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'bearer of the curse' in equestria 4

By SunriseLightbeam2
Created: 2024-08-12 03:09:39
Updated: 2024-08-12 03:10:03
Expiry: Never

  1. >Far over in canterlot Princess Celestia pages through books in the Restricted section
  2. >"Sister sister!" cries out Luna who has just arrived
  3. "Hi Luna, what brings you here?"
  4. >"I have talked with Doctor Blueberry about Anonymous's physical and mental health"
  5. "Who?.."
  6. >"Oh, right.. Anonymous is a Human, the very same that you captured in the Everfree forest"
  7. "Silly me, I should have known.. well go on do tell what you've learned"
  8. >Luna took a deep breath and started "There is much to this 'Anon' as he is so called as a nickname"
  9. >"He is from another world entirely, one of immense suffering and violence"
  10. >Luna shutters before saying "I saw one of his dreams, I believe it to be more of a memory then a dream.. terrifying things has he seen and slain"
  11. "So his slaining of the manticore was merely instinctual. something his long experience in his own world would have taught him"
  12. >"Indeed, I do not think it was out of any malicious cruel heart but simply the norm for his world"
  13. "I fear that sending him to our prison was a terrible idea, for if he was really violent there is nothing those ponies could do to stop him"
  14. >"You're right, apparently when he arrived they tried to stun him and well that did not work very well"
  15. >In a very deeply low whisper Celestia spake
  16. "Do you think he could help us with our problem?"
  17. >Luna sharply inhaled and replied "W-we are unsure"
  18. >Celestia smiled
  19. "You still speak in old ponish when you're nervous?"
  20. >"Perhaps.."
  22. >You are Anon
  23. >You and Gray Crags Have just entered the Library
  24. >"Hello anon!" Said Warden Mare
  25. >She sat at a table filled with tons of papers, it was kind of comical
  26. "Hi, I'm told I have to join a club to eat?"
  27. >She stared off into space with her face scrunched
  28. >"Well.. I didn't really think of it like that.. you can still eat if you don't get any!"
  29. >"I never thought of it that way, it's just meant to make ponies co-operate with each other"
  30. >>"Hey anon, I gotta get going to my club if I want my tokens for the day, Warden Mare will show you around ok?"
  31. "Ok, have fun"
  32. >>"Oh I will!" he trotted off quickly down the hallway
  33. >"No Galloping in the halls!! these ponies.. sometimes I wonder who their mommys were"
  34. >"Ok Anonymous lets see.. what would you be interested in?"
  35. "I have no frame of reference to what you could possibly be doing here as a club"
  36. >"hmm, lets just go see what they're doing"
  37. >Warden Mare grabed a clipboard and got up form her seat led you somewhere else in the library, it's quite large
  38. >"The first one is right here, This is our bookcl-
  39. >>"SHHHH"
  40. >"Ahem, I'm showing a new inmate around"
  41. >>"Oh sorry.." said Sunflower
  42. "Hi Sunflower, what do you Ponies read here?"
  43. >>"Anon! I almost didn't recognize you"
  44. >You were really confused at this remark
  45. >>"We read all kinds of things, Today we're reading Science fiction, Star Trot!"
  46. "What's science fiction?"
  47. >>"Oh well it's like made up stories imagining the future and stuff. Star Trot is about mares traveling space and finding alien mares! and becoming friends"
  48. "Interesting, I'll think about it"
  49. >"See? isn't friendship fun. You can join multiple clubs and don't have to go the same ones every day. Lets go look at some of the others"
  50. >Warden Mare left the library and you followed
  51. >"There's another right in this room here"
  52. >Mare opened a door to a large open room filled with pillows
  53. >"This is the pillow fight ro- *POOMF*
  54. >a stray pillow smacked Warden Mare on the face
  55. >"HEY!"
  56. >About 30 ponies all stopped this 'pillow fight' and with wide eyes all looked at the Warden
  57. >"WHO DID THAT"
  58. >None said a word
  59. "Honor among theives huh?"
  60. >One Mare's eyes went teary
  61. >>"I-I'm not a thief!"
  62. >"Uncalled for, anon.."
  63. "I.. Nevermind, I don't think I'm interested in this"
  64. >You kind of were but you knew you'd hurt somepony too easily
  65. >"I'll come back later and figure out which one of you if was" she glared at all the ponies
  66. >Moving on you and the Warden traveled to another room
  67. >"Now this is my favorite, The Water Park!!!"
  68. >The room had this weird smell you could not place, very weird.. it was super humid and the whole room was filled with water and strange platforms and tubes
  69. >it was a massive room like you'd never seen, the whole ceiling filled with glass panes and other large tubes
  70. >most bizzare of all were the colors, bright blues and greens everywhere
  71. "What the fu.."
  72. >There were weird cannon like impliments tied to water spouts on some of the higher platforms with ponies blasting water at each other
  73. >those large tubes had ponies going down streams of rushing water like a boat down a river
  74. >So much you'd never even considered possible before
  75. >"Oh yeah Anon definietly is joining this"
  76. >Warden Mare makes a check on her clipboard
  77. >"Hey anon? you in there?"
  78. "What? yeah yeah"
  79. >"lets go see some of the others"
  80. >Warden Mare pushes you out of the doorway because you are still locked in place staring in awe at what wonderous place this "water park" is
  81. >once out of sight of the place you regain your senses
  82. "What was that? any of that?"
  83. >"Do you not have water parks in your home?"
  84. "No.. I've never seen anything even remotely like that.. Hmm well I saw this one prison that was flooded but that's about it"
  85. >"Flooded! how terrible.. was everyone ok?"
  86. >You remember doc blueberry's warning about telling these ponies about your world
  87. "Yeah everyone was ok"
  88. >"Phew, I was scared for a moment there"
  89. >Soon enough the two of you find another room
  90. >"Here is the baking club, they bake stuff like Cakes and Cupcakes, muffins all that"
  91. >as soon as she opened the door a grey pegasus with a yellow mane flew right into your face knocking you over
  92. >>"Oops! I didn't see you there"
  93. "It's fine.."
  94. >"Anon! that's a class A boo boo. you sure you're ok?"
  95. "Mhm I'm in pristine condition"
  96. >getting up and dusting yourself off you look at the pegasus and notice her eyes are all wonky
  97. >>"I'm sorry Mr Uh.. uhm.."
  98. "Anon"
  99. >>"I'm sorry Mr Bananon"
  100. "Close enough, Let me guess you ran face first into the princess and got sent here?"
  101. >"What? that's not a crime silly, Derpy is here for Tax Evasion"
  102. "Oh boy"
  103. >>"Nopony telled me I had to pay taxes"
  104. >"Yeah yeah we heard, Care to show anon the baking club?"
  105. >>"Oh yes Ms Warden! Cmere Bananon"
  106. >Entering you smell a sweat smell
  107. >>"Today we're making blueberry muffins, my personal favorite!"
  108. >She showed you all the baking tools and instruments, An oven without any wood in it, pony magic you'd guess
  109. >Many other things you didn't quite understand, some sort of spinning metal thing she put into batter to mix it up
  110. "This seems interesting, But that 'Water Park' really has my attention"
  111. >"Anon you can do this and that if you wish, I know it's cool but you have to move on"
  112. >you sigh
  113. "Fine, I'll think about this one"
  114. >>"See you later Bananon!"
  115. >You and Warden Mare turn to leave the room
  116. >>"He doesn't really look like a Banana.. what a weird name"
  117. >You think about correcting her but decided against it
  118. >"Lets go look at some others"
  119. >Continuing through the winding structure that is the Pony Prison the Warden leads you to another room
  120. >"here is the flying club!"
  121. "um Warden"
  122. >"See look up there! dragons and pegasi flying"
  123. "Warden"
  124. >"Racing and learning how to kick clouds, Weather control is a very good job here in Equestria"
  125. "Warden"
  126. >"All sorts of fun- What anon! stop interrupting"
  127. "I can't fly"
  128. >"Oh.. heh, Oops uh lets move on"
  129. >>"hey hey Sup anon!" Says Goob up in the air
  130. >>>"Anon? Oh! there you are waaay down there" Crags spoke
  131. >>"You come to join us?"
  132. "I can't fly"
  133. >>"Whaaat? I would have guessed you could if anyone could"
  134. >Why would they think that? what about you makes them think you could fly
  135. >Did you sprout wings while you weren't looking
  136. >"Sorry anon, lets move on
  137. >>>"See you later, Anon!" Said Crags
  138. >You once again follow Warden Mare
  139. >"Here is the weight lifting room! Ponies and creatures alike come here to get strong"
  140. >>"YEEEAAH!!" Some extremely buff white stallion blares into your ears
  141. "Aaaha.. my ears"
  142. >>"Sorry" he said with a sheepish grin
  143. >>"You wanna join our club?"
  144. "Maybe, I could use to stay in shape"
  145. >>"oh yeah come here!" The stallion leads you to a huge chunk of wood just sitting there in the corner of the room
  146. >"Bulk, don't make him strain a muscle like you did the last new inmate"
  147. >>"don't worry! I'll only make him try once"
  148. >"If he's up for it"
  149. "Trying what?"
  150. >>"You gotta try to lift this, if you wanna join or even if you don't I make everypony try to lift this big stick"
  151. >>"I lift heavy things, I can barely lift this though.. Try it"
  152. >You bend over and begin to pick up the log, It's far lighter then you imagined causing you to almost stumble at the unexpected lack of weight
  153. >"W-woah be careful Anon!"
  154. >You lift it up and look to the stallion
  155. "Like this?"
  156. >>"YEEAH!!!"
  157. >Maybe it's ok to show off a little
  158. "What about this"
  159. >You shift all the weight to your right arm and let go with your left. holding the log in one arm
  160. >"Oh my!"
  161. >>"YEAAH!! You GOTTA join us Anon! You have to teach me how to do that"
  162. "you got anything heavier?"
  163. >>"YEA-.. wait, no"
  164. "Well what do I do then if I join?"
  165. >>"uh.. well yeah the point was for me to teach other ponies how to be strong, maybe you can teach us!"
  166. "I'm not much of a teacher, I don't think I that will work out"
  167. >He looked disheartened but said
  168. >>"Yeah.." nodding his head
  169. >"Ok anon lets get out of hear and decide what clubs you want to join"
  170. >Following Warden Mare out you think you've decided
  171. "So, Warden? I can join multiple but don't have to go to them every day"
  172. >"Yep, but you only get tokens for when you're actually participating and there, Oh! I almost forgot.. You see anon every club gives 9 tokens for every day.. but the Water Park only gives 3"
  173. "What no, why"
  174. >"It's just fun and there is no learning! you don't have to co-operate with other ponies. this is to encourage ponies to do other things then just have fun"
  175. "I'm joining the water park"
  176. >"Ok everypony does, and?"
  177. "And nothing"
  178. >"Ok good choi- hey what? NOTHING? you can't NOTHING else!"
  179. "Flying club"
  180. >"hey! you can't fly that's cheating"
  181. "You can't make me choose, I want to go see the water stuff"
  182. >"You will only be able to afford the super icky cheap salads! no dressing and no extra pudding cups even"
  183. "if I wanted to eat leaves I'd go outside and take a bite of a tree"
  184. >She looked very confused
  185. "last time all I grabbed was a porkchop"
  186. >She went green and shoved her hoof in her mounth gagging
  187. >"A-anon.. that's icky stuff"
  188. "Not for me"
  189. >"Did you even try a salad!?"
  190. "No, and you can't make me"
  191. >"You really are deserving of that Supervillian black suit"
  192. "I saw all those ponies in some sort of water version of their jumpsuit, do you have one for me?"
  193. >"Yep! we made an apron too.. I really though you were going to like the baking club"
  194. "Fine! I'll join the baking club, but no promies"
  195. >She did a little dance inplace and whinnyied
  196. >"Good!"
  198. >About 20 min pass and you're finally ready to enter the waterpark
  199. >Got your new 'Swimsuit' as Warden Mare called it on
  200. >You open the door from the Changing room into the waterpark proper
  201. >Once again you're in the huge Water room that smelled of something you couldn't place
  202. >The room is filled with pony laugher and shouts of joy, so many different voices you couldn't gather what any are saying but they're all cheery
  203. >You enter the inchhigh water, the water pipes below have so much pressure they're shooting water up into the air like an upside down waterfall
  204. "This is really fucking cool"
  205. >"Grr.. what are you doing here"
  206. >You turn to see that tall black colored pony with the green mane standing at one of the water shooting cannons
  207. "Oh you're that.. What was it called.. hmm"
  208. >"I am Queen Chrysalis rightful ruler of all Equestria and you shall know my wrath!"
  209. >She pressed some button on the water cannon blasting you in the face
  210. >Quicky you held out your hand between the stream and your face
  211. "Uh huh you and what army?"
  212. >"How do you resist! all ponies cower before the waterguns!"
  213. >You looked around and saw nearly the whole pony population of the room watching with curiosity, fear and wonder
  214. >You walk up to the water cannon and grab it and spin it around to face the 'Queen'
  215. "It's this red button thing here right"
  216. >"N-no! its.. the blue one!"
  217. >There was clearly no blue button
  218. >>"PRESS THE RED BUTTON, MONKEY!" yelled a random pony
  219. "Alright!"
  220. >In an instant water rushed out of the cannon blasting the bugpony in the face
  221. >"HOW DARE YOU!!" she screamed while turning and galloping away
  222. "This place is awesome"
  223. >>"Yay big monkey! she was being a big meanie head"
  224. "Who says I'm not an ever bigger 'meanie head?' you say looking at that random pony
  225. >>"I-I.. "
  226. >You chuckle and say
  227. "I'm just kidding around, I'm no bully"
  228. >You walk up to that pony and ask
  229. "Hey can you show me around? I don't know what any of this does"
  230. >>"of course big monkey friend!"
  231. "My name is Anon"
  232. >>"I'm Amethyst Star!"
  234. >Your new friend showed you around, You're unsure if you really understand half the words she said
  235. >Eventually she led you to the top of one of the giant staircase patforms
  236. >>"This is a waterslide, it's like a slide but with water!"
  237. "What's a slide?"
  238. >>"Wha?.. do you monkeys not have slides!"
  239. "Not that I know of"
  240. >>"Sweet Celestia! no wonder you have a blacksuit, you don't even know HOW to be a good pony"
  241. >>"Ok ok well you just.. sit down and you slide down!"
  242. "That's it?"
  243. >>"uh-huh! it's fun, you'll understand"
  244. >You sit down on a rougher part of the slide near the top
  245. >>"Ok so you gotta push off this part here and after that you'll just slide down"
  246. >You do this and start to slide, It's a sensation you've never felt
  247. >>"RAISE YOUR ARMS!! TRUST ME!" Screamed the pony
  248. >You comply
  249. "Woah!"
  250. >SPLASH! you plunge into deep water off the end of the slide
  251. >Do you even know how to swim?
  252. >You try and end up able to pull yourself to the surface and look around
  253. >>"LOOK OUT!!"
  254. >You finally turn behind you and there comes flying that mare right at you
  255. >BONK
  256. >The mares not-so heavy weight pushes you under water, you swim away and pull yourself up on a ledge
  257. >>"Oh my! Anon i'm so sorry.. are you ok? I'm going to get the doctor"
  258. "No No I'm just fine, just a bit of knocking around"
  259. >>"A-are you sure?.."
  260. "Mhm I'm as healthy as I've ever been, This place is truly amazing"
  261. >>"Right!!"
  262. >A loud intercome chimed

Pony Souls Prologue: The First Sin

by SunriseLightbeam2

Pony Souls Prologue 2: The Xanthous Regent

by SunriseLightbeam2

'bearer of the curse' in equestria 1

by SunriseLightbeam2

'bearer of the curse' in equestria 2

by SunriseLightbeam2

'bearer of the curse' in equestria 3

by SunriseLightbeam2