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[Mino] Weeamoo

By MrSkeltal
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-01-07 23:34:54
Expiry: Never

  1. Original Poster: Frostybox (
  2. Reason this is posted here is because it's not binned in Frosty's bin.
  4. “Let’s see…”
  5. >Lotions look to be all good.
  6. >Scented oils are filled to the brim.
  7. >Plenty of towels.
  8. >Curds was on point last night.
  9. >Pretty much no set up for you to do, which is good because you’ve got a client coming in any minute now.
  10. >You spend a few more minutes tidying up, moving your bottles around so they look centered, then questioning whether it is centered and fixing it, only to second guess THAT decision and move it ba-
  11. >With a grunt you tell the bottle to fuck themselves and that it’s good enough.
  12. >A glance at the clock reveals that your client should’ve been here about seven minutes ago.
  13. >She paid for the express service, which means you’re going to be in here until lunch and you’d really rather be paid for that time.
  14. >You wait until its ten minutes past the appointment time and head to go tell Whey that your client is a no show.
  15. >Maybe she can pull in a few minos from outsi-
  16. >”Waagh!”
  17. >The door meets some resistance and was followed by a yelp, which was followed by a thud.
  18. >And before you, on the floor, is a tauress looking completely bewildered.
  19. “Oh sh- uh, are you okay Miss?” You ask, kneeling down to help her up.
  20. >She tenses when she sees your hand enter her field of view, slowly she trails up your arm and to your face with her eyes.
  21. >You notice that her glasses went crooked in the tumble, you also notice that she’s pretty cute like that, especially as the blush spreads across her face.
  22. >”Uh- uhm… N-no I’m- Wait! I mean yes! I’m fine!” she says, placing her hands on the floor and standing on her own.
  23. >You feel a little sting in your chest before remembering that the females are more pride heavy than males here.
  24. >You watch as the tauress stands up and dusts herself off.
  25. >It’s about this point that the shock of hitting your client with a door has worn off, meaning that you now notice that her chest tuft is massive.
  26. >It’s not uncommon exactly, you’ve been told by your bros that most tauresses with chest tufts like this have more tuft than breast making up that volume.
  27. >Still, the way the fur on her chest moves as she dusts off her tail and adjusts her glasses gives you some pause.
  28. >Remembering what the fuck you’re supposed to be doing, you shake off those thoughts and get your head back in work mode.
  29. “Thanks for coming to the Aluminum Mallet, my name's Anonymous and I’ll be your masseur today. Can I get you anything before we get started? Our premium sparkling water? Some medium moisture grass? On me of course, I am so sorry for startling you.”
  30. >Anything to get her not to tell Curds or Whey what you did to an Express Service client.
  31. >The tauress ponders on your question for a moment, “Nono, I’m okay! You don’t have to get me anything” she stammers out.
  32. >Well that’s good, would’ve been taken out of your pay if she had and you guy overcharge the hell out of those things.
  33. “Alrighty then, right this way.”
  34. >You let the tauress follow behind you, a lesson you learned when you would up having a stand still outside the door during your first week on the job.
  35. >You turn around and find the tauress is standing nervously just inside the doorway.
  36. “Uh, If you would be so kind as to close that door behind you and come lay down right here on the table that’d be great”
  37. >She snaps to attention, looking a little overwhelmed for a second before doing as you said.
  38. >She stands next to the table, “R-right here? I just lay down?”
  39. >First timers…
  40. >You’re a little surprised she paid for the Express service first time, but hopefully that means she just has that much dosh laying around.
  41. >Which means you’re gonna need to do great- and hitting her with a door is just the perfect start…
  42. “Well I can’t quite massage you easily if you’re standing cutie, lay down face down for me would you? You can leave your glasses right here on this table.”
  43. >She nods slowly and maneuvers her way onto the table, setting her glasses down right where you ask her to.
  44. >Her belly sort of mushes out around her slightly, you didn’t notice the little bit of pudge on her while she was standing, but it shouldn’t affect how hard you have to push on her.
  45. >She’s very tense, you can tell without even having to touch her.
  46. “So, I’m going to get started here by just getting a feel for you, and you can tell me if you’ve got any areas you want me to focus too okay?”
  47. >”K” she mumbles.
  48. >You rest your hands on the center of her back, she tenses up under your touch.
  49. “Are my hands cold?”
  50. >”N-no it’s just my first time coming to one of… these places.”
  51. >You chuckle softly.
  52. “Well I’ll try to make it a good experience for you, all you gotta do is relax.”
  53. >You gently press your fingers and palms down onto her warm fur as your hands trail all around her back, getting a feel for her tense spots.
  54. “So what’s your name?”
  55. >The tauress doesn’t respond.
  56. >She couldn’t have fallen asleep on your right?
  57. “If you don’t tell me, then I’ll have to call you cutie through the whole session.”
  58. >The tauress mumbles something quietly.
  59. “What was that cutie?”
  60. >”M-Maybelle, th-that’s my name.”
  61. “Alright Maybelle it is then, is there anywhere you want me to focus on Maybelle?”
  62. >She is silent once again.
  63. “I can tell you I feel a lot of tension right here in your shoulders-“ which you firmly rub your thumb into eliciting a soft grunt from the tauress, “-And right here in your lower back” which you knead your palms into, electing yet another grunt from her.
  64. >You step away from the table and walk over to your selection of oils and lotions.
  65. “So, I’m going to target those the most and then loosen you up everywhere else after, does that sound okay?”
  66. >She nods in agreement, having raised her head once she hard you walking away.
  67. “Now, what kind of oil do you want me to use?”
  68. >Her eyes widen slightly at the question, “Uhm… whichever one you want is f-fine with me” she mumbles.
  69. “Well, I’m more partial to the melon extract myself, but you look more like an almond oil kind of girl to me.”
  70. >”Almond oil? That’s what Buckey uses when he’s covering as a masseur in Prince Knight!” she exclaims, probably the clearest thing she’s said this whole time.
  71. “Sooo, almond oil then?”
  72. >A blush spreads across her face quickly and she puts her head back down, “A-anything is f-fine” she mumbles down to the floor.
  73. >Almond oil it is.
  74. >You should really try to find the cow world version of Ainsley, nobody at work understands how funny it is to you that you get to say “It’s time to oil up” regularly.
  75. >That said, It’s time to oil up!
  76. >Yup, still funny.
  77. “So, who is Buckey? Are they some kind of royal masseur?”
  78. >Don't care much for politics, but a position like that would be dope as hell.
  79. >”Oh uh no… Buckey is from an animoo…”
  80. >Animu?
  81. “That’s like cartoons isn’t it?”
  82. >”Well it’s kind o-ooOH!”
  83. >Ha, you forgot she’s a first timer This oil stuff is always a shock.
  84. “Didn’t hurt you there did I?”
  85. >”No, it’s just very…”
  86. “Hot?”
  87. >Her tail flicks and her head bobs slightly indicating a nod.
  88. “Yeah, only comes with the express service, this oil is special in that it allows me to give a deep tissue massage without gunking up your coat… too much” you mumble the last bit.
  89. >She seems to be too busy melting under your ministrations to pay attention.
  90. “It also has a real neat effect, the harder I press or the faster I go, the hotter the oil gets. It’s made off in the dragon lands.”
  91. >It’s also expensive as fuck, but you also learned that day about the importance of having a good grip on the bottle when your hands are oily.
  92. >You rake your fingers down her back leaving a trail of heat behind on her skin, she takes in a sharp breath and arcs her back slightly as the sensation fades.
  93. “So just let me know if there’s anywhere you want me to really dig into okay Maybelle?”
  94. >She tries to speak, but only soft moans escape her lips, she musters a weak nod of her head as you continue to work.
  95. >Yeah, you’re that fucking good.
  96. >Now that she’s aware of how this works you really get down to business.
  97. >You start at her shoulders, pressing gently into the fur with just your fingers, you run your fingers back and forth over her shoulders, feeling out the knots.
  98. >The oil causes some of her light brown fur to spike up as you work, but thankfully most of the fur on a mino is pretty short, so the express service dip she’ll take in the hot springs after should wash it all out.
  99. >Once you’ve got an idea of where the knots are you set to work kneading, pressing, and heating until you loosen them up.
  100. >She squirms under you as you first set to work on the big knots, small gasps escape her lips as you gradually break them up, and finally she goes back to melting when you do a final rub to make sure they’re all gone.
  101. >The process repeats until you could pinch any section of her shoulders and nab relaxed muscle.
  102. >You work your way down her back, the middle of it didn’t have very many knots, but you nabbed the few that you could feel.
  103. >Her lower back was where you really needed to get to work.
  104. >She goes through the same motions, albeit arcing her back every now and again when you get to a big knot.
  105. >You work your way down to the base of her lower back, approaching the darker fur line just above her rump.
  106. >Some of the pudge seems to be located here as the fur and skin shifts around more in this region rather than the firmness you’re used to feeling on your more fit clients.
  107. >It’s actually pretty nice working on a pudgy tauress, good view at least, her ass is at just the perfect balance of size to shape...
  108. >Maybelle’s knees come together, and you can her her mewling quietly under her breath, it almost sounds like mooing.
  109. >Your thumbs glide easily over her darker brown fur, the oil matts the fur a little, darkening it even further in streaks where you had touched.
  110. >You dig deep and pull the muscles apart with your thumbs eliciting a throaty moan from Maybelle and a gentle slap on your arm.
  111. >You look to your left and find her tail is fully raised and brushing against your arm right now.
  112. >Another glance back down reveals your thumbs spreading her supple cheeks apart.
  113. >Fuck.
  114. >You got distracted and just let your hands trail along, you thought you were still at her lower back.
  115. >”S-sorry about uh…”
  116. >She’s embarrassed about her tail, lots of tauresses that have come through have had the same issue even if you didn’t absentmindedly fondle their ass.
  117. >You’ve found that the best way to handle it is not to address it at all, treat it like its a normal thing, because frankly it is assgrabbing or no.
  118. >Getting your head back on straight, you casually work your way up to her lower back again and work out the few small knots you left behind.
  119. >She’s tense at first, but can’t help but relax again as the heat targets her body in a less sensual way.
  120. >Her tail doesn’t lower however, the fluffy tip of it tickles your arm now and again, but it’s nothing new.
  121. >Satisfied with her entire back, you dab on a few more drops of oil and run your hands down her back, starting at her shoulders and going all the way down to her dark fur line.
  122. >She arcs her back just slightly as you pass through the middle, must be a ticklish spot, and gasps as you remove your hands and let the heat trail along behind you.
  123. >You ask Maybelle to raise her arms up near her head, she takes a moment to register what you said but does so shortly after.
  124. >You continue wiping down her body, letting the oil seep down through the light coat and get onto the skin beneath.
  125. >As you reach the outer edges of her back, you curl your fingers around her side, pressing in lightly as your hands trail along her soft curves.
  126. >There’s hardly ever any reason to target the sides, but it’s always a good idea to check.
  127. >The middle of your hand starts just under her armpits and begins trailing down slowly.
  128. >Your fingertips brush against the plentiful chest tuft that reaches back that far.
  129. >You don’t trail down very far before meeting some firmness, Maybelle’s tail whacks you again and she tenses up as you brush past that mound of flesh.
  130. >Never make any sudden motions to imply surprise about a client’s body.
  131. >You continue trailing as usual, your hands trace along the slight curve of her belly pudge before coming to a stop at her hips.
  132. >The Tauress is still tense from that brushing, her breathing is very labored and her tail won’t stop twitching.
  133. >That’s not good, you gotta get her mind off of this.
  134. >Normally you’re not supposed to talk during a session, but she’s new so you can probably get away with it.
  135. “Alright, I think I’m all done on your back. Is there anywhere you’d like me to work on next?” you ask, hoping to take her mind off of it.
  136. >Though it’s not like yours isn’t.
  137. >What you brushed up against, under her tuft, for your fingers to have touched her breasts they must be huge!
  138. >Actually makes sense why her lower back was so knotted up, having to support all that chest weight.
  139. >This cow’s gotta be pretty pent up for her to be so riled from a little side boob touching.
  140. >The tauress looks back at you over her shoulder, she squints at first from her lack of glasses you guess, but you notice that her eyes look completely glazed over and her tongue is lolling out of her mouth just slightly.
  141. >To say that the sight before you, a tauress whose face is completely flushed with arousal, a tail raised high enough for you to see everything does nothing for you is a complete lie, but you are still a professional and as such you can not g-
  142. >Alright, Curds and Whey explicitly told you not to give it up for first timers, and they gave you a ton of shit for doing it before.
  143. >Her jaw moves slightly, as though she’s trying to speak but can’t say the words through the aroused fog in her mind.
  144. >She looks like she so desperately wants to say something, but can’t seem to clear her mind maybe.
  145. >Damn you work ethic.
  146. “Just lay your head back down and relax Maybelle, I’ll just move on to the usual trouble spots I come across okay?”
  147. >She does as you ask, putting her head back down while raising her rump slightly before putting that down as well.
  148. >You bring your little stool over to the back of the table and sit yourself down by her hooves.
  149. >She takes a peek over at you, probably from all the commotion you’re causing while you set up.
  150. >You shoot her a smile as you lay out your files.
  151. >Maybelle squints her eyes and immediately turns away after.
  152. >Considering this is the same as popping a boner during a session you can’t blame her for being so embarrassed.
  153. >Your job however is to put your client in a state of relaxation and satisfaction.
  154. >So even though talking is usually frowned upon during a session, you think it might help here.
  155. >You cup one of her cloven hooves in your hands, she almost yanks it back from you but relaxes the leg shortly after.
  156. “So, you mentioned Animo before right?”
  157. >You let the question linger in the air as you press her claws together to determine which one is longer.
  158. >”A-actually it’s called animoo.”
  159. >You smile to yourself, who doesn’t like correcting someone now and again?
  160. “Ah right, animoo. I’m not too familiar with it… I guess you can tell huh?” you follow your question with a light chuckle.
  161. >Maybelle returns with a timid giggle.
  162. “But uh, it’s cartoons right? Like from another country?”
  163. >The light brown tauress puts her hands down on the table and hoists her upper half to look back at you.
  164. >Her hoof slips out of your grip as you were filing down the longer claw and you can't help but take particular note of the jiggle in her tuft as you watch her rise from her laying position.
  165. >”No! U-uh, well I mean they are animated… b-but they’re not “cartoons” like on a calves’ show or anything.”
  166. >You scoot your stool up to be able to continue working on her hoof, seems like your plan to make her feel more comfortable is working.
  167. “Interesting, so is it more like an adult thing then?”
  168. >A blush spreads across her face, “N-no those are usually called hentails.”
  169. >Alrighty, looks like that hoof is filed down nice and even, now for the next on-
  170. >”O-oh gosh, why am I even telling you about that?” she mumbles to herself, "I’m sorry, I j-just don’t talk to minotaurs very well…”
  171. >You glance up from her second hoof and see the flustered look on her face.
  172. “Wha- oh uh, really? I didn’t even notice… you seemed to be talking just fine to me. Maybe you can’t talk to taurs very well but you can talk to me just fine right?”
  173. >A small smile spreads on her face, “R-right…”
  174. >Now then back to hooficuring.
  175. >”S-So my favorite animoo is Boycow Jazz. It has one of the coolest main characters…”
  176. >You let her explain why this Barb character is a total badrump as you finish up on her other hoof.
  177. >Maybelle seems to be completely at ease again after the hooficure, and you’re really interested in watching this Boycow show now.
  178. >You set your stool back where it was and walk back over to the end of the table.
  179. >You take one of her hooves in your hands again and press your thumb into the heel.
  180. >She cuts herself off with a sharp inhale.
  181. “Alright, I think we’re ready to get back to it don’t you think? I’m gonna work my way up from your hooves here, so just relax and enjoy yourself Maybelle.”
  182. >”U-up? she muses to herself as she turns back to lay down again.
  183. >Your eyes trail up her darker brown half, between her dew claws and hock there shouldn’t be much to work, from there up however…
  184. >You’ve got your work cut out for you because this cow is nice and thick.
  185. >Maybelle’s brown thighs rub gently against each other, a sign that she’s holding them that way rather than relaxing her legs.
  186. >Unfortunately she can’t do much about her tail that is rising slightly at the base.
  187. >You can see a little glisten come from the raised part of her tail, her arousal must be coating her inner thighs by now.
  188. >And past that are her lovely lady lumps, you can still see the darker brown streaks made of oiled fur from when you let your mind wander and your hands work on autopilot.
  189. >Something you intend to rectify very soon… b-because it’s your job...
  190. >Oh shit, your job!
  191. >You rub and roll the space between her heels and dew claws, hearing her squeak with each pop and then sigh from the release of pressure she didn’t realize was there.
  192. >With that done, you oil up a little and get to working your way up to her hocks, she squirms slightly as you cares the muscles in her lower legs, found another ticklish spot, but she still seems relatively calm.
  193. >It’s only once your hands start to work on her thigh that she begins to tense up again.
  194. >You place a hand on her lower back and drag it lazily all around while your other hand slowly works along her outer thigh.
  195. >She sighs deeply from the two point stimulation.
  196. >You walk over to the other side and do the same thing to the other leg, and again she seems to be in a relaxed state.
  197. >Now with those regions done, its time to work the more inner parts.
  198. >A nice helping of oil is good way to get started, you follow by placing your hands just inside her thigh down by her hock.
  199. >Maybelle lets out a small moan which is followed by gradually more labored breaths as you knead and caress her firm ample brown thighs.
  200. >Slowly, you work your way higher and higher up her leg.
  201. >The heat coming from her gets more intense the higher you work, as does the slickness.
  202. >This is one really worked up tauress, probably would’ve been good for her to visit a brothel before coming here.
  203. >Not that you’re not flattered or anything, but you are responsible for cleaning up your room afterwards.
  204. >Your thoughts scatter when your hands hit a fairly dense bundle of knots just above the middle of her thigh.
  205. >Gonna need to really dig in to get this one.

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