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Twilight Interview

By Pleeny_the_Ill
Created: 2024-04-02 08:20:46
Expiry: Never

  1. (This was originally a CYOA with some doodles as illustrations. The choices and meta text have been removed, but I may have missed some)
  3. "…And that's how Cozy Glow was stopped from taking over the school and sending away all the magic of Equestria. Pfew!" Twilight lets out a heavy but satisfied sigh after concluding over 3 hours of talking about her adventures.
  4. "Gee! Sometimes I forget in how many troubles I got myself in! I can't feel my throat anymore, haha!"
  6. After you presented your project to write Twilight Sparkle's biography to her, the purple alicorn proved to really liked the idea. You were allowed to meet her only a few days later. Not only did she answer swiftly, but the princess of friendship had prepared many scrolls and journals she and her friends redacted during their many adventures, which she just presented to you in extended details while you made your best to take the notes you needed. She was obviously enthusiastic, and in no time the shifted from something rather professional to a more open-hearted and friendly discussion.
  8. "You know…" Twilight Sparke giddily says after sipping from her cup of tea. "I am very excited about your work. With all the changes that happened to me, I realized it's been a while I didn't take any time to reflect on myself. Sure, there was this time I and my friends published our adventures, but since this I can have an honest outside opinion about everything, I intend to use this occasion to think about the future. We opened the school of friendships, and that's only the last of our adventures, but now it's running smoothly I have some energy to commit to something else again. And I'd love to hear somepony else's opinion about our whole adventures and projects. Surely you have other questions prepared for this interview."
  10. Indeed. You already knew a lot about Twilight's adventures, and only got a few more fluff for your book, but even before today there where many things you wished to lean about Twilight Sparkle.
  12. You and the purple alicorn are facing each other in one room of her castle, a cup of tea and some biscuits between the two of you.
  14. You didn't tell her yet, and this in only something you managed to deduce from the impressions of witnesses, but it seems Twilight's body has been growing since she became an alicorn. She shot up a few inches at her transformation and started to slowly grow since that time. While Twilight is currently 4-foot 8-inches tall, which is taller than the majority of ponies, stallions included, she still has to catch up to the rest of the alicorns of Equestria. Something that may happen sooner than one may think, as from the information you gathered, her growth is picking up speed. You have no idea what the causes are yet though, or when will this growth end.
  16. It is common for ponies to think the size of alicorns is a result of their power, and if that is true, Twilight may very well outgrow Celestia one day…
  18. But for now, there's other questions you wish to ask the princess in front of you.
  20. "Not so long ago, you were only a unicorn arriving in Ponyville, and now you’re a national hero, with incredible responsibilities and ponies depending on you. Do you ever miss the simpler times when so many ponies didn't look up to you?"
  22. Twilight pinches her lips and ponders for a second.
  23. "What do you have in mind exactly when you say 'simpler times'?" She asks back "I mean, sure, I still have to catch up on Daring Do's latest book, but I still see my friends often and we enjoy quiet and fun times together. Luckily the ponies of Ponyville know me since I arrived, and they're used to me and my friends. I have no problem going outside and having a picnic with everypony without being troubled."
  25. "Alright." You nod. "It is good to know you still have time for your friends, but I heard that when you arrived in Ponyville, you aspired to become a librarian, and merely wished to study knowledge and magic. Do you not wish to pursue this path anymore?"
  27. "Hum…" Twilight gets thoughtful. "I haven't thought about that in a while. It's true that with my responsibilities, I ended up exclusively studying the magic of friendship. And now, I actively work to pass on all that I learned."
  28. "And you're doing great I heard." You say. "Thanks to the school, your works on friendship are being spread far and wide in no time, even beyond Equestria. But since it's going so well, maybe you may allow yourself to let it run on its own and pursue your other interests?"
  30. "You think so?" Twilight smirks for a second. "Well… I don't know actually. This all happened so fast when I think about it. I feel like I'm still only getting a handle at running the school! Hey, I think this is where I'd like to hear an outside opinion about all this. I want you to be absolutely honest with me here. Do you think I should find some time to research magic outside the scope of friendship?" Twilight asks you with a smile.
  32. "You've been devoting yourself to others for a very long time. You can certainly cut yourself some slack now." You say.
  33. "Hmm." Twilight ponders "Maybe you're right. Since I arrived in Ponyville, it's like there's been something new happening everyday. It feels like forever since I had some time to plan things for myself. Even if it's not final, maybe I'll commit myself to the pursuit of knowledge again. I could even join Starswirl. He's been trying to catch up on the knowledge of this age. If we work together, I'm sure we could even piece up many lost spells and stories from his age. Oh, Celestia, working with him was a filly's dream at the time, and now we don't have the pony of shadow to take care of, I realize I can actually make it happen!"
  35. "It's good to hear you are going to move forward… B-but you'll come back if Equestria's in trouble, right?"
  36. " Do not worry." Twilight chuckles "If such a crisis came up again, I'm sure many ponies would contact me, and I would come right away!"
  38. You nod to yourself as you take some notes. What kind of question could you ask next…
  40. >A: You are the element of Friendship and Magic. They are some of the more central forces in our world, so it is rumored you can wield magic powerful beyond any other pony. Is it true?
  41. >B: Have you noticed some changes in how ponies look at you since you became a princess?
  42. >C: How has your relationship with princesses Celsetia and Luna evolved since you opened the school?
  43. >D: Evildoers seem to have been popping up every so often for a while to threaten all of Equestria. Every time, only the miraculous rise of heroic ponies allowed to defeat them, but these were always very close calls. Aren't you worried about the security of the Kingdom?
  46. "You are the element of Friendship and Magic. These are some of the most central forces in our world, so it is rumored you can wield magic powerful beyond any other pony. Is it true?"
  47. "Ehaha…" Twilight blushes slightly. "Oh come on, I'm not that special… Wait, do some ponies actually think of me that way?"
  49. "Of course. It is common knowledge you've defeated all those villains, saved Equestria countless times, and were selected very young by Celestia herself for your magical prowess. And you become an alicorn! So… not that special…" You smirk.
  50. "Okay, I get it. Yeah, ponies would think I'm special…" Twilight fidgets with her hoofs and wings, still blushing. "But it's not like that at all. I mean, sure, I've studied lots of spells, but I'm not even the only pony who became an alicorn!"
  52. "With Cadence, that's two ponies in all of Equestria." You remind her. "And Cadence is the current ruler of the crystal Empire, which you helped her free from its tyrannical overlord after it reappeared from a thousand years of banishment. You also saved the world half-a-dozen more times after that."
  53. "Okay, okay, I get it. I must look extra special from anypony else's perspective." Twilight giggles again. "But I don't feel 'powerful' or anything I my everyday life. Most of the time I spend my day like any pony would. I make my own breakfast with Spike, I give courses, I do some paperwork, I go out with friends… That's my average day now. I'm not doing anything extravagant."
  55. "But could you if you wished so?" You ask. "For example, do you think you could raise the sun everyday like Celestia does?"
  56. "Well…" Twilight looks away in embarrassment. "That would need a little training… but… yeah I think I could. But it's been quite some time I didn't explore my possibilities that way. I mean, the magic of friendship isn't about that kind of power, so I don't really know my limits to be honest. I think ponies like Starlight Glimmer can be a match in terms of raw magical strength to me. But that was some time ago already… So now, I have no clear idea." She shrugs embarrassedly "Do you think that's wrong?"
  58. "It makes ponies feel safer to envision you as powerful enough to protect them against all evil. Why not play the part, even a little?"
  59. "Do you really think that's worth anything?" Twilight cocks an eyebrow. "I mean, Celestia and Luna don't go showing off or anything. SO that sounds a bit pointless to me."
  61. "Really? What about the summer sun celebration? What about Celestia's regalia and the golden armor of their guards? These are displays of wealth and power. Do you think they're useless too?"
  62. "Uhm… no, I mean… Okay, these are just for the show but… well, yeah. Sometimes doing it for the show is important too. I think that's your point, right?"
  64. Twilight lets out a little defeated sight before pondering.
  65. "I never really liked wearing these expensive dresses and everything during official events. I got used to it, but it still feels a bit vapid. But yeah, I realize it makes ponies feel better, and I like pretty things too. So maybe I could… I don't know, show off my discoveries if I go studying alongside Starswirl? Maybe that's a little better than these jewel-covered dresses actually."
  67. All of a sudden Twilight Sparkle turns to you, a playful smile on her face.
  68. "But heeey… what's with that question actually? First, you're afraid I might not protect Equestria anymore if I leave the school, and now that. Are you afraid some big bad will come to get you one day?"
  70. >A: Play it off like a joke and move on to another question.
  71. >B: I just think you do not get as much spotlight as you deserve despite your heroic deeds. I know you and your friends can triumph from any evil, but I wish the rest of Equestria was more aware of it.
  72. >C: Actually, yes. I know it's irrational and that you've proved yourself many times, but sometimes I fear one of those villains could get lucky and plunge Equestria into darkness.
  73. >D: Many ponies of Equestria feel that way! Every time we've been taken by surprise and saved by a good half of luck. Ponies aren't feeling safe with only Celestia and Luna to rule them anymore.
  76. "Well of course I'm afraid!" You answer with a cheeky smile. "What will I do if one day Chrysalis comes knocking on my door and go hiss-hissing on me with her scary bug fangs. I'd be defenseless! And I would just pray somepony like you would come to save me!"
  78. Twilight giggles in response.
  79. "Heheh! Just write me a letter when that happen, and I promise I and all my friend will come to save you right away!"
  80. You both chuckle at the absurdity of the thought. The moods get a bit lighter. Until…
  81. "But really, Chrysalis wouldn't go after you for no reason. I-I promise. You're totally safe! Even if everypony saw you coming here and that Chrysalis may think of using that to get to me and my friends!" Twilight says with a suspiciously bright smile.
  83. Actually, you're a little worried now…
  85. Still, you think the rest of the questions you prepared would be a bit redundant with what you're already asked. You try to think of other questions you may ask or simply things you'd wish to tell the purple princess.
  87. You wish you could ask the princess to sit on your face, but not only is there a 0% chance she will accept even if you ask very politely, but this could compromise your chances to meet again in the future.
  89. Another time, maybe. You foresee some noticeable changes for her in the coming months and year. And the more you wait, the bigger Twilight will get.
  91. Still, you make sure you do not start drooling, and think of something else to say.
  92. "So have you still been researching new magic to learn or did your studies get left behind as you saved Equestria again and again?"
  93. "I did research magic at several times actually. But what I researched was very often linked with my adventures. There was the box from the tree of Harmony, the pillars of Equestria, cutie marks, and of course, friendship! These were all very interesting to study in the spur of the moment, but at the same time…" She cringes. "There was always some feeling of emergency surrounding these researches. It may sound stupid, but I think I miss these lengthy boring studies where you have analyses mountains of records, or simply learning some funny new spells, like conjuring a hat and a moustache…" Twilight says, letting out a nostalgic sigh.
  95. "Also… I'm not sure how to put this, but about your body…" You say awkwardly. "It has been has changing. How did that affect your life, and how have you been dealing with it?"
  96. "What? You mean the wings?" Twilight answers obliviously. "They were a bit troublesome to use at first, but now I think they're very practical!"
  97. "Ehm… I meant to talk about the fact you've been growing taller." You ask.
  98. "Well, I didn't grow THAT much, I think?" Twilight sounds quizzical "I mean, now I'm taller than my friends while we all used to be 4 feet 2 inches, but there's mares out there taller than me still. So, what changed… Rainbow Dash poked fun at my height one time, I hade to change some of my clothes, and a few times I bonked my head or hooves on things, but I'm not even sure that was because I'm bigger!"
  100. "So you were 4'2''… I'm going to keep that for the book. 'How our 4'2''princess became today's lovely growing alicorn, growing in public love.' How does that sound? It's a play of words, n-not that you growing is something bad… so… eh…" You cringe at your own cheesy writing.
  102. "It's funny I think!" Twilight chuckles in response, blushing slightly. "I'll leave it up to you, but if you write compliments like that in your book, I'll never hear the end of Rainbow's teasing!
  103. "Also, I'm surprised you know my body's still growing." Twilight adds after another chuckle "I mean, most ponies haven't noticed expect maybe my closet friends since it's so slow. You think it's not gonna stop?"
  105. Since you're one of 'us', Twilight talking about her growing body makes you very uncomfortable, and you feel some of your inhibitions being swept aside for a moment.
  107. "I bet you'll be bigger than Celestia by the next time we meet." You tell Twilight.
  109. "What!?" Twilight's eyes go wide, and she laughs out loud.
  110. "Oh Celestia, hahaha! Can you seriously imagine me growing bigger than… well, Celestia?!"
  112. "Hey, you're the alicorn of magic! I don't see why you wouldn't catch up on her." You say with a playful shrug while the alicorn holds her sides. "I say you might get surprised by your own size!"
  113. "Ahh… I don't think that's how it works, though." Twilight says, wiping a tear of laughter from her eye. "But to be perfectly honest, I've been wondering if that would happen to me over the years. Maybe growing to match Cadence… in a decade or so! Now that sort of size would start to make a difference I think."
  115. Twilight takes her cup of tea once more and empties it in her gullet. Unless you have any more questions, it is probably time for you to leave.
  117. "Well, like you asked me, have ever wondered if it will stop? Could be a fun thing to look into and research...for fun of course, like we talked before!"
  118. "Eh… I don't think it's going to be very interesting." Twilight shrugs… "I mean, ponies can't be growing forever, even alicorns."
  119. You smirk in response.
  121. "Well, unfortunately it's time for me to go." You declare. "Thanks for everything, princess Twilight."
  122. "Oh, please." She rolls her eyes. "You can just call me Twilight."
  124. As the purple alicorn accompanies you to the exit of her castle, you realize night is about to fall on Ponyville. You've spent the entire afternoon with her.
  126. "It was a pleasure!" Twilight says as she offers you a hoof to shake, but at this point, you can't resist leaning in and hug the taller princess instead. You're sensible enough to only make the embrace last a second, and although she looks a bit surprised, Twilight doesn't seem to think this was out of place.
  127. "This was a really nice experience to hear somepony else's view about yourself in such a manner." She tells you "I think there's some things I'm gonna to change in my routine, starting as soon as tomorrow! I hope that means the next time we meet won't be boring!"
  128. "I'm looking forward to next time too, have a nice night." You say as you trot away.
  130. [spoiler]See you next week.[/spoiler]
  132. Six month later, when you meet Twilight again, the alicorn has indeed changed quite a lot.
  134. Only a couple weeks after your first interview, once the school of friendship produced its first batch of graduates, Twilight announced she was stepping down from the title of headmare. She was met with surprise and a bit on incomprehension, but in a well-prepared speech, she explained she wished to commit herself to other tasks, and that the school didn't need her anymore. Still, she would sometimes give symposiums and specials classes about friendship in the school, but wouldn’t be a regular teacher anymore. These declarations were enough to ensure the school remained as popular as it was when Twilight ruled it.
  136. For a short while, it was rather rare to hear from Twilight Sparkle unless you were one her close friends. She was studying magic alongside Starswirl the Bearded, ponies said, but only academicians would follow the advancements of their works. Their actual days of study belong to the two wizard ponies alone.
  138. But after a couple months, something else started to happen. Maybe your interview had a little to do with it, but it seems Twilight decided to participate in more public appearances. Until now, the princess of friendship would only appear as a rather silent figure in events or present her works on the magic of friendship either in of Canterlot academy or in her own school. But this time instead, Twilight Sparkle decided to turn the results of her works on friendship into more of a public matter, and you think she must have had somepony to coach her.
  140. You couldn’t believe your ears when you first heard about the Equestrian Friendship Tour. Princess Twilight decided to star in a series of appearances in all the cities of Equestria to both present her works of friendship and promote it in a more concrete matter. Once every month, Twilight would star in a singular event between a royal announcement, a festival and a concert where all the ponies of the city would be invited. These events were really popular, as many modern and popular artists were willing to produce themselves in the name of friendship. Between shows and dances, Twilight would speak up to the masses of pony about friendship, both about her grand adventures which she sometimes re-enacted, and about her more personal experience with friendship and how it changed her for the best. Both her friends, but also some of the former villains of her adventures were often invited to speak in the name of friendship. Twilight would sneak in some more theorical trivia about the magic of friendship, but somepony must have told her to keep it short enough to keep the spontaneous spirit of the parties alive.
  142. These events were huge hits every time. Ponies of all Equestria were reminded about the power of friendship, and the community life of every town Twilight would visit would get a significant boost soon after thanks to the invitation for ponies to have fun and associate with each other around as many aspects of their life as possible.
  144. One side effect of this adventure was an immense rise of Twilight's popularity. Despite their undisputed love for their subjects, princess Celestia and Luna always upheld a tradition of distance with them, only appearing in protocol-heavy ceremonies, or in events reserved to the noble ponies of Canterlot. Meanwhile, Twilight's appearances used the codes of popular celebrations, and thus made the ponies of Equestria feel a new kind of fervor for her. A mix of both a deep respect for her status and a spontaneous admiration for her deeds and works, but also a real feeling of proximity with her. Even if it was impossible to reach her outside of these events, Twilight would also meddle with the crowds, answering their questions and dance with everyone.
  146. You don't know whether Twilight just put herself in a role or if she really changed and how much, but there's been something visible going on with her. As you predicted, the growth of Twilight's body accelerated. At each of her public appearance, it was very clear the princess of Friendship had gained a number of inches, and slowly she was becoming more like the twin sisters.
  148. At her latest show in the crystal empire two week ago, it was very clear Twilight had outgrown her sister-in-law, and when she opens the door of her castle to you, your horn could scratch the purple princess's chin, making her only a few inches shorter than Celestia herself.
  150. "Oh! It's you!" Twilight greets you with a smile. "Please come in!"
  151. Once again, she accompanies you to the same lounge of her castle, where tea and biscuits await you. This time though, Twilight barely fits on her seat.
  153. "Alright!" Twilight smiles, a book and some scrolls held in her magic. "I guess I should give you a little recap about what I've been doing these past six months, right?"
  154. "There's no need." You shake your head. "There's been plenty to hear about you lately, so I think I know the basics. Since this is all fresh in your head too, I'd rather ask you about your impressions right away. I can always consult these notes later, if that's okay with you?"
  155. "Hum... Alright." Twilight nods, looking just a bit disappointed to miss a chance to present somepony her masterfully-written digest of her later activities. "If that's how you want to do it, I'm all ears!"
  157. “You said you longed for a little quiet during my previous visit, but it looks like the opposite happened. Are you still pursuing what you wish?”
  159. “Well… I get why you would say that, but I think I reached a good enough compromise right now. The Equestrian Friendship Tour was a lot of work to prepare at first, but now we got the right formula, I only spend a hoofful of days each month preparing it. Something like one or two days to prepare my speeches, and then between three and five to plan them in the actual even and repeat. I don’t need to oversee the organization at all as princess Celestia and Luna found some very talented event planners for that. I’m spending about a quarter of my time on the Tour each month, and the rest of the time I’ve finally been able to study magic again!” Twilight says with a grin. “It’s so nice to come back the muffled quietness of a lab or a library all day. So much better than filling paperwork about student admissions!” Twilight giggles.
  161. “Sounds like and all-out success then.” You react. “I must say, I was a little worried I might have influenced you into doing something you didn’t like.”
  162. “Don’t worry. Many ponies helped me so I could still have enough time to myself. And I can’t believe it’s been so well received too! I mean, ponies seemed happy with Celestia and Luna as their rulers which stayed mostly in Canterlot, so at first, I was worried this new approach wouldn’t work at all!” Twilight start to look worried as she speaks on. “I just hope I’m not doing anything wrong… I mean, princess Celestia and Luna support me, but I can’t help but think their way of ruling has been going well for so long, merely changing it might cause some trouble.” Suddenly she turns to you. “And what do you think about that? Do you think I might be doing something bad?”
  164. “You’re doing perfect.” You answer “You should encourage Celestia and Luna that to catch up with the times in fact.”
  165. “You think so? I mean, princess Celestia and Luna have so much more experience at ruling Equestria. I can’t help but to think they know best about this…”
  167. “Every pony in Equestria is convinced about their good will and competence, that goes without saying.” You nod in acknowledgment. “But that’s why nopony would complain about them, and that they might have fallen in habits that have no reasons to exist anymore as of today. You proved there was something better to do with the Tour. Ponies love feeling close to you, don’t you agree?”
  168. “Well, yeah, I guess they do.” Twilight smirks, blushing slightly. “So… I think you’re right. I should at least talk to them about that.”
  170. “I’m sure it’ll be beneficial. Princess Celestia and Luna have something to learn form you here. You may become the pioneer of a big change in the relationships between Equestria and its rulers.”
  171. “Woah! You’re making it sound like something grand!” Twilight chuckles, still blushing. “I’m not anything spe… okay, we talked about this already…”
  172. “I think you’re even more special that you think, Twilight.” You say. “And I believe that’s why ponies all over the country love you so much. I think you can change Equestria for the better with what you’ve learned about friendship.”
  174. Twilight only chuckles embarrassedly in response. You think she wished to say something about you thinking too highly of her, but with how she towers even physically over you and her recent successes, she knows she can’t honestly say something like that anymore.
  176. Now, for you next question…
  178. “For how long do you plan to continue the Friendship Tour, and do you have something in mind about what you’ll do next?”
  179. “Let’s see…” Twilight ponders for a moment. “We’ll be going for 4 other months before we go through all the cities we initially planned for the tour. That’s how long the tour is supposed to be. But what’s gonna happen next… I have no idea!” The princess shrugs. “I feel like I could be satisfied with simply going back to studying magic, but now I also feel like it would be a bit of a waste. Also… I guess I’m starting to enjoy being in under the spotlight a little.” Twilight chuckles to herself.
  181. “Do you have any idea maybe?” The tall alicorn asks you. “Once the Equestrian Friendship Tour is done, what do you think I should do?”
  183. “With how well the ponies of Equestria reacted, perhaps you could see what else you could do to help and spread friendship to them.”
  184. “Hmm.” Twilight ponders. “That sounds good, but I’m a bit out of ideas about what more I could do. I mean, the Friendship Tour already engaged lots of resources, and as I told you, I’m rather happy with still having time to study magic besides spreading friendship.”
  186. “I don’t think there much more to do now that I think about it.” You say. “There’s one point friendship simply has to run its course on its own.”
  187. “Of course.” Twilight nods. “We can’t force ponies to be friends. That would defeat the point of friendship.”
  189. “But still, maybe you could open a court of friendship of some sort, like princess Celestia for justice, or maybe go to them personally like princess Luna.”
  190. “Hum. Now we might be going somewhere.” Twilight thinks out loud. “The map already sent me and my friends solve friendship problems, but maybe there’s something to do before it gets big enough for the magic of the map to notice.”
  192. Twilight goes silent for a moment, and then a smile shows up on her face.
  193. “I think I have an idea!” She beams. “I still need to think this through, but I think it’s going to be great! And I’m going to put the school to contribution too! I’m not telling you yet, but you’ll see soon enough.”
  195. At this moment, brings her larger head closer to yours, a bright smile on her face.
  196. “Speaking of which, I know so little about you.” She says. “You don’t have any friendship problem you would want to tell me about, do you?”
  197. You feel the heat creep on your cheeks.
  199. “Well” You feel yourself blush harder. “I’m mostly fine, but there’s this mare I work with… I want her to sit… I mean, I want our relationship to get deeper, but I feel like this would just be awkward to get more familiar with her.”
  200. “Hum… Sounds more like something you should ask Cadence.” Twilight says obliviously. “I get why you would feel bothered though. You don’t know this mare would react out of the professional field, and that something going wrong could harm both of your carriers, right?”
  202. “Ah, I’m not worried about her at all. I mean, professionally speaking.”
  203. “So she’s higher in the hierarchy?” Twilight shows you a sly smile. “Now you got me curious.”
  204. “Well, yeah. Way higher to be honest…”
  206. The large purple alicorn chuckles in response.
  207. “That sounds complicated, but also very romantic! I may not be the best pony to help you here, but I get why you feel anxious about this. Anyway, I think you shouldn’t give up on your love! Try to see her outside of work. Maybe not inviting her out all of a sudden, but try to go with her when you go share a drink or something else between colleagues. And maybe try to tell her what you like about her beyond her professional qualities. That’s all I can think of unfortunately… But I’m sure love will find a way!”
  209. You nod in silence, still as red as a tomato.
  211. Another question, quick…
  213. “Thanks Twilight” You manage to articulate. “You’re the most companionate pony I’ve ever met.”
  214. “Aw, that’s sweet!” The large alicorn answers with a smile “See? That’s exactly the kind of things you should say to that mare you love so much!”
  216. You think your face is on fire at this point. There’s a strange silence for a few seconds, where Twilight looks at you quizzically. She keeps showing you a bright smile though, probably realizing you need time to refocus after talking about your crush. Even if she apparently remains oblivious about the identity of said crush.
  218. “Ehm…” You continue. “By the way, did you change your mane? You look different.”
  219. “Come on, you can say it.” Twilight smirks. “My mane just grew longer, but more importantly… I can’t believe how huge I got!” She exclaims. “I seriously thought you were going to win your bet at some point! I’m 6 feet 8 inches! That’s insane! Since I became an alicorn, I had grown something like 6 inches until 6 month ago, but now I grew over 2 feet in 6 months! That was one whole inch every week! But thank Celestia, even if it isn’t over, thing have been slowing down latterly. I ‘only’ grew an inch the past 15 days…”
  221. Twilight faces you.
  222. “That was a surprise for everypony, even Celestia, Luna and Starswirl… But you were almost spot on about how much I was gonna grow. How did you know? Do you know what’s making me grow now?
  224. “It was just wild guess!” You say with a shrug “I’m really surprised I got so close to the truth myself, and I’ve been lucky you grew this tall. But still, have you not done any research on this phenomenon? I mean, you grew 6 inches in 6 months the first time, 2 feet the next. What if I you end up 8 feet taller next time we meet?”
  225. “Me? Fourteen feet tall?!” Twilight’s huge eyes go wide. “You can’t be serious! That would be… over 14 feet tall! I can’t be getting THIS enormous!”
  226. “But it’s simple math.” You shrug again. “It sounds like the growth quadruple every six months to me, so...”
  227. “B-but… hold on…” Twilight looks panicked as she can’t dismiss the numbers you just told her “My growth has been fluctuating and slowed down lately, so surely this won’t happen… but no, it can be a cycle, and maybe I’ll grow to 14 feet and then, next year...” Twilight’s face gets paler as she imagines herself growing exponentially big.
  229. It is at this moment you burst in laughter, Twilight’s face being simply priceless.
  230. “Calm down Twilight! That was just a wild guess again!” You say. “No, I don’t think you’re gonna keep growing faster forever. But about your most recent growth spurt, I think it has to do with what you’ve been up to, and the spreading of friendship. I’m no expert at all, but it seems possible to me the princess of friendship would grow the more friendship grows in Equestria. Or it could be because you’re starting to embrace your responsibility and power, and your stature as an alicorn grows like a muscle you’d be training. Or it could be the love from the ponies of Equestria, filling you with magic.”
  232. “So… in short, you think it might be linked to how much I spread friendship, and how much the ponies of Equestria view me as a princess?”
  233. “Well… I don’t know for sure, but yeah, that’s my guess.” You nod. “Although… my money’s on the love of other ponies for what triggers your growth. I know that there’s a lot of ponies who love you with all their hearts.”
  234. “Hum…” Twilight ponders, not paying much attention to your last sentence. “I am actually going to do some experiments this time… But if simply… fitting my role as a princess is making my body grow, that’s not something I should be fighting I guess. And a practical solution should be easy enough to find.”
  236. At this point, you think you’ve asked everything you needed for your book. There many other things you’d like to talk about, but you’re not sure the time is right.
  238. “Why fight it at all?” You say “Even if there is a practical solution, I think perhaps you should embrace this new Twilight. Bigger is better, I mean, you look lovely Twilight.”
  239. “Quit messing with me, will you?” Twilight answers, visibly believing this was a bad attempt at a joke. “Just because stallions like seeing big… ahem… I won’t go bonking my head on every doorframe possible just for the pleasure of those ponies’ eyes.”
  241. You chuckle in response.
  242. “Anyway.” You conclude. “I think that’s all I wanted to ask you today. Thanks again, Twilight. I think this book about you is going to be great! You’re the most accommodating subject I’ve ever written about.”
  243. “I really like these interviews too!” The princess of friendship answers, rising on her hooves, and towering by a head and a half over you. “I think it’s really helping me sort things out. I didn’t realize how dependent I was on adventures and weird magic showing up to go and expand my horizons. It really feels like I’m exploring new paths on my own!”
  245. “I think I’ll head to Sugarcube Corner now.” You say, and with a little spark in your heart. “Do you want to come with me? I’m inviting you.”
  246. “Yeah, Sugarcube Corner sounds nice. Gee…” Twilight gives an embarrassed look at the long-empty plate of biscuits. Twilight had eaten all of them by the time you asked your third question. “I still forget how hungry this big body is… But I’ll be inviting you instead!” The purple princess tells you with a smile “Surely you know one of my best friends works at Sugarcube Corner. I know all the best treats to have here!”
  248. And on these words, you trot to follow the amazonian alicorn to the bakery, as she giddily tells you about the sugary delights you’ll find here.
  251. This is it! You can feel the spaghetti almost spilling out of your pockets, but this is a chance like you’ve never had before. The tall alicorn in front of you eagerly looks toward the back door of the bakery, waiting for Pinkie Pie to come with your order.
  253. You’re both waiting in front of a table at the little terrace at the side of the bakery. You’re a bit away from the street, and there’s no other pony here in the middle of the afternoon so you’re relatively alone. Twilight felt silent since Pinkie zapped to the kitchen to prepare your order seconds ago. You’ve been making small talk up to this point, but maybe perhaps you could try saying something more significant at this point.
  256. “I’m surprised you chose to stay outside.” You tell Twilight. “I though you would try to stay away from attention.”
  257. “Eh… The weather is nice today, and we’ve been inside for quite a while, and also…” Twilight seems a bit embarrassed all of a sudden. “Well, unlike my castle, Pinkie’s bakery has some pretty low ceilings, and I’m more and more afraid I’m about to stick my horn in one of the wooden beams in here... Hey, that’s not funny!” Twilight blushes as you chuckle about her predicament.
  259. Luckily, Pinkie Pie arrives with a full plate of pastries so you can change the subject. As always, the sugary delights she brings are mouth-watering. The pink pony doesn’t stay with you though, there’s somepony else’s party she has to plan right now, she says, before disappearing in a poof of pink hair.
  261. “So I guess you’re still not used to everypony else being filly-sized to you.” You say after stuffing you face with some delicious cherry-flavoured pie. “Are you going to start calling them ‘my little ponies’, like princess Celestia does?”
  263. “What!?” Twilight chuckles. “Oh that would be so weird. Hold on…” Twilight falls silent, and stares right in your eyes. You can’t help but to blush a bit further under the gaze of her big purple eyes.
  264. “Greetings my little pony.” The purple princess declares. “I am princess Twilight Sparkle.”
  266. And after simply staring at you for a second, Twilight explodes in an incontrollable laugh.
  267. “Oh Celestia, hehahah! That was SO awkward! I have no idea how princess Celestia does this all the time with a straight face! Hahahah!”
  268. You’re not really sure what you say to the laughing alicorn, but you really liked the way she looked at you…
  270. “Hey, it just hit me…” You say at some point. “You don’t have a seat. Hold on, we should be able to find something, even just a ball of hay…”
  271. “Don’t trouble yourself.” Twilight shakes her head in response “My plate’s already far away enough from my mouth.” she says as she levitates a little doughnut to her gullet. “I don’t need to be even higher.”
  272. “But it does feel rude. I have a seat and you don’t, so…” You say, as you put away your stool to sit on the ground too. The perspective on the taller princess is even sharper now. Her head seems a high as the sun to you.
  274. “If you say so...” Twilight shrugs. “But really, this is a bit weird, you look even smaller now!”
  275. On these words, Twilight decides to lie on her belly in front of the table, bringing her face at your level, but also closer to the tarts and cupcakes.
  276. “Much better!” She smiles to you. “Honestly, it really bothers me when I have to crane my neck to talk to somepony else.”
  278. “That’s part of the little troubles that come with your size I guess.” You say. “Really, I still can’t believe how much you grew since the last time.”
  279. “Me neither to be honest.” The princess smirks.
  280. “I mean, I could have walked beneath your legs with little effort when we were walking earlier.”
  281. “Aw great…” Twilight rolls her eyes with a playful smile. “I had to look up to not bonk into anything, but now I’m also gonna have to watch out for somepony to walk under me. Seriously, if you try that I’m about 90% sure I’ll trip on you. You can see how tall I grew, but I’m not sure you’re gonna like how heavy I got!” She chuckles.
  283. “Jokes aside.” You feel the heat in your cheeks intensifying. “I really think you’re looking more wonderful than ever. It’s almost like you’ve grown to match the feelings we have for you…”
  284. “The feelings yooo…” Twilight seems confused for a second.
  285. “We, I-I mean, the feelings of the public of course!” Your smile turns into a cringe, and you feel your heart about to jump out of your chest. “The feelings of the public! For you as a princess and all that. Yeah…”
  286. “Oh. Okay. Hehe.” The princess shifts on her hooves awkwardly for a second. “Of course. I’m not sure how much these are tied, but I guess everypony always thought Celestia was…, well, to say in with one word, magnificent. She’s considered the pinnacle of beauty by many ponies, and it’s weird to think ponies are starting to view me a little like her.” Twilight looks down at her plate, sounding lost in her thoughts. “I never cared much about my appearance in the past either…”
  288. “That makes me wonder how you’re gonna find any clothes to fit you for longer than a week.” You say, a bit more composed. “Either you’ll get you wear the latest trends each time, or maybe you’d like something more adaptable. I wonder how you’d look with something like Celestia’s chest piece.”
  289. “Well, Rarity’s been making me a new dress for each show of the Friendship Tour, and they’re even better than the latest trend from her words. ‘Avant-Garde’ she calls it! But… I don’t think I’d like to wear something like princess Celestia’s regalia. It always looked… heavy. I don’t really like wearing clothes when there no reason to either.”
  292. “Sure, it may have looked heavy when you were smaller. But compared to you it should be light now.” Twilight cringes in response, and you realize what you might have said. “I mean! Even if you probably didn’t get THAT heavier. Hey, I’m positive I could still lift you off the grown with my bare hooves!”
  293. “Quit joking.” Twilight chuckles and looks at you with an incredulous look, while you actually start to go around the table to her. But as soon as you get within range, Twilight suddenly places a hoof on your back, and pushes you down with a strength you didn’t suspect. You’re taken by surprise and your legs instantly give up under you, and you’re forced on the ground while letting out a slightly pained ‘oof!’. But even after that, trying to stand up even with your four legs at once can’t push away Twilight’s single hoof at all, and the alicorn doesn’t even look like she’s breaking a sweat.
  295. “Sorry, my little pony.” The bigger princess shows you a snarky smile “But I think you’re actually gonna hurt yourself here.”
  296. You show her an embarrassed smile as the princess of friendship frees you, and go back to the other side of the table.
  298. “Anyway, those pastries are crazy!” You say. “I think I’m gonna try to come here more often if have the chance.”
  299. “I know! Pinkie’s treats are the best!” Twilight grins, before swallowing a pink cupcake whole, and gulping it down gluttonously. “But you’re returning to Canterlot tonight, right? Sounds like you won’t get another go until another six months, unfortunately.”
  301. That’s right. Outside of the interview, you thought remaining completely out of Twilight’s life was the best for your book to feel genuine, and kept as little contact with Twilight as possible. You didn’t even write her a single letter since last time. Your family, job and friends are at Canterlot too, but now you’re thinking about way more important things than your book, so maybe it’s time to rethink your approach.
  304. “You can’t tell me Pinkie has no delivery service.” You say. “Even if they won’t be fresh from the oven, there’s got to be a way to get some of these cakes to Canterlot.”
  305. “Well… the Cakes sometimes go out of Ponyville for deliveries, but it’s really rare. Neither them nor Pinkie wish to go national with that shop.”
  306. “Damn…” You wince. “I guess I’m gonna have to come back here more often. But you should come to Canterlot one day too so I can return the favour.”
  308. “Yeah, it’s been a while I haven’t lived in Canterlot.” Twilight smirks. “I’m sure there’s some new shops you could show me. I mean… I just hope I won’t barge in at a wrong time, though…”
  309. “Maybe we could exchange some letters then.” You offer. “That way we can stay in contact, and you won’t have to prepare a paper about what you’ve been up to for the next interview that way.”
  310. “Sounds good.” Twilight nods. “And that way you can tell about the other stuff you’re doing too. I’m really curious about what it’s like to be a freelance journalist to be honest. I’d like to read what kind articles you write.”
  311. “I’ll send them to you then. That’s only fair after all you told me about yourself. I don’t think my papers are nearly as interesting as your adventures, though...”
  313. “Just because there’s no high stake doesn’t mean your stories aren’t interesting.” Twilight smiles to you. “And what’s so interesting about me right now anyway? This mare’s having growth spurt? Gee, call the guards!” Twilight chuckles.
  314. “Yeah… Speaking about that.” You shift embarrassedly on your hooves “I just realized, but I probably was a little bothersome with all those questions about you height. Sorry about that, I must have put you ill-at-ease, didn’t I?”
  316. “Uhg, really…” Twilight rolls her eyes. “You’re so, so far from being the worst. Seriously, everypony can only talk about my size these days! Rarity asks me if my measurements have changed every time I see her. Dash keeps finding new nicknames like ‘the giraffe’ to call me, and all my family’s gone for a whole new round of ‘Wow! look how tall you’ve gotten Twily!’ whenever they see me. It’s like I’m a filly all over again! And the rest of them...” Twilight winces. “Except fr my close friends, it almost feels like they try to speak differently to me, almost like I was suddenly… I don’t know. They’re probably just trying to make sure not to offend me, but it feels like I’m intimidating them… So maybe you’re talking about my size, well, I think that’s normal you would address the alicorn in the room!” Twilight chuckles again “But at least you’re being reasonnable about it, so I’m fine that way.”
  318. “But anyway. Let’s keep talking about something else!” Twilight grins at you “I’d love it if you could tell me about your latest papers right now, not only what you wrote, but you’re doing to find inspiration and gather information.”
  321. You tell Twilight about your works. They’re nothing fancy. Newspapers basically pay you to dive in archives and old books to get the right numbers and facts from the past, or the portrait of an obscure historical figure. You’re some sort of unofficial documentarist, but within Cantelot’s library. However, that way you’re able to learn a lot about history and the past, and you think that’s really helping you for your real project.
  323. Twilight listens eagerly to what you tell her, and seems interested by your works. She’s genuinely dissapointed when you tell her you have yet to publish a real book of your own.
  324. Truthfully, there’s some saucy novels signed with a forsaken pseudonym of yours somewhere on the dusty shelves of Canterlot’s back alley bookstores which involve mares of imposing sizes, but you do not bring them up today. And you probably never will actually.
  326. “To be perfectly honest.” You conclude “I’m not putting all of my heart in my reviews. I have a real passion for both fiction and history, and I really want to end up writing historical fiction. That’s what I wanna do, but I still need to make ends meet in the meantime.”
  327. “I see. I hope you’ll succeed.” Twilight says. “I guess it can be hard to split your time between your real passion and something more boring. Also, you said you wanted to write historical fiction…” Twilight smirks. “So does that mean the book you’re writing about me is not going to be a mere biography? I’m warning you, I did not sign up for fanfiction!”
  329. “Don’t worry, Twilight. Your adventures are even wilder than any fictional plot I could come up with. I don’t need to add anything, you’re already the best protagonist on your own.”
  330. “Haha!” Twilight chuckles. “I see. I never thought about it that way. I guess I’m going to become like D… I mean, yeah!” Twilight stops mid-sentence.
  332. When you first interviewed her, Twilight didn’t tell you about the time she met Daring Do, and how her books are written by the adventurer mare herself by respect of her privacy, but you have ways of getting information…
  335. You made your own research about Twilight, and the fact that Daring Do was the author of her own adventures was not hard to figure out for you. Simply keeping an eye on the latest archeologic discoveries and the ones described in her books made it almost obvious, as the adventurer mare can’t resist giving faithful descriptions of the relics she discovers and the temples she visits in her stories. Daring Do can only thank the quietness of other archeologists, and the fact almost all her readers are here for the adventure and thrill rather than for history for her cover to exist still.
  337. Twilight’s involvement in some of Daring’s adventures was also easy to trace. You only needed the words of a few ponies that witnessed them both when you investigated the places of Twilight’s adventures to be reasonably sure of yourself. What Twilight was apparently about to say confirms what you heard.
  339. “Yeah, I guess Daring Do won’t be the only mare to be the real heroine to have own book.” You can’t refrain a smirk as you see Twilight’s eyes widen in surprise. “Hey, don’t give me that look! Most of the treasures Daring finds end up in Canterlot’s museum, and she does talk about them in her books. Besides, you should know she doesn’t exactly hide herself when she goes adventuring. Surely you noticed that when you were with her.”
  341. “Yeah, but… You know about all that too?” Twilight looks a bit uncomfortable “I… Don’t think I told you about that.”
  342. “I made my own research beforehoof.” You say. “Don’t worry, though. I’m just telling you about this now, while we’re having a break, but I don’t intend to reveal these kinds of things in my works. And of course I’ll send you a copy once my work is done so you may edit it as you wish. But about Daring… You’ve got to admit this isn’t the best-kept secret of all time.”
  344. “Mmmh… yeah, I guess that’s true.” Twilight nods to herself. “She likes her intimacy, but she doesn’t really try to hide herself when she goes adventuring. Ironically, I think it’s because everypony’s convinced the heroine of a fiction can’t be real so few ponies figured it out.”
  346. You eat the last slice of pie you had ordered, feeling quite full. Twilight too is done cleaning her plate at this point. It may be time for you to leave until the next interview, unless there’s something else you’d like to tell the princess of friendship.
  349. “Ahh… I’m gonna miss these cupcakes. Too good for this world.” You say as you stand up. “I better go before I get sentimental. Thanks again for everything, Twilight.”
  350. “Again, it’s my pleasure.” She smiles back to you.
  352. You go around the table to hug the princess of friendship once more. But that time, you don’t need to take her by surprise, so you allow your hooves to remain a little longer against her warm pillar of a neck.
  353. “Also, don’t you think I’m not at least paying for half of this.” You say after breaking the hug, and show your resolve by putting you hoof on the big princess’s snoot.
  354. “Alright, alright.” Twilight smirks as she pushes you hoof away. “But really, money is the least of my concerns. I’m not gonna stopp you to spend yours the way you wish, though.”
  356. “Yep. And otherwise it would just have felt rude to me.” You declare as you drop a hoofful of coins on the table. “I can’t wait to see you next time, Twilight, and to see how far you will have come.”
  357. “I’m eager too. These times are full of change, yet they seem to bear only fortune to me, and I even got some new friends.” Twilight’s show you a large smile full of warmth. “I hope it stays that way.”
  359. You smile in return, before saying goodbye.
  361. Another six months, during which the princess of friendship concludes her Equestrian Friendship Tour. The shows are just as popular as ever, and the crowd is delighted to see Twilight appear on the scene each time. You’re not sure whether it’s simply because she got used to it, but Twilight also looks like she enjoys showing herself a little more with each representation.
  363. Twilight also used the rest of the tour to advertise her latest idea. She decided to allow all the ponies in Equestria to write to her about their friendship problem. Twilight explained that sometimes friendship needs and outside ear to sort itself out, and that both her and the students of the school of friendship would do their best to help all those who needed it.
  365. The initiative was immensely successful, Twilight wrote in one of the letters she sent you. To the point she feared there might just be too much of them for even all the school to take on. Luckily, though, most of the ponies who wrote to her needed only a bit of encouragement. Something Twilight, her friends, and the students of her school were genuinely happy to provide. The princess of friendship also revealed to you she decided sometimes to intervene directly, and felt really at ease doing so. She withholds the details, though, writing that she’d rather talk about that in the flesh.
  367. As promised, you sent your articles to Twilight. The princess would not only read them all, but she would offer a real critical review to each of them, to the point you wondered she may be taking more time analyzing you works that you did to write them. That, or the princess of Friendship’s knowledge of history is miles above of yours… These reviews contained both many encouragements, pointing out everything she liked about them, but she didn’t sugarcoat anything either, clearly stating what she thought could have been better. This felt rather stimulating, though, as your contractors rarely offered any more feedback than some thanks along the pay. More than once, Twilight even pointed out minor mistakes in your papers, and you found yourself spending more energy in these, all while a forgotten feeling of accomplishment came back to you after each finished article.
  369. Unfortunately, the princess of friendship didn’t find any occasion to visit you in the flesh. She always sounded very busy in her letters, you didn’t talk about her that either.
  371. Still, you were able to see her when he appeared for the tour, and appreciate how tall she grew. Twilight easily outgrew Celestia only two months after your last meeting, and probably had a whole foot over her when the Tour finished in Canterlot.
  372. That was two month ago, and know it’s a real giantess that comes to open the door of her castle to you.
  374. “Hello!” The giant purple alicorn greets you, and you have to watch for your jaw not to drop at her sight. She has grown some more since you last saw her, to the point your horn only reaches her chest anymore.
  375. “I’m so glad to see you again.” She says. “Come in!”
  377. You silently nod with a dumb smile, completely overwhelmed her stature. You follow the princess to the same lounge room as always, except this time, there’s one pig pillow-like thing where Twilight’s seat used to be.
  378. Even like that, while you have your usual seat, Twilight’s looking down on you while lying.
  380. “So… What are you going to ask me today?” Twilight asks, and at that point you blink as you realize you’ve been silently staring at the huge purple alicorn for a dozen seconds.
  381. “Hum, yeah! Of course…” You smile back and check your notes.
  384. “First, I want to thank you for your letters, Twilight.” You tell the giant pony in front of you. “You really helped me get better with my articles, and a better writer as a whole.”
  385. “Eh, it’s nothing.” Twilight blushes slightly. “And to be honest I had lots of fun doing so. I was always a little interested in journalism. Thank to you I could look into it without any of the pressure at all!”
  387. “Oh, I don’t think you would get any pressure with your talent, Twilight.” You shake your head. “I can’t believe how much you know about history. I thought I was pretty good at it, but you’re leagues above myself!”
  388. “Ah, please, you’re embarrassing me.” Twilight lets out a little chuckle and blushes a bit harder. “I got access to all the material I wanted when I studied under Celestia, and even now I have a library in my castle and one in the school. I’m just doing well because I have the best material.”
  390. You smile to yourself. Even at this size, there’s still a whole lot of modesty in that princess.
  392. “Anyway, I see you became larger still. How are you feeling about it? Did you investigate on what’s causing the growth?”
  393. “Well…” Twilight ponders. “I think I got used to it, somehow. I mean, past the point I got significantly larger than everypony else, nothing really changed with how ponies viewed me. Low doors and ceiling are really starting to get troublesome though, but my magic lets me handle small things just like before. Although I think I’m gonna start to carry around a magnifying glass to read small text in the near future…”
  395. “You mean you will grow more?” Your eyes widen. “You look rather… calm about it.”
  396. “Well, yeah. I took your advice, and we did some research with Starswirl about it, so now we have a pretty good idea about how it works. That’s why I’m not so scared about it anymore.” Twilight clears her through as she prepares to tell you about eh conclusion of her study. “As everypony knows, alicorns are meant to lord over an aspect of nature, like the sun, love, friendship… and the like, but we discovered their power didn’t come from these aspects itself, but from the importance of it inside the mind of those who recognize an alicorn as the ruler of her aspect.”
  398. “So you’re saying this has to do with people… well, thinking about you and friendship? But what about Celestia and Luna, then?” You ask curiously “Shouldn’t they be bigger?”
  399. “Our theory is that both princess Luna and Celestia have always valued the freedom of their subject above all else.” Twilight explains “And while they protected them, their rule became rather discreet, and ponies simply went on with their day without thinking much about the twin sisters. Meanwhile, well…” Twilight smirks. “I’ve just finished a Tour where ponies learned a lot about me and created associations in my name and celebrated me like a pop-star, and also they can write me letters now. I think I’m currently more present in their mind than any other princess.”
  401. “But in the past Celestia and Luna saved the ponies of Equestria from great harm. When Celestia raised the sun for the first time, ponies must have been immensely grateful. She must have grown huge! Did she shrink down through history?”
  402. “No.” Twilight shakes her head. “There were way fewer ponies in Equestria back then, and while they almost worshipped Celestia at some point, she only grew as tall as she is today. While alicorns can grow larger, they don’t shrink and lose power afterward. This can only happen in very special situations, when the body of an alicorn transforms because of outside influence for example. We saw that happen after Princess Luna stopped being Nightmare Moon, but this is something we have very little information about; The only occurrence of such an even recorded in history is the one I just told you about actually.”
  404. “I see… But that makes me wonder, I reckon Nightmare was larger than princess Luna, But I don’t think there was a connection with ponies recognizing her.”
  405. “These are two different things actually.” Twilight keeps fondly telling you about the research she’s been doing. “The body of an alicorn simply grows to contain the magical power they have, which is why Nightmare Moon grew with the power of shadows. The recognition of ponies gives an alicorn power, and then her body grows to match.”
  407. “And… Do you know how much more you’ll grow?” You ask expectantly
  408. “Well, there’s certain momentum to my growth, so the effects of the Tour haven’t finish to affect me. According to Starswirl’s predictions, I should grow between 2 and 3 additional feet in the next three months if I don’t get any additional spotlight.”
  411. “That’s a bit beside the point, but did you learn the shiny hair trick yet?”
  412. “Hihi!” Twilight chuckles. “No, it didn’t happen to my mane, and I’m not even sure it’s a trick. Maybe it’s because my domain isn’t a celestial object? Actually, I never asked princess Celestia and Luna about this. ‘Do your manes wave and shine naturally or is it the shampoo you’re using?’ Haha!” Twilight chuckles again. “That never crossed my mind, but maybe I’m gonna ask them in the future!”
  414. “Anyway, your conclusions all sound rather theorical…” You say after pondering for a moment. “Do you intend to put your theories to the test? By making one of the other alicorn grow, for example? Science isn’t science without repeatability!”
  415. “Mmh… I don’t know.” Twilight sounds unsure “It’s about the view of the citizens of Equestria we’re talking about here. Trying to influence them for the sake of proving a theory doesn’t sounds very nice…”
  417. “You grew a lot, and this wasn’t about influencing ponies. Even if we don’t think about testing your theory, don’t you think some of the princess of Equestria would wish for more recognition from their citizens?”
  418. “I’m… still not sure.” The purple giantess looks bothered. “This feels a little like power for the sake of power. I think I helped everypony feel better with the Tour, but the rest of the princesses are fine with the current state of Equestria. Do you really think there’s a subject here?”
  421. “You’re right. I got a bit carried away, but you’re wiser than I am, Twilight.”
  422. The purple alicorn looks relieved by your words.
  424. “Still… that brings me to another question I had.” You continue. “Do you intend to try some new ways of helping the ponies of Equestria? Because if you do, surely you would overshoot your growth predictions, and thus prove your theory.”
  425. “Well… I haven’t thought about anything more.” Twilight said. “But I have to admit, I don’t feel like committing myself to something like another Equestrian tour in a while. Even if I still had a decent amount of time to myself, and even if I liked meeting all the ponies of Equestria, I think I need to cool off a little. Maybe if only to adjust to all the friendship letters I receive.”
  427. “So you’re not going back on any big show to spread friendship in Equestria?” You ask. “Is that final?”
  428. “Well, final, not until-the-end-of-time final! But for now, yes. I plan to actively avoid events like that!” Twilight nods to herself. “But… Now I told you this, I wonder if you may have any idea for me. I feel like you’ve always given me some amazing suggestions in the past, so what about now? Do you have any idea about something I could do to help Equetria, but without needing to go on a big thing like a tour with all the music and such?” She asks. “Or if you don’t, simply something that could these our theory about my growth, but without doing any propaganda!”
  431. “The knowledge of magic has always been reserved to a secluded elite. Maybe you could use your fame to bring something you cherish to the ears of a wider public.” You offer.
  432. “Hmm?” Twilight cocks a curious eyebrow. “I think you’re onto something here. I did give classes about the magic of friendship, and cutie marks at the school, and I still do occasionally. And that’s something I really like doing. There’s definitely something to do here!”
  434. “Exactly!” You nod. “Personnaly, I think it’s a colossal waste there’s almost no pegasi and earth ponies that research magic. I think you’re gonna reveal a great number of prodigies who never considered such studies. You may open a whole new area of magic for all of Equestria!”
  435. “Woah! Slow down here.” Twilight chuckles. “I think you might be seeing a little big here, ad that’s not talking about me! But still, I’m convinced Startswirl will like the idea of instructing young ponies… or even not so young ponies actually. Now we just need to think about a good way of doing this…”
  437. While the giant alicorn ponders, you prepare your next question.
  440. More than your book, it’s on your relationship with Twilight you’d like to move forward right now. But… you’re not sure which angle to use about it.
  442. “Anyway, it’s nice to see you have some time to plan something like that.” You say, a bit idly. “Equestria has’t been the target of any villain for over a year now. It must be a relief to have some time to breathe.”
  443. “You tell me!” Twilight rolls her eyes. “In such a little time we saw so many threats pop-up out of nowhere it didn’t make any sense! I’m glad we all came out more united and with more friends afterward, but thanks Celestia it we can take a break…”
  445. You smile back at Twilight.
  446. “I just remembered. You told me you helped some ponies who sent you friendship letter in a special way! What were you talking about?”
  447. “Eh… just a little trick I used in the past.” You hear Twilight’s voice, but she closes her eyes, and her lips don’t move.
  449. “Hey! Over here!” You hear the voice again, and realize a little cartoon Twilight has made its way into your notebook. “There’s just some things that can’t be told over a single letter, so I decided I could use this spell to contact ponies and help them almost anywhere! I was a little afraid they would be scared at first, but it felt like I made somepony’s day almost every time. Especially colts and fillies! I swear it gets harder to say goodbye its time…”
  452. “That’s amazing Twilight!” You smile to your notebook. “Not only is this spell awesome, but you probably found best way to use it ever!”
  453. “Aww.” The cartoon Twilight’s face takes an inky blush. “it’s nothing spe… ehm, well the spell is advanced, okay, but I just use it to lend an ear to ponies who need it. That’s what everypoy does when they get the occasion.”
  455. “Yeah, but you’re helping ponies all over Equestria.” You say, doodling a city scape in the margins of your notebook. The Manehattan-like buildings only come up to Twilight’s eyes. “I don’t know many ponies who do that.”
  456. “Come on.” The cartoon Twilight uses a wing to hide her blushing face. “Really, I don’t think I’m doing something exceptional. It even feels really nice for me to do so, and it’s a bit embarrassing to be complimented for something I can do so easily.”
  458. “Something you can do so easily?” You give the cartoon Twilight a smirk. “That makes me wish we could talk with each other every day that way then. It feels much nicer hearing your voice clearly.”
  459. “Well, if you’re alright with me seeing the inside of your home, we could do that!” The cartoon Twilight grins. “I mean, I really like these conversations we’re having. And for many other reasons that simply your book. And from your words, I think like you’re feeling the same as I do.”
  460. After that, the alicorn drawing trots to the city outline you creates.
  462. “Dear Celestia!” She chuckles. “Imagine if I grew that enormous… now that would be a nightmare!” Twilight says, using her hoof to push a tilt one of the skyscrapers you drew. “Good thing the amount of devotion to reach that would be something like… All of Equestria thinking about 24 hours a day, haha!”
  465. “You just made the day of another pony, Twilight!” You declare, drawing a little bouquet near the cartoon alicorn. “Also, I said every day before, but with how much important things you have to take care of, even once a week would be awesome! Don’t you stop helping fillies with friendship problems over old me.”
  466. Twilight smiles back, and her avatar tries to smell the flowers, but returns a disappointed look.
  468. “Alright, that’s enough showing off for today.” The huge Twilight speaks with her own voice again, and her tiny avatar dissapears. “Then it’s settled. I’d like it if you still mailed me your articles, though. It’s actually not easy to read something from the inside out, hehe!”
  470. You look up at the giant alicorn’s face once more.
  471. “Also, for the records, if you don’t mind me asking, how tall are you right now?”
  472. “Well…” Twilight smirks. “I’m 9’3’. I am gonna end up rather close to 14 feet after all, but now it doesn’t sound all that bad anymore. This castle is actually very roomy, and I have all I could wish for to make it bigger. The weirdest things is still gonna be princess Celestia looking like a filly. I got used to everypoy else, but her, princess Luna a Starswirl a little… my brain still feels like there’s something out of place with them getting smaller and smaller!”
  474. You smile back to the princess of friendship. It feels like she has grown comfortable around you, even talking about things like that. You feel so closer to her… but yet desperately not close enough. You wish you had the courage to be bolder with your feelings, and the luck for it to turn out alright, but… do you have the courage?
  476. >Wrap it up for today and wait for your time
  477. >Input boldness
  479. “Actually, there’s something I’d like to ask you Twilight.”
  480. “Yes?” The giant alicorn watches you with her big, purple eyes.
  481. “I think I’ve grown to like you a lot...” Twilight lets out a huff and smirks at the pun. “…and I feel like you might feel the same. So I meant to ask if you would visit me in Cnaterlot in a few weeks for a…”
  482. But at this point, your words die in your throat.
  483. “A what?” Twilight asks obliviously. “I didn’t hear you there.”
  485. >It’s a date
  486. >Anything else
  488. “… for a date.” You finally spit out. And you see the alicorn’s eyes get wider in reaction. “Twilight, I wish you could visit me in Canterlot in a few weeks, so we can go on a date together.” You manage to show her a smile despite your anxiety.
  490. The alicorn remains silent for a couple seconds, the sound of your own heartbeat, going crazily fast, being the only thing in your ears.
  492. And then Twilight chuckles lightly.
  494. “Sounds like Rarity won her bet…” She whispers, before looking straight in your eyes, a lovely smile on her face.
  495. “I think I’d like to go on a date with you.” Twilight says. Her voice is calm, but her cheeks have taken a deep red hue. “You’re right, I’ve grown to like you too. To be perfectly honestly, I am not sure it is love or friendship, but I believe the two share a lot of feelings, and that there’s as many different loves as there’s ponies. So if that’s how you feel, I want to give us a chance too through this date, and discover what we can be.”
  497. You can’t refrain the widest grin to appear on your face, as you feel like the weight of the world was lifted from your shoulder.
  499. “I’m gonna repeat myself, but you just made the day of another pony!” You declare, and jump on your hooves to place a soft kiss on Twilight’s cheek. The alicorn giggles in response, before answering with a large smooch of her own on you smaller face, while securing you by putting a strong hoof on your back. She then takes you in a tight hug, where you embrace her tree-truck of a neck, surrounded by the soft and warm fur of the purple princess, and hear her own heart beating only a little slower than yours.
  501. You wish Twilight a good day after that as you leave back for Canterlot. You have a date to prepare!
  504. The time has come. Since you woke up, you’ve been feeling both incredibly excited, happy and anxious at the same time. You kept repeating to yourself the best thing to do on this date will be to simply enjoy yourself, but you can’t help but to feel like this is a high-stake moment you’re gonna have with Twilight. Even though the purple alicorn most likely isn’t the kind of princess to overreact at the first thing she doesn’t like, you really wish you could finish this date with her longing for the next one already… or with her not wanting to leave you at all.
  506. Your heart skips a beat as you hear a couple of loud bangs on your door. You live in the suburbs of Canterlot, your flat leaning again the outer wall of the city, so there’s little doubt about who came to visit you. You gulp in apprehension, but opening the door, you have no trouble showing your best smile as you see the giant purple alicorn who came all the way from Ponyville to see you.
  508. As expected, Twilight added another feet to her frame. She’s almost standing in the middle pf the street so as not to be too close the door. There currently no other pony around in the street to stare at the purple giantess right now. She’s way over twice your size, and probably ten times as massive. You’re about certain you could walk under her without even lowering your head too. And yet, she too shows an earnest smile at your sight, her cheeks reddened by the chilly air outside.
  510. “Hey Twilight! You’re right on time!” You greet her.
  511. “Hi there!” She answers giddily, before lowering her head to present one of her cheeks to you. You smack your lips against her perfect skin, which is radiating with heat, and she answers with a gentle kiss aimed at your cheek, but which ends up covering almost half on your face.
  513. “How was the trip to Canterlot?” You ask.
  514. “Eh.” She shrugs. “The train isn’t as comfortable as it used to be. And now I wonder if flying to Canterlot wouldn’t have been faster too with these.” She says, unfurling her monumental wings. She could touch the opposite walls of your place with them.
  515. “Anyway, should I come in?” Twilight asks. “Or did you plan to go somewhere else right now?”
  518. “If you’re ready, we can depart right now! We’re doing a little trek in the mountains of Canterlot!”
  519. “So we’re going hiking?” Twilight smiles back. “Sounds nice to me! But I didn’t prepare anything for something like that.”
  520. “Don’t worry, I took care of everything!”
  522. Indeed, you took the liberty to pack enough water and some snack for the two of you for the trip. According to the clerk you talked to, there will be everything you need for the night already at the cabin, with plenty of firewood, food, blankets, towels and marshmallow to grill in the fireplace. All you still need to take is your good old gramophone to set up the mood just right once here.
  524. So without any more delay, the two of you set out to your destination, chatting idly about the weather and the heart’s warming gifts you prepared for your friends. You exit the walls of Canterlot and take one of the marked path winding up in the mountains. The road is climbing up gently, and you walk between the pine trees covered with snow.
  526. But after only an hour of walking, you’re already starting to feel really tired. Even while she walks very slowly, at her size, Twilight’s pace is almost a trot to you, and you’re not really the most physically fit colt out there. The gramophone was loaded carefully on your back, but now it feels heavier than you thought. You feel beads of sweat rolling on your face at this point, and you’re only half-way to your destination.
  528. “Hey, are you alright?” you almost jump as you hear the purple alicorn’s voice. She looks at you, looking worried. You’re probably not looking at your best right now.
  531. “Ah… I’m a little tired, yeah…” You force a smile on your face and manage not to faint. “Do you mind if we take a little break?”
  532. “Sure!” Twilight smiles. “You do look like you need rest.”
  534. You walk for just a little longer. According to your map, there’s a picnic area only a few steps away. You find the place and sit at one table, while Twilight uses a whole other one to rest her hooves on. You carefully put you heavy pack away all let out a huff of relief, before drinking some water from your bottle. There’s no other pony around, but the song of winter birds can sometimes be heard around you. The sky is clear for now, but little snowfalls are expected around the end of the day.
  536. “So what did you pack that’s so heavy?” Twilight asks, after eating a cereal bar whole, and unwrapping another one already. “Your saddlebags look way heavier than mine. I mean… comparatively speaking! I can carry your bag if you want. I swear it won’t bother me at all. I can take on a lot more.”
  539. “It’s for some surprise I prepared actually.” You answer. “I think you’re going to like it. So I’d rather carry it myself. And also, it would be really gentlycoltly of me to let you handle all the stuff.”
  540. “Are your sure?” Twilight asks. “I mean, no offence, but I’d really like if we could go a little faster. I really hoped I could get a little exercise after sitting in the train, but I’m barely walking right now! I’d rather have you being able to follow a faster pace, so...”
  542. “Ehm…” You blush in embarrassment. “How about we switch bags then? I can’t decently let you carry everything.”
  543. Twilight rolls her eyes with a cheeky smile.
  544. “Alright, I get it mister big gentlecolt… you can hold on both our bags if you want to play it that way, but…” Twilight stands up, and after stretching her towering legs, she levitates you and your stuff on her back.” … here! That way you can keep your surprise safe and we can travel a bit faster!”
  546. On these words, the purple princess picks up an idle trotting pace to your destination, which goes probably as fast as your peak galloping speed. Twilight hums to herself as you travel fast up the mountain, your hooves locked on Twilight’s back to prevent you from bouncing off. You can feel the warmth of her body radiating from under you, and the shifting of her huge muscles beneath her silky purple coat, while the tips of her feather tickle you back hooves.
  548. “You can relax a little, you know.” Twilight says, looking back at you with a smile for a second. “I used to carry Spike like this for ages. You’re not gonna fall, I promise!”
  549. You nod meekly, but already Twilight looks in front of her again. You feel the wind in your mane, but it doesn’t look like Twilight is even breaking a sweat. At least, you don’t think Twilight noticed how completely red you’ve become. You’re clamped on her back right now, your cheek against her delicate mane, and feeling her giant, powerful, yet soft body under you.
  552. “Hum… Twilight?” You speak up.
  553. “Yes?” The alicorn answers without turning her head.
  554. “I just had an idea, and…” You’re not exactly sure how to bring that up, but you feel like the occasion is too good to pass. “I’ve never flown before, and that’s something I’ve always…”
  556. Not even waiting for you to finish your plea, twilight start running faster, and her wings unfurl to propel both of you upward. You can’t refrain a gasp as you feel yourself leaving the ground, and very soon going above the tree line. At first, you’re taken by fear, grasping on Twilight’s back and neck much tighter, feeling the muscles beneath you work up some more. But that fear soon phases out as Twilight turns out to be impeccably stable in her flight. It isn’t long before instead, you marvel at the sight of the Canterlot mountains bellow you, and then the snow-covered Equestrian forests to the south under the pale winter sun.
  558. Twilight keeps flying up at an incredible speed. Her wings have more force than the ones of any pegasus, and her magic allows her to soar like a morning bird even at her size. The wind whips on your face and back, and your eyes sting a little. You can’t help but to bury your face in Twilight’s mane and scarf to warm it up a little.
  560. After a minute or so, Twilight start to slow down, and soon after she lands and sits of a lonely cottony cloud. You’re about as high as the top of Cantelot mountain, and there’s a breathtaking view on the city and lands bellow, all shining with a white layer of snow.
  562. “I often forget about it, but I love flying.” Twilight states. “It was a little hard at first because I had to learn how it worked, and even then I mostly ended up using my wings because it’s convenient inside the castle, yet moments like these are so wonderful… I should remember doing this more often.”
  563. At this point, she looks at you with a big smile. “And I’m glad you’re here too. Sharing this kind of moment gives it more meaning I think.”
  566. “That was… incredible.” You breathe out, before looking at both the marvelous landscape, and the wonderous mare that just brought you here for a little longer.
  568. You have some spare time with how fast Twilight can fly both of you, so you allow yourself to get a little lost in the moment. You snuggle closer to Twilight, slipping your hooves and head under her giant scarf, so you can be even closer from her.
  570. “You’re being really cute right now.” Twilight says, then lets out a giggle as she watches you wrap yourself with her garment.
  571. “It’s just to make sure I don’t fall off.” You say, just a little bit worried. “Please don’t drop me, okay?”
  572. Twilight giggles again, then she proceeds to nuzzle you, making all kind of discomfort you had disappear. You remain like that for some time, simply enjoying each other’s presence in front of a gorgeous scenery. You have nothing to say. Nothing to add. For this is the purest manifestation of the bond you wish to create with Twilight.
  574. You were almost dozing off when Twilight stands up again.
  575. “Let’s keep going, shall we?” She says “I want to see our cabin. And… My skin got thicker, but I’ll still get cold if I sit on a winter cloud for too long like that!”
  577. And thus, Twilight flies again with you on her back. You feel a thrill run through your whole body as your inner ear registers you falling, and you tighten your grip once more as you feel your body lose some of its weight.
  579. Twilight gently glides to your destination, but still you’re going fast enough for the trip to be a matter of mere minutes.
  581. The cabin is cradled between some pine forest and a cliff, climbing up almost vertically to the heights of the mountains. The building is made of wood beams in Vanhoover’s traditional style, and as large as a barn even though it has a single story (which is one of the reasons you chose this one). In front of the cabin, there’s something like a 80-feet wide ledge, currently covered with a pristine layer of snow, with only a little fence at the edge before a sharp fall of several hundred meters. There’s still a beautiful view on Canterlot and Equestria’s landscape from where you are, but you must be only about 50 meters higher than the highest tower of the capital city this time.
  583. There’s a picnic table outside, and you can see the path you should have arrived from between the pine trees if you had walked. There’s also a wooden door and frame carved inside the ascending cliff, which you suppose is heading to the hot spring.
  585. “Let’s put our stuff inside!” You offer, and bring out the key of the place.
  587. You both do just that, and inspect the place you just rented. As advertised, the place is looking nice, and there’s everything ready for cooking in the pantry, towels, bath salts and soap for bathing, and may bedsheets and fuzzy blankets for sleeping. There’s some basic furniture like chairs, a table, a couch, a fireplace, fluffy rugs on the ground and checkered curtains on the windows, and several individual beds that could be placed together to give Twilight a big enough resting spot.
  590. “Neat! There’s really everything we need!” You say after inspecting the pantry. “How does brunch sound Twilight?”
  591. “Sounds good to me!” The purple alicorn answers with enthusiasm. “I’m hungry for a lot of pancakes, so I hope you’re ready!”
  593. While you take care of preparing pancakes in the biggest pan you can find, Twilight lights up the fireplace and starts preparing some hot drinks, carrot soup, and some bean stew. You do your best to work fast, and end up producing a pile of head-sized pancakes as tall as you are. With honey, jam, dried fruits and chocolate paste to go with them, Twilight licks her lips in anticipation as you bring the unstable pile to the table.
  595. You both heartily dig in as soon as everything is served. In front of the fireplace, you warm yourselves with the still steaming-hot dishes. You almost don’t talk for a while, both too busy stuffing your mouth with some caloric winter food.
  597. You’re starting to feel satisfied after your third pancake and some beans and cocoa, but Twilight’s hunger seems endless. You didn’t exactly count how many you made but this must be Twilight’s eight’s pancake so far, and she still looks as hungry as when she started eating. She’s completely oblivious about you watching her in amazement, as she’s focused on eating clean all the dished you both made.
  599. Eventually, with the rest of the food vanished in her tummy, Twilight takes the whole head-sized pot she used to head the carrot soup, and drinks it bottoms up. You hear her emptying the cast iron container with loud gulps, watching the bumps of soup travelling down her throat in rythm.
  600. “Pfwah!” Twilight lets out a satisfied huff once she has emptied the pot. All you have left is some coffee and cocoa. “It’s been a while I didn’t have myself a big enough serving to feel full like that! Mmh!” The purple alicorn let out a sleepy purr, stretching her hooves upward while she licks the soup still on her lips. “I think I got a little carried away in fact. Now I really feel like having a nap…”
  603. “How about giving the hot springs a try instead?” You offer.
  604. “Wait, we have hot spring?” Twilight’s eyes go wide. She looks pleasantly surprised. “That’s awesome! Yeah, let’s try these out!”
  606. After taking a good number of towels with you, the two of you go outside, and head for the door in the cliff. Immediately, a gust of hot and humid air hits your face as you open the door. You hear the sound of water running gently even before lighting up the lamps inside the place. There’s a vent on the wall, but not light is coming out from it, meaning the cavern remain shrouded oly in the dim yellow light of the oil lamps. The inside is roomy, and the cavern has been paved with large smooth stones to make in all more comfortable for a pony’s hooves. There’s a thin layer of steam atop the ground and water, which is skimmed by small ripples coming from the further end of the basin. The bathing area is rather large, almost 30 feet wide.
  608. “This looks perfect!” Twilight exclaims. And after tucking her towels in several baskets on the side of the pool, she immediately steps inside. The water is knee-high to her at first, but it gets deeper as twilight goes further and closer to the bottom wall of the cavern. There, water comes up to her neck, and Twilight sits so only her head and snout comes out of the water.
  609. “Mmh…” The purple alicorn purrs, her eyes closed. “That feels so good… It’s been months I couldn’t take a hot bath like this. Maybe I should go to the spa more often.”
  611. You get in the water too, and shiver in delight as you’re surrounded by the hot spring’s heat. You didn’t eat as much as Twilight, even comparatively, but you can clearly imagine yourself getting drowsy in here.
  614. The bubble bath you have is enchanted with a spell of convenience which will make the bubbles go away when it’s convenient for you, but you’ll hold of using it for now.
  616. Instead, you swim closer to Twilight.
  617. “Mind if I hold on you?” You ask as you allow your side to rest on Twilight’s bellow the water. “It too deep for me here.” Twilight simply smiles back in response, and she leans her head back against the wall, closing her eyes to simply enjoy the hot water.
  619. You imitate her, but resting you head against her neck instead, thus hearing Twilight’s slow breathing through her tree-truck of a neck, and her body gently rising up and down under you. Her body’s almost as hot as the water, and you feel bead of mixed sweat and water roll down from Twilight’s head.
  621. “I wonder if you became smarter to as you grew.” You iddly wonder aloud. “You brain probably got ten times bigger, alongside your body.”
  622. Twilight emits a lazy chuckle in reaction.
  623. “There’s a lot of big creatures out there that really aren’t the smartest. No, a big body didn’t bring me any more smarts.”
  626. “Are you sure? I mean, you didn’t really check, did you?” You say with a cheeky smile. “Did you know? Pound for pound, the brain uses the most calories of anything else in your body. You said you haven't been so full in a while. Maybe you've been unconsciously under eating? Don't take this the wrong way, but you have a more alicorn slenderness than when we first met.”
  628. “Hey, princess Celestia told me it was normal…” Twilight lazily protests.
  629. “Tell you what.” You continue “We'll use science. Food science, aka best science. I'll sign you up for a cake of the week club and we'll see if your IQ doesn't triple with the addition of raw sugar power to your daily routine.”
  631. Twilight chuckles again in reaction.
  632. “Honestly, I think that’s all just silly.” She answers “But baking some decently-sized cake for myself does sound interesting. I must be able to get my daily calories without Pinkie!”
  633. “So getting bigger didn’t make you smarter, you think? Alright, but what did it bring you then?”
  635. Twilight remains silent for a while.
  636. “Mmh… It brought me… changes.” She says, sounding unsure. “But I guess these changes are part of the actions I did that triggered this growth in the first place.”
  637. “So… You don’t think it changed anything?
  638. “Surprisingly… No. It didn’t change how I’m going with my days.” Twilight slowly shifts nervously under you. “I still have fun with my friends, I try to help Equestria, I research on magic… Sure there’s some logistics that changed, and some ponies react strangely to me, but I’m not even sure they would react differently in front of a ‘normal-sized’ princess.”
  640. “Sounds pretty good overall, then.” You smile at Twilight, but she only shows you a half-smile in response. “I mean, the outside didn’t change the you on the inside. That means you’re comfortable with what you’re doing.”
  642. “Well… Yeah. But sometimes I wonder if I may be missing out on something.” Twilight says. This looks like something she’s genuinely concerned about. “I mean, beyond my body, my magic grew exponentially this year, but I’m… well, not really doing anything with it. So at the same time, I’m fine with what I do with my days, but I wonder if it’s actually okay for me, well… not to change, while my possibilities have broadened so much.”
  645. “Ironically, the fact you do not feel any need to use this power means you’re the most responsible pony to have it.” You say “And regardless, my opinion is that you have the right to pursue the interests that suit you. Nopony asked you to use your magic for them, did they?”
  646. “Well, no of course…” The purple princess says.
  647. “And neither do anypony ask Celestia and Luna to magically fix their problems. The princesses only use their powers for what they know is good and necessary. And so do you and your friends. You don’t need to… force anything, and you’ve already helped Equestria by simply being yourself, and encouraging friendship all over the continent, and that from the moment you first arrived in Ponyville, and everypony knows that. You don’t have anything more to prove.”
  649. “Thanks.” Twilight says, blushing slightly. “I think I needed to hear something like that. I wanted to talk about this with princess Celestia, but I didn’t get any occasion for that.”
  650. “I’m sure she’d have told you the same thing I did.” You nod. “And so would have any of your friends. There’s no reason to keep these thoughts to yourself when you have so many wonderful friends around you, so… even if of course we can’t really know what you’re going through, you can talk to anypony about that.” You chuckle. “Even Spike could have told you what I said.”
  652. “Of course he could have!” Twilight frowns. “He’s really mature for a dragon his age, and he’s really good for advices!” And here she looks away. “Sometimes…”
  653. “Anyway…” You suppress a chuckle. “If I had to add something of my own, I say you should still practice using your magic to its full potential. You know, just in case you need it someday, and so you don’t end up attempting surgery with the magical equivalent of a broadsword.”
  654. “Magic’s not exactly a muscle you know?” Twilight smiles “It actually gets keener the more powerful the user, as long as the change doesn’t happen overnight. Manipulating things with my telepathy has never been easier.”
  656. “Really? But still, I believe it would be a good thing to keep track of your limits, especially since you may keep exceeding them as times goes on.”
  657. “Well… okay.” Twilight rolls her eyes. “I’ll try to think about it.”
  659. “Hum.” You nod in approval. “Anyway, the point is you should stop worrying about things like that so much. Especially on a first date! And sorry about bringing up something like that in the first place. Talking about heavy matters like that is not the kind of things I hoped for a date…”
  660. “Well…” Twilight’s face is red, but you think there’s a little more than the heat of the water at work here. “I always imagined a coltfriend would be somepony I could really open my heart to, and talk about anything. So I don’t mind, really…”
  662. You feel another kind of heat climb to your face too. But still, you want to bring this date back on some more light-hearted tracks.
  665. “I’m glad you feel that way.” You show Twilight an earnest smile “You can talk to me about anything you want, and I will do the same. Speaking of which… do you mind if I give you a massage, then?”
  666. “A massage?” Twilight huffs. She doesn’t look like she thinks you’re serious. “You’re a masseuse now?”
  667. “Well, not really… but I’m a fast learner!”
  669. Th giant alicrn rolls her eyes and chuckles. You feel her body quiver under you.
  670. “Alright, fine…” She says “I’m gonna help you practice then. The hot bath is already feeling nice, so you’re on easy mode anyway. So what are you gonna massage first?”
  673. “How bout we start by giving you a shampoo?” You offer.
  675. Twilight smiles back, and still with you on her back, she gets closer to the edge of the basin to let you out so you can grab the soap. Twilight then lies with her back on the edge of the water, presenting you her wet mane and the back of her head. Even while lying on her side, Twilight is large enough her behind still comes out of the water.
  677. And so you get some shampoo on your hooves, and start washing the midnight-blue mane of the purple princess. You scrub her neck and head energetically, covering it in some creamy perfumed foam.
  679. “Mmmh!” Twilight purrs as you get closer to her ears, and you feel her weight more on your hooves to feel more of the scratching. You do your best to hold the formidable weight of her head despite the heat of the hot spring having made you a little numb. You find yourself standing on your hind legs, while giving Twilight’s mane a deep scrubbing, her exercise ball-sized head between your arms and against your chest, and her ears flapping in delight under your ministrations.
  681. “That’s not so bad, for a beginner.” Twilight says dreamily while you begin rinsing her mane. “I could get used to that treatment.”
  682. “Then can I try to work on your hooves too?” You offer. “Or even go for a full body massage?”
  684. Twilight answers with an earnest smile, and repositions herself to lie face you and present you her front hooves. You take the heavy limb between yours, and start gently pressing on the soft underside of her giant hoof, with enough strength the giant princess can still feel something more than a tickle. Twilight closes her eyes, letting out a relieved sigh as she rests her head on the hard stone.
  686. You continue for a while, massaging the hoof, and climbing up to her barrel, probing the muscles and bones many times larger than yours. Twilight then unfurl a wing for you to take care of, and you try to do your best and concentrate on the most sensitive parts. But while Twilight occasionally lets out some pleased huffs, it doesn’t feel like you’re doing anything exceptional.
  688. “I think you should definitely take classes.” The purple princess says at some point, lazily opening one eye while you’re still working on her wing. “I mean, this feels nice, but I can tell you’re clueless at what you’re doing.”
  690. You give her a bit of an awkward smile. You secretly hoped this massage may have turned Twilight on, but she just looks relaxed, and sleepy right now. In fact, she closed her eyes again as looks ready for a nap here and now.
  693. “Hey, massaging is not easy.” You say to wake up Twilight “I want to see you trying to massage me!”
  694. The purple alicorn smirks as she opens one eye again.
  696. “I never said you were doing anything bad.” She says “But I read about massaging once, and one common mistake is to be afraid of applying too much strength apparently.”
  697. “Well…” You did think you were rather energic. Not enough for the princess’ taste it seems “I suppose you have to know where to apply the strength before actually doing it, so I played it safe.”
  699. “Hehe.” Twilight giggles as she stands up, and stretches. “Actually, you definitely could have used a lot more strength. I mean…” Twilight plants her hooves on the edge of the water, and thrusts her body forward, bumping on you with her large chest and forcing you to back off a few steps. Her horn is scratching the ceiling of the cavern at this point, and she looks down on you from up there with a satisfied smile. “I can take it. You probably noticed. Also, Spike knows a bit about massages. That’s one thing he learned to try and impress Rarity, but he ended up practicing on me. Let me show you.”
  701. On these words, you feel yourself being lifted by Twilight’s magic, turned around and placed on the ground. You feel some cold soap dropped on you head, and then Twilight’s large hooves starting to scrub your scalp.
  702. “See?” You hear Twilight. “A deep scrubbing is a good start! Even if you don’t know any detail about massages, nopony’s going to feel bad about a nice rub. We have hooves, not claws, there’s no need to be afraid to use a little pep!”
  704. You feel our body shiver in delight as Twilight’s massive hooves keep shampooing your head, and before you’re able to comment, the purple alicorn moves down to your neck and back. You let out a pleased gasp as Twilight’s heel bulbs energetically run along your spine with almost enough strength to drag you on the ground, stimulating the innermost muscles of your withers and loins.
  706. “Here you can see I used a lot of strength, but it felt rather nice, right?”
  707. You attempt to muster an answer, but only an inchoate mumble comes out of your mouth. It feels like every muscle of your body has turned to jelly, and they ring with some kind of tickling and pleasant heat.
  709. Chuckling at your sluggish state, Twilight allows you to recompose yourself while she comes out of the water and starts using some towels to dry herself. She also drops one that cover your head. Once your motricity is back, you’re going to…
  712. “Twilight, there’s something I wanted to show you that I brought.” You tell her once you’ve regained your dignity.
  713. “Is it part of the surprise?” Twilight smiles. “I wonder what you wanted to show me so bad.”
  715. You bring Twilight inside the cabin again, and prepare to show her your present.
  716. “So you probably know, but it’s actually quite easy to enchant stuff to make it fit at any size. So since we’re here today…”
  717. here, you reveal the twin pairs of light blue bladed shoes to Twilight.
  719. “Oh! Ice-skates?” Twilight seems pleasantly surprised. “Neat! Thank you!” And there she places a quick kiss at the base of your horn, before getting a closer look at your present. Immediately, she decided to try one on, and the shoe magically grows larger as the giantess tries to push her hoof inside, until it’s a perfect fit.
  720. “I haven’t tried skating in forever.” She says “I guess there’s some place around here where I can try these out.”
  721. “Of course!” You nod “How about we go right now?”
  723. Twilight accepts, and after a short walk in the woods, you arrive at a frozen plane of water. From what you know, the ice should be thick enough support Twilight without trouble. After putting on your own shoes, you confirm that indeed the ice is safe for anypony. Personally, you’re comfortable enough with skates on to move freely on the ice. You liked to visit the Hearth Warming skating-ring they put on one of Canterlot’s plaza at this time on the year when you were a foal, and kept some memories of that. Any kind of jump is already a perilous attempt for you though, and any figure is out of the question.
  725. And then there’s Twilight.
  727. “Alright… Steady, Twilight…” The alicorn tells herself, a look of utter concertation on her face. She has her four legs spread out to ensure her balance, but still manages to look like she’s on the verge of falling. Her wings are half-unfurled, ready to spread and fly her up rather than letting herself fall. This looks like a good safety net at least… but it probably defeats the purpose of the ice skates. Twilight still hasn’t moved yet and remains at the edge of the ice.
  730. “You’re doing okay, Twilight?” You ask.
  731. “Ehm…” The huge alicorn gives you a cringe. “Give me a sec…”
  733. You skate toward the alicorn to help her.
  734. “Don’t be afraid to use your wings, Twilight.” You encourage her. “It’s a little like swimming but standing.”
  736. You spend a dozen minutes slowly helping Twilight finding her marks. It’s a bit hard to teach her, but with a bit of god will, Twilight eventually manages to slowly slide on the ice and she didn’t even fall once before that.
  737. Well, she didn’t fell face-first at least.
  739. “A-alright! Th-this is fine!” Twilight encourages herself. She’s rather stable on her hooves, and progresses toward the center of the lake with you. Still, she advances incredibly slowly, and for once you’re way faster than the larger alicorn. Twilight’s gaze is still focused on her hooves most of the time too.
  742. “You have to look up Twilight!” You encourage her again. “Let’s get to the other end of the pond first! I’ll give you a little reward when we’re there. Come on!”
  743. Then, you grab Twilight’s thick but shaky leg to help her move forward, slowly pulling her… Well, even with all your strength, you’re only accelerating slightly. But still the purple princess lets out a fearful whimper at going from snail to turtle speed.
  745. Being in her hooves isn’t really helping you realize… even if looking up at the giant Twilight from right next to her is a perspective you enjoy. Thus, you decide to go in front of her so she can look at you, being skilled enough to skate backwards. You attempt to use your magic to help pull Twilight forward, and while you’re keeping the effect at a minimal to not throw off her own balance, Twilight is gradually getting more at ease on her skates, and manages to focus on you rather than on her hooves.
  747. Eventually, the purple alicorn manages to make it to the other side of the frozen lake.
  748. “Phew! I made it!” Twilight exclaims. She has a smile on her face, but still sounds relieved to be on a less slippery ground for the time being.
  749. “I was never really good at these sorts of things.” She adds. “I mean, skating, skiing or even on anything with wheels. I just hope It’s not too boring for you with how slow I am.”
  751. “Not at all!” You shake your head. “In fact… It feels nice to have at least one thing where I can help you progress, and not the other way around. And here’s you reward by the way.” You say, and hug Twilight’s massive chest for the sake of positive reinforcement. Twilight lets out a small giggle in reaction, and pats you head that is still resting on her chest.
  753. You keep ice-skating with Twilight for some time. She progresses rather slowly, and while she’s more comfortable after on hour or so, she still has trouble turning on the ice. Still, that doesn’t stop her from launching herself from one end of the pond to another while propelling her fast with her wings, and laughing like a filly all along the way. You both end up enjoying yourself, and laughing at each other’s mostly failed attempts at trying some more advanced moves, but nopony gets hurt. Twilight didn’t even once fall on you…
  755. After another hour, you’re both happy to have had some exercise, feeling a little tired and sweaty, and the chilly air is making you long for a more heated place once more. It is the end of the afternoon.
  758. “One more lap and we go back someplace warm?” You offer “I got my share of activity for today, and I could really go for some hot cocoa right now!”
  759. “You’re reading my mind!” Twilight answers. “Cocoa, and some pancakes too. With honey!” She licks her lips in anticipation.
  761. You accompany Twilight on the ice one last time for today. And once you’re at the middle of the lake…
  762. “Last one at the cabin has to cook everything!” You shout, and immediately dash to the cabin, leaving Twilight in the dust.
  764. But then you hear a bang, and Twilight appears at the edge of the lake in a flash of purple light.
  765. “Sure!” Twilight cheerfully waves at you, a mischievous smile on her face “I’ll wait for you to arrive and prepare everything!”
  766. And in another blink, Twilight disappears again, probably already in the cabin.
  768. Okay, you thought she might beat you by flying, but now this is just plain unfair…
  770. When you arrive at the cabin, Twilight has already wrapped herself in several blankets, and has prepared the table for your meal.
  771. “You’re late garçon!” Twilight playfully calls you. “Bring me some hot cocoa, and lots of pancakes too!”
  773. You chuckle, and despite your weariness, you diligently get to work. While the hot drinks are being made, you also prepare a fair amount of pancakes for you and Twilight. Once again, although you had made just a little fewer that this morning, Twilight finishes the whole of them almost all by herself, and the purple giant lets out a pleased purr once she has licked her plate clean.
  775. “The service is not so bad after all.” She says after finishing her drink too. And there, she leans closer to place a drawn-out kiss on your cheek. You feel your face instantly burn up as Twilight’s plump lips press on the side of your head, the warmth of her mouth and her sweet scent lingering on you even after she retreats her head.
  776. “Here’s your tip.” Twilight mutters, her cheeks turning rosy.
  778. You can’t help but to blush furiously, and to show her a bright smile in response. You think you’re the luckiest stallion on Equestria right now.
  779. That also means you have to keep the date going! Twilight’s having fun you think, so you have to keep things that way. Luckily, there’s this book you want to bookwalk into with Twilight which you think is going to be perfect…
  782. “Say, there’s an idea that has been running in my mind for a while.” You start “I really find your bookwalking spell amazing Twilight. So I was wondering, if you could maybe cast the spell on me too, so we may explore a book together.”
  783. “You want to do that?” Twilight looks surprised, but interested. “Well… I never did use that spell on somepony else. I didn’t imagine you would want to go into books rather than simply reading them.”
  785. “You always look like you really enjoy that spell.” You answer. “So that’s something I’d like to discover too. And with you… I can’t see it go wrong.”
  786. “Don’t gets your hopes too high, thought.” Twilight says “Personally, I think it’s fun that you can interact a little with the content of a book, but we’re not going into the universe of the story or anything. I suppose you already have a book in mind?”
  788. “Hum.” You nod, and start to rummage in your bag, and show it to the purple princess. “How about this one?”
  789. “Let’s see…” Twilight looks at the cover displaying a colt and a filly in a snowy village with many decorations for Heart’s Warming “Choose your own adventure: Gingerbread’s big present… Ah, I see! We can do a little more than simply reading together with that book!”
  791. “So… you’re okay with my idea?” You sheepishly ask.
  792. Twilight smiles back, and her horn lights up. Soon, the book you brought opens to its first page. And then you feel yourself being aspirated into it. Before you know it, you’re looking up to both yours and Twilight’s larger bodies, standing still above the book, eyes closed. But at the same time, you can also look at the book you’re in. It is really weird, for you see yourself drawn as a cartoon pony on the paper, but at the same time you… sense what is front of you on the page, as though the words and drawing were solid objects in this world. You also feel your displacement being restricted by one dimension although you can still turn around, which is a little awkward.
  794. “It’s just a bit strange at first.” You hear Twilight. The cartoon alicorn trots down toward you, and you realize you’re at the same size in here. “You’ll get used to it. Anyway, this book looks like fun! And this picture reminds me of the old Heart’s Warming tale my mom used to tell me.”
  795. Indeed, you sense a drawing of four colts opening presents under the Heart’s Warming tree up the page, while their parents look at them lovingly from an armchair. You bring your hoof closer to the picture, and… ‘feel’ the colours and ink on the paper. It’s like you’re passing though some layers of water with varying temperature and weight. It is truly an alien sensation, and you could spend hours experimenting all the subtleties of this single image. Your date, however, seems eager to start reading.
  797. “Let’s see the story now!” You hear Twilight starting to read out loud the page you’re on.
  798. >You are Gingerbread, a young colt in the small village of Whoseville. It is the morning of Heart’s Warming, and the presents are here under the tree in the warmth of the living room by the fireplace. From your dad, you got a pretty toy cart. From your mom, some colorful and fuzzy bonnet and scarf. But then there was the last present. Already your three older brothers, who never miss a chance to pick on you, snicker as you begin to unwrap the box.
  800. >Inside, you find a doll of cloth, looking like a filly with a fluffy brown coat and mane, and a big pink ribbon on her head. The doll is warm and fuzzy, her long hair covers her eyes, but however her face looks sad.
  801. >“Haha!” Peppermint, your oldest brother laughs. “Gingerbread never want to get dirty, so we got him a little filly’s doll!”
  802. >“Hehe!” Sweet Holly, your second oldest brother snickers. “Gingerbread is a scared cat, so we got him a doll so he won’t be frightened at night!”
  803. >“Hihi!” Pinecone, you third oldest brother giggles. “Gingerbread ever wants to play with us, so we got him a doll with a frown!”
  805. >“Peppermint! Sweet Holly! Pinecone!” Your mother intervenes, your brothers losing their mocking smiles. “This is not nice of you to do something like this on Heart’s Warming. Look, even the doll is sad because of your prank.”
  806. >“Gingerbread, if you do not want this doll, how about we give to one of your friends? I’m sure Candy would love to receive a present from you.”
  808. “Ah!” Twilight perks up. “Here’ the first choice of the story. I want to hear your opinion first.”
  811. “I think I’d like to see the second option.” You tell Twilight.
  812. “Yeah. I wonder if that doll’s the ‘big present’ in the title.” She answers. “It says we have to go to page 23. Follow me!”
  814. And thus, the pages of the book start flipping forward on their own. You follow the cartoon princess through a midst of words and colors until you arrive to the desired page. As you arrive, you find yourself on another image showing Gingerbread tucked in his bed, sleeping soundly with the doll in his hooves, but the toy glows with a light orange light.
  816. Twilight starts reading again.
  818. >”No, I shall keep her.” You tell mother. “There’s nothing sadder than an unwanted present on Heart’s Warming.” And to your brothers. “And thank you for this present. I like it!”
  819. >Mother is surprised, but she shows you a smile.
  820. >”You look sure of yourself. That’s a good lesson you just told your brothers Gingerbread. This time of the year is for kindness, and even to a doll you’re being nicer than your brothers have been to you.”
  822. >And that was it. The presents and the hearts had all been opened. Since you just told them you like the present, Peppermint, Sweet Holly and Pinecone cannot not say they are sorry, so they decide to take you mother’s words at heart instead. Today, you all peacefully play in the snow as long as the sun is up, and then you all play with your figurines when the sun is down. In the adventures you and you brother imagine, your doll is first chosen to be the damsel to be saved. But in the end, the brown filly of cloth is many times larger that the rest of your wooden figurines, and even the dragon Peppermint has doesn’t measure up to her. So in a twist of your stories, it is the giant doll that ends up saving the kingdom from the monsters with the aid of her little knight friend. And after a fun day with your brothers, you go to sleep with your doll in your hooves, still warm and fuzzy.
  824. >During the night, your dreams add a shine of reality on the adventure you imagined in the day. You see yourself armed like a wooden figurine, with your sword a shield of oak, ridding the head of the giant doll and driving her to fight evil. Little did you know in your sleep, that a miracle was at work in you room. Under the moonlight, away from all eyes, your doll was glowing with magic.
  826. >You wake up the next day in a warm and fuzzy embrace, soft hooves of felt around you. But soon you end up in a daze. You gasp as you realize, your doll now measures up to you! Across the pillow, her head of cloth is as large as yours, and her thread of a smile has turned upside down, now looking content. Did you shrink? No, the rest of your bed and your room are just like ever. And yet, your doll is now as large as a real filly, while before she wasn’t even half of one.
  828. >At this moment you hear you mother calling you for breakfast. You do not feel like telling your mother yet about this magic, as you wish to understand this miracle yourself, and fear she might take it away should you tell her. You decide that after you have your morning oats, you shall…
  831. “How about you chose this one, Twilight?” You offer. “I’m fine with either.”
  832. “Mmmh…” She ponders for a second. “Let’s tell Candy! I have a feeling it’s the filly on the cover. She must be important! And…” Twilight chuckles. “I wonder if this Candy is like my sister-in-law Cadence or not. Let’s get to page 43!”
  834. And thus, you follow Twilight through another romp inside the book. On the next step of your adventure, you see a picture deciphering Gingerbread, his doll, a pink filly with two blond braids, and another smaller bunny doll having a pretend tea party near the fireplace. The pink filly in pink frilly dress looks overjoyed, but while Gingerbread is smiling, he looks a tiny bit embarrassed, and wears a too large top hat on the side of his head. The smiling doll wears a white dress with blue polka dots.
  836. “I’ll do the reading this time.” You say.
  837. >Once breakfast is over, you discretely go to your room and take the doll on your back. Despite its size, the doll is rather light, and her hooves of felt secured around your neck makes it easy to carry around. You trot out of the house unseen, and head to your friend Candy’s.
  839. >Candy is a filly, and she is your friend. You sit next to her at school, you both love playing with each other and talking about anything and nothing.
  840. >A knock on her door, and Candy’s dad answers. After greeting him politely, you tell him you came here to play with Candy. He answers with a smile from under his big brushy moustache, before calling your friend. You hear her come hopping down for the stairs, and immediately, a big smile blooms on her face as she notices you and what is on your back.
  842. >”Oh, Gingerbread! What a pretty do you have!” She says feeling the fabric with her hooves. “And so soft too. You’re so lucky, my mother would never let be have one so big.”
  843. >”Yes, it is pretty, but that is not the only thing about it! You see…”
  844. >”Hold on, Gingerbread, let’s talk about this in a more comfortable manner.” Candy cuts you. “Let’s set up a tea party! Your doll is so big I can make in wear all my clothes. This is going to be so much fun!”
  846. >And thus, the events that pushed you to visit your friend are shoved aside by her cheerfulness. You help her set up the table for you, Candy, mister Bunny, and your doll. Meanwhile, she dresses your present with one of her summer dresses, and Candy’s mother prepares some hot chocolate for all the guests. Eventually, the four of you are sitting around Candy’s table for a hot drink. Candy put on her favorite dress.
  848. >”What a good surprise to have you visit today, Gingerbread!” Candy says. “And you brought such a wonderful guest too! Oh, dear… I just realized, you didn’t tell me what is her name yet!”
  851. “Fuzzy Felt is definitely the best name of all three!” You state.
  852. “Hum!” The cartoon Twilight nods. “And with that option Gingerbread will tell Candy about what happened last night. That sounds like the most exciting option!”
  853. “Then… page 17 it is!”
  855. Once more you follow Twilight through the book, and end up on a page illustrated with a picture of Candy holding hooves with the doll, all while showing a bright smile to the reader.
  857. >”Fuzzy Felt?” Candy exclaims before you can finish your sentence. “What a cute name for such a cute doll! Pleased to meet you, Fuzzy Felt!”
  858. >“But I was going to tell you, she’s not only a cute doll, she’s a magic doll too!”
  859. >“A magic doll?” Candy blinks in amazement. “Did she put a spell on you?”
  860. >“No, well, not that I know off… But when I opened her present she was at tall as my thigh, and she had no smile on her face. But then my brothers and I played with her all day and that I slept hugging her at night. And when I woke up today, I was level with her smiling face!”
  862. >”What a cute story, Gingerbread!” Candy says, enchanted by your Heart’s Warming tale “It sounds to me you made this doll happy!”
  863. >”Really? You think that’s why Fuzzy Felt became bigger?”
  864. >”Sure! Just like ponies, dolls need love to grow! And now she’s happy, Fuzzy can have fun with us all!”
  866. >”Candy, you really never worry.” You tell your friend. “You say all that as though it was a given, but I never heard of a growing doll. Aren’t you even curious about where her magic comes from?”
  867. >”All I see, is that this doll is made for games and cuddles and more! I am curious, not to understand, but to see what would happen with twice the love! Obviously Fuzzy’s not dangerous, so I wish to marvel at what will happen after another night. How awesome would it be, if she became again twice the height!”
  869. >A: Arrange a sleepover so both you and Candy can sleep with the doll
  870. >B: Before anything else, go with Candy to ask your brothers where they bought the doll
  872. “Hey, let’s not choose the cautious way.” You tell Twilight. “I want to see what happens with the doll already!”
  873. “Sounds fair enough!” Twilight comments. “So it’s gonna be… page 25.”
  875. The next page you arrive on shows the two fillies on a bed, and waking up amazed as a bear-sized doll is hugging them both. Twilight immediately starts reading.
  877. >“Then… the doll grew while I was sleeping last night.” You tell Candy once more “Let’s have fun with Fuzzy Felt all day, and the three of us can have a sleepover!”
  878. >”Yay! Now I really hope you’re telling me the truth, Gingerbread.” Candy grins in response. “But let’s have fun all day anyway!”
  880. >And so, you and Candy keep playing until eh sun sets. You play board games, help Candy’s mother baking cookies and muffins, and then you spend the afternoon playing in the snow. Somehow, Fuzzy Felt remained warm and clean even while you played, and neither of you felt the bite of cold with her to your side.
  881. >Then, tired from your games, you and Candy go to bed together, Fuzzy Felt nestled between the two of you. In the middle of the night, little do you know the magic gets at work again. Brighter, the orange glow turns Fuzz Felt in a little sun, but at the same time, her magic makes sure not to disturb you and Candy’s sleep.
  883. >It is only in the morning that you realize. You wake up in a state of absolute delight, covered in an ocean of warm fluff, like being wrapped is several blankets in front of the fireplace. But as you mind shakes of the remains of sleep, and that you open your eyes, you nearly let out a shout at the sight in front of you. Fuzzy Felt grew again, and much more than before. Her hind hooves stick out of the bed, which is to small to contain her. Her fluff spills on every side of it, and you and Candy are each lying on Fuzzy’s belly, one huge and comfortable arm, yet as light as air, to keep you warm.
  885. >And still, this isn’t the only surprise that awaits you in this morning. With a life of its own, Fizzy Felt’s head turns to you, her eyes still covered by her long, brown mane, and her warm smile still on her face.
  886. >And there, with a quiet and serene filly’s voice, she speaks to you.
  887. >”I’m so glad to finally meet you, my dearest friend Gingerbread. I know this is all strange and eerie, but let’s not wake up Candy yet. She is so pretty when she sleeps.”
  890. “So what do you want to pick?” You ask Twilight. “I just wonder if we can find out how pretty are Fuzzy Felt’s eyes.”
  891. “Mmmh…” The purple pony ponders. “Nah, let’s keep the adults out of this. I really like this fairytale feeling! Onward to page 59!”
  893. You follow Twilight to the next part of the story, and there you see two fillies sitting on the belly of their giant plush friend, and you start to read.
  895. >You nod quietly, and Fuzzy Felt answers with a small relieved huff, and then her thread of a smile
  896. >”But I have to ask.” You mutter to the giant filly. “Who… Who are you?”
  897. >”I am your friend Fuzzy Felt of course!” The giant plush mutters back. “That is the name you gave me, and I like it quite a lot!”
  898. >”But…” Amidst all the questions in your mind, one sticks out. “How?”
  899. >”It is quite the story indeed.” Fuzzy giggles softly. “And to tell you he truth, I was born from the intend of misdeed. You see, the wizard who made me and and gave me to your brothers wanted to punish them with a growing burden in response for their mischief. But you, Gingerbread, instead of making me feel dejected as the trickster wizard intended, you gave me love and fun, and far from a burden, it is our friendship that I hope will grow!”
  901. >”Ah! So you’re magical for real!” Both you and Fuzzy perk up, as you see Candy has woken up. “This is marvelous! A magical friend is the most wonderful present I can imagine for Heart’s Warming! You’re so lucky Gingerbread…”
  902. >”But… I don’t think I can think of Fuzzy Felt as a mere present anymore.” You say. “ She may be made of felt, but Fuzzy, surely you mean to be something else than a foal’s toy.”
  904. >“Ah, you say these words…” Fuzzy says. “And yet I can’t imagine anything better than these two day we spent playing. I just wish we could keep playing all day and every day, but now I can move, it all shall be even better!”
  908. “This is fun so far, right?” You say as you go nuzzle the paper mare. Unfortunately, it feels more weird than anything else, akin to rubbing your cheek against warm paper. Bookwalking is a bit less exciting that what you imagined.
  909. “Hum!” The paper princess nods back. “This is really cool. I never thought reading the same book could be a game for two ponies!”
  911. “Anyway, how about we keep Fuzzy Felt a secret from the adults?” You offer. “I feel like that’s what foals would do! I have no idea how they’re going to keep hiding Fuzzy though.”
  912. “Let’s find out then.” Twilight says. “Page 62.”
  914. On that page, the illustration shows a dozen foals ridding on the back of a house-sized, laughing out loud Fuzz Felt, dashing among the snowy pines in a mountain forest. Gingerbread and Candy are on her head.
  916. >And thus, Candy and Gingerbread decided to keep their new friend a secret from the adults of Whoseville. Now that she stood on her own, Fuzzy Felt could use her magic to turn back into the small doll she once was, and thus kept herself out of sight when the adults were around.
  918. >But when it was time to play, Fuzzy Felt would become the biggest, warmest and fluffier of all toys. She could become twice the height of a house, and helped the foals of Whoseville make the best treehouses, build snow forts beyond their imagination, and bring them camping even further than the mountains surrounding Whoseville. Fuzzy Felt always kept everypony warm and safe in all occasions.
  920. >The secret of Fuzzy Felt was passed on between kids for many generations, the foals of once, now adults, pretended to forget about their plush friend to let their own kids have their fun with her.
  922. >And from here on, the secret of Fuzzy Felt remained among the foals of Whoseville ever after. Foals would go out playing together with their magical friend, especially on Heart’s Warming season, while the adults discretely peeked at the amazing plush filly they loved too.
  924. >The End
  926. “Huh. So we’ve reached an ending?” You comment. “Sweet! I expected this to go for a bit longer though.”
  927. “Well, the book is not that thick.” Twilight says. “And if there’s one page for each possibility, it’s no wonder one storyline is not going to be very long, even if several stories may merge at a single point. Anyway, I think it’s time we went back in the real world.”
  929. And as Twilight says that, you feel your world of paper getting blurry, and again get wrapped in a swirl of colors until you’re back in your real body, in the reality where Twilight sparkle sits next to you at over twice your size.
  931. “That was really fun!” Twilight says, a big grin on her face. But then she shows you a mischievous grin. “But say… You managed to find a fairy tale about a giantess, and, well… it’s quite topical with what I’ve been going through lately. So now I’m a bit curious, why did you choose that story? Was there some reaction you were expecting?”
  934. “Well, to tell you the truth, it’s a book I’ve had for a really long time.” You tell Twilight. “It had been forever I glanced at it, but I really liked it when I was a colt. And when I found it again the other day, I couldn’t help to feel this was the perfect story to share with you. I mean, that’s about the most innocuous thing about a giantess I could find, and it’s even about Heart’s Warming!”
  935. “Huh.” Twilight smirks. “I see. So that’s why you’re not bothered at all with how big I got...”
  937. There, the giant alicorn lifts a massive hoof and pulls you against her chest. Soon your whole side is leaning against hers, and both her mane and the blankets Twilight covered herself with come over the back of you head and neck. You have to crane your neck up to see Twilight’s smiling face as she speaks.
  938. “You know, it really was a nice story.” She says. “I’ve been mostly thinking about my growth like a bother, and sometimes a something weird too. So feeling like ponies might simply view that as something magical… as in, wonderful… And I think I get that you, my growth, about it you…” Twilight’s giant face blushes over you. She doesn’t finish her sentence.
  940. “Well… I guess I want to say I really like the attention.” She eventually says.
  941. “I’m glad I could make you feel that way then.” It’s your turn to blush deeply.
  942. “So when you were a colt, you dreamt of being Gingerbread, right?” Twilight inquires next. “And to have a giant filly friend to play with.”
  943. “H-hum…” You nod meekly, and blush harder. “I mean, just like every foal, I wished what I read in books were real.”
  945. “So that was when you were a foal, but what about now?” Twilight presses on with a… dare you say it, flirtatious tone. “How do you feel about really bigger ponies? Like Fuzzy Felt, or like me…”
  946. You feel your face getting on fire.
  947. “It’s a bit hard to explain…” You start, feeling tense. “But I just find it wonderful when I came across mare who is… growing bigger, or simply being big in general. B-but please! Don’t start thinking this why I want to hang out with you, or why I wanted to write your biography in the first place! There’s so much more about you that I love. I’m just trying to be honest with you about how I feel…”
  949. “Don’t worry, I know.” Twilight says with a soothing voice. “Everything we did together today, and even before… I really feel like we have made a special bond.”
  950. There, Twilight shifts to lie on her back on the couch, her hear resting against the wall. She then lifts you with her magic to brings you on her chest, where she carefully holds you with both her hooves, and watches you with these magnificent, big purple eyes.
  952. “Me too, I really feel like I can be honest with my feelings with you.” Twilight says. “It’s the first time there’s been somepony I could talk to about myself so deeply, which wasn’t my parent or my teacher. And it’s not like any of my friends either, because I can feel it now, what’s in your mind before anything else… is me. You always want me to be happy, and helped me a lot to deal with some difficult questions. And I could feel you were happy too as I moved forward. And now… I realize I want to do the same for you, and I think I’ll be happy too that way.”
  953. Twilight shows you a timid smile, and her face is entirely red. “Besides, I really like how comfortable you are with the bigger me. Even if that’s something you like, you’re the one who always made me feel the least awkward about it. And now I think I’ve grown to like it too, well… being the bigger pony. Maybe I’m used to it because of Spike…” She giggles. “But now you’re so small, I just want to hug you like a little teddy bear!”
  955. Joining the act to the words, Twilight’s hooves squeeze you against her warm, powerful chest.
  956. “My very own little coltfriend.” Twilight whispers. “I want to go to bed and wake up every day with you nestled between my arms. Holding sompony so small, and yet so… comfortable with being held like that, that’s the cutest thing I can imagine.”
  958. You feel you hear pounding on your chest, as well the one of Twilight beneath you the whole time she speaks. Right now, she simply stares at you longingly after sharing with you what was on her mind.
  959. “So… That how I feel about you.” Twilight concludes. “And if you’re okay with that, I would like to hear it from you too. What you think about me and… how do you feel when you look at me.”
  962. You’re unsure you can even talk clearly at this point. In the back for your mind, this is something you prepared for a while, and hoped to declare after the two of you could dance together. But now Twilight took the lead, you feel the words you have prepared get foggy in the midst of the euphoria the words of the purple giantess ignited in your mind. If you speak right now, you fear you might say something really dumb, like how big and purple she is right now.
  964. Since words fail you, there’s only one way left to express what you feel. You step forward on Twilight’s chest to get to her head. Understanding your intend, Twilight smile as she closes her eyes, and then your lips meat in the biggest of all kisses.
  966. At her size, Twilight’s lips are unbelievably plump to you, and their warmth cover you whole muzzle while Twilight produces the faintest smooshing sound. You can’t help but to open your mouth, and try to taste Twilight’s wonderous mouth. Her lips are smooth and plushy under your tongue, and her musk is deep, a bit salty, but incredibly enthralling. And then her raspy, much bigger tongue comes to lick yours, the hot friction sending shivers in your whole body. The whole time of the kiss your ears ring in delight, there’s fireworks in your brain, electricity running on your skin and butterflies in your stomach.
  968. And when your lips part, it feels like forever has passed, and yet like it was also too short. Twilight shows you her earnest smile, and when she opens her eyes again, they are just a bit wet with emotion.
  970. The kiss didn’t change anything. Your mind is just as addled as before, but this time you’re invigorated with enough courage to voice out your feelings anyway.
  972. “Twilight… I’m happy, excited, relieved and scared at the time…” You chuckle nervously at your own confusion, but Twilight still smiles back at you with a reassuring grin. “More than everything, I’m afraid about losing you right now. You could grow as huge as a mountain, and that would never make me afraid, but rather I fear that one day I’ll say the wrong thing and you’ll just disappear. The time I spend with you, I still wonder if it is not just a dream, and that soon I’ll wake up alone in the asylum. All I want right now is just to remain with you, and to be still your arms the next time I wake up.”
  974. “You have to stop being afraid.” Twilight whispers to you. “I love you, you hear me? I just told you. I’m a little scared too, I mean… this is the first time I’ll be calling somepony my coltfriend. But I also know I like… no, I love what we share together. I want it to last too, and I want to prove it to you too.”
  976. And there, Twilight leans in to kiss you again. She keeps pressing her massive lips against yours, and her lips and tongue play with yours until your doubts are all kissed goodbye by this wonderful pony.
  978. The rest of the day passes like a dream in velvet fur. After some more snuggling and kissing, you spend the rest of the evening dancing at the rhythm of tunes of old and young. Twilight is not a good dancer, but she just likes to have fun with the music, which is everything you may desire. After dancing, you use the hot springs gain, blissfully hugging each other after the efforts you made. And after dinner, you spend the rest of the evening watching the starry sky and Canterlot through the window, you still nestled against the bigger mare that is Twilight. Being allowed at her side at all times, it is like a dream come true, and Twilight genuinely enjoys holding you in her bigger hooves, and squeezing you against her powerful body too.
  980. And the next day, you wake in the most wonderful of all manners, nestled in the arms of the giant princess you love. Her warmth and scent are all over you after the night, your ears are filled with her slow breathing, and you feel her chest rising and falling gently behind you. You can’t help but to shift and turn to hug the wall of purple princess. She’s real. And when she opens her eyes, she looks at you with love in her eyes. Before a single word is spoken that day, you both lean to kiss each other, recreating without effort the same perfection, the same magic that happened yesterday. These feelings you have for each other, with each other, you hope they’ll last forever.
  982. This magic, you share it each morning and night from there on. You left Canterlot on the very first day after the date to move in to Ponyville. Some ponies were surprised of course, but both the friends and family of you and Twilight ended up being enthusiast about your relationship. Twilight had enough room in her castle for many ponies, but while she offered you a room for you to work in, there was no need to take another bedroom.
  984. Twilight also keeps growing bigger. You did not notice over the first night, but as you became familiar with holding her body, you soon noticed your hooves had to stretch just a little further each day. Twilight was larger every morning. Heavier, stronger, and your kissing sessions only became more intense. After three more months, Twilight stopped growing at 13 feet and 1 inch. You only came up slightly above her knees at this point, but Twilight called it the ‘perfect little coltfreind size’ as she would lift you off the ground with her massive hooves to nuzzle your whole body against her cheek.
  986. Your book is also published after a few weeks after the first date. It made a decent success, both liked by the many and decently-received by the critics. Ponies liked to discover a new facet of Twilight, and were pleasantly surprised somepony might have captured that side of her. Your relationship was still unknown to the public at this time. You’re able to keep working from Ponyville for some paper in Cnaterlot, and start working on your next big work from here on. You’re not sure how much it affected Twilight’s growth, but she did exceed her projections…
  988. The days go on and on, the blissful status quo of your couple bearing seemingly endless fruits of happiness for both of you. To the point you eventually decide to move forward.
  990. And after you announced the decision to your friends, Twilight whispered to you that night.
  991. “I Just hope ponies won’t go as crazy about it as they did with my brother and Cadence, or else my horn’s gonna go through the roof of Canterlot’s castle before the vows!”
  993. THE END.

Witch Quest (MMP)

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