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[RGR] Dinky Thinks Anon's Her Dad

By MrSkeltal
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-01-11 01:01:19
Expiry: Never

  1. Original Poster: Frostybox (
  2. Reason this is posted here is because it's not binned in Frosty's bin.
  4. >"Morning Papa!"
  5. >Whu-
  6. >"I made you breakfast!"
  7. >Your eyes open slowly as the sleep weighing them down fades.
  8. >Over by your door is Dinky Hooves looking cheerfully up at you.
  9. >Her crooked golden eyes displaying a look of pure adoration.
  10. "Oh, Dinky. It's just you..."
  11. >Her little horn blinks with a gold aura as a small object shakily floats up from behind her.
  12. >"Happy Fath-"
  13. "Get out of my house Dinky."
  14. >Her face shifts into a look of confusion which is only compounded by the distance her eyes take from each other.
  15. >She then busts out into a giggle fit, "Oh papa you're so silly!"
  16. >Let’s see, grown ass man with a little girl... horse, and she's calling him papa loudly.
  17. >There's no way in hell this could go poorly for you.
  18. >You scoop the little filly up in your arms.
  19. "Listen here Dinky, we've been over this. I. Am not. Your Papa."
  20. >She pouts at you, "Yes you are! I wouldn't make this otherwise."
  21. >The small framed object floats into your view.
  22. >You can see her straining to keep it in the air.
  23. >Deciding you'd rather not have shards of glass all over your floor you catch the frame before she drops it.
  24. >Holding the frame in one hand and holding Dinky as you would a grocery bag you walk towards your front door.
  25. "Great. Thanks. Now let's go bring you back home" you grumble.
  26. >Dinky wiggles in your arm, "No! Your breakfast is going to get cold!"
  27. >You take a glance at the disaster that is your kitchen.
  28. >There's a glass of milk on fire.
  29. >You sigh and proceed outside.
  30. >Stallions are being tended to hoof and... hoof all around Ponyville.
  31. >You can see fillies and colts carrying around flowers and boxes that look full of clothes.
  32. >Several small herds of mares are panicking and frantically rifling through some young mare's card stand.
  33. >T.V would have you believe tools or sports stuff for father's day gifts, but there's no T.Vs here.
  34. >Some ponies give you both curious looks, or just look away from you completely.
  35. >It certainly doesn't help that Dinky shouts "Happy Father's Day, don't forget to tell all the Papas you love them!" to everyone you pass by.
  36. >Stupid cute little happy horse.
  37. >It also probably doesn't help that, in your haste to bring this filly home, you didn't change out of your pajamas.
  38. >Eventually you reach your destination and knock on the Hooves residence.
  39. >Just about everything about this place looks like it was trashed and hastily patched up over and over.
  40. >Everything but the mailbox anyway.
  41. >The knocker falls off the door after one knock, but you hear a call from inside, "Comiiiiing."
  42. >The door opens to reveal Derpy Hooves staring around you before one of her eyes locks to your face.
  43. >"Oh, hi Mr. Anon! What brings you by?"
  44. "Well, I ha-"
  45. >"Mama! Look, Papa's here for Father's Day!"
  46. >Dinky jumps out of your arm and Derpy reaches out to catch her.
  47. >They both miss each other's grasps and bonk heads.
  48. >You watch them both sit there dazed as their golden pupils swirl around their sockets before settling correctly.
  49. >Holy shit!
  50. >Nope, wait...
  51. >They blinked and went all wall-eyed again.
  52. >Derpy gasps, "I thought you were in your room sleeping, my little Dinkster."
  53. >Dinky shakes her head rapidly, "How could I sleep in on father's day?! Papa needs to know how much I love him."
  54. >Derpy's face is completely flushed with embarrassment, "Papa?"
  55. >She looks up at... well that tree over there, but you think she's seeing you.
  56. >"Wh-what took you so long to get back honey?" She says hesitantly as she floats up to hug you.
  57. >In her attempt to nuzzle your cheek she misses and manages to plant her lips on yours.
  58. >Dinky can't contain her excitement and hugs your leg.
  59. >Well, this is a thing...
  60. >You gently, but firmly, move Derpy back and raise your leg so Dinky slides down onto her rump.
  61. "Look, I don't know how you could possibly think I'm Dinky's father, but just don't let it ha-"
  62. >"B-but Dinky made you that picture right? Why else would she make it for you on Father's day?"
  63. >...Seriously?
  64. >You could maybe expect this from a kid, but a grown ass mare?
  65. "This picture doesn't mean any-"
  66. >Huh.
  67. >It's uh...
  68. >Wow, it's a series of doodles of all the excuses she used to justify breaking into your house.
  69. >First day back to school.
  70. >Father daughter dance.
  71. >Nightmare Night.
  72. >Hearthswarming.
  73. >Mother's Day.
  74. >And now Father's day.
  75. >In all of them she's drawn the scenario as if you hadn't just thrown her out or brought her home. In large letters it says "Happy Father's Day" at the top.
  76. >You remember those days, you didn't really do jack aside from work your shitty secretary gig.
  77. >In fact, for most of those days Dinky was the only one to visit you.
  78. "This picture..."
  79. >You look down at the little filly, her eyes look up at the doorframe with so much hope.
  80. "S-so, I think it's a little late for breakfast, but we can maybe do brunch right?"
  81. >You spend the day with the Hooves family.
  82. >After brunch, you all go to the park and see several herds out and about with their stallions.
  83. >Derpy insists on taking you to the spa, you couldn't resist those crooked puppy dog eyes of hers.
  84. >You listened to the other stallions at the spa brag to each other about what their herd got them, or how much they deserved this.
  85. >Didn't realize guys here had to do so much work, but you'll admit the pride in their voice when they talked about their foals gave you a dose of feels.
  86. >Derpy and Dinky made dinner for you despite how much you told them it wasn't necessary.
  87. >After the kitchen caught fire you all just went out to eat instead.
  88. >Dinky ate herself so full that she fell asleep while Derpy was paying.
  89. >Still in pajamas after all, no pockets.
  90. >Not trusting Derpy to be able to both fly and carry a filly at the same time, you carried Dinky home.
  91. >She whined in her sleep when you let her down in her bed, but quieted down when you gave her a pillow to hug instead.
  92. >You shut the door and look down at Derpy.
  93. "Uh, I guess that I'm gonna g-"
  94. >"Thank you so much for pretending today Mr. Anon, I know it must have been awkward for you, but it meant so much to Dinky..." Derpy says quietly.
  95. "So you did know."
  96. >Derpy nods and looks at Dinky's bedroom door, "My little muffin's wanted a dad for so long now, but it's not exactly easy for me..."
  97. >This is going into a weird place, but you literally just pretended to be some tiny pony's father so you may as well ride out the weird train to the last station.
  98. >"Work takes up so much of my time, and it pays just enough for us to get by..."
  99. >You know that feel, kind of anyway, closest you came to a father besides today was when you watched your parent's dog.
  100. >"And if that weren't enough..." she sniffles, "I was kicked out of my herd in Canterlot for taking getting pregnant before the alpha... that kind of thing follows you wherever you go."
  101. >That is not a feel you know, but you can sympathize, it also puts the funny looks you got all day into perspective.
  102. >"So anyway, thanks again for pretending today. I'll talk with Dinky in the morning and make sure she won't bother you agai-"
  103. "Whoa whoa, let's not get too hasty here..."
  104. >She looks up at you, well in your general area, curiously.
  105. "Well, I did actually have a lot of fun today, y'know."
  106. >She gasps, "Mr. Anon! Y-you couldn't be thinking that, there's no way you could form a herd if we're with you, and there's no way I can supp-"
  107. >You cup her muzzle in your hand causing her to stop.
  108. "C'mon I just said not to get too hasty. First of all I don't want you to support anyone but yourself and Dinky, I'll be fine. Secondly, humans aren't exactly... well for the most part we don't herd anyway."
  109. >Her left eye scans your face for any hint of a lie, she gives a small smile when she's satisfied by the honesty in your eyes.
  110. "So, I'll see you both tomorrow?"
  111. >Derpy nods and opens her mouth to speak but a muffed voice beats her to it, "Yes!"
  112. >You open the door and Dinky comes tumbling forward into your open chest.
  113. >"Muffin! You're supposed to be asleep!" Derpy scolds her daughter with a face redder than a tomato.
  114. >You chuckle as Dinky hides herself from her mother's gaze with your shirt.

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