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The Preservation of Innocence (Part 1)

By Wall-o-text
Created: 2022-12-22 02:01:14
Updated: 2022-12-22 22:49:38
Expiry: Never

  1. >when you first got to equestria, you wandered around not know where you were
  2. >it wasn’t until you met the applejack and her friends that you first started getting a grasp of what this world was
  3. >despite your initial shock and fear of them, they were able to talk you down and ask you what was going on
  4. >”whoaahh there partner, slow it down a little, what’s goin on and why are you so antsy?”
  5. >the orange one, who you later found out to be applejack was the first to properly speak to you
  6. “I, I just, I don’t know where i am, and, and, I-”
  7. >she gives you a look of concern
  8. >”settle down now, what’s got you so worried and how can we help?”
  9. >after calming down you explained everything that you understood to applejack about what happened to you
  10. >the six of them listened patiently and the rest is history
  12. >”ANON, get yer butt out here, need help splittin logs”
  13. >when you came to ponyville, apple jack was quick to offer you a place to stay in exchange for helping with the chores
  14. “On it AJ!”
  15. >despite being the size you are compared to the ponies, the chores were not any easier
  16. >”c’mon anon, put yer back into it!”
  17. >your technique is awful
  18. >you could never get the angle right
  19. >guess your just a slow learner with this kind of stuff
  20. “I’m sorry AJ, I ju-”
  21. >”shucks, don’t sweat it anon, I know you’re still adjusting and all, but that don’t mean im gonna make it easy on ya forever”
  22. >applejack was always playful, it’s one of the things that you really enjoyed about her
  23. >”take your time, today’s work is pretty light so you go on and take it slow now”
  24. >”and don’t you dare forget to take a water break mister!”
  25. >applejack’s way of being kind is a bit odd, you could never find the words to describe it
  26. >but for whatever reason, her words always had an impact on you despite being nothing more than a simple reminder
  27. >her words had a way of overwhelming you with joy
  28. >you could never understand the feeling
  29. >but it’s one you knew you never wanted to live without
  31. >sweet apple acres has been pulling in far more income in recent times
  32. >ever since the explosion in the price of zap apple jam, it’s become a sort of luxury sought after by nobles all across equestria
  33. >with this sort of income, applejack insisted that you could be paid a decent wage
  34. >originally you declined since you were already being given a free place to stay and food as well
  35. >but she was having none of it
  36. >again, applejack’s kindness sure had an allure to it
  37. >for months you used to just save it since you never really needed much of anything
  38. >at first you planned on saving up for your own place
  39. >when discussing it with AJ she gave some big speech about you being just as much apart of the family as the rest of the apples
  40. >”if you keep talkin crazy like that i might as well not pay you at all”
  41. >though seemingly rude, AJ knows how much you like staying with her
  42. >after knowing her awhile she became more comfortable expressing herself in that sort of way
  43. >threatening you with kindness
  44. >it was her special way of saying she wanted you to stick around
  46. >without an outlet for your income it just kept pilling up
  47. >you would often lay awake at night thinking about all of the cool things you wish you could have shown AJ and our friends
  48. >partly because you find yourself thinking about earth a lot
  49. >in some ways you really miss it
  50. >that maybe things weren’t so bad there
  51. >sure, you HATED it, but there’s this weird nostalgia to it that’s hard to explain
  52. >it was miserable but it was also where you came from
  53. >plus you fantasize about bringing cool tech to equestria
  54. >just imagine all the fun things you would want to show AJ and the gang
  55. >cars would have been the most fun
  56. >imagining yourself driving around with AJ in the car and watching her excitement would have been amazing
  57. >letting her stick her head out of the window
  58. >i bet rainbow dash would have tried to race us too
  59. >and you bet she would still win
  60. >you wonder what you could conjure up around here
  61. >you sure as hell didnt have an idea how stuff was made back on earth
  62. >but your sure you could always tinker around with something
  63. >that sounds really fun…
  64. >sure, your not knowledgable on anything technology wise
  65. >but whos to say you can’t try?
  66. >you can’t think of anything
  67. >every idea you have is super advanced
  68. >fucking hell a motor alone would be impossible let alone all the other shit that goes with it to make a vehicle function
  69. >start small
  70. >where do you even begin?
  71. >christmas lights are cool
  72. >you would really love to show AJ your version of hearthswarming with a proper christmas tree and the nice amber lights
  73. >you cant do lights can you…
  74. >at least not the way they’re supposed to be…
  75. >thinking back to your middle school days there were a lot of science projects that were decently cool
  76. >making stuff fizz and all that was somewhat fun but nothing impressive or even worthwhile to do
  78. >THATS PER-
  79. >they wouldn’t have the materials for it would they
  80. >without any real idea of what to do you find your best bet is to fall asleep and check out what they have at the store
  81. >maybe it will give you a better idea project wise
  82. >you really want to do something special for AJ
  83. >ever since she was so welcoming of you, you can’t shake the idea you're permanently in her debt
  84. >you just wish you could finally show how thankful you are
  85. >fireworks would have really been the perfect idea…
  86. >i mean they have construction workers here
  87. >it isn’t out of the realm of possibility that they would have stuff like an assortment of garage chemicals and all that
  88. >maybe you're just getting your hopes up…
  90. >the next morning is your day off
  91. “Hey AJ, runnin' to the store need anything?”
  92. >”naw, i don’t need nothin”
  93. “Alright i’ll see you in a bi-”
  94. >”now hold on just a minute”
  95. >she kind of caught you off guard, you instinctively freeze up
  96. “Uh-uhm, y-yeah AJ?”
  97. >she sits down on the floor
  98. >she tilts her head slightly and looks at you
  99. >”ya need any spendin' money?”
  101. “AJ you’ve already been giving me spending money”
  102. >”well yeah, but i mean if it’s a trip to the store i would hate for you to only have enough money to-”
  103. >you immediately cut her off
  104. “AJ look, I appreciate it and all but I'm worried about you”
  105. “You always seem to want to give me money for no reason”
  106. “It’s not that I'm not grateful, I'm just worried, don’t you need money to keep the business running?”
  107. >”are you kidding me anon?”
  108. >oh boy here we go
  109. >”sweet apple acres has been pulling in more money this year than the last 2 years combined, i think you oughta have your fair share is all”
  110. >AJ really is sweet in her own, odd and confusing way
  111. “AJ i have been saving up all of my bits for the past few months”
  112. “I haven't even spent a single bit yet because i never really needed anything”
  113. “I need you to understand that you gave me a free place to stay, free food, and all i have to do are some simple chores that take less than 6 hours a day”
  114. “I dont even have a concept of a ‘fair share’ since i never have a need for money anyways, everything is provided for me”
  115. “AJ, to be honest with you, i feel guilty about having everything provided for me like this without doing much of anything”
  116. >she gives you a slightly nervous look
  117. >her head tilts down a little
  118. >shit you didn’t mean to make her feel bad or anything
  119. “Look, i just feel like im not pulling my weight like the rest of you”
  120. “And being constantly given money, i feel like a parasite more than anything”
  121. “It’s not that im not grateful, it’s just that … i feel like i owe you a debt i could never pay back”
  122. >she gives you a fierce look
  123. >”now anon im not sure what’s goin through your head but i don’t wanna ever hear you talk like that again”
  124. >”’a debt you could never pay back’? ‘Non you don’t owe me nothin, I like havin you around”
  125. >”hay, compared to what sweet apple acres used to make, I feel pretty uncomfortable with all this money sittin around too”
  126. >”that’s, uh, partly why I keep offerin ya bits so much…”
  127. >”besides, there ain’t no price I wouldn’t pay to keep you around anyways, if you knew just how much I wanted you to stick around maybe you wouldn’t feel so bad about all this”
  128. >her words always had a calming effect on you
  129. >you turn towards her and sit on the floor
  130. “AJ, that was the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me”
  131. >you feel your eyes water just slightly
  132. >you really don’t want AJ to think you’re weird but those words just came out on their own
  133. >”well, I’ll be sure to think a somethin even nicer soon”
  134. >she gives you a smug grin
  135. >and yet somehow it’s the warmest smile you’ve ever seen
  136. >you sniffle slightly indicating you should head out before AJ sees just how much her words meant to you
  137. >she REALLY has a way with words
  138. >you wordlessly give her a small wave before heading to the store
  139. >emotions concealed, mission accomplished
  141. >on your way to the store you see rainbow and fluttershy walking by
  142. >”well well well, if it isn’t anonymous the ’biped’”
  143. >you should have never told rainbow that word
  144. >it’s all she ever calls you now and she thinks it’s the funniest thing ever
  145. >”hello anon, how's applejack been?”
  146. >you give rainbow dash a jokingly mean look before responding to fluttershy
  147. “She’s been great, what are you guys up to?”
  148. >”oh, you know jus-”
  149. >rainbow interjects
  151. >fluttershy shoots rainbow a slightly stern look before speaking again
  152. >”we better get going before it’s sold out anon, sorry we couldn’t talk longer”
  153. “That’s alright fluttershy, see you later”
  154. >”later mister BIPED”
  155. >rainbow giggles like a maniac as the two of them walk away
  156. >rainbow sure has a ‘way’ with words…
  157. >you know spike walks on two legs too
  158. >why doesn’t rainbow call him a biped?
  159. >she probably doesn't even know what biped means
  161. >The trip to the store was pretty uneventful after that
  162. >you sure hope they have at least something useful at the store
  163. >equestria isn’t really backwards technologically but they sure don’t have as much as earth
  164. >probably because of their reliance on magic
  166. >finally you made it there
  167. >looking up and down all the aisles it seems that most of their stuff is basic kids craft stuff
  168. >even the big project stuff has nothing that jogs your mind
  169. >sad to say there’s nothi-
  170. >hold on
  171. >that’s fucking-
  172. “Stump remover?”
  174. >you remember exactly how to make those rockets from science class back in middle school
  175. >the teacher would go on and on about how there were different results based on the ratios of the mixture of charcoal, fertilizer powder, and stump remover
  176. >and something about how each ingredient works
  177. >but everyone just wanted to see fire and that sort of thing
  178. >science class is only fun when something bubbles or explodes
  179. >with a suspicious amount of ingredients bought all you needed to do was hit up a garden store and head home
  180. >after grabbing a few more necessary supplies you have everything you need for the project except one thing
  181. >fireworks are now back on the table…
  183. >a quick trip to sugar cube corner was in order
  184. >you asked pinkie where you could get powdered sugar from she just up and offered you a few bags
  185. >apparently sugar cube corner is apocalypse stocked with baking supplies
  186. >despite trying to offer payment pinkie was insistent on letting you take it
  187. >”nonny I know that look of yours, you got a plan of some sort dontcha”
  188. >”and I wanna see what it is”
  189. >she gives you this mischievous grin as if she could read your mind
  190. >hell she might actually BE reading your mind considering the look on her face
  191. “Um, sort of, just don’t tell anyone till I finish”
  192. “It’s, uh, a secret”
  193. >shit, you forgot how bad pinkie is at keeping secrets
  194. >better finish this project fast before she breaks the news
  195. >”you know nonners, it isn’t a real secret if I don’t really know what it is”
  196. >you breathe a hefty sigh of relief
  197. > your secret plan should be safe
  198. >and with that your set to begin the experiment
  200. > (the plan is coming together)
  202. >with a nearly endless supply of all the materials you need you shouldn’t have to worry about using them all
  203. >besides, you’ve got money to spare if you need
  204. >with everything in order it’s best to start out with the basics
  205. >you need to find the perfect mixture of charcoal, fertilizer, and stump remover
  206. >your best considering your memory of this stuff is still there but very loose on the specifics is to trial and error the living hell out of this
  207. >all you know is that it’s 3/4 stump remover and some charcoal powder and then a smaller portion of that specialty fertilizer
  208. >through an obscene amount of trial and error you find the perfect ratio for all the black powder
  209. >everything has to be perfect for when you show applejack
  211. >the rocket part was easier
  212. >the only 2 important ingredients were powdered sugar and stump remover
  213. >the trial and error with that one was pretty easy
  214. >with only 2 ingredients the process was far quicker than with black powder
  215. >after all that was done you made a little case for it and jam-packed it exactly how you remembered it being done in class
  216. >with that out of the way you could move on to the easiest part
  218. >the fuse was nothing more than yarn covered in the black powder
  219. >works exactly like a normal firework fuse but is pretty fragile and not very waterproof
  220. >the firework part of the whole fireworks project was a lot more confusing
  221. >having little memory of how this part worked back when you were doing this project in school it was definitely the most tedious part of the whole project
  222. >an insane amount of fucking around and finding out later you figured out how to rig this thing to make a decent firework effect
  223. >all of the tests being small scale of course
  224. >couldn’t risk loud noises and all that
  225. >normally fireworks go off with a loud bang
  226. >something like that could spook AJ and you would hate for your surprise to scare her like that
  227. >especially since it wouldn’t be a surprise if you explained there was going to be a big explosion
  228. >hell, explaining it like that might just make it worse
  229. >with some modification, you could make the fireworks more quiet
  230. >it won’t be as extravagant but it will sizzle in the sky in an equally impressive way
  231. >it should look just as good without a startling bang
  232. >besides, loud fireworks are for rednecks
  233. >instead of making it one big explosion, by making multiple smaller ones inside the same firework you can get the same amount of firework spread without a startling bang
  234. >even after testing it on the ground the sound is negligible yet the spread was perfect
  235. >at least as perfect as a firework on the ground can be
  236. >you want these to be more a work of art than anything
  237. >and every work of art needs to have its color
  238. >with everything being functional the only experiment left is to add a bit of color to it
  239. >you remember from class that the colors come from different chemicals
  240. >all you know is that if you can get your hands on a new chemical
  241. >it will be tested
  243. >after days of testing and retesting an absurd amount of combinations and multiple trips to multiple stores your final designs are finished
  244. >after weeks of rigorous work towards this whole project you finally have every piece of information needed to recreate any sort of firework you need
  245. >tons of designs you know AJ will love
  246. >the sound is nothing more than a mild pop
  247. >almost the equivalent of bubble wrap
  248. >there’s no chance it would wake up anyone in ponyville
  249. >you’ve never been so proud of your work before
  250. >finally, you get to give AJ a gift she truly deserves
  252. > (I will do anything for you)
  254. >you approach AJ in a slow and methodical way
  255. “Hey AJ, can I show you something”
  256. >the words are barely a whisper but enough for her to understand
  257. >applejack adopts your volume
  258. >“Of course anon, whadya have in mind?”
  259. “Just follow me”
  260. >”alright, lead the way”
  261. >the two of you stroll out to the edge of sweet apple acres where there is a perfect view of the night sky
  262. >”well, what is it?”
  263. “Just stay here a moment”
  264. >once you make your way toward the fireworks you set up before, you light the fuse
  265. >your idea to connect all the fireworks to one fuse each at different lengths to have them fire at different time
  266. >this allowed you the opportunity to sit with applejack while you watched the fireworks show too
  267. >you swiftly light the fuse and make your way back to her
  268. >the fuse is long enough to let you tell her something before it all starts
  269. >”anon, what’s going on?”
  270. “Applejack, I wanted to show you just how much I appreciate everything you’ve done for me”
  271. “Everything you’ve done means the world to me, I can’t even begin to imagine where I would be without you”
  272. “Even after this is over, I want you to know its nothing compared to what you’ve given me”
  273. >you end your quiet speech to her by taking your seat
  274. >before applejack can even speak the show starts
  275. >quiet glistening light stretches across the sky and outshines all the stars behind it
  276. >the beauty of the lights in the sky is a monument of your gratitude
  277. >the varied colors
  278. >blue
  279. >green
  280. >red
  281. >and every other color imaginable is so rich it even astonishes you
  282. >every variation, combination, shape, and all that comes with it leaves applejack in awe
  283. >her eyes glisten as every soft explosion of light reflects off them
  284. >her eyes fill with tears of joy
  285. >her chest swells with emotion, hardly able to contain it all
  286. >you can hear muffled sniffles as applejack turns to you
  287. >”a-anon... This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me…”
  288. >”I-I don’t even know how I will e-ever thank y-you…”
  289. >she presses her head against you looking downwards
  290. >tears freely fall down her muzzle as she can lets out everything she held back mere moments ago
  291. >recognizing the last few of the fireworks you gently guide her head to face the scene one last time
  292. >she lets your hand guide her effortlessly
  293. >as she rests her head on your hand the final burst of light appears
  294. >her cutie mark, in all its glory, spread across the sky in the most mesmerizing way
  295. >her feelings pour out after witnessing her gift
  296. >as the light from it all fades away she gently lifts her face from the comfort of your hands and turns to give you the warmest hug in the whole world
  297. >”I-IT WAS AMAZING”
  298. >her words envelop you with joy
  299. >as much as you’ve tried, your feelings are let out
  300. >together, your embrace is showered with tears
  301. >you finally feel like you can let go
  302. >there is nothing that ties you to earth anymore
  303. >no regrets, what ifs, or wants
  304. >you have finally moved on and feel that, truly, this is your home, forever
  305. >and nothing will ever stop you from feeling that way

The Preservation of Innocence (Part 1)

by Wall-o-text

The Preservation of Innocence (Part 2)

by Wall-o-text

The Preservation of Innocence (Part 3)

by Wall-o-text

The Preservation of Innocence (Part 4)

by Wall-o-text

The Preservation of Innocence (Part 5)

by Wall-o-text