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[RGR] Tsundere Barbarian Pone

By MrSkeltal
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-01-16 01:52:39
Expiry: Never

  1. Original Poster: Frostybox (
  2. Reason this is posted here is because it's not binned in Frosty's bin.
  4. >"Oh sweet fires, everypony hide!"
  5. >You shout into your ceiling as you're roused from sleep.
  6. >Fuck, what in the hell has got Harvest flipping his shit?
  7. >You glance outside and see the same frozen dump that's always been there since you landed in this small horse ice age.
  8. >The only difference is that it's dark as fuck.
  9. >Fucking Harvest Zephyr, you're going flick the shit out of his ear for waking you u-
  10. >Oh no.
  11. >You hear them, but they can't have travelled this far out could they?
  12. >Baritone screams of fear coupled with mares politely telling their scared stallions and foals to hush up and hide.
  13. >You can hear the "fearsome" yodeling of...
  14. >Yup, yodeling.
  15. >From them...
  16. >They call themselves ‘The Wendigos’.
  17. >You call them an annoyance.
  18. >They firmly lead all the cowering villagers out of their homes and into the flat lands in the center of the village.
  19. >"MY HOME! THOSE STAINS WILL NEVER COME OUT!" Harvest blubbers hysterically.
  20. >They must not have wiped their hooves before entering.
  21. >You remember them laughing about doing it the last time they got you.
  22. >"You won't get away with this, you filthy barbarians!"
  23. >They laugh proudly as they cause havoc to your latest residential village.
  24. >Snowponies are kicked down.
  25. >The "Welcome to Chillville" sign is covered in inky hoofprints and smiley faces with tongues sticking out.
  26. >Some of the mares plead for the barbarian gang to stop their assault.
  27. >"We heard talk of there being a funny green Minotaur in the area..." shouts a very recognizable feminine voice.
  28. >Icy Heart, their leader, "And if you all want your cookware to remain unscrambled, then you all had better stop hiding him!" she shouts.
  29. >Some of the stallions sob into their forearms, "I'll never remember which drawer the spatula goes in..."
  30. >"We Chillvilleians won't submit to MEANIES like you!" says an earth pony mare.
  31. >You always thought Daydreamer was a cool tiny horse.
  32. >She tries getting the rest of the town to stand up with her, but they all huddle closer to their respective herds.
  33. >Icy hums with pleasure, the cloth wrapping around the large item strapped to her back comes off.
  34. >The town gasps and Icy drinks in their fear, "I love getting to use this..." she coos.
  35. >Daydreamer is completely frozen in place.
  36. >You step out to end this, but you're too slow.
  37. >Icy swings down with all her might.
  38. >"Yeowch!" Daydreamer shouts as she hops around on her rearlegs and clutches a forearm to her chest.
  39. >Icy Heart raises her massive wooden spoon and rests it on her shoulders.
  40. >The stallions in the village sob while being nuzzled by their herd.
  41. >You can hear murmurs, "It's going to leave such a welt" "Must sting so much" "It's getting red already, I'm going to be sick".
  42. >"Just the colt I was looking for!" Icy Heart chirps as your gently nudged forward by two of the other Wendigos, "It's been far too long Anon, you slippery monkey."
  43. "Icy," you say as ... well, as icy as possible.
  44. >Small gasps from the village folk, "Don't even hug at a reunion... must really hate each her."
  45. >"Oh, don't be so cold Anonymous. Do you know how much I've longed to firmly place you on my bed and rut you without cuddling after?"
  46. >Harvest Zephyr throws up somewhere in the back of the corralled group.
  47. >One of the Wendigos is about to offer him a tissue, but another of the barbarians stops her.
  48. >Stallions shield their foal's eyes from the whole thing.
  49. >"Alright girls! TAKE ALL THE LEFTOVER STOCK THAT WOULD GO TO WASTE OTHERWISE... AND DON'T THANK THEM FOR IT!" she bellows out to her barbarians.
  50. >"And as for you all, while you didn't reveal his location, we'll give you all one chance to keep your pots and pans in place... tie up Anonymous."
  51. >They all stand hesitantly and walk over to the pile of rope nearby.
  52. >Fucking traitors.
  53. >You're not even going to tell them that they're going to fuck up their cookware regardless.
  54. >They do the deed with tears streaming down their faces.
  55. >Et tu Daydreamer?
  56. >Well, it's not like you could return to this town after this anyway.
  57. >You could, but they'd all be trembling and it rattles the whole village.
  58. >Then you can't sleep and it becomes a whole thing.
  59. >Easier to just find a new village to live in.
  60. >"Path starting to look familiar there Anon?" Icy asks while looking back at you, effectively drawing you from your thoughts.
  61. "Yeah... oh, you used different ropes this time?"
  62. >"Glad you noticed, I remember two foalnappings back you mentioned they were itchy, and I was so peeved that you ran away again so I didn't get a different rope the last time, but I felt awful about it so I brought my SECOND best rope this time."
  63. >The Wendigos laugh and guffaw at Icy's statement.
  64. >You continue to work the rope as subtly as you can while being dragged on Icy's sled.
  65. >By the following night you've reached their stronghold.
  66. >Mares are drinking themselves silly.
  67. >Captured stallions hurriedly serve them more food and drink.
  68. >They slip around easily with the warm booties they're forced to wear, and the mares help them up without saying "You're welcome" after being thanked.
  69. >You're dragged to Icy's part of the stronghold.
  70. >None of the furniture matches, and there are water rings all over any flat surfaces.
  71. >She actually likes burning coasters in the fireplace.
  72. >Just like she claimed, you're placed firmly on her bed, with the help of a few other mares.
  73. >"Good, now leave us. I have a lot of unwanted snuggling to catch up on," she growls.
  74. >"You're one sick mare Icy," you hear one them say as they shut the door behind them.
  75. >Icy heart crawls up the foot of the bed, straddling over your bound form.
  76. >She rips out the button on your pants with her mouth and spits it over her shoulder somewhere.
  77. >Now buttonless, your pants slide down without much more effort, "Won't be needing this anymore, Anon" she says wickedly.
  78. >Icy Heart licks her lips, "And now to pillage this village for all its thick milky valuables..."
  79. >She gasps and moans as she rides you, "Oh, frozen tundras, you are some good dick!" she growls.
  80. >In about twenty seconds she paints your thighs with her marecum.
  81. >Her forehooves are planted on your chest as she pants loudly.
  82. "You sound dehydrated."
  83. >She chuckles, "Than- uh... NEW SLAVE, BRING ME SOME WATER," she shouts to the doorway.
  84. >A very somber, or disgusted, looking stallion trots in slowly with a tray balanced on his back.
  85. >Icy Heart takes the glass in both her hooves.
  86. >"Y-you're welcome" the stallion mutters.
  87. >The grey mare hums while drinking as if to ask the stallion to repeat himself.
  88. >"I s-said y-you're welcome..." his voice more a whimper than speech.
  89. >"I heard you the first time," she says menacingly while waving dismissive hoof at him.
  90. >The stallion's face carries a look of horror.
  91. >He runs out of the room sobbing.
  92. >"I never get tired of that... oh! And it seems like you enjoy it also" She coos while grinding her hips on yours.
  93. >"Do you like that, Anon? When I treat your fellow stallions-"
  94. "I'm not a stallion."
  95. >"-Like dirt? I know you do... you're so flipping hard again" she moans as she bobs slowly on your manhood.
  96. "I was already this hard."
  97. >"Shush! The only thing your lips are for is for pressing against mine Anon" she grunts, picking up her pace.
  98. >She rides you for several more orgasms before you finally hit your climax.
  99. >Untrue to her earlier claims, she does nuzzle into the crook of your neck.
  100. >Her claim was either a lie, or she's completely exhausted.
  101. >Regardless, it makes this next part a little trickier.
  102. >You finally loosened the ropes that bound your hands.
  103. >Thankfully the Chillville was entirely earth ponies, hooves and mouths suck at making knots.
  104. >You roll Icy Heart off of you and give her a Pillow to hug.
  105. >Freeing your legs is probably the most rewarding feeling.
  106. >Well... it's a tie between that and orgasm anyway.
  107. >You loot whatever things you'll need for the journey just ahead of you and take a glance around the hallway before leaving Icy Heart's room.
  108. >Most ponies adhere to a strict bedtime, but these Wendigos don't usually follow it.
  109. >Coast seems pretty clear though.
  110. >You brace yourself for the chilly winds, but the Hearthheart potion you took was a lot more effective than you thought.
  111. >Sure you could probably overpower those little horsies, but that magic shit concerns you enough not to try it.
  112. >You get a huge sack of loot and a fuck if you just play along.
  113. >Sucks having to keep finding a new village every couple months or so, but it sure as hell beats working retail back on Earth.

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