kqaii's Pastes

Joined: 2021-01-15


[ProbablyAutistic] Have more than fifty pastes[HorseAyylmao] Have more than 50,000 total views
Title Paste Time Views Tags
Rejection is Magic 07 January 2022 Public 1054 anontrixiesadmane 6aiesfwrejection is magic
Rejection is Magic - Part 2 09 January 2022 Public 658 anontrixiesadrainbow dashtwilightrejection is magichurtreject
Twilight is not attractive to Anon 10 January 2022 Public 713 anonrainbow dashtwilightspikeaiesfwrejection is magicreject
So I'll see you in Equestria, boys. 10 January 2022 Public 396 anontwilight sparklesadaiesfwfeel
[One-shot]Just too late 10 January 2022 Public 475 anontwilight sparklesadaiesfwemofeel
Mid Life Crisis 10 January 2022 Public 643 anonsadcadencetwilightfeel
[One shot]Celestia x Anon 11 January 2022 Public 495 anoncelestiasaddeathaiefeel
Anon's life in Equestria 11 January 2022 Public 596 anonsadaiefeel
"I hate Rainbow Dash" by Gilda 11 January 2022 Public 478 gildasadrainbow dashsfw
friendship really was magic 11 January 2022 Public 386 anonsadfeel
The feels... 11 January 2022 Public 530 twilight sparkletrixieraritycelestialunasadrainbow dashderpysfwfeel
I'm a good pony. 11 January 2022 Public 574 anontwilight sparklesadpetspgfeel
Feel Thread Archive 12 January 2022 Public 431 anonsad/mlp/feel
"Pinkie Pie's always here." 12 January 2022 Public 757 anonpinkie piesadfeel
Dick first 13 January 2022 Public 650 anonnsfwsexcoco pommelaie
[ponut] Celestia and Luna by Anon 13 January 2022 Public 730 anoncelestialunansfwponuts
Twilight's Tantilizing Tail 13 January 2022 Public 480 anontwilight sparklensfwone shot
Celestia one shot 15 January 2022 Public 638 anoncelestiasadaiefeel
Estrus 19 January 2022 Public 623 estrusnsfwsexdinky hoovespipsqueakpheromones
Title Paste Time Views Tags