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[RGRE] Anon and Fem Discuss RGRE

By MrSkeltal
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-01-11 01:12:52
Expiry: Never

  1. Original Poster: Frostybox (
  2. Reason this is posted here is because it's not binned in Frosty's bin.
  4. “So, how’re things?”
  5. >Fem sighs, “They’re… well, they’re things.”
  6. “Yeah?” you say drawing the word out slowly.
  7. >”I dunno, like… this place sucks right?”
  8. >You can’t help but chuckle.
  9. “Sucks? No! I mean… no… well, like it sucks eggs. But it doesn’t suck dicks y’know?”
  10. >Now it’s Fem’s turn to chuckle, “Yeah I know, and I guess that’s pretty spot on. It KIND OF sucks. Like, I couldn't ever, EVER, imagine that my life would consist of being a trash collector as my profession.”
  11. >She sniffs lightly.
  12. >Oh boy, here come the waterworks.
  13. >You reach out your arms and she leans forward into your chest and begins crying softly.
  14. >”And I’ve got girlfriends and stuff you know… but they don’t want to talk about how much this sucks, they just… all they do is want to work so they can go home to their colt, or to drink if they’re single.”
  15. >You rub her back gently as she mumbles out her frustrations.
  16. >”They just call me a little colt, and tell me how it’s the way things are, y’know?”
  17. “I know Fem, I know.”
  18. >”I don’t know if I can even call them friends, right? They’re just so…”
  19. “Different? I kinda know what you mean, my guy friends are very… well we’re into some very different stuff. They also get a lot more touchy feely too; “Anon, why don’t you ever open up?”” you say in a mocking voice.
  20. >”Fem, by Celestia’s teats, just go get laid or something.” she mumbles out in a mocking tone of her own.
  21. >She calms down after a little bit and leans back to sit up next to you on her couch.
  22. “Hey, at least your job pays pretty well. Hell, you still make more than I do.”
  23. >You’re trying to cheer her up, but now that you’re thinking about it, it’s actually making you kind of mad.
  24. ”I can’t tell you how long I had to look around for a job. Construction, trash, farming, transportation, anything manual got me laughed out. Then anything else grilled me during the interviews, “A single stallion? Are you sure you shouldn’t just try finding yourself a herd? This job can be very time consuming.”"
  25. >Fem hums, “Yeah, I’ve had something like that before back home.”
  26. “Then I finally land my job, and I bust my ass everyday but it’s like I’m more of a novelty there. It was really clear to me when that damn-“
  27. >”Perkins.”
  28. “Fucking Peppy Perkins got that promotion instead of me! Even my coworkers, who are usually more interested in talking about my junk when they think I’m not listening, were calling horseapples on that,” you say, throwing your hands about in frustration.
  29. >”Heh, Oh I definitely know what that’s like.”
  30. >You sigh
  31. “Right? And I mean, it’s not really like I needed that promotion anyway. Now that I’ve got my herd I don’t even really need to work, I’m sure some of my mares would prefer I didn’t but… I just can’t stay at home y’know? I’d get SO bored.”
  32. >”Yeah, YOU would. I’d love having a whole group support my lazy ass.”
  33. “I bet you would Fem. It’d probably make things easier if I didn’t work. I get home and some of my mares are done working, have been for a few hours, but is there any food cooking? No, of course not. So I still have to slave over a hot stove making enough to feed six because they didn’t feel like doing anything “because they work SO hard.””
  34. >Fem squeezes your wrist firmly, you look at her and roll your eyes to let her know that you’re just bitching and that it’s not really a huge deal.
  35. “Then I’m sweating away, still in my work clothes mind you, and at least they come in and nuzzle me or something, maybe rear up and kiss my chin, but then they’re like “Nonny, you work way too much. Why don’t you take a little break?” Like I could. If I did that the whole house would be a wreck.”
  36. >”Least you have the option to take a break, or some company…”
  37. >You take her hand in yours and give her a little squeeze back.
  38. “Psh, I get the option and the company, but it’s really like a second job with those girls. And don’t even get me started on herd life.”
  39. >”Is it that bad?”
  40. “No, it’s not THAT bad… I’ll tell you though I’m really glad we added Lyra in, having a unicorn is awesome! She can cast a frost spell to keep the room cool all night, before that it was just awful trying to sleep. It’s like sharing a bed with four Saint Bernards.”
  41. >Fem’s face twists into a look of disgust.
  42. “Yeah. Very uncomfortable, and- oh! And then during Estrus season…”
  43. >”Ooooh, yeah… It gets really bad at work. They way my coworkers talk about the stallions we pass by, it’s disgusting. They treat them all like meat during estrus, and the smell… th-they’ve even talked about you before. Like I want to hear them talk about your junk.”
  44. >You chuckle.
  45. ”Yeah, speaking of actually. Those girls are insane during their heat. Like it’s fun at first, but then after a while it’s like, the mind is willing but the flesh is spongy and raw.”
  46. >Fem slugs you in the shoulder, “C’mon, I just said I DIDN’T want to hear it.”
  47. >You both chuckle together for a moment.
  48. “Hey, come on now. What about you? What about that Time Turner guy?”
  49. >”Yeah… he’s cute and all but…”
  50. “Well, they’re all really cute, but yeah he’s a pretty nice guy. I hear anyway.”
  51. >”He is… but apparently a herd from across town thought the same thing… and obviously I don’t have as much to offer as they do, which I never really thought about y’know? “Having to offer something," other than my company in a relationship but…”
  52. “Yeah, Equestria right?”
  53. >Fem sighs, “Yeah… I dunno, the whole herd thing, I don’t know if that’s FOR me.”
  54. “I thought the same thing before mine approached me, for all my bitching it’s really not so bad.”
  55. >”Yeah, but you’re the center of it. I get to be the outer edge,” she grumbles.
  56. >C’mon man, cheer her up.
  57. “Hey y’know what? Bonny is thinking of hiring someone for her shop. It probably doesn’t pay as good as your current job does, but it’s inside work and candy is basically the opposite of trash so…”
  58. >”Yeah?”
  59. “Yeah. Now, she can be kinda… she knows what she wants out of an employee, but she’s a fair girl. And If I’m talking you up, she’ll probably go easier on you than anyone else. There’s plenty of mares and stallions that drop by her shop… you could meet a herd or a stallion maybe?”
  60. >Fem smiles at the notion, “It probably would be easier to find someone or someones if I wasn’t working where I do now… you would ask for me?”
  61. >You smile back.
  62. “Totally, I’ll talk to her when she gets back from work.”
  63. >You glance down at your watch.
  64. “Oh, speaking of, I should probably head back. Gotta pick up some groceries before the stands close for dinner tonight.”
  65. >You stand and Fem guides you to the door, you both embrace and she rubs your back while you squeeze her tight.
  66. >”Drop by more often, Anon.”
  67. “I will, I will, things were just a little crazy this past year, y’know?”
  68. >Fem kisses you on the cheek, “I love you bro.”
  69. “I love you too sis.”
  70. >You wave each other goodbye as you walk backwards towards the direction of the markets until Fem shuts her door.
  71. >Don't forget the eggplants this time, ‘Non.

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