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Snug as a bug

By KodiaKowboy
Created: 2024-03-31 14:31:37
Updated: 2024-06-04 02:57:27
Expiry: Never

  1. >*THWAP*
  2. >Queen Chrysalis spun her head around and snarled at Cozy Glow, a rapid clicking sound emanating from within Chrysalis' throat
  3. >Cozy Glow snickered as Chrysalis' normally intimidating display was undercut by the half-chewed food in her mouth
  4. >Chrysalis spat her mouthful to the side before speaking
  5. >"Incorrigible infant! How dare you even think you could attempt to harm me!"
  6. >Cozy Glow opened her mouth to retort but was cut off when a sickly green glow surrounded her and she was ungraciously tossed back onto the same couch she had leapt from
  7. >She glared as Chrysalis turned back to the various foodstuffs before her
  8. "You're never fun..." Cozy pouted and blew a stray curl from her face
  9. >"Fun is for uncivilized ponies like yourself." Chrysalis replied before popping in another mouthful of junk food
  10. >Cozy raised a brow as she watched the changeling queen disdainfully chew it up
  11. "Changelings don't eat food." Cozy pointed out
  12. >A shiver ran down Chrysalis' spine as she swallowed
  13. >"Correct." Chrysalis took another bite of food
  14. >Cozy sat up and began preening her wings
  15. >She always found that sorting her feathers helped her sort her thoughts as well
  16. >Some time had passed, the only sound in the room being Chrysalis' chewing and occasional forced gulps
  17. >Her wings now proper, Cozy Glow perked up as a theory came to her
  18. "Changelings don't eat food, although they can. You don't need to, since you get all your love from Anon." Cozy said with a hoof on her chin
  19. >"Keep going." Chrysalis said between bites
  20. >Cozy smirked at the encouragement and pressed on
  21. "Lately you've mentioned how hungry you've been. If you're not eating for sustenance, you must be using food to get more love!" Cozy Glow beamed with pride.
  22. >Chrysalis swallowed once more and gazed at Cozy, an unimpressed scowl upon her obsidian-black features
  23. >"And?" Chrysalis spat
  24. >The pegasus filly deflated and her proud smirk faded into a resentful stare
  25. "And what?" Cozy retaliated
  26. >Chrysalis rolled her eyes and turned back to her food
  27. >"What a disappointment you are." Chrysalis stated as casually as one would the time of day
  28. >Cozy Glow's snout scrunched deeply, she hopped off the couch and flittered down right next to Chrysalis
  29. "Look who's talking! At least I didn't lose my entire kingdom t-OOF!"
  30. >As soon as Cozy had poked a hoof into Chrysalis' side, Chrysalis had levitated the forgotten pillow and punted Cozy Glow across the room
  31. >Cozy only barely managed to stop herself middair, narrowly avoiding a meeting with the brick wall of their shared home
  32. "Hey! You could've killed me! Psycho!" Cozy barked, earning a scoff from Chrysalis
  33. >"If only. At worst, you would have sprained a wing."
  34. >"Though, maybe you want that." Chrysalis mused and looked up in thought
  35. Cozy lowered herself to the ground, checking herself for damage, "And what's that supposed to mean?"
  36. >Chrysalis chuckled as she watched Cozy stomp over to her
  37. >"You so much as scrape your knee-" Chrysalis roughly poked a hoof into Cozy's puffed-up chest, "-and your new daddy will come running over, ready with cuddles and kisses to make it all better!" Chrysalis mocked in a babying tone
  38. >Cozy Glow turned her head to hide the growing tinge of blush and shoved Chrysalis' hoof away from her
  39. "I am NOT some helpless little foal. And Anon isn't my 'daddy'!"
  40. >Chrysalis' smirk widened as her eyes dropped from Cozy's face down to Cozy's body
  41. >Following her gaze, Cozy's blush burned ten times as hot
  42. >They were both staring at the hoofie pajamas that Cozy had been wearing this whole time
  43. >Pink
  44. >With daisies
  45. >Anon had bought them for her after she had mentioned never having had any
  46. >It took every ounce of willpower in her little body to not try to cover herself in shame and embarrasment
  47. "S-so what?" Cozy stammered
  48. "I-I'm a guest at his home. It's only natural that he would want me as comfortable as p-possible!"
  49. >Chrysalis chuckled again, and it quickly grew into an elated cackle
  50. >What little was left of Cozy's confidence began to crumble
  51. >Her vision became blurry as her eyes watered
  52. >Chrysalis' laughter was interrupted by the sound of a doorknob turning
  53. >The both of them turned their attention toward the front entrance just as Anon stepped in
  54. >Haggard and exhausted from work as usual, Anon didn't even seem to notice his two housemates as he lumbered over to the couch and dropped himself onto it
  55. >"Another day, another fuckin'..." Anon muttered as he held his face in his hands
  56. >He rubbed his eyes and finally looked at Chrysalis and Cozy
  57. >"How've you two-Glowie?" Anon perked up at the sight of Cozy's sorry state
  58. >Cozy sniffed and gave a dismissive wave with her wing as she tried to wipe the tears in her eyes covertly
  59. "'M fine." Cozy mumbled, keeping her eyes on the carpet
  60. >She feared if she looked Anon in the eye, she might not be able to hold it together
  61. >Anon stood and scooped the small filly into his arms, "C'mere..."
  62. >Cozy Glow faced away from Anon, her eyes still focused on the floor
  63. "I said I'm fine." She muttered a bit louder, the anger in her wavering voice obvious
  64. >Despite the tears blurring her vision, Cozy Glow could sense Chrysalis' smug grin
  65. >The blush on Cozy's face burned hotter and she scrunched her snout
  66. >Stupid bug, Cozy thought
  67. >"Glowie? What's wrong?" Anon gingerly tried to turn Cozy's head towards him only for her to pull away
  68. >"C'mon, don't be like that. Just tell me what-"
  69. "YOU'RE NOT MY DAD!"
  70. >Cozy threw herself out of Anon's arms and zipped down the hallway, her exit quickly followed by the slamming of her bedroom door
  71. >Dumbstruck, Anon stood with his arms still in a cradling position
  72. >"Was it something I said?" Anon asked and looked over at Chrysalis, who seemed pleased as punch as she stared down the way Cozy had gone
  73. >Chrysalis took a deep sigh before speaking
  74. >"Oh, she's been just impossible all day. Up and down, up and down." Chrysalis mimicked a rising and falling motion with her hoof
  75. >"Who knows, perhaps she's just hormonal?" Chrysalis mused
  76. >"Hormonal? What, do you mean like...puberty?" Anon gulped and gave a thousand-yard stare
  77. >"Is that what they call it? And here I thought she was on the verge of pupating." Chrysalis giggled
  78. >Chrysalis stood and began walking down the same hallway, ensuring to sway her plot as she did
  79. >"Well, when you need me, I'll be in my room." Chrysalis called out before stepping into Anon's room and shutting the door
  80. >"Puberty..." Anon whispered to nobody
  84. >Anon took a deep inhale, held it for a few seconds, and exhaled
  85. >He renewed his grip on the doorknob and opened the door as slowly as he could
  86. >"G-golly, Anon. You should really knock before coming into somepony's room." He heard Cozy Glow say from within
  87. "Sorry," Anon opened the door fully "Lights were off, figured you'd be asleep."
  88. >Cozy Glow was sitting near the edge of her stripped mattress facing away from the door
  89. >Cozy sniffled before speaking, "I-it's fine. I mean, it's your house..." She shrugged and her limp wings twitched
  90. >Stepping inside, Anon set the bowl of food in his hand on the nearby dresser and took in the scene
  91. >Blankets, pillows, and various toys were in a pile in the corner, illuminated by a Princess Luna nightlight
  92. >Most notably, her hoofie pajamas
  93. "True. But, it's your room." Anon rebutted
  94. >Cozy didn't answer, instead opting to gaze out the window at the head of her bed
  95. >Anon could see even in the low light just how red and puffy her eyes were
  96. >He carefully but confidently walked to the side of the bed and slowly sat down, the old springs creaking under his weight
  97. >The two of them sat there, Cozy Glow watching the night sky and Anon watching Cozy
  98. >Several times Anon opened his mouth to speak, but he couldn't find the words as the minutes dragged on
  99. >Finally he spoke
  100. "You're right."
  101. >Cozy's ears perked up, swiveling towards Anon
  102. >Her eyes stayed fixed on the stars
  103. "I'm not your dad. I'm not trying to be."
  104. >Cozy's eyes flickered between the window and his face
  105. "You're a smart kid, Glowie. I know you can take care of yourself. God knows you're more than capable of that."
  106. "And I'm sorry if I've been...overbearing."
  107. "But..." Anon sighed, "But it's not a bad thing. To be taken care of, Cozy."
  108. >Anon's use of her proper name made Cozy give her full attention
  109. >The tears welling up in her eyes strangled his heart just as they did before
  110. "I'm not doing it because I have to. I'm doing it because I want to. Because you deserve it."
  111. >Cozy opened her mouth to speak, only a stuttering squeak escaping from her throat
  112. >Cozy slowly shook her head as she kept trying to speak, her teary eyes darting across Anon's face
  113. >Anon continued looking into the depths of Cozy's eyes as he spoke once more
  114. "You deserve to be loved, Cozy Glow."
  115. >Cozy's lip quivered wildly and the dam broke
  116. >In a flash, Cozy had flown straight into Anon's chest and began sobbing uncontrollably, his work shirt quickly becoming soaked
  117. "It's alright...Everything's gonna be okay..." Anon muttered comforting words as he tightly held the little filly to his chest, rubbing her back while being mindful of her wings
  118. >They stayed like that for what must have been hours until Cozy Glow finally cried herself off to sleep
  120. >A warmth bloomed within Anon's chest as he stared down at Cozy Glow
  121. >Despite the tear-stained fur and messied blue mane, Cozy wore a smile as she slept
  122. >She looked so...
  123. >Content
  124. >Anon wanted nothing more than to stay like this until the end of time
  125. >Unfortanutely, duty calls
  126. >Gently, Anon laid Cozy down on her mattress, her smile wavering some when he did
  127. >Moving as quickly as he could without waking Cozy, he gathered a pillow and blanket from across the room and tucked her into bed
  128. >Hand on the doorknob, Anon kept his eyes on Cozy's sleeping form as he closed her bedroom door behind him
  129. >Anon took a breath now that he stood alone in the hallway once more
  130. >He stepped towards his bedroom door and took another, deeper breath before opening it
  131. >It hardly felt right to call it his room anymore
  132. >Queen Chrysalis had commandeered it after Anon had forbade her from taking over the living room
  133. >She had said some nonsense about it being under her "sovereign domain"
  134. >Anon didn't know what that first word meant, but apparently, it gave Chrysalis every right to turn his bedroom into her next hive
  135. >Complete with suspicious green gunk
  136. >"Finally, I'm famished." Chrysalis said from her place on the bed
  137. >She had her rear towards the door as she was splayed across the comforter in an awkward pose
  138. >Awkward for him, that is
  139. >Anon had long since gotten used to the changeling queen's unnerving anatomy; her joints being far more permissive than those of a common pony
  140. >"What took you so long?" She asked, more in the manner of a statement than a question
  141. "Putting Cozy to bed. She'll-" Anon's face shifted through various emotions as he searched for the right words, "She's asleep now."
  142. >"Mm." Chrysalis hummed and continued to absentmindedly examine her hoof
  143. >Anon knew she didn't care to hear the answer
  144. >Chrysalis tended to imitate courtesy when she was hungry
  145. >Ignoring her indifference, Anon moved to his wardrobe and changed out of his work clothes into some sleepwear
  146. >Chrysalis watched him from the corner of her eye, her attention especially drawn by the brief moment of nudity as Anon changed his underwear
  147. >Chrysalis grinned a devilish grin
  148. >Chrysalis arched her back and stretched, moaning lightly as her chitinous plates popped, still watching as Anon sat down on the edge of the mattress
  149. >"Anon?" Chrysalis cooed
  150. >"Could I...ask a favor?" Chrysalis asked, trepidation clear in her voice
  151. >Anon simply looked at her dubiously instead of answering
  152. >"I know you've had a long day, but..." Chrysalis looked away, a soft blush creeping onto her face
  153. >"Could we...switch positions? Just for tonight?" Chrysalis pleaded
  154. >Anon's suspicious glare made Chrysalis gulp nervously
  155. >"Y-you see, it's just that I..." Chrysalis trailed off as she stared down at the blanket beneath her, tracing circles into it with her hoof
  156. "You what?" Anon pressed
  157. >Chrysalis winced and let out a defeated sigh
  158. >She lifted her head and stared into Anon's eyes, her face twisted in a begging hopefulness
  159. >Anon stared back, his features stoic
  160. >After a moment, Anon gestured with a nod toward the empty side of the bed
  161. >Chrysalis smiled gratefully and laid herself down on that side, her back facing Anon
  162. >Anon rolled his eyes, unable to believe he'd given in so easily to Chrysalis' request, and laid down facing her
  163. >Chrysalis quickly scooted backwards until her back met Anon's chest and her flanks pressed against Anon's crotch
  164. >Chrysalis' thankful smile quickly turned lecherous as she felt a growing firmness between Anon's legs and against her dock
  165. >"A-Anon?" Chrysalis asked coyly
  166. "It's nothing. Go to sleep." Anon tried to deflect
  167. >"I was just going to say," Chrysalis turned her head to gaze into Anon's eyes, "You seem...stressed."
  168. >Anon stared back into Chrysalis' eyes, searching for something before screwing his eyelids shutting
  169. >The corner of her smile twitched in anticipation as she kept speaking
  170. >"You're always making sure we're alright. Both me and little Cozy Glow." She emphasized the filly's name
  171. >"You always take care of...our needs. Why, I don't know what we'd do without you."
  172. >Would probably be in control of Canterlot by now, Chrysalis thought
  173. >With a gentleness that Anon has rarely seen from the matriarch, he could feel as she slowly nuzzled him just beneath the jaw
  174. >Chrysalis spoke again, barely above a whisper
  175. >"Maybe you should let me repay you, Anonymous." Chrysalis subtly pressed her flanks more firmly into Anon's lap and the man tried not to take notice that her asscheeks felt fuller than usual
  176. >Chrysalis darted her eyes down and felt a grand pride when she saw Anon's hand balled up in a fist so tight that it was shaking
  177. >"It's not a bad thing, you know. To be taken care of, Anon."
  178. >That was the straw that broke the Saddle Arabian's back
  180. >Chrysalis chirped in surprise when Anon twisted the both of them so he was lying atop Chrysalis' back
  181. >He immediately buried his face into the nape of Chrysalis' neck as he roughly ground himself against her ass
  182. >Chrysalis hummed as Anon pulled her more firmly against him with a tight grip on her thighs
  183. >"Oh, you wanted this just as much as I did, didn't you, Anonymous?" Chrysalis let out a pleased chuckle
  184. >Anon raised himself just enough to yank down his sweatpants and release his raging erection
  185. >Hands gripping her asscheeks and spreading, he took a moment to familiarize himself with Chrysalis' nethers
  186. >Not too unlike a typical mare's, save for being much larger thanks to the size difference
  187. >Anon reached over with his thumbs to gingerly spread her lower lips, eliciting a low moan from Chrysalis
  188. >The pink interior he had grown used to seeing in ponies was replaced by bright green walls, a shade similar to the fleshy bands that made up Chrysalis' abdomen
  189. >If this were any other time, Anon would have been too put off to continue
  190. >But right now, he was far too drained to care anymore
  191. >He didn't care what color her pussy was
  192. >He didn't care that she was eyeing him with a sinister grin
  193. >He didn't care that he wasn't supposed to do any of this
  194. >In a single swift motion, Anon hilted himself into Chrysalis, the both of them letting out a deep groan
  195. >Another deviation from mares, he noticed: Chrysalis was significantly less warm than a pony
  196. >Without another moment's hesitation, Anon began thrusting
  197. >Chrysalis made a wincing moan with each thrust
  198. >She was annoyed by the lack of preparation, and even more annoyed by the fact she needed it
  199. >A minor, and temporary, inconvenience, Chrysalis thought, determination welling up within her chest
  200. >Anon grunted with each forceful thrust as his pace increased, his breath heaving
  201. >His vision began blurring, and he felt his heart nearly beating out of his chest
  202. >He began to shake as his muscles ached, his entire body protesting against this carnal indulgence
  203. >Three more labored thrusts before-
  204. "GYAHH!" Anon exclaimed as he released himself as far as he possibly could within Chrysalis' depths
  205. >Panting, Anon succumbed as the exhaustion from the long night had finally caught up with him and he collapsed onto the bed
  206. >He passed out before he could notice Chrysalis' disdainful glare
  207. >"Figures," she grumbled as she got into a more comfortable position, "Not even something as exotic as you is enjoyable."
  208. >Chrysalis shut her eyes and let herself drift off to sleep
  212. >The first thing Cozy Glow felt was a soft warmth washing onto the side of her face
  213. >The second thing she felt was the warm, damp pillow on the other side
  214. >Cozy whimpered as she felt the pillow sticking to her cheek as she raised her head
  215. "Bleggh." Cozy peeled the moist pillow off her face
  216. >Cozy rubbed her eyes and smacked her lips as she took in her surroundings
  217. >Same room
  218. >HER room
  219. >She smiled at that thought
  220. >Cozy hopped off her bed and stretched out all six limbs, yawning at the sensation of more properly waking up
  221. >With a pep in her step, she made her way out of her room and to the restroom, quickly getting herself ready for the day
  222. >Stepping out, her ears perked up, swiveling in the kitchen's direction as the sound of a mare's humming raised her hackles
  223. >Cautiously, Cozy Glow slinked towards the sound, her wings unfolding in preparation
  224. >Creeping ever closer, Cozy's mind raced with questions
  225. >Did somepony break in?
  226. >Did they ambush Anon in his sleep?
  227. >Is she cooking his flesh for breakfast?
  228. >Breathing nearly as fast as her heart was beating, Cozy Glow slowly peeked around the corner and into the kitchen
  229. >Her breath hitched and her eyes grew to the size of saucers at what she saw
  230. >Romantica Rex...
  231. >The Kaiser of Kisses
  232. >The Mother of Harlots!
  233. >Queen Chrysalis herself!
  234. >...was making breakfast
  235. >Cozy Glow deflated and stepped fully into the kitchen
  236. >Chrysalis still hadn't noticed Cozy and continued humming some song Cozy had never heard
  237. >Cozy flittered onto the table and could see various dishes in Chrysalis' magical grip
  238. >Haybacon sizzled, pancakes were flipped, and eggs were being scrambled, all in a mesmerizing symphony
  239. >"Hope you're hungry, little Cozy Glow." Chrysalis' magic didn't waver a hair as she turned to look at Cozy
  240. >Chrysalis was smiling
  241. >Not sneering, or grinning, or even smirking
  242. >But, a true, genuine smile
  243. >Cozy Glow felt an icy grip close in on her heart at the sight
  245. "G-golly, you seem...chipper, this morning" Cozy smiled nervously
  246. >Chrysalis giggled, seemingly not noticing Cozy's discomfort
  247. >Or simply not caring
  248. >"Yes, it figures you'd pick up on that. You were always so smart for such a little filly." Chrysalis leaned in and nuzzled her
  249. >Cozy Glow flinched, and Chrysalis pulled away as a plate levitated down next to Cozy
  250. >Looking to her side, Cozy saw a plate of pancakes stacked higher than she was tall and suddenly realized she hadn't had dinner last night
  251. "So," Cozy licked her chops and began circling the syrupy tower, determining her first angle of attack. "How come you're being so...hospitable?"
  252. >"Mmm, you know, I really haven't the faintest idea. I just feel so..." Chrysalis hummed as she pondered the feeling.
  253. >"Satisfied?" Chrysalis tried
  254. >"Satisfied." She shrugged, deciding it to be close enough
  255. >Cozy Glow wanted to question her further, but hunger beat out her curiosity and the young pegasus began munching away at her pancakes
  256. >As Chrysalis continued attending the stove, Anon shambled into the kitchen
  257. >He stopped for a beat at seeing all the food but promptly accepted it and plopped down at the table
  258. >Cozy waved a good morning to him, her face stuffed with fluffy goodness
  259. >Anon waved back with a smile and watched as Chrysalis levitated a plate overflowing with foodstuffs right in front of him
  260. >"Damn, if I knew you'd cook the morning after..." Anon mumbled as he began cutting up his pancakes
  261. >Once she plated the rest of the food, Chrysalis made her way to Anon's side
  262. >Anon didn't notice her until Chrysalis laid her head on his shoulder and sighed as she stared at him with the most loving gaze Cozy had ever seen on a pony's face
  263. >Well, changeling's face
  264. >A fiery blush crept up Anon's face and he tried to keep eating his food without acknowledging Chrysalis
  265. >Cozy wasn't too sure why Anon was blushing, but she decided to take advantage
  266. "Golly, Anon, aren't you gonna thank Chrysalis for the lovely breakfast?" Cozy put on an innocuous grin, "I mean, you always tell me to say thank you after somepony does something nice for me."
  267. >Anon shot Cozy an annoyed stare before he swallowed the food in his mouth and cleared his throat
  268. >"Th-thanks, Chrysalis. You reall-"
  269. >"Oh, come now, Anonymous," Chrysalis interrupted, "After last night, you call me Chryssi."
  270. >Before Anon could respond, Chrysalis gave him a peck on the cheek and strutted away, hips swaying seductively
  271. >After a few silent minutes, Cozy looked suspiciously over at Anon, who was busy hiding his face in his hands
  272. "Last night?" Cozy raised her brow.
  274. >Anon shook his head and grumbled, ignoring Cozy Glow's question for the moment
  275. >"What happened last night?" Cozy pressed
  276. "Nothing, it-"
  277. >"Was it me?"
  278. >Anon was stunned as he stared at the guilt crawling onto the filly's face
  279. "NO! No,'s not your fault, Glowie." Anon hoped that would assuage Cozy's concerns
  280. >Cozy, seeing the sincerity in Anon's eyes, gave a smile and a nod
  281. >"Alrighty." Cozy returned to eating her breakfast
  282. >Anon let out the breath he was holding and relaxed, only to glance up at the clock and gasp before he began wolfing down his food
  283. >Cleaning his plate in record time, Anon rushed to his bedroom
  284. >Without really noticing Chrysalis snooping through his drawers, Anon ran into his bathroom and began rushing through his morning routine
  285. >Chrysalis had been surprised by his sudden entrance but made no effort to hide her activities
  286. >"What are you in a hurry for? It's not a work day." Chrysalis commented
  287. >Too busy brushing his teeth and combing his hair to answer, Anon gestured towards the calendar on the wall
  288. >Following his direction, Chrysalis saw an event in red ink written on today's date
  289. >When she took a closer look, Chrysalis could read it properly
  290. >Chrysalis rolled her eyes, "It just says 'Monthly Wellness Check', this means nothing."
  291. >Anon emerged from the restroom, showered, shaved, and mostly dressed
  292. "Well, it should mean something," Anon answered as he tied his tie, "it involves you after all."
  293. >Chrysalis' eyes went wide and she spun around to face the man
  294. >"Wait, is today-"
  295. "Third Saturday of the month, yes." Anon frowned and began redoing his tie
  296. >"So we have to-"
  297. "It's going to take all day, that's right." Anon smiled proudly as he finally did his tie correctly
  298. >Chrysalis' entire body slumped and a groan mixed with a hissing sound escaped from her throat
  299. "Aw, don't be like that, Chryssi. Some sunlight'll do ya good."
  300. >"Yeah. Sun." Chrysalis growled through gritted fangs as she stomped out of the room, slamming the bedroom door behind her
  301. >Anon shrugged and continued getting ready
  303. "This is a waste of time. Let's go back." Queen Chrysalis complained.
  304. >Anon ignored her as he knocked on the door of Twilight's castle
  305. >After a few minutes, the door opened, revealing Spike standing there
  306. >"Oh hey, 'sup Anon." Spike greeted, having not noticed Chrysalis and Cozy behind Anon
  307. >Anon smiled and waved
  308. >"Hey Spike. We're here to see Twilight. She home?"
  309. >"Yeah, she...we?"
  310. >Anon stepped to the side to reveal his charges
  311. >Spike jumped and yelped when he recognized them, "Qu-qu-quee-qu-" Spike stuttered, slowly backing away from the trio
  312. >Chrysalis rolled her eyes and gestured for him to hurry up
  313. "Yes, yes, yes, it's me. Bask in my perfection later, reptile. Get your owner." Chrysalis ordered.
  314. >Spike quickly forgot his fear in favor of fury, standing tall and pointing a claw at Chrysalis
  315. >"She's not my owner, stupid bug!" Spike barked.
  316. >Chrysalis raised a brow at Spike's defiance and took a step forward, only for Anon to stop her with an outstretched hand
  317. >"Spike, could you please forget about that and get Twilight?" Anon pleaded
  318. >Spike's firey glare shifted between Chrysalis and Anon
  319. >He huffed, a puff of smoke escaping his nostrils before he closed the door
  320. >They could hear as he stomped away, grumbling
  321. >Anon sighed and gave Chrysalis a disappointed look
  322. >Before he could admonish Chrysalis, the door opened again to reveal Princess Twilight Sparkle
  323. >"Morning Anon." Twilight greeted
  324. >"And good morning to you, Cozy Glow!" Twilight waved to the little pegasus
  325. >Cozy kept a nonplussed expression as she flew up from the floor to land on Anon's shoulder, maintaining eye contact with Twilight the entire time
  326. >"Heh...right." Twilight scratched the back of her head
  327. "Heh-hmm."
  328. >Twilight turned her attention to Chrysalis and her expression soured
  329. >Chrysalis continued staring back at Twilight with a disdain only achievable by a royal
  330. >Several silent minutes passed before Anon had had enough of the awkwardness and clapped his hands together, tearing the two mares' attention away from one another
  331. >"So! Twilight. Can we get on with it?" He urged
  332. >"Right! Of course, right. Please, come in." Twilight stepped aside and ushered the three of them inside

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