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Can Comet Come Too?

By billneigh
Created: 2024-02-01 07:59:55
Updated: 2024-10-23 01:30:42
Expiry: Never

  1. It was a hot hazy summer day as Misty headed out from the crystal brighthouse towards the bustling town square of Maretime Bay. A beautiful ocean breeze rolled inland as she trotted down the cobble stone path leading to the quaint little city. Not a cloud in the sky, the ocean horizon softly faded into the distance of the golden glow that rimmed the bright blue of the day. It was nice to be outside again. Ever since her fantastic discovery a few weeks prior, with the help of her friends of course, Misty had been spending a lot of time indoors. Enthusiastically experimenting with what she liked and didn't like. Her new 'hobby' had consumed almost every waking moment of her time. She knew it was indulgent, but to be fair, she had missed out on a great many things that normal ponies just took for granted. She was years behind everypony else. And the change of pace was nice too. As long as she could remember she had been mission oriented; serving Opaline, getting her cutie mark, spying on Equestria, and then defeating Opaline, then rescuing the auroricorns, it was all so much that she never had a single moment for herself. Then all of a sudden, the whirlwind of her life just ended. And for the past month she had nothing but time. Nothing to do, no pony to obey, it was good. But the nagging feeling of purpose eventually started to get at her, and she could no longer just stay inside playing with herself, no matter how amazing it felt. She was learning to deal with her anxious nature much better now, but she still didn't know what her role was here in Maretime bay. She didn't have a job like Sunny or Hitch, she wasn't a princess like Pipp or Zipp, she wasn't creative like Izzy, but that was ok, she was going to get out there now, and she was going to figure it out, she was sure of that. Plus, she felt a little guilty just living off the kindness of her friends. Just the other day Pipp came up to her and just gave her a huge bag of bits and said "Here you go Misty this is yours. You're a Super Star!" Misty didn't understand exactly why she would be a star, and she didn't know why you would get money for being one, but stars are nice though. 'Pipp was always such a kind pony' she thought. So now she was out and about and had a saddle bag full of bits and she was going to use them, hopefully she would be able to earn her own one day. First stop was the smoothie stand.
  2. >Well look who's out!
  3. Sunny called out from her booth the instant she recognized her friend. She was very busy whipping up fresh smoothies for about a dozen or so customers waiting in line. Misty took her place and waited for her turn. She stood in line for a few minutes and as soon as she stepped up to the till Sunny spoke.
  4. >One Merry Berry like usual Misty?
  5. >Oh! Yes Sunny that's exactly what I was going to order!
  6. Sunny leaned down close to Misty and with a hushed tone and a sneaky smile said.
  7. >Do you want a little of your special ingredient as well?
  8. >Oh uh.. no Sunny, I'm just here for the smoothie.
  9. >Oh! That's good then... One Merry Berry coming right up!
  10. Sunny spun around and got right to work preparing Misty's order.
  11. >So what brings you down to the courtyard then?
  12. Sunny conversed with her back turned, expertly multitasking the gathering of ingredients and utensils with the graceful flow of a dancer. Smoothie making wasn't the most gloriously complicated job, but she damn well made it look like an artform.
  13. >Oh I just needed to get out the brighthouse. It looked like such a nice day.
  14. >Today must be the day... you would never guess who else decide to come down as well.
  15. Sunny simultaneously kicked the blender on with her back hoof while she was chopping up fresh fruits and tossing them in over her shoulder without even looking.
  16. >Who's that?
  17. >Comet! He just showed up and ordered an Arctic Blast right before you arrived.
  18. >Really!
  19. Misty was secretly relieved. She knew she needed to start meeting new ponies, but talking with complete strangers always made her feel nervous. It was a busy weekday afternoon, all her friends had some place to be and she was all alone. She was glad now that she had somepony she knew that she could talk to.
  20. >Where is he?
  21. >I think he went over that way towards the courtyard.
  22. Sunny gestured to the left as she handed Misty her smoothie. Misty proudly gave Sunny some of her bits and waited for her to make change at the register.
  23. >Next!
  24. Sunny shouted as she was still rifling through the till. A tallish earth stallion stepped up as Misty scooted to the side.
  25. >Yes uhhhhhhhhhhhhh... I would like to have a Banana Cream Explosion, and I would like to try your special ingredient.
  26. >Oh uhh.. um..
  27. Sunny stammered as she handed Misty her change. Misty eagerly grabbed it and took off towards the courtyard to find Comet. She trotted towards the crowded public tables located in the center of a large ring of daily food kiosks. Looking back and forth over the crowd, it didn't take her long to finally spot Comet's vibrant blue coat and striking white mane. He was there sitting alone facing the ocean while sipping his smoothie. A big smile grew across her face as she zigzagged through the tables and chairs to get to him.
  28. >Comet!!
  29. Misty yelled right from behind causing him to spit a little and nearly drop his smoothie. He quickly turned around to see Misty's beaming face staring at him.
  30. >Oh Hey Misty! what are you doing here?
  31. >Same reason as you I guess, just out to get a smoothie on a nice hot summer day. Ha ha!
  32. Misty just stood there smiling awkwardly holding her smoothie.
  33. >Would.. Would you like to sit down?
  34. >Oh yeah.. please. I, I mean thank you.
  35. Misty put her smoothie and bag onto the table and sat in the fancy wrought iron chair across from Comet and then scooted in close.
  36. >So uhh.... I haven't seen you in a while how have you been? Enjoying Maretime Bay.. or Equestria for that matter?
  37. >Oh.. yes, sure, definitely. Everypony is so nice here. And there are so many of you. And everything is so complicated and so.... so big.
  38. >What do you mean big?
  39. >Well I'm just used to Starlight Ridge that's all. It's only about a days trot all the way around. Here there are hundreds of ponies. Back there I've known everypony for as long as I can remember, all forty-two of them. Here I meet new ponies every single day.
  40. >A days trot? like around your town?
  41. >No, ha ha! around my entire world! Set off in any direction and you'll be back home in a day, two at most if you go over the mountain.
  42. >What! I had no idea your world is so small. That's incredible. How did you deal with living in such a small place?
  43. >It never seemed small to me. I only figured out how big your world was after I attempted to go around it, and six whole hours later I asked some farm pony where I was and he said I hadn't even left the city limits of Maretime Bay, and then he told me about what a city was and then he said there were more than one... I still don't have a good idea of how big your world is. How long does it take to walk around?
  44. >Uh? I don't really know if a pony could. Months? Years maybe?
  45. >And that's another thing I can't get used to, this years, nights and days business. It gets dark, then it gets bright, it gets hot, then it gets cold. Sunny told me that you ponies have these things called 'seasons' where everything just keeps changing and changing. In Starlight Ridge there are just two times of day, the one where the stars twinkle and the one where they don't. Nothing makes any sense and it's all just so.. overwhelming.
  46. At just that moment Comet could see a brilliant flash of yellow light behind Misty's shoulder coming from Sunny's smoothie stand. He had long since learned not to ask ponies here every single little question he had when he saw something he didn't understand, so he carried on his conversation.
  47. >I don't expect you to understand Misty. I can barely remember a time before Allura, always doing exactly what she told us. And just like that she's gone and now I'm in a strange place where everything is new and everything smells funny and I don't understand the rules and I feel so behind everypony, I think.. I think maybe I made a mistake maybe I should have never left Starlight Ridge.
  48. Comet's eyes began to well up. And in that moment Misty never felt so connected to another pony in her life. She reached over the table and grabbed his hooves.
  49. >Comet no, don't be sad. Believe it or not I know exactly what you're going through, but you got a friend right here to help you through it.
  50. Comet wiped his nose and then his eye after which he re-adjusted his hexagon shaped glasses. He gave Misty a little smile.
  51. >Oh look.. here I am complaining about my interesting life, what about you.. what have you been up to?
  52. >Well... just like you I'm new here to Maretime Bay, and I don't really know where I fit in yet. But my friends have been really helpful. Giving me a place to stay, letting me come along with them on their adventures, sure things are strange around here sometimes but they are always there to help me understand.
  53. >Yeah. Having a herd is nice. That's definitely something I really like about this place. All your friends feel just like my herd back home. That and also I'm not constantly slipping and falling all the time. Haha! *snort* I don't miss that. If only everything didn't smell so funny..
  54. Misty leaned back in her chair and threw Comet a confused look. He was too lost in thought to notice. Misty took a quick sample of the ocean breeze. Sure there was the subtle sent of salt and seaweed but nothing unusual, and certainly nothing unpleasant. 'Oh well' she thought, 'it must just be that he's not used to it.'
  55. >So yeah. Ever since we helped you defeat Allura I haven't really had much to do around here. For the last month I've just been sorta.. goin with the flow.. you know... hehe. But that's ok, Sunny, Hitch, Pipp, Zipp and Izzy are really nice, and they're always showing me new interesting things. I've been going to parties and meeting new ponies and...
  56. Misty was suddenly reminded of her new favorite thing in the world and her ears instantly perked up. She slammed both hooves together on the edge of the table and loudly proclaimed.
  57. >Oh! And I've been masturbating! Like a lot! It's really fun.
  58. Suddenly realizing she didn't want to let Comet know she had only recently learned how to play with herself, when she should have learned it as a filly, she immediately tried to play it cool. She leaned in on the table resting on her elbow, Her genuine enthusiastic smile turned into a false nervous one as she tried to fake a confident demeanor.
  59. >I mean it's something I like to do... I've been told I'm very good at it.. I'm like the best at the masturbation.
  60. Comet staired down at her with a little side smile and an inquisitive look on his face as he sipped his Arctic Blast smoothie.
  61. >What is masturbation?
  62. >Whaaat!?
  63. Misty was taken aback. For a moment she didn't know what to say.
  64. >I thought I was... I mean.. I thought.. Do auroricorns not masturbate?
  65. >As far as I know. I've never heard of it. What is it?
  66. >Oh! Wow! It's like.. the best thing ever. It's where you rub down there..
  67. Misty gestured towards her crotch while simulating a stroking motion.
  68. >And then there's wet! And then there's the tickling, you see the mares in your head. Oh! and the cum, it shoots out of you! and then the rubbing, oh I already said that. That's actually kind of like a lot of work.. Oh oh! and the Explosion that's my favorite part! and then the stinging, and the toys.. And it kind of hurts but like good hurts and then you feel really really good afterwards.
  69. Comet Leaned back in his chair utterly dumbfounded with his chin scrunched up back against his neck.
  70. >Why would a pony want to explode?
  71. >No no. It's not like that. You basically... uh.. you kind of just rub all over and then you feel nice. Don't they have anything like that where you're from?
  72. >Hmm. Do you mean like petting? Sometimes we auroricorns pet each other, it kind of feels nice I guess?
  73. >Well sort of. Except you pet yourself, really you just pet your holes. well not all your holes, well some ponies like all the holes, I just learned that my teats have holes, I like petting them too.
  74. Misty began to realize it was going to be impossible to explain to Comet what it felt like. It became obvious that she couldn't even explain it to herself. If she had tried just a few weeks earlier, she would be just as confused as Comet is right now.
  75. >Oh starshine! You Equestia ponies and your holes, your all so strange.
  76. >Huh?
  77. Misty didn't understand Comet, just to be sure she glanced down at his flank through the slots in the table. His sheath seemed to look the same as any other stallion she knew. 'Were auroricorns different somehow?' She thought, 'They didn't seem to be.'
  78. >Uh.. Well it's not always about the holes, some times you pet the button, I mean clitoris. Oh and Izzy likes having her tail pulled...
  79. >Button? You Ponies have buttons too?
  80. >Yeah! Well not all ponies just mares. See look.
  81. Misty excitedly got up out of her chair, and it rasped loudly against the stone pavement, attracting even more attention from the ponies around them who were just trying to enjoy their lunch. She spun around to show Comet her button, but just before she lifted her tail she stopped herself.
  82. >Oh wait. Your not really supposed to show your button in public. Uhhhh.. Oh I have an idea! lets go somewhere and I can just show you what I'm talking about. And you can even try it out yourself. I promise it will be the most amazing thing you've ever seen!
  83. >Ok! It sounds interesting. where do we go?
  84. >Hmm? The brighthouse is pretty far away...
  85. >How about we go over to my house! Hitch gave me a place to stay when I got here. He said that Maretime Bay has special housing for ponies just like me. It's just down the street.
  86. >That sounds perfect!!
  87. >Ok lets go! Which direction is your house?
  88. >What like right now? I haven't even finished my smoothie.
  89. >Oh forget the smoothie you won't even miss it.
  90. Misty grabbed Comet's foreleg and yanked his lanky body from where he was sitting, forcing him to stand up on his hooves. Misty was a small pony but she could be pretty forceful when she wanted to. It was just then that she realized how tall he was. She never noticed before but he was almost a head taller than her.
  91. >On second thought bring the smoothie you might need the liquid.
  92. >Ok? What for?
  93. Comet grabbed his smoothie off the table but almost dropped it as Misty started jumping up and down while still holding his hoof.
  94. >I am so excited for you Comet, I can't wait to see you cum!!
  95. Her excited exclamation pierced the din of the crowd of patrons. A young mare angrily stared at Misty as she folded down her fillies ears. But she was too busy gathering her things to notice her own commotion. Comet was frozen in fear as he stared back at all the ponies looking straight at them. As soon as she was ready she took hold of Comets foreleg and drug him out of the courtyard plaza. In the distance you could barely hear Sunny angrily shouting at her line of customers.
  96. >Ok that's it! No more special ingredient! We're all out... No again I won't tell you! It's secret!... Why do you all want it if don't even know what it is? Uggh!..
  97. Misty had dragged Comet nearly all the way out of the plaza before Comet started to protest.
  98. >Misty.. Misty. Stop!
  99. Misty broke out of her focus and stopped in her tracks and turned back to look at Comet who had a worried look on his face.
  100. >Do you even know where you're going?
  101. >Um? No.
  102. >It's back that way.
  103. >Oh. Sorry. I just get really excited when I think about masturbating.
  104. >It's really that good huh? Well I'm kind of excited too then.
  105. With Comet now taking the lead, they both turned around and started walking up a side street that led towards his house, this time at a nice leisurely pace. They both made awkward small talk as they went. The really awkward small talk between two very awkward to begin with ponies. They made sure to sip on their smoothies as often as possible to avoid the silences. So much so that by the time they arrived at the small flower shop where Comet's home was, they had both finished. The entrance to Comet's apartment was located in the back of the shop, So Comet opened the door for Misty, and he followed after.
  106. >Hello Miss Mayflower!
  107. Comet called out as he entered. An old mare at the checkout desk replied.
  108. >Why hello Comet, you're back already?
  109. Misty waved at Mayflower from Comet's side.
  110. >And who's this I see. Do you have a marefriend already!
  111. Both their faces flushed with red and they nervously responded simultaneously.
  112. >Oh no.. he's not.. she's not..... we're just friends.
  113. >She's only just here to help me masturbate Miss Mayflower.
  114. Mayflower was thrown for a loop and could only muster a feeble response.
  115. >Oh a. ok..
  116. Misty and Comet headed upstairs.
  117. They both trotted up a flight of stairs so narrow they could only go up single file. Comet opened the solitary door at the top landing and led Misty into the small entryway of his apartment. Misty closed the door behind her and was immediately hit with a foul vapor that nearly stung her eyes and made her gag involuntarily. It was a thick stench of manure mixed with the ammonias smell of feted urine so powerful she may as well just have walked into a barn. She raised her hoof to cover her snout.
  118. >What's that bad smell?
  119. >Oh that. That's the funny smell. "Bad" huh... hmm? That's a good word for it. It's like a smell... that I don't like. "Bad smell"... Is that not normal?
  120. >Noo!.. You don't have bad smells in Starlight Ridge?
  121. >No. We have smells there, but I like them all. I never knew there could be smells I don't like before I came here.
  122. The stink of mare air at the crystal brighthouse could get pretty rank sometimes, but this.. this was on another level. 'Was stallion stink always this bad?' Misty thought. She made her way across the tiny living room to open a window on the other side, pinching her nose along the way. And that's when she noticed it... little nuggets of feces littering the floor and sporadically were spots of urine, some still wet and some dried and crusted over the tiles. Misty froze as she took in the full scope of the filth.
  123. >Comet! What is this!
  124. >Oh those. I don't know. I kept cleaning them up, but no matter how much I do, they just keep appearing out of no where. I kind of just gave up trying.
  125. >Comet! They, they go in the bathroom!
  126. >The bathroom? What's that?
  127. >That room right over there.
  128. Misty pointed to the open door at the other end of the entryway revealing a small bathroom with just a toilet sink and shower, ironically very clean looking.
  129. >Oh so that's what that room is for. But I already have a trash can why would I need to bring it over there?
  130. >No!... You just sit on the toilet and poop out of your butthole and pee out of your front hole.
  131. >But I don't have any holes silly. You ponies do.
  132. Eyes wide open, Misty in her utter confusion and disgust slowly craned her pointed hoof from the bathroom and pointed it right at Comets sheath.
  133. >Yes you do!!?!
  134. >What? What are you talk....
  135. Comet looked down at his nethers. And to his shock there was a wide gaping opening between his hind legs.
  136. >Oh! Oh!! Oh my stars! There's a hole! There's a hole in ME!
  137. He started to panic and began running around the living room in a futile attempt to evade his newly discovered hole. His uncoordinated flailing led to him tripping over the center coffee table and tumbling onto his back over the couch knocking off his glasses in the process. He looked up, and across the room he could see his reflection in the hallway mirror. And there, another hole right below his tail, along with a big bulbus protrusion.
  138. >Holes! There's holes in me!
  139. >It's ok Comet, calm down, it's perfectly normal.
  140. >Not for auroricorns it isn't! WHAT IS GOING ON!!!
  141. >Wait? So auroricorns don't have any holes back there?
  142. 'How did she not notice that' Misty wondered. They were not in Starlight Ridge for very long she supposed. And they were pretty busy the whole time they were there. Plus Misty wasn't so concerned about holes back then.
  143. >No! How could this even happen?
  144. Comet covered his eyes with his hooves as he lay across the couch with his long white/purple mane and tail surrounding him in a frazzled mess.
  145. >Well.. Maybe?.. When we went through the portal to your world we were transformed. And when we came back we turned back to normal.. So maybe when you came through the portal here it transformed you too?
  146. >I suppose that's possible. But why though?
  147. >I dunno. Things have been really strange around here since we got our magic back. I just don't question it. Plus we don't have time for that right now. We gotta deal with this apartment! And you gotta learn how to use your holes.. because honestly this is unacceptable.
  148. >Ok.
  149. >Where's the cleaning supplies...
  150. Misty and Comet got up and began to clean his apartment. They first opened every window they could letting out a months worth of trapped stink. Sweeping and brushing and mopping, it didn't take long before the job was done. Luckily for them most of Comet's business was constrained to the floor and not on the rugs or furniture. And thank hoofness Comet's bed was waste free. As they worked Comet had a thousand questions about all the intricacies of living life as a unicorn with holes and Misty did her best to answer them. By the end Comet's anxiety had all but disappeared, and they were both actually starting to have fun.
  151. >...So in the future if you smell something bad it usually means there's something wrong.
  152. >Oh! that's good to know... So what do we do with this? Should we take it downstairs?
  153. Comet was holding a small trash bin containing the entirety of last weeks droppings.
  154. >Uh? No we should flush it down the toilet! That's perfect, I can show you how it works.
  155. Misty led Comet to the bathroom walking in first. Comet followed behind, levitating the trashcan in tow. The space was very small only just big enough for the two unicorns to fit inside.
  156. >Ok so pour the poops into the water. Oh and lift the lid first so you don't get any on it!
  157. Comet did just as she said.
  158. >Now pull that little handle on the side and watch it go down.
  159. Comet pulled the lever and down they went with a flush and a glug. He got a little look of delight as they did.
  160. >Wow. That was fun!
  161. >I know right! I like watching them go down too. So like I was saying when you start to feel the pressure, you come over to the toilet and let it out here.
  162. >I still don't quite understand. Do you go on the floor and like levitate it in after?
  163. >No no. you first sit down, and then you... You know what I'll just show you. After that smoothie I actually have a little pee right now.
  164. Misty grabbed Comet and directed him towards her. Their bodies clumsily pressed up against each other as they swapped places in the tiny bathroom. Misty started to sit down.
  165. >Oh wait you have to put the rim back down when you want to use it. And make sure you flip your tail out of the way so it doesn't get into the water.
  166. Misty lowered the lid and as she placed her flank upon the bowl, she expertly whirled her tail so as to flop every single hair over the edge. She sat a little further back than normal to be able to roll her pelvis forward so Comet would be able to see what she was doing.
  167. >See. Just like this. And then you just... Relax. Just let go and eventually it comes right out. Watch.
  168. Comet leaned forward, bracing his hoof on Misty's stifle to balance himself as he was trying to see what was going on. Misty tilted her head up and closed her eyes as she released the tension in her loins. She didn't have much pee so it took a little while before it started. But eventually without fail the feeling of warm hot piss began to run down her lower vulva, perfectly draining and funneling off the lower edge as it was meant to. The stream really began to flow and Comet locked eyes with the golden pillar emanating from her and splashing into the water below, curiosity plastered across his face.
  169. >Interesting...
  170. >Then just wait for it to finish on it's own....... See there. All done!.. Then just take a little piece of this paper right here.. Dab off the little bit left on your hole. Throw the paper in the water. Annnnnd your done! Oh and don't forget to put the right hole over the water when you do it.
  171. >Very strange... and you all do this everyday?
  172. >Sure. Lots of times a day even. Whenever you feel that funny feeling in the back.
  173. >Seems like a lot of work to have to come all the way back here multiple times a day.
  174. >Oh don't worry about that there are toilets everywhere you go here in Maretime Bay.
  175. ----
  176. Meanwhile back at the table where Misty and Comet met that day. Sheriff Hitch was making the rounds.
  177. >Oh COME ON!! There was a bathroom right over there! Public Pooper Number One, I don't know who you are, but I will find you!!
  178. ----
  179. >Actually I think I feel that funny feeling right now. let me try, let me try!
  180. They both stood up and awkwardly swapped places once again. This time Comet sat down on the lid.
  181. >Wait you forgot your tail!
  182. Misty reached back and curled her hoof around Comets dock and looped his long straight tail up and over the side of the bowl. Luckily not very many of his tail hairs had dipped into the water. Comet closed his eyes and prepared himself just like he saw Misty do.
  183. >Wait! Is the feeling in the back or the front?
  184. >Umm. I'm pretty sure it's in the front.
  185. Misty looked down and realized that a stallions sheath is a lot more forward than a mares vagina.
  186. >You'd better scoot back a little then.
  187. Comet inched his flanks back, one at a time, until he could see that his hole was directly over the bowl. He began again.
  188. Comet closed his eyes once again and did exactly what Misty told him. He relaxed his entire body as he slowly let out the air in his lungs. He wasn't sure what he was waiting for exactly nothing felt different. He concentrated on the pressure feeling down below then all of a sudden he felt it shift. 'I remember this feeling' He thought. Comet thought he had been going crazy ever since he arrived in Equestria. He was constantly feeling random pains, so much so, that it hurt to even move his hind legs sometimes. Then just as mysteriously as they arrived they would vanish and he would feel so relieved. And afterward if felt as if he were never sick or injured in the first place. He thought maybe it had been the food here, but everything he ate tasted so great it didn't make sense. Then his bladder released and the warm urine began to flow. It drained from his retracted penis in a giant mess flooding and spraying indiscriminately all around his sheath. This was the first time Comet had peed while sitting down, since he usually let it go to the point of pain which cause him to pace. In so doing the messy spray dribbled everywhere starting to run down and drip off his testicles. The warmth that embraced his lower region now only enhanced the comfort he was experiencing.
  189. >Aaaaaaaaahhhh!
  190. Misty looked on a little puzzled. She had never actually seen a stallion pee before. It was a mess, getting absolutely everywhere, draining all down his lumps and sprinkling all over the toilet seat and even a little on the floor. 'Were they always this messy?' Eventually Comets bladder emptied and the cascade trickled to a stop.
  191. >All finished?
  192. >Yes I think so. So that's what that good feeling was. And I didn't even have to feel bad first! That makes things so much better.
  193. Comet grabbed a little piece of toilet paper.
  194. >You might want to take a little more than that.
  195. >Oh.. ok
  196. He grabbed a sizable wad and began to pat everything dry after which he dropped it in the water. Comet looked up and smiled at Misty.
  197. >Ummmm? Wait a minute.
  198. Misty gathered another wad quickly and reached in between Comets legs and started to wipe off the parts of his dangly lump that he was unable to see, and then the toilet seat after.
  199. >Is there something wrong?
  200. >No, no. Yes but no. You'll get better at it though.
  201. They both stood up and turned around to look down at the toilet, now a beautiful gold hue with a sad wad of limp toilet paper swimming at the top.
  202. >You peed!
  203. Said Misty enthusiastically.
  204. >You peed!
  205. Comet responded.
  206. >That's our pee!... Would you like to do the honors Sir?
  207. >Gladly Miss Misty!
  208. Comet pulled the handle and the toilet began to rumble. Misty grabbed Comets fore legs and they both began to hop up and down and chant in unison as the piss swirled down the drain.
  209. >We peeeed! We peeeeed! We peeed! We peeeeed!...
  210. Meanwhile Miss Mayflower below, silently listened to the wild stomping coming from above.
  211. >So that's what it's all about then, Stuff just comes out of your holes?
  212. >Yeah pretty much I guess.
  213. >Hmm? Funny? It seems so unnecessary. But it feels kind of nice though.
  214. >Oh just wait, it gets a lot better. Come over here I'll show you.
  215. Misty grabbed Comet's arm and led him back into the living room. He had gotten used to her excited grabbiness and this time he trotted right along with her, no force required. Misty guided him to sit up onto the couch. She took all the throw pillows and bunched them up at one end.
  216. >Ok now lay back.
  217. Comet complied, while pulling his hoof through his mane to flip it over and down the back of the hoofrest.
  218. >Now open your back legs.
  219. Misty used both hooves to guide each knee and spread his legs apart.
  220. >And just take the edge of your hoof and start rubbing....
  221. She looked back and forth between his testicles laying flattened out like two big egg yokes and his sheath hole. She was suddenly struck with the realization that mares and stallions are really different down there. And her weeks worth of experience wasn't nearly adequate. 'This wasn't going to be as easy as she thought.' she told herself. She didn't see any holes on his balls so instinct told her to go with the sheath.
  222. >Right here. Over your hole right here.
  223. Comet placed the edge of his right hoof inside his sheath. Misty was a little disappointed. His opening was much bigger than hers and it stayed open all the time. One of the things she liked most about masturbating was that first point of contact that spreads open her lips right when they're the most sticky. The anticipation of that first gush of lube really got her going. But here there was none of that, His hoof just kind of fell inside, no different really than just touching your belly.
  224. >Um... Now stroke it up and down.... Or side to side. Or in little circles. Whatever you want, just move it around a little.
  225. Comet began to stroke. Fumbling around trying each of the directions Misty suggested. After not really feeling anything he tried digging in deeper but nothing changed.
  226. >Feeling anything yet, like a tickle or a tingle?
  227. >Not really.
  228. >Um.. Maybe try slap it. I like slapping mine.
  229. Comet gave his sheath hole a few slaps. Lightly at first, but with increasing force as he went. Still nothing. As far as he was concerned he may as well have been slapping his thigh.
  230. >Anything?
  231. >MmmNnh
  232. >Ok uhh...
  233. Misty scanned around desperately. 'There's got to be something else. Where are his teats? I like rubbing my teats.' she thought. They had to be somewhere. She looked all around until she spotted them, two little dangly bits hanging from the sides of his sheath. 'Wow stallions are weird.' She thought.
  234. >...try rubbing your little dangly bits on the sides.
  235. Again, no results. Misty was starting to panic now, she had made big promises. Her eyes darted back and forth all over Comets body. Then she had an idea. It was brilliant! Maybe a stallions lump was like her button!
  236. >You see that bag down there. Give it a slap.
  237. >Ahhhhhooowwww hooo ho ho!
  238. Comet curled over, holding his testicles tight as the indescribable pain seared its way up his inner core.
  239. >What was that!!
  240. Misty was in full panic mode. She had no idea what she was doing. She did her best to reassure Comet, but she was still too afraid to reveal she was a fraud.
  241. >Oh that?!! Ha ha. Oh that's perfectly normal for a stallion.. You know, ha, some stallions like slapping their bag... some don't you know. Haha. I guess you're one of the ones who doesn’t.
  242. >I most certainly do not! Ooohhhhh! This is awful. Ohhh...
  243. As Comet writhed around on the couch Misty started pacing around in a circle as he was too distracted to notice.
  244. >Think Misty, think Misty, think... Aha!
  245. Misty ran back to Comet and crouched down low and began to stroke his side in comfort.
  246. >Don't worry Comet. My friends once told me everypony has to figure out how to masturbate for themselves. And it was difficult for me at first too. But at least I always had holes, you didn't even have that. But you know what they did for me? They showed me how they masturbated so that I could learn. So just sit right where you are, you don't have to do a thing. I'll show you how I do it and maybe you can learn from me... Are you feeling better?
  247. Comet's pain had already begun to dissipate.
  248. >Mmhm.
  249. >Ok. Just watch.
  250. Misty pulled up a wicker chair and set it next to where his head lay. Then she dug into her saddle bag to retrieve her empty smoothie cup and she placed it on the edge of the coffee table next to her. She then sat in the chair and slouched forward as far as she could go so that she was almost reclining, and her back legs hung out in the air instead of towards the ground. Her mare bits were in full view just an arms length from Comet's face.
  251. >So uhm. I'm going to make some noises. I can't really help it, so don't worry, it's totally normal.
  252. Misty began her routine. She had become quite proficient at getting herself to cum in the last few weeks. Recently she had started timing herself to see how fast she could do it. Which she only saw as a benefit, less mess, same explosion feeling, and less time until the next orgasm. She wasn't nearly as fast as Zipp. But maybe one day she could beat her, she was younger after all. She took reliable ole' righty and went right to town stroking side to side digging down deep under her labial folds. She found that if she started hard right away the enhanced tickling sensation on her dry vulva could sometimes kickstart the involuntary winking and pelvic thrusting right away.
  253. >Ahhuh!.. See that's what I was talking about.
  254. Immediately a surge of wet precum made its way out. The slapping noise began. Comet looked on wide eyed as little clear droplets were thrown everywhere, vividly highlighted by the bright sunlight coming through the open window beside her. Some made it so far as to land on her upturned freckled cheeks. Then suddenly.. Yes! Her lucky day. She triggered and early start!
  255. >See look there's my button!
  256. Misty switched up her method and started to slow roll her hoof against the bulbus end of her vulva in time with her winking. As she winked she would catch her clitoris between her hoof and her labia pinching it tight and letting it pop back in as it retracted. The pressure began to build. She could feel it getting close. She started pushing harder, sliding her hoof up and down her slick flesh like a rolling pin.
  257. >Haaaaahh hmm!
  258. So far Misty could never quite cum to the physical sensation alone. It was always the scent that had set her off. Back home she could always rely on Sunny to provide her with a little sample whenever she requested. She would usually keep it in a cup on her bedside table until it started to get too gross. Sunny was always happy to provide her with more, but she wasn't always around. She had tried using her own but it didn't smell nearly as nice. Sure she could get off to it if she skipped bathing for a few days but she didn't like being stinky all the time. Sunny on the otherhoof was always spending so much time in that hot smoothie stand. She eventually ended up stealing one of Sunny's pillows anyway, which was more reliable and better smelling than her own cum. Here she didn't have any of those things. She concentrated extra hard as she sniffed the air around her. The smell of her own juices emanating from below was just enough. She could feel herself starting to become the animal. In her mind the mares began to multiply before her writhing along with her.
  259. >So why is it.....
  260. >Uhhmm! Hold on I'm trying to concentrate.
  261. She drew in another deep breath through her petite sniffer. Her olfactory senses were now sharpened once again. But this time her focus was turned against her will to the smell of Comets dirty apartment. What was once a lingering foul smell was now all of a sudden pleasant to her. More specifically the smell of hot and moist summer bay air convecting off of Comets body. The mares in her mind were now suddenly becoming interspersed with stallions playing with their holes. 'Strange' she thought.
  262. >Aaauughhh!!
  263. Misty once again crossed the finish line. The fireworks popped off all throughout her body. And as they did the celebrating mares and stallions in her mind began to morph. Their holes growing and expanding and coalescing together until they became one hole, Comet's Hole!? And along with it was herself leaning in close as she could not stop herself from giving it a big lick. But then.. nothing, the explosion had finished. Normal Misty had returned. She blinked her eyes open a few times to sober herself and quickly went to grab the cup from the table. She held it in close right before the white warm cum began to flow out from her in a thick wavy stream. She stretched out her back legs straight as the pressure relieved. The splashing hit the bottom of the cup and raised in pitch as she managed to fill it half way. She waited for all the contractions and winking and thrusting to end.
  264. >Tada!
  265. >So that was it?
  266. >Yeah!
  267. Misty relaxed her body and then used the rim of the cup to clean up the last few drops of cum still hanging from her. She always liked to smell it afterward just to linger a little longer on the experience. She used both hooves to bring the cup up to her face, gave it a little swirl, stuck her muzzle inside and inhaled a deep breath. It smelled like... accomplishment... and blue berries. Her cum actually went pretty well with the little bit of smoothie that was still stuck to the sides.
  268. >It kind of just looks the same as when you peed.
  269. >Oh no this is way better! Pee is kind of gross. Cum is actually pretty nice. Actually It kind of helps me to get ready. Hey wait! Maybe it will help you! Go ahead try!
  270. Misty reached out and offered the cup to Comet. He took it from her with both hooves as he lay reclined against the pillows, being careful not to spill. He brought it up to his snout and gave it a couple of delicate little whiffs.
  271. >So what do you think? Does it make you...
  272. Before she could finish Comet tilted the cup in the air and knocked back a small swig.
  273. >wait uh..
  274. He rolled it around on his tongue for a while and quickly gulped it back.
  275. >'re not suppos...
  276. >Hmm? It tastes a little bit like berries.
  277. >Uhhh.. Is. Is it making you feel anything?.. Do you like it?
  278. >No not really. It's not really good but it's not bad either, just ehh.
  279. Misty started to get frustrated. 'Does nothing work on this guy?' She grabbed the cup from his hooves and placed it back on the table.
  280. >Ok Comet! You saw how I did it. Keep rubbing yourself just like that.
  281. Detecting the sternness in her voice Comet hopped right to and began rubbing his sheath with both hooves. He continued for a while as Misty stared on directly at his pelvis with a sour look on her face.
  282. >Anything yet?
  283. >No. Sorry Misty. I feel the same.
  284. >Ugh! Here sniff my behind right from where I came. And keep rubbing!
  285. Misty supposed that maybe the smell had to come right from the source to work? She spun around and presented herself right at Comet's face. He tentatively sniffed. Misty could feel the pathetic attempt barely tickle her pussy.
  286. >No! More than that. Take a really big sniff... Anything now?
  287. Comet just shook his head side to side.
  288. >Augh!
  289. Almost upset now, Misty walked around to Comet's rear and began rubbing him all over in a desperate attempt to arouse him. She rubbed up and down on his inner thighs, she rubbed the sides of his flanks, she rubbed along with him as he stroked his sheath, she rubbed his belly. She rubbed his testicles. It wasn't very effective. They kept slip sliding out of the way under his skin, evading her grasp, and she was too afraid to use enough force because of the incident earlier.
  290. >Now?
  291. >Sorry. No.
  292. Misty started to get worried. 'Do stallions not masturbate?' she thought. No, everypony masturbated. Could auroricorns not cum? She had run out of ideas... Wait there was one more thing...
  293. But she wasn't going to like it.
  294. Misty hated poop. And Misty hated buttholes where poop came from. All her life she was forced to live in an ancient castle with absolutely no plumbing. Everything that came into that awful place came out by bedpan or bucket. And of course 'Opaline Arcana' never handled her own business. She hated all of it. And worse yet Opaline rarely washed. You would think that being thousands of years old, a pony would learn to take care of herself. But no. Opaline used to lie to her and say 'an alicorn does not need to bathe, her odor is just the smell of perfection'. She even bragged that one time she went one hundred years without a bath. The truth was she was just lazy and sad. Even she knew she stank, that's why she would have Misty help wash her occasionally. It was the worst, the stinky bath water would get all over her, especially when Opaline would inconsiderately shake the water off when she was done. She never used soap, only water and a brush, and cleaning her backside was the worst. But Misty could put all of that aside for her friend. He needed her, and she could think of nothing else to do. With one hoof resting on his bulge she reached down to touch Comet's protruding ponut. Very lightly at first. Because buttholes are gross.
  295. >Ha ha! That tickles!
  296. Finally a reaction! She decided to lean in, She flicked his anus from side to side letting it jiggle to a stop each time.
  297. >Keep rubbing Comet!
  298. She lightly massaged his stallion lumps again while continuing to flick. Only this time the tickling had caused Comet's entire lower region to become very sensitive. His testicles began to retract and their skin began to tighten. Misty was taken aback. This was all very weird, but at least it was something.
  299. >Misty! I feel something!
  300. She carried on as she watched the alien biology unfold before her. He started to feel very warm to the touch. and between Comet's stroking she could see his sheath beginning to grow.
  301. >Yes! Yes. Comet you're doing great!
  302. Comet stopped rubbing and looked down to see what was going on, Misty stopped in turn. They both looked on in silence. His sheath continued to expand, the skin seemed as if it was pouring out from underneath. And then she saw it! Comet's button came up to the surface and it was hanging out a little even. 'This was wonderful!' she thought. Her button sometimes grew to the point where it hung out, but it took her a lot of work to do it. Comet's button came out so quickly, he must be feeling amazing right now. She was so proud of him.
  303. >Look Comet your button!
  304. >Wow! I have a button, just like you!
  305. Misty held up a high hoof. Comet didn't leave her hanging. They celebrated the small little win with a bit of laughter. The vibration of her chest traveled down her arm and began stimulating Comet's balls. Comet's button continued to grow..
  306. >Wow Comet your button is pretty big...
  307. It continued to squeeze out from underneath, so much so it started to hang over under it's own weight.
  308. >Wow.... Uhh...
  309. It kept going.
  310. Comet's erection continued to expand. It now flopped over entirely and started to snake its way up his belly.
  311. >Uhhhhhhh....
  312. Misty started to get very nervous. And Comet could see the look of concern in her face.
  313. >This.. this is normal right?
  314. >I.. I don't... I...
  315. Comet's penis just kept on growing. He began to panic, but it was too late. With his tip exposed every single touch, every brush of fur just kept stimulating his virgin skin even further. It was now a vicious loop, anything he did, any move he made just made it grow longer. Misty thought his internal organs were starting to spill out or something. She just froze at the sight of it.
  316. >Misty! Misty! Tell me what's happening. This is ok right?
  317. >I.. I have no idea!
  318. >What?! I thought you were an expert masturbator!
  319. >I'm Sorry.. I. I lied.. I only learned to masturbate a few weeks ago. I have no idea what's going on right now!
  320. Comet grabbed Misty by the shoulders. And looked her straight into her big green eyes.
  321. >What do we do Misty?!!! What do we do?!!!
  322. They both looked down at his beast, shock stricken across their faces, some primal fear of snakes urging them to run. As Comet's sheath unfurled it started to expose the skin deep within. As his flesh rolled out, thick cakes of smegma that had been soaking in piss and secretions for over a month started to peel off and flake onto his stomach. The smell hit them both immediately. The stink and the horrific sight below them turned their fear to full blown panic.
  323. >Ahhhhhhhhh!!!
  324. Comet scrambled backwards against the couch in an attempt to evade his penis. But to no avail. It's one eyed head just kept inching closer and closer to his face. At full mast now his sheath skin was stretched taught and it's tip reached almost to the turn of his chest. He crawled back so far that he flopped backward over the end of the couch landing on the back of his crest, his dick right next to his face. Full horse flight mode set in, and he got up and started running indiscriminately around the room screaming. He charged directly at Misty and she ran from him screaming in equal measure. As they aimlessly dashed around the room, Comet's unsynced stride flung his penis out from side to side knocking over books and lamps along the way. Eventually their haphazard flight led them to crash into one another and collapse on the floor. A little dazed Misty shook her head and came to her senses. She grabbed Comet by his cheeks.
  325. >We have to go get help!
  326. >Where? Who?..
  327. >I think I know who can help us.. Follow me.
  328. They got up off the floor and walked towards the entrance. Misty opened the door and backed up as she swung it open. As she did she backed into Comet and his fully erect staff poked into her knee. She looked back, and the sight of it immediately sent her back into a horse panic. Misty let out a high pitched squeal and ran out the house. Comet looked down and saw it too. He squealed even louder than Misty and ran off downstairs after her.
  329. Comet burst into the flower shop at full gallop, yelling at the top of his lungs.
  330. >AAAAAAHHHHHH!.. Good bye Miss Mayflower... AAAAAHHHHH!!!
  331. He ran out the front door desperately looking for Misty to see which way she went. His shaft continued to swing and he stopped to look in all directions.
  332. >Comet! Over here this way!
  333. Misty beaconed him from a side street across the way. He twisted around in her direction and as he did the bell end of his member swung around and grazed his elbow. He looked down at it and saw that it had grown twice in girth from when he saw it last. Now with squiggly veins popping out from the surface it looked all the more frightening.
  334. >Eeee!
  335. Comet yelped and took off after Misty. With his larger stride he easily caught up to her. They both galloped down the small, shaded street heading towards the ocean. As He was running, his now very stiff shaft began to whip around chaotically and every so often its motion would double up with his hoof falls and painfully tug at the base of his prostate. He continued to gallop after Misty but as he did it felt like his pelvis had calcified, and the painful levering of his swinging cock caused it to click and pop against the strained tendons of his groin. The pain became too much.
  336. >Misty wait, please slow down!
  337. She slowed down to a trot and looked back at Comet. As he came trotting up to her she caught sight of his thing, now transformed into a hideous monster. She could not bear the sight of it and had to turn away and close her eyes. She took a deep breath and whispered to herself.
  338. >You can do this Misty, you caused this.. and Comet needs your help.
  339. >Where are we going? I can't run it hurts.
  340. She turned around and looked him in the eyes avoiding looking below.
  341. >Don't worry it's right around the corner, they can help... I hope.
  342. Misty took a right turn at the end of the street opening up to the busy thoroughfare of Maretime Bay. She continued down the busy sidewalk at a brisk pace, Comet cautiously following close behind.
  343. >Out of the Way! This is an Emergency!
  344. Misty shouted to the pedestrians and shoppers. They gladly obliged at the sight of two unicorns marching by, one with a massive erection. The reactions of the towns ponies varied as they made their way through, some smiled, some were shocked, and some just rolled their eyes. But they had each and every one of their attentions.
  345. >Move it, this stallion needs help!
  346. They trotted down the way and crossed a busy street.
  347. Misty stopped right in front of a large pink building and held up a hoof to stop Comet from continuing his panic trot.
  348. >We're here. Hurry get inside!
  349. Misty flung open the double doors and Comet ran inside. Misty followed after. A little chime announced their entrance.
  350. >Welcome to Mane Melody!
  351. Rocky called out in response from the front desk.
  352. >Oh my word!.....
  353. >Rocky! Please! We need your help! Comet's butto.. I mean his clitoris fell out!
  354. All the patrons and hair dressers fell silent.
  355. >Hahaha! What are you talking about Misty?
  356. >There's been a horrible accident. We.. we. we were playing around and Comet's clitoris popped out!
  357. >Clitoris? Ha! Misty that's a penis. A mighty impressive one if I must say.
  358. >Oh um ok. Well it just keeps coming out of him and we can't stop it, and it smells really really bad. We need your help!
  359. >It certainly looks that way. Do you have an appointment?
  360. >N.. No?
  361. >That's ok. Sheath cleanings are 25 bits. We are a little bit busy at the moment, it'll be about five minutes. You can wait right over there on that bench if you don't mind.
  362. Misty and Comet scuttled up to the little bench sitting beside the entrance. It was barely big enough for two ponies. Comet sat down first and Misty hopped up after. He scooted over as Misty inched in. She sat forward bracing her front hooves against the edge of the seat, her short legs unable to reach the ground. Comet leaned back against the glass storefront as he was unable to lean forward at the moment. They both sat there flank pressed to flank, trying to suppress their nervous energy, Comet's dark blue member hanging ahead like a jack staff. 'Why was nopony panicking?' they thought. Suddenly a mare patron barged through the entrance.
  363. >Ahh! Oh ha ha! You scared me there mister... Hey Rockyyyy!
  364. >Hey there Dazzllllle, you here for the two o'clock?
  365. >You know it!
  366. Misty looked over to Comet. His heavy breathing, his worried look, she could see his rapid heart rate as it pulsed through his exposed veins and vibrated the subtle sway of his tip. She could feel his nervous shiver through the side of her flank. She really really started to identify with this pony. He was just as bad at dealing with stress as she was.
  367. >Are you feeling ok?
  368. >I *inhales* I think so.
  369. >Does it hurt?
  370. >It feels... very tight.. all over, but otherwise not really.
  371. They both started to calm down. Misty's curiosity was finally able to overcome her fear. She began to examine Comet's 'Penis'. It's weird wrinkly head, it's strange ribbed front, that bulgy fat ring around the middle, and that thick veiny base that draped smoothly into his barrel, his hole now completely gone. 'How did it even fit inside of him?' she wondered. She caught herself eyeing his shaft up and down and quickly averted her gaze, only to look up a see that Comet was doing the same.
  372. >It's not so bad I guess.
  373. Misty reached out pushed on it letting it bounce back up and down.
  374. >You know you're right it's not so scary.
  375. Comet reached out and bounced it too.
  376. >But it smells really bad. So what are we waiting for? What is a sheath cleaning?
  377. >I have no idea... but at least Rocky seems to know what to do.
  378. >What's a sheath?
  379. Misty shrugged her shoulders.
  380. >How do you not know? You are an Equestria pony aren't you.
  381. >Yeah.. Well it's a bit of a long story. You see I was kidnapped as a filly.. by this evil queen alicorn and..
  382. >Comet!! You're up next! Come over and sit in this station right here.
  383. They both quickly popped up and walked over.
  384. They zipped right up behind Rocky and followed him uncomfortably close as he slowly walked them to the station all the way in the back. Misty and Comet walked in lock step, almost leaning on each other the whole way.
  385. >It looks like I will be your esthéticien for today Mr. Comet!
  386. Rocky leaned heavily on the accent. He turned back around and was surprised to see that Misty had joined them. Both of them just standing there looking at him like frightened little foals.
  387. >Oh! Ok?.. Why don't you just hop right up here on this chair for me.
  388. They both started to make a move.
  389. >Not you Misty.
  390. >Oops! Sorry... Yeah that makes sense.
  391. Comet Jumped up on the big padded chair and leaned back with his hooves to his sides, his legs hanging over the edge. Misty sat down on the floor beside him.
  392. >My stallion! You weren't joking. How long has it been since your last sheath cleaning?
  393. >Uh?.. Well I guess.. never.
  394. >Never!! That certainly explains it. Well don't you fret, we'll get you cleaned up and smelling fresh lickety-split.
  395. Rocky began to gather supplies from the nearby cabinets.
  396. >If this is your first time don't worry it will go very easy... I'm glad you're not a very shy pony, that's going to make things much quicker.
  397. Rocky stretched two sanitary gloves over his hooves and then proceeded to thread Comet's staff through a large plastic sheet with an elastic hole in the middle. He worked the sheet down his shaft until he could stretch it around his stock and testicles. Then finishing by pulling a little bit of furred skin and taint through at the edges. Comet now lay there, just a head poking out the top of the chair draped with a large white sheet, and his big blue cock jetting straight up into the air and his blue balls bunched tightly together at the bottom. Rocky placed a large container underneath where the sheet funneled between his legs and began to work.
  398. >So Comet I've never seen you around Maretime Bay, are you from Bridlewood?
  399. >No Actually I'm from Starlight ridge. It's hmmmnng!...
  400. Rocky began vigorously pulling a damp towel back and forth around Comets cock. alternating his hooves rapidly in and out, peeling off the large chips of smegma still remaining. Rocky was just going at his professional pace, but to Comet the unrelenting speed of the terrycloth rushing past his newborn skin was beyond over stimulating. What he could only describe as a tickling sensation, but a tickle so severe it almost hurt. His pelvic muscles squeezed in response hardening and straightening his erection against the buffing fabric.
  401. >Oh! I didn't know there were other unicorn towns.
  402. Seeing that Comet was holding his breath and unable to speak at the moment, Misty Spoke up for him.
  403. >Um. Comet's not a unicorn he's actually an auroricorn from a different world.
  404. >How amazing! I guess that explains the striking horn. It looks absolutely fabulous by the way! And I love your horn accessories, where did you get them?
  405. Comet responded sharply between breaths.
  406. >The.. snow.
  407. >The snow? Is that like a new store or something?
  408. >No. The.. snow, like on.. the ground.
  409. >Oh.... ok then.
  410. Rocky finished buffing off the majority of the filth. The friction left a hot throbbing feeling all over his shaft. It felt quite invigorating. At the same time the cessation of stimulus left him feeling exposed and vulnerable. His upper ribbed section turned from a pink to a bright red, contrasting greatly against the speckled blue skin at the seam of his middle ring. The cool air of the conditioned room convected up the sides of his now heated member. Comet's essence started to slowly fill the room and demanded the attention of all those within.
  411. >Before we start with the cleaning were gonna have to pop those beans.
  412. >Beans?<
  413. Both Comet and Misty asked in unison, looking at Rocky with their blank wide-eyed stares.
  414. >Yes... The beans... We have to express the beans.. Have you two been eating rotten berries?
  415. Rocky grabbed the end of Comet's tip and slid his hoof around the surface. He could feel three hard lumps under the folds.
  416. >Wow these are some big ones. Ok hang on this is going to tickle a little.
  417. Before Comet could ask a question Rocky began to squeeze tightly on his sensitive tip. The sensation jumped the gap right into his pelvis and sent shivers up his abdomen. Without a moments hesitation Comet began to involuntarily thrust into the squeeze repeatedly.
  418. >Woe there Mr. Bronco! Try to hold still please.
  419. >I. I'm sorry. It wasn't me.. It just happened..
  420. >Calm down there, it's ok. It's perfectly natural, just try hold it back for a second.
  421. Rocky went in for another try. As soon as he started the next squeeze, Comet began thrusting again. Rocky pressed even harder while trying to hold on. By this time, he had the attention of all the mares in the room, and conversation trickled to a stop. All the ones facing him giving the side eye, all the ones facing away catching the scene in a nearby mirror.
  422. >I'm trying to stop, but I, I just can't seem to.
  423. >That's ok Comet it's just your button letting you know what to do. She.. I mean he can control you sometimes.
  424. >What?!
  425. Rocky tried for a bit longer but ultimately failed to get the beans.
  426. >You know what. Jazz is much better at this than I am... JAZZ!!!
  427. He yelled out. No response came.
  428. >JAZZZZ!!!
  429. Still nothing.
  430. >JAZZZZZZ!!!
  431. >What?
  432. She responded from the back office.
  434. Jazz trotted around the corner.
  435. >Oh hi Misty.. Woah that's a big penis.
  436. >That's what I said! Hey can you come over here and do your thing, I can never get it right.
  437. >Oh sure no problem.
  438. >Um.. Hello there Miss Jazz. I'm...
  439. Comet tried to introduce himself but she just quickly trotted right over and grabbed his flare mercilessly, and ungloved. He immediately tried to buck her off. But in a mere few moments out popped three rather large beans.
  440. >There you go! Those are some big beans.
  441. >I always wonder. How did you get so good at that Jazz?
  442. >A mare never tells Rocky.
  443. >You know what. Why don't you stick around. I think I'm going to need an extra pair of hooves for this one.
  444. Rocky and Jazz got to work, repeatedly rinsing and wiping Comet's shaft starting from the end, working their way to the base. Jazz continued to supply fresh towels and wipes, removing the dirty ones as Rocky worked around every crevasse and fold of his phallus. Misty and Comet watched them work, stuffing cotton swabs under the circular fold at his tip and pulling them out all covered in brown and yellow. Jazz locked eyes with Comet as she worked.
  445. >I just have to say Comet your mane looks absolutely stunning. May I ask how you get it to sparkle like that? We could really use whatever routine you're doing around here.
  446. >This? Oh it kind of always just looks like this. But sometimes if I want it to be extra sparkly I roll around in the snow.
  447. >He's an auroricorn Jazz. From a place called Starlight Ridge.. So I take it there's a lot of snow where you come from?
  448. >Oh most definitely! In fact there's only snow. Did you know there are over two hundred kind's of snow...
  449. Both Misty's and Comet's fear was now completely gone. Comet, Rocky and Jazz continued to chitchat as Misty now curiously observed the process. She could see all the little details she had missed now that she was no longer running for her life. The weird pink fleshy divot with a tiny nub in the center, and an even tinier hole in the middle of that. The dimply surface surrounding it with little tags of skin ringed around its edge. And the way it moved. Comet had now gained control over his thrusting, but still as they wiped and washed she could see it move on it's own under Rocky's grasp. Occasionally Rocky would let go to prepare another towel, and it would flop back a little towards Comet's face, but all of a sudden it would flick forward and hold, getting ever so slightly thicker for a few seconds, and then release back again. The next time it happened She followed it's motion to the source at his base, and she could see his pelvis tightening and bulging through the plastic sheet. Making the connection, Misty looked down at herself and winked a few times noticing the same exact motion in her pelvis. Misty got excited at the revelation.
  450. >Hey Comet! You can wink! You're Winking!
  451. >I am?
  452. Jazz and Rocky stopped, befuddled at Misty's outburst.
  453. >Yes Misty... He is.. Only it's not called winking. Us stallions have a much more stalliony word for it. We call it a KEGEL! haha!
  454. Rocky grabbed the bicep of his raised hoof and then proceeded to get back to work.
  455. >Anyway.. So if there's nothing but snow all the time where do you grow your food?
  456. >Oh we don't grow it, we build it out of snow! And then we turn it into food with our auroricorn magic...
  457. They continued to chat and clean and scrub and rinse, and before long Comet's member gleamed vibrantly and smelled nice to boot, all the grime now collected in the container below.
  458. >Ok before we dry off is there anything else you need done?
  459. Comet and Misty looked at each other like everypony has just lost their minds. They looked back at them and said together.
  460. >Yeess!<
  461. >Obviously.
  462. Misty added.
  463. >And what would that be?
  464. Jazz politely asked. They both responded together once more. Their low and high voices harmonizing as one.
  465. >How do we get it back in!!?
  466. >Oh you two.. you are such crack ups... wait you're serious? That's uh not really our job here.. uhh.. uh Rocky you want to handle this.
  467. >Me! Why me?
  468. >Between the two of us, you're the one who has a penis. It's all you buddy.
  469. >Oh ok.. I guess. Well uh I don't know.. if you just wait long enough.. Hey WAIT!! Why should I have to explain this, you should already know!
  470. >Hey give him a break. Comet's only had his penis for a month!
  471. >Yeah and I only found out about it today.
  472. >Yeah we only found out about it today!
  473. Rocky pulled back and stammered, then a smile grew across his face.
  474. >Oh hahah ha ha! Oh this is too funny. Is this a prank? Did Pipp put you up to this for one of her videos. Pipp! You got me.. Where are you?
  475. >I don't think this is a joke Rocky.
  476. Jazz pointed back at Misty's and Comet's upset looking faces. They both felt as if they were being mocked.
  477. >Oh my hoofness! They ARE serious! What how? What?..
  478. There was not much conversation going on before, but now the whole room fell totally silent, their anticipation hanging on what would happen next. Hanging on a long pause, as long as Comet's cock hanging out straight into the air. Misty gave them the rundown.
  479. >Comet is an auroricorn.. Auroricorn's don't have holes back there. He came through the portal to Equestria. And when he did the magic gave him holes, and then this fell out of his hole and we came here so you could put it back in. So please help us get it back in!
  480. Rocky paused and blinked as he processed the words he just heard.
  481. >Wait so if auroricorns don't have holes, where do other auroricorns come from???
  482. >I already explained this to you. We take the snow. And we build it into whatever we need. In this case we build a snowpony. Then we close our eyes and use our magic and then we have a new friend.
  483. >Why are you even asking this? What does any of this have to do with holes?
  484. >Yeah Misty's right, we need to know how to get this back inside. Can you help us.. I mean me?
  485. Rocky leaned over to Jazz
  486. >How much should we charge for this?
  487. Jazz shrugged her shoulders and just responded
  488. >10 bits?
  489. >Ok that's going to be and extra 10 bits is that all right?
  490. >Sure we'll pay whatever it takes, just please help Comet.
  491. Sensing the urgency Jazz immediately went in for Comets cock.
  492. >Woah Hey Um...
  493. Comet protested as she clamped it between her hooves and started to forcefully slide his shank skin up and down as far as it could stretch in both directions.
  494. >Oh.. Haha! That tickles..
  495. Rocky took a hold of Jazz and pulled her away from him, Comets dick snapping back as it came loose from her grasp.
  496. >No Jazz! Not like this. It's his first time. It should be more special than that. Why don't we just talk him down, he can figure that part out on his own.
  497. >Oh. Yeah. You’re right.
  498. >It's always business with you filly.. Ok Comet! If you want to put it back inside it's not very hard.. Well it is pretty hard haha, but I kid! No it's simple. First just relax and breathe slowly, let your heart rate slow down.
  499. Comet breathed out and closed his eyes.
  500. >Now just calm yourself down, think of boring thoughts or just nothing at all.
  501. He tried to empty his mind, but every time he took a breath or adjusted his position, his full boom rocked against his pelvis stimulating him further, topping off his erection. He held his breath and froze his limbs for as long as he could.
  502. >It's not working.
  503. >Um?.. you could try thinking sad thoughts or even scary thoughts, that can work just as well.
  504. He tried to remember the saddest thought he had. There was this time when everypony was playing ping pong and the ball got knocked off into the snow, and he couldn't see it because it was white, and he stepped on the ping pong ball. No. Nothing. What about scary thoughts? He remembered his penis coming at him from earlier. That was pretty scary. But now all he could think about was the feeling of its head rasping against his fur as it did. And now he was hyperaware of every little sensation effecting his pole. The heartbeat pulsing at its base, the cold air licking at his wet hot staff. It still stood at full attention.
  505. >I don't really have any bad thoughts, at least none that are working.
  506. >What about Allura?
  507. >What about her?
  508. >She seemed pretty scary. Those fangs and claws.. and how she controlled everypony and made you work for her.
  509. Comets mind began to wander, all those years of slaving away. And how it made his life there miserable. Which led to him wanting nothing more than to leave Starlight Ridge. And because of that he was stuck in this strange place where he didn't understand anything that was going on and he now regretted leaving his friends...
  510. >Hey Comet! It's working.
  511. Comet looked back and his flare had shrunk to the same size as his shaft, and the whole thing was now sagging low almost against his chest.
  512. >Oh.. wow, thank the stars. What a relief.
  513. >Be carful now don't touch or move anything, otherwise it will just pop back up again.
  514. Comet looked on excited as it slowly laid all the way down pulse by pulse and came to a rest on the plastic sheet. The tight feeling disappeared as its weight was relieved.
  515. Now it began to start reeling in, wrinkling up along the way. But as it did Comet could feel it rubbing and sliding along the plastic. It started to slow down and then to everypony's disappointment reverse.
  516. >Think of Allura, Think of Allura!!
  517. Comet closed his eyes and tried to ignore the sensation. Misty continued.
  518. >Remember her dumb whispery voice..
  519. Misty tried her best Allura impression and whispered loudly in Comets ear.
  520. >Hello Comet... Are you having fun gathering my stars? You should really smile more..
  521. >Oh! gross Misty! Stop doing that. You're making me feel icky.
  522. His penis began to retract once more. Misty pleased with her success continued to whisper to Comet with a devious smile.
  523. >Why don't you do a little dance for me Comet. I think you look really really cute. I think I'm going to take my big kitty lips and smooch you... right... on... the tip.. of your............... snout!
  524. >Stop Misty! Stop. Ugh No! Yuck!
  525. Comet kicked his hooves under the sheet in disgust. His love noodle had now sunk back under his sheath up to his ring and curled over to his side, completely limp.
  526. >It worked! It worked! Look Comet!
  527. >Oh wow! I did it!
  528. >Are you two having fun. Yeah, so that's basically it Comet. Just keep thinking non exciting thoughts and avoid any contact, but we're not finished here. Why don't you just pop back up for me so we can dry you off. If we don't you'll just start stinking again.
  529. >Oh ok... How do I do that?
  530. >Duh Comet. Just like before. Just tickle your butthole.
  531. >Oh yeah!
  532. Rocky, Jazz and Misty watched as he snaked his forehooves under the sheet to his backside and saw the plastic under his balls pop up and down as he flicked the tip of his anus. As he did, he once again started to grow and straighten. Rocky interrupted.
  533. >Wait Comet! You're going to love this... Stop touching your butthole.
  534. Comet dropped his hooves. His member crawled to a stop as well.
  535. >Now without touching your anus, just THINK about how it would feel if somepony were to tickle you right there instead.
  536. Comet did as he was told, imagining the sensation he had just supplied a moment before. To his delight his shaft started to fill.
  537. >You mean I can control it with my mind!!! This is amazing! it's like a.. a superpower!
  538. >You certainly can! Now go ahead and get it straightened all the way out so we can finish. Hey Jazz can you get me another dry towel... Oh wait there's one right over here.
  539. Rocky leaned over Comet to grab a towel on the other side of the chair. As he did the muscular barrel of his chest rubbed across his hilt and up to it's head, rolling it between them for a moment. Comet was going through all the sensations he had before that made him grow. 'Wait that felt nice.' Comet thought. 'Hey I can use that too!' In short order Comet went from six to twelve, and Jazz and Rocky toweled him dry, finishing him off with a blow-dryer. They removed the sheet and towels and sprayed him down with perfume. There he sat, a happy unicorn, genitals gleaming in the windowed daylight.
  540. >There you go. All done!... Well look at you, aren't you such a handsome stallion!
  541. Comet nodded his head back at Rocky with a big stupid grin on his face.
  542. >Oh one more thing!
  543. Rocky leaned in close and spoke in a hushed tone.
  544. >I think you might need to know. You should really drop it down before you use the bathroom, that way it won't get so messy in the first place. Welcome to the penis club you cute little snow obsessed weirdo!
  545. >Ohhhhhh!<
  546. Misty and Comet epiphanied together.
  547. >So that's why you peed all over the toilet Comet. Boy! Being a stallion sure seems complicated.
  548. >It sure does. Thank you Rocky, I feel like I learned so much today.
  549. >No problem it was my pleasure. Now come on down and let's get you rung up.
  550. Comet hopped down from the chair and he walked over with Misty to the register at the front of the store. Rocky began to press buttons at the till.
  551. >One sheath cleaning.. 25 bits... one... special service? 10 bits... Ok the total for today is 35 bits!
  552. Comet stared at Rocky blankly, until the silence grew too long.
  553. >I feel like you are wanting me to do something?
  554. Misty nudged him in his side.
  555. >Don't you have any money Comet?
  556. >Money.... What's that?
  557. >Seriously?.. How have you survived this whole month without any bits? What did you eat?
  558. >What do you mean? Hitch brings me something at least once a day, and Sunny always gives me her smoothies. I tried going out to look for snow, but I couldn't find any.. I did find a lot of this green stuff all over the ground, and guess what? It tastes pretty good!
  559. >Sorry Rocky I'll pay for him. I mean, this is kind of all my fault anyway... Oh NO!
  560. Misty spun around craning her head to look at her back. It was completely bare.
  561. >My Bag! We ran out so quickly, I left it on your table with my cum! Oh I'm so sorry Rocky, we will go and get it really quick and come right back. And I promise I will leave you an extra big tip. I hope that's ok?
  562. >Of course! Go ahead and take your time. I trust anypony who is friends with Jazz.
  563. Jazz backed Rocky up.
  564. >Oh yeah you both go ahead. Plus I heard Misty, that you recently acquired a lot of bits, if you know what I mean.
  565. >Yes I did, but I don't know what you mean. But that's ok we'll go and get your bits right away. Come on Comet.
  566. Misty trotted out the front door and Comet followed. He turned around before leaving.
  567. >Thank you for all your help Mr. Rocky, bye!
  568. >Your very welcome Mr. Comet. You two go have a fun time now!
  569. The door closed as the chime signaled their exit. Rocky muttered.
  570. >Oh my stars! Those have got to be the two dumbest ponies in all of Equestria.
  571. >Yeah they're really more like Pipps friends...
  572. From the corner station a yellow earth mare getting her mane styled could no longer contain herself. Posey Bloom broke the silence and announced to everypony in the room.
  573. >I'm just going to say it.. Those two should never breed!
  574. The room chuckled to her delight. Another stallion patron raised his hoof.
  575. >Did you say 10 bits?
  576. Misty and Comet made their way back to his apartment to go and retrieve her bag. It was starting to get late in the afternoon and the golden haze had burnt off, revealing the sharp horizon of the ocean extending off to infinity. This time there was no rush, no emergency, and they casually strolled amongst the crowds of ponies along the sidewalks and streets, Misty letting Comet lead the way. Comet's member was a little bit tired from all the stimulation and flopping and rubbing, and a little bit sore from the prolonged erection. But he managed to keep it comfortably retracted as they made their way back, not all the way, his pink end hung out at least a quarter of its length and dangled around unflared as he strode. He also began to feel a strange pressure that was neither poo nor pee. It was some kind of fullness he had not felt before. Misty watched his parts from behind as she squeezed against the crowd letting his taller stature cut a path through. He was still getting plenty of looks his way, but this time they weren't for his penis, they were just because he was tall and blue and his horn was so unique and he was pretty cute too. Misty started to get uncomfortable with these thoughts and went back to focusing on his genitals. His dark blue balls exchanging places as they were pushed by his flanks, his pink tip swinging and constantly changing shape. Now that she had gotten used to it, his weird dangly bits didn't seem so frightening or strange. In fact they kind of tied the appearance of his whole back end together quite nicely. They started to even look cute to Misty. She found herself being strangely attracted to them just the same as she was to his cute little smile and big eyes. They made their way down the side streets and now with the crowd of ponies starting to thin out, she noticed that his tip was leaking out small drips of clear fluid. As they walked she watched them fling off and land on the pavement leaving little wet spots as they went. Something inside Misty changed as all of a sudden her heightened masturbation senses kicked in unprovoked. She now became keenly aware of Comet's scent trailing off behind him mixed with this alluring new scent coming from his big pink button. Confused, she backed off behind and followed from a longer distance. They eventually made their way back to Comet's place and up the stairs and through the door.
  577. >I'll just get my things and go back to Mane Melodies, you don't have to come.
  578. >Oh you're leaving?... oh..
  579. >I'm sorry Comet, I shouldn't have lied to you about being a good masturbator. I thought it would just be the same, but I don't know how stallions work.. I don't even really know how mares work for that matter, and I could have hurt you.
  580. >Oh don't worry about that! Sure I was a little scared there, but all said and done everything felt.. kind of nice! And this is the most excited I've been since I first got here. I was kind of hoping you were going to stay and show me the rest.
  581. >Are you sure?
  582. >Of Course! And besides, Rocky and Jazz said we can take our time. So what do you say? What do I do next?
  583. Misty felt instantly absolved of her guilt, and her enthusiasm for masturbation returned just as strong as ever.
  584. >I don't know what comes next! But I know it ends in cum.. So let's go figure it out!... Hehehe.
  585. Misty grabbed Comet's hoof and giddily led him into his bedroom. Comet trotted along with her over taking her to the door. They both entered the room. The window was wide open and the warm summer breeze filled the space.
  586. >Ok... Let's see.
  587. Misty began to gather all the pillows and bunch them up at the head rest. As she did she was hit with Comet's concentrated fragrance coming off of the fabric. They had cleaned his apartment fairly well and the smell had pretty much left out the window. So why could she still smell the stink of stallion? Then she realized that it didn't stink bad.. it stank good. Her sense of smell was still in masturbation mode. 'How could this be?' she thought, 'it usually only lasted a moment.'
  588. >Now lay on your back and rest your head up here.
  589. Comet jumped up on the bed and plopped over on his side and then rolled over towards Misty and scooted and squirmed until he found a comfortable position. His head raising forward as he rested his crest on the pillows. His tip now lay buried under his sheath just as before.
  590. >Ok start again by rubbing your hole... oh wait! I forgot that doesn't work.
  591. Misty went right in to try and tickly his anus, but she stopped herself right before.
  592. >Oh yeah!... Comet imagine me tickling your butthole.
  593. >Oh. Right.
  594. Comet squinted his eyes and thought about the sensation. Immediately his sheath skin began to bulge out, and shortly after his mushroom sprouted from the surface. Misty wiggled her hoof on his belly and he opened his eyes. They both watched as his little Comet obeyed her commands.
  595. >This is so strange. It's like I'm controlling it but not really. More like I'm suggesting. Is this what it's like for You?
  596. Misty just shook her head. She had no context to even imagine what Comet was feeling. Comet shouted at his member.
  597. >Lower tail.. I'm am going to rub my behind on a fence post! Haha!
  598. Comet laughed as his erection picked up the pace, his mid ring now already popping out of his hole. Misty decided to have a little fun.
  599. >Allura says she's going to eat you!
  600. It stopped dead.
  601. >Hey no fair! Mr. bottom tail, I'm going to pop Mr. back hole in and out with my hoof! Hehe!
  602. It once again started to expand. Misty brought back the big guns and imitated... the whisper.
  603. >I really like your mane...
  604. They now playfully fought back and forth, giggling each time they manage to reverse it....
  605. >If you do what I say I'll go outside and drag my bottom on the grass!
  606. >I'm going to take my scary claws and stick them inside your butthole....
  607. They both paused and waited for the change in direction. Comet's penis just continued growing, faster even.
  608. >I guess he likes what he likes?
  609. >Ok Misty stop fooling around.
  610. Comet concentrated with all his might. Imagining himself scratching his anus all the way around from every direction, and his staff really started to take off. He could feel his soft dick sliding forward, the rim of his tip catching the fur in the wrong direction across his belly. Within moments his meaty base finished unfurling and started to expand, releasing that pleasant perfume he received earlier. And then.. liftoff! It began to raise off his chest with its weight once again putting tension on his pelvis. The ribs in his pink section began to define and the veins in his trunk started to bulge and pulse. And his bell started to flare wide. The strange pressure within intensified. Misty looked in amazement at how quickly it could grow. She just could not understand how it all fit inside of him, it was like magic! But then it went as far as it could go. Try as he might, Comet could not imagine it to go any further.
  611. >I.. I think it's done.
  612. >Hmm? Well you haven't cum yet, so we have to try something else. Oh! why don't you try your wink.. I mean kegel.
  613. >I don't know if I can, it kind of happened on its own.
  614. >Maybe if I grab it like Rocky?
  615. Misty reached out and grabbed its head just like she saw back at Mane Melody. Comet gave one quick thrust but stopped himself right after. The more he suppressed it the more often a kegel would occur. Misty felt his tip lurch forward and grow between her hooves each time his member stiffened.
  616. >There that! do you think you can do it on your own?
  617. >I'll try.
  618. Misty let go and his shaft dropped down low. He sat for a few moments trying to activate the same muscles his little Comet had done so effortlessly. And then... Success! Comet's staff flicked forward and hardened. Only this time It was from Comet himself.
  619. >I Did it!
  620. >Great Comet! Boy you are a fast learner. Now try holding on it for as long as you can, I like it when I do that.
  621. Comet flexed his untrained groin muscles as hard and as long as he could, grunting in the process. His whole pole lurched forward. After a few seconds they could both visibly see his whole shaft expand in girth, especially his flare. It expanded wider than they had ever seen so far, nearly twice the width of his stock. He kept holding down, then after about five seconds something released deep within, and Comet felt it sear all the way from inside and through the middle.
  622. >Misty! Misty! Somethings happening! Somethings coming up.
  623. It burned all the way past his ring, and then began to tickle the nub on his tip. They both watched as a substantial amount of sticky clear fluid dribbled out filled up the rim of his flare and began to drain down onto his chest.
  624. >What is this? Did I? Did I cum?
  625. >No! But this is good! I know what this is! It's the wetness just like I showed you before! We are the same Comet!
  626. >It kind of burned a little.
  627. >Don't worry that's totally normal. This is great actually! Now you can use it to get to the next step!
  628. >Huh? How?
  629. >It's easy you just take this wet stuff and spread it all over, and it lets you push down really hard without hurting yourself. But I'm not exactly sure where you are supposed to put it? Usually it helps me push on my front hole, but you don't have a front hole right now.
  630. >Yes I do. Look it's inside that little bud right at the end, where it came out.
  631. >Hmm? It seems kind of small for the amount of wet that came out.. Plus would there really be all of this for just that tiny little hole?
  632. Misty gestured at his large genital apparatus. Both of them paused to think. Comet spoke up first.
  633. >Hey I have an idea! Maybe this whole thing is like a hole, but the opposite. Like this skin is really the inside of a hole, but it's on the outside instead?
  634. >I don't know. That doesn't really make any sense. Why wouldn't it just be a hole then?.. I suppose it did start out as a hole... I guess that would mean.. that the wet should go all over the outside. And that would mean you should rub it on the outside as well.. Ok try it! It sounds crazy but it just might work!
  635. Comet began spreading his lube all over his cock. First working it into the folds of his tip and then spreading it down his shaft. His skin started to glisten and shine.
  636. >I'm out, I can't cover all of it.
  637. >Wait there's some more here.
  638. Misty reached down and scraped the clear dribbling's off his chest. She cupped it in her hoof and poured it down his length. Comet began to work the rest of it all around. As he did Misty went to wipe off her hoof, but before she did she got curious. She put her hoof to her face and drew in a deep breath. It didn't stink at all, in fact it smell quite fresh, but when the warm vapors hit her nose it triggered her deep primal response and she felt a tingle in her back end. Everything around her left her attention until it was just her, her hoof and Comet's wet. 'Keep smelling this smell it commanded.' Misty snapped out of the spell. 'What was that?' She thought, she had never been attracted to wetness before. She looked up and Comet's entire member was now completely coated, its color now darkened by the fluid.
  639. >Ok what now?
  640. >Umm... I don't really know, It's a hole, it needs to be rubbed, so just start rubbing wherever.
  641. Comet took both hooves and started sliding them up and down all over. As he did his essence began to mix with the air all around. Now without all the scum and filth his natural oils and sebum began to emanate from his glands. Misty locked her eyes on the action. The sound of the wet shlicking put her into a trance. She leaned in closer for a better look. The smell was truly intoxicating to her. She leaned in closer. Everything faded out of view it was just her and little Comet. She leaned in closer. She felt herself fading from autonomy. And suddenly before she knew what happened she had run her tongue across the front of Comet's flare, lapping up it's pouring juices, his little nub tickling her taste buds as it went across.
  642. >What are you doing Misty?!
  643. Misty popped back up with a surprised little whinny.
  644. >I.. I.. um. I thought.. Uh..
  645. >Are you supposed to lick it? Ok..
  646. Comet leaned forward while flexing his stomach in and gave the face of his flare a big sloppy lick from top to bottom. He made sure to lick along the edge that still had precum left over from Misty. He let his pelvis flop back as he contemplated the taste.
  647. >Hmm? It doesn't really have much of a flavor, But for some reason I really like it! My tongue and lips feel so slippery and nice.
  648. >Yeah... haha. Me too..
  649. 'Why did she just do that?' Misty scolded herself. She knew that Ms. Button was able to take control of her, but she had never taken control of another pony. 'Could she.. could they do that?' She thought. This was some powerful magic. She felt way in over her head. Misty was glad that Comet was blissfully unaware of how unnerved she was feeling. He lay there his attention wrapped up in his member, slowly stroking it up and down.
  650. >Wow you're right Misty! It feels much nicer now, It doesn't even tickle anymore.
  651. >That's good Comet! Now you can try pressing harder.
  652. Comet leaned into his stroke. Squeezing his shaft between his hooves as he pushed down towards his base. The skin at his tip tensioned tightly around the stiff corpus underneath. As he slid his hooves down, his sheath skin bunched and wrinkled at the front and pulled taut behind. The feeling was delightful. The stretching felt soo good. Comet continued to stroke harder and harder cautiously testing the limits of his sensation. But what felt even nicer was the feeling of his staff ramming back into his pelvis, its stiffness reaching into the deepest part of him, pressing against his prostate. He could feel its foundation shift his organs with each knead. Misty watched him sensuously writhe, until he suddenly paused.
  653. >Oh there's something coming up again! Ohh! Ah..
  654. Misty waited excitedly. Could this be it? Was he cumming already!? She held her breath as she watched Comet shiver on the bed.. And out came another round of wetness, only this time quite a bit more of it. The little stream was so intense it almost arced straight over his flare. The thick slippery fluid drained around the rim of his crown and ran down the length of his shaft, dripping off its underside all along the way.
  655. >This is really good Comet! It means we're doing the right thing. He's telling you to push harder!
  656. Comet gathered up as much of the clear fluid from his barrel as he could and slathered it all back up above. He continued to stroke even harder, pinching it so tight it looked almost painful. But all the extra lube made his hooves glide with ease. As he did, more kept coming out, so much so that he had no other place to put it. When it started to roll down his sides, he would stop to scrape it up and lick it off his hooves. He continued like this until during one long stroke...
  657. >UUhhhhhaaa!
  658. >Wow Comet!! You're a screamer just like Me!
  659. >Was.. Was that me?!
  660. >It sure was!
  661. >But I, I didn't try to say anything.
  662. >Yeah pony holes are like that. See..
  663. Misty grabbed Comet's cock from the head with both hooves and tilted it straight up. She leaned against it bracing it with her forearm and elbow, and proceeded to grip it tight and let her body weight slide down it like a firepole.
  664. >Uuunngggghhhaa!!
  665. >See you're a screamer. Pipp told me all about them.
  666. >A screamer?
  667. >Yeah! Remember I made all those funny noises when I showed you how I masturbated. That wasn't really me doing it. It was Ms. Button back here.
  668. Misty tapped on her clitoris.
  669. >When I rub her she likes to sing out. But she doesn't have a mouth so she uses mine.
  670. >So your hole can control your voice?
  671. >Oh sure! She can control more than that. She can make you move, she can make you talk, she can even control your mind.
  672. >I'm not sure if I like the sound of that.
  673. >Wait! If my Ms. Button only makes me talk when I'm close to cumming, and your Mr..... uh Mr.? Mr. Outie, is making you talk right now, then that means you must be really really close!
  674. >I don't really like the idea of being controlled, every time Allura...
  675. >Quick Comet! Keep rubbing! Your going to cum soon!
  676. >Ok.
  677. Comet went right back to work. Stroking his phallus with ever greater speed. The pressure was starting to build, and with it his sensitivity as well. His forelimbs were starting to get tired.
  678. >Ahhhhaahhhh!
  679. Comet yelled so loudly it made Misty jump. Even more lube began to dribble out. By now Comet's fur was drenched and it had started spilling over and soaking into the bed sheets.
  680. >Push harder Comet! You can do it!
  681. Comet started to push at his tip so hard that His erection began to bend in the middle causing him pain. Unknown to both Comet and Misty, Comet was big. Not just big, but very big. The portal to Starlight Ridge had graced him not with a mere pony wang, which by mammalian standards is pretty big to begin with. But he was blessed with what the common Equestrian ponies would term, 'A Massive Horse Cock.' And while big horse cocks were all around nice and sought after, they did come with their own issues. Particularly the one Comet was experiencing now, that of stability. It wasn't exactly an issue most of the time, even the smallest of mares offered enough lateral support for sufficient thrusting. But when it came to masturbating two little hooves just couldn't cut it for stallions like him.
  682. >AAAAAuuughhhhhh!
  683. >Harder Comet, Harder!
  684. >I can't quite seem to. MMMMUUAHHHH!.. It keeps bending and slipping out of my hooves.
  685. Misty reached out and grabbed his ring to try and hold it steady. It was indeed slippy. She would try hold it from popping out in one direction, and it would just pop out another, evading her grasp spraying wet everywhere. She eventually got a hang of the rhythm and managed to keep it straight in time with Comet's strokes. They kept at it, now working together.
  686. >Haaaa Huuuuuhhhhhhhnng!
  687. Comet started to get uncomfortably loud.
  688. After several minutes of noisy struggle, Comet was starting to breathe heavily. He was starting to sweat and even his mateing calls were starting to weaken. His tempo began to slow and faulter.
  689. >Misty I don't think.. ugghh.. I don't think I can keep going. My legs are starting to burn.
  690. >Do you feel anything new?
  691. >No.. It feels nice but.. I just..
  692. Misty let go. Comet wasn't even able to bend his erection anymore anyway. He struggled for a little while and then just petered out. He relaxed backward letting his hooves drop to his sides, his chest heaving in and out, and his massive horse cock throbbing in the air.
  693. >This is a lot of work!
  694. >Yeah, it is. You are a lot more work than I was expecting. Boy! Stallions sure have it tough.
  695. >Does this mean I'm not going to cum?
  696. >No you will cum. I promise. We just need to figure out how.. I think there has to be something more than just rubbing. I haven't masturbated for very long, but it seems like everypony likes to do it a little different. Izzy likes her toys, Zipp likes to go fast.. Me.. I like to sniff things. Everypony is special in their own way. We just need to find that something special that your outside hole likes.. Hmmm?
  697. They both quietly contemplated for a moment. Then the epiphany struck them simultaneously. They both turned to each other and excitedly proclaimed the obvious answer.
  698. >Your/My Butthole!!<
  699. >Oh wow. It's so obvious.. But wait how are you going to rub your thing and your behind at the same time?
  700. >Let's see...
  701. Comet attempted a practice run. Testing out trying to stroke his cock with one hoof. It failed miserably. It easily swung out of the way with each try.
  702. >I don't think I can. Maybe I can figure it out eventually, but for now can you just help me out?
  703. Misty sighed in disappointment.
  704. >Comet I'm going to be honest with you.. I don't like buttholes. Every time I see one they just.. Ugh! They gross me out. Even my own.
  705. >What is wrong with a butthole? They look nice to me.
  706. >I don't want to talk about it.
  707. They sat for a moment.
  708. >So I guess it's not going to happen then. That's ok. Maybe I'll just ask around and see how..
  709. >No!.. We've made it this far, I know we can make it. And I'm going to do whatever it takes to make you cum. Get to strokin' Comet I'm going in!
  710. Misty got up on the bed with Comet and sat down in front of him. She winced and turned her face as she began to reach between his sweaty flanks.
  711. >Wait! I have an idea. Oh Misty you're so dumb, why didn't you think of this! Wait right here Comet..
  712. Misty jumped off the bed and ran out of the room. Comet could see her retrieve her bag from the coffee table. She ran back as fast as she could and produced from it a pink, smooth, glossy, cylindrical object. This was no corncob in a cleaning glove. This was a top of the line, finest quality, silicon dildo, custom crafted by the expert hooves of Izzy Moonbow. Ever since she had so lovingly gifted it to her, Misty never went anywhere without it.
  713. >We can use this!
  714. >What is that?
  715. Comet said as Misty held aloft the pink squishy rod, with a big open grin as if she were some kind of sales pony pitching a product.
  716. >It's a toy that Izzy made for me! Now I don't have to touch your back hole.
  717. >Ok?
  718. >It's really for my front hole, but I think it should work fine for you too.. I mean a holes a hole right? Haha.
  719. Misty stepped back up onto the bed and sat down in front of Comet. She had to pull his hind legs apart and wrap them around her flanks so she could get a decent position. Comet watched as she lowered the dildo down to his anus with both hooves.
  720. >Let me know if this helps ok.
  721. Comet held his dick to his chest to get a clear view. Misty pressed the tip right to the center of the hole and his rump flinched at the tickling contact. She pushed in straight but instead of going in it bulged up at the tip and just depressed his cone under the surface of his cheeks. The dry silicone almost locked in place to his skin barely sliding at all. She pushed in tighter.
  722. >oohp!
  723. Comet yelped. Still it wouldn't go in, The soft flesh on his dock easily sunk down as far as his ponut had been sticking out.
  724. >It's not going in for some reason.. Brace yourself, I'm going to push harder.
  725. Ok. Hnnnggh!
  726. Misty pushed with all her might wedging it from side to side, working it down little by little. Then suddenly the pressure gave, and it sunk down deep. She tried to slide it back, but as easily as his anus flexed in It pulled out too making it difficult to get any sliding action. She pulled very hard and his anus just stretched out with it. It pulled out to three times it's normal length and it still didn't slip.
  727. >It normally goes in a lot easier than this.. I guess it's because I'm usually all wet down there. Hmm?
  728. She thought about it for a second.
  729. >Oh I know!
  730. Misty once again left Comet at the bed. He lay there confused as she marched out of the room, only to return with her cup of cum in hoof. She took her position back up on the bed and folded Comet's legs around her once more. Misty yanked the dildo from Comets backside and it came out with an audible pop, accompanied by a yelp. She placed the cup carefully onto the mattress and dipped the toy into it, swirling it around, splashing the cum up onto its sides to coat the whole surface. She realigned it back up to the center and got ready to push. Comet turned and winced his magenta eyes in anticipation. Misty thrusted... Success! It glided right in like a hot dildo through butter.
  731. >Perfect! How does it feel?
  732. Comet released from his brace, not realizing it had gone in.
  733. >Oh! Wow. It didn't hurt at all. It feels kind of nice!
  734. Misty started to pull it in and out slowly. It glided smoothly, and his anal ring was able to maintain its perky outward position the whole time. She sped up. Misty felt his hooves against her sides kick in response to the stimulus.
  735. >Oh that feels really good... Aaaahhuuugh!
  736. Misty smiled deviously.
  737. >Get started Comet. You're going to cum!
  738. Comet got to stroking just as before. Only during the wait, his lube had begun to dry sticky. He found it difficult as his hooves rasped and stuck as he dragged them up and down his shaft.
  739. >Um.. Misty? It's seems I'm a little dry.. Could I borrow some if you don't mind?
  740. >Oh sure, no problem.
  741. Misty picked up the cup and gently poured a thin line down from his flare to his base. The yellowish white fluid splashed a little onto Comet's fetlocks. He managed to slather it all over before most of it dripped off. Once again moist, Comets hooves glided around his member effortlessly.
  742. >That's much better!
  743. She continued to slide the dildo in and out of Comet, trying to match his timing from above. She saw he was now just concentrating on his mid-ring. He was letting the thickened skin pop back up and down the edge of his hooves in short little strokes.
  744. >Aauuughhhaaa! Hehe! Oh this is much easier.. And there's like this full feeling.. It sort of hurts when you push on it back there.
  745. >Does it hurt bad? Or does it hurt like you want it to hurt more?
  746. >UUnnngh! It? It feels? I guess I want it more? That is so strange, pain that I like..
  747. Misty picked up the pace! He was starting to get a little dry back there, so she continued operating the dildo with one hoof as she reached over Comet's flailing hindquarters to grab her cup of cum. She poured some out directly onto the silicone rod as it was sliding in and out. He bucked a little too hard causing her to spill too much at once and it splashed all over his taint, getting cum everywhere, all over his balls, and all over her thighs and hooves. But immediately everything began to glide freely once more.
  748. >AAhhnnnghaaa!
  749. Misty put the cup back down and looked to Comet to see that he was now focused on his flare, Holding the back of it with one hoof and pressing and sliding across the front with the other. She continued working her end in and out as fast as she could. A few minutes passed and Comet was working up a heat as well as misty too, The fur contacted between them started to get moist and matted. But his anus once again became dry. She reached for the cup..
  750. >No Misty wait.. don't.
  751. Comet seemed to know what he wanted, so she continued on. She kept at it but as he dried it became more difficult to maintain the stroke. Comet began to buck on his end, occasionally slapping Misty's hooves with his testicles. With the increased resistance his ponut pushed in and pulled out further and further. It started to reveal his pink innards at the top of the pull. Maybe it was Comet's smell, or maybe it was her own. But as she looked at his undulating poop shoot, it no longer looked disgusting to her. It still stank the same, But in typical Ms. Button fashion what was once gross was now desirable. Her focus was broken by the sudden realization that Comet had stopped moving. She looked back to see his head arched back, mouth ajar, eyes shut. He looked like he was dying.
  752. Oh! She knew that look all to well.
  753. >Comet?..
  754. No response. He lay there, hooves down to his sides gripping the bed sheets. Misty now noticed his flare. It was absolutely massive. While she was not paying attention, it had grown to nearly three times the width of his shaft. And his shaft had grown as well. It was now embossed with veins in high relief all over from ball to tip.
  755. >Comet! are you cumming?
  756. Still nothing. She reached out in concern and touched his belly. He was completely stiff and his whole body was shuddering. She started to get a little worried. She was all of a sudden startled by a piercing warbly yell that broke the silence.
  757. >Ahghghghghghghghghaaaahhhh!
  758. Comet's body was shaking violently.
  759. >What's happening?.. Somethings happening!!!...
  760. He had come back to the living. Misty knew he had seen the other side, and she could not be prouder of him. She began to wonder what it was like for him, do stallions see the same mares that she did? 'Shoot! I forgot.. The CUM!' Misty panicked.
  761. >You're cumming Comet! But wait, Hold it for a bit I need to get ready or else you are going to make a mess.
  762. >Hold. Unnngh.. Hold what?!!
  763. Misty knew that time was short, words would not suffice. She ditched the dildo, leaving it inside him, then tried to make her way out to get to her bag that was laying beside Comet's head. But she found that she was trapped between his outstretched and stiffened legs. Feeling the moment rapidly approaching, she leapt forward in desperation onto his stomach landing chest to chest. That's when she felt little Comet sandwiched between them, it felt as hard and unyielding as a fence pole. She rolled off him to his left and landed on her side facing her bag. Misty rapidly rummaged through looking for Comet's smoothie cup she had carried home for him earlier that day. Ripping it out, she flopped over onto her other side now facing him. As quickly as she could she grabbed his now very rigid member by its bell with one hoof, raised it up, and held the cup right underneath with the other, and waited for his cum to pour.
  764. >Yes! Made it... Ok Comet don't hold back, just relax and let everything out..
  765. Comet could not relax. The burning sensation started deep within, and he could feel it traveling quickly up through his phallus, rending his pipes wide with its thick hot viscosity. The sensation caused him to thrust and hold stiffening up even more. All eyes were on his little nub waiting for its big debut. But his virgin cum did not pour out like Misty expected. Instead, it shot out straight past the cup and into Comet's glasses. A concentrated narrow beam of white-hot stallion spunk fanned out in all directions after it impacted the lens. Comet's cum sprayed absolutely everywhere. Misty closed her eyes as it got her in the face. It lasted for a very long few seconds then suddenly pinched off.
  766. >Wow it really shot ou...
  767. Misty was cut off as Comet began to involuntarily thrust. This was not over yet...
  768. Misty lost her grip and now Comet's member was loose. Unexpected to Misty, it began to discharge the same brilliant white fluid, just as violently as before, only now without her to stabilize him, his cum sprayed across them both haphazardly. It got Misty right in her arm pit and strafed across Comet's neck. In crisis mode, Misty took quick action to contain the mess. His bucking made it difficult to catch, but after one missed swipe from her empty hoof she managed to land the cup over the center of his flare with the other. It was much too wide for the cup to fit over, so she just continued to hold it tight against his bell. His cum continued to pulse in long steady streams, hissing as it hit the back of the cup. She was determined not to let it go again.
  769. >Comet! Try to hold steady.
  770. >I.. I can't, I can't stop moving!
  771. The hissing started to muffle as the cup began to fill. She pressed it tight against the palate of his tip, indenting the rim of the cup into the only soft spot left on his horse rod. The streams just kept coming out, each pulse with the same volume as the last, if not more. The cup kept filling. First to a quarter, then to a half! The cup began to warm in Misty's hooves. The cum now submerged his little nib from which it came. The hiss fell silent, all except for the sound of turbulence coming from inside Comet's shaft itself. Still the level continued to rise. The seal held but the excess air was starting to force out the lines of his folds at the top, bubbling and sputtering as it did.
  772. >Uhhh? Comet are you almost done?
  773. >I have no.. uuughh! idea.
  774. 'This was a lot of cum' Misty thought. Far more than she ever managed to produce. 'Why would a pony need this much cum?' Comet still continued to thrust, only now with sharper movements held for longer and longer periods. The level just kept rising relentlessly. Misty knew the inevitable was coming, it was not going to make it. 'Why hadn't he ordered a large.' Just before it was going to burst, she tried her best to quickly bring it vertical in order not to spill. It was destined to end in an abysmal failure. And it did. The cum just poured out all over Misty's hooves and down onto Comet's sternum. And worse, she timed it wrong, he was mid-stream, and it blasted even more out of the cup when she did, splattering in all directions. All in all, she managed to keep three quarters inside. To her relief though the pressure had significantly dropped. His stream now merely arced onto his clavicle. She did her best to catch it, but it eventually filled again and ran down onto his chest anyway. His bucking now ceased and little pulses continued to spurt until what was left just dribbled out and rolled down his shaft wetting his pelvis. Comet took a moment to catch his breath and then turned to misty barely able to see her through his cum coated glasses.
  775. >That was amazing!!! It was better than 100.. no 1000 Aurora Flares!!... Let's do it again!
  776. >Uhh? I don't know Comet.. why don't we just wait a..
  777. >That was the most incredible thing I've ever experienced! I can't even explain it? It.. It burned and it hurt, but.. but it felt so good anyway. And it was just like you said! My thing, my outside hole, took over my body.. and my head, and I didn't care at all! I was a little scared at first but it wasn't anything like Allura. It felt so tingly and tired and hot, it was like.. it was just.. it was.. Wow!!
  778. Comet's enthusiasm instantly rubbed off onto Misty.
  779. >I know right! I like the part where it winks on it's own! It feels so much better than when you do it yourself.
  780. >Yes Yes! And I like it when it grew all the way out and lifts off for the first time, it tickles so far down deep! And and when that bag down there really started swinging back and forth it felt so good!
  781. >I don't really know what that's like.. but what about the explosion?! You looked like you were going to die Haha!!
  782. >Oh yeah! that was the best part!
  783. >Did you see anything? Did you see the mares?..
  784. >No.. I did see something. It wasn't really clear but I think I saw Rocky's chest muscles?
  785. >... That's so weird!!
  786. >I know right!! So It's always like this.. You Equestria ponies can just feel like this whenever you want?
  787. >Yeah, everyday!
  788. >Why do you do anything else?!!
  789. >Well... hmm? Yeah! I don't know.
  790. Comet looked down and smeared his hoof across his cum soaked fur, gathering a little to look at it closer. By now the room had filled with the sent of rising dough.
  791. >So this is my cum? It looks different than yours, and smells different.
  792. Misty examined closer and he was right. His was noticeably whiter than her own, and as it settled still on his chest she could see little points of light glimmer at the surface. It almost looked like sparkling snow on a bright day. It had the same glittery appearance as his mane and tail. She looked at Comet's cup and could see the sparkling swirls churn through the clear plastic as it wobbled in her hooves.
  793. >Hey it tastes pretty good too!
  794. Misty turned to see Comet licking his hoof.
  795. >Really?
  796. >Yeah.. try it.
  797. Misty took her hoof and smeared it across his wet fur. She noticed it was considerably thicker. Then she brought it to her lips and gave it a cautious little lick. As soon as the flavor registered on her tongue she could not help but to recoil from the unexpected taste. Her ears perked straight up, and a tingle ran down her spine to her nether's. She let out a short reflexive whinny. It tasted salty mostly but had a subtle background flavor of wheat and.. newborn foal smell? Misty looked down to see that her lube had begun to flow from her vulva.
  798. >It does taste good!
  799. >I know right.
  800. Comet took another swipe and began licking. Misty then did the same. They both started taking turns lapping up samples of cum from his chest, trying to describe to each other exactly what it tasted like, and why they found it so appealing. Neither of them had any concept about pony pheromones.
  801. >No I think it's more of a nutty flavor.
  802. >We'll just have to agree to disagree haha! But what I think I liked most about it was there was so much of it, like a ridiculous amount. Way more than what comes out of me.
  803. >Is that normal?
  804. Misty gave Comet a little shrug.
  805. >This was really fun Comet.
  806. She sat up and dragged herself off the bed being careful not to spill any more of comets spunk. She took it over and placed it onto the bedside table. Then she draped herself across Comet to retrieve her own cup from the bed. His pole tickled her underside as she did. It had softened a bit, and his flare had reduced back down to the same width as his shaft. She reached for the cup and picked it up and placed it next to Comet's. Then she picked up her bag as he watched her laying from his bed, her pink dildo still hanging from his backside.
  807. >Wait, you’re going?
  808. >Yeah, I should go back down to Mane Melodies and give Rocky his money.
  809. Misty walked over to the foot of the bed and snatched her toy from Comet's ass, making a little pop as she did.
  810. >oOw! But I was serious, I really want to do it again. Like now. Can't Rocky wait for his 'money', whatever that is.. seriously what is it?
  811. >Silly Comet! You don't need me to masturbate, the whole point is to do it yourself.. I think.
  812. >Oh ok.
  813. Comet's dick drooped down a little.
  814. >But wait! I can't do it myself. I need at least four hooves!
  815. Misty thought about it. He was right. Maybe poor stallions couldn't masturbate on their own. She thought about it.
  816. >Ah! Here you go! you can borrow this. Just use your magic while you use your front hooves for the rest.
  817. Misty offered her pink dildo with an outstretched hoof.
  818. >It's funny, I grew up without magic, so I keep forgetting that's an option.
  819. >Ok.
  820. Comet disappointedly levitated it from her hoof. Misty threw the bag around her shoulder and was getting ready to leave.
  821. >Wait!.. Misty.. I kind of wanted.. you to do it. I.. I don't think I have a Ms. Button for my butthole. It kind of felt like you were my Ms. Button.. What I mean to say is it felt really good when you don't do it yourself..
  822. Misty looked at his disappointed little blue face, his sad eyes hiding behind his hazy glasses. And truth be told she did not really want to leave either. Ever since he started leaking lube Misty was feeling frisky, as if someone were playing with her back there, without touching somehow. She had only came about an hour ago but, for some unknown reason Comet's smell, and surprisingly his taste, had her little Misty swelled up and ready to go. She was hoping to get home ASAP to deal with it.
  823. >You know what.. Let's do it! But only if I get to masturbate too! Deal?
  824. >Deal!
  825. Misty smiled and grabbed the pink dildo from mid-air and as she did, she noticed Comet's pink tip laying on his stomach. Her eyes went back to the dildo.. then back to his tip. Then back to the dildo. Then back to his tip again. She looked closely at the dildo, and then really closely at his tip.
  826. >Hey wait a minute...
  827. The gears turned within Misty's head.
  828. >I think I have an idea!.. Oh Misty you're a genius!.. Listen Comet. What if you take your outie hole... and you use it on my innie hole. That way you can masturbate, and I can masturbate.. at the exact same time!!
  829. >That sounds amazing!.. Oh oh! and you're a unicorn so you can use the toy on me and I won't feel like I'm doing it!
  830. >This is perfect! It's not like I'll have anything else to do. Why has nopony ever thought of this before!!
  831. >Wow Misty. You really are the best masturbator.
  832. >Thank you. Thank you.
  833. Misty gave a little bow.
  834. >So how do we do it.. exactly?
  835. >I'm not sure.. Just stay right there. Let me try this.
  836. Misty climbed up on to Comet's bed. She stood directly over him, her back hooves next to his thighs and her fore hooves over his shoulders. She looked down and saw Comet looking up at her from the pillow with an unsure expression on his face.
  837. >Ok just hold steady.
  838. She squatted down while targeting her vulva at the tip of his penis. But after the long wait it had gone completely floppy laying snaked across his belly. She struggled as she chased his crown all across the surface of his barrel. Every time she sat her bits on top of its head and tried to push in, it would just bend, slip and slide across his slick cummed surface. When an attempt failed, she would pick up and try again, little drips of wet fell from her each time, pattering onto him here and there. She wrestled with it for a little while until she became frustrated, and increasingly aroused, frustroused?
  839. >Um. Comet? I think it needs to be stiff. Can you make it stiff?
  840. Comet used what Rocky had taught him. He spoke aloud as he thought.
  841. >I'm tickling my butthole.. I'm tickling my butthole..
  842. His member began to grow. As it did Misty kept trying to get it to go in. But as soon as she positioned correctly, his phallus had moved too far forward. She scooted her squat to match, but before she could sit down it had moved forward again. The cycle continued until his flare had reached all the way to the turn of his chest. Misty's forehooves and back hooves were now right on top of each other, and her face was mushed awkwardly into the headboard. Comet's face was just awkwardly mushed into Misty's pelvis. She continued to struggle, only now she couldn't see anything with his head in the way. Going by feel alone, she repeatedly poked her backside all over trying to hit the bullseye. She eventually lost her footing falling straight backwards landing the crack of her flank right over Comet's base. Comet' oofed at the pain of impact and they both started to laugh.
  843. >Hahahah! Sorry Comet. I don't think this is how it’s supposed to go.
  844. >Ha! Me neither. Let's try something else.
  845. They rolled apart from each other and got up from the bed. They both turned around and could only admire the absolute mess that Comet had left behind. All the fluids had left a clear outline of where his body had lain.
  846. >Well that failed. You try next Comet.
  847. >Ok let's see?
  848. Comet pondered for a moment trying to work out a plan of attack. He walked around to her rear gauging the field of play.
  849. >Give me a moment, hmm..
  850. He sidled up perpendicular to Misty holding his flank next to her tail. Measuring her up, she was just short enough so that his staff was protruding at about the same height as her slotted hole.
  851. >Ok! How about you move over here.
  852. He grabbed Misty's flanks and guided her around so that she would face the same direction. Misty silently complied to his touch, smiling in anticipation of whatever Comet had planned for her. They were now both facing towards the open bedroom window, the late afternoon sun illuminated the quaint beach town in front of them, with the clear ocean horizon peeking through between the buildings, and a subtle breeze fluttering at its drapery. Comet grabbed his shaft and bent it out to his side. Using his magic, he caressed Misty's tail and gently pushed it away. He raised his tip right up to her bulbus protrusion that was already slick and ready.
  853. >Are you ready?
  854. Misty turned back and nodded, then looked forward and readied herself, shifting her balance back in preparation for the push.
  855. >Wait Comet...
  856. >Yeah?
  857. >Make sure you put it in my front hole, I don't want it in my tail hole.
  858. >Sure thing Misty.
  859. Comet swung his hips to the side and with all the lube between them, his head slipped right in. It was a tight squeeze but once Comet made it past the entryway it slid in with ease.
  860. >Ooh!
  861. >Are you Ok?
  862. >Yeah I'm fine it was just that first part is all. It feels really good. Keep going!
  863. Comet started to sway his back end in and out in an awkward angled motion. He couldn't get much of a stroke since his flank bumped into hers before he could get that deep. Not to mention pushing sideways on his cock caused it to bend painfully at the base with each push, preventing him from pushing too hard anyway. At least his flare began to widen which prevented him from falling out between strokes. Both Comet and Misty could actually feel the coupling between them tug when they went too far apart. To Misty everything seemed perfectly normal, not really any different than Izzy's toy. Except the warmth. She didn't realize how much different it would feel having a living piece of flesh up there. She could feel the heat radiating from Comet's hot auroricorn blood inside her. It was much more pleasant than a dildo.
  864. >Hold on this isn't quite right..
  865. Comet jumped up on his hind legs and placed his front hooves on the top of Misty's hips, pointing himself straight down the center of her legs. Misty widened her stance to take up the extra weight.
  866. >Oh that's much easier!
  867. Without his flank in the way, Comet was able to push much further. Misty found herself feeling an altogether new sensation. She had never been as adventurous as Izzy to go this deep before. His member was now in uncharted territory, stimulating parts deep within that had never known tension before.
  868. As Comet rocked his rump back and forth, his standing position caused his penis to bend down low towards his back hooves, when at his current stiffness it wanted to be pointed up to his belly. In turn this meant that his shaft was rasping almost entirely against the top of Misty's vagina. It was pulling up with so much force that the tight fit between her hole and his shaft actually opened up a gap at the bottom. Misty felt that if she let go of her back hooves she would just hang off of it. The itch this was scratching was unparalleled. She had her first reflexive wink. Her button reached up and tickled Comet's pink end, as her vaginal walls clamped down tight all around his member.
  869. >Oohh haha! What was that?
  870. >Don't mind her, that was just my wink.
  871. >Really. That felt good. Do it again!
  872. Misty Looked back at Comet and grinned. Comet had stopped moving waiting for her. Misty gave him a big one, clamping down really hard and holding it for as long as she could.
  873. >Oh ha ha ha! wow that is good. You are a lot warmer than I thought by the way.
  874. >I was thinking the same thing! Now you try.. Do your stallion kegel thing.
  875. Comet closed his eyes and concentrated, he still wasn't quite as adept as Misty, but he eventually managed to clamp down tight on his groin muscles. His base flicked up. Misty could feel his stiff rod shudder inside her, then she felt him expand. First tightly on the flare, and then to the rest. He grew until he filled her hole up tight all around. Her dildo certainly couldn't do that! Eventually Comet relaxed his kegel, and Misty kegeled right back. They took turns squeezing on each other back and forth.
  876. >Ok let's do it at the same time 3, 2, 1...
  877. The tightness was heavenly.
  878. >Oh wow that felt great! Keep going Comet.
  879. >Hey aren't you forgetting something...
  880. >What?
  881. Comet levitated the stinky dildo from off the bed and right up to her face.
  882. >Oh yeah sorry.
  883. She gripped it with her magic as he let it go with his. She levitated it behind the both of them all the way to the bedside table. She paused and looked at both of the cups sitting side by side.
  884. >Which do you want? Mine or yours?
  885. Comet leaned down to her ear and whispered.
  886. >Neither. I think I like it when it pulls.
  887. >Ok, I can do that!
  888. Comet looked her in the eyes and raised his tail. She floated it back to his rear and gave him a quick stab.
  889. >oop! Not there Misty.. Hehe! Not there either.
  890. >Hang on I can't quite see back there..
  891. She continued to blindly poke and prod.
  892. >Ha ha hey. Ha wait.. wait! Just, just hold it steady I'll get it started.
  893. Comet backed up until he felt it touch his ass cheek. he dragged along the tip until it was centered over his butthole.
  894. >Ok now go for it.
  895. Misty mercilessly thrust it forward. It mushed up hard against his ponut, and relentlessly carried on dragging his soft skin deep down below the surface with it, friction be damned. The thing about magic is, you can't really feel how much force you're using. Regardless, it was now in.
  896. >Ouch!!
  897. >You ok Comet?
  898. >Yes Yes I'm fine.. I did ask for it haha!
  899. >Ok I'm ready.. Are you?
  900. >Ready!
  901. Comet returned to plunging in and out while Misty held onto the dildo. She merely needed to keep it steady as his motion provided the pleasure for both her hole and his hole. But Comet was finding it a little difficult to continue thrusting. His standing position felt a little unnatural as it caused him to flex his wiener way out of normal position. Misty on the other hoof was loving every minute of it. She had never masturbated standing up before, not to mention she had never had somepony else do it for her either. It made her feel vulnerable and exposed, much more so than laying down with her back caressed on a comfy bed or chair. Comet found himself with each thrust inching his hooves further and further up Misty's back. As he leaned further forward the increasingly natural angle of his cock allowed him to reach deeper and deeper into Misty. Not to mention he was gaining extra stroke on his back end as well.
  902. >Uuuuhhhnn!
  903. Comet made a long sigh.
  904. >Ha! Your thing makes you sound fun.. Ahhhmmm!!
  905. >You sound pretty funny too.
  906. Comet continued to lower himself until he was resting his elbows across her shoulder blades. He was sinking further into Misty. He was almost up to his mid ring. As his ribbed pink end slid back and forth across Misty's clitoris she began to produce a lot of lube. But it wasn't just draining out like normal. The tight fit made it so that it would backup for a little and then burst out from the seam. The vocalizing continued.
  907. >Uuuuahhhhhh!
  908. >Mmmmmmnnnhhh!
  909. >Auuuughhhh!
  910. >Nnnnghhhh!
  911. Neither held back in the slightest as their screams carried out of the window gaining the attention of the ponies walking home on the street below. Comet finally came to his natural position, letting his arms just drop down to Misty's sides, his damp cum soaked barrel now resting on her back. He could not feel more relaxed laying on her soft fluffy fur, his muzzle buried in her mane. Misty was a small mare but she easily bore his weight. Now fully horizontal there was nothing preventing him from going as far in as he wanted. He took one long push and Misty's lips reached right up to his mid ring. But that's when her small little frame ran out of vagina. Her vulva now pushed in to her pelvic bone along with Comet's shaft. She had never felt anything like it, instead of being pushed, her labia was now being pulled from the inside. As soon as her cervix pressed up to Comet's flare, the pressure activated his thrusting response and he began to instinctively push forward repeatedly and without regard to force. He rammed so hard his ring was popping in and out of her tiny little flank pushing her off balance as he did. On top of that his flare began to expand to it's full diameter. The stretching and tugging at poor Misty's sensitive organs turned from pleasure to pain.
  912. >Hey Comet!.. Hold back a little please.
  913. >I, I'm trying..
  914. Comet tried to stop, but little Comet wouldn't let him, He continued pounding forward, harder.. faster. The feeling of his two pathetic hooves stroking his shaft just could not compare to Misty's slick warm innards grabbing him so tightly all around, holding him straight and steady so the full brunt of his push was born directly onto his prostate. Add to that the feeling of Misty's dildo striking it from behind, and the feeling of her cervix pressing in on his sensitive front pad, it was too much for him to control.
  915. >Hey! Uhhh! Comet! Ouch! Oww! Comet!... ALLURA! ALLURA!
  916. The image of fear broke his thrusting trance, and he was able to pull back. Misty let go of the dildo, pulling forward to escape the pain and Comet braced himself to help. His flared bell had grown so large inside her that it was actually difficult for them to separate. As she pulled away Comet's horse cock suctioned her back in, despite all the lube available. Misty was winning the tug of war, feeling the frilled edge of his crown scrape all the way through her vaginal wall. The pain caused her to flex her clitoris up the whole time feeling every rib, every vein, every bump knock it around as it exited. She was winning.. up until the back of his bell hit the tight opening of her hole. Misty pulled forward but her hooves were locked in place, Comet was leaning his entire weight back over his hind legs. He saw it needed a little extra help so he pushed against Misty's rear. Then Pop! Comet fell back on his ass ramming the dildo all the way up to the hilt. As he fell, all the built up lube between the both of them guzzled forth from Misty's back end. The clear slimy fluid drenched all over Comet's chest and fore legs as he sat behind her.
  917. >Sorry Misty.
  918. Misty turned back to look at him.
  919. >Hahahahaha!
  920. The absolute sight of him. Covered in his own and now their juices from head to hoof, sitting so pathetically on the floor with his dripping hooves hanging out in front of him. Misty could not help but laugh.
  921. >What's so funny?
  922. >You! Look at you!
  923. >Oh wow! I'm really a mess!.. Hey look at you!
  924. Misty looked at herself. Her back fur was all matted and damp from Comet sliding around on it, but nothing too crazy.
  925. >What? What about me?
  926. >Your thing! Your.. your button look!
  927. Misty craned her head under her front legs. As she looked upside down beyond her teats she saw her clitoris winking furiously. It just would not stop and she had no idea it was even happening. She popped her head back up and noticed that her tail was curled back so far it almost looked painful. She had never seen Ms. button take this kind of control before. That's when she noticed that she still felt the pain back there, but not from Comet. She had so much pressure built up it almost felt like he was still inside.
  928. >Wow! It kind of hurt me, but it looks like little Misty really liked it. I think she's saying she's ready.. Let's finish this!
  929. >Yes Little Ms. Misty!
  930. Comet got back up on his hooves.
  931. Comet walked back up to Misty. Her labia was completely engorged and puffy, spanked with a slightly red hue from all the action earlier. And her tail was pealed so far back there was absolutely nothing hidden from display. With her incessant winking, flickering her bright red insides, it looked like Maretime Bay's flashiest billboard, demanding the attention of all who viewed. Curiosity got the better of Comet and he found himself being drawn to it. He leaned down low to get a sniff. Her scent wasn't particularly interesting to him before, but with both of their fluids mixed together glistening across the surface of her two fleshy folds, it was now suddenly very titillating. He drew in another deep breath but was interrupted when he got too close and her wink came up and booped him in the snout. He recoiled, then licked off the little cooling patch of wet, Misty's clitoris left behind. He paused. 'Interesting!' Comet went in, extending the middle of his tongue to the bottom of her bulge, and slid the tip all the way up to the top of her groove, lapping up as much of a sample as he could. Their particular blend tasted much better than the both of them alone he thought, not too salty, not too sweet.
  932. >Hehehe! Hey! What are you doing back there? Come on let's go.
  933. >Oh yeah right.
  934. Comet reared up and landed the front of his chest on Misty's rump. His hooves could almost, but not quite touch the ground. He felt something new. His body weight focusing down onto the small patch of chest between his forelegs sent a shiver all the way down his belly, and it tingled his pelvis just the same as his butthole had done. It felt very nice... He made sure to concentrate his weight up front as he slid himself up Misty's spine. Now he pressed his bell up against her back end, but this time fully flared, it covered every sensitive part Misty had. From the bottom of her slot to the top of her anus, it all rested comfortably against his front pad.
  935. >Uhh, Misty? Is this going to fit?
  936. >Wow! uh.. well.. If it came out of there I guess it should be able to go back in. You hold still, let me do the pushing.. and try not jamming back and forth like last time ok.
  937. >Ok I'll do my best.
  938. Misty leaned in back against him, the edges of his flare folding back. Comet leaned forward to compensate, and stuttered a bit while he almost started thrusting again but caught himself before. She could feel his pointy little urethra spearheading into her hole as his crown wrapped around his hard corpus underneath. She pushed against him with all her might, but it wasn't enough to squeeze through. There was plenty of slick, she could feel it sliding around, it was just a problem of wadding that great big chunk of flesh through her small hole. She raised up her head and straitened her chest, gathering potential energy. Then she flung her face down letting the momentum of her crest snap against her shoulder, impacting her torso backward.
  939. *Plap*
  940. She was in!
  941. >That actually worked!
  942. Misty said surprised with how quickly it popped in. His tip was big, but it was mostly soft and pliable. His shaft on the other hoof, now that was as hard as ever. She could feel its rigid features ripple against her labia.
  943. >Now let's see about you...
  944. She reached out with her magic grasping at the flush surface of the pink dildo in Comet's tail hole. She was finding it difficult to grab at it without pulling his ponut at the same time. She managed a tentative grasp on the flat surface and rocked it side to side, slowly working it out. She couldn't see but Comet's eyes had rolled back and he was wearing a big stupid grin as the pleasure mixed with the pain from her efforts. His month-old anus had never been stretched so wide. She managed to wedge it out enough to get a clear grip and then she yanked it out the rest of the way. Misty gave it a couple of test thrusts, she felt Comet shiver against her in response.
  945. >Is that better?
  946. >Oh yes! Better than frozen coco!
  947. Misty then got back to the task at hoof. She started writhing around under Comet sliding herself back and forth against his underside. She commanded him to stand still and he did. He lay against her as stiff as a board. She pushed in deep and started rolling her back end around in a big circle, twisting herself on Comet's staff. It felt so good. Her mounting pressure from within even felt relieved in a way with Comet's pressure balancing it from inside. He did his best to stay still, but Misty could feel him begin to flick and kegel.
  948. >Hey Misty?
  949. >Yes?
  950. >Can I.. Can I pet you?
  951. >What?
  952. >It's just that.. when we auroricorns finish our starshine time, we usually gather close together and pet each other. It feels really nice, and I thought you might like it too..
  953. Helping Comet masturbate was one thing, but close intimate affection like that always made Misty very uncomfortable. But hey while they were in the spirit of trying new experiences, 'why not!' she thought.
  954. >Uhh.. sure Comet go ahead.
  955. He smiled excitedly as he got to show her the best experience an auroricorn could offer. Comet reached up and began to stroke Misty's mane as she continued to slowly slide in and out, skewered on his erection. After the initial awkwardness it actually felt quite pleasant as he would finish each pet with a scritch behind her ear. Misty continued to undulate, and even though the cum soaked surface between them allowed her to slide against him, she still found that he mostly just rocked with her as she moved. She just wasn't able to completely satisfy that itch. Comet was absolutely loving his erogenous chest rubs though. This masturbation was good, better than any she had done before, but she decided to be a little adventurous. She wanted to see how far she could really push in. She now trusted that Comet could control his pounding reflex. Misty pulled out Comet's dildo.
  956. >Hey Comet?
  957. >Yeah?
  958. >Can you sit down on the floor for me?
  959. >Sure no problem!...
  960. Comet sat down as Misty squatted with him still attached. His balls laid splayed out on the floor between his firmly planted haunches. With his weight off her back she was now free to slide wherever she wanted. She sat up and down giving herself a thorough satisfying scratching of her insides with his cock. Circling side to side as she did to really lay into it. Comet continued to pet her from her shoulders to her loins with both hooves.
  961. >Oh yeah! That's much better..
  962. But no more messing around she was curious about that feeling she got when he pressed her all the way to the end of her hole. She cautiously lowered herself. Inch by inch Comet went in deeper. She approached the end of her familiar depth and slowed down. The unplumbed area was hypersensitive, still uncalloused to the outside world. It was painful stretching her delicate skin over his large phallus. She worked her way slowly, as fast as the pain would allow, until she felt him bottom out. Misty looked down to see that she was resting just a little ahead of his mid ring. Now knowing what to expect she carefully rested some of her weight off her legs. This new feeling of linear vaginal stretching was divine. She found that her tube was pretty elastic. Looking down again she saw that her vulva had slipped well past his ring. She bounced up and down a little on her hooves going back and forth over his plump little bulge.
  963. >Ooouuuggghhhh!
  964. Comet paused his pets as he let out a cry. 'It must be just as good for him too!' she thought. The pain wasn't actually that bad once she was stretched out a bit. She went in further. Now actually lifting her back hooves off the ground! Her back end hung there impaled over comets member. It hurt so good, but she still wanted more!
  965. >Comet?
  966. >Nnng.. yeah?
  967. >Hold your hooves around my chest please.
  968. He did as she asked. She leaned in forward, his long forearms began to take up her weight. Very carefully she took the load from her front hooves. She started to sag low on Comet's dick, her in-turned bulge sinking halfway down his lower sheath. She had done it! Her full weight suspended entirely on Comet's thing. She was impressed with herself, the pain was immense, but equally matched, no exceeding!, was the pleasure. She was equally impressed with Comet's member, its girthy base easily took her entirety without buckling. This was fun! She bounced her back hooves a little, causing her to spring up and down.
  969. >Mmmm.. Mmmm.. Mnnn..
  970. Then suddenly out of absolutely no where! No build up, no sniffing, no visions, she was Cuming! She literally forced an orgasm out of herself. Her pelvis began to convulse, and she dropped her hooves down onto the ground. She felt her cum sting out from her, but it was trapped inside plugged by Comet's enormous wang. Her cum flooded inside and jacketed all around him. The pressure was immense and unrelenting. Still her clitoris pulsed dry against his base. The pain was unbearable, until suddenly... The dam burst!
  971. A high-pressure ring of spray showered all around Comet's sheath. Her yellow cream splattered and rolled down all over his shaft. Alarms were going off in Misty's head. Other than that first time, she was always so careful to collect her emissions in order not to make a mess. But this had come on so suddenly she wasn't prepared. Could she get a cup? No they were both full. Could they walk to the bathroom? No that would just make more mess. She tried to pinch it off, but it was too late, her pelvic contractions were well past that point. She was trapped. Misty felt just as exposed and shamed right now as when she was a filly being yelled at by Opaline for wetting her bed. She panicked but there was nothing she could do. She just had to let it happen. She stood up a little and slid herself to a narrower section of Comet, and relaxed. Her full load came gushing out, washing completely over Comet's cock and balls and down the sides of her thighs. Her legs felt weak as her organs continued to pump against Comet, and puddles of translucent cum grew out from his sack and her hooves, all the while loud splashing noises echoed around the room as the cum rained down from her. She waited out the awkward period for her contractions to die down, just staring straight ahead, thinking about how she was going to apologize for making such a mess. When she was sure she was finished, she turned back to speak, but saw that he was sitting there smiling, eyes gently closed with an expression of bliss.
  972. >Mmmmm.. Sooo warm!
  973. Misty felt a little relieved, this dirty little stallion didn't really care about gross messes at all. She found his lack of concern to be quite tantalizing, something she almost wished she could emulate... Almost. She definitely couldn't put up with living in her own poop for a month like this colt could. But she thought, aside from the embarrassment, this was a really good masturbation.
  974. >Hey Comet..
  975. >Yes
  976. >Get up, it's your turn now.
  977. >Oh goodie!
  978. Comet snapped right up from the floor yanking at Misty painfully. She hung tethered to him still in her squatting position, as he stood up on all fours. Misty grabbed the dildo laying on the floor. It had been completely sprayed with her cum. Comet probably would be disappointed she thought. She stood back up and heaved the weight of Comet's chest up onto her back, and levitated the pink rod right around behind and fired it straight in. It slid in so easy Comet didn't even make a peep.
  979. >Ok Comet. Like I said, I don't really know how stallions work, so this time I'll hold still, and you just do whatever you want back there!
  980. >Got it!
  981. Comet carefully worked himself forward on Misty until his belly rested comfortably on her flank. He started slow-rocking himself forward repeatedly as he jabbed his pecks into her shoulder blades. He started humming an old auroricorn folk song as he began scratching Misty underneath her chin. She laughed to herself, 'This colt is weird!'
  982. Comet carried on pumping in an out for several minutes, being careful not to push all the way to the end. All the while he hummed his song and nuzzled his face along the side of Misty's mane. They both realized that Misty's cum had made the whole process a lot smoother. As big as Comet was, he was sliding in and out of her as if she were the size of Izzy.
  983. >How are the pets.. Pretty good huh?
  984. >Oh.. yeah.. there great Comet.
  985. >Now what do you think about this one, we call this one the "snow slide!"
  986. Comet ran both his hooves down the front of Misty's neck all the way to the space between her fore legs.
  987. >Yes Comet that's very.. nice?
  988. Misty did not really care for it. In fact she found it a little distracting. She guessed that it could have been pretty nice.. for a bunch of ponies with no holes. Well at least Comet was changing things up back there. He had gotten tired of sliding his whole body across her back and had now started just bending in his hips to achieve thrust. He was getting much longer and faster strokes because of it, and now Misty didn't have to concentrate so hard on keeping herself steady.
  989. >If you like that get ready for... "trotting ice skates!"
  990. He quickly changed his stance and began sliding his hooves up and down the sides of Misty's forelegs, alternating opposite directions on each side with a little pause in between each pet. Misty rolled her eyes, knowing he could not see her face.
  991. >Now prepare yourself for.. "The SNOWPLOW!"
  992. Comet grabbed underneath her armpits and ran both his hooves in a wedged motion from the sides of her ribcage across her belly, over her teats, and finally coming together on the small pudgy patch right below her vulva.
  993. >How about that!?
  994. That one actually felt pretty nice! she thought. In all the elaborate auroricorn petting, Comet had lost his concentration and accidentally bumped all the way to her cervix. He instantly lost control and began rapidly humping, he got two or three forceful jabs in before he could stop himself.
  995. >Oops, sorry Misty.
  996. >That's ok. just don't... Wait!.. You know what keep going. With all that stretching I think I can take it now.
  997. >Are you sure?
  998. >Yeah, go for it. Don't hold back, there's something different about masturbating down there.
  999. Comet grabbed around her clavicle and heaved himself forward. They both felt Misty's cervical opening slot itself into Comets circular gap around his urethra as he pressed in hard. It didn't take long before his instinctual motion started up. Comet nervously allowed it to continue. His sharp forward thrusting began to crinkle his quarters as his rump muscles over-flexed. Misty held on the floor splaying her hooves out in all directions as her body jerked around from the impacts. The rapid sliding felt like nothing with all of Misty's cum in there, but the stretching, the stretching almost burned. Comet kept it up. He was starting to breathe heavily.
  1000. >Muuuuhhhmmm!
  1001. Comet was the first to sing the song of his people.
  1002. >Aaauhhnnng!
  1003. Misty joined him.
  1004. They both continued plapping along, getting very noisy as they did. Misty found that her cum sleeve had become rather desensitized. The poundings no longer hurt at all, the only feeling left was the tickling sensation at whatever was down there at the bottom. That and the warmth. It seemed all her available blood flow was focused down at that spot right behind the end of her rib cage. Between all the huffing and puffing, and yelling from Comet, he was starting to work up a heavy sweat. With all her efforts in holding him back even Misty was beginning to sweat as well. The sweat began to lather up between their cum soaked bodies. This was starting to take a long time. Misty realized that the dosage of stimulation she was exposed to would easily have been enough to make her cum five times over. But still Comet was hammering away and.. nothing. She had never tried to masturbate this soon after cumming, but that last orgasm was very peculiar. It sort of just happened, did it really count? She thought. She looked at Comet, his face was exhausted, mouth open breathing hard, glasses all fogged up, it seemed he was having the same troubles.
  1005. >Uhnn!.. uhn!.. Comet? can you go a little harder please?
  1006. >What!.. Ahh!.. ahh!.. I'll try.
  1007. He doubled his efforts. He started hitting so hard Misty was knocked off her hooves, taking a few steps forward. She leaned down low pointing her hooves out in front to counterbalance the new force. 'There it goes' she thought. Comet's thrusts were starting to hurt again. She took this as a good sign. She increased the efforts on her end, quickening the pace on his rear. Sometimes she would miss the timing and ram the whole thing completely inside his anus, but as long as she didn't lose her magical grip, she could get it back out again. She wondered if it was gross if your magic touched poop?
  1008. >Auh! Uh!.. Harder Comet, harder!
  1009. Comet said nothing, he just tensed up and increased the pressure. She was impressed with his endurance. She wouldn't be able to output this much horsepower for this long. His mane and tail frilled in the air, unable to settle between his rapid movements. The pain was soo good, but it weirdly almost made her feel angry at the same time. And that's when it happened. Her vision grew dim, Ms. button was taking control. All her senses heightened and before her were the mares. But this time they weren't just masturbating, they were masturbating on each other. Stallions on mares, mares on stallions, mares on mares, stallions on stallions, front and back and every which way. Then suddenly she felt a pain at her shoulder. She looked back to see Comet, he had curled his crest down low and for reasons she could not fathom, he was biting her arm. It hurt a lot and made her angry too. But she hated it the same way she hated the pain inside. she hated it so good. Combined with the hot steamy cum, sweat and salty air, was all it took. A shiver ran through her and Misty came proper.
  1010. >I'm.. uhh! uhh! Cumming!
  1011. >AH! Ah! What! aah! ahh! I'm not.. Uhh! there Yet!
  1012. 'Shoot!' Misty thought. She had screwed up the timing again. She pinched herself off holding back the cum. In so doing she constricted tight around Comet, and she began to lurch back and forth with his motion.
  1013. >Hang on Comet!! UHH! UHH! UHHH! Don't stop!
  1014. She stroked that dildo as hard and as fast as she possibly could. She used her magic like never before. Her horn grew bright as she stepped up the speed. She found it difficult to concentrate while barricading against the flood below. She was stroking it in and out of him violently, but she lost her focus, and the rapid oscillating motion slowly began to drift further and further in, until it lay stroking completely inside of him, the only sign of its existence being the bulges popping from under Comet's taint. Her body grew weak from the pain of Comet and the strain of her cum muscles fighting against her. She began to shudder. She pulled down on the dildo inside him pinching his prostate between it and her croup. Comet struggled between the force, his thrusts fought against her magic and began to slow, encouraging him to push forward as hard as he could. His empty vesicular gland strained to squeeze out what was left. He wrapped his hooves all the way around her barrel, pinched his eyes shut and bit down hard on Misty's skin. Misty whinnied as she shot her head up, eyes wide, ears pointed straight up to the ceiling. Comet pushed into her as hard as he possibly could and froze in his grapple. Misty could feel him start to quiver all over. She gritted her teeth as Comet's bite would not relent. Then finally he let go. His whole body relaxed and slumped over her like a wet blanket.
  1015. >I.. I got there..
  1016. Misty gladly released herself as well. Her organs began to contract as if starved for air. They both basked in their intense repose, feeling each other take in a deep relaxing breath.
  1017. >Hey I want to watch!
  1018. Misty bent around as far as she could without letting Comet fall out. They both looked over their shoulders at their bits, pulsing with their own will against each other. They were both anticipating a wild gush like before, but as Misty's cavity filled up only a modest dribble flowed out. Both of their contractions burned as they pounded against their respective empty tanks. They waited until they died down completely. Then pulling apart from one another. It wasn't even difficult, Misty was very loose now. As his flare flopped out of her, a wall of their well-mixed cum poured out onto the floor splashing their hooves.
  1019. >You bit Me!!
  1020. >I'm.. I'm sorry it wasn't me. It was HIM!
  1021. Misty looked at Comet and smirked.
  1022. >It's ok. I think he was right, I actually kind of liked it!
  1023. >Really! Wow I was pretty worried there I thought I hurt you.
  1024. >You did, but like good hurt.
  1025. >Boy! holes are really weird.
  1026. >No argument from me. I thought I knew what she wanted. Didn't think she would like getting bit. Oh! Oh! I saw the mares again. Only this time there were stallions there too. And they were all playing with each other just like we were! They make me so happy.. What about you? What did little Comet show you?
  1027. >It wasn't anything like what you saw. Right as I was biting you I saw.. I saw Rocky! and he was licking my lips.
  1028. >What!!? Why is your thing so concerned about Rocky?.. Comet, you have one strange stallion hole.
  1029. >hehe!
  1030. Comet slid himself off of Misty's back and caught himself with one hoof on the floor. As he slid his other hoof over her, his fetlocks mopped up some of the cum that had lathered between them on her back. He noticed the slimy wet pull on his fur and raised his arm to his snout. He sampled its smell. He had thought both of their wet mixed together smelled great, but this.. this was on a whole other level. It instantly excited him, making him think about what he saw with Rocky. He stood there thinking, not knowing what to make of all of it.
  1031. >Hey Misty?
  1032. >Yeah?
  1033. >Can you lick me.. on my mouth?
  1034. >What? Like kiss you? Eww gross, No!
  1035. >What? Why not?
  1036. >I don't know what it's like in Starlight Ridge, but here in Equestria kissing is only for coltfriends and marefriends.
  1037. >But I'm your friend, aren't I.
  1038. >Yes, yes. But we are just friend friends.. You understand?
  1039. >No not really..
  1040. Comet looked disappointed. He went back to sniffing his fur.
  1041. >Wait! Is it ok if I lick some of our cum off of you? It smells so nice I wanted to try some. Is that ok for friends to do?
  1042. >Oh yeah sure! No problem. Go right ahead.
  1043. Misty courteously raised her tail for Comet. He leaned down and saw Her drenched backside all splattered with her blond cream streaked with glittery white streams of his own. He licked starting with the drips hanging off her protrusion and veered up and to the side working his tongue in deep to get at the fresh stuff below. He let the thick fluid coat his whole mouth.
  1044. >Wow!! This is good!
  1045. >Oh you and all your tasting, it can't be that good.
  1046. >No seriously, this is really good! Separate they were interesting, but together there's something different. You have to try it!
  1047. >Ok, if you say so.
  1048. Misty craned her head around and awkwardly stretched herself, chasing her tail around in a circle. After failing to reach her tongue to her vulva, Comet offered to help.
  1049. >Here!
  1050. Comet tilted his hips to the side swinging his cock out from under him.
  1051. >Oh yeah! that makes more sense. Hehe!
  1052. Misty leaned down to Comet's haunches grabbing his member which was now loose and floppy once again. She raised his cum covered flare up to her face. It had now shrunk to a manageable size that she could fit in her mouth. So that's just what she did, sucking it clean and broadly licking their cum out of the folds in its puffy face. She let it drop out of her mouth as she contemplated the flavor.
  1053. >You're right that is good! It's like.. like.. I don't really know... Sunny should make a smoothie out of this!
  1054. >That would be a great Idea!
  1055. Comet went in for more, trying to describe the undefinable taste. Misty tried more as well, but also failed to relate what made it so good. They both continued to walk around each other in a circle in some strange dance until both their genitals were licked clean and there was no more cum to sample, not realizing that what they were tasting was actually awful, it just happened to be a potent cocktail of stallion and mare hormones that any pony of any persuasion would enjoy in the state that they were in.
  1056. >Oh well. No more.
  1057. >There's some more down there.
  1058. Comet pointed to the floor below them completely marbled with their white and yellow.
  1059. >No that's gross, I'm not going to lick the floor. Let’s just say that our stuff just goes good together. We don't have to describe it.
  1060. >Yeah.. it does... Hey Misty look!
  1061. >What?
  1062. Comet was pointing again at the floor. He looked up into Misty's eyes giving her a cheeky smile.
  1063. >You came!
  1064. Misty's confusion dispelled and she smiled deviously right back at him. She pointed down at the same patch of floor.
  1065. >You came!
  1066. Comet replied just as Misty had before.
  1067. >That's our cum.
  1068. They both grabbed hold of each other’s forelegs and began to jump up and down in a circle chanting as they did.
  1069. >We came!.. We came!.. We came! We cammmuppp!!<
  1070. Comet's back hoof slipped sideways across the slick floor, and his hind legs flipped out from under him. Holding on tight to Misty, he dragged her down with him, both slamming painfully on to their sides against their own cum puddle.
  1071. >Hahahahahahah!<
  1072. They both finished their belly laughter with a long satisfying sigh. After they composed themselves, they both rolled back up onto their stomachs and lay there staring at each other. There wasn't a single surface between them untouched by their mutual horse slime. Their manes, their tails, their backs, their sides, all smeared with cum. Misty looked right at Comet's dirty glasses, the side of her face smeared with cum where she had landed. She looked deep into his bright magenta eyes, Comet's looked right back into her big pair of greens.
  1073. >Hey Comet?
  1074. >Yes?
  1075. >Are you thirsty?
  1076. >Oh yeah.. I'm super thirsty now that you mention it.
  1077. >Let's go get some smoothies!
  1078. >That's sounds great. And we can tell Sunny about our cum flavor idea!
  1079. >Yeah! Oh, and we can pay Rocky too.
  1080. Misty got up on to all four hooves, and Comet followed after.
  1081. >You still haven't explained this money thing that everypony seems to be so obsessed over.
  1082. Misty thought about trying to explain it.
  1083. >You know what, here you take this..
  1084. She levitated 100 bits worth from her bag and placed it into his hoof. She had plenty more at home.
  1085. >You deserve it, I thought I was coming here to teach you about masturbating, but I learned just as much today as you did. Plus I was just going to give it to Rocky for you anyway. When we go down there you can give it to him yourself and see how to use it first hoof.
  1086. >Thank you Misty! Boy I can't wait to see him, he's such a nice pony.
  1087. >We can't go like this though.
  1089. First things first, they needed a shower, otherwise they were going to make more of a mess just trying to clean the place. Misty still couldn't believe he made it a whole month without one. Maybe his sparkly auroricorn fur magically kept him smelling fresh somehow, she thought. They made their way to the bathroom, but his shower was much too small for two ponies, so she went first so that she could show him how to use all the knobs and plugs. She lathered herself down with the single bar of soap that came with the apartment, instructing as she went, while he sat there on the toilet watching attentively. When she was done, they swapped places. Wrapping herself in a towel to dry off before sitting down she watched him take his turn, throwing out little comments and pointers as he bathed. She remembered what Rocky had told them and reminded him to drop so that he could clean the inside of his sheath. In short order he was finished, and Misty used the one and only towel she was wearing to dry him off as best she could. They had done their best, but even after the shower they still smelled like horse sex. They didn't notice though because his whole apartment still smelled like horse sex. They proceeded to mop the floors clean and gathered all the soiled sheets and pillows into a pile. Comet was going to have to deal with those later. They gathered their things and headed off to the courtyard. Only a few ponies remained, most having made their way home by now as Comet and Misty walked side by side down the empty streets of Maretime Bay, chatting and making awkward small talk as the summer sun hung low in the sky. The same very awkward small talk between two very awkward ponies. Only this time neither of them minded the long pauses, they felt perfectly comfortable in each other’s company. Comet looked out onto the endless ocean horizon. He was no longer filled with a sense of dread. Instead he felt strangely excited to see what was out there. Equestria was an interesting place, so full of new experiences. He no longer doubted his choice to leave Starlight Ridge. Misty Looked out to the beautiful horizon and thought... 'Shoot! I left my toy inside of him!... Oh well, He could keep it, he needed it more than she did. She couldn't wait to get back to the Brighthouse so she could tell everypony what she discovered you could use stallions for.
  1091. (Fin)

Can Misty Come?

by billneigh

Can Comet Come Too?

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Creative Writing Fetishes

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Rarity Gets Pets

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