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[RGR] Apple Cuddles

By MrSkeltal
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-01-11 00:57:59
Expiry: Never

  1. Original Poster: Frostybox (
  2. Reason this is posted here is because it's not binned in Frosty's bin.
  4. "So you want to come over... and cuddle?"
  5. >Applejack looks a little embarrassed to repeat herself, so she answers with a nod while avoiding your gaze.
  6. >You're about to speak before she beats you to it.
  7. >"I-If'n ya don't mind..."
  8. >You give her left ear a light scratch which always causes her to flick her right.
  9. "Sure, I don't mind at all."
  10. >Her grin is sweet enough to give you diabeetus.
  11. >"Really? Well alright then! I'll uh, I'll be over tonight," she says barely able to contain her excitement.
  12. >Aww, she's even flicking her tail back and forth, what a cutie.
  13. >You wave goodbye and leave her stand to go fuck about with the rest of your day.
  15. >Night time has fully set in, and you've got your pajamas on.
  16. >Nothing fancy, just a big shirt and shorts.
  17. >Normally it'd be just boxers, but you don't want to freak the orange mare out.
  18. >Speaking of, you figured she'd be here by n-
  19. >Three quiet knocks sound at your front door.
  20. >You open it to see Applejack standing there.
  21. "Howdy."
  22. >"How-" Her muzzle scrunches briefly causing you to chuckle.
  23. "C'mon in, I was just wondering if you were going to show up."
  24. >"O'course I was Anon, you think I would skip out on this after y'all done went an' said yes?"
  25. >You smile at the little scarlet faced mare and she steals glances at your face periodically.
  26. >After a few minutes of just standing in the living room you decide to speak up.
  27. "So, do you want a snack? Some water or anything? I've got juice."
  28. >"Uh, well... M-maybe afterwards, I wouldn't mind getting to the cuddlin'," she says with a questioning tone while lightly kicking at your floor.
  29. >Afterwards? Does she mean like in the morning?
  30. >You shrug and head towards your bedroom.
  31. >She shuffles along slowly behind you.
  32. >You turn to see her standing awkwardly in the doorway to your bedroom.
  33. "Well?"
  34. >"Y-y'all look really handsome Anon."
  35. >You look yourself over and give Applejack a dismissive look.
  36. "It's just pajamas."
  37. >Not even like a set or anything, you just threw some shit on so you wouldn't be mostly naked.
  38. >"S-still though..." she mumbles.
  39. >You chuckle as you climb into the bed.
  40. >Applejack timidly hops up on the other side.
  41. >She rests her Stetson on the post part of your headboard and glances back to you with a questioning look.
  42. >You nod in approval and she leaves her hat be.
  43. >You lay back and watch as Applejack removes the ribbons in her mane and tail letting them both spread out now that they've been freed.
  44. >She falls back onto the bed with you, sighing as she does so.
  45. >You can feel the tips of her mane against your arm, and the same tickle of her tail on your leg.
  46. >For a little while you both lay like this, next to each other, staring at the ceiling.
  47. >Her breathing and yours are the only sounds in the quiet room.
  48. >You can hear her take a sharp inhale and hold it.
  49. >The sheets shift slightly and an orange hoof snakes its way under your neck.
  50. >A smile forms across your lips and you try turning onto your side so you can hold the orange mare close.
  51. >You're surprised to find yourself turning the other way.
  52. >The hell?
  53. >Fucking earth pony stronk.
  54. >The soft warmth of her chest tuft is pressing against the back of your head like a pillow made of fuck yeah.
  55. >One of Applejack's forelegs are wrapped around your neck.
  56. >The other is tucked under your armpit and resting over your chest.
  57. >Applejack's muzzle is laying gently on top of your head.
  58. >Her hot breath spreads along your scalp.
  59. >Well... this certainly isn't what you were expecting.
  60. >It is pretty nice though.
  61. >Your head shifts forward and back just slightly as Applejack breathes.
  62. >You can hear the soft popping noise of her lips spreading apart and closing again.
  63. >Her jaw is shifting around on the top of your head.
  64. >Is she chewing on something up there?
  65. >That can't be very good for her little pone teeth.
  66. >The country mare shifts around behind you to hook a rear hoof over your hip.
  67. >Most of her body is pressed firmly against you now.
  68. >The comfyness of the whole ordeal is absolutely incredible.
  69. >A contented sigh escapes your lips as Applejack pulls you in a little tighter with her hooves.
  70. >You watch the moon for a while as you often do when waiting for sleep.
  71. >Really thought you'd have dropped much faster than normal thanks to Applejack's presence, but oddly enough you're having a little trouble.
  72. >Now that you're really thinking about it, it's because your back is all sweaty.
  73. >She may be comfy as all hell, but she's got the heat to match it.
  74. >Mostly in your lower back of all places.
  75. "Hey AJ?" you whisper.
  76. >"Y-yes Anon?" she whispers back.
  78. >"Do you mind if I get a little more comfortable?"
  79. >Oh sweet moon and stars it's finally happening!
  80. >You've been saddlebagging Anon for about an hour now.
  81. >Your mistake was realizing there was no way you knew of to get him in the mood for "cuddlin'."
  82. >He had no mane to bite at.
  83. >His ears were too far for you to reach while holding him.
  84. >And the darn colt is too dang long, no way you could reach down with a forehoof and give him a little rub.
  85. >Just holding him close like a mare ought to had you all wet and winking.
  86. >Normally a respectable mare'd keep her excitement contained, but you had to test the waters with this one.
  87. >And it just paid off.
  88. "Sure Anon, I don't mind at all."
  89. >He pulls himself away from your warm and comforting hold to turn over and face you.
  90. >Anon's arms reach out to you, and you reach out to him.
  91. >You close your eyes and pucker your lips.
  92. >Anon's gentle hands slide past your shoulders.
  93. >You're rotated onto your belly.
  94. >This colt wants a ride does he?
  95. >U-unf.
  96. >Then you're rotated further onto your side facing away from him.
  97. >Unf?
  98. >His arms spread out before you and wrap themselves around your chest, one above your forelegs and one under.
  99. >What the hay is he doing?
  100. >Anon slides forward and pressed his chest to your back.
  101. >Your tail is pressed up against his crotch, you can feel his warmth against your dock.
  102. >Anon's buried his face into your mane, his hot breath is creeping down your neck.
  103. >You can't help but shiver at the sensation.
  104. >Is he?
  105. >Did this colt just saddlebag you?!
  106. "Anon, what're yo-"
  107. >His hand, the one coming from his "above arm", it's grazing lightly against your tuft.
  108. >What were you saying again?
  109. >You can feel a pressure rise and fall against your back, it matches the rhythm of the warm breeze running down your neck.
  110. >Oh right, Anon's making you out to be the little stallion!
  111. >You're supposed to be the strong supportive saddlebag.
  112. >Not-
  113. >Something warm circles your belly.
  114. >Anon's hand, it's tracing small circles all along your stomach.
  115. >You let out a rattled breath.
  116. >Oh moon and stars that's hot.
  117. >Your dock tries raising your tail only for it to press up against Anon's member.
  118. >U-Unf.
  119. >A gentle scraping nose reaches your ears, Anon's other hand is still grazing through your tuft?!
  120. >UNF!
  121. >Your marehood is leaking more than the ceiling under the bathtub when Mac falls asleep while taking a bubble bath.
  122. >You're going to pop any moment.
  123. >Take control Applejack, this colt's got you all fired up now.
  124. >"Anon, I think ya got me all ready fo-"
  125. >He's asleep?
  126. >Did this colt really just tease you like this, and continue teasing you only to fall asleep?!
  127. >Serves you right, tell a colt you only want to cuddle and there's a chance he really does only cuddle.
  128. >You squeeze your thighs together, heard it helps cool one down.
  129. >In so doing Anon's hands shift slightly, it slides further down your belly.
  130. >All the way down to your...
  131. "Mmm, naaah!" you squeak.
  132. >"Hmm, wha-?"
  133. >Oh no!
  134. >His hands stop moving.
  135. >But they haven't moved away yet.
  136. >Worst thing that can happen now is he throws you out and you're getting bluebeaned as it is so...
  137. "Y-y'all can keep going..."
  138. >Anon's chest bumps against you lightly as he chuckles.
  139. >His upper hand continues running through your tuft.
  140. >This colt's lower hand however slides a little further south.
  142. >"Mmnn."
  143. "You like that AJ?"
  144. >She gasps as you pinch her winking clit gently, "Mmn Anon..."
  145. >Her hoof grips your forearm tightly as you slide a hand further down and spread her soaked lips.
  146. >This is absolutely not what you expected when she asked you to cuddle.
  147. >Most times when girls ask to cuddle, they usually mean just cuddling.
  148. >Being nudged out of your sleep to find that your hand was sliding down, and that she was into it?
  149. >Well, let's say you're not going to let an opportunity like that go by.
  150. >"Aah! Anon!" she moans as you roll her clit between your index finger and thumb.
  151. >The sweet scent of apples from her mane is mixing with her mucky scent that's beginning to fill the room with a lewd haze.
  152. >Applejack bites your shoulder, more of a nibble really, as you spread her lips apart again.
  153. >She continues nibbling, taking firmer bites in an effort to stifle the moans emanating from her throat.
  154. >And in what feels like a long time and no time at all...
  155. >AJ tenses in your arms, she throws her head back enough to bump your face.
  156. >Her thighs tighten firmly around your hand, trapping it in place.
  157. >Her soaking pussy lets loose and you can feel gush after gush of marecum spray against your fingers.
  158. >Eventually the country mare goes limp and you pull her close to you, after sliding yourself closer to the edge of your bed.
  159. >Probably going to need a new bed now.
  160. >You yawn deeply, exhaustion overtaking your boner's desire for horse pussy.
  161. >Applejack is asleep already anyway, it wouldn't be right.
  162. >You bury your face in her "Apple Medley" scented mane and find yourself joining her in a deep sleep.

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