appealing surfaces and leaving long, red trails in their wake.
  251. “GahahaHAHAHA, P-Pipp, cut it out!” Zipp protested, gently trying to pull her feet away from the influencer’s dastardly effective fingers.
  253. “Oh Zipp, what’s wrong? You’re sooo much stronger than me, you could stop all this, get me down! Win our little tickle battle! Or is there something else I’m missing…” Pipp replied. She held one foot in place and squirmed a single finger right into the centre of her white sole, forcing Zipp to gasp and let out even more forced laughter.
  255. There wasn’t anything Pipp was missing. Zipp had never quite grown out of their little joy they had as fillies. Quite the opposite in fact.
  257. But, despite both her cheeks and her lower body heating up at the mirthful, torturous sensations of her sister going at her feet like that, Zipp couldn’t let her go without a fight. So to satiate herself, she started to kiss Pipp’s right foot as deeply as she could, a deep seated need overtaking whatever fears she had left of the wrongness of their actions. Her less cared-for fingers slipped between Pipp’s left toes, scratching into the sensitive spaces.
  259. “NnnnnyyyEHEHEHEHE!!” Pipp cried out, her feet trying to cross over one another. Zipp’s grip was too powerful for her, however, as was the hold her lips had on her vulnerable sole.
  261. Zipp knew exactly where to poke, where to prod. Where to stroke. Both she and and her younger sibling knew that Pipp could never truly win a tickle fight against her, despite her much more sensitive feet.
  263. So the older princess doubled down on her actions, her tongue messily swirling around the center of Pipp’s silky sole, while her fingers attacked the area right under her toes. This caused the influencer to go berserk, laughter streaming from her lips like a dam had burst.
  265. “ZIIHIHIHIHIPP, NONONO NO!!!” Pipp cried out. Her feet constantly jolted, rubbed against one another, tried to pull away. But Zipp wasn’t having any of that. She got onto her knees, wrapping her arm around both of Pipp’s ankles, and scratched into the curvy spa-treated feet as deeply as she could. Zipp decided to lean down to her prizes and wrapped her mouth around both of Pipp’s big toes to keep them still, sucking on them hungrily and enjoying the perfumed scent.
  267. Each swipe of Zipp’s tongue, each time she enjoyed the flavor of her younger sister’s toes, was beginning to get her body more and more heated. Instilling a pent up lust that had never once been properly treated in the older princess’s life.
  269. And so, secure in her newfound invulnerability, she retired her fingers from torturing her younger sibling, slowly moving them down into her pants. The first stroke of her sex was electrifying, and the urge to let loose was incredible. This had been a dream come true for Zipp, and she tried to control herself, to prolong the incredibly hot moment.
  271. At least, she was secure in what she THOUGHT was invulnerability.
  273. Pipp was forced to take a gasp of air, panting, her toes sliding against her older sister’s tongue. But upon realizing that her feet were no longer being tickled furiously, her eyes widened. She spotted a pair of vulnerable, white blushing soles within her reach.
  275. Immediately she took advantage of her sister’s mistake, jamming her nails into the upwards-facing bottoms of Zipp’s feet, laughing evilly as soon as her older sibling bust out into the hardest laughter she has ever heard.
  277. Even through her teary eyes and her hard laughter, Zipp unable to resist the hot feelings running through her body. The taste of her sister’s feet on her tongue, the incredible feeling of her appealing toes scrunching in her mouth.
  279. Though the tickling was awful, forcing her to giggle like a delicate little filly, Zipp’s fingers moved back and forth inside her with vigor, the torturously hot sensation finally driving her to the most explosive climax she had ever had in her life.
  281. Moans of dizzying amounts of bliss filled the dark, still air as Zipp let go, the ruthless titillation of her nerves and all other lewd factors driving her orgasm to last longer than she had ever experienced. Pipp’s eyes went wide, having just realized she had gone so far as to get off her older sister.
  283. She probably should have known it was coming, but the feeling was…unusual, all the same.
  285. “Z…Zipp? Did I uhh…go a little too hard there? Are you ok?” Pipp asked, cautiously.
  287. “Oh…oh no…Pipp, I’m…” the heiress began, seeing the mess she had made in her clothing, as well as her younger sister’s furiously blushing face.
  289. “N…no, it’s fine…heh…I didn’t realize a tickle fight would, uh…”
  291. “Yeah…I guess I didn’t either, but…Pipp?” Zipp said.
  293. “Y-yeah?” she replied, pulling her feet back to her side.
  295. “You uhhh, don’t think this is the…only time we could do this…right? And maybe…not tell the Pippsqueaks about it?”
  297. “Weeeellll…I GUESS we had already gone a little too far? It might…be a liiiiittle hard once we get back to the Brighthouse,” Pipp said.
  299. Zipp laid down on her sleeping bag, turning off her phone flashlight. “I’ll keep it a secret if you do too…ok?”
  301. A small giggle escaped from Pipp as she laid her feet next to her older sister’s head. “Hehehe…alright, Hoof to Heart, it’s our little ‘thing’…maybe it’ll finally get you to come to Mane Melody with me…”
  303. Pipp shut off her phone as well, grabbing onto Zipp’s soft white feet next to her head, with Zipp reciprocating, holding onto her precious sister’s lavender ones, the soothing scent of her soles making her eyelids grow heavy.
  305. The two of them laid in silence for a while, simply holding onto one another.
  307. However, in typical slumber party fashion, Pipp just HAD to break the silence, because she was quite unable to rest.
  309. “So…do you think Alphabittle and Mom do this stuff to each other too?”
  311. Zipp groaned. It was about to be a long night of girl talk. Less than appropriate girl talk.
  313. -End

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