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You have to eat the eggs

By Glimbrain
Created: 2023-10-04 12:12:07
Updated: 2023-10-22 07:58:36
Expiry: Never

  1. Synopsis: You have to eat the eggs, Anon.
  3. >You wake up in a cave.
  4. >Darkness pervades the area all around you. It's difficult to get a sense of how large this cavern is, or where the entrance could be.
  5. >Your only indication of size is a green bio-luminescent slime that lines the walls and ceiling of this place.
  6. >It's obvious that this isn't your lovely bed in your lovely home; you begin to wonder how you ended up here.
  7. >Last night, you *may* have had a bit too much to drink at one of Pinkie's parties.
  8. >And you *may* have ventured a bit too deep into the Everfree following a stupid dare from Berry Punch.
  9. >Honestly, it's a miracle that nothing ate you while you were out there.
  10. >You notice the smouldering remains of a campfire in front of you; did someone—hopefully somepony—bring you here?
  11. >Your recollection is cut short by an approaching chittering sound coming from within the darkness.
  12. >It is then that you see it—her?
  13. >A pony-like creature cutting a feminine form reminiscent of Princess Celestia, and just as tall to boot.
  14. >But where kindness and warmth emanates from the Sun, you feel only desperation from this insectoid likeness.
  15. >Her mane and tail look to be made of some wiry green material, and her "skin" appears to be some kind of black, chitinous matter.
  16. >At first glance, she seems to have legs just like any other pony, but closer inspection reveals unnaturally formed holes driven right through them.
  17. >Comparing her to the ponies you know, you would say she looks emaciated, as her body is almost skeletal in nature; whatever she may be, it's clear she hasn't eaten well in a long time.
  18. >But most strikingly, is her emerald eyes: they peer right into you, pupils as small as pinpricks, a distinct madness lying within.
  19. >She lumbers towards you, towering over your seated form; you can't find the strength—or the courage—to move.
  20. >She smiles at you, but it's not the friendly kind of smile you've come to expect from ponykind; it's a deranged grin, masking her intentions.
  21. >"You're awake."
  22. >Her shrill voice reverberates through your very being, it's like she's speaking to you from multiple directions at once.
  23. "W-was it you who brought me here? T-thank you."
  24. >She gives no reply.
  25. "…So uh, do you know which direction Ponyville is in? I-I really need to get back there."
  26. >With a sickly-green magic aura, she levitates a rock disc towards you; on that disc are several green, slimy-looking ovoids.
  27. >"You don't have to tell me what happened, but you do have to eat these eggs."
  29. >As they float closer to you, a putrid, decaying smell singes your nostril hairs.
  30. >These are no eggs like you've ever seen; each one is the size of a baseball.
  31. >A slimy substance secretes from them, and they pulse green, as if alive.
  32. "Um…thanks, but I don't think I can eat those."
  33. >Ignoring your refusal, she floats one of the eggs to your mouth, prodding it a few times.
  34. >You give her a pleading look, and in return she magically pries your lips apart and forces it inside.
  35. >She seals your lips together with her magic, stopping anything from leaving.
  36. >"Don't forget to chew."
  37. >The intrusion fills the majority of your mouth; you reflexively bite down to clear some space.
  38. >And you immediately regret doing so, as the moment your teeth pierce the outer layer so does the egg burst in reaction, spilling an acidic, almost-writhing substance all throughout the inside of your mouth, causing your eyes to tear up in response.
  39. >But with nowhere to go but down, you can only force yourself to swallow, chunk by chunk.
  40. >As you finally down the vile solid, she releases her grip on your lips, causing you to instinctively retch.
  41. >But nothing comes out, whatever she's fed you has made sure to stay in there.
  42. >In the corner of your eye, you see another slimy ovoid being levitated towards you.
  43. >What animal did these "eggs" even come from?
  44. >A dripping sound catches your attention; your eyes drift to the space between her hind legs.
  45. >Though hazy in the darkness, you catch the distinct sight of falling green droplets, splattering onto the cold cave floor. Drip, drip, drip…
  46. >No…no…it couldn't be, could it?
  47. >Choking back bile and tears, you question her.
  48. "Why are you doing this…?"
  49. >The only response you get from her is one of continued manic glee.
  50. >Looking into her eyes, you get the feeling that whatever sanity she might have had, left her long ago.
  51. >Time passes and she forces the rest of the unwanted sustenance inside your stomach.
  52. >Once she sees you finish your last egg, your captor magically rips some of the slime from the walls and lathers it around your wrists and ankles, the adhesive binding you to the cave.
  53. >"Good, good, now sit tight. I've got some milk to wash it all down~"

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