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Anon regrets not paying the taxmare, part 2

By shAnon
Created: 2024-07-21 11:37:57
Updated: 2024-07-22 18:28:55
Expiry: Never

  1. a continuation of another green, written for the FlutterRape thread
  2. >>41254330
  5. [includes optional music recommended for reader immersion]
  7. >"I'm sure to win because my speed is superior!"
  8. >the words drifted through his mind
  9. >anon shook his head in an attempt to focus his eyes and shake the arrant thought away
  10. >he swallowed hard
  11. >his throat was dry
  12. >fear tore through the adrenaline quickly burning away in his system
  13. >he started to sweat knowing he had to act fast
  14. >but he was frozen there, swaying in place as he looked around for a solution
  15. >his inebriated mind was racing
  16. >clip... clop.... clip... clop...
  17. >they hadnt stopped in their slow dissent since that saw him
  18. >it was like they were of one mind as they moved,
  19. >their hoofsteps met the stairs in almost perfect unison
  20. >every time he looked back up to them he saw all three sets of piercing globes were still drilling into his soul
  21. >he could feel their intent pressing down on him with every step down
  22. >clip...clop...clip..
  23. >the mares slowed and halted before the last step
  24. >seeing them now in the half light he got a better picture of the intruders
  25. >he hadnt known them by name or mark but knew he had seen them in town once or twice
  26. >at least he thought so
  27. >they were in the same formation they started with when he first spotted their eyes in the dark
  28. >the first two he saw stood side by side as the third stood a few steps above them
  29. >she the leader of their "group"?
  30. >anon heard a piano silently start on the record player as Octavia's bass began to sing a new melody
  31. >it was anon's favorite song off the whole record
  32. >and he could hear the mares heavy breathing now that they were closer
  33. >their breathing was deep, and certain
  34. >almost like slow panting through flared, angry nostrils
  35. >he knew why they were here before they even locked eyes at the top of the stairs
  36. >there was no mistaking their smell for anything else
  37. >they still hadnt said a word, but he could see they were all smiling at him,
  38. >the look in their eyes betrayed barely hidden thoughts of lust
  39. >youre running outta time man, tick tock on the clock
  40. >he shot a look to the grandfather clock to his right, a few hooves away from the bottom of the stairs
  41. >for a half second it felt like the old clocks pendulum swung in slow motion just for him
  42. >there was no way he could bring himself hurt mares to defend himself,
  43. >could he?
  44. >"youve been a naughty, naughty colt, mister."
  45. >the shrouded pink mare in the back said breaking their silence with a saccharine voice, evilly accented by the melancholic tune coming from the player
  46. >he couldnt quite make out the color of her mane in the shadows
  47. >anon could only see her smile widen as the two in front began to giggle at his appraising look
  48. >double time private anon, think of something....
  49. >assess the situation?
  50. >the left mare, yellow coat, puffy mid length pink mane, pegasus
  51. >to her right, unicorn, cream colored coat, flowing pink mane
  52. >and the third?
  53. >an earth pony? magenta, or is it a red mane?
  54. >dosent matter
  55. >with the strengths of the first two in mind, the likelihood of doing a cut and run out the door behind him was out of the question
  56. >either the pegasus would be on him in a flash before he could get the door open
  57. >or the unicorn would just trip him u-
  58. >"BOO!"
  59. >the unicorn mare said breaking anon's focus making him jump as he shifted his shaky stance
  60. >she and the pegasus resumed giggling at the pathetic display
  61. >the mares knew he was in the middle of looking for a way out
  62. >anon saw the pink mare still smiling as her eyes narrowed
  63. >looking to the left of the stairs he thought of the hall that lead to the backyard
  64. >past them, out the door, over the fence, and im gone
  65. if you were covered in butter /maybe/ you could slip by like that but youre not that slick, nonny.
  66. "tha fuck-"
  67. >anon shook his head again to dislodge the alien thought
  68. >"you know why we're here,"
  69. >"dont you, anon?"
  70. >the unicorn said with a giggle, first to step on to the carpet of the living room with the pegasus following suit
  71. >unfolding her wings to their fullest, she now had twice the intimidating silhouette she had seconds earlier
  72. >anon couldnt help but notice her slender frame
  73. >"i dont know what your world was like before you got here, but youre about to learn how we do things here, you mon-"
  74. >"the mayor didnt ask for much, anon."
  75. >slurred the pink mare, cutting off the pegasus
  76. >her wings relaxed folding a notch down as the pink earth pony walked between her accomplices, obviously taking her place as their lead
  77. >maybe five hoofsteps away, the three of them stood firm before anon
  78. >that smell, almost unbearable now that they were this close
  79. oh
  80. was that....
  81. oh, a shift just now?
  82. something in....
  85. "SHUDUP!"
  86. >anon blurted out in an impotent cry,
  87. >with his hands reflexively coming up to cover his mouth at the unintended outburst
  88. >he was breathing heavy through his nose with his mouth covered like this,
  89. >his heart thundered in his chest
  90. >anon wished he werent so drunk right now
  91. >"mare said you were weird but, WOW!"
  92. >the earth pony said barely able to contain herself as the lot of them laughed at anon again
  93. >"but it wont matter how weird you are when we're done with you..."
  94. >she took a step forward making the distance between the waist high horse and the ape man just that much smaller
  95. >anon flinched back as she took another step towards him
  96. >and another
  97. >the record hit its end and skipped on fuzz over and over again
  98. >in his periphery he saw the pegasus walk over to the player instead of continuing her advance
  99. >the pink pony's dark red eyes were like fire as she licked her lips still staring anon down
  100. >concentrating on those eyes was the only thing keeping him from cracking
  101. ya think a mare could steal a soul like that, just by looking at a man with her wild, heat-crazed eyes?
  102. you wanna find out, dont you nonny?......
  103. >he shook his head in an attempt to kill the thoughts bouncing about in his braincase
  104. >was it the unicorn or....
  105. >anon's breathing hadnt slowed but his hands were back at his sides
  106. >they were still shaking even as clenched fists
  107. >he could feel lump of anticipation form in his throat as he gulped dryly in an attempt to dispel it
  108. might even do you some good.....
  109. >all anon could do was stare back into those eyes as he began to back peddle, dragging slow heavy steps back across the carpet as the two mares continued closing in for the kill
  110. >the back of anon's head bumped into the key plaque on the wall next to his front door
  111. >his back was literally to the wall now
  112. >anon felt a bead of sweat roll past his temple and down his cheek, he was too scared to move and wipe it away
  113. >those wanting nightmare red eyes still burned into his own, promising the unknowable and horrific fantasies behind them
  114. >a new record scratched to life and was turned up as high as the dial on the player would go, grabbing his attention for a split second
  115. >a saxophone screamed as he looked to the smiling pegasus in front of the player on its table
  116. >with a sultry look she gave him a playful wave of her wing
  117. >wait, did he even own that record?
  118. >then she was on him
  119. >like lightning the main mare jumped with a whinny to plant her hind legs in front of him while slamming her forehooves against the wall at either side of anons head
  120. >giving him the best view he would ever get into those eyes
  121. >anon hadnt remembered ponies being this tall when they stood
  122. >she sighed and brought her whole body against his, pressing him against the wall and knocking all the air from his lungs
  123. >tilting her self up to the tips of her hooves she ground her slick marehood and ample teats against the front of his jeans
  124. >the mare's muzzle pressed and fought with his mouth, her long tongue digging greedily acquainting itself with his own
  125. >he feared what would come if he fought back so he let it happen
  126. >she relentlessly assaulted his maw as anon could taste the sour bitter wine on her pallet mix with the sweet heavy remnant of the eggnog he had earlier
  127. >even between his clothes and her fur he could feel her powerful earthpony muscles ripple and writhe against his body as she moved in time with some unheard song, he was sure it wasnt the one the pegasus had playing
  128. >she overtook all his senses when he closed his eyes
  129. >her overwhelming pheromone scent was all he could smell and her tongue was all he could taste as she moaned into his mouth picking up the pace of the grinding she was doing against his crotch
  130. >he would be lying if he said it didnt make his heart beat faster than it had before
  131. >anon tried to stand strong as the mare continued to ride his hips into the wall and dig in the back of his throat with her tongue like he was hiding diamonds in his tonsils
  132. >suddenly a force pushed her barrel away from him an inch or two as the powerful mare whined in protest before pulling her muzzle back to look down at the unicorn mare kneeling at her flank with her horn aglow
  133. >the pink mare relented rolling her eyes while taking half a hoofstep back, allowing the unicorn to take her turn while still keeping anon pinned
  134. >anon had only a second to breathe before a field of magic surrounded his belt in the middle
  135. > her magic began playing with the buckle, giving him a start
  136. >the same energy groped about the front of his pants feeling like she was rubbing up and down over his bulge with an open hand and dancing fingertips both at the same time
  137. >the magic phased between the layers beneath making his breath hitch in his throat as the blob of magical energy touched down on bare skin before it gave his member a firm squeeze like nothing he had ever felt before
  138. >anon almost felt his knees buckle beneath him
  139. >she must have been using an extra spell to make it feel as amazing as it had, he thought
  140. >back on the outer layer she found her intended target, her magic focused and pulled down swiftly, opening his fly wide and ruining the zipper in the process
  141. >both mares giggled as anon gasped in response,
  142. >he flinched to the side feeling something unknown slip into the waistband of his pants as the third mare joined in, looking down to his left he met her half lidded gaze
  143. >she was preemptively wriggling the tip of her wing down his pants to pull them down once the unicorn was done toying with his belt
  144. >anon breathed hot and heavy not knowing what to do
  145. >the mare still pinning him to the wall sloppily kissed the side of his neck
  146. >he couldnt help but bite his lip as the combination of sensations almost teased a moan to escape his mouth
  147. >there was no way he could let them have that
  148. i bet you wish you did as the nice mayor asked now, huh nonny?
  149. >the unicorn had most of her arcane attention on his jewels while she looked up at his face, feeling around for what got the most reaction
  150. >anon tried hard to keep his thoughts straight while his mind spun like a top
  151. "y-yess...."
  152. >anon hissed sharply clenching his eyes shut in shame as he felt the pegasus mare start to shimmy her other wing down his pants for a better grip
  153. >his heart sank lower than he thought dread could take it
  154. >the pin of his belt buckle slipped free of its loop and the tension holding his pants up was released
  155. >with an indignant squeal the yellow mare sprawled out and flopped on her belly as the pants flew down harder than she thought they would
  156. >so hard in fact that anon was drug down with them
  157. >anon was sat on the plush carpet now with his pants half off his legs
  158. >the earthpony was still stood in front of him leaning on the wall for support
  159. >he was now face to face with her marehood
  160. >anon could feel the actual heat that came off it with his face this close
  161. >her smell made his head spin again as he tried to slow his breathing
  162. >she winked a few times when she saw his proximity, all the while dripping a generous volume of mare juice on his naked thighs and boxers
  163. >the cream mare hooked a forehoof around the pink pony's flank meeting anons wide eyes
  164. >the other mare slid up to his left cradling the back of his head with a wing as she began to nibble his ear,
  165. >anon could feel her free wingtips slowly tickling their way down the front of his underwear
  166. you know what comes next, dont you nonny?
  167. >the unicorn asked with out saying a word
  168. >a wicked smile curling the edges of her muzzle
  169. >the music wailed in his ears
  170. >and all anon could do was nod

FoE: A Dry Heat

by shAnon

Anon regrets not paying the taxmare, part 1

by shAnon

Anon regrets not paying the taxmare, part 2

by shAnon

the bug cafe interview

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