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Anon regrets not paying the taxmare, part 1

By shAnon
Created: 2024-07-20 14:03:37
Updated: 2024-07-22 14:48:18
Expiry: Never

  1. written for this thread ( ) with a pic of mayor mare and the OP prompt of:
  2. >This is your final warning. Pay taxes, build a shrine to Princess Celestia in your home and start singing with us during our musical numbers or bad things will happen to you. Terrible, unspeakable, horrific things....
  5. "oh really? a shrine, AND taxes?"
  6. >anon said with a smug look and his arms crossed as he gazed down at the furious mare standing on his porch
  7. >Mayor Mare fidgeted in place as she attempted to keep her composure while looking the hairless ape in the eye
  8. "maybe i could be convinced to do the shrine part, buuuuuuut all that singing in the street?....."
  9. "no. way. in. hell."
  10. >he said, bending down a foot away from her muzzle lingering on the last word a tick before bringing himself up to his original stonewalled stance of defiance
  11. >her glare narrowed as she bore daggers into his skull
  12. >she snorted a jet of hot air before saying,
  13. >"i am simply trying to help you Mr. Mous, but time and again you have rejected my plea in the recent months since your residency here in ponyville...."
  14. >her expression softened slightly as she pursed her lips and allowed the smallest smug smile of her own to form on the corners of her muzzle
  15. >"do remember what i said Mr. Mous, unspeakable things..."
  16. >she said as she produced a letter in a red envelope, holding it in her mouth for him to grab
  17. >anon stayed silent, looking down upon her
  18. >smiling still maintaining his eye contact
  19. >he knew she was bluffing
  20. >tired of his presence the older mare let the envelope fall to his feet as she turned on her hooves in one motion and made her way for the road to town
  21. >he waved to her with that same smile on his mug knowing full well she wasnt going to turn to see him doing so
  22. >she purposefully walked over his freshly cut lawn instead of the path from his porch to the street
  23. "yea ill try to remember all that, bitch."
  24. >anon said to himself as he watched her flank move out of view past the trees in the entrance to his front yard and down the dirt road
  25. >releasing the tension in his shoulders he sighed deeply bringing the front door closed behind him
  26. "i need a drink."
  27. >anon mumbled to himself as he sauntered his way into his kitchen scavenging through the cupboards
  28. >it was mid day when she she woke him from his nap
  29. >anon had lied there for a time waiting for her to leave while she hoofed the hardwood of his front door
  30. >he had done it a hand full of times before when she came to speak to him and it worked
  31. >but not today
  32. >he knew it was her too
  33. >she had a distinct way of knocking, hard and authoritatively, the same every time
  34. >almost like a cop would knock
  35. >maybe ten minuets he tried to wait her out this time but today she was determined to give her "final warning"
  36. "ah! there you are!"
  37. >he purred as he rolled the bottle of dark amber liquid out from under his sofa
  38. "ive been looking for you everywhere friend."
  39. >still kneeling in front of his sofa the half full bottle of whiskey was embraced in his loving arms and pulled to his chest
  40. >anon was in front of his fridge almost by reflex
  41. >squatting down he inspected the contents of his pony sized refrigerator with his love still held close
  42. "lets seeeeeeee here.... apple juice.... apple punch.... apple nectar..... expired apple cider Applejack told me not to take home from the festival....."
  43. >he trailed off
  44. "gotta stop going to that farm..."
  45. >he said under his breath while standing up and closing the door to the midget horse fridge
  46. >his precious bottle was set with care on the dinner table in front of him as he sat down to ponder what to mix it with
  47. >it was way too early in the day to be drinking straight liquor
  48. >and he grew tired of the taste of apple throughout his stay in horse land
  49. "so what else was there...."
  50. >and then it came to him
  51. >shooting up out of his chair he closed the distance between him and the drawer
  52. >digging frantically he pawed through the loose papers and other clutter he accumulated there
  53. >somepony had accidently opened it while visiting one day and when asked anon said it was his "recipe drawer"
  54. "AH HA!"
  55. >doing three sixty spin for no one but himself, he held the note card to the heavens like He-Man with his magic sword
  57. >he proclaimed before palming the card down on the countertop
  58. >with a twinkle in his eye he swiftly returned to the fridge to retrieve the ingredients and begin the alchemy.....
  59. >...
  60. >>a few hours later<<
  61. >the sun had gone down some time ago
  62. >anon was feeling good, sprawled out over his couch
  63. >the original bottle was empty, lying on its side next to another half full bottle of liquid amber sitting on his coffee table
  64. >he was singing along to the song spinning on his record player
  65. >there were no words to the songs but that didnt matter
  66. >the record was a gift from Octavia last Hearthswarming
  67. >he remembered it was a hand full of songs she said she wrote for him
  68. >at least thats what she told him
  69. >he lost count of how many times he flipped the record in the past couple hours
  70. >and then something made his ear perk up
  71. >knocking?
  72. >but it was light
  73. >rhythmic
  74. >it clashed to the song so it stuck out to him
  75. >he got up now walking to the player to turn it down some, he didnt want to shut it off and kill the mood entirely
  76. >he heard it more clearly now, it was a slow beat
  77. >thumpthump,thump thump...thumpthump,thump thump...thumpthump,thump thump...
  78. >hoofknocking on wood, but not really
  79. >tip toeing through the half light to oak door he opened it a crack with the somber instrument still wailing behind him
  80. >anon peered through the moonlight and fog but nopony was on his porch to greet him
  81. "wat tha fu-"
  82. >another abnormal sound cut through the music behind him making him do a 180 faster than a left 4 dead survivor
  83. >he couldnt tell what it was this time but the knocking was louder than before
  84. >thumpthump..... thumpthump...... thumpthump....... thumpthump......
  85. >he felt his heartbeat quicken
  86. >wasting no time anon darted for the kitchen for a knife
  87. >his sockfeet made him slide on his stopping step
  88. >his hand met the drawer handle but he kept moving
  89. >with a clatter he and the drawer of silverware were on the floor
  90. >he held in his hand the small brass knob to the drawer that he looked at for a half second while groaning
  91. >throwing the knob against the wall in front of him he scrambled to get his feet beneath him again in an effort to regain uprightness once more
  92. >avoiding the cutlery strewn about him he was up again steadying himself with a hand on the dining room table
  93. >he collected a steak knife from the mess on the floor and walked back into the living room
  94. >the adrenaline in his blood mixing with the alcohol hit his brain
  95. >he was ready for a fight but what he didnt expect was that smell
  96. >it hit his nose and made his heart jump in his chest
  97. >he looked to the top of the stairs in front of him
  98. >the glint in their eyes was steel and wide, two sets up there staring at him
  99. >that smell was one he could never forget
  100. "mares in heat...."
  101. >he said almost too quiet to hear above the still singing strings
  102. >with that a third set of eyes reflected though the space between the other two
  103. >he didnt realize but his hand was shaking
  104. >the knife bounced off the carpet next to him
  105. >they advanced down the stairs and the knocking started again as their hoof-falls played that ominous rhythm once more
  106. "dear god please save me..."
  107. >anon said in a shaky whisper

FoE: A Dry Heat

by shAnon

Anon regrets not paying the taxmare, part 1

by shAnon

Anon regrets not paying the taxmare, part 2

by shAnon

the bug cafe interview

by shAnon