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Sovereign Claim

By ArchiveAccount
Created: 2024-04-11 03:58:30
Expiry: Never

  1. Written by Bonermancer
  3. >You wake to unfamiliar sounds in an unfamiliar place.
  4. >A makeshift cot far too small for your body creaks under you.
  5. >You take in your surroundings and begin to remember.
  6. >In the basement of a home.. no.. That's right. It's a library made from a hollowed out tree.
  7. >It was only the previous day you'd woken to find yourself in this vivid dream of a place.
  8. >You'd have chocked it up to drugs if you could recall even having the money to buy them.
  9. >"Anon! Are you up? Today is a big day!" an overly excited voice calls down to you.
  10. >What was her name again?
  11. >Twinkle? No. Twilight.
  12. >You groan.
  13. "Talking horses? Really? I must be on drugs."
  14. >"What was that?" she calls down again.
  15. >You call back up to her as you struggle to sit up without breaking the cot under you.
  16. "Yeah... Yeah I'm up."
  17. >All things considered it's amazing you were able to sleep at all. But sleep did come at a price that you're back was all too eager to remind you of.
  18. >Standing upright, your sore back and shoulders Crack bring some relief.
  19. >They don't seem to have cars, television, or the internet but lacking all of those only seems to add to the quality of this place.
  20. >You're thankful for the modern conveniences that do exist here, however.
  21. >You're especially thankful you were able to take a hot shower the night before.
  22. >One could only imagine how foul you would be smelling at this moment, otherwise.
  23. >You take your time getting dressed and with shoes in hand make your way up the steps.
  24. >At the top you're greeted by Twilight's all too eager smile.
  25. "Morning, Twilight."
  26. >"Good morning, Anon! Are you excited to meet the princess? I know I sure am excited!" she bubbles over with obvious energy.
  27. "Yeah. I can see that."
  28. >Twilight turns her head then looks back to you as a small paper bag levitates to you.
  29. >It still freaks you out that she can do that.
  30. >Cautiously you take the bag and look inside.
  31. >"I wasn't really sure what you eat but Fluttershy suggested some dried fruit slices, berries, and nuts to try."
  32. >Not really the sort of thing you're accustomed to eating but certainly healthier than your normal diet.
  33. "Looks delicious."
  34. >Hungry as you are, you're ready to dig in when you notice a pair of eyes glued to you from across the room.
  35. >"Spike, stop staring!" Twilight scolds the little dragon.
  36. >"I can't help it! He looks so weird." Spike retorts.
  37. >You'd have been offended if you hadn't caught yourself thinking the very same of him.
  38. >"Twilight gasps, "Spike! That's rude!"
  39. "Nah.. It's fine. I'm sure I'm going to be in for quite a bit of that."
  40. >"Still," Twilight huffy as she looks back at Spike, "you should apologize."
  41. >"Alright. I'm sorry." Spike says in a fairly insincere tone.
  42. >You roll the top of the bag up, now feeling a little too self-conscious to eat in front of them.
  43. "So... When are we heading out?"
  44. >"Whenever you're ready." Twilight bubbles again, "There wasn't supposed to be a train coming in today but when Princess Celestia got my letter about you she arranged to have one pick us up."
  45. >You shrug unable to think of what more you might be able to do to prepare.
  46. "I guess I'm ready now."
  47. >"Great! Let's go!" She bursts and darts toward the door.
  48. >You follow only stopping to slip your shoes on at the door.
  49. >Once outside you're startled slightly as the door closes before you have a chance to close it yourself.
  50. >Twilight must have done it again with that creepy magic thing she does.
  51. >The sun is already well into the morning sky as you follow Twilight across the small town.
  52. >It's nearly impossible to block out all the staring eyes.
  53. >You'd thought after the first day they might have at least started to get used to seeing you.
  54. >But if anything you now draw more attention, today.
  55. >You do your best to ignore the gawking stares.
  56. >You do your best to remind yourself of just how strange you must look to them.
  57. >It doesn't help.
  58. >You can see the train parked at the station waiting for you up ahead.
  59. >It doesn't look very far but it seems like an eternity with all those eyes bearing down on you.
  60. >You look to Twilight.
  61. >Bounding ahead she seems almost oblivious to the interest of all the others.
  62. >She seems absolutely lost in her own little world of wonderment.
  63. >It's clear that she adores this Princess whats-her-name.
  64. >And sharing you as a new discovery must be a real treat for her.
  65. >The platform is blocked off by ponies wearing some sort of medieval looking armor.
  66. >They try to hide their own stares with solid, professional expressions but you see the way their eyes dart toward you when they think you won't notice.
  67. >Past the guards you find comfort in distance from the curious crowd.
  68. >Time seems to step back up to a normal pace and you're finally in the shelter of obscurity within the passenger car of the train.
  69. >A deep breath calms your nerves.
  70. >You'd never thought being the center of attention would feel so... difficult.
  71. >Getting the impression that this is going to be a long ride, you settle into a comfortable seated position.
  72. >One of the guards come to the outside of the door and with one last curious glance at you he closes the door.
  73. >Another deep breath.
  74. >Twilight takes a seat across from you and Spike next to her.
  75. >A moment of awkward silence lingers before Twilight breaks it. "I suppose I should tell you a little bit about where we're going and who you'll be meeting."
  76. >You look down at the bag still in your hands and open it, getting the rustling noise of it out of the way before Twilight begins.
  77. "Go ahead. I'm all ears."
  78. >With a sharp jerk, the train starts off and so does Twilight. "Well, we're going to Canterlot, the capital city of Equestria. There you'll be meeting most importantly with Princess Celestia..."
  79. >You listen intently at first as you idly munch on the contents of the bag you were given.
  80. >After a while, your attention begins to falter.
  81. >You feel a nervous knot begin to form in your stomach as you think of how many more eyes will be on you at your destination.
  82. >Twilight is still going on. Something about a wedding now.
  83. >There's so much going through your head right now that it's near impossible to even fake like you're paying attention.
  84. >You can already feel eyes upon you again.
  85. >It's not your imagination.
  86. >Spike is sitting eyes plastered on you once more.
  87. >He diverts his gaze as you catch him at it.
  88. >Again, you can hardly blame him.
  89. >Having thoroughly lost your appetite at this point you hold out the bag with about a quarter of the contents remaining in it.
  90. >A moment of stunned surprise takes the little dragon but he quickly seems happy to accept.
  91. >Having successfully diverted Spike's attention off of yourself and onto the food brings you a slight bit more comfort.
  92. >You settle back again and resume struggling to absorb everything Twilight has to say.
  93. >This is going to be a long ride. But likely not long enough.
  95. ----------
  97. >The train slows to a halt the spins your nerves tight once more.
  98. >"Oh! We're here!" Twilight chirps having been pulled from her own musings by sudden cease of motion.
  99. >You struggle to calm yourself, dreading as much what you know is to come as the uncertainty of what lies ahead.
  100. >The door opens to the face of another curious guard.
  101. >Ever eager Twilight hops to her hooves and trots out with Spike not far behind as you take your time coming to a stand.
  102. >A final relaxing breath before you step out.
  103. >Instantly, you forget your worries.
  104. >The staring eyes of onlookers have no weight as you're taken back by the majesty of this place.
  105. >Tall ivory towers and cascading waterfalls accent this beautiful city built into the side of a mountain.
  106. >If the sight of the city itself isn't enough, the scene of the land flowing out before it is certainly enough to take your breath away.
  107. >There's hardly enough time to admire what your eyes behold before you are hurriedly shuffled to a carriage and quickly taken away to the shelter of the castle walls.
  108. >The inside of the castle is nothing short of the outside.
  109. >Brightly lit, tall ceilings, and colorful tapestries make it almost daunting in its grandeur.
  110. >You wonder for a moment what sort of creature it is that you will soon encounter here.
  111. >To live in such a place...
  112. >Reaching back to what little you could recall of the train ride here you recall Twilight's description of the princess.
  113. >Words like noble, kind, and graceful come to mind.
  114. >Although all traits that would make this meeting all the more bearable, you still feel that tight knot of worry returning.
  115. >As you're lead to a pair of doors large enough to be labeled "throne room", you find yourself staring at the floor trying desperately to hide your nervous expression.
  116. >You stay close to Twilight as the doors swing slowly open.
  117. >"Princess Celestia!" Twilight exclaims.
  118. >A soft lyrical voice replies, "Twilight Sparkle! I am so glad to see you."
  119. >You look up to see her.
  120. >The princess, no less magnificent than the castle in which she dwells now stands over Twilight smiling down at the bowing unicorn.
  121. >In relief of her disarming appearance you smile.
  122. >She looks up from Twilight to meet your gaze and for the briefest second an expression of shock takes her.
  123. >You quickly remember yourself and bow to the princess.
  124. >After all, you are at the mercy of her graces.
  125. >By the time you look back up at her and seemingly before anyone else could notice, her expression has returned to that warm inviting smile. "And this must be our new friend. Anon, is it?"
  126. "Y-yes, ma'am."
  127. >You feel yourself rattled by the momentary expression.
  128. >Sure, you are strange looking to them but none of the others gave you such a look.
  129. >"Both of you may rise."
  130. >You come back to standing position as Twilight does the same with far more energy.
  131. >There's a moment of silence before the princess asks politely for Twilight to leave the room. "I would like a moment to ask our friend a few questions."
  132. >Twilight seems a bit surprised by the order but bows briefly and obeys. "Oh.. Of course. I'll be right outside then."
  133. >Your stomach twists harder as you hear the doors close behind Twilight.
  134. >An unsettling quiet falls as the last echo of the doors closing fades.
  135. >The lightheartedness of the princess' smile has disappeared but the expression itself remains.
  136. >The light clack of hooves on the marble floor breaks the silence as she takes a few steps to see you at another angle.
  137. >She opens her mouth ready to speak but stops and looks you over a bit more.
  138. >Her judging eyes scan over you again and again before she finally asks the first of many questions. "You come from another realm. Is that correct?"
  139. >Although her tone is calm and pleasant your heart races as if you're being interrogated.
  140. "Y-yes, ma'am."
  141. >Without hesitation she asks her next question. "Are there any others who might have come to our realm with you?"
  142. "No... Not that I know of anyway."
  143. >She turns about and moves to the other side of you still watching you with a skeptical gaze. "Was it a portal or doorway of some sort that brought you here? Something that perhaps others might come through as well?"
  144. "No... I just sort of woke up here."
  145. >There's a long pause as she slowly walks around you.
  146. >You stand still looking ahead as you hear her steps stop behind you. "What magical abilities do you possess?"
  147. "I don't have any magic. It's not something we have where I'm from."
  148. >Her voice comes again from behind you as her steps begin again around the other side of you. "Are you sure?"
  149. >You take a second to fully consider the question before elaborating on your answer.
  150. "Well... We have technology that might seem like magic to someone not familiar with it. But nothing like the magic you use."
  151. >As she comes into sight again you notice the cautious yet curious look on her face. "What sort of technology?"
  152. "Nothing too impressive. A lot of the same things as you have."
  153. >You reach into your pocket and grab your cellphone.
  154. >It let's out a low tone as you turn it on.
  155. >The phone is immediately plucked from your hand by an unseen force and drifts to the princess' inquisitive eyes.
  156. >She jumps slightly as the phone let's out a sharp tone indicating a low battery. "What is the function of this device?"
  157. "It's a phone. It lets me talk to people from far away. But it doesn't work here."
  158. >She looks over the phone carefully before asking "So this will not help you return home?"
  159. "No. It will only take pictures and play music here. And with the battery running low it won't even be able to do that for much longer anyway."
  160. >Almost hesitantly the phone drifts back to you.
  161. >Another long silence fills the room as you take back your phone and return it to your pocket.
  162. >With one last look over you the princess finally says "That is all the questions I have for you now. If you would kindly send Twilight in on your way out, I'm sure one of the guards would be glad to give you a tour of the castle while I speak with Twilight."
  163. >Unsure what to do or say, you hesitate before you give a polite bow, thank the princess, and move to the door.
  164. >The door opens before you reach it and on the other side sits Twilight.
  165. >She smiles eagerly at you easing your nerves.
  166. >Passing through the doorway seems to lift the remaining pressure from you.
  167. >Your part in this introduction is over and thankfully so.
  168. >With the weight off your shoulders, you find yourself smiling in return to Twilight.
  169. "Your turn."
  170. >Seemingly before you finish getting those two words out she's up and trotting back into the throne room.
  171. >You look back to see her nearing the princess just as the doors close again.
  172. >The last sound of the door closing echos to silence.
  173. >If you strain you can almost hear voices.
  174. >The thought crosses your mind as to how much trouble you would be in if you were caught eavesdropping.
  175. >Of course it's only natural to wonder what they're saying about you, right?
  176. >Just as you're about to take a step back toward the door you're stopped by the sound of approaching hooves.
  177. >Into view walks a pony, old and gray but dressed in a similar style of armor as the rest of the guards. "I am to give you a tour of the castle, Mister... "
  178. >His tone is dry and void of any kind of enthusiasm as is his expression.
  179. "Anon..."
  180. >He turns and starts off on a slow walk. "Very well, Mister Anon. This way please."
  181. >You find yourself quite surprised at his lack of reaction to seeing you.
  182. "Has there ever been anyone like me here before?"
  183. >The old guard stops and looks back at you. "You mean one of your kind? No. None that I could ever recall anyway."
  184. "Oh. It just seemed kind of strange how you didn't even flinch at seeing me. Everyone else has been a bit more... expressive."
  185. >It's almost comforting after the hours of being gawked at to have someone look at you like you aren't some kind of giant terrifying freak.
  186. >He grunts lightly and explains "Son, I've seen things far stranger than you in my time. Equestria is home to a number of different species. I'll admit that in our greater numbers we sometimes forget that."
  187. "I see..."
  188. >He starts off again saying "Don't let them get to you. Most ponies might be a bit skittish but if you give them a chance, most will be able to see your better side."
  189. "Thanks. You know, after what this day has been so far I really needed to hear that."
  190. >"Think nothing of it." He says before moving on to the first of many prepared lectures of each room.
  191. >His speeches are as dry and dull as his tone but you focus as best as you can to show your appreciation for the pep talk.
  192. >The whole tour takes no more than an hour.
  193. >There was obviously much more to the castle but understandably much of it appears to be off limits to the public.
  194. >Returning to the throne room foyer, you find that the doors are still closed.
  195. >The nervous feeling that your fate is still being decided returns from where it had been hiding for the length of the tour.
  196. >The old pony, seeming to notice your distress says reassuringly "I'm sure you'll be fine. Just give them time."
  197. >You smile faking it at first but soon it becomes genuine.
  198. >If this old horse and see you as just another person then there's little reason the rest of them can't see the same as well.
  199. "Thank you again, sir."
  200. >"You can call me Bronze. Bronze Shield. Best of luck to you, son." He says as he starts to walk away.
  201. >No more than a second later the doors open.
  202. >The princess gestures you closer saying "It has been decided that you will reside in Ponyville under the watch of Twilight Sparkle. I hope that for as long as you are here you will find a gratifying and productive place in our society."
  203. >With that, your nerves finally calm.
  204. >Your fate is decided and it really isn't that bad.
  205. >You know that in your own world, the powers that be would be far less kind.
  206. >In your world, someone so different would most likely be taken away as some science experiment and likely killed in the process.
  207. "Thank you, Princess. I'm willing to work hard and earn my place here."
  208. >You bow to her in a show of your gratitude.
  209. >It's then in your downward gaze that you notice the look on Twilight's face.
  210. >She looks strangely nervous.
  211. >Did you misunderstand something?
  212. >Was it not as good as it sounded?
  213. "Twilight?"
  214. >The princess looks down at Twilight and gives her a slight nudge.
  215. >"Huh? Oh yeah! I'm sure you'll do great, Anon!" she says seeming to force a smile.
  216. >"I wish you all of the best luck in your new home, Anon." Celestia says with a smile.
  217. >Twilight steps forward still looking quite nervous. "Well, I guess we'd better get going back home then."
  218. >In all honesty, now that business was taken care of you had felt the want to sightsee.
  219. >The memory of the gawking ponies that wait outside suddenly fills your thoughts.
  220. >And just that easily you have a change of heart.
  221. >Perhaps Twilight is right.
  222. >There will be plenty of time to come back and see the city another time.
  223. >After all, this is your home now.
  224. >It hits you.
  225. >This is your home now.
  226. >With little delay, you're lead out of the castle in much the way you arrived.
  227. >Back onto the train.
  228. >But the ride back was much quieter.
  229. >You stared out the window still letting your situation sink in.
  230. >Your distraction is broken when Spike says in a teasing tone "Twilight, stop staring."
  231. >You look just in time to catch Twilight's eyes dart away from you and give Spike an angry glare.
  232. >She looks back to you.
  233. >She hides it better this time but you can still see that nervousness in her eyes.
  234. "What's up with you? You were so happy on the way there. Now you're... I dunno. You're acting kinda wiggy."
  235. >"W-wiggy?" she asks.
  236. "You know. All nervous and stuff. What did she say to you to get you all worked up?"
  237. >Twilight avoids your eyes looking quickly out the window. "I probably shouldn't say."
  238. "You can trust me. Besides, keeping secrets isn't a very good way to make new friends."
  239. >You feel a bit like a creep prying it from her like this but it bothers you not knowing what was said about you.
  240. >Besides, you can't have Twilight, one of the more accepting ponies you've met, suddenly getting all skittish around you.
  241. >You offer her a reassuring smile.
  242. "C'mon. I won't get mad or anything and I promise not to tell."
  243. >"Well..." She hesitates "She said that you might be dangerous. And that I need to keep an eye on you to be sure you're not a threat."
  244. "Oh..."
  245. >You sit back feeling a little taken back.
  246. "I guess... that's understandable. I mean I am a big strange creature and all to you."
  247. >Twilight just sits there quiet seeming to feel bad for being afraid of you.
  248. "Look, it's alright. I get it. You don't know much of anything about me and you probably didn't even consider that I could be dangerous until she said something about it. To be honest... my kind do some nasty things sometimes. I don't know if I'd trust me either."
  249. >There's a long pause as neither of you seems to know what to say.
  250. >After a moment you smile trying to reassure her again.
  251. "I guess it means we'll just have to get to know each other. What could be bad about that? It might even be fun."
  252. >There it is.
  253. >That little smirk of a smile from her. "You're right, Anon. And you know what? I'm actually looking forward to it."
  254. ----------
  255. >A little more than a month has gone by and you've settled into Ponyville life rather well.
  256. >Twilight and her friends naturally warmed up to you quickly.
  257. >Their support as well as their services were invaluable.
  258. >You found each of them to be uniquely charming and did your very best to show your appreciation by making yourself useful in anyway that you could.
  259. >And as it turns out, your stature and the dexterity of having hands made you very useful.
  260. >It didn't take long for word to get out and before you knew it there were ponies lined up asking for your assistance with all kinds of odd jobs.
  261. >You never demanded payment but you never really had to.
  262. >A few bits here and there seemed to go a long way.
  263. >Once you added steady work at the orchard to your list of tasks your day was quite full but the rewards were great.
  264. >You had more than enough to pay Twilight for whatever you used while living with her and even started saving for a place of your own.
  265. >Rewarding work, fresh air, healthy food, and good friends.
  266. >There wasn't much else that you could have asked for.
  267. >Life was good.
  268. >You drag yourself up the stairs from the library basement, tire and sore.
  269. >Today is starting later than normal.
  270. >For the last day and a half you've been struggling to cope with sporadic bouts of intense nausea.
  271. >It seems over time they had just gotten worse leading up to last night.
  272. >Much of which you had spent vomiting.
  273. >"Feeling better?" Spike asks as you make your way to the kitchen.
  274. "Well, my stomach finally settled down but I still feel like crap."
  275. >You make your way to the sink and pour a glass of water.
  276. >The taste left in your mouth after last night is anything but pleasant.
  277. >You set the glass down after filling your mouth with water.
  278. >Swish and spit.
  279. >It's almost as if the flavor is stained in your mouth.
  280. >You make your way to a mildly inviting chair at the table and have a seat.
  281. >After a second you search the table before looking to the counter where you had just been standing.
  282. >With a sigh you put your head down on the table.
  283. >You wanted that glass of water but every movement was pain.
  284. >You'd far rather have stayed sitting.
  285. >After a moment of stewing about it you lift your head ready to stand only to find the glass levitating within easy reach.
  286. "Oh. Thanks, Twilight."
  287. >Spike pipes up "Um... Anon? Twilight's not here. She went to the market."
  288. >You look back to the glass still floating in the air.
  289. " Then who..?"
  290. >The glass suddenly drops to the table spilling the water.
  292. >You gasp and stand abruptly as the water spills off the table into your lap.
  293. >Looking up you see Spike staring at you mouth hanging open in shock.
  294. "Di-Did you do that?"
  295. >Spike shakes his head. "No! I can't do that! Did you?"
  296. "I can't do that either. I mean I don't think I can."
  297. >"Well one of us had to! Here! I'll try to make it happen again."
  298. >Spike holds up the comic book he had been reading and let's it go.
  299. >The comic falls to the floor with the rustling of its pages.
  300. >"No wait... Let me try again." he says as he hops down from his seat and picks it up.
  301. >You look at the glass and concentrate on it.
  302. >Like a previously unfelt sense you understand the texture of the glass.
  303. >You feel the curves and angles of it as if it were held in your hand.
  304. >The glass trembles slightly before slowly lifting off the table.
  305. >Spike stops and stares in awe of your new ability before bursting out "Whoa! That is so cool!"
  306. >While struggling to maintain your concentration you laugh a little.
  307. "You've seen Twilight do this a million times."
  308. >"Yeah but she's a unicorn. She's supposed to do that stuff." He responds.
  309. >You bring your hand up you take the glass.
  310. "I guess it is pretty amazing."
  311. >You turn to Spike and let the glass go.
  312. >Carefully and slowly you levitate it toward him.
  313. >The glass is just short of his reach when you hear a shriek from the doorway. "NO!"
  314. >Startled, you turn to see Twilight standing in the door with a horrified look on her face.
  315. >The glass drops to the floor and shatters at Spike's feet.
  317. >There's a short silence before Spike shouts "Twilight! Isn't it amazing? Anon can use magic!"
  318. >Twilight quickly collects herself.
  319. >"Y-yeah. Super." she replies in an almost angry tone.
  320. >She looks to you. "If you're feeling better you should get yourself cleaned up. Applejack was wondering why you didn't show up for work yet. She needs your help."
  321. >It's hard to tell by her tone if she's angry, frightened, or if she doesn't even care.
  322. >The only thing you're sure of is that it sounds nothing like her.
  323. "Yeah I'll... just let me take a shower..."
  324. >You couldn't remember feeling this uncomfortable since you first met Princess Celestia.
  325. "Do you want me to clean up the-"
  326. >"No. It's fine. Just go and get ready." she says firmly.
  327. >You head out to the bathroom and start the shower.
  328. >This feeling is unbearable.
  329. >You feel... frightened.
  330. >Did you do something wrong?
  331. >You had to ask or you feel it would eat you alive.
  332. >You walk back to the kitchen hearing Twilight as you approach. "No Spike! It's not a good thing. And never mind that right now. I need you to take a letter for Princess Celestia. Mark it has high importance."
  333. >You stop just out of sight and listen as Spike asks "What should it say?"
  334. >There's a long pause before you hear Twilight take a deep breath and say "He's using magic."
  335. >"Is that it?" Spike asks.
  336. >Twilight replies "Yes... Send it."
  338. >You don't much feel like asking questions after hearing that.
  339. >The tone she used.
  340. >It was so full of... accusation.
  341. >She could have just as easily said that you murdered someone in that tone.
  342. >You return to the bathroom unseen.
  343. >You figure it's best to clean yourself up well.
  344. >No doubt you'll be coming face to face with royalty once again.
  345. >As the hot water sprays over you there is time to reflect.
  346. >To think.
  347. >What could possibly be wrong with you using magic.
  348. >You've seen plenty of others do the very same as if it was nothing.
  349. >But then again, you're different.
  350. >Things were going so well socially that you had nearly forgotten that you're not one of them.
  351. >Perhaps this place has more in common with your world than you though.
  352. >Perhaps here it is just as much of a crime to be different.
  353. >You stand there dwelling on it even well after the water has turned cold.
  354. >You're afraid to leave and nobody has even bothered to disturb you.
  355. >Finally, you turn the water off and step out.
  356. >Doing the normal things like brushing your teeth and getting dressed just felt so wrong on such an abnormal day.
  357. >You labor your way through the tasks still taking your time before returning to the kitchen.
  358. >You have no idea how long you had taken in the shower but it had to have been on the order of almost an hour.
  359. >Spike is nowhere to be found.
  360. >Only Twilight is there.
  361. >You can tell she has been crying.
  362. "Twilight, I-"
  363. >Twilight interrupts "I'm sorry, Anon. I just... You weren't supposed to use magic... You weren't supposed to even have it. What did you have to... "
  364. >She seems ready to break down crying when a firm knock comes from the front door.
  365. >Twilight looks away from the door trembling.
  366. >You take a deep breath and go to open it.
  368. >You open the door to see two guards.
  369. >Though they're armed with swords they lack the aggressive demeanor you expected.
  370. >"We have orders to take you to see Princess Celestia." one of the guards states.
  371. >You look past them to see a chariot waiting.
  372. "I'm ready."
  373. >The guards step aside allowing you to lead the way.
  374. >As you move to the chariot you hear one of the guards say "No. We have orders to take Anon alone."
  375. >You look back to see the guards blocking Twilight at the doorway.
  376. "I'll be fine Twilight. Everything will be fine."
  377. >It's a lie as much for your own benefit as for her's.
  378. >This all felt anything but fine.
  379. >Twilight steps back with a small nod to you allowing the guards to join you.
  380. >As the pegasi pulling the chariot take off you look down and wonder how much fun this would be under better circumstances.
  381. >It would probably be the most fun you'd ever had in your life.
  382. >Flying up to the clouds.
  383. >Words wouldn't be able to describe it.
  384. >But the way it was you could sum it up in one word.
  385. >Terrifying.
  386. >You look out over the landscape.
  387. >It's so beautiful.
  388. >Almost enough to distract you from what's going on.
  389. >But not quite.
  390. >You look out into the distance to a light sand colored region near the horizon.
  391. >Must be a desert.
  392. >Briefly the idea enters your mind that if you could escape you could run there and hide.
  393. >Away from any kind of civilization.
  394. >Just the sand, the scorpions, and you.
  395. >You dismiss the thought.
  396. >Foolishness. Nothing but foolishness.
  397. >Canterlot comes to overtake your view much quicker than you'd hoped.
  398. >Although less scenic, the train would have given you more time to think.
  399. >And more time to delay the inevitable.
  401. >The chariot sets down in the seclusion of the castle grounds.
  402. >No staring eyes this time.
  403. >No gawkers and no hushed voices.
  404. >It's quiet but for the songs of the birds.
  405. >You would have loved nothing more than to spend time in this relaxing courtyard.
  406. >To spend the whole evening listening to the birds and staring up at the clouds.
  407. >But the guards had their orders.
  408. >"This way." one of them says as he takes the lead and the other follows behind you.
  409. >You soon begin to recognize the halls you're walking down from the last visit here.
  410. >You know right where they're taking you.
  411. >The large doors of the throne room stand open as they come into sight.
  412. >The guards move to either side of the doors and direct you to go inside.
  413. >The doors shut behind you as you step into the massive room.
  414. >Nobody is there.
  415. >You make your way to the middle of the room and look around to be sure no one is there.
  416. >Your heart is racing as you desperately try to predict what will happen to you.
  417. >In truth, the things that pop into your head are likely far worse than the reality will be.
  418. >At this point you almost wish you could have been greeted by a waiting firing squad than to be left wondering like this.
  419. >It feels like hours could have gone by before you hear the click of a door open then close.
  420. >It wasn't the massive doors at the end of the room but rather one unseen.
  421. >Hidden somewhere behind the thrones at the other end of the room.
  422. >You look up to the pair of thrones where Princess Celestia now appears.
  423. >She wears the expression of someone who has been deep in thought and emotion. "You've put me in a very difficult position, Anon."
  425. >You try to stay strong but you can feel yourself trembling.
  426. "I... I don't understand. Did I do something wrong?"
  427. >Celestia calmly walks down the steps but doesn't approach you. "You claimed that you had no magic."
  428. "I don't... That is I thought I didn't. I don't know. It just sort of... happened."
  429. >She stares you down with that skeptical look for a lingering moment. "I believe you. It was the same with the others."
  430. "Others?"
  431. >She looks away from you as she speaks seeming momentarily uncomfortable with the sight of you. "I'm sorry. Although I've not been directly dishonest with you, a lie of omission is still a lie. You are not the first of your kind to come to our realm. Far from it in fact."
  432. >Confusion takes hold of you.
  433. >Your mind races to keep up with this new information and you instantly find yourself wondering why it is there are no other humans here.
  434. >"It was hundreds of years ago that I happened across the first of them. They were three explorers. When I found them they were lost and scared. The fourth member of their group had already fallen prey to the predators that lurk in the forests."
  435. >"I took them in. Fed them, sheltered them, and cared for them. It was more than a year after that when they began to discover their own magical abilities. I helped them to hone their skills. We became very close friends. I trusted them."
  436. >"I had no idea of the corruption that grew inside of them. They turned on me, with the intent of taking over my kingdom. After a long and painful fight I was able to subdue them. I opened a portal to their realm and cast them back to the world from which they came."
  437. >You look down fearing you know what is to come next.
  438. >You had come to love this place.
  439. >And looking back you had even come to resent the world you had once called home.
  440. "So... You're sending me back then?"
  441. >You look to meet her eyes and she looks down seeming almost ashamed. "I'm afraid it's not that simple."
  443. >Her tone grows cold as if she is trying as hard as she can to not feel anything.
  444. >"I thought I was rid of them. In fact, I actually missed them for a time. But it seems that even after returning to their own world they retained their powers. It was only a matter of months before they found a way to return. Only this time it was an invasion. They brought with them thousands of soldiers."
  445. >She shudders as if the memory of it is too much. "They were horrid monsters. They burned villages. Slaughtered Stallion, mare, and foal alike. They used the bodies to clothe themselves and... fill their stomachs."
  446. >She seems near ready to vomit at this point. "It was a long and bloody fight. We were able to drive most of them back through their portals. When very few remained I sealed the portals. In the end it was just the three of them left. I had to... deal with them personally."
  447. >"I vowed at that point that I would kill any of your kind that ever set foot in my kingdom again. But when I saw you... you seemed so nervous. And Twilight was already so fond of you. I couldn't do it. But now that you have wielded magic I see the very same threat. I can not let history repeat itself."
  448. >"So now you understand why I must do what I am about to do."
  449. >The feeling that wells up inside of you is nothing short of terror.
  450. >There's no mistaking her intent.
  451. >She plans to kill you.
  452. "N-No! I'm not like them! I would never do any-"
  453. >"Please don't make this harder than it must be. I knew them for years and they still betrayed me. My mind is made up."
  454. "Please! There has to be another way!"
  455. >"There is not. I'm so very sorry, Anon."
  456. >She bows her head and an intense glow builds in her horn before erupting out in a brilliant golden beam directed at you.
  458. >Instinctively you put your hands up and cringe.
  459. >With a deafening crash the fierce golden beam stops no more than an inch from your hands.
  460. >It makes a sound you could only describe as the screaming of a fallen angel as it cascades around you.
  461. >Ribbons of energy ricochet, ripping up the marble floor around you.
  462. >She sidesteps around you shouting "Give up! If you let it happen it will be painless. I promise you."
  463. >You give an extra push from deep inside you forcing the beam back a mere inch or so more.
  464. "NO!"
  465. >As hard as you try you can't stop the heat of her power as it flows in from all around now singeing your clothes and burning your skin.
  466. >Celestia jerks slightly letting out a thick pulse of energy that shoots down the beam and impacts your defence with a shattering crash.
  467. >The pulse knocks you back a step but you still manage to hold out in spite of pain as the beam continues to bombard you.
  468. >You cry out in agony as your barrier begins to weaken giving with the sound of cracking glass.
  469. >The large doors fly open.
  470. >Twilight charges in with guards close behind her.
  471. >She stops in shock of what she is seeing and cries out "Anon!"
  472. >Hearing her voice you look.
  473. "Twili-?"
  474. >Celestia fires another pulse down the beam.
  475. >It rips through your weakened barrier and impacts you squarely in the chest.
  476. >Time seems to slow as you're thrown from your feet.
  477. >As the burning light burrows into your body you watch Twilight.
  478. >Her horrified expression pains you.
  479. >She shouldn't have to see this.
  480. >This shouldn't have happened.
  481. >Maybe that escape idea wasn't so foolish after all.
  482. >You linger on the mental image of that far away place on the horizon.
  483. >That distant desert where you could be away from all this.
  484. >All you want is to be far far away from this.
  486. >Your body strikes the sand covered ground hard enough to knock the blood speckled breath from your lungs.
  487. >The ground burns under you but you don't have the strength to move.
  488. >Under the baking sun you lay struggling for each breath of air.
  489. >Your head half turned you look from the ground over endless desert sand.
  490. >Pain is the only sensation you know now.
  491. >Blinding bright sun shines in your eyes.
  492. >But there is quiet.
  493. >Absolute silence.
  494. >You attach yourself to the silence.
  495. >Cling to it.
  496. >It's the only pleasant thing you have now as you slowly slip into the dark of unconsciousness.
  497. >Your mind rattles to start again.
  498. >It's dark now.
  499. >It's cold.
  500. >The sun has fallen past the horizon leaving you with only a faint blue glow to the sky.
  501. >Your position has not changed and still you are unable to move.
  502. >The pain though still overpowering is slightly less intense than before.
  503. >You lay there in the dark just barely breathing.
  504. >If you were even capable of rational thought now, you might wonder how it is that you're still alive at all.
  505. >Why is it that the body so stubbornly clings to life even long after the mind has given in to its inevitable fate?
  506. >The pain dulls and the cold loses its bite as you once again settle into the dark warmth of unconsciousness.
  507. >Like a reluctant old engine your conscious mind turns over again.
  508. >You're moving.
  509. >Your burned out nerves can't identify how but you are being carried in some manner.
  510. >Each jarring motion sends shocks of new pain that you are too weak to react to.
  511. >Your eyes won't open but your other senses pour information to your brain.
  512. >Wherever you are it's cool but not cold like the desert night.
  513. >Sounds echo as they do in a narrow hall but they don't linger as they would in a cave.
  514. >There's a distinct odor. Something musty but not overpowering or overly offensive.
  515. >The movement slows and you hear the sound of a door creak open.
  516. >You can hear something else moving nearby as you feel whatever is carrying you continue to slow then stop.
  517. >There's a long pause as you hear something come closer.
  518. >With a sweet tone a feminine yet inhuman voice asks, "What have you brought for me today?"
  520. >There is a moment of quiet before the voice comes again. "Why have you brought me this animal carcass? We are not scavengers. Ugh... Take it away! Throw it-"
  521. >Finally you are able to slowly open your eyes.
  522. >You blink but nothing will come into focus.
  523. >You see a dark figure with a spot of green.
  524. >It turns.
  525. >Two spots of green.
  526. >Eyes.
  527. >It's looking at you.
  528. >"Oh... It's not dead." the voice comes from the thing looking at you.
  529. >It moves closer.
  530. >"Mmmm... I understand why you brought it here. Even so close to death this creature burns with passion. I can almost taste it."
  531. >The thing standing over you suddenly back up as if it were knelt down to look at you and now stands. "Quickly. Get it downstairs and get it patched up. We can't let such a fine meal go to waste."
  532. >You suddenly feel yourself being carried away.
  533. >It is a far less gentle ride than before.
  534. >You are pained horribly by each hard movement.
  535. >Having regained a small bit of your strength you are able to moan out in pain before it becomes too much and once again you slip from consciousness.
  537. ~~~~~~~~~
  539. >Slowly your mind stirs again as your senses return.
  540. >It's dark and cramped.
  541. >You feel pressed in on all sides.
  542. >You have only enough space to breath.
  543. >Just enough to keep you from panic.
  544. >You still feel quite sore but much of the pain you had felt before has faded.
  545. >As more and more of you mind comes back to you, you struggle to stay calm.
  546. >Staining still causes pain.
  547. >Suddenly you hear the muffled sound of a door opening.
  548. >You struggle to turn so you can see but twisting hurts your chest.
  549. >Light fills in the room outside the transparent green cocoon that confines you.
  550. >You struggle again to see behind you but again it hurts too much to see that far.
  551. >The cocoon peels back around you and you are suddenly lifted by a surrounding force.
  552. >You struggle but your effort is in vain.
  553. >You find yourself too weak at the moment to put up a meaningful fight.
  554. >"Oh look. It's awake." the same strange voice from before.
  555. >You are turned to meet the same green eyes you had seen the last time you woke. "I've been waiting for this meal."
  556. "What are you?"
  557. >With a laugh she says "Where are my manners? I'm Chrysalis. The queen of the changelings."
  558. >She looks you over for a moment. "I'm not even going to bother asking what you are. All I need to know is that I'm hungry and you have exactly what I need."
  560. >You think of how happy you were no more than a day earlier.
  561. >How everything was so perfect.
  562. >How there was nothing more in life you could really ask for.
  563. >And now... all gone.
  564. >You had come to love this world so soon after you had arrived and now it seems that it only wants to kill you.
  565. >The fear that you feel begins to boil into anger.
  566. >What did you do that was so wrong?
  567. >What could you have possibly done to deserve all of this?
  568. >It's not fair!
  569. >You loved this world and it betrayed you!
  570. >Your anger thickens into hate.
  571. >Hate for this world.
  572. >Hate for Celestia.
  573. >And most of all, hate for this... THING that is now intent on eating you!
  574. >Chrysalis' eyes widen.
  575. >She makes a gagging sound and chokes "What is this? Poison!"
  576. >You suddenly drop to the floor crying out as the impact sends a shock of pain through your still wounded body.
  577. >The shock of being dropped fogs your mind.
  578. >All you can feel is the pain of your injuries.
  579. >Stands over you scowling.
  580. >"How dare you try to-" her voice suddenly stirs that bitter feeling back in to your heart.
  581. >She cries out just as suddenly as your anger and hatred returns.
  582. >"Guards! Quickly! Take it away!" she calls out for help.
  583. >Two of her minions charge in but give out their own squeals of agony before they can even get as close as her.
  584. >Slowly and shakily, you get to your feet as Chrysalis having fallen back tries desperately to crawl away.
  585. >The guards scramble away as you step toward Chrysalis.
  586. >She cries out to you "Get back! I command you! Stay away!"
  587. >You stare down at her writhing in agony.
  588. >This thin, sickly looking creature.
  589. >"Please... Stop..." She begs now in tears.
  590. >Only a moment before powerful and terrifying, she now seems so weak and vulnerable.
  591. >The hatred you felt for her begins to fade.
  592. >How could you hate something so pathetic and helpless?
  594. >As your hate subsides she begins to calm.
  595. >Her minions remain at a safe distance while you stand there unsure of what to do.
  596. >Only now that you have calmed yourself do you notice under the shredded and burnt remains of your shirt there is some black substance on your chest.
  597. "What the hell is this?"
  598. >You quickly try to brush it off only to gasp in shock at the pain it brings.
  599. >Like striking a freshly bandaged wound.
  600. >You fall to your knees with a whimper as the sharp sting lingers into dull throbbing pain.
  601. >Chrysalis laughs weakly at your pain.
  602. >The anger stirs up another round of hate in you.
  603. >It's not nearly as strong as before but it is still enough to make her whimper.
  604. "What is this? What did you do to me?"
  605. >She chokes out "You were dying! We used that to treat your wounds! We saved you!"
  606. "Why? Why save me if you're just going to eat me?"
  607. >Again, she looks so weak before you.
  608. >But realizing that it is the hatred that hurts her, you hold on to the emotion until she gives you answers.
  609. >She wails in suffering as you torture her "We need you alive! It's not your flesh that we feed on! It's your love! We need your love to survive!"
  610. >You let go allowing your emotions to calm again.
  611. >Chrysalis lays panting and crying on the floor.
  612. >It's not at all difficult to stop hating her now.
  613. >In fact, you soon feel very sorry for doing what you've done to her.
  615. >At first you're not fully sure that you heard right.
  616. >It sounds ridiculous.
  617. >It sounds stupid, even.
  618. "What do you mean, you need my love to survive?"
  619. >She whimpers from the floor "Please don't hurt me again."
  620. >Guilt fills you with a dull ache.
  621. "I'm not going to..."
  622. >You take a deep breath and reach out setting a hand on her shoulder.
  623. "I'm sorry."
  624. >She shudders slightly before looking up at you with a surprised expression. "I... I've not been fed willingly since... longer than I can remember."
  625. >Her words baffle you.
  626. >What does she mean?
  627. "I... I don't get it. Did I do something?"
  628. >"You offered me your love. A very modest portion but all the same... "
  629. >You shake your head.
  630. "No, I just felt kinda sorry for you is all. I don't love you."
  631. >"There are many forms of love. Sympathy is one. It is very weak but from you it is just potent enough to feed from."
  632. >You look at her then to her guards still standing a good distance back as the glare at you.
  633. "So what's the catch?"
  634. >"Pardon?" She asks sounding almost insulted.
  635. "You said that it has been longer than you can remember since you'd been fed willingly. There must be a downside. Some reason someone wouldn't want to feed you."
  636. >"No. There is no catch."
  637. >For her sake you try to keep your emotions in check letting your feelings go only as far as annoyance.
  638. "Do not lie to me."
  639. >She swallows nervously sensing your frustration.
  640. >"Alright. To gain any meaningful strength from a host often takes more than one can offer. It is frequently damaging... if not fatal."
  641. "And how do you get love from someone who is not willing?"
  643. >She scowls seeming irritated by your questioning. "Fear. It makes the prey susceptible to spells of mental manipulation. I can take any form I choose and convince my host that they love me. It is easiest when I know the form of one they already love."
  644. >Chrysalis suddenly changes her tone trying to sound more friendly. "B-but you... Your emotions are so strong and raw. Perhaps if you were willing to--"
  645. >You know what she's driving at already but it all seems too weird for you to want to be a part of it.
  646. "Look. You're... interesting and all, and I really appreciate you saving me, but I don't think I can help you. I'm just going to be on my way."
  647. >You stand and turn ready to attempt to find your own way out.
  648. >Chrysalis says in an almost desperate tone "It's not safe out there! If she finds you, Celestia will almost certainly try to finish the job."
  649. >You turn back to look at her again.
  650. "How did you--"
  651. >Chrysalis gives a slight growl "You're stained by the stench of her magic. Clearly she is the one who did that to you."
  652. >She pushes herself up to standing and carefully approaches you. "You are safe from her here. She has no more love for our kind as she does for you. If she knew of this place we would already be dead."
  653. >You tighten your fists annoyed by how right you know she is.
  654. >Besides, where would you go?
  655. >As much as you might want to, there is no way you could return to Ponyville now.
  656. >Maybe it shows on your face but Chrysalis seems to know that she has gotten to you.
  657. >She looks to her guards. "You may go. See to it that we have a room available for..."
  658. >You hesitate.
  659. >Finishing her sentence is as good as accepting her offer.
  660. >But what choice do you have?
  661. "Anon."
  662. >Never before have you said your own name with such a sound of defeat.
  664. >The guards look at each other then back to Chrysalis before leaving with the slightest bit of reluctant hesitation.
  665. >As you watch the guards go Chrysalis takes the opportunity to walk up beside you.
  666. >"Seeing as you are now our guest it would only be proper for me to offer you a meal."
  667. >You'd not really thought about eating.
  668. >Your mind was so occupied with the utter insanity that your life had become.
  669. >Thinking back you realize that it has been at least a full day since you had eaten anything.
  670. >But looking at her a clear complication comes to mind.
  671. "I am hungry. But do you even have actual food here?"
  672. >She scoffs "Of course we have food. We may consume love but we still need physical nutrients as well."
  673. "Oh..."
  674. >Maybe it was the tone she used but you feel a bit foolish for assuming that they didn't actually eat.
  676. >Chrysalis leads you down a number narrow twisting halls.
  677. >The place seems some kind of warped maze built primarily from the remains of an old stone castle and filled in with various other stones.
  678. >Chrysalis moves quickly.
  679. >You soon suspect she might be trying to lose you without exactly letting on to that fact.
  680. >If you should become lost there is certainly no way you would find your way out of this bizarre place.
  681. >You struggle to keep up but try your best not to let her know that you're on to her game.
  682. >If you make her nervous or lead her to believe you might become angry again, she might start running.
  683. >Along the way you pass a few of her changeling subjects.
  684. >Some hovering above near the high ceilings but most simply walking.
  685. >That is until they see you.
  686. >Nearly all stop and stare at the sight of you.
  687. >But their stares don't seem like that of the ponies when you had first arrived in Equestria.
  688. >The stares of the changelings lack any hint of fear or uneasiness.
  689. >They only seem intensely curious.
  691. >A question comes to mind.
  692. >You also figure that perhaps a little conversation might make Chrysalis slow down a bit.
  693. "Hey... They're not going to try to umm... "feed" on me, are they?"
  694. >It seems to work as Chrysalis slows a bit while asking in return "Are you asking if they will try to eat you?"
  695. "No... I was actually referring to the whole "love" thing but I guess now that you bring it up..."
  696. >Chrysalis gives a sound of mild amusement at your question before answering "No to both of those. You are not the sort of thing we would consider food. And they can not feed directly from a host. They can collect love but it must go through me before they can consume it."
  697. >Finally you reach what can only be the dining hall.
  698. >It's a large room centered around a long wooden table that seems like it has seen far better days.
  699. >Changelings buzz and chatter away as they swarm the room climbing over furniture and food alike while they eat.
  700. >"Their table manners are appalling but don't worry. They won't bite." Chrysalis says before moving to a seat at the head of the table.
  702. >If not for your hunger driving you at this moment you would probably try to keep clear of the table altogether.
  703. >It seems nothing short of a war zone with little bug ponies flying in every direction as they all pick at anything that happens to be on the table.
  704. >Uneasily you find a spot that seems to be a bit less active.
  705. >It looks as if before the meal time fray had begun the room had been put together just so.
  706. >There were still a few dishes set before the chairs of which most had been pushed askew and knocked over.
  707. >You pick up the chair at the spot you had chosen and set it back on its feet before taking a seat.
  708. >The plate before you sits with a hoof print of what could possibly be gravy I'm the center.
  709. >You swap your plate with the clean one that teeters at the edge of the table to your right.
  710. >Finally settled you look at what there is to eat.
  711. >Until now you'd frankly been too afraid to even ask what's for dinner.
  712. >Your eyes widen and your mouth rapidly fills with saliva.
  713. >Meat!
  714. >They eat meat!
  715. >Although much of it now shredded and scattered about the table you can clearly identify roasted chicken and cooked ham among other things.
  716. >It hadn't even occurred to you in so long how much you missed a carnivorous diet.
  717. >You quickly catch yourself pushing changelings out of the way to grab bits of stepped on chicken off the table.
  718. >They don't seem to mind your lack of subtlety.
  719. >In fact they barely seem to notice you at all in the chaos.
  720. >Perhaps this is the best strategy anyway.
  721. >One can only imagine that trying to load up a plate might make you the target of an impromptu raid.
  722. >A glance at Chrysalis calmly taking the time to eat from her plate undisturbed while seated at her spot finds her watching you with no shortage of amusement while you dine with as much grace as one of her own.
  724. >Over the course of the meal you watch the changelings stream in and out of the room.
  725. >Each of them seems to eat a surprisingly small amount of food for as voraciously as they do so.
  726. >You find yourself mildly satisfied with the amount of food you were able to salvage for yourself when the last of them has gone.
  727. >Chrysalis, having finished some time ago still watches you with fascination.
  728. >You scan the table for more scraps of meat but only bones and bare plates remain.
  729. >Maybe it's for the better.
  730. >You don't want to overeat anyway.
  731. >Chrysalis finally speaks up. "If you are done, I'm sure your room is ready."
  732. "Actually, I'd prefer to stay near you for tonight."
  733. >Chrysalis' face loses any trace of amusement. "What?"
  734. "Well, as long as I'm near you, your minions won't try anything funny. So obviously the safest place to sleep would be in your room."
  735. >"Out of the question!" she barks "It's not at all proper for a mare to share her bed chamber with a strange... You are a male, right?"
  736. "I am. And the way I see it, you don't have much of a choice. Besides, it's not like I'm going to try anything. No offense but frankly I find you repulsive."
  737. >"What a relief." she grunts "Very well. But for tonight only. Tomorrow should be more than enough time to prove that we have no interest in harming you. That is unless you are too simple to understand that."
  738. "I might be. We'll just see how the day goes."
  739. >Chrysalis growls "Fine. This way." as she gets up from her seat.
  741. >Chrysalis leads you down the halls at a slower pace this time.
  742. >She has either resigned herself to the fact that she's stuck with you or she is simply tired.
  743. >Either way you are still glad when you finally reach the bedroom.
  744. >Her room is large and furnished with items that look as though they had once been quite luxurious but have long since lost their luster.
  745. >You look about the room finding yourself generally unimpressed.
  746. >Understanding that she held the title of queen, you expected her living arrangements to be a bit nicer.
  747. >Chrysalis seems to take notice of your mild disappointment. "Something wrong?"
  748. "I don't know. I guess I just expected you to have nicer stuff."
  749. >She bristles at your insulting comment before seeming to accept that perhaps you're right. "I once did have very nice things. I lived in a grand tower of crystal that... what are you doing?"
  750. >You stop with your pants half-way down your legs.
  751. "What? I'm not wearing these to bed. They're dirty."
  752. >"You are not sleeping in my bed." She huffs "You may sleep on the floor."
  753. >You look at the large four posted bed.
  754. >It's big enough to easily fit four or more people comfortably.
  755. "Are you kidding? Look at the size of this thing. You wouldn't even notice if I slept here."
  756. >She looks you over seeming relieved to find you are still wearing shorts. "I don't care. I won't have your disgusting body between my sheets."
  757. >By this point you've almost come to enjoy pulling the reins on her so to speak.
  758. >Annoying the Queen could quickly become your new favorite past time.
  759. "You can say no now but I'm just going to sneak up here when you fall asleep anyway. And you won't even know it until morning."
  760. >She growls in defeat but doesn't bother granting or further refusing permission.
  761. >As you pull back the covers to slide into bed, she is already pulling the covers up over herself.
  762. >You can imagine she normally sleeps in the middle of this enormous bed but tonight she is keeping to the side far from you.
  763. "So... You were saying?"
  764. >Chrysalis gives you a puzzled look for a second before she remembers and continues "Oh yes. I lived in a massive crystalline tower that overlooked a beautiful city.
  765. "What? Like that Crystal Empire? I heard about it but I never got to see the place."
  766. >"No not "like" the Crystal Empire. It was the Crystal Empire." She scoffs.
  767. >"My changelings and I lived there in peace with the crystal ponies. We had everything we could ask for. The love amplified by the crystal heart literally flowed through the streets nourishing us all. Those were such wonderful times."
  768. "So.. What happened. Why aren't you living there now?"
  769. >"Celestia felt she needed to control our empire. I saw no harm in humoring her but I was wrong. She sent one of her closest advisors. A unicorn named Sombra. He was a wicked stallion who saw treachery and danger everywhere he looked."
  770. >"When he learned how we live, he labeled us parasites. He turned our friends against us. Made them fearful of us. The hate and fear he spread contaminated the crystal heart and poisoned it to us."
  771. >"We were driven from our home. We later returned to fight for our home but it was gone. Vanished with only snow and ice in its place."
  772. >"Before we had fled. Just before the fear and hatred filled the crystal heart, I took as much of its pure energy as I could hold onto myself. Knowing our home was gone we used that energy sparingly. As we searched the world for another source. It lasted almost a thousand years but has recently run out. Finding no other sources to feed from we returned to Equestria."
  773. >"I begged Celestia for help but she shunned us claiming I consumed Sombra's heart. That I was the reason he turned evil."
  774. >"I made a foolish and desperate move to infiltrate Canterlot and take Equestria for my people. But I let my bitterness get the better of me and the plan failed. And when our home finally returned we were far too weak to reclaim it."
  775. >A sadness weighs in her voice as her story comes to an end. "Now... We spend our final hours here. Trying desperately to delay the inevitable."
  777. >There's a long pause while you grasp for the words to convey your sympathy.
  778. >But nothing comes.
  779. >Chrysalis rolls over facing the edge of the bed before giving a solemn "Goodnight, Anon." and blowing out the candle on the bedside table.
  780. >Finding no better way to say it you simply whisper so softly that she likely won't even hear.
  781. "I'm sorry."
  782. >You turn to face your own side of the bed and try hard not to dwell on their situation.
  783. >If you hadn't been told you wouldn't even have known they struggled at all.
  784. >They seem so content in spite of the misery that fate has dealt them.
  785. >It's inspiring really seeing as your own life has just been ripped up and thrown in your face.
  786. >Perhaps tomorrow you will find yourself facing this turn in your life with a renewed strength.
  787. >Perhaps tomorrow will not be so bad.
  789. ----------
  791. >You wake after many false starts.
  792. >Your sleep fogged mind finds you comfortable enough to fight off consciousness time and time again.
  793. >Each time you wake you feel a comfortable warmth within your arms.
  794. >It's a feeling you've not had in a very long time.
  795. >The primitive part of your brain doesn't bother asking questions.
  796. >All it knows is that this makes you happy and with that the details are entirely unimportant.
  797. >Your eyes still closed you smile and nuzzle your face gently into the warmth.
  798. >You feel a gentle nuzzle in return that causes your heart to swell.
  799. >You give a low tone of contentment accented with a gentle snug.
  800. >To this you are greeted with a soft cooing.
  801. >You slowly open your eyes to find stark green eyes looking back at you. "Good Morning. Perhaps this arrangement might work after all. You are quite generous in your sleep."
  802. >Startled, you gasp as you firmly shove Chrysalis off the edge of the bed.
  803. >She lands with a thud on the floor before giving an annoyed grumble.
  804. >Quickly realizing what you had done you fight back laughter as you try to speak.
  805. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that. Are you alright?"
  806. >Chrysalis groans as she picks herself up off the floor. "I'm fine."
  807. >You look to find that you had apparently made your way all the way across the bed in your sleep.
  808. >Maybe her sob story got to your subconscious.
  809. >Or maybe you're just one for sleep cuddling.
  810. >It's pointless to wonder now.
  812. >As she makes her way into what you presume to be a bathroom you pull yourself to the edge of the bed and sit up.
  813. >She disappears through the doorway but the door doesn't close.
  814. >In a way the open door makes you feel like an intruder in her personal space though you wonder if it is a gesture of a growing comfort with you.
  815. >This idea is broken when you notice that there simply is no door but only empty hinges hanging in the doorway.
  816. >You finally stand and make your way around to where your pants had been left on the floor.
  817. >You can smell the stink of sweat and blood before you even pick them up.
  818. "Is there somewhere that I can wash my clothes?"
  819. >Chrysalis emerges from the bathroom. "If you are done playing in my room, I will have water and soap brought to your room so that you can clean them. And if there are some things that you had left behind, my subjects may be able to obtain them for you. Where is it that you were living before?"
  820. "Oh. I was living in Ponyville. In the basement at the library. Thank you."
  821. >"Easy enough. You should have your things by tomorrow at the latest." she says as she move toward the door. "If you would like a head start at breakfast you can eat while I tend to "feedings" and I will join you in the dining hall a bit later. You do remember where it is, right?"
  822. >You struggle to remember the path but in this labyrinthine complex you could hardly tell one hall from the next.
  823. >Seeing you struggle Chrysalis says "Follow me."
  825. >Quickly, you throw your pants on and hurry out after Chrysalis.
  826. >She doesn't bother even trying to lose you this time.
  827. >After making it a good distance from the room you hear a changeling call out from behind.
  828. >You stop and look back at the little changeling as he hurriedly runs toward you.
  829. >Chrysalis, having turned around, pushes past you to meet him "Yes, what is it?"
  830. >With a grave expression on his face the changeling addresses Chrysalis "Mo-"
  831. >He stops giving a glance at you before correcting himself "Your highness, it... it's time."
  832. >Chrysalis straightens her stance and asks "Which one? Show me."
  833. >She seems ready to run off but pauses looking to you "I must attend to an urgent matter. You will have to find your own way."
  834. >She is clearly rattled by whatever it is.
  835. >Enough to worry you.
  836. >She's about to race off when you object.
  837. "There's no way I can find my way around this place. Why don't I just go with you? I can wait a little while for breakfast."
  838. >"No!" she objects "This is a private matter!"
  839. "C'mon I don't want to be wandering around lost here."
  840. >She looks to the changeling who eagerly edges away pressuring her to follow.
  841. >"I don't have time to argue with you. Do as you please." She barks before taking off at a sprint after the changeling.
  842. >You run after them struggling the entire way to keep up.
  843. >More than once you lose sight of them but the sound of hooves helps you figure out the way they went.
  844. >After quite some running for only a short time you catch up to them.
  845. >They had slowed to a gentle walk now in a hall lined on either side with doors.
  846. >Hearing you catch up Chrysalis turns to you as the continues walking "Be mindful, Anon. This is a very serious matter so please keep quiet. "
  847. >You now wonder what it is you've followed her into.
  848. "I understand."
  849. >"This is where the most precious of my subjects... no... my children. This is where the most precious of my children are kept. The ones who have chosen to sacrifice their right to feed so that their siblings might survive a bit longer." She explains.
  850. >The changeling stops and pushes open one of the doors.
  851. >Chrysalis walks in to the small room furnished with little more than a bed and a table.
  852. >It reminds you of a hospital room making you immediately regret having demanded to come along.
  853. >You linger in the doorway only looking in.
  854. >In the bed is a small trembling mass. Another changeling.
  855. >You hardly have to be familiar with their species to know the this poor creature isn't long for this world.
  856. >It's brittle pale features look as though they could crumble away into dust at the slightest breeze.
  857. >The only part of it that looks in anyway alive is that faint green glow of it's eyes.
  858. >The dying changeling opens it's mouth to speak but nothing more than a dry wheeze escapes.
  859. >"Mother is here, my child. You may rest. I will watch over you." Chrysalis says sweetly as she falters in fighting back tears.
  860. >You feel a lump forming in your throat.
  861. >Only the day before you were nearly disgusted by these creatures but now they tear at your heart with their own pain.
  862. >With a single rattling gasp from the suffering changeling, the light of its eyes brightens then abruptly fades like an incandescent light shutting off.
  863. >The creature has passed.
  864. >Chrysalis lowers her head and sobs softly.
  865. >Her sorrow is genuine but practiced.
  866. >A pain that you can now see has worn her down time and time again.
  867. >You turn away as a rush of tears floods your own eyes.
  868. >Your lip trembles as you fight to keep your sadness for them from turning to anger for the injustice of their suffering.
  869. >You take in a deep breath and let it out in a sigh to maintain your control ending with the words "I'm sorry."
  871. >You'd wished that you would have spent that time hopelessly lost.
  872. >Frustration would have been far more pleasant than this heartache.
  873. >Although you wanted to give Chrysalis the privacy she had requested to begin with, you couldn't simply leave her now.
  874. >You sit for what feels like hours in the hall still hearing her mournful crying.
  875. >Finally before you notice the crying has stopped and the door creaks open beside you.
  876. >She seems surprised to find you there waiting for her.
  877. "Chrysalis, I--"
  878. >"The others need to be fed." she interrupts "but I don't want to keep you waiting for your meal."
  879. "N-No... It's fine. I don't mind waiting for you."
  880. >She gives you a weak smile as if finding comfort in your presence. "Thank you."
  881. >You climb to your feet and follow her to what looks to be a very humble throne room.
  882. >She makes her way to the throne, a simple high-tech wooden seat at the end of the room and leans over to the changeling standing guard to her right.
  883. >You take up a comfortable spot out of the way as he buzzes out of the room.
  884. >If this feeding is anything like dinner, you want to be sure you're not in the line of fire.
  885. >A few seconds later the first of many changelings flies into the room landing before the queen.
  886. >She smiles down at him and joyfully smiles back at her.
  887. >She leans down and with a quiet whisper nuzzles the small changeling.
  888. >There is no outward show of magic at work.
  889. >No supernatural sounds or mysterious glowing auras.
  890. >Just this tender expression of a mother's love for her child.
  891. >To your surprise the mood is very calm and quiet as the same process is repeated over and over again.
  892. >Each changeling receiving a few quiet words and an affectionate touch before leaving the room to carry on with the day.
  894. >The whole process takes longer than you had expected.
  895. >But then again you had expected something very different from what you had just witnessed.
  896. >Having slumped against the wall now sitting, you try to keep the audible protests of your stomach under control.
  897. >Chrysalis takes a moment to stand seeming a bit unsteady.
  898. >You rush to help steady her but the guard to her side beats you to it.
  899. >"There was a bit extra thanks to you, Anon." she says with a light smile. "But perhaps I got a little carried away."
  900. >Maybe it's a bad idea.
  901. >Maybe.. the first step down the road to your early demise.
  902. >But it makes you feel right.
  903. >Like you've done something good.
  904. >You kneel down and carefully bring your face to her own.
  905. >You let the feeling inspired by all that you have seen here well up inside you.
  906. >Perhaps it is not yet the most genuine feeling of love but it is far more than the weak sympathy that you had felt for her the first time.
  907. >You close your eyes and take a deep breath as you wrap your arms around her.
  908. >Chrysalis gives a soft pleased sigh as you feel that feeling grow and then steadily leave you.
  909. >The sensation is at first a bit unsettling.
  910. >With less intense feelings you wouldn't have noticed but this one you could feel being drawn away.
  911. >After a moment you open your eyes and let her go.
  912. >Chrysalis smiles at you looking noticeably stronger. "You did not have to."
  913. "It's alright. It's the least I could do.
  915. >Again following Chrysalis, you make it to the dining hall.
  916. >Breakfast and possibly even lunch has long since passed and the room has already been cleaned and reassembled.
  917. >Each chair is now set perfectly in its own spot at the table that is now clean and empty but for the modest spread at one end.
  918. >Only two plates are set.
  919. >One at the seat where you had seen Chrysalis sit the evening before and another awkwardly placed at the spot you had occupied several spaces away.
  920. >It seemed bizarre.
  921. >During that whole meal you felt as good as invisible to them but clearly someone had taken notice.
  922. >You move to take up the spot set for you when the plate moves sliding along the table and coming to rest at the chair to the right of the end.
  923. >"It will be nice to finally have a conversation with my meal." Chrysalis comments. "Normally it is too loud to even hear my own thoughts or on days like today, I am simply dining alone."
  924. >You take up your new spot as Chrysalis sits at her own.
  925. >Without the chaotic energy of the other changelings eating there is time to eat like a somewhat civilized creature.
  926. >Looking down at the food you remember that there are no eating utensils.
  927. >Rather than digging in with your hands you figure you should give the magic a shot.
  928. "What do you want to talk about?"
  929. >You carefully strain to lift a dish with your still new ability to bring it closer.
  930. >You're trying your best to not look like you are completely new to the practice but the strain is likely evident on your face.
  931. >The dish finally meets your hands and Chrysalis has still not answered your question.
  932. >You look to find her staring at you in surprise before she finally speaks. "I had no idea you could use magic."
  933. "Yeah it's... not really normal for my kind. It's also kind of the reason I'm here."
  934. >Chrysalis raises a brow in interest, the expression alone inviting you to tell the tale of how you came to be in her company.
  936. >Chrysalis listens to your story throughout the meal again finishing well before you have.
  937. >She says little in response aside from a few unflattering comments regarding Celestia's character.
  938. >Considering what she had done to you there is no inclination to disagree.
  939. >With your hunger satisfied you now feel the weight of sleep upon you.
  940. >It has been no less than a draining start to the day and a nap would certainly go a long way now.
  941. >Apparently noticing your drooping eyelids, Chrysalis offers to show you to your room.
  942. >With a tired nod you agree.
  943. >A short time and some distance later she opens the door to a relatively small room.
  944. >There was a bed of reasonable size, a couple of tables, what you assume is a chamber pot, and as promised much earlier in the day, a bucket of water accompanied by a bar of soap and a towel.
  945. >Considering how friendly the two of you were when the arrangement was made it was actually more than you expected.
  946. >You feel compelled to make mention of the change in mood between the two of you.
  947. >But perhaps calling attention to it might spoil it.
  948. >At the very least you should thank her for the room, though.
  949. >You open your mouth to speak but she beats you to it. "If this is adequate, there are things I must attend to. By now my changelings know you are staying here and should be willing to help you with anything else you might need."
  950. >Thrown off by her you only manage "Yeah it's fine. Thanks."
  951. >And with that she walks off.
  953. >You close the door gently and take a second to reflect on the day in progress.
  954. >You're weariness objects to idle thought of any subject that doesn't involve sleep.
  955. >You briefly consider cleaning your pants as well as yourself but figure that can wait.
  956. >Checking the door you find it does not lock.
  957. >Not much of a surprise there.
  958. >Being as close as they seem to be one can imagine privacy is something of a foreign concept to them.
  959. >Finding it best to keep the shorts on you slide out of your pants at least and find your way to the inviting bed.
  960. >As you lie down you are surprised that the bed is as comfortable as the one you had shared with Chrysalis.
  961. >Dwelling on the idea it seems natural now knowing that the changelings that live here are as much her children as her subordinates.
  962. >And what parent doesn't want the best for their children?
  963. >This thought as brief as it is lasts you into the lull of unconsciousness.
  964. >A sharp knock at the door wakes you.
  965. >unsure what you heard in your sleep you lie there quietly until another loud knock comes.
  966. "Just a second."
  967. >You quickly spring out of bed and put your pants on.
  968. >You open the door to find two ponies standing in the hall.
  969. >You recognize them immediately as Bon Bon and Lyra.
  970. "Hey... What are you doing--"
  971. >With a rush of green sparks they reveal themselves as changelings.
  972. ""
  973. >This is the first time you've seen it for yourself.
  974. >From the name itself you figured that this is what they do but to actually see it was intriguing.
  975. >The one that had previously been Lyra motions a hoof to a small stack of clothes on the floor at your feet.
  976. "Oh. I see. Thank you."
  977. >You're tempted for a second to ask about things going on in Ponyville, but before you have the chance they both wander off down the hall.
  978. >More specifically you were concerned for Twilight.
  979. >The terrified look on her face was the last you saw of her.
  980. >It's an image that stays burned into your memory.
  982. >You can't be sure of how long you slept but it feels as though it was enough.
  983. >You take the clothes into your room and look through what was brought to you.
  984. >After picking out some of your favorite items that had been tailored to fit you just so, you walk out into the hall.
  985. >There's no one around now but surely if you wander a bit you're bound to find a helpful soul.
  986. >As you wander you have time to actually look at the construction of this place you're in. You have yet to actually see outside as there are no windows anywhere but in certain spots you can occasionally see spots of sunlight come through the ceiling.
  987. >The walls themselves are quite interesting as well.
  988. >Most of the original mortar is gone, having been replaced by something similar to the hard yet pliable black substance that still clings to your chest.
  989. >After a short time you realize that you truly are hopelessly lost.
  990. >The halls of this place make no sense.
  991. >Some curve in strange places before connecting to perfectly straight segments.
  992. >Other halls widen to the size of a full room then narrow to the point that you question if anyone is really supposed to fit through them.
  993. >Where at first it had seemed fun to explore this place it is now becoming frustrating.
  994. >You feel near ready to just start calling out for help when you hear the buzzing of a flying changeling approaching.
  995. "Hey! Hey can you help me? I'm lost."
  996. >You round the corner you had heard the sound coming from to find a lone changeling looking back at you while hovering over an open pit of darkness.
  998. >You're immediately startled as the hall abruptly ends before you opening into a massive cave.
  999. >You take a few steps back and the changeling lands before you.
  1000. "Uh.. Can you help me? I was wondering where I could get cleaned up. You know like take a bath or something."
  1001. >The changeling tilts his head at you then nods and trots past you back the way you came.
  1002. >It's strange that you have heard them talk to each other but for some reason they seem to refuse to speak to you.
  1003. >Assuming the nod was enough acknowledgement you follow leaving the unsettling drop-off behind.
  1004. >Seeing that hallway open to a natural cave did shed some light on the construction of this place.
  1005. >Could it be that the whole castle was built inside of a cave?
  1006. >But then how could you explain the sunlight showing through?
  1007. >Now you're curious to see what it looks like from the outside.
  1008. >But of course there are other things to take care of first.
  1009. >After a short time you find yourself in another place where the constructed walls give way to natural cave walls.
  1010. >The cavern opens to a steam filled room containing a pool of hot water.
  1011. >A naturally occurring hot spring.
  1012. >There are several other pools surrounding the one fed by the steaming spring.
  1013. >As one flows into the other the water becomes noticeably less turbulent as it cools.
  1014. >The changeling moves to one of the pools toward the middle and splashes a hoof in it as he looks at you then without a word leaves.
  1015. >Seems clear enough.
  1016. "Thank you."
  1017. >You say before he gets too far.
  1019. >You wait a moment and listen to be sure that you're alone.
  1020. >It's not that you're shy or anything.
  1021. >Just common decency and all.
  1022. >Convinced that there aren't any changelings lurking about, you set down your clean clothes and struggle your way out of your foul smelling dirty pants.
  1023. >You check the temperature of a couple of the pools to see what one is just right.
  1024. >Once you find the right one you step down into it slowly letting the warmth envelope you.
  1025. >You can already tell that this is the most enjoyable bath you've ever had.
  1026. >Stretching out you lean back letting your head rest on the rocky edge of the pool and close your eyes.
  1027. >Nothing could be better.
  1028. >"What are you doing in my bath?!" Chrysalis' angry voice cuts through your calm like a razor. "This is my private bath! I demand that you leave!"
  1029. >You sigh to yourself.
  1030. >The two of you had been getting on so well earlier.
  1031. >Clearly the sentiment of sharing your love with her has worn off and she has reverted back to bitch mode.
  1032. >Well, two can play that game.
  1033. "Hey I needed a bath and... I just found it here while I was wandering."
  1034. >You nearly tell her that one of her changelings brought you here.
  1035. >Why did that he bring you here?
  1036. >If this is her private bath then surely he would know that.
  1037. >Either she is lying or that changeling was up to something.
  1038. >In any case, Chrysalis is being a royal pain and this is at least a good opportunity to entertain yourself by annoying her.
  1040. >"I don't care. It is mine." she barks.
  1041. >You grin imagining you look very much like the troll meme you had seen on the Internet back in your own world.
  1042. "I don't see your name on it."
  1043. >"I don't need my name to be displayed on anything. This all belongs to me." she says walking up to the pool's edge.
  1044. >You watch her eyes for a second as they casually scan down your mostly submerged body.
  1045. >As her gaze travels further downward you quickly cover your more... masculine features with your hands.
  1046. "Hey! A little privacy?"
  1047. >She scoffs in reply "Please. As if it's anything I haven't seen before."
  1048. >You free a hand to splash at her.
  1049. "I AM something you haven't seen before!"
  1050. >She rolls her eyes at you then orders you again "This is the last time I will tell you. Get out!"
  1051. "Make me."
  1052. >"Very well." she says with a smirk as her magic lifts you up out of the water.
  1053. >You struggle in protest all the while trying to one handedly protect your modesty.
  1054. >Chrysalis laughs almost seeming to enjoy your struggle.
  1055. >A stray thought floats through your mind.
  1056. >Something like an image of popping a bubble.
  1057. >With a sudden snap you are free from her grip and fall into the water below.
  1058. >The awkward way your body hits the water sends a large splash of water over Chrysalis effectively ending her laugher.
  1059. >You quickly sit up holding your chest.
  1060. >The fall had rattled your injury string up a strong ache.
  1061. >But it didn't hurt enough to keep you from laughing at the sight of Chrysalis now dripping wet and glaring at you.
  1063. >Defeated again she growls "You are an infuriating creature, Anon." as she gives up and steps into the pool with you.
  1064. "Whoa! What are you doing?"
  1065. >"I will not allow you to keep me from having my bath. If you don't like it... Well, you know what to do."
  1066. >You shrug trying to convince her that you don't care despite it making you feel a little weird.
  1067. >The two of you sit quietly for a while as it gnaws at you.
  1068. >Finally you have to say something.
  1069. "So what's the deal? We were getting along so well and you went and turned all royal bitch again."
  1070. >She turns her nose up at you and grunts "I was just playing on your weakness so you would feed me."
  1071. >You can feel your heart turn slightly sour at her claim.
  1072. "So it was just a big act. You faked..."
  1073. >The image of her crying over her dead changeling rolls into your mind.
  1074. >You look away suddenly feeling shameful.
  1075. >As if part of you had for a moment thought that she could have faked that.
  1076. "Never mind..."
  1077. >It's quiet again.
  1078. >Painfully quiet.
  1079. >The scene that had played out in the small room goes through your head over and over again.
  1080. >You now realize that it was the closest you'd ever witnessed death.
  1081. >You keep your eyes diverted from her trying to hide what you're feeling.
  1082. >But almost as if you weren't in control your mouth opens.
  1083. "Was there something I could have done?"
  1084. >"What? What are you talking about?" she asks sounding annoyed.
  1085. "When... your child... d--"
  1086. >"Shut up. Just shut up, Anon." she interrupts you with a cold tone.
  1087. >You look down at the black covering your chest.
  1088. >You focus on it trying not to think about the feelings you've likely just stirred up in Chrysalis.
  1089. >You look around the edges where your skin shows a slight pink tone.
  1090. >Most likely a sign of your immune system's protest of the situation.
  1091. >But it's not overly sore or fevered so you figure there's nothing really to worry about there.
  1092. >What does worry you a bit is a spot where it seems as though it has begun to slip under your skin.
  1093. >Or perhaps your skin had grown over it.
  1094. >Either way it wasn't scary but rather something you feel you should keep an eye on.
  1095. >You're doing well at quietly distracting your mind when Chrysalis finally speaks up again "No."
  1096. "Huh?"
  1097. >She sighs then goes on "There's nothing you could have done. I could drain you ten times over and it would not make a difference. So don't demean his sacrifice by thinking that there's any way that you could have helped."
  1098. "S-Sorry."
  1099. >You take a deep breath still observing your patched chest.
  1100. >Without thinking you had already started picking at one edge of it.
  1101. >"Stop fidgeting with that." she says firmly but not angrily. "If it bothers you that much..."
  1102. >Chrysalis moves closer to you and brings her hoof up out of the water. "Think about how it looked before you were attacked."
  1103. >You do as she says imagining your unharmed flesh as if it still remained under the black shell.
  1104. >She gives your chest a firm tap of her hoof and with a bright green flare the black substance is gone leaving only your bare, undamaged skin exposed.
  1105. >Chrysalis smirks and with an almost surprised tone to her voice says "Hm... It worked."
  1107. >You stare down in amazement at yourself.
  1108. "That's incredible! It's all healed."
  1109. >Chrysalis opens her mouth to protest but you foolishly rap yourself on the chest with your fist before she can get a word out.
  1110. >You wince in pain as she corrects you "It is not healed. It is merely disguised. That substance is a living part of us. It would not do us much good if it could not change form with us."
  1111. >Once again feeling foolish you muster only quiet words.
  1112. "Oh... Thanks."
  1113. >You look at her taking a seat again almost awkwardly close to you.
  1114. >You still can't get a handle on her.
  1115. >She mean one minute and nice the next.
  1116. >Like an unstable high-school girlfriend.
  1117. >Maybe it's still pity or maybe it is genuine, but in spite of her often annoying and demanding she has started to grow on you.
  1118. >You remember how it felt to wake up that morning with her in your arms.
  1119. >It felt good.
  1120. >Better than anything you could really recall from your recent history.
  1121. >Even if she had been feeding off you while you slept.
  1122. >You remember how it felt when you willingly fed her.
  1123. >It was a somewhat troubling feeling.
  1124. >It wasn't the sort of thing you would not be comfortable sleeping through.
  1125. >You weigh the cost and benefit of sharing a bed with her.
  1126. >Where you had at first thought that sleeping in your own room required more trust in Chrysalis, you now feel that the opposite is true.
  1127. >You run through the scenarios in your head before you catch yourself actually trying to find reasons to sleep with her tonight.
  1128. >If she could do something harmful to you, wouldn't she have done it last night?
  1129. >She has had ample opportunity to attack you.
  1130. >You want to trust her.
  1131. >As if a more philosophical part of your brain has just sparked to life, you decide that you enjoyed waking up with her and the dangers be damned.
  1132. >If you can't find pleasure in life here, then it is simply not worth living.
  1133. "So... Are we... sharing a bed again tonight?"
  1135. >"Have we not proven our trustworthiness to you yet? I could have had you killed a dozen times already!" she snaps.
  1136. "Well... Yeah I trust you now. I just thought--"
  1137. >She barks out interrupting you "Then the answer is absolutely not. You have your own room and you will stay well clear of my bed chamber. Is that understood?"
  1138. >You might feel mad if she hadn't taken you so off guard.
  1139. >When you woke she seemed all for the idea but it was like it now struck a sensitive nerve.
  1140. >Still stunned by the severity of her response you can only think of a simple and albeit subordinate response.
  1141. "Y-yeah... Okay."
  1142. >The quiet returns only dampened by the sound of trickling water.
  1143. >After being snapped at like that you feel in no mood to say anything more and looking at Chrysalis, she seems quite content with the silence between you.
  1144. >Without a word you stand and step out of the pool.
  1145. >Chrysalis watches you with an apparent idle disinterest.
  1146. >You don't bother to cover yourself.
  1147. >Really what's the worst she's going to think of you.
  1148. >You're just some strange creature to her anyway.
  1149. >It's only too late that you realize that you don't have a towel.
  1150. >Rather than getting your clothes wet you simply put on your clean boxers.
  1151. >You look back before you walk out.
  1152. >You feel like you should say something but you don't know what.
  1153. >Chrysalis doesn't seem to notice you.
  1154. >You're as good as invisible to her as she seems to sulk.
  1156. >You start back trying to find your own way back to your room.
  1157. >Navigating this castle is still a lost cause.
  1158. >Spotting possibly the same changeling from before you ask for assistance finding your room.
  1159. >Having to be lead around everywhere is embarrassing.
  1160. >You feel like you should be tipping them for dropping what they're doing and leading you around like a blind man.
  1161. >At the very least you should try to get to know them a little better.
  1162. >You reach the door to your room sooner than expected.
  1163. >Before the changeling has time to scurry off you ask him a question.
  1164. "So... What's your name?"
  1165. >The changeling stares blankly at you for a second and with no expression walks away.
  1166. >It's impossible to know if you should be offended.
  1167. >It doesn't seem like they dislike you.
  1168. >The fact is that aside from an occasional curious stare at you they hardly seem to acknowledge your existence until you have a request.
  1169. >Once in your room you take the time to wash your dirty clothes in the bucket of water before you bother getting dressed.
  1170. >It's a chore but one you don't mind.
  1171. >You had become used to laboring away most days in Ponyville but here there hardly seems to be any use for you.
  1172. >The laundry takes little time.
  1173. >Once your clothes are clean and draped over top of the door to dry you're faced with the uncomfortable quiet.
  1174. >The memories that seep in to fill the quiet spaces are rarely the pleasant ones.
  1175. >Death, sorrow, tension, embarrassment.
  1176. >And that was just today.
  1177. >It's clear that no good can come from your idle mind.
  1178. >Time to get dressed and explore.
  1180. >Thinking you were clever for the idea, you broke a small bit off the bar of soap to use as a sort of marker.
  1181. >It was faint but again the dark surface of the stone halls one could just make out the arrows that you make in soap to find your way back to your room.
  1182. >The dining hall, now empty and still, was your first discovery.
  1183. >You had been unsure that your memory of the walk from the to your room was reliable but it turned up where you expected.
  1184. >Walking on you're soon greeted by the scent of fresh air.
  1185. >Turning a corner you lose the smell and decide to turn around.
  1186. >It's not like you're planning to escape or anything like that but the lure of the outside air is irresistible.
  1187. >Light!
  1188. >There's light ahead!
  1189. >Without realizing it you start to run.
  1190. >The light envelopes you as you charge through the doorway.
  1191. >It's blindingly bright.
  1192. >You bring your hands up to shield your eyes as they slowly adjust.
  1193. >Little by little you bring your hands down to find yourself standing on what remained of the top level of the structure.
  1194. >The walls end unevenly around chest high giving you an unobstructed view of the landscape.
  1195. >Parched land stretches out before you bordering the desert.
  1196. >The dead trees that dot the land tell of a time when this place was habitable.
  1197. >The ruined structures in the foreground elaborate on that story.
  1198. >The sun now hangs low in the sky nearing night.
  1199. >Ominous dark clouds spark in the distance as they slowly roll closer.
  1200. >Looking back you're almost startled by the rocky ledge that looms overhead.
  1201. >The castle sits just in the mouth of a massive cave extending down into the depths of it like a serpent being swallowed.
  1202. >Here you can reflect.
  1203. >In the freedom of the open air and the beauty of sunset, it is the better memories that come to mind.
  1204. >The feeling of waking up with someone in your arms.
  1205. >The sweetness of Chrysalis caring for her children.
  1206. >The friendly conversation over dinner.
  1207. >Darkness falls and the chill of the air helps to drive you back into the castle.
  1209. >Tracing your path back past the dining hall you find dinner in progress.
  1210. >You join in with slightly less enthusiasm than the day before.
  1211. >Overall it is the same experience but for one detail.
  1212. >The seat at the end of the table stands empty.
  1213. >From her earlier mention it sounded as though it wasn't at all unusual for Chrysalis to miss a meal but part of you still seemed to worry.
  1214. >Perhaps she didn't want to see you there.
  1215. >Perhaps there was another death.
  1216. >More likely is that she took dinner in the comfort of her room or she just wasn't hungry.
  1217. >You do your best to not let speculation trouble you.
  1218. >You get your fill and as the meal wraps up you see that Chrysalis was good on her promise that there would be more to go around.
  1219. >You eye some of the scraps left but resist the urge to overindulge.
  1220. >With a heavy stomach you find your way back to your room as the rumbles of thunder can just barely be heard.
  1221. >You take your now dry pants down from the door and close it.
  1222. >The day has been nothing short of eventful but now it is at an end.
  1223. >Your first day among the changelings.
  1224. >You try to think of things to do tomorrow as you lay in bed and listen to the thunder as it slowly becomes louder.
  1225. >You want to find ways to be useful.
  1226. >Maybe your magic could be useful to them.
  1227. >It certainly wouldn't hurt to ask Chrysalis if she could teach you how to use it.
  1228. >That is if she is feeling a little more friendly than when you saw her last.
  1229. >Another long rumble of thunder as you start to drift off.
  1230. >The sound is sort of calming.
  1232. >You wake startled to the deafening crash of lightning.
  1233. >Your heart races as you lay in darkness.
  1234. >Another loud crash.
  1235. >The lightning is more startling when you can't see the flash but that wasn't what woke you.
  1236. >It was something else.
  1237. >Something quiet but terrifying that drove you from sleep.
  1238. >You strain to listen through the constant hiss of rain that echoes in from outside.
  1239. >Your blood chills as you hear it.
  1240. >A scream.
  1242. >You throw yourself out of bed and fumble in the dark for the door before getting out into the dimly lit hall.
  1243. >You pause and listen.
  1244. >Another scream.
  1245. >You follow the sound through the unoccupied halls.
  1246. >It comes again louder before being drown out by a crash of thunder.
  1247. >You keep running not bother to remember where you are going.
  1248. >You hear the scream again.
  1249. >It's the sound of agonizing pain.
  1250. >It's... Chrysalis.
  1251. >Is she hurt?
  1252. >Is she under attack?
  1253. >Did Celestia find us?
  1254. >You can't stop your mind from conjuring up the worst possible scenarios any more than you can drive your legs to carry you faster.
  1255. >Another scream, this time very close.
  1256. "Chrysalis! I'm coming!"
  1257. >You turn the corner to see the familiar doors of her bed chamber.
  1258. "I'm here!"
  1259. >You charge the last length of the hall to be intercepted by two of her guards.
  1260. >They stand firmly in your path just before the door.
  1261. "She's in trouble! Move!"
  1262. >They ignore your demand.
  1263. >Impatiently you move to try to push your way past them.
  1264. >They struggle to push you back when you hear Chrysalis call out "Anon? Is it you?"
  1265. "Yes! I'm here. Are you alright?"
  1266. >In a pained voice she calls out again "Anon! I need you! Help me!"
  1267. >Her guards give up pushing again you but don't move before you shove your way between them.
  1268. >You charge into the room to find Chrysalis laying on her bed panting as two changelings tend to her.
  1269. >You hurry to her side taking a seat on the bed next to her.
  1270. "What's going on? What can I do to help?"
  1271. >"She trembles in pain and explains in weak and quiet voice "Anon. It hurts. I can't stop it. I'm too weak."
  1272. >You still don't understand.
  1273. >Frantically you look to the changelings for answers and find then when you notice what one of them is tending to.
  1274. >On the bed under the watch of the changeling is a small semi transparent green sphere.
  1275. "E-Eggs?"
  1276. >Chrysalis slowly pulls herself up on you and buries her muzzle into your shoulder while saying "Yes... Anon, I'm so weak. I need your help. I need your love."
  1277. "O-of course. You can have it."
  1278. >You close your eyes and try to work up that feeling of affection for her.
  1279. >Chrysalis suddenly hisses "No! All of it!"
  1280. >Before you can react you feel the sting of her fangs sink down into your shoulder near your neck.
  1281. >A sharp inhale is all you manage as her teeth dig down until her gums meet your skin.
  1282. >The sting quickly warms and flows through you as you slowly wrap your arms around her.
  1283. >You want to pull her off but you can't.
  1284. >All you can do is hold her while the room goes dark, warm, and... wonderful.
  1285. >You feel yourself slipping away with the feeling of passion washing over you from deep inside only to be pulled away.
  1286. >A flow of joy and drain runs until the darkness takes you over.
  1287. >And then... Nothing.
  1289. >Gasping you find yourself on a cold table.
  1290. >Trembling, cold, and soaked in sweat you struggle to sit up but you're strapped down.
  1291. >You struggle for a second then let out an agonizing scream for the fire that runs through your veins.
  1292. >Your muscle strain against the straps wanting to pull you into a fetal position to gain any comfort from this horrible feeling.
  1293. >A changeling comes to your side and dabs your forehead with a cool wet rag.
  1294. "What's happening? God make it stop!"
  1295. >"Mother's venom." the changeling says in a clearly female voice "Another wouldn't have survived what you did. But another wouldn't have done what you did either."
  1296. >Too wracked with pain to be shocked at one of them actually speaking to you, you simply arch your back and try to stifle another cry of pain.
  1297. >"He is awake?" you hear Chrysalis speak.
  1298. >The changeling replies "Yes mother."
  1299. "C-Chrysalis?"
  1300. >Chrysalis appears beside you.
  1301. >Through the blur of your tears it's difficult to make out her expression but it almost looks like she wears a sympathetic smile.
  1302. >"Anon" she says firmly "I told you to stay clear of my chamber."
  1303. >You struggle to speak your voice shaking as does you whole body.
  1304. " Y-you were screaming. I h-had to do something."
  1305. >"And what you did was foolish... and... wonderful." she admits.
  1306. >The last moments before you lost consciousness come back to you.
  1307. "Y-you bit me."
  1308. >Chrysalis looks away seeming ashamed. "Yes. I could not control myself. Birthing was not so taxing when I was stronger. But now it is... very difficult. There were three in all. One survived but only because of you. You helped bring new life into our family."
  1309. >Your drug hazed mind struggles trying to make sense of anything she is saying while your body screams at it to do something.
  1310. >You close your eyes as your muscles tighten again with wave of convulsions.
  1311. >"I'm sorry for what this has done to you, Anon. I can grant you only a temporary relief for now but no more after this." She says looking down on your tortured form.
  1312. >Chrysalis lowers her head to your arm and with a gentleness sinks her fangs into your flesh.
  1313. >You wince as the pain is amplified by your drugged nerves.
  1314. >The pain of the bite soothe as a warmth flows up your arm and into your chest.
  1315. >Your panicked racing heart calms and your muscles relax.
  1316. >Chrysalis stands up again and licks the blood from her fangs.
  1317. >A powerful longing for her fills you and takes control of your mind.
  1318. "Chrysalis... I love you."
  1319. >With a bit of a smirk she leans down and humors you with a long deep kiss.
  1320. >You can still taste your own blood on her tongue.
  1321. >She pulls back while you struggle against your restraints to stay in the kiss.
  1322. >"If only that were true. As kind as you were to come to my aid, you do not truly love me. It is only the venom talking."
  1323. >Her words spark immediate protest in you.
  1324. "No! I do love you! Just... Just ask me when this is over. You'll see."
  1325. >She seems hardly convinced but condescends "Alright. I will do that. For now try to rest."
  1326. >Chrysalis turns to leave taking one look back at you as you relax.
  1327. >You hear her leave the room and close your eyes dwelling on the mental image of her and enjoying this euphoric feeling before the pain of withdrawal returns.
  1328. >Be this night or day it is sure to be long and painful.
  1329. >But you will endure it for her with the comfort of knowing that when it is over she will believe your confession of love.
  1331. >Hours pass like days as once again the inebriating venom slowly leaves your system.
  1332. >But through the shaking and the pain there is always at least one changeling at your side now offering comforting words.
  1333. >Although Chrysalis had long since left your side, she never left your mind.
  1334. >While at first you were content to sing her praise, as the pain grew and your mind became more clouded by your suffering, you took more comfort in cursing her name.
  1335. >Of course you don't mean these things.
  1336. >If you did the changelings would surely not be able to stand being in the presence of your bitter emotions.
  1337. >Whether you meant them or not it still felt better to say them.
  1338. >You wake not knowing how much time has passed.
  1339. >Your heartbeat has slowed.
  1340. >Your skin is dry.
  1341. >Your body is no longer shaking.
  1342. >But your head is still pounding.
  1343. >You fidget against the straps still holding you down getting the attention of the changeling tending to you.
  1344. "Water..."
  1345. >The changeling moves off and returns with a sort of canteen made of cloth.
  1346. "C-can I sit up to drink?"
  1347. >She looks at your cautiously but you know that you sound every bit as weak as you feel.
  1348. >There is no way you could try to do anything even if your mind was still under the influence of the drug.
  1349. >The changeling unstraps you from the table before helping you to sit up.
  1350. >Your movements are still shaky and and difficult but that is more likely an effect of the extreme hunger and thirst.
  1351. >Taking the water you pour it down your throat nearly choking on it as you drink.
  1352. >The changeling leaves for a second while you look around still dazed.
  1353. >She soon returns with a small plate of food for you warning "Please eat slowly. I don't want you to be sick." as she brings it to you.
  1354. >Now that a changeling is actually speaking to you, There are so many questions that you'd like to ask.
  1355. >But for now your curiosity takes a back seat to your hunger.
  1356. >As you near the finish of your modest meal the changeling says "Mother suggested that when you are well enough, you might enjoy a bath."
  1357. >You take a second to finish chewing the last bite as not to talk with your mouth full.
  1358. "Yeah. That sounds good. Thank you."
  1359. >With your unsteady legs under you, you make your way to the hot spring pools that you had visited before.
  1360. >Like a personal caretaker, the changeling stays with you while you bathe.
  1361. >At this point your longing to feel clean again outweighs your want for privacy.
  1362. >You waste no time getting off the one article of clothing you're wearing and getting into the water.
  1364. >You relax in the soothing water letting it wash away the aches of your body.
  1365. >Questions rattle into your mind now that it is free of the obligations to your body.
  1366. >Questions that perhaps this changeling will now be willing to answer for you.
  1367. "I'm surprised that you're talking to me. The others just gives me blank stares or ignore me."
  1368. >She gives a little smile while resting by the side of the pool and says "I'm sure you will find us all more sociable now that the word has spread."
  1369. "And what word might that be?"
  1370. >"Of how you raced to Mother's aid. How you faced down her guards to get to her." she says before adding "How you offered yourself to her despite the danger to save our unborn sibling. You have our respect for this."
  1371. >You had wished that they would talk to you but she made it sound like you're some kind of hero.
  1372. "Well, in all honesty I didn't really think that she was going to do anything that would put me in danger."
  1373. >"That doesn't matter. You still acted where others would not have."
  1374. >With a shrug you agree with the fact that you did act.
  1375. "Yeah... I guess you're right."
  1376. >You reach up to stretch but there is a stinging sensation where your shoulder meets your neck.
  1377. >You suddenly remember the bite and how deep it felt.
  1378. >Reaching up you feel the area with your hand to find the punctures filled with what feels like the same substance on your chest.
  1379. >You look down to find the spell hiding the black stuff on your chest has worn off.
  1380. >Noticing your hand at the puncture wounds the changeling comments "Mother insisted on tending to the wound herself. She must have felt very thankful for you."
  1381. "Where is she by the way?"
  1382. >The changeling shake her head "I can't tell you. Not yet. She wants to be sure that you're no longer affected by her venom before you see her again. But tomorrow you will probably see her."
  1383. >You smirk feeling that it's a bit of a paranoid response as you're feeling well in control of yourself.
  1384. "Is she afraid I might do something to hurt her?"
  1385. >"No. She's afraid that she might hurt you. The venom makes you very easy to feed from. Even yet if she is not very careful she could kill you."
  1386. "I see..."
  1387. >Maybe it's for the better.
  1388. >You do yet have a strange feeling when you think of her.
  1389. >A sort of lightness to your heart.
  1390. >It would be embarrassing to act on it only to have it fade as part of that intoxication.
  1391. >You lean forward and dunk your head in the water before sitting up and brushing your wet hair back.
  1392. >You look at the changeling as she watches you with a generally cheerful sort of expression.
  1393. >You can tell that they are each individuals but it bothers you that you can't actually distinguish them by their appearance.
  1394. "So what's your name anyway?"
  1395. >"Name? We don't have names."
  1396. >That explains the blank stare you got last time you asked that question.
  1397. "How do you refer to each other without names?"
  1398. >She seems a bit confused as she wrestles with the question. "I don't know. I guess when I just say my brother or my sister we just know."
  1399. >Again you don't know how it works but you suspect that some kind of magic might be at play here.
  1400. >Or considering their insect like qualities perhaps some sort of pheromone communication.
  1401. "Perhaps I say something about your brother who showed me to this room before. Do you know who I'm referring to?"
  1402. >She looks a bit perplexed. "No. But do you actually know him?"
  1403. >You can feel this easily becoming a deeply philosophical conversation into how one actually knows another.
  1404. >But in a way you see her point.
  1405. >How can you refer to a person by mind if you don't really know them.
  1406. "I see what you're saying. This is going to be tough."
  1407. >"If it would help, you can call me by a name." She offers with a smile.
  1408. "Oh? What name should I call you?"
  1409. >"Liss." She says with certainty in her voice "It's the name of a pony I once impersonated. She left on vacation and I convinced her fiance that the travel plans went wrong so I decided to stay home with him."
  1410. >She looks away with a dreamy look in her eyes. "I loved the way he said her name to me. He loved her so much. And we had so many wonderful days together. I truly wanted to stay in her life forever. But eventually she came home... and I had to leave."
  1411. >You hadn't thought about it before but despite their close family connection, the life of a changeling must be a lonely one.
  1412. >To by the focus of another's love but to never have that love for yourself.
  1413. "I'm sorry. It sounds kinda rough to be a changeling."
  1414. >She smiles and idly wipes a tear from her eye. "It can be. But I love my family and I would never want to leave them."
  1416. >You can't help but be reminded of the old guard you'd met in Canterlot and the encouraging words he shared with you.
  1417. "I once met an old pony when I first came to Equestria. He helped me to believe that there are those out there who can see past the differences and accept those who are different. Maybe in time we can find ponies like that. And they can love us for who we are."
  1418. >She gives a little giggle and says "You're a real dreamer. No ponies have accepted a changeling in... well, not since the days of the Crystal Empire. And even some of my siblings say that it's nothing more than a bedtime story that Mother tells us to give us hope."
  1419. "Well, I'll still believe it. What other hope do I have? It's not like I have any other of my kind."
  1420. >"You have us." She says sweetly.
  1421. >You smile hoping that her siblings would share that sentiment.
  1422. "Of course. That is if the others will accept me."
  1423. >"I'm sure they will. You seem pretty nice." she says cheerfully.
  1425. >Liss let's out a tired yawn.
  1426. "Late night?"
  1427. >She smirks answering "It is."
  1428. >It takes a second for you to catch on to what she means.
  1429. "It is? It's night? I'm sorry. I didn't realize I slept through the day."
  1430. >She smiles reassuringly and tells you "It's alright. I kind of lost track of the time myself."
  1431. "I don't want to keep you from your sleep. I'm almost through here anyway so you don't need to stay."
  1432. >"Are you sure?" she asks.
  1433. "Yeah, you go on. I'll see you tomorrow."
  1434. >"Tomorrow I'll be getting ready to go out scouting." She says as she stands up. "But I'll be back in a day or two so I'll catch up with you then."
  1435. >You offer a friendly smile before she goes.
  1436. "Alright I guess I'll see you then. Good luck out there."
  1437. >She yawns again before trotting off with "Thank you. Goodnight, Anon."
  1438. "Goodnight, Liss."
  1439. >Alone again with your thoughts, you now wonder how things might change.
  1440. >Seems like if anything it will be for the better.
  1441. >Though in a way you dread getting to know them better.
  1442. >Every new thing you learn about the changelings brings you closer to them but it also makes your heart ache for them.
  1443. >You look down at your chest.
  1444. >Again the wound and it's unusual remedy make for an effective distraction from the more difficult matters before you.
  1445. >You close your eyes and try to imagine how your chest looked before the injury as Chrysalis had instructed you before.
  1446. >You focus on that image and give your chest a firm tap of your finger tips.
  1447. >A rush of coolness washes across you and you open your eyes to see the illusion of you unharmed body once again.
  1448. >You start to wonder if perhaps there is more you can do with this.
  1449. >Perhaps with practice you could find a way to cast the effect over your entire body and change form like the changelings do.
  1450. >It certainly seemed plausible enough.
  1451. >But as you only have a limited grasp of your abilities, it does seem like it might still be a while before you can master such a skill.
  1453. >It's not long before the solitude starts to get to you.
  1454. >A little alone time now and then can be a good thing but at this moment you find it less than desirable.
  1455. >You climb out of the water and slide your shorts on over your wet skin.
  1456. >One of these days you'll remember to ask for a towel.
  1457. >As you've made the effort to pay attention to the routes taken to get from one place to another you have started to get the hang of navigating these halls.
  1458. >In a way, the strange and inconsistent dimensions of the halls help you to find where you are when you change your tactics.
  1459. >Finding your way around here is more a process of recognizing landmarks than judging distances and directions.
  1460. >Either than going directly to your room you poke around in the more familiar spots that you've seen.
  1461. >Unfortunately at this hour there is very little activity and no one to keep you company.
  1462. >You step out into the open air as a last resort stop before giving up and returning to your room.
  1463. >Outside the castle extends a sea of pale but beautiful colors in the moonlight.
  1464. >The rare downpour over the dry land had triggered the desperately short life cycle of the desert flowers that otherwise lie dormant.
  1465. >The sight of it is nothing short of spectacular.
  1466. >Something that would easily occupy your mind if not for the chill of the night air driving you back to shelter.
  1467. >Defeated in your quest for company, you return to your room.
  1468. >Had it not been for Liss' warning you might consider an attempt at making yourself a guest in Chrysalis' bed.
  1469. >Surely after the events of what you can only assure was the previous night you would be welcomed for at least one night.
  1470. >In the dark of your room you fumble for the matches on the bedside table.
  1471. >A hiss and spark bring light to the room the wanes and intensifies again as you light the solitary candle on the table.
  1472. >In the light you find a small vase near the candle and in it resting one of the beautiful desert flowers from outside.
  1473. >This small gesture is enough to bring a smile to your face.
  1474. >Be it from Chrysalis herself or one of her many children it is a strong symbol of your place here.
  1475. >And with it, even in this empty room you no longer feel alone.
  1477. >You wake in what feels like the late morning.
  1478. >Headache now gone entirely you feel ready to face what you feel is the first of what is to become a typical day for you in this new life.
  1479. >You hurry to get dressed certain that breakfast is already in progress.
  1480. >The clamor that echoes in the hallway once you leave the room confirms this.
  1481. >A dash to the dining hall finds the feast nearly half over with Chrysalis looking on over her ravenous offspring.
  1482. >You waste little time diving into the meal.
  1483. >Eggs, bacon, even toast and fried potatoes.
  1484. >A fairly standard breakfast fare.
  1485. >If you could get a short stack and some syrup with it the meal would be just like your favorite breakfast buffet back home.
  1486. >While stuffing your mouth full you happen to look up and meet Chrysalis' gaze.
  1487. >She looks ready to laugh at the sight of you with your face stuffed full.
  1488. >You smile sheepishly making it more difficult to contain the half chewed contents of your mouth.
  1489. >Once the room had again settled again and you had your fill you move to meet Chrysalis who still sits the seeming to wait for you.
  1490. "How are you doing this morning, your highness?"
  1491. >She thankfully catches on to your playful tone responding equally "There is no need for such mockery. Besides, from what I'm hearing is my children are of a mind to welcome you as part of our family. Of course it may be a bit hasty for a jump like that. They can sometimes be so easy to impress."
  1492. "I can't say that I'd object to something like that. If it something I can work toward I'll be willing to put in the effort. Maybe I just woke up on the right side of the bed this morning but I'm thinking I actually kinda like it here."
  1493. >To your surprise, Chrysalis turns down the hall to go outside.
  1494. >You had been sure it was time for their "other meal" at this point.
  1495. >"There's not much you can truly do to work for it." she says "It's more a matter of how much we can trust you. I suppose you're off to a good start. After our first encounter you've been no worse than a minor annoyance at time."
  1496. >You smirk letting your smart mouth get the better of you.
  1497. "I suppose I'll have to try harder then. You won't truly appreciate me until I'm a major annoyance."
  1498. >Seeming to be in as good a mood as you are Chrysalis gives a light chuckle at that.
  1499. >Outside of the incidental balcony the air is warm and comfortable as the still rising sun dispels the cold.
  1500. >The shifting temperature brings with it a pleasant breeze.
  1501. >In the distance you see something approaching.
  1502. >Make that several somethings.
  1503. >Taking notice of whatever it is you see, Chrysalis smiles. "We're right on time."
  1504. >As the minutes go by you watch as six figures come into shape hovering over the desert.
  1505. >Changelings, each of them carrying full packs and tired expressions.
  1506. >As the first of them lands on the balcony they look at you with the quiet indifference that you had become accustomed to from them.
  1507. >They immediately move to Chrysalis each of them taking a turn to affectionately cuddle up to her before showing off the various things that they had collected.
  1508. >After this they remarkably appear much more full of life.
  1509. >You can only assume that their affectionate display is more than a simple greeting.
  1511. >As the changelings walk back in another six step out with their own empty packs.
  1512. >You're not entirely sure how but you recognize one of them as Liss.
  1513. >Liss gives you a smile while waiting in line to have her own moment with Chrysalis.
  1514. >After an affectionate "feeding" each of the changelings takes off to fly away into the distance.
  1515. >You wave as you notice Liss look back at you.
  1516. "Good luck out there."
  1517. >Chrysalis takes notice of your wave and with a smile she asks "Make a new friend?"
  1518. >You stop and smile back at Chrysalis.
  1519. "Yeah. She was there last night when I started feeling better. We got to talking for a while."
  1520. >"You might be good for her." she says "She's one of my best but I'm worried that it is because of her overly social nature with outsiders. You offer her a unique opportunity to be herself around someone different."
  1521. "In a way I think I kinda get how that feels."
  1522. >"How do you mean?" she asks.
  1523. >You think about it for a minute then shake your head knowing that answering her would entail explaining much of human sociology.
  1524. "It's... kind of a long story."
  1525. >"Perhaps another time then. The others will be wanting to be fed." she says as she moves to go back inside.
  1526. "Alright. I'm going to just hang out and see what I can do with this magic."
  1527. >Chrysalis looks back and teasingly says "Just don't blow yourself up." before she disappears through the doorway.
  1529. >You mentally run through the few things you've been able to do so far.
  1530. >Levitation has come easily enough.
  1531. >You practically did it on accident the first time so it doesn't get much easier than that.
  1532. >You feel your chest or rather the firm black material covering it and remember how it was able to change forms.
  1533. >You take your shirt off and toss it aside.
  1534. >Looking down you find that the black material seems to have smoothed some and is forming more to your chest.
  1535. >You assume this is a good sign.
  1536. >Perhaps it is starting to wear down and will soon come off.
  1537. >But for now...
  1538. >You think of a form to try to take.
  1539. >A pony would be a good and useful start.
  1540. >If you can blend in with the rest of Equestria you would be free to travel.
  1541. >Who's a good candidate to mimic.
  1542. >Applejack's brother, Mac would do.
  1543. >Having worked quite a bit with him you're pretty familiar with what he looks like.
  1544. >You close your eyes and try to envision yourself as Mac.
  1545. >You tap your chest and feel the cool rush of change.
  1546. >Eager to see if it had worked you open your eyes and look down to find that only your chest has changed to Mac's red coat of fur.
  1547. >With a chuckle at yourself you bring your hand to the back of your neck as you admire the oddity of your almost transformation.
  1548. >You let your hand slide down along the side of your neck accidentally brushing by the spot that Chrysalis had bitten.
  1549. >Intense pain shoots through your body as a wash of green flame attempts to contort your body into the image in your head.
  1550. >You scream out in pain before the process suddenly stops leaving you in your original form.
  1551. "Okay... Maybe I'm not ready for that one."
  1553. >Not wanting to repeat that experience you occupy yourself pay practicing levitation and find it far more entertaining than you probably should.
  1554. >For hours you bring rocks of all shapes and sizes up to where you stand from the ground and toss them out as far as you can.
  1555. >You even attempt to levitate yourself but find it to be a bit of a precarious if not frightening trick.
  1556. >As much fun as you are having, it does wear you out after a while.
  1557. >Feeling you've done your part to improve your skills for the day you head back in.
  1558. >Confident that Chrysalis has finished feeding her family you set out in search of her.
  1559. >The first place you feel you might find her is in her bed chamber.
  1560. >Reaching her door you listen carefully but hear no sound from inside.
  1561. >Clearly she is not here.
  1562. >Or... perhaps she is napping.
  1563. >It couldn't hurt to check.
  1564. >You carefully slip the door open trying to be as quiet as possible as not to disturb her if she is sleeping.
  1565. >Finding the bed empty your eyes scan the room for any sign of her.
  1566. >You spot her standing before a tall mirror wearing an elegant white wedding dress.
  1567. >Like nearly everything else in her possession, the dress shows its age.
  1568. >But with the moth chewed holes and the frayed ends it seems to oddly suit her.
  1569. >You stand there watching her from the doorway letting your mind wander.
  1570. >A feeling begins to surface as a mental image grows from watching Chrysalis observe her own reflection.
  1571. >You fall into the fantasy, imagining staring into her eyes as you lean in for a kiss.
  1572. >"Anon!" her voice suddenly shatters your daydream. "How long have you been standing there spying on me?!"
  1573. >Stunned you try to stammer out an excuse.
  1574. "Nah, I was just... I mean I..."
  1575. >"Never mind! Get in and close the door!" she orders.
  1576. >You do as she says now wondering what your own mind has done.
  1577. >Is it possible there is still a lingering effect of her bite?
  1578. >After closing the door you turn around to see her facing you. >"You will tell no one that you saw this." she says firmly.
  1579. "Y-yeah sure. But umm.. what is this? What are you doing wearing that?"
  1580. >Chrysalis turns to look at her reflection again.
  1581. >"Parts of this castle were built from an old chapel. And this was among the things left in it." she explains with a subdued tone "When I saw it I remembered when I was in Canterlot posing as the bride in a royal wedding. It was only after it all failed that I realized how wonderful it was to be the center of attention. When I walked up the aisle in her wedding dress with all eyes on me, I felt so beautiful. Then it was ruined."
  1582. >Chrysalis looks to the floor "I wanted to have that feeling again. To be the beautiful bride at my own wedding. But it will never happen. Who would ever have me?"
  1583. >You fight back the urge to respond but only after a sound has lurched from your chest.
  1584. >Having noticed the sound she looks at you.
  1585. >You can see she is fighting back tears she had not expected.
  1586. >Again the urge comes but you can't fight it back.
  1587. "Y-you are beautiful."
  1588. >She flicks a tear from her eye with a swipe of her hoof as she says "Please don't pander to me. It was not so long ago you called me as much as revolting."
  1589. >You divert your gaze unable to look her in the eye as you confess.
  1590. "Maybe... At first I felt that way. But... The more I see of you the more I can see what I didn't before. You are beautiful and a stallion would be lucky to have you."
  1591. >She clears her throat fighting back emotion as she responds "Yes... Well, kind words but that's all they are. I'm not foolish enough to truly fall victim to this wishful thinking."
  1592. >She starts to shuffle her way out of the dress but the zipper gets stuck.
  1593. >She wrestles with it letting the struggle fuel her frustration at her hopeless dream.
  1594. >She starts to get angry and pulls harder threatening to rip the dress off herself when you call for her attention.
  1595. "Chrysalis, stop! Just relax."
  1596. >She stops struggling as you move closer.
  1597. >You look over her back at the stuck zipper and bring your arms around her.
  1598. >With a little delicate working you free it and slide the zipper down.
  1599. >The idea insinuated by undressing the bride drifts through your mind bringing a momentary lust to your heart.
  1600. >You feel the slightest pull from within as Chrysalis samples your emotion.
  1601. >She quickly pulls back as she realizes what it is.
  1602. >You can tell by the shocked look in her eyes that you've been caught.
  1603. >She starts "Anon, I..."
  1604. >Hurriedly you step back toward the door and as if it were even possible to cover up what just happened you reach back to escape.
  1605. "I-I should get going."
  1606. >And with that you slip out leaving her stunned.
  1607. >You retreat back to your room, internally screaming at yourself for your lack of mental discipline.
  1608. >Here you are trying to find a place to fit in and be welcomed and you're caught getting a mental boner for the matriarch.
  1609. >You hear her words only days prior ring through your head "I won't have your disgusting body between my sheets."
  1610. >Exactly.
  1611. >Disgusting.
  1612. >In the sheltering solitude of your room the embarrassment begins to fade.
  1613. >Realistically, you know she's not going to throw you out over something like this.
  1614. >She probably won't even bring it up.
  1615. >But in a way that was kind of worse.
  1616. >Rather than being some kind of big blow up and being over it will now linger in both your minds as a private moment of humiliating shame.
  1617. "What time is it?"
  1618. >Screw lunch.
  1619. >Might as well take a nap.
  1620. >You wake in the dark as the sun has dropped low enough that it no longer shines in through the cracks in the ceiling.
  1621. >You reach over for the matches on the table but decide to save them by fumbling around in the dark for the door.
  1622. >It only takes a minute to find the door.
  1623. >The growing noise coming down the hall tells you that once again you have long overslept the day and dinner would soon be at the table.
  1624. >Having nothing better to do you make your way to the dining hall.
  1625. >The food is not yet at the table but many of the changelings are already gathered at their seats chattering among themselves as they wait.
  1626. >To your dismay, Chrysalis is also there.
  1627. >You consider skipping the meal to avoid the awkwardness that would come with being in her company but your growling stomach won't allow it.
  1628. >You make you way to what has now become your usual spot.
  1629. >The changeling to your right chirps a happy "Hi!" to you as you take your seat.
  1630. "Hey."
  1631. >"Where are you from?" he asks.
  1632. >So they are finally talking to you now.
  1633. "I'm uh from another dimension or something. I don't really know."
  1634. >"Oh. My brother and I were wondering. He said you came from the sky but I thought that-" his attention is suddenly stolen by the appearance of the first tray of food being carried in through the door at the back of the room.
  1635. >The room falls quiet as they all watch the changeling carrying the tray set it up on the edge of the table and quickly back away.
  1636. >A parade of other changelings carrying more food soon comes as well.
  1637. >Once all the food is set the room fixes eyes on Chrysalis at the head of the table.
  1638. >"Go ahead." she says through a smile, igniting the feeding frenzy.
  1639. >They all dive out of their seats and into the chaos that you knew dinner to be here.
  1640. >You look over to Chrysalis to catch her looking back at you.
  1641. >You quickly look away and for the instant that you see her it looks like she does the same.
  1642. >Awkward.
  1643. >You stand to reach across the table gathering your meal.
  1644. >Although the strain of the situation with Chrysalis stifles your hunger it doesn't eliminate it.
  1645. >A short way into the meal you hear a sound come through the door from out in the hall.
  1646. >It's hard to tell what it is through all the noise.
  1647. >You're not even sure you had actually heard it until you see the changeling next to you look to the door as well.
  1648. >It comes again and little by little the room grows more quiet.
  1649. >Finally in silence it comes again.
  1650. >A distant voice.
  1651. >"Help!"
  1653. >Your larger stride makes you the first out the door toward the cry for help.
  1654. >Charging down the halls you find yourself racing toward the doorway leading outside with Chrysalis and the others close behind.
  1655. >Collapsed just outside is a changeling.
  1656. >He looks battered and exhausted with one eye swollen shut and one of his fangs missing.
  1657. >"I knew something wasn't right. I followed her." He struggles to explain between labored breaths "She... She met with a stallion. They went into his house. I.. I watched... through the window. I don't know why she did it. I just don't know why! She revealed herself. He attacked her. Before I could act he was calling for others. I fought them off and got away with her. You gotta help her!"
  1658. >He looks back drawing your attention to a crumpled bloodied mass lying a short distance behind him.
  1659. >You desperately hope and wish that it's not so but inside you already know who it is.
  1660. >You scramble over and scoop your arms under her.
  1661. "Liss? Liss! Talk to me! C'mon wake up!"
  1662. >You watch her eyes open only as far as slits while you cradle her in your arms.
  1663. >She's in rough shape bleeding from her ears and nose.
  1664. >She must have been carried home as one of her wings is broken and barely hanging on while the other is gone entirely.
  1665. >As she sees you her eyes fill with tears.
  1666. >She sobs quietly "Anon... I wanted to believe like you do. I wanted so badly for him to be one of the ones you told me about. It was so foolish but I wanted it so much."
  1667. "Liss, I'm so sorry. I-"
  1668. >She is lifted gently from your arms by Chrysalis and delivered to a waiting stretcher.
  1669. >Liss and the other changeling are quickly taken away with most of the other changelings following.
  1670. >Chrysalis turns to the changelings that remain and demand "Leave us. Return to your meal."
  1671. >They obediently disappear through the doorway as she turns to you with fire in her eyes.
  1672. >"What did you say to her? What could you possibly have said that would make her ignore every instinct in such an act of foolishness?!" she accuses as she stares you down.
  1673. >You stand silently dumbstruck.
  1674. >She suddenly rears up and shoves you down hard screaming "Answer me!"
  1675. >You scramble to your feet for fear that she could try to stomp your guts in.
  1676. >Struggling to give an explanation you open your mouth but the words simply won't come.
  1677. >Chrysalis trembles with rage as she glares at you and in answer to your silence she says bitterly "Leave. You are no longer welcome here."
  1678. >You can feel your heart crumble in your chest as her words strike cold blows.
  1679. >An anger wells up inside of you beyond your control.
  1680. >You watch as the subtle signs of pain show on her face but Chrysalis stands her ground.
  1681. >You invoke a force of will to get away and with two sharp cracks in succession you find yourself standing on the ground looking up the tall castle wall at Chrysalis.
  1682. >With her hate filled eyes upon you, you turn and start walking.
  1683. >You don't bother to look back but once you're certain you have gone far enough to not be heard you let the tears come and sob as you march on.
  1685. >There's no way to tell how far you've walked.
  1686. >The castle and even the rock in which it was sheltered have long since vanished into the distance of the cold night.
  1687. >The full sting of sadness remains just as strong as before but you've run out of tears to cry.
  1688. >Only a silent suffering remains in you while you continue on your journey without a destination.
  1689. >Your grief filled mind makes it impossible to think.
  1690. >All you feel is static and pain in your mind shutting you off from your senses entirely.
  1691. >Numbed so, it is possible that in this very moment you are slowly freezing to death and you don't even feel it.
  1692. >Your trance is suddenly broken by a sound familiar yet out of place.
  1693. >You look down to find your cellphone laying against a rock in the sand.
  1694. >Until now you had completely forgotten about it.
  1695. >How you always kept it with you in Ponyville.
  1696. >How it was the last relic of a life you once had.
  1697. >It must have fallen out of your pocket while the changelings carried your lifeless body home with them.
  1698. >You reach down and pick it up.
  1699. >The battery had been long dead and now the screen was shattered and the casing partially melted.
  1700. >There's nothing left for you here.
  1701. "Time to go home."
  1702. >Your magic was fairly intuitive.
  1703. >Making some kind of portal back to your world can't be that hard.
  1704. >And hell, at least you'd have some cool superpowers to take home with you.
  1705. >Not that you could ever safely use them there.
  1706. >You look out over the still desert night one last time.
  1707. >And with a deep breath you raise your hands and focus your mind.
  1709. >A voice in the distance breaks your concentration. "I think I found him! Anon!" it calls out to you.
  1710. >In the dark you can only just make out a couple shapes against the lighter sky.
  1711. >As they come closer you see they're changelings.
  1712. >You wait to see what it is they have to say and a moment later four of them tumble to a rough landing before you.
  1713. >"Anon, wait! Where are you going?" one asks desperately.
  1714. "I'm going home. I'm not welcome here anymore and I've got nowhere else to go."
  1715. >"But you can't leave us! We need you!" says another.
  1716. "Need me for what? Chrysalis kicked me out. And does she even know you're out here?"
  1717. >They look away while only one manages to answer "No."
  1718. "Look. I can't help you. So... I'm going now. Goodbye."
  1719. >You turn away and ready yourself to attempt to cast the spell.
  1720. >"We don't wanna die, Anon." one of them says behind you.
  1721. >You stop as that plea sends a shiver through you.
  1722. >"Mother said you're strong. Maybe even stronger than Celestia. And when you helped Mother we thought that..." He trails off.
  1723. "That I would save all of you?"
  1724. >You turn back around to see hopeful eyes on you.
  1725. "I... I don't even know what I could do to help you. I'm not some kind of divine savior here I'm just a guy."
  1726. >The hope in their eyes fades but one still looks up at you and asks "If you can't save us... could you at least stay with us? To the end? It... It won't be long from now. And despite what she says, you do seem to make Mother happy."
  1727. >You feel a tightness in your chest as the memory of the starving changeling comes back to you.
  1728. >As if it were happening all over again you watch the life fade from its eyes.
  1729. >Could you really stand by and watch that happen to all of them?
  1730. >You tighten your grip on the phone in your hand causing the plastic to crack.
  1731. >With one movement you turn and throw the phone as hard as you can into the darkness.
  1732. "I'm not going to watch you die. I'll find a way to save you... or I'll die with you. Let's go home."
  1734. >You chase behind the changelings as they fly overhead through the desert.
  1735. >You still have no idea how but you're determined to find a way to save them from oblivion.
  1736. >"She was asking about you when we left." one of the changelings calls down to you.
  1737. "Who was?"
  1738. >"Sister. She wanted to see you." He answers.
  1739. >You slow to a walk now out of breath.
  1740. >You can just barely make out the castle in the distance as the changelings land and trot alongside you.
  1741. "How is she anyway. Is she going to be alright?"
  1742. >The same changeling nods "Yeah. It wasn't quite so bad as it looked. She's pretty sore and she had to lose her other wing but none of it is worse than her broken heart."
  1743. "So she won't be able to fly?"
  1744. >"Wings grow back. It takes time but eventually they come back."
  1745. >You breath a sigh of relief at that.
  1746. "I still feel terrible about it."
  1747. >"It's not your fault. We've all wanted to do what she did at one time or another. Even Mother."
  1748. >The look on your face does all the question asking for you compelling the changeling to explain further.
  1749. >"Things that Mother won't tell us, we hear from our older siblings. One of those is a story of when she fell in love."
  1751. >You listen as you watch the details of the castle slowly grow in the distance.
  1752. >"A very long time ago" the changeling begins "before any of us who are here now were born, Mother would often go out into the world herself to find information about a possible new home. While visiting a town disguised as a pony that no one would recognize she met a stallion. I don't know the details of how they met but I was told Mother would go missing for days at a time with him. Finally she couldn't stand hiding her true form from him. One night she drugged him and carried him home with her. When he woke in a strange place he was frightened but she was able to calm him. She explained to him that she was not who she appeared to be. When she revealed herself to him he said that he had heard about her. He accused her of killing and devouring his lover and attacked her. She tried desperately to reason with him but he was blinded by fear and rage. Our brothers came to Mother's defense. They tried to subdue him without harming him but when he mortally wounded two of them, the others were forced to... Well, I think you know how it ends."
  1753. >You swallow hard trying to understand how horrid and traumatic such an event would be.
  1754. >How much guilt she must have felt.
  1755. >With all of that inside it's not so surprising she lashed out at nearest target.
  1756. >The target that just happened to be you.
  1758. >You reach the castle just as the sky is beginning to brighten with the promise of morning.
  1759. >The journey out and back has tired you so that you're unsure if you'll be able to get back up to the balcony.
  1760. >You look up the wall ready to ask the question aloud when you notice the changelings with you continuing around the corner.
  1761. >You follow them to an opening between the mouth of the cave and the castle wall.
  1762. >The changeling slip through with ease while you struggle in the narrow opening.
  1763. >You manage to squeeze through to where the passage opens up in stark blackness.
  1764. >You reach into your pocket for the matches you often kept with you in the evening hours.
  1765. >A flaring burst of light reveals the changelings waiting patiently for you just ahead.
  1766. >You continue on watching them for a short distance before they duck into an opening in the rock wall.
  1767. >It at first appeared as though they had simply passed through the rock itself but as you pass the spot where they had turned and look back you see that while the passage is near invisible from one direction it is plainly visible from the other.
  1768. >The rocky cave walls soon give way to the familiar stonework of the castle's interior.
  1769. >"We kept your room in order." the most talkative changeling says "You should stay there until we talk to Mother in the morning."
  1770. "No. I would like to see your sister. I need to see that she's alright."
  1771. >He seems ready to argue the point but the expression on your face tells him that you won't be convinced to do otherwise.
  1772. >"Very well. This way." he says starting up a long set of stairs.
  1773. >You had come to feel uncomfortable in this part of the castle.
  1774. >Just a short distance from the room where you had seen one of them die you are led to another similar room.
  1775. >You open the door to see Liss lying in bed.
  1776. >Having been cleaned and bandaged up, she doesn't look as bad off as she had seemed while in your arms.
  1777. >She at first appears to be asleep but as you quietly step into the room her eyes slowly open. "A-Anon?"
  1778. "Yeah it's me. How you holding up?"
  1779. >Her eyes fill with tears immediately as she looks away shamefully. "I feel like such a fool."
  1780. >You come closer and gently run a hand over her head.
  1781. "Don't. You haven't done anything wrong."
  1782. >"I know better." she cries softly "I know better than to trust one of them. To think that one of their kind could love me. But I couldn't stay away."
  1783. >"The truth is that she left him a long time ago. She moved away and when I saw my chance I took her place in his life. I convinced him that she had changed her mind but wasn't ready to move back yet. I could spend my time out there with him and then come home. It was perfect... But I wanted more."
  1784. >The story sounds too close to what Chrysalis herself had gone through.
  1785. >It seems like a lesson too painful to ever need repeating but against such an overwhelming desire to be loved one can hardly be blamed for trying.
  1786. "It shouldn't be like this. You shouldn't have to keep hidden away. And I don't know how but I'm going to try to find a way to make it better. Liss, I--"
  1787. >"Please, don't call me that" she chokes out between sobs "I'm not her... I can never be her."
  1788. >You can feel the tears beginning to fill your own eyes as you look down on her sympathetically.
  1789. "I... I understand. Is there another name you would like me to call you by?"
  1790. >She calms slightly holding back her crying as she looks up at you in thought.
  1791. >With uncertainty in her voice she asks "Could you call me... y-your daughter?"
  1792. >You pause in surprise unsure how to respond.
  1793. "Daughter?"
  1794. >"Anon!" the firm toned voice from behind causes the hair on the back of your neck to stand up.
  1795. >You turn to see Chrysalis in the doorway glaring at you.
  1796. >"Come!" she says in the same strong demanding voice before walking away.
  1797. >You turn back to the changeling you had formerly called Liss and place a kiss on her forehead before standing and walking out to follow Chrysalis.
  1799. >You follow Chrysalis fearing that she may try to kill you.
  1800. >A fear that is dispelled as you realize that she is leading you to her chamber.
  1801. >Surely, she wouldn't want your blood all over her room.
  1802. >As you reach the hall you find that the changelings who had brought you back to the castle are already waiting.
  1803. >One of them steps forward to plead with Chrysalis "Mother, we thought that--"
  1804. >"Go to bed." she says in a quiet but firm tone.
  1805. >"Mother please, he was only--"
  1806. >"Now!" she barks loudly at them.
  1807. >They quickly scurry away as her shout echoes back from down the hall.
  1808. >She opens the door and steps in demanding "Get in here and shut the door."
  1809. >You do as you're told without delay.
  1810. >Chrysalis turns looking at you as she paces back and forth seeming to be deep in thought as to what to do with you.
  1811. >"My own children disobeyed me. They snuck out and brought you back here." she says with anger dripping from every word.
  1812. "Yes, but they-"
  1813. >"Shut... up..." she says coldly "I am not finished."
  1814. >She takes a deep breath and continues "You are a corrupting influence. Never before have I had a problem with disobedience. But... never before have I seen them care about something so much as to go against my wishes."
  1815. >You swallow hard wondering just where this is going.
  1816. >After a short pause she goes on "We are not long for this world now. We have only a few years left at most as things are. As a mother I can't stand to see my children suffer. And as a leader I can't let them lose hope. You offer them the hope of a better life. Or at least a chance of survival."
  1817. >She stops pacing and looks away from you.
  1818. >With a quiet growl she adds "And beyond that... seeing you walk away... It filled me with an unexpected emptiness. One that I don't care to ever feel again."
  1819. >Whatever it is she is driving toward you can tell it strains her.
  1820. >She hesitates for a long moment before asking "Do you still wish to become part of this family?"
  1821. >You can feel your hands shaking and your heart pounding but your comes with as much certainty as anything in your life.
  1822. "Yes."
  1823. >She sighs as if she had been hoping for you to refuse. "Kneel."
  1824. >You do as you're told coming to rest on both knees before her.
  1825. >"Anon... Do you pledge your life to this hive and to its Queen? Are you fully willing to fight and die to protect your family no matter the threat? Will you always care for and love each and every one of my children as you would love and care for your own?"
  1826. >The weight of this oath stands heavy on your shoulders.
  1827. >You know full well that this is a point from which you can never turn back.
  1828. >But there is no hesitation in your answer.
  1829. "Yes."
  1830. >She leans in as a calm glow envelopes her horn. "Close your eyes."
  1831. >Nervously you do as you're told.
  1832. >A sharp cutting pain rakes down over the left side of your face over your brow skipping past your eye and continuing down your cheek.
  1833. >Startled, you fall back and clutch your face with your hands.
  1834. >You look up at Chrysalis in shock as the glow subsides from her horn now tipped with your blood.
  1835. >You take your hand away to find it covered in blood before returning it to keep pressure on the wound.
  1836. >With a grim tone Chrysalis says "Let that scar always be a reminder that from this day... you are mine."
  1837. >She turns taking several steps away as you sit back on the floor still shocked by what she had done.
  1838. >Her voice comes calmer now as if she had relieved herself of some profound burden "Return to your room for now. I need to think about what it is we have gotten ourselves into."
  1840. >You wake around...
  1841. >Must be mid-day.
  1842. >Maybe a little before noon.
  1843. >Sleep had been quick to come and deep enough that you woke in the same position you had fallen asleep in.
  1844. >You sit up and look around.
  1845. >Yesterday had started so well but ended in about the worse possible way.
  1846. >You put your face in your hands.
  1847. >You can feel the souvenir Chrysalis had given you.
  1848. >With a crackling stretch you stand and walk to the water bucket that was still in your room.
  1849. >Apparently they thought that laundry was going to be a daily thing for you.
  1850. >But reaching your room last night you were glad to see the bucket filled with clean water.
  1851. >The cut running down the left side of your face had bled profusely at first but had for the most part stopped by the time you made it to your room.
  1852. >In the brighter light of day you can see your reflection.
  1853. >There was quite a bit of dried blood left on your face but through it you could see the wound clearly.
  1854. >One clearly defined black line broken only over your eye.
  1855. >You touch it and although a bit tender it certainly doesn't feel like an open cut.
  1856. >You look down at your shirt now stained with your blood.
  1857. >Looks like it's ruined anyway.
  1858. >You rip a clean piece off from it and use it to mop up the rest of the dried blood.
  1859. >You were thankful that no one had seen you in the hall last night.
  1860. >Knowing you are now marked as Chrysalis' property, you are too embarrassed to show your face.
  1861. >The changelings are sure to know the meaning of the mark.
  1862. >You consider just saying hidden away in your room.
  1863. >Away from anyone who might look down on you as simply being a tool.
  1864. >But you know that sooner or later, you will have to come out.
  1865. >Your guts tremble with a loud lurching sound of your empty stomach.
  1866. >Probably sooner rather than later.
  1867. >Frustrated and still sore you pull off your worn clothes and find your way into some clean ones.
  1868. >From what little you know of them you're sure they won't mistreat you.
  1869. >But to be safe you take a minute to harden yourself against any potential teasing you might receive from the changelings.
  1870. >You swore an oath to love and protect them.
  1871. >Hopefully that will stand for something.
  1872. >If they even know about that part.
  1873. >With one more deep breath you head out.
  1874. >The sounds in the hall tell you that you had spent enough time obsessing over your self-image to miss the start of lunch.
  1875. >You head to the dining hall feeling a bit relieved that there is a meal going on.
  1876. >The changelings seem so focused on eating during meals that the world could come to a crashing end and you doubt they would even notice.
  1877. >You enter the dining hall to the same calamitous noise that always accompanies the feasts of each day.
  1878. >As you make your way to the table the sound begins to drop off.
  1879. >Little by little the room falls silent as each of them stops what they are doing and locks eyes on you.
  1881. >You look to the head of the table.
  1882. >Chrysalis isn't here.
  1883. >You can imagine that if she was she would tell them to ignore you.
  1884. >But even still you're thankful not to see her now.
  1885. >The room is now dead still with all eyes on you.
  1886. >The urge to run away fills you but you know that would only make you seem cowardly.
  1887. "What? What are you all staring at?"
  1888. >You take your seat still unsettled by their stares.
  1889. >You look down to your empty plate having forgotten that you will need to stand to grab some food.
  1890. >Pushing back your chair to stand again, you stop suddenly hearing something land on your plate.
  1891. >You look up to see a piece of meat laying on your plate and standing over it a changeling smiling at you.
  1892. >He moves off and another changeling steps up to place another bit of meat on your plate.
  1893. >Again and again each of them takes a turn to put something on your plate before moving off a short distance and watching you.
  1894. "What uh... What's going on?"
  1895. >The last changeling to give you an offering hops down from the table and cuddles up against your leg as she says "Mother gave you her mark."
  1896. >You bring a hard up to cover the scarred half of your face in shame.
  1897. "Yeah... She marked me as her property."
  1898. >"Property?" the changeling giggles up at you "No. It means she has chosen you... as her mate. That makes you our father."
  1899. >Slowly you let your hand fall from your face as you look down at the changeling.
  1900. "I... Father?"
  1901. >Remembering the oath Chrysalis swore you to, it now made so much more sense.
  1902. >She made you swear to love and protect them as your own.
  1903. >You let your hand come down and the changeling nuzzles it.
  1904. >You're at a loss for any kind of eloquent words.
  1905. >You feel as though you should have some sort of speak prepared but you give the only words you have right now.
  1906. "Umm... Alright. Let's... Let's eat."
  1907. >With that the changelings go back to their frenzied meal leaving you and your now heaping plate of food undisturbed.
  1908. >You sit in the calm surrounded by chaos as in the eye of a storm very much in the same way you see Chrysalis at each meal.
  1909. >And like Chrysalis you watch them slowly feeling a proud smile creep across your face.
  1910. "father..."
  1912. >You look at the plate of food before you.
  1913. >Every bit of it had been in a changeling's mouth but it didn't seem bothering to you.
  1914. >It was actually sort of a sweet gesture.
  1915. >You graciously begin eating thankful that they have relatively small mouth.
  1916. >It might seem offensive to leave any bit of this meal uneaten.
  1917. >The room slowly quiets as the changelings finish with their meal.
  1918. >You're feeling a bit overly full already but there are still a few scraps left on your plate.
  1919. >Just as the last changelings leave, Chrysalis walks in and takes a seat at the head of the table.
  1920. >"Enjoying your meal?" she says.
  1921. "You know you could have told me."
  1922. >"Told you what?"
  1923. >You hurry to swallow the last bite so you don't have to speak with your mouth full again.
  1924. "That you were making me your mate."
  1925. >"Don't read too much into it. I did it for their benefit. Besides, you said you wanted to be part of this family. What other position is there?"
  1926. >You sit back having finished the last of your meal.
  1927. "I don't know. I was thinking like an uncle or something."
  1928. >"An uncle typically does not give the kind of devotion we need from you right now." she explains "And I'm sorry for keeping it from you but you as much as earned the title of father when you survived that feeding. In truth the hive's mother is only permitted to feed from one source during the birthing process. The only source strong enough to survive it."
  1929. >You take a deep breath trying to let the food settle in your stomach as you process all of this.
  1930. "It's not that I'm ungrateful. But this is a lot to take in."
  1932. >"I'm glad you take your role so seriously." she says "And as you take it so seriously I'm sure you'll have no trouble performing a simple task for me."
  1933. "What is it you need from me?"
  1934. >She grits her teeth as the thought of what happened angers her. "I need you to deal with the stallion who hurt my... our children."
  1935. >You feel a small twinge of anger stir in yourself as you remember seeing your favored daughter injured as she was but your more passive side comes through.
  1936. "I'm not comfortable with murder."
  1937. >Chrysalis growls "Although I wouldn't object to seeing that bastard dead, I suppose it's not necessary. Just make sure he thinks twice before bring an unwarranted attack against our children."
  1938. >You embrace the hate you have for that pony and stuff it deep down inside where it can't harm your family to be used when the time is right.
  1939. "I'll need some help then. It would be best if I could learn to change forms like you do. I think I was close but we I tried it felt like my spine was going to snap."
  1940. >"And if you force it you very well might break your spine. There is a trick to utilizing more... foreign shapes. It is actually more like changing forms twice at once."
  1941. >A changeling emerges from the rear door with a tray carrying Chrysalis' lunch.
  1942. >"Meet with me in my chamber later and I will show you how it is done." she says as she eyes her meal hungrily.
  1943. >Finally feeling like you can move again you stand up and head to the door.
  1944. "Alright. I'll see you then."
  1946. >In the halls you encounter a number of changelings each of them stopping to smile and have a second of your time for a hug or nuzzle.
  1947. >From the perspective of an outsider it might seem nauseating but you have little issue with admitting to yourself that it's actually kind of cute.
  1948. >You can only imagine how much they could have wanted to have a father.
  1949. >More than that it might be something of a comfort to them to have someone else for them to look up to and to protect them.
  1950. >And with each affectionate cuddle you feel more and more devoted to doing just that.
  1951. >In the quiet section of the castle you find the room of the changeling you consider to be your first daughter.
  1952. >She did in fact ask to be your daughter before you were given the title of father.
  1953. >You give a gentle knock at the door as you step in the room.
  1954. >She let's down the book she is reading in bed and smiles seeing you.
  1955. >She gives a surprised gasp as she notices the mark on your face. "Anon... I-I mean... Father?"
  1956. >You only smile as your own surprise has mostly worn off already.
  1957. "Yeah. It seems that way. I'm still trying to make sense of it myself but I'm certainly going to do my best at it."
  1959. >You try not to even think about the task that Chrysalis given you.
  1960. >Knowing how reluctant love can be to learn, you can imagine that daughter would not approve.
  1961. >But that stallion does need to learn a lesson.
  1962. >She brings her arms up at you prompting you to be and down to give her a gentle hug.
  1963. >"I know you won't let us down." she says "Mother is wonderful but you have no idea how much we have wanted a father as well."
  1964. "You and your siblings have been so welcoming, I can really see how much this means to you."
  1965. >"It really does feel like our family is whole now." she says and with a smirk adds "Or it will be when you give Mother some new offspring."
  1966. >You feel a quick wash of embarrassed shock wash over you.
  1967. >You had been so caught up in the idea of being a father to the changelings that you had forgotten that it was a dual title making you Chrysalis' mate as well.
  1968. >You can almost feel your face reddening as you nervously clear your throat before talking.
  1969. "Offspring? Well, I.. It might be a bit soon for that."
  1970. >She looks at you inquisitively and asks "What's wrong? Don't you want to mate with her?"
  1971. >It's a question that perhaps you should have asked yourself after the whole embarrassing mess in her bedroom.
  1972. >Of course you could admire her strong personality, even if it was a bit abrasive.
  1973. >And you are moved by the gentle way in which she handles the changelings.
  1974. >But physically? Could you even..."
  1975. "You know... I just kind of get the impression that she doesn't really see me that way. I think that she just wants me to be here for you guys."
  1976. >She smiles giving the kind of look of someone who is in on a secret. "Really? You haven't noticed?"
  1977. "Noticed what?"
  1978. >"She has been eyeing you up almost from the time you got here. But you're right. She probably doesn't even realize it herself yet." she says with a giggle.
  1979. >Skepticism shows on your face as you question her observation.
  1980. "And how do you figure all this?"
  1981. >"Please. Love is our business. The way she looks at you in the dining hall... Well let's just say that if I saw that look out of a pony, I'd know where our next meal was coming from."
  1982. >You fight the urge to let this go to your head.
  1983. >Logically you tell yourself that she is mistaken.
  1984. >But Chrysalis did say she was her best.
  1985. >You give her the standard "I'm not so sure about that" line without directly objecting before mentioning that you have to meet with Chrysalis to learn some changeling magic.
  1986. >You obviously omit the reason for the lessons and luckily she doesn't ask.
  1987. >It does seem like a useful enough skill that wanting to learn it would be natural.
  1989. >With a light knock you let yourself into Chrysalis' room.
  1990. >She's already there waiting for you.
  1991. >"I expected you sooner but let's get to business." she says "Take off your clothes."
  1992. >You close the door behind you and give her a deserving stunned look.
  1993. "Excuse me?"
  1994. >"If you are going to change form, those will only get in the way. Take them off." she repeats her command.
  1995. >Hesitantly you do as you're told as Chrysalis watches with seeming disinterest.
  1996. >"Now then, as I had said, exotic forms are more a matter of two or sometimes more shifts rather than just one. If you try to change your form too radically at once you will end up harming yourself."
  1997. >She looks you over for a second before rearing up and with several flashes of green flame you find yourself standing before you.
  1998. >You edge back at the sight of your own naked self looking at you.
  1999. >"What's wrong? Are you repulsed by your own appearance?" she asks in your voice.
  2000. >You can feel your skin crawl in response to the situation.
  2001. "No its just... unsettling."
  2002. >Looking at Chrysalis in your form you now see how much the black material on your chest has changed.
  2003. >It has become segmented and smooth much like the chitinous armor of some strange insect man.
  2004. >Chrysalis with another wash of flame changes again.
  2005. >This time she changes to what you figure she assumes a female of your species would look like.
  2006. >She has done a fairly spot on job except for a minor detail or two.
  2007. >"How is this form?" she asks.
  2008. >You look her over and fight the urge to laugh as you notice the most obvious anatomical mistake being a pair of very modest breasts on her lower abdomen.
  2009. >"What?" she asks in response to your smirk.
  2010. >For fear that you might laugh out loud if you try to speak, you only motion toward the position of your own nipple to point out her error.
  2011. >"I see." she says before correcting the mistake with another quick flash.
  2012. >Perhaps it was a mistake to correct her.
  2013. >Without the humor of her error you find the nude human form to be a bit... distracting.
  2014. >"Now... " she says stumbling slightly as she tries to walk on two legs "You must first change your form to be more pliable. Imagine yourself or a form comfortably between yourself and your target form only with a less solid substance. Once you feel the change begin quickly change your intent toward your final form."
  2015. >You take a deep breath and focus again using Mac's form as your target.
  2016. >Your mind builds an image of him in a more human form as an intermediate.
  2017. >You take a deep breath again and go for it.
  2018. >Another round of screaming pain leaves you on the floor in your own form feeling as though your spine has been ripped out of your back.
  2019. >Chrysalis walks up and leans over you with her now human breasts in your face. "Were you even listening to me? I said pliable. Try it again."
  2020. >You shake your head trying not to be too distracted by Chrysalis' current form.
  2021. >It's not like you're a teenager.
  2022. >You've seen naked women before.
  2023. >It's no big deal.
  2024. >But as you stand you again catch yourself staring.
  2025. >Chrysalis takes a few steps away before turning back to you again and saying "As I said, you need to imagine a more pliable form. If need be simply imagine you have no bones at all. Once you've... done... Have you no self control!"
  2026. >You're quickly snapped back to reality by her shouting at you to find yourself having an involuntary reaction to her form.
  2027. >You quickly try to cover your developing erection as she looks at you with a disgusted expression.
  2028. "S-Sorry! Damnit! I just... It's been a while since... "
  2029. >Chrysalis turns back to her normal form falling onto all four legs." Enough! Focus now. I want this matter tended to in a timely manner and I will not have your... "libido" getting in the way. Now, ignore that and try again."
  2030. >You do your best to shake off your embarrassment and focus on the job at hand.
  2031. >Pliable.
  2032. >Just imagine you have no bones.
  2033. >You drive your mind to focus intensely on your goal.
  2034. >With a wince of expected pain you feel several cool rushes wash over your body.
  2035. >You open your eyes just as you lose your balance and land flat on your back.
  2036. >You stare up from the floor with your arms and legs hanging in the air.
  2037. >You look down to find hooves where you would expect hands and then to the rest of your body now covered in Mac's recognizable red coat.
  2038. >"Very good." Chrysalis praises you "Perhaps a bit shabby in your image but it will certainly pass for authentic in a dark alley. With a little practice I'd say you should be ready by tomorrow night."
  2040. >A little practice seemed to be an understatement.
  2041. >Chrysalis grilled you mercilessly until you'd gotten every last detail perfect.
  2042. >Once you had masterfully mimicked Mac's form she demanded that you start over and come up with an original form.
  2043. >"All form are disposable." she says "It is a common belief that we can only copy forms that we have seen before. That is why in a pinch you will need to be able to come up with a new and unique form to evade pursuers."
  2044. >More and more this is beginning to sound like changeling boot camp.
  2045. >Once you had an original character you had to make up a new voice and after that a back story, what you were doing earlier, names of family and friends.
  2046. >All of it needing to be convincing as well as unverifiable.
  2047. >You start to wonder if she subjected each of her children to such rigorous training.
  2048. >After seeing how gentle and loving she is with them you have a difficult time seeing her being as strict and demanding as she is with you now.
  2049. >But love hurts as they say.
  2050. >These are invaluable lessons of survival.
  2051. >With that in mind there is little doubt that she would be every bit as demanding with one of her own.
  2052. >Inevitably you reach the point where you can no longer contort your shape into anything but the one you came in the room with.
  2053. >The day had slipped away entirely while she worked you.
  2054. >Even dinner had come and gone without the two of you.
  2055. >"Get up!" she barks at you as you lie on the floor panting "Do it again! I want a new character this time."
  2056. >You struggle to perform but with only the faintest flicker you remain the same.
  2057. "I... I can't do it anymore. I'm too tired."
  2058. >"And what will you do when you're on the run and you're tired?" she asks.
  2059. >You growl in frustration.
  2060. >When you asked for lessons you didn't expect any of this.
  2061. "I suppose I'll just have to be clever."
  2062. >Seeing no way around biological limits Chrysalis relents "I suppose you will. I will have dinner brought up to us. You will sleep here tonight."
  2063. >Chrysalis steps out of the room, presumably to order dinner while leaving you on the floor to collect yourself.
  2064. >After a minute or two you find the strength to get up.
  2065. >Now that you are free to you want to see something that has been bothering you since the start of this training session.
  2066. >Standing before the large freestanding mirror in the corner, you investigate your chest.
  2067. >The edges of the black, what now seems to be chitin have blended almost seamlessly against your skin.
  2068. >In fact it seems all around more... complete than it had when Chrysalis mimicked your form earlier.
  2069. >Perhaps changing shapes has caused whatever process is affecting it to accelerate.
  2070. >You have it a hard rap of you knuckles.
  2071. >Although still only days old there is no longer any pain from the wound below it.
  2072. >Your mind instantly refers to sci-fi movies involving people transforming into bugs edging you near panic.
  2073. >You close your eyes and try to relax.
  2074. >It's only this wound after all.
  2075. >It's what saved your life and is now holding you together.
  2076. >And it's not like it's expanding or anything.
  2077. >Not like the bite mark on your neck.
  2078. "Oh god! What the hell?!"
  2079. >The spots where Chrysalis' fangs had broken your skin seem to be the source of a dark pattern of lines that run under your skin.
  2080. >Chrysalis returns with a hurried pace. "What is it? What's wrong?"
  2081. >You turn to her motioning to your neck.
  2082. "What the hell is this?"
  2083. >"Oh yes... That." she says as if it's no big deal "I noticed it earlier but I didn't want to alarm you."
  2084. "Wh-what is it?"
  2085. >Chrysalis steps closer and investigates the spot closer asking "Does it hurt?"
  2086. "No."
  2087. >"Do you have a fever?"
  2088. "I don't think so."
  2089. >"Do you feel sick?"
  2090. "Not really."
  2091. >"Then don't worry. It's probably nothing." she says brushing it off.
  2092. "What do you mean 'it's probably nothing'? Haven't you ever used this stuff on anyone before."
  2093. >"Yes." she answers "But obviously not on any of your kind. To be honest we didn't exactly have a long-term plan for you when we first used it. And seeing as it was working so well on you already, I did the same after I bit you."
  2094. >You know you should have asked a long time ago but only now does it seem like the question is pressing.
  2095. "What the hell is this stuff anyway? Where does it come from?"
  2096. >"Well... Hold out your hand and I'll show you."
  2097. >You do as she says and with a deep lurching sound she regurgitates a small amount of a tar like substance in your hand.
  2098. "Oh! What the?! Gross!"
  2099. >You quickly fling it onto the floor as Chrysalis shouts "Don't! If that hardens it'll..."
  2100. >She kicks the already solid spot of goo on the floor and finishes "...never come off."
  2101. >Lost in your own little world of panic you begin to pace around the room ranting.
  2102. "I'm gonna turn into some kind of freaking bug man. I just know it. I never should have let you keep that stuff on me. I should have--"
  2103. >"Will you grow up and just relax?" Chrysalis yells "It's not like it's doing anything bad to you. It will probably just spread like that until the wound is healed and then it will fade."
  2104. >You stop and try to relax as you're told.
  2105. "You're sure I'm not going to turn into a bug man?"
  2106. >Chrysalis rolls her eyes and says "You read too many stories."
  2108. >After an intense mental struggle you manage to half convince yourself that there really is nothing to worry about.
  2109. "You're right. I guess as long as it doesn't hurt I shouldn't worry."
  2110. >"Of course I'm right." Chrysalis gloats just before a knock at the door.
  2111. >Chrysalis opens the door and with a brief mumble to the changeling outside she wheels in a cart holding two trays before closing the door again.
  2112. >She moves the cart with her to the bed and makes herself comfortable as she brings both trays to the comfortable surface.
  2113. >You make your way to her and settle down to eat as well.
  2114. >Chrysalis eyes your body up and down before commenting "I thought you would have spring for your clothes already with the way you cling so tightly to them."
  2115. >You look at her as you pick at your meal and speak between bites.
  2116. "I've been naked in front of you for most of the day now. I guess I just got used to you seeing me."
  2117. >"Not the strongest gesture of trust but I suppose I'll take it."
  2118. >You smirk feeling in the mood to taunt her some.
  2119. "You like what you see?"
  2120. >She gives you a mildly disgusted look that fades as she looks you over again. "You're at least not the most offensive thing I've seen."
  2121. >You take her comment in good humor.
  2122. "Not the strongest compliment but I suppose I'll take it."
  2123. >Your tease actually invokes a small smile on her face.
  2124. >Deciding not to push your luck you bring the conversation down to business.
  2125. "So... What's the game plan for tomorrow?"
  2126. >"Midday at the latest you will take two of my strongest as well as our son who witnessed the attack to the village where the stallion lives. Identify him and deal with him as you see fit. Simple, yes?"
  2127. >You nod in agreement.
  2128. "Yeah, simple."
  2129. >The small meal is soon finished leaving the both of you ready for bed.
  2130. >You take the initiative of clearing the trays from the bed while Chrysalis finds her way under the covers and settles in at the center of the bed.
  2131. >You then make yourself comfortable at the edge of your side.
  2132. >You start to settle down when you feel as though you're being watched.
  2133. >Turning you find Chrysalis staring at you expectantly.
  2134. >Your mind rushes through all of the possible things she could possibly want before settling on the most obvious conclusion.
  2135. >Cautiously you slide over to join her in the middle of the bed.
  2136. >She makes no move the ward you off and voices no objection.
  2137. >Deciding to push your luck a little you reach around and wrap your arms around her.
  2138. >To your astonishment she cuddles into your embrace.
  2139. >The moment is only broken by her stern warning "You will keep your loins to yourself. I have granted you the title of my mate. Not the privilege."
  2140. >Part of you feels the slightest and most unexpected twinge of disappointment at this comment.
  2141. >But you convince yourself that perhaps you had only hoped she would trust you enough to not feel the need to say it.
  2142. >With her muzzle nestled gently against your neck and the warmth of her body against your own you feel that deep relaxing calm.
  2143. >The same joyful feeling you had felt waking up in the same way only now you are awake enough to enjoy it.
  2144. >And why shouldn't you enjoy it?
  2145. >After all its good for her if you enjoy it.
  2146. >What's good for her is good for the family, and what's good for the family is good for you.
  2147. >You feel that warm feeling grow in your chest and bond with her.
  2148. >You take a deep relaxing breath and whisper to her.
  2149. "This is nice."
  2150. >You feel the smile curl over her face against your neck as she replies quietly "Shut up, Anon."
  2152. >You wake slowly to find yourself alone in Chrysalis' bed.
  2153. >The low ache in your body tells you that you have long overslept.
  2154. >After the workout you had yesterday it was well deserved.
  2155. >You roll out of bed and get to your feet before you remember the mirror in front of you.
  2156. >You take a moment to investigate the marks on your neck and find that still the dark lines seem to be spreading.
  2157. >It doesn't hurt and so you remind yourself not to worry.
  2158. >With a flash of green you change to one of the forms you had practiced the day before, a unicorn stallion with a dark orange coat and blonde mane.
  2159. >This is the form you have chosen to use tonight to complete your task.
  2160. >Having rested on it however you are now feeling hesitant.
  2161. >Is vengeance really the path you want to take?
  2162. >Will it not simply reinforced the hatred that the ponies feel for the changelings?
  2163. >At least you're not being expected to kill him.
  2164. >And who knows what will happen.
  2165. >Perhaps you can try to reason with him.
  2166. >Maybe you can help him to see how wrong he was.
  2167. >After getting dressed you head out to find Chrysalis.
  2168. >She will likely know what preparations you should make for your journey today.
  2169. >Once out of the room you get a sense of the time.
  2170. >Maybe it's the scent or the feel of the air but there is definitely some subtle clue that your subconscious mind is able to pick up on.
  2171. >It's late in the morning.
  2172. >Very late.
  2173. >You make your way to the throne room to be happily greeted by the last few changelings as they leave.
  2174. >At the far end of the room sits Chrysalis.
  2175. "You let me oversleep."
  2176. >She doesn't seem as worn as she had the last time you observed a feeding.
  2177. >"I figured you would need the rest. Are you ready to perform your duty tonight?"
  2178. >You nod as you try to withhold the apprehension from your voice.
  2179. "Yes. I'm ready to do what needs to be done."
  2180. >Chrysalis picks herself up and starts toward the door meeting you halfway.
  2181. >"Good. You leave after lunch. I've already made all of the arrangements so there is nothing you should need to worry about."
  2182. >With that you accompany her to lunch.
  2183. >The dining hall is already filled with hungry changelings eagerly awaiting their meal.
  2184. >You find that your usual spot has been filled now but a new spot is open at the head of the table.
  2185. >Chrysalis' normal spot centered at the head of the table now sits shifted to one side next to a second set just for you.
  2186. >The two of you take your places just as the food arrives and aside from the shift in seating arrangements the meal goes on just as it always has.
  2187. >Your stomach is naturally unsettled by the pressure of your impending task so the meal goes by quickly as today you eat only about as much as any of the changelings do.
  2189. >With the sun just beginning it's decline toward the western sky, you join Chrysalis outside the castle.
  2190. >The others of your party have not yet emerged giving the two of you a solitary moment together.
  2191. >"Like I said before I am sending my two strongest sons with you. See to it they are safe. And stay out of trouble if you can. We don't need any more attention than needs be." She says with the voice of a worried mother "Now. Let me see your disguise."
  2192. >You strip down before shifting to the form of the orange earth pony stallion you had chosen for this job.
  2193. >"Personally, I would have gone with a more subtle color but it should do just fine." she comments as the others emerge.
  2194. >Two slightly larger changeling precede a third who walks with a limp.
  2195. >You had hoped she had some hulking super changelings hidden away somewhere but these two at least look fit enough for the job.
  2196. >Chrysalis turns to one of her larger sons and opens the pack he's carrying.
  2197. >She pulls up the hood of a black robe and explains "I had this made specifically for you. I hope it fits well. You might not want to wear it now but when night falls it will help you blend in as well as cover you should you need to revert to your natural form."
  2198. >She slides the robe back in and closes the pack before giving each of her sons a loving nuzzle.
  2199. >As you turn to go Chrysalis says to you "See to it that you return to me, Anon. You are... invaluable to me."
  2200. >You turn to see her watching as you start to walk away.
  2201. "I will. And in one piece if I can help it."
  2202. >Perhaps your joke was a bit dark considering the unknown danger of your task.
  2203. >On its face it all seemed easy enough but when going into a fight you never can know what you're really in for.
  2205. >The changelings put you to shame with both their speed and stamina.
  2206. >You thought for sure these big guys would run out of steam after a short time but there seemed to be no end to their determined energy.
  2207. >The third having given up on keeping up limping along had taken to the air flying a short distance ahead.
  2208. >Relief finally came after sunset where the desert gradually gave way to grassy plains.
  2209. >The group had fallen behind due to your fatigue.
  2210. >They had graciously slowed to a walk twice on your account not once complaining or arguing about it.
  2211. >It wasn't long after reaching the grasslands that the town came into view.
  2212. >Again you had lost track of time but the distant lights gave hope that perhaps you would still be able to complete your task without having to make camp and wait for the following evening.
  2213. >Of course the option of breaking into his house and beating him in his sleep might still be on the table.
  2214. >With the individual buildings taking shape you look to the others just as they assume their alternate forms.
  2215. >The two on either side of you change their appearances to look like earth ponies with vaguely similar features to you.
  2216. >No doubt they are playing on the tendency that even you had noticed of earth ponies to stick with blood relatives.
  2217. >The other still in flight however changes into a pegasus.
  2218. >You motion for them to gather closer while you lay out the plan.
  2219. "Alright, boys. Here's how we do this. My name is Chance Lighthoof. We're here to meet with a merchant who will be arriving tomorrow."
  2220. >Looking to the pegasus you issue him his role.
  2221. "You are a wanderer we met along the way who has decided to join us. I want you to see if you can spot our target. If anyone asks what you're doing tell them you're looking for an old friend you heard might live here and give them a bogus name."
  2222. >Feeling that's solid enough you look to the other two.
  2223. "You two are my brothers. We come from a farm just over the mountains. I want you to get us a room in the upper floor of an Inn if you can then look the door and sneak out the window. If we run into trouble, witnesses will likely lead them to the room buying us enough time to get some distance. Sound good?"
  2224. >They look at each other seemingly impressed with the with how much thought you've put into this.
  2226. >With the plan laid out you head into town.
  2227. >It's not a big place.
  2228. >Smaller even than Ponyville.
  2229. >Finding the inn was no problem.
  2230. >You head around back while the two changelings go inside to rent the room.
  2231. >It's not long before you see them emerge from a high window and cautiously fly down to you in the quiet back alley before reassuring their pony forms.
  2232. "You guys lie low. I'll check out the rest of the town. And remember, we're not here to kill him. Just to teach him a lesson."
  2233. >They nod and wander down the dark alley while you head the other way.
  2234. >Emerging from the back streets you make your way past the dark merchant shops.
  2235. >It's fairly quiet at this time of night but there is one building where there seems to still be quite a bit of activity.
  2236. >As you near the tavern the other changeling from your party lands and limps along side you.
  2237. >"I found him." he says "Straight ahead. Grey coat, light mane, and the black eye I gave him."
  2238. "Good work."
  2239. >He lifts his wing and rummages in the small pack he's wearing pulling out a small coin pouch with a long looped drawstring.
  2240. >He arches his neck over to you looking it around your neck and says "Maybe he'll let you buy him a drink or two. If he's already got a few in him it might help us take him down."
  2241. "Yeah. That's a good idea. Fetch the others and stick close. I'll see what I can do with our... "friend"."
  2243. >Walking up you put on you best fake smile while you size him up.
  2244. >Another earth pony.
  2245. >He won't be flying away or pulling any tricks but it will make him a bit more of a tough customer.
  2246. "Hey there buddy! How'd ya get that shiner?"
  2247. >The stallion perks up and gives you a questioning look. "Who, me? I got it tangling with some changelings."
  2248. >Oh yeah, this is your guy.
  2249. "Ya don't say! Sounds like you got a heck of a story. Tell me about it. I'll buy ya a drink."
  2250. >Seeming like he's already had a couple he shrugs and follows you in.
  2251. >At the bar you toss down your bag of bits.
  2252. "Bartender, cider for me and whatever my friend here wants."
  2253. >"Make it two." the stallion speaks up.
  2254. >Your drinks soon arrive and bartender takes what he needs from your half spilled bag of coins before moving on to his other patrons.
  2255. >You take a drink before introducing yourself.
  2256. "The name's Chance by the way. I'm in town on business."
  2257. >The stallion responds with an unsure tone but only the kind one might use when taken off guard by an overly extroverted acquaintance. "Nice to meet you. I'm Rush."
  2258. "So, don't keep me in suspense, buddy! What happened?"
  2259. >"It goes like this." he starts "I been seeing this mare when she's in town for a while. Her and I had been kinda off and on before she moved away. And this day she says she's got something important to tell me. So we head over to my place and before I know it I'm standing there with a damn nasty changeling in my home."
  2260. >You do your best to seem as if you're hanging on his every word.
  2261. "Ya don't say! So she was a--"
  2262. >"Yup. She was a changeling the whole time. She went on about how she took my ex's place back when she moved away and how she just couldn't stay away from me. Even said she loved me if you can believe that nonsense."
  2263. "Yeah? Why not?"
  2264. >He stops for a second to give you a disbelieving look.
  2265. >"Don't you know anything about changeling?" he asks "Those filthy things don't feel love. They eat it. Well, that and pony flesh I hear."
  2266. "Really? I mean I heard of them but I don't much about them. Never even really seen one."
  2267. >"Brother, you don't want to. Hideous creatures. And here I was with one in my house. I was damn mad. I bashed that thing right across the face!"
  2268. >You stifle a wince at his mention of the first blow doing your best to keep the mental image of him beating your daughter out of your head.
  2269. "And then it ran off crying, yeah?"
  2270. >"Nah, it just laid there whining and saying that it loved me. So I whacked it again. Then it tried to run away. I got to the door and yelled for some of the guys to come help. At this point the thing is crying and asking me why. I said 'Cause I don't date bugs' and then I hit her again. After that she tried to get out an open window and... well, you ever pull the wings off a fly?"
  2271. >You stomach twists inside you as you listen to all of this.
  2272. >You can feel a rage slowly boiling up from inside and you begin to fear you may not be able to control it.
  2273. "Uhuh..."
  2274. >"You wouldn't believe how loud those things can squeal. I got one wing. I would have had the other but another one of those things came at me. That's when I got this black eye. Luckily a couple of the fellas got there right about then. The first one must have crawled off somewhere out the window to die while we dealt with the other. I think we messed that one up pretty good before it took off too. Least to say, I don't think we'll be seeing those dirty things in this town again."
  2275. >You get up to leave now certain you've hear all you can stomach.
  2276. >Rush puts a hoof up to stop you. "What's wrong? Taking off already? You know I still got that thing's wing if you want to see it."
  2278. >You're almost afraid to speak, for fear that you might vomit at any second but this is just too perfect an opportunity.
  2279. "Yeah. I think I'd like to see that. Where about do you live?"
  2280. >A short distance outside of the tavern, the changelings walk up to meet you.
  2281. >You shake your head and push you way past them to vomit next to a row of garbage cans.
  2282. >Luckily there's little more in your stomach than the cider you had just drank.
  2283. >You wipe your shaking arm across your face and try to catch your breath.
  2284. "We're going to make that sick bastard pay."
  2285. >You dip your head letting the coin pouch slide off and into your hoof before passing it to the pegasus disguised changeling.
  2286. >Taking a second to look around you get a sense of your surroundings.
  2287. "This way. We'll get him on his way home."
  2288. >You make you way down the street following the path you think he is most likely to take.
  2289. >The most direct route will take him down an alley between two stores.
  2290. >It's the perfect location.
  2291. >Nobody around and very little light.
  2292. >Looking up to the changeling now standing on the rooftop you tell him to keep an eye out for Rush.
  2293. >You move to the side of one of the other changelings and retrieve the black robe from his pack.
  2294. "You two wait for him on the main road. Follow him and Divert him this way if he tries to take the long way around."
  2295. >As they leave you take up your spot at the end of the alley.
  2296. >In the dark and wrapped in the dark robe you're as good as invisible.
  2297. >You're not kept waiting long before you hear unsteady hoofsteps coming you way.
  2298. >You look up to be sure of who it is.
  2299. >It's him.
  2300. >As he makes it halfway down the alley you see the two changelings close off his escape at the other end.
  2301. >This is your moment.
  2302. >You stand and walk toward him.
  2303. >He strains to see you in the dark only catching your face when you come near.
  2304. >"Oh, hey Chance." he says "Where'd you go? I thought you were just going to take a--"
  2305. >You cut him off with a sharp right hook.
  2306. >Already wobbly on his hooves he falls over.
  2307. >You take the opportunity to shove him on his back and get on top of him.
  2308. "Why'd you do it Rush? Why did you have to hurt that changeling? She never did anything to hurt you."
  2309. >He groans "What it Tartarus was that for?"
  2310. "Oh I think you know what that was for. Or at least you will know soon."
  2311. >You reach back and swing again snapping his head to the side.
  2312. >He's clearly too drunk and dazed from the first blow to put up any kind of effective fight.
  2313. >This will be easier than expected.
  2314. "You shouldn't have done that to that poor filly, Rush. She loved you after all."
  2315. >He looks back up at you and whines "What are you talking about?"
  2316. >You change your form to mimic his and stare him in the eye.
  2317. "Does this clear things up for you?"
  2318. >His eyes widen in terror as he whispers "Ch-changeling..."
  2319. >You give him your best evil grin.
  2320. "That's right. And you should know that us changelings are a big happy family, Rush."
  2321. >Your heart races as you let your pent up rage flow, allowing yourself to revisit every image of your injured daughter.
  2322. >Pulling up every sickening word that came out of his mouth.
  2323. "And you.. DON'T.. FUCK.. WITH.. FAMILY!"
  2324. >You shout landing a firm punch with each syllable.
  2325. >When you run out of words you continue punching over and over again giving into a full fit of rage.
  2326. >You see teeth fly and feel the wetness of warm blood on your fists.
  2327. >You roar out, wrapping your hands around his throat and squeeze as hard as you can.
  2328. >You struggle feeling your arms being pulled back.
  2329. >Rush let's out a gurgle, coughing up blood while the changelings drag you off him, the one to your right reminding "I thought we weren't going to kill him!"
  2330. >You give up your struggle only now noticing that in your rage you had turned back to your natural form.
  2331. >Just as you begin to relax a voice comes down the far end of the alley "What's going on down there?"
  2333. >The changelings let you go as the one to your left says "Run!" in a hushed voice.
  2334. >The two, still disguised, run down the alley toward the source of the voice knocking the pony who called out down as they run past him.
  2335. >You look down at Rush now groaning and less than fully conscious.
  2336. >Seeing his coin pouch still strung around his neck, you grab it as you run past him Jenkins his head up slightly and letting it fall to the ground as the strap slides off.
  2337. >You and the other changeling make for the next alley.
  2338. >You can only hope that you made it around the corner before whoever it was could see you.
  2339. >It would be even better if they assume that there were only two assailants.
  2340. >You're not nearly as far as you would have liked to be when you hear the voice come again crying out for help.
  2341. >A part of you however sighs in relief that Rush would not lay be left laying there to possibly die in that alley.
  2342. >With the fulfillment of your righteous revenge, guilt wastes no time in creeping in.
  2343. >You struggle to change form but your adrenaline fueled mind won't focus enough to perform the transformation.
  2344. >In a desperate attempt to not be recognized as something unusual, you crouch as far as you can while still running.
  2345. >With the cover of your robe you hope to simply appear to be a large pony.
  2346. >The pegasus, or rather changeling, flying above guides you through the maze of back streets between darkened shops and dimly lit homes.
  2347. >Glancing out to the main street as you pass the cross streets you see ponies rushing toward the scene of the incident.
  2348. >All in your favor as you put more distance between you and that alley.
  2349. >The twisting path takes you near the center of the town and behind the in.
  2350. >Just as planned you hear furious knocking through the open window of the room you had rented.
  2351. >It would take them several more seconds to decide to open the door.
  2352. >Several more to kick it down or possibly minutes to have it unlocked.
  2353. >Either way, you're not waiting to see what they choose.
  2354. >The building grow more sparse and the light fades into the distance behind you as you make it to the grassy plain.
  2355. >The commotion of the town can still be heard in the distance as you stand again.
  2356. >Another sigh of relief comes when you find the other two changelings ahead waiting for you.
  2357. >They had since given up their disguises prompting the last one to change back to his natural form.
  2358. >He lands roughly on his hooves with a wince.
  2359. >The strain of constant flying has worn him down and walking would be equally painful for him.
  2360. >You crouch down in front of him and prompt him to lay over the back of your neck.
  2361. >Perhaps it's not the most comfortable for either of you but it's certainly better than making camp so close to the town.
  2362. >Standing, you find him to be heavier than you had expected, but the months of laboring in Ponyville had granted you a strong back.
  2363. >As you begin the long walk home you offer praise to each of your sons.
  2364. >Especially for the one you're now carrying for having rushed to his sister's aid.
  2366. >As uncomfortable as it must be the changeling on your shoulders is asleep before you even reach the edge of the desert.
  2367. >Now a comfortable distance from the town, you're willing to entertain the idea of making camp for the night.
  2368. >You're tired and hungry but more than that you just want to get back.
  2369. >Looking down to the two walking ahead of you, they seem as eager and driven to get home as you.
  2370. >Perhaps we'll see how far you can push yourself.
  2371. >Unfortunately, the changelings still awake don't seem like the conversational types. Walking side by side they don't even bother to talk to each other.
  2372. >You could really use someone to talk to about now.
  2373. >But maybe the things you're feeling shouldn't be shared with them anyway.
  2374. >No doubt they will be looking to you for strength and the things weighing heavily on your mind would likely make you appear weak and unsure of your new role.
  2375. >The whole thing plays over and over again in your mind.
  2376. >The way Rush had sickened you with his story.
  2377. >The look of terror on his face.
  2378. >The rage that burned inside you while you pummeled his face.
  2379. >The utter disdain and hatred you felt for him.
  2380. >The hatred.
  2381. >You suddenly remember the effect it has on the changelings.
  2382. >It must have hurt them so to pull you off of Rush.
  2383. >As if you didn't have enough to feel bad about.
  2384. "I'm sorry, boys."
  2385. >They slow looking back at you questioningly.
  2386. >"Sorry?" the one on the left asks "For what?"
  2387. "I understand that my negative emotions harm you. It must have been painful for you to pull me off of Rush."
  2388. >They look at each other for a moment before the other replies "We didn't feel anything."
  2389. "You didn't?"
  2390. >They both shake their heads in reply.
  2391. >Could it be that they have become immune to your negative emotions?
  2392. >Or perhaps it is you who has changed.
  2393. >Either way it gives you one less thing to regret.
  2394. >And for that much you are thankful.
  2395. "Huh... I'm glad then. I would hate to think that I had hurt you."
  2396. >They seem to be content enough with that thought.
  2397. >Or at least you think so.
  2398. >These two are somewhat difficult to read.
  2399. >They gradually slow until they are walking on either side of you.
  2400. >"Father?" comes the voice to your right.
  2401. "Yes?"
  2402. >"Do you really consider yourself a changeling or did you simply not want Rush to know that you're an alien?" He asks.
  2403. >You have to think about it for a minute.
  2404. >Of course you didn't want Rush to know that you're a human.
  2405. >If word were to get back to Celestia that you're in the area it would no doubt result in a thorough search of the area.
  2406. >That would for obvious reasons be bad for everyone.
  2407. >But in that moment that thought wasn't in your head.
  2408. "I guess... I do consider myself to be a changeling now."
  2409. >Your answer invokes a smile with the response "I'm glad you do."
  2410. >Overall the journey back takes far longer than the trip there.
  2411. >Without the anxiety and adrenaline fueling the trip there is little hurry in getting back.
  2412. >After a couple of hours of sleep the injured changeling is ready to carry his own weight.
  2413. >At least for a time before his brother offers to carry him again.
  2414. >The sun had come up just over the horizon when you finally got back.
  2415. >The three flew up to the landing.
  2416. >They probably expected you to join them there but you are too exhausted to use your magic to get to it.
  2417. >You take the long way in through the narrow passage.
  2418. >Being able to think of little else you make your way to your room to sleep.
  2419. >You open the door to find that none of your belongings are left and the bed has been stripped of any coverings.
  2420. >It seems a fairly certain sign of where Chrysalis now feels you belong.
  2421. >It would be one thing to climb into your own bed covered in dirt, sweat, and blood.
  2422. >But it would seem wrong to do so to Chrysalis' bed.
  2424. >Tired, too much so for the task you reluctantly make your way down to the pools.
  2425. >The halls are empty as breakfast is being served.
  2426. >Being unsure as to your appearance, you prefer to remain unseen anyway.
  2427. >In the heat of you moment you could clearly recall the feeling of blood hitting your face, though the question of how much remained unanswered.
  2428. >That is until you reach the pools.
  2429. >The warm humid air is a welcomed change to the dry cold air you had been breathing all night.
  2430. >One less environmental reminder of what you had been through.
  2431. >What you had done.
  2432. >In the calmest pool of water you find your reflection.
  2433. >Blood smeared across your eyes.
  2434. >You're now glad you had managed to get by without notice.
  2435. >It must have been an instinctive movement to run the back of your hand over your face.
  2436. >Maybe an insect or some debris got in your face.
  2437. >These nuances were lost in the moments of panic.
  2438. >You feel sick again.
  2439. >Against your best effort to hold it back you edge forward and wretch in a dry heave.
  2440. >Again and again but nothing comes.
  2441. >Desperately you splash your face trying to clean off the blood so you can't be sickened again by your own reflection.
  2442. >You pause bent over feeling another oncoming heave watching the red tinted water drip from the end of your nose.
  2443. >For a long moment you stand shaking waiting for it to come before it slowly subsides.
  2444. >Still winded by the involuntary fit you let the robe slip from your shoulders and fall to the floor before climbing unsteadily into the pool and settling back.
  2445. >You take a deep breath and let it out until it feels as though your spirit might escape with it.
  2447. >The sun is setting over Ponyville as you stand hidden in the shade just outside of town.
  2448. >After what had happened you needed to see your friends again.
  2449. >You had to remind yourself what it was like to be around the ponies you had come to love.
  2450. >Even if you couldn't tell them it was you, it would have to be enough just to see their happy faces.
  2451. >You concentrate on a new form, transforming into a beige unicorn with a dark red mane.
  2452. >A bit flashy Chrysalis had told you but deep down you were hoping to attract some attention.
  2453. >You leave your cloak at the tree and trot eagerly into town.
  2454. >It's later than you'd hoped to get here but you still have high hopes for what's left of the day.
  2455. >If it goes by too quickly, maybe you could even justify staying another day.
  2456. >You're nearly a quarter of the way into the town when you realize that you still haven't seen anyone.
  2457. >It's eerily quiet even for this small town.
  2458. >Is there something you missed?
  2459. >Were they all at some kind of town gathering?
  2460. >You pass the town center without yet seeing a soul.
  2461. >Worry begins to fill you.
  2462. >Could something have happened to them?
  2463. >Were they forced to evaluate the town?
  2464. >Could it be because you had been there?
  2465. >Maybe Celestia had ordered to have the town abandoned believing that you could have somehow contaminated it.
  2466. >Your mind is spinning with questions and possible explanations until you see the library.
  2467. >The library!
  2468. >Twilight would never abandon her books.
  2469. >You give the door a knock before slowly opening it
  2470. >The only light inside is the orange glow of the setting sun.
  2471. "Twilight?"
  2472. >You instantly remember that you're not supposed to know her.
  2473. >You can easily play it off that you'd heard about her from someone.
  2474. "Is anybody-pony here?"
  2475. >Damnit.
  2476. >You take a step inside.
  2477. >Then another.
  2478. >All of the books set in their places to your disappointment.
  2479. >Had they been gone you would be able to assume that the town's population may have simply left for some reason.
  2480. "Twi-"
  2481. >Your hoof slips slightly in a wet spot on the floor.
  2482. >Looking down you feel your heart drop as you find yourself standing in a smeared puddle of blood.
  2483. "Twilight! Twilight! Answer me Damnit!"
  2484. >Your heart races as you track the smear of blood across the floor and up the steps.
  2485. "No no no please no!"
  2486. >You hurry up the stairs following the trail to Twilight's room where the door is edged open only as wide as the blood smear.
  2487. "Twilight!"
  2488. >You throw open the door and let your eyes track across the floor of the dimly lit room to the silhouette heaped on the floor.
  2489. >You stand trembling too shocked to move watching the form now still on the floor.
  2490. >No movement.
  2491. >No breathing.
  2492. "no... no..."
  2493. >You begin to slide to the floor letting your body turn back to your natural form.
  2494. "Who could have done this to you?"
  2495. >"Why, it was you, of course." come Chrysalis' voice from behind you "Don't you remember?"
  2496. >You turn to see her step up next to you pushing the door open the rest of the way to look for herself.
  2497. >You look back to the dead body and shake your head.
  2498. "No... I could never do this. Especially not to her."
  2499. >"Of course you did it." Chrysalis objects "You did it because you love me. You needed to protect me. And why not? You know she's just like the rest of them."
  2500. >You struggle to crawl forward.
  2501. >You need to be closer to her but your body won't move.
  2502. "No! She's better than them! She accepted me!"
  2503. >"Did she, really? Or were you just something to fulfill her fickle curiosity? She certainly was quick to sell you out when the time came!"
  2504. >You grit your teeth, clenching every muscle in your body as the chaos of profound sorrow destroys you from the inside.
  2505. >"... anon?..." a small and weak voice comes from the center of the room.
  2506. >Your body relaxes enough to let you scramble to her.
  2507. "Twilight! Yes I'm here!"
  2508. >You carefully turn her to see her face bloody and beaten.
  2509. >She looks at you her lips trembling and says very softly "i hate you..."
  2510. >"Anon!" Chrysalis' voice cuts through you. "Anon!"
  2511. >Your eyes open to find Chrysalis looking at you with a worried expression.
  2512. >"Anon, are you alright?" she asks "I suspected you were here. When I came near I could hear you screaming... and crying."
  2513. >You look down at your hands now pale and wrinkled.
  2514. >Your knuckles ragged, white, and still stinging from being cut open against Rush's teeth.
  2516. >Still half clouded in sleep you look back up at Chrysalis as you try to pull your head together.
  2517. "Y-yeah... I'm fine. It was just a bad dream."
  2518. >You pause to take a breath still letting your mind settle into place.
  2519. "I have to go to Ponyville."
  2520. >"Ponyville?" Chrysalis repeats in surprise "Whatever for?"
  2521. >You groan as you lift your sore and tired body out of the water.
  2522. "I need to see how my friends are doing. I'm worried about them."
  2523. >"Friends? You don't have any friends. They turned their backs on you. And you don't need them anyway. You have us now." Chrysalis argues.
  2524. >The similarity to her argument in your nightmare only serves to reinforce your resolve.
  2525. "No. I know how it seems but... I know they wouldn't have just tossed me to Celestia if they knew what was going to happen. I just... I have to know that they're alright."
  2526. >"It's too dangerous" she states "I won't allow it."
  2527. >You give a frustrated sigh before renewing your argument.
  2528. "Did I not just prove that I am capable?"
  2529. >Chrysalis looks away thoughtfully and after a moment comments "The report I heard was impressively clever. How clever is yet to be seen however. I'm waiting for another report on what the town's gossip is on the matter. If it's favorable... perhaps I could be persuaded to let you go."
  2530. >It's not the answer you'd hoped for but the look on her face tells you that it's all you're going to get.
  2531. >It will have to do.
  2532. "Fine. We'll see what comes back then."
  2533. >"Alright then. If you have no more... surprises for me, I suggest you go to bed. You're of no use to anyone if you're dead from exhaustion."
  2535. >You had slept all that day, waking only long enough to eat dinner before returning to bed with Chrysalis.
  2536. >The dream you had while asleep in the pool had been unsettling but having Chrysalis in your arms again was relaxing enough to stave off the troubling images throughout the night.
  2537. >You wake before Chrysalis with your face nuzzled against the back of her neck.
  2538. >Still dazed in sleep you let your hand wander over the contours of her body.
  2539. >Up her side, over the shoulder, down her arm...
  2540. >You feel the holes at the lower part of her arm.
  2541. >Such a strange attribute for any living creature.
  2542. >You let your fingers slip in through the rough edges but inside it's smooth.
  2543. >She twitches slightly at your touch but calms again as you give her a gentle squeeze with your other arm wrapped under her neck and across her chest.
  2544. >You continue to probe the void, fascinated by it in your dazed state.
  2545. >Chrysalis jerks her arm back mumbling "stop... tickles..."
  2546. >Your conscious mind has still not taken control of you.
  2547. >Driven by instinct you again let your hand trace over her body taking in all of the interesting textures.
  2548. >Back down to her side, up to her chest, then down the front, over her belly... lower...
  2549. >Your breathing becomes heavy and your tongue slips out to lick the back of her neck.
  2550. >Chrysalis stirs agitated by your touch muttering "What's... What're you..."
  2551. >She gasps feeling your hand and pulls away with a hiss "What do you think you're doing?!"
  2552. >Her sharp tone jars your mind into near full consciousness causing you to sit up.
  2553. "Huh?! I didn't... Oh my god! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!"
  2554. >"Enough!" she barks "I did not think I needed to stipulate but you are to as well keep... those to yourself as well!"
  2555. >You look down feeling your face red hot with embarrassment.
  2556. "Yes. Sorry."
  2557. >Chrysalis slips out of bed and walks to the bathroom.
  2558. >You look up as she walks away noticing her tail held firmly down.
  2559. >You look back down at your hand and wipe it on the bed sheets before sliding over to sit on the edge.
  2560. >Thankfully, you manage to "calm" yourself before she comes back into the room.
  2561. "I really am sorry I don't--"
  2562. >"Stop. Just stop talking about it." she says firmly "You're an animal with no self-discipline and that is all that needs to be said."
  2564. >You stand and move to the dresser for something to wear while saying nothing in response.
  2565. >"I'm expecting to hear news from the town sometime today." she says in a much calmer tone "If there's no word of a gathering retaliation against us, I will grant your request to go to Ponyville. It will take you some time to get there but I think I can survive one night of not being fondled."
  2566. >You find an acceptable pair of pants and as you bend to slide a leg through you catch sight of Chrysalis in the mirror staring at you.
  2567. >Considering what you did just a few moments earlier you decide to allow her the indulgence without mention.
  2568. "Alright. I'll make sure I'm ready. Thank you."
  2569. >"It did occur to me that it might be beneficial to know for sure if Celestia is looking for you." she adds "That is the only reason I'm entertaining the idea of letting you go."
  2570. >You stand and fasten your pants then slide a shirt on still aware, probably even more so than she, of Chrysalis' staring.
  2571. "I understand. I'm going to see our daughter. I want to explain what I did before it gets to her."
  2572. >"That won't be necessary. I've already asked that it be kept a secret by all involved."
  2573. "All the same. I feel I should be honest with her. Even if it means she'll be mad at me for a while."
  2574. >"As you wish." Chrysalis says as she leaves the room.
  2576. >As it turns out you're right.
  2577. >She was pretty upset with you.
  2578. >But not as much as you had feared.
  2579. >She said that in all truth, Chrysalis would have likely had Rush killed if not for you.
  2580. >And when news from the town finally arrived it seemed that not killing him was the right call.
  2581. >It seemed that despite Rush's claim of being attacked by a changeling the consensus of the town was that if that had been the case, he would not be around to state it.
  2582. >Instead, it seemed to be the opinion of the town that in a drunken stupor Rush had simply been beaten and robbed by a group of thieving brothers.
  2583. >Remembering the coin pouch you had taken from Rush, you gave it to Chrysalis with the suggestion that it be returned to him in the middle of the night.
  2584. >Chrysalis saw it as a good way to ensure that Rush would not begin to doubt what he had experienced.
  2585. >And of letting him know that he could be easily dealt with if he posed a problem for them again.
  2586. >As things had indeed turned out so well, Chrysalis did grant your request to go to Ponyville.
  2587. >But she did so with a very strict warning.
  2588. >"You are to keep your emotions in check and under no circumstances reveal your true identity. No matter what you feel, you can not trust any of them. Remember, I'm sending you to find out if they are looking for you, not to ensure that they start."
  2590. >That evening you set out after giving Chrysalis a goodbye peck on the cheek.
  2591. >It was funny really.
  2592. >You had expected her to give a more entertaining reaction, but she didn't even pull away.
  2593. >She only gave you a mildly disgusted expression.
  2594. >And even then it seemed a bit forced.
  2595. >She sent with you one of her better navigators.
  2596. >A changeling who has frequented Ponyville and thus knows the path well.
  2597. >There would be little point in waiting for morning to leave.
  2598. >The journey there is so long that you will have to make camp at some point or another.
  2599. >Better it be closer to home where you are less likely to be found during the night.
  2600. >You walk well into the night until you reach a humble shelter near the edge of the desert.
  2601. >The small grass covered lean-to could have been easily missed if your traveling companion hadn't known just where it was.
  2602. >Being that the shelter is adequate and there is ample coverage, you decide to forgo making a fire in favor of making the most of what is left of the night for sleep.
  2603. >The next morning you set out again into dense forest.
  2604. >In contrast to your previous journey, this one is full of conversation.
  2605. >However, you are once again humbled by the changeling.
  2606. >His skill set is one of wilderness survival.
  2607. >A very practical skill set to have on a trip like this.
  2608. >He takes his time seeming to have no issue with walking along with you and educating on all he knows about surviving beyond the reach of civilization.
  2609. >When you voice your concern as to how much slower it must be to walk he explains that walking is preferable in the forest as one could be easily spotted when flying over the trees and flying through them is unnecessarily hazardous.
  2610. >As sunset approaches the trees begin to break into large groupings giving you a sporadic view of Canterlot looming on the mountain side above.
  2611. >Being so close to where you nearly met your demise gives you a momentary pause.
  2612. >Thankfully, your talkative son is there to offer you a distracting lesson on how to build a fire at night without attracting attention.
  2613. >A lesson you soon put to use as you reached the next camp site.
  2614. >It hadn't been expected that the trip would last this long but no detail it seemed was so small as to escape his forethought.
  2615. >This was just one of many possibilities he had planned for.
  2616. >With this preparedness you find the delay is no problem.
  2617. >It will only ensure that you will reach your destination at the best part of the early morning when minds are too groggy and busy to question who you are and where you came from.
  2619. >You wake with the first faint glow of daylight on the horizon.
  2620. >Deciding it best to make the last leg of the trip in cover you change your form to that of a gray unicorn stallion with a light blue mane.
  2621. >For safety you tuck your clothes away where they won't be found.
  2622. >Busy anxious nerves carry your steps much quicker than the day before.
  2623. >Fantasies of how it will be to see all your friends again fill your head adding to your vigorous pace.
  2624. >As you had hoped, you reach Ponyville just after the first rays of sunshine.
  2625. >The town is still quiet with only the earliest of risers up and about.
  2626. >Your changeling son somewhat reluctantly repeats Chrysalis' warning to you, stating that he was ordered to do so before parting ways to take care of his own business in town.
  2627. >If you were to make a point of seeing each of your friends it would be reasonable to start with Applejack.
  2628. >No doubt she would be awake at this unreasonable hour of the day.
  2629. >You approach Sweet Apple Acres trying your best not to seem too eager.
  2630. >As you near the barn you see a familiar face trot out.
  2631. "Hey Ap-there!"
  2632. >Crap.
  2633. >Didn't waste any time screwing that up.
  2634. >Applejack pauses giving you a confused look. "Uh.. Hey there, partner. Somethin' ah can do for ya?"
  2635. >With all that you had prepared you forgot to think of reasons to see your friends.
  2636. >It seemed like an out of place thought, really.
  2637. >You never had to have a good excuse to see your friends before.
  2638. "Oh, well I just got into town and seeing that it's so early and all I was just looking for a bite to eat. None of the shops are open yet, but I thought for sure you wouldn't mind selling me a few apples."
  2639. >"Well shucks, ain't no time too early for business. How many would ya like?" She asks energetically.
  2640. >You really had missed that southern style charm of her's.
  2641. >You smile doing all you can to not either cry or run up and hug her.
  2642. "Five should be more than enough to last me for the day."
  2643. >"Come on in and have your pick, then. It'll be three bits." she says motioning you into the barn.
  2644. >You follow Applejack into the barn that you had worked so many hours in before.
  2645. >It had really only been mere days since you had been there but it feels like it was a lifetime ago.
  2646. >She leads you to the large bin you know to be the spot for incoming apples yet to be sorted.
  2647. >"Ah haven't had time to sort them yet so make sure the ones ya pick are good, mister... "
  2648. "Oh uh, Nightdust."
  2649. >Introductions.
  2650. >Another thing you never thought you would have to do again with them.
  2651. >"Pleasure to meet ya. Ah'm Applejack by the way."
  2652. >You use your magic to levitate and look over a few apples as you exchange pleasantries.
  2653. "The pleasure is mine, Applejack. This certainly is a nice orchard you have here."
  2654. >"Thank you, kindly. Mah family has been workin' this orchard for... Um... Nightdust? Ain't you gonna keep any of those?"
  2655. >You stop to look at what you're doing.
  2656. >Like so many early mornings before you had started to sort the apples out into their own individual bins.
  2657. >Good from bad and green from red.
  2658. >You'd sorted at least three dozen without even thinking about it.
  2659. "Oh!"
  2660. >You chuckle nervously as you think fast for an explanation.
  2661. "Sorry. I worked on an orchard like this back home. Old habits, you know?"
  2662. >Applejack laughs "I know just what you're talkin' about, partner. Happens to me all the time."
  2663. >You pick out five apples from the bin you had sorted and in the same motion of magic bring out three bits from your pack.
  2664. >Business concluded you both head to the entrance of the barn for at least to you would be a difficult goodbye.
  2665. "It's been really nice to see you."
  2666. >You forcefully internalize the final word "again".
  2667. >Applejack gives a shy look of being both flattered and confused. "It's been nice seein' you too, Nightdust. Y'all take it easy now."
  2668. "You too."
  2669. >You turn and trot away fighting back tears until you're far enough out of sight.
  2670. >This was far more difficult than you ever expected it to be.
  2672. >The encounter with Apple jack was enough to make you aware of just how risky this visit is.
  2673. >You had nearly given yourself away no less than three times to the first of six ponies you wished to see.
  2674. >Maybe Chrysalis was right.
  2675. >Maybe it is too dangerous.
  2676. >In any case, you're here now...
  2677. >You can at least see them at a distance without risk.
  2678. >After a few moments to settle your nerves you head back toward the town center just as life is beginning to flow back into the streets.
  2679. >Along the way you see Rarity and Fluttershy, likely on another one of their spa dates.
  2680. >They seemed content enough, though there appears to be a bit of worry on Fluttershy's face.
  2681. >Nothing new really.
  2682. >Passing Sugarcube Corner, you catch sight of Pinkie Pie's typically borderline insanity.
  2683. >It's good to know she is always keeping busy with something.
  2684. >It would probably be best to avoid her and her apparently supernatural ability to see through just about any situation.
  2685. >Not that part of you wouldn't enjoy a surprise "welcome back" party.
  2686. >You take your time biting into an apple while trying not to be noticed keeping watch on the library for Twilight.
  2687. >Seeing everything around, it's clear that everyone has just gone along without you.
  2688. >It's sort of comforting in a way.
  2689. >No matter what happens to you or where you go, this small town in all its charming ways will carry on without you.
  2690. >It will always be here when you can find a way to come back to it.
  2691. >And if there is any mercy in life you will be able to pick up right where you left off.
  2692. >You look up to check the position of the sun when you see Rainbow Dash flying overhead.
  2693. "Hey precious!"
  2694. >She always hated it when you called her that.
  2695. >Oh shi-
  2696. >Quickly you duck into the line of ponies walking down the street to blend in.
  2697. >"Shut up, An... Who said that?" she asks looking over everyone on the street.
  2698. >You glance up just in time to see her shake her head and fly off.
  2699. >Maybe this was a bad idea.
  2700. >You can't seem to help yourself.
  2701. >You want this life back.
  2702. >You want it so badly, you can't stand it.
  2703. >But you can't leave just yet.
  2704. >Not until you see Twilight.
  2705. >She was always the closest to you.
  2707. >The group you've blended in with leads you past the library.
  2708. >It's late in the morning and still there is no sign of Twilight.
  2709. >She was prone to an occasional all-nighter but even in that case she would just supplement with extra naps.
  2710. >It's not like her to still be shut in this late in the day.
  2711. >This is stupid.
  2712. >You shouldn't do this.
  2713. >You give a gentle knock on the library door.
  2714. >No answer.
  2715. >You should walk away now.
  2716. >Quickly before you're noticed.
  2717. >But your legs won't move.
  2718. >The door opens slowly and you find Spike greeting you with a questioning expression "Can I help you?"
  2719. >You can't help noticing the quiet sadness in his voice.
  2720. >You struggle to suppress the worry in your own voice as your heart begins to race.
  2721. >Elements of your nightmare begin to flash through your head.
  2722. "Y-yes. I'm looking for some information."
  2723. >"Spike?" you hear Twilight's voice "Who is it, Spike?"
  2724. >The door opens wider as Twilight steps up.
  2725. >She looks like she's been through hell.
  2726. >Heavy bags hang under her bloodshot eyes but she greets you with a warm smile nonetheless.
  2727. >Spike starts "This is um..."
  2728. "Nightdust. I'm looking for some reference materials and I was wondering if you could help me."
  2729. >"Oh. Of course." Twilight says walking back inside "Please, come in."
  2730. >Spike steps aside as you slowly walk in.
  2731. >It's dark as all the curtains have been drawn shut and the stale odor of books hangs heavily in the air.
  2732. >"I'm Twilight Sparkle and this is Spike. I'm terribly sorry about the mess. Things have just been a little.. hectic lately. what is it you'd like to read about?" she asks.
  2733. >You search your mind for something you had wanted to know about and easily find an answer.
  2734. "I was interested in learning about the Crystal Empire and the Crystal Heart."
  2735. >"That's a fascinating topic. My brother lives in the Crystal Empire and he recently had some things sent to me from their library. I haven't had time to go through it all though so it will just be a bit."
  2736. >Twilight wanders aimlessly for a moment as if she's forgotten where she is entirely.
  2737. >"In the basement." Spike says "I can go get it if--"
  2738. >"N-no no that's fine. I can get it." she says as her lip trembles.
  2739. >Twilight opens the door to the basement where you had once lived and goes down the stairs closing the door behind her.
  2740. >You can feel your heart tearing as you swear you can her soft sobbing through the door.
  2741. >The look of worry on your own face must be as plain as day.
  2742. >"She just lost a friend." Spike says "We both did. Less than a week ago."
  2743. >Unsure how to respond you opt for playing dumb.
  2744. "Your friend move away or something?"
  2745. >Spike looks down answering "He died. Twilight was there. She won't talk about it but... you don't lose sleep like that by just watching someone leave. She just stays up all night crying and saying she's sorry. When she does sleep she has nightmares."
  2746. >Your chest tightens.
  2747. >Combined with the stale air, it's almost impossible to breath.
  2748. "Wh... Why are you telling me this?"
  2749. >Spike shrugs and wipes a tear away from his eye.
  2750. >He hesitates for a moment before saying "I dunno. Nopony wants to talk about it. But... maybe we need to. She's starting to do better now but... Still..."
  2751. >You open your mouth to speak when the basement door opens again.
  2752. >Twilight appears with freshly wet eyes levitating three very thick books.
  2753. >"I think I found just what you need." she announces "I have the history of the Crystal Empire, a study of the Crystal Heart, and as they're both written in ancient Equestrian, a translation guide to go with them."
  2754. "That's... That's great."
  2755. >Twilight floats the books into your own magical grasp where you then carefully place them in your pack.
  2756. >"What's wrong?" she asks as if oblivious even to her own remaining tears.
  2757. >The flood of emotion overwhelms you.
  2758. >You hurt so badly for what she is enduring only because she cared about you.
  2759. "Twilight, I..."
  2760. >You bite your tongue just short of telling her who you are.
  2761. >You made a promise and you were warned twice.
  2762. >So deeply in conflict you blurt out the only thing you can say that isn't a direct admission of your identity.
  2763. "It's not your fault, Twilight!"
  2764. >"What?" she asks both shock and anger in her voice.
  2765. "It... It's not your fault, what happened."
  2766. >Twilight glares at you and demands "Who are you?! Who have you been talking to?!"
  2767. >Shocked by her reaction you take a step back and nervously fumble for a response.
  2768. "N-no one. I haven't been--"
  2769. >"get out." she says quietly.
  2770. >She said it so softly, you're about to ask her what she just said when she shouts "GET OUT! GET OUT OF HERE! GET! OUT!"
  2771. >Terrified by her irrational behaviour you scramble for the door and race out.
  2772. >You run as fast as your legs will carry you until you're well clear of the town.
  2773. >Once safely out of sight you let your form go and allow yourself to fall apart.
  2774. >You never should have come back.
  2776. >There was a time when you considered yourself a strong and self-sufficient man.
  2777. >You didn't need anyone.
  2778. >You didn't care about anyone.
  2779. >But look at you now.
  2780. >Naked and crying your eyes out in a field.
  2781. >All because your mere being had hurt someone else.
  2782. >Because you do care about her.
  2783. >And because she cares about you.
  2784. >Your sobs are suddenly broken by the feeling of a hoof on your back.
  2785. >At this moment you couldn't care less if it were Celestia herself come to finish the job.
  2786. >You turn your head to see through tear filled eyes your changeling son looking down on you. "F-Father? What's wrong?"
  2787. >You look away in shame.
  2788. >What sort of person are you for them to call father and look up to?
  2789. >You're no leader or great protector.
  2790. "I-I'm sorry. I m-must seem like such a weak and pathetic creature to you."
  2791. >Prepared as always he produces from his pack your robe which he tosses over you before saying "Not at all. You forget that our strength comes from love. And to cry such tears of anguish, you must love a great deal. You do not show your strength by not feeling but rather by feeling so intensely and still being able to get up and keep going. I see you in no way weak. You are in fact the strongest soul I've ever met."
  2792. >In the moment of self-pity you don't want to admit it.
  2793. >But he's right.
  2794. >This will pass and again you will pick yourself up and carry on.
  2795. >And in the same light it gives you hope for Twilight.
  2796. >Perhaps your presence might set her back a bit.
  2797. >Or perhaps it will force her to finally talk about what she is going through.
  2798. >Either way, you know how strong she is.
  2799. >And you know that just as you do, she will too pick herself up and carry on... without you.
  2800. >You stifle your tears and take a deep shaky breath before wrapping your arm over the changeling and hugging him close.
  2801. "Thank you."
  2802. >You take a moment before you stand and look back at Ponyville one last time.
  2803. >It had been such a wonderful home to you.
  2804. >It was nothing short of paradise.
  2805. >But that's over now.
  2806. >And it can never be again.
  2807. "Let's go... There's nothing left for me here."
  2809. >Chrysalis is waiting to greet you upon your return.
  2810. >You struggled with your feelings the entire trip back and while the wise words of the changeling helped you to make sense of it, nothing could take that sting away.
  2811. >"Well?" Chrysalis asks "How was it?"
  2812. >You give her only two words in answer as you walk past her.
  2813. "I'm dead."
  2814. >Days without a proper bath have left you feeling dirty and uncomfortable.
  2815. >And perhaps a soothing bath is just what you need to mend your sorrowed feelings.
  2816. >Entering the room you let your pack and robe fall just beyond the doorway as you head directly to your preferred bathing pool.
  2817. >It seems every time you leave the castle you come back needing a bath.
  2818. >As though the whole world outside of here contaminated you with not only dirt and blood but with guilt and regret.
  2819. >This water is hot.
  2820. >But can can it be hot enough to cleanse your soul of these things you no longer wish to feel?
  2821. >Philosophy is all well and fine as a sentiment but now in the middle of a life so full of the unforeseeable and even unfathomable it seems very pointless.
  2822. >Nothing but worthless questions with no answers.
  2823. >And here you still ask them...
  2824. "why..."
  2825. >You lay your head back relaxing in the water.
  2826. >As comfortable as it is there is no drowning out that wish to just not exist anymore.
  2827. >"Anon?" Chrysalis asks in a soft voice.
  2828. >You had hurried past her and just as much brushed off her greeting to you.
  2829. >If anything you might expect her to be mad at you but this voice is almost sympathetic.
  2830. "yeah."
  2831. >She steps in nearly tripping on your pack before picking it up and seeing it aside.
  2832. >"I heard about what had happened. I know it's hard looking at an old life and seeing how it can go on without you. I've done it myself before." she says still in that soft tone.
  2833. >You sit quietly hoping she will just go away.
  2834. >"I understand it's not entirely the same. For us it's more of a role to play but this was the only life you had."
  2835. "I... I don't want to talk about it. Just leave me be and I'll deal with it."
  2836. >"No. " she says firmly "I will not just leave you to mourn alone."
  2837. "Mourn? What would I be mourning?"
  2838. >"You said it yourself, Anon. You are dead. And now you must mourn your passing. I had the benefit of attending my own funeral. It was difficult seeing those I had known weeping for me. But I wept with them. And together we were able to lay that life I had lead to rest."
  2839. >The idea of Chrysalis crying at a funeral is no less than absurd.
  2840. "I have a hard time visualizing you crying over a fake persona."
  2841. >She pauses seeming a bit insulted at first that you see her so coldly before giving a look of concession.
  2842. >"I was a different mare at that time. My emotions were not so... fortified." she says sounding almost ashamed.
  2843. >Moments like this are apparent proof to this point.
  2845. >Chrysalis comes closer and steps down into the water having a seat with you.
  2846. >She annoyingly persistent and you can feel your defenses weakening.
  2847. >"Do you resent your new life with us?" she asks quietly.
  2848. >You're shocked that she would even ask such a thing.
  2849. "No! Not at all. But that's not really what troubles me."
  2850. >"It's that Twilight, isn't it?"
  2851. >You pick your head up and give her a questioning look.
  2852. >"Well, I couldn't let you go around unsupervised. Not on such a hazardous venture." she responds.
  2853. >You lay your head back again.
  2854. >You should have guessed you were being watched the whole time.
  2855. >It seems obvious with as quickly as he showed up after you ran out of the library.
  2856. >"I suppose if you are so worried about her I can arrange to have a changeling check up on her every now and then." she says "Would that help ease your burden?"
  2857. >It's not ideal but it would be better to know.
  2858. "I suppose it would help."
  2859. >"Good." She states firmly in contrast of her previously softer tone having clearly reached the end of her comfort with exposing her softer side to you "I can't have you moping about in my presence. It's distressing."
  2860. >Her abrupt change in demeanor strikes you as being almost comical enough to bringing a half smile to your face.
  2861. >"Now" Chrysalis announces "If we are through with the drama. I have a surprise for you."
  2862. >As your spirit have begun to lift your desire to tease the her begins to return as well.
  2863. "Oh? Consoling me in my hour of need and surprises? Has the queen gone soft?"
  2864. >"Ha!" She laughs "Don't go getting the wrong idea. Everything I do is for the good of my children and myself. If it helps you as well then that is purely incidental."
  2865. >There's the Chrysalis you have come to know.
  2866. >If it were only a few days earlier you might think her words to be genuine.
  2867. >Though now you feel you know her better than that.
  2869. >It was late when you returned and the hour is now bearing down on your exhausted mind and body.
  2870. >You feel your eyelids slowly begin to drift shut when you're jarred by a hoof jabbed in your side.
  2871. >"Do not fall asleep here." Chrysalis warns "I'm not going to carry you to bed."
  2872. >You grumble inching your side away from her hoof.
  2873. "Eh... Just leave me here then."
  2874. >She sticks you in the ribs with her hoof again "I will not. Now come to bed before I have to take more severe actions to wake you."
  2875. "Fine..."
  2876. >You grumble again as you pick yourself up out of the water.
  2877. >In retaliation for her poking you in the side you step out leading with your left leg as to give her an ample eyeful.
  2878. >You see her eyes lock before quickly looking away but she doesn't utter a word in response.
  2879. >You find amusement in how a race of creatures that doesn't wear clothes can still find discomfort when presented with such an obtrusive view.
  2880. >You sling your robe on and grab your pack without missing a step as Chrysalis catches up with you at the door.
  2881. >The two of you walk side by side in silence until you've nearly reached the bedroom.
  2882. >"Don't think that I have forgotten your surprise." she say "I'm sure you will find it to your liking."
  2883. >You enter the chamber to find all of the furniture has been rearranged.
  2884. >It only takes a moment to find the reason why.
  2885. >On the wall that had previously been occupied by a wardrobe among other furnishings there is now a large pair of doors much like the entrance to the room.
  2886. >Chrysalis smiles as you look to her.
  2887. >"Go ahead and have a look."
  2888. >You walk to the doors and push them open to see a rather large room that has been constituted on the other side.
  2889. >The room houses little more than a desk and a few bookshelves but is as large if not larger than the bedroom.
  2890. >"This is where you shall refine your skill with magic, combat, and whatever else I feel you should know to appropriately serve our family. This will be your own space. Use it wisely."
  2891. >You smile, pleased that she would go through the effort to give you a comfortable place to train.
  2892. "I love it, Chryssi."
  2893. >You wait for the stern objection to her pet name to come but it doesn't.
  2894. >She takes a step back pulling the doors shut with her magic before she turns to the bed saying "I'm glad. Now come to bed. I wish to be warm."
  2895. >You obediently follow her and lift the sheets for her as she climbs into bed.
  2896. >You shed your robe and slide in after letting your arms wrap around her where she settles.
  2897. >With a tired smile you use her pet name again.
  2898. "Chryssi?"
  2899. >"Hmm?" She responds looking at you.
  2900. >You lean in and give her a little peck on the lips.
  2901. >She stares blankly at you for a moment before saying "Y-yes... I suppose I missed you too. Now go to sleep."
  2902. >You lay your head down and wonder.
  2903. >You had actually half expected a hoof to the face.
  2904. >Or at the very least a scolding.
  2905. >Perhaps she is getting soft on you.
  2907. >You wake to silence, alone in the bed.
  2908. >You must have overslept again.
  2909. >The light seems dimmer than normal.
  2910. >And silence is deafening.
  2911. >Something seems... off.
  2912. >You quickly get yourself dressed and make for the door in anxious haste.
  2913. >You throw the doors open to the blinding white light of day.
  2914. >The intensity of the light drives you back a step as you bring your arm up to shield your eyes.
  2915. >As the sounds of the door and of your own steps echo into silence, your eyes adjust to the light.
  2916. >Bringing you arm down you open your eyes to find yourself standing in the middle of Celestia's massive throne room.
  2917. >Startled and confused you look around trying desperately to understand why and how you are here.
  2918. >The sound of soft hoofsteps comes from one of the rows of large pillars that line either side of the room.
  2919. >From behind a pillar steps a dark blue mare.
  2920. >An alicorn like Celestia.
  2921. >She pauses and turns her head to look quizzically at you in silence.
  2922. "H-hello? Who are you? Why am I here?"
  2923. >She doesn't respond but rather looks away and continues walking behind the next pillar.
  2924. "Hello? Didn't you hear me? Wait! I--"
  2925. >"Anon!" Celestia's voice booms from behind.
  2926. >Startled, you turn immediately to feel a forceful blast to your chest.
  2927. >Your eyes open suddenly with a light gasp.
  2928. >You can feel the burning in your chest just as you did the day Celestia tried to kill you as your heart races.
  2929. >The pain quickly fades as you fully return to reality.
  2930. >Chrysalis shifts slightly, still resting comfortably in your arms.
  2931. >Calm slowly returns to you in the barely lit room though you question if sleep is an option anymore.
  2932. >You look down over Chrysalis seeing how peaceful she looks in her sleep.
  2933. >You wonder if she sleeps so soundly when you're not around.
  2934. >You give her a gentle snug to which she responds by nuzzling in closer to you.
  2935. >You can hate Celestia for what she tried to do to you.
  2936. >And for what she had done to Chrysalis.
  2937. >But without all the hell, you wouldn't have each other in this moment.
  2939. >The morning is slow to come as you spend the remainder of the night drifting in and out of a light and unpleasant form of sleep.
  2940. >Where nightmares had once been an extremely rare experience, you now fear that they're becoming a regular occurrence.
  2941. >The question of why dominates your thoughts as lie in bed waiting for Chrysalis to wake.
  2942. >Without doubt, the last week has been the most stressful series of days in your life but even that didn't feel as though it could be the direct cause.
  2943. >You think back over the days and over everything you had learned.
  2944. >It has been such a flurry of emotions and oddities but through it all you feel there is something lurking below the surface.
  2945. >Some unsettling notion that you had so quickly pushed below in an attempt to spare yourself from an impending reality.
  2946. >Why are you here?
  2947. >The question carries the weight of your denial and asking it plucks that one sensitive nerve that you're afraid to touch.
  2948. >The playback of your time here comes upon the first and most difficult of your experiences here.
  2949. >The one that bonded you to these changelings.
  2950. >The moment that pulled away the monsters mask and showed you the living truth of who they are.
  2951. >You see it in your mind once and again and again.
  2952. >You watch the eyes of the changeling flare then fade to black.
  2953. >Why are you here?
  2954. >Barely audible the whisper escapes your lips.
  2955. "To save them."
  2957. >Chrysalis shifts before she arches her back in a long stretch accompanied by a deep inhale.
  2958. >She then relaxes with a long grunting sigh as she cuddles into you before slowly opening her eyes.
  2959. "Morning, sunshine."
  2960. >"Ugh... Don't call me that." she grumbles softly.
  2961. "OK, Chryssi."
  2962. >"You really do enjoy pushing your luck, don't you?" she responds.
  2963. >You smile and kiss her head.
  2964. "Only because you make it so much fun."
  2965. >She brings her hooves up and pushes you away half-heartedly.
  2966. >"Persist and I shall see to it that I am the only one drawing enjoyment from our time together."
  2967. >You chuckle to yourself drawing a somewhat sexual intention from her words.
  2968. >You know it's not what she meant but what else are you to do with her empty threats?
  2969. >You scoot over and slide out of bed.
  2970. >Before you bother getting dressed, you move to retrieve your pack from the floor.
  2971. >Setting it on the foot of the bed, you open it and slide out the books.
  2972. >For books written in an ancient language they seem to be in good shape.
  2973. >Staring at the strange symbols that grace the bindings of two of them, you begin to feel a little out of your league.
  2974. >Not only do you face the challenge of deciphering the text but you also have to make sense of the likely confusing concepts contained within.
  2975. >"Where did you get those?" Chrysalis asks with a tone of surprise.
  2976. "Twilight gave them to me. I needed a pretense to see her so I said that I was looking for information about the Crystal Empire and the Crystal Heart."
  2977. >"Those are mine... or rather, they were. I'm certain they were in my private library in the Crystal Empire. And your friend needs to brush up on her reading skills. Because neither of those is about the empire. One is about the Crystal Heart, and the other is a high level spell book."
  2978. >You stare blankly at the books for a moment.
  2979. "You can actually read this mess?"
  2980. >Chrysalis gives an insulted grunt "Of course I can. It was the dominant language a thousand years ago. Truth be told it's far easier to understand than the current "mess" used today."
  2981. >You look down to the third book.
  2982. >The translation guide.
  2983. "I guess I'll be getting a lot of use out of that then."
  2984. >"It really is a rather intuitive written language. You'll see. Even someone of your capacity should be able to master it quickly."
  2985. >You give no acknowledgement to her insult while you consider the usefulness of the books.
  2986. >Of course the Crystal Heart is the key to their salvation.
  2987. >If you're to do anything for them it would help know all you can about it.
  2988. >Perhaps you could even find a way to replicate it.
  2989. >And while the other book was accidentally given to you, it may contain some very useful information as well.
  2990. "I suppose I don't really have anything better to do."
  2992. >Chrysalis plucks the spell book from your hand as she adds "This however is above you. Even if you have the potential, you lack the skill and will only end up hurting yourself."
  2993. >You reach out and try to grab the book as it levitates out of your reach.
  2994. "C'mon, I'll be careful. Besides, I was able to stand against Celestia and teleport out here from Canterlot. That's gotta prove something."
  2995. >Chrysalis laughs "Stand against Celestia? How many seconds was that again? You barely made it in one piece. And as for your teleporting ability, that was nothing short of a desperate miracle."
  2996. >You retrieve your robe and throw it over yourself.
  2997. "Maybe we should go outside and test my ability."
  2998. >"Perhaps that wouldn't be such a bad idea."
  2999. >You consider your option of walking out with Chrysalis but as you're about to test your magical ability, you decide to take a less conventional route.
  3000. "I'll see you outside."
  3001. >You smile all too eager at this point to show off as you gather your focus.
  3002. >Chrysalis gives you a momentary look of confusion before she gasps "No! It's too fa--"
  3003. >You realize the instant you appear no less than a foot over the sand that you have made a massive mistake.
  3004. >You land on your feet and immediately drop to your knees.
  3005. >Every cell in your body screams for mercy as you look out over the desert through your distorted vision.
  3006. >The taste of blood fills your mouth while a low hum dominates your hearing.
  3007. >You open your mouth to draw in a breath but it won't come.
  3008. >Panic floods over you as you struggle to breath.
  3009. >Darkness soon falls over you, consuming you before you collapse in the sand.
  3011. >You wake in a well lit room.
  3012. >You've been here before.
  3013. >It's where the injured are cared for.
  3014. >Your mouth is open and stuffed with cotton.
  3015. >The second you try to move you're met with an intense painful ache.
  3016. >Groaning you turn your head and work to spit out the wads of cotton.
  3017. >"He's awake." you hear a voice say.
  3018. >"Anon?" Chrysalis asks.
  3019. >Finally having cleared your mouth you respond.
  3020. "Y-yes... What happened?"
  3021. >"You did something stupid." she answers "There is a very good reason why teleportation is so rarely used. Without strict training, it can be extremely hazardous. You were lucky this time. You only left a couple of teeth behind. And once we got you to start breathing again, we were able to put them back in."
  3022. >You groan as you struggle to sit up.
  3023. "You could have told me all of this last time."
  3024. >Chrysalis looks away as if feeling a bit guilty.
  3025. >"I... was very angry last time I saw you do it. And by the time you returned, I guess I had just forgotten."
  3026. "Fair enough. I guess I see what you mean about the spell book."
  3027. >Chrysalis forbade you to use magic for the remainder of the day forcing you to focus your attention on the Crystal Heart.
  3028. >She was right about the language being somewhat intuitive to understand but linguistics never was one of your strong points.
  3029. >Progress was slow but you were able to learn a little about the lore behind it.
  3030. >Though there was no solid evidence as to the origin of the Crystal Heart, there was a fable that it was formed by a spell cast by a very powerful king.
  3031. >The spell was intended to collect the love of his subjects to undo a curse placed on his daughter but something went wrong.
  3032. >The spell consumed the king entirely.
  3033. >From that point the story is in dispute with one version saying the princess was cured and the other stating that she was not.
  3034. >"Are you going to stay up all night with those books?" Chrysalis asks from the doorway.
  3035. >The strain of your eyes becomes apparent when you look up at her.
  3036. "Huh? What time is it?"
  3037. >"It is late and we'll past time to put the books down and come to bed." she says as she turns back to the bedroom.
  3038. >You hoist yourself up out of the chair and follow her closing the doors to your new study as you leave.
  3039. >You strip down and prepare for bed as Chrysalis makes herself comfortable.
  3040. >Just as you're about to join her undertake covers you pause taking note of the look she's giving you.
  3041. >She quickly looks away.
  3042. "What's wrong?"
  3043. >"N-nothing. Come on. Get into bed and go to sleep." she answers hastily."
  3044. "Come on. Out with it."
  3045. >Chrysalis shutters slightly as she gives a growling sigh of defeat.
  3046. >She hesitates for a long moment before saying "Today for the second time I feared I had lost you."
  3047. >You climb into the bed and bring a hand up to her cheek.
  3048. "Oh Chrysalis. I'm touched that you care ab--"
  3049. >"Shut up!" she snaps as she slaps your hand away "I'm not supposed to care. You are supposed to be a meal. Nothing more."
  3051. >You take her hoof in your hand and move closer to her.
  3052. "And you are supposed to be some kind of horrible monster. But... you're not. You're someone I care about as well."
  3053. >Her expression sours as she snaps "That is because you are weak and stupid and--"
  3054. >You lean in and press your lips firmly to her's, effectively silencing her insults.
  3055. >She brings her free hoof up to strike you away but you reach up and grab it before slowly pushing her down onto the bed.
  3056. >She growls into the kiss struggling at first before giving in with a whimper.
  3057. >She pushes back with a soft moan as she returns the kiss letting her tongue slip past your lips.
  3058. >You let go of her hoof to let your hand slide down her body taking in every tactile detail as you lean over her.
  3059. >Her breath comes heavily in response to your touch washing over your tongues now entwined between you.
  3060. >She lays her head back somewhat reluctantly gradually letting her lips part from your's with a loose strand of saliva falling free.
  3061. >She looks into your eyes wanting yet apprehensive.
  3062. >"Anon, I-I'm nervous... I've never--" she is suddenly cut off by the sound of the door opening.
  3063. >You lay back to look to the door where a changeling stands with a somber expression.
  3064. >"Mother... Father..." he says quietly "It's... It's time again."
  3065. >Knowing the implication of those words with that look it's not at all difficult for your eagerness to subside as your heart sinks.
  3067. >Chrysalis quickly shuffles out of bed and starts for the door.
  3068. >You sigh internally as you notice the wet spot on the bed but you can hardly be upset. >Matters of life and death naturally trump your carnal needs.
  3069. >If you're upset about anything now it's at the fact that you even considered being upset about the interruption.
  3070. >You slip your robe on and hurry to try to catch up with Chrysalis.
  3071. >Venturing closer and closer to the morbid hall you would have liked to avoid fills you with a burning guilt.
  3072. >How long have you been here now?
  3073. >All of these days and what have you done to help?
  3074. >What progress have you made?
  3075. >Have you just been screwing around all this time?
  3076. >No, there were delays.
  3077. >There were things to be done.
  3078. >Excuses.
  3079. >And now it's happening again.
  3080. >By the time you find the open door you're already fighting to choke back tears.
  3081. >You know it's not your fault, but that's not what your heart keeps telling you.
  3082. >Chrysalis is already at the bedside with the sickly changeling.
  3083. >Falling back on your old habit, you linger in the doorway not wanting to interfere.
  3084. >The changeling struggles for breath looking to Chrysalis then looks at you, eyes begging and speaks "F-father..."
  3085. >You hesitate.
  3086. >Being a bystander was hard enough.
  3087. >But now she calls for you.
  3088. >One of your children.
  3089. >Your daughter asking for you with her dying breath.
  3090. >"Anon..." Chrysalis needs say little more than your name to remind you of your duty.
  3091. >You move in and kneel next to the bed putting a hand on her frail hoof.
  3092. "I'm... I'm here."
  3093. >You only just manage the words without breaking down into tears.
  3094. >She offers you a weak smile that breaks the last of your heart to pieces.
  3095. "No... Please..."
  3096. >You beg whatever powers that be for mercy from this moment.
  3097. >Her smile starts to fade as the life drains from her.
  3098. >Desperately you well up everything you have, all of the love you could feel and force it on the weak changeling.
  3099. "Don't die! Please don't die! Take it! Take it all! Just don't die!"
  3100. >You feel a wrenching from inside as the changeling feeds directly, powerfully on you.
  3101. >It hurts!
  3102. >Nearly as much as the night Chrysalis gave birth.
  3103. >You close your eyes bracing yourself against the pain while still offering all of your love until it suddenly stops.
  3104. >You continue to force your love down the changeling's throat again and again.
  3105. "Take it! Please!"
  3106. >"Anon... Anon! Stop!"
  3107. >You look at Chrysalis, her eyes overflowing with tears then to the changeling, dark and still.
  3108. >"It's... too late for that... She's gone."
  3109. >You fight to keep it back but it's just too much.
  3110. >You break down openly sobbing in front of Chrysalis.
  3111. >You can't help but think how selfish you are to give into your own emotions while Chrysalis is right there.
  3112. >You should be stronger than that.
  3113. >You should be stronger for her.
  3114. >"You did all you could but this is the sacrifice she made for her family." Chrysalis says putting an arm over you.
  3115. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry."
  3116. >The only words you can manage between sobs.
  3117. >"As am I..." she responds stone faced and strong... for you.
  3119. >Your sobs can only last for so long before you begin to fade.
  3120. >Chrysalis worn by this day of worry and woe has nearly succumb to her fatigue as well.
  3121. >With a parting kiss to her forehead you gently pull the sheet up over the changeling before helping Chrysalis up and returning to the bedroom.
  3122. >You help Chrysalis into bed and before you can make it to your side she is already asleep.
  3123. >You had considered joining her in bed but how could you possibly sleep now.
  3124. >The whole event still haunts you.
  3125. >With grim determination you retreat to your study and go back to pouring over your books.
  3126. >Finally, something worth reading.
  3127. >A section outlining theories as to the spell used to create the Crystal Heart.
  3128. >The description of a spell you find is confusing and vague.
  3129. >It seems more a mix of intended feelings and forces of inner being than the mystical Latin words you had expected.
  3130. >Having been intended to be used for magic training you find the room is already stocked with everything you need.
  3131. >Including a collection of crystals of varying size and composition.
  3132. >You're unsure how you plan to make any spells work but you know your goal.
  3133. >And that is half of the process already.
  3135. >Your mind is heavy with mental and emotional fatigue.
  3136. >You've long since given up on guessing what time it might be but there is no doubt that hours have passed.
  3137. "Come on just work damn you."
  3138. >You scold the lifeless crystal in your hands before bringing your mind to focus.
  3139. >The Crystal lights up, burning at first before settling to a soft blue glow.
  3140. >A vast improvement!
  3141. >Your last attempts conjured only a sickening blackness in the crystals.
  3142. >The ones before that exploded.
  3143. >And before that there was simply no reaction at all.
  3144. >You bask in the glory of your work smiling as you stare at it with half lidded sleep deprived eyes.
  3145. >A dark spot forms in the Crystal and grows rapidly to fill it with a sick black cloudiness.
  3146. >You clench your teeth and turn hurling the crystal.
  3147. >It narrowly misses Chrysalis as it buzzes past her head and shatters against the wall letting off a faint wisp of black smoke.
  3148. "C-Chrysalis! I'm sorry I didn't know you were--"
  3149. >"Have you been in here all day?" she asks sternly.
  3150. "You mean all night? Is it morning already?"
  3151. >"It is late evening. You need rest, Anon."
  3152. >You shake your head.
  3153. "N-No... I can't sleep now. I'm so close. Just give me a few more..."
  3154. >You reach for another crystal accidentally knocking a glass jar full of small gems to the floor.
  3155. >The sound of the shattering jar shocks you momentarily.
  3156. >"You will come to bed, now. I will not have you abandoning me a second night in a row."
  3157. >You stare down at the bits of broken glass and scattered gems on the floor in the realization of just how pointless this pursuit is in your condition.
  3158. "Y-yeah... I'm coming."
  3159. >With an almost drunken stagger you make your way to bed as she closes the doors behind you.
  3160. >"You can continue your work tomorrow when you have your strength and your senses back." Chrysalis says lifting the sheets for you.
  3161. "I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I wish I could see the Crystal Heart myself. Maybe then I would get a feel for how it works."
  3162. >"None of us have been to the Crystal Empire since it's return. There is no way to tell if it is still poisoned to us. And that I'm sure is only one of the dangers that now lurk there."
  3163. >You get yourself settled in while Chrysalis slides in cuddling up to you.
  3164. "I can go there with less risk. I'm sure the answers I need are there."
  3165. >"I will consider it. But for now clear the thought from your mind and sleep."
  3166. >Your body it quick to surrender.
  3167. >You're asleep before Chrysalis has even finished getting comfortable.
  3168. >It's mid-morning when you make it to the Crystal Empire.
  3169. >You look out over the vast crystalline city admiring the way the sun shines through it.
  3170. >To your right, Chrysalis stands.
  3171. >She simply wouldn't let you go alone.
  3172. >And with her must come a number of changeling.
  3173. >The plan is easy.
  3174. >Disguise as a couple of dignitaries, walk up to the Heart, investigate, and leave without incident.
  3175. >If things go well enough, Chrysalis may even be able to salvage a feeding from it to sustain the family for a while longer.
  3176. >You conjure your disguise wearing your fitting new robe.
  3177. >A robe fit for a king you think.
  3178. >Made of a beautiful red suede like material.
  3179. >You March into the city with a small number of your changeling disguised as servants with you.
  3180. >The rest remain behind as backup in case anything should go wrong.
  3181. >You find it difficult to maintain a dignified look as you stare at wonderment at the city around you.
  3182. >Twilight had shown you pictures before but they could never do it justice.
  3183. >The most remarkable building being the Amazing centerpiece of the city.
  3184. >The beautiful tower that in some ways reminded you of the Eiffel Tower back in the world you came from.
  3185. >But you never actually did see that in person.
  3186. >You can see the Crystal Heart below the tower, now.
  3187. >The city isn't the only impressive part of this place.
  3188. >The inhabitants are remarkable as well.
  3189. >Crystal ponies.
  3190. >The reason they were called that is clearly evident in their strangely translucent shine.
  3191. >You observe their awed expressions as you walk by.
  3192. >It had seemed normal at first but now you wonder why you had chosen a cover that would demand so much attention.
  3193. >Their stares are quickly making you uncomfortable.
  3194. >It reminds you of the stares you had received when you first came to Ponyville.
  3195. >But that's not a look of awe.
  3196. >It's a look of fear and mistrust.
  3197. >You swallow hard and look up at the balcony that now looms over you from the side of the tower.
  3198. >Even the guards on that balcony above stare down at you the same way.
  3199. >You stop whispering sharply to Chrysalis.
  3200. "Chrysalis, stop. Stop! Something is wrong."
  3201. >She stops snapping at you in a hushed tone "What? What is your problem? You're going to give us away."
  3202. "Look... Look at their faces."
  3203. >She stops too and looks at all the eyes glued on you and your party.
  3204. >The color seems to drain from her face.
  3205. "Why are they looking at us like that?"
  3206. >You look down at the road to see your reflection.
  3207. >Not the reflection of your disguise but of you.
  3208. >You look to the side to see Chrysalis' revealing reflection as well though her disguise is still intact and so is your's.
  3209. >They can see you.
  3210. >Somehow the crystal ponies can see right through your disguises.
  3211. >"We have to leave. We have to get out of here now!" Chrysalis says losing her quiet tone as panic takes her.
  3212. >"Going so soon? But you've only just arrived." the voice from above sends a chill down your spine.
  3213. >You look up to the horror that meets your eyes.
  3214. >It's Celestia standing on the balcony over you.
  3216. >You back up a few steps to get a better view of Celestia standing high above you.
  3217. >The sight of her fills you with fear.
  3218. >You bring your fingers to your mouth and whistle loudly.
  3219. >You're unsure your backup is close enough to even hear it until the first of many changelings land behind you.
  3220. >Having been caught you give up your disguise and stand upright wrapping your robe around yourself.
  3221. >Chrysalis and the other changelings give up their cover as well.
  3222. >Looking around at the number of changelings you have with you brings you a bit more confidence.
  3223. >And looking at Chrysalis, remembering what Celestia has done to her, it quickly turns your fear to anger.
  3224. >And why should you be afraid?
  3225. >You had survived Celestia's attack before and you are stronger now than you were then.
  3226. "We're here for the Crystal Heart."
  3227. >"You will not have it. It is part of my kingdom and therefore it is my property." Celestia sneers.
  3228. >You curl your lips and point at her as you shout.
  3229. "You stole it from the changelings. You and your crony, Sombra. It's time to give it back. If you do not, we'll take it back."
  3230. >"I don't think you can." she says mockingly as soldiers pour from seemingly nowhere to surround you at a distance.
  3231. >Already too involved in your anger you can't feel anything else.
  3232. >"Did you think I wasn't expecting you? Did you think I was oblivious to that filthy little nest of your's out in the desert? I have eyes everywhere, Anon."
  3234. >You clench your fists growing more angry as you realize what she's saying.
  3235. >You turn to your changeling and bark an order.
  3236. "Change from!"
  3237. >They look confused for a second before each of them changes to the forum of a random pony.
  3238. >All of them except for one.
  3239. >You walk to the lone changeling as he cowers before you.
  3240. "I said change from."
  3241. >The changeling only trembles staring up at you.
  3242. >You reach down and grab him by the throat before lifting him to eye level.
  3243. >You grab the skin of his chest with your fingers and pull hard.
  3244. >The changeling screams out in pain as the skin pulls away with a wet ripping sound.
  3245. >The skin in your grip rips away leaving a hole under which you see a brightly colored coat of fur.
  3246. >A camouflage spell.
  3247. >The fabric of the spell evaporates away in your hand as the rest does the same around the apparent spy.
  3248. >A yellow unicorn stallion.
  3249. >He hangs limp in your grip as his true form is revealed.
  3250. >The anger seethes in you at the deception.
  3251. >You bare your teeth and let out an inhuman hiss as you ready your hands to snap the pony's neck.
  3252. >You pause and see all of the horrified looks that fall on you.
  3253. >They expect to see you spill blood.
  3254. >They expect it because they see you as a monster.
  3255. >You let go of the spy letting your magic carry him back to his people unharmed.
  3256. "If that was your spy then you undoubtedly have one of our children. I demand that you release him to us."
  3257. >"Children? Is that what you're calling your little minions these days?" she laughs "Well, because you were gracious enough to return my stallion, I will give you back your child. Come and take him."
  3258. >Celestia disappears behind the short wall that lines the balcony for a second before throwing something down at you from above.
  3259. >Your momentary panic diminishes as you realize that it's far too small to be a changeling.
  3260. >The black oval shaped object falls to the hard surface of the road and bounces with a sound similar to a wooden board being dropped.
  3261. >As it comes to rest you struggle to identify the object.
  3262. >But your mind soon finds the grisly truth as Chrysalis let's out a horrified scream next to you.
  3263. >You can tell by the spinal ridges that run the length of the underside of it.
  3264. >A sickening feeling lurches up on you as you stare at it.
  3265. >This is the back plate of a changeling.
  3266. >Celestia laughs in response to Chrysalis' scream "You would have been so proud! He didn't tell us anything we wanted to know. He only cried for his mommy! And you had no idea he was even missing!"
  3267. >You tremble as all of your rage and hate twists and folds within you fueled by Celestia's now maniacal laughter.
  3268. >You fall to your knees and clench your teeth before looking up to let out a howl that is quickly stifled by the shock of seeing the dark blue alicorn standing before you.
  3269. >Your eyes open.
  3270. >It's quiet and still as you find Chrysalis still sleeping next to you.
  3271. >You struggle to calm yourself but you can't stop trembling.
  3272. >There's little chance you will be sleeping anymore tonight.
  3274. >You close your eyes and try to forget the nightmare.
  3275. >It takes what feels like forever just to calm enough to stop shaking and let your muscles relax.
  3276. >Through the rest of the night you only manage to drift in and out of a light and less than beneficial sleep.
  3277. >You wake again to an empty bed.
  3278. >Perhaps she thought you could use the rest.
  3279. >In all honesty you really could use more but struggling to force it now will only set you back further.
  3280. >You crawl out of bed and get dressed in time for the end of breakfast.
  3281. >Chrysalis had finished eating and left long before you arrived in the dining hall.
  3282. >It's a shame.
  3283. >You were really hoping to talk to her about seeing the Crystal Empire.
  3284. >Even after the vivid and horrific dream you had, it was still the best bet toward finding a solution.
  3285. >And for them it was certainly a risk you would be willing to take.
  3286. >You linger at the table taking your time as you pick at your breakfast.
  3287. >You hadn't eaten in some time.
  3288. >At least a day if you could recall correctly.
  3289. >But your mind has been so busy struggling for a solution to the one big problem.
  3290. >Perhaps starving yourself could be motivational.
  3291. >After all that is what they are doomed to should you fail.
  3292. >You thought is broken by another plate of food being set before you.
  3293. >You look to see your daughter.
  3294. >The one you had formerly called Liss delivering your extra portion.
  3295. >"I didn't see you eat at all yesterday. I thought you could use some more to make up." she says.
  3296. >You give her a smile and stroke her cheek.
  3297. "That's sweet of you but I don't seem to have much of an appetite lately."
  3298. >"Is it because you're still upset?" she asks with concern.
  3299. "Upset?"
  3300. >"About the other night."
  3301. >You struggle to cut off the mental image before it can get to you.
  3302. "You heard about that."
  3303. >"News travels fast when we lose one of our own. I heard you tried to save her. That you actually tried to feed her."
  3304. "Yeah... It didn't work. She fed but..."
  3305. >She looks at you with an expression of disbelief.
  3306. >"She did? But we can only feed from mother."
  3307. >That fact had been lost to you at the moment.
  3308. >And even since then you've not been able to think clearly enough for it to dawn on you.
  3309. "That's right. I actually forgot all about that. Do you think she was actually getting anything out of it?"
  3310. >She tilts her head slightly in thought before saying "I guess there's only one way to find out."
  3311. >You smirk knowing just what she's implying.
  3312. >You lean down and give her a light nuzzle as you had seen Chrysalis do at their feedings.
  3313. >You feel that slight tug from inside as you do when Chrysalis feeds from you.
  3314. >It only lasts for a moment before subsiding.
  3315. >As you sit back up you ask her.
  3316. "Well? Did it work?"
  3317. >She looks a little sheepish at the question hesitating before she answers "It did work. But it's..."
  3318. "What? Doesn't taste right?"
  3319. >"I could certainly live off it. But... Well, let's just say mother's cooking is better." she says with a little laugh.
  3320. >You laugh in return.
  3321. "I guess I won't be filling in for her any time soon then."
  3323. >Without an appetite, breakfast felt like a chore and you are glad to see it done with.
  3324. >The time you got to spend with your daughter was a nice bonus to the meal however short it was before you had to let her return to her duties.
  3325. >You have your own work to do as well.
  3326. >Returning to your study, you find Chrysalis looking over the notes you had taken while experimenting the day before.
  3327. >She doesn't look back but she must have heard you come in as she addresses you "The Crystal Heart was formed by a very skilled and powerful unicorn. And even with that it cost him his very being to create it."
  3328. >You can feel the skepticism in her voice.
  3329. "And?"
  3330. >"And you honestly think that you can do the same as him? And without paying the same price as him for that matter?"
  3331. >It seems her way to carelessly shatter hope and crush dreams but considering all that she has seen and experienced in her long life you know she is only being realistic.
  3332. >Giving a weary sigh you admit the truth in her words without actually saying it.
  3333. "You know I had to try anyway. And I have to continue to try because... what else can I do?"
  3334. >She turns to you but looks away.
  3335. >"As much as I would like to call you a fool and order you to put your focus into something more useful... I can not. I have no better answer for what it is we should do. And that is why I am granting your request to go to the Crystal Empire. On one condition."
  3336. >You get a slight feeling of joy at the grant of your request but it is irreparably tainted by her honest pessimism.
  3337. "And what condition is that?"
  3338. >"I'm going with you. I'm the only one who knows I the area. It's my home. And even if things turn out for the worst, I'd like to see it one more time."
  3339. >You ready yourself to argue that it's too dangerous for her to accompany you but you can tell by the look in her eye that she will not be swayed.
  3340. >But for her safety, and to distance real events from your dream you have to try.
  3341. "Don't suppose I could talk you out of it."
  3342. >"No." she answers "My mind is made up."
  3343. >You give a defeated sigh.
  3344. "I was afraid you were going to say that. When do we leave?"
  3345. >"I've made the necessary arrangements. We may leave whenever you are ready."
  3346. >There's little you can think of needing besides a little money.
  3347. "I guess I could be ready in only a few minutes."
  3348. >You take little time in packing what little you'll need.
  3349. >Some money, your robe, and a notebook should you discover anything of interest.
  3351. >Moments later you set out with Chrysalis and a small group of changelings who had stubbornly demanded to come with.
  3352. >Either one of you could have ordered them to stay but having them along offered at least some security to this foolishly reckless venture.
  3353. >The determination Chrysalis had shown in her decision and even now in the way she walks gives you the sense that your objective is secondary to her own.
  3354. >Her incentive for the trip is purely one of nostalgia.
  3355. >It seems a foolish risk but considering things from her point of view, you can hardly blame her.
  3356. >Having essentially been on the run and in hiding for the last thousand years it's only natural that she would want to see her home that was taken from her so long ago.
  3357. >"Go on ahead and spread out." she orders the changelings "We will all be less conspicuous is we arrive separately."
  3358. >With a nod they changelings fly off ahead leaving Chrysalis walking side by side with you.
  3359. >Now alone with her you feel compelled to make conversation.
  3360. >But few if any topics that come to mind really seem appropriate.
  3361. >Then again, you have become fairly close.
  3362. >Is there any subject that is truly off the table at this point?
  3363. >You look at her wondering how she will react to one question you've had recently.
  3364. >"Yes?" she asks.
  3365. "Huh?"
  3366. >"If there's something you want to ask just come out with it. There's no need to stare."
  3367. "Yeah. Sorry. I was just... Well, you know when we were in bed and things were getting..."
  3368. >"Yes, I remember. What of it?" she says sounding a little annoyed that you brought it up.
  3369. >You clear your throat nervously.
  3370. >It's not your intention to anger her now.
  3371. >You can imagine she must be feeling a bit emotionally vulnerable considering what is to come.
  3372. >But you're certain that when you get down to the question you are driving at she will no longer take offense.
  3373. "You said you were nervous. But you never finished saying why."
  3374. >She let's silence hang between you for a moment before she explains "I was going to say that I've never been... intimate with a stallion."
  3375. "That's what I thought. But how then do you have so many children?"
  3376. >As planned your question of genuine curiosity disarms her defensive tone.
  3377. >"I can bare children without a mate, but none of them can survive without me. When... If I take a mate, I will give birth to a true successor. One like myself."
  3378. "I see."
  3379. >You keep your response intentionally brief as you're surprised by the twinge of hurt you feel from her discounting you as her mate.
  3380. >Do you honestly want to fill that part in her life?
  3381. >Do you really feel that way about her?
  3382. >You ease the sting by telling yourself that perhaps by saying "take a mate" she is referring more to committing the actual act.
  3383. >You dwell on this idea of what it is you now mean to her and vice versa.
  3384. >Little progress is made in your assessment before you look over to see her staring at you.
  3385. >Dread that perhaps she noticed your disappointment fills you but she says nothing to confirm or deny it.
  3386. >"We should probably change now. The town is not far off." she says breaking the tension "From there we will take the train."
  3387. >Chrysalis changes form to that of a young pink unicorn mare with a curly blonde mane.
  3388. >The sight of her in this form makes you smile.
  3389. >By comparison she looks almost sickeningly sweet like a kindergarten teacher or something of that nature.
  3390. >"I know we didn't take the time to go over a back story but if you leave most of the talking to me we'll be fine. We're a newlywed couple from outside of Manehattan. We're on the first stop of our honeymoon touring Equestria..."
  3391. >Her words trail away as you stare at her wondering if perhaps this is a more fitting look to match the Chrysalis you feel she really is.
  3392. >It's true that she can be harsh and insulting but the side that always stands out in your mind is that loving motherly side of her.
  3393. >"Anon! Anon! Are you listening to me?!"
  3394. >Her angry tone snaps you back to reality but only to find the matching expression on that face she's wearing to be adorable as well.
  3395. >"Repeat back to me everything I just said." she demands.
  3396. >You give a blank stare fearing retribution for your lack of attention.
  3397. "Sorry. I was... distracted."
  3398. >She lets out a frustrated sigh and says "Pay attention this time I will only repeat myself once more."
  3399. >She goes on giving you the short rundown of your made up history together again.
  3400. >Overall it seems like a somewhat dry love story.
  3401. >Something easily forgettable.
  3402. >But that's likely the point of it.
  3403. >Having the important bits of a backstory secured, you choose a form.
  3404. >You strip down and pack your clothes away before changing your form to that of a unicorn stallion with an orange coat and black mane.
  3406. >You turn to Chrysalis with a smile and push aside your previous feelings as you get into the mindset of your character.
  3407. "How do I look, dear?"
  3408. >With seemingly the same idea she replies with a smile and exuberant tone "You look wonderful, hubby."
  3409. >With a mutual little laugh the both of you continue on soon spotting the town on the horizon.
  3410. >As you approach the town you see a train leaving the station.
  3411. >Naturally you wonder if that is the train bound for the Crystal Empire.
  3412. >But what are the odds of that?
  3413. >"Sorry" the pony behind counter says as you stand in the station "but it looks like you just missed the only train headed that way for the day. I could set you up on a route through Canterlot but you wouldn't get there much sooner than if you just took tomorrow's train."
  3414. >You look to Chrysalis now smiling through clenched teeth.
  3415. "Well, looks like we're going to have to get a room for the night, Hun."
  3416. >She doesn't respond but rather keeps grinning angrily as the ticket salesman grows noticeably uncomfortable..
  3417. >You lean in and give her a kiss on the cheek that instantly disarms her.
  3418. >"Oh yes... I suppose so." she says hurriedly.
  3419. >You turn back to the other pony with a reassuring smile.
  3420. "She's really been looking forward to this trip. We thought it would be nice to see the Crystal Empire on our honeymoon. We'll have two tickets for tomorrow's train then."
  3421. >He nods understanding as he rings up the price of the tickets and accepts your bits.
  3422. "Is there any place to stay in town that you'd recommend?"
  3423. >He gives you the tickets and takes gets a scrap of paper from under the counter while saying "Oh yes, my cousin runs the small hotel on the other side of town. Give him this and he'll get you a good deal on the couple's suite. And congratulations."
  3424. >You accept the tickets and paper and head out with a cheerful smile.
  3425. "Thank you, sir. Have a good day now."
  3427. >True to his word, you are treated to a luxurious and rather romantic room for a very reasonable price.
  3428. >The sympathetic looks you received in the hotel lobby suggest that Chrysalis' continued scowling may have also played a part in the deal you received.
  3429. >In the privacy of the room you can finally speak freely.
  3430. "Looks like the others made it on the train. Are you worried about them?"
  3431. >"No." she answers sharply "They are skilled infiltrators. They will be fine."
  3432. >You give her a little nuzzle still feeling at home with acting as your character.
  3433. "Then what's with the bad mood?"
  3434. >She doesn't respond to your cuddling up to her but does explain "I was just hoping to see my home before the day's end."
  3435. >You move in a little closer and rub up against her.
  3436. "Don't worry, dear. It'll be there tomorrow."
  3437. >She steps away from you despondently saying "Yes, I know that. But I've waited so long to see my home."
  3438. >Chrysalis climbs up onto the bed and tries to relax looking out the window.
  3439. >You follow her and climb up over her planting little kisses on her neck.
  3440. >She pulls away growling "I'm not in the mood."
  3441. >You persist.
  3442. "C'mon, sweetie. It is our honeymoon after all."
  3443. >She snaps "I said No!" as you catch her hoof across the face.
  3444. >You'd forgotten just how strong she is.
  3445. >Strong enough to knock you off her with one hit.
  3446. >You look up from the floor dazed as Chrysalis appears at the edge of the bed.
  3447. >"Anon? Are you alright?" she asks sounding concerned.
  3448. >You wipe your arm across your nose leaving a bright red streak of blood across your orange fur.
  3449. >You're instantly reminded of your earlier thought of where you stand with her.
  3450. >Could it be that the other night was nothing more than a moment of weakness to her?
  3451. >"I-I didn't mean to--"
  3452. "No. It's my fault. I forgot my place. I'm sorry."
  3454. >"N-J-Just... come to bed."
  3455. >She sounds troubled by what just happened.
  3456. >But you know it's your fault.
  3457. >You pushed her.
  3458. >At a moment like this with so much weighing on her mind, you tried forcing yourself on her.
  3459. >It's still a bit early for bed but the walk was tiring.
  3460. >You feel undeserving of sharing a bed with her but she gave you an order.
  3461. >Besides, it's not about your comfort.
  3462. >It's only about what you offer her in your sleep.
  3463. >You climb into bed after checking to be sure your nose has stopped bleeding.
  3464. >Chrysalis cuddles up next to you.
  3465. >The awkwardness of the moment gnaws at you driving you to say something.
  3466. "I-I'm really sorry. I don't understa--"
  3467. >Chrysalis silences you by pushing her lips to your's.
  3468. >It's not a deep or fiercely passionate kiss, but it does linger.
  3469. >She soon pulls back looking at you in a moment of quiet reverence.
  3470. >"Perhaps... there will be time for us to make sense of it all. But for now... there is work to be done."
  3471. >You tighten your embrace on her and let your love flow.
  3472. >The subtle feeling of her feeding on it has grown on you.
  3473. >Although it is still a troubling and almost painful feeling even in its most docile form it makes you feel a closeness to her.
  3474. >You take a deep breath, relishing in the feeling of it as you whisper to her.
  3475. "I understand."
  3477. >You wake with the morning sun in your eyes and your comparatively lanky human limbs hanging from the edges of the bed.
  3478. >You're thankful that the nightmares have given you this night's reprieve.
  3479. >You're always feeling especially loving after a good sleep.
  3480. >And considering the emotional challenges that this day will undoubtedly hold for Chrysalis, she will need the energy.
  3481. >Humoring your groggy emotion within reason, you nuzzle your face in her hair taking in the faint scent that she has.
  3482. >Unlike yourself, she is able to maintain her altered form in her sleep but no matter her form you will always recognize the smell of her.
  3483. >A bit musty like the castle she lives in but not at all unpleasant.
  3484. >The notion of pheromones passes through your mind.
  3485. >It wouldn't be unreasonable to assume that a creature such as herself would employ such a mechanism.
  3486. >Could it be that your feelings are simply a result of this biological manipulation.
  3487. >Again the question.
  3488. >Do you really love her?
  3489. >Does it matter?
  3490. >Pheromones or not you have devoted yourself to helping her and her people.
  3491. >You know that this decision is genuinely your own unmanipulated sense of what is right.
  3492. >And if your emotions are being toyed with it will only serve to strengthen your resolve.
  3494. >As Chrysalis begins to stir you take advantage of her sleep dazed state and greet her with a small kiss on the lips.
  3495. >She doesn't react to it.
  3496. >But then again you can't tell if it even registered with her at all.
  3497. >She goes through her typical routine of groggy grumbling and sluggish movements before crawling out of bed and stumbling for the bathroom.
  3498. >You sit up on the edge of the bed and rub the remaining sleepiness from your face.
  3499. >Looking to the bedside table you see the tickets for the train.
  3500. >Seems that the train leaves earlier today than the one yesterday.
  3501. >At least something works in your favor for a change.
  3502. >Chrysalis returns only now seeming to notice your form.
  3503. >"It's not wise to retake your form in hostile territory." she remarks calmly.
  3504. "I can't help it. Must have happened while I was asleep."
  3505. >She nods understandingly "It takes some practice. Just don't nod off on the train. One can only imagine the panic that might cause."
  3506. >You smirk imagining Chrysalis trying to explain the hairless ape sleeping on the seat next to her.
  3507. >In all reality though she would likely play innocent acting as terrified as the other ponies until she would make her escape.
  3508. "Guess we should get some coffee before the train leaves just in case then."
  3509. >She smiles as she says "That sounds agreeable." giving you the impression that she may actually be a bit more relaxed today.
  3510. >The two of you take little time in getting prepared to leave.
  3511. >The last thing you do before opening the door to leave is retake your disguise.
  3512. >You're fairly confident in your ability but the expected length of the day does have you slightly concerned.
  3513. >You have held other forms for some time before but never as long as you fear today might be.
  3514. >The few ponies who had been there when you checked in seem to take notice of Chrysalis' improved mood as you check out.
  3515. >With a playful wink you as much as imply that something might have transpired in the privacy of your room last night.
  3516. >While still far out of sight you can hear the train from the cafe where the two of you enjoy coffee and a bagel for breakfast.
  3517. >Or at least you are enjoying it.
  3518. "You've been around for how long, and you've never had coffee?"
  3519. >Chrysalis hisses in a hushed tone "Keep your voice down. You'll give us away. And I haven't exactly been able to partake in the luxuries of pony life while in exile."
  3520. >You smirk though feeling bad.
  3521. >You understand her paranoia but the few ponies around seem more than content in each of their own conversations to even be bothered by what you're saying.
  3522. "I never really thought of it as a luxury."
  3523. >Chrysalis pushes her cup away with a disgusted look on her face and says sarcastically "I can't imagine why. It's such a bitter and unpleasant drink."
  3524. >You use your magic to add a generous amount of cream and sugar to her cup and stir it before pushing it back toward here.
  3525. "Try it now. I don't know of anyone who ever started out drinking it straight up black."
  3526. >She looks at the cup skeptically before slowly taking a sip.
  3527. >Her eyes light up as the sweet and milky flavor of it graces her tongue.
  3528. >"Oh this is much better!" she says before slurping down some more. "Why this is absolutely delightful!"
  3529. >You smile as you watch her finally enjoying something.
  3530. "Just don't burn yourself."
  3532. >The timing as it turns out works out rather well.
  3533. >From across the town you hear the high whine and low hiss of the train coming to a stop as you finish your modest meal.
  3534. >Side by side the two of you make it across the small town well in time to find a comfortable seat.
  3535. >It's not long before the car jerks into motion starting off the long journey.
  3536. >In an effort to make conversation Chrysalis comments "I'm sure you were pleased with the news from Ponyville."
  3537. >You quickly search your mind for the news she is referring to but nothing relevant surfaces.
  3538. "News?"
  3539. >"About your friend Twilight. I was told shortly before we left. I was sure that he had told you first."
  3540. >You shake your head.
  3541. "No, I wasn't told anything. What's the news?"
  3542. >"Peculiar... Anyway, I was told she is doing much better. It seems after your visit, she was compelled to seek the counsel of her friends."
  3543. >Although not at the forefront of your mind, Twilight had still occupied your thoughts.
  3544. >Hearing of any improvement in her condition is a welcomed relief from the worry you have had for her.
  3545. "I'm glad. Maybe when I return those books to her I'll have a good enough cover story to give her an adequate apology. If I'm really lucky... maybe we can be friends again."
  3546. >Chrysalis gives you a skeptical look and says "I won't forbid it outright now. But I recommend against it. We keep our relationships to the outside shallow and limited. To do otherwise invites unnecessary risk."
  3547. >Your hopes hadn't gotten high just yet but they break nonetheless.
  3548. "Yeah... You're probably right. It would likely just make things difficult for the both of us anyway."
  3550. >The noise of the train rolling along and the sparsely occupied car make open conversation a little less risky though little if anything that is said between you can be considered damning.
  3551. >When any sort of relevant conversation fails to maintain either of your interests, you fall back on telling her about various movies you had seen back in your own world.
  3552. >She seems fairly interested in the few romantic films that you had seen.
  3553. >You can only imagine how much of a joy it would be to treat her to a movie like Titanic.
  3554. >She would likely be hanging on you sobbing by the end of the movie.
  3555. >But then again, given her unpredictable nature she could just as easily end up laughing maniacally while half the passengers die as the ship sinks.
  3556. >Either way it would be fun you suppose.
  3557. >Not long after you become aware of your stiffening back you notice another passenger sticking his head out the window to look ahead of the train.
  3558. >You wrestle with the window to slide it down and do the same.
  3559. >Straining against the wind blowing in your eyes you spot the shine just over the hilltops of the Crystal Tower.
  3560. >Even at this distance is an impressive sight.
  3561. >One that your dream, for as impressive as that was, hardly did justice.
  3562. >You pull your head back in the car and smile to Chrysalis excitedly.
  3563. "We're almost there."
  3564. >She maintains a calm demeanor but you can still see the giddy look in her eyes.
  3566. >The train stops at a humble platform a short distance from the edge of the crystalline streets of the city.
  3567. >Stepping out of the train car you are awed by glow of the city before you.
  3568. >Chrysalis seems no less taken back pausing as she lays eyes on her former home for the first time in over a thousand years.
  3569. >You give her gentle nudge jarring her back to reality.
  3570. >She looks to you with a smile and a tear in her eye.
  3571. >You smile back at her and give her a kiss on the cheek.
  3572. "C'mon let's go take in the sights."
  3573. >The structures that make up the city only grow in majesty as you get closer.
  3574. >Beautiful streams of refracted light spill rainbow projections into the sky.
  3575. >At the edge of the smooth glassy streets, Chrysalis hesitates.
  3576. >She looks around to see that no one is within hearing distance before explaining "Last time I stood on this surface it was poisoned to me. Every second was burning agony. I lost so many children to the hatred that saturated it."
  3577. >She moves a shaky hoof over the surface and slowly sets it down.
  3578. >A smile washes across her face as she let's out a sigh of relief.
  3579. >"It's not enough to sustain but love flows here again."
  3580. >You follow as she steps forward.
  3581. >A gasp escapes you as you feel a rush of warmth enter you at the first step.
  3582. >You hadn't expected to be affected by the nature of the Crystal Empire as it affects the changelings but again you seem to become more and more like them.
  3584. >As awe inspiring as the city had looked in your dream, the real thing was far superior.
  3585. >It seems your mind had neglected to take into account the way the sunlight would play across each glossy surface scattering colorful patterns across everything.
  3586. >The streets are a sea of sparkling rainbows and glass.
  3587. >You also hadn't accounted for the sound.
  3588. >Whispers that flow between the echos cascading from every solid surface like a song sung by the walls themselves.
  3589. >Each detail you see seems to be a grand deviation from what you had seen in your dream.
  3590. >And each of these deviations brings you a greater assurance that it was nothing more than the manifestation of a paranoid mind.
  3591. >You look down at the street to find your final assurance that nothing could go wrong.
  3592. >Your reflection, faithfully showing no more than the orange pony persona that you had made up for the occasion.
  3593. >You find it to be quite easy to live up to your role as a tourist.
  3594. >Being so struck by the sights you stare bleary-eyed at everything around you.
  3595. >One look at Chrysalis finds that she is not having such an easy time.
  3596. >Everything around her seems to be haunted by the ghosts of a life she once lived and still longs for.
  3597. >As much as she fights it you can still see the tears held back to the corners of her eyes.
  3598. "Chryssi..."
  3599. >She looks to you seemingly unaware of her unambiguous eyes.
  3600. "Are you going to be alright?"
  3601. >She seems confused for a moment before looking down letting a tear fall as she observes her reflection in the street's surface.
  3602. >"Damn." she grunts in frustration as she quickly tries to wipe away her tears.
  3603. >"Yes, I will be fine. I was just... unprepared for the memories."
  3604. >You nuzzle her cheek to remind her of your support.
  3605. "Let's do what we need to do. Then we can decide if we want to stay the night."
  3606. >She gives a nod and starts forward before looking up running directly into one of the native inhabitants.
  3607. >A shimmering crystal mare.
  3608. >"Oh terribly sorry, miss..." the crystal mare starts before giving a pause at the sight of Chrysalis' false appearance.
  3609. >An instant of panic hits you as the pause lingers until the mare smiles at her.
  3610. >"Do I know you?" she asks.
  3611. >Chrysalis shakes her head answering "No... I don't think so."
  3612. >The mare cocks her head curiously still smiling politely. "Are you sure? Something about your eyes. They seem so familiar."
  3613. >The panic wells up in you again forcing your mouth to interject.
  3614. "Hun, didn't your mother mention that she had roots in the Crystal Empire?"
  3615. >"O-Oh yes!" Chrysalis plays along "Perhaps you knew my ancestor. That was one of the things I wanted to look into here."
  3616. >The mare nods. "Oh yes. A number of ponies fled the Empire when Sombra took control. A few of my friends were among them. I like to think they were able to live full and happy lives after the rest of us vanished but it's so difficult to find records from so long ago."
  3617. >The crystal mare points to a nearby store and says "That's my flower shop over there. Please stop by and let me know what you find out. I'll give you a great deal on my finest bouquet to make it worth your while."
  3618. >Chrysalis smiles cheerfully and says "We'll be sure to do just that!"
  3619. >"Well, I must be going. Those flowers won't sell themselves you know. I look forward to seeing you later. Enjoy your stay!" the crystal mare rambles on as she trots off to her shop.
  3620. >Chrysalis' expression sours the moment the mare is out of sight.
  3621. >"Let's go." she says sharply as she starts walking.
  3622. >You hurry to keep up with her as she storms down the street.
  3623. "Hey, slowdown. What's wrong?"
  3624. >Chrysalis slows a bit for your benefit and growls "I do know her. She was one of the first of my... "friends" to betray me."
  3625. >You struggle to wrap your head around this concept.
  3626. "So if I'm getting this all right, time just stopped here when the place vanished?"
  3627. >"It would seem that way."
  3628. "So that means--"
  3629. >"Yes" she cuts you off "This place might be more dangerous than I initially thought."
  3631. >The two of you move on with a new focus on your mission.
  3632. >As the Crystal Heart comes into view you look to Chrysalis.
  3633. >Seeing her still wearing the sour expression from her encounter with the crystal pony you give her a little nudge.
  3634. "Lighten up. Someone is going to think something is up if you keep scowling."
  3635. >Chrysalis stops as she puts on a fake smile.
  3636. >It's quite good but you don't feel convinced by her performance.
  3637. >You lean in pressing your lips to her's hoping to distract her from the thoughts that bother her.
  3638. >She looks into your eyes in shock as your tongue slips past her lips but her surprise is quickly replaced by a look of anger.
  3639. >You stifle a yelp as she bites down on your tongue and quickly lets it go.
  3640. >You stumble back bringing your hoof to your mouth then look at it to check for blood.
  3641. >Thankfully she didn't bite you very hard.
  3642. >You look up to meet her angry eyes as she hisses "Do not ever do that again."
  3643. "Y-yes. Sorry."
  3644. >"Now come on." she orders as she continues toward the center of the city.
  3645. >You pick yourself up and walk up along side of her.
  3646. >Looking again you see her smiling again, though it now seems a bit more... genuine.
  3648. >You struggle to ignore the brilliance of the tower as you approach.
  3649. >Unlike the rest of the city it fits perfectly with the tower you had seen of it in your dream.
  3650. >But this can easily be explained away by the number of detailed pictures you have seen of it.
  3651. >Being the magnificent centerpiece of the Crystal Empire, it's appearance is well documented and well known.
  3652. >Once again the timing seems to fall in your favor as you step into the shadow of the great tower.
  3653. >At this hour, hungry tourists and shopkeepers alike huddle around the various restaurants and food vendors.
  3654. >None of which seem to be anywhere near the Crystal Tower.
  3655. >Even the guards that you assume should be keeping watch are out to lunch.
  3656. >Either that or there are no guards.
  3657. >The lack of security seems like a blessing on its face but inside it bothers you.
  3658. >Why leave something so important unguarded?
  3659. >Then again, perhaps the artifact itself poses a threat that would deter any would-be thief.
  3660. >Not a problem for you as you don't plan on taking it anywhere.
  3661. >The Crystal Heart benignly floats between two crystals under the center of the tower open and exposed.
  3662. "Strange that it's left unguarded like this."
  3663. >"It must be left unguarded. Leaving it exposed is an expression of trust, security, and the freedom of love. To keep it under guard would convey fear, mistrust, and love withheld." Chrysalis explains.
  3664. >You take a quick look around to be sure no one is watching before walking up to it.
  3665. "I guess that certainly works in our fa--"
  3666. >Mere feet from the Crystal Heart, you feel a cool rush wash over you as you breach a weak barrier spell.
  3667. >You look down to find yourself on your hands rather than hooves.
  3668. >Chrysalis stands next to you also exposed in her true form with a look of shocked horror on her face.
  3669. >"It's a trap! Quickly run!"
  3670. >You reach out and grab her arm.
  3671. "No! Wait! No one is watching. It's just a precaution. Hurry. Get what you can from it and then we can get out of here."
  3672. >You rummage through your pack getting your robe out and wrapping it around yourself as Chrysalis continues to approach the Crystal Heart.
  3673. >Chrysalis suddenly let's out an angry scream.
  3674. >You look up to see her rear up and shove the Crystal Heart from its place letting it fall to the ground and shatter.
  3675. "What the hell are you doing?!"
  3676. >Teeth clenched she growls "It's a fake!"
  3677. >"Chrysalis!" a voice echoes from outside the tower "Show yourself!"
  3679. >Chrysalis runs toward the sound of the voice shouting angrily "What have you done with it?! Where is the Crystal Heart?!"
  3680. >You sprint after Chrysalis as she runs out into the sunlight and turns to face upward at the balcony overlooking the city.
  3681. >"Where is it, Cadence?!" Chrysalis shouts again.
  3682. >You come along side Chrysalis and turn to see who she is talking to.
  3683. >Glaring down from the balcony above stands a pink alicorn mare and a white unicorn stallion.
  3684. >"It's somewhere safe from you and your corruption." the alicorn calls down "Now explain why you... What is that?!"
  3685. >Foolishly you look behind as you see her eye focus on you.
  3686. >"How dare you show such disrespect!" Chrysalis snarls "This is King Anon! Lord of the changelings!"
  3687. "K-King?"
  3688. >The mare looks skeptically at you for a moment before continuing "Explain why you have come here."
  3689. >You lean in toward Chrysalis and whisper.
  3690. "Who are they."
  3691. >"They are Celestia's appointed overseers of the Crystal Empire. Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor."
  3692. "Shining... Isn't that Twilight's brother?"
  3693. >"Yes. And it was their wedding that I infiltrated. No doubt they still seek revenge."
  3694. >"We're waiting." Cadence says firmly.
  3695. >The whispers that had blended in so consistently with the echoes of every sound from the moment you entered the city now seem to call out producing an echo of their own.
  3696. >You look around trying to locate the source of it but it seems to be coming from all around.
  3697. >Still whispers but in some sort of language you'd never heard before.
  3698. "What is that?"
  3699. >Chrysalis looks at you as you seemingly look around for nothing and hisses "Now is not the time to have a mental breakdown!"
  3700. >The whispers grow louder still nearly drowning out every other sound.
  3701. >You only faintly hear Shining Armor say "Answer the question. Why are you here?"
  3702. >Suddenly the whispers stop and you feel compelled to speak.
  3703. "We're here out of great need. Our people are dying and we have nowhere else to turn."
  3704. >"What are you do?!" Chrysalis hisses under her breath "You're going to make us appear weak."
  3705. >You hear Chrysalis but you can't stop yourself from continuing to talk.
  3706. "We can no longer stand by and watch as our children suffer. That is why we beg you to grant us access to the Crystal Heart. It is the only thing that can help us to end our suffering and save our people."
  3707. >You barely finish your sentence before a spear tip juts into view pointed directly in your face.
  3708. >Instinctively, you grab the spear and put your foot up on the shoulder of the pony who holds it.
  3709. >You give him a sharp push with your foot freeing the spear from his teeth and spin it around to point at the numerous guards that now surround the both of you.
  3710. >"Halt!" Shining Armor calls out causing the guards to stop their advance.
  3711. >"Chrysalis, Is this true?" Cadence asks.
  3712. >Chrysalis lowers her head shamefully and answers "Yes... It is true."
  3713. >Holding your position between Chrysalis and the guards, you glance up to see Cadence and Shining Armor talking among themselves.
  3714. >They deliberate for a short time before Cadence announces "We will give consideration to allowing you access to the Crystal Heart. Return to your kingdom and we will send word when we reach a decision."
  3715. >The immediate question comes to mind as to how they will contact you, but before you can ask Chrysalis gives a sharp tug at your robe and says sternly "Come now, before they change their minds."
  3716. >"Let them go." Shining commands his guards.
  3717. >They part letting you walk freely away from the open center of the city.
  3718. >Once out of sight you're joined by four ponies the seemingly come from nowhere.
  3719. >"And where were you?" Chrysalis asks as she remakes her disguise.
  3720. >You change back to your pony persona as well and quickly pack away your robe as one of them explains "We were about to jump in when he called for the guards to stop. It seemed like it was best to what they wanted but we were ready to step in as soon as you needed us."
  3721. >Chrysalis growls clearly wanting to take out her frustration but she can find no fault with them. "Go home. We will meet you there. And make absolutely sure you're not followed."
  3722. >The changelings quickly leave knowing far better than to argue with Chrysalis in such a state.
  3723. >Having no other target for her anger she turns to you.
  3724. >"You! Why did you have to open your mouth?! You made us look foolish and weak!" she manages just short of shouting at you.
  3725. "I don't know what happened. I just..."
  3726. >You shake your head.
  3727. "No. They needed to know the truth. And look how it turned out. They're going to consider helping us."
  3728. >Chrysalis grinds her teeth in rage "You are an idiot! They have no interest in helping us! They will probably double their efforts to find us so they can finally rain down on our home and crush us. And do you know why? Because you told them we are too weak to fight them!"
  3729. >You bite the inside of your cheek to steady your lip.
  3730. >Even when she kicked you out last time she didn't seem this angry.
  3731. >And truthfully, you're angry too.
  3732. >Though you don't really know what you're angry at.
  3733. "You're wrong! That was Twilight's brother up there. He couldn't do something like that."
  3734. >"Don't be so stupid! Just because you think you know her, doesn't mean you know her brother!"
  3735. >You know she's right.
  3736. >You know nothing about him.
  3737. >"Besides, you think it will really be up to them? Of course not. Celestia will have the final word and you and I both know what she will have to say about this."
  3738. >Chrysalis pauses for a moment to fume while you have no good response to give to her.
  3739. >It's true.
  3740. >It's all true.
  3741. >You, Chrysalis, the changelings...
  3742. >All of you doomed.
  3743. >Because you could not keep quiet.
  3745. >You only just manage to catch the next train out of town.
  3746. >You're not even sure of where it's going but as long as it's not going to Canterlot it's better than staying any length of time in the Crystal Empire.
  3747. >It's a long and uncomfortable ride to some little nowhere town you'd never heard of.
  3748. >Maybe it will work out better to make a changeover or two.
  3749. >It will make you more difficult to track.
  3750. >But even according to Chrysalis' own words it appears that no one is following you.
  3751. >The train comes to a stop just as the sun is setting.
  3752. >According to the schedule posted at the platform the next train back home doesn't leave until morning.
  3753. >The station in this town is little more than a ticket booth and a small platform.
  3754. >And the town itself doesn't seem to have much of anything to offer.
  3755. >Not even an inn for weary travelers.
  3756. >Rather than lowering herself to begging for shelter, Chrysalis retreats into the nearby forest to find shelter.
  3757. >It has been hours since she has even spoken a word directly to you and at this point you seem more like luggage that she simply drags around.
  3758. >Chrysalis picks out her spot to sleep a short distance into the woods.
  3759. >A small patch where an opening in the trees has allowed the grass to grow tall and comfortable.
  3760. >You do your best to employ the knowledge that had been imparted onto you on your trip to Ponyville but your attempt at a small shelter is met with limited success.
  3761. >Admitting your survival skills' defeat you drape your robe over Chrysalis and lay down next to her to keep her warm.
  3762. >She pulls away slipping out from under the robe in her attempt to distance herself from you.
  3763. >Refusing to accept this you move close to her and again she pulls away.
  3764. >Her childish refusal of your warmth wells up an anger in you.
  3765. >It's bad enough to be the victim of her silence but you will not bear the guilt of her discomfort as well.
  3766. "Stop it. I'm not going to let you suffer just so you can punish me."
  3767. >You move the robe over her again and letting your body return to its natural for you wrap your arms around her.
  3768. >She doesn't resist this time but you can feel her trembling in your embrace.
  3769. >You focus on the sounds of the night as you backtrack the day's events trying to see where exactly it was your fault that you ended up here like this.
  3770. >Honestly, you just couldn't find that point.
  3771. >If anything, it was probably Chrysalis' fault for freaking out about the fake heart.
  3772. >But who is to know at what point exactly that you were caught.
  3773. >Even if it was her fault, you wouldn't be able to bring yourself to cast any blame on her.
  3774. >You listen to the crickets chirping and the rustling of the leaves in the cool night breeze.
  3775. >"I'm sorry." Chrysalis says in a barely audible voice "It's likely that you saved both our lives and I--"
  3776. "Sh... It doesn't matter now. Let's just worry about what's ahead and not mind what we can't change."
  3777. >Still facing away from you she takes a deep shaky breath sounding as though she may cry and says "You could have left at any time and I would not have stopped you. But here you are still by my side. I don't know if I deserve such devotion from you."
  3778. >You give her a snug and nuzzle the back of her head.
  3779. "Haven't you learned by now? You can't get rid of me that easily."
  3781. >You stand helplessly witnessing horror beyond imagination.
  3782. >Before you stands Celestia no less than a mile tall.
  3783. >Under her hoof is the humble castle you call home.
  3784. >Screams of fear and pain emanate from the structure as it slowly crumbles under the force of the giant's weight.
  3785. "No! Stop it! You're killing them!"
  3786. >Your cries fall well short of acknowledgement as the carnage continues.
  3787. >You try to run to the castle but the desert sand swallows your legs leaving you to fruitless claw at the sand.
  3788. >The last of the structure finally falters as Celestia let's out a deep maniacal laugh.
  3789. "Nooooooooo!"
  3790. >You scream with all your might.
  3791. >But it's over.
  3792. >The screams are now silent.
  3793. >The castle reduced to rubble.
  3794. >They're all dead.
  3795. >Celestia turns and begins to walk away as you scream at her.
  3796. "Get back here! Get back here and finish it! Kill me! Kill me!"
  3797. >You break down crying over and over again letting your face fall into the sand.
  3798. "Kill me! Kill me!"
  3799. >As the sound of the colossal steps trails into the distance you look up to see the dark blue alicorn again standing over you.
  3800. "Why couldn't I save them?"
  3801. >You ask her lost in your despair.
  3802. >She opens her mouth to speak but is startled to silence by the sharp sound of a train whistle.
  3803. >You wake to the morning sun and the sound of the train readying to leave the station.
  3805. >You sit up wiping the tears from your eyes.
  3806. >As you struggle to collect your thoughts you hear the train whistle again and it finally dawns on you.
  3807. >In near panic you shake Chrysalis.
  3808. "Wake up! We're gonna miss the train!"
  3809. >She grumbles before the train whistle comes again snapping her awake as you pack away your robe and struggle to once again take on your disguise.
  3810. >The two of you race onto the platform and to the ticket booth in which sits a rather old looking pony.
  3811. "I need two tickets for the train."
  3812. >"Which train you lookin' to take, son?" the old pony asks.
  3813. >The train starts to lurch forward with another loud blast from the whistle.
  3814. "That one! The one that's leaving!"
  3815. >The old pony retrieves two tickets seeming to takes his time before saying "That'll be twel--"
  3816. >You toss what can't be less than twenty bits at him as Chrysalis snatches the tickets.
  3817. >The last car has nearly cleared the platform as the two of you take off in a sprint for it.
  3818. >Chrysalis manages to make it onto the back of the last car but as your front hooves reach the steps the platform vanishes from below you.
  3819. >You dangle from the steps with your hooves dragging in the dirt below before Chrysalis pulls you up by your tail with her magic.
  3820. >This is far from an ideal way to start the day but at least you're finally on your way home.
  3822. >The train ride is painfully long made worse by gnawing hunger in your stomach and the worry in your heart.
  3823. >You're helpless to do anything now but hold Chrysalis and keep her comfortable.
  3824. >In the back of your mind you keep waiting for the moment when she will push you away again as she has done each time you get too close to her.
  3825. >But it doesn't come.
  3826. >This situation is different.
  3827. >Her whole world is on the line now.
  3828. >As unimportant as you had always felt, it's clear now that she needs you more than anything.
  3829. >You stare at the window as she does but you're not looking at the landscape trailing by.
  3830. >You stare at her reflection in the window.
  3831. >Even in another form she can't hide those eyes.
  3832. >The color might be different but there's something that's always unique in them that gives her away.
  3833. >Maybe it's true that the eyes are the gateway to the soul.
  3834. >You stare into her eyes beyond her notice and imagine her life.
  3835. >A long and difficult struggle edging ever closer to an unnatural demise of painful deprivation.
  3836. >Sleeping outside had been far from restful and the nightmare had made sure that whatever sleep you had gotten was less than beneficial.
  3837. >You soon find Chrysalis asleep in your arms, lulled by the swaying of the train car.
  3838. >As poor as your sleep had been, Chrysalis was likely plagued far worse by her worry in the night.
  3839. >It wasn't at all unfair that she could sleep while you're forced to stay awake.
  3840. >After the troubling visions you had beheld in your sleep last night, you weren't exactly eager to risk returning to that mental state.
  3841. >The train makes several short stops in nameless small towns along the way before finally rolling into the familiar town that you departed from just a day earlier.
  3843. >It's late in the afternoon when you step off the platform.
  3844. >Even after the hours spent on the train, you still have several more of walking to do before you can rest.
  3845. >The day had grown hot under the oppression of the sun making the walk home especially difficult.
  3846. >You'd liked to have at least gotten something to drink before leaving town but the detail of explaining your return had escaped you until it was too late.
  3847. >Had you thought of it sooner you could have taken a different appearance at the start of the day and not had to leave town so quickly.
  3848. >Chrysalis sets a difficult pace to match, driven by her determination to reach home before anything could happen to it.
  3849. >With as fouled up as everything had gotten there had been plenty of time for any number of catastrophes to befall your humble dwelling.
  3850. >Thankfully you find the castle anticlimactically just the way you had left it nestled safely in the shadow of the great rock.
  3851. >You feel a slight bit of pride in holding an alternate form the entire day but now in the shelter of home, and in the comfort of a warm bath, you let your natural form take over.
  3852. >You feel a little bad treating yourself to a bath while Chrysalis attends to catching up on feedings.
  3853. >But you can't ignore the feeling of filth crawling on your skin.
  3854. >Perhaps it's a bit obsessive compulsive but then again you had been sweating after two days without a bath already.
  3855. >It's as much a public service to quell your body odor after something like that.
  3856. >Hoofsteps draw your attention to the doorway where you find Chrysalis enter floating a tray before her.
  3857. >She sets the tray at the edge of the pool before stepping in to join you in the warm flowing water.
  3858. "That was fast."
  3859. >"I only needed to tend to the latest group. The rest will be fine with the delay. In truth they can easily go a week without a feeding, though they might get a bit hostile by then." she explains.
  3860. >You look to see what's on the tray she had brought in.
  3861. "What do we have here?"
  3862. >"I thought we could use something light to eat before bed. Bread, grapes..." she says motioning to the food "And as I'm sure we could both use something to calm the nerves, wine."
  3863. >You'd think it a romantic gesture if it weren't so practical.
  3864. >There's no doubt though that after the last two days, something calming is exactly what you need.
  3866. >On a near empty stomach you could have expected to get full on drunk from even as little wine as you drank, but really it just makes you sleepy.
  3867. >It's not long before the both of you seem to struggle to keep your heads up and your eyes open.
  3868. >You give Chrysalis a light nudge as you find her starting to nod off next to you.
  3869. "C'mon. Let's get to bed."
  3870. >You suggest as you stand.
  3871. >She leans on you most of the way up to the bedroom bringing you to question if she had actually slept much at all the night before.
  3872. >Without a word Chrysalis follows your simple commands as you help her into bed.
  3873. >You can tell she's already fast asleep by the time you climb into the other side of the bed and cuddle up next to her.
  3874. >With the day finally over you close your eyes and try to forget the troubles that stubbornly stick in the back of your mind.
  3876. >You were so tired that sleep seemed like a certainty but it feels like it has been hours since that idea passed through your mind.
  3877. >Laying in bed with your eyes closed does little to silence the churning of gears in your head.
  3878. >The lack of sleep blurs your mind leaving you able to process little more than frustration and belligerence.
  3879. >Despite these feelings you maintain enough control to gently slip away from Chrysalis and out of bed.
  3880. >You slip your robe on in defence from the cool night air and wanted into your study.
  3881. >You look down at the open book on your desk in which is displayed a pencil sketching of the Crystal Heart.
  3882. >King...
  3883. >Some king you are.
  3884. >You can't even command your own mind to silence.
  3885. >But just allowing yourself to hear it again in your mind.
  3886. >The way that Chrysalis said it.
  3887. >It puts on you a great weight of responsibility but also seems to grant you a strength to carry it.
  3888. >Even the night before you had given Chrysalis an order to stop pulling away from you, and she obeyed.
  3889. >If only you could enjoy this feeling of power.
  3890. >If only you weren't so aggravated by this fatigue.
  3891. >You close your eyes and lean on the desk trying to clear your thoughts before a gentle breeze rolls past you.
  3892. >It goes unnoticed for a moment until the building feeling that you're being watched triggers an alarm in you.
  3893. >You turn to meet a pair of purple eyes looking back at you.
  3894. "Celestia..."
  3896. >Celestia stands before you with a look of mild surprise on her face.
  3897. >Behind her is the blue alicorn mare from your dreams.
  3898. >Celestia looks to the other alicorn and says "Thank you, sister. You may leave us, now."
  3899. >The blue alicorn gives a slight bow and vanishes as dust into the wind.
  3900. >You stare shocked at what you're seeing.
  3901. >Celestia, your mortal enemy standing before you in your own home.
  3902. >"So, you are alive." she says in a very calm and disarming voice.
  3903. >Anger boils inside you at the sight of her spurred on by sleep deprivation and you stress worn mind.
  3904. "Disappointed?"
  3905. >You ask in a harsh accusing tone.
  3906. >She flinches immediately taken back by your response.
  3907. >"No!" She answers quickly "I am actually relieved. I felt terrible about what I'd done. When I heard that you were alive I wanted to believe it but I had to see for myself."
  3908. >You sigh struggling to let your anger go.
  3909. "Sorry... Yes, I'm alive. So what happens now?"
  3910. >Celestia smiles warmly and says "I want to make it up to you. I was only doing what I felt was best for my kingdom but now I see how wrong I was. I want to give you back the life you had in Ponyville. Leave this place and I will guarantee you a permanent place in my kingdom as my guest."
  3911. >You look past Celestia through the open doors to see Chrysalis still asleep in the bed.
  3912. "I would love nothing more than to go back to the way things were... But I can't. I'm needed here."
  3913. >Celestia turns to see where you are looking.
  3914. >As her eyes fall on Chrysalis, her smile melts into a look of disgust.
  3915. >"Yes... I heard that you are now in the company of... her. I must warn you, Anon. She is very dangerous and not to be trusted. She will drain you of all good and leave you as nothing more than her hollow instrument of evil."
  3916. >You give her a look of disbelief and shake your head in denial.
  3917. "No. She's not like that. She's just trying to survive. She might be a bit harsh sometimes but she's far from evil."
  3918. >Celestia frown as she states firmly "Do not be a fool, Anon. You can not help that vile creature and her minions. If given the chance they will destroy all of Equestria."
  3919. >Shocked by her closed minded judgements you plead.
  3920. "Celestia, they're dying! They don't want to destroy Equestria, they just want to live."
  3921. >"Let them die!" she says coldly "they are too dangerous to be allowed to live."
  3922. >You use your magic to gently close the doors to the bedroom as Celestia's words spark the anger that you had pushed down causing it to flare up into bitter words.
  3923. "Just like I am?"
  3924. >"No!" she objects "I was wrong about you!"
  3925. "And you're wrong about them!"
  3926. >Celestia straightens her stance and says impassionately "It seems I'm too late. But then again your kind does seem to be prone to corruption."
  3927. >Her words only drive you deeper into anger.
  3928. "It's you who are not only corrupt, but blinded by your simple-minded hatred!"
  3929. >Celestia's lips curl back to show her clenched teeth before she shouts "How dare you! I come to save you from these parasites and you insult me? It's clear that you are simply beyond saving at this point. I should destroy you here and now and be done with it!"
  3930. >Rage erupts from your voice in every word as you shout back at her.
  3931. "Go ahead and try! I survived you once, didn't I? Though, I'm sure that if you truly believed it would be so easy you wouldn't be standing around talking about it."
  3932. >Celestia trembles taken over by her own rage as she growls "You are a truly infuriating creature, Anon."
  3933. >You struggle to keep your calm forcing all of your bitter venom into two quiet words.
  3934. "Be gone."
  3935. >Celestia recoils at your command.
  3936. >She takes a step back looking ready to explode as she stamps her hoof giving off a bright white spark and a sharp crack.
  3937. >Your eyes snap open as you lie in bed soaked in sweat and trembling with anger.
  3939. >It's not long before the morning comes but the sleep you had gotten seems like it was less than effective.
  3940. >The same feeling of sleepless frustration lingers even as Chrysalis slowly drags herself out of bed.
  3941. >Your growl as you roll over and punch the pillow knowing that you will now spend the day in a tired haze.
  3942. >Chrysalis looks at you for a moment with a perplexed expression before asking "What is your problem?"
  3943. >You flop over on your back and sigh.
  3944. "I haven't been sleeping well. I keep having these nightmares. With Celestia and her sister."
  3945. >"What?" Chrysalis asks in shock.
  3946. >You open your mouth to repeat yourself but Chrysalis immediately cuts you off.
  3947. >"Are you sure it was Celestia's sister? What did she look like? What did she see?!" she asks sounding near panic.
  3948. >You climb out of bed and move to Chrysalis to calm her.
  3949. "Wait! Calm down! What's wrong?"
  3950. >Chrysalis pulls away from you and snaps "You fool! Luna, Celestia's sister, has the power to see into the dreams of others! Now what did she see?!"
  3951. >You strain to remember each of your nightmares and where they took place.
  3952. "There was... Twilight's house, Canterlot, the Crystal Empire... Oh god... She saw the castle."
  3954. >Chrysalis clenches her teeth and growls before storming out, calling for her children.
  3955. >"Station lookouts around the castle perimeter and assemble a team to infiltrate Canterlot! I need to know if Celestia's army is moving!" she barks while marching down the hall.
  3956. >You throw on your robe and run to catch up with her as she stops abruptly and turns to you hissing "If you see that wicked mare again, you are to drive her from your mind. She may be able to worm her way into your dreams but you can still force her out."
  3957. >Startled by her sudden stop and orders you can only give a simple reply.
  3958. "Y-yes... of course."
  3959. >She turns and continues down the hall calling to one changeling as he approaches "Take your sister, go to the backup location and make sure it's still safe. If we have to we can hide there."
  3960. >"But Mother. What will we do about our brothers and sisters who don't feed?" the changeling objects "They're too weak to escape. And moving them might kill them."
  3961. >Chrysalis looks away in a moment of thought and frustration. "I... I don't know yet."
  3962. >Once again you feel guilt overtake you for your ignorance.
  3963. "Chrysalis, I'm sorry. I didn't realize..."
  3964. >Chrysalis stops and looks at you again.
  3965. >You brace yourself as you see the anger burning in her eyes waiting for her to unload on you.
  3966. >She fights it back saying in a low bitter tone "You didn't know." before going down the hall without you.
  3967. >It would have been far better to hear her screaming at you and berating you for your incompetence.
  3968. >You know she's trying to spare you but the truth is her understanding hurts so much more than her anger would have.
  3970. >You shake off your stifling emotions and again chase after Chrysalis.
  3971. >You catch up with her just as she enters her throne room.
  3972. "So what do we do now?"
  3973. >She continues on taking her seat just as the first few changelings appear.
  3974. >"We tend to the needs of those heading out on assignments, and then we wait." she answers.
  3975. "That's it? We just wait?"
  3976. >The look she gives you is good indication that your question is a stupid one but she find the grace to answer it genuinely.
  3977. >"Yes. We can not make a strategic move without more information." she says plainly "A wrong move could prove more detrimental than doing nothing. And fate willing, there is still a possibility that your dream was nothing more than just that. A simple dream and no more."
  3978. >You'd like to believe it was just a harmless dream but you know it's not so.
  3979. >Why else would you see the same mare in your dreams whom you'd never met?
  3981. >You stay by Chrysalis through the feedings helping with as much love as you can.
  3982. >Your guilt and dissatisfaction with yourself makes it difficult to focus on any positive emotion, but you owe them the effort for all the trouble you've caused.
  3983. >As the day moves on to breakfast you find your appetite limited by your fixation on this Luna character.
  3984. >How dare she trespass on something as private as another's dreams!
  3985. >No doubt it was this violation that tipped them off that you were thinking of visiting the Crystal Empire.
  3986. >Worse than that, she dragged Celestia into your head as well.
  3987. >But why only after you were discovered by Cadence and Shining Armor?
  3988. >"Anon..." a voice calls softly to you breaking your concentration.
  3989. >You look up to find the table cleared and the room empty.
  3990. >You must have been so deep in thought that they all finished eating and left without you.
  3991. >"Anon..." you hear the voice call again.
  3992. "Yes? Who's there? What do you want?"
  3993. >You questions echo into silence without answer.
  3994. >After a moment of listening you stand and walk to the door before hearing the voice again "Anon... Come to me..."
  3995. >It almost sounds like Chrysalis but it's so faint.
  3996. >You follow the sound of the voice down the empty hall but no matter how far you walk it remains quiet and distant.
  3997. >It leads you to the hall outside of the bedroom you now share with Chrysalis.
  3998. >"Anon... Help me..." the voice says as distant as ever.
  3999. >You look to the floor where you see a smear of blood leading through the closed door.
  4000. >You look to the door as it gently shutters against its latch rattling softly as if moved by the breeze through an open window.
  4001. >Your heart races as you reach for the door.
  4002. >"Do not open that." a clear and firm voice comes from behind you.
  4004. >You turn to see the blue alicorn again as she continues "If you look beyond that door, the nightmare will continue and you will wake."
  4005. "This is a dream?"
  4006. >With a slight dip of her head she nods. "It is."
  4007. >You look at her for a moment before it dawns on you that again she is prying where she does not belong.
  4008. >Her persistent violation of your privacy angers you.
  4009. "And you must be Luna. I was warned about you."
  4010. >"I..." she starts before you angrily cut off her words.
  4011. "You do not belong here!"
  4012. >She stops seeming surprised by your harsh tone.
  4013. >Remembering what Chrysalis said about driving her out you prepare to do just that.
  4014. "Good bye."
  4015. >"Wait! Please do not send me away! I have been trying for days to speak to you." she pleads.
  4016. "Is that why you've been giving me these horrible nightmares?"
  4017. >She shakes her head in denial as she insists "These nightmares are your own. I only found you through them. It is always the most horrific images that call the out to me the loudest."
  4018. >You're still filled with anger but perhaps it is curiosity that compels you to not push her away.
  4019. "Why should I listen to anything you have to say? How could I even trust anything you say?"
  4020. >She pauses seeming to consider her next words very carefully.
  4021. >"The unconscious mind has a way of seeing what the eyes can not. Your mind voiced a concern in your vision of the Crystal Empire. It is correct. There is a spy in your ranks." she says in a solemn tone.
  4022. >The disturbing imagery of the dream drifts to mind bring with it the question you fear to ask.
  4023. "Does that mean you have one of my children?"
  4024. >The fear mounts in you as the eternal seconds pass waiting for her answer.
  4025. >"Yes."
  4027. >A tingling wave of terror washes over you.
  4028. >The nightmare is happening.
  4029. >You shake your head not wanting it to be true.
  4030. >"He was captured outside of Ponyville." she explains.
  4031. >The sound of Chrysalis' horrified scream echoes in as it invades the current dream.
  4032. >Luna steps back looking around as she is startled by the sound of it.
  4033. >The fear and anger that fills you drives a need in you to act.
  4034. >To escape.
  4035. >"Please, be calm. Anon?" Luna begs.
  4036. >You reach for the door prompting Luna to cry out "Wait, no!"
  4037. >The door burst open at your touch and a blood soaked Celestia bursts forward impaling you through the chest with her horn.
  4038. >Your hand slams down hard on the table as you sit upright with a startled gasp.
  4039. >The room echoes into silence as all of the changelings stop and stare at you.
  4040. >You sit trembling still hardly able to contain your emotion.
  4041. >Looking to the nearest changeling you make a request of her in a soft tone of voice. "Could you please fetch your brother for me?"
  4042. >She gives you a confused look but hope down from the table and leaves the room.
  4043. >"What is it, Anon?" Chrysalis finally asks.
  4044. >You can't answer her.
  4045. >Not yet.
  4046. >All you can do is hold up a trembling hand and shake your head.
  4047. >It takes only a moment before the changeling you asked for enters the room with the one you had sent to get him.
  4048. >Now that you're looking for the signs, you can see the slight look of disgust on his face as he sees the meat on the table.
  4049. >"You sent for me, Father?" he asks.
  4050. >You look coldly down on him and speak with bitterness in your voice.
  4051. "Don't you call me that. You're not my son."
  4052. >Chrysalis stands in shock of your treatment of him. "Anon!"
  4053. >You pay no attention to her but rather watch the uneasiness grow in the changeling's face.
  4054. "You should not have come here. You have no place in our home."
  4055. >"Anon! That's enough!" Chrysalis snaps.
  4056. "Did Celestia send you herself? Did she send you to spy on us?"
  4057. >Chrysalis goes silent as the reality of your accusation hits her.
  4058. >The changeling whimpers "I-I don't know what you're--" before you cut him off with an angry shout.
  4059. "Don't play stupid with me!"
  4060. >He goes quiet but the fear in his eyes speaks louder than words.
  4061. >Chrysalis steps closer, a look of disbelief and apprehension on her face.
  4062. >She lifts a hoof and touches the changeling.
  4063. >With a green spark her hoof changes form but the spark of the transformation spreads across the changeling disrupting his own transformation spell.
  4064. >The black changeling form fizzles away to reveal a white unicorn stallion.
  4065. >Chrysalis pulls away in dismay of the revelation.
  4066. >You stare down at him feeling genuine disgust.
  4067. >The changelings gather around with teeth bared in angry expressions.
  4068. >A look of panic fills the unicorn as he shrinks down to the floor.
  4069. >"Dispose of this... spy." Chrysalis orders in a cold tone.
  4070. >The changelings begin to close in around him.
  4071. >You see tears begin to fill his eyes as the full realization of his fate comes to him.
  4072. "Wait!"
  4073. >The changelings stop their advance and look to you.
  4074. >Recognizing two of the changelings from the throne room and knowing that they are prepared to travel you motion to them.
  4075. "You two. Take him home. See to it he gets there unharmed."
  4076. >They hesitate for a moment before moving to the unicorn while the others back away.
  4077. >He looks up at you in seeming disbelief.
  4078. >Chrysalis stands silently and watches as the two changelings nudge him up and guide him out.
  4079. >"Why?" Chrysalis finally asks.
  4080. >You take a moment to think about how to put it into words.
  4081. "To Celestia he's an expendable pawn. We're better than that."
  4083. >Without another word, Chrysalis walks out seeming less than satisfied with you answer.
  4084. >You look back to the table seeing all eyes on you.
  4085. >It's impossible to what what they think of you.
  4086. >From their blank expressions you can't tell if they agree or disagree with your decision.
  4087. >Or if they simply don't know what to make of it.
  4088. "Back to your meal."
  4089. >They waste little time diving back into the breakfast frenzy as you speak under your breath.
  4090. "I have a feeling we'll all need our strength."
  4091. >You struggle to drum up the urge to eat, but what little appetite you had is now ruined.
  4092. >You manage to force down a little food knowing how little you've eaten in recent days.
  4093. >Stress and duty have gone a long way toward robbing you of as much food and sleep.
  4094. >You excuse yourself from the table uncharacteristically early leaving the noise and commotion behind to find Chrysalis.
  4095. >Chrysalis had rarely been difficult to find but searching the common spots turn no sign of her.
  4096. >Questions of how she must regard you at this point plague your mind.
  4097. >You don't want to fall into the weakness of self blame again but you know that your son was captured while carrying out a task for you.
  4098. >You had every confidence in his ability yet, checking up on someone as notable as Twilight did present a unique risk.
  4099. >You might as well have asked him to check up on Celestia.
  4100. >Surely, Chrysalis has come to this conclusion as well.
  4101. >Surely, her patience for you must be wearing thin.
  4102. >Under the oppression of your own judgment you feel a growing difficulty to breath.
  4103. >Some fresh air might go a good way toward helping with that.
  4104. >As you breach the doorway into the morning light, you find Chrysalis staring out over the barren land.
  4105. >You pause considering leaving her be as you now feel her blame before it has even come.
  4106. >"Anon." she says without even turning to look.
  4107. "Yes?"
  4108. >"You know he is surely dead." she says in a wavering sad voice "I never should have sent him."
  4109. >You walk up beside her and look out at the desert with her.
  4110. "It's not your fault. If anything, it's mine."
  4111. >You look over at her when your words go fall without a response.
  4112. >There are tears in her eyes.
  4113. >You put an arm around her and pull her close causing her to nearly lose the battle she is fighting against her own emotions.
  4114. "This isn't how it should be. We're going to fix this world. You'll see."
  4115. >She takes a deep unsteady breath and leans her head on you before saying "I wish I could believe you, Anon. I wish I had the strength to."
  4117. >The day passes with no alarm from the lookouts.
  4118. >Now knowing that the location of your home had been compromised for some time it comes as no surprise.
  4119. >The question of how you knew of the spy goes unasked.
  4120. >You suspect that Chrysalis knows that you were told by Luna.
  4121. >A suspicion that is confirmed as night falls and use ready for bed.
  4122. >"Do not trust her, Anon." Chrysalis warns without prompt as you climb into bed.
  4123. "Who?"
  4124. >"You know full well whom I speak of. She may have given up one of her own to your mercy but that does not mean she is our ally."
  4125. >Even by your own account it is likely she is merely trying to undermine your sense of trust.
  4126. >She could be no better than you think of Celestia, seeing one spy as an acceptable sacrifice to gain your trust.
  4127. "I understand and I agree."
  4128. >"If you truly understood, you would have cast her out as I told you to." she says firmly before admitting "But then we would still be harboring that intruder as well."
  4129. >You reach over and pull open the blankets for Chrysalis as she climbs into bed.
  4130. >She move in and nestles herself into your waiting arms before saying "I'm placing a great deal of trust in you, Anon. I know it would not be your intention to harm us but..."
  4131. >You give her a light snug in response.
  4132. "I will use the utmost caution."
  4134. >Dreams...
  4135. >You'd hoped for dreams.
  4136. >Even nightmares if they would summon Luna.
  4137. >She couldn't be trusted yet but she represented a line of communication that might lead to a way of peacefully fulfilling your goal.
  4138. >You know you can't get your hopes up.
  4139. >That will only lead to seeing things that aren't there.
  4140. >And that is a danger beyond anything else now.
  4141. >Skepticism and caution are your only friends outside the walls of the castle.
  4142. >The disappointment of dawn's arrival is lessened by the restful sleep you had in the place of a diplomatic dialog with Luna.
  4143. >Your heavy morning eyes find Chrysalis clung tight to you with tears pressed from her still shut eyes.
  4144. >The nightmares have, it seems, found her instead.
  4145. >You carefully bring your hand up and pet gently over her head before kissing her cheek.
  4146. >She instantly begins to relax before slowly returning to the waking world herself.
  4147. >You ask her softly as her eyes begin to open.
  4148. "Are you alright?"
  4149. >"Yes." she answers in a listless voice "It was... just a dream."
  4150. "You didn't happen to see Luna, did you?"
  4151. >Chrysalis doesn't answer right away but seems as though she is still trying to regain her faculties.
  4152. >After a moment's thought she responds "No but I would shut her out if I did. She is your liaison. I have no words for her."
  4154. >It didn't seem as potent the night before.
  4155. >The concept of Chrysalis trusting you to maintain the dialog with Luna.
  4156. >But hearing that she herself refuses to speak with her adds an extra weight to the concept.
  4157. >It's clear that she doesn't care what Luna or any other pony thinks of her and her children, but nonetheless you now find yourself as their sole representative.
  4158. >Chrysalis as much drags herself out of bed seeming to be in the same state you have often found yourself in lately.
  4159. >You can only imagine the things her restless mind had conjured in the night.
  4160. >No doubt a speculative imagining of her lost son's final moments.
  4161. >Something you now struggle to distance from your own mind.
  4162. >Still, if it were so simple, you would gladly bear the burden of all the nightmares between you.
  4163. >You crawl your way out of her side of the bed taking her off guard with a comforting brush of her neck.
  4164. "If you need to rest more I can try to take care of things."
  4165. >She makes a face at your proposal stating "I'm told your love is rather bland and tasteless to the children. I'm sure they would much prefer that I carry out my duty. Besides, more sleep will only show me more things that I prefer not to see."
  4166. >You nod accepting her decision.
  4167. "I'm here if you need me though."
  4168. >To solidify your offer you open your heart to her.
  4169. >You stifle a pained grunt as she accepts and begins to feed on your love.
  4170. >You feel the coolness of sweat forming on your skin while you struggle to hide the signs of pain.
  4171. >The feeling stops abruptly as Chrysalis' worried voice comes "Are you alright? I'm sorry I... I'm tired. I forgot to hold back."
  4172. >You blink taking a heavy breath and doing your best to try to laugh it off.
  4173. "It's alright. A little intense but I've had worse. I'll be fine."
  4174. >Chrysalis looks skeptically at you and asks "You're sure I did not harm you?"
  4175. >You give her a reassuring smile and nod.
  4176. "Yeah, don't worry. I'm fine."
  4177. >She still looks unconvinced as she starts toward the door.
  4178. >"Alright... Are you coming?"
  4179. >You prop yourself up now laying on your stomach on the bed.
  4180. "Yeah, but you go on. I'll catch up with you in a minute."
  4181. >She turns and walks out shutting the door behind her.
  4182. >The instant you hear the door latch you drop your face to the bed and lay there trembling.
  4183. >Even now there is a lingering pain twisting inside you.
  4184. >It's impossible to say why, but the active feedings as seldom as they have been seem to take more of a toll each time anyway.
  4185. >Three possible reasons come to mind.
  4186. >Either she is giving into her hunger, you are becoming easier for her to feed on, or the more frightening possibility that perhaps the damage is cumulative.
  4187. >No matter what the reason is, it's clear that you won't be able to keep this up forever.
  4189. >After a long moment of recovery you push yourself up and out of bed.
  4190. >Forgoing the robe today you move to the other side of the room and rummage through the dresser.
  4191. >Denim, t-shirt.
  4192. >Just what you need to feel like a normal human being for a while.
  4193. >A short while.
  4194. >A knock comes at the door just as you finish getting dressed.
  4195. "Yes?"
  4196. >The door opens to the changeling you have noticed to often be the forerunner of news and important messages about the castle.
  4197. >"Father, your your sons are back from returning the spy. They asked to report to you directly." he says before opening the door further to reveal the two others.
  4198. "Uh, yeah. Come in."
  4199. >The two changelings enter while the messenger leaves closing the door behind him.
  4200. "So... How'd it go?"
  4201. >"We brought him to Canterlot as you asked." one speaks up "He wanted us to give you his thanks... And this."
  4202. >The other changeling steps forward holding something in his mouth.
  4203. >You hold out your hand and accept the item.
  4204. >The changeling steps back as you bring your hand up to see what it is they brought you.
  4205. >A brightly polished gold clip seeming suitable to be attached to clothing or the short coat of a pony.
  4206. >You turn it over in your hand to see the unmistakable insignia of Celestia's sun.
  4207. >A half smile forms on your face to the bewilderment of the changelings before you.
  4208. >"What does it mean?" the second one asks.
  4209. >You take a second to think about the possible implications of the gesture but one stands out clearly in your mind.
  4210. "I'm not completely sure... But I think it means we made a friend."
  4212. >You observe the clip a moment longer before hiding it away in your pocket.
  4213. "You did good, boys. Now, let's get some breakfast."
  4214. >The three of you make your way to the dining hall where the meal is already in progress.
  4215. >Chrysalis is sitting in her usual spot but seems only passingly interested in the food before her as she reads from the spell book you had brought back from Ponyville.
  4216. >You take your your plate and fill it with whatever you can find within reach before having a seat next to Chrysalis.
  4217. >As you eat you glance over trying to see what it is specifically that she's reading about.
  4218. >"You do not need to leer. You can simply ask what I'm reading." she remarks.
  4219. "Alright, what are you reading?"
  4220. >She turns the book to your view as she explains "It's the book you got from Twilight. I've been looking for something in it you could use without... well, destroying yourself. And I found one thing that might be useful. Barrier spells. I don't expect you to master a lingering barrier but in an emergency it would be best for you to know how to cast an active barrier rather than to rely on your panicked instinct."
  4221. >You look at the book but without the translation at hand you struggle to understand some of the words.
  4222. >Chrysalis, seeming to notice your struggle, announces "Quiet down now, children. Your father needs to hear this."
  4223. >She pulls the book back toward herself and begins to read as the level of noise in the room drops to respectable level "Barrier spells divide into two classes, active and passive, which function on very different principles. The two differ in such a way that one may master one form while failing to conjure the other in even it's most feeble form."
  4224. >She looks up as she turns the page to be sure that you are paying attention before continuing "An active barrier is in its simplest description a specialized repulsion spell. While it is widely agreed that an active barrier is the easier to cast it is also surprisingly the stronger for reasons that will soon become apparent. An active barrier is one that is actively maintained by the user. This means that while the barrier exists it will continually draw energy from the user. When the user no longer provides energy, the barrier will cease to exist. While being stronger than a passive barrier there are however drawbacks to using an active barrier, the most severe of which being feedback. Feedback is a condition often suffered by weak or inexperienced users wherein damage inflicted on the barrier is felt by the user. This feedback is often felt in the form of pain equivalent to the damage inflicted on the barrier. The primary danger inherent to this phenomenon is the risk of shock leading to loss of consciousness. Though the cause of feedback is not fully understood most users are able to inhibit its effect by applying greater force. Some, however, find feedback to be unavoidable."
  4225. >Looking up to find you attention keenly focused on her reading, Chrysalis continues "For those who have difficulty coping with feedback the use of a passive barrier may be an alternative. A passive barrier is a structural spell established by a single momentary casting. Because of this the barrier is not linked to the user and therefore not susceptible to feedback. This however only allows the barrier a finite amount of strength that will be lost with damage and age decay. Passive barriers while being generally weaker and more difficult to cast, can serve a greater function as they can be cast over a much greater area with only a marginal increase in force requirement."
  4226. >Chrysalis flips the book closed saying "The rest you can read in your own time. I just wanted you to be aware of the risks when using an active barrier. Feedback is something even I have never managed to overcome. It has made the spell somewhat impractical for me. And I'll admit that I never have been able to master a successful passive barrier. In fact I've seen very few who could."
  4228. >Sliding the book to you, Chrysalis stands and moves toward the door saying "Be sure not to get carried away with anything in there. I must go tend to the feedings now."
  4229. >The noise level doesn't return but rather continues to taper off as the meal comes to an end.
  4230. >As the room has emptied you now notice it becoming significantly cooler.
  4231. >The cracks and holes that normally spill rays of sunlight from the ceiling by this hour still only give a dim glow prompting a mild curiosity about the weather.
  4232. >Taking the book you excuse yourself from the now empty table and casually make your way out and down the hall to the balcony door.
  4233. >Cool, damp air greets you at the doorway to the outside.
  4234. >Where normally you would emerge into sharp white sunlight you now stand in the gray glow of an overcast sky amidst a thickening fog.
  4235. >Cool, calm, and quiet.
  4236. >In many ways it's sort of comfortable.
  4237. >Almost as if being in a different place entirely.
  4238. >A low rumble of thunder flows over threatening the peace of the moment.
  4239. >You were considering taking up some reading in the calm setting but with the possibility of rain it might not be such a good idea.
  4240. >The weather here does seems unpredictable at times.
  4241. >With the way it is controlled in the Equestrian cities and towns you imagine the weather to be something like a wild animal in a cage lashing out where it can.
  4242. >As the echo of the thunder fades a new sound finds your attention.
  4243. >A growing sound.
  4244. >The hurried flitting sound of a changeling's wings.
  4245. >Indeed a changeling soon emerges from the fog wide-eyed and panting as he flies as quickly as his wings will carry him.
  4246. >Seeming to be caught off guard by your presence he stumbles in landing on the balcony and tumbles to a stop.
  4247. >"Sa-! So-! Soldiers!" he cries out "From the north!"
  4249. >A feeling of dread overwhelms you.
  4250. >It hits you like a blow to the head leaving you dazed for a second.
  4251. "G-go... Go! Warn the others! Warn Chrysalis!"
  4252. >The changeling scramble up and charges into the castle shouting.
  4253. >As his voice fades as it echoes from the darkened doorway before being drowned out by another low rumble from the sky.
  4254. >You wait in fearful anticipation, staring at the veil of for for what seems like an eternity.
  4255. >Coolness descends on you in the form of a fine mist.
  4256. >You look back to the doorway waiting for Chrysalis to burst through it at any second.
  4257. >It's painfully silent.
  4258. >Looking into the darkness of the castle you can see the fine droplets of mist as they float down past your vision so light that they fall more like snow than rain.
  4259. >A faint sound comes from the fog prompting you to look back out over the hidden landscape.
  4260. >You strain to listen unsure you're actually hearing anything when another grumbling roll of thunder fills your ears.
  4261. >Chrysalis charges out followed by several changelings. "Where are they? How many?"
  4262. >You bring your hand up ordering her to silence as you stare out and continue to listen.
  4263. >The sound of the thunder fades yielding to the clattering sound of armor that slowly grows in the distance.
  4265. >The sound of your own heart racing nearly drowns it out at first but the sound comes louder and louder as they near.
  4266. >Drops of water collect and soon roll down your face in the cool drifting mist.
  4267. >You're not aware of how much you're shaking until you feel the drop of water shuttering as it dangles from the end of your nose.
  4268. >It's impossible to tell how many soldiers are out there.
  4269. >The rattling of metal on metal constantly rings as they draw very near suddenly ringing to silence below as two hazy figures come into view.
  4270. >They stand in the stark quiet staring up as a gentle breeze pulls back the veil of fog.
  4271. >Only two of them, dressed in dark cobalt armor.
  4272. >You fight to gather your courage to ask what they want when you see something.
  4273. >Some dark.. black object draped over the left one's back.
  4274. >A cold chill washes over you.
  4275. >A rush comes over as you teleport down to them.
  4276. >You struggle to maintain yourself as you look at them and then to the lifeless changeling they have brought you.
  4277. >The soldiers don't react.
  4278. >You can see the apprehension in their eyes but they remain still.
  4279. >You force yourself to step forward.
  4280. >And again.
  4281. >Each step is a struggle as you fight to keep it all together.
  4282. >The soldier carrying the changeling eyes you nervously as you come along side him.
  4283. >You look him in the eye before bending down and wrapping your arms around the dead changeling.
  4284. >You take him in your embrace like a child cradling his head on your shoulder as you stand upright again.
  4285. >You close your eyes still fighting to keep your composure when you hear a very faint wheeze.
  4286. >The tears flow as you only just manage to keep from crying.
  4287. >He's alive.
  4288. >You turn and look up and Chrysalis with a pained smile as you start to walk back toward the castle.
  4289. >As you near the wall the changeling lifts from your arms by Chrysalis' magic.
  4290. >You watch as he floats up and disappears behind the top of the wall.
  4291. >You turn to face the soldiers.
  4292. "Thank..."
  4293. >They're gone to the mist.
  4294. >The sound of their clanking armor growing more distant with every second.
  4295. ""
  4296. >You walk to the shelter of the cave mouth.
  4297. >Once inside and hidden from view you step falters and you fall to your knee bracing yourself against the rock wall.
  4298. >You spit on the ground and wipe your mouth.
  4299. >Blood.
  4300. >In a way way you're proud that you were able to hide the pain so well.
  4301. >You'd been apprehensive about teleporting after the last attempt but the situation and your emotions demanded swift action.
  4302. >It's hard to say if it was your lack of concentration or some kind of cumulative damage from the last time.
  4303. >But clearly teleportation is now off the table for you.
  4305. >You take a moment hoping the pain will subside soon.
  4306. >It lingers longer than you're comfortable with kneeling in the damp cave entrance but dulls to a manageable level soon enough.
  4307. >You wrestle yourself to your feet and carry on knowing you'll find Chrysalis at her child's side.
  4308. "How is he?"
  4309. >You ask from the doorway when you find Chrysalis.
  4310. >She moves aside so you can see the beaten and unconscious changeling.
  4311. >"He's alive but little more than just that." she says softly "Those monsters beat and possibly tortured him. And I didn't even know he was gone."
  4312. >She clenches her teeth in anger and growls "We should have treated his replacement to the same."
  4313. >You move to comfort her as you see the tears of frustration and regret start to flow.
  4314. >Taking her in your arms you impart a bit of wisdom you had long since forgotten.
  4315. "We can't make it even. We can only make it right. He's alive and that's what we should focus on now."
  4316. >Even as you say the words you feel like a hypocrite.
  4317. >It wasn't more than a week ago you had Rush's blood on your hands.
  4318. >But that was different, wasn't it.
  4319. >It wasn't vengeance, but a lesson.
  4320. >One that seemed to have stuck at that.
  4321. >"You're a foolish idealist, Anon." Chrysalis says with a sniffle.
  4322. >She seems ready to say more but stops.
  4323. >Perhaps it's best.
  4324. >As much as you want her to believe, you still need her skepticism.
  4326. >Bringing her emotions under control, Chrysalis pulls away and looks down on the changeling. "I have the others to tend to. Will you stay with him?"
  4327. >Looking at the changeling yourself brings the weight of responsibility for what happened down on you.
  4328. "Of course."
  4329. >She sighs hesitating as she continues to watch him before leaving.
  4330. >Without Chrysalis the room feels empty.
  4331. >You kneel at the bedside and watch the changeling, observing the gentle rise and fall of his chest as he breathes.
  4332. >A despicable feeling of guilt and confinement fills you.
  4333. >You never want to feel this way looking at one of your children.
  4334. >You never want to see one of them as a consequence.
  4335. >You reach out and lightly brush your hand over his head.
  4336. >The lump in your throat begins to choke you and the tears cloud your vision.
  4337. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry."
  4338. >You put your face down on the bed hoping to stifle the sound should you lose control of your sobs.
  4339. >After a moment you lift your head and feel the cool air on your damp face.
  4340. >You wipe away the tears and look to find the bed empty.
  4341. >In a panic you stand up and frantically look around the room.
  4342. >Turning to the doorway you see a familiar face.
  4343. "Luna..."
  4345. >You pause for a second trying to make sense of seeing her here.
  4346. "I... I fell asleep, didn't I?"
  4347. >"It would appear so." she says in a casual but altogether professional sounding tone "I can't help but notice you keep unusual hours. The timing however is fortunate. I hadn't expected to see you until much later but the sooner we speak the better. I've been finding it to be most distressing, this situation surrounding you and your... compatriots."
  4348. "Family."
  4349. >You correct her with a firm tone.
  4350. >She edges back slightly at the strength of your response. "Of course. My apologies."
  4351. "Sorry. It's... It's hard to explain."
  4352. >"Your devotion to them is admirable. That is if it is genuine."
  4353. >You flash her a questioning look.
  4354. >You can tell by the ways she said it that she's walking on eggshells.
  4355. "What do you mean by that?"
  4356. >Luna moves to inspect what little there is in the room in an apparent effort to hide her apprehension.
  4357. >"It is no secret that the changelings make use of manipulation. Even some of those closest to my sister and I have fallen to their spell. I have to be sure that this is not all some form of trickery."
  4358. >You can't help but remember all the suffering you've seen.
  4359. >The thought of someone calling it a lie infuriates you.
  4360. "How dare you! If you had seen half of what I've seen... Even from my first day..."
  4361. >Voices echo outside of the door as figures rush past.
  4362. >You look in time to see your disheveled self hurry past trying to keep up.
  4363. "What the..."
  4364. >You walk past Luna and out to try to catch up with yourself.
  4365. >Luna runs after you calling "Where are you going?"
  4366. >You keep going stopping just around the corner as you spot yourself looking in an open door.
  4367. "What is this?"
  4368. >Luna catches up and looks as well. "A memory it would seem. We are in the depths of your unconscious mind."
  4369. >Your heart sinks as you realize what memory this is.
  4370. >You turn away and bite your fist trying not to let your emotions take you over.
  4371. >Looking away doesn't help.
  4372. >Even if it isn't before your eyes the whole event continues to play out in your head.
  4373. "I don't want to see this again..."
  4374. >Luna watches you for a moment and starts to walk away saying "I am sorry. I will give you some privacy."
  4375. "No. If you doubt the sincerity of what I feel for them then this is something you should see."
  4377. >Luna pauses in apprehension.
  4378. >"I... do not want to pry into your personal recollections. However, I do sincerely wish to understand what it is you feel for the changelings. And perhaps share your certainty in helping them."
  4379. >You walk to the open door where your former self stands and push it open enough to for Luna to see.
  4380. >The scene continues on just as you remember it with no acknowledgement of either you or Luna.
  4381. >You clench your teeth trying desperately to steel yourself against the oncoming emotions as you hear the softness in Chrysalis' voice "Mother is here, my child. You may rest. I will watch over you."
  4382. >You look away focusing your gaze on Luna.
  4383. >She watches and as you hear the last gasping breath of the changeling she steps back mouth open in shock.
  4384. >Chrysalis begins to cry as Luna objects with desperation in her voice "Surely this is not so! This... This kind of suffering does not exist in our kingdom!"
  4385. >You take a deep breath as you force down your emotions.
  4386. "It does. It exists where you don't look. And it exists because Celestia wills it."
  4387. >Luna glares at you obviously upset by your remark.
  4388. >"You may have a very dark view of her, your nightmares make that clear. But my sister is not a monster! She would never wish this upon them!"
  4389. >Her denial brings a spark of anger to you.
  4390. >Anger that comes through in your own tone.
  4391. "'Let them die!' Her own words to me when I told her what is happening here."
  4392. >"That is not true! She would never say such a thing!" Luna now shouts at you.
  4393. >You open your mouth to bark back at her when you are stopped by a soft voice echoing through "fa-father?"
  4394. >The both of you stand silently as the voice comes again.
  4395. >"You are being woken." Luna says calmly but with a lingering twinge of anger in her voice "Good day to you, Anon."
  4396. "No! Wait!"
  4397. >You lift your head slowly feeling the cool air on your dampened eyes to see your son looking back at you, his expression full of pain and sadness.
  4399. >Seeing him awake is enough to dispel the remnants of your anger entirely.
  4400. >You offer a comforting smile as you reach out to stroke his brow.
  4401. "You're awake. We were worried about you."
  4402. >The changeling seems ready to cry as he asks "Is this real? Am I really home?"
  4403. "Yes. Some soldiers brought you home this morning."
  4404. >News that should have brought him happiness or at the very least some relief only seems to sadden him further.
  4405. >With tears in his eyes he whimpers "I'm sorry. I wanted to... but I wasn't strong enough."
  4406. "There's nothing you have to be sorry for. Of course you're strong enough. You made it through and you're home now."
  4407. >The changeling looks away trying not to cry as he says "No... I'm weak. I told them everything they wanted to know. It hurt so much. I just wanted them to stop. I-I just wanted to live."
  4408. >You reach out being both your arms around him bringing him into a gentle hug.
  4409. "You're not a soldier. You're my son. I'd rather you tell them everything and live than to lose you to them."
  4410. >He looks at you with eyes begging for mercy given that he has not accepted.
  4411. >"But they know where we are because of me. We're not safe here anymore!"
  4412. >You let him lay back on the bed as you continue to reassure him.
  4413. "It was only a matter of time before they found us. This is no worse a time than any other. But don't worry yourself. We will be fine as long as we have each other. Now you rest. I will let Chrysalis know you're awake and have some food brought to you."
  4414. >He looks away still seeming ashamed of himself.
  4415. >You bring your hand under his chin and direct his gaze to your own while you maintain that comforting smile.
  4416. "I am proud of you, son. You showed them that we don't die so easily."
  4417. >You didn't expect it to work but with a weak smile he seems to find some comfort in your words.
  4419. >You start down the hall wiping the tears from your eyes as they come.
  4420. >The first changeling you see in the hall you stop and give an order.
  4421. "Please fetch your brother some food and water. See to it he gets as much as he needs."
  4422. >With a simple nod the changeling changes her direction and goes to fulfill your request.
  4423. >Continuing on your way, you soon find Chrysalis alone in the throne room.
  4424. >She seems deep in thought until your words break her concentration.
  4425. "He's awake. I had food and water brought to him... He needs his mother now."
  4426. >"How badly did they hurt my child?" she asks with a mixture of anger and concern.
  4427. >You look down feeling shameful, for what you're not sure.
  4428. "They questioned him. Used pain to make him talk but I don't know if it went as far as torture. He told them what they wanted to know."
  4429. >"Those beasts." she growls "I'm sure they learned nothing of use for their monstrosity."
  4430. "I tried to assure him that he did nothing wrong. Maybe it will mean more if he hears it from you as well."
  4431. >"Of course." she says again seeming a bit distant "I will tend to him for now."
  4432. >Chrysalis stands and starts toward the door pausing just before she leaves the room to say "Before I forget, you will not be sharing my bed tonight."
  4433. >She looks back at you adding "It is comforting to know you are here to take care of them should I..."
  4434. >She seems unable to get the words out and doesn't try to force it.
  4435. >She simply turns and leaves the room.
  4437. >As you stand now alone in the quiet throne room it doesn't take you long to figure out why exactly Chrysalis has exiled you from her bed.
  4438. >She didn't seem angry.
  4439. >Not at you anyway.
  4440. >If anything, she seemed... scared.
  4441. >You fit the pieces together with her final cryptic statement to make sense of it.
  4442. >Tonight she will need your love.
  4443. >Perhaps more than you can give.
  4444. >You push the thought from your mind.
  4445. >Grasping for a distraction, you suddenly remember the book left outside in the rain.
  4446. >Hopeful that the rain hasn't ruined the book you retrieve it from the balcony before retreating to your former and once again solitary room.
  4447. >Everything in the room is again in its place including several changes of clothes.
  4448. >While the room itself reminds you of the grim future that lurks near, you find it easy to lose yourself in study.
  4449. >For a change you welcome the extra tedium of tending to the damp pages of the book as you take the time to decipher the text.
  4450. >And for a moment you wonder if this is why Twilight is always so fixed in her own studies.
  4451. >Could there be some reality she is desperately trying to escape?
  4452. >Probably not, you conclude after a short thought on the subject.
  4453. >She genuinely seems to enjoy it.
  4454. >Little that you read seems to be of any use.
  4455. >It seems that most of what you needed to know was in what Chrysalis had read.
  4456. >But the extra knowledge is just barely enough to keep you interested.
  4457. >You look up to find quite some time has passed.
  4458. >With an displeased grumble your stomach confirms that the day was drawing late.
  4459. >You close the book and set it on the table before finding the sounds of dinner echoing down the hall.
  4460. >The activity of the dining hall is already winding down as you arrive but the untouched plate set at Chrysalis' vacant seat suggests that she did not show up to eat.
  4461. >You try not to look at it but the empty spot is an unsettling reminder that calls for your attention as you hurry through your meal.
  4462. >The decline of your appetite soon meets the fullness of your stomach.
  4463. >You could hardly call your hunger satisfied but you can't bring yourself to eat anymore.
  4464. >Leaving the dining hall you consider a relaxing bath to ease your worried mind.
  4465. >Either way you have to return to your room for something clean to put on.
  4466. >Reaching for the door to your room you are frozen in place by an anguished scream of pain echoing down the hall.
  4467. >Your heart races and your hand shakes.
  4468. >It's too soon.
  4469. >But when could the time ever be right.
  4470. >The memory of the pain still lingers in the most fearful parts of your mind.
  4471. >It reminds you that you could do as you were told.
  4472. >You could open that door, hide inside, and spare yourself from what could be a painful death.
  4473. >But there's no certainty you will die, you remind yourself.
  4474. >You remember the fear hidden under the layers of her voice "It is comforting to know you are here to take care of them should I..."
  4475. "Should she die..."
  4476. >Your heart sinks as you finish the thought.
  4477. >They wouldn't blame you.
  4478. >In fact the changelings would cling to you as all they have in the world if Chrysalis didn't survive.
  4479. >But how could you look any of them in the eye if you let their mother die?
  4480. >How could you live with yourself knowing you didn't do everything you could to save her.
  4481. >You bring your hand back and curl it into a fist and punch the door hard enough to split the dry old wood before turning and marching down the hall with a purposeful stride.
  4483. >At the door to Chrysalis' room two changelings stand guard.
  4484. >As you approach one says "We were given orders to keep you from entering."
  4485. "You're going to stand in my way?"
  4486. >He shakes his head answering "No. I'm just telling you." before the both of them step aside.
  4487. >She should have known they would disobey her.
  4488. >They know as well as you what they stand to lose.
  4489. >And beyond that they seem to respect your judgment.
  4490. >You push the door open to find Chrysalis lying on the bed cover in sweat a look of agony showing plainly on her face.
  4491. >There are no eggs yet but from the look of her the time is drawing very near.
  4492. >"Anon!" She snaps "What are you doing here? Get out!"
  4493. >You ignore her as you move to her bedside.
  4494. >"Guards! Take him out of here!" She calls out.
  4495. >You look back to see one of her guards pulling the door shut in clear defiance of her command.
  4496. >She screams out in both pain and frustration "Get out you idiot! Get out of here before I kill you!"
  4497. >You continue to ignore her demands as you settle yourself next to her on the bed and take her in your arms.
  4498. "Shut up and take the love I have to give."
  4499. >She struggles weakly to pull away crying "No! I will not! Now leave!"
  4500. >You grit your teeth and shout now driven by the very thought of being left without her.
  4501. "I'm not giving you a choice in the matter now take it!"
  4502. >"No!" she screams out again turning her head away from you.
  4503. >You grab the bottom of her jaw and force her to look you in the eye before you thrust your lips to her's.
  4504. >She gives a resistant whine before relaxing.
  4505. >All at once the floodgates open as you feel the life being torn from your body.
  4506. >You struggle to hold on to her and to hold on to consciousness as you feel like your chest is being pulled inside-out.
  4507. >The sounds of her whimpers muffle and fade as your senses dim.
  4508. >The room grows dark and a chill comes over you as you slip under the current of pain that flows through your being.
  4510. >"...aaAnon?...aaAnon? What's wrong with him?" You hear a voice fade in as a dim light comes to view.
  4511. >You struggle to bring your mind toward the voices as another responds "He must be in some form of distress."
  4512. >The light grows brighter as you struggle to wake.
  4513. >Among the sound of a raging storm you hear "Is it safe for us to be here? What will happen if he-"
  4514. >"I do not believe we would be harmed. But his will is strong. I'm certain he can endure."
  4515. >As you struggle you can again feel your body.
  4516. >You're laying down on a bed and as the light comes into focus you see Luna and Celestia standing over you.
  4517. >The sight of Celestia drives you harder to pull it all together.
  4518. >You manage to pull yourself up to sitting as a shrill scream from beyond the walls of the room crashes into a loud boom of thunder.
  4519. >"You're awake." Celestia says with a smile.
  4520. >"Not exactly." Luna corrects her.
  4521. >"Of course. I was not aware that one could be asleep in a dream. But it seems that this is how the mind copes with trauma. What is it that causes you such distress, Anon?" Celestia says almost sounding genuinely concerned.
  4522. "It's nothing."
  4523. >You barely get the words out before the room rocks with another crash of thunder.
  4524. >You're in Chrysalis' bedroom but Chrysalis is not there.
  4525. >"Luna has convinced me to speak with you." Celestia says "But if this is a bad time..."
  4526. >You look to Luna, her expression unable to hide the hopeful look in her eyes then to Celestia who is still wearing a gentle smile.
  4527. >You still feel the pain of Chrysalis feeding on you but here the pain is manageable.
  4528. >You hesitate for a moment wary of putting yourself in a position where you might appear weak or vulnerable.
  4529. >"It is an imposition." Celestia says abruptly "I understand."
  4530. "No. It's fine. What is it you have to say?"
  4531. >Celestia turns to Luna and says softly "Sister, if you don't mind, I would like to speak with Anon privately."
  4532. >Luna gives a bow and with a slight hesitation walks into the wall where her for melts from view.
  4533. >With Luna gone Celestia looks back to you her smile instantly melting into a scornful frown.
  4534. >You hadn't even bothered to get your hopes up but her expression still manages to inflict a sting of disappointment in you.
  4536. >"It is clear to me that you have no shame. That you will stoop to any level to subvert my rule."
  4537. "What are you talking about."
  4538. >Celestia bares her teeth and shouts "You think me a fool as you take my sister for? I will humor her by coming here but do not think I am so gullible! But perhaps it's my fault. She is young and foolish. She knows nothing of your wickedness. She was sleeping in exile while your kind ravaged our land. She was spared the horror of your people but unfortunately she did not learn the lesson I had to. And what's more disturbing is she seems to have forgotten the threat that the changelings pose as well. But she will understand in time."
  4539. >Her rant burns your weakened sense of composure pushing you closer to lashing back at her.
  4540. "If you have nothing productive to say to me then leave."
  4541. >She gives you a grim look as she says "But I do have something to tell you. I will not tolerate your corruption reaching into my home. I was going to allow the changelings to wither and pass in their own time but you have forced me to take action. In three days I will rain down on you and that filthy nest of creatures with all of the forces at my disposal. You may run or you may stand and fight. It does not matter. I will not rest until you and every last changeling is purged from this world."
  4542. >The rage flares inside of you as she turns to leave.
  4543. >You bring yourself to your feet and march after her.
  4544. "If you dare harm my family I will see to it..."
  4545. >Even in your dream your hatred contaminates Chrysalis' feeding forcing her to dig deeper into you for pure love.
  4546. >You fall to your hands and knees feeling the strain of the feeding on you.
  4547. >Celestia looks back to you now on the floor struggling to breathe.
  4548. >With a wicked smile she leans her weight forward and kicks you in the ribs sending you tumbling across the floor until you meet the wall in a hard thud.
  4549. >"Make use of your time wisely, Anon. You have so little of it left."
  4550. >Her final words before vanishing through the wall opposite where you lay.
  4552. >You lay quietly for a moment trying to remind yourself that it's just a dream.
  4553. >That your ribs aren't really broken.
  4554. >You close your eyes and try to think of something pleasant.
  4555. >Or at least anything but Celestia and her threat.
  4556. >"A-Anon..." a familiar voice comes through.
  4557. >You open your eyes to see Luna standing over you with a sorrowful look on her face, her mouth open slightly as she searches for the words to say.
  4558. >A moment of anguished silence passes before she gives up shaking her head as she takes a several steps back.
  4559. "No. Luna, wait!"
  4560. >You try to sit up as you reach for her but the pain from your side drives you back to the floor while you watch Luna turn and run vanishing through the wall.
  4561. >A crashing thunder rocks the room where you now lie alone as a prisoner in your own mind.
  4562. "Wake up. Wake up. WAKE UP!"
  4563. >You scream terrified and frustrated.
  4564. >Powerless to even warn your family of the coming danger as time trickles away.
  4565. >It feels like hours passing as you lie in pain on the floor, too weak to move.
  4566. >The storm outside has subsided, reduced to low rumbles in the distance and a calm rain.
  4567. >You roll onto your side and slowly struggle to push yourself up.
  4568. >Coming to a stand your brace yourself on the edge of the bed before stumbling to the door.
  4569. >As you reach for it the door opens.
  4570. "Luna. Thank God, you're back. I can't wake up. I have to warn Chrysalis."
  4571. >Luna steps in shutting the door open to empty void behind her. "I can not help you. You need to recover in your own time before you can wake."
  4572. >Her face damp with tears and her expression hard and angry she explains the situation. "I witnessed her conversation with you. I did not want to believe it but she has already begun to move the bulk of her forces. To where I do not know."
  4573. >You turn and walk to sit on the bed.
  4574. >The pain in your side begins to fade but it is despair that takes its place.
  4575. "I... I don't know what to do. Even if I could warn them. They're too weak to fight. And they'll never survive on the run again. Not without the Crystal Heart."
  4576. >"The Crystal Heart?" Luna asks.
  4577. "Yeah. Chrysalis said that when she fled from Sombra she was able to store enough of its energy to sustain her and the changelings while they were homeless."
  4578. >You look up to see Luna deep in thought. "Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor may be sympathetic to the needs of the changelings if the situation were explained to them. I do not know how we can get a message to them. Celestia has taken control of my soldiers and put me under watch."
  4579. "Can't you use your magic?"
  4580. >"No." she answers "I am unable to enter the dreams of royalty."
  4582. >Too distraught to think clearly, you grapple fruitlessly with your mind for ideas.
  4583. >A long brief silence passes before Luna speaks up "I believe I may know one whom I can reach. However, convincing her to help us may be a challenge."
  4584. >She hesitates "It... is a risk. Should she choose to side with Celestia, we may end up dooming our own efforts to failure."
  4585. >You shake your head unable to come up with any other alternative.
  4586. "I don't see what choice we have. If we don't act soon it'll be too late anyway."
  4587. >"Very well." she says moving to the door "Follow me."
  4588. >The door opens before Luna to a darkened room.
  4589. >You can clearly see the floor beyond the threshold where before there had been nothing but blackness.
  4590. >Luna steps through and as you follow you are momentarily taken by the sensation of falling while your feet remain firmly on the ground.
  4591. >The light that had shown in from the doorway is gone as is the door entirely as you stumble back disoriented into now solid wall.
  4592. >The silence in the room is stark, broken only by the scratching of a quill on paper.
  4593. >And as your eyes adjust you can only just make out the dim light of a candle.
  4594. >Blocking sight of the flame itself you see the silhouette of a unicorn.
  4595. "H-Hello?"
  4596. >The unicorn stops for a second before lowering her head and writing again.
  4597. "Can you hear me?"
  4598. >The sound of the quill comes louder now as if she is grinding down on it to try to shut out your voice.
  4599. >You step closer, the colors of the mare now come into view through the outline of her shape.
  4600. "Twilight?..."
  4601. >"I thought I was rid of you." she whispers coldly "Go away."
  4603. >You take another step closer.
  4604. "How could you say that? I... I thought we were friends. Did you do it on purpose? Did you know that Celestia was going to kill me?"
  4605. >She shutters lowering her head and whimpers "Just go away. Get out of here and leave me be."
  4606. >You close the distance and place a hand on her shoulder.
  4607. "Twilight, answer me. I deserve to know. Why did you turn me over to her?"
  4608. >Twilight lets out a terrified scream at your touch as she turns taking a swing at your face.
  4609. >Her hoof lands firm into your cheek taking you off guard.
  4610. >As you fall back to the floor she dives on top of you swinging wildly screaming "Go away! Leave me alone!"
  4611. >She manages only a few good punches before you can bring your arms up to defend yourself and she loses her resolve.
  4612. >She collapses on your chest sobbing and screaming "I'm sorry! How many times can I say it? I'm so sorry!"
  4613. >"Twilight!" Luna steps in from the shadows shocked by her reaction.
  4614. >"Luna!" Twilight cries "Please make these nightmares stop. Every time I close my eyes I see him. He's always there in my dreams haunting me. I can't live like this! I can't live with the guilt!"
  4615. "I'm not dead."
  4616. >Twilight doesn't even look down at you.
  4617. >Her tearful, pleading eyes remain fixed on Luna.
  4618. >Luna waits a moment but when Twilight refuses to respond to you she explains "What he says is true. This room and everything in it are part of your dreams. But he and I are not. Anon is alive."
  4619. >Twilight's mouth falls open in disbelief as she looks down at you.
  4620. >You bring your arms down to look her in the eye.
  4621. >She shakes her head lightly falling drops of tears on you.
  4622. >"You're alive?" she asks before gritting her teeth and scolding "You're alive?!"
  4623. >Twilight leans back and relaunches her attack on you.
  4624. >Again she lands several meaningful punches as she screams "You were alive all this time? I watched you die over and over again in my nightmares! How could you let me go through that?! You-you bastard!"
  4625. >"Twilight, stop!" Luna shouts as she stomps her hoof.
  4626. >Twilight pauses still drawn back ready to swing again.
  4627. >You take advantage of the halt in her attack to try to explain.
  4628. "I wanted to tell you. More than anything I wanted to tell you that I was alright. But I had to stay hidden. Celestia would have killed me if she found out I was still alive."
  4629. >Twilight growls as she puts her hooves down and hops off your chest.
  4630. >She returns to her chair maintaining an angry tone as she says "You could have just apologized. Explained. She would have understood."
  4631. "What?"
  4632. >"I know I wouldn't blame you. You told me what your world is like. You were just scared. You didn't want her to send you back so you attacked her, right?"
  4633. >You push yourself up and touch your lip to confirm your nose is now bleeding.
  4634. "What are you talking about? I didn't attack her. She attacked me."
  4635. >"That doesn't make sense, Anon." she says in that know-it-all tone of her's "Why would the princess attack you?"
  4636. "She said I'm dangerous. That others of my kind were here before and they turned evil. I tried to tell her that I wasn't like them but she wouldn't listen."
  4637. >Twilight diverts her eyes as she responds "She told me about them. And about how it broke her heart that she had to send them away. She told me that if you used magic she would have to send you away too."
  4638. "Did she tell you that they came back? Did she tell you about how she had to kill them in the end?"
  4639. >She shakes her head sternly rejecting your claim. "No! She wouldn't do that. She's not a killer. And even if she did, she would have told me."
  4640. "I'm not going to say she had any other choice. If they really did what she says, and I have no reason to doubt what she told me about them, they deserved it. But it doesn't excuse her from trying to kill me."
  4641. >Still in desperate denial, Twilight turns to Luna begging "Tell him he's wrong. Tell him that it was some sort of misunderstanding. That she would never do something like that."
  4642. >Luna looks down in shame as she recalls her sister's conduct. "I did not believe him at first either. I was not there and I did not want to accept that she could behave in such a way. But recent events... The things I have seen and heard seem to support Anon's claims."
  4643. >New tears form in Twilight's eyes as she is confronted with the idea of her beloved ruler and teacher falling victim to her own dark nature.
  4644. >But she can do nothing more to deny it than to beg "It can't be true. This isn't happening. Please, let it not be true."
  4645. >"I am sorry, Twilight." Luna says in a mournful voice "But it is true. And it's now up to us to stop her from committing the most unforgivable act."
  4646. >Twilight's eyes glassed with her tears seem to beg her not to tell.
  4647. >After all that she has heard already she doesn't want to know what could be more unforgivable than attempted murder.
  4648. >You look to Luna who stands seeming unable to force the word from her lips.
  4649. >A word you you're not even sure they know.
  4650. "Genocide."
  4652. >"She intends to eliminate the changelings." Luna explains her head held low in shame.
  4653. >Twilight takes a moment letting her emotions calm.
  4654. >"I don't want to sound cold but..." Twilight takes a breath knowing how bitter her words must sound "why help the changelings? They're dangerous and evil."
  4655. >You were sure that you were prepared for this.
  4656. >But you can't deny the spark of anger and disappointment it brings to your heart.
  4657. >You look away, unable to meet her eyes.
  4658. "I thought you were better than that, Twilight."
  4659. >Without even looking at her you can feel her recoil at your words. "N-no... I didn't mean-"
  4660. "Don't... Just... I understand. You don't know them the way I do."
  4661. >You look to Luna still somber and sad.
  4662. "The way we know them."
  4663. >Luna speaks up. "There has long been fear and hatred for the changelings among the ponies of Equestria. I'm afraid that long ago even I shared those feeling. Though I now struggle to understand exactly why."
  4664. "They've been suffering for a long time. And now they're slowly dying. Even if they can escape from Celestia's attack they will soon be gone. That's why we need your help."
  4665. >"My help?" Twilight asks "What can I do to help?"
  4666. >Luna takes over the explanation "We need you to go the the Crystal Empire and speak to Cadence and Shining Armor. Convince them to allow the changelings access to the Crystal Heart."
  4667. >A sudden rush comes over you causing you to gasp.
  4668. >A feeling like being startled only less intense.
  4669. "What was that?"
  4670. >Luna look at you as it happens again. "You're starting to wake up."
  4671. >Knowing you'll soon be cut off from them you look to Twilight for an answer.
  4672. "Will you do it?"
  4673. >Twilight hesitates as she takes up a distraught expression. "I-I don't know. How can I trust them? How can I trust you?"
  4674. >Another wave of the strange sensation comes over you with greater intensity.
  4675. "Please, Twilight. I need an answer."
  4676. >Her eyes dart back and forth as she weighs the possible outcomes before turning to Luna.
  4677. >Luna looks back at her with eyes pleading as intensely as your own.
  4678. >"I... I'll do it." Twilight answers.
  4679. >You only just hear her as another wave washes you from the room into a sea of ache.
  4681. >Your eyes open slowly to the familiar light of the castle.
  4682. >You struggle against your own weight to sit up finding yourself still in Chrysalis' bed.
  4683. >"Be still, Anon. You are still weak." Chrysalis' voice comes sternly "You must rest. One of these times your foolishness will cost you your life."
  4684. >You fight away the blankets and shuffle to the edge of the bed still disoriented and unsure where Chrysalis is.
  4685. "There's no time. We have to prepare to leave. We have to get out of here."
  4686. >You shove yourself up onto your feet only to immediately stumble.
  4687. >Chrysalis catches you just before fall to the floor. "Calm yourself. What is wrong?"
  4688. >You reach out to brace yourself against the side table and stand again.
  4689. "She-she's coming. Celestia is coming to destroy us. We need to leave."
  4690. >"What?!" Chrysalis cries in shock before quickly regaining her composure "A-Alright... Our backup home is already prepared. It's only a day's travel. We can hide there. We are ready for this."
  4691. >You shake your head not wanting to deliver more bad news to her but you have no choice.
  4692. "That's not good enough. We need to leave Equestria. We need to put this place as far behind us as possible."
  4693. >"But where will we go? How will we live?!" she asks.
  4694. "I don't know. But I have a plan. Something that might get us by for the time. You and I are going to the Crystal Empire. There we will meet with Cadence and Shining Armor. If all goes well, they will give us access to the Crystal Heart. And at least then... we'll have a chance."
  4696. >Feeling steady enough on your feet, Chrysalis leaves your side moving quickly for the door.
  4697. >She opens the door just as a changeling is passing and commands "Fetch your brothers at once then take one of your other brothers or sisters and open the armory. I need a full count of what we have."
  4698. >Leaving the door open Chrysalis returns to you.
  4699. "I didn't even know we had an armory."
  4700. >"It's not much of an armory." she says with an almost shameful look on her face "We should have been better prepared for a fight but..."
  4701. "We're not fighters."
  4702. >She pauses for a second, you assume taken by the fact that you said "we're" rather than "you're".
  4703. >"Precisely. Nevertheless, it seems we will now pay for our ethos."
  4704. >"Mother? Father?"
  4705. >Looking to the door you see the two changelings who had accompanied you to deal with Rush some days earlier.
  4706. >"Come in." Chrysalis says before turning to you. "Our sons here are however skilled fighters. In fact they were unwittingly trained by Celestia's own military instructors."
  4707. >Turning back to the changelings she says "I need you two to gather and train any volunteers who are willing to fight. I've already sent your brother to the armory to take count of our weapons and armor. Be sure they are in fit shape to be used and distribute them as you see fit."
  4708. "Two days... I assume I've been asleep most of the day so we have two days left before Celestia said she would come down on us. I don't know if she will keep to her word but I wouldn't count on her waiting any longer than that."
  4709. >You can easily see the worry showing through their steeled expressions as one replies "We will see to it that we are ready for them."
  4710. >For a moment you consider telling them that they won't be waiting around for Celestia's forces.
  4711. >That the plan is to run away like cowards.
  4712. >You look to Chrysalis waiting to see if she tells them.
  4713. >"The family is counting on you. Make us proud." is all she says.
  4714. >Perhaps it's best that they don't know.
  4715. >If they expect to stand and fight, they will be better prepared to meet the worse case scenario.
  4716. >"Yes, Mother." they both say with a brief bow before leaving.
  4718. >"Will you be able to get around on your own?" Chrysalis asks as she edges toward the door.
  4719. >You take a shaky step away from the table supporting your own weight just to see if you can.
  4720. "Yeah... I should be fine."
  4721. >She gives you a somewhat skeptical look. "Just to be safe I will send in one of the children to help you while I make preparations for our departure. I will break the news to all of them at dinner so be sure to wash up and be ready. I want you at my side when I tell them."
  4722. >You give a pause feeling almost touched that she would find your presence important enough to directly request it.
  4723. "Of course. I'll be there."
  4724. >With a thankful dip of her head she turns and leaves the room.
  4725. >Moving to the dresser for a fresh change of clothes, you catch your reflection in the mirror.
  4726. >You stop to observe yourself.
  4727. >Chrysalis' bite marks had healed completely leaving only a faint trace of gray below the skin where the black substance used to plug the holes is still dissolving.
  4728. >The idea of that substance dissolving into your body had not long ago seemed disturbing.
  4729. >But you now find comfort in it.
  4730. >It binds you to them in a way that is deeper than mere emotional attachment.
  4731. >"A living part of them" she had called it.
  4732. >And now it's a part of you.
  4733. >"Father?"
  4734. >You look past yourself in the mirror to see your daughter standing in the doorway.
  4735. >You shake off your sentimentality and turn to greet her with a smile.
  4736. "Hey, Li- Sorry."
  4737. >She smiles in return. "It's alright. I understand how not having names can be a difficult concept to get used to. I didn't really think much of it until recently but now, names seem kind of... impersonal."
  4738. >You smirk a little finding amusement in the logic of her statement.
  4739. "That actually makes a lot of sense."
  4740. >She takes on a look of pride at her revelation as she goes on to state "Anyway, Mother sent me to help you. She says you're still very weak."
  4741. >You give a slight chuckle at the idea of Chrysalis' concern for you.
  4742. "She's a little overly worried. But I don't mind the company."
  4743. >Returning to the task at hand you open the dresser in search of something to wear.
  4744. >There's not much left of the day it seems.
  4745. >Something comfortable seems in order.
  4746. >Then again, you're about to stand present for an unpleasant announcement.
  4747. >A black tunic.
  4748. >You stand upright again holding the garment up before you in display.
  4749. "What do you think?"
  4750. >You tell immediately by the look on her face that she is struggling to come up with any kind of judgement one way or another.
  4751. "Not much for fashion?"
  4752. >"Sorry."
  4753. >You turn to see yourself in the mirror.
  4754. >Simple, comfortable, clean.
  4755. "It's alright. I think this'll do."
  4756. >The fate of your family and home in the balance and you're worried about what to wear to dinner.
  4757. >Everyone needs their distractions in times of stress.
  4758. >But maybe this isn't the time to be distracted.
  4759. >There's so much planning to be done.
  4760. >It would be nice to do something to relax your mind so you can think with a clear head.
  4761. >A hot bath would be preferable but there isn't time.
  4762. >It would be impossible to relax at this point anyway.
  4763. >You settle for a quick wipe down in Chrysalis' bathroom.
  4764. >You gather up the clothes you had selected and take them into the bathroom with your changeling daughter following close behind.
  4765. >Setting your clothes down nearby, you test the water in the basin.
  4766. >Finding it still warm and clean you lean forward and splash your face.
  4767. >With the water still in your eyes you feel around for a towel to wipe off your face and quickly find the helpful changeling's muzzle holding a washcloth within reach.
  4768. "Thank you."
  4769. >You wipe the water off your face before setting the cloth down and peeling off your shirt.
  4770. >"Father?" she asks "Is something wrong? Mother seemed sort of nervous. I thought she was just worried about you but... you seem nervous too."
  4771. >You dip the washcloth in the water and use it to wipe down your neck, chest, and arms not wanting to break your motion or do anything to add any impact to what you're about to tell her.
  4772. "Chrysalis was going to make the announcement at dinner but I might as well tell you now. We're leaving the castle. All of us. It's not safe here anymore."
  4773. >Looking over you see her staring down at the floor looking as though she's sorry she even asked.
  4774. >"Oh... Where are we going to go?"
  4775. >She had been able to tell that you were nervous leading you to suspect that no matter how hard you try to put on a brave face that she will see right through it.
  4776. >But still you try to maintain a calm matter-of-fact composure.
  4777. "I don't know. Chrysalis said there is another place we can hide but I think we will have to go farther than that. I don't think anywhere in Equestria will be safe for us anymore."
  4778. >With another glance you see her still looking down at the floor.
  4779. >You lean down and tilt her chin up to see your comforting smile.
  4780. "We'll be alright, though. As long as we stick together, we'll be safe."
  4781. >She forces a small smile back but you can tell she is still scared.
  4782. >You can't blame her for being scared.
  4783. >She's anything but dumb and the odds against any of you surviving for very long are impossible to deny.
  4785. >You stand upright again and hurry through giving the rest of your body a once over, completing your hygienic task before getting dressed.
  4786. "Much better..."
  4787. >You comment enjoying the feel of fresh clothes on clean skin.
  4788. >Now noticing how quiet she has been you look down to your daughter where she sits looking at you.
  4789. >She smiles but you can still see the worry in her eyes.
  4790. >The thought of losing her and her siblings brushes past your mind not even becoming a fully formed thought.
  4791. >But even still it is enough to overwhelm you bringing tears to your eyes.
  4792. >You kneel down and wrap your arms around the little changeling as you take a deep trembling breath.
  4793. >"Father?" she asks sounding as though she might cry as well.
  4794. "I won't let them take a single one of you from me. I will fight them to my last breath."
  4795. >She can only whimper as she stands and wraps her arms around your neck returning the hug.
  4796. >You hold each other for a long moment letting the swell of emotions pass before you slowly let go.
  4797. >She sniffles and you wipe the tears from your eyes.
  4798. "Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. It's just that... I've never had so much to lose. I've never even valued my life enough to want to fight so hard to keep it."
  4799. >She clears away her own tears as she smiles at you saying "It's okay. I think I know how you feel. It's part of being a family."
  4800. >You smile back at her.
  4801. "Yeah."
  4802. >But you're sure she doesn't fully understand just how much they all mean to you.
  4803. >Or how impossible it would be for you to carry on without having them in your life.
  4804. >You stand up clearing your throat to extinguish the last traces of your emotional outpouring.
  4805. "Well, shall we get some dinner?"
  4807. >With your daughter at your side you make your way to the dining hall.
  4808. >Your daughter departs from you finding her seat with her brothers and sisters while to take your own at Chrysalis' side.
  4809. >The tension hangs heavily in the room as all eyes are focused on Chrysalis and yourself.
  4810. >The seats are full but changelings continue to file into the room and find places to stand filling nearly every inch of floor space.
  4811. >Looking over the room you can tell that they know something is wrong.
  4812. >You stand and see as each questioning gaze shift to you.
  4813. >Pressure builds in your chest, tightening around your lungs and the lump in your throat aches as you struggle to swallow.
  4814. >You open your mouth to address them when Chrysalis stands as well announcing "My children... The time has come that we must leave Equestria."
  4815. >She pauses letting a wave of dull murmured questions to flow through the room before she continues "We always knew this day would eventually come. That one day the forces that wish to destroy us would come again. And so we flee to find a new home. We will prepare and be ready to leave by sundown tomorrow. We will go to our backup shelter temporarily and from there... I do not know. Perhaps the stars will guide us. But we will find our new home. As we always have, one way or another... we will survive."
  4816. >She looks to you.
  4817. >You can see how hard she is fighting back the tears.
  4818. >How hard she is fighting to be strong.
  4819. >You look back to the changelings and address them.
  4820. "Eat up, children. We will all need our strength for what is ahead."
  4821. >You look back to Chrysalis.
  4822. >Seeming satisfied with the speech the two of you sit.
  4823. >There is a momentary silence before the room erupts into the normal feeding frenzy.
  4824. >Among the chaotic sounds you can just barely hear Chrysalis choking out a few embattled sobs.
  4825. >You reach over and pull her over toward you resting her cheek on your shoulder before whispering in her ear.
  4826. "We are strong enough. We will survive this. All of us."
  4828. >Still holding Chrysalis, you see a changeling moving to the edge of the table near you looking ready to jump down and leave.
  4829. >You reach out and give him a light tap with your fingertips to get his attention.
  4830. >He aborts his hop down with a bit of a stumble before looking questioningly at you, then Chrysalis, and back to you.
  4831. >Taking Chrysalis' empty plate off the table you move it within his reach.
  4832. >You open your mouth to speak but the changeling takes the plate in his mouth and trots down over the table before you can even voice your request.
  4833. >Your attention returns to Chrysalis as you bring your hand up to gently stroke her hair.
  4834. >As if suddenly realizing what is happening she pulls away. "I-I'm fine. There's no need to get all... touchy."
  4835. >With a dull clomp sound Chrysalis' plate appears piled high with food and your's vanishes just as quickly.
  4836. >You look to see the same changeling trot off with your plate as Chrysalis eyes the plate of food before her with a look of distaste.
  4837. >"I'm not really hungry." she sighs.
  4838. >You certainly understand the feeling.
  4839. >If not for the fact that you'd not eaten in almost a full day you would likely have little appetite as well.
  4840. "You need to eat. We have a lot to do tomorrow and there's no telling when our next meal will be after that."
  4841. >She stares down the food a little longer before begrudgingly taking a bite.
  4842. >With another heavy clomp your plate appears equally full.
  4843. "Thank you."
  4844. >You offer a pleased smile to the little changeling who seems happy to have been of service before he hops down and trots off.
  4845. >Little by little you manage to goad Chrysalis into reluctantly eating her food.
  4846. >A short time after the last of the changelings has left the room you feel satisfied that she has eaten enough.
  4847. >Under other circumstances it's unlikely that she would tolerate being forced to do anything, but there's no denying your wisdom.
  4848. >Food never seemed to be a problem in the castle but out in the world the situation can and likely will be very different.
  4849. >You lean back in your seat knowing that you had deliberately overeaten for that reason.
  4850. >"It is getting late." Chrysalis states as she pushes her plate away. "There are a few of our children I need to tend to before I go to sleep. I will meet you in bed."
  4851. "Alright. I'll see you there."
  4852. >With that she steps down from her seat and walks out.
  4853. >No doubt she will be doing some forced feedings of her own.
  4854. >You sit in the quiet for a while as two changelings quietly clear the table.
  4855. >It would be nice to get some sleep but having slept all day you can hardly feel tired.
  4856. >If anything you want to move around to shake off the ache of having lain in bed for so long.
  4857. >You push your chair back and stretch as you stand deciding that perhaps some fresh air might do you some good.
  4858. >Walking come much easier than it had before.
  4859. >As taxing as it had been to see Chrysalis through, it is a reassuring sign that you're still able to recover relatively quickly.
  4860. >Finding your way down the stairs, through the cave, and out the narrow passage you manage to find the cool night air.
  4861. >The fading glow of the sun still remains in the western sky while the moon displaces the darkness left in the sun's retreat.
  4862. >The desert night is beautiful.
  4863. >The lack of humidity allows the stars to shine brilliantly even through the light of the nearly full moon.
  4864. >With no particular direction in mind you wander through what looks to be the remains of what may have been an orchard at one time now long dead and dry.
  4865. >The sorrow of this land and the shadow of its former glory is all too fitting of Chrysalis and the changelings.
  4866. >With love and hard work this land could have survived.
  4867. >But now it is too late.
  4868. >Neglect has allowed the desert to consume it and now nothing will grow here again.
  4869. >Your overly full stomach protests your movements demanding you to be still.
  4870. >While still enjoying the cool calm air you take up a seat at the base of a dead tree and stare up at the night sky.
  4871. >It does little good to worry about the things beyond your control but you can't help the concern as to whether or not Twilight will really come through for you.
  4872. >She has been a good friend and you do trust her.
  4873. >But there was so much doubt in her voice when she said she would do it.
  4874. >All you can do is trust.
  4875. >You stare up at the moon observing it's slow and labored movement across the sky.
  4876. >Lost in the calm serenity of this dead land time falls away.
  4877. >Minutes melt together becoming hours.
  4878. >"So this is where you're hiding." You hear Chrysalis' voice come softly from behind.
  4879. >You turn to look, startled from your trance as she takes a seat next to you and looks up at the sky.
  4880. "I'm sorry. You weren't waiting up for me, were you?"
  4881. >She continues to stare upward as she responds "No. I don't know that I could sleep anyway. There is simply too much on my mind."
  4882. >Returning your gaze upward you take a deep breath.
  4883. >As pleasant as the night had been in solitude it is far more comfortable in her company.
  4884. "I get that feeling. Tomorrow is a big day. It will be the day that decides our fate."
  4885. >"It doesn't have to be." she comments "At least not for you."
  4886. Two Steps From Hell - Heart (Miracles):
  4887. >You look questioningly to her.
  4888. "What do you mean?"
  4889. >Seeming reluctant to say she looks down and forces her way through an explanation "I have been thinking. You have done so much for us... For me. I can go to the Crystal Empire myself and make my plea. And you... You would stand a far better chance of escape without us."
  4890. >In disbelief you stare.
  4891. "No. I can't do that. I can't leave you."
  4892. >"You can." she says now seeming to struggle with her words "I release you from your vow. You may leave when you choose. And I suggest that you do."
  4893. >Pushing yourself up on your knees and turning to face her you shake your head in refusal.
  4894. "Absolutely not. I will not leave you, certainly not to save myself."
  4895. >"And why not?" she asks turning to you.
  4896. >Her tears glisten on her cheeks in the moonlight.
  4897. >You'd never seen a sight so beautiful and so heart breaking and still... all you can say for yourself...
  4898. "I... I just wouldn't feel right. I still made a promise. And even if you tell me it's alright to break it. I will not."
  4899. >She wipes a hoof under her eye and looks back to the sky. "I see. You are foolish. But I suppose I am thankful for that. I do not want to return to that life of fear and uncertainty. But when I imagine it with you there... It doesn't seem like it will be quite so bad as before."
  4900. >You settle back into a sitting position again and wrap an arm around her.
  4901. "It will be a new kind of life for me. But I'm sure we'll be fine. I feel confident that you and I are both better off together."
  4903. >It was lie and you know it.
  4904. >Of course you would stay with her no matter what.
  4905. >But it wasn't at all because of any promise or some foolish sense of duty.
  4906. >You know why you choose to stay.
  4907. >And in this most perfect moment to voice it, you simply can not.
  4908. >You tell yourself inside that you shouldn't force it.
  4909. >That you should let it come naturally.
  4910. >That there will be time.
  4911. >But another part pushes you.
  4912. >Tell her.
  4913. >Don't miss this chance.
  4914. >Tell her.
  4915. >Your stomach ties in knots as your mouth opens reluctantly.
  4916. >The breath that will carry those words to her fills your lungs.
  4917. >"As you have decided to stay, there is something I would like to show you, Anon." Chrysalis' voice shatters your will to speak.
  4918. "Yeah?"
  4919. >The word spills out souring your heart with disappointment.
  4920. >But it is all you could do with that breath besides scream in panic.
  4921. >"Yes." she says as she stands "Come. This is something that perhaps I should have shared with you some time ago."
  4922. >She takes a few steps away before looking back as you pick yourself up and brush the sand off your pants.
  4923. >You follow close behind as she leads you back into the cave.
  4924. >You look back at the night sky.
  4925. >It would have been perfect...
  4926. >And with a sigh of defeat you slip into the cave away from the night.
  4927. >And away from that beautiful moment that could have been.
  4929. >Mindlessly you follow Chrysalis dwelling painfully on your missed opportunity.
  4930. >You hardly notice as the castle walls give way to bare rock and the cool dry air slowly becomes warm and humid.
  4931. >She stops suddenly before a walled off section of cave accessible by a wooden door built into the wall.
  4932. >You nearly run into her before breaking from your mental anguish.
  4933. >But your misery is quickly subdued by an intense curiosity.
  4934. >What is it that she has brought you here to see.
  4935. >And where exactly is here.
  4936. >You had thought you knew all of the passageways in the castle and even some places beyond that.
  4937. >But of course the cave extended well beyond the reach of the castle.
  4938. >How long were you even walking?
  4939. >All of these questions are pointless you decide as Chrysalis opens the door.
  4940. >The answers will all come soon enough if you just wait.
  4941. Thomas Bergersen - Gift of Life:
  4942. >A rush of warm air comes through the open door driving you back a step.
  4943. >Bringing your hands up to shield your face from the heat you look to Chrysalis.
  4944. >She motions you in saying "Conditions here are ideal. They can survive in cooler temperatures but they thrive in the warmth when they are young."
  4945. >You take a gulp of cool air before you press forward into the sauna like cavern.
  4946. >There is little light here apart from a dim green glow only a few feet in front of you.
  4947. >As Chrysalis steps in and illuminates the darkened space with her magic you find the glow emanates from three eggs resting in a sort of nest constructed of the black substance you wear on your chest.
  4948. "These are..."
  4949. >You step forward placing a hand on the nest as your words fall off.
  4950. >Unlike the substance used to patch your body the nest is actually far softer and more pliable.
  4951. >"They are the lives you've helped to bring into this world." Chrysalis says as she steps up alongside you "Before you came there was nothing here. For years I had been forced to give birth to death and sorrow. But you have brought new life to us."
  4952. >Carefully you reach down and pick up one of the eggs.
  4953. >A feeling of overwhelming love fills your chest as you look at the tiny form shifting within the egg.
  4954. >As the feeling grows the egg begins to glow more brightly followed by the other two still resting before you.
  4955. >"A changeling's heart glows with the intensity of the love he or she receives. But it can only be seen when they are very young."
  4956. >You stare down holding this fragile little creature in your hands.
  4957. >This whole time you had been thinking that eventually you would make a life with Chrysalis and her changelings.
  4958. >That you would establish a future with them.
  4959. >Looking down at these small helpless lives it becomes clear.
  4960. >You already have.
  4961. >And this is what you must now fight to protect.
  4962. "My children..."
  4963. >Chrysalis leans her head against your shoulder as she looks at the eggs as well.
  4964. >"They will come into a life more difficult than the others before them. But because of you, they will be stronger. They will have a chance at surviving that life."
  4965. >You gently set the egg back before lightly brushing your hand over the other two watching as the developing changelings inside the translucent shells move in response to your touch.
  4966. >The two of you stand in silent reverence for some time before a tired yawn escapes Chrysalis and spreads to yourself.
  4967. >She gives your shoulder a light nuzzle before edging toward the door.
  4968. >"Perhaps we should try to get some rest. There is much to be done tomorrow and we can't afford to allow our tired minds to compromise our judgement."
  4969. >Somewhat reluctantly you turn and walk walk with Chrysalis toward the exit.
  4970. >You take another glance back as she opens the door.
  4971. >The glow of the eggs dims slightly but yet remains brighter than when you had arrived.
  4973. >The air chills you after having been in the warmth of the nursery.
  4974. >You stay close to Chrysalis as the two of you make your way to the bedroom.
  4975. >The occasional brush against her side offers the slightest of much needed warmth.
  4976. >She doesn't seem to mind.
  4977. >Casually you lift your hand and rest it on her withers.
  4978. >She makes no mention of the touch giving only a brief glance at you in response.
  4979. >The doors to the bedroom swing open by the influence of Chrysalis' magic as you near them.
  4980. >Just as you begin to readjust to the temperature of the air you are graced with the promise of the return to warm comfort.
  4981. >Your hand slides loosely over Chrysalis' shoulder as you part from her allowing the bed to come between you.
  4982. >The gentle click of the doors latching shut emphasizes the silence between the two of you.
  4983. >Indeed there are things to be said but none of them are meant for casual conversation.
  4984. >You strip down and pull the covers back from the bed.
  4985. >Looking across the bed you see Chrysalis about to climb into bed as well.
  4986. >She pauses and looks, locking eyes with you.
  4987. >There is so much to say.
  4988. >She looks back down as she slips into bed and you do the same.
  4989. >The two of you meet in the middle of the bed where she slips into your arms her back against your chest.
  4990. >The sheets fall just a bit lower as the room settles in the quiet.
  4991. >And then you feel it.
  4992. >That gentle little tug from inside your chest as she samples your love.
  4993. >"Good night, Anon." she says with an almost uncharacteristically soft tone.
  4994. "Good night, Chrysalis."
  4995. >You inch your face forward and nuzzle the back of her neck.
  4996. >She gives no protest as a new feeling fills you.
  4997. >A gentle warmth similar to what you had felt when you stood in the Crystal Empire.
  4998. >But this feeling is softer.
  4999. >It feels more... pure.
  5000. >As if it were meant just for you.
  5001. >So much has been said in this moment.
  5002. >None of it any thing that words could ever truly convey.
  5003. >Slowly the two of you drift to sleep, lulled by the waves of love you feel ebbing between you.
  5005. Thomas Bergersen - Starvation:
  5007. >A low rumble stirs you from your dreamless sleep.
  5008. >It drags you up into a world of dull sounds and uneasy tension.
  5009. >You wake to find you are alone in bed.
  5010. >Another rumble rolls through the room shaking debris loose from the ceiling.
  5011. >It fills you with panic driving you hurriedly out of bed.
  5012. >You grab the pants lying on the floor from the night before and run out into the hall as a changeling runs past carrying a canvas bag.
  5013. "Son! Where's Chrysalis?!"
  5014. >He stops abruptly to reply "I think she's outside. On the balcony."
  5015. >Still sleep dazed and full of fear you sprint down the hall with the changeling following close behind.
  5016. >Rushing out into the bright light of the mid-day sun you bring your arm up to shield your eyes.
  5017. >Your son moves around you and holds up the bag he was carrying just as another changeling swoops down and flies away with it.
  5018. >"They're moving supplies to a hiding place." Chrysalis says before you notice her not far from you "When we leave we will not be coming back. This will ensure that we will still be able to get what we need."
  5019. >You move alongside her at the edge of the balcony to see changelings falling into formation below.
  5020. "The place was shaking. I was afraid that we were already under attack."
  5021. >Another shutter comes from below your feet groaning up from the depths of the castle.
  5022. >"Space is being cleared for larger items that will been to be carried by hoof as well as for training areas. There is little time to prepare for... for anything really."
  5023. >Looking down at the changelings, you see the purpose with which they move as they collect their flimsy looking armor and weapons.
  5024. >There's a silent desperation to them.
  5025. >They are moving parts of a finely tuned machine driven by fear and the desire to live.
  5026. >A buzzing rapidly grows and halts with several clops as a changeling lands behind you.
  5027. >"They're massing to the north." he says between heavy breaths "Not many yet. Only a few dozen."
  5028. >Chrysalis turns and lowers her head to give him a light nuzzle. "Very good. Keep an eye on them but be sure you're not seen. Let me know if there is any significant change and return no later than sunset."
  5029. >The changeling returns the gesture before turning and taking off with the acknowledgement "Yes, Mother."
  5030. >You watch as he flies away allowing it to sink in.
  5031. "So it begins."
  5032. >"Indeed."
  5033. >Chrysalis looks you over before saying "You should wash up and find something suitable to wear. I am unsure when you will have the chance to do so again."
  5034. >The bark of orders from below takes your attention.
  5035. >The two brothers leading the instruction have divided their siblings into two groups.
  5036. >Those who are armed and those who are not.
  5037. >Practical as there are clearly not enough weapons to go around.
  5038. "I thought we had swords too."
  5039. >Chrysalis gives a sigh of disappointment as she says "We did. They were rusted beyond use. We should have taken better care of them but the spears will have to do now."
  5040. >You watch for a moment as the brothers each begin their separate speeches.
  5041. >At this distance you can't really understand what either of them is saying but you can feel the gravity of their words.
  5042. "Do you think they will stand a chance in a fight?"
  5043. >She remains silent for a moment as if not wanting to answer but finally says "No... I don't."
  5044. >You turn to make your way back inside.
  5045. "Then we will have to be sure that it won't come to that."
  5047. >Inside the castle you're greeted by the clattering sounds of chaos as it is looted by its inhabitants.
  5048. >Turning the corner, you find a changeling struggling with two overfilled bags of what you assume by the smell is dried vegetables.
  5049. >Turned away and pulling at the bags with his teeth he doesn't even notice as you approach.
  5050. >He startles slightly as you place a hand gently on his back and offering a warm smile you take hold of what looks to be the heavier of the two bags.
  5051. "Where are we going with these?"
  5052. >The little changeling smiles in return as he answers "Down stairs toward the front of the castle. There should be a spot already opened up for the heavy stuff."
  5053. >You hoist the bag up finding it to be perhaps a bit heavier than you expected and bring it over your shoulder before starting down the hall.
  5054. >As you start down the stairs another crashing rumble flows through and dust quickly blows up from the floor below.
  5055. >You decent to find the lower floor converted to a large open space to one side of which changeling hurriedly collect the stones of a newly fallen wall and move them to a corner.
  5056. >The changeling that had been following behind you directs you to another corner now filled with boxes, bags, and packs of items to be moved out when the time came.
  5057. >You give him a light pat on the head with a reassuring smile but as he looks up you can see the worry in his eyes.
  5058. >In all likelihood, this has always been his home.
  5059. >And now he and all the others are being forced to abandon it to flee into the unknown.
  5060. >Returning to your previous task you go back to the bedroom to find it in the process of being disassembled by several changelings.
  5061. >You manage to snatch up a change of clothes before they are all packed away.
  5062. >Something similar to what you wore the night before.
  5063. >Watching the changelings unceremoniously tear apart the room strikes something inside you.
  5064. >So quickly this place had become a home to you as well.
  5065. >The place where you had found a family.
  5066. >You turn to leave with the comforting thought that it is just a place.
  5067. >The family will remain together.
  5069. >The warm humid air surrounding the pools in the cave is something you will miss.
  5070. >You settle into the hot water far removed from the commotion of the castle.
  5071. >You close your eyes and try to let the tension go.
  5072. >A stressed mind makes mistakes.
  5073. >And there will be no room for mistakes in this new life you're about to embark on.
  5074. >Small waves in the water subtly take your attention.
  5075. >You open your eyes to find Chrysalis stepping down into the water to join you.
  5076. >"I thought I would enjoy this one last time." she says "I doubt I will ever get the chance again."
  5077. >You extend your arm and a bit to your surprise she moves in laying her head on your shoulder allowing you to bring your arms around her.
  5078. "I haven't even thought about how we're going to get to the Crystal Empire yet."
  5079. >"I've made the arrangements. There should be a train waiting for us in town when we're ready."
  5080. >As you hold her you can feel the tension melt from her body.
  5081. >She lets out a relaxed sigh before saying "After nightfall, we will send the children on their way to our temporary home. Once they are safely away, you and I will go into town and take the train to the Crystal Empire. When we are finished there we will meet up with our children and plan our next move."
  5082. >You bring a hand up and gently stroke her hair as you carry on the conversation.
  5083. "Will they be alright on their own like that?"
  5084. >"They will be fine. If they move quickly they should be far from any towns before morning" she says as she cuddles in a bit closer.
  5085. >You close your eyes and lay your head back again letting yourself flow into this one last comfortable moment with her as time seems to fade away.
  5087. >You'd had more than enough sleep but perhaps your body knows the trials you're soon to face.
  5088. >You slip in and out of sleep as Chrysalis rests laying over your chest.
  5089. >Eventually she stirs with a twitch and lifting her head asks "What time is it?"
  5090. "I'm not sure. We must have dozed off."
  5091. >She picks herself up giving you an almost shy thankful look.
  5092. >The both of you climb out of the water together.
  5093. >From the look of your hands you had been in the water for quite some time.
  5094. >Once again you had forgotten to find a towel to dry off with.
  5095. >Though this time you could hardly blame yourself.
  5096. >You had plenty on your mind.
  5097. >But Chrysalis had not forgotten.
  5098. >She levitates a towel within your grasp as she dries herself off with another.
  5099. >"Hopefully our children have made good use of this time while unsupervised." she says now waiting as you scramble to get dressed.
  5100. >As you near the dining hall you hear the sounds of clustered conversations.
  5101. >It has come time for dinner but the changelings sit and stand about the room patiently waiting for you and Chrysalis to arrive.
  5103. >The table is full and although it is more than normal meal, the selection seems limited to the most perishable food items.
  5104. >Following Chrysalis' lead you take up a position at your seat but remain standing.
  5105. >Chrysalis looks over the changelings as nearly every one of them is in attendance.
  5106. >Gradually they become silent as they notice her gaze and once the room has hushed she begins "This, my children, is all the food that we can not bring with us. For this will be our last meal here. Eat up and enjoy. This is a treat you may not have again for a long time."
  5107. >With that, she takes her seat and the feeding frenzy begins.
  5108. >Among the feasting changelings you see one that looks tired and sickly.
  5109. >No doubt one of the few that have abstained from feeding on the love that they need to survive.
  5110. >She has the strength to be up and moving only because Chrysalis had forced her to feed but it will take much more bring her back to health.
  5111. "Daughter."
  5112. >She looks to you as you motion her to you.
  5113. >Though it seems incidental, the other changelings avoid getting in her way as she approaches.
  5114. "Come have a seat over here with us."
  5115. >You move over allowing her to sit in your seat and pull another over for yourself.
  5116. >One of the rare moments you actually remember your magic, you use it to bring some food to a plate for her.
  5117. "Are your brothers and sisters doing well enough to be out of bed as well?"
  5118. >She opens her mouth to answer but Chrysalis interrupts her "They in fact are doing better. This one yet insists on sipping when she should gulp."
  5119. >In a small voice the changeling says "I do not want to take more than my share."
  5120. >You offer her a warm smile as you stroke her cheek.
  5121. "You shouldn't worry. There will be plenty soon."
  5122. >You lean in and lightly touch your forehead to her's as you offer your love.
  5123. >The dull pain of her feeding from you is manageable and doesn't last long.
  5124. >When it stops you sit upright again to see her smiling with a slightly healthier look.
  5125. "There you go. We need you to be as strong as you can be."
  5126. >She nods and begins eating while you look to Chrysalis just in time to catch the slightest bit of an approving smile before it disappears.
  5127. >The changelings take their time trying to eat up all that they can.
  5128. >"Be sure the table is cleaned up when you are finished." Chrysalis says as she stands "This has been a good home to us and we will treat it with respect."
  5129. >You can hardly be sure they heard her over the noise but you're sure they will obey her order.
  5130. >Feeling satisfied with as much as you've eaten, you stand and follow Chrysalis as she leaves.
  5131. >"We're missing one." she says as she walks out to the balcony.
  5132. >The sun is not far below the horizon and already the glow of the enemy camp can be seen in the distance.
  5133. >A cold wind blows from the north bringing with it the smell of smoke as well as a grim reminder that the warm summer nights have come to an end.
  5134. >With an abrupt clop a changeling lands.
  5135. >"You're late." she says in a mildly scolding tone.
  5136. >"Sorry, Mother." the changeling says "They have a patrol around their camp. I had to wait for them to pass."
  5137. >Chrysalis lowers her head and nuzzle him affectionately as she says "I understand. Has there been any change?"
  5138. >He nuzzle her back breaking relieved smile as if he has been waiting all day for that.
  5139. >"No, Mother. No more soldiers have arrived."
  5140. >"Very good." she says raising her head to look out at the horizon "You should hurry along and get some food. And be sure to save some for me to bring to your brothers."
  5141. >He gives a nod before trotting inside.
  5142. >You look out to the glow on the horizon with Chrysalis before she says "Soon it will be dark enough. We'll send the children on their way and when I'm confident that they are a safe distance away, we will leave for the Crystal Empire."
  5143. >"Mother?" a small voice comes from the doorway.
  5144. >You turn to see three female changelings.
  5145. >"We're ready for you." one of them says.
  5146. >"Anon," Chrysalis says with a twinge of nervousness in her voice "I will need your help with this."
  5147. >You're not sure what it is she will need from you but you're sure it will not be pleasant.
  5148. "Of course. Anything you need."
  5150. >You walk with Chrysalis, following the three changelings to the brightly lit hospital room.
  5151. >"Are you sure about this, Mother?" one of the changelings asks as she pushes a cart of various medical instruments up.
  5152. >Chrysalis climbs up onto the table and lays on her side saying "It is not pleasant, but it is what will be best for them."
  5153. >Another changeling appears from behind a curtain pushing a cart holding the three eggs you had seen the night before.
  5154. "You're not going to-"
  5155. >"Yes." she answers before you finish "They can survive at cooler temperatures but the night air is simply too cold and dry to transport them in. I will have to carry them myself."
  5156. "Doesn't this seem a little extreme?"
  5157. >"This is a method that was used a long time ago whenever the need came." she says but grows more concerned as she looks at the sharp instruments "We used surrogates then... but I am perfectly capable of carrying my own young."
  5158. >"Are you ready?" a worried looking changeling asks.
  5159. >Chrysalis takes a deep breath and answers "Yes."
  5160. >She then looks to you. "Hold me, Anon."
  5161. >You bring your arm around and cradle her head.
  5162. >You see as the changeling brings a scalpel to her soft green abdomen and quickly look away.
  5163. >Chrysalis gasps before crying out in pain.
  5164. >She buries her face in your shoulder and screams out as the procedure continues.
  5165. >You feel her shudder as you assume they place the second egg in her but you refuse to look.
  5166. >One more scream weaker than the others and she quiets down trembling in the wake of the pain.
  5167. >"It's done." the changeling says.
  5168. >You look to see the eggs gone and Chrysalis' side now glued shut with that black resin like material.
  5169. >You look back to Chrysalis her face now wet with sweat and tears.
  5170. "Are you alright?"
  5171. >You ask her as you wipe the tears from her cheeks.
  5172. >She answers weakly "Y-yes. I am fine. I just... need a few minutes."
  5173. >You hold her for a while longer while she recovers.
  5174. >After some time she moves carefully to get down from the table.
  5175. >You keep out of her way but remain close to catch her should she fall.
  5176. >With a wince she stands up on her own.
  5177. "Is there something I can do to help?"
  5178. >She takes a moment to steady herself before answering "No. It doesn't hurt as much as it just feels... strange. I'm sure I will become accustomed to it."
  5179. >Moving toward the door she says "It should be dark enough now for the children to get started on their way. We should see them off."
  5181. >Changelings file into the large room that had been opened up at the ground level as you and Chrysalis wait.
  5182. >She looks over the crowded room taking notice of each one.
  5183. >The dull rumble of hushed conversation flows through the room until Chrysalis clears her throat prompting an immediate silence.
  5184. >"You've all worked very hard today and I can not express how proud I am of each and every one of you." she begins "I know it has been a long day and you are tired, but the time for rest is not yet here. First, you must take what you can carry and travel to the caves far south of here. And you must do it alone."
  5185. >A small murmur of concerned voices builds in response to her statement but does not go one long before it is hushed by Chrysalis.
  5186. >"Do not worry. You will have your brothers and sisters with you." she says calming the crowd "Meanwhile, Anon and I will travel to the Crystal Empire. There we will secure enough love to see us through this time and into the foreseeable future."
  5187. >You can see it in their expressions that they disapprove of being so far removed from their mother in such a dangerous time.
  5188. >But disapproving expressions is all the objection they will give.
  5189. >"When we are finished there we will meet you in the caves. And after we have takes some time to rest... We will move on to lands unknown in search of a new home."
  5190. >She seems almost relieved as she nears the end of her speech.
  5191. >The slight tremble in her voice betrays her strong facade to her true emotions.
  5192. >"While traveling you will stay together. Let none of your siblings out of your sight. Should you need to disperse you will maintain groups of no less than three. And above all, you will fight only as a last resort to protect yourself or your siblings." she finishes before looking to you and asking "Is there anything you would like to say, Anon?"
  5193. >You nod and look out over the changelings.
  5194. >All eyes fall on you and suddenly you are brought back to your first days in Equestria.
  5195. >You're reminded of being the object of uncomfortable stares.
  5196. >The alien so bizarre and different.
  5197. >It might appear the same but here it is very different.
  5198. >These are not the frightened and curious stares of strangers but the loving gaze of your family looking to you for reassurance and guidance.
  5199. >It has been such a short time and already you know each of their faces and each of their personalities.
  5200. >Unsure of how long you will be able to rein in your own emotions, you take a deep breath and give your speech.
  5201. "You might be tempted to feel anger and hate for those who are forcing us from our home. But you shouldn't. You should pity them. They do what they do out of fear. They do it to earn the love of their Princess. You've seen how they live and tasted their love. But you'll never know the cold emptiness they feel inside. An emptiness that they don't even know notice. An emptiness I once felt myself but that you have filled. I haven't known you long. But already I can't imagine a life without you. "
  5202. >You choke for a second and turn your head to wipe your eyes with your sleeve.
  5203. "I love you all more than anything before in my life. I will fight any fight and make any sacrifice for you. For my family."
  5204. >With that you look to Chrysalis through tear filled eyes.
  5205. >She takes a second to clear her throat again seeming on the edge of tears herself as she speaks "Children... Change."
  5206. >One at a time with a momentary flare of green each of the changelings turns to a random pony.
  5207. >Once they have all changed, Chrysalis takes a step back and uses her magic to shove a large hole in the stone wall behind the two of you.
  5208. >The changelings move forward with the first of them going to Chrysalis to exchange a loving nuzzle and then to you where he stands looking up at you.
  5209. >You feel your heart melt as you can somehow see through the false pony face to see your son.
  5210. >Kneeling down you wrap your arms around him and offer your love of which he takes only a small taste before the next approaches for the same.
  5211. >One by one they go to Chrysalis and then to you for a feeding before they take one of the many packs to be moved and walk outside.
  5212. >The first few walk away and return with carts to be filled.
  5213. >The room empties of changelings and supplies and before long they have all left.
  5214. >All but six who stand defiantly in their natural appearance.
  5216. >Chrysalis looks at the rebels expectantly but they refuse to approach.
  5217. "Aren't you going to join your brothers and sisters?"
  5218. >"No, Father." one says firmly "We will be going with you."
  5219. >Looking to Chrysalis you find the glaring angry eyes of a defied mother baring down on them.
  5220. >All but the one changeling whole spoke seem to cower down at her gaze.
  5221. >Among the group you see your daughter looking to you for comfort.
  5222. >Seeing her there, you hope that Chrysalis will stand firm and force them to join the others.
  5223. >"You are all set on defying our wishes?" Chrysalis asks.
  5224. >With a firm stance and a steeled gaze the changeling answers "Yes, Mother. For your benefit."
  5225. >An awkward silence falls as Chrysalis seems to consider the implications of this disobedience.
  5226. >"Very well." she responds to your disheartening "I will allow it as we are not expecting any trouble, but you will exercise perfect obedience from here on. Is that understood?"
  5227. >"Yes, Mother." he says with a respectful dip of his head.
  5228. >"Good. Now as you are clearly the leader of this act of insubordination, I want you to accompany your brothers and sisters as far as the hills. When they are safely beyond that point you will report back to me and then we will be on our way. As for the rest of you, I would like this wall repaired."
  5229. >Without hesitation the changelings get to work closing up the hole in the wall while their brother takes off into the night.
  5230. >You reach to lift one of the stones into place when Chrysalis says "Let us leave the children to their work. We have obligations of our own to tend to."
  5232. >Chrysalis leads you to the bedroom making sounds of discontent and disgust as she observes the cluttered mess of each room along the way.
  5233. >Once there you find her chamber in no better condition.
  5234. >With a frustrated growl Chrysalis begins to pick up and stow away the various articles of seldom worn clothing and room decor now strewn across the floor.
  5235. >"They will regret the way they've left our home." she says as her voice becomes louder and more unstable "When they're huddled in the wilderness with nothing but the tender memories of warmth and comfort they will find shame in the manner with which they mistreated our home."
  5236. >Now violently slamming drawers shut and throwing things onto shelves she shouts "What did our home ever do to deserve such reckless abandonment? Was it not good enough? Did it not shelter us? Now they will see what it is like to have no home to abuse! No where to find warmth! No where to rest their heads! N-No..."
  5237. >She breaks down sobbing at the edge of the bed.
  5239. >In some way you had seen this coming.
  5240. >You had watched for the past two days as little by little the foundation that had held this queen so proud and lofty crumbled beneath her.
  5241. >And now she lies as a crumpled wreck on the floor with all of her weakness laid out before you.
  5242. >Vulnerable to you.
  5243. >You move in and calmly kneel beside her.
  5244. >Without hesitation she throws herself on you wailing "I have failed both as a mother and a queen! Even this place, too lowly to be called humble is more than I can provide my children. We were so proud but now I must grovel to the very force that has annexed my kingdom before we scurry into the wilderness like vermin."
  5245. >Struggling to find words of comfort you wrap your arms around her.
  5246. "There's no shame in doing the right thing. Even if the right thing might seem shameful at the time. You've been smart enough to know when to swallow your pride and for that they're alive. Considering the circumstances you could hardly say that you've failed them. And when this is all over, we'll have a kingdom of our own. I'm sure of it."
  5247. >Not the greatest pep talk but as her sobs subside it seems as though your words had some effect.
  5248. >Chrysalis pulls her face away from your shoulder and looks up at you with tear soaked eyes.
  5249. >"Y-you are such a foolish optimist, Anon... Thank you."
  5251. >With a moment to collect herself Chrysalis picks herself up off you and returns to the task of returning the room to order with your help.
  5252. >With the two of you at the job, it is short work.
  5253. >Chrysalis gives a defeated sigh as she moves to the far wall.
  5254. >The faint glow of magic encases a stone of the bedroom wall levering it free to reveal a small hiding place.
  5255. >From the darkened hole in the wall drifts shimmering gold.
  5256. >A necklace of sorts adorned with several colored jewels.
  5257. >Chrysalis looks it over with a soft gaze of reverence.
  5258. >"This" she explains "is the last token of my rule over the Crystal Empire. Each of the jewels represents one of its rulers. The black onyx I added so that we remember the darkness of Sombra's rule. The jade represents myself. Blue topaz for... my mother. Her remains still rest with the Empire. And diamond to represent those who built the Crystal Empire. A people we still know nearly nothing about."
  5259. >She dips her head placing the magnificent piece around her neck. "I will offer this in thanks to Princess Cadence for her assistance. I fear that she may remove the stones and replace them with her own adornments... But this belongs with the Empire. And it is no longer mine to say what is done with it."
  5260. >You see the foundation of her shudder again in grieving the idea of her family's history being glassed over and forgotten.
  5261. >Bringing a hand to her chin you gently direct her gaze to you.
  5262. "It's very beautiful. And giving it is a noble sentiment. I can't imagine anyone could be so disrespectful as to do anymore than add one stone of their own."
  5263. >She manages a weak smile in response adding "I think a setting of pink quartz would be rather fitting."
  5264. >Keeping her emotionally steady and strong will be a full-time job in this time of crisis.
  5265. >This, it seems is to be your new function.
  5266. >The sound of hoofsteps comes quietly to the doorway followed by the small voice of your daughter. "Brother is back. He said that they are beyond the hills and safe. He and the others are preparing the last cart now, Mother."
  5268. >After a brief stop in the kitchen for two covered trays the three of you make your way outside to the waiting changelings.
  5269. >There's little left to be said as you get underway.
  5270. >The uneasy silence leaves the mind free to wonder about the future.
  5271. >To imagine all the possible outcomes.
  5272. >Most of them are unpleasant to say the least.
  5273. >A glance at the ominous glow to the north reminds you of what it is you're running from.
  5274. >Tomorrow they will storm the castle and find it empty.
  5275. >There's little reason for you to expect them to be surprised by this.
  5276. >Celestia told you herself of the attack and has as much as gone out of her way to give you a head start.
  5277. >She wants this to be a game.
  5278. >A thrilling hunt she can revel in.
  5279. >As much as you'd like to avoid it, you still question what sickness could drive someone to take pleasure in such a thing.
  5280. >Your train of thought is disrupted by a sudden yelp from behind you.
  5281. >Lost in thought, you had gotten ahead of Chrysalis as she struggled to keep up.
  5282. >Having stumbled she now kneels wincing in pain on the ground.
  5283. >You sprint back, as two changelings are already at her side.
  5284. "Are you alright? I'm sorry I was distracted and-"
  5285. >"I will be fine." she answers sharply.
  5286. >Her tone softens as she gets back up and the pain seems to subside. "I did not expect to be this sore yet. I... just need some time to recover. I just need to get to the train. Then I can rest."
  5287. >She starts off again determined to push through before you stop her.
  5288. "Hold the cart."
  5289. >You order the changeling pulling it as you help Chrysalis over to it.
  5290. >She climbs up and settles in without argument.
  5291. >You're glad to not have to fight with her on the issue but at the same time it brings you concern.
  5292. >Being her emotional protector you now must be careful that she can set her pride aside without losing it.
  5293. >You stay at her side walking alongside the cart.
  5294. >The distant look in her eyes worries you.
  5295. >The glassed over look of a mind gone to a dark place.
  5296. >Lost in painful memories.
  5297. >You reach over and place a hand on her hoof.
  5298. >Her attention snaps to you with a questioning gaze.
  5299. "My Queen."
  5300. >You need say nothing more than that.
  5301. >She takes a breath raising her head to sit with a lofty, regal expression on her face.
  5303. >Your nerves tighten as the town gets closer.
  5304. >The windows of the town are all dark in the late hour as you arrive but the empty streets are bathed in the light of the moon.
  5305. >Ahead the train waits idle with only a small wisp of smoke drifting from it.
  5306. >The air had gone still leaving leaving the smoke and steam to hang in a sheet overhead.
  5307. >As you approach the train, two ponies step out.
  5308. >They glance about before motioning you over.
  5309. >You help Chrysalis down from the cart before one of the ponies guides her up into the first passenger car.
  5310. >"We were able to remove part of the train without being noticed but that old conductor kept poking around over here. We had difficulty keeping the firebox lit without raising suspicion. He finally went to bed a little while ago. Now that you're here it should only be a minute to fix the engine and get moving."
  5311. >With Chrysalis resting comfortably it only takes a few minutes to move what little you had brought onto the train and get everyone seated.
  5312. >A hiss of steam gives way to a growling lurch as the first car is tugged forward by the locomotive.
  5313. >Then the next car and the next, each one slowing the progression.
  5314. >The car shudders and comes to a sudden halt as the engine let's out an ear shattering hiss of steam.
  5315. >Something's wrong.
  5316. >Panic fills your veins as you watch candle light flare into several windows in nearby buildings.
  5317. >You run out to the front of the train to see the two changelings still disguised as ponies frantically shoveling coal into the firebox of the locomotive.
  5318. "What happened?"
  5319. >"It's not hot enough to pull the whole train." one of them shouts back. "Disconnect the other cars while I try to distract him."
  5320. >Looking through you can see an old pony approaching the other side of the train.
  5321. >You jump down and run to the end of the first car.
  5322. >A pin at the end of a chain holds the coupling together.
  5323. >Simple enough.
  5324. >You grab the chain and pull the pin doesn't budge.
  5325. >"What's going on?! What are you doing with my train?!" You hear the angry voice of whom you assume to be the conductor.
  5326. >The changeling stammers for a weak explanation while you pull at the pin with all your strength only managing to move it an inch or so.
  5327. >Your eyes scan the ground quickly before finding a sizable rock.
  5328. >Taking the rock in hand you kneel down and swing it up at the underside of the pin while pulling the chain with your other hand.
  5329. >It moves slightly so you swing again budging it just a bit more.
  5330. >Again and again you strike the pin letting the echoing sound of metal ring from between the cars.
  5331. >"What's going on over there?" you hear the conductor ask as you nearly have the pin free.
  5332. >One more solid strike and the coupling comes free letting out a loud clank as it falls to the ground.
  5333. >You lean over to see the conductor looking in your direction, his eyes widening as he spots you. "What is tha-"
  5334. >The changeling shoves him and turns to run back to the locomotive changing back to his natural form mid stride.
  5335. >You pull yourself onto the stairs at the end of the car as the train begins to roll forward and watch as the old pony struggles back up shouting "Changelings! Changelings are stealing the train!"
  5336. >The train picks up speed quickly and as it passes the small outlying buildings of the town you open the door to the car and look in.
  5337. >Chrysalis looks on with a concerned expression as one of the changelings shouts over the sound of the tracks "Look!"
  5338. Two Steps From Hell - All The Kings Horses:
  5339. >You turn to see several stallions rapidly closing in on the train.
  5340. >The first three run past you toward the front of the train while two others struggle to catch up.
  5341. >As you enter the passenger car you hear the sound of hooves hitting the metal steps at the other end of the car.
  5342. >Two rush in through the door shouting to bolster their nerves as the changelings move to block them.
  5343. >You charge through the car screaming "Get out!"
  5344. >The stallions' eyes widen at the sight of you and they quickly back pedal through the door.
  5345. >Giving chase you turn left out the door and lunge shoving the first off the platform then turn right to see the other jump off.
  5346. >Looking back you see another stallion closing in on the back platform.
  5347. >You march back through the car with a determined stride.
  5348. >He dives and hooks his hooves on the back rail, trying to pull himself onto the platform as you throw the door open.
  5349. >You grab his arms and lean in.
  5350. >Curling your lips back to show your teeth you scream in his face until you see the look of utter terror in his eyes.
  5351. >The stallion screams in fear as he struggles to let go but you hold him for another moment before pulling his hooves up and letting him go.
  5352. >Regret fills you as you watch him tumble into the tracks.
  5353. >He quickly falls back as the other stallions run to him and your guilt fades as you watch him struggle up and manage to stand.
  5354. >Your intent is certainly not to cause harm, but he and the others will think twice about chasing after changelings.
  5355. >Returning to the car, you close the door behind you, shutting out most of the noise from outside.
  5356. "Is everyone alri-"
  5357. >The sound of metal scraping against metal screams through the car as you're thrown forward onto the floor.
  5358. >Suddenly remembering the third stallion that had run past you hurry to your feet.
  5359. >The breaks free and the train jolts forward again but you manage to stay standing.
  5360. "Protect Chrysalis!"
  5361. >You bark the order to the changelings as you move to the front of the car.
  5362. >The train rocks again for an instant as you reach the back of the tender car.
  5363. >You catch yourself on the ladder and as the train resumes it's pace you begin to climb.
  5364. >The wind whips around you as the train now hurdles through the darkness still gaining speed.
  5365. >The sound of the train suddenly rushes in from all directions as you enter the forest.
  5366. >With a precarious balance along the narrow platform that lines the top edge of the car, you move carefully toward the cab while tree limbs pass within inches of your head.
  5367. >The haunting cry of the train's whistle roars out and echoes back from the forest startling you into a crouch just before a large branch passes just over you.
  5368. >As the ring of the whistle fades you can hear the faint sounds of a struggle from ahead urge you to keep going.
  5369. >Crawling closer you can see the two changelings trying to wrestle an angry stallion to the floor but he is easily twice their size.
  5370. >The stallion bucks back throwing one of the changelings hard against a lever.
  5371. >Again the screams of the breaks fills the air as your sent flailing forward falling into the tender.
  5372. >You slide down the sloping pile of coal into the cab where one changeling lies unconscious as the other continues to struggle for control.
  5373. >Pushing yourself up you storm across the small cab.
  5374. >Lips curled back in an angry sneer you grab the stallion's mane and pull his head back to look him in the eye.
  5375. >Meeting nose to nose with him you scream but his brow furrows in angrily before you feel the sharp impact of a hoof across your face.
  5376. >The strike takes you by surprise, knocking you off your feet.
  5377. >You hit the floor immediately before hearing a second thud of flesh against metal.
  5378. >Hoofsteps come near.
  5379. >You look to see the stallion standing over you.
  5380. >Behind him the other changeling lays on the floor curled and wincing in pain.
  5381. >The stallion rears back and comes down hard.
  5382. >You shift to the side just as his hooves connect with the metal floor where your head had been not a second before.
  5383. >He brings one hoof up to strike again but you twist your body putting all of your force into a solid punch to his ribs.
  5384. >The train now creeps forward fighting against its own breaks.
  5385. >The sound of the air rushing by is replaced by the roar of the open firebox and the grunts of the ongoing fight.
  5386. >You try to shove the stallion off you but he's one hell of a beast having at least a hundred pounds over you.
  5387. >His eyes open again filled with more rage than you'd ever seen before.
  5388. >He puts a hoof firmly down on your chest to hold you still as he draws back again.
  5389. >Your hands feel desperately for anything you can use as a weapon but all you feel is the finely ground remains of coal.
  5390. >He takes a deep breath ready to come down when you grab a handful of the flammable powder and throw it toward the open door of the firebox.
  5391. >The powder flows through the air leaving a trail of dust leading into the white hot flames.
  5392. >You bring an arm up over your face as the cab erupts in an instant of shock and flame sending the stallion hard into the back corner of the cab.
  5393. >The relative quiet of the night air fills in the space left by the explosion.
  5394. >You roll onto all fours before climbing to your feet.
  5395. >A feeling of relief comes as you see one changeling now getting up and the other struggling to wake.
  5396. >In the corner you find the stallion signed and groaning but not seriously hurt.
  5397. >The squeal of the breaks stops as the changeling now up pulls back the throttle keeping the train at a slow pace.
  5398. >You grab the stallion by the mane with one hand and the tail with the other and pull him up to standing.
  5399. >He whines but moves as you direct him.
  5400. >You drag him to the doorway as the other three stallions run up along side the train.
  5401. >They stare at you afraid and reluctant to attack.
  5402. "Take him, go back to your town, and leave us alone!"
  5403. >You shove the large stallion off the train giving him a light kick in the rear as he stumbles down and falls just clear of the tracks.
  5404. >The changeling pushes the throttle up and as the train begins to pick up speed you look back to see the four stallions falling into the distance.
  5405. >The three of them attempting to help the fourth up onto his hooves.
  5407. >You keep a watchful eye toward the rear of the train and when you're certain that you're no longer being pursued, you order your son to stop the train.
  5408. >The stop, however short gives the tired and bruised changelings an opportunity to enjoy the meal that had been saved for them as well as a feeding of love to help them recover their strength.
  5409. >Before long the train sets into motion again with a third changeling joining the other two at the controls.
  5410. >Four of the remaining changelings gather near by, resting together in pairs and begin to doze off.
  5411. >Chrysalis' thousand mile stare at the passing moonlit scenery is broken as you take a seat next to her.
  5412. "How are you holding up?"
  5413. >The tired and frustrated look in her eyes says it all.
  5414. >"I would have driven them off myself if..." she trails off with a sigh.
  5415. "You just need rest so you can heal."
  5416. >She looks away and opens her mouth to speak.
  5417. >You take the opportunity to lean in with a light kiss to her lips and an offering of the love she needs for sustenance.
  5418. >The sting rushes through you.
  5419. >As harsh as it is, you can tell she is struggling to hold back.
  5420. >Her need is desperate now.
  5421. >So much of her love had been given up to her children.
  5422. >The Crystal Empire can not come soon enough.
  5423. >The feeding leaves you breathless and trembling, but if it is the last time you might just make it through without any permanent damage.
  5424. >"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-" Chrysalis begins to apologize before you cut her off.
  5425. "No. It's fine. I'll be alright."
  5426. >You feel a hoof set gently on your leg bringing your attention to the loving eyes of your daughter.
  5427. >She looks down seeming as if she were a little ashamed as she says "I've been... holding on to a little extra... You know, just in case we needed it."
  5428. >Still slightly dazed, it takes you a second to catch on until she nuzzle against your side.
  5429. >You suddenly feel the love that she offers you and the longing you have to feed from it.
  5430. >Unsure of how to proceed, you carefully try to scale back the urge that seems to come so naturally.
  5431. >She doesn't seem at all bothered as you allow the warmth of the love she offers to flow into you.
  5432. >It has a sort of flavor to it.
  5433. >Something distinctive.
  5434. >You can tell it's not her own and perhaps that is why your feeding on it doesn't seem to have a negative effect on her.
  5435. >As much as you want to take more, you fight the urge.
  5436. >You close your eyes and take a deep beware as you force yourself to stop.
  5438. >With even that small feeding you feel far better than you had before.
  5439. >The aches of your body from the fight in the cab have faded and you feel somewhat calm and rested as if you had taken a short nap.
  5440. >Opening your eyes again you find her smiling up at you.
  5441. >Her smile quickly disappears and she slinks away joining two of her brothers in the next seat over.
  5442. >You look back to see Chrysalis glaring in her direction. "She should not have been holding out on her family."
  5443. >In an effort to temper her anger, you place a hand on her shoulder.
  5444. "She wasn't keeping it for herself. She couldn't use it anyway."
  5445. >With a reluctant sigh her expression softens as she concedes "I suppose you are right. But it is not her place to decide when it should be used. Nevertheless, it is done now. It would be pointless to dwell on it."
  5446. >A gentle stroke over her cheek seems to sooth her weary expression.
  5447. "Get some rest. We can't show up looking already defeated. We have to show them that we're not a lost cause."
  5448. >She gives a light nod and allows you to settle back before resting her head on your shoulder.
  5449. >You look around the dim moonlit car to see all of your children either asleep or very near it now.
  5450. >Turning your gaze out the window at the landscape passing by you take a moment to contemplate the future.
  5451. >You have only the slightest doubt in Twilight's ability to persuade Cadence and Shining Armor to help you.
  5452. >But you have to remind yourself that the Crystal Empire is only the beginning of the struggle.
  5453. >And for the sake of your family you must remain cautiously optimistic.
  5454. >Pale shapes rush by outside.
  5455. >It seems like the train is moving faster than the last time you took this trip.
  5456. >Perhaps you will be there sooner than you thought.
  5457. >Your mind grows dim as your eyelids droop.
  5458. >You've slept quite a bit lately.
  5459. >Perhaps it is for the best.
  5460. >Who knows how little rest there may be in your future.
  5462. >The subtle shift of the train slowing is enough to rouse you from your sleep.
  5463. >You wake to the building light of daybreak and lift your head to see the tower of the Crystal Empire against the pale backdrop of overcast sky.
  5464. >As the train eases to a stop, Chrysalis opens her eyes and turn to look out the window.
  5465. >She inhales sharply, startled by what she sees.
  5466. >You stand to see no less than a dozen soldiers in light blue armor surrounding the car.
  5467. "We should have expected this. They have little reason to trust us."
  5468. >Your children look to you with apprehensive stares as you move to the end of the car.
  5469. >You look back to Chrysalis as she gets up and settle your nerves with a drawn out breath before opening the door.
  5470. >No sound but gentle rustle of the surrounding tall grass comes as a cool wind moves through until a rather imposing looking stallion speaks up. "We are here to escort you to the see the Princess."
  5471. >"Captain Gallant." Chrysalis says in a bitter tone as she appears behind you.
  5472. >"Chrysalis." the stallion remarks with the same tone of disdain.
  5473. >The changelings file in toward the doorway following closely as you and Chrysalis step down from the car.
  5474. >The sounds of a small scuffle come from the cab of the engine as two soldiers try to force the changelings out.
  5475. >"Children, come. We are not here to fight." Chrysalis orders calling an end to the resistance.
  5476. >The Captain looks over your small group while the last three changelings join it.
  5477. >His judging eyes weigh heavily on you in particular adding to the unsettling feeling growing in your gut.
  5478. >"Please, follow me." he says with a cold tone before turning to head up the incline toward the city.
  5479. >At first you had questioned whether or not you're in the right place.
  5480. >You had been unaware that the Crystal Empire had a second track that seems to end at a small train yard on the opposite side of the city.
  5481. >Hidden from view of the city in a shallow valley, this humble port seems better suited for moving goods and equipment than the brightly decorated platform used to port tourists and travelers.
  5482. >The children keep close and the soldiers surround you as you follow Captain Gallant up the hill.
  5483. >In a way it seems comforting to sneak in the back gate under close guard rather than be subject to the stares of wary onlookers.
  5484. >Tension surrounds you in the silent march over the dirt path to the city.
  5485. >A cold drop of light mist touches your forehead drawing your attention upward to the gray sky.
  5486. "A little late in the season to be picking up rain, don't you think?"
  5487. >Your attempt to engage the soldier next to you in smalltalk falls without reply.
  5488. >"I have a bad feeling. I don't like this." Chrysalis whispers to you as you near the crest of the hill.
  5489. "I'm nervous too. But we've come too far. All we can do now is trust..."
  5490. >Your words vanish in a wisp of dread as the city comes into view.
  5491. >Soldiers clad in gold, cobalt, and blue occupy all but the narrow street before you.
  5493. >"We've been betrayed." Chrysalis hisses as you freeze in your tracks.
  5494. >You look around you to now find the soldiers surrounding you now at the ready with their weapons should you try to run.
  5495. "No... Twilight couldn't have... Not after-"
  5496. >"She did." Chrysalis interjects coldly.
  5497. >A sharp jab to the back gets you moving again.
  5498. >As many as they are, they stand in stark silence allowing only the sound of your coerced steps echo into the air.
  5499. >The city itself seems as muted shades of gray.
  5500. >The crunch of gravel halts as your first step falls on the glass street.
  5501. >With that first step a bitter chill rushes up your spine.
  5502. >Your first instinct is to backpedal but the attempt is met with a hard blow to the middle of your back forcing you on to the hateful surface of the now tainted Crystal Empire.
  5503. >To your sides Chrysalis and the changelings grit their teeth as they bare the same chill that affects you.
  5504. >And as you take another step a solemn whisper drifts past your ear.
  5505. >As it was the last time it is indecipherable but now carries a tone of urgency as a whispered cry for help.
  5506. >A desperate plea wrapped in pain.
  5507. >Some distance down the road between the oppressive stares of the soldiers, you notice that they are no longer at your back but have stopped at the end of the street blocking the one way out.
  5508. >With nowhere else to go, you continue to trudge on forward while listening to the whispers that still dance about you.
  5509. >You close your eyes and for a moment you can almost make out what they are saying to you.
  5510. >"So predictable."
  5511. >That wretched voice violently takes your attention prompting you to stop and open your eyes.
  5512. >Far ahead perched on the balcony above the street is Celestia.
  5513. >And to your dismay, beside her stands Luna.
  5514. >You clench your teeth as the bitterness wells up inside you.
  5515. >Luna had been such a promising allie.
  5516. >But how could you have expected her to turn against her own sister.
  5517. >Especially for such a hopeless cause.
  5518. >You feel one of your children press himself against your leg, trembling in fear as Celestia's voice booms out with a seemingly supernatural force.
  5519. >"I knew that with the right encouragement, you would run to the Crystal Heart. It was so easy. And now here you are. It all worked so perfectly."
  5520. >Your eyes lock on Luna as your heart burns with the fire of her betrayal.
  5521. >Even at this distance you can see the shame in her eyes as she looks away.
  5522. >Celestia looks to her sister before again addressing you "Do not be so hard on my dear sister. Although she has come to her senses, she still has misgivings about what must be done here. But she will see once this is over that it is for the betterment of our kingdom. That there is no other way."
  5523. >Celestia looks to Luna again to find her gaze still turned away.
  5524. >Seeming less than content with this she again looks over the balcony while addressing you.
  5525. >"Very well. As much as I want this to just be over, I felt it would be rather unsporting to not give you at least the slightest chance. Below you see your prize. The Crystal Heart. Come take it if you can."
  5526. >Despite not wanting to humor her, you can't help looking to the base of the tower.
  5527. >There, unobstructed from view you see it slowly turning as it hovers suspended between two crystal points.
  5528. >The Crystal Heart.
  5529. >Chrysalis takes a step forward but you bring your arm up to stop her.
  5530. "It's a game. She has no intention of letting us even get near it."
  5531. >Celestia laughs "Anon, you are no fun. But stalling will not help you avoid the inevitable. One way or another, you will die this day."
  5532. >Celestia, in her smug certainty looks to Luna and offers "Sister? Would you like to address your soldiers before we proceed?"
  5533. >With a deep breath Luna steps forward and calls out "Soldiers... My warriors of the night. Please step forward."
  5534. >Dark armored soldiers step up standing in fewer numbers, merely one line to the three of the golden clad soldiers behind them.
  5535. >The frightened changeling as your side trembles even more as the soldiers shift around you filling the air with the clattering of armor.
  5536. >"Be strong, my children." Chrysalis says softly "Today we die, but we do so together as a family."
  5537. >"My army... My friends..." Luna booms in the same godlike voice that Celestia had used "Today you stand in the service of your kingdom. And no matter the outcome. No matter how history may record your deeds on this day. You will stand proud knowing that you have done what is right. That you have acted with honor."
  5538. >Luna hesitates before giving the final order "Soldiers! Make your stand!"
  5539. >The dark clad soldiers ready their weapons and turn to face the greater force of Celestia's army.
  5540. >Shock washes over Celestia's face quickly followed by rage.
  5541. >She swings a hoof knocking her sister to the floor before shouting out to her army "Kill the traitors! Kill them all!"
  5543. Battle of the Kings - Audiomachine:
  5544. >The sound of sword from sheath comes as the crack of thunder before the mighty rumble of war.
  5545. >The cry of battle and the clash of steel ring out from all directions.
  5546. >It has begun.
  5547. >Civil War has broken the peaceful world you loved so.
  5548. >Your children and even Chrysalis back tight against you finding themselves in the eye of the storm.
  5549. >Pain and bloodshed writhe about you in a sea of chaos leaving you frozen in awe.
  5550. >A small voice rises from within you.
  5551. >A terrified voice.
  5552. >It cries to you "run... run..."
  5553. "RUN!"
  5554. >Leading the charge you and Chrysalis run side by side through the narrow passage as Luna's soldier fight to keep it open for as long as they can.
  5555. >To your side Chrysalis struggles to keep pace with you.
  5556. >Perhaps it is the eggs in her belly that slow her or perhaps it is the fierce will to save your family that drives your steps faster than you had even thought possible.
  5557. >The changelings keep at your heels and even in the fray of screams and metal you hear their labored breaths close behind you.
  5558. >Eyes narrowed you drive forward focused intently on the one thing that might deliver you and your loved ones from a certain death.
  5559. >From the corner of your vision you see movement.
  5560. >Three pegasi rise from the crowd then swiftly dive in.
  5561. >Their gold armor and crossbows catch your eye setting instinct into action.
  5562. >A wave of blue washes overhead as you bring your arm up catching a spray of arrows.
  5563. >Your steps falter as you scream out in pain.
  5564. >The impact of each arrow as it is stopped by your barrier is felt as if it had sunk into your own flesh.
  5565. >Having fulfilled it's purpose, the barrier dissolves along with the pain allowing you to press forward.
  5566. >Another emerges ready to strike but is intercepted by a dark clad pegasus.
  5567. "Lookout!"
  5568. >You shove Chrysalis to the side as the two soldiers still fighting hit the ground with a sickening thud in the very spot.
  5569. >Although taken off guard by your push, Chrysalis recovers quickly and the two pegasi quickly fall into the distance behind.
  5570. >Heart racing and lungs burning, you again turn your attention to the heart.
  5571. >It seems so close now but the passage is quickly narrowing as Luna's soldiers, far outnumbered, are pushed back.
  5572. >Celestia's warriors push trying to worm between the opposing forces.
  5573. >Their fierce eyes and teeth bared, they now take clumsy swings at you where they can.
  5574. >A sudden scream comes from behind.
  5575. >You turn to find one of your son's now pinned by a soldier who had slipped through.
  5576. "Go! Keep running!"
  5577. >You shout as you turn back.
  5578. >Seconds pass like hours as you race to save your son watching each hoof blow to his face.
  5579. >You feel helpless against the stretch of time but it only adds to your rage.
  5580. >You scream out bringing a fist back as you close in.
  5581. >The soldier looks up.
  5582. >The world slows and you swing hard sending the heavy armored pony spilling off your son.
  5583. >You turn back and kneel next to the battered changeling.
  5584. "Are you alright? Can you run?"
  5585. >Frantic and fueled by adrenaline, he gets back up quickly and nods answering "Y-yes! I'm fine!"
  5586. >His eyes widen and a sharp clatter rings out following the blunt thump of a punch.
  5587. >You whirl around in startle to find a dagger on the ground behind you and to the side one of Celestia's own pummeling the soldier who had attacked your son.
  5588. >He turns and you recognize him immediately.
  5589. >The spy.
  5590. >"What are you waiting for?! Go!" he shouts before turning back to land another strike against his comrade.
  5591. "Thank you."
  5592. >You say under your breath and take off again in a sprint.
  5593. >You and your son quickly close in on Chrysalis and the others as you dodge sword swipes.
  5594. >The lines of Luna's soldiers grow thin but the Crystal Heart is so close now.
  5595. >You feel as though you could almost touch it from where you are now.
  5596. >The passage gives way, opening under the tower.
  5597. >You've made it!
  5598. >Only another few feet!
  5599. >The world goes dim with a sudden crash.
  5600. >You find yourself laying on the ground and even through the ringing in your ears you hear it.
  5601. >"ENOUGH!" Celestia's godlike voice explodes rattling your body to the core.
  5603. >Dim shades of the world fade back in as your vision returns to you and through the ringing in your ears you hear that the soldiers have gone silent.
  5604. >Regaining your senses, you frantically look around and through the settling dust you spot Chrysalis laying on her side looking to be as dazed as you feel.
  5605. >Nearby are the changelings.
  5606. >To your relief, you see each of them groans and struggles to move signaling that they're still alive.
  5607. >Focus returns.
  5608. >You were so close.
  5609. >You are so close.
  5610. >Turning to find the Crystal Heart again, your eyes fall on the wretched sight of your enemy.
  5611. >Teeth bared and eyes glowing, Celestia looms over you standing in a shallow crater where the glass street had given way to the force of her landing.
  5612. >At her hooves, the street seems to bleed clear liquid where it has fractured.
  5613. >"I have been far too tolerant, but this ends now!"
  5614. >A light flit and a clop catch your attention as Luna lands. "No, sister. I can not allow you to do this."
  5615. >Her face is swollen and even through her dark complexion you can see bruises beginning to form.
  5616. >Only now as close as you are do you see the black ring seated at the base of her horn.
  5617. >As if tempered from nothing more than void, the ring pulls in even the light around it.
  5618. >Celestia snarls in response to Luna "And what can you do to stop me? Without your magic, you are as helpless before me as a foal!"
  5619. >Two of Celestia's soldiers step in, swords drawn and restrain Luna, freeing Celestia's attention to turn back to you.
  5620. >The edges of her eyes run black in contrast to the white of her face.
  5621. >You can see hate in those eyes.
  5622. >Pure cold hate.
  5623. >"My kingdom will know no fear. My kingdom will be at peace."
  5624. >The blackness fills in clouding over her eyes and runs down her cheeks and drifts off as a vapor.
  5625. >The ground shakes as she roars "My kingdom will know harmony!"
  5626. >Luna cries out "Celestia!" as a black tear falls from Celestia's face into the liquid at her hooves.
  5627. >The blackness quickly spreads in under the street.
  5628. >As it reaches you the blackness fills you with an unbearable pain.
  5629. >"No! Not again!" Chrysalis cries out as she scrambles to get away.
  5630. >You only just manage to hold back but you hear screams of agony from Chrysalis and each of the changelings as the blackness attacks them as well.
  5631. >"Celestia, what have you done?!" Luna screams out in horror.
  5632. >No longer able to hold yourself up your head falls to the ground.
  5633. >Looking past Celestia, you see the blackness run up the spire below before flowing into the Crystal Heart.
  5634. >A collective gasp comes as the entire kingdom grows dark and from the corner of your vision you see the soldiers step back from Luna wearing expressions of terror on their faces.
  5635. >The ground shudders with the low rumble of thunder that gives way to the sound of a cold wicked laughter.
  5636. >Fighting through the pain you manage to lift your head in time to watch a trail of black smoke touch down nearby and erupt into a cloud from which steps a large and foreboding black unicorn stallion.
  5637. >"Sombra." the name drips from Luna's lips with a taste of venom.
  5639. >The black stallion bares his fangs in a menacing grin "Luna, my dear. It has been so long."
  5640. >Several of Celestia's soldiers step toward the unicorn, weapons drawn and ready to strike.
  5641. >But their approach is cut off by a line of crystal soldiers, their eyes blackened the same as Celestia's.
  5642. >Looking back to Celestia, you find that her rage filled expression has melted to something of sorrow while tears of black continue to run down her face.
  5643. >"Sombra!" She calls out "My love, I thought I had lost you!"
  5644. >Sombra walks to Celestia, looking her over as he says "I have always been with you. Watching you... Waiting for this moment."
  5645. >Her face contorts into a pained smile as she answers "Yes. We have them now. We can finish these vile creatures. We can break their curse over you and we can be together again."
  5646. >Sombra lets out a low dark laughter "Celestia, my darling, you insult me! Do you really think me so weak to fall prey to their petty tricks?"
  5647. >"It's you, sister, who has been cursed!" Luna shouts as she takes a step forward.
  5648. >Sombra stomps his hoof and snaps "And you!" at Luna causing jagged black crystals to encase her hooves and another to jut from the ground stopping only inches from her neck.
  5649. >"But I failed to take into account the bitterness already brewing within you. The spell feeds on hate. And you, Luna, fed it too well with hatred of your own sister. I'm only sorry I wasn't there to reign it in when you finally bloomed."
  5650. >Luna looks away filled with shame and regret.
  5651. >Sombra steps in toward Celestia and nuzzle her cheek. "But I am here for you Celestia."
  5652. >Celestia shakes her head now trembling as the tears pour from her. "No... It can't be true... I... It can't be..."
  5653. >Sombra steps away looking around to admire his reclaimed kingdom.
  5654. >The soldiers of the Crystal Empire stand at attention in the grip of Sombra's dark magic while Celestia and Luna's soldiers remain unaffected, yet terrified by the events unfolding.
  5655. >Even through the blackness that covers her eyes you can see the sorrow as Celestia moves to stand at his side.
  5656. >The sound of Sombra's laughter chills your soul.
  5657. >You look to Chrysalis lying helpless on the ground now barely moving.
  5658. >Dying.
  5659. >Defeat sinks into you.
  5660. >This is the end.
  5661. >You let your head fall and close your eyes.
  5662. >Trying to block out the sound of Sombra laughing, you focus on the whispers.
  5663. >You had shut them out but they never stopped buzzing in your ears.
  5664. >The first time you had heard them they seemed soothing and calm.
  5665. >But now there is fear in these voices.
  5666. >You listen to them.
  5667. >Listen to their cries for help.
  5668. >As if in a last desperate effort, a single voice rings out among the whispers.
  5669. >You can't make out the words but the meaning comes through and sticks in your mind.
  5670. "I... I understand..."
  5671. >Gathering all that remains of your strength, you grit your teeth and pull yourself up to your feet.
  5672. >The pain is unbearable but you just manage to drag yourself one step at a time toward the Crystal Heart.
  5673. >Sombra turns and with that wicked smile says "And what is this? Some new and twisted form of changeling?"
  5674. >You grant him only the slightest glance before returning your focus to the heart.
  5675. >"And what might this twisted creature be trying to accomplish? You have lost." he taunts "The Crystal Heart is mine. All it will do for you now is grant you a painful lingering death."
  5676. >Your lack of acknowledgement only seems to frustrate him as you remain unswayed by his words.
  5677. >Sombra bows his head and lets out a roar as a beam blasts from his horn knocking you to the ground.
  5678. >The point of impact burns.
  5679. >You feel warm wet of blood beginning to soak your shirt but you are still alive.
  5680. >"Anon!" Chrysalis cries out to you in a weakened voice.
  5681. >The realization of this being your final act runs through your mind but hearing Chrysalis reminds you what is at stake.
  5682. >Again you struggle to your feet.
  5683. >Sombra growls seemingly frustrated at his inability to destroy you with that one attack. "So be it. Celestia, my pet. Destroy them. All of them."
  5685. >You let his words flow into the background without a single thought.
  5686. >Your focus is instead on the words of the voices drifting through the air, urging you forward and guiding your steps toward the Crystal Heart.
  5687. >Celestia steps toward Luna, still trembling as she struggles against the spell that possesses her.
  5688. >Luna pleads desperately "Sister, please! Don't do this! Fight it!"
  5689. >Clenching her teeth, Celestia fights to resist Sombra's control over her.
  5690. >But the spell has been with her too long and she is now powerless against it.
  5691. >"I'm sorry Luna. I'm so sorry."
  5692. >You push it aside.
  5693. >The fear.
  5694. >The chaos.
  5695. >You let it all flow around you.
  5696. >You take the Crystal Heart in your hands and let the words of the whispers guild your voice.
  5697. "Duo et cor unum. Exaudi orationem meam, et munera mea sacrificium dimidia reservemur. Dilectio pati."
  5698. >Sombra's gruntled laughter stops as he hears the words.
  5699. >The wicked unicorn takes in a breath but the sound of his protest is overwhelmed by the growing screeching from the heart.
  5700. >A sudden flash of white turns to silence.
  5701. >As your vision returns, you find yourself on the ground.
  5702. >The air is filled with a soft white haze that seems to hold everyone frozen in place.
  5703. >Trapped in that single moment in time.
  5704. >The quiet is broken only by the soft whispers that you now notice coming from small sparks that drift weightless through the air.
  5705. >You push yourself up still weak from your injuries but manage to get to your feet.
  5706. >"Anon?"
  5707. >You turn to see Chrysalis stepping cautiously toward you.
  5708. >She look to your chest with worry in her eyes.
  5709. >You look down to see a hole in your chest slowly growing as the edges fade into small sparks of light and flow through the air to the Crystal Heart where they disappear.
  5710. Ivan Torrent - Before I Leave This World (2013)(B…:
  5711. >Looking back to Chrysalis, you feel a lump form in your throat.
  5712. >You know the words you spoke.
  5713. >You know what it is that you have done.
  5714. "Chrysalis, I... I don't have long."
  5715. >"What is happening to you?" she asks seeming fearful of the answer.
  5716. >You close the space between you with only a few steps and place a hand against her cheek.
  5717. "I'm sorry, Chrysalis. This is... the end for me. It's the only thing I could do. You'll be fine. You and the children will be safe. But I..."
  5718. >"You can't!" she cries "I forbid you to leave me!"
  5719. >You reach around and take her in a close embrace.
  5720. "I'm sorry my queen. But it is done. It can't be stopped now."
  5721. >She pulls away and glares as tears of anger and sadness fill her eyes.
  5722. >"Then what is this?! Why draw out this moment?!"
  5723. >A spark drifting past her whispers a single word in answer.
  5724. >"mercy"
  5725. >"This is not mercy!" she screams in protest.
  5726. >"This is torment."
  5727. >looking away, she tries to hide the tears as they drop from her cheeks.
  5728. >"What is there that can be said in this short time? What memories can be made to comfort me in the lonely nights I am to endure without you?"
  5729. >As your hand drifts seemingly disconnected from what little remains of your body it gently guides her chin bringing her gaze to your own.
  5730. >You force a smile as a tear falls from your cheek and turns to a spark of light before reaching the ground.
  5731. "There is one thing to be said. Something you were supposed to ask me once I recovered from your bite. Something... I've been wanting to answer."
  5732. >Her lip trembles as the memory of the question comes to be mind.
  5733. >She struggles to steel herself against overwhelming emotion and asks "Anon... Do you love me?"
  5734. >You see the sparks drift past as your neck vanishes from existence leaving you with so little time.
  5735. "Yes, Chrysalis. I love you with all my heart."
  5736. >"Anon..."
  5737. >You lean in and stifle her oncoming sobs with a kiss.
  5738. >She doesn't resist but rather clings to that passionate kiss as if it were the one thing that could keep you with her.
  5739. >But little by little what remains of you continues to fade.
  5740. >And before the kiss is broken, you are gone.
  5741. >Chrysalis settles back sitting now alone in the stillness of this painful moment.
  5742. >She begins to cry before a low hum from the Crystal Heart draws her attention.
  5743. >It begins to spin faster and faster while the sound it makes builds higher.
  5744. >She edges back unsure of what to expect.
  5745. >Sparks of energy arc between the heart and the surrounding surfaces as the spell grows in strength.
  5746. >With an earth shattering crash the Crystal Heart lets out a wave of white hot energy that seems to set time back into motion as it passes.
  5747. >Sombra dissolves like smoke to the wind as the wave rips through him.
  5748. >It expands outward shattering the dark crystals holding Luna captive and violently tearing a shadowy form from Celestia's body.
  5749. >The spell passes through Celestia leaving her to fall limp to the ground before doing the same to each of the crystal ponies but leaving all others unaffected.
  5750. >The darkness washes away with the expanding shock wave that rushes out in all directions and disappears over the horizon.
  5752. >Having exhausted it’s energy, the Crystal Heart spins listlessly atop the lower spire.
  5753. >Dark and dead it tips and falls shattering across the solid surface below.
  5754. >Dazed and bleary eyes search for answers in the first moments after the cleansing wave.
  5755. >And in that moment a gentle rain begins.
  5756. >It washes away the blood and the tears.
  5757. >Celestia lifts her head and opens her eyes.
  5758. >Although clear of the dark spell that had infected her for so long, the memories remain.
  5759. >And with them, so does the guilt.
  5760. >The first to recover, Luna barks orders to free Cadence, Shining Armor, and Twilight from the palace.
  5761. >Her commands are met with immediate obedience.
  5762. >Celestia stares down at the ground struggling to come to grips with what has happened.
  5763. >"Celestia? Are you?..." Luna asks in a concerned voice as she approaches.
  5764. >Celestia picks herself up trying to reassure her sister.
  5765. >The changelings gather quietly around Chrysalis.
  5766. >Uncertain of what has happened, they remain fearful of the ponies who surround them.
  5767. >Celestia's heart sinks as she watches them knowing the pain and suffering she has caused them.
  5768. >Picking herself up, she approaches. "Chrysalis... I don't know what to say. I-"
  5769. >Celestia is stopped suddenly by the point of a spear at her throat.
  5770. >"That is close enough!" Gallant snarls as several other crystal ponies move in to intercept her.
  5771. >"Are you alright, my queen?" Gallant asks keeping his spear firmly pointed at Celestia's neck.
  5772. >"Do it!" Celestia cries "End me for the wickedness I have done. For all the heartache I have caused."
  5773. >Gallant draws back slightly as if readying to strike.
  5774. >"Stand down, Captain Gallant!" Chrysalis shouts as she gets to her hooves.
  5775. >He hesitates for a second before lowering his spear and standing aside.
  5776. >Chrysalis steps up to Celestia.
  5777. >With sorrow in her eyes and anger in her voice she speaks down to Celestia.
  5778. >"How dare you to even think that your life could mend the hearts you have broken! That your existence would even be worth the lives of my children that have been slaughtered in your name!"
  5779. >Celestia slowly sinks down as she tries to offer some sort of apology. "I-"
  5780. >"SILENCE!" Chrysalis screams in her face.
  5781. >Chrysalis trembles with rage as she glares down at Celestia and gives her judgment.
  5782. >"You will take your able bodies and leave my kingdom at once. Your injured will be returned to you when they are well enough to travel. And finally... you will beg for mercy from your guilt. May your nights be filled with the restlessness of your own conscience."
  5783. >Celestia look up in shock while Chrysalis turns away not allowing her to see the sadness in her eyes.
  5784. >"Go now. Leave before I change my mind."
  5785. >Celestia stands keeping her head low and slowly saunters away.
  5786. >The soldiers part before her and fall in to follow her as she passes.
  5787. >"M-mother?" a small voice beckons up to Chrysalis "Where is father?"
  5788. >Chrysalis looks down at her daughter only now noticing the glow coming from the changeling's chest.
  5789. >Heavy hearted, Chrysalis looks into her eyes and says "I'm sorry, my child. He's gone."
  5790. >The changeling shakes her head as tears fill her eyes.
  5791. >"He can't be. I can feel him. I can feel his love."
  5792. >She searches her heart but can't find the words to comfort her child.
  5793. >"There... will be time to mourn. But for now... there are wounded to tend to."
  5794. >"Mother?" another changeling speaks "I feel... strange."
  5795. >She understands immediately, the feeling he's talking about.
  5796. >Something she herself had not felt in centuries.
  5797. >"I know, son. You have never known what it is to not be hungry."
  5798. >A sharp amber light spills from the east as the rising sun finds a break in the clouds.
  5799. >This is a new day.
  5800. >One of heartache and of hope.
  5801. >This is the day of vindication.
  5802. >When the changelings sovereign claim was recognized. Not only to the Crystal Empire. But to life.
  5804. >You wake to familiar sounds in a familiar place.
  5805. >Rain taps gently at your window as you lie in bed.
  5806. >The memories of months remain sharp in your mind but as you turn on your side and take in the surroundings you know all too well, the realization sets in.
  5807. >"A dream... It was all a dream."
  5808. >Saying it out loud does little to comfort your fraying emotions.
  5809. >As troubling as the life you had found in Equestria had been, it was the first feeling of true belonging you had found in years.
  5810. >The first glimmer of happiness you could have had in as long.
  5811. >The old feeling returns.
  5812. >The feeling of being broken by life.
  5813. >And just has you had for so long, you force yourself out of bed.
  5814. >It was unlike you to sleep nude but apparently it had been the thing to do last night.
  5815. >At this point it seems like ages ago that you had last climbed into bed.
  5816. >You can hardly remember what really happened the night before.
  5817. >Slipping on the bathrobe hanging from the door's edge you look to your bedside table to find your alarm clock and the power cord to your cell phone but no phone.
  5818. >You immediately give up hope of finding it again but really you can't even find the will to care.
  5819. >Not about your phone, or the fact that you're already late for work.
  5820. >Taking the few grudging steps into the kitchen, you take the phone off the wall and dial work as you go to the sink for a glass of water.
  5821. >You bring the phone to your ear expecting a tone or a voice but there's nothing.
  5822. >No sound.
  5823. >It figures.
  5824. >You'll probably be fired if you don't at least call but again apathy keeps its grip on you.
  5825. >You hang up the phone and take a seat at the table.
  5826. >Your dry mouth and mounting headache strive to steal your attention away from the dream.
  5827. >You let out a frustrated sigh remembering that you had set down your glass of water on the counter.
  5828. >The situation kindles the memory of that moment you had first used magic.
  5829. >You shake your head remembering that it was just a dream.
  5830. >But even that now distant memory brings you closer to the happiness that you knew.
  5831. >You can't help a slight chuckle at yourself as the idea seep into your mind.
  5832. >Nothing short of foolish and impossible fantasy.
  5833. Thomas Bergersen - Illusions:
  5834. >Glaring at the glass from across your humble kitchen, more memories come.
  5835. >They flow through your mind like a swelling stream.
  5836. >You want it to be true.
  5837. >You reach your hand out and concentrate.
  5838. >More memories.
  5839. >More emotions.
  5840. >You focus.
  5841. >In the depth of mental strain, you hardly notice the glass begin to shudder.
  5842. "Please... Please..."
  5843. >You want this...
  5844. >You need it to be true.
  5845. "Come on!"
  5846. >You clench your eyes shut and strain with everything you've got.
  5847. >You can hear the glass rattling now just barely on the surface.
  5848. >You hear their voices in your mind.
  5849. >Every soul you had encountered in Equestria.
  5850. >The sound of the glass on the counter stops and you open your eyes.
  5851. >A single voice pierces your mind as you see the glass float through the air to you.
  5852. >It's Celestia.
  5853. >"They found a way to return... "
  5854. >"return..."
  5855. >Her voice shifts, becoming a more longing tone.
  5856. >Becoming Chrysalis' voice.
  5857. >"Return to me, Anon..."
  5858. >"Return to me..."
  5860. End
  5862. The Lost King (bonus content)
  5864. Future World Music - Ascension:
  5866. >It couldn't have been more than a few hours from the moment you tore open a hole to another world.
  5867. >It wasn't the world you'd hoped for.
  5868. >It was nothing you could have expected.
  5869. >Four realm's later, each one more uninhabitable than the last and now you sit broken and alone, lost on a dead planet.
  5870. >Huddled in a shallow cave you take shelter from the crimson sun, so large it fills nearly half the sky.
  5871. >But it won't help you for long.
  5872. >Even now the dim hot light encroaches on your shelter.
  5873. >The wind howls pasts blowing hot sand in your face.
  5874. >The air is tainted with an acrid smell that burns your nose and throat.
  5875. >And as tears of defeat run down your cheek they mix with with the toxic atmosphere and burn like acid.
  5876. >The ruins just outside the cave are a sign that life had once been here.
  5877. >But no more.
  5878. >This was a place where a civilization had found its end.
  5879. >And now it seems it is where you are destined to find the same.
  5880. >Your journey had begun with so much hope and promise.
  5881. >But just through the portal you found yourself running for your life.
  5882. >You've been running since then.
  5883. >And now here in this hellish landscape you find your first moment of rest.
  5884. >Maybe it was a mistake to try.
  5885. >You couldn't have known that it would lead you to this.
  5886. >But there's no way back now.
  5887. >Each portal seems completely random in the world it leads to.
  5888. >You haven't even a clue how it all works.
  5889. >Different planets?
  5890. >Different dimensions?
  5891. >Or are they different ages of the same world?
  5892. >How could you know?
  5893. >And if you go on... what will await you on the other side?
  5894. >You close your eyes and try to see the your destination.
  5895. >You try to see her loving eyes again.
  5896. >You fought so hard for her already.
  5897. >What more is there for you to lose?
  5898. >You open your eyes and push yourself up onto your feet.
  5899. "If I die... I will die fighting."
  5900. >You summon all the courage you can find left in your broken heart and with a wave of your hand the portal opens.
  5901. >With one last stringing breath, you try to imagine what it is you might face next.
  5902. >To prepare for the trials ahead.
  5903. >And with only the dimmest of hope at finding home... you step through.
  5904. >You fade from view of this place.
  5905. >This world once again left lifeless.
  5906. >Left to its endless decay.
  5907. >May you find mercy.
  5908. >And one day...
  5909. >Perhaps you might find your home.
  5910. >The lost king, Anon.
  5912. Epilogue
  5915. >Seated at the center of the Northern Pastures lies the crown jewel of Equestria.
  5916. >The majestic capital of the Crystal Empire stands high among the gentle sloping hills.
  5917. >Lush temperate summers and cold snowy winters make the land ideal for crops of wheat and wild glasses.
  5918. >While now peaceful, the empire has stood witness to times of great sorrow and loss.
  5919. >Few places in the kingdoms have seen such bloodshed as the Crystal Empire.
  5920. >Wounds are still fresh and tensions are high as the changelings struggle to find their rightful place as a sovereign people within Equestria's borders.
  5921. >Having Celestia's blessings, the Crystal Empire has remained a safe haven for all changeling kind.
  5922. >Though, with their new found freedom, some have ventured out into the world to find their own place.
  5923. >Some have found acceptance, and many others... rejection.
  5924. >But as the first year or the Era of Change comes to a close, all have been called to return home to the empire.
  5926. >The room around Chrysalis is dark but for a narrow sliver of light that breaks between the curtains and reaches across her eyes.
  5927. >She stares out from the silent chamber in her bed only just able to see the crystalline statue standing majestically outside.
  5928. >"They got it all wrong." she says to herself "It looks nothing like him. He would never take such a theatrically dramatic pose for one thing. He was humble. And the features are wrong too. He wasn't exactly flabby but had no where near that much muscular tone. No... That's not my king. That's not Anon at all."
  5929. >Tomorrow will be a year from that day.
  5930. >The day that everything was made better but for one detail.
  5931. >One important thing that she had known so briefly, but missed more than anything else.
  5932. >There's a gentle knock at the door before opening.
  5933. >"Chrysalis?" Cadence says softly peeking her head in "You're still in bed? We're due to down at the train station to greet a dignitary."
  5934. >She steps in using her magic to ease the curtains open enough to light the room.
  5935. >Chrysalis rolls over hiding her face in her pillow while she grumbles in protest.
  5936. >"The dignitaries arrived yesterday."
  5937. >With her movement in the bed comes the clanking of bottles, two empty and one nearly empty.
  5938. >Cadence eyes the bottles with a small sigh.
  5939. >"I see you've found Shining's stash... again."
  5940. >"He should have hidden it better." Chrysalis replies in a muffled voice.
  5941. >"There is one more coming in today. A late arrival. Celestia sent a letter on his behalf asking that we extend a full welcome."
  5942. >Cadence looks out the window at the imperfect image of Anon.
  5943. >Her empathetic nature is quick to respond to the sight drawing her to Chrysalis' bedside with comforting words.
  5944. >"I can't begin to know what this must be like for you. To secretly mourn inside while everyone else celebrates. But this event is an important step toward easing tensions."
  5945. >Chrysalis gives no reply.
  5946. >"I know I promised you that I wouldn't let you back out but if it becomes too much, I can always stand in for you. I only ask that you do try."
  5947. >Chrysalis groans into her pillow and rolls back on her side to face Cadence.
  5948. >"You're right. It is important."
  5949. >Cadence gives a reassuring smile before she steps away toward the large wardrobe in the corner.
  5950. >Chrysalis takes her time while fighting the pain in her head to crawl out of bed.
  5951. >"Cadence," Chrysalis addresses her with a sound of emotion embattled apprehension in her voice "I can't tell you how glad I am that you and Shining Armor have been here to help me. Even with the loyalty of the crystal ponies... I don't think I could have made it through this past year without friends like you. For all you've done, I owe you a great deal. Especially after what I had done to you before your wedd-"
  5952. >Cadence interrupts with an empathetic look and more soft words. "Oh, Chryssi. You're still bringing that up? It's in the past. And knowing your situation, we can hardly blame you for it."
  5953. >She finally seems to find what she was looking for in the wardrobe and levitates an elegant blue cape from the row of hanging garments.
  5954. >"Now, no more dwelling on the past. Today is about the brighter future we are trying to build."
  5955. >Chrysalis appraises the cape and matching dress as they drift into the grasp of her own magic.
  5956. >"I looks bright and sunny" Cadence explains "but there is a rather cold breeze coming down from the north. This should keep you comfortable."
  5957. >"It's beautiful." Chrysalis says allowing her gaze to drift past Cadence to the ragged wedding dress only now revealed by the absence of the more regal attire.
  5958. >She quickly averts her eyes to the floor as she notices Cadence's curious glitch back at the wardrobe.
  5959. >With a gentle tap the wardrobe closes and and Cadence brings a hoof to Chrysalis' chin to show her a warm smile.
  5960. >"You're a thousand years proud and strong. I know you can do this. Now let's see that brave face."
  5961. >Chrysalis can't help a small chuckle.
  5962. >Ordinarily she wouldn't tolerate being talked up like a scared foal.
  5963. >But Cadence has that special charm about her.
  5964. >A maternal way of comforting that always reminds Chrysalis of her own mother.
  5966. >Within a few short minutes Chrysalis and Cadence are well on their way down the crystalline street toward the train station accompanied but no less than the highest of the royal guard.
  5967. >Cadence was certainly right about the weather and had dressed herself accordingly in a more modest but equally warm cape of pink tinted fur.
  5968. >The deceptively sunny day being host to a chilly wind that cuts over the warm daylight with each light gust brings Chrysalis the assurance that this outdoor greeting will be kept brief.
  5969. >"So... Assuming I even care, what do we know of this indignantly late dignitary?" Chrysalis asks.
  5970. >"The letter that arrived didn't say much. Only that he had just arrived in Canterlot after having traveled a long way."
  5971. >Chrysalis shorts and with a slight sound of disdain in her voice says "If his kingdom is so far out of the way it seems hardly of any consequence to him or his people what is happening here."
  5972. >Cadence gives Chrysalis a little nudge and a smile as they walk side by side.
  5973. >"Come now, Chrysalis. You and your children are the stuff of legends. Until you showed up in Canterlot, most simply believed you were a myth. It's perfectly natural for others to be curious."
  5974. >The sound of the train whistle echoes from the distance as they step up onto the festively decorated platform.
  5975. >Trying to keep Chrysalis engaged and distracted, Cadence says "Amethyst arrived late yesterday. She's looking forward to seeing you again."
  5976. >Chrysalis looks at her with a questioning sideward glance."Who?"
  5977. >"Your daughter. She has chosen to go by the name Amethyst now." Cadence answers.
  5978. >Chrysalis nods "Ah. She has been away for so weeks. She must be hungry by now."
  5979. >Cadence smiles shaking her head lightly." I will never understand how you know one from another without names."
  5980. >"Apparently," Cadence continues "The hunger hasn't returned. It seems as though you might be free from the burden of feeding on love altogether."
  5981. >Chrysalis tries to hide the feeling of disappointed that comes over her as she replies "Anon's gifts never cease. I suppose there really is little use for me now."
  5982. >Extending a wing over Chrysalis, Cadence says "Children still need their mother even if they no longer nurse."
  5983. >The roar of the train pulling in blocks out any chance the Chrysalis might have to respond.
  5984. >Cadence takes her wing back and takes up a more professional stance.
  5985. >Wind rush in past them, they stand waiting as the train screams to a halt.
  5986. >Chrysalis struggles to prepare her best fake smile as the door opens and two of Celestia's best dressed guards step out to either side.
  5987. >In sharp brightness of the midday sun, the relative share of the car obscures the figure as he emerges.
  5988. >As the figure emerges the guard to the right clears his throat and announces "Sir Ghenra of the Southern plains of Evendar."
  5989. >From the dark steps a thin tall creature, black and white in color with long horns and cloven hooves.
  5990. >He stands with the familiar lofty smugness of royalty.
  5991. >A trait that Chrysalis has quickly come to despise in her "guests".
  5992. >Chrysalis takes in a breath ready to give the standard greeting when a second figure emerges.
  5993. >One more familiar but no more welcome.
  5994. >Wearing a radiant smile Celestia steps out.
  5995. >Chrysalis quickly looks away.
  5996. >She hadn't seen Celestia since the day she ordered her out of the Crystal Empire.
  5997. >And she had no desire to ever see her again.
  5998. >To feel the sorrow of memories invoked by the sight of her.
  5999. >Staring toward the ground and steeling herself against her own emotion, Chrysalis forces out the well practiced greeting in a monotone voice.
  6000. >"Greetings. I am Queen Chrysalis of the changelings and I welcome you to the Crystal Empire. We are happy to have you as our guest to celebrate our first year of..."
  6001. >She trails off as a glance toward Cadence finds her staring mouth open toward the door.
  6002. >The the sound of two light steps, Cadence suddenly drops to a bow.
  6003. >An expression of respect she had not even extended to Celestia.
  6004. >Chrysalis looks up.
  6005. >Her legs become weak at the sight.
  6006. >That familiar smile on a face now showing the wear of a year's journey through worlds, many of which defied description.
  6007. >"Anon..." his name drips from her lips with a taste of disbelief.
  6008. >Her heart swells as tears of joy fill her eyes.
  6009. "W-welcome home... my love."


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Impossibly Lucky Anon

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