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Untitled Sunset Pole Dancing Greentext

By Spiderbloke2099
Created: 2024-06-08 17:47:17
Updated: 2024-06-08 17:49:30
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Hey Anon! There's a class on dancing at the gym I go to and I thought it would be fun for us to go together."
  2. >Sunset stares at you, her turquoise orbs boring into your soul.
  3. >Your mouth starts to feel dry, is this really happening?
  4. >Sunset Shimmer, former biggest meanie and now queen bee of Canterlot High, is asking you out.
  5. >Oh God, what do you do?
  6. >Fuck, you're ruining your one chance!
  7. >Just... Just play it cool.
  8. "Uh, y-yeah. Sounds like a ton of fun!"
  9. >You place your hand behind your head like some kind of dork.
  10. >Sunset blushes and looks down, but you think you see a smile on her face.
  11. >You can also hear her friends giggling.
  12. >Looking their way confirms it.
  13. >Well almost all her friends are giggling.
  14. >Scilight looks furious.
  15. >You snooze you lose, Twiggy.
  16. >"So, meet at my place at say... 10 on Saturday?"
  17. >You look back at Sunset to see the broad smile across her face.
  18. "It's a date!"
  19. >She blushes again and mutters the word "date" only just barely loud enough for you to hear.
  20. >Before you can try to say anything else, the bell interrupts you.
  21. >Well you'll see her for sure on Saturday.
  23. >Today's the day.
  24. >Today you're going out on a date with Sunset.
  25. >Well maybe a date.
  26. >Either way you're standing in front of Sunset's apartment, dressed in a T-shirt and sweatpants.
  27. >You figured that it would be best to wear clothes that you don't mind getting a little sweaty since the class is supposed to be at a gym.
  28. >It's probably some jazzercise class or something.
  29. >Sunset exits her apartment wearing a sports bra and a tight pair of compression shorts.
  30. >Think about not-sexy things, think about not-sexy things.
  31. >"Ready to go?"
  32. >Luckily you brought a water bottle with you, and take a swig to soothe your suddenly dry mouth.
  33. "Y-yep!"
  34. >Smooth.
  35. >Sunset just giggles and locks her door.
  36. >You do your best not to look at her perky breasts and firm ass.
  37. > The last thing you need right now is a hardon getting you in trouble.
  38. >You can't help but take a swift glance at Sunset's cleavage though.
  39. >"I decided to leave the geode at home. Don't want it getting lost."
  40. >She caught you.
  41. >You glance at her face and catch a small but definitely smug smile.
  42. >Yeah, guess she wouldn't need superpowers to figure out what you have on your mind.
  43. >Still, Sunset doesn't seem to mind.
  44. >Score one for Anon?
  45. >It's a nice enough day, so you walk the two blocks to the gym while Sunset regales you with Pinkie's latest antics in Home Ec.
  46. >The gym is one of those chain gyms.
  47. >Large enough that it has separate rooms for classes and a dry sauna.
  48. >You use all your willpower to /not/ imagine doing degenerate things with the cute girl by your side in the Sauna.
  49. >Sunset checks in at the desk and informs the clerk that you're going to be using her guest pass today.
  50. >Your willpower crumbles as Sunset leans on the desk just enough to accentuate her ass.
  51. >You're like a deer in the headlights for a moment.
  52. >Then you start to feel your trouble making friend down south start to rise.
  53. >You quickly avert your gaze and subtly adjust your pants.
  54. >The unamused glare the clerk tells you that you didn't totally get away unnoticed.
  55. >Almost as soon as she does though, Sunset stands back up.
  56. >"Alright Anon, since you don't need to change let's just go wait for the class to start."
  57. >You can feel the clerk glaring a hole into the back of your head as the two of you make your way to the classrooms.
  59. >Two things stick out to you as you step into the room.
  60. >First is the vertical poles set in neat lines of six.
  61. >Second is Fluttershy's greasy brother at the front of the room.
  62. >His eyes trace Sunset up and down.
  63. >Some primal and barbaric part of your brain screams at you to punch him square in his face.
  64. >But the civilized part wins out.
  65. >You take an almost unconscious step closer to Sunset and casually lay your arm across her shoulders.
  66. "Let's find a spot before this place fills up."
  67. >You said that a bit too loud, but maybe now Zephyr will back off.
  68. >Then again the douch might take that as a challenge.
  69. >Sunset nods.
  70. >"Yeah, it'll probably be best to claim a couple of spots now."
  71. >The two of you walk casually to a pair of poles in the middle of the room.
  72. >As it nears 11am the room fills with middle-aged women.
  73. >Most of them are probably here for a little bit of excitement or maybe to learn something to surprise the husband in the bedroom.
  74. >Out of the veritable sea of Christmas Cake you recognize the school librarian, Ms. Cheerilee.
  75. > Luckily she doesn't seem to notice you, sparing you from having to make awkward conversation with a teacher outside of school.
  76. >The class starts off easily enough, despite his lecherous nature, Zephyr is a relatively effective teacher.
  77. >In only a couple minutes Sunset is swinging from the pole like a pro.
  78. >You, on the other hand, fall flat on your face consistently.
  79. >Sunset giggles at your failures, but tries to help you.
  80. >Luckily enough for you, most of the army of MILFs seems to be taking up Zephyr's limited attention.
  81. >Mostly fixing their mistakes and posture.
  82. >He's fairly professional with them.
  83. >Well, as professional as a man with his, admittedly deserved, reputation can be.
  84. >Unfortunately your luck runs out as the chubby Ginger woman next to you asks Zypher for some help.
  85. >You grit your teeth as he oozes towards you.
  86. >Zephyr answers her question quickly, then rounds on you and Sunset just as you manage to complete a rotation of the pole without falling flat on your face.
  87. >"It's not often I see men coming to one of my classes."
  88. >Zephyr's snide remark has you responding before you even fully process what he's said.
  89. "I think you've come in enough men for the both of us."
  90. >Sunset laughs as she admonishes you.
  91. >Zephyr looks like he wants to punch you for a second, then schools his features and turns to face Sunset.
  92. >"Your form is excellent, by the way, Sunset. It's like you were made for this."
  93. >Something about the way he says "made for this" irks you.
  94. >Judging by the look on her face, it irks Sunset too.
  95. >"Thanks Zephyr, I'm sure Anon's been enjoying it."
  96. >LMAO!
  97. >Shot down like Zero over the Pacific.
  98. >Zephyr storms off to go help another middle-aged lady as you hear the chubby Ginger next to you giggle.
  99. >Sunset, on the other hand, leans over and kisses you on the cheek.
  100. >"Want to get some coffee after this? Maybe at my place?”

/k/ Anon & Spider Shim: A Very/k/ammando Christmas

by Spiderbloke2099

/k/ Anon and Spider Shimm 1

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/k/ Anon and Spider Shimm 2 (Interveiw with a blogger)

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/k/ Anon and Spider Shimm 3 (Date night)

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k/ Anon and Spider Shimm 4 (Anon makes a new friend)

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