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Among Savages

By Hugh_Neutron
Created: 2024-03-17 23:28:34
Updated: 2024-03-17 23:30:09
Expiry: Never

  1. Short greentext shitpost written by a good friend of mine for funsies. I was meant to bin this a long time ago but neglected and forgot.
  2. Originally written 2023-06-22
  3. Status: Complete
  5. =====
  7. >My name is anon
  8. >Somehow I have found myself transported to world of magical creatures, a land before time, before civilization
  9. >I have taken residence with a tribe of local equines creatures, like early man eking out a survival in small enclaves,
  10. >living primitive lives close to nature, dressed in rags and modern hygiene being nary a twinkle in their eyes
  11. >our tribe is small, with only 7 members to speak. I dubbed them Pokey, Derpy, Lazy, Pushie, Bouncy, Thumper and Flapflap
  12. >"aye-leggy fancy a cheekyshag af'er some bitters&dogseye?"
  13. >They communicate in a primitive guttural language but in their eyes I see the spark of insight
  14. >I will help them, they need me
  16. ===
  18. >I hadn't spoken to another person in what felt like forever
  19. >I ached to connect with another soul, but Lazy was always eager to lend her presence
  20. >even when the others were busy
  21. >"Thanks Lazy you always know how to cheer a guy up"
  22. >I patted her shaggy head not knowing what she said but knowing she cared
  23. >She was a dusky grey blue unicorn with hair like a sunset.
  24. >"We got a lot of work to do today lazy and you're going to help"
  25. >Something about that had her uneasy but I gave her a reassuring smile. I was going to repay these ponies for their kindness
  26. >I motioned for her to come inside their cabin with me,
  27. >She looked excied and followed, babbling in her language as I ducked through the low entrance on all fours
  28. >"Oh leggsy I dinnae knew ye understood us aha..... ah me stars all the gibberin i said..." she blushed before shaking her head
  29. >"I wanna see jus how far those legs go, lets grab the bitter"
  30. >Inside she tried to pull me towards the kitchen but I stopped her
  31. >First I had gathered the dirtiest fabrics I could find, and stacked it on her back,
  32. >She looked at me quizzically
  33. >When it looked like a good stack I led her back out and towards the nearby river
  34. >Along the way I picked up a huge tub formed with the shell of an emptied and dried gourd
  35. >Pushie who had been dragging a log looked at us as we went by, "Now wots all dis then?"
  36. >Lazy shrugged "bloke's got a hankerin"
  37. >"Ye'aint muckin about are ya?"
  38. >Lazy rolled her eyes "Do I look like I'm growin moss? nae? then the stone is rollin innit?"
  39. >"A stone can roll and still get nuffin done cannit?"
  40. >Lazy waved her off "sod off ya ninny we're keepin busy"
  42. >By the river we set the tub and fabrics down, an eclectic mix of rag clothing and mats
  43. >Away from the trees the sun poured in warming the stones of the pebble beach
  44. >I filled the gourd with water and tossed in an armful of fabrics
  45. >"Oi! you got yer 'ead on backwards or summin? we cannae use wet clothes"
  46. >I chuckled at her alarmed tone "Don't worry Lazy I'll show you what it does"
  47. >I pulled out a large white clump from my bag
  48. >Over the past couple days, I had gathered together wood ash and stolen butter to create something hitherto unseen in their humble home
  49. >A clump of primitive soap, with some ground up flowers put in for a fresh scent.
  50. >"Wot's that?" She sniffed it "Smells fancy it does"
  51. >I wet and lathered it, producing foaming suds in the water
  52. >Lazy perked up, watching with curiosity
  53. >"Oh ya daft coltie goin to all this trouble fer a little dirt why'dn ya sayso"
  54. >She lied down languidly on the warm stones, watching me work while soaking in sunrays
  55. >After finishing I dumped out and a refilled a fresh tub of water and pointed to her tribal cloth
  56. >It was some kind of plaid skirt, likely ornamental as most others forwent clothing alltogether
  57. >"eh this?" she gestured to herself
  58. >I nodded, gesturing again
  60. ===
  62. >I nodded, gesturing again
  63. >"oh ya cheekie coltie, thas naughty just askin fer a gals tartan out like that!" She looked around, spotting a small watch party of the othe mares snickering and smiling
  64. >She hesitated, but I patiently held out my hand
  65. >Reluctantly she bent down and slowly slid the skirt down over her hindquarters, her tail springing free as it passed under the waistband.
  66. >She turned red suddenly feeling flushed all over, embarassed.
  67. >Wolf whistles and whoops came from the audience
  69. >She threw it at you and crossed her legs feeling exposed "doubletime it legsy"
  70. >I grabbed her and tossed her in the tub
  72. >"OI I dinnae agre-AGH YA BLEEDIN SOP" The others cheered and stomped
  73. >She tried to climb out but she wasn't getting off that easy,
  74. >"Dunk er 'ead!" came one of the ponies voices.
  75. >I held her in and soaped her over, wrestling to keep her in the tub
  76. >"Ya DAFT I ain't no FISH I dunnae need WATER"
  77. >sudsy water came away brown as I massaged it in her fur.
  78. >"Agh careful where ye stickin them PAWS"
  79. >"BLARG it taste's AWFUL PTUH"
  81. >She reached out to the others
  82. >"Help he's doin me in! It's a soggy grave!-"
  84. >They just continued their hollering as she dissapeard underneat the suds again
  85. >I couldn't know what they said but from the other's mirthful expressions I guessed they weren't worried too much.
  86. >Finally after ages of struggling it was done, I grabbed Lazy around the barrel and carried her out,
  87. >The tub water was completely brown
  88. >She panted heavily and jabbed me with her horn
  89. >"That's better. Had enough ya sodder? There's another one where that came from if yer not careful"
  90. >I was already soaked myself so I waded into the lazy river
  92. >lazy spoke up again, struggling in my arms "Wait what'reya-"
  93. >She neighed as I tossed her in
  94. >Uproarous laughing, stomping and cheering came from the other ponies again
  95. >Lazy walked out of the river pristine clean and dripping wet before collapsing defeated on the warm stones again, muttering to herself
  96. >Panting and soaked through myself I stripped off my shirt and sat heavily next to her
  97. >Whistles again came from the audience. The other ponies had come out of the treeline into the sun
  98. >all the other ponies Pushie Pokey, Derpy FlapFlap and Thumper had watched
  100. >"freshened up are ya?" Pushie asked
  101. >"shut" Lazy said from the ground
  102. >a new round of guffaws shook the group
  103. >"Least ye can oogle legsy now eh? Should get em washin more often"
  104. >I collected my breath and stood up again brandishing the soap "who wants to go next"
  105. >in one moment their expressions turned from mirth to fear
  106. >With neigns and whinnys they jumped up and scattered like spooked cats back into the forest
  107. >"bleedin gits" Lazy said
  108. >I can only assume in her language, it meant "thank you"

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