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Babs Takes Seed

By Glimbrain
Created: 2024-05-14 20:53:48
Expiry: Never

  1. Synopsis: Anon foalsits an innocent filly and a not-so-innocent filly.
  3. >The stone pathway leading up to your house is a simple one.
  4. >With each lumbering step you take, a chorus of excited hoofsteps follows from behind you.
  5. >The path is evenly paved, a straight shot to your front door—no distractions.
  6. >Well, almost no distractions.
  7. >Over to your right, you see a patch of your garden where you've planted some flowers.
  8. >They all gently sway in the breeze; one of them stands taller than the others—a marigold.
  9. >Looking even further right—past your picket fence and into the horizon—you see the sun slowly beginning to set, filling the skies with a golden hue.
  10. >You step up to your porch, and you start fumbling through your pockets for the appropriate key.
  11. >With a few *clicks,* you turn the door's handle and push it wide.
  12. >With one hand still resting on your door frame, you turn your head to the side to address your charges.
  13. "Alright, here we are; make yourselves at—"
  14. >A yellow blur rushes past you and into your home before you can finish.
  15. >"Woo-hoo! Sleepover at Mister Anon's! Sleepover at Mister Anon's! Come on, Babs!"
  16. >The blur zooms into your living room and stops deep inside it, becoming much less a blur—but no less a filly.
  17. >Her fur is a light yellow—plain, simple, and to the point.
  18. >While her bouncy mane is reminiscent of a vibrant raspberry; it's also topped off with a bright red bow.
  19. >She glances back at you with sparkling orange eyes and a wide toothy grin.
  20. >Her glance is very quickly broken as something else appears to catch her eye and she rushes out of sight.
  21. "There she goes…" you sigh.
  22. >"Heh," you hear a chuckle from behind from you.
  23. >Another filly calmly steps up to your side from your rear, she gazes up at you with confident spring buds; her coat is a yellowish brown.
  24. >Her mane is two-tone, combining light and dark reds together and styling the front of it in a combover on one side of her face.
  25. >"Cuz can't keep still for one second. But dat's all part of her charm."
  26. >Her voice is deeper than you would expect from a filly; it's brusque yet feminine—harsh yet teasing.
  27. >She blows upwards, floating the bang of her mane for a brief moment, before giving you a smirk.
  28. >"Ain't dat right, Mistah Mous?"
  29. >Before you can answer, she gives your leg a playful bump with her rump before sauntering past you and into the house to join her "Cuz."
  30. >Her steps are leisurely, while her tail bobs up and down as she goes.
  31. >Just before she disappears from your sight, she looks back at you with that unchanging smirk, and she gives her mane another puff of air.
  32. >"Well, let's not keep her waitin', yeah?"
  33. >And with that, she's gone.
  34. >The "Cuz" in question was that hyperactive yellow blur from earlier—a sweet little filly named Apple Bloom.
  35. >And the other filly—the one who sashayed her hips with every step she took—she's Apple Bloom's cousin: Babs Seed.
  36. >And you, Anonymous, are their foalsitter for the day.
  38. >After a slight fumble with your keys to lock your door, you head deeper into the living room.
  39. >You walk around the couch, and the first thing you see is Babs lazily lying across it, having quickly made herself comfortable.
  40. >The second thing you see is Apple Bloom sat on the carpet in front of the couch.
  41. >She's sat down on her haunches, her mouth is agape in amazement, and her wide eyes are fixated on a drawer that right by the wall—
  42. >Or to be more specific—the black box that lies on top of it.
  43. >Ah, so she's interested in *that*—you had a hunch she would be.
  44. >Once you take a few steps into the living room, Babs's ears quickly perk up and she gives you an easygoing wave at you from her easygoing position.
  45. >"Hey, look who finally decided to show up! Had me almost dyin' of boredom waitin' for you!"
  46. "Had to lock the front door; It only took me a few seconds."
  47. >"And dat's a few seconds too many. Why're you lockin' your doors anyway? I thought dis was a nice neighbahood."
  48. "Doesn't matter how 'nice' the neighbourhood is—I prefer my privacy secured and my home not robbed."
  49. >"Pff. If anypony has the wise idea to try an' rob this place while I'm around—I'll give 'em da Babs one-two!"
  50. >She swings her forehooves in the air while vocalising a "pa-pow!" for emphasis.
  51. >As entertaining as it might be to keep bantering with this boisterous filly—
  52. >You're starting to get worried about Apple Bloom and her continued fascination with the black box on your drawer.
  53. >So you walk over to her side and crouch down; you then wave your hand in front of her face to snap her out of her trance.
  54. "Hey—Earth to Apple Bloom? You there?"
  55. >She blinks a few times before whipping her head over to meet your gaze.
  56. >Her pupils are large, her smile is wide—and her voice is extremely loud.
  58. "Agh—!"
  59. >After recovering from the point-blank filly voice blast, you calmly answer Bloom's obstreperous outburst.
  60. "Yes, that's right."
  61. >"Ooooooh!"
  62. >Bloom snaps her head back to gaze at your "movie box" in awe, obviously oblivious to the fact that she had nearly obliterated your ear drums.
  63. >As you rub your ears, you hear a snicker coming from Babs back on the couch.
  64. >It's obvious that it's Bloom's first time seeing one of these mystical appliances, so you can forgive her excitement.
  65. >Indeed, the "movie box" that proudly stands upon your drawer is a recent addition to your home's repertoire—and a recent invention in Equestria proper.
  66. >Equestria is no stranger to the wonders of the cinema—but this particular contraption allows you to peruse the picture shows right from the comfort of your own home.
  67. >It's a brainchild that comes straight from the bigwigs in the big city, and…
  68. >Well, it's a television, basically—but it's nothing like the thin, sleek LED TVs that you were used to back home.
  70. >It's tastefully thick—but the screen is eye-squintingly small.
  71. >There are a few dials and switches on the right hand side to turn the TV on and adjust the volume.
  72. >It's kind of like one of those CRT TVs you used to own back in the day—very old school.
  73. >The technology is still in its infancy, so there are no nearby broadcasts to tune into; all this thing can do is play movies.
  74. >Just below the TV screen—there's a small compartment where you can place in a VHS tape.
  75. >Very old school.
  76. >"How'd ya get your hoov—er—hands on one of these?" Bloom suddenly asks you, the sparkles never leaving her eyes for a moment.
  77. >You stand up and confidently place your hands on your hips.
  78. "Well, when you're close friends with a kooky princess who loves magic and technology both—you tend to get first dibs on stuff like this."
  79. >You conveniently leave out the part where said kooky princess frequently puts you under the microscope and subjects you to all sorts of freaky experiments in exchange for these "first dibs"—Apple Bloom doesn't need to know that.
  80. >"Hey, *Ah'm* friends with a kooky princess too—so why don't *Ah* have one of these?"
  81. >After (badly) suppressing a snicker at her *also* acknowledging said princess as "kooky," you answer her.
  82. "Because you're also Applejack's sister."
  83. >"Well that's…hrm…"
  84. >She rests her chin on her forehoof for a few moments.
  85. >"…ya know what, good point."
  86. >You step up to your TV and rest your hand on it, giving the top a few proud taps.
  87. "Got this thing imported all the way from Manehattan."
  88. >"From Manehattan?!" Bloom gasps.
  89. >She quickly swivels around and addresses Babs.
  90. >"Hey Babs, *you* live in Manehattan! Does that mean ya got one of these too?"
  91. >"U-uh…"
  92. >Bloom's extremely sound deduction takes Babs completely off guard; her ears flatten down and her limbs tighten up for a brief moment—
  93. >But a brief moment is just all it was—she quickly responds with a puffed chest.
  94. >"Yeah—course I do! Everypony's got one of dose boxes over there. Use mine every single day!"
  95. >"Wow! Really? Now ya *gotta* let me visit some time! Ah wanna see it!"
  96. >"I-I'm not sure that's such a good idea; we're still, uh, renovatin', y'know? Don't think we'll be havin' any visitors any time soon, yeah…" Babs puffs up her bang.
  97. >"Renovatin'? What for?"
  98. >You let a few "um"'s and "ah"'s escape Babs's lips before you change the subject.
  99. "Hey Apple Bloom, wanna check out one of these movies?"
  100. >"Do Ah?!"
  101. >Taking her rhetorical question in stride, you open the drawer below the TV, quickly pulling out four VHS cases and setting them all down in front of her.
  102. "Take your pick."
  104. >You're hoping at least one of these movies strikes her fancy—because those four are all you've got.
  105. >In fact, those four movies are all that anyone will have at the moment.
  106. >Ah, the joys of newly emergent technology.
  107. >As someone with way too much spare time on his hands—you've already watched each movie several times over.
  108. >Well, except for one; there's one movie that you've only watched once—an observational documentary taking place in Fluttershy's animal sanctuary.
  109. >It was six hours of raw, unedited footage—of animals doing animal things and nothing else.
  110. >It made decent background noise while you were doing your chores, but it was dreadfully boring to watch; you really hope Apple Bloom doesn't pick that one.
  111. >You've got a few different genres in your little collection, so there should be at least one—
  112. >"Ah wanna watch…this one!"
  113. >Bloom points to a particular case; it's illustrated with the image of a saloon, and it's titled:
  114. >'Over Ten Barrels.'
  115. "Gotcha."
  116. >Ah, the spaghetti western; it figures that she'd pick this one first.
  117. "But I gotta say—you've got good taste, Apple Bloom."
  118. >She giggles while you take the video tape out of the case.
  119. >"So that little doohickey's got a whole story inside of it?"
  120. "Yup, and once I put it in here…"
  121. >You tap the VCR compartment on the TV.
  122. "…you'll be able to watch it; cool, huh?"
  123. >"Yeah. Wow…um…I…"
  124. >You lean over to place the tape in the TV—but then you stop yourself.
  125. >Looking back at Apple Bloom, you briefly make eye contact with her—but she quickly shifts her gaze to a nearby corner of the room.
  126. >Her ears are flat, and she's chewing her bottom lip anxiously.
  127. >You look back at your VHS tape.
  128. >Hm.
  129. >On one hand, mouth slobber on your nice new video tape.
  130. >On the other—you'll get to witness a very chipper filly interacting with new technology for the first time.
  131. >…
  132. >The decision has been made.
  133. "You can put the tape in, if you like."
  134. >Her eyes shoot open as she sharply inhales a *lot* of air.
  135. >As she turns to face you—the shiny sparkles in her eyes and the wide smile on her face gives you all the answer you need.
  136. >You present her with the tape; she takes it, happily holding it in her mouth as she trots up to the TV.
  137. >She holds it up to the VCR before "speaking up" again.
  138. >"O'er he'ah?"
  139. >You internally wince at the spittle she must be blowing your fragile video tape with, so you make sure that your reply is curt.
  140. "Yep."
  141. >She slots the tape into the TV; when she does that, you quickly flip the switch to turn the TV on.
  142. >The TV screen springs to life with a *blip,* switching from a lifeless black void to fuzzy static.
  143. >Apple Bloom takes a few steps back and sits down on the carpet and eagerly waits for something else to pop up on the screen.
  144. >And pop up it does—the opening credits of the movie begin to play; the informative letters are backed by a moody banjo to set the tone of this picture-by-picture.
  146. >"Say, what're those words flashin' by?"
  147. "Those are the names of the ponies who worked on this."
  148. >"Ooh—hey, cousin Braeburn's on there!"
  149. >Her bushy tail swishes from side to side as she continues to watch and listen to the credits roll.
  150. >"Ah still can't believe y'all were able to fit all this into such a tiny little box! Movie boxes are so excitin'!"
  151. >She's so upbeat—despite the fact that the movie's still only at the opening credits.
  152. >Well, at least she's easy enough to entertain.
  153. >You debate whether you should inform her that she can sit on the couch instead of right in front of the TV.
  154. >But considering how intently her saucepan eyes are focused on the small screen—you doubt she can hear you anyway; the filly's totally entranced.
  155. >The TV is placed high enough that you'll be able to see it from the couch—so she won't be blocking your view.
  156. >So you leave her to it; you stand up, stretch your limbs, and make your way over to the couch.
  157. >Apple Bloom is a pleasant filly to be around.
  158. >She's polite; she's well-behaved; she's innocent.
  159. >She's the picturesque example of a bright-eyed filly ready to take on the world; her chipperness has a habit of rubbing off on those around her—including you.
  160. >And then…
  161. >And then there's Babs Seed.
  162. >She…
  163. >She isn't a bad filly, per se, but…
  164. >Your relationship with her is a complicated one.
  165. >You see Babs lying across the couch with a bored expression; she perks up as you approach, soon sitting up on her haunches.
  166. >Plastering a confident smile on her face, she scooches over to the side and pats the spot where she just was.
  167. >"Hey, have a seat ova here, Mistah Mous; got dis spot all warmed up for you, nice and toasty."
  168. "Mm," is all you give her in response.
  169. >Accepting her "hospitality," you sit down next to her, keeping your eyes forward and squinted at the TV.
  170. >You may not be able to make out the names of the credits at this distance—but you can certainly see Bloom's head bobbing to the banjo.
  171. >You can also hear Babs scooting a little closer to you.
  172. >"Nice movie box you got over here—almost as good as da one I've got back home."
  173. >Turning your head to face Babs, you give her a wry smile.
  174. "Oh, you mean the one you *definitely* have in your home that's *definitely* being renovated?"
  175. >"Y-yeah, dat's da one." Her eyes briefly flit to the side.
  176. >You take the opportunity to playfully ruffle her mane while she's distracted.
  177. >She emits a tiny squeak—and then quickly bats away your hand.
  178. >"Hey! Q-quit it! It takes work to get my mane lookin' dis good!"
  179. "Now that—I can believe."
  180. >She grumbles to herself and gives her mane another puff.
  182. >The movie's opening credits have finally finished, and your eyes are greeted with a wide panning shot of the expansive Appleloosan canyons.
  183. >Then there's a shot of a buffalo camp.
  184. >And a shot of Appleloosa itself.
  185. >There's not a pony in sight—the classic tumbleweed rolls by…
  186. >"So, eh, how'd you *really* get a swanky movie box like dis, anyways?" Babs speaks up.
  187. "Oh, I got it as a favour from Twilight after I let her cut me open to study my insides."
  188. >Her eyes widen.
  189. >"C-cut you open? No kiddin'?"
  190. "No kidding."
  191. >"Wowza… Dis Twilight sounds like she's got a few screws loose."
  192. >You chuckle.
  193. "Maybe, but she's not a bad pony—she's just got unusual tastes."
  194. >"Unusual tastes, huh? Sounds like somepony I know."
  195. "Erm…"
  196. >With a low chuckle from her, Babs shuffles backwards and slouches against the back of the couch.
  197. >She adopts a curiously humanoid pose that's similar to the way that you're currently sitting on the couch.
  198. >One of her forelegs falls to her side, while she lays her other one on her lap.
  199. >She's a lot smaller than you, so her hindlegs don't quite reach the edge of the bottom cushion.
  200. >Her spread hindlegs form a V-shape, almost like an arrow that points towards—
  201. >"Heh, see somethin' you like, Mistah Mous?"
  202. >You…you have been staring for *far* too long.
  203. >With a gulp, your eyes travel upwards to meet Babs's gaze.
  204. >There's a confident smirk plastered on her face.
  205. >You quickly look away, focusing your attention on the TV.
  206. "Th-the movie. It's nice."
  207. >"Oh yeah? Guess so. It's a real treat for da eyes."
  208. >You hear her blow another puff of air up her mane.
  209. >"Especially when I can see da whole package."
  210. >You lean forward and drape an arm over your thighs.
  211. >Just because.
  212. >In the movie, Braeburn (played by Braeburn) strolls in through the saloon door and calls for an emergency meeting with the townsponies—an apple tree has just been uprooted and stolen.
  213. >It's just one of many disasters that have befallen the town's orchard; Sheriff Silverstar immediately suspects the native buffalo of foul play, knowing that they still roam the frontier.
  214. >Little do they know…
  215. >Babs pokes your arm.
  216. >"Hey, so what's dis movie about, anyway?"
  217. "Well…"
  218. >You tap your cheek.
  219. "It's basically a dramatic retelling of the feud between the Appleloosans and the Buffalo."
  220. >"Oh, I remember my Cuz tellin' me all about dis. But what's so 'dramatic' about dis picture show?"
  221. "Well, the film starts off as a simple dispute between the settlers and the natives, but as the movie progresses—"
  222. >"Hey! Stop it, you two!"
  223. >Apple Bloom tears her eyes away from the screen to give you a pouty face.
  224. >"Ah don't want *either* of y'all tellin' me what's gonna happen before Ah see it!"
  225. "R-right, my bad."
  226. >With a "hmph!" she turns around and resumes her western watching.
  227. >Babs gives you a playful nudge.
  228. >"Heh, bettah keep our voices down, eh, Mistah Mous?"
  230. ***
  232. >You're about thirty minutes into the movie, and things are heating up.
  233. >After a chance encounter between the deuteragonists: Braeburn and the daughter of the buffalo chieftain—Little Strongheart—they manage to organise a parley between the two parties.
  234. >Agreements are being drawn up and signed, apple trees are being returned safe and sound—everything is going well, and then…
  235. >…and then a sinister siren pops out of the water tower; she chants a haunting melody—one that pierces the eardrums and warps the mind.
  236. >It whips both ponies and buffalo into a frenzy, reigniting their feud and causing a fierce brawl to break out right in the middle of town.
  237. >Many, many apple pies are thrown.
  238. >The sight of such wanton wastefulness is enough to make Apple Bloom gasp in shock, yet she continues to wholeheartedly watch the western flick, her attention fully captured.
  239. >…just as it has been captured these past thirty minutes.
  240. >"Cuz is real into dis movie, ain't she?" Babs whispers to you.
  241. "Yeah." you whisper back.
  242. >Both you and Babs are reclining against the couch, with Babs still imitating your pose in her flippant, fillylike way.
  243. >While you may not share Apple Bloom's level of fervour towards this film—having already watched it several times over—it's still one you quite enjoy; you find it hard to take your eyes off the screen.
  244. >Babs, on the other hand, won't stop stealing glances over in your direction.
  245. >With how seemingly uninterested she is in the movie itself: it's enough to make you wonder if she actually *does* have a "movie box" back home—maybe this contraption isn't such an interesting novelty to her like it is to Bloom.
  246. >Or perhaps she's found something more interesting to gawk at.
  247. >"Hey, bet she wouldn't even notice anythin' goin' on back here."
  248. >You turn to face her, furrowing your brows.
  249. "And just what are you implying?"
  250. >"Nothin', nothin'."
  251. >She waves a forehoof dismissively, looking to the side with a half-smile.
  252. >"You got any snacks around here? Startin' to work up an appetite."
  253. "Oh, right."
  254. >You point to a long table over by the far wall of the living room; it's stacked with all manner of food and drink—from bowls of sweets, to rows of juice cartons, to plates of sandwiches.
  255. "I've put out some snacks for the two of you over there; feel free to help yourselves."
  256. >You doubt Bloom heard you, as engrossed in the movie as she is; you'll have to remind her later.
  257. >But Babs clearly *did* hear you, as you see her eyes sparkle at the sight.
  258. >"Whoa."
  259. >She shuffles off of the couch and performs a few full-body stretches right in front of you, humming in delight as her joints pop.
  260. >"Think I'll go an' grab somethin'; Keep my seat warm, would ya?"
  261. >Without waiting on your answer, she heads off.
  263. >Back to the movie, Braeburn turns around and launches an apple pie right at the sheriff's face—a daring move, to be certain.
  264. >Why would he commit such a treacherous act? Has Braeburn gone mad?
  265. >The answer to that question comes quickly—in the form of green flames that wholly consume the sheriff.
  266. >Where there was once a proud leader of this humble frontier town—a chittering, bug-like equine now stands.
  267. >"Ah can't believe it!" Bloom shouts.
  268. >That's right—the sheriff was a changeling all along!
  269. >Changelings are a species of deceptive shapeshifters; they infiltrate communities of unsuspecting ponies and quietly manipulate them from the shadows.
  270. >But why do they go through all of this trouble? It's so they can completely gorge themselves on their main source of sustenance—the raw emotional energy that all living beings produce.
  271. >And out of all the emotions that they consume: love is a particular favourite of theirs—it's the one that's the most filling to them, making it the one they're most eager to draw out.
  272. >Imagine that: a being of beguilement who disguises itself as a pure, innocent pony—yet beneath its facade lies an corrupted creature that lives to stir up lurid feelings of passion.
  273. >Terrifying.
  274. >"Hey, I'm back."
  275. >Babs returns, juice carton wrapped in one of her forehooves; she's already stuck a straw in the top.
  276. >She hops onto the couch with a "hup!" and takes a sip of her carton.
  277. >"Mm, not bad."
  278. >Instead of sitting down, Babs moves towards you—
  279. >And walks onto your lap; she then faces away from you, flicking her tail from side to side—brushing it against your chest as she does.
  280. >With her rump pointed directly at you, she looks over her shoulder towards you, her trademark smirk adorning her face.
  281. >"Mind if I sit here, Mistah Mous?"
  282. >You open your mouth—
  283. >"What am I sayin'—'course ya don't."
  284. >After raising it slightly, she slams her fat rump right onto your lap.
  285. >The sudden sensation sends a jolt up your body—in more ways than one.
  286. "G-gh…!"
  287. >After resting her free foreleg on your thigh, she wiggles her rump against your lap, grinding her crotch right up against yours as she *slowly* makes herself more comfortable.
  288. >Once she's satisfied with her position, she lets out a contented sigh.
  289. >"Ah…now *dis* is a warm seat."
  290. >…And then she begins wiggling her rump some more, dropping all remaining pretences of her innocently sitting on your lap
  291. >She grinds her butt against you with breathy glee.
  292. >Even through your two layers of clothing—you can keenly feel it:
  293. >Her soft, pliant flesh sinking into you—and the humid warmth that's seeping out of a particular spot…
  294. >It feels sinfully good—good enough that you're straining against the fabric.
  296. >But…but you can't, because…
  297. "B-babs…"
  298. >She halts her amorous assault, craning her neck to look up at you.
  299. >"Eh?"
  300. "Y-you can't. Not here. Apple Bloom is right—"
  301. >She interrupts you with a snicker.
  302. >"Heh heh. Relax, Mistah Mous; she ain't gonna suspect a thing."
  303. >She faces forward and resumes the rubbing of her rump.
  304. >"Long as we're both *real* quiet, her eyes are gonna stay stuck to dat screen, nnf…"
  305. >She shudders and lets out a light gasp as you feel a light *thump* against your crotch.
  306. >"'C-course, hah, if you're wantin' her to be in da know—I could always start moanin' real loud."
  307. "N-no. That's fine."
  308. >"Den be a good seat—and keep quiet, why don't ya?"
  309. "M-mm."
  310. >"Now dat's a good foalsittah. Although right now—you're more of a foalseat, heh."
  311. >She takes another sip of her carton before continuing to slide up and down your clothed crotch; your hands tightly grip the sides of the couch to brace yourself.
  312. >You and Babs are no strangers to these lusty trysts.
  313. >But there's a time and place for everything—and a filly.
  314. >You're pretty sure Babs and Bloom are around the same age.
  315. >But whereas Apple Bloom is sleek and slim, the very picture of innocence, and something you'd never seek to corrupt—
  316. >Babs Seed is anything but—and boy, does she have a butt.
  317. >Babs is *bigger* than most fillies—in many ways.
  318. >For starters, it's hard to take your eyes off of that plush posterior she's got grinding against your groin.
  319. >It has the perfect amount of padding to it—padding which she's promptly putting to pleasurable use on you.
  320. >You oh-so desperately want to sink your fingers into it to see how deep you can go—maybe give it a quick spank…
  321. >Ah, but you mustn't—you can't.
  322. >Not here; not while Apple Bloom is so close by.
  323. >And then there's those shapely curves she wields, giving her that generous waistline that turns heads—yours especially.
  324. >As strange is it sounds to say that a filly has filly-making hips—Babs absolutely fits the bill.
  325. >There are mares out here in Ponyville who'd be deathly jealous of her curves—that's for sure.
  326. >Last but not least, there's her belly—and those glorious love-handles.
  327. >Even as she sits facing away from you, you can still spy a glimpse of that delightful pudge sticking out from her sides.
  328. >Babs isn't a fat filly—she's just pleasantly plump in all of the right areas.
  329. >Still, there have been countless times that you've asked yourself what the hell they're feeding the foals over in Manehattan.
  330. >It's something you've never asked Babs directly—because she'd probably sock you one.
  331. >And those socks *hurt.* Babs's larger-than-usual frame means that she has larger-than-usual earth pony strength.
  332. >She isn't a filly you can easily take advantage of—she is the one who knocks.
  333. >And that's why she's pleasuring herself with your body—instead of the other way around.
  334. >Babs takes another sip of her juice carton with a sharp *slurp* as she earnestly rubs herself against you.
  336. >Unlike you, Babs wears no clothes, which means that she's feeling the full force of her flesh bumping up against your pants.
  337. >And you can feel yourself throbbing against the fabric of your pants—against the inviting entrance that's directly on the other side.
  338. >And in turn, you can feel the fierce *thump* of her button repeatedly poking at you.
  339. >Warm, sticky fluid is starting to seep through your pants—and at this point: you aren't quite sure who it belongs to.
  340. >But it's clear that Babs is enjoying this—she's enjoying this a lot.
  341. >And you are…you are…
  342. >You are about to lose it.
  343. >You need to distract yourself; you need to focus on the movie—the one with the soul-sucking demon that had disguised itself as a pony.
  344. >Yes. That's right; the barrel movie—or whatever it was called.
  345. >The sheriff was ousted as a changeling, and it turns out there were a lot more where that came from.
  346. >The supreme leader of the changelings also has eyes on Appleloosa, the news of which causes both sides to form a temporary truce to defeat this daunting foe.
  347. >Due to various licensing issues and lingering trauma, they were not able to cast Queen Chrysalis as the leader of the changelings—
  348. >So they substituted in a giant robot instead.
  349. >And naturally, to defeat said giant robot—they need a giant robot of their own.
  350. >One long, hard, and bumpy montage later: they finally build it—but they need more than one pilot.
  351. >And so: Braeburn, alongside Little Strongheart, the buffalo chieftain (who is now a cyborg), that siren from earlier (who is now reformed), and Derpy Hooves (who has just shown up) all team up to pilot the robot.
  352. >They all take to the sky to fight the giant changeling queen mecha.
  353. >Barn-sized apple pies are flung; prismatic laser beams are fired off in all directions; and there's a vocalised theme song playing in the background.
  354. >You're not sure what's going on in this film any more, but at least the special effects are cool.
  355. >And Apple Bloom is into it, she hasn't taken her eyes off of the screen for one second.
  356. >Which is good.
  357. >You're glad that she isn't looking behind her shoulder right now.
  358. >Because if she did, she'd see her cousin bouncing her fat fucking ass on your crotch and you're not sure how'd you'd explain that to her—
  359. >"Oh! Now *dis* is more like it!"
  360. >Babs is also into it.
  361. >She's also really into you.
  362. >You're really into her.
  363. >You really want to be more into her.
  364. >The light how is beginning to escape the TV and flood your vision, it—
  365. >Babs suddenly takes a loud *SLURP* of her carton, ending with an equally loud "ah!"
  366. >And she stops.
  367. >She slowly, shakily raises her rear end and slides off of you, soon landing on the carpet.
  368. >With a huff and a puff, she blows up her bang another time and gives you a brief glance.
  369. >"…Need to use da bathroom. Later."
  370. >After tossing her emptied carton into a nearby trash can, Babs shuffles up the stairs and out of sight.
  371. >You look down at your pants.
  372. >They're drenched.
  374. ***
  376. >Once Babs comes back down from her extended "bathroom break," you quickly slip away and head upstairs, leaving the two fillies to do whatever it is two fillies do.
  377. >Entering your bedroom, you procure a new, unsoiled pair of pants and underwear for your person.
  378. >You debate burning the clothes, but you quickly conclude that nothing short of an exorcism will cleanse these garments of the sins they've witnessed.
  379. >Before you leave, you also grab a blanket—just in case.
  380. >After descending down the stairs and returning to the living room, you look around—finding both the couch and the area in front of the TV filly-free.
  381. >Where…?
  382. >"Hey, Mistah Mous—ova here!"
  383. >Ah, there they are; they're way over in the kitchen.
  384. >They're both sat down on their haunches, and it looks like they're playing with…juice cartons?
  385. >Huh.
  386. >You throw the blanket over to the couch and walk up to the fillies.
  387. >As you make your way over to them, Bloom gives you a wide wave and a wide smile.
  388. >"Babs told me where the snacks are!"
  389. "Aw, thanks, Babs."
  390. >Babs puffs up her bang.
  391. >"Didn't wanna hog *all* da food."
  392. >You crouch down in front of the two fillies, still trying to suss out why they're playing with cartons in the kitchen.
  393. >But first…
  394. "So, you two enjoy the movie?"
  395. >"Yeah!" Bloom nods. "The good guys won!"
  396. "Glad to hear it." You smile.
  397. >You make eye contact with Babs, silently pressing the same question to her.
  398. >She gives you a few blinks, then answers.
  399. >"Eh, it was alright, I guess."
  400. >A wry smile slowly forms on her face.
  401. >"Though if you ask me, the action on da side was where it was at."
  402. >Bloom gives Babs a confused tilt of the head.
  403. >"Huh, whaddaya mean?"
  404. "She—uh…" you quickly and clumsily interject. "Hey, you two, what are you doing with those juice cartons, anyway?"
  405. >"Me an' Babs are playin' house!" Bloom answers.
  406. >"An' we was jus' waitin' for Dad to show up." Babs adds.
  407. "Dad? Who, you mean me?"
  408. >"Heh, who else, Mistah Mous?"
  409. >Babs puffs out her chest.
  410. >"An' right now, you can call me Missus Mous—'cause I'm da wife mare, capiche?"
  411. >You're not surprised she called first dibs on such a role.
  412. "Sure thing, 'Missus Mous.'"
  413. >Babs gives a slight frown in response to your teasing tone.
  414. >Bloom cheerfully states her role in this family of fiction.
  415. >"And Ah'm the daughter—uh…"
  416. >She raises the carton in her hoof and squints at its back label.
  417. >"Apple Bloom Mous…Apple!"
  418. "Bit of a mouthful, isn't it?"
  419. >"Aw, ya really think so?" Her ears fold.
  420. >"Nah, Bloom. Dat's a great name; da 'Mous' really makes it pop."
  421. >"Hehe, thanks, Momma Mous!" She quickly perks up.
  422. >Babs hooves you one of her cartons.
  423. >"Here ya go, you'll be wantin' ya own box. Apple Bloom's apple juice, I'm orange juice—so dat leaves you with dis one."
  424. >You examine it in your hands; its colour is a dark purple, and the label says…
  425. "…Prune juice. Gee, thanks."
  427. >And so, that's how you got suckered into playing house with two fillies.
  428. >As it turns out—a city girl, a country girl, and a filly-fooling alien from another dimension all have wildly different ideas on what a family does.
  429. >Apple Bloom keeps asking about when the next apple harvest is; you don't know—Babs doesn't know either.
  430. >Babs keeps asking the both of you to do "da chores" because she's the real "breadwinnah" of "da house."
  431. >She also keeps talking about "expandin' da family" and asks you for baby names every now and again—you're not sure if you have room for any more juice cartons in your life.
  432. >As for you, you just want to sit on the couch and read today's newspaper.
  433. >Hey, maybe this *is* a cohesive family unit.
  434. >"Okay y'all," Bloom begins, "if there ain't any apples waitin' to be bucked, y'all know what we should do?"
  435. >You and Babs silently stare at Bloom, waiting for her to continue.
  436. >"Startin' today—we're the Anonymous Family Crusaders!"
  437. >She balances her carton on her head and proudly smiles.
  438. >"An' first order of business is"—she points at you—"we need to get Dad his cutie mark!"
  439. "But humans don't have cutie marks."
  440. >"Well shucks, that's why we're playin' pretend!"
  441. >…She's got you there.
  442. >"If you were a pony, whaddaya think your cutie mark'd be? What's your special talent?"
  443. "My special talent…?"
  444. >"Yeah! The thing that you're most proud of!"
  445. >You tap your chin.
  446. "I dunno, sitting on the couch and being useless?"
  447. >Bloom frowns.
  448. >"C'mon, Anon; that ain't a special talent."
  449. >"Heh, I dunno," Babs chimes in, "I've seen a couple of chumps with goofy marks like dat ova in da big city."
  450. >"Well yeah, but—ooh…"
  451. >Bloom's eyes gravitate towards one of Babs's flanks—in particular, the mark that decorates it.
  452. >Babs's cutie mark is a pair of thin scissors with apple-shaped handles, and that means she's really good at…
  453. >Scissoring? No—no; get your mind out of the gutter.
  454. >It means she's good at cutting hair—or mane, rather—just like a…
  455. >"So you're a big shot mane stylist now, aren't you, Babs?"
  456. >Babs gives a proud puff of her bang.
  457. >"Eheh, an' don't you forget it."
  458. >"D'you think you could work on mah mane one day? Ah wanna get mine lookin' like a mohawk—just like Zecora's!"
  459. >"A mohawk, huh? Yeah, I could do dat."
  460. >Just as Bloom's about to jump for joy and launch the carton on her head to who knows where—Babs continues.
  461. >"But I'd need my tools to get anythin' done, an' dose are all da way back in Manehattan."
  462. >"All the way back in Manehattan? But that means…aw…"
  463. >Bloom droops, the carton sliding off her head and falling to the floor.
  464. >Babs leans forward and pats Bloom on her withers.
  465. >"Heh, sorry Cuz, but unless you're plannin' to take a train down to da big city right now, I ain't gonna be gettin' any work done."
  466. >Babs then ruffles Bloom's mane.
  467. >"But your mane's fine da way it is, if you ask me."
  469. >"Hrm…"
  470. >Through her dismay, Bloom appears to be lost in deep thought; her lips are pursed and one of her ears are twitching.
  471. >Suddenly, her eyes shoot open, as if having come to a grand realisation.
  472. >"Wait!"
  473. >"Eh?"
  474. >Bloom looks up at Babs with a wide smile.
  475. >"Babs, you should move over here to Ponyville! Then Ah could get mah mane styled whenever Ah want!"
  476. >Babs leans back, her own ears flattening.
  477. >"Huh—ova here? Well, uh…"
  478. >Babs puffs up her mane as her eyes flit over to you.
  479. >"H-hey, let's change da subject, yeah? We still need to get Mistah Mous his cutie mark."
  480. >"Oh right! Ah completely forgot!"
  481. "And here I thought I'd stay markless forever…" you sigh wistfully.
  482. >With both sets of eyes now firmly on you, Babs clears her throat.
  483. >"How 'bout cookin'? He makes a mean veggie burgah."
  484. >"Ah…don't think flippin' store-bought patties is gonna be enough to get a cutie mark; Ah remember tryin' that one mahself."
  485. >Babs shrugs.
  486. >"Eh, maybe not, but he sure knows how to work his way around a nice pair of buns; I can tell you dat much."
  487. >"Um, I guess so?"
  488. >Bloom wears a perplexed expression of purity as Babs's innuendo swiftly sails over her head.
  489. >You need to steer this conversation before Babs has any more raunchy remarks to add.
  490. "I'm, uh, pretty good at keeping my house clean."
  491. >You pat the kitchen floor, which is spotless—aside from the juice cartons that litter it.
  492. "How about that?"
  493. >"Oh, that could work!" Bloom says. "What kinda mark do you think that'd be? A feather duster or somethin'? Maybe a broom?"
  494. >As you open your mouth to reply—Babs cuts you off, as is her trademark.
  495. >"Feather dustah? Heh, he ain't keepin' the house clean 'cause he's some kinda maid."
  496. >She puffs up her mane.
  497. >"He's doin' it 'cause he's such a good husband, an' he knows da missus loves a nice, clean house—ain't dat right?"
  498. "The missus?"
  499. >"Me. Who else, huh?" Babs chuckles.
  500. >You quirk an eyebrow; why is it suddenly *now* that she remembers that you're all pretending to be a family?
  501. >"So if yous is askin' me: Mistah Mous oughta get a mark dat's all about his spousal qualities—put a nice little picture of me an' him on his cheeks, eheheh."
  502. >Bloom blinks a few times.
  503. >"What, gettin' a cutie mark that's all about your relationship with another pony? That doesn't sound quite right."
  504. >She picks up her fallen carton and taps it against her chin, humming to herself.
  505. >"Then again…"
  506. >She then glances at her own cutie mark—a tricolour shield that she shares with her two closest friends.
  507. >"Huh, maybe it *could* work."
  509. "So, my special talent is that I'm married to Babs, huh?"
  510. >"Lucky you, am I right?" Babs replies with a wide smile. "You get a cushy life as a pampered househusband, an' all you have to do is keep ya wife well-fed an' well-satisfied."
  511. "Uh huh…"
  512. >Babs snorts in amusement.
  513. >"Hey, so how about a little sugar for ya lovin' wife, huh?"
  514. >She closes her eyes and faces you, puckering up her lips.
  515. >"Pfft." Bloom raises her forehoof up to her mouth and giggles into it.
  516. >Meanwhile, you shake your head.
  517. >Is she really gonna pull this right in front of Apple Bloom? Who does this filly think she is?
  518. >Well, she thinks she's your wife, obviously.
  519. >So you'll give her a kiss.
  520. >You lean forward…
  521. >And you give her a quick peck right on top of her mane.
  522. "There. Sugar delivered."
  523. >Babs slowly opens her eyes.
  524. >And she quickly narrows them upon seeing your smirking face.
  525. >"Tch."
  526. >"Snrrk, you should see the look on your face, Babs! Don'tcha know we're jus' playin' pretend?"
  527. >"Hehe…yeah…" Babs chuckles bitterly.
  528. >Apple Bloom stands up, stomping her free forehoof a couple of times in continued joviality.
  529. >"Anyway, Ah'm gonna put this carton away, an' then…can we watch another movie on the movie box, Anon? Pleeeaaase?"
  530. "Hah, sure thing, Apple Bloom."
  531. >"Yes!"
  532. >Apple Bloom quickly disappears into the living room.
  533. >You can hear something being tossed into the trash can, and the excited scampering of hooves on carpet…
  534. >"Hey Mistah Mous, ova here."
  535. >Oh, right. Babs is still in the kitchen with you.
  536. >You turn to face her.
  537. "Yeah—?"
  538. >Babs suddenly grabs you by the scruff of your shirt collar—
  539. >And pulls you in for a second kiss—mouth to mouth.
  540. "Mmph!"
  541. >Her other forehoof snakes around your head, locking you in place and steadying herself.
  542. >Wasting no time, she forces her tongue inside your mouth, closing her eyes as she gets into it.
  543. >Her organ lashes and thrashes about, wrestling down your own tongue in a near-instant.
  544. >The sounds in the room are completely drowned out by the wet *schlurp schlurp* of Babs dominating your mouth.
  545. >To drive the point even further, she sharply exhales through her nose, blasting you with her sweet-smelling breath.
  546. >You can do little more than play puppet to your "wife"'s whims.
  547. >How is it that this filly can dominate you so easily?
  548. >Is it due to her innate earth pony strength?
  549. >Or perhaps it's due to you—and how willingly you go along with it?
  551. >After a great deal of tongue tying, Babs slowly pulls back, leaving naught but a trail of her sweet filly spittle behind.
  552. >She partially opens her eyes, gazing at you with lidded lust.
  553. >Several sensual seconds are spent between the two of you as you catch your breath, face to face.
  554. >"Now dat's…hah…dat's more like it."
  555. >She pulls her forehoof away from your head and rests it in between her thighs; she also relaxes her grip on your shirt—though she doesn't release you entirely.
  556. "B-babs."
  557. >"Huh?"
  558. "My shirt. You're still holding onto it."
  559. >She smirks.
  560. >"What's dat—you want anudda go?"
  561. >She then licks her lips.
  562. "U-uh…"
  563. >You need an adult—
  564. >A filly?
  565. >You need someone—anyone—to save you from losing yourself to this lewd looping of the tongues.
  566. >Fortunately, your saviour is small and yellow.
  567. >"Guys, Ah found one—huh?"
  568. >Apple Bloom trots into the kitchen, balancing a VHS case on her back.
  569. >She looks at you, and then to the filly who has metaphorically got you by the balls—and literally got you by the shirt.
  570. >"Hey Babs, why're you holdin' onto Anon's shirt like that?"
  571. >Babs lets go of your shirt; she then roughly pats down its collar, flattening it against your skin.
  572. >"Jus' straightenin' it out for him, like a good wife should."
  573. >Apple Bloom rolls her eyes.
  574. >"C'mon Babs, we're not playin' house any more."
  575. >Babs simply smiles in response.
  576. >You clear your throat.
  577. "Wh-what did you get for us to watch, Apple Bloom?"
  578. >"Oh, right!"
  579. >She retrieves the VHS case from her back, and she holds it out towards you.
  580. >"Ah wanna watch this one next!"
  581. >You squint your eyes to read the title:
  582. >'Nightmare on Mane Street'
  583. "Uh…you sure about this one, Apple Bloom? It isn't for the faint of heart."
  584. >"Hey, you callin' my Cuz a chicken?" Babs glares at you.
  585. >"What?! Ah ain't no chicken! And Ah'm *sure* Ah wanna watch it!"
  586. >Bloom also glares at you—though her eyes are far less fierce.
  587. "Okay, okay." You raise your hands in deference. "Go ahead and put it in, then."
  588. >Bloom does a happy hop and trots back into the living room.
  589. >Babs coolly follows in after her.
  590. >You sigh.
  591. >And so it begins…
  593. ***
  595. >'Nightmare on Mane Street' is now playing on the TV.
  596. >Thankfully, the movie isn't a gateway into some alternate dimension where uncanny, pony-like beings endure within the long-desiccated remains of Equestria—
  597. >No, it's just a horror movie.
  598. >In it, a group of foals are terrorised by a malicious entity (credited as "Commoner Moony") that stalks them through their dreams.
  599. >The horrors that they suffer through while they slumber follow them all the way to the waking world.
  600. >Will these youngsters be able to thwart this wicked Nightmare's machinations before it lays claim to their souls?
  601. >You already know the answer to this question—having watched this movie several times—but the two fillies in the room sure don't.
  602. >Apple Bloom is, of course, seated on the carpet—right in front of the TV.
  603. >And—ah, that's right; you also have a blanket on hand, this time.
  604. >It's draped across your lap, and it's wide enough to cover at least half of the couch; it'll be a shield of sorts to protect you from the lecherous filly that sits beside you.
  605. >And it's also something that hasn't gone unnoticed by said lecherous filly.
  606. >"Aw, got a widdle bwankie for yourself?" Babs jeers at you.
  607. >As a calm, collected adult—you don't rise to her taunts.
  608. "Sure; let's go with that."
  609. >"Huh…"
  610. >Her smile falters for just a brief moment—but it quickly comes back with a knowing vengeance.
  611. >"Nah. I know why ya got a blankie."
  612. >Babs scoots closer to you, sitting right by your side.
  613. >"Betcha got it for me, huh? Ain't dat sweet of you; you came ready to keep your wife warmed up while we watch a movie togetha~"
  614. >She rubs her body up against your side, and a stray forehoof begins to wander across your thighs—a truly horrifying situation.
  615. >But she's right; you *are* ready—
  616. >With a retort.
  617. "Huddling up to me? Why—need someone to hold you so you can watch the scary movie?"
  618. >And just like that—Babs quickly distances herself from you.
  619. >"Tch. No. Baby movies like dis don't scare me."
  620. "Mm-hmm."
  621. >With your undergarments secured and unmolested, you are now able to focus on the movie at hand.
  622. >One of the main characters—a colt—is wandering through the woods at night; it's a forest that exists within his very own dreamscape.
  623. >A goopy-looking shadow stalks him from a distance, yet it draws closer and closer with every step he takes…
  624. >"W-watch out, Cowlick!" Bloom says to the screen. "Th-the monster's right behind ya!"
  625. >The colt known as Cowlick cannot hear her—for he is merely a fictional figure within a motion picture.
  627. >However, he *does* begin to notice that there's something amiss in these wraithlike woods.
  628. >His pupils shrink and shake, his limbs wobble and waggle—
  629. >A sharp rustle is heard in the bushes beyond.
  630. >He picks up speed.
  631. >So does his pursuer.
  632. >The camera pans to the inky black mass that chases after him—a tendril outstretched to its prey.
  633. >The screen shudders and stirs as Cowlick gallops through the root-infested undergrowth; the wary ambience has now built up to a frantic symphony.
  634. >He trips, he falls, but he gets back up again—but it draws ever closer.
  635. >He's within limb's reach; just a little further and he'll be—
  636. >*SLAM*
  637. >The nightmare creature suddenly crashes into a sturdy wooden pane—a door that stands in between it and its prize.
  638. >The camera pans to the other side—the interior of a cabin.
  639. >Cowlick takes deep, shuddering breaths as he desperately tries to recollect himself.
  640. >He's found safety—for now.
  641. >"Ph-phew…" you hear Babs sigh next to you; her ears are flattened.
  642. >Cowlick shimmies along the interior wall of the cabin, soon pulling himself up the windowsill to peer outside and perhaps catch a glimpse of what was chasing him.
  643. >Meanwhile, you turn to Babs with a taunting smile on your face.
  644. "You scared?" you whisper to her.
  645. >She turns to face you, her ears flicking upwards.
  646. >"What, me? Heh. Nah, I—"
  647. >*SCREECH*
  648. >Back to the movie, you see the Nightmare's inky black, snarling face on the other side of the window—complete with a ear-piecing scare chord.
  649. >Cowlick stumbles backwards, falling to the floor, and Babs—
  650. >"AH!" screams both fillies in the room.
  651. >—Babs dives under your blanket in an instinctive attempt to hide herself from danger; she clings tightly to your outer thigh.
  652. >Meanwhile, Bloom is cowering on the carpet, covering her eyes with both forehooves.
  653. >Poor filly.
  654. >But Cowlick is having an even worse time of things—the Nightmare crashes through the window, quickly descending upon the terror-stricken colt.
  655. >It opens its mouth abnormally wide, giving him the full view of its sharp, jagged teeth.
  656. >And it lunges—
  657. >*CHOMP*
  658. >"EEP!" goes Apple Bloom, whose small shred of bravery used to uncover her eyes was immediately stamped out by the sight of the fictional foal's fatalistic finale.
  659. >Poor filly, once again.
  660. >The scene shifts back to the waking world, and the camera slowly pans to Cowlick's bed.
  661. >Yet the colt is nowhere to be seen; the strewn bed sheets being the only piece of evidence that a colt was ever there to begin with.
  662. >Out of sight, out of mind—like he never existed.
  663. >Kind of like the filly who's hiding under your blanket right now.
  665. >You pull up the blanket and look down at Babs, who's giving your leg a pleasant-feeling massage with how much she's shaking.
  666. "You alright down there?"
  667. >She scowls up at you.
  668. >"Sh-shut up!" she snaps. "I'm not scared, alright?"
  669. "Aw, come on, Babs. There's nothing to be ashamed of, and besides…
  670. >You lean down and whisper to her, just out of Bloom's earshot.
  671. "I think this side of you is kind of cute."
  672. >Her scowl falters down to a frown as she looks away.
  673. >"Cute. I'll show you cute…" she mumbles.
  674. >You let the blanket fall back on top of your lower body and her full body, content to let her come out at her own pace.
  675. >And you get back to watching the movie—as does Apple Bloom.
  676. >This next scene has the remainder of the foals gathering together; in front of them is a missing poster for—
  677. >*Sniff sniff*
  678. >Uh.
  679. >The missing poster is for Cowlick; none of the adults seem to know where he's gone, but the foals think it has to do with the—
  680. >*Sniff sniff sniff*
  681. >Um.
  682. >They think it has to do with the nightmares they've all been having, so they're planning on—
  683. >*Ziiip*
  684. >You feel breezy.
  685. >So you swiftly pull up the blanket again.
  686. >Babs is lying on her side, facing you; her forelegs are latched onto your thigh.
  687. >She has pulled down your pants and is getting to work on your underwear.
  688. "B-babs…?"
  689. >She looks up at you.
  690. >And gives you a wide smirk, before giving your undies an affectionate kiss.
  691. "B-but—" Your eyes flit to Apple Bloom, who's still watching the movie.
  692. >Babs raises a forehoof up to her lips.
  693. >"Shhh."
  694. >God, you feel like you're in a nightmare right now.
  695. >Wasting no more time, Babs yanks your underwear down to your knees.
  696. >Your half-chub flops out, partially fuelled by fear and desire.
  697. >She leans forward—gives it a few more gratuitous sniffs.
  698. >"Ah…"
  699. >She wiggles her body, clenches her thighs, thwips her tail under the blanket—
  700. >And then she gives your reluctant soldier a few more sniffs, topping it off with a tentative lick.
  701. >"Sh'good…"
  702. >She licks and sniffs—laps and snorts.
  703. >As her soft, furry snout glides along your most sensitive of zones—the blood begins pumping.
  704. >Babs is rewarded for her earnest, earthy care—as the Filly Fooler's Tool of Prominence soon rises to action right before her eyes.
  705. >She lustily gazes at your erection with lidded eyes and a low, soft chuckle.
  706. >"Heheh, now dat…"
  707. >She stops herself, looking back up at you.
  708. >You blink at her with a shuddering breath, she raises an eyebrow with a knowing smile.
  709. >"Hey, don't you gotta a movie to be watchin'?"
  710. >Shit. She's right.
  711. >You have no choice but to lower your blanket and pretend that nothing's happening—lest Bloom happen to look this way and suspect something of salacious origins.
  712. >So you do—you shroud this scene of sensuality and leave your member at the mercy of the beast.
  713. >Out of sight—yet she's anything *but* out of mind.
  715. >The lump lurking under the blanket is minute in her movements, but meticulous in her ministrations.
  716. >You feel a familiar organ encircle your length—one that is both warm and wet.
  717. >That same tongue that was exploring your mouth not too long ago—
  718. >Is now deftly working your shaft.
  719. >You grip the sides of the couch, desperate to hold onto reality—onto your own sanity.
  720. >What's even happening in the movie right now?
  721. >It looks like another foal's trapped within their own dream—a filly, this time.
  722. >She's trapped in the basement, you think?
  723. >She hides behind a large cardboard box as the tar-like nightmare creature stalks the dimly lit room.
  724. >Each squelchy, plodding step it takes on the rough, granite floor leaves a thick, goopy residue behind.
  725. >Once it finds her…all that goop that's boiling and roiling around its body is gonna surge forth…
  726. >And it's gonna…
  727. >Nng…
  728. >Its head is hovering directly over the cardboard box now.
  729. >From its clammy chin, a few droplets of inky black substance fall off—
  730. >Hitting the surface of the box.
  731. >Drip, drip, drip.
  732. >Kiss, kiss, kiss.
  733. >It's wet.
  734. >And it's right on the tip.
  735. >And now…
  736. >It's going in.
  737. >Past the lips.
  738. >Into her mouth.
  739. >And into those snug, soppy depths.
  740. >Her tongue coils around you—like a slimy snake.
  741. >It's rough—but experienced.
  742. >She knows your weak spots.
  743. >She knows where to swish, where to swirl, where to suckle.
  744. >Your hand moves of its own accord.
  745. >Perhaps to praise her for a job well done.
  746. >Perhaps to push her further down.
  747. >Perhaps—
  748. >"Um, Anon?"
  749. >Your hand stops—and your hairs stand on end.
  750. >You look to the side—Apple Bloom is standing by the couch.
  751. >She looks nervous.
  752. >You *are* nervous.
  753. "Wh-what?"
  754. >"Can Ah…can Ah sit with you an' Babs?"
  755. >With the two of you? But why…?
  756. >Oh. Right. Scary movie.
  757. "O-oh. Of course. Y-you don't even need to ask."
  758. >She quickly hops onto the couch—on the side of you that is opposite Babs.
  759. >"Th-thanks, an'…uh…"
  760. >Bloom scans the length of the couch.
  761. >There's just you and your blanket.
  762. >"Where *is* Babs, anyway?"
  763. "I-I, uh…"
  764. >Your throat is coarse.
  765. "She…w-went to the bathroom."
  766. >"Oh, okay."
  767. >She sits down on her haunches next to you.
  768. >"Ah'm a big filly, this movie don't scare me none."
  769. >She looks up at you.
  770. >"Just got tired of sittin' in front of the movie box is all."
  771. "'C-course." You quickly nod.
  772. >On one side—you have a filly trying her best to not get worked up.
  773. >On the other—you have a filly working you over.
  774. >The first must *never* become aware of the other.
  775. >Yet they're almost within arms reach of one another.
  776. >Fiction has became reality.
  777. >Forget the movie—the real nightmare is right here.
  779. >You're stuck between an Apple and a—
  780. >*SCREECH*
  781. >"AH!"
  782. >Oh, the Nightmare has found the filly.
  783. >She's screaming—she's running.
  784. >Apple Bloom is also screaming—
  785. >And has now latched onto your arm.
  786. >Her face is buried into your bicep.
  787. >She has a tight grip.
  788. >But Babs has an even tighter grip—
  789. >With her mouth.
  790. >The chase scene is brief; the Nightmare quickly corners the filly.
  791. >And just as quickly—
  792. >*CHOMP*
  793. >Silence.
  794. >Silence that's broken up by the subtle sounds of slurping coming from down below.
  795. >It's a sound that you can feel.
  796. >"I-is it over?" Bloom asks, snout still partially absorbed into your arm.
  797. >You wish it was over.
  798. >But Babs is still keeping you on the edge.
  799. >Oh right, the movie.
  800. "Yeah, the Nightmare's gone for now."
  801. >"Ph-phew…"
  802. >Bloom dislodges herself from your arm and scoots away from you.
  803. >She shudders slightly.
  804. >"A-ah can still hear the squelchin' of that horrible ooze…"
  805. >That's not ooze, Apple Bloom.
  806. >That's not ooze at all.
  807. >That's Babs Seed sucking dick.
  808. >But Bloom—
  809. >Is still completely clueless.
  810. >Her attention is once again back on the movie.
  811. >And you sigh in multiple flavours of relief.
  812. >You look down at your covered crotch and the veil that obscures its obscenities.
  813. >As your eyes trail along the length of the blanket, you see—
  814. >Shit, part of Babs's tail is sticking out.
  815. >It's only the tip of it; the rest of it is snugly buried deep inside.
  816. >Thankfully, Bloom hasn't noticed her crass cousin's tail, so maybe she still won't…
  817. >No. You can't risk it. If Apple Bloom finds out about you and Babs…
  818. >You're going to have to conceal it while you can.
  819. >So, while Bloom is distracted on one side, you reach out towards the other—towards that two-tone tag of red.
  820. >And you scoop it up, slowly pushing it back under the blanket; out of sight, out of mind.
  821. >All is going well—until your hand feels something under the blanket.
  822. >Something pleasantly doughy—and slightly sticky.
  823. >Something that your fingers sink into even through the sheets.
  824. >A muffled "mmf!" sounds out from the blanket.
  825. >"EEP!" Bloom yelps in surprise.
  827. >She jerks her head straight to you.
  828. >You freeze, hand still firmly grasping "it."
  829. >"Wh-what was that noise!" Bloom asks, eyes wide.
  830. "It—uh…"
  831. >You put on a strained smile.
  832. "M-moans of the deceased?"
  833. >"Oh…oh no…"
  834. >She wears an expression of pure dread, tail curled around her body.
  835. "J-just a joke, ahah."
  836. >"Just a joke…"
  837. >Bloom gives you a weak smile and goes back to watching the movie, posture still perturbed.
  838. >Yeah, you probably shouldn't have said anything.
  839. >As you pull your hand away, you make sure to keep your digits away from any further filly butts as Babs continues to quietly lavish your length in licks and laps.
  840. >She even manages to take her tongue all the way to your base, tickling that area where your bone and balls meet.
  841. >It's sinful, yet sensual.
  842. >But…
  843. >Something's taking you out of it—
  844. >It's Apple Bloom, who's constantly fidgeting and occasionally groaning in discomfort.
  845. "A-apple Bloom, everything alright? If it's about the 'deceased' thing, sorry about that—it was just a silly joke."
  846. >She turns to face you.
  847. >"N-no, it's not that."
  848. >Her ears fold down as she frowns.
  849. >"It's just Ah…Ah really need to use the bathroom."
  850. "Oh. Then what are you waiting for? Hurry on up."
  851. >"B-but Babs is still up there…"
  852. "She's, um, been up there long enough. Go ahead and tell her that you really need to go; I'm sure she'll understand."
  853. >"O-okay."
  854. >Bloom hops off the couch and quickly scampers up the stairs.
  855. >The moment Bloom hits the top step—Babs immediately picks up the pace on her blowjob.
  856. >She rapidly bobs up and down, rolling her tongue around your head as she attacks all of your weak points in quick succession.
  857. >Unlike the stealthy suckling that she had utilised while her cousin was close by, this is pure brute force—the Babs special.
  858. >And it's just enough to bring you over the edge after teetering on it for so long.
  859. >You throw the blanket over her head as you throw wide the gates.
  860. >And you hose down her throat with loads upon loads of white hot ooze.
  861. >She gulps it all down with gusto, letting out contented moans all the while.
  863. >It's only when the last pulse rings out that she finally lets go of her favourite protein shake.
  864. >"Mwah~"
  865. >She gives your floppy pecker an affectionate smooch before she pulls back, smacking and licking her lips a few times.
  866. >She then stands up on the couch seat and performs a few stretches, closing her eyes.
  867. >You take the opportunity to pull up your pants.
  868. >"Nngh~"
  869. >As she opens her eyes, she gives you a half-smile.
  870. >"Phew! Imagine if she woulda caught us, huh?"
  871. >She raises a forehoof and firmly taps you on the nose.
  872. >"But hey, what's da big idea, Mistah Mous? Coppin' a feel while my Cuz was sittin' *right* dere? You like living dangerously, huh?"
  873. "I-it was…your tail."
  874. >"Oh, you wanted some tail, huh?"
  875. >She smirks at you.
  876. "Wait—"
  877. >Before you can fully answer, she turns around and flashes you her bare bottom.
  878. >Her tail is hiked up, and her aroused fillyhood is in full view.
  879. >She looks over her shoulder at you.
  880. >"How 'bout dis, big guy? Dis what you're lookin' for?"
  881. "I…"
  882. >"Heh, or how 'bout…"
  883. >Her pearl pops out at you for a brief second as she flexes a wink in your direction.
  884. >"Nff…dis~?"
  885. "Babs, be serious for one second."
  886. >"Oh, I'm serious; I'm ready to go any time."
  887. "No. I mean, if Apple Bloom found out about this—if your family found out about this…"
  888. >She spins around to face you.
  889. >"What, scared dey'll make you take responsibility for all da gunk dat you've been shootin' in me?"
  890. >You take a few seconds to come up with a suitable answer, and her smile falters.
  891. >"…You scared of dat?"
  892. "No…that's not it."
  893. >She tilts her head.
  894. >"Well, what is it, den?"
  895. "I…it's complicated. The situation is complicated."
  896. >She opens her mouth—you reach forward and ruffle her mane before she can reply.
  897. "It's way different compared to how you're scared of this movie, for example."
  898. >She snorts dismissively.
  899. >"Me? I already told ya, dis movie doesn't scare—"
  900. >*SCREECH*
  901. >"A-ah!"
  902. >The Nightmare has found another victim, it sounds like.
  903. >And Babs quickly dives forward, burying her face in your chest and wrapping her forelegs around your body.
  904. >Once the silence settles in, she pulls away from you, giving you a bashful smile.
  905. >"Eheh…"
  906. >You two continue to watch the movie together with a somewhat awkward silence hanging in the air.
  907. >Babs huddles close to you, although no words are spoken between you.
  908. >'The situation is complicated.'
  909. >It's not that you don't love Babs—you do.
  910. >But…is it right? Will it last?
  912. >Apple Bloom comes back from the bathroom not long after.
  913. >She comes up to the front of the couch and regards Babs with a curious look.
  914. >"Babs? Ah thought you went to use the bathroom."
  915. >Babs looks at you, and then back to Bloom.
  916. >"I did."
  917. >"But Ah didn't see you when Ah went to go mahself."
  918. >"'Cause I went da otha way."
  919. >"But there's only one way through the corridor…"
  920. >Neither you or Babs have a verbal response to that.
  921. >So Babs simply lets out a loud laugh-snort instead.
  922. >Bloom leaps onto the couch and glares at Babs.
  923. >"Hey! What's so funny?"
  924. >Babs dismissively bats her hoof in Bloom's direction.
  925. >"Ah, don't worry 'bout it, Cuz. It's 'complicated.'"
  926. >"Huh? 'Complicated?' What—"
  927. >Bloom's nose wrinkles and she recoils.
  928. >"Eugh. Babs, your breath smells like the old fish stall—what've you been *eatin'?*"
  929. >"What, dis? Eheh."
  930. >Babs flashes a wide grin.
  931. >"Jus' helped myself to one of Mistah Mous's fish sandwiches, dat's all."
  932. >Bloom raises an eyebrow.
  933. >"But…Ah thought we ponies don't eat fish—that we're…uh…vegetarianisms, right?"
  934. >"Some ponies do. In fact, we have it all da time ova in the big city."
  935. >Bloom blinks, wide-eyed.
  936. >"Ponies…eatin' fish? That's kinda weird, don't you think, Anon?" Bloom peeks around Babs to look at you.
  937. >Put on the spot, you say the first thing that comes to mind.
  938. "Y-yeah. It is pretty weird."
  939. >Babs side-eyes you.
  940. >"Pfft, callin' *me* a weirdo…"
  941. >She suddenly flops backwards onto you, resting her withers on your lap; she folds her forelegs behind her head and crosses her hindlegs.
  942. >And she gives you a wide, knowing smile.
  943. >"But I'll let ya off just dis one time—'cause da 'fish'"—she rubs her belly, humming—"was delish~"
  944. >Bloom purses her lips in thought before speaking up.
  945. >"Never heard of ponies eatin' fish before…is it really that good?"
  946. >"It's bettah dan good; it warms da soul, it does. Why, you wantin' a piece too, Cuz?"
  947. >"Well…if you're talkin' it up that much…"
  948. >Fight or flight takes hold.
  949. >And flight has been selected.
  950. "Um, anyway!"
  951. >You slip out from under Babs and stand up.
  952. "I should start working on dinner."
  953. >You walk away—
  954. >Then you quickly return to provide an addendum.
  955. "No fish."
  956. >Babs bellows out in laughter as you make your way towards the kitchen.
  957. >Thankfully, Apple Bloom is still clueless, safely stuck in her naivete.
  958. >Before you head into the kitchen, you spare one more look towards the movie on the TV.
  959. >The main protagonist's house has been set aflame; you believe that was the foals' final gambit to defeat the Nightmare.
  960. >The all-consuming inferno that takes up the entire screen is awe-inspiring in its presentation.
  961. >But like all fires—it will eventually die out.
  962. >As much as you hate to think it—
  963. >Perhaps the flames of passion that consume you and Babs will follow the same fate.
  965. ***
  967. >Dinnertime went without a hitch.
  968. >Well, mostly.
  969. >Apple Bloom was particularly jumpy at any sudden sounds, deeply paranoid that "the creepy nightmare creature" was out to get her.
  970. >Let it be known that you *did* warn her about watching a scary movie before bedtime.
  971. >Ah, right. Bedtime.
  972. >Both Bloom and Babs are sleeping in the guest room.
  973. >And you—of course—are tucked into your own room.
  974. >Today has been…exhausting.
  975. >In many ways.
  976. >And you are just about ready to call it a day.
  977. >*Creeeaaak*
  978. >Slivers of moonlight filter in through the curtains.
  979. >Will you have good dreams tonight? Or nightmares?
  980. >*Tap tap tap*
  981. >*Click*
  982. >You're reminded of that horror movie you just watched—the one with the malignant Nightmare.
  983. >It's a good thing that *you* don't have to worry about dream demons; it's just fiction—
  984. >"Hey."
  985. >Though there are still those who would lurk in the night, you suppose.
  986. >Maybe if you—
  987. >"Hey! Wake up, would ya?"
  988. >You sigh; there's no escaping your fate.
  989. >Reluctantly, you turn over in your bed to meet your maker.
  990. >The lights are on, and there's a familiar orange-brown–coated filly standing by your bedside.
  991. "Nng…Babs?"
  992. >She smiles.
  993. >"Took ya long enough, Mistah Mous!"
  994. >She quickly hops up on the bed, the springs creaking slightly under her additional weight.
  995. >Then, she crouches down on the pillow next to you, confidently initiating eye contact.
  996. >"Could ya believe how long it took Apple Bloom to start snoozin'? Movie monster had her totally spooked! Thought I'd be hittin' the hay before her!"
  997. >Another sigh escapes your lips.
  998. >How does she have so much energy at this hour?
  999. "What do you want, Babs?"
  1000. >She lightly chuckles at your question.
  1001. >"What does it look like I want, wise guy?"
  1002. >Her eyes travel down your covered body, soon settling on a particular groinal region.
  1003. >"I want some more of dat authentic human sausage. Haven't had ya put in *here* yet."
  1004. >She boisterously pats her pelvis, giving you a sly wink.
  1005. >You were just about to head to sleep; you really should tell her that today's fun times are over.
  1006. >Yet the words refuse to leave your mouth.
  1007. >And she's all too happy to take your silence as the go ahead.
  1008. >"Alright den…"
  1009. >She slips a hoof under your bedsheets—
  1010. >"Up we go!"
  1011. >—and tosses them up, flinging the entire top half of your covers over to the bottom half of your bed.
  1012. "Urk—!" The sudden exposure to the cool air makes you wince and shiver.
  1013. >She snickers—but said snickering quickly stops when she lays eyes upon your undergarments.
  1014. >"You're sleepin' in ya clothes?"
  1015. "Yes." curt response.
  1016. >"Why?" curt reply.
  1017. "Because I like not being completely exposed to the elements; unlike you, I don't have a full body of fur to keep me warm."
  1018. >She tuts.
  1019. >"Aw, an' how's a filly meant to get an extra helpin' of midnight sausage when you're keepin' your pantry locked up?"
  1021. >You blink at her.
  1022. "That…how do you know what a sausage is, again?"
  1023. >"Filly from da big city, remembah? Dey sell all sorts of stuff ova dere."
  1024. >With a wide smile, she slowly saunters alongside your body.
  1025. >"But don'tcha worry your sweet little heart—dis filly's only got room in her belly for one piece of meat."
  1026. >She makes herself comfortable—right in the spot between your legs.
  1027. >"It's thick, juicy, fillin'…"
  1028. >She looks down at your clothed crotch.
  1029. >"An' it's right ova here."
  1030. >She crouches down and—in a rare moment of tenderness—gently pulls down your underwear using her teeth on the hem.
  1031. >Your pride springs to action, nearly swatting Babs on the snout.
  1032. >Instead, it rests against her nose—fully engorged for its favourite filly.
  1033. >She takes a deep whiff and flags high.
  1034. >"Fff…smells like you were already waitin' for me. Da feelin''s mutual."
  1035. >She raises her head and smiles up at you, eyes lidded and body subtly swaying.
  1036. >"Let's not…heh…let's not keep eitha of us waitin' any longah."
  1037. >She sits up and straightens her body; her forelegs hang just behind her hindlegs, steadying herself.
  1038. >Her body is positioned just above your tip.
  1039. >At this angle, you can freely admire her lower half in full:
  1040. >Her delightful paunch,
  1041. >Her tiny underaged crotch tits,
  1042. >And her sweltering filly flower, winking just for you.
  1043. >"Jus'…nnf…"
  1044. >She descends, swallowing you inch by inch.
  1045. >Until she takes about half of your length—and you feel yourself bumping up against her most precious place.
  1046. >She lets out a loud gasp at the "impact."
  1047. >"Nnnff—ah! Fuck!"
  1048. >Your next words escape you.
  1049. "H-hey! Language!"
  1050. >She halts all movement to stare at you for a few seconds, wide-eyed.
  1051. >And then…
  1052. >"…Pfffffft! Was dat some kinda human joke? You're knockin' on a little filly's front door—but her droppin' a no-no word is what's settin' ya off?"
  1053. >You sigh.
  1054. >She has a point.
  1055. >It *is* pretty silly.
  1056. >But still…
  1057. >"Hey, tell you what, Mistah Mous—I'll keep my mouth squeaky clean jus' for you."
  1058. >She gives you a wry smile.
  1059. >"'Cept when your fudgin' nut's swirlin' around my cheeks, eheheh~"
  1060. >You let her have this victory.
  1061. >Just as you let her wiggle around your rod.
  1062. >Because if you don't "let" her—she'll just take it anyway.
  1063. >She bites her bottom lip as she rocks herself back and forth—up and down.
  1064. >Her walls squeeze you into submission—her slimy, scented juices marking you as hers and hers alone.
  1065. >Just as she makes you hers, there's a burning desire within you to make her yours.
  1066. >One of your hands rises off the mattress; it glides towards her, to touch her, to feel her—
  1067. >But she bats it away with a forehoof, shaking her head and tutting.
  1068. >"Now why don't you jus' lie back an' let Babs take care of everythin', huh?"
  1069. "Ah…"
  1070. >You weakly nod; she's in control. Just how she likes it.
  1072. >Both of you leave words to the wayside as the sounds and sensations of your late-night lewdness permeate the room.
  1073. >Sounds such as the shared grunts and snorts of man and filly—
  1074. >And the wet slaps and squelches of sweaty flesh meeting sweaty flesh—over and over again.
  1075. >Sensations such as her soft, surprisingly well-groomed fur rubs against your bare skin as she bounces atop your body—
  1076. >And the way her thighs clamp your waistline while her insides clamp your dick.
  1077. >Her tight, familiar walls flex around your length of their own volition, eager to goad out their favourite fluid.
  1078. >And then there's her scent.
  1079. >It's been filling your nostrils all throughout the day.
  1080. >But right here, right now—it's at its absolute strongest.
  1081. >You couldn't ignore it even if you wanted to.
  1082. >It smells like the earth—like freshly tilled soil on a hot summer's day.
  1083. >It smells like home.
  1084. >And yet…there's more to it than that.
  1085. >Because that freshly tilled soil—it's there for a reason.
  1086. >You don't till soil simply for the fun of it.
  1087. >You do it—
  1088. >So you can sow your seeds deep inside.
  1089. >That's the other aspect of her most natural scent.
  1090. >It instils that burgeoning instinct to breed.
  1091. >To release your inhibitions.
  1092. >To release in *her.*
  1093. >And you…
  1094. >"Sweatin' already, Mistah Mous?"
  1095. >Even through your sensually slurred vision—you can still see that confident smile on her face.
  1096. >"Heh, I know what dat means~"
  1097. >She pulls herself up—
  1098. >And *SLAMS* herself back down, pummelling herself just as hard as she's pummelling you.
  1099. >"Betcha…hah…jus' dyin' to fill dis filly up, huh?"
  1100. >She jackhammers her hips atop yours, huffing and puffing all the while—squirting and squinting besides.
  1101. >"Flood her…hah…deepest parts an'…*snort*…make her yours!"
  1102. >She suddenly stops, kissing your tip with her deepest gates.
  1103. >Her breathing is ragged, but her sly smile is steadfast.
  1104. >"Well come on den, ya big palooka~"
  1105. >And then she *SLAMS* her hips on top of you again, ready to reap your climax.
  1106. >"'Cause she's gushin'…"
  1107. >*SLAM*
  1108. >"An' she's waitin'…"
  1109. >*SLAM*
  1110. >"For her future husband to fill her up…ah~!"
  1111. >She throws her head back, and you—
  1112. >You fill her up.
  1113. >With each cathartic throb, you blast this filly's insides, filling her up with virile goo.
  1114. >She warmly welcomes you, flooding your lower body with waves of her potent, earthy excitement.
  1115. >It's a mess.
  1116. >A raunchy, delectable mess.
  1118. >Once you've finally finished seeding your Babs, the both of you take a few heavy breaths before she falls atop your chest, panting heavily.
  1119. >Your dick slowly softens and falls out of your filled filly, and you both lay there in silence.
  1120. >Eventually, she rolls off of your body, landing on a part of the mattress right beside you.
  1121. >Her limbs are outstretched, and her glossy eyes are focused on the ceiling.
  1122. >She takes one long, drawn out inhale—
  1123. >"Aaah~"
  1124. >—and then one equally long, drawn out exhale.
  1125. >She was just on top of you—
  1126. >And now she's on top of the world.
  1127. >But you—
  1128. >Are damn tired.
  1129. >And it's past her bedtime.
  1130. "Satisfied?"
  1131. >You turn your head to her, seeing her wide, dopey smile.
  1132. "Now go back to bed."
  1133. >With a slow, relaxed blink, she turns her head to you.
  1134. >"Whaddaya mean? I'm already here."
  1135. "I mean it. Back to the guest room."
  1136. >She sniffs the air a few times, then exhales.
  1137. >"What, stinkin' like dis? My Cuz ain't *dat* naive—she'll know somethin's up."
  1138. "Then take a shower."
  1139. >She stares at you for a couple of seconds, lips slightly parted.
  1140. >And then she huffs, flatlining her mouth.
  1141. >"Come on, Mistah Mous, don't be like dat. You really gonna cum in a filly den throw her out of your room?"
  1142. >You cross your arms over your chest.
  1143. "What if Apple Bloom wakes up in the middle of the night? What if she comes in this room and sees you here?"
  1144. >"Den just say I got night terrors or somethin'—since we watched a spooky movie an' all. Whatever works, right?"
  1145. "And what if she decides that *she* has night terrors too? What if she comes closer and smells…this?"
  1146. >"What, afraid dat she'll want a piece of da pie? Or what—"
  1147. >She narrows her eyes.
  1148. >"—you lookin' to pull her in?"
  1149. >You furrow your brows.
  1150. "What, no!"
  1151. >You maintain eye contact for a few moments, each sussing out the other.
  1152. >Then, her gaze softens.
  1153. >"…Good."
  1154. >Her trademark wide smile shows up on her face.
  1155. >"You're mine, Anon. An' I ain't sharin'."
  1156. >You weren't planning on offering.
  1157. >But still—
  1158. >What a greedy filly.
  1159. >"Anyway, think I'm gonna be…"
  1160. >She yawns and turns away from you, turning off the bedside lamp in your stead.
  1161. >"…hittin' da hay here; thanks in advance."
  1162. "Hey—"
  1163. >She cuts you off with an exaggerated snore—followed by another.
  1164. >You sigh; you talk a big game, but you don't have the heart to force her out of your room.
  1165. >So, after pulling your underwear back up, you face upwards—to the ceiling.
  1166. >And your eyes slowly flutter shut.
  1167. >As you drift off to sleep, an errant thought enters your mind—
  1168. >You really hope you didn't wake Apple Bloom up.
  1170. ***
  1172. >You wake up, feeling refreshed—no nightmare creatures invaded your dreams, thankfully.
  1173. >But there's a curious furry feeling on top of your torso.
  1174. >You look down—
  1175. >It's Babs, lying on her side and huddled against your chest.
  1176. >Your own arms are wrapped around her body.
  1177. >You can feel her heartbeat against yours, as well as the soft rise and fall of her chest.
  1178. >It's relaxing.
  1179. >But you also have to get up.
  1180. >You pull your arms away from her, causing her to squirm slightly.
  1181. >And you poke her cheek.
  1182. "Hey."
  1183. >"Nngh…"
  1184. >You give her a push—a firm palm against her side.
  1185. >Yet she clings onto you tightly.
  1186. "Hey, get up."
  1187. >She groans, eyes still shut.
  1188. >"Gimme…gimme five more minutes, would ya?"
  1189. "Nope."
  1190. >You give her another push.
  1191. "You sleep in my bed—you wake up at my time."
  1192. >You give her yet another push.
  1193. "So I'll keep doing this until you move."
  1194. >"Rrgh…"
  1195. >She opens her eyes and looks up at you with a frown.
  1196. >"Hey, why're you bullyin' me…? Don't ya know you're supposed to treat the fillies you bed with more…mrgh…respect?"
  1197. "I'd say letting you sleep in here was respect enough."
  1198. >Push: the return.
  1199. "Now get up—and take a shower while you're at it."
  1200. >Her grip is unyielding and her groans are unceasing.
  1201. >"Aw, c'mon, tough guy. Y'know ya want a sleep in jus' like me."
  1202. >Before you can go for another shove, Babs shuffles upwards, soon resting her snout against your collarbone; the cool air she breaths makes you shiver.
  1203. >She huffs your neckline, humming in contentment.
  1204. >And her ears twitch.
  1205. >"Hey…do dat thing with ya fingahs…dat thing where ya go behind da eayahs…"
  1206. >You…don't push.
  1207. >You should.
  1208. >But instead—your other hand glides along her body, finding one of her ears.
  1209. >And you give her a few scritches just below.
  1210. >She lets out a coarse coo.
  1211. >Coarse, but cute.
  1212. >"Ooh…now *dat's* da stuff…"
  1213. >She melts at your touch like putty in your hands—very pudgy putty.
  1214. >You press your once-pushing hand against her body.
  1215. >But you still don't push.
  1216. >Instead, you let your hand sink into her generous belly fat.
  1217. >"Ooh yeah…"
  1219. >She wiggles in place, twisting her body so as to expose more of her stomach to the open air.
  1220. >And in turn—you grab a handful more of her, kneading her pudge in between your fingers.
  1221. >"Phew… Betcha like dat, huh…?"
  1222. >She nuzzles your neckline.
  1223. >"Got ya own well-fed filly to fondle wheneva ya want…"
  1224. >She harshly snorts, the air tingling your skin once more.
  1225. >"Pump fulla fat nut wheneva ya want…"
  1226. >Through your ears, your fingers, your whole body—you can feel her exhale in deep contentment.
  1227. >"Livin' da dream, huh?"
  1228. >You don't say anything; you just continue rubbing her ear and belly both.
  1229. >Her tail thwips the mattress, and she stretches a hindleg outwards.
  1230. >"Hey, think we can sneak in anotha go?"
  1231. >You sigh.
  1232. "You are utterly insatiable."
  1233. >She chuckles.
  1234. >"Says da guy runnin' his grabbahs all ova me~"
  1235. >She rolls onto her belly and you take your hands away from her.
  1236. >Now lying on top of you, she gives you a smirk.
  1237. >"Good thing I'm around, huh? Somepony's gotta keep you in check."
  1238. "Pretty sure I'm the one keeping *you* in check."
  1239. >You boop her on the nose with a finger.
  1240. "Making sure you don't bully some poor Manehattenite stallion into submission."
  1241. >She rolls her eyes.
  1242. >"Yeah, like I'm gonna be touchin' any of dose fruit loops."
  1243. "Yeah, you'll be wanting someone who can keep up with that endless libido of yours."
  1244. >"Heh, don't ya know it~"
  1245. >You break eye contact with her to look up at the ceiling.
  1246. "I worry for the stallion you eventually end up with."
  1247. >She doesn't respond.
  1248. >But out of the bottom of your vision—you can see one of her ears twitch.
  1249. >She stands up and quickly hops off the bed, giving you a brief glance from behind her withers.
  1250. >"Think I'll take one of dose showers afta all."
  1251. >She quietly leaves the room, and not much longer after that—you begin to hear the faint sound of running water.
  1253. >You dress yourself and make your bed while Babs showers.
  1254. >It doesn't take too long at all; the bedroom is peaceful—and there are no distractions.
  1255. >And yet that's also what makes it feel empty.
  1256. >Once you hear the shower stop, you leave your bedroom, heading through the hallway and into the bathroom so you can start your own routine.
  1257. >Babs rushes past you, not giving you a second glance, only stopping to open a particular door down the hall.
  1259. >"Wh-whuh…?"
  1260. >You sigh in sympathy; poor Apple Bloom.
  1262. >A good chunk of the day's early hours pass without much excitement.
  1263. >You carry out your morning rituals;
  1264. >You rustle up some breakfast;
  1265. >The three of you watch Fluttershy's nature documentary—
  1266. >The three of you stop watching Fluttershy's nature documentary about twenty minutes in.
  1267. >So you put on a different movie instead—it's the only one they haven't seen yet.
  1268. >It's called "Star Crossed."
  1269. >And it's about two individuals who slowly fall in love with each other—despite their difference in species.
  1270. >You are in the kitchen.
  1271. >Because Babs wanted a "cuppa cawfee, just like you do."
  1272. >Apple Bloom, and the other hand, is chugging through juice cartons like a filly possessed.
  1273. >Once again, she's sitting on the carpet right in front of the TV; a graveyard of shrivelled cartons surround her—their innards sucked out.
  1274. >You dare not stop her; one does not get in between a filly and her juice cartons if they value their life.
  1275. >So instead, you walk out of the kitchen with two steaming mugs of coffee in tow.
  1276. >Babs is sitting on the couch, as per usual; she rests on the arm that's right next to the end table.
  1277. >After setting her mug down on said end table, you sit down next to her.
  1278. >She quickly picks up her mug and takes a tentative sip—
  1279. >"Ow! S'hot!"
  1280. >Tentative is all it is.
  1281. "Gotta wait for it to cool down. You could try blowing on it."
  1282. >You blow on your own mug.
  1283. "Like this."
  1284. >She gives you a brief side-eye.
  1285. >"Oh, I'll give you a blow, wise guy…" she grumbles.
  1286. >You roll your eyes.
  1287. >But she does blow on it.
  1288. >Actually, it's more akin to a continuous stream of huffing and puffing.
  1289. >You begin to worry that she'll blow your house down at this rate.
  1290. "You could also wait."
  1291. >"I don't wanna wait."
  1292. >She peers into the caffeinated brew for a few moments, furrowing her brows.
  1293. >"I want it now."
  1294. >You purse your lips, staring into the swirling foam of your own coffee.
  1295. >And you blow.
  1297. >Star Seeker is a unicorn from Canterlot who has his whole life figured out.
  1298. >He comes from a respected family; he studies at a prestigious school; he has a well-established friend group within the upper crust.
  1299. >And yet for all of his successes—his romantic prospects are remarkably dire.
  1300. >As part of his thesis, he decides to undertake a research project concerning the paternal behaviour of ursas—colossal magical bears with a colossal temper to match.
  1301. >He plans to observe them up close to gather data—but the stalking of sizeable starborn bears tends to come with a particular set of mortal risks.
  1302. >Not only that, but their habitat in the mountains is a place that's unfamiliar to him.
  1303. >So he hires a mercenary—a guide who knows the local area.
  1304. >Her name is Garra—and she's a griffon.
  1305. >She's rough-mannered and hard-bodied—a complete and total contrast to the pampered unicorn from the ivory city.
  1306. >She treats Star with coarse indifference, seemingly only concerned with the weight of her next paycheck.
  1307. >But she gets the job done; she leads him to the mountains and keeps watch while he follows his academic endeavours in bear country.
  1308. >Yet he feels woefully out of his depth, having travelled all the way out to strange mountains filled with strange creatures—and his only lifeline within this perilous place isn't even a fellow pony.
  1309. >Lost in his own restless ruminations, he finds himself idly wandering out into the open—where he catches the eye of a particularly irate ursa minor.
  1310. >The ear-piercing roar it sounds out leaves him both startled and shaking—wide-eyed and wobbling.
  1311. >He can't move—because he can't *bring* himself to move; his body has locked up, frozen by fear.
  1312. >The ursa minor rushes him—
  1313. >And a swift pair of talons pull him of harm's way, soon carrying him to safety.
  1314. >The talons belong to Garra; bewildered, Star asks her why she saved him.
  1315. >She tells him that a "living client is better than a dead one—that's all."
  1316. >And perhaps that is "all"—for her.
  1317. >But for him, there's a spark—something that he's never felt before.
  1319. >Apple Bloom downs her latest carton of apple juice in record time—
  1320. >And she quickly heads up the stairs to the bathroom, in record time.
  1321. >Judging by the jumble of emptied juice boxes that litter the area—she might be in there for a while.
  1322. >You stand up and pick up a few of the cartons, depositing them in the trash can.
  1323. >Babs picks up her mug of coffee—which has cooled down enough at this point—and takes a generous sip.
  1324. >She winces as she swishes the contents around in her cheeks, and when she downs it—her face scrunches into the next dimension.
  1325. >"Ugh!" She hacks. "Dis tastes like dirt! You really drink dis all day?"
  1326. "Yep," you say, tossing a carton into the can.
  1327. >She frowns at you, then stares into her coffee again.
  1328. "Hey, you're the one who wanted coffee instead of apple juice."
  1329. >"Yeah, well…"
  1331. >She trails off and sets her mug on the end table, and you crouch down to pick up another fallen carton.
  1332. >"I could…I could talk to my folks back home, yeah?"
  1333. >You shoot back up, ignoring the juice box and turning to make eye contact with Babs; her expression is uncharacteristically pensive.
  1334. "Huh?"
  1335. >"About uh…settin' up a manedressin' salon here, or somethin'…"
  1336. "What, all by yourself?"
  1337. >"I was thinkin' you could…you could help me out with some things—like da paypahwork an' all of dat other borin' stuff."
  1338. >She nervously shuffles her forehooves together.
  1339. >"An' den I could live with you. Make dis thing we got official."
  1340. "Aren't you still in school?"
  1341. >She glances at one of her scissor-covered flanks.
  1342. >"I got my cutie mark; I can do what I like. I'm a big filly—uh, mare. I'm a big mare."
  1343. >Her eyes flit to you.
  1344. >"My folks're eager to see me fly da coop anyway, and uh…"
  1345. >And then her eyes flit to the side as she smiles bashfully.
  1346. >"I mighta…mighta already told 'em I got a coltfriend here in Ponyville. So dey'd get it."
  1347. >The weight of the bombshell she just dropped is almost lost on you.
  1348. >Perhaps you should be more worried that at least one pony out there knows about your relationship with Babs.
  1349. >Then again, it's not like she told them about you specifically.
  1350. >And…you're curious.
  1351. >You walk over to one of the ends of the couch and rest an arm on the back cushion, gazing at Babs.
  1352. "Sounds like you've thought this through quite a bit."
  1353. >"Yeah, because…well…"
  1354. >She looks up at you, pupils wavering.
  1355. >"Mistah…uh, Anon…"
  1356. >She takes a deep, quavering breath.
  1357. >"I want you to be dat…dat stallion I end up with…you know? Da one I spend da rest of my life with."
  1358. >Her confession hangs in the air, backed by the indiscernible audio of the romantic movie playing in the background.
  1359. >You *could* just write this off as an idle daydream of a lovestruck filly, but…
  1360. >Is that fair to her? To her feelings?
  1361. >…You need a drink.
  1362. >Maybe she does too.
  1363. "Let me get you a glass of apple juice from the fridge."
  1364. >"Hey! I can…I can drink dis."
  1365. >She grasps her mug in both forehooves and cradles it against her chest.
  1366. >"I'm not some baby filly."
  1367. "I thought it tasted like dirt."
  1368. >"I jus' tasted it wrong, I guess…"
  1369. "You're fine the way you are, Babs."
  1370. >You walk along the front of the couch, resting a knee on the seat as you lean towards Babs.
  1371. >Then, you ruffle through her mane; she doesn't tell you to "quit it" this time.
  1372. "Rough around the edges…"
  1373. >And you slip a finger under one of her ears and give her a few scritches.
  1374. >"Nng…" She leans into your touch.
  1375. "But sweet on the inside."
  1376. >You pull away from her and the couch.
  1377. "You don't need to change yourself to get me to like you; I already do."
  1378. >You turn away, ready to head to the kitchen.
  1379. >Babs calls out to you just before you walk away.
  1380. >"I'll have a glass of apple juice."
  1382. >You're sitting with Babs on the couch; both of you are enjoying a chilled glass of liquidated apples.
  1383. >Apple Bloom still hasn't come back down.
  1384. >It hasn't been that long since she left, but still—
  1385. >Filly must've got a hell of a bladder.
  1386. >In the movie, Star Seeker and Garra are at a train station; Star's saddlebags are stuffed with notes on the discoveries he has made.
  1387. >It looks like Star is working up the courage to speak to his companion.
  1388. >"Maybe we could make one of our own movies, one of dese days," Babs suddenly remarks.
  1389. "If we did, I'm pretty sure it'd be banned everywhere."
  1390. >Babs is silent for a good few moments.
  1391. >And then—
  1392. >"…Pffft. Ahahahaha."
  1393. >As her laughter dies down, she sets an empty glass on the end table and speaks up again.
  1394. >"Hey, Mistah Mous."
  1395. "Yeah?"
  1396. >"I'm still waitin' on dat ansah."
  1397. "Answer?"
  1398. >"Yeah."
  1399. >She shuffles closer to you, staring up at you intently.
  1400. >"'Bout us—an' our future."
  1401. "O-oh, uh…"
  1402. >She poses the same implicit question as earlier—yet you're caught off guard all the same.
  1403. >Because you still haven't come up with an explicit answer.
  1404. >She smiles, yet her expression is expectant—and you know that there's no running away from those piercing green eyes she has.
  1405. >But what do you say?
  1406. >"M-miss Garra," you hear Star Seeker say, "you've been a tremendous help for…well, all of this."
  1407. >"Sure," Garra curtly replies.
  1408. >"An-an-and I was wondering if…you…that is to say…"
  1409. >"You what? Get to the point."
  1410. >"Th-that I…you…the…"
  1411. >"Hey, Starboy."
  1412. >There's a pause before Garra continues.
  1413. >"Be honest with yourself—or you're just gonna keep going in circles."
  1414. >"I-it's Star Seeker…"
  1415. >The rest of their conversation fades away into the background.
  1416. >But there was something in there that stood out to you:
  1417. >'Be honest.'
  1418. >Is that what you should do? Be honest with your feelings for Babs?
  1419. >"So?" Babs asks, pressing you on your answer.
  1420. >It's now or never.
  1421. "Well, I, um, m-maybe…" you sputter.
  1422. >Your eyes flit to the side in shame.
  1423. >Ugh. "Maybe?" Was that truly the best reply you could squeak out? After all of that insightful inner monologue?
  1424. >'Maybe' you're just a "Starboy" after all—spinning in circles along with your tempestuous emotions.
  1425. >Yet, when you manage to pull your eyes back to Babs's freckled face—you see that her smile hasn't faltered.
  1426. >In fact, it appears to widen slightly upon meeting your gaze once again.
  1427. >"So it's a 'maybe,' huh?"
  1428. >She gently rests a forehoof on your chest.
  1429. >Then, she trails it up to your chin, and slowly guides your face closer to hers.
  1430. >"How 'bout…"
  1431. >*THUMP*
  1432. >That came from the top of the stairs.
  1434. >Oh shit she's coming back down—
  1435. >You and Babs quickly vacate kissing distance and awkwardly shuffle away from each other, breaking eye contact.
  1437. >When it comes down to it—maybe neither of you are willing to rush things.
  1438. >And yet…
  1439. >'Maybe' you don't have to.
  1440. >You take a sip of the apple juice in your hand.
  1441. >And you extend your free arm along the back cushion of the couch—towards Babs.
  1442. >Noticing your gesture from the corner of her eye, Babs shuffles her way back towards you.
  1443. >She leans backwards, resting her head again your bicep.
  1444. >And she rests a forehoof on your lap, smiling softly.
  1445. >It would be a pleasant, peaceful moment—if not for the energetic filly suddenly jumping onto the couch.
  1446. >"Cuddle pile!"
  1447. >Apple Bloom hugs Babs from her other side.
  1448. >"A-ah! Cuz!" Babs yelps.
  1449. >Babs is now sandwiched between you and Apple Bloom.
  1450. >But you don't think she minds.
  1452. >After setting down your empty glass, the three of you continue to watch the movie together.
  1453. >As it turns out, Star Gazer had worked up the courage to ask Garra to accompany him on another expedition—and she accepted.
  1454. >Yet this outing contains no cosmic bears—how curious.
  1455. >Instead, they're camping out under the moonlight.
  1456. >Garra leads Star up to a patch of orange flowers; some shine brighter than others.
  1457. >"They look nice," Star begins. "Um, are they…"
  1458. >"Wait. There are two kinds," Garra responds.
  1459. >She points to a dull-looking flower.
  1460. >"These ones are poisonous. Don't eat them."
  1461. >"A-ah."
  1462. >"But the ones that glimmer in the moonlight…"
  1463. >She plucks one of the flowers that brightly reflects the moon's rays.
  1464. >"Are edible."
  1465. >She presents him with it.
  1466. >"Here."
  1467. >"O-oh. Thank you."
  1468. >Apple Bloom groans.
  1469. >"Eh, this movie's…kinda dull, ain't it?"
  1470. "Not a fan of romantic movies, Apple Bloom?"
  1471. >"Not really… Ah thought there'd be more bears in this movie; where'd they all go?"
  1472. "They left bear country while you were in the can."
  1473. >Bloom sighs.
  1474. >"Ah miss the bears. They were excitin'. This…"
  1475. >She waves a forehoof in front of her.
  1476. >"This is jus'…borin' mushy stuff! Who likes these kinda movies?"
  1477. >The chatter of the movie is all that fills the room for a few seconds.
  1478. >…I like 'em," Babs quietly replies.
  1479. >"Huh?"
  1480. >Bloom stares at her cousin, wide-eyed.
  1481. >"You do?"
  1482. >Taking a second to respond, Babs raises her voice.
  1483. >"Y-yeah! I love mushy stuff like dis, what about it, huh?!"
  1484. >"Oh, uh, nothin'. Ah'm just…surprised, is all."
  1485. >Bloom rubs her cheek with her forehoof.
  1486. >"Ah figured you'd be more into those actiony movies we saw yesterday."
  1487. >"Heh. Dere's a lot you don't know 'bout me, Cuz."
  1488. >As their conversation ends, you get to thinking.
  1489. >Apple Bloom might have a point.
  1490. >The bears *were* exciting.
  1491. >But now that they're gone, all that's left is a mushy string of scenes with no interesting conflict.
  1492. >Perhaps they should wrap things up—
  1493. >*Knock knock knock*
  1494. >Ah, someone's at your front door.
  1496. "Sounds like your ticket home is here."
  1497. >"Yep!" Apple Bloom beams at you, quickly hopping off the couch.
  1498. >You follow suit and make your way over to the door; Babs stays on the couch.
  1499. >When you open your front door, you are greeted with none other than…
  1500. "Hey Applejack."
  1501. >She tips her stetson to you.
  1502. >"Well howdy, Anon! An'…"
  1503. >She tilts her head to the side just in time to catch the yellow filly speeding towards her.
  1504. >"Applejack!" Apple Bloom rears up and hugs her sister's torso.
  1505. >"Whoa there, Apple Bloom. Ah ain't even been gone a full day."
  1506. >"Ah know, but Ah've *gotta* tell you about this movie box that Anon's got! It—"
  1507. >Applejack pets her little sister's head.
  1508. >"Alright, alright—you can tell me all about it on the way back."
  1509. >"Okay…"
  1510. >Applejack turns to you.
  1511. >"So that's Apple Bloom accounted for. Babs doing alright?"
  1512. "Yeah, she's fine; she's just…"
  1513. >You look back into the living room and see Babs peering at you from behind the couch.
  1514. >You wave to her and look back to Applejack.
  1515. "…watching the movie, I think. But she'll be up and running soon enough."
  1516. >Applejack nods.
  1517. >"Ah hope they didn't give you too much trouble."
  1518. >You chuckle, shaking your head.
  1519. "Not at all; they were both little angels."
  1520. >"Heh, thanks again for lookin' after 'em, Anon."
  1521. >You bow.
  1522. "It was my pleasure."
  1523. >Applejack's gaze shifts to the spot right by your feet.
  1524. >"Oh, an' there's our cousin from the city! You have fun?"
  1525. >You see Babs standing next to you.
  1526. >"Yeah. Mistah Mous was a good host."
  1527. >"Glad to hear it. Now how about the three of us head on over back to the farm so we can give Anon some peace n' quiet. Apple Bloom here's got a few stories to tell us on the way back, but…
  1528. >Applejack casts a nervous glance at Apple Bloom.
  1529. >"Spare us the, uh, technical details, would ya?"
  1530. >Apple Bloom giggles and nods.
  1531. >Applejack and Apple Bloom walk away, chattering to one another.
  1532. >Babs turns to you and puffs up her mane like she usually does.
  1533. >"See you around, Mistah Mous."
  1534. "See you around…"
  1535. >You crouch down and give her a quick peck on the lips.
  1536. >And then you whisper to her.
  1537. "Missus Mous."
  1538. >Your act of affection leaves her speechless for a few moments.
  1539. >But after those moments pass…
  1540. >"Uh…eheheheh…"
  1541. >She blushes up a storm, fidgeting all of her legs while her tail whips from side to side.
  1542. >There's a lidded, dreamy look in her eyes and a wide, dopey smile on her face.
  1543. >You stand up, looking towards the Apples that are walking out of your yard.
  1544. "You should hurry on over before they leave you behind."
  1545. >"Y-yeah!"
  1546. >Happily humming to herself, she trots after her distant family, leaving you standing by the doorway.
  1547. >There goes Babs Seed.
  1548. >She's not polite; she's not well-behaved; she's not innocent.
  1549. >But you love her all the same.

Beware the Strawberry Mare

by Glimbrain

Bench Fine

by Glimbrain

Club Anonymous

by Glimbrain

You have to eat the eggs

by Glimbrain

A Glimmer into the Past

by Glimbrain