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Bird Pone Thread: Peep & Anon (Discontinued)

By Bluebirdd065
Created: 2024-03-17 23:14:58
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Would you like to see the bird pony migration with me?"
  2. >No, no you wouldn't.
  3. "Sure."
  4. >But of course you're too much of a doormat yourself to say that to her.
  5. >She brightens up.
  6. >"Wonderful! I'll get everything ready! Oh, this is so exciting!"
  7. >You smile and nod.
  8. >You were pretty damn sure it wouldn't be.
  9. >Fluttershy squeaks and runs upstairs, leaving you alone in the first floor of her home.
  10. >And here you thought you were just going to have a casual breakfast today.
  11. >And though Fluttershy was pretty cool, you usually just came for the free food.
  12. >Even though Celestia sent your ass to Twilight to be "preserved," to her, it didn't necessarily mean regular meals.
  13. >Even though it fucking should.
  14. >You sigh and walk over to the couch.
  15. >Angel instinctively starts trying to kick your shit.
  16. >You grab him and put him on the highest birdhouse you see, then resume lounging.
  17. >He freaks out and starts squeaking.
  18. >You bust out that Walkman and plug your shit in.
  19. >You never really used the shit, but after Twilight blew up your fucking phone and laptop, it was the only thing you had to ignore ponies with.
  20. >It was also now the only thing you had from Earth.
  21. >You raise the volume and stare blankly at Angel flailing around everywhere, focused more on your memories of home.
  22. >You close your eyes and relax.
  23. >
  24. >"I'm ready!"
  25. "..."
  26. >"Anon, I'm ready!"
  27. "..."
  28. >"Anon, a-are you alright?"
  29. "..."
  30. >"A-Angel, what's wrong with Anon?! And why are you up there?!"
  31. >She flocks to your side.
  32. >"Anon! Are you breathing- I don't think he's breathing!! ANON!"
  33. >She shakes you.
  34. >You lazily open your eyes and yawn, then turn everything off.
  35. "Jeez, how long was I out? So, you ready, then?"
  36. >She looks confused and frightened.
  37. >Her eyes are all watery.
  38. "Uuh, something wrong?"
  40. >
  41. >Well, here you are.
  42. >Bird pony migration.
  43. >Still no idea what the fuck a bird pony is, but Fluttershy talked about how amazing they were on the walk over here.
  44. >She set down a picnic blanket on top of a hill and put her binoculars on.
  45. >"It should be any second now! We came just in time!"
  46. "I didn't come anywhere, what are you talking about?"
  47. >She ignores you, either out of excitement, or because she had no idea what you just said.
  48. >She continues staring.
  49. >"Oh my gosh, there they are! I was right!"
  50. >You stare at the area she was pointing at.
  51. >You see a Pegasus fly out.
  52. >Then another.
  53. >Then a bunch.
  54. >Was this some sort of fucking joke or something?
  55. >And if those Pegasi were migrating, why the hell wasn't she?
  56. >Hell, you didn't even KNOW Pegasi migrated.
  57. "Is Twilight migrating, too? You know, being half and half?"
  58. >Fluttershy turns from her binoculars and looks at you like you're a fucking retard.
  59. >"Twilight's not a bird pony!"
  60. "What about Rainbow?"
  61. >[Pitiful horse noises intensify]
  62. >"Rainbow's not one, either, Anon."
  63. "What do you mean she's not? She's a Pegasus, and those are Pegasi! And why aren't YOU migrating if this is a thing?"
  64. >"...Those aren't Pegasi, Anon."
  65. >You stare at them for a moment.
  66. >Those were fucking Pegasi.
  67. "Yes they ARE! Fucking LOOK at them!"
  68. >She flinches, then develops a stern look.
  69. >"Don't be so loud! You'll scare them!"
  71. >"SHH! Watch."
  72. >You cross your arms and huff, watching Fluttershy fish around her bag.
  73. >You swear, this was worse than trying to fucking prove that human technology wasn't a lie to Twilight.
  74. >In fact, that's how you lost laptop and phone.
  75. >...Purple bitch.
  76. >Flutterbutter pulls out a small container and empties its contents a little ways in front of you both.
  77. >Breadcrumbs?
  78. >What the fuck kind of Pegasi would come down for a fucking-
  79. >Three of them drop down and start eating the crumbs.
  80. >Fluttershy stifles a cheer and busts out her camera.
  82. >One Pegasus was black, with a red mane and a white pattern on her head and wings.
  83. >Another was a light blue, with white and orange on her bottom half, and an even lighter blue mane.
  84. >The third had a dark blue mane with a few black and white areas, and a coat similar to Rainbow's.
  85. >They practically destroy the crumbs and fly off.
  86. >Fluttershy gasps and watches them in awe, before turning to a grey Pegasus getting ready to land next to us.
  87. >"Oh my gosh, here comes another one!"
  88. >She puts a slice of bread in your hand.
  89. >"Feed her!"
  90. >The grey Pegasus lands.
  91. >She looks around at the grass for crumbs.
  92. >Then she turns to you.
  93. >Her head tilts to the side.
  94. >She stares at the bread in your hand.
  95. "You, uh, want it?"
  96. >The Pegasus doesn't respond.
  97. >You tear the bread in half and hold it out to her.
  98. >She slowly walks over to you and takes it.
  99. >She throws her head back and swallows it.
  100. >...Just like a bird would.
  101. >You tear a smaller piece and hold it in your hand.
  102. >Meanwhile, Fluttershy spots a colorful Pegasus and turns away from you, snapping away.
  103. >The Pegasus gets a bit closer to you, then pecks at the crumb.
  104. >...Well, the closest thing to pecking you can get with a muzzle.
  105. >She coos.
  106. >You pause.
  107. >She literally COOed.
  108. >Like, PIGEON COO.
  109. "The fuck?"
  111. >She backs away a bit and watches you.
  112. >"Anon! Don't be mean!"
  113. >You turn back to her.
  114. >You hold out another crumb.
  115. >She pecks it.
  116. "You are the weirdest Pegasus I've ever met..."
  117. >"It's not a Pegasus, Anon!"
  118. "-Oh whatever."
  119. >Then the pony flies away.
  120. "...Well that was fucking weird."
  121. >
  122. >Finally after taking thousands of goddamn pictures, Fluttershy was ready to leave.
  123. >You wrapped the picnic blanket up and started following Fluttershy down the hill.
  124. >Luckily, the migration thing was only about an hour.
  125. >Not nearly as gay and boring as the butterfly migration, that's for sure.
  126. >You take a few steps, then hear a coo.
  127. >A pigeon coo.
  128. >You slowly turn around.
  129. >That bird pony thing is standing there, staring at you.
  130. "Uuh..."
  131. >You fish into your pocket and throw the bread you had left at her hooves.
  132. >She looks down at it and starts eating.
  133. >Weird ass thing...
  134. >
  135. >The walk to Flutter's house was short and uneventful.
  136. >Soon, you found yourself lying on her couch again, while she made some tea for you both.
  137. >You once again bust out your shitty Walkman and listen to them sick Earth tunes.
  138. >Then you feel something staring at you.
  139. >You pause for a moment, then turn, expecting to see Angel glaring at you like a bitch.
  140. >Instead, it's the bird pony.
  141. "HOLY FUCK!!"
  142. >You fall off the couch and on your face.
  143. >Fluttershy comes running out.
  145. >You merely point at the window.
  146. >She runs over to it and looks at it.
  147. >"Umm, what's wrong with it?"
  148. >You stand up and turn to the window.
  149. >Nothing.
  150. >...How the hell?
  152. "Th-there, b-but..."
  153. >"Are you feeling okay?"
  154. "I'm fine! I, I just... I don't know..."
  155. >Your eyes linger on the window.
  156. >
  157. >After tea with Fluttershy, you were finally on your way back home.
  158. >Throughout the entire walk, you couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, though.
  159. >You tried casually glancing around, as to avoid any comments or panic from the ponies.
  160. >The last time you talked about Freddy Krueger, the entire town went apeshit.
  161. >You didn't want anything like that again.
  162. >Though the attention from all the mares in town was not unwelcome.
  163. >You practically sprint into your home when you spot it.
  164. >You lock the shit out of it and close all the blinds.
  165. >Immediately you walk into your room and lie on your bed.
  166. >And, immediately, you hear a tap on your window.
  167. >You turn to the side.
  168. >It's the pigeon pony.
  169. >"...Coo."
  170. "-AAAAAHHH!"
  171. >You struggle and fall off your bed, wrapped all up in sheets.
  172. >You try to crawl into the other room unnoticed.
  173. >"Coo!"
  174. >Your throat becomes dry.
  175. >Your heart starts pounding.
  176. >Your breathing is labored.
  177. >...Then you realize it's just a bird at your window.
  178. >You groan and stand up.
  179. >The pony's just sitting.
  180. >After glaring at her for a moment, you finally walk up to window and tap on it, trying to scare her.
  181. >You knew you wouldn't be able to sleep with her just sitting there.
  182. >But she doesn't move.
  183. >Instead, her muzzle begins following your hand.
  184. >She licks the window.
  185. "Ew, don't do that! Stop!"
  186. >She coos.
  187. >You sigh and open the window up.
  188. "Will you just fly away alrea-"
  189. >She tears through the screen and lands on your bed.
  191. "H-hey! Get off the bed!"
  192. >She coos and gets comfortable on your bed.
  193. >And by comfortable, you mean she starts making some makeshift nest out of your pillows and blankets.
  194. >You can just imagine what she's done outside.
  195. "Oh my god, can you at least fucking shower?"
  196. >She cocks her head and coos.
  197. "No, not 'coo'. SH-OW-ER."
  198. >She coos.
  199. "Jesus Christ."
  200. >You walk up and pick her up.
  201. >She doesn't struggle in the slightest.
  202. >It's like she's already used to you.
  203. >Just as you turn to throw her out of your house, she starts nuzzling your neck.
  204. >She coos again.
  205. >But it almost sounds... happy.
  206. >Damn you and your doormat-y ways, Anon.
  207. >You walk instead into your bathroom and place her gently on the ground.
  208. >She takes some nearby towels and starts making a nest.
  209. "N-no! I just washed those!"
  210. >She stops and looks at you.
  211. >You gently wiggle your finger before her.
  212. "Nooo towel nest. Bad bird thingy."
  213. >She makes a small peep.
  214. "That's right, no towel nest shit!"
  215. >She peeps again.
  216. >"Good, peeping pigeon pony...thing."
  217. >You start up the tub with some warm water and watch it fill up.
  218. >She comes by and rests her front hooves on the rim of it, watching in awe.
  219. >You get a pretty good look of her-
  220. >-MOVING ON.
  221. >But those are DEFINITELY not bird-parts.
  223. >When the tub is finally filled fairly well, you shut the valve.
  224. >She chirps, then starts pawing at it.
  225. "Nope, no more water."
  226. >She looks up at you and coos.
  227. "Noooo wah-terr."
  228. >She peeps.
  229. "Okay, now you need to wash yourself in here."
  230. >You point at the tub.
  231. "You get in, IN the tub."
  232. >You do a little diving motion.
  233. "Then you wash!"
  234. >You dip your hand in the water and splash a little bit.
  235. >She peeps, and you slowly lift and place her in the water.
  236. >Immediately, she unfurls her wings and starts splashing everywhere.
  237. >You forgot how birds cleaned themselves.
  238. >And this pony pretty much WAS a bird already.
  239. >She dips her head in and ruffles her feathers in the tub.
  240. >Water splashes out and hits you in the face.
  241. "-ACK! NO! NO, STOP IT!"
  242. >She pauses and coos at you.
  243. "Don't bathe like that! Not here! Just- ugh, stay still."
  244. >She peeps, letting you grab the loofah and body washing stuff for her.
  245. >You squirt a good amount onto it, then lather the shit out of it.
  246. >She watches you attentively.
  247. >Once it's up to your standards, you bring it over to her.
  248. "Alrighty, just hold still."
  249. >You slowly reach it over to her back and start there.
  250. >She flinches, then calms down.
  251. >You gently begin rubbing her coat.
  253. >She peeps and looks at you while you do.
  254. >You start cleaning her chest when you're done.
  255. >Her eyes follow the loofah the majority of the time.
  256. >You take off your socks and shit and roll up your pant legs before sitting beside the tub.
  257. >You finish cleaning her chest, then pick up a front hoof and put it on your lap to scrub it down.
  258. >She chirps as you do.
  259. >Only a few hours maybe, and this pony was already growing on you.
  260. >You finish one hoof and move to the other.
  261. >She lifts it up and places it on your lap without you even needing to do anything.
  262. "Wow. Quick learner."
  263. >Maybe this pony ACTS like a bird, but doesn't have the knowledge of one?
  264. >What if it was only a language barrier between you two?
  265. >You dwell on the thought as you finish her hooves.
  266. >The next step for you would be her wittle pony tummy.
  267. >...Did you just fucking say that?
  268. >You shake the thought, then pick her up fireman style.
  269. >You gently set her in the tub and reach over to scrub her, but she slides down from your grasp.
  270. >You move her up again, and the same thing happens.
  271. >She's any lower, it'll be a bitch to comfortably scrub her down, and if the water's any lower, there won't be any.
  272. >You think for a moment, then pick her up again and set her in your lap.
  273. >It gets some water on your pants.
  274. >You set her back down and instinctively remove them.
  275. >Then you realize that there's a female literally right next to you.
  276. >THEN you realize that she probably doesn't even understand there being anything wrong with you having your pants off.
  277. >You fold them and get back into the tub, then put the pony in your lap again.
  278. >And technically, this pony was a wild animal.
  279. >Though, the way she easily let you pick her up and scrub her down said otherwise.
  280. >An interesting one, for sure.
  281. >You start washing her stomach.
  282. >She chirps a lot during.
  283. >You keep trying to avert your eyes from her horse parts meanwhile, but it begins to get really difficult.
  284. >Then you finish.
  285. >And you've only got one more place to clean...
  287. >Her hindquarters...
  288. >O-oh boy...
  289. >You start by gently washing the bottom of her hind legs.
  290. >You try not to think about getting kicked in the face.
  291. >It's difficult, but soon enough, you finish them both.
  292. >You move the loofah over to her rump and slowly start with circles.
  293. >She chirps.
  294. >It's a bit lower pitched.
  295. >Then you slowly move downwards to... there...
  296. >She stifles another chirp.
  297. >She's still in your lap the whole time.
  298. >You think you see her face getting red.
  299. >A leg twitches.
  300. >You feel yourself pitching a small tent.
  301. >You try to will it down, but it's no use.
  302. >It's still standing.
  303. >You start slowly running circles around the spot.
  304. >She slightly grinds into you.
  305. >Smart or not, this pony knew what she wanted.
  306. >And you were fighting back supplying her with it.
  307. >Taking advantage of a wild pony like this...
  308. >It wouldn't go down very well with you.
  309. >You start brushing up and down.
  310. >She chirps.
  311. >Her face is definitely red.
  312. >You finish with the circles and stop.
  313. >She just looks at you with pleading eyes.
  314. >Then she actually gets up and sits on you.
  315. >She's extremely close to the danger zone.
  316. >She clings to your neck and chirps again.
  317. >Okay, there was no way she was just 'a wild animal' now.
  318. >You reach for your boxers, then stop.
  319. >She stares at your hand.
  320. >You still shouldn't do this.
  321. >You shouldn't.
  322. >She looks disappointed.
  323. "Maybe when you're actually able to TALK to me, yeah?
  325. >You place her back in the tub and grab the shampoo.
  326. >You were gonna need a really fucking cold shower after this.
  327. >
  328. "There ya go, all squeaky clean and dry!"
  329. >She chirps, and... smiles?
  330. >Sweet Satan, this proves tha-
  331. >Well, you've seen dogs look happy before.
  332. >But they ARE intelligent.
  333. >Just, you know, not human level intelligent.
  334. >But you could probably teach her a few things.
  335. >You look over at a clock.
  336. >Time to fucking SLEEP!
  337. >Your favorite time of day.
  338. >You throw the towel in your hamper and walk outside the bathroom.
  339. >She follows you into your room and hops in her nest.
  340. "Hey, I need a blanket too, you know!"
  341. >She tilts her head and chirps.
  342. >Damn.
  343. >You were hoping for some kind of miracle moment where she understood what you said.
  344. >You get on your bed and sigh.
  345. >She peers out from her nest and peeps.
  346. "Goodnight to you too."
  347. >She peeps again.
  348. "What?"
  349. >She pauses, then peeps again.
  350. "Yeah, well, goodnight then, I guess, PEEP."
  351. >She tilts her head and peeps.
  352. >
  353. >That was possibly the worst sleep you've ever had in your entire fucking life.
  354. >You peel your eyes open and see only grey.
  355. >The pony's lying on top of you.
  356. >She's breathing on your neck.
  357. >And drooling.
  358. >You can feel it all over you.
  359. "Ew, ew, oh god..."
  360. >You can only stay still as you feel her saliva crawling down you.
  361. >Then you feel something else.
  362. >...Oh god.
  363. >She's grinding you.
  364. >It's getting all over your pants.
  365. "Jesus Christ, I don't remember pigeons being so goddamn horny all the time!"
  366. >You try to slowly slip out from under her, but can't.
  367. >Not without waking her up, of course.
  368. >And the last time you woke a pony up, you got three books to the face.
  369. >Though, you DID use an air horn...
  370. >She tweets and gasps a little bit.
  371. >Your beautiful pants...
  373. >You feel Anon Jr. coming in uninvited.
  374. >And your pants are unzipped.
  375. >You know, it makes midnight pissing much easier.
  376. >But you're just glad you don't go commando.
  377. >Though, you're REALLY close to being, you know... IN there.
  378. >Well, you're actually ALREADY there, but your underwear's the only thing in the way.
  379. >It's also a bit tempting to just...
  380. >No, no, goddamn it, dick.
  381. >You've gone pony-less this long, you can go longer.
  382. >...Not the best choice of words.
  383. >Then you hear knocking at the door.
  384. >She starts lazily waking up.
  386. >You hop out from under her like a pro and zip them pant- actually, you should fucking change!
  387. >You leap into the closet and throw on them new pants.
  388. >It's good to buy in bulk sometimes.
  389. >You come out and see her all red and covering her parts with the sheets.
  390. >She peeps a few times, as if telling you somethi-
  391. >No, just bird talk.
  392. >No way that she's that smart...
  393. >-Fuck, right, door!
  394. >You leave her peeping and making bird sounds and head for the door.
  395. >It's Fluttershy.
  396. "Eey, Flutterbutter! What can I do ya for?"
  397. >"Would you like to see the rest of the bird pony migration with me?"
  398. "Oh, sure, yeah, I'll- wait,'rest'?"
  399. >She nods.
  400. >"Yesterday was the migrating of all the female bird ponies for a mate! Today, all the full families will take flight!"
  401. "Uh... m-mate?"
  402. >"Uh huh!"
  403. "W-wow, I'm really interested in that! So... can you tell me what the bird ponies usually do when they find a mate?"
  404. >"Well, depending on the species they're crossed after, they might do a dance, or nuzzle you, or-"
  405. "Nuzzle?"
  406. >She nods.
  407. "Y-you mean, like-"
  408. >You both hear a tweet.
  409. >Fluttershy pauses.
  410. >"Was... was that-"
  411. >She chirps.
  413. "...Woooaaah, my stomach is making some WEIRD sounds! I must be REALLY hungry, ah heh heh..."
  414. >"...Your stomach makes those noises when you're hungry?"
  415. "Pft, yeah, of course!... It's a human thing; you wouldn't get it."
  416. >Fluttershy just quizzically stares at you.
  417. "Yeeaah, heh, you know us humans, always-"
  418. >You hear another peep.
  419. >Then the pony in question flies on your shoulders.
  420. >She peeps again.
  421. >She rests her head on top of yours.
  422. "Fuck."
  423. >Fluttershy backs away a bit.
  424. >"Anon? W-why-"
  425. "I don't know, okay? She followed me home yesterday, and I kinda just kept her."
  426. >She blinks.
  427. >"J-just 'kept' her?"
  428. "Well, yeah, I mean, look at this face!"
  429. >You grab the pony from your shoulders and hold her under an arm, squeezing her cheeks.
  430. "Isn't she just adowable?"
  431. >She giggles.
  432. >Well, you think she does.
  433. >Flutterbutter's just staring at you.
  434. >"S-so, you're her MATE?"
  435. "Well, I dunno. Sure, she DID nuzzle me or whatever, and may've-"
  436. >"Bird ponies usually aren't that comfortable with regular ponies..."
  437. "What do you mean, 'comfortable'?"
  438. >You pick the pony up and hold her in your arms like a baby.
  439. >You rub her tummy with a hand.
  440. >You just couldn't resist that shit.
  441. >She looks so fluffy.
  442. >"Th-that. That's comfortable."
  443. >You look at the pony in your arms.
  444. "Hmm. Well, maybe she's a LITTLE comfortable with me."
  445. >"H-has she tried to... y-you know?"
  446. >You stare blankly at Fluttershy for a moment.
  447. >Then it clicked.
  448. "-OOOh, get in my pants? Yup, yup, plenty of that yesterday."
  449. >"A-and you DO k-know it's...THAT season for them, right?"
  450. >You continue rubbing with your hand while you think.
  451. "Well, shit, now I do. Isn't that the season where all the mares go crazy for dick and shit? Like when you came by my house almost everyday asking for me to-"
  452. >"-PLEASE d-don't talk about that..."
  453. "-Ey, just saying, I would've, if you weren't so goddamn ki-"
  454. >"-I GOTTA GO NOW!-"
  455. >She runs away.
  456. "...Kinky bitch."
  457. >You walk back inside.

Bird Pone Thread (Complete)

by Bluebirdd065

Bird Pone Thread: Blu (Discontinued)

by Bluebirdd065

Anonfilly Thread (Complete)

by Bluebirdd065

Little League Thread (Complete)

by Bluebirdd065

Little League Thread: League and Anon HQ (Discontinued)

by Bluebirdd065