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How to fix Dashies ego (a guide+story)

By Wall-o-text
Created: 2024-12-12 12:27:42
Expiry: Never

  1. >>41725227
  2. Alternatively
  3. >be anon
  4. >be a genuinely good friend to dash
  5. >realize her ego comes from insecurity
  6. >want to help but not sure where to start
  7. First, we have to understand the difference between feeding someone's ego and a genuine compliment
  8. The only way to feed someone's ego is to praise them for exceptional work or at least pretend that they did something exceptional, this is NOT the route we are taking (feeding ego is best understood through the snips/snails and trixie dynamic)
  9. What you’re going to do is compliments
  10. >inb4 this is autistic and way to overt and weird to ever work
  11. It sounds that way, but you’re not complimenting her looks or something surface level like that, that would be pointless, you’re trying to make rainbow dash feel valued in so many other ways than simply “being the best at everything” that way she won’t need an insane ego to fuel her self worth anymore
  12. Now, the plan here is to use subtlety and pattern recognition so you can sort of “diversify” RD’s self esteem
  13. you know how when people talk about stocks, they always say to “diversify or you could lose all your money fast if it tanks” the same thing works with self worth
  14. If rainbow dash only has self worth from her “being the best” thing, and she loses a singular competition or is injured and can’t put on a performance of some kind for a while, her self worth is going to plummet
  15. We don’t want that, what we want is for dashie to have a solid foundation of self worth so big that she would never have to resort to overtly egotistical behavior to try and build it up, thus solving her ego issue as well as giving her a solid base of self worth.
  16. A win-win.
  18. Now here’s where the plan kicks in
  20. Step 1 - curing aspergers
  22. >realize your autistic
  23. >don’t immediately try to give compliments
  24. >any time you hang out with rainbow dash look at any little thing she does and try to see if it ‘exudes’ any positive traits
  25. >think of a compliment and DON’T say it
  26. >just remember it and mull it over throughout the day, try to think to yourself if saying that compliment out loud would sound blatantly retarded or not
  27. >learn to discern whether you’re reading too much into something or if that truly is a wonderful quality of dashie that goes unappreciated
  28. >whether you decide it’s perfect or not DON’T tell her
  29. >repeat this constantly, you need to get to a point where every single time you do this exercise you know with certainty it won’t be ‘out of left field’ or break the flow of the conversation/thing you’re doing with her
  30. >if she picks up on what you’re saying and thinks it sounds forced it will be disregarded completely
  31. >One fuck up can ruin the plan both in terms of her thinking you’re a retard and are just flirting with her, and also that the appreciation of her is disingenuous
  32. >the key here is you CANNOT be disingenuous but you also can’t be overt
  33. >this process could take up to a month depending on how often you get to hang out with her in combination with how far you are on the spectrum
  34. >you will know when you’re ready when you think of a compliment, immediately know it’s perfect, keep thinking about that same compliment throughout the day, picking it apart and no matter what you do you can’t find a single socially unacceptable thing about it
  35. >once you do this consistently, without flaw, you can now guarantee that your instincts on the matter are solid
  36. >due to the fact you did so much training without a single compliment said to blue horse you now have a massive backlog of things to compliment her on, use this to your advantage
  37. >ALSO, it is highly important that you use a practice mare at any given opportunity, self regulation can be deceiving, think of how many autistic people used to go outside, buy a fedora, go home, go to bed, wake up, and still put on that faggy hat to wear for the day.
  38. >throughout the entire process not once did they realize how retarded it was, they just got a fedora and said “hell yeah”
  39. >you need to be aware of this and use a practice mare, vary it up between who your test subjects are and NEVER be overt, make sure you passed everything previously stated in this guide before even trying on a practice mare, in the same way blue horse can see through your forced compliments if your too autistic, rumor can spread in the town that you’re hitting on literally every pony in town if you’re too autistic about it
  40. >if you remember nothing else from step 1, remember this, PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY
  41. >I could write endlessly about how to not be a social fuck up but it’s just a matter of doing the practice as stated before
  43. Step 2 - “convenient” moments
  45. >you are anon
  46. >after finding the cure for aspergers you now need to find the perfect opportunity to boost blueberry bird’s self worth
  47. >even though you’ve figured out how to not get the guards called on you just for opening your mouth, you can barely find any opportunities to to use your new found talent of being not mentally unwell
  48. What a sad sight, anon finally sheds his “indian flirting on facebook” ways only to find he can’t use it to give compliments organically, almost all of the situations he’s in with rainbow dash are just too casual…
  49. What is he going to do? tell rainbow she “eats popcorn efficiently”? Tell her she’s “a total BBM (big blueberry mare)”?
  50. NO, inorganic and inefficient, luckily I have the solution
  51. >one day anon’s chair broke
  52. >he knows how to fix it but he’s struggling with holding something in place while screwing in something else at the same time
  53. >he asks dash to come over
  54. >after fiddling with it for too long her patience wears thin
  55. >”oh come ON… just let me do it already…”
  56. >she has anon hold the two parts in place as she swiftly fixes the chair with ease
  57. >anon was blown away
  58. “Wow, you’re really good at this dash…”
  59. >and that’s where it started, it finally clicked for anon
  60. As we can see, by pulling skittles into a scenario where she has to do… pretty much anything to demonstrate some kind of competency of any kind no matter how big or small gives an opportunity for compliments
  61. With this in mind we have quite a large amount of options, get creative with it
  62. Step 2 is pretty short, the TL;DR is just bullshit your way into situations that give you an opening to compliment her, just make sure to vary up the compliments enough, don’t say the same thing every time with different wording, always make them meaningful and genuine
  64. Step 3 - the Epilogue
  66. No more work for you green bean, just let it ride and do the routine, stay the course and watch the magic happen
  67. But lastly, and I mean this as in this is THE MOST IMPORTANT STEP
  69. In the same way loveless relationships happen due to one or both parties slowly putting in less and less effort into a relationship until it feels like the love is all but gone, you cannot just suddenly stop putting in effort all together and expect her to remember those wonderful qualities she has
  70. If she had to rely on her “being the best” to achieve self worth, it’s because it’s the only side of her ponies really see her for
  71. You and only you got an opportunity to see the other wonderful sides of rainbow dash, don’t let go of it, never let those memories fade and never leave them to die
  72. Although it is possible to completely stop for a duration of time and then pick it back up again as nopony would need literal constant maintenance, it is best to maintain consistency to a reasonable degree so she always feels appreciated and might even gain the courage to show those amazing parts of herself to everypony else
  73. Once everypony around her starts to see her as more than just a show off, the ‘system of self worth’ will become self sustaining
  74. And at that point you might be able to ease off the gas pedal, but just remember, always be wary of any ‘changing winds’ in her self worth, you’re her #1 supporter so it’s your responsibility to check up on her every now and then, and regardless of whether it’s ‘self sustaining’ or not, be nice to dashie, it’s always good to make her happy, because she’s a cool horse.
  76. Don’t forget how to perform this process as a whole, even though this guide was designed to get rainbow to recognize all the other wonderful sides of her, it’s an amazing tool for helping others out when they’re feeling down or recognizing their hard work when they deserve it
  77. No one deserves to have their efforts go unnoticed anon. retire this guide by using what you learned to brighten somepony else’s day too.
  78. >you are anon
  79. >you’ve noticed Rainbow been really chill recently
  80. >she’s still got that same old fiery spirit of hers
  81. >but she just seems… content…
  82. >almost like she’s more at ease, it’s difficult to define
  83. >not that she was constantly pulling her mane out every day before
  84. >but you swear there was a little more color in her eyes or something
  85. >”yo, anon to equestria, you there?”
  86. >you blink a few times before focusing on dash
  87. >”huh, oh, yeah what’s up dash?”
  88. >she looks at you in thought
  89. >her face looks down and she… sighs?
  90. >she looks back up at you
  91. >”look… I know what you’ve been doing anon…”
  92. >What…
  93. What…
  94. >”anon… after thinking about it for some time… I started to figure out what you were up too…”
  95. >oh fuck dude…
  96. Oh FUCK anon goddammit what did you do
  97. >”every time we hung out… I felt so… amazing, it’s like I felt all… fuzzy…”
  98. >”I was always so excited when we hung out, It’s like I got to be whatever I wanted to be and i just felt so much… freedom…”
  99. >Okay maybe it’s not so bad?
  100. No, no, this might be good, we might be good
  101. >”but as I was laying in bed last night, it hit me…”
  102. >oh it’s so bad…
  103. We’re so done for…
  104. >rainbow dash starts to tear up “you set me up…”
  105. Fuck anon this hurts too watch…
  106. >it hurts YOU to watch? YOU’RE SHITTY GUIDE JUST RUINED MY LIFE
  108. >”I… I was so furious w-with you, I tossed and turned all night, I flew laps around my house but I just couldn’t understand, why, why did you say those… the nicest things I’ve ever heard in my life… even though you would just make up excuses to have me over just so you could… make me feel all… warm… with the stuff you said…”
  109. >that was step 2 dude…you FUCKI-
  110. Anon you have to understand I couldn’t have predicted how you would have interpreted the gui-
  112. Anon please i'm begging you to hear me ou-
  113. >”at first, I thought you were manipulating me, it felt so genuine but it was too consistent, too perfect… I got so scared… but with all the laps around my house I had time to think… and then I finally got it…”
  114. >...
  115. > rainbow dash had almost completely lost her composure at this point ”you cared so much about me… I just couldn’t understand why at first, why you would try to make me feel so… just… the best in every way possible… but i realized how much you cared about me… I thought you were manipulating me or something at first but your other actions didn’t line up with that”
  116. >”you wanted me to happy… you cared for me a way nopony has ever cared about me before”
  117. >we… did it…
  118. By god…
  119. >”anon… you knew how i felt before i even understood it myself…”
  120. >”you did everything you could to… make me the happiest mare in the whole world…”
  121. You really did it anon…
  122. >I… I made it…
  123. >rainbow dash seemed to smile through her tears ”even though it was a set up, you did it because you cared about me more than anything”
  124. >”and for that… I love you anon…”
  125. >rainbow dash jumps up on anon and tackles him in a hug strong enough to restrain him
  126. >”I love you too dashie…”
  128. (The End)

The Preservation of Innocence (Part 1)

by Wall-o-text

The Preservation of Innocence (Part 2)

by Wall-o-text

The Preservation of Innocence (Part 3)

by Wall-o-text

The Preservation of Innocence (Part 4)

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The Preservation of Innocence (Part 5)

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