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The Preservation of Innocence (Part 2)

By Wall-o-text
Created: 2022-12-22 22:50:05
Updated: 2022-12-22 23:01:58
Expiry: Never

  1. >what you felt like was your happy ending, was short-lived
  2. >after a few days of peace, something came to threaten ponyville
  4. >applebloom screamed so loud that the birds flew from out of the trees
  5. >no
  6. >that wasn’t it
  7. >those, things
  8. >large beasts storming from out of the woods
  9. >their weight shook the ground terrifying every animal that felt it
  10. >you could feel it shake more and more the closer they got
  11. >applebloom had this terrified look on her
  12. >you didn’t think something so horrible could exist in Equestria
  13. >let alone ponyville
  14. >everything in your body reacted to it in some way
  15. >it felt like your blood itself had fainted and pooled down to your legs
  16. >you could feel it rush down your face in an instant bringing with it a cold shiver
  17. >everything in your body was thrashing and begging you to run
  18. >so you did
  20. >”CAN’T … TALK … RUNNINNG!”
  21. >the two of you bolt straight into town
  22. >you had no idea what to do
  23. >you were just following applebloom in hopes that she had an idea
  24. >”SUGAR … CUBE … CORNER!”
  25. >no explanation needed
  26. >as the two of you persist on applebloom starts falling behind
  27. >on instinct you pick her up and keep heading toward sugar cube corner
  28. >her endless panting implies she’s been running for ages
  29. >and so have they
  30. >these wolves
  31. >magic or something
  32. >their endurance is insane
  33. >when the two of you near sugar cube corner applebloom begins to shout something
  35. “THE WHAT??”
  36. >your nearing sugar cube corner
  37. >you have next to no time to figure out what she’s telling you
  39. >you burst through the door
  40. >”hey! That’s coming out of your- AAAAHHHHHHH”
  41. >pinkie screams when she saw the monsters chasing you
  42. >fuck, where is it where is it-THERE
  43. >in an instant you grab the end of the stairway railing and pull with everything you have
  44. >it clicks down
  47. >the two of you slip down into this party-themed basement
  48. >behind you follows pinkie a few seconds later as she slams into your back
  49. >pinkie gives you a stern look
  51. “I-I-I DON’T KNOW, I JU-”
  52. >applebloom interrupts your explanation
  54. >pinkie gives her an annoyed look
  55. >”again! Uuuuuuuggggghhhh”
  56. >so many thoughts are swirling through your mind
  57. >something this terrifying lives so close to ponyville?
  58. >Has this happened before?
  60. >where the hell is applejack and big mac and an-
  61. >”nonny, you there?”
  62. >pinkie waves her hoof in front of your face
  63. >”yeah ‘non, why are you so pale?”
  64. “guh-I-jus-I, I need a moment…”
  65. >that was the most horrifying event of your life
  66. >your new-found friends were in danger
  67. >GRAVE danger
  68. >and they think nothing of it???
  69. >you finally set applebloom down and take some time to process all this
  70. >”well nonny, we're gonna be down here a REAAALY long time so you just make yourself comfortable”
  71. >”yeah ‘non, and I'm sorry you got so scared, I hope ur alright”
  72. >everything about this is so confusing
  73. “Uh, yeah, don’t worry about me I'm fine”
  74. >you’re not fine
  75. >your whole worldview of Equestria is shattered
  76. >you thought this was a place of peace and harmony
  77. >where there was no danger and no violence
  78. >with how small and defenseless the ponies seemed, you just assumed there was nothing that could possibly be threatening them
  79. >how could they have survived this long with how defenseless they are?
  80. >are they-
  81. >pinkie interrupts your train of thought
  82. >”glad you two got here when you did, you were almost their dinner”
  83. >you can’t believe how lightly pinkie is taking all this
  84. >hell even applebloom seems fine now
  85. >as if this was just some everyday hassle
  86. >do timber wolves eat ponies?
  87. >would timber wolves eat you?
  88. >probably…
  89. >how are they so calm about this
  90. >applebloom and pinkie
  91. >they just seem to brush it off like it’s nothing
  92. >they were in danger
  93. >and they don’t even see the significance of it
  94. >if you didn’t pick up applebloom she surely would have been caught by them
  95. >you don’t even want to imagine what would happen
  96. >out of the corner of your eye you see something sliding down into the basement
  97. >just as quick as it came down its momentum lead it straight to applebloom
  98. >in less than half a second its jaws envelop applebloom as she screams silently
  99. “NO!”
  100. >your breathing is fast and labored
  101. >both applebloom and pinkie are looking at you worried
  102. >”did ya have a nightmare ‘non?”
  103. >”yeah what’s wrong nonny? You scared us for a second”
  104. >it was just a nightmare
  105. >it felt so real but it must have just been a dream
  106. “I, uh, I’m sorry, really I didn’t mean to startle you”
  107. “Just a bad dream is all”
  108. >just a bad dream
  109. >”uh, ‘non? You feelin alright? You’re breathing kinda, a lot n such”
  110. >applebloom looks at you with concern
  111. “No, it’s, nothing”
  112. >not only are you still hyper-fixated on the timber wolf incident but you’re worried that your reaction to it is starting to worry applebloom and pinkie too
  113. >applebloom trots up to you real slow like
  114. >”ya know, I think you’re a real hero gettin us all the way here just in time”
  115. >”I’d probably be a goner if it weren’t for you”
  116. >applebloom gives you a genuine smile
  117. >but you really want to keep your mind off the whole ‘goner’ part of her little speech
  118. >besides your thoughts are in a whole other world right now
  119. >where in the hell is applejack and the rest?
  120. >are they in danger too?
  121. “Pinkie, are the others safe?”
  122. “You know, like twilight and the others?”
  123. >pinkie looks at you casually
  124. >”meh, they’re probably fine, they’re a little out of the way for the timberwolves to bother them”
  125. “But what about applejack, and-and big mac and-”
  126. >”nonny, they’re fiiiiine relax a little”
  127. >you guess that the timber wolves didn’t really go towards sweet apple acres
  128. >the group chased you all the way here anyways
  129. >it’s been over an hour of just sitting here
  130. >applebloom looks to pinkie
  131. >”um, ya think it’s safe to head out now?”
  132. >pinkie gives the ceiling a quizzical look
  133. >”I don’t know, let's check!”
  134. >pinkie manages to make her way back up the slide as if sliding down but in reverse
  135. >you and applebloom sit in anticipation for a moment
  137. >pinkie shouts unnecessarily loud
  138. >the two of you make your way to the slide
  139. “Uh, pinkie how do we get back up?”
  140. >”JUST SIT DOWN”
  141. >pinkie shouts from above
  142. >well, alright
  143. >you take a seat and applebloom quickly hops up onto you
  144. “Uh, pinkie I-”
  145. “AHH”
  146. >the slide pulls you back up to the surface and fall flat on your butt
  147. >while you're getting up and brushing yourself off applebloom turns to pinkie
  148. >”thanks for the help pinkie!”
  149. “Yeah, we really owe you for that”
  150. >she gives you two a big smile
  151. >”don’t mention it”
  152. >”but I'm gonna need someone to help with replacing the door”
  153. >applebloom gives a nervous smile
  154. >”guh, well I better head on out, y’know, gotta check on applejack and big mac and all that”
  155. >she bolts out in an instant
  156. >pinkie turns to you
  157. >”so how’d your little project go?”
  158. >you completely forgot about that fireworks project of yours for a while
  159. “Oh yeah, it ended up being amazing”
  160. >pinkie gets all excited
  162. >a little too excited
  163. “Well, I mean, i don’t have any finished ones on me bu-”
  164. >pinkie gives you a suspicious look
  165. >”how can you say you finished the project but not HAVE THE PROJECT?”
  166. “Uh, well it’s not just one thing really, here why don’t we head over to sweet apple acres I can grab a few of the spare ones I had made before making the final models”
  167. >pinkie looks at you full of anticipation
  169. >pinkie bolts to sweet apple acres like roadrunner
  170. >you’re completely stunned
  171. “Aw man…”
  172. >you run over to at least TRY not to keep pinkie waiting too long
  174. >when you finally get there, all you can see is pinkie hopping up and down asking applejack every question imaginable
  175. >next to her is applebloom making all sorts of movements trying to explain something you can barely understand
  178. >applejack was completely overwhelmed by the two of them
  180. >pinkie and applebloom quiet down immediately
  181. >they look at each other before pinkie explains it
  182. >”well, applebloom and anon were running from some timber wolves and-”
  183. >applejack swiftly cuts her off
  184. >”THEY WHAT?”
  185. >pinkie was shocked by applejack shouting
  186. >”I-I mean they’re fine now, and anon said he was gonna show me this cool project and-”
  187. >applejack cuts her off again
  188. >”just where is anon?”
  189. >you heard their argument right as you finally got there
  190. “H-hey, sorry im lat-“
  191. >”ANON!”
  192. >applejack shouts and runs straight to you
  194. >she circles around you multiple times
  195. >”are you hurt? You ok? No splinters? You-”
  196. “Im fine AJ don’t worry”
  197. >”I know I know, it’s just that you’ve never been around something so scary before and i didn’t want you to, you know, well, I don’t know”
  198. >”just, JUST GET INSIDE A MOMENT”
  199. >applejack orders you inside with a push from her head
  200. >as you make your way inside you can hear the last bits of their conversation
  201. >”and as for you applebloom, why in the hay did you have so many timber wolves after you and why did you get anon involved?”
  202. >you can’t see any of the three ponies outside but you can hear applebloom stutter a bit
  203. >”well, i-i mean he, he was there and-”
  204. >applejack wasn’t feeling very patient
  205. >”AW HAY, lets just have pinkie explain”
  207. >there’s a brief moment of silence while you can hear pinkie take a deep breath in
  208. >”so applebloom and anon were running to sugar cube corner and the timber wolves were REAAAAALLLY close behind them so we jumped into the party planning room and anon was REAL SCARED”
  209. >you could almost hear applebloom gulp out of nervousness
  210. >”and we were waiting down there and it was SOOOO boring and anon fell asleep and had a nightmare and then he woke up and screamed like NOOOO and then we went here AND NOW ANONS GONNA SHOW ME HIS COOL PROJECT AN-”
  211. >applejack slams her hoof down
  212. >”NO HE AIN’T!!!”
  213. >for split second it was dead silent
  214. >”applebloom get inside I need to have a talk with anon”
  215. >”pinkie im sorry but you need to go home for now, I ain’t mad at you but I've got somethin really important to take care of right now”
  216. >”AAWWWWWWW, fiiine”
  218. >you can hear pinkie say that as she makes her way down back to sugar cube corner
  219. >you’re sitting up in your room just thinking about everything that happened
  220. >just as you’re about to get back into deep thought applejack storms in
  221. >”ANON, I am so so SO sorry you had to go through all that”
  222. >”you saved appleblooms LIFE”
  223. >despite how horrified you were about it all you tried to play it off
  224. “Nah, it was nothing AJ, don’t even worry about it”
  225. >applejack gives you a sour look
  226. >”NOTHIN’? Are you kiddin me? You’ve never seen a timber wolf in ur entire life and applebloom leads em right to ya and you have to take responsibility?”
  227. >”that must have been just awful ‘non, apologies ain’t enough, is there ANYTHIN’ i can do to make up for it?”
  228. “Look AJ, it’s really not a big deal, no one got hurt an-”
  229. >applejack cuts you off
  230. >man what’s with people cutting everyone’s sentences short recently
  231. >”’non… I heard you were havin nightmares…”
  232. “Oh cmon AJ it’s no big deal, seriously”
  233. >applejack looks to the side all worried like she’s trying to think of something
  234. >she whips her head back toward you to announce something
  235. >”why don’t we have uh, a little sleepover?”
  236. “Huh, AJ what are you talking about?”
  237. >applejack taps her hoof against the ground repeatedly
  238. >”it’s just that… why don’t you bunk with me tonight, i can’t stand the idea of lettin’ you sleep all on your lonesome with how hard of a day you just had”
  239. >holy fuck it's happening
  240. >okay maybe IT is not happening but this isn’t an opportunity you want to pass up
  241. >but you have to play it cool
  242. “Look, if it makes you feel better i’ll go along with it”
  243. >applejack jumps around with excitement
  244. >”YEEHAW im havin’ a sleep over with a-NON!”
  245. >you sleep in the same house as her, nothings gonna change except where you sleep
  246. >right?
  248. >before you make your way to applejacks room there’s a light knock on your door
  249. >you open it and look down to see applebloom with her head hung low
  250. >”um, ‘non, im REAL sorry about all that stuff today, I didn’t mean to scare you so much honest…”
  251. >what’s the deal with everyone thinking your such a scaredy cat?
  252. >oh right, nightmare…
  253. >you bend down to be more face level with her
  254. “Hey, it’s alright, it’s not your fault they came for you”
  255. >applebloom looks up at you
  256. >”that’s where ur wrong, anon ah, ah shouldn’t have been muckin’ around in the everfree so carelessly…”
  257. >”I should’ve been more careful and then maybe you wouldn’t have gotten all wrapped up in this mess and you wouldn’t have been so scared and all that...”
  258. >god you hate that applebloom feels so bad about all this
  259. “Applebloom I promise you it’s not your fault in the slightest”
  260. “Please don’t ever feel bad about this, i promise I'm perfectly fine”
  261. >despite your confident words applebloom gives you a curious look
  262. >”but i thought applejack said u were super sensitive n stuff?”
  263. >what?
  264. “Applebloom im not sure what AJ is talking about but I can promise you I'm fine”
  265. “Don’t overthink it okay, I'm fine your fine, even pinkies fine”
  266. >she giggles a bit
  267. >”yeah but her front door ain’t”
  268. >the both of you let out a small laugh
  269. “Yeah, yeah it didn’t look too good did it”
  270. >the both of you laugh a little harder
  271. >applejack walks up the stairs and sees the two of you
  272. >”what's so funny?”
  273. >applejack stares at the two of you while you both go silent for a moment
  274. >after giving each other a quick glance you and applebloom roar with laughter
  276. >both you and applebloom start gasping for air after laughing so hard
  277. >applebloom speaks up
  278. >”naw, me and anon were just laughin’ about somethin that happened earlier today”
  279. >applejack looks to the side with an angry expression
  280. >she gives a relieved sigh
  281. >”I'm just glad the both of you are alright”
  282. >”but anons got to get his rest soon”
  283. >”best you head to bed yourself applebloom”
  284. >applebloom gets up off the floor
  285. >”alright, well goodnight AJ goodnight anon!”
  286. >Both you and applejack wish her goodnight in unison
  288. >as you enter applejack's room you notice something
  289. >there’s only one bed
  290. >you’re probably just gonna sleep on the floo-
  291. >”you take the bed tonight anon, i wantcha to feel as comfortable as possible after everything that happened”
  292. “AJ it’s fine, it’s your bed anyways, ive even brought some blankets to sleep on”
  293. >applejack looks at you sternly
  294. >”anon it is my bed and I get to choose what to do with it”
  295. >”and tonight i choose to have you sleep on it for the night”
  296. “AJ cmon, i can’t let you sleep on the floor in your own room”
  297. >”whats with you and always speakin’ nonsense, you had a rough day and you need all the help you can get”
  298. >you really don’t understand what she’s getting at
  299. >then you remember what applebloom told you
  300. “Hey AJ, can we talk for a second?”
  301. >applejack sits on the floor and tilts her head to one side
  302. >”yeah, whats up anon?”
  303. >you try to think about how you’re going to word this
  304. >okay here goes nothing
  305. “AJ…”
  306. >fuck you really have nothing
  307. >whatever go big or go home i guess
  308. “Did you tell applebloom i was sensitive, like, super sensitive?”
  309. >applejack gives an embarrassed look
  310. >”guh, well i, uh”
  311. >you sit on the floor with her
  312. “Hey, hey, i promise im not mad”
  313. >she regains her confidence and looks you right in the eye but with a softer more concerned face
  314. >”it’s just that, when we first met… you were so scared of everything so i just kinda, you know, coddled you a bit”
  315. >she lets out a slightly awkward laugh
  316. >”i, i didn’t wanna tell you about stuff like timber wolves and such cuz, well, i didn’t wanna make you scared”
  317. >you can’t tell whether to be embarrassed or confused
  318. >”i just didn’t want you to be so worried about all that stuff anyways”
  319. >she hangs her head down but looks up at you
  320. >”i just didn’t want you to run off”
  322. > (you’re all I ever wanted but I'm scared to tell you)
  324. >this woman…
  325. “AJ, i would never run off on you no matter how scary things were”
  326. “Honestly if i knew about all that before hand i promise i would have been more prepared”
  327. >she looks like she’s almost ashamed
  328. “It’s alright AJ, what im saying is that you can trust me, i won’t run off just because the woods around here has some weird stuff in it”
  329. >she looks back up at you
  330. >”you promise?”
  331. “Of course AJ”
  332. >with the two of you on the floor, applejack makes her way up to you
  333. >she bumps her head into your chest and keeps it there
  334. >you sit there for a moment
  335. >the pressure of her head against your chest feels amazing
  336. >you don’t even think there’s a drug on earth OR equestria that could recreate this blissful feeling
  337. >the two of you sit there like that for a while until you quietly speak up again
  338. “Hey, AJ…”
  339. >”yeah ‘non…”
  340. “I wanna ask you something but you gotta promise not to be embarrassed ok?”
  341. >”of course ‘non, what’s up?”
  342. >you think for a moment
  343. “I know you said you thought i was sensitive when we first met?”
  344. “But, do you still think im like that?”
  345. >she stays quiet while she thought it through
  346. >”if im bein’ totally honest, yeah”
  347. >”not cuz your weird or somethin’, i don’t know, i kinda see you like i see fluttershy a bit”
  348. >that’s embarrassing
  349. >REALLY embarrassing
  350. >having her see you as confident as fluttershy must really make her look down on you
  351. >especially since you’re not as special as fluttershy
  352. >”if im being truly honest, i think your more sensitive than even fluttershy”
  353. >OH COME ON!
  354. >despite being calm and collected on the outside your thoughts are running in circles
  355. >just as you’re about to say something applejack perks up
  356. >”but there ain’t nothin’ wrong with it anon”
  357. >”stallions like you are like that sometimes, and i promise you there isn’t a single thing about it that makes me look down on you”
  358. >fuck what?
  359. >what’s with ponies and being mind readers
  360. >trying to come up with a coherent response was difficult
  361. >all you could manage to do was wrap your arms around applejack and hold onto her
  362. >initially she was surprised but after she realized what had happened she let her guard down
  363. >she embraced you back
  364. >”anon…”
  365. >she whispered in your ear
  366. >you could feel her breathe gently as she talked
  367. >”if you ever feel scared, worried, or like anythings wrong”
  368. >”you just come to me okay, i’ll take care of you, understand?”
  369. >you can barely handle the weight of what she told you
  370. >all you can manage to do is bury your face deeper into her embrace
  371. >”there there, it’ll be alright”
  372. >after holding on for a while you felt a renewed sense of relief
  373. >once it ended you gently let go as did she
  374. >when you pull back you notice there’s a small wet spot where your face was
  375. >you wipe your eyes in hopes that she doesn’t notice
  376. >”lets get you some sleep now, you must be tuckered out after today”
  377. >you really were
  378. >reluctantly you make your way into her bed
  379. >dear god it smells amazing…
  380. >after covertly huffing the scent like a pervert for a few seconds you turn to applejack
  381. “Hey AJ”
  382. “Correct me if im wrong, but didn’t you say some stallions are pretty sensitive?”
  383. >she turns over to you and looks up from the floor
  384. >”yeah?”
  385. “Well, what about big mac?”
  386. >she giggles a little
  387. >”big mac ain’t as sensitive as you”
  388. >as much as you enjoy talking to applejack, being described as sensitive constantly isn’t your favorite but you let it go
  389. >”but he’s kinda got a sensitive side”
  390. >”makes em easy to pull pranks on”
  391. >she giggles even more as if remembering a myriad of evil pranks she’s pulled
  392. >”yeah, he’s easy to startle”
  393. >she continues to giggle until she settles down
  394. >”alright ‘non, you get some good rest okay, if you have any nightmares, don’t hesitate to wake me up, i’ll be there for you i promise”
  395. “Goodnight AJ”
  396. >”goodnight sugar cube”
  397. >once you turn back over to sleep you think about all those times you talked to big mac
  398. >he wasn’t really talkative at first, originally you thought he didn’t like you but then he told you about his “boys night” thing
  399. >when he described it, it sounded exactly like Dungeons and dragons from back on earth
  400. >you knew a little bit about it so you asked him some basic questions about his character and how the game was going so far
  401. >that’s when he really lit up
  402. >he would talk for ages about his character and how he was having a tough time deciding what he should specialize in
  403. >and then he went on and on about the story
  404. >you never realized how passionate someone could be about a game like that
  405. >you sort of understood but with big mac, it was a whole other level
  406. >big mac is about the only other boy in equestria you talk too
  407. >kind of makes him your best friend
  408. >he seems to really understand you in a way that apple jack and her friends don’t
  409. >not that they were ignorant
  410. >it was just a boys thing
  412. >when you woke up the next day you felt absolutely amazing
  413. >but you had something on your mind
  414. >what if you could get rid of those timber wolves?
  415. >sure, it’s probably impossible to completely eradicate them
  416. >hell, you’re sure someone has tried it before
  417. >but with how exciting it was to make your other project another project would just mean another chance at excitement
  418. >but you can’t do much of anything without knowing what you’re up against
  419. >so you head on to twilights place
  421. >making your way to twilights house you see pinkie pie hopping along
  422. >the second she notices you she stops in her tracks
  423. >she ominously shifts her entire body to face you
  424. >suddenly she zooms right up to your face
  426. >you forgot about that
  427. “Pinkie ill make you a deal”
  428. “If you come with me to pick out some books from twilight ill show you once we get back to sweet apple acres”
  429. >”DEAL!!!”
  430. >she pulls out her party cannon from god knows where and shoots it right at you
  431. >despite surely being given PTSD you slowly brush off the confetti that's all over you
  432. “Alright cmon pinkie, we got a lot of walking to do”
  433. >as the two of you make your way to twilights place pinkie talks your ear off
  434. >”whyareyougettingbooks? Canyouevenread? Dobipedsreadbooks? Doyouevenknowwhatabookis?”
  435. >and she goes on and on
  436. >you just ignore her until you get to twilights place
  438. >going up to the door pinkie rushes in front of you
  439. >she bangs on the door in an absurdly fast motion
  440. >she bounces up and down continuously as you wait for twilight
  441. >spike opens the door to greet you
  442. >”HEY ANON, long time no see what have you been up to?”
  443. >just as pinkie is taking a deep breath, surely to explain your entire storyline of getting to Equestria and every insignificant detail you grab her muzzle and gently close her mouth
  444. “I just wanted to see if you had any books on timber wolves”
  445. >spike gives you a slightly odd look but doesn’t protest
  446. >”uh, sure we’ve got lots of books, I'm sure twilight won’t mind you borrowing one”
  447. >spike expertly runs off and comes back with the exact kind of book you were looking for
  448. >”alright, here you go, just make sure to give it back in one piece okay?”
  449. “Got it spike, thanks again”
  450. >”anytime, see ya!”
  451. >and with that out of the way you and pinkie were off to sweet apple acres
  453. >”sononnywhatstheproject? Isitabigoneorasmallone? IsitmultipleprojectswrappedupintapeturnedintoahugehugeHUGEproject?”
  454. >at this point you just tune her out as you make your way there
  455. “Were here pinkie”
  456. >”OH BOY, cmon show me, SHOWMESHOWMESHOWME!!!”
  457. >reaching your limit of her talking you rush to set the book in your room and grab a few of those spare fireworks that didn’t make the final cut
  458. >it was nearing the end of the day anyways so it was just dark enough to make fireworks more visible but not enough to look like it was night out
  459. “Alright pinkie are you ready?”
  460. >”ready as a freddy!”
  461. >you’ll never understand pinkie
  462. >as you light one she sees it shoot off into the air
  463. >her head is locked on facing directly towards it as it travels upwards till her head is tilted straight up
  464. >with a tiny pop pinkie shows the amazement on her face
  467. >you didn’t even know where to begin with it so you just tried to give yourself an easy out
  468. “here , I've got quite a few extra that I don’t need I can give you half of them if you want”
  469. >her entire face explodes with joy
  470. >”ANON THAT Is so COOOL!!!”
  471. >she pauses for a moment
  472. >”are you sure you’re okay with this? I would hate to take this from you if it’s something you really want”
  473. “It’s fine pinkie, I don’t really use em anyways so its best I let someone who wants them to have at it, besides that’s only half of what I have”
  474. >”WOW, thanks nonny, i owe you BIG TIME”
  475. >and with that, you finally have pinkie off your back
  476. >now all that is left is for you to study that book on timberwolves and formulate some sort of plan

The Preservation of Innocence (Part 1)

by Wall-o-text

The Preservation of Innocence (Part 2)

by Wall-o-text

The Preservation of Innocence (Part 3)

by Wall-o-text

The Preservation of Innocence (Part 4)

by Wall-o-text

The Preservation of Innocence (Part 5)

by Wall-o-text