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[RGR] Depressed Anon Goes to Find Himself

By MrSkeltal
Created: 2020-12-18 00:44:57
Expiry: Never

  1. Original Poster: Frostybox (http://pastebin.com/u/frostybox)
  2. Reason this is posted here is because it's not binned in Frosty's bin.
  4. >"Anonymous darling, you can't be serious" Rarity is the first to respond.
  5. >"Yeah, come on what're ya making such a scene for? Is it that necklace you saw in the store? Twilight could get it for you" Rainbow Dash adds.
  6. >Yeah, another shiny trinket for when you're "being emotional" not like you haven't got a drawer full of them for various other reasons.
  7. >"Rainbow! Don't just say things like that!"
  8. >Wow, Twilight sees that statement for what it-
  9. >"I don't have some kind of bottomless coffer to draw from."
  10. >Of course...
  11. >"Girls" Fluttershy mumbles.
  12. >Or that was just the echoes of Twilight and Rainbow arguing.
  13. >You hoist your pack onto your back.
  14. >"G-girls."
  15. >That was certainly Fluttershy this time.
  16. >Not even caring enough to listen to them fight about what's best for you, you open the door.
  17. >"Girls!" Fluttershy shouts.
  18. >They all stop their fighting, and even you pause at the door, not having ever heard her be that loud before.
  19. >"Oh uhm... I was just letting you all know th-that Anon's about to leave..." she trails down from talking to barely a squeak by the time she's finished talking.
  20. >All five of their eyes lock on to you.
  21. >Four voices offer apologies and promises and offers.
  22. >And all it does is make you feel sick to your stomach.
  23. >It makes you feel angry, mad enough to...
  24. "Would you girls just STOP!" finally snap.
  25. >They all jump back a little, probably because they've never heard you yell before either.
  26. "There's nothing any of you can say or do that's going to change my mind on this. I'm going."
  27. >"Bu-"
  28. "No buts! No necklaces, no promises, no swears, no- Just. Stop." you can feel your throat tightening up.
  29. >"At the very least tell us why darling, we all care about you so much. This desire to "explore" just doesn't make sense" Rarity responds.
  30. "That's the problem. This should be great right? Anything I want you girls could get for me, could do for me, right?"
  31. >They nod hesitantly.
  32. "You'd give and you'd give and you'd give."
  33. >"S'what we were raised t'do partner, y'all are our stallion" Applejack states.
  34. "Then it'd be no different than what I had back on Earth."
  35. >"Anon you're not making any sense. If this is what you were used to back on Earth then why are you running away from it?"
  36. >A question you'd asked yourself many times before.
  37. "Back home my parents gave me anything I could want, to the best of their abilities... And all I did was squander it."
  38. >Your face feels hot, and your vision begins to blur, but none of the six ponies before make a motion.
  39. "I tried to be better, I wanted so badly to be better, so I could pay them back. Or make them feel like everything they invested in me was worth it."
  40. >Light sobs sneak out as you continue.
  41. "But I couldn't. I just kept taking and feeling guiltier and guiltier each time. I tried using what they gave me to improve myself but I always talked myself out of things the moment they got difficult."
  42. >You can feel the warmth of your tears trailing down your face.
  43. "So I... I decided to stop being a burden."
  44. >They all look at you expectantly, to elaborate something they clearly don't understand, but you're finding it difficult to continue.
  45. >"Anon?"
  46. >You're not sure who it was that spoke, they've all become a blur of color to your tear soaked eyes.
  47. "So I- I- have you girls ever looked in the mirror and hated what you saw?"
  48. >You don't wait for their answer.
  49. "I killed myself. I didn't try to do it, I did it. I took a gun. Put the barrel in my mouth. Tilted it up and then I pulled the trigger" you say, motioning it all over again with your trembling finger gun.
  50. >You grip the handle of the door so tightly with the other hand that it hurts, but if you let it go you'd fall into a heap on the floor for certain.
  51. >They all gasp in unison.
  52. >You had explained to them some of the tech of your world before, Pinkie's party cannon brought up talks of your world's versions.
  53. >Their shock provides you the time needed to calm down enough to continue.
  54. "And you girls are all putting me in that same position again. I don't want to go through it all again! I don't want to be a burden!"
  55. >"Anonymous, you're not a bur-"
  56. "NO!" you roar, "Don't give me that shit Rarity!" you drop the anger in your voice, "I- I know you do it because you care about me. I'm not stupid of course I know that!... It's me. There's just something wrong with me" you mumble.
  57. >None of them try to offer a response.
  58. "So that's why I have to go. I need to fix whatever part of me is broken, and I can't do that here."
  59. >All your friends can do is stare.
  60. "For whatever reason, I've been given a second chance by coming here. I need to make the most of it."
  61. >At this point you've cried yourself dry, and while all you want to do is sleep you find the will to resettle your pack on your shoulders and turn away from the six mares.
  62. >"Wait!"
  63. >You turn to find Pinkie looking up at you with a tearful expression, "Will you write to me Nonny?"
  64. >You always liked Pinkie best, she never seemed to push anything on you like the others did, she just seemed to get it.
  65. "I dont know if-"
  66. >Her lip quivers as soon as you say the word "don't".
  67. >You gently ruffle her mane and she nudges her head against your hand.
  68. "I'll try to find places that will let me send mail."
  69. >Your answer is enough to satisfy her and she offers you a small smile and a reminder to have fun along the way.
  70. >"Oi! You there, the biggun."
  71. >You glance down to see an earth pony mare with a pegleg eyeing you up sternly, "Yer just in luck. I've need of a tauress like yourself aboard my crew I have."
  72. >She turns back and you follow her gaze to see a fairly large ship docked at the port, the sail has an silhouette of the same mare in front of you. Pegleg, cutie mark, everything.
  73. "Oh-" you clear your throat and adopt a more higher tone, "I'm only passing through, I'm afraid I don't know much about ships."
  74. >"Nonsense ...uh-"
  75. >She whistled through the gap that is her missing tooth, "Well if I wanted a mouthful I'd have hit the brothel eh?" she says with a light-hearted chuckle.
  76. "You can just call me An-On for short."
  77. >Thankfully the naming conventions of 'a metal and some noun' of the minotaurs is something most ponies don't know enough about to question.
  78. >You've also been pretty lucky that most races you've come across mistake you for a shaven tauress
  79. >She shoots you a toothy grin, "Tell me An-On, can ya tie a knot?"
  80. >You nod.
  81. >"Can ya bonk a scallywag what tries to sneak aboard?"
  82. >You nod a little more hesitantly.
  83. >She tilts her captain's hat up so she can look you in the eyes, "Then as far as I can see yer perfect."
  84. >You get your stuff settled in to your new quarters, which is just an empty corner in a room full of cider.
  85. >Captain Hoof is up top shouting orders to her crew.
  86. >You bite into the half orange she gave you for doing such a good job keeping the sails tight.
  87. >Until you had started this journey everything always tasted like gunpowder.
  88. >A grim reminder of the life you threw away.
  89. >Today, your snack only tastes a little charred.
  90. >Smiling, you withdraw a quill and ink vial and try to steady the parchment you've got on the floor with your other hand without getting too much orange juice on it.
  91. "Dear Pinkie..."
  92. >The boat rocks violently, sending you sprawling to the ground.
  93. >"Ye call yerselves a crew?! I've seen a better crew out of the blasted gulls that santch up the crumbs every morning!" Captain Swift Winds barks over the roar of the storm.
  94. >The others growl back and you hear the stampede of hooves and claws pound the floor louder than the rain's best efforts.
  95. >The wind is strong enough to push you back the moment you take a single step out onto the deck.
  96. >You slip on the soaked floor and fall back onto your ass.
  97. >"Hold 'er steady girls! We gotta push through to the eye o' this blasted storm if we're ta make it through he night!"
  98. >All the mares and gryphonesses double their efforts under the muffled calls of the captain.
  99. >And here you are, hiding just away from the storm's reach.
  100. >A large wave crashes against the side of the ship and sends several crew members to the floor including the Captain herself.
  101. >"Yer gonna hafta do better n' that if'n ya want to wash ol Swifty away!" she bellows out into the violent sky.
  102. >Her laughter breaks through to crack and rumbles of the thunder.
  103. >How can she be so unafraid?
  104. >Twice now, a wave almost toppled over the boat.
  105. >"Aaah!" A mare shouts as the violent crash of another wave knocks the rope from her mouth.
  106. >The rope makes a crack in the air from the sudden release of tension.
  107. >The boat makes a hard turn, the boards beneath your feet creak and groan loudly from the strain.
  108. >"Treat that rope like it was some port whore! Go squeeze that swinging bastard tight!" Swift grunts as she strains against the wheel.
  109. >You rise from the floor and see the crew, struggling to keep the boat afloat.
  110. >Meanwhile you're here, on your hands and knees thoroughly soaked and shaking.
  111. >From fear? From cold?
  112. >You can't even tell right now.
  113. >Damn it Anon, why did you think this would be any different?
  114. >You walked out on Twilight and the others, just like you did everyone else back home.
  115. >And for what?
  116. >To walk from Ponyville to the coast?
  117. >Big accomplishment there champ.
  118. >You're still wasting your time.
  119. >You still haven't done anything worthwhile...
  120. >The sail swings back with the sudden shift in winds, the entire crew slips on the soaked floor.
  121. >From your position on the ship you actually manage to stay somewhat upright.
  122. >A pain radiates out from your palm, you'd been making a fist this whole time, tight enough to draw blood.
  123. >The rope waves around, coaxed by the fierce winds that are making a toy of your Captain's vessel.
  124. >You step forward.
  125. >Then take another, and another.
  126. >You slip and take a hard slam to your chin.
  127. >Your jaw hurts, but you scramble to your knees.
  128. "I am so tired of giving up." you growl to yourself.
  129. >You rise to your feet.
  130. "I am so tired of giving in!" you roar.
  131. >With a few more shaky steps you can almost grasp the rope.
  132. >It's much harder to see when the rain and sea are battering your face and eyes.
  133. >But all it does is fuel your desire.
  134. >No more waking up knowing that things should change!
  135. >Your eyes follow the rope as it shakes about.
  136. >No more feeling like you don't even know where to begin!
  137. >You feel the wind change and lash out accordingly.
  138. >This time you're taking the reins for whatever happens next!
  139. >The firm bundle of twine is in your grasp.
  140. >You were so caught up in the moment that you almost let it slip.
  141. >Acting quick, you spin your arm around to coil the rope and throw your other hand up for a better hold.
  142. >Your arms feel like they're going to be ripped right off your torso, but your skin and bones hold wherever your muscles quit at.
  143. >"That's the way lass! Hold 'er tight!" Swift barks from up by the captain's wheel.
  144. >Her toothy grin shines out through the dark silhouette of the rest of her body.
  145. >Your back tightens and you suck in air to trap it tight in your gut.
  146. >With a grunt you take one step back.
  147. >Then another.
  148. >The ship rocks once more, but you don't even stumble.
  149. >A fire burns in your chest, hot enough that the icy rain that batters your soaked form doesn't even phase you.
  150. >Another ste-
  151. >The ropes creak and tighten around your arm, jerking you forward.
  152. >Another jerk behind you keeps you on your feet.
  153. >The mare who let the rope slip in the first place is biting the waist of your pants.
  154. >Together you manage to take a few more steps back.
  155. >The ship's rocking returns to a more controllable amount.
  156. >"When we're through this! Ciders and males for all of you salty bitches, courtesy o' the Cap'n!" Swift Winds roars.
  157. >The crew cheers, including the mare holding you back.
  158. >The sudden loss of support causes you to slide forward on the slippery floor.
  159. >You're dragged towards the edge of the ship at an alarming rate.
  160. >Yet your breathing keeps steady.
  161. >You grunt and plant your feet as firmly into the floor as you can.
  162. >The muscles in your stomach and chest tighten as you try pulling back against the storm.
  163. >Like the captain, you refuse to let fear overcome you.
  164. >It's s clear to you now, you willingly faced the worst already.
  165. >Death doesn't scare you anymore.
  166. >With a roar of your own, you plant your feet against the railing and pull this rope back with everything you've got.
  167. >"Anu! I'm coming!" the mare shouts over the storm.
  168. >Or at least that's what you think you heard over the crack of wood being shattered instantly.
  169. >A bright light lines up perfectly with the splitting wood sound.
  170. >The force of the rope increases tenfold and you go flying out past the edge of the ship.
  171. >You catch a glimpse of what happened as you're whipped out to sea.
  172. >Lightning hit the mast, splitting it off the top third of it.
  173. >You hear the splash before you feel it overcome you.
  174. >The water rushes all around you as you're dragged further and further down into the ocean.
  175. >You try opening your eyes, but the speed at which your sinking makes it impossible.
  176. >Wouldn't matter this late at night anyway.
  177. >Your body is all caught up in rope from when the others snapped off from the ship.
  178. >The more you thrash, the tighter it feels like they grip you.
  179. >You scream out of frustration and immediately regret the decision as you clamp your mouth tight.
  180. >The pressure building behind your ears is getting increasingly painful.
  181. >You kick and thrash as hard as you can, but can't feel yourself getting freer.
  182. >No!
  183. >NO!
  184. >You had it!
  185. >You finally had it!
  186. >The fear, the frustration, the loathing.
  187. >You were finally starting see it for what it was.
  188. >You can't help but cry out from the increasing pressure around you.
  189. >Your body feels cold, contrasting the burning in your chest from the lack of air.
  190. >Damn it...
  191. >Maybe...
  192. >Maybe you'll wind up in a world of little otters this time?
  195. "Should we be worried?"
  196. >Twilight stands next to you, watching Pinkie as well.
  197. "I mean, she's been opening and shutting that mailbox for days now."
  198. >As you say that Pinkie opens the door with an excited smile, only to shut it with a disappointed frown.
  199. >"I don't know Rainbow Dash, she was so upset when Anon left in the first place, if this is how she wants to cope then I saw we let her."
  200. >Damn it Anon.
  201. >You can't help but think about what you could've said to make him stay.
  202. >It's been one week, two days, and however many hours it was that Pinkie told you since the last letter Anon sent.
  203. >You can't help but feel a little bit of worry, but he was heading towards Equestria's coast.
  204. >If need be, you could get there in minutes.
  205. >"Come on, if we stay here we'll get into a habit of watching Pinkie watch her mailbox" Twilight says, nudging you.
  206. >You both turn and begin flying away before torrents of water and gurgling sound off from behind you.
  207. >Whipping around you see Pinkie sitting there with Starfish stuck to her eyes and kelp for a mane, "He wrote back! YIPEE!" she cheers, holding a surprisingly dry letter in her hooves.
  208. >What in Tartarus?
  209. >"Let's see, Dear Pinkie..." she reads with the starfish still on her eyes, "Was told this paper and ink is waterproof..."
  210. >"Seaponies? What the hay are-" she gasps suddenly, knocking the kelp and starfish off, "And there's one that's just like me?!"
  211. >Pinkie slaps the page onto her face, you can see the contours of her eyes sliding around it on the back side as she continues reading.
  212. >Ew.
  213. >"Closer to the Zebrican lands now, bringing me there after my arm heals..."
  214. >His arm? Seaponies?
  215. >What did he get himself into at the port?!
  216. >"Oh oh! I should tell him about the Heyena Proving Tournament that's coming up s- oh right, I can't write you back Nonners, you silly" Pinkie giggles as she goes digging into her mailbox.
  217. "Pinkie, what all did Anon say? What happened to his arm?"
  218. >"Did he run into a siren?! Is that what he meant by seapony?!" Twilight adds.
  219. >Oh right, She told you about those things when she came back through the mirror.
  220. >"No time girls!" Pinkie responds tucking the letter into her wetsuit, "I gotta go meet the other me!"
  221. >She scoops up the two star fish and waddles over to the nearby well in her flippers, "Don't you worry Inkie Pie, Pinkie's on the way!"
  222. >She slips on her snorkel and dives down into the well.
  223. >Your breathing is heavy, but at a steady pace at least.
  224. >Vision's blurry.
  225. >Either from the heat, or the blood loss.
  226. >Herena looks to be in worse shape than you.
  227. >Can barely stand it looks like.
  228. >So maybe she's about the same as you then.
  229. >Gotta finish this in one move.
  230. >The glint in her eyes tells you she's thinking the same thing.
  231. >She charges you in a sort of shambling fury.
  232. >You took too long to react, it looked like she hadn't moved at all for a moment.
  233. >She pounces.
  234. >Your arms reach out and grab hold around her throat.
  235. >Heyena's are much stronger than ponies despite being just a little bigger than them.
  236. >You both fall back from the force of her lunge.
  237. >Your back slams into the dirt as you both go tumbling down the hill you were both atop of just moments before.
  238. >Claws, hands, fangs, dirt, sweat, blood, they all mix into a blur.
  239. >And then everything goes dark.
  241. "Thanks Twilight" you respond as you take your first step on dry land after about a month, its been a day or two after Derpy Fins offered to deliver your letter to Pinkie... somehow.
  242. >"Are you sure you'll be okay here? I know it's not Equestria like you wanted but the Allfather made it very clear that w-"
  243. "No I get it, rules are rules...If you're sure that the nearest settlement is that way then I think I'll be fine."
  244. >Sea-Twi, as you call her in your mind, nods, "Yes, they're just a short walk that way. Just tell them Princess Twilight Mackrel sent you."
  245. >You stifle a laugh.
  246. "Alrighty, I guess that's it then."
  247. >"Aww, you never even got to see my Supercavitation Rainboom" Rainbow Splash whines as she bats some water with her fins.
  248. >"Now now darling we must respect Anon's wishes" Rarisea responds, nudging the grumpy seapegasus, "Besides he'll surely come back to visit us, won't you Anon dear?"
  249. "Of course, there's gotta be so much out in this world and I have to pass through your home if I want to see it all right?"
  250. >"Oh uhm... just remember to keep that shell with you and you won't have to meet us like you did the last time... i-if that's not too much to ask" Flippershy responds.
  251. >You grip the little shell necklace.
  252. "Don't worry, I'll keep it safe."
  253. >"You better! You made an Inkie promise mister man!" Inkie huffs.
  254. >"Ah don't y'all worry none kelpstalk, Anon knows better'n ta break an Inkie promise" Applejack reminds her.
  255. >Yeah, she just goes by Applejack. You're not really sure why Discord didn't go with any terrible ocean puns for her.
  256. "Okay, bye girls! Try not to get tangled in any nets Rainbow."
  257. >"Argh, IT WAS ONE TIME!"
  258. >Your sea-copy pals all wave you good bye, except Rainbow who just pouts, as you turn to walk towards where Twilight pointed you.
  259. >"Hey!"
  260. >You turn and are hit with a jet of water, "Don't go getting tangled in any rope Anon" Rainbow says in a mocking tone before diving down into the ocean.
  261. >When you get back to Equestria you're gonna have some words with "Allfather Discord."
  262. >Shelving that aside in your mind for now, you make tracks through the dry heat of the Zebrican lands.
  263. >You really hope nearest is actually near, and not just "the nearest" because this already kind of sucks.
  265. >"Tall ape, hairless and green. Do not fear, become serene" the Zebra with the most decoration on her speaks.
  266. >Shit, they already picked up that you're not a minotauress.
  267. >Welp, might as well do as Applejack...s do and spill.
  268. "Uh, hi. I'm Anonymous, uh, Princess Twilight S- Mackrel sent me."
  269. >She nods, "If you are a friend of the Princess, then there is no need for us to distress. Welcome to our lands most promised, new friend Anonymous."
  270. >You step forward and extend a hand.
  271. >She responds in kind with her hoof and you shake.
  272. >The next few weeks are a blast.
  273. >They fitted you up full tribal. Body paint, loin cloth, the works.
  274. >Turned out to be super useful in this environment, the paint keeps you from getting too burned up and damn it if the wind doesn't feel great blowing through.
  275. >You learned to forage for food and hunt for reagents alongside them.
  276. >They took only what they needed from the native creatures, and usually it was something the beasts could grow back anyway.
  277. >You took to it pretty quickly, turns out when you stop fearing dumb things like failure, you can be pretty not-shit at things.
  278. >Much like the seaponies, they didn't give you much guff about being a guy.
  279. >Unlike the seaponies' even gender split however, everything here is communal out of necessity for survival, so everyone does equal work even though the ratio matches what you saw in Equestria.
  280. >That said, you did still get a little more food than you think you should've.
  281. >You took to the work sure, but you were still the worst at doing it.
  282. >Once you felt you got the hang of things, you asked about the outer lands.
  283. >Thinking maybe there was something worth finding out there if Daring Do's books where anything to go by.
  284. >They told you of the Hyena's territories east of where you are, out where things get more rocky.
  285. >That peaked your interest.
  286. >You'd only ever heard of hyenas, never actually seen one in a zoo or anything.
  287. >With a little more inquiry about their sapience, which they had, and hostility, which they absolutely had, your mind had been set.
  288. >"We wish you safe travels dear friend" Chief Anaga stated after mouthing you your makeshift leafy pack.
  289. "Worry not Anaga, We well meet again."
  290. >The rest of the tribe rushed over and dogpiled you to the ground.
  291. >You ruffled manes and scratched ears until they eventually let you free and once more you had set out.
  292. >Why? You can't say for certain, it just feels good to live with purpose now, even if seems to change on a whim.
  293. >Almost like grasping at whatever rope is nearest, you're gonna hold on to it for all it's got before moving on to the next one.
  294. >The wind and sand is pretty annoying but the cloak the tribe made for you does a pretty good job of keeping most of it out.
  295. >It's definitely the heat that sucks.
  296. >Even dressed down as you are, you're constantly sweating.
  297. >The ground becomes rockier as you travel higher up the landscape.
  298. >After three days of travel you find what you think are the outskirts of the Hyena lands.
  299. >At least that what you think the bones mean.
  300. >Oh hey, look, there's some out in the distance.
  301. >Or they're just hallucinations, you haven't gotten those yet, but seeing as you're low on water it was bound to happ-
  302. >Seems hyenas greet warmly.
  303. >As in the hard ground you're face down in is pretty warm...
  304. >"Sorry about that Anonymous, can't blame me for taking down what looked like an easy meal" Herena says.
  305. >You wave a dismissive hand.
  306. "I've been out here a month or so, I know how it is."
  307. >Doesn't mean it didn't hurt though, that fucker is dense. Felt like he hit just as hard as the entire Zebra tribe could muster.
  308. >"So, Chief said you're free to come and go in our lands as though you're one of us right?" he asks, wagging his tail slightly.
  309. "S'what the chief said yeah."
  310. >Pretty reasonable guy, having canines yourself didn't hurt your case either you think.
  311. >Though, your acceptance was conditional.
  312. >"Great! I'll show you around." Herena says jumping down from the small bolder he was perched on.
  313. >He wanted you to participate in their Proving Tournament, it sounded like just the kind of thing you're looking for so you agreed straight away.
  314. >"Non hyena join, become hyena. Win, become alpha."
  315. >Seemed like he got to his position by winning a few tournaments himself.
  316. >"Say, Anonymous?"
  317. "You can just call me Anon."
  318. >"Anon, I was wondering why you hide your bitchhood behind that little flap."
  319. >You get tackled from behind once, and now you're his bitch. Nuh-uh that sto-
  320. >"No homo, but I caught a glance at it when you were getting up. If you're worried about being confused with a guy, don't, it's as big as mine is" he says almost proudly.
  321. >Wait... what?
  322. "Hold up... Herena?"
  323. >He? hums as he? turns around to face you.
  324. >You glance down at his? member as it sways with each step.
  325. >So if you understand this right, Herena claims they're a girl. Then that means...
  326. >You glance around and notice more and more guys strolling through the land, or well "guys"?
  327. "So... you're... how- how's uh, what is the Proving Tournament exactly?"
  329. >"Welcome to Proving Tournament!" Chief Hadar, a lady chief you've learned after that first day, barks.
  330. >The crowd gathered around the upper layers of stone yip and bark with a feverish excitement.
  331. >"Fight for prized alpha spot! Two bitches fight at a time."
  332. >Herena and some other hyena step forward into the spot that's open to the sky so they crowds watching from all sides of the rocks can see them.
  333. >The sun shines down brightly on the two competitors, they're already starting to pant from the heat.
  334. >From here you can see their hard muscles tense and relax just under their fur with each breath, the bulky form that accompanies their huntress lifestyle is made more visible by the sunlight.
  335. >A bloodthirsty excitement burns in their eyes, so much so that they can hardly keep their thick meaty clits still.
  336. >You're pretty sure it's still kind of gay to lo-
  337. >"Each bitch will bleed."
  338. >Two smaller hyenas, males apparently, run over to the Herena and the other bitch.
  339. >They look so much smaller in comparison to the fighters, it's still tough to think of them as the guys.
  340. >Herena and the other competitor hold out their paws to their own male.
  341. >The guys bite down and you see a wince flash on Herena's face.
  342. >Red coats each of the smaller hyena's muzzles and there's a small patch of red at each fighter's paw.
  343. >"To prove they can handle the responsibility of an alpha! Protect selves at their weakest! Birthing their young!... For the strongest pack!"
  344. >"FOR THE STRONGEST PACK!" the crowd above roars.
  345. >"FIGHT!" Chief Hadar growls.
  346. >The two pounce right when Hadar gets to the "T".
  347. >Fangs and claws snap and slash as the two powerhouses collide.
  348. >Herena gets the pin before the echo even finishes repeating once.
  349. >The other hyena kicks back against Herena's stomach, sending her back.
  350. >They both scramble to their paws and circle the edge marked by the lack of sunlight.
  351. >Their blood is smeared all over the arena already, after just one confrontation.
  352. >Your fingers dig into the palm of your hand as you tighten your fist, not out of fear though, but out of excitement.
  353. >"STOP!" Chief Hadar barks.
  354. >Two hyena's, slightly bigger than Herena and the hyena whose neck she has pinned in her jaw, run out and force the two apart from each other.
  355. >The loser yelps, and Herena is spitting out fur as she's pulled away.
  356. >"Herena!" the chief shouts, only to be followed by barks and howls, that you assume are cheers, from the crowd above.
  357. >The two are tended to a little aways from where you and the other competitors are at.
  358. >Another round begins with two hyenas you don't really recognize.
  359. >You watch them growl and snap, claw and bark.
  360. >Their muscles ripple with each attack as they exert all the force they can muster to end the fight with as little blood lost as possible.
  361. >Soon enough, it comes time for you to enter the blood stained arena.
  362. >You were given one small stone to sharpen as you wished to make up for the lack of claws you have, that stone is now held tightly in your right hand.
  363. >You offer your left wrist to the male.
  364. >His teeth puncture your skin, you quickly suck in air and let out a ragged breath as the blood begins dripping from your arm.
  365. >Your heart kicks up a little harder than before, fueled by anticipation and now pain.
  366. >"FIGHT!"
  367. >Your opponent lunges, like all the others have done, but you side step instead and bring your weapon down as quickly as you can.
  368. >The hyena yelps as you graze her leg with the jagged edge of your stone.
  369. >She rolls on the ground from the sudden weakness in her back leg, smearing blood along her side and along the floor.
  370. >Her recovery is faster than you were expecting and she lashes out at your gut.
  371. >You jump back in time to avoid taking damage there, but your leg is not so fortunate as her arc continues downward.
  372. >The pain is distracting enough for you to loose track of the foot you're stepping back with.
  373. >A small puddle of blood from the last fight causes you to slip back and fall on your bare ass.
  374. >A snarl signals the hyena's upcoming assault and you brace yourself as she comes down at you.
  375. >With your left arm locked tight you manage to snag her by the throat and strongarm her far enough away that her swipes can't connect where she wants them too.
  376. >The added force on your arm causes the bite to bleed a little faster.
  377. >Deciding to act quick you flip the stone in your hand around and slam it as hard as you can into your opponent's side.
  378. >She yelps and starts to swing wildly, nicking you a few times on the chest before you're both pulled apart by the previous champions.
  379. >You were so caught up in staying alive that you didn't even hear Hadar's order to stop.
  380. >The hyenas take you and the loser aside to get treated.
  381. >They tend to you first as you're expected to get back to fighting, and she's not in immediate danger of dying.
  382. >Your wounds are sealed up with a slave that looks like a ix of mud and honey, but it totally does the trick.
  383. >No bleeding, no pain.
  384. >The tournament continues until everyone has gone once.
  385. >Now is when the fights start getting more intense.
  386. >Everyone is trying to end the fights quickly, but without risking too much of their own blood.
  387. >You get creative to make up for lacking in any meaningful fighting knowledge, it costs you a number of wounds, but you haven't been beaten yet.
  388. >The way you see it, you've got three big advantages.
  389. >Endurance, the longer these fights go the better you've been doing relatively.
  390. >Sweating, it makes your grip on the stone much harder to maintain, especially now that your hand is all cut up, but it's keeping you cooler than the other competitors.
  391. >Detachment. They're fighting to prove themselves worthy, you've already earned your place with them and you sure as hell don't plan to do anything that comes with the alpha title.
  392. >They fight for power.
  393. >"Better... lay down... Anon..." Herena huffs between heavy breaths.
  394. >You fight just because.
  395. "Can't do that... floor's too dirty with your blood."
  396. >She flashes you a toothy grin, "Gonna... make you... make you my bitch."
  397. >"FIGHT!"
  398. >Your breathing is heavy, but at a steady pace at least.
  399. >Vision's blurry.
  400. >Either from the heat, or the blood loss.
  401. >Herena looks to be in worse shape than you.
  402. >Can barely stand it looks like.
  403. >So maybe she's about the same as you then.
  404. >Gotta finish this in one move.
  405. >The glint in her eyes tells you she's thinking the same thing.
  406. >She charges you in a sort of shambling fury.
  407. >You took too long to react, it looked like she hadn't moved at all for a moment.
  408. >She pounces.
  409. >Your arms reach out and grab hold around her throat.
  410. >Heyena's are much stronger than ponies despite being just a little bigger than them.
  411. >You both fall back from the force of her lunge.
  412. >Your back slams into the dirt as you both go tumbling down the hill you were both atop of just moments before.
  413. >Claws, hands, fangs, dirt, sweat, blood, they all mix into a blur.
  414. >And then everything goes dark.
  415. >Glints of light flicker into your view.
  416. >There's a heavy weight on your back.
  417. >Grunting, you get up to your knees and hands.
  418. >It's not easy, the ground beneath you is muddy and slick.
  419. >Blood, yours is seeping into the dirt- no, that's right, most of it's not yours
  420. >This weight...
  421. >You groan as you struggle to lift it up with you.
  422. >Herena lays limply across your shoulders.
  423. >You stand up out of the dry bushes you both had tumbled into and manage one step before the ground comes up to meet you and things go dark again.

[AiE] Misconceptions

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