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Rarity Gets Pets

By billneigh
Created: 2024-10-12 21:51:03
Updated: 2024-10-21 23:18:41
Expiry: Never

  1. >>41527516
  2. >Just wait right where you are darling, while I go and get your order.
  3. Rarity yells from the back of her boutique. You sit there in a fancy chair, Opal in your lap, purring, as you stroke her fluffy white fur. After waiting for a few minutes the purple maned unicorn returns.
  4. >Voilà! Here you go Anon, I think this piece turned out magnificent. What am I saying, all your orders turn out magnificent, you are such an interesting creature to design for. Well.. what do you think?
  5. >It's perfect as usual. Thank you Rarity!
  6. >Oh Anon you are my favorite customer! I've never known anypony.. ahem.. anybody.. more obsessed with clothing than you. Ever since you arrived here in Equestria you have been a fount of inspiration to me. I'll admit even I get tired of deciding what to wear from time to time, but you.. you are always impeccably dressed at all times of the day. Come to think of it I don't think I've ever seen you without any clothing.
  7. >Ha.. Um.. well..
  8. >And I think you are Opalescence' favorite customer too aren't you, yes you are. She normally doesn't let anypony but me even get a hoof near her. What is it you are doing to her? She seems to like it very much.
  9. >Doing? I'm just petting her.
  10. >Petting? Oh no no no no darling you must be confused, Opal is MY pet.
  11. >No.. I know she is not my pet, I'm just petting her.. That's what it is I'm doing...
  12. Rarity looks at you utterly confused.
  13. >You know, when you scratch and stroke an animal with your hands.. er hooves? You ponies don't have a word for petting?
  14. >Why would you possibly need a special word for stroking an animal with ones hooves?
  15. >Well in my world all sorts of animals love to be pet, it's sort of a special thing. Cats and dogs, birds, lizards, elephants, snakes you name it, I've even seen bugs and fish that like pets. Some of them will do anything to get pets, they can't seem to get enough of it. Is that not the same here in Equestria?
  16. >Anonymous dear, I'm sorry but I have no idea what it is you are going on about. Sure, Opal likes to rub her face against my hooves sometimes, but I can't say I have ever heard of anything like all animals craving the hoof strokes of a pony.
  17. >Not all, just most.
  18. >This sounds like another one of your made up Earth stories like landfills or what was that other one.. toilet paper!
  19. >I'm not making anything up! Just look at Opal.
  20. >She does seem to be quite enjoying herself. Let me try.
  21. Rarity raises her foreleg to Opalescence and jams her bulky hoof against her in a clumsy attempt to mimic your precision human petting style. Opal immediately hisses and begins to bat and kick at Rarity, jumps off your lap and runs away.
  22. >I don't believe you Anon. What could a snake and an elephant possibly have in common for them to want the same thing?
  23. >I promise I'm telling the truth.
  24. >Well go on then.
  25. >Go on then what?
  26. >Pet me.
  29. >>41529186
  30. >>41530651
  31. >Um I don't know.. It would be a little weird.
  32. >A-ha! See I think you are just a creature who is prone to a little exaggeration. You may think it's fun to get other ponies to believe in your wild stories, but Rarity is no nincompoop, you can not fool me.
  33. Rarity gives you a playful smile of overconfidence.
  34. >Ok then are you sure?
  35. >Go right ahead darling. Just don't mess up my mane.
  36. You place your fingers on her forehead right beneath the base of her horn.
  37. >As if I would believe that a simple scratching could...... Oh my.. Celestia...
  38. Rarity's pupils dilate fully as you rake your fingers up and over her head, folding over her ear to scratch behind the base of it's lobe. You join in your other hand to begin scratching under her chin at the same time.
  39. >Oh.. ahh.. mmm. mmmh.
  40. >Do you like it? Do you want me to keep going?
  41. She stares straight through you completely unresponsive but eventually manages to mumble out a positive.
  42. >mm hmm.
  43. So you continue as you rasp your fingers in rhythmic waves at the sides of her neck right behind her jaw. She leans into the contact until her whole neck is extended horizontally resting her head upon your lap. She is definitely susceptible to pets, so you decide to play around with some more advanced stuff. Raising one hand to Rarity's ear you pinch it's soft fuzzy inner and outer surface between your thumb and index finger and slowly massage it in little circles. She leans into the stimulus hard even raising her back hoof off the ground. Having a little fun you swap to the other ear, and just as you suspected she leans the other way. You go back and forth several times while the little white pony is in your complete control. Thoroughly amused you instinctively give her some animal talk.
  44. >You like that don't you little Rarity.
  45. Thinking you may have overstepped, you wait for a response, but none comes. So you continue on stroking the flat of your palm down the side of her crest. At the beginning of one of the strokes Rarity suddenly leans the top of her head right into your hand narrowly grazing the tip of her horn across your face.
  46. >Rarity your mane!
  47. Completely free of self-control she rolls her head around in your hands, combing her long over styled mane through your fingers. She lurches forward and wraps her forelegs over your shoulders, your face pressed into her chest. You sit in your fancy chair embarrassed with her little pony body propped up against you, her head and neck draped down your back. Not knowing what to do, you slowly continue scratching up and down the course fur between her shoulder blades.
  48. >So uh.. I guess you like it huh?...
  49. No response.
  50. >So Rarity... are we good?..
  51. Nothing.
  52. >Ok maybe we should...
  53. You feel her body cavity heaving breath in and out against you as you stroke. Then she inhales one deep breath and just holds it there. She doesn't move for a prolonged period of time and you start to get a little nervous, until suddenly she blurts out with strained effort.
  54. >LOWER!
  56. >>41543563
  57. Startled by the sudden command blurted right next to your ear, you obey without even thinking. Cautiously you lower your scratches down over her flanks, grating your fingers up and down over her sides. Rarity responds by closing her eyes and curling up her head, perching it right into the side of your neck. She nuzzles for a comfortable spot as you feel her weight come to rest upon your shoulder, her face now buried in a massive pile of messy mane. You can hear the patter of you fingers reverberate on her tight equine barrel as you glissando across her rib cage.
  58. >Mmhhhfff.
  59. She guffs out a satisfied breath and you feel the warm moist air seep out from her blanketing hair and roll up the side of your cheek. Her dainty animal breath is quite pleasant and smells exactly like freshly harvested alfalfa.. and pony spit, a smell you have become quite accustomed too since arriving... what with everypony handling everything with their mouths all the time. You are not sure if she is aware of how overly intimate this situation is. Maybe ponies just don't care. You have no idea because you've never been bold enough to just start petting ponies since you got here, even though deep down you always wanted to.
  60. >Uh... soooo.... you like the pets then huh?
  61. You feel her shake her head side to side.
  62. >No!? Have you had enough then?
  63. You feel her head shake even more vigorously from side to side, all the while your hands continue to engage the pony.
  64. >Ok? so you want some more pets then?
  65. She gives a single press of her chin into your shoulder.
  66. >But... you.. want... different pets?
  67. Another nod.
  68. >Ok.. uhhh.. Higher?
  69. A quick twitch side to side.
  70. >More to the sides then?
  71. Another no.
  72. >...lower?
  73. >unfff.
  74. She mumbles, accompanied with another affirmative nod. You think about it for a second.. You're willing to go a little further for the time being. You start to slowly scratch the meaty part of her loins, massaging as much as petting her. As you do, you leave trails of ruffled coat as you rake backwards against her pristinely groomed fur. Rarity involuntarily arches her back lifting her tail at the same time, curling it all the way up. As she leans forward stretching out her back legs, you can see her little ash colored ponut peak up above from behind her dock.
  75. >Um. there?
  76. She shakes her head no yet again.
  77. >Lower really??
  78. She doesn't really nod, just buries her snout in even tighter against your neck.
  79. Nervously you relocate down even further. Alarms ring out in your head alerting you that you now have two fist-fulls of rump. Rarity is a rather thin little unicorn, but surprisingly her hind quarters offer ample pillowy softness, even as she flexes and tightens underneath you. She goes up on her tippy hooves in response and now nothing is obstructed from view. Your fingers begin to leave disheveled fur across her pattern of blue diamonds as you actively try to suppress your own.
  80. >Ahhuuuhh!
  81. >There.. Right?
  82. A pause, then the smallest little jiggle of another no.
  84. >>41552177
  85. 'Oh come on!' you think to yourself. Is she just messing with you, you can't be sure. Just in case you reach past as far as you can, avoiding you know where, and start itching the inner part of her stifle mid-way down her thigh. Her body slumps as she experiences scritches that were up until very recently, completely unknown to equineinity. Sure a pony could itch and scratch themselves against a tree stump or something, or use their or each other’s hooves. But until now nothing in Equestria had the clawless, focused, coordinated tactile interaction of human digits, matched with the ability to communicate with and understand subtle body movements that only another sentient being could possess.
  86. >There?
  87. Again she shakes her head no. This pony is insatiable. You try to give yourself an out.
  88. >Lower?
  89. You continue to scratch. So close that her skin is starting to pull taught against her underside causing her dainty sized mare teats to stretch back a forth a little. You continue right where you are, not really sure what to do in this situation, until Rarity whispers into your ear.
  90. >A little higher please.
  91. You cautiously reposition your fingers, now well within the furless zone surrounding her nethers. The skin to skin contact greatly increases the friction, so sliding across becomes much more difficult, if not impossible, against the supple and very elastic surface. You rasp your fingers all in a row up and down the cleft between her legs. Rarity begins to involuntarily wink, her bright red nub contrasting sharply against the dark grey skin. Trying to dial it back while still following the unicorns instructions, you switch back to scratching, your fingers are just outside the area that could be considered her vulva. Only now your fingers are no longer gliding across her surface and more just stretching the skin in place, massaging the inner edge of her horse glutes. You decide to just go all in and fully grab both cheeks, pinching tightly as you roll your palms across her buttocks in deep muscle penetration. Every time you stroke back and forth, her lips spread open slightly. Rarity suddenly tenses and tightens her grip around your neck pushing her face in hard against the side of your head, her horn poking against your temple. You continue stroking as you feel her body stiffen around you. She stops breathing.
  92. >Are you OK Rarity?
  93. Absolutely no response. Then suddenly a hot gush of mare juice rolls out over your hands.
  94. >OK!
  95. You say in exasperation. You were not prepared for this when you got up this morning.
  96. >I think you've had enough.
  97. You reach up to lift her off your shoulders and grab underneath her arm pits. Surprisingly the fluids soaking your hands also smell like hay, or something like it. You lift her forelegs over your back and place her on the floor in front of you. She just stands there expressionless, looking off into nowhere, mane and coat a frazzled mess, little drips of cum still pattering on the floor.
  98. >Rarity are you ok?
  100. >>41557646
  101. >Yes I.. what.. I..
  102. She stammers almost unintelligibly and trails off. Concerned, you reach out to pat her on the head. She remains catatonic as you give her a few ruffles of her mane while simultaneously taking the opportunity to wipe some of her jizz off of your hands.
  103. >Hey Rarity are you there?
  104. Getting a little frantic you give the small pony a few light slaps against the side of her fuzzy face. Her pupils start to shrink back down to normal and she begins to blink the fog out of her mind.
  105. >Whaa.. What just happened?
  106. >I pet you. like you asked me too.
  107. >I didn't.. I. you. you.. I
  108. Suddenly her blank expression vanished, her consciousness fully returned, and was now replaced with over-dramatic anger. She rears up her foreleg and gives you a slap across the face. It hurts, but you can tell even for her small size she did not put any real effort into it.
  109. >How dare you! You.. You.. You tricked me!
  110. >No I didn't, you're the one who asked me to pet you, and I only did what you told me to do.. I don't understand, you seemed to like it.
  111. >Of course I liked it. you put a spell on me.. You said humans didn't have any magic, well I guess that was another one of your lies too.
  112. >It's not, we don't.. it's not a spell.. I.. I just pet animals and they like it, that's all I know.. promise.
  113. >Oh pulllease! as If you all do not go around petting each other all the time, forcing your will upon one another, you knew exactly what you were doing. It's sick!
  114. >I didn't. Humans don't pet each other. Well some do, but that's not the point, it doesn't work the same on us. I had no idea what it's like, I'm not an animal. I didn't know how you would react.
  115. >I am NOT an Animal!.. I am a pony.. and I.. AAughhh!
  116. Rarity catches sight of herself in a nearby dressing mirror.
  117. >My MANE! My COAT! What.. What did you do!
  118. She begins desperately trying to comb her hair back in place with her hooves.
  119. >I can not believe you messed up my mane, even after I explicitly told you.. What? what is this?
  120. She runs her hooves though the slimy spot of cum you left on her head, getting some of it on them. Puzzled she reaches down to sniff the cooling patch of wet.
  121. >Is this? Is this??
  122. She already knew exactly what the aroma was. The white unicorn cranes her neck back to get a good look at her own backside, then down to the mess on the floor beneath her. Rarity gasps, and holds her hooves over her mouth in shock, immediately her pale white fur flushes red in embarrassment.
  123. >Anonymous. I'm going to have to ask you to please leave if you don't mind.
  124. >Rarity I'm sorry. I was just doing what you..
  125. >It's all right. Just please leave. A lady such as myself should never be seen like.. like this. I.. I.. need to go take care of myself just go.
  126. You get up out of your chair and wordlessly walk out of the boutique. Rarity flips the closed sign over the window behind you.

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Rarity Gets Pets

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