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Snow Muffin

By ffanon
Created: 2022-03-03 00:35:32
Updated: 2024-11-04 03:35:23
Expiry: Never

  1. >Derpy Hooves was always a bit clumsy, and she had trouble with balance. Sometimes, she would bump her head on things and fall down. She spoke a little slowly and had trouble grasping complex ideas and subjects. The ponies in town would make fun of her so she usually kept to herself, she didn’t hold it against them though. She felt grateful to have her job as a mailmare and own her own house, even if it was a tad small. Derpy was sad, and she would cry sometimes. She didn't know why and felt like she was a sadpony all the time.
  2. >She often would hide in her room and be sad by herself. That's when it would get bad. Derpy would get up and run around her house, trying to distract herself. Sometimes, she would sing and dance to try and distract herself. But she tended to get bruised from falling or hitting furniture. And the last time she tried singing she got a visit from the Ponyville PD because her neighbor put a noise complaint in. This would make her even more sad so she would stop singing, stop dancing, lay on the floor and sob uncontrollably for hours on end. She threw away all the mirrors in her house because she hated the way her eyes looked. When her mother was still around she used to tell Derpy that she was a pretty little muffin and that she had beautiful eyes, but that was the last time anypony said something nice about her. Derpy notices how other ponies look at her, like she's some sort of freak show but they let her stick around for some reason. She wished she was never born.
  3. >Derpy Hooves would always stop crying for a little while and then she'd go back to it and cry some more. The days that it happened the most were when she went out to deliver the mail. Not a single day would pass without her getting into an accident or causing some kind of ruckus. The majority of her wages are spent paying ponies for all the property damage she causes and she's on her last warning with the post office. Derpy feels like a failure sometimes and doesn't have any friends.
  4. >Derpy would lay on the floor of her house and stare into the abyss of her closet, wishing she could just close it. She felt empty and alone. She kept staring, hoping to make something happen, but nothing ever did. She thought she was going crazy at one point, but then she would realize she was looking into the closet, not the abyss. She still felt lonely though.
  5. >One day, Derpy was out to deliver the mail and was in a particularly good mood. So far she was able to read everything on the envelopes and packaging, which is sometimes hard for her. She was making her rounds at a slow pace, but that was normal since she reads quite slow. As she is delivering the mail on her route she comes across a mailbox that wouldn’t open. Derpy tried to get a hoof on the mailbox but it was very stuck. Derpy kept trying to pry it open, leaning the full weight of her body into it. The mailbox wouldn't budge and Derpy slipped off of it and fell down, banged her head and fainted. When she woke up, she had no idea where she was and no idea what happened. She didn't even know how she got there.
  7. >Derpy Hooves lay sprawled out, staring blankly at a house in view. Her head is throbbing with pain and she doesn't know why
  8. >{”gosh, this really hurts”} she thinks to herself. Mind feeling all fuzzy
  9. >she starts to sniffle as tears start to form in her eyes
  10. >her head is pounding now. She feels a warm wave of sadness crash into her as she just doesn't know what wrong. Again
  11. >still laying on the ground in a stupor she starts to cry, tears pouring out
  12. >she doesn't want to cry but she can't help it. It's always like this
  13. >a group of colts are walking by and throw an inquisitive glance her way
  14. >Derpy listens to them talking amongst themselves
  15. >"Oh that's the town retard, don't pay her any mind. She's always crashing into things and making a mess"
  16. >"Yeah, my pa told me to stay away from her she’s bad news"
  17. >"I used to think she was funny but she's just a big cry baby, I wish I didn't have to see her weird looking eyes anymore"
  18. >they continue their conversation but are too far off for Derpy to hear them now
  19. >her body goes numb as the tears flow down her dirt stained cheeks
  20. >she whimpers lightly as she lay there
  21. >she always enjoyed coming to town and seeing all of the fillies and colts playing outside
  22. >they reminded her of a simpler time. And how they never seemed to judge her. Or so she thought
  23. >Derpy feels something cold and wet on her face, it's a raindrop.
  24. >she starts to get up off the ground while trying to wipe away her tears
  25. >she tries to take a deep breath but stops herself as she felt another stream of tears about to gush out
  26. >small breaths. she gasps lightly and slowly
  27. >she begins to stabilize her breathing, and her hooves
  28. >the rain is starting to trickle down now getting her mane wet
  29. >she starts walking along the road trying to figure out where she is
  30. >her eyes are red and sore but the tears have stopped, well almost at least
  31. >with blurry vision she tries to make out any landmarks nearby,
  32. >it doesn't help that she already can barely see where she's going. With one eye always pointing in a different direction then the other, it's basically a coin flip of what's going to happen
  33. >Derpy takes to the air, her mailmare uniform getting soaked as the rain picks up intensity
  34. >she starts to shiver as the brisk rain drops on her
  35. >she spots Two Mares and a Griddle, a small diner that specializes in haycakes and haytoast
  36. >her stomach grumbles immediately. She often stops by there for muffins
  37. >"m-muffin" she says slowly. Wings with a mind of their own, taking her towards the modest shack as if they were on autopilot
  38. >tears now gone, Derpy realizes that she has one goal and one goal only. Excitement filling her up
  39. "muffin...muff..muffin. muff muff muffin"
  40. >as she mutters to herself she approaches the door
  41. >Derpy Hooves is about to open the wooden door, it bursts open suddenly and thumps her in the face.
  42. >she recoils in shock and falls down, her head now reigniting in sharp pain from what happened earlier. Her rear plants firmly in the ground as she sits there trying to catch her bearings.
  43. >a repulsive sensation grips her as chilling runny water and mud soak into her marebits.
  44. >{”No, I won’t cry, muffins are at stake!”}
  45. >the stallion coming out of the door is taken aback by what just happened and with a genuinely concerned look he rushes over to help.
  46. "Oh my Celestia! I'm so sorry. Miss, are you alright?"
  47. >still stunned, she looks up at him with tears in her eyes and slowly says
  48. "M-muffin..”
  49. >he flinches for a moment, forming a scowl
  50. >"Oh it's the 'special' mailmare, you should really watch where you are going."
  51. >he rolls his eyes and twists his moustache
  52. >"Just last week I heard from the Cakes. That you crashed into their prized triple decker banana surprise pudding cake. All because you thought it was a giant pile of muffins. Hmmmhp."
  53. >he shakes his head and walks off "if it was up to me this town would ban muffins"
  54. >Derpy sits there in shock for a moment
  55. >She remembers the Cakes being furious when that happened. She thought she was running to the tray of muffins and instead flew into the prized cake. {“these stupid eyes got me in wasn’t my fault”}
  56. >Derpy’s stomach starts to growl, she doesn't know how long it's been since she ate anything let alone a muffin
  57. >with teary eyes she starts to get up off the ground and sniffles
  58. >wiping her tears away she walks back over to the door
  59. >with some hesitation, she opens it
  60. >immediately she's hit with a heavenly aroma
  61. >her mind races through all the different muffins she's going to get. Derpy starts to drool, eyes going wide as she stands in the doorway
  62. >"Hey, come on in! Don't want any of that nasty breeze comin in 'ere"
  63. >That's Stronghoof. A tough mare who doesn't take any crap but she always treated Derpy fairly. She runs the place with her younger sister, Lighthoof
  64. >Derpy walks up to the counter. Even though she's cold, muddy and a bit bruised up she manages to crack a big goofy smile. Eyes googling around as she giggles
  65. >this is probably her favorite place in all of Ponyville, nay, in all of Equestria. The fireplace nearby warming up the room is also helping improve her spirits
  66. >not many people come here since it’s on the edge of town so Derpy feels safer and less likely to get yelled at or scolded. And the best part, Muffins. The Cakes have tastier muffins but they raised the price for her not long after her first accident.
  67. >"So what'll it be today hon?"
  68. >Lighthoof looks at Derpy waiting for a reply
  69. >the younger sister was never mean to Derpy but Derpy could sense discomfort from her. {“It must be my eyes but at least she's nice to me”}
  70. "Ohhh..I'll take five blueberry, an extra large wheatbuck, a pumpkin spice and three chocolate chip!"
  71. >Lighthoof looks at Derpy hesitantly, "big order today huh?"
  72. >with a huge grin Derpy nods several times as her eyes bob around
  73. >Lighthoof pencils up the order on a slip
  74. >"alright hon, that will be 48 bits"
  75. >Derpy Hooves is still grinning and staring blankly at Lighthoof
  76. >"'s 48 bits."
  77. >Derpy looks confused for a moment, {“Oh, bits.. money”}
  78. >She always felt money was such a strange invention. Why couldn't muffins be free?
  79. >she reaches into her saddle bag
  80. >her saddle missing? Well now that she thinks about it, she doesn't actually remember anything about today
  81. "U-uhm I don't have any bits with me…"
  82. >Derpy looks down meekly, eyes crisscrossed
  83. >Lighthoof sighs deeply, "hon we've been through this before. Ya gotta have bits for your order"
  84. "I can go get bits at my house, I think I have some there.."
  85. >" think? Look hon we closed 10 minutes ago, come back tomorrow with bits and we can deal"
  86. >Derpy's smile turning to a frown
  87. "But I just want muffin. Muffin."
  88. >Lighthoof appears to have lost her patience, "you walk in here exactly when we close and want free food? Now you are insulting me, please leave."
  89. >Derpy stands there not sure what to say
  90. >Stronghoof butts in "Look Derpy, ya gotta go. I'm sorry but we barely break even here as it is. I wish it was different, I really do"
  91. >Heartbroken and hungry Derpy puts her head down and slowly walks out
  92. >today has been pretty awful she thinks to herself, but at least the rain stopped
  93. >with her head down, she unhurriedly flaps her wings into the evening sky, carrying her towards home
  94. >Derpy enters her house which is empty aside from a few knick knacks, an emergency muffin and her meager haybed
  95. >{“Wait, that’s right, I have an emergency muffin!”}
  96. >she rushes to the cupboard and practically rips the door off
  97. "Muffin!!!"
  98. >she pulls it out and sticks the whole thing in her mouth, with hoof holding it so it doesn't fall
  99. >head back and eyes wild, she grunts and chomps voraciously
  100. >within moments the chocolate chip muffin is no more, the only clues it existed were left as stains and crumbs on her face
  101. >in a state of euphoria, a single tear of joy rolls down her cheek
  102. >as Derpy starts to break out of the trance she walks to her bed and collapses
  103. >bruised and exhausted she has no energy left for cleaning off the mud from earlier
  104. >she quickly succumbs to a deep slumber
  106. >Derpy Hooves is awoken to a ringing pain in her head, she takes a large gasp of air as she stumbles out of bed
  107. >her eyes are sore and she has a stinging sensation in her private area
  108. >she's parched and hobbles to get a glass of water
  109. >she feels like she wants to cry but her eyes are completely red and dried out
  110. >she rinses some of the caked mud away from her marebits and rump, she's gotta take care of nature's business before work
  111. >she goes to get her mailmare uniform ready and tries to get the mud off but is largely unsuccessful
  112. >she starts to panic as she hears her work alarm go off. The one for when she is supposed to leave her house
  113. >she goes to grab her saddle bag but can't find it
  114. >as she's panicking she decides to run outside and fly to the post office, they should have a spare
  115. >a few ponies give her the odd glance as she zooms on through town
  116. >it's risky for her to fly fast because she has trouble seeing where she is going
  117. >she miraculously avoids any accidents this time and arrives at the postal office
  118. >she stops at the door and takes a moment to catch her breath
  119. >with one last gulp of air, Derpy cautiously enters the building
  120. >she looks around and sees a customer at the counter with Flash, a purple pegasus courier who does expedited shipping. {“Why is Flash working the counter?”}
  121. >Flash notices Derpy and gives a curt nod
  122. >she heads to the back section of the building for employees
  123. >"Ms. Hooves you are late again, please see me in my office. After you have cleaned the restroom and taken care of the trash
  124. "Yes sir, Mr. Lettermane"
  125. >Mr. Lettermane was a pudgy brown earth pony with a white shortcut mane. Although he was old he was not quite at the age of retirement
  126. >Derpy normally cleans the bathroom so she doesn't see this as a punishment, she's just happy to not get yelled at
  127. >after finishing up she heads to Lettermane's office
  128. >she knocks on the door lightly
  129. >"Come in"
  130. >she walks in with some hesitation and doesn't dare look him in the eyes
  131. >"Derpy, this is the 234th time you have been late. And.."
  132. >he stops mid-sentence and looks at her in what can only be described as disappointment >"What the hay happened to you? Your uniform is filthy!"
  133. >Derpy stands there feeling really small. She wishes she could be at home right now. Eating a muffin.
  134. "Uh-m ..I don't know."
  135. >Lettermane puts his face in his hoof "Well, nevermind, because you see this?"
  136. >he holds up a worn and dirty looking saddle bag
  137. >Derpy eyes light up
  138. "My saddlebag!”
  139. >"Wrong, not yours. It's property of the post office which you carelessly lost. This is exactly the 10th mailbag you have lost. Thankfully nothing important was in this one. But Ohoho this one IS important."
  140. >Lettermane gives Derpy a sly smile
  141. >"You see Ms. Hooves, we only kept you around this long due to affirmative action laws. But there are limits. And by proving beyond all reasonable doubt that you are a liability to the establishment we are no longer required to employ you."
  142. >Derpy is still thinking of an explanation to provide for her dirty uniform, Lettermane's words not processing yet. She continues to stare blankly, eyes swimming around
  143. >"Ms. Hooves. What I'm saying is you are fired. And good riddance I would like to add!"
  144. >Derpy snaps out of it and looks at Lettermane in shock
  145. "Fired? But Mr. Lettermane I need this job..and muffins"
  146. >Lettermane looks at her like she's crazy "Muffins? Ms. Hooves I've think you have larger concerns"
  147. >Derpy's head is facing the ground, tears starting to form
  148. >"Please do the whole crying thing when you leave and spare me, I'm not changing my mind on this. As consolation I have your last paycheck here, waiting to be signed off by me."
  149. >Derpy stands there in silence just looking at the floor
  150. >"You can use this to buy muffins"
  151. >Derpy's head perks
  152. >"Now, you have caused me a lot of trouble over the past several years and I'm not going to sign this check until you give me something in return"
  153. >Derpy sits there listlessly, her eyes the only thing moving around
  154. >"Ms. Hooves, do you want this check or not"
  155. "Yeah…I do Mr. Lettermane"
  156. >"Good, I'm glad we've come to an agreement"
  157. >Lettermane casually walks over to the door and turns the brass lock with a klink
  158. >he walks up behind Derpy
  159. >"Take off your clothes"
  160. >Derpy stands there not sure of what's going on
  161. >"I said take off your clothes!"
  162. >she flinches and starts taking off her clothes in a panic. {“Oh no…what’s going on..and my job..”}
  163. >"Good, now lean against my desk I want a good look."
  164. >Derpy does as she's told, her head facing down at the desk. Her eyes moist and googly
  165. >"You've got quite the rump Ms. Hooves!"
  166. >Lettermane is unsheathed, stroking himself as he walks up behind her.
  167. >"I'm going to do you a favor Ms. Hooves, I'll spare your marehood. Not that any sane stallion would ever court you"
  168. >Lettermane puts his erect cock top of Derpy's hips and ass
  169. >Derpy gasps as she feels something large and warm on her, she isn't sure what's going on but she's scared
  170. "Mr. Lettermane, what are you doing back there?"
  171. >You still don't know, do you? You really are a special kind of pony"
  172. >Lettermane smiles and as puts a hoof on her cheek and pries open
  173. >he's met with a pungent aroma of unwashed marehood and piss, his stallion soldier only throbbing even more now
  174. >Derpy Hooves feels her butt being touched and now something is poking against it
  175. "Uh.. what's that?"
  176. >Lettermane cannot control himself any more, he guides his cock to Derpy's ponut, the tip stopping due to his girth " are about to find out dear"
  177. >He thrusts slowly to get his cock a landing zone in her asshole. Once he's in he's not coming out for a long time he thought to himself. He paid a pretty penny for Zecora's aphrodisiac tincture just for the occasion
  178. >Derpy yelps
  179. >"He is now past the initial entrance, and slowly but gradually keeps penetrating her anus
  180. "Ahhhhhh...oouughh"
  181. >Derpy moans as his cock continues to slide into her, eyes wide open and spinning around in confusion
  182. >she tries to wiggle away but that only drives Lettermane even more wild "Ohh, your tight little ass feels so good. Wiggle for me whore!" he slaps her ass hard with his hoof
  183. >Derpy screams out in pain as she tries to wiggle away from whatever is happening to her but she's pinned down, Lettermane is considerably larger than her and it's easy for him to control her
  184. >he bends down on top of her with his weight as he fully sheathes inside of her. His eyes roll back for an instant as she lets out a loud moan as her eyes are frantically squirming around
  185. >"Oh yes! Ms. Hooves this ass is amazing, who would have thought an invalid like you had a use!"
  186. >he smiles with gleeful lust and begins to thrust her ass. He's surprised it all fits, he had the largest cock on his hoofball team growing up and she's such a little mare.
  187. >she starts moaning uncontrollably as he thrusts her constricting ponut, every thrust electing a new unique moan
  188. >Lettermane picks up the speed of the thrusts which is too much for Derpy to bear
  189. >Derpy screams and moans as she tries to move out and get away
  190. >Lettermane's large cock and overbearing weight ensure there is no escape
  191. >Lettermane leans down next to her ear and starts thrusting as hard and fast as he can
  192. >"I'm going to make you my little cumslut!"
  193. >Derpy starts pissing unable to control herself as she's groaning
  194. >Lettermane feels warm liquid spraying and he leans off of her back
  195. >still thrusting, he looks down and sees what happened
  196. >"Oh you really are a filthy pony, you are going to clean my office after I'm done with you!"
  197. >Derpy only knows pain, a pain she has never felt before. Constantly burning her inside of her
  198. >she cries and moans and has a feeling like she’s constantly pooping.
  199. >she just wants it to stop, but it doesn't
  200. >her wings start flapping uncontrollably, she doesn't know why but maybe she can fly away from this nightmare.
  201. "Ahhh ...uuooh..I'm ..uhhoouu. pooping!!! Ooouuhhaa"
  202. >Lettermane holds her ass down firmly as he continues to pound her relentlessly
  203. >"not right now you aren't!"
  204. >at one point Derpy slips into unconsciousness
  205. >Lettermane noticed she stopped moaning, and her cute little wings stopped flapping
  206. >he doesn't stop pounding her but is disappointed
  207. >He bends down near her face and starts smacking her with his hoof
  208. >"Wake up retard! Moan for me!"
  209. >after several moments of slapping her she comes to
  210. >Derpy wakes up and feels immense pain
  211. "Ahhhuooo..make it...aaiooiihhh stop...uhhoouaah ..plll-plll uuhhhhhooaaa please!"
  212. >Lettermane is getting close so will be granting her request soon
  213. >might as well make the best of it he thought and starts to thrust even harder and faster
  214. >Derpy, a moaning sobbing mess is barely clinging to sanity, she just takes it. There's nothing else she can do but flap her wings helplessly.
  215. >To Derpy it has felt like an eternity even though it's only been about an hour
  216. >"O-ohh! I'm Fucking Cumming!!!!"
  217. >Lettermane grabs Derpy up in a full nelson hold and violently shoots his load into her tortured ponut
  218. >after unloading he slams her back into the desk, cock still sheathed in her
  219. >Derpy almost blacks out from the concussion, moaning with wild abandon
  220. >Lettermane firmly pushes the entire weight of his body down on her, fully hilted and still cumming inside of her
  221. >several minutes pass as he just lay on top of her. Gentle little wings try to move but are pinned beneath his mass.
  222. >Lettermane smiles in bliss as he slowly drains inside of her, not letting a single drop go to waste. Her cute little wings massaging his plump belly as they try to escape
  223. >Derpy's eyes are unmoving but positioned in awkward and distressed angles. Tears flow, still moaning as his cock twitches with each drop it pumps into her
  224. >Finally she feels the thing inside of her shrink and eventually come out
  225. >A goopy mixture of blood, feces and cum slowly leak out of Derpy as she lay on the desk, broken and weeping
  227. >[The next day]
  228. >Derpy Hooves lays on the floor, a thin layer of hay between her and the rigid warped planks, constituting as to what passes for her bed
  229. >she's crying, as she often does. A sad little pony in a world that doesn't welcome her.
  230. >Derpy just wants to fit in, live a normal life. To maybe find a special somepony of her own and start a family. She always wanted to take care of a foal but none of the mares in town would let her near them
  231. >she can see her breath as she makes muffled groans, her room is freezing. The winter season just started
  232. >she doesn't know what happened at the post office office yesterday, only that her body was ravaged by Tartarus itself and that Lettermane was involved. And that she was fired.
  233. >she begins to heave and sob. The thoughts of yesterday assaulting her addled mind. She tries to hoof away the tears but they keep coming
  234. >eventually her eyes run dry, her sobbing reduced to mere sniffling
  235. >she musters the courage to get up
  236. >she grunts in pain, her body weak and hurting. Trembling, she manages to stand up and slowly walks over to the cupboard.
  237. "M-muffin.."
  238. >she knows that the emergency muffin is already gone but she opens the cabinet door anyway
  239. >she perks up as she notices a crumb on the shelf
  240. >her eyes narrow in and she quickly lunges at the tiny morsel, licking it up
  241. >she stands there for a moment as her eyes sway slowly around
  242. >she walks over to her closet and sits down, looking into the black entrance. So this is the void. She wished that she could disappear into that black pit and never return.
  243. >as she continues to sit there in a daze, she's momentarily interrupted by the grumbling of her stomach
  244. >Derpy is out of bits but she does have her last paycheck. She's going to need to head to the Ponyville bank so she can get it cashed
  245. >she picks up the check and heads outside
  246. >immediately she's hit with a chilly gush of wind. She shivers and runs back inside. She puts on an old sweater that has a muffin design in the center.
  247. >her mother made it when she was just a filly, it barely fits but it means a lot to her. She also throws on a scarf that she won in a raffle at the post office. A tear running down her cheek, {“Guess I won’t be going back there..”}
  248. >determined and slightly more warm, Derpy heads out into the wintry afternoon
  249. >light snowflakes are falling in the cold crisp air around Derpy Hooves
  250. >one of them drops on her face, slowly melting
  251. >her face scrunches up and and she wipes it off
  252. >the hustle and bustle of a normal afternoon in Ponyville swirling all around her as she glides towards her destination
  253. >{“Almost there”}
  254. >in anticipation, she picks up the pace
  255. >with a dampened thud she hits into something solid and she starts to fall towards the ground
  256. >she lands on her back and winces in pain
  257. "O-oww...owee.."
  258. >she looks up and sees a sign for the bank. {“Well at least I’m here now”}
  259. >she hobbles into the bank and gets in line
  260. >"Next customer please"
  261. >an older mare with glasses looks at Derpy, ushering her over
  262. >Derpy stands there for a moment. Eyes crossed and mouth scrunched, still in a daze from the crash
  263. >"Mam, if you would please come over"
  264. >there is whispering behind her as she receives strange looks from the other customers in line
  265. >Once again Derpy feels out of place, like an outsider.
  266. “{They are probably talking about my eyes again..”}
  267. >head down, her eyes droop in different directions as she timidly makes her way to the teller
  268. >"Welcome, how may I assist you today"
  269. >Derpy pulls out the check and hands it over
  270. "Cash this please"
  271. >Cici, written on the name tag, takes the check and begins to process the transaction
  272. >"Ms. Hooves, I see you don't have an account with us. If you open one today I can waive the 12 bit cashing fee"
  273. >Derpy scrunches her face. She always gets asked this when she's here to cash her check, she just wants to leave so she can get muffins. Why is money so complicated
  274. "I'm okay"
  275. >Cici looks at her for a moment and decides not to press the issue. She cannot understand why this pony doesn't open an account. She comes in every week to cash her check and pays the ludicrous fee each time. Whatever, no point in trying to reason with the town dunce. Cici gets the cash ready and hoofs it over.
  276. >"Here you are Ms. Hooves, 132 bits. Is there anything else I can do for you today"
  277. >Derpy's eyes light up
  278. "Muffin!"
  279. >Cici just stares at her confused. Some of the other customers look over at Derpy
  280. >Derpy realizes muffins aren't here
  281. "Oh.. I'll go now, thanks"
  282. >bits in hoof, Derpy heads back out to the street
  283. >the snow is really starting to come down now
  284. >Derpy spots a group of fillies laughing and throwing snowballs in the distance. {“I remember making a snow muffin with my mom when I was a filly”}
  285. >she feels content knowing what's to come, a small smile starts to creep along her face as she thinks about muffins
  286. >Derpy Hooves starts to flap her wings but immediately stops, searing agony ceasing up one of her wings. She cries out in pain
  287. "Ahhh it hurts!"
  288. >thinking back to her fall moments ago, she decides to walk instead of fly. Not that she has a choice. At least her wing doesn't hurt when it's not moving
  289. >she sniffles and wipes away a few tears. Everything is sore or hurting. A strong burning gaping sensation still emanates from where she does nature's calling
  290. >no, she's not going to let this get her down, she's about to get muffins!
  291. >resolve setting in, Derpy trots with purpose
  292. >Two Mares and a Griddle coming in view, Derpy grins widely, her eyes happily swiveling around
  293. >she's half a block away when she feels a cold thud on her flank
  294. >confused, she looks behind her
  295. >as soon as she turns around sharp pain crashes into her face, snow splattering in her eyes
  296. >she starts blinking frantically and tries to get the icy flakes out. She yells out in distress
  297. >"Hahaha it's the retard pony no one likes!"
  298. >Derpy's vision returns to normal, well as normal as it could get with her eyes
  299. >she's confused and feels tears welling up as she looks at a group of colts. They are making snowballs while jeering at her
  300. >"Oh look Benny, I think she's gonna cry!"
  301. >"Haha I think you're right"
  302. >Derpy starts to bawl and runs away, another snowball crashing down on her
  303. >she grimaces in pain as it hits her injured wing
  304. >still running she turns down an alleyway
  305. >she can't hear the colts anymore but she doesn't take any chances. She keeps running
  306. >hot tears fly off her face as she continues running down the alley
  307. >Derpy Hooves loses her balance as she starts to slide on a sheet of ice
  308. “Whoa.. I can’t stop!”
  309. >her hooves frantically try to find grip. No such luck
  310. >her vision turns upside down as she flips over with a dull thwack
  311. >Derpy's head slams into the ice followed by her wings and back. She loses consciousness.
  312. >she wakes up and has no idea where she is or how she got here. She doesn't remember anything.
  313. >acute pain surges in her head causing her to yell out
  314. >she goes to put a hoof to her head but nothing happens
  315. >befuddled, eyes drifting around in anguish, Derpy tries to move her legs. They won't move either, she can't even lift her hoof
  316. >Derpy starts to panic, she can't feel her body at all
  317. >she moves her head to look around. She's in what appears to be an alley. It's empty, just silence and snow
  318. "H-help.."
  319. >her voice is subdued, barely audible even to her
  320. >she doesn't know how long she's been out here but it's dark out. The snow giving a slight glow to the night sky
  321. >her facing is numb but she still feels a frigid burning sensation
  322. >she's crying but tears won't come out
  323. "Somepony, p-please help me.."
  324. >her throat is torched dry
  325. >she tries to call out again, but her vocal cords remain silent. She gasps lightly as she looks around
  326. >finally she lays her head on the ground, too weak to support the weight anymore
  327. >her eyes fixed on the sky, each one looking at a different star. Desperately wishing she could be one right now
  328. >she loses feeling in the side of her face as it attaches itself to the ground. Forming together in a twisted visage of glacial ice and pony flesh.
  329. >Derpy Hooves lay there frightened and unable to move
  330. >her lips stop quivering as they freeze over
  331. >her eyes slowly wiggle around in terror
  332. >eventually they stop moving too as she feels the prickly ice envelope her
  333. >Everything goes dark

Snow Muffin

by ffanon

Marble Pact

by ffanon

Cage Muffin

by ffanon

To a Good Home

by ffanon

Four Mares and a Bear

by ffanon