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The Wonderful Life of Derpy Hooves

By ffanon
Created: 2024-11-03 18:51:56
Updated: 2024-11-12 14:06:37
Expiry: Never

  1. This is a modified version of the story: The Wonderful Life of Derpy Hooves. I put it in a “green” format and made some minor changes, but the plot remains the same.
  3. I am not the author, the original story is linked below. Thank you to the author!
  5. -----
  6. >It was another cloudless morning in Ponyville. The citizens of the small village were starting their day.
  7. >Down in the market the Apple family was setting up a stall for fresh apples from their orchard.
  8. >The other farmers are either just arriving or already set up.
  9. >Over at the library Owlowicious was turning in for the day and Spike was taking over.
  10. >Down by the plaza, Rarity bids a good day to Sweetie Belle as she heads off with the other Crusaders to find their special talents.
  11. >Over at the home of Derpy and Dinky Hooves, the pegasus mare and unicorn filly are saying goodbye to one another as Derpy makes her mail run and Dinky readies to go outside to play.
  12. >“Have a good day at work, mommy!”
  13. “I will, my little Muffin! Enjoy your day with your friends. Make sure to be back before the Princess lowers the sun.”
  14. >The two gray ponies hug one another.
  15. >“Yes mommy!”
  16. >Just another carefree morning in Ponyville.
  17. >A town where problems may arise, but are overcome with the magic of friendship.
  18. >In such a brilliant location, nothing horrible could happen...could it?
  20. -----
  21. >Derpy arrives home after another day at the postal office.
  22. >Shrugging off her saddlebags, Derpy walks into the kitchen to rummage through the refrigerator; somepony does need to start dinner.
  23. >Opening the door to the fridge, Derpy stumbles backwards from what she saw.
  24. >The interior is bathed in sanguine fluid; the blood of many ponies coating the shevles and drawers.
  25. >Intestines piled on plates, coated with a red sauce, not unlike pasta.
  26. >Decaying heads, flesh peeling back in the bottom drawers as if they were no more than heads of lettuce and cabbage.
  27. >Livers and hearts piled in a bowl in place of fruit.
  28. >Derpy vomits on the floor from the disturbing sight.
  29. >Upon looking back at the fridge, she realized that there were only friendly foods there.
  30. >Left over pasta, a head of lettuce, cakes, and carrots.
  31. >It was just her clumsy eyes playing tricks on her, she thinks to herself.
  32. >Sighing with relief, Derpy quickly cleans up the mess from the floor before preparing dinner for herself and Dinky.
  33. >With dinner ready for two, Derpy heads into the living room to pass the time watching television while she waits for her lovable filly to return home.
  34. >Munching on a blueberry muffin, Derpy grabs the TV remote and begins clicking on it to cycle through the channels.
  35. >It was only after pushing the power button on the remote at least thirty times that she realized something was wrong.
  36. >Derpy knew nothing about the inner workings of a television - she knew she wasn’t smart enough for that.
  37. >It was also far too late in the day to bother anypony else with this, who could help her?
  38. >Of course! She has a daughter, foals are good with technology!
  39. “Muffin! Mommy needs your help with the television!”
  40. >No answer. Where was her daughter? The sun is down, she should be home by now.
  41. “Dinky, dear! Where are you?”
  42. >She calls again, a hint of worry in her voice.
  43. >Again, no response.
  44. “Oh dear. I wonder where my darling Muffin could be.”
  45. >Derpy says to the empty air in the living room, forgetting this morning that her daughter went off to play with her friends.
  46. “It’s dark out, and it can be dangerous at night. I should go look fo–”
  47. >“Mommy! I’m home!”
  48. >Dashing over to the front door, Derpy confronts her daughter.
  49. “Where have you been young filly? Mommy was worried about her little muffin.”
  50. >“I’m sorry, mommy. I played with my friends and was invited to dinner at Apple Bloom’s house. I’m sorry I was late. I’m gonna go to bed now.”
  51. >Derpy looks down upon her daughter
  52. "Not until you go fix the TV, young filly.”
  53. >“But, mom, I’m tired.”
  54. “That is no excuse, Dinky Hooves! Fix this TV now!”
  55. >“No, mom. I-”
  56. >Dinky found herself struck across the face by a gray hoof.
  57. “No excuses. My little muffin was late, and I want this TV fixed. NOW!”
  58. >Derpy’s voice cracked as the last word came out in a shriek.
  59. >Biting down on her young filly’s mane, she threw her into the living room.
  60. “Fix it!”
  61. >Tears in her eyes from the pain of being thrown by her mane, Dinky crawls behind the television frantically looking for the cause of the malfunction
  62. >“Mom, the TV is just unplugged, that’s all.”
  63. >Dinky says as she plugs the television back in and crawls out from behind it.
  64. “Did you just call me stupid?”
  65. >Derpy asks, her voice dangerously mellow.
  66. >“N-no, mommy. I just-”
  67. “If anypony here is stupid, it’s you, you stupid, little, bit-eating, bag of flesh!”
  68. >Derpy swiftly reaches out with a hoof, knocking Dinky onto the floor.
  69. >Stepping over the young filly, Derpy strikes her across the face again.
  70. >Blood begins to drip from her nose, matting down the hair on her muzzle.
  71. >"I was just trying to help! Wait, mom! What-”
  72. >Dinky is cut off by another hoof striking her.
  73. >Biting down onto her daughter’s mane, Derpy starts dragging her out of the living room.
  74. >A trail of blood dripping behind them.
  75. >“Mommy! You’re hurting me! Where are you taking me?”
  76. “I’m taking you where you should have gone in the beginning”
  77. >Derpy explains with ice in her voice.
  78. >“Huh? I don’t understand, mommy. Ouch! Stop mommy! I’m really sorry, mommy!”
  79. >Dinky struggles to free her mane from her mother’s grip.
  80. >Her young eyes widen as they approach the one door in the house that Dinky was never allowed in.
  81. >Dropping Dinky unceremoniously on the floor, Derpy grabs a key dangling around her neck and uses it to unlock the barred metal door.
  82. >As the door swings open, the two ponies are greeted by darkness and a foul odor.
  83. >“Mom, what is-”
  84. “Get in there!”
  85. >Derpy reinforces the command with a stomp of her hoof on the ground.
  86. >Dinky crawls past Derpy, as low to the ground as she can so as to avoid any more flying hooves, and heads into the darkened room.
  87. *click-clack*
  88. >Dinky turns around to see the door shut and locked behind her.
  89. >Huddling next to the door, waiting for her eyes to adjust to the gloom, Dinky cries quietly to herself.
  90. >From behind the door she hears her mother
  91. “Now, look around Muffin, what do you see?”
  92. >“U-uh. I-I don’t know.”
  93. >Dinky replies, wiping tears from her eyes with the back of a hoof.
  94. >Looking around, Dinky sees the walls of the gloomy room are lined with shelves holding glass jars.
  95. >Shakily rising up, Dinky approaches one of the jars of... pickles?
  96. >Pickles were one of her favorite snacks.
  97. >“They’re jars of pickles, mommy.”
  98. “Look closer, Muffin. Those aren’t pickles.”
  99. >Derpy’s mocking voice carries through the metal door.
  100. >Stepping closer, Dinky looks at one of the jars again.
  101. >Bumping the jar slightly as she rubs the dust from it, the object inside bobbing until a small eyeball looks back at her.
  102. >Stepping back, it dawned on the little filly. Unborn ponies.
  103. >Every jar has a fetus in it. As the realization hits her, Dinky retches and vomits on the floor.
  104. >Partially digested apple strudel spreading out in the pile of upchuck.
  105. >Dinky coughs and tries to clear her throat.
  106. >“These are b-baby ponies, mommy!”
  107. “That’s right, Muffin.”
  108. >Derpy’s voice quietly speaks from behind Dinky.
  109. >The young filly quickly spins around and finds herself face to face with her mother, eyes wide open.
  110. “Now, Muffin, have you ever tasted a baby pony?”
  111. >With a slight gleam in her eye, Derpy slowly canters over to the shelves and carefully, oh so carefully, grabs a jar between her hooves.
  112. >With the assistance of her wings Derpy turns around to face her daughter.
  113. “Do you see this? This could have been you, Muffin. You were lucky; I wanted a unicorn for a daughter. Unicorns are the smartest. I wanted a smart daughter! I had every one of these stupid pegasi aborted. But I kept them, I wanted you to see one day how much you mean to me.”
  114. >Drifting over to Dinky, Derpy drops the jar onto the ground in front of Dinky.
  115. >It shatters, scattering embalming fluid and glass everywhere.
  116. >The fetus lay in the middle of the mess, staring blindly up at the young unicorn.
  117. >Overcome with the smell of decay wafting from the fetus and the fluid, the poor filly heaves onto the floor again.
  118. >“Ugh! Mommy! Why are you doing this? I thought you loved me!”
  119. >Dinky slides to the floor gagging and crying, a hint of desperation in the young filly’s voice.
  120. “Oh, but I do love you, Muffin. This is why I have to do this, I need to make sure you are brought up right. Now, eat your brother.”
  121. >This last sentence isn’t a statement, it’s an order.
  122. >Dinky can’t believe it. Mommy wants her to eat that thing? Is she being serious? She can’t be, it’s not like mommy to do this.
  123. >“Mommy, it’s icky, and gross. I don’t think fillies are supposed to eat thi--”
  124. >Dinky‘s statement is cut short as a hoof strikes her face, knocking her onto her side and into the embalming fluid.
  125. >Sitting up, Dinky looks into her mother’s eyes.
  126. “My little Muffin needs to eat her treat. Now!”
  127. >“B-but, mom, I c-can’t. It’s too gross!”
  128. >Derpy glares down at her daughter.
  129. >Without warning, she puts her hooves on top of Dinky’s head and forces her muzzle into the mushy decayed fetus.
  130. >An overwhelming stench of putrid rot fills the filly’s senses as bits of the fetus are crammed into her muzzle.
  131. >Willing herself to not vomit again, the filly cries openly now, tears soaking into her already damp hair.
  132. >Gritting her teeth, Derpy rubs Dinky’s muzzle back and forth through the fetus until it becomes an unrecognizable mush
  133. “Now, lick it up dear.”
  134. >“Y-yesh, m-mom.”
  135. >Dinky quietly mumbles through the mess.
  136. >Sticking her tongue out, Dinky licks at the mush.
  137. >She tastes the bitterness of the fluid alongside spoiled meat, the texture of a mucky paste.
  138. >The taste combined with the smell is overwhelming.
  139. >Dinky heaves up the last of the apple strudel that Granny Smith baked.
  140. >Pieces dripping from her muzzle down into the nasty mix.
  141. “Eat more, Muffin!”
  142. >Derpy shrieked, her voice tinged with the ecstasy of enjoyment.
  143. >“B-b-but it’s so grossh. Mommy! I can’t take it!”
  144. >Dinky cries into the mush and vomit.
  145. >Disappointed, Derpy steps back from Dinky’s head letting the young filly lift herself out of the mess on the floor.
  146. “Fair enough.”
  147. >Bringing a hoof up, Derpy abruptly drives it into the young filly’s skull, knocking her flat into the rank goop.
  148. >Dinky yelps in surprise.
  149. >Derpy then kicks Dinky in the side, rolling her over onto her back.
  150. >Dinky blacks out but then regains consciousness for a moment.
  151. >“Mommy. I-is i-it over?”
  152. >Stepping over her daughter, Derpy looks down at her with a kind expression.
  153. "Oh, no, Dinky. We’ve just star-”
  154. >Derpy was interrupted by the sound of high-pitched voices singing from the other side of the metal door.
  155. >Walking away from the delirious unicorn on the floor, Derpy heads out of the room, locking the door behind her.
  156. *click-clack*
  157. >Derpy Hooves walks into the living room to find three fillies bouncing about the room peering under sofa cushions and checking behind curtains.
  158. “Why, hello there, fillies. What are the three of you doing out this late?”
  159. >The Cutie Mark Crusaders -Apple Bloom the yellow earth filly, Sweetie Belle the white unicorn filly, and Scootaloo the orange pegasus filly- stop running around and line up in front of Derpy.
  160. >“We’re looking for Dinky. She left her honorary Cutie Mark Crusaders cape at Apple Bloom's,” the white unicorn filly pipes up.
  161. >Derpy opens her mouth to speak, but Apple Bloom continues for Sweetie Belle.
  162. >“So we came over to give Dinky her cape, but she’s not around, so we’re trying to find her!”
  163. >“Cutie Mark Crusaders Filly Finders, yay!” the three shout together.
  164. >Eventually, Derpy is able to talk.
  165. “I know where my Muffin is, I could take you to her.”
  166. >She says in a sickeningly sweet tone.
  167. >The three fillies set off after Derpy as she leads them to the metal door.
  168. >Unlocking the door, she turns back to the fillies.
  169. “Go on inside if you want to find my little Muffin.”
  170. >The smell of putrefaction leaking from the room is enough to halt the three fillies in their tracks.
  171. >“She’ there?”
  172. >Sweetie Belle quietly asks from behind the other two.
  173. “Yes. It’s quite safe inside. I’ll follow you fillies”
  174. >Derpy grins reassuringly at the young ponies.
  175. >“O-okay,” Sweetie Belle squeaks as the three fillies walk into the darkened room.
  176. *click-clack*
  177. >“Golly, it sure is dark in 'ere!” Apple Bloom pipes up to break the silence.
  178. >“Yeah, and it smells really bad too,” adds Sweetie Belle.
  179. >“At least the walls are great for singi-” Scootaloo stops mid-sentence when the three fillies spot Dinky lying on the ground.
  180. >Her face, mane, and hair are damp with vomit and mushed viscera.
  181. >“Holy horse apples! What happened to Dinky?” Apple Bloom yells as Derpy forcibly turns her around.
  182. >Staring at the yellow filly, Derpy smiles.
  183. “Would you like to know what happened to my Muffin?”
  184. >Apple Bloom finds herself pushed by Derpy against one of the jar-covered walls.
  185. “I’ll show you exactly what happened to my Muffin!”
  186. >Derpy spins around, and - in a motion that would have made Applejack jealous under other conditions - bucks Apple Bloom in the side driving the earth filly into the shelves.
  187. >Jars rain down all across the wall shattering on the ground, covering the floor with fetuses, embalming chemicals, and shards of glass.
  188. >Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo are left in stunned silence.
  189. >For a short moment only the sounds of dripping liquid, the clink of glass, and Apple Bloom’s sobbing can be heard.
  190. “This is what happened to my Muffin.”
  191. >Derpy explains to the two fillies as she bucks Apple Bloom in the side of her head.
  192. >Bravely approaching Derpy and Apple Bloom, the orange pegasus filly looks at the gray mare.
  193. >“Stop it! I’ll do anything you want, just stop hurting Apple Bloom.”
  194. >Looking down at the orange filly, without a hint of anger or rage on her face, Derpy grins.
  195. “Anything?”
  196. >She asks innocently.
  197. >Scootaloo nods without hesitation. She doesn’t want to show her fear.
  198. >Derpy looks towards Dinky.
  199. “I want you to help my Muffin. She needs to learn how to be right.”
  200. >Scootaloo follows Derpy’s gaze, noticing that Dinky is unconscious, or worse.
  201. >“What happened to Dinky?” Scootaloo says, her voice filled with concern and confusion.
  202. >Derpy drives one of her rear hooves into Apple Bloom's head once more, cracking the paneling and coating the wall with a splattering of blood.
  203. >Derpy stares at Scootaloo, her hoof keeping Apple Bloom pinned to the wall, a serious expression on her face.
  204. "You heard me: Help Dinky, make her right."
  205. >Scootaloo glanced between Derpy and Apple Bloom
  206. >There was a pitiful look on the young apple farmer's broken and bloodied face, and an emotionless expression on the gray mare's face.
  207. >This was serious. If Scootaloo didn't act now... she didn’t want to think about what would happen.
  208. >"Alright! Alright!" she yelled. "I'll do what you want. Just stop hitting her!"
  209. "Good."
  210. >Derpy gave the young filly a grin.
  211. >Bringing her hoof away from Apple Bloom's head, she lets the young earth filly fall to the ground, little more than a heap of bruised and bloodied meat.
  212. >Scootaloo stumbles towards Dinky, her heart throbbing
  213. >The smell of the fresh puke mixed with the rotting fetus prompting her to choke and gag.
  214. >She gains her bearings quickly as she feels Derpy’s gaze boring into her back
  215. >With a gulp, Scootaloo uses her hoof to touch Dinky’s face.
  216. >”Dinky, wake up. Please.”
  217. >With another nudge of her hoof she tries to wake her up.
  218. >The young unicorn shows no signs of getting up anytime soon but she is still breathing.
  219. >Scared and worried, Scootaloo looks back at Derpy.
  220. >“I-I don’t know what to do…she needs a doctor!”
  221. >Of course.
  222. >This worthless little pegasus wouldn’t know how to make Dinky right, would she?
  223. >Slowly, Derpy drifts over towards the two fillies in the middle of the room, a maddening grin on her face.
  224. >Scootaloo cringes slightly at her approach but stands her ground, anything to protect her friends.
  225. “It’s quite simple. First you just need to move over top of my Muffin.”
  226. >Derpy grabs her purple-pink mane with her mouth and pulls Scootaloo over top of Dinky.
  227. >Derpy drifts in front of Scootaloo, gently cradling the filly’s head between her hooves.
  228. >The gray mare and the orange filly look at each other for a moment.
  229. >Derpy’s eyes are facing in random directions but for a split moment her eyes narrow and focus on Scootaloo.
  230. >Derpy’s smile cracks wider.
  231. >She slams the filly’s face against Dinky’s muzzle.
  232. >Scootaloo starts to cry as she looks up at Derpy.
  233. “Now. Take your hooves and hit her. Make her right"
  234. >Trembling, but mustering her courage, Scootaloo stands defiant.
  235. >”N-no.”
  236. >Derpy glides over to Apple Bloom.
  237. >Unable to move and laboring to breathe, Apple Bloom stares up helplessly.
  238. >Derpy brings her hoof hovering just over Apple Bloom’s head.
  239. "You WILL fix my Dinky."
  240. >With defeated tears in her eyes, Scootaloo gulps and nods at the monster before her.
  241. >Derpy lowers her hoof away from Apple Bloom and trots back over to Scootaloo.
  242. >The orange filly hoofs the unconscious unicorn in the torso with little more than a tap.
  243. "Harder!"
  244. >Derpy screams at the top of her lungs, spittle flying in Scootaloo's face and mane.
  245. >Scootaloo grits her teeth as she winds her hoof back, warm tears running down her cheeks.
  246. >She swings at Dinky's face, making a smacking noise as she connects with her cheek.
  247. >Dinky’s inert head jiggles from the impact.
  248. “Good. Don’t stop."
  249. >Scootaloo sobs as she hits her friend again.
  250. "Good. Keep going."
  251. >And again.
  252. >Dinky's head bounces like a speed ball as Scootaloo continues to rain blows down on her.
  253. >With a satisfied grin, Derpy leaves the room.
  254. *click-clack*
  256. >It seems like hours pass.
  257. >Sweetie Belle lays curled up in the corner, sobbing to herself.
  258. >Scootaloo lost in her own mind, sitting on top of the motionless Dinky.
  259. >Apple Bloom, a broken heap on the ground, looking more like an inanimate rag doll than filly.
  261. *click-clack*
  262. >Derpy trots back into the room wearing her mailmare saddlebag.
  263. >The gloomy light of the room catches a glint of something metallic inside her bag.
  264. >Starting to go mad from the barrage of senses and emotions, Scootaloo is oblivious to the arrival of the unhinged mailmare.
  265. >Derpy reaches into her saddlebag with her mouth.
  266. >The sound of steel sliding along leather seems like a thousand tormented souls screaming out in the otherwise silent room.
  267. >A large kitchen knife is slowly drawn from the bag.
  268. >Derpy scowling around the wooden handle in her mouth.
  269. "I didn't say you could stop, you were supposed to make Dinky right!"
  270. >Forcefully pinning one of Scootaloo’s wings onto the floor with her hooves, Derpy brings the knife into the air.
  271. >Down comes the knife
  272. >Driving through the muscles of Scootaloo’s margin, stopping as it strikes the bone.
  273. >Blood spatters all over the gray mare and her vulnerable prey.
  274. >Screaming and wailing, Scootaloo rears off of Dinky.
  275. >Only to be rolled to the side as Derpy hacks again into Scootaloo’s margin.
  276. “Hush. It will be over soon.”
  277. >It takes three more strikes before the underdeveloped bone finally gives out.
  278. >The kitchen knife takes the wing off, carrying the horrid sound of torn muscle with it.
  279. >Scootaloo’s blood begins to mix with the filth already coating the floor.
  280. >Ignoring the screams of protest, Derpy quickly repeats the process with the second wing.
  281. >Standing triumphant over the filly, she bends down and whispers in her ear, unaware that the small pegasus had already passed out.
  282. “There. You are no longer a stupid, filthy pegasus."
  283. >Derpy stands back up and looks down at the unconscious orange filly on the floor.
  284. "You silly filly. I didn't tell you to stop making Dinky right. Your punishment isn't over!"
  285. >Walking behind the orange filly, Derpy rears onto her hind legs.
  286. >Swiftly and brutally bringing her front hooves down onto Scootaloo's knees, breaking the kneecaps and crippling the filly.
  287. >Stopping to admire her work, she notices a soft, frightened voice emanating from behind her.
  288. >“J-just g-giggle at the g-ghostie... G-g-guffaw at the grossly...”
  289. >Derpy turns her head towards the quiet song.
  290. >Sweetie Belle. A unicorn. A smart filly.
  291. >Using her wings, Derpy drifts towards the white ball crying in the corner of the room.
  292. “What’s wrong dear?”
  293. >Derpy asks the filly in her sickeningly sweet voice.
  294. >Sweetie Belle peers up at the blood-stained gray mare hovering above her.
  295. >“I-I want to go home. I want my big sister!”
  296. >Sweetie Belle starts sobbing again.
  297. “It’s okay. There’s nothing to be afraid of”
  298. >Derpy manages to say around the knife handle in her mouth.
  299. >Sweetie Belle tries to nervously smile back as Derpy gives her a big grin.
  300. >The strike happens in a flash.
  301. >Sweetie Belle looks at Derpy in shock as she feels warmth spread over her neck.
  302. >Crimson flows freely from Sweetie Belle’s now severed windpipe as she starts coughing and sputtering on her own lifeblood.
  303. >She tries to let out a yelp, but the room is left silent.
  304. >Derpy hums and continues Sweetie’s song
  305. “Crack up at the creepy”
  306. >With a content smile, Derpy pats Sweetie on the head with her hoof.
  307. “Whoop it up with the weepy.”
  308. >The gray mare turns from the bleeding filly as her white coat becomes stained in her own red blood.
  309. “Now that Scootaloo isn’t a pegasus, my little Muffin doesn’t need to be with two earth ponies.”
  310. >There is a loud groan from the center of the room.
  311. > Turning her head, Derpy spots Dinky stirring in the gloom.
  312. “Don’t worry, Muffin. I’ll be right with you. Mommy has some medicine for you.”
  313. >Derpy’s attention drifts back towards Apple Bloom.
  314. >Returning to her saddlebag, Derpy swaps the knife for a melon baller.
  315. >She slowly makes her way towards the comatose Apple Bloom.
  316. >Derpy pushes the yellow filly around with her hoof until Applebloom’s head is within reach.
  317. >With one fluid motion she drives the melon baller into Applebloom’s eye socket, withdrawing her eyeball fully intact
  318. “Mommy has your medicine, Muffin. I’ll be right there.”
  319. >Carefully making her way back towards the sprawling form of Dinky, the gray mare gently lays down next to her daughter.
  320. “I know you’re tired Dinky. You need to take this medicine to be all right.”
  321. >Derpy gently props open Dinky’s jaw and drops the eyeball into her daughter’s mouth.
  322. “Swallow, Muffin. Don’t chew.”
  323. >Dinky reflexively bites onto the eyeball in her mouth; it bursts like an overripe grape, the salty liquid coating the inside of Dinky’s mouth.
  324. >Outraged, Derpy lashes out with her hoof at the gray filly.
  325. “You didn’t listen to mommy! Now I need to get more medicine.”
  326. >Making her way back towards the yellow filly, Derpy hoofs Apple Bloom in the face in anger.
  327. "Muffin didn't like your gift!"
  328. >Blood splatters from the recently scooped eye socket
  329. “But. Let’s try this again.”
  330. >Derpy’s grin widens so far that it threatens to tear as she removes Apple Bloom’s second eyeball.
  331. >She leisurely cantors back to her daughter.
  332. *click-clack*
  333. >Lying down next to her filly, Derpy looks at her with googly but caring eyes.
  334. “Listen to mommy and be a good filly. Don’t bite, we don’t want to waste the medicine.”
  335. >Slowly Dinky works the eyeball into the back of her mouth and swallows.
  336. >Seeing this, Derpy smiles and strokes the filly’s face with a hoof.
  337. “See. My little Muffin will be all better now.”
  338. >At this, the barely-conscious filly smiles at her mommy before passing out again.
  339. >“Chortle at the pukey.”
  340. >Derpy bolts up at the sound of a new voice in the room.
  341. >Turning around, the last thing she sees is a flash of pink as the kitchen knife is driven into her neck.
  342. >“Snortle at the spooky.”
  343. >Derpy thrashes on the ground screaming, warm blood pouring from the severed arteries.
  344. >A pair of pink hooves pulls the gray mare away.
  345. *click-clack*
  347. -----
  348. >Weeks have passed since that infamous night.
  349. >The four battered fillies were found barely alive and were rushed to the Ponyville hospital.
  350. >Though they survived the horrible ordeal, each has been permanently scarred, mentally and physically.
  351. >Fluttershy has taken it upon herself to help them get through
  352. >So here we find the four fillies visiting her cabin.
  353. >Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash wait outside.
  354. >With a small sip from her cup of tea, Rarity turns towards Applejack.
  355. >"Darling, how are things on the farm with your new guest?"
  356. >"Well, ah don't have any problems having Dinky around. She keeps Apple Bloom company when Big Mac or ah ain’'t ‘round. Ah don't know if she's good company or not, but Apple Bloom is talking to us again, so that's good.”
  357. >Applejack replies in her matter of fact tone, the wind tugging at her mane.
  358. >"I understand, darling. Sweetie Belle tries to help out around the shop, but it's dreadfully quiet without her sweet songs."
  359. >Rarity looks away to blink tears from her eyes.
  360. >"Rainbow Dash, you've been keeping in touch with Scootaloo. How is the dear holding up?"
  361. >Dash sits on the stool, staring blankly at the tablecloth.
  362. >"Rainbow? You okay there, filly? You're awfully quiet."
  363. >Rarity stands up and slides over to Dash's side.
  364. >"Darling?"
  365. >Rarity sets a hoof gently on Dash's back.
  366. >"I hate this!" Rainbow Dash screams into the air.
  367. >Rarity taking a step back in fright.
  368. >"I hate not having Scootaloo follow me around! I hate hearing the ponies in town whisper about the evil gray mare! I hate all of this!"
  369. >Rarity turns away crying softly while Applejack moves over and gives Dash a hug
  370. >"Ah understand, Rainbow. But you need to be brave for Scootaloo, the little filly looks up to you."
  371. >Applejack cringes, realizing what she just said.
  372. >Dash's face hardens as she pushes away from the table and Applejack.
  373. >Glaring at Applejack, Dash bolts into the air away from the two mares.
  374. >Applejack drops her gaze to the ground at her hooves.
  375. >Rarity approaches and leans against the orange mare to offer comfort.
  376. >“She’ll be back. Derpy was a friend of hers after all.”
  378. >Meanwhile inside the cabin, Fluttershy is lying on her chaise lounge.
  379. >The four fillies huddled together on the sofa
  380. >“I’m glad you dears could finally tell me about what happened, it’s a good step on the road to recovery.”
  381. >Apple Bloom, with her sister’s hat draped over her head, covering her bandaged and empty eye sockets, sits quietly with a mute Sweetie Belle.
  382. >Who weeps silently into the yellow filly’s coat.
  383. >Scootaloo is sitting next to Dinky, the gray filly staring blankly ahead.
  384. >The orange filly looks longingly at a pair of birds, as they flutter in through an open window.
  385. >“Umm. Do you dears want to talk some more today?”
  386. >Sweetie Belle shakes her head back and forth, still crying into Applebloom’s side.
  387. >“Ah would like to just go home for today, Fluttershy,” the yellow filly states plainly.
  388. >Scootaloo sighs as she tears her eyes from the birds.
  389. >Stepping stiffly off from the sofa, her hind legs refuse to bend properly.
  390. >Dinky continues to sit still, staring forward.
  391. >“Okay, dears. I’ll be here if you need to talk with me some more. You know, if that’s okay with you.”
  392. >“Thank you, Fluttershy. We’re just glad we won’t have to go through this ever again,” the orange wingless pegasus explains as she helps the gray filly down from the sofa.
  394. *click-clack*
  396. >“Mommy...?”
  400. End.

Snow Muffin

by ffanon

Marble Pact

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Cage Muffin

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To a Good Home

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Four Mares and a Bear

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