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Can Misty Come?

By billneigh
Created: 2024-02-01 07:50:02
Updated: 2024-10-23 01:30:55
Expiry: Never

  1. It was not a normal night at the Crystal Brighthouse. Things had gotten way out of hoof. There was a wild commotion going on downstairs, somepony might even call it a clamor. Misty had been resting peacefully in her secluded bedroom upstairs, the cool summer ocean breeze drifting through her open window. The light from the full moon painting itself across the foot of her bed. But now her sleep had become agitated. She began to toss and turn unconsciously as the strange noises emanated from below. It had only been a couple of weeks since she had finally rid herself of Opaline, those life-changing events were already a distant memory now. She was trapped in that tree forever, and for the first time in her life, Misty had no immediate cause for concern, and she now slept with an ease she had never known. Until tonight that is. Tonight was the night everything boiled over, but the problem really started months before. It goes all the way back to the creation of the Crystal Brighthouse. Actually, the problem started eons before that... Harmony magic, it's ancient origins unknown, possesses god-like abilities in a wide variety of skills. Of course, it has the power to kick ass and take names, that's a given. Been saving Equestrians for thousands of years. And it's nigh indestructible too. So many times, has all hope been lost throughout the ages, and its indomitable spirit resurrects like a phoenix from the ashes. Not to forget it's unparalleled powers of perception. It can read the very heart and mind of a pony and give even the worst among them exactly the right nudge to the path of friendship. But of all the many amazing showstopping abilities the power of Harmony possesses, there is one that has evaded its grasp for its entire existence. One that, if it found itself lacking in any of the others, may have long ago led to its demise. That of course being its incomprehensibly deficient capacity for architectural design. Over the years it has produced some real stinkers. Twilight’s castle of friendship, the Cotton Candy Café, the Paradise Estate, all master classes in compositional abomination, and the Brighthouse was no exception. Sure, it was a functional building, bathrooms and laundry rooms, kitchen and storage all placed in sensible ergonomic locations. And a central elevator was awkward but entirely necessary for the structure's unique floorplan. And even though the color scheme and overreliance on glass was a bit garish, Equestrians didn't seem to mind. But for this ghastly edifice, this real turd of an erection, for reasons that could never be understood, it decided to make a quadripartite open floorplan set of bedrooms all facing directly toward one another. Privacy is not the biggest concern in Equestria. Clothing has always been optional since the dawn of time. But still ponies do have needs. And while open public itching and scratching, and for stallions the occasional dropping, of genitalia is perfectly acceptable, sexual matters are generally expected to be private affairs. Not for any sort of cultural shame, if two ponies wanted to go at it raw in the middle of a crowded market square, they may get some bemused looks thrown their way, but for no more reason than the obnoxious calling of attention to ones self. So some privacy has always been necessary even for an ever-nude horse, and that's the way it has always been. This was the start of the problem. For the first few weeks after they moved in, Sunny, Izzy, Pipp and Zipp politely refrained from pleasuring themselves. But as time wore on the tension began to build. Sure they managed to pop a few off during a bathroom break here and there. But these mares led busy coltfriendless lives and there really was no better time and place to masturbate than in your own comfortable bed. This open space with every mare staring directly across from one another really threw a monkey wrench into the regular routine with which they had been accustomed in their lives before the Brighthouse. It was Izzy who broke first for obvious reasons. The denizens of Briddlewood were generally more free spirited than your average pony, and Izzy was not a departure from that, in fact she was a prime example. On one night, after a particularly long day of crafting, as all the girls were turning in for bed she announced loudly to the room.
  2. >That's it! I can't take it anymore! Everypony... I am going to masturbate, so deal with it!
  3. And she did exactly that. Everypony laughed and rolled their eyes at her, just ignoring her and went to sleep. Well they tried at least, but not a single one of them could actually hit the hay until the wet slapping sounds had ceased. They were not expecting it, but the very next night, without even a word Izzy went right back at it. And so it went for the next week, they came home from work, they ate their dinner, played a few games, watched a movie, they turned in for sleep, and for about 15-20 minutes they would have to listen to Izzy furiously batter her mare bits and all the sloshing, gushing and dribbling that came along with it. Zipp started to get annoyed, usually covering her head with a pillow to try and block out the sounds. It didn't work though, she could always hear it a little, especially the incessant whimpering. And it wasn't the sound anyway, it was more that she knew it was happening. There are few things in Equestria harder to ignore than a full grown mare masturbating. They all pretended it didn't bother them, but their loins grew more and more jealous with each session of Izzy's greedy routine. The next to fall was Sunny. She of course had to sleep right next to Izzy, giving her the most lethal dosage of her aura of estrus. Night after night she would sneakily watch over the edge of her pillow. Unlike Pipp and Zipp across the way, she got to see the whole routine. While they wandered off to sleep after the noise was finished, Sunny grew fond of Izzy's cleanup regiment, where she would catch her emissions in a paper towel and then wipe herself clean leaving the mess in a trashcan beside her bed to deal with in the morning. She was close enough that for each sesh, the smell of mare cum would waft over in her direction until she could no longer take it. She started one night by covertly hoofing herself under the top cover. But the next night she overcame her shyness and went fully exposed for all to see just like Izzy do.
  4. >Right on my Sista!
  5. Izzy called out, announcing Sunny's conversion. With Sunny now on her side the war had turned to her favor. Not to mention Sunny pulled out the big guns as she liked to moan while she did it. Pipp didn't last for one more night. The very next day, not wanting to be left out, she joined in on the fun. Zipp was determined to be above it all. She continued to pretend she was asleep while the three capped each night with their new indulgent hobby. To her credit she made it another week without succumbing, until she decided it wasn't worth it, because she was just getting wet and making a mess anyway. But she was silent and quick, not making a peep as she stealthily climaxed under the covers. The other three eventually caught on as they would occasionally see a hoof pop out from under the sheets to grab some tissues from the bedside table. They let her have her secret, it was hotter that way. This carried on for months, interrupted only by the occasional guest sleepover with Misty, or special late-night Maretime Bay events. They got so used to it they started to spend their pre-sleep pleasure time just chatting as they stroked, or sometimes they made a game out of it to see who could cum the fastest. Zipp would always win and call it from under the covers, the only time she would ever break her ruse of "unconcerned sleep." Everypony laughed when she did, it was funny every time. It even continued after Misty had moved in. Conveniently, her social anxiety led to her sleeping upstairs secluded away from everypony else. Their deviant house tradition didn't even skip a beat. And over the next couple of weeks nighttime playtime continued to escalate. Until of course tonight that is. On this night things took a turn. It started out in the normal way. As usual Izzy was already in her bed stroking away before the others. Zipp was tucked in and hidden from view, waiting for everypony else to get started, otherwise she would finish too early. Sunny and Pipp were still preparing their beds talking to one another about obnoxious customers they had both had that day. While Pipp was setting up her masturbation station, organizing her assorted bottles of scented lube and posh brand-name ultrasoft tissue wipes from Zephier Heights, she noticed that Sunny was already beginning to leak from her backside. Feeling extra frisky tonight, for some reason she got it in her mind that she was going to help her out with a more hooves on approach. She grabbed one of her tissues and snuck up behind Sunny, holding a hoof to her mouth signaling for Izzy not to say anything while she did. Izzy acknowledged with her eyes and smiled as she watched Pipp soundlessly creep up. As sunny was concentrating on rearranging her pillows, Pipp spoke up from right behind her.
  6. >Let me get that for ya!
  7. Before Sunny could react, Pipp reached out and goosed her with the tissue straight up inside her vulva, pushing in just hard enough to cause a little playful pain.
  8. >Hehe Hey!!
  9. Sunny whipped her head around to see Pipp standing there holding a damp wad of tissue paper, and a big stupid grin on her face.
  10. >Why you!!
  11. Sunny spun around and reached out to pinch her in the vagina in retaliation, but Pipp fluttered off into the air before she could get her.
  12. >Haha! Get back here!.. Don't make me turn into the alicorn!
  13. Sunny chased Pipp around the room while she flew backwards just out of her reach. They made a full circle around the central elevator until Sunny tripped over her own bed while she was too distracted looking up as Pipp flew over it. Seeing an opportunity to taunt her further Pipp flew down to goose her a second time. But as soon as she got within reach, Sunny flipped over onto her back and grabbed her tail, keeping her from getting back there. She wrapped her back legs around Pipps chest and pulled her down to the bed. Pipp fluttered her wings as they both wrestled with each other, fighting to prod each other’s sensitive bits, in this strange new competition. Each freed limb was countered with another before either could get the upper hoof. They struggled laughing and grunting as they went, until they found themselves locked in a stalemate belly to belly, face to flank, face to flank. Pipp tried to wiggle her arms free, her goal right there in front of her face, but she could not get them past Sunny's strong hind legs wrapped around her neck. With only one option available, she went for it. Pipp buried her muzzle right between Sunny's labia and licked as deep as she could go. Sunny instantly let go, her legs straightening out, as a shiver ran up her spine. A warm gush of clear lube quickly followed as Pipp lapped it up.
  14. >Auuughhhahhhahhh!
  15. Sunny called out loudly as she lost control of her limbs.
  16. >Gotcha!
  17. Pipp looked back at Sunny as she regained focus. Sunny smiled back at her from over the side of Pipp's little plump rump.
  18. >Oh, did you? Because I'm not really sure I felt anything.
  19. >Really?!
  20. Pipp submerged again, this time deeper than before. Sunny shrieked out involuntarily. Izzy looked on and laughed as she continued to rub herself, without having let up this whole time. But suddenly an ominous shadow fell over her. Izzy looked up to see a very imposing Zipp hovering directly in front of her bed with a trail of wet running down her left thigh. Izzy's smile faded as she stopped stroking. If Zipp had finally emerged that meant this was serious.
  21. >You! On the floor now!
  22. Zipp had a deadly serious look on her face, the look of a mare who was not going to be outdone by her sister, and the look of repressed horniness.
  23. >Pfft! Please, you think you're big enough to take me.
  24. >Get out of that bed and find out.
  25. Izzy's instincts told her this wiry little pegasus wasn't messing around. She slowly slumped off the bed and onto the ground, making sure not to lose eye contact the whole way. Zipp went in for the pounce and tackled her to the floor. Things started to get very loud... and wet.
  27. Misty was suddenly awoken from her slumber by a particularly loud shriek from Sunny. Suddenly alert and in fear of the strange noises coming from downstairs, Misty cautiously made her way towards them. It sounded as if her friends were being tortured. As she rounded the corner into the open bedroom she began to speak before taking in the scene.
  28. >Hey guy's are you OK.. OH NOO!
  29. Misty immediately sprang into action with lightning speed. She first darted over to Pipp and grabbed her by her ample waist ripping her from Sunny's hind quarters so violently that her muzzle made an audible pop spraying Sunny's cum in all directions. Before Zipp and Izzy even registered what was happening, Misty launched her full body against Zipp in a side tackle making sure to grab her front hoof which had been firmly lodged in-between Izzy's legs. In what seemed like a single action Pipp and Zipp had been both thrown against opposite walls of the bedroom with Misty laying on top of Zipp.
  30. >Oh My Stars! Is everypony alright?
  31. Misty's words rang in the confused silence that followed. Everypony frozen still in the confusion, fear, and slight embarrassment between them. Sunny hunched over the side of the bed, Izzy laying on her back on the rug, Pipp against the corner wall and Zipp under a very worried Misty. Zipp was the first to break the awkwardness.
  32. >Get off of me Misty, what is your problem?
  33. Zipp pushed away with all four hooves causing Misty to flop over onto her side. Everypony in the room stood back up, Pipp wiping her mouth with a foreleg.
  34. >I, I thought you guys were in trouble...
  35. Everyone was looking at Misty utterly perplexed, Sunny then asked.
  36. >Trouble? Why would we be in trouble?
  37. >Well I heard you all in pain, and then I saw, I saw, well I don't know what I saw but I thought you were... What was everypony doing down here?
  38. >Well Uhhhh...
  39. Pipp then took over Sunny's pause
  40. >You See Uh we were Uhh...
  41. Zipp spoke over her sister, while wiping her hoof off on the side of Sunny's bed.
  42. >You know we were just doing, uh doing...
  44. Izzy yelled straight to the point.
  45. >Masturbating? What is masturbating?
  46. >WHAT?!? You've never masturbated?
  47. >I have no idea what that is.
  48. >You mean to tell me you've never flicked the bean? you've never paddled the pink canoe? you've never buttered the muffin? Pet the cat? Hoof painted? Downstairs DJ'd? Never even DIY'd?
  49. >Umm I'm pretty sure I've hoof painted before?
  50. >Oh Misty you've been 'misstying' out my sista'. If you never experienced the solo driver, you gotta try it right now.
  51. Zipp interrupted Izzy.
  52. >I'm gonna have to agree with Izzy on this one. You never rubbed one out before? You have to try it. It’s like.. the best!
  53. >I have no idea what you all are talking about, what does rubbing one out even mean?
  54. >It's when you take your hoof and well.. you rub... down there..
  55. Sunny gestured towards her rear.
  56. >and you just keep going... until, until you're satisfied.
  57. >But what about the teeth!?
  58. Misty replied with a horrified expression.
  59. >Teeth?
  60. Everypony audibly gasped.
  61. >Opaline always told me that I should never touch back there because, because there was teeth in there, and if anything went up there it would eat and eat and never stop. She said if I ever put my hoof in there it would keep eating and eating myself until I turned into a ball.
  62. Everypony in the room burst into laughter except for misty of course who stood there still, her eyes darting around at each of her friends confused but smiling in response to the laughing.
  63. >Oh Misty, Opaline was lying to you, there's no such thing as teeth back there.
  64. Pipp said calmingly.
  65. >I guess she is a liar.
  66. >Come on let’s get you started. Go on, get up on the bed.
  67. Pipp slowly patted the covers of Sunny's bed.
  68. >Oh.. I. Ok..
  69. Everypony cleared the way as Misty hopped up on the bed spun around and sat down with her tail in-between her legs. She grabbed her tail nervously and fidgeted through the curly locks as Sunny, Izzy, Pipp and Zipp gathered in close.
  70. >Ok honey now lie back and hold your back legs apart.
  71. Pipp gently grabbed Misty's shoulder and laid her back onto the pillow and rested her other hoof on her thigh encouraging her to spread open. Misty reluctantly let go of her tail and it flopped back onto the bed allowing her mare parts to peak out.
  72. >Now just take your hoof and place the edge right in between the center.
  73. Misty hesitantly inched her hoof down as her four friends slightly leaned in in anticipation, but she stopped right before making contact.
  74. >Are you sure there are no teeth?
  75. >Yes Misty of course, we are sure.
  76. >But. But what if it's just me who has teeth?
  77. >Misty I can assure..
  78. >Hold up a second! Let me go get something.
  79. Zipp interrupted, and then flew off as fast as she could to the floor downstairs without explanation. Everypony stood there waiting awkwardly as Misty lay there exposing her ponut and slot for the whole room to see. Eventually Zipp flew back from downstairs with her tech vision glasses and drone in hoof.
  80. >Here put this on
  81. Zipp slammed the tech glasses over Misty's head and launched the drone from her hoof. She hovered back down to the foot of the bed and using her pad, she guided the drone to point straight in the middle of Misty's legs.
  82. >Ok so you don't have to touch it but just use both your hooves and pull it apart on each side.
  83. >Ok.
  84. Misty complied and grabbed the edges of her crotch and pulled the lips of her vulva apart exposing the soft pink innards which contrasted greatly against her blue colored coat, all the while the camera view from the drone was displayed in the goggles she was wearing. Zipp maneuvered the drone in close, filling up the frame with Misty's mare bits.
  85. >See. Do you see any teeth in there?
  86. >Wooah!
  87. Misty was entranced with the view being displayed before her eyes.
  88. >I've never really seen my own before. Opaline never let me have a mirror. It looks weird.
  89. Zipp then toggled through all the modes of the drone display, infrared, UV, X-ray, all of which showed nothing but soft safe flesh all the way down to the bone.
  90. >See, you don't have any teeth in there, no pony does.
  91. Zipp docked the drone and then took the visor off from Misty's head. Misty blinked several times while adjusting back to normal vision.
  92. >I believe you. Boy I really thought you guys were going to get eaten. I'm so stupid for believing something so dumb.
  93. Sunny grabbed Misty's hoof and pulled it to her chest.
  94. >That's alright Misty you couldn't have known. Opaline was just awful.
  95. >Yeah she was... But why does everypony want to touch down there so much?
  96. Pipp spoke back up.
  97. >Ohhh you're going to love this. I remember my first time. Take your hoof like I said and just stick it in there, you'll see.
  98. With her newly gained confidence Misty looked down and smiled, bit her tongue, and shoved the edge of her hoof right in-between the lips of the unknown.
  99. >Ow!
  100. Misty yelped, as the rough edge of her hoof rasped against the soft and sensitive, never-been touched, folds of her inner vulva.
  101. >Careful Misty, you don't want to be too rough with it, not for your first time anyway. You want to pamper it like a delicate flower.
  102. >Oh, ok Pipp
  103. Misty lay there motionless, hoof halfway inserted, she squeezed her eyes shut and unconsciously began to hold her breath. Everypony waited just staring, not knowing what she was going to do next. A few silent moments passed. Eventually Misty peaked open her eyes and spoke.
  104. >So uh, how long does it normally take? Because I don't notice anything different yet.
  105. >Sweety you're so adorable, you have to slide up and down to make it happen.
  106. >Ohhh, I see. Uh, like this?
  107. >Yes, just make long smooth slow strokes. Just uuuup... and downnn... uuuup.... and down...
  108. Misty followed just as Pipp described for a few strokes, and while her rough hoof was slightly hurting her delicate skin it did feel kind of good, but no more than scratching your back up against a tree she thought.
  109. >Don't listen to her, I've watched my sister for years and it takes her hours to finish. If you want to do it right you gotta go side to side really fast, that's how you're supposed to do it.
  110. >Ziiipp that's not the point, you don't have to get there fast. It's the journey not the destination.
  111. >Pffft, come on look its clearly not working, and no pony does it for the journey, the whole point is to get to the climax. Go on Misty, try it. Side to side. Really fast.
  112. Misty looked back and forth between Zipp staring intently at her crotch and Pipp sitting back now with her fore legs crossed, eyes shut, and nose turned away from her sister.
  113. >Ok I'll try
  114. Misty began pushing each edge of her opening left and right piling the soft flesh up against the sides of her inner thighs at what she thought was a pretty fast pace.
  115. >No you gotta go like way faster than that.
  116. Misty picked up the pace to as fast as she could move her arm back and forth and the feeling did indeed move past a mere satisfying itch and into more of an unbearable yet desirable tingle. She kept it up as her friends looked on until she started to feel a warmth flush from underneath, and not just from the friction of the motion. Until suddenly everything got very wet, and where her hoof had been locked in place with the skin stretching it from side to side, it suddenly slipped right off, and she hit the inside of her leg with a painful thud.
  117. >Ow. Oh my gosh. Sorry I think I peed. Oh, I'm so embarrassed
  118. Misty immediately stopped and covered her face out of shame. It had been so long since she had peed the bed and she can't believe it happened again, how did she not feel it coming? she thought to herself.
  119. >No Misty, it's cool, that's supposed to happen, it means it's working.
  120. >Good for you Misty
  121. Izzy chimed
  122. >Really?
  123. Misty pulled her hooves from her face and sniffed her right hoof which was all wet but didn't smell at all like urine.
  124. >Wow! This is weird.
  125. Misty went right back to work, her movements, a little awkward at first, but she quickly adjusted to the now slippery surface. In fact, with her newly discovered self-lubricant, she could greatly speed up the rhythm of her strokes. Pretty soon she was going so fast her hoof was slapping across her lips sending out little droplets in all directions.
  126. >Wow.. I.. didn't.. know.. it.. could.. do.. this.
  127. Misty said between the vigorous motion of her foreleg. The heat started to return but this time with all the wetness the fast motion didn't really hurt at all, yet retained that tickling sensation. It started to feel good. Meanwhile Her friends started to cheer on from the corners of the bed.
  128. >Go Misty! Go Misty! Go!
  129. A big grin grew across Misty's face, and even though her hoof was getting tired she doubled down her efforts and kept up the pace. Even more fluid started to come up and the wet slapping noise intensified. Sunny, Izzy, Pipp and Zipp all started to chant in unison.
  130. >Cum! Cum! Cum! Cum!
  131. Misty kept at it, and now her arm was really starting to burn, she took her other hoof and grabbed her back leg pulling it towards her chest to stretch out some more space in-between her nethers so she had some more room to work with. Her tired hoof started to make longer and longer strokes as the muscles in her shoulder started to fatigue. She could still feel the heat gathering but the tingling sensation had all but disappeared. The over stimulation had dulled her senses. Unknown to her, climax was getting further and further away. Misty began to breathe heavily as her motions became more and more labored. The girls chanting began to slow in time with Misty's effort, until Misty could no longer keep it up.
  132. >Cum!. Cum!..... Cum....... Cum?
  133. Panting and out of breath Misty excitedly spoke.
  134. >Did I.... Did I do it?... Did I uhh 'Cum'?
  135. >No I don't think so.. You would definitely know it if you did.
  136. Zipp said with a disappointed look on her face.
  137. >You see Zipp! You can't just get to the end you have to build up to it. You know, like a good book.
  138. >Oh, like your way was going to work.
  139. >Of course it would. She's not as experienced as you Zipp. She doesn't know what to expect.
  140. >There's no way it won't work, it always works for me, here let me show you.
  141. Zipp pushed Pipp out of the way and leaned over onto the bed and shoved her hoof right into Misty, and began to vigorously stroke it side to side.
  142. >No Zipp!
  143. Pipp grabbed Zipp away from Misty.
  144. >You can't do that, she has to do it herself otherwise it doesn't count. How could you take that away from her?
  145. Pipp and Zipp started arguing with one another.
  146. >Uhhhhhh?
  147. Misty futilely murmured as Pipp and Zipp continued to argue.
  148. >Well does anypony else have any suggestions then?
  149. >Yes Yes Me Me!
  150. Izzy shouted in response while raising her hoof in the air.
  151. >Ok, what?
  152. Zipp asked.
  153. >You gotta hit the secret button!
  154. >The what?
  155. Everypony said in unison.
  156. >You know the little button who lives in the dangly bit at the bottom, who likes to come out when you’re excited. Give her a high hoof when she does, she really likes it.
  157. >That's called the clitoris Izzy.
  158. >Wow really!? I never knew she had a name. Ha! *snort* You learn something new every day!
  159. >There's a button in there? I've never seen one on anypony?
  160. Misty asked.
  161. >It's not exactly polite to show your button in public, but all us mares have one. Look, see!
  162. Izzy spun around presenting her hind quarters at Misty while simultaneously craning her neck around to look at both. Lifting her tail out of the way she performed a series of kegels to wink her clitoris in Misty's direction.
  163. >See look at her go. She looks just like my cutie mark... Hello!.... Hello!... Hello *giggles
  164. Izzy held the last kegel and asked Misty.
  165. >Go on she wants you to give her a high hoof!
  166. Misty giddily laughing reached over and gave Izzy's wink a little tap, and it proceeded to sink below the opening of Izzy's rather pudgy lower vulva. Izzy then turned around to face Misty directly.
  167. >She says, 'Thank you.' Now go ahead, you try.
  168. Misty reached down and began to prod her fleshy protrusion. Then she tried to gently tap it from the side letting it vibrate to a stop a few times.
  169. >Uh it, I mean 'she' won't come out. How do you make her come out?
  170. >Hmm?... Oh! You know when you have to pee sometimes, but you have to stop yourself.
  171. >Uhh Yeah.
  172. >Just do that, that makes her come right out. But sometimes I like to just dig her out of there.
  173. >I don't want to pee on the bed though, plus I don't have any pee right now.
  174. >Don't pee silly, just stop yourself from peeing without peeing.
  175. >Ok I'll try.
  176. Misty attempted to perform a kegel while everypony stood around her. They all began to subconsciously wink like operating an imaginary controller when watching an inexperienced pony play a video game. After half a minute of struggle and some furious winking all around Misty finally managed the maneuver and out popped her little bud.
  177. >I did it, I did it. There she is!
  178. >Quick Misty! Give her a slap!
  179. Misty reached down and slammed the flat of her hoof right on top of her exposed clitoris, and it instantly sent a sensation through her pelvis and all the way up her spine, she had never experienced anything like it before. Izzy continued to encourage her.
  180. >That's it keep it up.. Pop her up and push her down.. It's like a fun game of whack-a-mole.. Ooh! now rub your belly up and down while you do it.
  181. Misty gave a confused look at Izzy, but proceeded to do as she said.
  182. >Now blow on it as hard as you can.
  183. Misty did as she was told. The cold feeling on her wet pussy was nice but she was starting to lose focus on the sensation while having to coordinate everything.
  184. >Now use both your back hooves to pull on your tail every five taps.
  185. >Now swap hooves!
  186. >Flop your flank up and down like a dying fish!
  187. >Lick your hoof clean, but don't forget to keep blowing between licks.
  188. Misty tried her best to comply with all of Izzy's demands but once again she was getting tired and out of breath. Even though she was finding it difficult to concentrate on this new sensation, the hot blood from all the exercise was really starting to focus on her mare parts. She even began to start sweating a little. and her blue shade down there started to turn a little red. Then there was something new. A pressure building, not exactly like having to pee but very similar.
  189. >Oh I forgot. Keep going misty I'll be right back.
  190. Izzy ran away towards her bed and started rifling through her bedside table. After fiddling for a bit, she ran right back to her spot next to Sunny's bed.
  191. >Toys!!!
  192. Izzy threw a whole armful of crude, but lovingly crafted sex toys on top of Misty as she was continuing to stroke and pat and flop around.
  193. >Toys? oh come on toys are a crutch.
  194. Zipp said disapprovingly.
  195. >What?.. Toys can be fun. Ponies on my Ponlyfans certainly think so.
  196. >Yeah Zipp? What's wrong with my toys?
  197. >First off, you're like twice Misty's size, none of those things are possibly going to fit up there. Second you should never rely on toys, what if you're like, trapped on a desert island with just hoof 'A' and hoof 'B'?
  198. The girls continued to debate while Misty stopped rubbing her stomach for a bit to pick up one of Izzy's toys that had landed on her, which appeared to be a finished corn cob from last night’s dinner wrapped in a dishwashing glove, zip tied shut with a little smiley face drawn on it. She tossed it off her belly so she could continue her complicated masturbatory regiment.
  199. >...Well then if there wasn't coconuts, I would just use a pineapple!
  200. >That's not the point! What if there was no pine.. you know what, never mind. Hey Sunny you're the Alicorn what do you say, toys or no toys?
  201. >Well uhh? That's not really for me to decide.
  202. >Oh, come on! Then just tell us, do you use toys or not?
  203. >Well, no I never really used toys... unless you count the shower head? For just a couple of times though.
  204. >See Misty alicorns don't use toys so don't bother.
  205. Pipp then chimed in.
  206. >Wait, Sunny you've been awfully quiet, what's your technique, tell us, how does an alicorn do it?
  207. >I don't know, nothing special I just rub down there like anypony else. Oh! I also used to play with my butthole.
  208. >Eeewww. Haha. That's gross.
  209. Blurted Izzy.
  210. >What? What's wrong with playing with your butthole?
  211. >Don't you know manure comes from there? Ha ha ha.
  212. >Oh come on, it's not like that.
  213. >Wait? used too? What do you mean you used to play with your butthole?
  214. Zipp asked incredulously.
  215. >Well I never thought I would tell anypony..... but ever since I learned to transform into my alicorn form... Boom! instant orgasm every time!
  216. >No way!!
  217. >It's true. And better yet I can do it as much as I like. Literally no cool down time. I know, I've tried.
  218. >Amazing
  219. Gasped Izzy.
  220. >Oh, I am so jealous!
  221. Pipp exclaimed.
  222. >So, like even when you were fighting Opaline?... And when we met the dragons?
  223. Asked Zipp.
  224. >Uh, ha ha yeah. I've kinda learned how to deal with it.
  225. >Kinky.
  226. >Well that settles it. Misty you heard Sunny start playing with your butthole.
  227. Izzy shouted at Misty.
  228. >Yeah.. wait? That doesn't follow?
  229. Said Sunny. Misty thought about it for a second. She really didn't like the idea, buttholes are gross, but if it could get her to 'cum' then it will probably be worth it. Misty stopped rubbing her stomach and reached down with her right hoof and started rubbing the ole chocolate starfish side to side. Her natural lube had slowly been running down over her ponut this whole time making it easy for her hoof to get in and out and over while massaging back and forth. The sensation was.. weird, and she was slowly learning to start enjoying the things she thought she wasn't supposed to do since getting out of captivity, and this definitely felt like one of those things. But honestly she thought, this wasn't doing anything for her. She lay there going through the motions feeling kind of tired, the sensation of her clitoris had now been dulled to the point of non-existence, the heat was cooling, and her wetness was starting to get dry and sticky. And that strange pressure feeling had disappeared as well. Misty's smile had left her face, and all her friends could see it.
  230. >Start going side to side again, you're probably ready now.
  231. Zipp said with a little desperation in her voice, then followed by Pipp
  232. >Up... and down... Up... and down...
  233. Zipp, Pipp, Sunny and Izzy started giving directions all at once, worried that Misty wasn't going to be able to finish. All the while Misty was starting to become frustrated, a little angry even.
  234. >Just rub in little circles.
  235. >Flick the bean really hard like a hoof ball.
  236. >Stretch your legs out further like as hard as you can.
  237. >Maybe try flossing your tail hairs in-between?
  238. >Oo! I've got this rope for when I want to get really spicy.
  239. >Absolutely not Izzy!
  240. >ENOUGH!!!
  241. Misty yelled, sat up and slammed her hooves at the side of the bed. Everypony went silent.
  242. >I mean, thank you, everypony, for your suggestions, but I don't think it's working. I, maybe I'm just not able to cum.
  243. Sunny immediately tried to reassure her.
  244. >Oh, Misty we are so sorry, we all kind of got a little too excited and we made your first experience a bad one. But don't believe that. You will be able to cum.
  245. >I'm sorry Misty. I forgot that everypony discovers what they like on their own, so whether you like it fast..
  246. Pipp interrupted her sister.
  247. >Or slow.
  248. >Crazy.
  249. Izzy followed.
  250. >Or plain.
  251. Said sunny. Then all in unison.
  252. >There's no right way to masturbate!<
  253. Misty wiped a small tear from her eye, and even though she was a little bit sweaty, and messy, and wet, and she had a little bit of poop on her hoof, they all gathered in and embraced with one giant hug.
  254. Sunny announced to all the ponies in the room.
  255. >Ok girls let’s just keep our suggestions to ourselves and let Misty figure out what she likes on her own.
  256. Everypony nodded in agreement and gave Misty a little space. Izzy hopped onto her bed that was hanging beside Sunny's, and Pipp and Zipp sat down together on the rug at the foot of the bed. Sunny just sat down where she was right next to Misty.
  257. >Do you really think I can do it? Do you think I can cum?
  258. >Of course we do Misty. Everypony can cum and you will too. Just do whatever you feel, if it doesn't work just try something else.
  259. Sunny spoke with her signature optimism. Pipp then followed.
  260. >We believe in you Misty, and we will support you every step of the way.
  261. >Mmhmm!
  262. The girls responded in agreement.
  263. >Ok, Yes! I believe I can do it. Watch me because I'm going to Cum! Whatever that is!
  264. Misty closed her eyes and took a deep breath. After holding it for a moment she exhaled and opened her eyes again looking around to all her friends. A grin started to form. She gently leaned back against the pillows and squirmed into a comfortable resting position. She then folded open her legs once again and tightened her stomach so as to tilt her pelvis into view. There she was, Misty thought as she locked eyes with her little mare friend. 'I don't understand you.' She thought. 'But I'm going to figure you out, and I'm gonna beat you, and you're going to give me what I want.' Misty then took her left hoof and started to prod her bulbus end. To her surprise she could feel the tingling sensation from her clitoris once again. Her little respite had allowed her dulled senses to return. She better not go too hard on it, otherwise it might disappear again, she thought. In fact, giving the whole area a little break from all the abuse had allowed the blood to really start flowing, and it felt hot, very hot, she could feel the heat penetrating through her hoof even before she touched it. She decided to just start mushing around her clitoris underneath her vulva, she rocked around the flat of her hoof like she was rolling a piece of dough. It felt nice, really nice. Her clitoris still sent tingles up her spine each time it popped from side to side under her folds, but it was softer, not so intense, just right even. She discovered she could push down really hard, and it wouldn't hurt at all. The pressure from above seemed to be matched by the pressure coming from below, and after a particularly hard stroke out popped a little pulse of warm lubricant, fresh from her hole to re-wet her dry sticky lips. Misty took advantage of the freshly wetted flesh, and slid the flat of her hoof down towards her tail under intense pressure like a rolling pin. Her lips pushing open at the front of the stroke and resealing at the back.
  265. All of a sudden, her clitoris winked all on its own and hit the back of her hoof which sent a shiver through her whole body, much much greater than before. Misty immediately recoiled her hoof in shock from the involuntary motion. What had just happened? She hadn't tried to kegel, it just moved like it was somepony else who did it. After freezing for a moment, she tried the same move again. Pushing down really hard she started from the base and moved to her tail. Again, her clitoris popped up all on its own and slapped the back of her hoof. She felt her muscles contracting like a wink, but she just wasn't the pony who was doing it. Plus, it seemed that her clitoris hitting her felt soo much better than her hitting her clitoris. 'Ok Miss Button' she thought 'I got you figured out' as she smiled to herself. Misty proceeded to perform the same stroke over and over, the sensation becoming more intense each time her button winked in response to the specific massage.
  266. >The old rolling pin technique... Nice! I have a toy for that right here if you want.
  267. Izzy shouted as she lay on her side from her bed, chin propped up on her hoof.
  268. >Is that? Is that my rolling pin from the kitchen?
  269. Sunny asked.
  270. >Umm... no?
  271. Misty ignored them, she was too engrossed in the sensation because now that strange pressure was starting to build again, already surpassing what she had felt before. As an added bonus, the clear slippery fluid was flowing faster, enabling her to increase the rate of her strokes while pressing down even harder. Each press spilt a little more over the edge until her rump and dock were almost completely drenched, dark streaks of wet blue fur running down her posterior. And the flat hoof technique would squirt a little out the sides each time so that the wet was traveling up the sides of her inner thighs as well. Then all of a sudden...
  272. >Uhhhhmmm!
  273. Misty immediately stopped everything and held hooves to cover her mouth. The noise she just made definitely came from her, but she wasn't the one who spoke it.
  274. >It looks like we have ourselves a little screamer!
  275. Pipp shouted melodiously from the foot of the bed.
  276. >A screamer? What's that?
  277. >Some mares and stallions can't help but vocalize when they’re doing the deed as they say. It's just something some ponies do sometimes.
  278. >So, Miss Button can control your mouth too?
  279. >Miss Button! Ha! *snort* Yes, I suppose she can. It's not personally my thing but you do you Misty. Whatever you're feeling let it out girl.
  280. >Don't worry Misty. I like to scream too.
  281. >Yeah you do Zipp! She used to keep everyone awake at night back at the castle.
  282. >So do I.
  283. Sunny said sheepishly while raising her hoof.
  284. >Contrary to what everypony is probably thinking... I... do not. But I like hearing it though!
  285. Sunny grabbed Misty's hoof
  286. >It's ok Misty. Keep going, you're getting closer.
  287. Misty, wide eyed and excited now, went to return to business only to realize that during her brief pause in action, instead of dissipating, the feeling of pressure had only increased. The heat too. She could now start to feel the radiating heat pulse in time with her increasing heartbeat, and without her hoof in the way, she saw that Miss Button’s little house had become noticeably bigger, to the point where the pink rim around the inner edge was starting to poke out all on its own. She returned to pushing and sliding, this time with her right hoof pressing on the back of her left to push harder.
  288. >mmmh!.... sorry.
  289. Again strange noises came out of her own mouth. She was usually such a quiet pony she thought, and she didn't really want to make any noise, but out they came anyway. After a few strokes the pressure inside had become so intense that it was now uncomfortable to press down on. Something felt very full down in there. The sensation had now become too unbearable to continue. She decided to try Zipp's method, thinking that it would be the least likely to cause unwanted pressure. She started off slowly just to be careful in case it hurt too, but to her surprise unlike last time it didn't just feel like scratching a really good itch, it was a whole new sensation of good. Waves of sensitive shivers rippling out from her pelvis almost like pain but nothing like pain at the same time, some sort of pain that she wanted. Zipp was right! She picked up the pace greatly almost as if she had no choice. And it was easy too, by this time she was covered in so much more slick self-lube. It started to spray everywhere as she flung her hoof side to side.
  290. >uhh!... sorry... mmmmhu! sorry... Oow!... soWWrry.
  291. All the girls looked on bemused at the scene before them. Pipp had to avert her gaze for a second as a droplet of Misty's precum was headed straight towards her eye. As she looked down, she realized that she had subconsciously begun mimicking Misty's motions on herself.
  292. >Wow this is getting kinda Hot!
  293. She leaned over and whispered to Zipp while maintaining direct eye contact with Misty's drenched flank.
  294. >Way ahead of you Pipp!
  295. Shouted Izzy from across the way, still on her side, only now she was pulling her raised back hoof nearly backwards and shoving a massive homemade dildo in and out, like some kind of pony contortionist. Then Pipp looked down at Zipp only to see she was doing just the same as herself. Without slowing down even a little, Zipp continued her Zipp method and slowly leaned over to Pipp while keeping her eyes fixed on Misty, and then whispered.
  296. >I taught her that..
  297. Misty continued to go at it making funny little noises as she went, only now with less apologizing as she could no longer concentrate on saying words good.
  298. Huffing and fully sweating now, Misty was manically masturbating. She wasn't even smiling anymore. Like before, her foreleg was getting sore, but this time was different, she was compelled to continue, the burning in her shoulder be damned. This wasn't like an itch, this was something else entirely. This itch must be scratched, this itch demanded to be scratched, there was no stopping. And now the pressure inside was unbearable on its own. It didn't matter if she pushed, winked, or stopped wanking entirely, it felt like something was going to pop inside regardless. She continued on the rhythm, faster than before even. But she was topped out, she physically could not go any further. She held the pace at max speed for another few seconds, every flicking sensation as vibrant as the first, but it just wasn't enough. Her rate began to faulter, and her strokes began to elongate just as before. And just as her foreleg was about to stall out, in her frustration she gave three big slaps directly down on the center of her pelvis, the last she held down tight while arching her back.
  299. >huuh!... Huuha!...... Hmmmmmnnnnn!!!
  300. Misty collapsed back against the pillow, panting heavily, and she dropped her arched back. Breathing in and out, the room had become noticeably moist, and the air was full of mare. Not just from Misty but from everypony's activity's from even before she arrived. She lay there exhausted and in pain. Her mare bits throbbing with her heartbeat, something deep inside being stretched to the limit. It wasn't enough. It wasn't enough! This was awful. What was she supposed to do now? Would this pain ever go away? Has Miss Button won?? Misty lay there for a moment, mind a blur.
  301. >No!!
  302. Misty resolved.
  303. >I'm going to beat you! I! AM! GOING! TO! CUM!!!!
  304. With her left hoof out of commission. She went for her right. She gripped the bed sheet tightly with her left, bracing herself as she raised her right hoof all the way in the air for her master strike. But just as she was about to deliver the finishing blow, she remembered that she had been previously using righty to play with her butthole. And that was gross. She looked up at her hoof poised and ready to go, and right there on the edge of the hoof was a little brown streak, not much, but still really really gross.
  305. Misty halted what she was doing, and she went to go wipe off her hoof on the side of Sunny's bed. She swept her hoof back and forth multiple times with really long strokes against the fabric, because let’s face it without soap and water she was never going to get it off of there even if she couldn't smell it anymore, so she at least wanted to buff it off really really good. And as she was wiping off her hoof, she smeared it across a cold, wet and slimy section of the fabric that was draped over the side. She immediately felt it and lifted her hoof to see that it was covered in a thick viscous whitish substance. Perplexed, she brought it in close and gave it a whiff.
  306. As soon as the vapors from the mysterious substance entered her nostrils, a switch was thrown deep within Misty's brain, some arcane mechanism laying in slumber unknown to her for her whole life. It wasn't much, the scent was weak, but the change was definite. Keep smelling this smell was its command. And Misty didn't know how she knew, but she knew this had to do with Miss Button. Almost under a hypnotic spell Misty obeyed its command. She sensuously inhaled another deep breath while slowly closing her eyes so as to concentrate more clearly on the smell. And with it her little mare began to tingle even without having been touched. The smell was familiar, yet too faint to remember.
  307. >What is this?
  308. Sunny realizing what misty was holding, she fessed up in embarrassment.
  309. >Oh I, uh, I think that's mine. You see Pipp was helping me out earlier and I think I got a little-
  310. >It Stinks.
  311. Misty cut off Sunny's explanation not really caring about the why.
  312. >Well it's summer you see, and it's been really busy at the smoothie stand, and I stayed late so when I got home I didn't really have time to take a shower, so I went straight to bed and-
  313. >No it stinks, and I think I like it. This came from you?
  314. Sunny's cheeks immediately flushed to red.
  315. >Well. Yeah.
  316. >Can I.. Can I smell you?
  317. >Uuuuhhh....
  318. Sunny hesitated, but her giving nature quickly won out.
  319. >Sure Misty, whatever you need.
  320. She turned around and lifted her tail up, curling it all the way back to give Misty an unobstructed area to sniff. She backed up over the edge of the bed far enough so that Misty would not have to lean over to reach from where she was laying. A little too embarrassed to watch Misty awkwardly smell her in front of all her friends, she just staired straight ahead to avoid any eye contact, smiling nervously. Misty closed her eyes and lightly rested her muzzle right at the base of Sunny's slot where it met the anus, and drew in a deep breath right from the source. The sickly sweet smell of a mare sweating all day in the sun, sweaty fresh body odor steeped between the folds of skin and labia that never leave each other’s sides, mixed with the freshly crusted secretions so lovingly drawn out by a pink princess, and yes even the unavoidable scent of manure that leaks out over a hard day's work, smelled as good to Misty in this moment as anything she had ever experienced before. Misty now fully remembered this fragrance. She had smelled it many times before. Many a time had Opaline sent her out for a hard day’s labor, or even a several days journey without restroom or shower. And she had smelled this smell coming from her own self. But this smell was different, sure it smelled the same, but it had the distinct difference of smelling not exactly but also entirely like..
  321. Not Misty.
  322. And with that, this assault from all directions both of mental and physical pleasure, the Misty that was, was no longer. She was gone. and in her place... an animal of pure instinct and carnal desire.
  323. In what felt like a dream, Misty opened her eyes. Her vision was dimmed, but she could see all her friends around her, engaged in the same carnal act as she, and she understood. Even though she was experiencing immense pain, she became very relaxed and even comfortable, eyes half lidded, and her mouth slightly ajar. Miss Button was in full control now, every movement, every action was that of pure instinctual response. Misty could only watch now. Her hoof returned to her wet throbbing folds, and slowly but confidently began to stroke.
  324. >Aaahhhnnmm!
  325. Miss Button's ancient language was spoken once again, and Misty didn't even have the slightest desire to hold them back. Or maybe she did? It didn't matter because Miss Button wasn't just in control of her body, she had control of her mind now too. Misty's chest now drew in another breath, filling herself with another cloud of Sunny's essence. But this time it wasn't just Sunny. It was Pipp and Zipp and Izzy as well and even herself. She had become sensitive to everything, even the smell of Izzy's crusty toys that lay around her.
  326. >Uuhhhhhhhhhmm!
  327. Misty closed her eyes, and the vision of her friends were replaced in her mind’s eye, showing her an indistinct writhing mass of faceless mares spreading out to infinity, all performing the same acts as she. The sounds of herself and her friends around her morphed and multiplied into the endless moans and plaps of the crowd she saw before her, as she lay prone to all. These mares were all the mares who had cum before her since the dawn of time. But No! They were not acting as she. She was acting as them! They were acting as one! She did not have to beat Miss button. Miss button wanted what Misty wanted the whole time. In this moment they were one in the same.
  328. >Huuuuaaahhhhh!!!
  329. And that was that. She had crossed the limit. The point of no return. With one final involuntary slap of Miss Button herself, Misty's nervous system was set afire. Every inch of her body from hoof to snout, and even deep inside her skull twinkled and buzzed like the afterglow of an Equestria day firework.
  330. Misty basked in the glory of this feeling letting it wash over her, her eyes pinched shut, a moment that seemed to freeze time itself, every neuron saying 'Yes!' in unison. She could have never even conceived of such an experience. There were no words to describe, there were no thoughts even, it was just... Pleasure!
  331. But now, her task complete, Miss Button abruptly abandoned Misty. And suddenly clarity returned to her and Misty was once again herself. Only now, she felt different. This wasn't over, she could feel her biology unlocking within, something was coming. 'Oh, I get it!' misty thought to herself 'Come!' Misty was going to CUM!
  332. Her pain sharply increased as her never-been-used muscles deep within started to contract. Their unstoppable will pulled with all their might against their poor atrophied tendons. Misty's relaxation immediately turned to Panic.
  333. >Ohh!... Ohh!.. Oww!. Somethings happening Guys!!!
  334. >Oh! Oh my stars! I completely forgot! Misty don't cum yet, I need to get my phone!
  335. Pipp flew off towards the desk next to her bed.
  336. >I. Oww! I.. Ohh.. I don't know how!
  337. A hot stinging sensation started to travel within and with it the pain of pressure shifted as well.
  338. >Uggh! Where is it? I just put it down..
  339. Pipp said while frantically throwing items from her drawer.
  340. >Just like before Misty! Just like when you stop yourself during a tinkle.
  341. Izzy said as she trotted up close from her bed to get a better look.
  342. >Miss Button.. Ugggh!. stops the cum too?
  343. >Yes Misty! Yes she does. Now quick before it's too late.
  344. The searing heat had almost made its way to the surface before Misty performed a wink and held down on it as tight as she could. The heat stopped right in its tracks but with it a sudden increase of pain and sting. Misty let out a labored yelp, which caused her to squeeze her eyes shut and grab the sides of the mattress with both her fore hooves.
  345. >Hurry Up Pipp, she’s gonna blow!
  346. >Found it!!
  347. Pipp flew back like lightning, expertly activating the camera along the way, she hovered right above Misty to give the scene a perfect composition of thirds for some excellent footage for later.
  348. >Ok Misty, you can go now, let it all out girl.
  349. Misty, exhausted and weak finally let everything go and relaxed her whole body, her tense belly and thighs slumped low down on the bed. And out poured a thick perfectly arched stream of hot yellowish white cum, fluttering against the sides of her labia. Misty loosened her grip on the bed and sighed, as the second stage of her orgasm began. The pain of pressure now gone, and the sting of hot cum breaking its way through now finished, all that was left was the feeling of pure relaxation. With her eyes shut, Misty felt like she could go to sleep for a thousand years.
  350. But Miss Button wasn't finished with Misty Yet. She began to wink in time with the contractions coming from below. And now, something new! Her pelvis began to thrust in time with the contractions as well. All this was happening outside Misty's control, but she no longer cared, the pain was gone, and the feeling of relief was so great, she would let Miss Button do whatever she wanted. The stream of fluid was interrupted and redirected by the thrusts of her flank, but with her eyes still shut, and the stream still too strong, arching well past her, Misty was unaware of what was going on back there. But one of her thrusts pulsed a flow towards her stifle, and hot cum splashed down the side of her leg and began to pool back onto her.
  351. Suddenly startled by the feeling of wet hot tendrils rolling down her leg, Misty lurched forward and opened her eyes to see what looked like a large white snake sticking out of her vagina. She quickly realized that it was a massive geyser of the same substance she had got on her hoof earlier from Sunny, and it was splashing directly into a pool next to Misty's tail, getting absolutely everywhere, and completely soaking Sunny's bed. Her friends were frozen all around her, mouths agape. Sunny to her right, Zipp and Izzy to her left and Pipp hovering right in front of her.
  352. >Whaaat?! You mean CUM is an actual thing!!! Oh no, oh no, oh no..
  353. Misty immediately placed both hooves over her pussy to try and stop the cum from getting out so as to try and save Sunny's bed sheets. 'This was so much worse than peeing the bed' she thought. Not only was she making a mess, but she was doing it right in front of other ponies. Her attempts to cap the flow were fruitless, it just began to spray out from the sides and make an even bigger mess. Worse yet her rhythmic thrusting was causing it to occasionally spray out in random directions with enough force to make it over the side of the bed. She had to stop it, but she couldn't. She could only think to curl up into a fetal ball with her arms pushing through the middle of her legs. Laying there on her side, holding position tight, she successfully contained the spray, but the cum began to leak through every gap and crevice and onto the bedsheet despite her efforts. Eventually she could feel the flow abate, and the contractions and pelvic thrusts ceased. She knew that it was done, it was over, there was nothing more she could do. Thoroughly exhausted, she slowly flopped back over. She lay there limp staring at the ceiling, spread eagle, a little trickle of cum continued to flow down her vulva like hot lava from a volcano.
  354. >I'm sorry Sunny.... I ruined your bed.
  355. >That was....... Amazing!
  356. Pipp said from behind her phone. Zipp started to blink again and then shouted in abnormal enthusiasm.
  357. >That was the craziest orgasm I've ever seen!
  358. >So that's it right? There isn't any more is there?
  359. >Are you kidding! You came more than a mare 10 times your size. I would know, I grew up around some pretty big unicorns. That was the most cum I've ever seen in my life!
  360. >Sunny if I had known I would have-
  361. >Don't worry Misty. It's ok. We knew what was going to happen.. although I didn't quite expect it to be like that! We are all so happy you finally got to experience it. And we are glad we got to be here with you when you did.
  362. >I sure am. I don't think I'm going to even post this video. I kind of want to just keep it for myself... Oh who am I kidding, everypony has to see this!
  363. >So Misty.. What did you think? How was it?
  364. >It....
  365. Misty paused and tried to think of how to describe it, but she had no words.
  366. >It was really good!
  367. >Ha! just good, wait until this mare learns about sex.
  368. >Sex? What is Sex?
  370. It was starting to get long into the night since the girls decided they really needed to clean up before they would be able to go back to sleep. A little late-night laundry was in order. Sunny's bed was thoroughly trashed, and they had to strip every sheet down to the mattress. Luckily for her, Sunny installed a protective barrier ever since she started having her nocturnal transformations. They even had to open a window to air out the mare smell. All the while as they worked, they told each other stories of their first times and other self-sexual escapades. Misty listened closely, picking up tips for future reference now that she knew what to expect. Later it was decided that Misty needed a bath. She was nearly covered from head to hoof in her own cum and it started to dry hard, and began to pull painfully at her fur and mane. All the girls went into the shower to help scrub her clean from snoot to tail, and then each other too. All very tired from the nights events they one by one made their way to their beds and turned out the lights. Before misty rounded the corner to head up stairs she whispered to Sunny as she was just getting into bed.
  371. >Sunny... uh... would it be ok if I borrowed one of your pillows?
  372. >Why do you?... oh.. haha. ok. There's no need for that Misty. If you ever need me just let me know. You can sniff whenever you like. I don't mind.
  373. Misty blushed.
  374. >Oh.. ok. Thank you, Sunny. Goodnight.
  375. Misty ran off upstairs to her bed, letting out a giddy little giggle along the way.
  377. That night they all dreamt of cum, all except for Misty that is, who stayed up all night masturbating till dawn.
  379. (Fin)

Can Misty Come?

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Can Comet Come Too?

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Creative Writing Fetishes

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Rarity Gets Pets

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