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[RGR] Orphan Scoots and Anon, with Sweetie and Applebloom

By MrSkeltal
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-01-25 01:46:01
Expiry: Never

  1. Original Poster: Frostybox (
  2. Reason this is posted here is because it's not binned in Frosty's bin.
  4. >"I'm so proud of you, Little Buddy~"
  5. >"You've taught me a thing or two~"
  6. >You can't help but beam with pride as you knock hooves with Rainbow Dash.
  7. >She rustles your mane with her wing as you go off to join Applebloom.
  8. >"You've inspired everypony around you~"
  9. >Can't argue that, Sweetie is a great friend.
  10. >"And you've inspired me too~"
  11. >You can see Sweetie's smile spread wider than ever before.
  12. >She joins you and bloom.
  13. >"You've made your mark, done Equestria so proud~"
  14. >You nudge Bloom and Sweetie, they nudge you back grinning as wide as you are.
  15. >"You've made your mark, and we're here to sing it loud~"
  16. >Once again you sneak a peek at your flank and find your cutie mark looking back at you.
  17. >"For the ultimate reward, of your cutie mark~"
  18. >Pinkie kept her word, throwing the biggest cutecianera celebration ever.
  19. >Everything was either edible or exploded into confetti shaped like your cutie marks.
  20. >Diamond Tiara looked a little jealous even, but it seemed like it was coming from a better place than before anyway.
  21. >"Hey, congratulations Scootaloo, it sure took you long enough to get there... uh, b-but I knew you could do it."
  22. >...Eh, she's getting the hang of this whole nice thing.
  23. >"Thank goodness y'all managed to get somepony to cover for your shift Dash, can y'all imagine if Scootaloo didn't have anypony here for her?"
  24. >Your ears perk at the mention of your name.
  25. >Applejack is talking to Rainbow Dash and Rarity.
  26. >"You kidding me? Even if nopony covered my shift you bet your flank I'd be here."
  27. >Rarity growls, "Ohh, that colt really burns me up. I gave Anonymous got quite the earful the last time he missed the girls' pageant."
  28. >Your ears lower slightly, you hate when somepony talks bad about your big brother.
  29. >Rainbow rubs the back of her head with an idle hoof, "Eh, I'm sure he had a good reason-"
  30. >"I tried to find him, but he must not've been in town at all" Pinkie adds, cutting Rainbow off.
  31. >Rarity scoffs, "Typical, he's always "busy" or h-"
  32. >Rarity pauses when Applejack gives a loud cough, and all eyes turn to you.
  33. >"H-hello Scootaloo darling... Enjoying your cutecianera?" Rarity asks.
  34. "Yeah, it's great" you respond flatly.
  35. >This isn't the first time you've heard others talking about your brother, it's been like this all your life.
  36. >"Say sport, why don't we go grab some food? I betcha I can eat more cupcakes than you" Rainbow goads.
  37. >You mirror her smug look, she always knows just how to cheer you up.
  38. "Oh yeah?"
  39. >"Ye-"
  40. >"TOTALLY!" Pinkie shouts, jumping in on your little challenge.
  41. "You're on! Both of you!"
  42. >Rainbow looks far less confident now that Pinkie's joining in, but you know she won't back down.
  44. "So each one of them succeeds~"
  45. >You singly quietly to yourself as you trot home.
  46. >"Cause the ultimate reward is a cutie mark~"
  47. >Today was such a rush, you can hardly believe everything that's happened.
  48. >But now you're home, and it feels kind of nice to have something that's still the same.
  49. >You have to push on the door a few times before the lock turns like it's supposed to.
  50. >It always gets like this during the summer.
  51. >The door creaks open revealing the messy living room within.
  52. >Splayed out on the couch is your big brother.
  53. >His tie is loosely dangling around his neck and his suit is draped over a chair in the kitchen.
  54. >You shut the door behind you, takes an extra push to make sure it shuts right, but you hear the click.
  55. >You take the blanket on the floor and drape it over your big bro.
  56. >He grumbles something about taking hats, must be dreaming about his waiting job.
  57. "Hey Anon" you whisper.
  58. >Like usual he doesn't respond, he has to rest up for his night shift, but you can't not tell him the news even if he won't remember.
  59. "I finally got my cutie mark" you whisper excitedly.
  60. >It actually takes effort not to start bouncing at those two words.
  61. "And it's all because you worked so hard to keep us here and... well now that I've got my cutie mark I can get a job and help pay for stuff-"
  62. >Anon mumbles.
  63. >Uh oh, you didn't want to wake him.
  64. >He mumbles again, this time you lean in closer to hear what he's saying, "Noogie."
  65. >Wha-
  66. "Aah!"
  67. >You struggle to escape but his arm wraps around your barrel as his free hand comes down on top of your head.
  68. >He runs his knuckles over your head gently as you continue to struggle.
  69. >"You never learn do you?" Anon asks with a yawn as he lets you go.
  70. >You slide on the couch as he leans himself up and begins rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
  71. "Maybe I'm just letting you win" you huff.
  72. >"Shyeah, you know you're starting to sound more like Rainbow with every day that passes."
  73. "Starting to look more like her too" you respond quietly.
  74. >"What's that you're mumbling about? More noogies?"
  75. >You bat away his hands as he lazily grabs at you.
  76. "No! I said I'm starting to look more like her too."
  77. >Anon looks you over, running his hand over your mane.
  78. >"Pretty sure you're missing a few colors here Scoots."
  79. "I don't mean my mane Anon..."
  80. >You stand up on the couch, being mindful not to step on his legs, and turn slightly.
  81. >Anon's eyes follow down from your face to your barrel and then finally.
  83. >You almost go flying as Anon jumps out of the couch.
  84. >He manages to catch you out of the air and holds you up to his face.
  86. >You can't help but beam back at his joy.
  87. "I know! Isn't it the coolest!?"
  88. >"IT IS SO COOL!"
  89. >Anon pauses, his face lowers slightly.
  90. "Oh damn, I've gotta- I've gotta plan a party right? A cutecieanera, I need to invite all your friends and- and pay for food..."
  91. >You touch his cheek with your hoof.
  92. "You don't have to worry about all that, Pinkie already threw me one. For Sweetie and Bloom too, we got ours at the same time."
  93. >Relief spreads across your brother's face for a moment, before it's overshadowed by sorrow.
  94. >"Oh Scoots... I'm so sorry I missed it, I had to work later at the restaurant an-"
  95. "It's okay Anon, I know you have to work so we can both-"
  96. "No, Scootaloo. It is not okay."
  97. >You hear the shakiness in your brother's voice as he cuts you off.
  98. >"This is just another on the pile of things I've missed out on. Except this time it's one that I can't make up. Scootaloo I am so sorry."
  99. >You touch your nose to his, the steel ring around his nose brushes against your fur as you nuzzle him.
  100. >He feels worse about this than you do, you have to cheer him up.
  101. "Well maybe you don't have to be sorry anymore."
  102. >"Oh yeah?" Anon asks weakly.
  103. "I have my cutie mark now, so that means I can get a job, help out around here."
  104. >Anon chuckles softly, "You do plenty around here Scoots, don't you start worrying about not helping enough."
  105. >You scrunch your muzzle at him.
  106. "But you work so much-"
  107. >A boop to your nose from his cuts you off, "And we're doing just fine as it is. Besides, what kind of job do you think you can get?"
  108. "I can- uh, well..."
  109. >You can't exactly charge to help somepony get their cutie mark.
  110. >Well, you could, but that doesn't feel like the right thing to do.
  111. >"See, so don't worry about that right now. You just keep going to school okay? I'll take care of us."
  112. >You want to argue, but you can't think of anything to say.
  113. >He sets you down while you keep your eyes locked to the floor.
  114. >You both stand in silence for a moment before Anon clears his throat.
  115. >You look up at him as he's smiling down at you, "From the moment we met~"
  116. >You clamp your ears down, his singing is really off key.
  117. >"I knew that orphan life might not be so bad~"
  118. "Aah! Stop stop!"
  119. >Anon breaks out into laughter and you join in.
  120. "You know you can't sing like anypony else can" you remind him.
  121. >"Hey, I figured if I was going to finally do it, then right now might have been it."
  122. "You're a dummy."
  123. >"And you're a dummy's little sister, that's really gotta lick huh?"
  124. >You giggle.
  125. "No, it's not so bad..."
  126. >"I love you Scoots."
  127. "I love you too Anon."
  128. >He kneels down and you rear up to hug him.
  129. >You know he's right, you only just got your cutie mark today.
  130. >"Oh shoot, I've got to get ready" Anon remarks, breaking the embrace.
  131. >He dashes into his room and shuts the door, "There's dinner stuff in the oven, just heat it up when you're hungry okay Scoots?" he calls.
  132. >Probably orders that got sent back and "thrown out" like usual.
  133. "Okay Anon" you call back.
  134. >Not that you mind, The Appleoosa Stable has great food.
  135. >The house is a bit of a mess, you slacked off a little the last couple of days since you and the girls were crusading etra hard.
  136. >While Anon is getting ready for work you start cleaning up.
  137. >Anon's clothes and Rainbow's used Wonderbolt reserves uniforms go in the hamper.
  138. >Rainbow must've forgotten to push on her door all the way, all the training stuff she keeps here in her storage room fell out.
  139. >It takes some doing but you manage to stuff it all in and shut the door until it clicks.
  140. >Anon leaves his room about the same time that you take a break on the couch, he looks around for a moment, "Oh hey, you cleaned up. Thanks Scoots, I meant to do it yesterday when I tripped on one of Dash's hoops, but I was already running late after I overslept so..."
  141. "I'm not done yet, still gotta clean up the kitchen."
  142. >Anon waves a dismissive hand, "Bleh, you got your freakin' cutie mark today Scoots, chill and play some Suponetendo or something."
  143. "You just want to gloat about how I can't beat your top times in Jumpone Wagon."
  144. >He smiles, "Hey, Rainbow has her flying, you've got scooters, and I've got this."
  145. >You try to keep your eyes focus on his face.
  146. >You're not sure when it started, but the way he dresses to work at the... special night shop, an awkward feeling hangs around until he leaves.
  147. >"Alright, I've got everything I need. Dinner's in the oven."
  148. "You said that already."
  149. >You yelp as he pinches your ear, "Yeah, and I'm saying it again so you don't forget you started heating it up and I don't have a panic attack coming home to a smoky house and filly asleep with a controller in her mouth."
  150. >He lets go of your ear, and you sink slightly into the couch.
  151. >Anon's hand rustles your mane, "I love you kiddo, don't stay up too late tonight okay?"
  152. "Go already, don't talk to me about lateness" you grunt.
  153. >Anon chuckles and makes his way out.
  154. >You breathe a sigh of relief.
  155. >Need to take your mind off of... all that.
  156. >Suponetendo does sound pretty fun, it's not as good as the gamesphere that some of your friends have, but you and Anon found a lot of games for cheap at the thrift store.
  157. >You drop in some Super Jumpone Planet.
  158. >Your save file is first in the list, about halfway done.
  159. >Anon's is next, completed of course, he's really good at games even if he doesn't have a lot of time to play them.
  160. >And Rainbow's is last, barely touched because she usually drops by to get some equipment or pick you up rather than to hang out here.
  161. >You select Anon's file and glance around the map, looking for all the secret places you missed on your file.
  162. >Where the hay do you have to go to unlock the comet place?
  164. >The early morning train is chugging along.
  165. >You're so tired you can barely keep your eyes open.
  166. >Legs ache from taking inventory all night.
  167. >It's pretty sweet usually, working at a sex shop, except on days where you're doing inventory.
  168. >It's baffling how many buttplugs your store carries, well, maybe annoying is a better word to use on inventory nights.
  169. >Most Canterlot mares have figured out your schedule so you wind up getting more ponies in on inventory day than any other.
  170. >They like to stand in front of the stuff you have to count and act so sweetly when they tell you "Oh it's no trouble, I'm just going to be browsing here for a second", forcing you to lean over them.
  171. >You know what they're playing at, but truthfully it doesn't bother you like some of the colts you work with claim it should.
  172. >Pretty much nothing bothers you at work.
  173. >You don't really giggle along when a group of stallions come in looking for a satchel pussy as a joke gift for one of their friends.
  174. >Having to talk porn with customers is a particular highlight of yours, none of your other coworkers have watched as much as you.
  175. >Any mare that looks uncomfortable while browsing, you can usually put them at ease as you help them find what they're looking for.
  176. >Sometimes you do too well of a job at that, but you welcome any mare who tries picking you up, even take a few of them up on their offer.
  177. >Occasionally a customer starts thinking that friendliness extends to your other coworkers, you have no problems setting that straight.
  178. >The train hits the bump on the tracks that you've become familiar with, that bump signals Ponyville as the next station.
  179. >You shake yourself awake, almost dropping your package in the process.
  180. >A slight scuffle of hooves informs you that the mare sitting nearby was getting up to help you.
  181. "Oh, I've got it. Thanks cutie."
  182. >Whoops, still in sex shop mode.
  183. >The mare clears her throat as she returns to her seat and you could swear you heard her mumbles a "Y-you too."
  184. >Ha, love making them do that!
  185. >The walk home is quiet, like usual.
  186. >Always gives you time to crunch some rough numbers about bills and stuff.
  187. >It'll be close, it's always close, but now with the shift you're going to lose for a date you owe Sure Ship for hooking you up, it'll be very close.
  188. >"Hey, you do you. If you can't pay me for a month it's no big deal, I only have the place because Mayor Mare said I had to in order to work in Ponyville."
  189. "Hopefully this won't be one of those months Rainbow" you mumble to yourself.
  190. >She already does so much, tutoring Scootaloo with flying, taking her to shows and all, you really hate it when you're short, even if she says it's no big deal.
  191. >All your fiscal worries melt away for the moment as you fuss with the front door, it doesn't need much work to get unlocked this early in the morning though, it's cool enough that the wood will cooperate.
  192. >You enter the quiet home and lock the door behind you.
  193. >Scootaloo's not on the couch with a controller in her mouth this time, and it seems like she ate half of the lasagna some pony complained was "too saucy".
  194. >You take half of what's left and put it in a container for your lunch later today.
  195. >Have about six hours of sleep you can scrounge up before you'd be cutting it close on getting to the restaurant on time.
  196. >You lay down the package in front of Scoot's door and enter your room.
  197. >Forgoing your usual method of disrobing, you plop onto your mattress and let the darkness carry you away.
  199. >An ear shattering squeal causes you to bolt upright in your bed.
  200. >Just in time to be tackled by an orange blur.
  201. >"THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!" Scootaloo shouts as she nuzzles your face.
  202. >You try to gain some space from your little sister's assault of hugs and nuzzles but your half-asleep limbs can't muster the strength.
  203. >"How did you even get this?!"
  204. "So I take it you like it?"
  205. >"The Smoothroller 9000 isn't even supposed to be out for two WEEKS! H-HOW?!"
  206. >You finally manage to push her off you, though she just manages to shake in place from excitement.
  207. >You finally manage to push her off you, though she just manages to shake in place from excitement.
  208. "I dated a mare that manages a shipping hub, get her to pull some strings for me and they "lost" a small scooter shaped box. Shame huh?"
  209. >Another squeal and tackle is your answer.
  210. >"You're the best big brother EVER!"
  211. >You yawn involuntarily and Scootaloo backs off, "Sorry I woke you..."
  212. >You ruffle her mane.
  213. "Don't worry about it Scoots, I'm just glad you liked your gift, it doesn't make up for missing out on your cutecianera, but..."
  214. >Scootaloo nuzzles your cheek again.
  215. "So, you gonna go try it out?"
  216. >Scoots looks out through your doorway, "Nah, it rained yesterday and I could get my wheels rusty if I go out right now" she responds.
  217. "Oh yeah?"
  218. >Scootaloo nods as she plops down next to you, "Yeah, just going to have to wait until it's dry enough I guess" she yawns.
  219. >You're pretty sure the weather board in the kitchen said this week is supposed to be all sunny.
  220. >But, you'll let her think she's clever if it means snuggling your little sister.
  221. >She's getting to be too old for this, especially now that she has her cutie mark.
  222. >So you'll take a freebie when it's handed to you.
  224. >You finish up your salad in the lone corner of the cafeteria.
  225. >Most of it was hay, even though you asked for them to leave it out.
  226. >You're the first one done, with nobody to talk to and prolong your lunch, it's to be expected.
  227. >The other orphans joke and share food.
  228. >Two horns, one horn, fourlegs, names said more with good nature than insult.
  229. >Freak, furless, hornless, the ones aimed at you have no goodness in them.
  230. >You've been here the longest so you've heard them all.
  231. >At this point, you're old enough to be considered an adult, if you'd been growing horns like a normal minotaur should anyway.
  232. >Since you can't, and space is always an issue they're probably going to thr-
  233. >A small grunt comes from the seat across from you.
  234. >You lean over to see a small orange pegasus trying to get into the seat across from you.
  235. >You almost do a double take, pegasii go to the cloud building above to keep crowding down.
  236. >Her food tray is in the seat already, her wings are fluttering rapidly but don't seem to give her the lift she needs to get into the chair.
  237. >You watch her struggle for a moment longer, wondering why she would want to sit with you.
  238. >"Hey, can you help me?" the small filly asks.
  239. >You glance around the cafeteria, wondering if this is some kind of set up to a prank.
  240. >You take her tray and place it on the table, now that the space is cleared she adds a hop to the fluttering of her wings but still can't manage to get into her seat.
  241. >With little effort you hoist her up onto the chair, "Thanks!" she chirps.
  242. >You go back to your seat and pick at the hay on your plate, all the while wondering why this filly is sitting across from you.
  243. >She's standing in her chair, happily munching away at her food.
  244. >Maybe she's just transferring? It has happened before, when they didn't have enough beds available.
  245. "Hey."
  246. >She stops eating and over to you, "Hi, My n-"
  247. "You shouldn't eat with me kid."
  248. >Word travels fast, and reputation is everything here.
  249. >She looks taken aback at your statement, "Why not?"
  250. "Isn't that obvious?" you ask, motioning to your weird form.
  251. >She shakes her head slowly.
  252. >She shakes her head slowly.
  253. "I'm not a normal minotaur kid."
  254. >The filly giggles, "Oh, I knew that, that's why I came over here."
  255. >You raise an eyebrow as she turns to show you her back, "I'm not normal either. My wings are too small, see?"
  256. >She flutters her wings again, you can hear a faint buzzing noise coming from them, "It's why I can't go up with the other pegasii." she remarks wistfully.
  257. >"But now I can have a friend here who's different like me".
  258. >Your heart aches at her statement.
  259. >You want to believe her so badly, everything about her seems genuine.
  260. >She gives you a small smile, "My name is Scoola- Scootoo- Scootaloo, they didn't tell me yours, they just called you mean names."
  261. "A-Anonymous."
  262. >"Anomym- Anonmess-"
  263. "How's about Anon?"
  264. >"Anon!" she responds happily, "You can call me Scoots then."
  265. >The orange filly's eyes break away from yours, "Hey, are you gonna finish those?" she asks, pointing a hoof at the hay on your plate.
  266. >You slide the plate over to her, your first friend.
  268. >"Nooo!" Scootaloo shouts as you fly past the finish line in first place.
  269. >You shoot her a smug look as the screen shows your Prince Plum in first place.
  270. "Yes! I told you he's good to play as."
  271. >And good to look at too, UNF.
  272. >Scoots scrunches her muzzle at you but Applebloom yanks the controller out of her hooves.
  273. >"Alright alright, y'all know the order, loser has to give up the controller."
  274. >"Psh, whatever, I only lost cause I was holding it and Sweetie wouldn't pause the game" Scoots grumbles as she stomps off to the bathroom.
  275. >You and Applebloom share a look before snickering to yourselves.
  276. >"She's redder'n my mane and tail."
  277. "I think she spends way too much time with Rainbow Dash."
  278. >A creak of a nearby door causes both of you to halt.
  279. >None of you were being louder than usual when you hang out at Scoot's, and her brother is a heavy sleeper, usually anyway.
  280. >His footsteps thump against the wooden floor of the kitchen, both you and Bloom peek over the couch.
  281. >The sight before you makes your tail go flat against your rear.
  282. >Anon is digging through the fridge in nothing but the shortest shorts you've ever seen him wear.
  283. >The curve around his bottom is very visible through the shorts, and you think you can make out some bulge too!
  284. >"Sweetie, I don't think we should be watchin' this..." Bloom mumbles.
  285. >You respond with a low grunt because your brain can't make words right now.
  286. >Neither of you sink back down.
  287. >Anon withdraws a carton from the fridge and holds it up to his face, eyes looking heavy with sleep still.
  288. >Satisfied that he has the right carton he shakes it for a second before uncapping it and holding it up to his lips.
  289. >You can just barely make out what looks like a pineapple on the carton, it's hard to tell because the word "Anon's" is written on it.
  290. >You watch as his back arches slightly, making the bulge under his shorts far more noticeable.
  291. >He leans back further as he tilts the carton higher to get every last drop.
  292. >The sight of his flat stomach and firm arms send jolts of electricity down your spine, causing your tail to twitch.
  293. >He parts the carton from his lips, and you can't tell if it's the juice or the light coming from the open fridge causing the juice that's dripping down his chin to be that yellow but you bite your lip all the same imagining like it was your sou-
  294. >"Oh girls!" Anon yelps.
  295. >You're drawn out of you thoughts as Anon slides behind the fridge door, trying to cover as much of himself with it as possible.
  296. >"F-forgot you were coming over tonight..." he continues with a nervous chuckle.
  297. >Oh you certainly won't be forgetting this for a while...
  298. >"Uh y-yeah... we're just waiting for Scoots to get out of the bathroom, had to pause the game for her and all" Bloom responds while you stammer in place.
  299. >Thank Celestia for Applebloom's quick thinking.
  300. >"Oh how nice of you girls, pausing for her..." Anon mumbles to himself, "Say, I'm sure she won't mind sitting out one race... why don't you two pick up where you left off huh?"
  301. >You and Bloom have an awkward stare off with Anon for a moment.
  302. >"Oh! R-right, let's get back to the game Sweetie" Bloom responds, nudging you in the side.
  303. >You grunt and slowly slide down the back of the couch.
  304. >"Alright, well I'm going back to bed, have fun girls" Anon says quickly as he paces back to his room.
  305. >You manage one more peek out of the corner of your eye as he shuts the door to his room behind him.
  307. >Back in bed, and thoroughly embarrassed from that whole ordeal you try to relax enough to fall back asleep.
  308. >They're still just kids after all, it's not like they even-
  309. >Scoot's voice carries all the way to your room, "Alright, I'm back from th- why are you still on the character select screen?"
  310. >"Oh we uh just got distracted while you were in the bathroom" Sweetie responds.
  311. >"Distracted? With what? Was it something awesome?!"
  312. >"To us, might be a touch weird if y'all found it awesome" Applebloom answers.
  313. >Oh stars and moon above...
  314. >"What are you girls talking about?"
  315. >"Your brother just passed through."
  316. >"Oh no, did we wake him up?"
  317. >"No, I think he was just thirsty."
  318. >"He wasn't the only one..."
  319. >You can't help but snort at that, that brutal honesty must run in the Apple family.
  320. >"What are you saying?" Scootaloo asks, mostly with confusion than anything.
  321. >"Sis, your brother is hot."
  322. >You don't know if your should be concerned or flattered at Sweetie's statement, her sister works with models regularly so she probably has some idea of what's what.
  323. >"Wha- he is not!"
  324. >Ouch, thanks little sis.
  325. >"We done saw almost everything while he was over here drinking juice."
  326. >"You LOOKED? Why in the hay are you girls looking at MY BROTHER?" Scoots snaps back.
  327. >"We couldn't help it, he was right there in front of u-"
  328. >"Stop! You stop talking about him right now!"
  329. >She's getting real fired up now.
  330. >You should probably go out and say something, after getting dressed this time, but it seems like they're just ribbing her more than anything, filly stuff.
  331. >"Hey Scoots, do you know what pineapple juice looks like?"
  332. >Looks like...?
  333. >Oh! Wow, they're more... informed than you thought.
  334. >The room goes quiet for a moment before Scootaloo growls loudly, "IT DOES NOT! YOU TAKE THAT BACK!"
  335. >"It sure does, ain't that right Sweetie?"
  336. >"I WILL END YOU BOTH!"
  337. >A crash is followed by sounds of struggle.
  338. >You very strongly debate going out there, but decide to wait until you have some confirmed damage.
  339. >"Aww EWW, on the couch!?"
  340. >You can hear both Sweetie Belle and Applebloom laugh as the door to the bathroom slams shut.
  341. >There doesn't seem to be much more activity after waiting for another twenty minutes.
  342. >You figure they got over their little scrap and go back to sleep.
  343. >In the early morning you find a note stuck to your door demanding that you "NEVER get Pineapple Juice again." and "You are cleaning the couch!"
  345. >You take a moment to stretch your back.
  346. >The train ride from Appleoosa back to Ponyville is always a little rough, going to Canterlot is much smoother.
  347. >Several pops followed by the relief of the pressure change cause you to sigh contentedly.
  348. >You yawn into the keys grasped in your hand, sleepily too it seems.
  349. >You pop the key in the lock but find that the door’s already unlocked.
  350. >Unless you’re forgetting something, Scoots shouldn’t be back from school yet.
  351. >She’s always good about locking up after she leaves, but she was probably running late or something this morning.
  352. >She’s been having trouble sleeping the last couple of days, you could hear her fussing from your room.
  353. >You enter your home, things seem pretty in place so at least the small fear that you might have gotten robbed is settled.
  354. >A sound comes from… somewhere, or maybe you just imagined it.
  355. >Another yawn escapes you.
  356. >Yeah, probably just that. You’re tired.
  357. >You place one of the mistake orders in a pan and place that in the oven for Scoots to eat later.
  358. >The other goes right in the fridge so you can have it for lunch at the shop.
  359. >You look around the living room for a moment, things are getting pretty messy.
  360. >Usually Scoots tidies up before it gets this bad, but she’s still trying to work out her crusading stuff with her friends so you’ll try to take care of it.
  361. >Another yawn.
  362. >Tomorrow, maybe.
  363. >You drag your legs in the direction of your room.
  364. >Before you can grab the doorknob, the sound you thought you heard earlier comes back.
  365. >And it’s coming from… your room?
  366. >You turn the knob and open the door.
  367. >”Nnf, Ah~ Oh, I’m so close… Just-“
  368. >And that’s your sister.
  369. >Lying on your bed.
  370. >Face down and buried in what appear to be your shorts.
  371. >Her rear is raised and one of her hooves is furiously rubbing her winking clit.
  372. >Scoot’s pussy is slick with arousal, quivering with each wink.
  373. >Oh no.
  374. >Her ears perk and turn in your direction, probably just registering the door opening.
  375. >Scootaloo’s head whips around to face you, the haze of lust on her face quickly shifts to shock.
  376. >”A-Anon?!”
  377. >She quickly flops onto your bed, scrambling her limbs in an effort to hide her shame.
  378. >In so doing she winds up bundling herself into a little orange filly burrito.
  379. >You’d laugh if you didn’t feel so embarrassed for your little sister.
  380. >In her scramble your shorts apparently were thrown into the air as they have just landed on Scoot’s face and she can’t seem to free her arms to move them.
  381. >Okay, embarrassed or not, you snicker a little as you watch her shake vigorously with the hopes of flinging your shorts from her face.
  382. >You walk over and remove your shorts, exposing her cherry red face to you.
  383. >”I-I was… I-It’s not what you- I don’t even know why I was- I-I-I-”
  384. >She really is growing up faster than you thought, faster than you maybe want.
  385. “Scoots, It’s-“
  386. >You don’t get the opportunity to finish as she bounds off the bed and hops in her burrito form out of your room.
  387. >A slam nearby informs you that she has entered her room.
  388. >You sigh, as you look down to the stained sheets your sister left behind.
  389. >You peel them off your mattress and toss them aside.
  390. >Today is not the day you wanted to have this talk-
  391. >Leaning down in your closet, you search around for a moment before finding a small brown box.
  392. >Popping the lid for a moment confirms that you’ve got the right box.
  393. >-But looks like the day has come regardless.
  394. >You stroll over to Scoots’ room.
  395. >Pressing your ear to the door allows you to hear some muffled sniffling and light sobs.
  396. >You knock on the door.
  397. >A small gasp comes from the other side followed by what feels like forced silence, as if she hopes you’ll just go away after what just happened.
  398. “Scoots?”
  399. >More silence.
  400. “Hey, sis, c’mon and let your brother in. I’m not mad, I promise.”
  401. >A few sniffles now.
  402. “Scootaloo, don’t make me keep having to use your full name.”
  403. >A small grunt followed by a thump and a click.
  404. >You turn the handle of the now unlocked door and open it.
  405. >A scooter wheel is still rolling away from the door as you scan the room.
  406. >You told her not to do that when she’s feeling too lazy to get up and unlock her door, but for today you’ll let it slide.
  407. >Your poor little sis is currently a lump of covers in the middle of her bed.
  408. >”I’m sorry Anon” the muffled lump says.
  409. >You walk over and sit down on the bed next to your little lump.
  410. >Scoots moves a little away, shifting the lump around.
  411. “It’s alright Scoots, i told you already I’m not mad.”
  412. >You gently lay a hand on what you think is her head and rub in a small circle.
  413. >Some more sniffles come out, “B-but I was… and I don’t even know why I was…”
  414. >You grab on end of her covers and pull them up to expose your little si-
  415. >Whoa! That’s potent.
  416. >You try your hardest not to wince from the sudden wall of muck that hit you.
  417. >Scootaloo is sitting up, tail curled around herself as tightly as possible.
  418. >Her head is as low as it can be and she has her eyes locked to the sheets beneath her.
  419. “I know why sis, and it’s… well it’s understandable to be honest.”
  420. >Maybe not quite normal, but it does happen if you take the word of some mares who’ve come into the shop drunk and let a little info slip that they probably shouldn’t have.
  421. >She doesn’t move when you lay a hand on her back.
  422. “So, normally I ask Rainbow to have talks with you if it seems like a ‘mare’ thing, but… I think I’m probably more qualified about this kind of thing than she is this time.”
  423. >Scootaloo sneaks a glance up at you, but quickly returns it back to her bed.
  424. “What you’re going through, it’s your first heat. I know you probably already know that.”
  425. >Scoots wipes her nose with a hoof and nods slowly
  426. “I bet you weren’t told just how bad it can get huh?”
  427. >She shakes her head.
  428. “Well it’s pretty understandable, for whatever reason everyone’s so weird about this kind of stuff with you all so they just give you some of the info rather than all of it. I planned on telling you everything, I just didn’t realize it was gonna have to happen so soon.”
  429. >She’s your little sister, it’s so bizarre to think of her a young mare now.
  430. >”What you’re going through Scoots, it’s perfectly normal. Every filly’s first heat is rough.”
  431. >”I-is it going to be like this forever?”
  432. >Hey, she’s talking, that’s a good sign.
  433. “I’ve been told that it’s usually about the same as this everytime, you just learn to handle yourself better.”
  434. >She looks up at you with fearful eyes, “It’s like this EVERY time?!”
  435. >You scratch the back of her head gently, it dawns on her again that she’s full of shame and lowers her head instantly, but she doesn’t turn away from you at least.
  436. “I’m afraid so sis, it’s going to drive you crazy about two times a year. So desperate for affection that you’ll take just about any guy you come across.”
  437. >She tenses up under your hand.
  438. “Oh don’t feel so bad about that Scoots, I don’t know what it’s like to go through but I know it’s rough on first timers. We’ll just keep that our little secret huh?”
  439. >She sniffles a few more times before chancing a look up at you.
  440. >Her eyes are red with tears and you can see bags under her eyes from what you know understand was a lack of sleep due to her heat.
  441. >”You’re really not mad?”
  442. >You offer her a warm smile.
  443. “No sis, I’m not mad. Surprised? Sure, but certainly not mad.”
  444. >A smile forms on her face, it’s very small, but you can see and feel the relief running through her body.
  445. “In fact…”
  446. >You pull the small box out from behind you and rest it on your lap.
  447. >Scootaloo looks at the box, or possibly your crotch, curiously.
  448. >You remove the lid of the box and reveal its contents to your sister.
  449. “I’m honestly a little happy that I can finally give you thi-“
  450. >”Aww! Bro that’s not what I think it is, is it?!” your sis responds, scurrying away from you.
  451. >You yank her by the scruff of her neck and pull her back.
  452. “Well first of all, you're supposed to be too young to know about this you little perv, but I guess I can only be so careful… and secondly, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with having one of these, especially early on.”
  453. >Scootaloo shuts her eyes tight and plugs her ears, “This isn’t happening, I’m not here right now.”
  454. >You flick the tip of her nose eliciting a yelp from your sis, “Owww!”
  455. >Sticking your tongue out at her frumpy face, you continue.
  456. “Now then, I picked this up for you a little while ago, should fit you just fi-“
  457. >”BRO!”
  458. >You keep your grip firm as she tries to wriggle away from you.
  459. “Okay okay. You want this to be over, I get it. Since you know what this is, I assume you also know how to use it right?”
  460. >Scoots has her arms crossed and she’s angrily staring at her sheets, with the occasional glance at the box.
  461. >She nods once.
  462. “Alright… Heh, you’re growing up so quickly. It’s al-“
  463. >”Would you just GO already?!”
  464. “Okay okay, I’m going.”
  465. >You set the box down next to Scootaloo and make your way for the door.
  466. >Your hand is hovering just above the handle to turn and shut it behind you when a meek “W-wait…” gives you pause.
  467. >You look back and see her fidgeting in her spot on the bed, “I- I’m scared that I might… What if I hurt myself?”
  468. >You roll your eyes internally.
  469. >Insistent on doing things on her own when she has no clue where to begin, she’s growing up for sure.
  470. >You walk back and sit next to Scootaloo on the bed, her face is completely red and her fidgeting is only getting worse.
  471. >You remove the dildo from the box and hold it in one hand.
  472. >Your other hand rests on Scootaloo’s back, you run it in small circles to try putting her more at ease.
  473. “So for unicorns and fliers this is a little easier, but for now you’re going to be better off by first putting your rump in the air.”
  474. >She rubs her knees together for a moment before slowly rising and turning around.
  475. >Scoots lowers her head and raises her rump just like when she was on your bed.
  476. >The difference this time is that she’s sort of “pointed” beside you rather than right at you.
  477. >You rest a hand just above the base of her tail, she jumps but doesn’t scamper away this time.
  478. >Her breathing is heavy now, must be getting a flare up.
  479. “Okay, so normally you’d want to lube this thing up. That’s what the bottle is for, it’s made with dragon ember so it’ll get it nice and warm for you too.”
  480. >Her legs quake when you mention warmth.
  481. >You bring the tip closer to her nethers, you can feel the heat radiating from that distance.
  482. “But since you’re uh… good to go already, we can just skip that part.”
  483. >You touch the tip to her entrance, Scootaloo whines, her hips buck back and she takes a little more in getting a squeak out of the young mare.
  484. >You put some pressure on her lower back with your hand, trying to sort of hold her in place as you do this.
  485. “You want to go slow at first. Trust me on this one Scooty, it’ll get you all confused on how a real stallion is and you’ll get some disappointed or frustrated partners.”
  486. >You glance back, she’s biting her bottom lip and nodding slowly.
  487. >Probably in a world of her own right now, but you had all this stuff planned out so you might as well continue.
  488. >Even with a proxy you can feel her walls eagerly accept the member in as you gently slide it deeper.
  489. “Now this is important Scoots, you’ve hit the ring. This is as far as you want to go, any further and you could hurt yourself or your partner. You may be crazed up during your heat, desperate for anything to make it settle down, but you don’t want to push too hard.”
  490. >”Y-yeah… push hard…”
  491. >Her juices are running down your fingers, Scoot’s musk is beginning to fill the air.
  492. >It’s not so bad now, the first time you got hit with it all at once, but now that it’s happening “naturally” it actually smells quite nice.
  493. >Probably gets to be about what you’re used to as she gets older.
  494. >”A-Anon…” your sister whines, drawing you from your thoughts.
  495. “Oh, right. Uh, I think that’s about it. This is probably how you’re going to want to insert it, like an earth pony, until you get better at flying. After that you can just make yourself comfortable and use a hoof, or two depending on how you lay.”
  496. >You take one of Scoot’s forehooves and pull it back, she catches on and grasps the end of her toy.
  497. >She pushes for just a moment, but begins pulling it back before you manage to correct her.
  498. >Scootaloo gasps and moans as she reveals more of the slick shaft.
  499. >Well alright, looks like she’s se-
  500. >”Nnf Ah~ AH!”
  501. >One of her rearlegs gives and you lean forward to make sure she doesn’t hurt herself trying to recover.
  502. >The end result is that her back is leaned against you, her toy is propped up on your lap, and her legs are weakly keeping her from plunging it deep into herself.
  503. >You wrap an arm around your little sister’s barrel, something she quickly wraps her hooves around to keep herself suspended.
  504. >”Mmn! Br- Bro~!”
  505. >Your free hand reaches down to hold her stomach so you can get the leverage you need to lift her up and off of you.
  506. >Scootaloo has her face turned so she can nuzzle the side of it into your chest
  507. >Your hand feels her moving around, she’s bobbing slightly in your lap.
  508. >Little moans and gasps escape the young mare squirming in your grip.
  509. >”Big bro.. j-just a little more…please, this feels so good.”
  510. >Well now… this isn’t at all how you expected this to go.
  511. >If you turn her away right now though, it could really break her up.
  512. >You lower her down some, enough so her rearlegs, shaky as they are, gain some more control.
  513. >Scoots takes full advantage of the new leverage and bobs up and down on her toy.
  514. >Her nostrils are flaring wildly, drinking in your scent, a “long day at work” male’s scent.
  515. >At least you really hope that’s what she’s picking up on.
  516. >The room is filled with sounds of her small moans, the rhythmic squish of her pussy, and the quiet creak of her mattress as she rides on top of your lap.
  517. >She soon tenses up fiercely, clutching your arm to her chest tightly as her orgasm racks her small body.
  518. >Scoots trembles in your lap, her breathing is ragged as she shakes.
  519. >Her wings flutter sporadically against your chest and her legs kick weakly.
  520. >Your lap is now thoroughly soaked through, gonna have to remember to wash these pants tomorrow morning when you get back from the shop.
  521. >Your sister goes limp in your arm, a deep sigh escapes her lips.
  522. >You lay her down, slide a pillow under her head and gently stroker her mane.
  523. >She mewls softly from your touch, “Bro?”
  524. “Yeah sis?”
  525. >She opens one eye, with all the strength she has left it’s only open about a sliver, “I think this is the first time in three days that I think I can sleep…th-”
  526. >Soft, slightly ragged breathing is all that follows.
  527. >You kiss her on the head.
  528. “Anything for you little sis.”
  529. >Slowly you rise out go the bed to keep from waking her, you take the box with you after returning the items to it.
  530. >Next time you get the chance, you’re going to go over proper cleaning and using a tarp that you forgot was still in your closet.
  531. >You’ll take care of cleaning this time and finish the talk later, it’s way later than you expected to be up and you still have work later tonight.
  533. >You bring your cart to a stop outs your house, breathing a sigh of relief that you’ve finally made it.
  534. >The trip was a little tiring, but they had a sale on carrots and pasta that you couldn’t possibly pass up.
  535. >The cart groans loudly as you lower it down tot he ground.
  536. >It continues creaking for a moment as the carrots and other groceries roll around slightly from the displacement.
  537. >Okay, so maybe you went a little overboard, but that was the cheapest you’ve ever seen some of this stuff go.
  538. >Wiping the sweat from your brow, you rest your hands at your hips, giving your noodle arms a moment of relief.
  539. “Okay girls, we just gotta bring everything inside and after that I’ll make us all some yummy-“
  540. >You complete your turn to face the fillies that followed behind you and find that there is only one filly standing at the ready.
  541. >Sweetie looks up at you nervously, “Uhh, Scootaloo and Applebloom saw a huge gross bug and kept daring each other to get closer to it. I told them to knock it off, but they wouldn’t listen, I think they’re still back there.”
  542. >You pinch the bridge of your nose and sigh.
  543. >A small nudge on your leg draws your attention straight down, “But I’m still here to help you” Sweetie states.
  544. >D’aww, such a sw- huh, fitting name.
  545. “Thank you Sweetie Belle, but you don’t have to help me with this. Go back and play with your friends, just make sure to dare them to eat that bug they’re so interested in.”
  546. >Sweetie shakes her head, following it by sticking out her tongue, “Bleh! I don’t wanna be anywhere near that bug… are you sure I can’t just help you instead?”
  547. >Maybe you should start taking Rarity’s nagging to heart, Sweetie here is living proof that she might be onto something.
  548. >More than you can say for the walking noogie target you call a sister.
  549. >Arms are still kind of wobbly from hauling the cart, it’s gonna take several trips by yourself.
  550. “Alright, if you really want to help-“
  551. >Sweetie nods the moment you say alright and bites down on four full bags at once.
  552. >She grunts through gritted teeth as she struggles to lift her head.
  553. >You watch on as she continues trying to just lift the bags.
  554. >A small chuckle escapes your lips and you lean down to slip two of the bags out of her mouth and take them in your hand.
  555. “Why don’t we just go two and two huh Sweetie?”
  556. >”B-but Rarity said that a lady must be willing to show she can support a guy she li-“
  557. >You watch her mouth snap shut before she finished her sentence, a heavy blush adorns her little face.
  558. >Was she going to say “likes”?
  559. >You remember what she and Applebloom were saying after the pineapple juice incident.
  560. >Aww, and she has a little crush on you now.
  561. >You watch the filly drag your bags inside, her head is lowered out of embarrassment.
  562. >This is somewhat of an awkward situation to be in, she’s your little sister’s friend and Scooty is so quick to anger if she thinks there’s anyone going between you both, a remnant from the orphanage.
  563. >You brush a hand over Sweetie’s ear, causing her to glance up at you.
  564. “You’re doing great Sweetie, You’re cutting the trips I have to make in half. Let’s go get more huh?”
  565. >You need to be mindful of her budding foray into romance, but it just pains you to see the her looking so flustered.
  566. >The little unicorn nods happily and just about prances back outside.
  567. >Much better, and probably a harmless act anyway.
  568. >With Sweetie’s help you both bring in all the groceries in no time.
  569. >”That’s the last of them” Sweetie proclaims happily.
  570. “Mmhmm, thank you very much Sweetie Belle. Why don’t you go relax on the couch or something, play some Ponetendo?”
  571. >”But don’t you need help putting everything away?” she responds.
  572. >This little filly right here.
  573. >Next time you need some patchwork done, you are absolutely taking a pad and pencil along with you.
  574. >It's not like Scoots is a bad kid, she just seems to be picking up some bad habits from both your and Dash while Rarity seems to be on top of things with her sister.
  575. “You’re such a thoughtful young lady, Sweetie Belle, but I think I can handle this just fine.”
  576. >”But Rarity said that if a guy works himself too hard that he could lose his trophy status and then nopony would take him in” Sweetie responds, levitating some boxes of pasta out from one of the bags.
  577. >Trophy status?
  578. >You snatch the boxes out of the air before Sweetie drops them from having picked up more than she can magically carry and walk them over to the cabinet they go in.
  579. “Trophy status? Are you talking about like… competitive sewing or something?”
  580. >You know that the only time Rarity boos against a sports team is because their uniform has clashing colors so she can’t be talking about any trophies you know about.
  581. >Sweetie giggles, “No, they give out medals for those.”
  582. >What do you know, there is such a thing as competition sewing.
  583. >”A handsome stallion who only has to worry about taking care of themselves while their alpha takes care of everything else. That’s a stallion that has trophy status.”
  584. >That sounds… well it sounds nice, but seems like it might get kind of boring after a while.
  585. “Hmm, well I think I’ve probably worked far too hard already to have trophy status Sweetie, so I guess there’s no harm in putting away these groceries then.”
  586. >Sweetie’s abandoned the notion of levitating an entire bag by herself now and has settled on floating items near you one at a time to put them where they go.
  587. >”Nuh uh! You’re still way handsome!” she blurts.
  588. >A gasp followed by a few thuds hit the ground, and you pray those weren’t bananas that Sweetie dropped.
  589. >You breathe a sigh of relief when you see that it was just corn.
  590. >Looking up from the corn you see Sweetie with a face flushed with scarlet.
  591. >You kneel down to pick up the corn and place them back in the bag nearby, once you’ve finished with that you swivel around to address Sweetie Belle the only way you can think of.
  592. “Aww, you’re such a little flatterer, thank you Sweetie.”
  593. >Sweetie’s cheeks puff out for some reason, “I mean it Anon!” she huffs.
  594. >You are absolutely stupefied by her insistence.
  595. >How in Tartarus do you respond to something like this?
  596. >C’mon Non, think!
  597. “Uh *ahem*, uh S-sweetie thank you but, don’t you think maybe I’m a little too old for you to say this to?”
  598. >”Nuh-uh! Guys of all kinds come in to my sister’s shop and you’re way handsomer than all of them and you’re way cooler too because you don’t spend all your time talking about saddles you bought or how cute your yoga instructor is.”
  599. >Oh goodness her little flustered face and the boost to your ego is getting to be too much.
  600. >You stand up and face away from Sweetie as you feel eh heat rising in your cheeks.
  601. “Oh… well then, I uh… thank you Sweetie… why don’t you go and play some Ponetendo now? I can do this last little bit myself.”
  602. >”It still looks like a lo-“
  603. “I can handle it Sweetie. I assure you.”
  604. >She picks up on your curtness and you hear her trotting off into he living room.
  605. >You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding.
  606. >Passion must run in their family or something.
  607. >Shaking away the pinings of a crush-stricken little filly, you get back to the task at hand and intend to drag it out long enough for Scoots and Applebloom to get back.
  608. >They don’t of course, and you can only put carrots away so slowly before wanting scream from the monotony.
  609. >”Are you done?”
  610. >You almost jump from the question, being focused so much on putting everything away slowly you forgot why you were doing it.
  611. >You turn around to face the reason as she peeks over the back of the couch at you.
  612. “Yeah, I’m done.”
  613. >”Then can you help me? I don’t know what to do now.”
  614. >You peer over her, to the t.v. across the room and spy The Legend of Link running.
  615. >Her face looks more pleading rather than intense like before so you figure she’s probably forgotten by now.
  616. “Sure, lemme see where you’re at.”
  617. >You plop down on the couch next to Sweetie and ask her to pull up the menu.
  618. >She’s got the yank spell.
  619. >Power Bow.
  620. >B-Shoe-
  621. “Ah, Sweetie do you remember the old stallion near the forest entrance?”
  622. >Sweetie ponders on your question for a moment, tapping the levitated unicontroller to her cheek as she thinks, “Oh! He said he had something for me if I could help him cross the broken bridge!”
  623. >You watch her travel along the overworked for a while, losing her way now and again before she finally makes it back to the old stallion.
  624. [Thank you, SWEETIE, for helping an old colt. I’ve got something for you here in my hut that I think will be very useful to you.
  625. >Sweetie follows the stallion into his home, he pauses in front of a chest before shuffling back Epona, or SWEETIE as Sweetie Belle named her.
  626. [This was a lucky relic of my late alpha, kept her safe during all her years out scavenging the deserts. If that’s where you’re going then maybe it can keep you safe too SWEETIE.
  627. >SWEETIE spins around before holding both hooves up in the air displaying her brand new-
  628. >“Bellerophon shoes? Eww, why would I put on something like that?” she asks somewhat insulted
  629. “Horseshoes enchanted to grant speed only written about in ancient texts, hold ‘B’ to activate them” you recite the text before it appears on the screen.
  630. >Sweetie giggles, “ Oh, that sounds really cool actually! Hey, you really like this game huh?”
  631. “I do, but you also tend to remember a lot about games when you don’t have very many.”
  632. >”W-well I’ll be able to get you all the games you want once I’m your alpha” she mutters to herself, which given her closeness to you made you hear it loud and clear.
  633. >You chuckle to yourself as you rise from the couch, guess she still hasn’t let up on that.
  634. “Alright, I think that’s a pretty good place to stop for now. We should go make sure Scooty and Applebloom haven’t made themselves into bug food or something knowing how competitive they are.”
  635. >Sweetie’s eyes go wide with fear, “Y-you’re just joking right?”
  636. >Given how Scoots ditched out on helping with the groceries and you’re having to deal with filly crushes now you kind of wish you weren’t.
  637. “Of course I am, they probably just got stuck in a bush and need us to get them out.”
  638. >Sweetie saves her game and turns off the t.v. and the Supontendo before meeting you at the door.
  639. “Ready? Lets go-“
  640. >”Wait!”
  641. >You take your hand off the handle and spin around to face Sweetie.
  642. “What? Need to go first?”
  643. >”No… I uh, R-Rarity said that acting like a proper lady is the best approach to get a stallion to like you.”
  644. >You quirk an eyebrow at her.
  645. “Okay?”
  646. >”D-did I mess something up? I showed you how supportive I am, and told you how special you are, and made you feel important too. Just like Rarity talks about.”
  647. >Aww, she’s just adorable.
  648. >You kneel down and rest a hand on Sweetie’s shoulder.
  649. “Sweetie, you were the perfect lady today.”
  650. >Yeah you should probably emphasize that you’re still way too old for her or something, but there’s no way you could do that without breaking the poor girl’s heart right now.
  651. >She smiles, “So… do I get a kiss now?”
  652. >Your hand pulls away from the amped filly.
  653. “Excuse me?”
  654. >”Rarity said that guys love to show their appreciation for a proper lady with kisses.”
  655. >You have to really put in effort not to break out into laughter.
  656. “Uh… well I think ponies have all sorts of ways they can show appreciation. Some may give, uh, kisses. And others may…”
  657. >The look on her face as you try weaseling your way out of this is really grating on you.
  658. >You probably shouldn’t.
  659. >Sure it's kinda nice being the apple of someone's young eye, but there's a limit.
  660. >She’s got no way of knowing what platonic is right now, and what kind of taur would you be if you lead her on?
  661. >Oh, and her lower lip is…
  662. “B-but… I guess you were being very proper today so…”
  663. >You touch the bottom of her jaw and gently turn her face as you lean in and plant a little peck on her cheek.
  664. >You can feel her tensing up as you back away, you fear letting go of her chin as she seems to almost be melting without your support.
  665. >A heavy blush covers her face and she babbles incoherently for a moment before snapping back to reality.
  666. >”Wh-what about the other cheek?” she asks, presenting the other side of her face to you.
  667. >You roll your eyes, fillies…
  668. >You lean in again and prepare one more peck, in a small flash of white and purple-pink you find a pair of small warm lips pressed against yours.
  669. >Magic is holding your head in place as Sweetie wiggles her lips around as the mash against yours.
  670. >You quickly bring a hand up to Sweetie’s forehead and-
  671. >”Ouch!” she cries as you keep your two fingers pressed together firmly at the tip of Sweetie’s horn.
  672. >Magic finally released, you back away and wipe your lips with the back of your hand.
  673. “Sweetie! What in Tartarus do you think you’re doing?!”
  674. >You release her horn and she looks up at you fearfully, “R-Rarity said that guys like it when a mare makes bold moves like that.”
  675. “They absolutely do not- uh, well okay, they do but…” you pinch the bridge of your nose again and sigh, “Look, why don’t we put a pause on this until after lunch? We need to go find my sister and Applebloom.”
  676. >Sweetie nods slowly, keeping her eyes low.
  677. >Hopefully by then she’ll have forgotten this conversation completely and you won’t have to deal with it ever.
  678. >Forget Rarity’s way, Scoots may be a little crass but there are worse habits to pick up.
  680. "Say Applebloom?"
  681. >Both her and Scoots pause their dinner to look over at you.
  682. "I'm about to go to work, do you have everything packed up?"
  683. >Applebloom nods, "Sure do Anon. Thank ya again for takin' me to Braeburn's farm tomorrow... Applejack says I'm still too young to go by m'self" she says with a slight huff.
  684. >Scootaloo, having remembered the reason for her friend's visit, joins Applebloom in puffing up her cheeks.
  685. >"I want to come with you too!" Scooty whines.
  686. >Yeah, for the first weekend in the last year, otherwise it's "I don't wanna sit in a dumb booth all day Anon" whenever you ask her.
  687. >You walk over to both the grumpy little fillies.
  688. "Well Applejack may have a point there, she might not, but I am grateful to have a strong little lady accompanying me on the train" you respond, straightening Applebloom's bow much to her enjoyment, and Scootaloo's continued grumpiness.
  689. "And you-" you respond, booping your sister on the nose, "-have flight training tomorrow with Rainbow Dash, how else are you gonna get better if you don't practice?"
  690. >"B-but you- a-and Bloom- I want..." she crosses her arms and pouts her lips.
  691. >You kneel down to put yourself face to face with your little sister.
  692. "C'mon Scooty, we'll do something just you and me when I get off work huh?"
  693. >Her frown shifts into more of a firm line.
  694. >You rustle her mane, shifting her lips further into a small smile.
  695. "That's my little sis."
  696. >You rise and walk towards your room.
  697. "Alright, gotta get ready for work."
  698. >You enter your room and strip out of your first job clothes.
  699. >"Why're we goin' to your room to eat? That's how ya get ants" you hear Applebloom asks from nearby, you assume outside Scoot's door.
  700. >"Uh, N-no reason, I'd just rather eat in here. Right now..." your sister responds.
  701. >"Don't say I didn't warn ya."
  702. >The door shuts just as you finish putting on your shirt.
  703. >You give yourself a once over in the mirror.
  704. >Low cut top, snug pants with a nice worn look, nosering is looking nice and shiny.
  705. >You don't really have a traditional uniform, just expected to dress "nice".
  706. >And you're thinking that you look pretty "nice".
  707. >You stroll over to your sister's room and knock on the door.
  708. >"I'll get i-"
  709. >"NO! I-I mean, you're the guest, I'll get it."
  710. >Aww, manners!
  711. >Scootaloo opens the door, her eyes quickly darting up to meet yours.
  712. "I'm going now Scoots, you and Applebloom be good huh?"
  713. >Your sister rolls her eyes, "We will" she grunts.
  714. >"You betcha!" Applebloom chirps somewhere in the room beyond.
  715. "If anything happens, you call Rainbow Dash okay sis?"
  716. >"Nothing's gonna happen Anon" Scootaloo huffs.
  717. >She's always so frumpy when you have to go to the shop, probably worried something could happen to you at night.
  718. "I know..." in a flash your hand is buried in her purple mane, rustling it, "but that doesn't mean I won't worry about my beloved little sister and her friend, even if said sister is being a butt."
  719. >She bats at your hand with her free hoof and you let off as Applebloom's muffled giggling is heard in the room.
  720. "Okay, don't stay up too late girls. I'm heading in to Appleoosa early in the morning and Rainbow told me she caught you napping several times throughout the last training day."
  721. >"We won't! Can you just go already!?"
  722. >You rest your hands on your hips and shoot her a smug grin.
  723. "Why? Are there some handsome colts hiding outside and waiting for your "all clear" signal?"
  724. >Her wings flare out in surprise and Applebloom breaks out in to straight laughing, "N- wha- NO! It's because you're gonna be late you dummy!"
  725. >You wave a dismissive hand as you walk to the front door.
  726. "Yeah yeah, I got it. Just regular colts then. You two should aim higher, couple of cuties like you could get the handsome ones if you wanted."
  727. >Scoot's growl of frustration, coupled with Applebloom's cackling as you shut the door behind you sends you off to work on a high note.
  728. >Your alarm rings its shrill chime.
  729. >You slap the clock, trading places with it as it goes dormant and you return to the waking world.
  730. >Sleep was pretty good, so good that you wish you could have some more of it but sadly that's not a luxury you can afford.
  731. >A quick icy shower gets you most of the way to fully functioning, a coffee once you get to work should make up the rest.
  732. >You slip on your uniform; pants, button up, coat, and tie and head out of your room.
  733. >You make another glance around the living room, taking a few whiffs for any cologne.
  734. >You joked about them bringing in some guys, but Scoots is growing up, Applebloom probably isn't too far behind if at all, it's weird having to be worried about this now but at least it seems like things are in order here.
  735. "Applebloom? Are you up?" you whisper from the other side of Scoot's door.
  736. >No response comes from the other side.
  737. >Her door is unlocked, information you choose to act on as you slip into her room.
  738. >Scootaloo is curled up in her bed, sleeping like a little angel.
  739. >You watch her wings twitch slightly as she sleeps, that always made you happy, knowing she's dreaming happily despite everything you two have been through.
  740. >Makes you feel proud too, silly as it is.
  741. >A mumble comes from under you and you glance down to see Applebloom sleeping in Scoot's beanbag chair.
  742. >You step over the little filly and walk up to your sister.
  743. "I'm gonna go now Scoots. Tear up the clouds today alright? I love you sis."
  744. >You land a quick peck on her forehead eliciting a small mumble from your sister as you return to the littlest of the Apple family.
  745. "Applebloom? Hey, wake up sweetie."
  746. >Applebloom groans as you nudge her shoulder, she drops a sleepy hoof on your hand and pushes you with all her little sleepy might.
  747. >"Mmn- Nooo... leamme 'lone Mac... s'not m'turn ta wash th' pigs..." she mumbles.
  748. >Aww, you'd feel terrible waking her up.
  749. >You kneel down and tuck one hand behind her neck, the other on her lower back.
  750. >With little more then a stifled grunt you hoist Applebloom up and rest her on your shoulder, supporting her with your arm pressed along her back.
  751. >She shifts around slightly, nudging her head up higher and higher until it comes to rest, buried in the crook of your neck.
  752. >Applebloom breathes a comfy sigh, her warm breath runs over your neck as she does so.
  753. >Just like Scooty before she got "too big for that bro!"
  754. >The change in effort you remember having to put in back then compared to right now, she might have had a point about that.
  755. >Still though, you didn't realize how much you missed this until now, so you'll deal until you're at "arm falling off” stage.
  756. >A quick and slightly risky kneel to grab her saddlebags and you're both heading out into the pre-dawn morning of Ponyville.
  757. >It's always nice walking the brisk early morning, either that or you've told yourself that to be more okay with the fact that you're up before almost all of Ponyville.
  758. >Regardless, you think it's a nice walk.
  759. >Applebloom nuzzles your neck and lets out a deep breath.
  760. >Seems she thinks so too.
  761. >You continue on to the train station, rubbing the little apple filly's back all along the way.
  762. >The ticket handler starts to greet you in her usual fashion but quickly swallows her cheerful, and just a little too loud, greeting in favor of a whispered "good morning”.
  763. "Right back at you Timely."
  764. >"Is that the Apple filly?"
  765. "Applebloom yeah, has to visit her cousin Braeburn's farm so the Appleoosan Apples can see the family's newest cutie mark. Her brother and sister are too busy to take her, and the last time she went with Granny Smith they made it to Yakyakistan somehow."
  766. >Timely Departure's eyes widen in surprise, "Oh yeah, I remember that... Well, that'll be another five bits for the little one."
  767. >Applejack gave you bits for her ticket there and back, and then some despite your protests.
  768. >You dig around in your pocket for a moment only to find it empty.
  769. >Damn, other pocket...
  770. >With experience gained from years of raising Scoots, you smoothly transition the young apple onto the other shoulder with only minimal grumblings.
  771. >You drop the bits on the counter and take your two tickets.
  772. >The train is pretty empty, in fact, it's totally empty now that you've taken a good look around.
  773. >You drop Applebloom's saddlebags at the aisle side of the seat and sit yourself down leaning against the wall of the train.
  774. >Arm's feeling alright since you had to switch sides, could probably hold her for about half the trip to Appleoosa before needing to switch ba-
  775. >The train whistle sounds off, signaling the departure, and Applebloom tenses up against you.
  776. >Forgot about that, it just became part of your routine.
  777. >"Mmn- Wha- Anon? Where am I?" she mumbles, pushing back from you with her forearms.
  778. "The train Applebloom, you told me you didn't want to wash any pigs when I tried getting you up. Which I thought was a fair argument, so I let you sleep."
  779. >"What? Y'all carried me all the way here?" she asks, rolling off of you and onto the open space between you and her bags.
  780. "Well it was either that or we miss the first train out."
  781. >"What if somepony saw me! Bein' carried like a little foal" she whines.
  782. "Don't worry, nobody saw you. Can you think of anyone awake right now?"
  783. >She glances out the window, the sun still won't begin its rise for a little bit longer.
  784. >"Well, m'sister would be, if'n it were applebuckin' season, and m'brother a little after but I guess nopony other'n that."
  785. >You breathe a sigh of relief that she's still to sleepy to realize that the conductor and Timely had to be awake for both of you to be on the train heading out to Appleoosa.
  786. >"Oh, and I guess you too."
  787. >You chuckle.
  788. "Well, that's a given right?."
  789. >"And it ain't even applebuckin' season. Y'all are awake this early everyday?"
  790. >You suppress a yawn that was trying to drop on you all of a sudden.
  791. "Not everyday, but most days yeah."
  792. >"Wow, I didn't think anypony got up as early as us Apples did, and here y'all are gettin' up EARLIER."
  793. >You chuckle again.
  794. "Well, that's mostly because I work so far from home. I don't do it because I really want to."
  795. >Applebloom thinks on your response for a moment.
  796. >You take the moment of silence to stretch the tiredness out of your arms.
  797. >"Well, how come y'all don't work in Pon- Ponyville?" she asks, yawning towards the end of her question.
  798. “I tried but, if you don’t have a cutie mark…”
  799. >Applebloom nods knowingly, “Right, I ain’t thinkin’ right this early in the morning.”
  800. >Places that have more of a nonpony presence tend to be a little more open in their hiring practices.
  801. “You can grab about-,” you pause to think about how long it’s already been, "fourty minutes of sleep if you want Applebloom.”
  802. >She shakes her head at you while trying to rub the sleep from her eyes.
  803. >”M’alright… I’m sorry for makin’ y’all carry me Anon. Weren’t right o’ me, an’ it was all cause Scootaloo and I were at the last darn castle.”
  804. “Oh, it’s alright Applebloom. Scooty used to try keeping up with Rainbow and run herself ragged. I’d have to carry her home just like I did you, except she would be blubbering about not being able to keep up, so I don’t-”
  805. >Applebloom giggles.
  806. “Oh, uh, don’t tell her I told you that…”
  807. >You and Applebloom both start laughing it up.
  808. >Oh, is Scoots going to hate you for this one...
  809. >”So, y’all don’t got no folks huh?”
  810. >You’re a little taken aback by the question, you figured she knew that already.
  811. “Yeah, It’s been me and Scootaloo ever since she came to the orphanage I was in.”
  812. >”An’ y’all have been working all the way out here, everyday and then late at night t’ take care of your sister and yourself?”
  813. >She poses it as a question, but its sounds more like she’s musing aloud.
  814. “Yup, I miss out on some things, but we get to be together for all the rest so...”
  815. >”It’s worth doin’.”
  816. >You nod.
  817. >”Us Apples are th’ same way y’know?”
  818. “Yeah, you all lost-”
  819. >Aww, Cowpatties!
  820. >Apple bloom, sensing your self frustration, responds calmly, ”It’s alright… I ain’t never got th’ chance to really meet m’folks so…”
  821. >You both sit in silence for a moment.
  822. >Apple bloom breaks that with a soft chuckle, “In a way, it’s just like you huh?”
  823. >You scratch at her ear, Applebloom smiles up at you, flicking her ear back playfully
  824. “Yeah, I guess so... And Scootaloo too.”
  825. >More silence, but it feels much less awkward than the one brought up by your stupid mouth.
  826. >”It’s kinda nice…”
  827. >You look down, Applebloom is curled up in the space next to you, she lets out a big yawn, “I see all kinds when I’m helpin’ at the stand. I didn’t think about it much 'til now, but y’all are different. I think most stallions might shuffle up with a herd if’n they were in a spot like yours, but y’all went and done it right. Owin’ no pony nothing.”
  828. >She closes her eyes and less her head down on the seat.
  829. >”Like a-“ she yawns, “Like an Apple would… and ya… y’all know how it’s like not to… have folks… m’bee you’n I cld… spll… smponz” she mutters the last few words as she drifts back to sleep.
  830. >She pushes her head against the side of your leg, sliding it higher and higher until it comes to a rest on your thigh.
  831. >You place a hand on her barrel to keep her from rolling around during the upcoming turns.
  832. >You actually hadn’t really given it much thought either, Scootaloo and Applebloom have more in common than you thought.
  833. >Might mean you and the older Apples do too, kinda.
  834. >Could be why Applejack asked you to being Applebloom along
  835. >Always thought she didn’t think much of you, which is why you were surprised she approached you about it yesterday.
  836. >Though you’re pretty sure it’s because Rainbow put in a good word for you, but maybe...
  837. >Nah, it must've been Dash, your reputation in Ponyville is shaky as far as most are concerned, but their thoughts aren’t important to you.
  838. >There’s only one back home who you want to think good of you.
  839. >And that lazy little miss had better not fall asleep during Rainbow’s training today.
  840. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  841. Guest Star Section: AnalplugAnon (
  842. >You are Anon, and you are feeling very happy and paternal.
  843. >Your dark living room is lit only by your large, brick fireplace, casting a comforting orange light everywhere.
  844. >The only sound (other than the crackling and popping of burning wood) is the jazzy piano music coming from your record player.
  845. >It sounds suspiciously like the Charlie Brown Christmas soundtrack, and that's just fine with you.
  846. >To top it all off, you have your adopted daughter laying in your arms.
  847. >You wouldn't have it any other way.
  848. >Scootaloo moans into your chest as you finally bottom out in her bowels.
  849. >You chuckle to yourself in nostalgia.
  850. >God, this brings back memories.
  851. "Scootaloo, I don't think I've ever told you about my human Hearth's Warming Eve back on Earth?"
  852. >N-no, papa, thih-this is our first Hearth's Warming holiday togehh! Together."
  853. >Heh. She loves it when you bounce her without warning.
  854. >She wriggles in your lap, reminding you to thrust.
  855. >Well, it IS the holidays, after all.
  856. >You oblige, if only to make your daughter happy.
  857. >You should probably mention that you're dressed up as Santa Clause right now.
  859. "Well, Scoots, before I do, I want you to know something."
  860. >Scootaloo stares at you, her face dripping with sweat and her young, innocent eyes full of lust and confusion.
  861. >"Whu-what is it, papa?"
  862. >You reach down and boop her nose.
  863. "No matter what you hear about me and my family, my memories won't even compare to the memories that you and I are going to make."
  864. >You hug Scootaloo to your chest, gently bouncing her on your lap.
  865. >Your loins are full of fatherly pride.
  866. >.....aaand significantly less cum, as of now.
  867. >But, you're still young. Round two will begin shortly.
  868. "I love you very much, Scootaloo. You're very special to me."
  869. >She pulls away from your embrace and stares you right in the eyes.
  870. >You can't tell if the tears streaming down her cheeks are out of happiness or if she just really likes being fucking in the ass.
  871. >You're happy with either one.
  872. "I'm going to make this ponychristmas the best you've ever had."
  873. >"I love you too, papa."
  874. >She stretches her neck up to kiss your chee-woah, no, that is on the mouth.
  875. >You sigh happily and being to french your adoptive daughter.
  876. >You love Christmas.
  877. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  878. >You awake with a start
  879. >Everything around begins returning into focus
  880. >Your room, your bed, the dampness of your sheets, thick musky smell, toy poking you in the flank
  881. >And finally the idea that carried you away into a heated session
  882. "Aww mare, is THAT going to be this season's fetish? Incest with my butt?"
  883. >Well at least it's better than the one you had last season...
  884. >You groan as you flop back onto your bed, a gentle wet slap signals the connection to your sheets
  885. >As you're reaching down to pull the toy out from under you a knock at your door makes you jump again
  886. >"Scoots?" Anon's voice calls from the other side
  887. "Wh-what?"
  888. >"I'm heading out, one of my coworkers got engaged today and we're going out to celebrate. I'll be back soon okay?"
  889. "Yeah, sure, bye"
  890. >Anon chuckles, "Hey hey, hold on a sec. Pushy... I love you Scooty"
  891. >"I love you too pa-"
  892. >You clamp your mouth shut so hard you follow up with a whine because you bit your tongue
  893. >"Scoots? You alright? Don't tell me you have that pepper thing again? Do I have to go buy milk on the way home?"
  894. >A-and cookies... yeah, big bro get me som-
  895. "NO! Uh, no. I just bit my tongue..."
  896. >What is WITH you?! This is going to be the weirdest season you've had so far isn't it?
  897. >You can hear a snicker on the other side of your door
  898. >"Alright, just make sure to stay hydrated Scoots"
  899. >Hydrated?
  900. >"I noticed you left your tarp out here to dry and if I can trust what I'm smelling just outside your door..."
  901. >Oh ponyfeathers!
  902. >If you don't stay hydrated during, then your sheets are going to be so firm they'll snap right in half when I go to wash them"
  903. >A furious blush form on your face
  904. "S-SHUT UP! THEY DO NOT!"
  905. >Anon's laughter gets gradually quieter as he walks towards the front door, "bye Scooty, I'll be back soon!"
  906. >You groan loudly into your pillow after your brother shuts the front door
  907. >Estrus season is the worst
  908. >You wake up, judging from how dark it is outside, in the middle of the night
  909. >Your stomach growls with the hunger that can only be a result of a full days worth of fighting the burning need in your loins
  910. >A wet slosh sounds as you rise from your bed
  911. >You fall out of bed after learning that your limbs are far too weak or sleepy to support you
  912. >When you shake away the daze from your tumble, you spy the impression left on your bed
  913. >A mix of sweat and sex has left an almost snowpony-like impression behind
  914. >Yeah, with your legs and wings spread out wide perfect for daddy to-
  915. >NO!
  916. >Why?! Why is this the thing this season?
  917. >It's not even winter yet!
  918. >Your stomach growls again, reminding you of the other need your body is demanding of you
  919. >You reach the kitchen with a lazy late night shuffle and peek into the cupboards next to the fridge
  920. >Crackers
  921. >Cereal
  922. >Mega bargain size bag of oatmeal
  923. >You hum to yourself as you push the bag of oatmeal back and forth, deciding if this is what you want to eat
  924. >As you do, you spy something tucked behind the box of crackers
  925. >Small bags of cookies?
  926. >They're gingerbread cookies
  927. >The bags have 90% off stickers on them
  928. >Anon must've bought them last winter and forgot about them
  929. >You hold a bag close to your eyes and squint to get a better look at them in the dark
  930. >Expiration date says they're still good, sell by this month means you have until the end of the month right?
  931. >You toss a bag up on the counter and trot over to the fridge
  932. >Opening that, you look around
  933. >Tons of bruised fruit and veggies that you and Anon got for cheap make up most of the space in here
  934. >You look over to the door and find the thing you're looking for
  935. >A carton of milk, much better complement than juice
  936. >With dexterity known only to those up at however late it is you pour yourself a glass
  937. >And then grab the nearest rag and throw it on all the milk you spilled
  938. >You can deal with it when you're more awake
  939. >You balance your late night snack on the plate in your mouth
  940. >A noise comes from the living room that makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up tall
  941. >Slowly, you turn to peer into the big dark room...
  942. >And find nothing?
  943. >Probably just the win-
  944. >A low rumble again sounds out from the living room
  945. >You jump a little and yelp as you try not to spill your snack
  946. >"Mmn, Wha-?"
  947. >Your brother rises up slowly from the couch
  948. >Relief goes through your body as you watch him rub the sleep from his eyes
  949. >He blinks a few times before his eyes settle on, well, around you
  950. >"S-Scooz? Wha're y'doin...?" he mumbles
  951. >You walk over and set your plat down on the coffee table
  952. "I got hungry. I found the cookies you left behind"
  953. >He gives you a big dopey grin and reaches down to ruffle your mane like usu-
  954. "Aah!"
  955. >You're yanked up off the floor and pulled into a tight hug
  956. >"Aww, Hi Scooz!"
  957. >He smells like Cheerilee's sister
  958. >You push him away from you with a grunt
  959. "Lemme go! You stink!"
  960. >He does, and you tumble back on the couch to land on his feet
  961. >"M'sorry Scoot... Everyone was talkin' ab-bout their herds n'stuff... 'Nother one 'f my cowor- workers got enga- ennn- s'gettin' married. SO I joined in on the cheer! A-and their open tab..."
  962. >He's drunk!
  963. >You've never seen him drunk before
  964. >He's blinking a lot and can't seem to hold still, like he's trying to keep his balance or something
  965. >"I didn't wake you did I Sc- Scooty?"
  966. >You shake your head
  967. "No, I just got hungry"
  968. >As if realizing it was being talked about, your stomach chooses to further support your explanation with reasoning of its own
  969. >Anon chuckles, "Mmn, still are. You didn't eat enough Scooz" he slurrs
  970. "I didn't eat yet bro, my food's over there next to you"
  971. >He looks into the back of the couch and stares at it for a moment, then touches it once to confirm that it is the back of the couch before turning the other way and seeing your plate on the table
  972. >"Looks good. Ooh, I'm thir- thirsty too now"
  973. >He looks back to you, "Hey could you get me some of your milk?"
  974. >You're about to tell him you will before he cuts you off by breaking out into laughter
  975. >You watch as he doubles over and slaps his hands on his legs while he laughs, "I'm sorry! I'm sor-sorry! That's wrong. I meant to say... I mean- I meant OUR milk. That's..."
  976. >He starts laughing to himself again so you hop down and hoof him your glass and tell him he can have it, that you just wanted the cookies mostly
  977. >"Aww Scooty. You're such a good girl"
  978. >Your brother leans back on the couch and sips slowly at the glass after he spilled some when trying to take a regular drink
  979. >You sit next to him and munch on your cookies
  980. >You don't really know how to deal with this, you've never seen your brother drunk before
  981. "Are you okay?"
  982. >His eyes scan over to meet yours and he slowly lowers his glass, spilling a little more in the process making it almost look like he has a white beard
  983. >Your breath catches in your throat until he wipes it away with the bottom of his shirt, he smiles over at you, "I'm okay... just REALLY drunk...."
  984. "O-oh."
  985. >You both sit there in the awkard silence for a time
  986. >"I'm really sorry Scoots. You shouldn't... I shouldn't be like this in front of you..."
  987. >You watch as his eyes begin to shimmer in the little moonlight that sneaks in through the slightly open blinds
  988. >"I just... I haven't ever had the time for anything past a little fling now and again y'know?"
  989. >You can feel a heat rising in your cheeks
  990. >"And now I'm... SO old. And everyone else is goin' off an- and gettin' engaged or buyin' baby clothes..."
  991. >You watch the tears begin to roll down your big brother's face
  992. >He doesn't cry very often, usually if he does it's becasue he's frustrated
  993. >But he doesn't sound frustrated, at least not the same kind of frustrated you're used to seeing, you've never seen him like this before
  994. "Anon, it's okay..."
  995. >He seems to have realized he's not talking just to himself and starts to wipe his tears away
  996. >You've got his attention now
  997. >What do you tell him?
  998. >"My friends won't shut up about you sometimes?"
  999. >"I was fantasizing that you put it in my butt?"
  1000. "Uh! Oh uh... d-do you want a cookie?"
  1001. >That's it? That's the best you could come up with?!
  1002. >Anon's sniffles a little, then a little more, and he's laughing quietly as he rubs his face clean
  1003. >You straddle over his legs as you hold a cookie out for him
  1004. >Anon reaches out and pulls you into another hug
  1005. >You fight your instict to wiggle out of it and let him hold you close to his chest
  1006. >"Aww Scootaloo... Everyone else be damned! You're the only mare I need in my life right now... I love you Scooty"
  1007. >You smile to yourself as Anon nuzzles the top of your head
  1008. >You take in a deep breath as he's holding you
  1009. >The tingling in your nose you thought was from the alcohol smell begins traveling down your body
  1010. >You can feel yourself getting warmer as Anon's breath breezes over your mane
  1011. >His heart is pounding gently through his chest against you, quickening the pace of your own heart
  1012. >Anon's hand slides up from your back, fingers grazing along your coat, leaving behind a tingling trail that causes you to tense up
  1013. >His hands cup around your cheeks as he tilts your face up to look at him
  1014. >He looks intently at you for a moment, steading himself, before he begins drawing in closer
  1015. >Your breathing quickens to catch up with the sudden kickstart of your heart
  1016. >His lips pucker and close in
  1017. >They press gently agianst your own
  1018. >Your eyes shut immediately, hearing mutes
  1019. >Everything your body can do to limit any distracitons from this moment
  1020. >Letting your nose take in every bit of your brother's scent, the tingle you felt on oyur nose becomes a slight burn as you breathe deeply
  1021. >A sickly sweetness you can taste, or imagine you can, on your lips
  1022. >And his warmth, it's all around you, but at the same time not enough
  1023. >You want more, you want it ins-
  1024. >He breaks away, what felt like an eternity must've only been moment
  1025. >"Oops, missed my mark a little there" Anon says with a light giggle
  1026. >Anon's thums begin roughly rubbing your lips and you scrunch and lean back to break away from his roughness
  1027. >"I'm sorry Scooty, I'm still pretty drunk. Here, I got it this time"
  1028. >"Mmmm-"
  1029. >He turns your face to the side and plants his lips into your cheek, humming as he presses them firmly against you
  1030. >You shiver slightly from the tickle of his body vibrating because of his humming
  1031. >"-mmmmuah!"
  1032. >You can feel the skin of your cheek be pulled away in teh vacuum of his kiss before it snaps back into place when he pulls far enough back
  1033. >Your bro releases you from his tight hug, one hand is draped lazily on your back while the other has slid up and is gently scratching at your scalp
  1034. >His hands slowly trails down your sides as he buries himself deeper and deeper into the couch
  1035. >"I love you Scoots" he mumbles before drifting off to sleep again
  1036. "I love you too Anon"
  1037. >Here you are, fully awake now...
  1038. >And sitting on your older brother's waist
  1039. >Your very drunk and, judging by your nudging, very asleep older brother's waist
  1040. >And next to you both is an empty plate of milk and cookies
  1041. >And... you're the only mare that Papa needs
  1042. >He said so himself...
  1043. >You hate estrus season...

[AiE] Misconceptions

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[RGRE] Anon and Fem Discuss RGRE

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[RGR] One Night Stand and 'Rebound' Derpy

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[RGR] Gynecologist Anon

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[RGR] Tsundere Barbarian Pone

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