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[RGR] Medical Doctor Anon & Moondancer

By MrSkeltal
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-01-11 01:05:39
Expiry: Never

  1. Original Poster: Frostybox (
  2. Reason this is posted here is because it's not binned in Frosty's bin.
  4. >There goes another one.
  5. >”Uhm… h-hi Anonymous” the tan colored mare whispers.
  6. >The tall human doesn’t even glance up from his book, “Sorry, I’m going to need this book for the rest of the day. I think there’s a copy if you ask the librarian.”
  7. >She giggles away his response, but from this close you saw the pain on her face.
  8. >”I don’t need your book, I w-was actually wondering if you maybe wanted to go out with me?”
  9. >Wow, that takes lips.
  10. >Most mares that have come up to him just waltzed around the question until he either told them to go away, or they finally asked and-
  11. >”No. Sorry, I have far too much studying to do.”
  12. >The mare shrinks back some in surprise, “I didn’t say when. If you’re busy then maybe when you’re n-“
  13. >He closes his book and looks over to the mare sitting across from him.
  14. >Uh oh.
  15. >”Back on my world I was a surgeon, and a damn god one at that. Now I’m here and a large part of my medical knowledge is useless. And, largely as a result of being male, if I want to be taken in anyway seriously and to have any hopes of improving this dated medical system you Equestrians have then I have got to make exceptional marks on my exam and be the top of my class in medical school. So unless you’re on the Board of Admissions or the Dean of Centerlot Medical University I will always be too busy for you.”
  16. >You almost drop your book out of shock, and his whispering rant wasn’t even aimed at you.
  17. >Thankfully you catch it with your magic, you’ve managed to remain undetected so far and this would be the worst time to be caught eavesdropping.
  18. >When you glance over the top, you spy the brown mare making some weak excuse to justify speed trotting out of the library immediately.
  19. >You snicker to yourself.
  20. >A sigh sounds off from beyond the large hardcover you use to shield the rest of the world away.
  21. >You peek out again towards the origin.
  22. >Anonymous has his face resting in his hands.
  23. >He’s been coming here for almost two months straight.
  24. >He arrived in Equestria about three months if you recall Twilight’s letter correctly.
  25. >Which you do of course.
  26. >They had a big fight and he came here to Canterlot just over two months back.
  27. >When he first came in he set himself down with some medical texts and scowled and grumbled all the while.
  28. >Mares would visit him occasionally, asking him what’s wrong or if they could get him a coffee.
  29. >He responded similarly everytime.
  30. >”Leave me alone. I just want to learn this infuriating system so I can improve it.”
  31. >You liked watching him, even if that did mean a cut back on your reading.
  32. >He was at the Library the moment they opened until they were shooing him out the door.
  33. >That used to be you, but after the first day when you were both awkwardly standing outside the library in silence waiting for it to open, you vowed to just let him be the first to arrive.
  34. >You also leave whenever the only other pony in the building is going to as well
  35. >It just means you check out a little more than you would have normally to make up for the lost time.
  36. >The second month is when you really started to notice a difference.
  37. >His clothing became less varied.
  38. >The smooth face of his became fuzzier and eventually became the shaggy unkempt beard it is now.
  39. >HIs scent changed too, no longer one of freshness and flowers, but of musk and a hint of something else you can’t quite place.
  40. >You guess that he’s stopped grooming in the hopes that it would cause others to leave him alone but it had almost the opposite effect.
  41. >Mares pitted him and worried that he wasn’t taking care of himself, something they offered to do for him.
  42. >HIs scent, you can smell it from your spot nearby, is intoxicating.
  43. >Mares who, before, couldn’t build up the courage to say anything to him and instead walk by multiple times “for a book” were now enticed enough by his smell to speak.
  44. >Anonymous sits back in his chair, adopting a proper reading posture and opens his medical text once again.
  45. >You watch his eyes scan the pages hungrily.
  46. >He turns to the next page and adopts a confused look.
  47. >Anonymous rubs his eyes and and blows air loudly through his nostrils as he turns back to the previous page.
  48. >You nod to yourself, this is a feeling you know all too well.
  49. >He’s stressed.
  50. >Maybe from all the other mare’s attention, or the exam he’s going to take.
  51. >Either way, the stress is eating away at his focus so he’s forgetting what he just read
  52. >That causes more frustration and stress and the problem gets worse.
  53. >You must have looked the same way when writing your dissertation.
  54. >How was it you managed to work through the stress though?
  55. >…
  56. >Oh right you used your hoof to-
  57. >You gasp and immediately clamp a hoof over your mouth before being assaulted by shushes.
  58. >Just because getting off helped you doesn’t mean it would help him.
  59. >Right?
  60. >Besides, he’s turned down every single mare who came up to him.
  61. >Mares far prettier and in better shape than you.
  62. >What chance would you have?
  63. >Oh, and here’s another genius idea Moondancer, go tell the human “So... masturbating constantly helped me focus on my studies, maybe we should have sex? For your benefit of course.”
  64. >Because that wouldn’t get you thrown in jail immediately.
  65. >Still though, you know what he’s going through first hoof.
  66. >There must be something you could do.
  67. >You have a PHD in magical studies which isn’t really useful to Anonymous.
  68. >Then there’s also whatever you’ve picked up as a passing interest.
  69. >Aerial combat techniques?
  70. >No.
  71. >Manticore training?
  72. >Nope.
  73. >The lore behind J.R.R. Trotkien’s The Lady of the Bracelets.
  74. >No, but you should revisit that book again.
  75. >Twilight’s records on Human Anatomy?
  76. >N- wait yes!
  77. >According to her letter, Anonymous requested it of her shortly after arriving in Equestria.
  78. >It was very detailed, she must have taken a long time conjuring up all the different variants of see-through spells in order to have put down as much information as she did.
  79. >Now to pull up the information from the back of your mind.
  80. >Nervous system, organs, bone structure.
  81. >C’mon Moondancer, there’s gotta be something you can use…
  82. >Musculature?
  83. >Yeah, what are you going to do with that, walk up and give him a deep tissue massage?
  84. >…
  85. >Now there’s an idea.
  86. >There’s so many unicorns in the library.
  87. >If you used a spell then he wouldn’t be able to tell who’s casting it.
  88. >Now we’re back into familiar territory.
  89. >What kind of spell should you cast though?
  90. >Tissue massage seems like a good idea.
  91. >Now that you’re recalling the human anatomy report though…
  92. >It’s been something you’ve wondered about for a while.
  93. >Are you really going to do this?
  94. >You DO know how much it helped you.
  95. >And if he doesn’t like it he knows he could just leave right?
  96. >You bite your lip as you debate what you’re thinking of doing over in your mind.
  97. >The debate quickly turns to how many spells you’ll need to maintain once you take in another whiff of his scent.
  98. >And your plan is now set.
  99. >You wait until Anon takes a short break from studying to cast the first spell.
  100. >You can localize the Haycartes Method to a single part of your body so long as it’s not your horn.
  101. >The spell is cast and just your eyes are hovering near the bottom of Anonymous’ book.
  102. >You glance around and find that thankfully it’s a book with many pictures that you can easily blend your eyes into so he doesn’t find you.
  103. >From your seat, you adjust your book close to your face so no pony can see you and it just looks like you’re really focused on studying.
  104. >Now for the tricky part.
  105. >Adjusting for his seated posture his member must be around this spot in his pants.
  106. >Hoping your guess is correct you cast the next spell, Phantom Limb.
  107. >A spell that lets you link a limb of your choosing and creates a phantom duplicate that you can control, if you’re experienced enough to do so anyway.
  108. >Your phantom muzzle apparates just inside the lining of his pants.
  109. >The heat is incredible and the smell almost makes you lose control of your spells.
  110. >Anon’s reading again, his bright green eyes scan the page, but gloss over you as you intended.
  111. >Slowly you pass through an unexpected, but easily dealt with, second layer of cloth.
  112. >The tip of your nose bumps against something fleshy and warm.
  113. >You jump back a little in surprise, but quickly shuffle forward in your seat to avoid being found out.
  114. >Anonymous is so focused on studying that he didn’t seem to notice the contact.
  115. >Your muzzle shifts forward again and you prepare yourself for the proximity past the second barrier.
  116. >Opening your mouth slightly, you extend your tongue and make a light poke at his tip.
  117. >Again Anonymous doesn’t react.
  118. >Feeling a little more confident you slip a little further down and take a small lick on the underside of his head.
  119. >Anonymous sucks in air and shifts in his seat slightly.
  120. >His face is a mix of exhaustion and confusion.
  121. >He rubs a hand over his tired eyes for a moment and returns to his book shortly after.
  122. >You tilt close again and pucker your lips to plant a small kiss on his tip.
  123. >He’s not reacting to this like the books you’ve read said he would.
  124. >Though you remember having to really work yourself when you were about as tired as he looks.
  125. >That in mind you open your mouth and take the head of his cock into your mouth and give him a gentle squeeze with your lips.
  126. >He gasps loudly at that and jumps in his seat this time.
  127. >His eyes are scanning the room immediately before he’s barraged by a wave of shushes that are cut short when they realize it was Anon who made noise.
  128. >He sinks into his chair a little but continues scanning the are around him.
  129. >Your body tenses when you see his eyes looking in what you assume is your direction.
  130. >They pass over you several times until he gives up the hunt and buries his have in his hands again.
  131. >”You’re losing your mind Non… Why did you have to be such a stubborn ass and demand to take the soonest exam?” he mumbles weakly to himself.
  132. >You move some to adjust for his shifted position and move in close again.
  133. >Once again you take his cockhead into your mouth and clamp your lips tight around him.
  134. >Anonymous lets out a shaky breath but doesn’t jump this time, his face remains buried in his hands.
  135. >His taste, now that you’ve had longer than a second to enjoy it, is incredible.
  136. >The slight hint of salt is delicious.
  137. >Your clit winks faster now, bumping against the wooden seat underneath you, peppering it with lewd kisses.
  138. >You suck lightly on his member, just like the books told you to.
  139. >”Mmn.”
  140. >You graze your tongue around his tip, lazily at first, taking the time to enjoy his unique flavor on your tongue.
  141. >As you managed to more and more of it away you began getting desperate for more.
  142. >Your tongue lapped and swirled faster around all the cock you had available to you.
  143. >Anonymous’ breathing is becoming more rapid.
  144. >Your hunger over takes you and you take more of his manhood into your mouth.
  145. >His tip is brushing against the back of your tongue while you lap as much of his shaft as you can.
  146. >Anonymous’ face is gaining hints of scarlet in them and he places one hand firmly on the table surface.
  147. >His hips shift foreward slightly and you feel a light nudge on the back of your tongue.
  148. >You’re so thrilled that he’s enjoying it you have to cup a hoof over your physical mouth to stifle the pleased moan.
  149. >All the while you’re soaking in your own juices, your pussy has never contracted as desperately as it is now.
  150. >He continues to rock slightly as your tongue slides along the underside of his penis.
  151. >His rocking is getting more aggressive as he hits further and further back in your throat.
  152. >Until you realize that he hasn’t moved more than before, his cock is just bigger now.
  153. >You slowly withdraw your mouth from him, maintaining that suction all throughout.
  154. >Anonymous shivers as you do so, and you make a muffled pop when your pursed lips come away from his tip.
  155. >You shift over and let the side of your muzzle brush against him as it slides up his thigh.
  156. >HIs length is even more than you imagined, Twilight’s reports didn’t mention anything about erections, it was big enough as it was before.
  157. >Now…
  158. >You’re grinding firmly into your seat just imagining it.
  159. >Your velvety walls are contracting in a manner as though his incredible length was inside you.
  160. >There’s a slight tickle from the small patch of fur at the base of his penis, you open your mouth wide enough to bite down very gently at his base.
  161. >The table squeaks slightly as Anonymous clenches his fingers slightly along it’s surface.
  162. >Taking that as a sign of pleasure, you continue underneath, putting gentle pressure along his thick base until you reach your desired location.
  163. >Your tongue extends out and laps hungrily at the testicles resting against his inner thighs.
  164. >On of Anonymous’ legs kicks slight from the sudden contact but he still doesn’t walk away.
  165. >The slight hairiness of his sack is interesting, almost like a very hot soft peach.
  166. >Now, the book said that males enjoy when a mare does this…
  167. >You take the entirety of his jewels into your mouth.
  168. >Anonymous’ face is completely red, and there’s alight sheen of sweat along his brow.
  169. >Seeing him so aroused is making you grind harder into your seat.
  170. >You suckle and roll your tongue over his precious storage.
  171. >You imagine what it might feel like to have him cum while his balls are in your mouth.
  172. >Imagination quickly gives way to desire as you bring in phantom forehooves into this.
  173. >You stroke his lengthy shaft with your hooves.
  174. >The veins in his cock feel funny as you slide your hooves over them.
  175. >You can feel his pulse through them quickening.
  176. >His testes shrink slightly, allowing you to trace your tongue along the wrinkles that form.
  177. >Anonymous’s breathing is heavy and ragged but he manages to keep himself quiet as you work him over.
  178. >You’ve already cum three in your seat, and you’re well on your way to a fourth.
  179. >At this point you don’t care if you’re caught, the opportunity to do this is well worth it.
  180. >Feeling that he’s near, if your book was anything to go by, you clamp your hooves around the tip of his penis.
  181. >Your frogs provide his sensitive tip a soft pressure on both sides.
  182. >His head feels even larger than before as Anon begins thrusting firmly between your hooves.
  183. >HIs balls shrink further and you can’t slip your tongue between them anymore.
  184. >”F-fuck…"
  185. >You jerk in synchrony with his thrusts and finally his balls shrink rapidly.
  186. >Acting quickly you open two very small teleportation portals.
  187. >Anon’s cock pulses in your hooves, as his thrusts become weaker and weaker.
  188. >HIs sack clenches multiples times in rapid succession while you encourage it to let off more and more with your tongue.
  189. >Your physical mouth is wide open before one of the portals you made.
  190. >Anonymous’ thick cum passes through his portal, the moment his cum connect with the sense of you glasses you reach your fourth orgasm.
  191. >You’re paralyzed with pleasure there as more and more strands of thick cum coat you.
  192. >Thankfully a lot of them land in and around your mouth.
  193. >The sensation of stroking him, suckling him, and being coated in his hot seed all at the same time prolongs this orgasm longer than you’ve ever had before.
  194. >HIs sperm is thicker than what the books said it would be like.
  195. >It’s also much saltier than what you read and little bitter which it didn’t mention at all, but you can’t stop swirling his essence in your mouth.
  196. >Your phantom limbs disappear, and with it goes the satisfaction that came from touching him.
  197. >The orgasm has passed enough that you can safely break the Haycartes Method and regain your physical sight, one lens is completely smeared, but the other still has some clarity where his cum didn’t spread to.
  198. >Through that you can see Anonymous’ head, slick with what little cum you weren’t able to milk him for.
  199. >You lean closer “to your book” and plant a soft kiss on his tip.
  200. >You can feel him shiver from your physical touch, the book did say he was hypersensitive right now.
  201. >As you break the kiss, your tongue laps up that last pearly bead and you close the two portals.
  202. >Slowly, with patience you didn’t think you could muster, you lap up all the cum off of your muzzle, glasses, and the table too, attempting to savor every drop of it.
  203. >You put a hoof under your sweater to clean the saliva off of your glasses only to find the cumstain on the front of it.
  204. >How fortunate.
  205. >You suck it away and proceed to wipe your glasses as clean as you can.
  206. >Next comes your seat, which is completely soaked through, much like your tired lips.
  207. >A conversion spell turns your arousal into harmless, and odorless, water vapor.
  208. >Simple fix, but substantially difficult spell, for others that is.
  209. >Satisfied that you look as normal as possible, you chance a peek out over your book.
  210. >Anonymous is leaned back in his chair, legs completely spread out under the table from what you can see.
  211. >Some of the mares in front of him are taking stealthy glances.
  212. >He has a small smile on his face, the first one you’ve seen him bare in over a month.
  213. >When he rises back to his usual sitting position, he glances around the building for a while before stretching and returning to his book.
  214. >He still looks tired, but much more focused now.
  215. >Anonymous’ face shifts more as time goes on.
  216. >HIs focus doesn’t seem to change, but a frown form on his face, and it only seems to intensify as he continues reading.
  217. >Almost like he’s debating something in his mind.
  218. >Then he does something you’ve not seen him do before.
  219. >He rises and puts away his books, but doesn’t grab any new ones.
  220. >He doesn’t pause by the library counter to request any new books or anything, he just leaves.
  221. >Worry and regret begins to set in.
  222. >What if he goes to the ponice?
  223. >You were trying to help him… at first, but it’s the middle of spring, you couldn’t exactly help getting caught up in the moment.
  224. >Like that’s any good excuse.
  225. >Maybe you could go talk to him?
  226. >Twilight said he’s far more reasonable than any male, but that was before they had their big fight and he moved away.
  227. >You place your books back in their place and make your way out of the library.
  228. >You scan the street but can find no hint of the tall human and you have no idea where he lives.
  229. >May as well head to the ponice station, even though you really hope he’s not there, there’s a chance he’s going that way.
  230. >You go left and head down the walkway that leads you to the station.
  231. >A force grabs you by the muzzle and you immediately react with a discharge spell, but find that it does nothing.
  232. >You’re being dragged into the alley beside the library by some nonmagical force.
  233. >Panic sets in, but you manage to settle it down enough to cast a teleportation spell.
  234. >”Oh, no you don’t.”
  235. >You make a muffled cry as you horn is clamped at the tip and your spell can’t be released.
  236. >”Ah good, all the cramming i’ve done for unicorn physiology is already starting to pay off.”
  237. >Your eyes have adjusted to the sudden change from bright daylight to shadowy alley to see Anonymous kneeling before you.
  238. >He doesn’t look very happy.
  239. >”And it would seem I was right about my estimate on magical range. I figured it was between that tryhard Lollipop or you who could reach me with a spell like that.”
  240. >Oh Tartarus, he did know?!
  241. >”I’d mulled over the fact that the caster had a pretty damn good idea of what to do despite the differences in my anatomy to a stallion. Something that only Twilight would’ve known after having claimed all my notes and diagrams as invaluable knowledge, under her name, "to keep me safe".” he grumbles.
  242. >She didn’t make those records?
  243. >He sighs away whatever frustrations he has with Twilight and continues in his clam yet displeased tone, ”So it only made sense that such a good friend of Twilight’s would have probably been privy to my notes, am I right?”
  244. >You attempt to respond, but only make mumbles into the palm of his hand so you nod instead.
  245. >”And you thought you’d have just a little bit of fun with the human huh?” he growls, “You fucking mares are all the same. I’ll just put my goals of improving lives everywhere aside just so you can have a quick fuck am I right?!”
  246. >He pinches the tip of your horn and you whine from the discomfort.
  247. >You shake your head as best you can with both his hands holding you.
  248. >”Oh? So what are you saying you didn’t just rape me in the library?”
  249. >Your eyes widen.
  250. >You struggle and manage to shake his hand loose enough to speak.
  251. “No, please! I was only trying to help!”
  252. >His hand grips under your jaw, pinching your cheeks firmly, “No shouting” he commands before releasing your mouth again.
  253. “I s-saw you were stressed out… I felt like that when I was doing my dissertation and I started thinking that what helped me might help you. It’s the middle of spring, I-I wasn’t thinking right” you stammer out between sobs.
  254. >His form is getting blurry from your tears, but you think he’s looking at you with pity in his eyes.
  255. >”Regardless of what you were trying to do, what you did was rape by your world’s standards.”
  256. >You wince at his statement.
  257. >Your life is going to be over.
  258. >”You know, at first I thought I had burned myself out and had a wet dream in the middle of studying, when that dream wound up dry but I know I’d had my release was about when I started questioning what happened.”
  259. >Is he… is he not angry?
  260. >”Dissertation. So you've got a PHD then? In what?”
  261. >This is very confusing, you’re a mix of emotions right now.
  262. “M-magical Studies” you respond while wiping the tears away from under your glasses.
  263. >He flashes you a devilish grin, “My lucky day. I think you’re going to be more helpful than you thought after all my little rapist.”
  265. >Now let’s see… if you get under the lung it seems that access to these muscles is much easier.
  266. >”C-could you hurry up?” Moondancer asks timidly.
  267. >You set your quill down on the table.
  268. >Haycartes Moondancer is laying on her back with her chest cavity open, trying to hold still so your notes are in place.
  269. “Diagrams aren’t supposed to talk.”
  270. >She huffs and crosses her forearms just above the incision area.
  271. "You told me that you can’t feel a thing when you’re all paperized, what’s the issue?"
  272. >”That doesn’t mean I like being like this” she responds motioning to her open cavity.
  273. “And I didn’t like being violated in public” you remind her, causing her to scrunch her muzzle tight.
  274. >You were fucking furious in that alley sure, but it turns out she was right, letting off some steam was just what you needed before the exam.
  275. >The though that her “assistance” might have allowed you to score so high that they demanded you retake it in a magic proof room only to score higher makes you laugh.
  276. >You brush a finger, that’s the size of her tiny ink torso , up her nethers, “D-dont! Not when I’m like this… it’s weird” she mumbles.
  277. “Just a few more minutes, I’ve almost got the muscles figured out for my class.”
  278. >She sighs, but returns to the position you asked her to hold when you started studying.
  279. “After this, I’m thinking we could read on the couch for a while” you state while scribbling down details about the muscle attachment points.
  280. >Your peripheral vision catches her ears flicking, “Really?”
  281. “Sure, we could order delivery. I’ve got about two hundred pages to go through tonight, so I don’t feel like cooking.”
  282. >You’re in your third year of medical school, and you probably couldn’t have gotten top scores for the past two years if it weren’t for her help.
  283. >Over time the blackmail sort of transitioned into something of a relationship, and you’re pretty thankful for it.
  284. >Without her magic to help you, you’d have been screwed compared to your unicorn peers.
  285. >You and Moondancer are laying opposite from each other on the couch with bellies full of pizza.
  286. >You set your textbook down, having finally gotten through the assigned chapters.
  287. >Moondancer is using your thigh like a pillow, her back is pressed up against your side, and she’s casually flipping through the newest Daring Do novel.
  288. >Well, seems like she’s got a bit of a lull in her studies tonight too.
  289. >You lift your arm away from the blanket that was her tail and rest a hand on her flank.
  290. >Her tail twitches, but she seems to be too absorbed in her book to notice it or you.
  291. >You slide your hand further in and graze your thumb over her lips.
  292. >She gasps and drops her book on the floor.
  293. >Moondancer whips her head back to look at you so fast that her glasses go crooked, “Anon! What ar- mmn.”
  294. >You pinch her dock and begin massaging it between your index finger and thumb.
  295. “I’ve been feeling a little burnt out lately, and I was thinking maybe it would be good to get a preview for the upcoming anatomy class. It’s on the reproductive system” you coo while slipping two fingers into her already leaking pussy.

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