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The Preservation of Innocence (Part 5)

By Wall-o-text
Created: 2022-12-24 13:16:19
Updated: 2022-12-24 21:59:19
Expiry: Never

  1. >a few more days passed
  2. >there was a letter in the mailbox
  3. >”OH ILL GET IT!!!”
  4. >applebloom burst through the door rushing to the mailbox
  5. >she came back with the letter in her mouth and sat down like a puppy
  6. >you picked out the letter and found it was addressed to big mac
  7. “Looks official”
  8. >you handed the letter to big mac as you and applebloom looked on in excitement
  9. >finally something cool
  10. >big macs face tenses up as he read the letter
  11. >”i uh, applebloom, why don’t you head upstairs a moment”
  12. >applebloom groans
  13. >”FFIIIIIIIiiiiiinneeee”
  14. >as she made her way upstairs big mac turned to you and handed you the letter frantically
  15. >feeling how urgent it was you grabbed it and speed read
  16. >to big mac…
  17. >yadayada
  18. >hereby to be DRAFTED
  22. >THERE’S A WAR???????
  23. “Big mac what the hell is going on???”
  24. >”i uh, uh, I…”
  25. >he can’t even form a coherent sentence
  27. >you look through the letter again
  28. >it says specifically ‘make your way to the train station at 6:00 AM sharp’
  29. >’tomorrow’
  30. >shitshitshit
  31. >okay
  32. >you’re connecting a fuck ton of dots right now
  33. >there’s a war
  34. >applejack is in a war zone
  35. >hell she and her friends are in a war zone
  36. >all the princesses are likely participating including twilight
  37. >that kid's dad got drafted god knows when
  38. >and it’s been going on for a while and now big mac got drafted
  39. >meaning there’s a need for more soldiers
  40. >meaning more casualties
  42. >fucking hell your stewing in just everything that you can think of all at once
  43. >you can’t just have big mac draft dodge that’s a crime
  44. >but he could die
  45. >FUCK too many thoughts
  46. >planplanplan
  47. >okay
  48. “Big mac look, I don’t think there’s a way out of this but your best bet is to pack ASAP”
  49. >the look of panic on him is surreal
  50. >jesus a guy like big mac panicking isn’t doing good for your own sanity
  51. “Look there isn’t much time go pack I’ve gotta take care of something”
  52. >you have nothing to take care you just really need to get away for a while
  54. >after an hour of thinking it over you realize something
  55. >this war is serious
  56. >the elements of harmony aren’t doing anything
  57. >at least you think
  58. >if it was a regular villain of some kind it would have been over in a day or two
  59. >so applejack probably isn’t directly participating in the battles
  60. >at least not yet
  61. >but big mac sure as hell will be
  62. >applejack specifically told you not to follow her
  63. >you know…
  64. >she never said anything about big mac though…
  65. >okay here’s the plan
  66. >if you’re going there-
  67. >fuck why would you go…
  68. >you can’t do much of anyth-
  69. >rifle-
  70. >maybe, maybe okay maybe you can pull something together but you’re still panicked
  71. >what about apple bloom?
  72. >she should be fine leave her the entirety of your money
  73. >hell she’s independent as is and scootaloo and sweetie bell are probably worse off anyways
  74. >besides they meet up plenty giving applebloom all your funds will be a net positive for sweetie bell and scootaloo so it’s morally fine
  75. >still panicked you begin thinking
  76. >okay clothes, up north is cold
  77. >rarity’s outfit she made you
  78. >that thing is the highest quality thing you’ve ever worn and that will be plenty
  79. >you’re fine with cold weather anyways you never needed full winter coats
  80. >thinthinkthink
  81. >food
  82. >big mac is gonna get rations he won’t bring that stuff
  83. >you, you’re not even sure they would conscript you
  84. >hell having another species on the frontline would fuck formation or something
  85. >god you have no idea what the military is like here
  86. >you can only pray that the rifle you have is at least something compared to their magic
  87. >food back to food
  88. >you can’t lug tons of stuff around
  89. >shit you could be there for days and run out of food
  90. >there’s no way you could just waltz into the military camp and take food that’s not only a crime but would fuck the organization-
  91. >AAAARRRGRGHHHH FUCK this is difficult
  92. >okay start with the basics
  93. >rifle, outfit, then think after okay?
  94. >you instantly bolt to the blacksmith's place
  96. >”hey great to see-”
  97. “Look, kid, no time to talk do ya got it?”
  98. >”uh, uh, y-yeah he-”
  99. “Okgreathanksgottarun!!!”
  100. >and with that you're off back to sweet apple acres
  102. >thinkthinkthink
  103. >you’ve got pockets, real good zipper pockets too
  104. >that should fit all the ammo you could possibly need
  105. >refill the oil, hell bring as much as you can
  106. >you’re stuck on food
  108. >how would an anima-
  109. >get fat?
  110. >GET FAT
  111. >you rush to grab your money and put away your rifle where no one can find it
  112. >you run off to the store and buy all the ice cream and salty snack foods like chips you can find
  113. >by eatin-
  115. >big macs going by train
  116. >do you take the next train?
  117. >no wait-
  118. >train hopping
  119. >you’ve seen the trains in Equestria once
  120. >though you’ve never seen it done there’s a small opening on the back of the train with a railing where you could easily catch a ride
  121. >okay how the hell do you get on without getting caught
  122. >6:00 am departure
  123. >early morning is dark
  124. >hide? Where????
  125. >woods!
  126. >hide in there then once the train comes hide underneath the end of it and when it makes that noise that signals its leaving get out from under and hop up
  127. >PERFECT
  128. >with all that manic thinking being done in the store ponies begin to look at you weird
  129. >shit, you don’t even care
  130. >you run to grab various tubs of ice cream from the freezer as well as as many bags of varied flavors of chips as possible
  131. >gotta make this palatable if your plan is gonna work
  132. >you’re going to be eating loads of food on the train so ice cream all night tonight then anything packaged like chips will be for the train ride
  133. >there’s going to come to a point where you run out of food and won’t eat for days at a time you know it
  134. >the biggest determinant of the plan's success is keeping yourself fattened up and well fed
  135. >you have no idea how long this could take
  136. >considering how long it has already been there’s a good chance you should plan for staying at least a week? Maybe two weeks?
  137. >shit this could go on a long time
  138. >realistically you could stay
  139. >you could hope that big mac comes back safe
  140. >but with the draft being so extensive you can’t possibly risk that
  141. >hell even IF he would live what about afterwards
  142. >PTSD is a thing
  143. >you’re not sure how it works but you know the military is the number one exporter of it
  144. >as you make your way to the check out the cashier gives you an odd look but scans your stuff nonetheless
  145. >with your absurd stash of food in tow you make your way back home
  147. >as you frantically bust open the first tub of ice cream and grab a spoon you run back into your room
  148. >as you eat you try to think of solidifying your plans
  149. >what if big mac could get disqualified for the draft?
  150. >no that ship set sail long ago
  151. >not to mention the lengths needed to go to disqualify someone for the draft would likely include a major injury
  152. >and with whatever freaky magic they have at their disposal it may be relatively pointless to even try
  153. >okay so big mac is going for sure
  154. >WATER
  157. >nonono snow, you can eat snow that’s good enough
  158. >who cares what's in it it’s water enough
  159. >being frozen just means its sterile anyways
  160. >with your frantic state coming to a close you can think more rationally
  161. >how will applebloom react to all this
  162. >both you and big mac leaving
  163. >you’re already halfway done with the gallon of ice cream as you sit in thought
  164. >how in the hell will you break this to applebloom
  165. >camping trip?
  166. >nah that lie has been overused
  167. >plus who takes a train to go camping there are better spots locally
  168. >cmon there’s gotta be something you can think of
  169. >saying you’re going to visit applejack?
  170. >fuck no she will want to come with and if you said no she would feel awful
  171. >you’ve finished the whole gallon of ice cream and feel sickly full
  172. >you don’t dare push your limits as it would backfire and make you throw up
  173. >having that would make your appetite even less
  174. >man you really wish they had pot in Equestria
  175. >having ‘the munchies’ buff would be phenomenal right about now
  176. >you still have to break the news to applebloom
  177. >maybe
  178. >is lying really the best option?
  179. >fuck maybe you should just tell the truth
  180. >if you tell the truth it would be a lot more coherent but it could also scare her
  181. >god there’s no real good answer to this
  182. >your only real option is to tell applebloom what’s really going on and what you plan to do about it
  183. >hopefully she won't feel so bad once you give her all that money
  185. >being as full as you are you can only manage a slow walk to appleblooms room
  186. >before you get the chance to knock applebloom bursts her door open
  187. >”WHAT IS GOIN’ ON?”
  188. >”why did big mac send me upstairs and why is NO ONE tellin’ me what’s goin’ on???”
  189. >oh boy this won’t be easy
  190. >you sit on the floor to face applebloom at a more even height
  191. >here goes nothing…
  192. “Applebloom, there’s no easy way to explain this so I'm going to just be honest with you”
  193. >she looked apprehensive like she was in trouble
  194. “Applebloom, big mac is being sent to the crystal empire and I’m going to follow him”
  195. >she looked scared
  196. “Don’t worry, I'm going to make sure big mac stays safe alright”
  197. >you figured now was the best time to try and at least slightly lighten the mood
  198. “Here, this is all the money i have, promise me you will only spend it on what you need”
  199. “This includes making sure sweetie bell and scootaloo have plenty to eat”
  200. “You can bring them here if they need a place to stay alright”
  201. >she thinks to herself a moment before looking back up at you
  202. >”alright, so I’ll be home alone for a little while huh…”
  203. “I’m sorry, I really don’t want to leave you like this, big mac doesn’t have a choice and I need to make sure big mac is safe”
  204. “This isn’t a good situation for any of us but you have to promise me one thing okay?”
  205. >”what is it ‘non?”
  206. “Whatever happens, once we get home, do NOT, and I really mean this, do NOT tell applejack that I went to the crystal empire okay”
  207. >”well, are you sure that-”
  208. “If you don’t tell her I’ll give you all my money for the next month”
  210. >bingo, perfect plan
  212. >with that out of the way and the day nearing its end you begin to pack up everything necessary
  213. >with the large variety of chips and packaged foods you have you shouldn’t get sick of one particular food so the train ride should at least be bearable
  214. >your best option is to tell big mac you won’t be there in the morning and then make your way to the woods at sometime near 5 am, that way you don’t arouse suspicion
  215. >as bad as it feels to leave big mac alone on the day he leaves for war it’s a necessary sacrifice
  216. >you feel awful for him
  217. >big mac just isn’t the fighting type
  218. >sure he could if needed but war like this?
  219. >that’s something he couldn’t handle for long
  220. >you made sure to let big mac know you wouldn’t be there in the morning but he was dead quiet in his room
  221. >poor guy, you couldn’t stand it
  222. >how could they send someone like him off to war?
  224. >by staying up all night and continuing to eat whenever possible you’ve noticeably gained a pinch of belly fat but you’re certain that you will never eat ice cream again after this is all over
  225. >once 4 hits you double-check everything you packed
  226. >you’ve got a decently sized bag and with what you can store in your outfits pockets alone you should be set ammo wise
  227. >fuel efficiency on this rifle of yours is incredible
  228. >despite that you’ve packed extra of everything
  229. >plenty of firecracker cans in case it could be useful
  230. >you have plenty of food for a good few days
  231. >and one blanket
  232. >and with that, you were off to the train station
  234. >hiding in the woods was quite boring
  235. >the train arrived within an hour and you were able to swiftly make your way into position
  236. >bag taken off and lying right beneath the back of the train you waited
  237. >and waited
  238. >for what felt like hours you waited until a large stampede of footsteps rampaged onto the train
  239. >the second you heard doors closing you jumped out and quietly slid your bag onto the back of the train
  240. >just as you had silently jumped up the train brakes released
  241. >just before the train made its way down the tracks you saw a lone filly waving
  243. > (I’ll send him back to you)
  245. >it was applebloom, barely holding back their tears, waving towards you
  246. >on instinct you waved back to her
  247. >how awful it must have been for her to see this
  248. >big mac, being sent off to war while applejack was already away
  249. >sure you could have stayed but the risk of big mac having something happen to him wildly outweighed applebloom being home alone for a little while
  250. >besides you let her invite her friends over and granny smith should help out too
  251. >you really hope she’s going to be okay
  252. >there was no good solution here
  253. >you just hope it ends sooner than later
  254. >the train ride should take over a day at least to make it there
  255. >you take this opportunity to get some rest
  257. >when you wake up its almost dusk
  258. >you figured you must have needed all that rest after the stressful events of yesterday
  259. >going through your bag you find a decent amount of food
  260. >you figure you should eat while you can
  261. >the less weight on your back the better
  262. >you spend most of the night eating by yourself and thinking
  263. >how could a place like Equestria ever go through war?
  264. >ponies just never seemed like they could endure such a thing
  265. >they seem so…
  266. >fragile…
  267. >applejack said that big mac was somewhat sensitive
  268. >imagining how someone like big mac could be sent to war is disgusting to you
  269. >it pains you to even think about it
  270. >applejack always said she thought you were more sensitive though…
  271. >but humans have gone through wars
  272. >big wars
  273. >we’re better adapted for that sort of thing
  274. >if there was a choice between you or big mac to be drafted you would have rather had it been you a million times over
  275. >drafting someone like him?
  276. >it’s cruel to a horrible degree
  277. >you wonder how applejack has been
  278. >it must not be easy for her either
  279. >all this eating doesn’t make you feel good
  280. >but it’s necessary for now
  282. >after repetitive hours of deep thought, eating, and sleeping you start to notice the train go quieter
  283. >and slowing
  284. >probably coasting…
  286. >frantically you grab your bag and jump off the side
  287. >the snow makes your impact soft but the dizziness from rolling is almost unbearable
  288. >regardless, you try to orient yourself
  289. >once you can manage to stand upright you look around
  290. >the train station is quite close, within eyesight
  291. >your best option is to follow them for now but at a distance
  292. >you can generally make out what seems to be a military camp and another well-traveled path somewhere on the other side of the train station
  293. >quickly burying yourself under the snow, you sit and watch as the soldiers dismount the train
  294. >as you sit and wait you notice lots of ponies
  295. >some of them you even recognize
  296. >there’s one in particular that sticks out to you
  297. >the big red stallion…
  299. > (a somber song for Equestria's chosen soldiers)
  301. >his head hangs low
  302. >out of the whole crowd it’s easy to see he doesn’t fit in
  303. >it’s telling of how horrible he feels
  304. >a place like this isn’t where he belongs
  305. >and you know it
  307. >as you follow the crowd of recruits you notice they make their way toward camp
  308. >on the edge of the camp you watch as they are sent to their quarters
  309. >there is nothing you can do for him now
  310. >not until he gets to the front line
  311. >and even then, it might be out of your hands
  312. >but you have to do something
  313. >with a heavy heart you leave the camp
  314. >you silently wish for his safety as you make your way toward the beaten path
  316. >instead of walking directly on it you decide to use the nearby woods and follow the trail in a parallel fashion
  317. >as you go further down the trail you find there to be another camp more towards what looks to be front lines
  318. >the camp looks to be filled with medical tents of all sorts
  319. >becoming a casualty is a real concern in this war
  320. >without big mac the apple family would fall to pieces
  321. >you couldn’t stand to just sit idly by and let that happen
  322. >you don’t expect much but to fight on the same side as big mac would at least give you the comfort of knowing you tried
  323. >though without proper enrollment into the military you have to avoid both your allies and whatever lies beyond them in the battlefield
  325. > (silence from where you stand)
  328. >the path you take is unorthodox
  329. >being unable to fight alongside your friends, you have to go alone
  330. >without being able to go to the frontlines directly you need to go wide and fight from the side
  331. >with your rifle's range you should be able to do something at least
  332. >as you walk further down you notice just how wide the battle really is
  333. >organized formations of soldiers, like over 200 hundred years ago on earth
  334. >with such a wide battle you need to make your way around them
  335. >such a distance won’t be easy on foot
  336. >but you must try
  338. >despite being what must be miles away from the battlefield you find yourself near what would be the edge of their formation were you up close
  339. >the thick woods on the side must be what caused the battle to be staged in the open area
  340. >in hopes it keeps you out of harm's way you move through it
  341. >the darkness of the woods is contrasted by the light let in from the edge
  342. >the further you go the more of the battle you can see
  343. >silent lights flashing back and forth
  344. >rich colored magic being tossed back and forth between the opposing armies
  345. >not a sound can be heard besides the faintest of explosions
  346. >the distance isn’t short enough to make it within one day
  347. >you should expect as much
  348. >for hours on end you walk
  349. >your feet aching and your legs feel as if they would give in any moment
  350. >you peer out from the side and notice the battle continuing
  351. >only louder than before
  352. >and the snow up close is a different color
  353. >you can just make out what seems to be snow drenched in blood
  354. >you don’t want to think about it too much
  355. >you really don’t want to think about the blacksmith being out there
  356. >and you especially don’t want big mac to ever be out there
  357. >as much as it pains you, resting would be your best option
  358. >showing up to battle with any amount of sleep loss could be fatal
  359. >and with the role you intend to play, fatal to those close to you…
  360. >you lay your back against a tree as you sit beneath it and look out toward the light
  361. >with certainty, you can say tomorrow will be your first experience in war
  362. >your terrified
  363. >but you felt no instinct to get away
  364. >everything within you knows this is the best choice no matter the horror of it
  365. >as you begin to tire you can only think of those other soldiers and their loved ones
  366. >the other draftees
  367. >tomorrow will be your first day as a soldier…
  369. > (time is of the essence)
  371. >the next morning you’re woken up by the loudest explosion you’ve heard in your life
  372. >immedietly you run to the edge to look towards the battle
  373. >there’s nothing…
  374. >you turn your head to see that the battle is still going on…
  375. >but far closer to the medical tents
  376. >they’ve pushed the equestrian forces back for over a mile
  378. >you grab your stuff and bolt back the way you came
  379. >how could they have gone this far in one night
  380. >they’ve been going at it for weeks now
  381. >what the hell is going on?
  382. >you can’t afford to think
  383. >you’re dead set on running as fast as you can
  384. >you thought running with applebloom was hard
  385. >this is a whole other level of difficult
  386. >no, horrifying
  387. >there are lives on the line and it all depends on you getting there with all the weight you’re carrying
  388. >you’re panicking
  389. >panicking hard
  392. >you’re only halfway there and your heart hurts
  393. >your lungs hurt
  394. >hell anything in your body that can feel pain hurts
  395. >you're almost there and you’re on the verge of passing out
  396. >gasping for breath you fall to the ground
  397. >the weight of what you're carrying crushes into your back as you fall
  398. >as painful as it was it’s nothing compared to your desperation for air
  399. >the cold air was already hard enough to breathe
  400. >but running this much at full sprint with this much weight on your back is something else
  401. >you can’t even gather the strength to turn yourself over or get off the ground
  402. >for what seemed like an hour you sat there struggling to catch your breath
  403. >as much as you wanted to get into the fight if you pass out you could lose a lot more time
  404. >lives are on the line
  405. >your eyes, watery from your body being pushed to the brink of its limit can barely see past your nose
  406. >blinking and wiping your eyes you do everything to desperately regain your vision
  407. >still struggling to see with your naked eye alone you bring up your scope
  408. >fucking hell…
  409. >are those…
  410. >ponies…
  411. >on THEIR SIDE???
  412. >shit this isn’t good
  413. >they’re all wearing helmets of some sort
  414. >they don’t have armor
  415. >fuck they’re just throwing themselves at the equestrian forces…
  416. >you can barely stomach it just watching the violence
  417. >those ponies, they aren’t acting out of their own free will are they…
  418. >not even someone who was hell-bent on, fuck ANYTHING would attack like that
  419. >goddammit you can’t shoot innocents like that can you?
  420. >god there’s so many of them
  421. >there’s so SO many
  422. >no matter how many you took down it would amount to nothing in terms of saving them
  423. >you look over at the commander of their army
  424. >a dark figure with what seems to be a red horn
  425. >you’re thinking…
  426. >you know damn well this shitty rifle of yours wouldn’t do anything to help the equestrian forces on the frontline
  427. >and you’re certain if you target their commander he could just turn towards you and evaporate you
  428. >thinkthinkthink
  429. >the equestrian forces aren’t actively attacking the controlled ponies
  430. >they’re a wall of shields
  431. >notfuckinghelping cmon think
  432. >the commander would have to focus on you if shot toward him
  433. >he’s the one doing most of the pushing
  434. >with what seems to be both Celestia, luna, and twilight in the back retaliating or deflecting incoming shots
  435. >this is suicidal
  436. >but if you distract him long enough you might be able to get them a chance at a clear shot at him
  437. >applejacks going to be so pissed when you’re dead
  438. >with your unnatural courage you line up the shot
  439. >dammit he moves too much
  440. >dammit you’re never going to-
  441. >oh fuck
  442. >ohfuckohfuckohFUCKOHFUCKOHFUCK
  443. >THATS HUGE
  446. >AND HE-
  447. >he’s still…
  448. >your window of opportunity is now…
  449. >and you take it…
  450. >a huge purple flame bursts from his horn
  451. >his agony is heard clearly even from where you’re positioned
  452. >as the flame dissipates you see something
  453. >that wasn’t a body shot
  454. >you broke his horn…
  456. > (the fallen king)
  459. >the stress of everything that had just happened slowly slips away as you see him fall
  460. >he slumps over writhing in pain
  461. >the ponies once under his control begin to shake off their helmets
  462. >you’re hardly watching but from what you can hear from him it sure as hell hurts
  463. >you can barely speak or even breathe
  464. >but you still had an ounce of willpower left
  465. “Get fucked…”
  466. >you whisper
  467. >you turn to your rifle
  468. “Oh baby, we did it I love you so much”
  469. >in your delusion you give the barrel a big kiss
  470. “AH”
  471. >you bury your face in snow to soothe the burns from the rifle
  472. >with your exhilaration and adrenaline dwindling you continue to watch from afar
  473. >the three princesses make their way toward what you assume to be the commander
  474. >without his horn he looks to be completely defenseless
  475. >his former army rejoices in their newfound freedom
  476. >you can’t help but notice the disgusting amounts of blood-soaked snow there is
  477. >how many soldiers died for this…
  478. >you find yourself feeling sorry for those who died
  479. >that could have been big mac
  480. >BIG MAC
  481. >you jump up but fall backward
  482. >you’re still too weak to move
  483. >it took everything in you to even make it to your position
  484. >hell you're surprised you even had the energy to pull the trigger
  485. >dammit you wish you could just run down there and join in their celebration
  486. >but you can’t bring yourself to move anymore
  487. >without the adrenaline you’re as mobile as a brick
  488. >as the three princesses surround him he suddenly collapses
  489. “Good ri-”
  490. >a sudden black cloud forms from out of his broken horn
  491. >it expands rapidly
  492. >the three princesses turn tail and fly back toward camp
  493. >the army runs back as well
  494. >come on…
  495. >you can’t catch a break can you…
  496. >you get up to run but fall once again
  497. >you throw your backpack off and try once more
  498. >again, you fall downwards
  499. >you're panicking once again
  500. >but after everything that had happened no amount of panic amounted to anything
  501. >you were so burnt out you could hardly think straight
  502. >you laid with your back against the ground
  503. >there’s no chance you would be able to get up being in the condition you are
  504. >the screams of the other ponies slowly became more distant
  505. >somethings wrong, very wrong and you can’t do a thing about it
  506. >as their voices became near silent the thick black cloud made its way into the forest
  507. >you’ve never been so scared in your whole life
  508. >in enveloped you and everything else it touched
  509. >as you lay there the dark cloud seems to target you as if it had a mind of its own
  510. >you cough and gag as it fills your lungs
  511. >black as soot
  512. >your lungs being painted with the dusty smoke
  513. >there was nothing you could do
  514. >the more you breathe the deeper you pulled the cloud in
  515. >you tried to bury your face in the snow
  516. >but the fog had you as its target
  517. >and it was unrelenting
  518. >you could feel your consciousness fade
  519. >you surely thought this would be the end for you as your vision went black

The Preservation of Innocence (Part 1)

by Wall-o-text

The Preservation of Innocence (Part 2)

by Wall-o-text

The Preservation of Innocence (Part 3)

by Wall-o-text

The Preservation of Innocence (Part 4)

by Wall-o-text

The Preservation of Innocence (Part 5)

by Wall-o-text