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Beware the Strawberry Mare

By Glimbrain
Created: 2023-09-25 09:11:25
Updated: 2023-10-22 07:58:53
Expiry: Never

  1. Synopsis: Anon goes to talk with Strawberry Sunrise and gets a bit more than he bargained for...
  3. >Day smug-ass strawberries in Equestria.
  4. >You are Anon, presently knocking on the door of a house belonging to a certain troublemaking pegasus.
  5. >With her yellow coat, her affinity for nature, and her—
  6. >The door opens, revealing the mare of the hour.
  7. "Strawberry Sunrise."
  8. >"Oh my! If it isn't the local human!" She puts on a friendly smile, fluttering her eyelashes as she continues, "to what do I owe this pleasure? Would you like a strawberry? I've got free samples~"
  9. >She holds out a hoof to you, offering one of her namesake's pride and joy.
  10. >Unfortunately for her (and you) you have to push it away; you're here on a business visit, after all.
  11. >Her pouting reaction hurts you, but not as much as Applejack would hurt you if she learned that you were accepting strawberries.
  12. "Sorry, but I'm here on AJ's behalf, 'said she couldn't be held accountable for what she'd do if she came here after her last visit."
  13. >From what Applejack had told you of this mare, you expected to see the devil himself answering your house call to the Strawberry residence.
  14. >Truth be told, you're a little disappointed that such a cute-looking mare came out to greet you; still, you keep your guard up, as looks can be deceiving.
  15. >"AJ? Hmm…AJ…AJ…" As she rolls the name around her tongue a few more times, realisation hits her as you catch her face scrunching up for just a brief moment. "Oh! You must mean dear old Jackie!"
  16. >The omission of a certain part of her name is not lost on you.
  17. "Yes…that's right, you see, our farm's been getting reports of rumours circulating around Ponyville, saying that our apples are riddled with worms and our cider's made of muck, among other things."
  18. >"Oh no! That sounds awful!"
  19. >She places one of her hooves across her chest in an act of mock shock, but after a few seconds, she realises that you aren't buying into her act.
  20. >"Wait, you don't think *I'm* behind such scandalous rumours, do you?"
  21. "I don't think you're behind them—I know you're behind them, a couple members of the Apple Family have already caught you in the act of smack-talking our products."
  22. >"And you believe them?"
  23. "Of course I do, they're my family."
  24. >"Really? A brutish ape like you? Part of their family?"
  25. >Her sudden shift in tone catches you off guard.
  27. "Excuse me?"
  28. >"I'd wager you're more like a pet to them, just like that little dog of theirs.
  29. >"They've got you prancing all over town, playing errand boy for tasks they can't be bothered to do themselves.
  30. >"But it's okay—I'm sure that at the end of the day, they've got some treats ready for their favourite little monkey~"
  31. "What's your—"
  32. >"But it must be *so* difficult, holding yourself back.
  33. >"Having to play nice for all us little ponies, knowing that you could take control any time you wanted…
  34. >"A big lumbering *creature* like yourself, why, it would be *so* easy to pick up a mare—any mare, really—and just…have your way with her."
  35. >Whoa. This rant suddenly took a turn.
  36. >"You'd restrain her in a full nelson, unleashing that monster of yours that you keep tucked away, and you'd plunge into her right then and there.
  37. >"Bouncing her around like a toy, you'd eventually unleash one of your *virile* loads deep inside her.
  38. >"But of course, one round would never be enough for a *beast* like you.
  39. >"She just wouldn't be able to resist you as you take her back to your stinky, sweaty, man-cave, pinning her down on the floor and *ravaging* her."
  40. >You can see her eyes drifting downwards from your face as she starts to bite her bottom lip.
  41. >"It would be all she could do to just gasp and moan as you *savagely* jackhammer in and out of her quivering pussy, all-but-ensuring that her defenceless womb will be absolutely *flooded* with your alien seed.
  42. >"And after that? Why, I'm sure that lucky mare would be completely docile afterwards; she'd be too embarrassed—too ashamed—to go and report you to the royal guard, and deep down…she would've loved that encounter, secretly hoping that the next time you crossed paths in town, you'd pick her up and *savage* her all over again."
  43. "Hey—"
  44. >"But I suppose we don't have to worry about anything like that, do we? You're such a well-trained monkey, after all.
  45. >"Why, all you're missing is a collar and a leash!"
  46. >Putting her disturbingly-detailed fantasies aside, you can see that she's trying to rile you up, and you're not gonna take the bait.
  47. >You're a better man than this.
  48. "I know what you're trying to do here, and it isn't going to work.
  49. "I was hoping to resolve this amicably, but if this is how you're going to act, then I see I'll have to bring this dispute up to Town Hall."
  51. >Strawberry's expression noticeably sours upon your mention of forwarding this spat up to the Mayor.
  52. >She turns away from you, looking to head back into her cottage.
  53. >"Hmph, they really do have you in the frog of their hooves, don't they?
  54. >"I wonder what their secret is; is feeding you that mushy slop they call 'fruit' really all it takes to tame you? Or maybe…"
  55. >She looks over her shoulder to you, glancing at your face.
  56. >"Maybe there's a certain *pony* that keeps you around, a certain crass, gaudy-hat-wearing—"
  57. "I've wasted enough time here, you'll be hearing from Town Hall later—"
  58. >"—short-tempered, worm-calling, muck-wading mudpony?"
  59. >…
  60. >You could take any number of slights to your pride.
  61. >Hell, you were willing to let the insults to the farm itself slide, just so you could get this visit over with.
  62. >But the moment Strawberry starts insulting Applejack, you feel something snap within you.
  63. "Don't you dare talk about AJ that way."
  64. >Fully turning around to face you now, her lips curl upwards into a smirk.
  65. >"Talk about her in what way? Oh, you mean calling her a mudpony? Mud. Pony."
  66. >She accentuates that last part with an smug grin that makes your blood boil.
  67. >"Oh, I suppose I can't truly fault dear Jackie for her genetics, it just so happens that some of us are born with taste, and wings."
  68. >Unfurling her wings, she flutters them about as if to prove her point.
  69. >"While the less fortunate of us are born flightless, destined to work in a muddy old farm for the rest of their days. See—mudpony."
  70. >As she demeans your good friend, Strawberry slowly backs away from you, retreating deeper into her house.
  71. >In response, you find yourself advancing towards her, as if by instinct, intent on teaching this obnoxious little mare a lesson she won't soon forget.
  72. >And yet, her smug expression never falters.
  73. >Now, if you were a wiser, calmer, and more observant man, you would've noticed the hunger glimmering in her eyes as you move forward.
  74. >But as you weren't, all you can do is step through her doorway and into her abode, with one thing to say.
  75. "Now listen here you little shit…"
  77. ***
  79. "Thought you could get away from me, eh? Your days of terrorising Ponyville are over!"
  80. >And with a *snip,* you prune a weed threatening to encroach on the territory of your precious shrubbery.
  81. >You are still Anon, and you are currently tending to the strawberry bushes out near the front of Strawberry's house.
  82. >The fruits look absolutely delectable, and some are looking ripe already. Surely she won't mind if you reward yourself for a hard day's work…
  83. >Crouching down to carefully pluck one of the ripened strawberries from a shrub, you line it up with your mouth and—
  84. >"What in tarnation is going on here?!"
  85. >Turning around, you are face to face with Applejack, and you suddenly feel a lot more self-conscious regarding the strawberry in your hand.
  86. "Wh—AJ?! What are you doing here?"
  87. >"Ah could ask you the same thing, Anon! Ah sent you away to talk to Strawberry hours ago. Ah got worried and came to check up on you, and what do Ah find—"
  88. >Applejack swipes the strawberry from your hand, scrutinising it.
  89. >"—This! Now you better have a *real* good reason for why you've been skivin' off at her house."
  90. >She chucks the strawberry and it splatters onto the pavement a fair distance away; goodbye, sweet sustenance.
  91. "Ah—well, it-it's not like that, AJ! I had a chat with Strawberry, as you asked, and those rumours floating about? Just a simple misunderstanding that had gotten out of hoof, really.
  92. "And after clearing things up, it turns out that she could use some help tending to her fields; so—uh, that's what I've been doing for most of the day.
  93. >Applejack glances at you with a expression of bewilderment, before letting out an snort.
  94. >"What in the—she's the enemy, Anon! Have you lost your gosh-darn mind?!"
  95. "Aw, come on, AJ, she's not that bad once you get to know her."
  96. >"Ah *do* know her, and Ah know she's bad news! Now c'mon, enough of this hogwash, we're headin' back to the farm!"
  97. >"I'm afraid Anon isn't 'headin' anywhere, Applejack."
  98. >The both of you look towards the front door of Strawberry's home, finding the mare herself standing on the step, cheery countenance and all.
  99. >"You!"
  100. >Applejack stomps her way towards Strawberry.
  101. >"First you're badmouthin' the Apple family name, and now you're tryin' to steal our workers too?!"
  102. >"Oh Applejack, didn't you hear what Anon just said? What happened between our businesses was just a simple misunderstanding—nothing more.
  103. >"And I didn't steal Anon away from you; in fact, he's working for me of his own volition, you can't blame me if"—she pauses with a smirk—"he prefers strawberries to apples~"
  105. >You swear you can see Applejack's coat change colour from orange to red, as the sound reminiscent of a whistling kettle begins to emanate from her.
  106. >It only lasts a moment, however, and she soon regains her composure.
  107. >"Ah've heard just about enough from you, Anon's an Apple Family stallion first and foremost! And Ah *ain't* gonna leave him here with the likes of *you!*"
  108. >"But Applejack—didn't you hear me? He's working for me now, in fact, we even drew up a contract together."
  109. >Strawberry pulls out an official-looking piece of parchment, its appearance rings vaguely familiar to you as you glance upon it…
  110. >"What the—Gimme that!"
  111. >Snatching the contract from Strawberry's hooves, Applejack scrutinises every inch of it, reading it from top to bottom.
  112. >Gradually, as she continues scanning the document, her expression shifts from her initial fury to a frown.
  113. >After a couple of minutes, she hooves the parchment back to Strawberry.
  114. >"So as you can see, my lovely human here is now a proud purveyor of all things Strawberry~"
  115. >"You—You're a dirty cheat! Ah don't know what kinda spell you cast on Anon here, but Ah'm not gonna stand for it!"
  116. >Applejack closes in on Strawberry, face scrunched up in anger, but Strawberry takes a step back and calmly responds.
  117. >"By all means, feel free to throw one of your temper tantrums right here, I'm sure Anon would *love* to see what kind of mare you really are~"
  118. >"Guh—You—!"
  119. >Within the span of several seconds, Applejack's face flickers between multiple expressions.
  120. >First, an angry scrunch.
  121. >Second, she tilts her head to stare at the ground so intensely, it's as if she's willing the soil around Strawberry's house to become salted.
  122. >Third, she shoots a brief glare towards you.
  123. >Fourth, she closes her eyes in deep contemplation, exhaling deeply through her nose.
  124. >Finally, she opens her eyes, a look of determination present, directed towards Strawberry.
  125. >"This. Ain't. Over. Y'hear!?"
  126. >With that, Applejack storms off back towards her farm, clearly agitated about *something.*
  127. >Giggling to herself, Strawberry heads back into her house, but not before giving you a wink, then turning around and giving you another—
  128. >…Oh my.
  129. >For the life of you, you can't understand what's got Applejack so frustrated.
  130. >After all, it's thanks to your visit that you were able to convince Strawberry to stop spreading rumours about the Apple Family!
  131. >You were even able to get her to admit that apples "only sometimes have worms in them" and that they "could maybe be considered a fruit if you squint hard enough."
  132. >And all it took was several hours of raunchy, aggressive man-on-mare sex, and the signing of a lifetime contract in service to Strawberry Sunrise's Strawberry Emporium.
  133. >…
  134. >You just don't understand what the big deal is.
  135. >After all, you just got done…
  136. >Fucking Strawberry Sunrise.
  137. >Wait… Fuck.

Beware the Strawberry Mare

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