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Club Anonymous

By Glimbrain
Created: 2023-10-01 07:48:29
Updated: 2023-10-22 07:57:49
Expiry: Never

  1. Synopsis: Ponies of all kinds gather together weekly to discuss their favourite human.
  3. >Deep inside the Castle of Friendship, A small group of ponies are seated on the floor in a moderately-sized room.
  4. >Posters line the walls, depicting His glorious visage.
  5. >The ponies all face towards the end of the room—a podium backed by a projector screen.
  6. >A singular window to the side draws in some daylight to lighten up the area.
  7. >But for the most part, several candles, lit with a green flame, are positioned around the room, giving the space a gentle green ambience; the colour represents Him, after all.
  8. >The inhabitants murmur amongst themselves.
  9. >Stepping onto the podium, you speak up.
  10. "Attention everypony! We all seem to be accounted for, so let's begin!"
  11. >All eyes are on you now.
  12. >You are Twilight Sparkle.
  13. >And this week's Club Anonymous meeting is now in session.
  14. "Before we start off, we have a new member joining us today! Everypony, please welcome Moondancer!"
  15. >Your good friend Moondancer is near the front of the group, and she responds in kind.
  16. >"Uh…yeah…h-hey."
  17. >"Hey"'s and "hello"'s resound throughout the room as the rest of the ponies greet her.
  18. "Okay! So without further ado, let's get right into it! Shutter Bug, I hear you've caught some excellent shots this time…"
  19. >"Oh yes! I think everypony's going to love these ones~"
  20. >A pale-green unicorn mare stands up; Shutter Bug—an accomplished photographer with a talent for capturing the best pictures of your—the club's beloved human.
  21. >Walking up to the projector, she places a film in and displays her newest shots on the screen.
  22. >Photos of him jogging through Ponyville, photos of him napping on his couch, photos of him in the shower…
  23. >All intellectually-stimulating stuff, you're definitely going to ask her for a few copies later…
  24. >"Ooh"'s and "Aah"'s reverberate throughout the group as the slideshow continues.
  25. >"I must say, Shutter Bug, you always manage to find the best angles, and so close, too~. Just how do you manage to catch such high-quality images without him noticing? Not even my…sources can get them this crisp!"
  26. >Speaking up is Golden Feather—a pale-orange pegasus mare; you don't know too much about her personally, but you figure she must come from a very rich background.
  27. >She's commissioned some VERY expensive memorabilia of Anon, and she isn't shy about showing them off.
  28. >Anon plushies, "Anon-scented" cologne, body pillows…
  29. >And a life-size, "anatomically-correct" statue of Anon; that was a fun day…
  30. >But where does she get the funding? Not even you can splurge that much, and you're the Princess of Friendship!
  31. >Maybe you should ask Princess Celestia about her at the next Gala…
  32. >"A mare has her secrets~" Shutter Bug giggles to herself.
  34. >A few more photos are shown, until the film finally lands on a picture showing a close-up of his hands—
  35. >"OOOOOOOOOH!"
  36. >"Lyra, inside voice please!"
  37. >"B-but hands!"
  38. >Looking in the direction of the enthusiastic outburst, you see Lyra and Bon Bon: Ponyville's dynamic duo.
  39. >Lyra has been in the club since its founding, but Bon Bon is a recent arrival.
  40. >Bon Bon clears her throat.
  41. >"Just so you know, I-I'm only here to make sure Lyra doesn't make a fool of herself, I've got no interest in Nonn—the human."
  42. >Rolling your eyes, you address the group as Shutter Bug's presentation ends.
  43. "Thanks again for the *wonderful* photos, Shutter Bug! Now, let's get onto the next part of our meeting: the open discussion! Anypony with an interesting topic about Anon—please raise their hoof!"
  44. >A white hoof is raised, belonging to the only stallion in the room.
  45. "…Yes."
  46. >The hoof belongs to Shining Armor: your "Big Brother Best Friend Forever," although your relationship has become quite…strained ever since he joined.
  47. >"So, I'm a married stallion, and don't get me wrong, I love Cadance with all my heart and all, but hypothetically speaking—"
  48. "Yes, Shining, it's still cheating, even if he's an alien from another dimension."
  49. >He lowers his hoof.
  50. >He slowly raises it—
  51. "And yes, it's *still* gay, even if he's an alien from another dimension."
  52. >"E-even if we both say no homo?"
  53. >Your face sinks into your hooves and you let out a heavy sigh, giving him his answer.
  54. >He lowers his hoof and slumps to the ground.
  55. >A playful jab at his side rouses his attention.
  56. >"Oh come now, Shiny-dear, there's nothing to be ashamed about wanting to spice up your love life!"
  57. >Face still buried into your hooves, you nonetheless recognise that voice belonging to your other family member in this group: Twilight Velvet—your mother.
  58. >"Sometimes you need a little excitement to keep your marriage going strong! I love my dear Night Light just as much as you love your Cady, but he isn't getting any younger, if you know what I mean!"
  59. >"Um, Mom—"
  60. >"Why just yesterday I was *finally* able to get convince him to roll around in the hay with me after *months* of no sex! And do you know how long he lasted?"
  61. >"I-I really don't—"
  62. >"Ten seconds! Ten! How's a mare supposed to satisfy herself with ten seconds!? Now…that Anonymous, with his big strong hands, and his *human stamina!* There's a stallion who could get this old engine *purring!*"
  63. >"I…I need to excuse myself."
  64. >Shining Armor stands up and quickly rushes to the window.
  65. >Upon reaching it, he begins loudly vomiting outside.
  66. >Mom turns to you, a soft blush apparent on her cheeks.
  67. >"T-too much?" she nervously titters.
  69. >You're not doing too much better after hearing all that, but you suck it up.
  70. >You're the Princess of Friendship!
  71. >And Celestia as your witness, you're gonna lead this club too, darnit!
  72. >After taking a moment to psyche yourself up, you speak up again.
  73. "Okay! Anypony else?"
  74. >You spot a lilac hoof from the back of the group.
  75. "Starlight! What have you got for us?"
  76. >"Thanks Twilight, so, I've been thinking—we all love Anon here, right? Why don't we invite him over for next week? He can take care of all our needs—and if he says no… I might have a few spells that can help *convince* him otherwise!"
  77. >And just like that, the enthusiasm that you've been building up inside you instantly dissipates.
  78. "…No, Starlight, even putting aside the moral and ethical ramifications of your proposal, we all took a oath to not interrupt Anon's life the moment we joined."
  79. >"But that was to keep him 'pure,' right? So, what if we used a spell to wipe his memory afterwards? Then he wouldn't suspect a thing!"
  80. "I…ugh. No means no, Starlight! Next!"
  81. >Next to Starlight, an amber unicorn raises her hoof.
  82. "Sunset. What is it?"
  83. >"Anonymous still doesn't know about the other Equestria, does he? Shouldn't we get him to use the mirror and live amongst his own kind?"
  84. "Sunset, he's not like those other humans. I know—I've been there; not only that, but we don't even know what effect the mirror will have on him. It's too risky."
  85. >"But it's just not right; he must be feeling so lonely in a world full of ponies. We should at least try to get him over there; I even have a spare room in my apartment where he can stay."
  86. >"And then we mind control him, right?"
  87. >"…I'm not against that idea."
  88. >"Yeah! Human buddies!"
  89. >The two mares share a hoofbump, and you share your face with your own two hooves.
  90. >Was forming this club even a good idea? What would these mares do if you weren't around to corral them?
  91. >You are momentarily brought back to your senses by a knocking on the door at the other end of the room.
  92. "…Come in."
  93. >It's not like your building migraine can get any worse, right?
  94. >Opening the door is Trixie.
  96. "Trixie, what are *you* doing here?! We banned you weeks ago!"
  97. >"Hmph! As if the Great and Powerful Trixie would be subject to a measly 'ban!' But that's beside the point. Trixie has a Great and Powerful announcement to make!"
  98. >She rears up on her hind legs to strike a pose.
  99. >"I, and Anonymous…"
  100. >She pauses for dramatic effect.
  101. >"Are dating!"
  102. >The tension in the room rises immeasurably as all eyes are now on Trixie, even Shining Armor gives her a brief look from the window.
  103. "WHAT!? B-but the oath, you can't!"
  104. >"You mean the oath that *I* no longer have to follow, because a certain *somepony* banned me from your little club? Hah!"
  105. "Trixie—!"
  106. >"Oh, but don't you all worry, the Kind and Merciful Trixie has seen fit to grant you all one last look at your beloved human before he's…off the market."
  107. >She gestures off to the side.
  108. >Wait…WHAT.
  109. >Anonymous soon comes into view.
  110. >"Hey girls, I heard you were all running some kind of fan club about me? That sounds cool, can I join?"
  111. >The entire room sits in stunned silence, with the exception of Shining Armor's distant retching.
  112. >Eventually, Golden Feather rises into the air and shouts out.
  114. >On cue, nearly every pony in the room converges upon the hapless duo at the door.
  115. >Shrieks echo all around, ponies are flung everywhere, and several—very dangerous looking—spells are launched in various directions.
  116. >For your part, you rush to hide behind the podium until the chaos resolves.
  117. >You founded this club as a lover, not a fighter!
  119. >Peering out from behind the podium, you survey the damage.
  120. >The room is completely scorched, nearly all of the posters are torn, and the projector has been stolen.
  121. >Anonymous is nowhere to be seen.
  122. >Trixie's rear end is sticking out of a wall.
  123. >Lyra has been knocked out.
  124. >And Starlight and Sunset are furiously making out in the middle of the room.
  125. >Most of the other ponies have disappeared.
  126. >Sighing to yourself, you walk over to the window; Shining Armor is passed out halfway through it.
  127. >Turning him over, you notice that his eyes are glazed over, and some kind of green glowing substance is leaking from his mouth.
  128. >Shoving him to the side, you peer outwards.
  129. >And notice, in the castle yard: Bon Bon dragging an unconscious Anonymous towards the direction of Ponyville.
  130. "HEY! That's MY human, you hussy! Get your dirty hooves off of him!"
  131. >Leaping out of the window, you shoot off towards them.
  133. >Back in the castle, Moondancer turns to the other cognisant pony in the room: Fluttershy, who had silently been there all along.
  134. >"You know, all things considered, this wasn't too bad."
  135. >"Mhmm, it went better than last week, at least."
  136. >"…Same time next week?"
  137. >"Same time next week."
  139. ***
  141. >A familiar sight graces your vision.
  142. >A candle-lit room with a gentle green glow—His glow.
  143. >Sunlight dares to shine in through the window, but it could never compare to the euphoria you feel in His presence.
  144. >Posters line the room, once singed, now replaced with some of your own stock.
  145. >You were never able to figure out who stole your projector, so you just bought a new one.
  146. >Standing elevated on the podium, you glance down to a group of ponies—your flock; ponies that you've come to love, and ponies that you've come to…tolerate.
  147. "Attention everypony!"
  148. >You are Twilight Sparkle.
  149. >And this week's Club Anonymous meeting is now in session.
  150. "Once again, we have some new faces joining us today! First off, Princess Cadance of the Crystal Empire! She's filling in for my brother, who wasn't able to make it this week."
  151. >Your brother is currently in the hospital, getting his stomach pumped for changeling eggs.
  152. >You, unfortunately, had to be present with him for those first few hours.
  153. >Dear Celestia, the screams…the screams…
  154. >Cadance clasps her hooves together, smiling.
  155. >"I'm happy to be here, Twilight! I'm so excited to see what draws you all to Anon! Shiny always loves talking about him, so I've always wanted to come to one of these meetings!"
  156. >Cadance reaches her hooves out and hugs the pony closest to her—Shutter Bug.
  157. >"Not only that, but I'm excited to see the little community that you've created here! You all seem to be the best of pals!"
  158. >"Yeah…great…" Shutter Bug groans.
  159. >Cadance's optimism always feels infectious to you; a smile starts to creep on your face.
  160. >This week is going to be just fine.
  161. "Okay, next up, we have a good friend of mine joining us. Everypony, please welcome Fizzlepop Berryt—"
  162. >"TEMPEST Shadow," she huffs out.
  163. >The mare in question towers above the rest of the group—with a dark purple coat and black bodysuit; she's a unicorn, but her horn has been partially broken off—a remnant of her troubled past.
  164. >You two were enemies once, but things have settled and you're now acquaintances; however, it did surprise you when she asked if she could join your club; you never expected somepony like her to be…aware of the fanbase surrounding Anon.
  165. >Do your eyes deceive you, or do you see Golden Feather sizing her up…?
  166. "Oh, um. Right, sorry."
  167. >"It…it's fine. Sorry, force of habit. But please, call me Tempest."
  168. "You got it, Tempest."
  169. >She gives you a nervous smile, and you are now ready to move onto the next part of the preamble.
  171. "So! Regarding last week."
  172. >You hear some rueful groans from the audience.
  173. "We may have had some…issues last week. But everything's okay now! Anon is back to normal, doing his lovely human things!"
  174. >"I helped!" Starlight proudly shouts out.
  175. >"Helped start it, maybe. Weren't you friends with Trixie? Maybe you should have kept her on a tighter leash." Sunset retorts.
  176. >"Oh, I'm sorry for not obsessing over every little thing that my friends think about."
  177. >"I didn't say that. Just steal her cutie mark like you always do. That would've solved things."
  178. >"Oh yeah? Maybe I should've gaslit everypony into thinking they hate each other, then turn into a giant fire demon, brainwashing an entire school to—"
  179. "ENOUGH! Ugh!"
  180. >Thankfully, they relent, sulking.
  181. >Starlight and Sunset have been like this to each other ever since last week.
  182. >They even issued a restraining order against one another, opting to sit at opposite sides of the room.
  183. >The atmosphere is awkward to say the least; if you had your way, you would've expelled Starlight from the club and saved yourself the headache.
  184. >You consider yourself a forgiving princess, but everypony has their limits.
  185. >But you did need her magical prowess to undo the psychological damage done to Anon's brain after last week, so you've begrudgingly become indebted to her.
  186. >Last week… Ugh, Trixie.
  187. >Last you heard of her, she was apparently imprisoned deep within Tartarus for crimes against the crown.
  188. >That (surprisingly) wasn't your doing, but you count your blessings nonetheless.
  189. "Okay. Let's get started. Shutter Bug, if you will…"
  191. >The club is going much better than last week, despite the earlier hiccup.
  192. >Shutter Bug had some excellent photos as always.
  193. >Fluttershy is finishing up her seminar on Anon's feet, it's riveting; you never knew that he could use them like that…
  194. >A groan interrupts your reverie.
  195. >"Eh… It's well made and all, Fluttershy, but…but why feet? They're just stinky hands…"
  196. >You look in the direction of the grievance and you see Lyra: Ponyville's dynamic uno.
  197. >Yes. Just Lyra.
  198. >You had to kick her-who-must-not-be-named.
  199. >How DARE she think she can just waltz into YOUR castle and steal YOUR human.
  200. >Kicking her was an act of mercy, if you had your way you would've—ahem.
  201. >"Well… I think every part of him is beautiful, and should be cherished."
  202. "I agree, Fluttershy, that was a great talk!"
  203. >Stepping onto the podium once more, you turn to the crowd.
  204. >You've been looking forward to this next part, seeing as last week's club was so rudely interrupted.
  205. "Okay! Next up is the Writer's Quarter! Everypony who's written some new stories, now is the time to show them off!"
  207. >You and Tempest are standing around a small table
  208. >On that table are copies of your latest chapter in the sixth book of your long-running series: "The Chronicles of Twilight Twinkle and Incognito."
  209. >It's an epic adventure-romance novel about a beautiful and intelligent unicorn mare—Twilight Twinkle—who lived all by her lonesome on a secluded mountain. But one day, a handsome and charismatic human man—Incognito—fell out of the sky and into her bedroom.
  210. >From there, they quickly realised the evil that pervades the world, and set off to save it, growing closer and closer along the way.
  211. >They officially became a couple at the end of the first book, but you never run out of ways to write scenarios about them being in love with each other.
  212. >There are, of course, tastefully-written erotic scenes sprinkled throughout the series.
  213. >"I can't believe it. *You're* Twilight Twinkle?"
  214. "You're a fan, Tempest?"
  215. >"I loved reading these books, even back when I worked under the Storm King. These books are…actually the reason why I'm interested in humans.
  216. >"On my campaigns, I always imagined that I was Twinkle, adventuring with my human.
  217. >"…It kept me strong, motivated.
  218. >"Twilight Twinkle… Twilight Sparkle… How did I not connect the dots? If I had known that I was invading the home of such a legendary writer, maybe I would've had second thoughts…"
  219. "I…wow, I never knew that my works could reach that far."
  220. >"You know, your story's even made it to Canterlot High, it's got a pretty sizeable fanbase there."
  221. >Moondancer and Sunset walk up to you.
  222. "Wait, really? But Twilight Twinkle is a unicorn! How can they relate to her?"
  223. >Sunset chuckles.
  224. >"You'd be surprised."
  226. >Tempest nods.
  227. >"I agree. Your stories have been such an inspiration to me. Do you remember that move I used to take out the princesses? Straight from Book Two, Chapter Forty-Three: Midnight Sun—when Twilight Twinkle launched the petrisphere at the evil alicorn queen Celesteala to free Incognito from his magical prison!"
  228. >Moondancer raises an concerned eyebrow towards you.
  229. >You respond with a nervous laugh.
  230. "T-that's great, Tempest! Um…Moondancer! How have your stories been going?"
  231. >"Ah, they've been coming along nicely, I just finished up my latest story yesterday. Taking place in Manehattan; it's about the struggles of a unicorn pop star who rises up the charts while trying maintain her secret relationship with her manager: Anonymous."
  232. >Unlike your singular series, Moondancer prefers to work on her "Anon in Equestria" anthology, a collection of second-person romantic stories where the protagonist meets the titular character through some twist of fate, and they slowly begin to fall in love.
  233. >Tempest looks at Moondancer with interest.
  234. >"So you use Anonymous in your stories?"
  235. >"Yeah, he's the only human in Equestria, after all. Nothing against Twilight's Incognito, but I'm not a pony to beat around the bush. I know who my readers want—who *I* want."
  236. >Moondancer turns her head to the side, re-adjusting her glasses.
  237. >"I do branch out with my protagonists though. The story I wrote before this one featured a griffon princess who was betrothed to Anon: the Prince of Humania. My griffon reader base loved it."
  238. >"Say, Moondancer, I don't suppose you've ever considered writing…"
  239. >Sunset pauses, lowering her tone to a whisper.
  240. >"Human on human romance."
  241. >Moondancer rests her chin upon her hoof in contemplation.
  242. >"…I suppose I could try. I'm always up for expanding my horizons, but don't you have those kind of books in the mirror world?"
  243. >"I do, but…it just *feels* different when it's written by an Equestrian, you know?"
  244. >You giggle.
  245. "I'm just glad to be among ponies with taste."
  247. >You turn your head to the other half of the room.
  248. >The rest of the ponies in the club are crowding around a table featuring the works of the other author in the group:
  249. >Your mother—Twilight Velvet.
  250. >Unlike the tasteful, slow-burn romance that you and Moondancer specialise in, your mother prefers to peddle a variety of debased smut revolving around Anon.
  251. >You catch a glimpse of some of her latest titles:
  252. >"Saucy Simian Sex at Sundown;" "Banging a Baboon Behind my Beloved's Back;" "Pounded in the Ponut by my Personal Primate." The list goes on.
  253. >They're all completely engrossed in the penned pornography.
  254. >Some of them are holding their copy with one hoof, while their other hoof is positioned suspiciously low.
  255. >You only hope that they have the decency not to do *that* in the club room; the stains and the smell are a nightmare to clean off the floor—something you know from experience.
  256. >Cadance is speaking to Mom.
  257. >"Wow, I never knew humans could be so…lewd! And they're like this all year long? Um, can I…get a copy of this book? And this one too. F-for Shiny, of course!"
  258. >Mom gives her a sly wink and giggles.
  259. >"Of course, my dear!"
  260. >Your family is cursed.
  262. >Some time passes, and everypony has finished *enjoying* their various literature.
  263. >You're back on the podium.
  264. "Okay, it's time for the open discussion. Anypony got a topic?"
  265. >Tempest raises her hoof.
  266. "Tempest?"
  267. >"I've got a question—something that's been on my mind for a while now: why don't you just take him? Every second we spend here is one we risk losing him to another mare."
  268. "Well—"
  269. >"That's what I've been saying!"
  270. >No Starlight, not now, please—
  271. >"Small wonder nopony listens to you."
  272. >"And what is that supposed to mean?"
  273. >"What about his hands?!"
  274. >"Without anypony to brainwash, I'm surprised you're still here."
  275. >"And I'm sure you know all about brainwashing!"
  276. >"Twilight, dear? Is everything alright?"
  277. >"At least I haven't burned down any schools—"
  278. "Gah! Why won't anypony listen to me! There's a good reason why we don't interfere with Anon's life. I-it's the oath, you plumheads! you—you—!"
  279. >You collapse onto your belly, short of breath.
  280. >Your vision is blurry, marred by tears.
  281. >Cadance quickly flitters up next to you on the podium, she helps you back up to a upright sitting position, supporting your barrel with one of her forehooves.
  282. >"Deep breaths, Twilight. Deep breaths. It's okay."
  283. >You feel so embarrassed.
  285. >Sunset speaks up.
  286. >"I agree with Twilight, we have to respect the oath that we all took."
  287. >Pausing briefly, she continues.
  288. >"But to make sure that he's safe, I think we should have him stay in the mirror world for a while."
  289. >"Oh I bet you do, so you can keep him all to yourself, huh?"
  290. >"Oh yeah, I'm sure the crazed cultist knows all about monopolising what they want!"
  291. >The argument quickly reignites throughout the room.
  292. >Chaos begins to build again as you feel like shrinking into yourself.
  293. >Why does something always go wrong? Is it you? Are you the problem?
  294. >Celestia help you…
  295. >"SILENCE!"
  296. >At that moment, every other pony in the room immediately stops arguing and becomes deathly silent; all attention is directed towards one pony in the room:
  297. >Golden Feather.
  298. >She takes a deep breath, then speaks.
  299. >"We shouldn't be fighting amongst ourselves. We should be joining our hooves in solidarity.
  300. >"We all joined this club out of our mutual love towards Anonymous, did we not?
  301. >"Imagine if Anonymous saw us now. What would he think? What would he say?
  302. >"Our love for Anonymous is our common ground, we all have our own distinct reasons why we love him, but that distinction is also our strength.
  303. >"In sharing our differing experiences and viewpoints with one another, we learn and appreciate parts of him that we never could have noticed on our own.
  304. >"We are all members of Club Anonymous, let us act like it."
  305. >And just like that, all heads in the room look to the floor in shame.
  306. >Then, you begin to hear murmurs echo throughout the room as everypony apologises to one another.
  307. >"Sorry for calling you a fire demon, Sunset."
  308. >"And I'm sorry for calling you a crazed cultist, Starlight."
  309. >The two hug, rekindling their friendship.
  310. >You can't believe it.
  311. >Golden Feather has been a real inspiration to you while running this club.
  312. >While she certainly appreciates Anon in her own unique way, her passion is true.
  313. >And yet despite her fervour towards him, she has never once looked down on others, instead always trying to bring them up to her level.
  314. >She's like a beacon in the darkness.
  315. >She's like—
  316. >…No, no. You're just imagining things like usual.
  318. >Tempest eventually speaks up again.
  319. >"…So that's a no on kidnapping Anon, then?"
  320. >You feel your blood run cold.
  321. "Kidnapping? Tempest… What did you do."
  322. >"I…I may have…called up some of my old crew before this club started today, to…kidnap Anon."
  323. "WHAT."
  324. >"He's probably in their base…being re-educated as we speak."
  325. >You teleport right in front of Tempest, hovering less than an inch from her face.
  326. >You stare into her soul.
  327. "Where. Is. Your. Crew."
  328. >"I-in the Everfree. We set up near the Castle of the Two Sisters."
  329. >A cacophony of explosions ring out in the area as nearly everypony in the castle teleports out to save Anon, yourself included.
  330. "Hang on Anon! I'm coming!"
  332. >Back in the castle, Tempest turns to the other pony in the room without the ability to teleport: Fluttershy, who had not-so silently been there all along.
  333. >"I hope this doesn't mean I get kicked from the club. I was actually beginning to like it here."
  334. >"Oh, don't worry. This club is mostly run through nepotism anyway, and I think you left a good impression on Twilight."
  335. >"I hope so…"
  336. >"Yeah! After all, I'm still in the club, and I've tried to do all sorts of things to Anon despite the oath."
  337. >"Wait, you have?"
  338. >"Yep! Like hugging, licking, groping, stalking, mugging, breaking-and-entering, food-play, dream-walking, kidnapping, surprise anilingus…"
  339. >"O-oh…"
  340. >"…choking, brainwashing, blood-play, arson, watersports, turning myself into a robot, age-play, forced bestiality, necrophilia, coprophilia…"
  342. ***
  344. >You gaze upon the room you've presided over, time and time again.
  345. >The ambience, the art, the aroma.
  346. >Everything is reminiscent of Him—your beloved Anon.
  347. >There's a growing sense of finality that you just can't seem to shake, but you try your best to ignore it, stepping onto the podium.
  348. >You turn to face them—the mares who have joined you on this journey unto the divine.
  349. >Taking a deep breath, you begin.
  350. "Attention everypony!"
  351. >You are Twilight Sparkle.
  352. >And this week's Club Anonymous meeting is now in session.
  353. "First off, we have some very sad news, as I'm sure some of you may have noticed…"
  354. >You can hear one pony bawling in the group.
  355. "Sunset is no longer with us."
  356. >You pause to let the crowd take in the announcement.
  357. "She's in a better place, on the other side."
  358. >You have to wipe away some tears of your own at this point.
  359. "Back at Canterlot High."
  360. >"Oh, okay." Moondancer weighs in, clearly shaken up by the loss.
  361. >Writing to you in your shared journal, Sunset had apparently found a strange, talking, green-coated stallion just outside the school.
  362. >She wrote that she knew what this meant, and that she had to leave this club to form her own "Club Anon Stallion" back at Canterlot High.
  363. >You respect her choice, but it's never easy losing a fellow club member regardless.
  364. >Starlight shouts out.
  365. >"She was my bestie! She was the only one who understood what it was like to brainwash an entire community in order to suit their ends, and then get forgiven and become a better pony for it!"
  366. >She goes back to crying.
  367. >You sigh inwardly; it's best you never tell her about the "tardy" incident.
  368. "…Right then. Onto the good news, we have a couple more new arrivals this week."
  369. >You hear a masculine cough from the audience; you might as well get this over with…
  370. "First off, everypony, please welcome Night Light—my dad."
  371. >The blue unicorn stallion responds.
  372. >"Hello everypony, it's nice to meet you all."
  373. "He will be filling in for Twilight Velvet, as she couldn't make it."
  374. >"Yes. Unofficially, she's under house arrest. I had the unfortunate opportunity to stumble across my wife's…works. I…needed to see what kind of figure would drive her to such degeneracy.
  375. >"To tell you truth I…I don't know if our marriage will survive this."
  376. >Cadance speaks up.
  377. >"Our love for Anon isn't like that, Dad. It's a pure admiration of his nature that exists outside the realm of matrimony.
  378. >"Believe me when I say that your wife loves you just as much as when you first met. She just expresses it in a different way. You need to have faith in her."
  379. >Dad sighs in response.
  380. >This is awkward.
  382. >Luckily, you have your other member to change the subject.
  383. "Okay! Next up, we have…"
  384. >You reread your notes a few times.
  385. "'Barely Legal?' Is this some kind of joke?"
  386. >"Golly! I think that's me!"
  387. >Your attention is directed to a small mare wearing an oversized gaucho hat in the crowd.
  388. >Wait, that's no mare.
  389. >She tosses away her hat, revealing—
  390. "Cozy Glow!"
  391. >"The one and only!"
  392. >The pink-coated, blue-maned pegasus filly smirks at you.
  393. >Although she may not look it, this dangerous filly nearly succeeded in obliterating all traces of magic from this world.
  394. "You were supposed to be sealed in Tartarus! How long have you been free?!"
  395. >"Oh, They had to free me so they could fit in Trixie."
  396. "…You know what, fair enough.
  397. "But still, you can't be in here!"
  398. >"Why not? I love Anon, just like everypony else here. And I'm not doing anything bad…"
  399. "Maybe not *right now* but…"
  400. >"You wouldn't kick out an adorable human-loving filly like myself just because she has a bit of a *track record,* would you?"
  401. >Cozy Glow glances at Starlight and Tempest.
  402. "I-it's not that, you're…you're too young!"
  403. >"Aw…"
  404. >Cozy Glow frowns.
  405. >Golden Feather speaks up.
  406. >"Now, now, Twilight. We shouldn't be so quick to judge our members on our age.
  407. >"After all, our love for Anon transcends species, transcends dimensions.
  408. >"At that point, why should we care about some arbitrary number? we're only as young—or as old—as we feel."
  409. "Well…"
  410. >You sigh.
  411. "Okay, fine. Cozy Glow, you can stay."
  412. >"Jeepers! That's so *friendly* of you, Headmare! I could learn a lot from you!"
  413. "…Just don't start any fights, understood?"
  414. >"Aw shucks, now why would I ever do something like that?"
  416. "Okay, now that that's all settled, we can move on. Shutter Bug, if you will?"
  417. >There's no response, she isn't anywhere in the audience.
  418. "Shutter Bug?"
  419. >You hear Shutter Bug laugh menacingly from the room's entrance.
  420. >"No, Sparkle, I don't think I will."
  421. >Her horn lights up in a ominous green glow, and magic spreads across the room. An invisible, crushing weight quickly forces you to the ground.
  422. "Gah!"
  423. >The pressure is immense; you can barely move a muscle! Glancing around as best as you can, you see that the other ponies in the room face the same predicament.
  424. >"This spell saps the strength of those who are in love. Struggle all you like, it's pointless."
  425. "B-but why? You've been in this club for years!"
  426. >"All to bide my time, naturally. You really believed that I *loved* that ape? Hah!
  427. >"No, my real goal was to gather intelligence on the various ponies who assemble here.
  428. >"You're all so pathetic! Wasting away your days, salivating over some monkey who won't ever love you back!
  429. >"But perhaps I should be thanking him. He did, after all, provide me the opportunity to herd all of the most powerful ponies in Equestria into one convenient room."
  430. >Shutter Bug glares at Cadance.
  431. >"Once Cadance showed up last week, I knew it was time to move onto the next phase of my plan."
  432. >"There's just one flaw with that *plan.*"
  433. >Your dad stands up.
  434. >"You forgot about me! Have at you—!"
  435. >Shutter Bug casually blasts him with a spell, sending him flying across the room and sticking him to the wall with some kind of green residue.
  436. >"Twilight! Why is your club filled with supervillains!"
  437. "I wish I knew, Dad. I wish I knew…"
  438. >Shutter Bug cackles with confidence.
  439. >"Hmph, as I was saying…
  440. >"My plan—revenge! Revenge against the ponies who have foiled my plans again and again!
  441. >"Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer, Princess Cadance, and one other…"
  442. >Shutter Bug moves closer to Golden Feather, who is helplessly splayed out on the floor.
  443. >"One other pony who's been a *royal* thorn in my side for as long as I can remember."
  444. >She briefly closes her eyes, recalling a painful memory.
  445. >She points her hoof accusingly.
  446. >"You!"
  447. >There is a brief pause.
  448. >"…Me?" Lyra eventually responds.
  449. >"Yes, you!"
  450. >"What did I do?"
  451. >"The wedding, you fool! Back then, you called my dress design *tacky* and *uninspired!* Do you know how many moons I spent on trying to get it just right!"
  452. >Lyra contemplates her rant for a moment.
  453. >"Oh, well I mean it *kinda* was. I don't know why you thought you knew better than Rarity."
  454. >"I-I should have dealt with you years ago!"
  456. "The wedding? So you must be—!"
  457. >Shutter Bug laughs.
  458. >"Took you long enough, Sparkle! That's right, I am—!"
  459. >Shutter Bug engulfs her form in green flames as she reveals her true appearance.
  460. >"Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings!"
  461. >Everypony is silent.
  462. >"What's the matter, little ponies? Too terrified to even say anything? Understandable, given the circumstances."
  463. >Everypony is still silent.
  464. >Moondancer eventually speaks up.
  465. >"Uh, I was still a shut-in when the changelings invaded Canterlot, so don't take my word for it…
  466. >"But isn't Queen Chrysalis supposed to be…you know, imposing? Black and Green?"
  467. >"What on Equestria are you—"
  468. >Chrysalis examines her hoof.
  469. >"W-what?! What—what is this? Why am I…"
  470. >The Chrysalis you see before you is not the one you've come to expect.
  471. >In fact, she looks very similar to her disguise as Shutter Bug.
  472. >With a light green carapace, and orange mane, she nonetheless towers above all of the ponies in the room.
  473. >The holes that adorned her legs in her previous queenly form have now been filled out, meaning—
  474. >Chrysalis frantically envelops herself in green flames again and again, trying to reclaim the form she's lost.
  475. >"No, no, no no nononono this isn't right. I'm the queen of the changelings! I'm pure! Their last hope! I can't be…"
  476. >Starlight speaks up, smirking.
  477. >"It's time to face the facts, Chrysalis! Changelings only turn out this way when they—"
  478. >"Silence! Don't you *dare* say it!"
  479. >"You spent *years* stalking Anon, learning his routine, discussing him every week! Can you honestly say that you didn't develop any feelings for him?"
  480. >"No! It was all in order to deceive you!
  481. >"Every photo of his! Every detail captured!"
  482. >The glow around Chrysalis's horn starts to flicker.
  483. >"Every stakeout when he goes out for his morning run!"
  484. >The pressure on your body begins to lift.
  485. >"Every letter sent to him, warning him of changeling incursions!"
  486. >Her magic aura starts to fade.
  487. >"Every get-well gift left by his door when he got sick…"
  488. >You feel your strength return to you.
  489. >"Every…goodnight kiss stolen from him when I think he's asleep…"
  490. >You can stand up now.
  491. >Chrysalis is silent; her magic has dissipated.
  492. >She collapses to her knees.
  493. >Cadance flutters over to her side.
  494. >"Chryssie, it's okay, you're among friends here."
  495. >"I…"
  496. >Chrysalis sniffles.
  497. >"I do love him…"
  498. >Cadance pats her on her withers.
  499. >"There, there, Chryssie…"
  500. >Chrysalis starts tearing up.
  501. >Dad walks up you, having been freed from his slimy prison.
  502. >"Is it over?"
  503. "Yeah, I think so."
  504. >"Do all of your supervillains keel over this quickly?"
  505. "Just the ones in this club, I think."
  506. >You get ready to address the audience once again.
  507. "Attention everypony!
  508. "Well, given the circumstances, I suppose we'll have to move onto—"
  509. >"Wait."
  510. >You look to Chrysalis, who is standing back up.
  511. >"I…have some photos that I would like to share, if you'll have me, that is."
  512. >You smile.
  513. "Of course."
  515. >It is now time for the Artist's Quarter.
  516. >Those in your group with art to show off are eagerly presenting it throughout the room.
  518. >Lyra and Golden Feather are together, gazing in awe towards Golden's latest commission: a solid gold sculpture of Anon's hand; nearly all of the fingers are curled up into a fist, with only the middle finger raised upwards in defiance towards the ceiling.
  519. >The sculpture is about as large as a manticore.
  520. >"The Golden Finger…"
  521. >"Yes…"
  522. >"Magnificent…"
  523. >"Radiant…"
  524. >"How much did it cost you…?"
  525. >"Let's just say, I had to dig deep for this one. I had to travel all the way to Griffonstone to find a legendary goldsmith who could pull it off."
  526. >"…It was worth it."
  528. >Moondancer and Starlight are looking at Starlight's painting.
  529. >It's a drawing of Anon from behind while in a state of undress; it's overlaid onto a animated background of a hypnotic swirl.
  530. >"I gotta say, I'm impressed with the optical illusion you've got here. The background makes it look like his butt is moving."
  531. >"Thanks! I spent a lot of time getting his glutes just right!"
  532. >"It's not gonna hypnotise me, is it?"
  533. >"No, the enchantment only works on humans—"
  534. >Starlight coughs.
  535. >"I-I mean, no! It's just a regular old painting! Haha!"
  537. >Tempest and Cozy Glow are sitting at a table, examining Cozy Glow's crayon art, it's a rather childish-looking drawing of Anon and Cozy holding hand-and-hoof.
  538. >Cozy is labelled as "me!" and Anon is labelled as "dad!"
  539. >"What do you think? Be honest now!"
  540. >"I like it. It has a naive innocence to it that reminds me of my own early fillyhood."
  541. >"Wow, that's so nice of you to say! How about this one?"
  542. >Cozy Glow flips the illustration over to the other side, showing another childish-looking drawing—this time of Anon humping Cozy; he's labelled as "daddy~" now.
  543. >"I'm pretty proud of this one!"
  544. >"I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, at this point."
  546. >Chrysalis and Cadance are with Fluttershy, looking at her painting.
  547. >Chrysalis speaks up.
  548. >"…What is this?"
  549. >"I call it the Anonymous Centipede. It's an expression of all his body parts working in unison to please the eyes and enrich the mind."
  550. >"He has multiple heads, multiple…"
  551. >"I had to ask my animals to help model for this, but I think that it was worth it."
  552. >"…Such ravenous lust billows out from within you."
  553. >"Now, now, Chryssie, there's also a lot of love in there too."
  554. >"You're not a changeling, Cadance. You haven't seen what I've seen…"
  556. >You and Dad are looking at cover art for your latest chapter of "The Chronicles of Twilight Twinkle and Incognito."
  557. >"Amazing, and you say you're on on your sixth book?"
  558. "Yeah, soon to be seventh!"
  559. >"How do you find the motivation to both draw *and* write for your stories at such a consistent pace?"
  560. "Well…all I need to do is close my eyes and think of Him, and that gives me all the motivation I need to start working."
  561. >Dad chuckles.
  562. >"I'd expect nothing less of my daughter."
  563. "Thanks Dad. I know you aren't fond of Anon, but he's important to me."
  564. >"I wouldn't say that."
  565. "What do you mean?"
  566. >"This Anonymous, well, I had my reservations, but I'm beginning to see what my wife sees in him, what you all see in him.
  567. >"He seems like a fine stallion. Personally, I wouldn't mind trawling the nighttime Canterlot pubs with him.
  568. >"I'd have a bit too to drink, as I usually do, and Anon would offer to let me crash over at his apartment, as it's closer than my house.
  569. >"I would accept, and then we'd whittle the night away in his living room, drinking the last of the cider that we'd manage to smuggle away from the bars.
  570. >"And whatever happens, happens."
  571. >He clears his throat.
  572. >"Ahem, no homosexual intentions present, of course."
  573. >The past you a couple of weeks ago would've groaned in exasperation over yet another complication when it comes to Anon's affections.
  574. >The current you, however, gives a gentle chuckle, accepting of the weird world that you find yourself in, and the weird ponies that live alongside the equally weird you.
  575. >You hug your father.
  576. "Welcome to the club, Dad."
  578. >The Artist's Quarter finishes, and you're on the podium once again.
  579. "Alright everypony, it's time for the open discussion! Anypony want to start us off?"
  580. >Surprisingly, no-one raises their hoof at first.
  581. >Perhaps the events from the past couple of weeks have frayed their nerves.
  582. >No matter, you've got some topics of your own for such an occasion.
  583. "Well, if nopony has anything, then—"
  584. >"*I've* got a topic for you, Sparkle!"
  585. >That voice…no, that's impossible!
  586. >A heavy fog rapidly begins the fill the room, obscuring everypony's vision.
  587. "Who's there?! Show yourself!"
  588. >"Since you asked *so* nicely, I'll oblige!"
  589. >Mad cackling echos throughout the area, and you feel a strange pressure surrounding where you are on the podium…!
  590. >You dive towards the audience—just before your previous position lights up in a magical implosion.
  591. >You turn around, and the smoke from the aftermath of the spell clears up.
  592. >Standing there, with a snide grin on her face is—
  593. "Trixie!"
  594. >"In all of her Great and Powerful…ness!"
  595. >That magic…there's only one explanation why she was able to cast such a powerful spell!
  596. >You glance at her neck and see a familiar accessory.
  597. "The Alicorn Amulet?! Where did you get that? We hid it away!"
  598. >"One of my fans mailed it to me," she responds, nonchalantly.
  599. "W-what? But who would—"
  600. >Golden Feather shouts out.
  601. >"Trixie! You should be sealed within the deepest confines of Tartarus! How did you get out?!"
  602. >Trixie bats the air in her direction.
  603. >"The door was unlocked."
  604. >"What?! But that cell was under maximum security! I made sure of it! Unless—"
  605. >Golden Feather's eyes widen, and she mutters a name under her breath.
  607. >Trixie laughs wilfully.
  608. "Why are you here, Trixie?!"
  609. >"Why *shouldn't* I be here? I'm a member of this club, aren't I?
  610. >"In fact, I've been doing some thinking. Maybe *I* should be the leader. I'm *clearly* more qualified!"
  611. >She glares at the crowd.
  612. >"Trixie is more qualified than *all* of you! Anonymous only needs one mare, after all!"
  613. >You fire off a spell in her direction; anything to try and disorient her.
  614. >Trixie doesn't put up a barrier; the spell fizzles out before it even reaches her.
  615. "What!?"
  616. >She smirks at you.
  617. >"Nice try, but no dice, Sparkle."
  618. >Trixie's eyes begin to shine red.
  619. >"How does it feel? To be so powerless against your BETTER?! I'm the real magician here, I AM!"
  620. >She rears up, then stomps the floor, sending a shock wave careening through your group.
  621. >It knocks you off balance, but you get back up, you have to.
  622. >"And once I deal with all of YOU, Anon will belong to ME! And Equestria will be RIPE for the TAKING!"
  623. >You stand at the forefront, staring down Trixie.
  624. >The raw magical energy emanating from her feels oppressive, almost bringing you down to your knees.
  625. >It's clear that she's gained a lot more power since the last time she wielded the amulet.
  626. >This will no doubt be the hardest battle you've fought yet.
  627. >Several voices sound out from behind you.
  628. >"Dream on, Trixie!"
  629. >"If anypony's going to rule Equestria and enslave Anon, it's going to be ME!"
  630. >"Um, Trixie, could you maybe stop being evil? If that's okay with you, I mean."
  631. >"Golly! This club just got a lot more exciting!"
  632. >"Finally, a chance to stretch my cannons."
  633. >You look back to your allies:
  634. >Fluttershy, Lyra, Golden Feather, Starlight Glimmer, Chrysalis, Moondancer, Cadance, Tempest Shadow, Dad, and Cozy Glow.
  635. >Friends, family, former and current enemies all.
  636. >And yet despite your differences, here you all stand, united under one banner.
  637. >For Him, for Anon.
  638. >And you know that if Sunset Shimmer, Shining Armor, and Mom were here, they'd feel the exact same way.
  639. >Turning back to Trixie one last time, you rally out.
  640. "For Anon!
  641. "For Equestria!
  642. "But mostly for Anon!"
  644. ***
  646. >Day respite in Equestria.
  647. >Wake up in the morning feeling like P.Diddy.
  648. >You are Anon.
  649. >And you love Sundays.
  650. >It's the only day of the week where Fluttershy doesn't harass you with her inane fetish guesses.
  651. >You pull out the old reliable: The triple S.
  652. >Today, you're adding in a fourth S: Swoocing out of your house.
  653. >You've got plans in Ponyville.
  654. >Walking along the path from your house, you can hear a faint laughter echoing through the trees.
  655. >The voice is familiar to you, forebodingly so, so you decide to take a detour to check up on him.
  656. >"—This is so much better than that Grogar plan I was cooking up. Ah, what was I even *thinking* with that one—"
  657. >Before you is the resident Chaos God: Discord.
  658. >He has the appearance of a—fuck it, I'm not even gonna try to unravel that bullshit.
  659. >The draconequus is reclining against a tree, looking through a pair of lorgnettes and occasionally giggling to himself.
  660. "Discord?"
  661. >"Oh! If it isn't Equestria's only human! Care to enjoy a smackering of chaos?"
  662. "Chaos that you had a hand in, I bet."
  663. >"Oh perish the thought, perish the thought! After all—"
  664. >Discord taps his halo.
  665. >"I'm *reformed,* remember?
  666. >"This chaos is uninhibited, uncontrollable, unpredictable! I dare say: unimaginable!
  667. "Really? More chaotic than that time you *accidentally* turned the entirety of Ponyville and its inhabitants into a pulsating eldritch mass of tentacles?"
  668. >"Oh yes! *Much* more chaotic! And that was Fluttershy's idea, I'll have you know!
  669. >"No, this, my good man, is a chaos that resides in the heart. Its direction: aimless! Its origin: mysterious! Its pull: omnipresent!
  670. >"It's a little something called…
  671. >"Love."
  672. "Love, huh? I think I get it."
  673. >"Indeed, it's not a chaos that a lowly draconequus such as I can meddle with.
  674. >"(But I might have had a teensy-weensy hand in that last part!)"
  675. >Discord winks.
  677. "…Who are you winking at?"
  678. >"Never mind that, dear boy! What brings you to this lovely patch of Equestrian soil?"
  679. "I just came to see what 'Equestria's only draconequus' was up to."
  680. >"Of course, of course! The offer's still up, you know!"
  681. >He holds out a spare pair of lorgnettes.
  682. "Normally, I'd love to. But I've got a date to catch."
  683. >"Yes, I suppose it's probably for the best, seeing as—wait—wait—wait—hold on—
  684. >"*The* Anonymous, has a *date?* And *I* didn't know about it?"
  685. >A horde of reporter draconequi swarm you from multiple directions, each holding up a microphone to your face.
  686. >"Go on, tell us, tell us, give us the scoop!"
  687. >"Who's the lucky mare? Inquiring minds *have* to know!"
  688. >"What happened to Bon Bon?"
  689. >"Who won the *Anonbowl* as it were?"
  690. >"Was it Sparkle? I was always rooting for her, you know."
  691. "I'm dating Cherry Berry."
  692. >Discord strokes his beard with his lion paw.
  693. >"Cherry Berry? Pink? Yellow? Background pony? Got a cart full of filth dumped on her that one time?"
  694. "Yep, that's the one."
  695. >Discord reclines into his chair, taking a puff of his pipe.
  696. >"Had I known I was speaking to an Anonymous with *taste.*"
  697. >He readjusts his top hat, straightening his suit.
  698. >"I would've dressed for the occasion."
  699. "Aha… Well, we've been dating for about six months now."
  700. >"Six months!? What about that fling with Trixie?!"
  701. "Trixie? We never dated. The last time we talked was when we went to Twilight's castle and—ugh—"
  702. >A painful numbing sensation spikes up your brain as you struggle to recall the events of that particular Sunday.
  703. "Never mind. Sorry, just had a bit of headache."
  704. >"Mmm, yes. Memory-spell migraines. Used to get those all the time, myself.
  705. >"Well, there you have it, folks: Anon and Trixie never dated. Honestly, I doubt they even kissed!"
  706. "…Well, see you around, Discord. It was nice talking with you."
  707. >"Oh yes! Adiós! Au Revoir! Arrivederci! And so on!"
  708. >He waves you off.
  709. >As you resume your trek into Ponyville, Discord resumes his perusal of pandemonium through his lorgnettes.
  710. >"Oh, great hit, Fluttershy! I always knew you had it in you!"
  712. >Moving into the town square, you notice a familiar blue alicorn mare chatting up one of the market stalls.
  713. "Well, well, if it isn't Moonbutt!"
  714. >Princess Luna flinches upon hearing your voice.
  715. >Turning to look at you, she flinches even more.
  716. >"Ugh, you."
  717. "Nice to see you too!"
  718. >"Ah, I'm sorry, Anonymous. You must understand, it isn't easy gazing upon your form when we must preside over the dreams of all Ponykind."
  719. "Let me guess—"
  720. >"Fluttershy."
  721. "Fluttershy."
  722. >The two of you laugh at the acknowledgement of your shared nemesis.
  723. "So what brings you to town, Lulu?"
  724. >"I am currently tracking my sister. It has been discovered that she has been embezzling funds out of the royal treasury in the purchase of—"
  725. >She pauses, glancing at you briefly.
  726. >"Actually, it is for the best that you do not know."
  727. "Ah, Celly's been crashing in Ponyville, then?"
  728. >"Indeed. By the way, it isn't only Fluttershy that has been dreaming of you. You have a lot of eyes on you, Anonymous."
  729. "…Are you coming onto me?"
  730. >"Egads, no! I've seen enough of you for several alicorn lifespans!"
  731. >You laugh.
  732. "How are you tracking her down, Looners?"
  733. >"Questioning the local populace, and using this—"
  734. >Luna reveals some kind of metal-detector–looking object.
  735. >"This 'Tiameter' is able to locate and pinpoint latent solar confluences within the area. Using this information, it directs me to the areas she is likely to frequent."
  736. "So that's why it lead you to the cake stall, then?"
  737. >"…Yes."
  738. "Well, I'd love to stay and chat, but I've got a hot date with a certain Cherry Berry of Ponyville. It's not one to miss, believe me. Best of luck with your sun searching, eh?"
  739. >"Cherry Berry? Out of all the—hm, it seems Discord will win this wager after all."
  740. "Wager?"
  741. >"Never mind, Anonymous. You should go to your date. I wish you well."
  742. "See you, Moon Cheese—actually that one's a bit gross."
  743. >You leave her and make towards the other side of town.
  744. >"…Oh, another reading on the Tiameter? And it's pointing me towards the—oh Moon."
  746. >You finally make it to your destination in Ponyville.
  747. >There, sitting next to her prized hot-air balloon, is a pink earth pony mare with a curly yellow mane—Cherry Berry.
  748. >She notices you and waves as you walk up to her
  749. >"Anon! I'm glad you could make it!"
  750. "Wouldn't miss it for the world, Berry-boo."
  751. >She blushes, playfully swatting the air in front of her with her hoof.
  752. >"Oh stop it Anon, that nickname is so embarrassing."
  753. "I can't help it, you're too cute when you blush like that."
  754. >She titters.
  755. >"So, are you ready?"
  756. "Ready as I'll ever be."
  757. >She directs you onto her balloon.
  758. >After you both board it, she fires up the burner, and you both ascend into the great blue.
  760. >Soaring through the sky with Cherry, you look below.
  761. >Pinkie Pie is hosting a birthday party for a foal.
  762. >She notices you, smiling and waving; you wave back.
  763. >You take in the rest of the sights.
  764. >Mayor Mare holding a meeting at Town Hall.
  765. >Flim and Flam running another one of their con shows by the bridge.
  766. >Cheerilee taking the school out for a trip to Sweet Apple Acres.
  767. >Twilight's castle collapsing in the distance.
  768. >…Pinkie Pie hosting a birthday party.
  769. >Ah, this is nice.
  770. >"So, Anon, do you like it?"
  771. >In the balloon, you turn to Cherry Berry: who's been with you all along.
  772. "No.
  773. "I love it, Berry-boo."
  774. >As you ruffle her mane, scritching behind her ears, she giggles.
  775. >You look upon your special somepony next to you, beaming in her element, and a sense of serenity washes over you.
  776. >Yeah.
  777. >Life is good.

Beware the Strawberry Mare

by Glimbrain

Bench Fine

by Glimbrain

Club Anonymous

by Glimbrain

You have to eat the eggs

by Glimbrain

A Glimmer into the Past

by Glimbrain