2020 10.45 KB 178
>Her life with you all started when you were hungover one day out in town looking to get some greasy food
>You live in the not so nice part of downtown Manehattan
>It's pretty common to see beggars and whatnot but you never saw a homeless filly on the street before
>Curious, you walk over and see a small gray pony shivering and crying inside a shabby box
"Hey there kid, what's wrong?"
>Her miniature teary eyed face looks up at you
>"M-mama said she can't take care of me anymore...and that a nice stranger would take me home..."
>You notice the box has writing on it, :Needs a Good Home:
>"But nopony has come for me yet."
>She puts her head down and cries softly
"Hey kid, don't be crying on me now... Maybe I'm the one"
>The words already left your mouth. Fuck. Why do you gotta be such a softy all of a sudden? You just got out of the slammer and need to look out for yourself
>Damn that ex-mare of yours. She had to go and rat you out for domestic abuse. So what if you hit her sometimes? Dumb broad
>She looks up at you with hope
"Uh, well. That depends. You any good at chores?"
>Okay maybe this could work out, a personal house keeper doesn't sound bad
"Like cleaning and doing things around the house"
>She nods unconvincingly
>Eh what the hell? She's really young but how hard is it to learn basic chores
>Thoughts that you would eat later
"Alright kid, you got a deal. What's your name? I'm Anon"
>"D-derpy... Derpy Hooves"
>you give her a pat on the head and she rubs her face into your hand
>You pull your hand back when you realize how dirty and greasy she is, wiping it on your pants
>You take her to the local hayburger place and eventually home
>Fast forward 8 months...
>you slap Derpy across the face
>she falls to the floor and cries
"How dare you try to weasel your way out of this!"
>Derpy stands up and looks at you pleadingly
>"P-p-please forgive me for being so clumsy and stupid. I give you my last muffin..."
>you look at her with disdain
"I already warned you the last time you spilled my beer. And to think I took your filthy ass off the streets and gave you a home. You can't do anything right"
>Derpy looks down, not being able to meet your gaze
"That's right, you are fucking useless and I'm one step away from throwing you back in the streets. Now get in the Sorry box, you are spending the night in there again. That means no toys and no blanket!"
>with her head still low she trots slowly over to the Sorry box with her muffin
>you yank her tail and she flies to the ground in front of you, stunned and with terror in her eyes
"Where the FUCK do you think you are taking that muffin?"
>"P-please don't hit me Anon.."
>as if on cue her little face recoils in pain as your palm swipes her face, smacking her head into the ground
>she baws uncontrollably
"I don't take orders from you, I thought you learned that lesson already"
>you pick her up by the ear as she screams and cries and then drop her into the box and close the lid
"Bad fillies don't get food, and definitely not muffins!"
>you shut the light off in her room and slam the door behind you
>you pull out your flask and take a swig of whiskey
>as the burning sensation runs down your throat you shake your head in frustration
>but a small smile creeps along your face as you hear her sobbing
>the next morning you walk over to Derpy's room with her breakfast
>a cup of dry dog food in a tin bowl
>she doesn't like it very much but if it wasn't for you picking her off the street she would be starving
>she's still small so one cup per day is adequate to sustain her
>occasionally she gets to have a muffin but only if she behaves and doesn't break anything. Which is rare
>before opening the door you stand there a moment to listen
>you hear giggling inside
>scaring Derpy half to death you burst open the door
>to your dismay she's out of her box and playing with her blocks
>Derpy looks like a deer caught in headlights
"Explain yourself, NOW!"
>she starts crying and runs up to you
>"...T-the box fell over...when I was sleeping"
>you look down at her as your blood pressure rises
>she softly nuzzles your leg as she sniffles
"Do you seriously expect me to believe that shit?"
>she looks up at you, now trembling with fear
"Don't you dare finish that sentence"
>she goes quiet and looks down
>you throw the bowl of dog food against the wall
>with a loud ding it flings the food all over the floor
"Since you want to act like a filthy dumb animal you can eat like one, but before that come over here"
>You sit down in the wooden chair by the window
>slowly but surely Derpy makes her way over to you, head down as she cries
>once she's close enough you scoop her up onto your lap, face down with her little rump pointed up towards you
>without hesitation you bring back your arm and deliver a firm wallop with your open palm
>she yelps out in pain
"One...just 99 more to go."
>with a gleeful grin you continue to met out justice
>as you continue to spank her, she screams and pleads for you to stop
>For a moment you actually do because your hand is getting sore, but you persist
>A complete sobbing mess, she can only grunt and moan, words are beyond her at this point
>her ass now a shiny hue of red. Your hand feels like it's on fire but you feel very much alive.
"Haha squeal for me piggy!"
>The next few slaps you put even more force behind them, eliciting sweet little yelps of agony from her
>tiny wings flutter helplessly as you continue on with your task
"...and 100."
>Her tongue lolling out of her mouth, saliva dripping on the floor in a puddle, some of it getting on your pants
>her entire body sweating as she labors to take deep breaths
>you place her down on the floor
>she doesn't move
>You get up and head to the door
"Better have that food cleaned up off the floor by the time I get back"
>After you leave her room you hit the fridge for a cold one
>You go to the living room, sit on your reclining sofa and read the Manehattan Times
>A few beers later and caught up on recent events you decide to go see what Derpy is up to
>You open the door and see her laying on her blanket where she's cuddling with her pony doll
>She looks at you with tears as you approach
"I see you've eaten your food, good. Tomorrow I want you to clean the bathroom."
>"Y-yes Anon."
>And with that you turn off her light and close the door
>You decide to go out to the pub and grab a bite to eat and some drinks
>Maybe even find a new mare friend
>Some hours later you come back home and get in more comfy clothes
>Mareless but tipsy, you head to the kitchen for another beer when you notice something is off
>You had a plastic tray of muffins sitting on the counter but it's open and only one muffin is left
>You know there were at least three left so that means someone, or somepony was the culprit
>You slowly open Derpy's door and turn on the light
>She's fast asleep. After a day like today you would need to sound an alarm to wake her up
>You slowly walk over to her and inspect the area
>She has crumbs on her face and all over the blanket. She always was a messy eater
>Something compels you to lift up the blanket and you see the dog food from earlier
>She never ate it but lied and hid it
>Your face is turning red but you steady your rage
>You start to rub her cheek gently. After a little while she starts to wake up with her cloudy eyes recognizing you
"Hi Derpy. Sweety"
>With a little smile she nuzzles into your hand
>You begin to lightly tap her cheek which then turns into a poke which she winces at
>The poke turns into a light slap then a few more. She's trying to move her head away from you now but you hold it there with your other hand and look her in the eyes. Well, one of her eyes anyway. The other one is drifting off into Lala land.
"Did you think you could outsmart me?"
>You give her a hard slap now. She yelps and starts crying
>you slap her again causing her face to turn red
>"I'm sorry!"
"That's not good enough, you lied to me and stole my food"
>You slap her across the face one more time and let her go.
>She whimpers on the ground digging her face into the blanket
>You leave the room and go to the kitchen
>You grab the muffin tray and the trashcan and head back to her room
>You yank the blanket from her and toss it to the side
>Now that has no where to hide she focuses on you
"This is the last muffin you will ever see"
>You dramatically throw the muffin tray into the trash
"And no more toys either"
>She looks on in horror as you take her blocks and drop them in the can
"Oh, and that shitty thing is going too"
>You point to her pony doll that she's clutching to her chest
>It's a poorly stitched together Luna plushie you got at :Everything's a Bit: but she loves the damn thing like it's her own baby
>"N-no...not Luna..please don't take her!"
>You effortlessly grab the doll from her and stomp on it
>She tries to get it from you but you kick her aside
>Now a bawing mess, she sobs uncontrollably on the floor
>Tossing the plush in the can, you place it outside in the hallway
>Heading back in her room with your arms folded you look down at her with disgust
"Now for the other matter..."
>You pick her up and place her down next to the pile of dog food she hid from you earlier
>Still crying she looks at the dry pebbles and back at you.
>She starts to eat but after only a few pebbles she stops
>"I'm full"
>You grab her skull and smear her face into the food as she whimpers
"One more chance"
>you let go and watch her slowly eat it up. Gagging on the odd piece of hair or lint
>To your surprise she actually manages to finish
>"A-non, can I please have some water"
"Heh, I got something better for you"
>You pull out your flask and pour some whiskey into her dog bowl.
>She's hesitant at first and her nose scrunches as her snoot approaches the volatile substance
>With a grin you watch her scream in recoil after sticking her tongue in
>She sticks out her tongue and rubs it on the floor trying to get the burning feeling off
>You start to laugh as she soaks in dirt and dust
>Derpy eventually gives up and just sits on the floor crying
"Tomorrow you will be cleaning the entire house, better catch some shut-eye kiddo"
>And with that you shut off her light and close her door
>You take a big gulp from your flask
>It burns but it's that comforting feeling you need. Just like that feeling you get from beating Derpy.
by ffanon
by ffanon
by ffanon
by ffanon
by ffanon