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[RGR] Gynecologist Anon

By MrSkeltal
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-01-11 01:02:48
Expiry: Never

  1. Original Poster: Frostybox (
  2. Reason this is posted here is because it's not binned in Frosty's bin.
  4. >”I-I’m so sorry Doc. I swear I’m not usually that quick on the draw,” Rainbow Dash stammers out nervously.
  5. >You chuckle lightly
  6. “It’s alright Rainbow,” you respond while removing your formerly white coat that now has a large yellow stain along the right sleeve and chest, “I had to be very thorough when applying the salve so it’s no surprise something like this happened.”
  7. >The blush on Rainbows face only seems to intensify as she struggles to make even more apologies.
  8. >You don’t really have time for this though, your next appointment is already on the other side of the door.
  9. “Just come back tomorrow so I can see how well the treatment is working and so I can apply more salve if needed; and in the future, just remember to slow down. Lubrication can only do so much when you going that fast.”
  10. >Rainbow nods slowly, “R-right, C-can’t help it, y’know? F-fastest thing with two wings, y’know?” she says, trying to sound cool and confident.
  11. >You chuckle as you open the door, allowing the poor girl to have her bravado.
  12. “Of course. Derpy will see you by the door to handle payment and everything. Have a good day, Rainbow Dash.”
  13. >She trots out quickly, almost running into your next patient.
  14. >”Watch it there, Dash!” Applejack calls to the pegasus just rounding the corner of your small clinic.
  15. “Good afternoon Applejack.”
  16. >You notice her wince as she gets up from her seated position.
  17. >She also has a slight limp as she crosses the doorway into your room.
  18. >”Howdy Anon, how’re things?”
  19. “Great, great, can’t complain too much.”
  20. >That is to say you’d like to share in a good laugh with someone at the kind of shit your patients get into compared to the tameness of ladies back on Earth.
  21. >Like just now, Rainbow causing friction burns in her vagina from masturbating too fast, something you knew was theoretically possible, but has never come up before now.
  22. >Sadly, you swore an oath of confidentiality so all their shenanigans stay with you.
  23. >You pat the chair you had Maud and Lyra specially design for you.
  24. “If you can, would you please hop up into the seat. I just have to make sure I’m stocked up on a few things before we get started.”
  25. >Your swabs are looking good.
  26. >Should have enough clean speculums to get you through the rest of your appointments today.
  27. >You glance over the pile of lab coats, each one stained yellow in some form or fashion.
  28. >Maybe you should look into getting disposable coats.
  29. >Rarity is on your appointment list for today, you’ll try to remember to ask her.
  30. >Lube is a little low, might have to run to the specialty store for some.
  31. >The rest is pretty good, hopefully anyway.
  32. “So, what brings you by Applejack? A check up? I’d figure you eat far too many apples to need to see me for just a check up,” you chuckle as you turn to face the orange earth pony.
  33. >Only to find that she’s not in the chair.
  34. >You glance downwards and see her looking up at you, “I uh, I can’t get up there Doc,” she mumbles while kicking a hoof lightly against your floor.
  35. “Oh, sorry. I was so focused on my supplies I must have just spaced out.”
  36. >You get up out of your swivel chair and kneel down behind Applejack.
  37. >She rests one hoof on the chair’s step plate and you grip her gently under the hips and lift her up.
  38. >She climbs up the rest of the way and lays down on the cushion with her four hooves down onto the hoof rests.
  39. >Applejack’s rump just barely hangs over the edge of the chair’s cushion
  40. >You return to your seat and wheel yourself over to Applejack’s side so she can see you.
  41. “Now then, what brings you by?” you repeat without your hilarious joke this time.
  42. >”I’ve been having a hard time of getting around lately, it’s gotten bad enough that I can’t buck trees no more.”
  43. >If she’s visiting you about her limp that can’t be good at all.
  44. “Alrighty,” you respond while raising the seat higher and higher, “Just hike your tail up for me and I’ll take a look, Applejack.”
  45. >Her tails already high and resting on her flank by the time wheel get back there.
  46. >You told the Princess you were prepared for the awkwardness that accompanies a male OBGYN when you requested to continue your practice, but every mare who’s come into your clinic has been nothing but welcoming.
  47. >You rest your hands on Applejack’s rump, the musculature just under her fur greets you firmly, but you’re also greeted by a slight hiss.
  48. “Feeling pain Applejack?”
  49. >”Not a thing Doc, just a surprise was all.”
  50. >She’s supposed to represent honesty or something so you’ll take her at face value for now.
  51. >The mares around here just love to keep up appearances you’ve noticed; a clit piercing gone wrong and all you hear is “Oh yeah that thing. Would’ve just slept it off, but y’know, my boss was telling me I had to come in and such,” holding back tears all the while.
  52. >Back to the task at hand, there’s supposedly no outlying sensitivity. That’s good news.
  53. >Your hands move closer in and you gently touch around her vulva, trying to note for any pained reactions.
  54. >A few leg twitches, and a light moan from Applejack doesn’t reveal anything that stands out as pain
  55. “Anything hurting yet?”
  56. >”N-not yet Doc, just th’ opposite, if I’m being’ straight with ya.”
  57. “Okay, I’m gonna take a look just inside alright? Let me know if you feel any pain.”
  58. >Applejack’s rump wiggles, something you’ve learned by now means she’s nodding her head. It wiggles in a different sort of way when they’re shaking their head.
  59. >You slip the tips of your fingers just inside her lips and gently pull them apart.
  60. >Applejack’s leg kicks slightly, but otherwise she doesn’t respond.
  61. >Or well, didn’t respond until her lips began to quiver as her clit started winking.
  62. >You’re pushing against her most sensitive area so it only makes sense.
  63. >It’s always best to just ignore it, makes them feel less awkward about the whole thing.
  64. >No discoloration on her walls.
  65. >No inflammation either.
  66. >The fluid that’s leaking out looks and smells like pretty typical arousal.
  67. >”A-Anon? I’m feelin' a bit of burning now.”
  68. >Burning?
  69. “Is it intensifying any? Or just kind of staying the same?”
  70. >”S’just annoying, but it ain’t getting any worse.”
  71. >So it’s nothing that’s near the surface like you’re suspecting.
  72. >You remove your hands and wheel over to your table to get a speculum and your application bottle of lube.
  73. “Okay, I suspect that whatever’s going on, it’s happening a little deeper than I can easily see with just my fingers,” you state as you spread the lubricant all over the surface of your tool.
  74. “And this little tool is called a speculum” you say while holding it out for her to see, “It spreads apart and locks so I can have a better look into where I think the problem might be. Don’t worry though, I promise I’m very gentle with it” you say as assuringly as you can.
  75. >Applejack looks as nervous as every other mare you’ve had to explain the speculum to, but she winces once more before nodding in agreement.
  76. >You wheel back behind Applejack and spread her lips apart with your left thumb and index finger.
  77. >Slowly you insert your tool, eliciting a hiss from the farmer pony.
  78. >The lubricant mixes with her natural one for an easy insertion.
  79. >You squeeze the handle a few times, letting the tubes spread her walls further and further apart with each squeeze.
  80. >Applejack mumbles and you pause to better hear her.
  81. “Are you okay Applejack?”
  82. >”M’fine…s’just strange is all.”
  83. “Aright. Let me know if anything starts to bother you okay?”
  84. >Another nodding wiggle.
  85. >A few more clicks and her walls are far enough apart that you think you can see her cervix.
  86. >You pull out your “pocket lantern” you had Twilight make you as a replacement flashlight and turn it on.
  87. >Now let’s just take a loo-
  88. >Oh.
  89. >So that’s what the problem is.
  90. “So I believe I see the source of your discomfort Applejack.”
  91. >”Ya do?! Whoo-whee, I told Granny that y’all knew what y’all were doin’!”
  92. “So it looks to me like your cervix is very inflamed. Do you have any idea how it could’ve gotten this way?”
  93. >”Couldn’t tell ya Anon, I ain’t got no time ta be fiddlin’ around down there what with a whole farm to run.”
  94. >You wheel over and grab a swab out of your jar.
  95. “I’m going to take a quick swab and see if I notice anything.”
  96. >You very carefully dab along the entrance to her womb and withdraw it, Applejack tensing up slightly from your actions.
  97. “F-find anything Doc?”
  98. “Not from the initial swab, I can tell you that you’re not pregnant though,” you chirp.
  99. >”Well shoot Doc, I knew that much already,” she responds in a joking manner.
  100. >Taking another swab out, you wheel back behind her and gently brush it along the outer edges of her cervix.
  101. >Well now, this is interesting.
  102. “Hmm, Applejack, how often do you bathe?”
  103. >”Every day o’course,” she responds.
  104. “Unless I’m wrong, what I think I’m seeing here on this swab is little bits of bark.”
  105. >”What?! B-but that can’t be. I swear to you Doc I’m a clean mare.”
  106. “No, no, I believe you. I think that you may just not be cleaning the right way.”
  107. >You explain what you think has been happening while you take a bunch of damp swabs and try cleaning her out.
  108. >You suspect that each time she bucks a tree, small bits of tree fall down onto her tail, or if it’s been swept out of the way then her nethers.
  109. >A long day of bucking trees in the hot sun, and sweat can cause those bits to slip in.
  110. >If she doesn’t get to bathing until she’s done working then it may be too deep for her to effectively wash them out.
  111. >Applejack agrees with your hypothesis, “Well what do I do then Doc?”
  112. >You remove the swab you were using to find it come out completely clean.
  113. >Satisfied you stand up and walk over beside Applejack.
  114. “I’ve cleaned everything out, I believe, and now I’m going to apply something to relieve the inflammation for you. Because it’s the cervix, I have to tilt your chair down to make sure I actually get it, okay?”
  115. >”Sure thing Anon, uh, Doc.”
  116. >Applejack’s rump is now about chest height as you walk over to your supplies.
  117. “Back to what you were asking, do you think you could take breaks every so often to rinse off?”
  118. >”Suppose I could, and if takin’ some quick breaks keeps me in good bucking condition I suppose it’s better n' windin’ up like this again and unable to buck at all.”
  119. >You walk back over to Applejack, anti-inflammatory dropper in hand.
  120. >You’ll have to remember to order some more from Zecora, maybe you can stop by there after the lube.
  121. “Okay, so this will probably feel a little odd but I promise it’ll help almost instantly.”
  122. >You squeeze the dropper and let the syrupy liquid flow down.
  123. >It makes contact with Applejack’s reddened tissue.
  124. “OOF.”
  125. >In a flash you’re getting a birds eye view of your room.
  126. ”AH,” and in yet another blur you’re face down on the floor.
  127. >”Anon! Oh, sweet Celestia, I didn’t mean to buck you, honest!”
  128. >You cough and groan as you shakily rise to your knees.
  129. >Applejack’s trying to get a good look at you from behind her.
  130. “S-s’okay…I’m good,” you whimper.
  131. >You set your hoof printed coat on the floor and begin unbuttoning your shirt.
  132. >Applejack’s eyes are locked on to your chest and widen when you reveal the, now dented, metal plate underneath.
  133. >You knock it a few times with a knuckle.
  134. “Had Lyra make it for me since I expected to get kicked now and again.”
  135. >Didn’t expect to be kicked up to your ceiling though, but she looks broken up about it as is so you’ll pretend it’s less than it is.
  136. >You remove the speculum and Applejack hops out of her chair, with a much less pained expression on her face, and continues apologizing profusely.
  137. >You assure her that you’re fine, and that you wear the chest plate for a reason and once again that you’re fine until she finally calms down.
  138. “Alright, so make an appointment with Derpy. I want to see you sometime next week to see how the inflammation is and if needed apply some more ointment.”
  139. >Applejack looks unsure once you bring up the ointment.
  140. “Just remember to rinse yourself off throughout the day and next week should probably only be a checkup. Zecora’s remedies are very effective.”
  141. >The orange mare lifts a back leg and sets it down a few times with not a hint of pain on her face, “Yeah I already do feel better… alright. If’n you’re sure you’re alright Anon.”
  142. “I’m fine, really. Once you’ve got everything set up with Derpy, could you ask her to meet me here in my room?”
  143. >”Sure thing partner, uh, Doctor.”
  144. >The moment Applejack shuts your door behind her you fall down to your knees and groan.
  145. “Holy FUCK that hurt.”
  146. >You lay on your back trying to focus on your breathing just as Derpy comes in.
  147. “Shut the door, please.”
  148. >She looks very worried, but whips back around and does as you ask, “Doctor Anon! What happened? Are you okay?!”
  149. “Yeah… cancel my appointments for today. I’m going to be here for a bit.”
  150. >Derpy nods slowly, unsure if she should leave you on the floor.
  151. “I’m fine. Just-” you hiss as you point a finger at your assistant. “Just get Lyra to come over. I’m gonna need her to work out some dents.”

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