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[FR] Fleeting Impulses

By Brownee
Created: 2020-12-18 01:00:00
Expiry: Never

  1. >“Come ON, Anon! We’re gonna be late!”
  2. “For christ sake, Rainbow, I’m walking on fucking clouds! Do I not get a minute to stop being disoriented?!”
  3. >“Twilight put the spell on you to walk on them, so it should feel like ground, now come on! We’re gonna miss the start!”
  4. “That’s doesn’t help me, I can still feel how soft i- WILL YOU WAIT A MINUTE, PLEASE?!”
  5. >Oh fuck this shit.
  6. >Fuck heights, fuck magic, fuck Twilight and fuck Rainbow!
  7. >Just fuck everything about this!
  8. >Why did you agree to go with Rainbow to a Wonderbolts event in Cloudsdale?
  9. >Probably because she didn’t tell you where it was until you were hit with magic before the balloon ride up.
  10. >Supposed to let you walk on clouds, says Twilight, like it’s a normal thing to do.
  11. >Just because they have wings and can do that naturally...
  12. >It’s like walking on foam.
  13. >Just a few more large, careful ste-
  14. “WAAARRGHH!”
  15. >“Oh quit crying, I’m just helping you along!”
  16. >You thought you fell through the clouds when you couldn’t feel them under your feet anymore.
  17. >Rainbow came around from behind to grab you and move along.
  18. “A little warning next time would be appreciated!”
  19. >“A little... nrgh!... Less weight would be appreciated as well!”
  20. “Hey, I’m not fat, I’m just bigger than you!”
  21. >“Whatever, we need to move.”
  22. >Well, at least it is a little faster.
  23. >Could be worse... she could drop you without cloud walking magic.
  24. >...
  25. >Maybe spending this entire time looking down isn’t the wisest thing.
  26. “So how did you even get seats to this thing anyway?”
  27. >“The Wonderbolts rotate their reserves around for their events. If one of them hurts themselves, the reserve takes their place to finish the show. Now it’s my turn!”
  28. “So you get a free show, and the possibility of performing with them?”
  29. >“Isn’t it great?!”
  30. >She squee’s at the thought.
  31. “It’s kinda convenient, sure.”
  32. >The cloud stadium comes into view.
  33. >Strangely it... kinda looks like a concrete stadium.
  34. >Rainbow flashes her pass at the Pegasus security guard and you do the same.
  35. >After being let in, you see it’s basically just cloud walls with cloud... seats?
  36. >Like, they’re just clouds within these cloud walls everyone is sitting on.
  37. >There’s also no floor to this arena at all.
  38. >Which, alright, Pegasus ponies get all up in this shit primarily and they all fly, but what if one of them hurts their wings?
  39. >This whole place is kind of a massive hazard.
  40. >Thankfully, Rainbow hovers around the edges to get to your cloud.
  41. >She drops you down where you’re seated on the bottom level but still full view of everything.
  42. >You’re kind of curious as to what the wall is though. Feels like proper cement.
  43. >You tap it a couple times.
  44. “What’s this made of?”
  45. >“It’s just shaped and formed to be a thicker cloud. It’s how our buildings up here are formed. Normal clouds are a lot more fragile. Without Twilight’s spell, you’d probably still go through it.”
  46. >Ah. Guess that makes sense.
  47. >The event hasn’t started yet, so you just look around to the surrounding ponies.
  48. >Mostly Pegasi, big surprise.
  49. >Couple rich looking guys up in the top in some fancy booth.
  50. >Nothing worth noting really... other than why you’re here to begin with.
  51. “So out of everyone you know, why’d you ask me to come see this with you?”
  52. >“They were all busy. Twilight’s doing castle stuff, Rarity has dress stuff, Pinkie party stuff, Applejack apple stuff, Fluttershy shy stuff...”
  53. “Shy stuff?”
  54. >“So Twilight said I should take you up here so you can see more of ‘pony culture’ or whatever. I just thought Yeah, why not, you can see how awesome the Wonderbolts are up close.”
  55. >You were a last option. Awesome.
  56. “Oh, so this isn’t a date or anything?”
  57. >“Pffft, don’t flatter yourself. I don’t think you could handle me.”
  58. “... Don’t flatter YOURself. It’s not you that’s the problem, I’m not into ponies to start with. This whole situation just seemed...”
  59. >Rainbow raises an eyebrow while looking at you.
  60. >“Seemed like I was setting this up as a date?”
  61. “Yeah.”
  62. >“It’s not. Just wanted to watch this with somepony, and have the possibility of them watching me if I suddenly got called into action.”
  63. “Fair enough.”
  64. >Trumpets suddenly sound and the crowd hushes for what’s happening.
  65. >The Wonderbolts make their grand entrance, leaving smokey lightning trails behind them.
  66. >How does that even work?
  67. >Rainbow grabs your arm and starts shaking you wildly.
  68. >“Anon! They’re here! Look, look, look, the Wonderbolts are here!”
  69. “Rainbow, you’ve met them on multiple occasions and are in their reserves, will you calm the fuck down please?”
  70. >“Eeee!”
  71. >You sigh.
  72. >Just enjoy the show with the squealing fangirl.
  74. >The show progresses steadily.
  75. >It’s at least enjoyable to watch, what with the impressive air stunts, obstacle courses and such that they’re doing.
  76. >It’d be better if it weren’t for the rainbow maned pony next to you constantly asking if you’re watching them, or telling you what’s happening.
  77. >You can admire her enthusiasm at least.
  78. >“Who are you rooting for, Anon?”
  79. “Huh?”
  80. >“I’m rooting for Spitfire! She’s tough on everypony and doesn’t take any excuses. Not to mention her being the captain, when it comes time for her to show how she got that rank, she never disappoints to show off her abilities.”
  81. “Uhm... I dunno, who’s the underdog?”
  82. >“The under-wha?”
  83. “Who’s the one that most others would think isn’t as good as the others, but tends to pull out something that really boosts their credibility?”
  84. >“Oh. Hm...”
  85. >She brings a hoof up to a chin as she scans all of them.
  86. >“They’ve all got their perks, so I don’t know who’d be like that.”
  87. >The Wonderbolt nerd can’t figure out who the underdog is, great.
  88. >Alright, just look for one yourself.
  89. >Can’t really tell who’s who in their suits, so you’ll just pick one at random.
  90. “What about that one?”
  91. >You point at the white maned Wonderbolt as she flies past.
  92. >Rainbow follows your finger and perks up.
  93. >“Oh, that’s Fleetfoot! I guess you could say she’d be the underdog. A lot of ponies wouldn’t really consider her to be much of a contender, but what she lacks in size is easily made up for in speed.”
  94. “Interesting. Alright, that’s who I’ll go for.”
  95. >“Great. ‘Cause they’re racing in the next event. Gotta get loud, show your support!”
  96. >She says that while squirming slightly in her seat with her legs are crossed.
  97. “You gotta pee or something?”
  98. >“I can hold it until after this.”
  99. “So you do. Gross. Just go, will ya?”
  100. >“I’m not missing this race!”
  101. >She’s really trying to hold it in.
  102. >You could mess with her by slurping and swishing your own beverage, but that’s beneath you.
  103. >The Wonderbolts all line up in their starting positions.
  104. >At the wave of a flag, they take off.
  105. >The track goes all through the arena, as well as above and below it, with obstacles to go through, around, over or under.
  106. “How many laps is this?”
  107. >“Ehhh, twenty!”
  108. >You watch Rainbow, now holding herself in her seat.
  109. “Okay, seriously, you’ve got plenty of time, go to the toilet!”
  110. >“No!”
  111. >The racers all clear the first half and fly downwards through the arena to the second half of the track.
  112. >As they pass, Rainbow gets to the edge.
  114. >It’s a pretty close race.
  115. >Occasionally there’s a few of them overtaking each other, but Spitfire seems to remain in the lead.
  116. >Fleetfoot seems to trail behind the entire time in last place.
  117. >Though compared to the others, it looks like she’s doing it on purpose.
  118. >Eighteen laps pass and Rainbow looks about fit to burst.
  119. >Without thinking, you take a sip of your drink and it makes a noise with the motions of being raised.
  120. >Apparently that was enough for Rainbow as her ears flick and she suddenly gets up off the cloud.
  122. >In a flash, she bolts off to the toilets and leaves you alone.
  123. >You’d laugh, but you kinda feel bad for doing that, even if it was an accident.
  124. >She’ll likely miss the end of the race now.
  125. >Ah well, you’ll tell her what happens.
  126. >The final lap hits and Fleetfoot seems to have finally picked up speed.
  127. >While she looks tired, she doesn’t appear to be as tired as the others.
  128. >The perks of pacing yourself.
  129. >She moves up into fourth position relatively easily, then third and second, but once Spitfire see’s her, she goes all out.
  130. >It makes Fleetfoot kick it into gear as well.
  131. >Once they begin to finish the bottom half of the course in their last lap, Spitfire and Fleetfoot are neck and neck.
  132. >The closeness of this is actually getting you on the edge of your se-... cloud.
  133. >As they fly upwards, there’s only a set of rings to clear before the finish line above you.
  134. >Once they’re near, you can’t hold it in.
  136. >Her ear perks up and you think you see her quickly glance at you after your cheer.
  137. >The moment her focus wavers, she skims the edge of one of the rings and slams her forehead into the next.
  138. >Ohhh now you’ve done it!
  139. >The speed and force at which she was moving causes her body to follow through and she starts flipping uncontrollably through the air.
  140. >Once she hits her peak height, she starts falling... in your direction.
  141. >She doesn’t seem to be controlling herself...
  142. >Oh shit, that hit may have knocked her senseless.
  143. >You get to your feet and keep an eye on her as she plummets toward you.
  144. >With your arms held out, you line yourself up with her.
  145. >The wind is suddenly thrown out of you as you catch her in your arms and fall backwards onto the cloud.
  146. >You take a moment to catch the breath that was forced out of you, then rub your head.
  147. >Only magic can make hitting a cloud hurt like fuck.
  148. >When you regain yourself, you check on the pony on top of you.
  149. >She’s moving, slowly, but moving at least.
  150. >You roll her off you and see if she’s alright.
  151. >Her eyes are rolling around in her head.
  152. “Hey... Hey, you alright?”
  153. >You stroke her head with one hand and lightly tap her cheek with the back of your other.
  154. >“Eeerrgh... did anyone get the number of that-“
  155. >Her eyes suddenly snap to focus on you.
  156. >“...Hiiiii...~”
  157. “Hello. How do you feel? You okay?”
  158. >“Oooohhhh.... you wan’ go ooouuuut?...~”
  159. “What?”
  160. >Her eyes suddenly lose focus again.
  161. >Oh shit.
  162. >“Anon, what happened?!”
  163. >Rainbow rejoins you again and see’s you holding a Pegasus.
  164. “I may have fucked up here, and I think she needs medical attention.”
  165. >“WHAT DID YOU DO?!”
  166. “Jesus, what?! I didn’t do anything! Or nothing that nobody else was doing anyway!”
  167. >Fleetfoot tries to turn her head up to Rainbow, but still can’t focus.
  168. >“Thaaaaat angel ape caught me... take me to your kingdom, flying monkey!”
  170. >Two more Wonderbolts touch down, Spitfire sounding concerned.
  171. >“Fleetfoot, what happened?!”
  172. >“I smell the love... like Princess Cadance’s butt picture!”
  173. >...
  174. >“Soarin, stay with her, I’m gonna go grab the doctor.”
  175. >“Right.”
  176. >You hold Fleetfoots head up in your hand and watch her eyes still dancing around in her head.
  177. >You flick her between the eyes, causing her to blink a couple times and then focus back on you.
  178. >When you start rubbing where she hit her head softly, she smiles.
  179. >“...Hiiii. ~”
  180. “Hi. Are you okay?”
  181. >“I am now.~”
  182. “You sure?”
  183. >“How could I not be when caught in the arms of my future husband.~”
  184. “Future Hu-... What?”
  185. >“Winter Weddiiiiings...~”
  186. >You try to process that for a moment before Soarin moves to your side.
  187. >“Ohhh we’ve seen this before...”
  188. “Eh?”
  189. >“It’s happened a few times. She hits her head really hard and seemingly falls in love with the first stallion she see’s. Don’t worry, she was just rattled pretty hard, it’ll pass.”
  190. >You look back down at her, she’s just looking back up at you with a dopey grin and her tongue sticking out.
  191. “Really? That’s kinda weird.”
  192. >“Tell me about it. She ended up stalking a red stallion around Ponyville all day last time.”
  193. >Red stallion... Big Mac?
  194. >That’s pretty funny.
  195. >Spitfire lands again, accompanied by two stallions with a stretcher.
  196. >“How is she?”
  197. >You look down at her again.
  198. >“Honeymoon in Sydneigh...~”
  199. “I’m gonna take a wild guess and say not great.”
  200. >You move away for the two stretcher ponies to move her onto it and carry her off.
  201. >As they take her away, you still hear her leaving.
  202. >“Violet dresses for the bridesmaids!~...”
  203. >Kay then.
  204. >You turn to Spitfire and Soarin.
  205. “So that miiiight’ve been my fault... I probably distracted her a bit...”
  206. >Soarin raises his hoof.
  207. >“It’s not a problem, there’s a lot of ponies here cheering. It’s something we’re used to. Though... yeah, your appearance may have caught her eye if you cheered for her... not that you could help it.”
  208. “Yeah...”
  209. >Spitfire rubs her forehead and looks back out to the crowd.
  210. >“Alright, alright, alright... we’ll deal with Fleetfoot later, but the show has to go on for now... We need somepony to fill her spot.”
  211. >You don’t even need to look at Rainbow to know she’d have the biggest smile on her face right now.
  212. >Spitfire turns to her.
  213. >“Luckily, this is what we have reserves for... Rainbow Dash!”
  214. >“Yes Ma’am?”
  215. >“You know all our routines well enough. You think you could handle flying with us for the remainder of the show?”
  216. >Rainbow just lets off a high pitched squeak.
  217. >“We’ll take that as a yes. Follow Soarin, he’ll get you into a uniform and let you know what we’re doing. I need to go speak with the officials.”
  218. >Spitfire takes off and Rainbow turns to you to grab your shirt.
  220. “You don’t look insane right now at all.”
  221. >“I get to fly... With the Wonderbolts... In a big show!”
  222. >She squee’s again.
  223. “I’m happy for you Rainbow, but it came at a cost of one of them getting injured.”
  224. >“I know! Isn’t it great?!”
  225. “Uhh... Not really?”
  226. >Soarin clears his throat from behind her.
  227. >“Come on Rainbow, no time to waste.”
  228. >“Right, right! Right behind ya!”
  229. >They both fly off to the opposite end of the stadium.
  230. >Well this day took a surprising turn.
  231. >Still kinda feel bad about what happened though, maybe you should organise something to apologise.
  232. >Meh, can wait until later to think about.
  233. >For now, just enjoy the rest of the show.
  236. >“You saw me, right?!”
  237. “Yes, Rainbow.”
  238. >“Did you see when I-“
  239. “Yes, Rainbow.”
  240. >“What about when I was-“
  241. “Rainbow, I was right there. I saw everything.”
  242. >“How awesome was I?!”
  243. “Pretty awesome, now shut up.”
  244. >The show went on for another hour or so after the incident.
  245. >Now you’re just enjoying the slow balloon ride back to Ponyville.
  246. >Rainbow, of course, won’t shut up but it’s excusable given what she did today.
  247. >“Everypony is going to be so jealous!”
  248. “I think they’ll be more proud of you than jealous considering this was your goal in life and not theirs.”
  249. >“I’ve got so much to tell them!”
  250. >Once Ponyville comes into view, a thought occurs.
  251. “Are the Wonderbolts just going to keep you in the loop of what’s happening? Like, if Fleetfoot doesn’t recover quickly, do you keep filling in?”
  252. >“They said they’ll update me on what’s happening.”
  253. >The balloon touches down in the park and you climb out.
  254. “Cool. Hell, if you get to do a full show, maybe they’ll let you do some of your own moves.”
  255. >Rainbow stops, gasps and a massive smile forms on her face.
  256. >“Do you think they’ll let me show off the Sonic Rainboom?!”
  257. “Heh, probably. I’m kinda surprised you didn’t do it as a finisher anyway.”
  258. >As you start to make your way in town, you hear a nearby tree rustling.
  259. >When you turn to the source, something falls out.
  260. >“WAAAH- Ooph!”
  261. >A blue pony hits the ground.
  262. >You probably wouldn’t pay it much mind if the pony didn’t look familiar.
  263. >You rush over to see if Fleetfoot is okay.
  264. “Hey Rainbow, look at that, a Wonderbolt followed us home.”
  265. >“Fleetfoot, are you alright?”
  266. >You notice there’s a bandage wrapped around her head.
  267. >She shakes her head for a moment and responds.
  268. >“Yeah. Yeah, just lost balance for a second...”
  269. “Aaaand why were you in the tree to begin with? Shouldn’t you be resting somewhere?”
  270. >She dusts herself off and looks up at you, a smile forming on her face shortly after.
  271. >“I did and will. I just had to come find you.”
  272. >She got a slight lisp in her speech.
  273. >Kinda cute in a way, majority of her ‘S’s come through, but occasionally they’re joined with a ‘th’.
  274. “And why did you need to do that?”
  275. >“I wanted to thank you for catching me. I’d like to offer you some seats at our next show. On us.”
  276. “Oh wow... Uhm, I can’t really accept that, it’s kinda my fault the accident happened any-“
  277. >Rainbows hoof is slapped over your mouth.
  278. >“He’d love to attend more shows!”
  279. >Apparently it escaped Rainbow that trying to cut someone off mid-speech only works before they get the bulk of their point out.
  280. >Fleetfoot giggles and continues.
  281. >“I was also wondering... Uhm, are you single at all?”
  282. >Oh god, this is going exactly where you think it’s going, isn’t it?
  283. >“Yeah he is. Bachelor Anon!”
  284. >You remove her hoof from your mouth.
  285. “Rainbow, shush.”
  286. >Fleetfoot looks a little more hopeful.
  287. >“Then... would you like to go out sometime?”
  288. “Ahhhhh damn it.”
  289. >Rainbow starts snickering to herself while Fleetfoot just looks between you both confused.
  290. “Look, uhm... The thing with me is I don’t really hold that much interest in ponies. No offense or anything, but it’s just my species tend to stick to our own...”
  291. >Rainbow butts in.
  292. >“Which is pointless since he’s the only human in Equestria. Our friends have tried setting him up on dates before but he won’t break.”
  293. “Nobody is talking to you, Rainbow!”
  294. >“Come on, Anon! Fleetfoot is a Wonderbolt! You cannot get any luckier than this!”
  295. >Fleetfoot looks a little dejected by the news.
  296. >“So... not interested, huh?”
  297. “Not really, no...”
  298. >“Oh... you, uhm... you don’t want to give me a chance?”
  299. >You give a slight shrug.
  300. “Sorry.”
  301. >A quick look at Rainbow shows she looks like she’s silently screaming “What are you doing?!” at you.
  302. >The fact that she’s a Wonderbolt doesn’t really make much difference, you just can’t get into ponies.
  303. >Fleetfoot becomes slightly more saddened.
  304. >“Could... Could we at least go fuck in those bushes?”
  305. “Look, I just do- Wait, what?”
  306. >Rainbow suddenly snaps a look of disbelief at her as well.
  307. >Before you can question that though,
  308. >“Fleetfoot!”
  309. “AH Jesus what?”
  310. >You spin around and see Spitfire and Soarin come in for a landing without their Wonderbolt uniforms.
  311. >“What are you doing? You should be recovering!”
  312. >“I know my limits! I just had to see him again!”
  313. >“You could have just seen him when you were better, you know?”
  314. >As Spitfire and Fleetfoot argue, Soarin approaches you and Rainbow.
  315. >“Sorry about that. I told you she gets like that sometimes. Do you know how she’s feeling?”
  316. >You just look to Rainbow for a moment, who still looks as confused as you, before answering.
  317. “Uhh... I think she just asked me to fuck her in the bushes...”
  318. >...
  319. >“Uhm... so not good then?”
  320. “I dunno, I mean... she sounded like she was fine. Admitted to losing balance and fell out of a tree, asked us to come see more shows. Then she started asking me out on a date, and out of nowhere asked that.”
  321. >Soarin looks back at the arguing Spitfire and Fleetfoot.
  322. >“Will you get off my back, please?! Not all of us find stallions in our own ranks! Excuse me for wanting to meet the one who caught me out of the air!”
  323. >“Wait, what do you mean? Who’s found who in our ranks?”
  324. >“Oh please, everypony knows you and Soarin are doin’ it!”
  325. >“Why does everypony keep assuming that?!”
  326. >Soarin coughs while you and Rainbow try to pretend you didn’t hear that.
  327. >Spitfire turns to him.
  328. >“Alright, she’s clearly still out of it. Do you think we should bench her for a while, keep a reserve in?”
  329. >You hear Rainbow gasp beside you.
  330. >She turns and pulls you in close to speak quietly.
  331. >“You heard that, right?”
  332. “I did.”
  333. >“You gotta help me on this!”
  334. “What? Why?”
  335. >“If they think Fleetfoot isn’t fit to fly, I can do a full show and impress them!”
  336. “Oh. Okay then.”
  337. >You both look back to Spitfire and Soarin, as he’s telling her what you told him.
  338. >“Anon thinks she might be fine, just acting weird around him. Maybe just run drills with her to start with?”
  339. “Well hey, you told me earlier today that was hitting on stallions after hitting her head before. That seems to be what she’s still doing, so maybe she isn’t all that fit to fly just yet.”
  340. >They both turn to you and think.
  341. >Rainbow tries to smooth talk her way in.
  342. >“It might be better to play it safe and have her sit out for a show.”
  343. >Totally not obvious intentions there, Rainbow.
  344. >Fleetfoot raises an eyebrow at the discussion.
  345. >Spitfire just taps her chin with her hoof.
  346. >“Maybe Soarin’s right. We should run a few drills to see if she can handle it before we bench her.”
  347. >Fleetfoot suddenly lifts off the ground.
  348. >“I’m telling you, I’m fine! Watch!”
  349. >She shoots off into the air and starts to do a few flips.
  350. >In the middle of one of them, she suddenly becomes unsteady and falls upside down.
  351. >Landing in a tree and falling to the ground again, she gets up a few moments later to shake it off.
  352. >Spitfire and Soarin just share a look for a second and nod before Spitfire turns to Rainbow.
  353. >“Alright Rainbow Dash, here’s your big break. We need a stand-in for Fleetfoot at tomorrows show. You think you can handle that?”
  354. >Rainbow takes a moment to squee again, then snap to attention and salute.
  355. >“Without a doubt, ma’am!”
  356. >Fleetfoot approaches all of you again.
  357. >“Fine, I’ll sit out and Rainbow Dash can take my place...
  358. >She suddenly latches onto your arm.
  359. >“So long as Anon is with her tomorrow, I’ll be happy to sit and watch for once.”
  360. “Uhh, what?”
  361. >Ohhhh, this ain’t gonna be good.
  362. >She flew poorly on purpose so they’d bench her and get Rainbow in, hoping you’d be there tomorrow as well.
  363. >That means she’s going to want to sit with you all day...
  364. “I actually had plans for tomo-“
  365. >A look at Rainbow Dash looks like she’s trying to desperately tell you to play along.
  366. >Looking down at Fleetfoot, she’s got a somewhat smug grin on her face.
  367. >That’s her plan. If you say no, she’ll prove she’s fine to fly and Rainbow won’t be able to perform.
  368. >If you don’t do this, Rainbow will probably be pretty sour with you for a while.
  369. >Much as you don’t want to, doing this would probably be a big boost for this dream of hers.
  370. >It’s just a few hours of sitting with Fleetfoot, how bad could it be?
  371. “Well, alright. I can make it tomorrow and reschedule what I was planning.”
  372. >Rainbow and Fleetfoot grow massive smiles while Spitfire and Soarin nod.
  373. >“It’s settled then. Rainbow Dash, the show starts at 11am. Be there at least an hour earlier.”
  374. >“Yes Ma’am!”
  375. >“Get some rest, you’ll need it. Now we have to get Fleetfoot back to rest. We’ll see you both tomorrow.”
  376. >Spitfire and Soarin start to leave while Rainbow holds in her excitement until they’re out of sight.
  377. >While you were watching and waiting for her to explode, you feel something creeping up your back.
  378. >Blue arms make their way over your shoulders as you realise Fleetfoot is hovering just behind you to whisper in your ear.
  379. >“We’re gonna have a lot of fun tomorrow, Anon. Just wait and see.~”
  380. >She punctuates that statement by running her tongue along the rim of your ear.
  381. “Uhhh...”
  382. >Before you can question her, she takes flight and catches up to her teammates.
  383. >Rainbow suddenly explodes in excitement next to you.
  384. >“OHMYGOSHICAN’TBELIEVETHISISHAPPENINGTOME! I need to go tell the others! I’ll see you tomorrow Anon!”
  385. >And just like that, Rainbow takes off.
  386. >Though that doesn’t really matter right now, your head is still on Fleetfoot.
  387. >You were uncomfortable enough by what she’d been saying all afternoon, but what she just did really sealed it.
  388. >This was a mistake.
  391. >“Alright, lets go over the plan.”
  392. “What plan? We get up there, you help me to my cloud and then you go meet them.”
  393. >“... Oh yeah. Guess you don’t have to do anything.”
  394. “Except listen to a pony that I have no interest in talk to me because of some apparent interest she has in me.”
  395. >“Right... that. I know you don’t really want to, but it means a lot that you’re willing to do that for me.”
  396. “Meh. Sitting there for a few hours is nothing compared to what this could do for you, so I’ll live... even if she is a little creepy.”
  397. >Truth be told, you are a little bothered by what Fleetfoot said and did though.
  398. >Though her size doesn’t really seem like a worry.
  399. >If she gets all up in your personal space, it wouldn’t be too much trouble to keep her off.
  400. >But it probably won’t come to that, she’s likely just thinking seeing a Wonderbolt’s show is a good opportunity for you to get to know her properly to see if your opinion changes.
  401. >Which is fine, you can live with that.
  402. >You’ve got high doubts it will, but no need to shoot her down straight away.
  403. >“You know, most others would give anything to be you right now. I mean, a Wonderbolt wants to date you, and you’re not interested?”
  404. “Well most others here are ponies and they want to date other ponies. Her fame status doesn’t matter to me, Rainbow.”
  405. >“Well then what if she’s really nice to you?”
  406. “Then I’m sure we could be great friends.”
  407. >“Really? Just ‘friends’? Anypony would think you were insane after hearing that.”
  408. “Drop it, Rainbow.”
  409. >You'd had a refresher hit of magic from Twilight this morning, so as soon as the balloon arrives in Cloudsdale, you take a moment to get used to walking on the clouds again.
  410. >Rather than hold up Rainbow, you get yourself together until you get to the stadium again.
  411. >“Looks like you're at the bottom again.”
  412. “Whatever, not like it stops me from seeing anything. You gonna give me a lift?”
  413. >“Hmm. I dunno, I might tire myself out if I have to carry the fat human to his cloud...”
  414. “Screw you, I'm average sized for my species.”
  415. >“No, seriously though, I'm a little worried about getting tired beforehand.”
  416. >Well she has a point.
  417. >Maybe there's security or something that'd be willing to help you ou-
  418. >“Boo!”
  419. “AHH!”
  420. >“Gotcha.”
  421. >Fucking Fleetfoot pulls some inverted exorcist bullshit.
  422. >Hovering above and lowering her head upside down...
  423. >While you’re recovering from that, she drops down in front of you.
  424. >No Wonderbolts outfit, no bandages on her head. Just her blue and white self.
  425. >“And how are you two today?”
  426. >“Great.”
  427. “Fine, I guess.”
  428. >She gives you a smile and continues.
  429. >“Excellent. Alright Rainbow Dash, you need to report to where Soarin took you yesterday. Since you’re filling in for me today, they need to run you through everything. If you have questions, you can talk to me now, or wait until they’re explaining for you.”
  430. >She turns to you and her smile gets a little bigger.
  431. >“Otherwise, I’ll find a cloud with Anon and we’ll be cheering for you.”
  432. >Why must she give you that look when she says that?
  433. >Rainbow thinks for a moment and responds.
  434. >“I’ll head straight there... Well, after I help Anon to his cloud.”
  435. >Rainbow hovers behind you, bringing her arms under yours before Fleetfoot joins her.
  436. >“Lemme help. Can’t wear yourself out just lifting him.”
  437. “Seriously, do I look fat or something? What the hell?”
  438. >Rainbow changes to just holding you by an arm while Fleetfoot holds the other.
  439. >With the extra help, they lift you up and carefully move through the arena and get you situated on your cloud.
  440. >“Alright, I’ll catch up with you when I’m done, Anon!”
  441. “Righto. Good luck.”
  442. >As Rainbow leaves you alone, you sit down and start to wait for the show to begin.
  443. >You look to your side and see Fleetfoot just sitting with you, a smile adorning her face as she watches you.
  444. >It’s kinda cute... It’s like she’s waiting for you to say something, anything, and she’ll listen intently.
  445. >But, you’re wary of her because of yesterday and you can’t really think of anything to say.
  446. >You want to question what she meant by what she said, but you also don’t really want to bring it up in case it was just something from her head injury.
  447. >“So.”
  448. >She scoots herself a little closer to you.
  449. >“Can’t fly, huh?”
  450. “Nah. Been using a balloon to get up here.”
  451. >She eyes you up and down, confused.
  452. >“Then how are you sitting on this cloud?”
  453. “My friend Twilight put a spell on me that lets me walk on clouds.”
  454. >“Oh... Wow, so it's pretty dangerous for you up here, isn't it?”
  455. “Extremely.”
  456. >Well, she's making an effort at conversation, the least you can do is return the thought.
  457. >There's a lot of things you can talk about, she's a Wonderbolt.
  458. “So I hope you don't mind me asking, but I notice you have a slight lisp... What's up with that?”
  459. >Are you fucking serious?
  460. >Of all the possible things to talk about...
  461. >“Heh, I guess there's no hiding that. Nothing really to tell, just minor displacement with my tongue that I was born with.”
  462. “Sorry, was just for some reason the first thing that came to mind.”
  463. >“That's okay. I don't mind talking to you about it. I mean it's an obvious difference with me from other ponies, but compared to you...”
  464. “Yeah, I stand out.”
  465. >“And I bet you get a lot of attention from it.”
  466. “You have no idea. Lots of big meetings with the Princesses to see how I'm doing. Takes a lot of restraint to not swear in front of them. Well... not for Twilight, she's at least grown used to me calling her a bitch for hitting me with a random spell to see what works without asking.”
  467. >“So... any attention of the... ‘romantic’ kind?”
  468. >Oh god, she’s going back there.
  469. “Yeah, I've been hit on by a few ponies, or been set up on dates.”
  470. >“And... None of them caught your interests at all?”
  471. >By the end of this, you're probably going to seem like a douche bag.
  472. >Just let her down easy now. It'd make the rest of the day less depressing.
  473. “Look, I can see where you're going with this. Like I said yesterday, I unfortunately don't have any interest in forming a romantic relationship with a pony at this point in time. I mean, maybe someday I'll get over myself, but as of right now...”
  474. >She looks away and nods, clearly disappointed.
  475. >Ah hell, you're on the subject now, just get this over with.
  476. “What's your interest in me? I was told that you've previously taken hits to the head that left you dazed, and you'd apparently been acting all lovey-dovey around the first stallion you'd see for a while. I just assumed this situation found it's way to me. Is your head alright, or is there something more to this?”
  477. >She turns back to you, looking slightly more annoyed.
  478. >“My head is fine, thank you. My previous actions aren't much of the business to anypony, but if you must know, I've taken a liking to you. It's not everyday a stallion saves me. I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't caught me, so forgive me if I just try to express my thanks to you.”
  479. >See, there it is.
  480. >You feel like a jerk right now.
  481. “Sorry, I didn't mean it like that. It's just that it seemed really strange yesterday when you suddenly asked me if I wanted to fuck you in the bushes, or how you licked my ear and said we're going to have fun today... I mean, they're still confusing, but if I take that injury of yours into account-”
  482. >”That has nothing to do with it.”
  483. “I-... What?”
  484. >Her annoyed look suddenly turns into a sly grin.
  485. >“I was perfectly in my right mind with those. I meant every word.”
  486. >She starts scooting close to you again.
  487. >You can't help but move away slightly.
  488. >”We're just talking here, Anon. If I can't get you to like me that way after you get to know me, then I'll know I have no reason to keep going.”
  489. >You remain silent for a few moments.
  490. >This seems... way too easy.
  491. >If she says she was in her right mind during those actions, and with that claim of having fun, then she has to be up to something.
  492. “If you're just trying to get me to like you through talking... why did you ask for sex, and why did you lick my ear?”
  493. >She shrugs.
  494. >“Caught in the moment. I wanted a taste, and also wondered if you'd like that side of me.”
  495. “Right... well, you can mark that as a ‘no’ then.”
  496. >At that moment, you hear trumpets.
  497. >The show is just about ready to start as the Wonderbolts come flying in.
  498. >Each of them leave that trail of smokey lightning behind them like yesterday... save for one, who has a rainbow trailing behind her.
  499. > “Let's just enjoy ourselves, Anon. By the end of the day, no matter how you feel toward me, I'll be satisfied that I at least took the chance.”
  500. “Well... that's a surprisingly positive attitude there, Fleetfoot.”
  501. >Alright, it's not so bad.
  502. >Fleetfoot is a little weird, but you can handle weird.
  503. >She just wants to talk.
  504. >You can live with having a friendly chat while watching the show.
  505. >“So... What exactly is a 'human'?”
  507. >It's getting to the last third of the show.
  508. >Rainbow has managed to impress and amaze a lot of the crowd.
  509. >No Sonic Rainboom yet though. You wonder if she's going to do it at all.
  510. >If she does, it'll probably be something for the end.
  511. >Fleetfoot has been an alright pony to get to know as well.
  512. >Today wasn't turning out as bad as you thought it would be.
  513. >Heck, you'd even call her a friend.
  514. >The event that's starting is an obstacle course of sorts.
  515. >Plenty of shit in the air for them to get through, while also showing off whatever stunts they can manage.
  516. >“I'm betting Rainbow Dash wouldn't have any problems doing this.”
  517. “Probably not. At the rate she practices her flying skills, stuff like this is nothing.”
  518. >Once flags are waved, each Wonderbolt starts taking turns at doing the course.
  519. >“You know, I'm glad we have Rainbow Dash in the reserves. If she weren't, yesterday wouldn't have happened and I wouldn't have been able to spend the day talking with you. I've had a good time, Anon.”
  520. >D'aww.
  521. “Me too, Fleetfoot. It's been nice to just sit and talk.”
  522. >"Mmm."
  523. >She leans her head against you as you both watch the show.
  524. >You'll allow it. It's a decent moment, just let her have this.
  525. >“So... Do you, um... Any different thoughts about me?”
  526. >...
  527. >Well, that didn't take long to be ruined.
  528. >You put your arm around her and pull her in for a one-armed hug.
  529. “Alright. To be perfectly honest with you... I enjoyed our time together. I've had fun just talking about whatever came to mind, I've enjoyed listening to your expert opinion on what's been happening, and I am happy to say that I'd without a doubt call you a friend.”
  530. >She looks comforted to hear those words, but the smile she was wearing drops when she realises there's a 'but'.
  531. “But... I'm sorry to say that my feelings toward anything further than 'friend' are still not there. I cannot bring myself to be in that sort of relationship with something that isn't human.”
  532. >She gives a disappointed sigh and turns away.
  533. >“Well, can’t say you didn’t try, I guess.”
  534. >Next up on the course is Rainbow Dash.
  535. >The crowd of ponies give off some pretty loud cheers so she definitely became a hit.
  536. >As the flag waves and tells her to go, she takes off at incredible speed.
  537. >She seems pretty focused, the obstacles are no problem for her.
  538. >Through the noise in the stadium, you feel like joining them and are about ready to get up and cheer her name.
  539. >What stops you, is you feel some weight on your side and something moist in your ear.
  540. >It doesn’t take much to realise it’s Fleetfoot, and you pull away from her a second later.
  541. “Ergh, what the hell?!”
  542. >She takes a second to lick her lips before calmly responding.
  543. >“What?”
  544. “Why did you just stick your tongue in my ear?”
  545. >“You said that you didn’t have interest in me, and that’s fine. I accept that. Now I’m just going through with what I said.”
  546. “...What? You said you’d be satisfied regardless of whether I said I was interested in you or not.”
  547. >“Yeah, and I’m making sure that I will be because I also said that we’re going to have fun today, remember?”
  548. >She did say that yesterday afternoon, and she licked your ear afterwards...
  549. “I remember, but I thought that was just referring to hanging out all day...”
  550. >She giggles for a moment and slowly starts to approach you with a grin.
  551. >“Not the kind of ‘fun’ I was referring to, Anon.”
  552. >You hold your hand up to keep her from coming closer.
  553. “Kay, well none of this translates to ‘fun’ of any sort to me, so I think you can stop it...”
  554. >“Heh, just relax Anon and maybe you will enjoy it. Either way, I’m going to have my fun.”
  555. >So, she clearly is crazy.
  556. >Rather than put up with it anymore, you stand.
  557. “Okay, well I’m now uncomfortable and this sure as hell isn’t worth helping out Rainbow. Whatever you decide to do now, I’m sure she’ll understand and I’ll deal with it.”
  558. >She stops in her tracks and pouts a bit.
  559. >“Aww. Well, if that’s what you want to do...”
  560. “That doesn’t work on me, especially after what you just did, so don’t try it. I’m leaving.”
  561. >“Alright then.”
  562. >...
  563. >She’s way too calm about this.
  564. >Either you’re gonna be knocked out on your way to the balloon, or she’s that kind of crazy that doesn’t inconvenience others...
  565. >Best to not find out and put some distance between you and her.
  566. >You turn around to leave an-
  567. “...Oh...”
  568. >She joins your realisation with sarcasm.
  569. >“Ohhhhh.”
  570. “...Shit.”
  571. >You’re on a cloud... this whole stadium is just made of walls and clouds. No walkways or anything to each one, you fly to them.
  572. >You were flown here by her and Rainbow, and have nowhere to go until they help you back.
  573. “You realised that I’m stuck here, didn’t you?”
  574. >“I did.”
  575. >Brilliant.
  576. >Fucking Pegasi...
  577. >You turn around and sit back down.
  578. “This changes nothing. I’m still not doing anything to you, or letting you do anything to me.”
  579. >She just smiles.
  580. >“You are, actually, so I’m just gonna keep going.”
  581. >She moves closer to you again and you keep her pushed back with your hand.
  582. “I am far bigger than you and apparently stronger. Why would you think I’d just allow you to do whatever?”
  583. >“Because if you don’t, you’re not gonna like what happens.”
  584. >She says that with a... kind of unsettling grin.
  585. >Her eyes keep focused on you, but she’s definitely referring to something.
  586. >Surely she realises you’d be able to stop anything she does directly, so it must be...
  587. >You look back at Rainbow who’s finishing up her event.
  588. “What, you’re gonna dismiss Rainbow and finish up the show? Like I said, I’m pretty sure she’d understand if I was the reason for it.”
  589. >She just shakes her head, but keeps that damn smile.
  590. >“Not what I’m referring to. I’ve got a whole lot of pull here.”
  591. >Pull? Her Wonderbolt status.
  592. >Ohhh that’s low.
  593. “My god, are you seriously going to have Rainbow kicked out of the reserves if I don’t fuck you? What is your problem?”
  594. >She looks out to Rainbow, who’s showboating to the crowd.
  595. >“That’s not it. Truth be told, I like her. She’s got a future, and I’d hate to do anything to ruin that.”
  596. >Well then... What?
  597. >There’s really nothing she can do.
  598. “Then what do you honestly think you can do to get me to allow this?”
  599. >She looks down between you both with that smile of hers.
  600. >Your eyes follow.
  601. >...
  602. >There’s nothing there.
  603. >“I’m a Pegasus, Anon.”
  604. >You look back up as she does.
  605. >“As a Pegasus, there’s a certain skill that I have that most others do to.”
  606. >You think about it for a moment, but nothing is coming to mind.
  607. “And that is?”
  608. >“Cloud busting.”
  609. >...
  610. >Your eyes widen.
  611. “You wouldn’t...”
  612. >“Wouldn’t I?”
  613. >You look over the edge of your cloud.
  614. >Few hundred, maybe a thousand meter drop to the ground.
  615. “You’re gonna get me killed because I won’t fuck you?!”
  616. >“Of course not... well not intentionally, anyway.”
  617. “What?!”
  618. >“Accidents happen, Anon. If you were to fall, I’d try and save you, but I don’t think my flying is very good after hitting my head yesterday... and you’re a big human. I might not be able to save you.”
  619. “Well if you’re not deliberately trying to kill me, then there’s no way this kind of accident can happen...”
  620. >She stands up and moves to the edge of the cloud.
  621. >With a wink towards you, she falls over the edge sideways.
  622. >There’s a huge surge of fear running through you all of a sudden.
  623. >You move to the edge to see what she’s doing.
  624. >All you see is empty sky.
  625. >Or at least what isn’t being used as part of whatever they’re doing in the stadi-
  627. >One of your legs suddenly falls through the cloud, shifting all your weight.
  628. >You grab hold of whatever you can to make sure you’re not falling anymore before pulling your leg out of the hole that was made.
  629. >Fleetfoot sticks her head back up over the edge.
  630. > “Whoops. Sorry, I’m just trimming the cloud a bit. Make it a little more cozy.~”
  632. >Her head disappears back down and you hear her voice coming up through the cloud as she goes all under it.
  633. >“Not at all. Just fixing up the cloud in a needlessly horrifying fashion for anyone that may be sitting on it.”
  634. >As she says this, the edges of the cloud start getting kicked out.
  635. >She’s going in circles and starting to close in on you.
  636. >The cloud is shrinking and your heart is starting to race.
  637. >A fear of heights can develop in anyone when they suddenly have a very real chance of falling.
  638. >Whether she is able to save you or not, the end result could very well not be pretty, and you’d doubt anyone else is paying attention to get to you in time.
  639. >As she kicks out a bit behind you, you panic too much.
  641. >Your arms are shaking from fear.
  642. >The reduced space is making you question the stability of the cloud, or how much needs to be under you for this magic to work.
  643. >Fleetfoot comes back up and drops herself beside you again.
  644. >“Aww, I knew you’d let up.”
  645. “You’re a fucking psycho!”
  646. >“Or maybe I just saw an opportunity to test my limits as a daring flyer.”
  647. >You hadn’t realised until now, but you’re sweating from the terror were just put through.
  648. >She’s got you by the balls while you’re cornered... and she knows it.
  649. >You wipe your forehead with your arm and try not to make any eye contact with the crazy pony beside you.
  650. >“Now then, where was I? Oh right.~”
  651. >She puts her arms around you and leans in close.
  652. >With a satisfied giggle, she runs her tongue along your ear again.
  653. >Reflex pulls your head away a little bit, but fear for what may follow makes you put it back.
  654. >You hear her let off a small moan as her tongue starts getting in there and causes you to shudder.
  655. “This is fucking gross...”
  656. >“Salty.~”
  657. >You’re trying not to think about why she’s enjoying that so much, or that she’s doing it in general.
  658. >All you hear is moist sounds lapping in and along your ear repeatedly.
  659. >They stop for a moment so she can whisper.
  660. >“You don’t have anything else to say? No insults? No pleas? I don’t really care as long as I can hear your voice.~”
  661. >And her tongue is back in action again.
  662. “Your lisp is making you spit all over me.”
  663. >She suddenly bites down on your lobe and helix.
  664. “AHOOW!”
  665. >“Nothing about my lisp.”
  666. “Fucking...!”
  667. >She starts kissing at the parts she just bit.
  668. >Before long, her tongue is back in, along with a lot more of her mouth.
  669. >It’s like she’s trying to passionately eat out your ear.
  670. >It feels really weird.
  671. “Enough with the ear please! Jeez!”
  672. >She does as you wish, leaning back while wiping her mouth with her hoof.
  673. >“Just as well. Looks like they’re just about to start the last event.”
  674. >She’s right. All the Wonderbolts and Rainbow Dash are lining up while some other pegasi are setting up the track.
  675. >Looks like they’re ending on a race today.
  676. >“Guess I’ll have to get my fill now.”
  677. >You bring your hand up to rub your ear and wipe away her saliva.
  678. >As you do, you suddenly feel her teeth on your pants.
  679. >She’s managed to undo them and has a feel with her hoof.
  680. “Are you fucking kidding me right now?”
  681. >“Just preparing my seat for the race.~”
  682. >She runs her hoof along your undies and she feels your semi-erect dick through them.
  683. >“Hmm. So you were starting to enjoy that.~”
  684. “You fucking bit me!”
  685. >“Because you made fun of my lisp.”
  686. “Yeah well... You sound like a guy!”
  687. >“You seem to be really tensed and angry.”
  688. “Oh really? Because usually I go out for drinks with whoever threatens my life!”
  689. >She just smirks.
  690. >“You know this would be a lot better for you if you’d just relax. Enjoy me enjoying you.”
  691. >She doesn’t bother removing or lowering your pants or undies, she just rips off the button of the fly.
  692. >Reaching in with her hoof, she pulls your dick out in the open air and spends a moment looking at it.
  693. >“Well I wasn’t expecting it to look like this. It’s cute.”
  694. >Don’t dignify anything she’s doing with a response.
  695. >It’s bad enough your day just turned from enjoying a show to becoming a sex toy already.
  696. >Fleetfoot relaxes her upper body on your waist, slowly moving more onto you, which is forcing you to lean back on your elbows.
  697. >She strokes you with her hoof a couple times, and regardless of how much you don’t want to, he begins to rise to the occasion.
  698. >While you begin to hate yourself for the betrayal of your body, you feel her tail come up and wrap around your head.
  699. >You’d wonder what the point of that is, but then you feel her warm breath along your member, causing it it to twitch.
  700. >“Admit it, Anon. You want some of this.~”
  701. >She moves her arse up close to your face while her tail is wrapped around your head more.
  702. >What is this, some kind of sensual thing they do? Why the tail wrapping?
  703. >“Don’t say you don’t. The evidence is looking me in the face.~”
  704. >Blowing a bit of her tail hair away from your mouth and nose, you answer.
  705. “That means nothing. The annoying flaw with my species is stimulation always gets it up.”
  706. >No point in lying, you’ve got nowhere to go with this.
  707. >“Really? Wow. So if I were to say, lick under your sheath here?~”
  708. >Oh god!
  709. >You tense up a little as you feel her tongue run along the top of your penis before it slips under your foreskin.
  710. >She lets out a soft moan from her efforts, you let out a grunt as you feel her tongue circling around your head under the sensitive layer.
  711. >Pulling up after hearing you, she turns to look at you with a smug grin.
  712. >“And you’re saying you don’t enjoy that?”
  713. >Fucking penis.
  714. >No man can resist a foreskin licking... unless they don’t have one.
  715. >Your dick, now at full mast after that, is already providing the answer so you just try changing the subject.
  716. “It’s not a sheath, it’s a foreskin...”
  717. >“And it really gets you going, doesn’t it?”
  718. >You don’t respond. You don’t need to.
  719. >“It’s definitely getting me going. It’s about time I take my seat.”
  720. >Her tail unwraps itself from your head, but she gives you a view of her dripping marehood before anything else.
  721. >“I wouldn’t mind a kiss though.~”
  722. “Fuck. That.”
  723. >“I will. But come ooon. Just a little kiss on the ‘lips’?~”
  724. >She backs herself up, really getting it in your face.
  725. >Worse yet... she winks.
  726. >As it gets closer, it winks more.
  727. “Can you not, please?!”
  728. >“This is happening one way or another, Anon. You might as well enjoy it.”
  729. >She backs up fully and your mouth is met with the moistness of her vagina, her clit even poking your nose as it winks again
  730. >The worst is yet to come, so you just shut your eyes and give her a light kiss.
  731. >“Mmf.~”
  732. >You feel like gagging.
  733. >Once her arse is out of your face, you spit and wipe her juices off your mouth.
  734. >“Aw, that hurts.”
  735. “Piss off.”
  736. >“You know, if you’d just accept it’s happening and make the best of it, maybe you’ll see you can enjoy it as much as I’m going to.”
  737. “And if you weren’t a crazy bitch, I wouldn’t be subjected to this at all! I mean really, what’ll happen when I tell the others about this? What’s stopping me from calling for help before you bust this cloud and I drop?”
  738. >She positions herself over you and sits.
  739. >Not yet penetrating, she merely laid it against you while she slowly rubs her marehood across your shaft.
  740. >While she moans through a few deep breaths, she explains while her face starts to flush.
  741. >“If you called for help... I’d do the same...”
  742. >She turns her head to look at you with half lidded eyes.
  743. >“And who do you think is the more credible to believe? A Wonderbolt that plenty of ponies look up to, or a human?”
  744. >Her rubbing has slickened your shaft to a point where she’s just sliding over it.
  745. >You can feel her clit winking out at your sensitive head.
  746. >You’re trying hard to not let out any sounds that may indicate enjoyment.
  747. “And... What about Spitfire and Soarin? They know you pull this shit a lot, don’t they?”
  748. >“All they know is I develop crushes... They wouldn’t believe I’d go this far...”
  749. >Her tongue practically rolls out of her mouth as her grinding picks up some speed.
  750. >“They just... think that I make some stallions uncomfortable when I take a blow to the head... So they won’t believe you... Especially after I deny it.”
  751. >The crowd of ponies in the stadium suddenly start cheering loudly.
  752. >You hadn’t even realised that the race has just started.
  753. >Fleetfoot notices it too and lifts herself up.
  754. >“Well then... time to sit and watch the race.~”
  755. >Using a hoof, she reaches down to point your dick upwards as she positions herself overhead.
  756. “What if someone sees us? You’d be screwed then...”
  757. >“Thrilling, isn’t it? All they’d see down here is me sitting in your lap. They wouldn’t know what’s happening.”
  758. >The sudden louder cheering of ponies reminds you both about the main event currently happening.
  759. >Fleetfoot turns her head to look at you, bedroom eyes in full effect.
  760. >“Lets get comfortable and enjoy the race, shall we?”
  761. >At those words, she starts lowering herself.
  762. >The tip of your dick starts to push its way into her while she slides down onto you.
  763. >She lets out a long moan and her tongue hangs out of her mouth as she continues, but stops nearly half way.
  764. >You’re just holding your breath so you can get through this, but she’s insanely tight.
  765. >With another breath in, she raises herself until only your head is inside her, then begins to lower herself again.
  766. >This time she goes all the way. Dropping herself down to the hilt.
  767. >It proves too much and you exhale hard enough to sound like you moaned.
  768. >“Hehe… You’re gonna love this.~”
  769. >You just ball up you’re your fists, getting handfuls of cloud as she starts to gyrate on top of you.
  770. >“Aaahh yeeaah...~”
  771. >She lays herself back against you, resting her head on your chest and starts to slowly bounce up and down.
  772. >Your attempt at steady breathing is giving you a whiff of her mane.
  773. >Smells like coconut for some reason.
  774. >“I felt that... Mmm... You just smelled my mane...~”
  775. “Shut up...”
  776. >“Just admit it, Anon... You’re loving this as much as I am.~”
  777. >This is the problem with the male anatomy.
  778. >Every fiber of your brain can hate the situation.
  779. >If she weren’t in a position of power over you right now, you’d kick her in the arse and be on your way.
  780. >But no. Some part of you has to be a dick!
  781. >And no matter what your brain says, he’ll say otherwise!
  782. >The principle of the matter is to not give in to the basic desires and not let her win... or win any more than she already has anyway.
  783. >But it’s taking some restraint to not take hold of her hips and just let loose!
  784. >Her moans start to get more frequent and a little louder.
  785. >Her hips pick up speed and the walls of her marehood clamp and feel as if they’re trying to pull you further inside.
  786. >“OOOOHH YES!~”
  787. >Pushing her head back harder against your chest, her wings shoot outward as her back arches.
  788. >Her marehood clamps down on you and she rides out an orgasm.
  789. >There’s a feeling of fluids flooding around your shaft, dripping down onto you.
  790. >A few moments later, she relaxes and catches her breath.
  791. >Despite how tired she feels, she doesn’t lift herself off you yet.
  792. >In fact, she starts slowly gyrating again.
  793. >“Well, well... Look at Mr. Endurance...~”
  794. >God damn it, she realises you didn’t cum.
  795. >“This is going to be even better than I thought.~”
  796. >Before you even respond, your vision catches high speed ponies zooming past the both of you to the upper part of the stadium.
  797. >You completely forgot there was a race going on.
  798. >Not that you’d be able to watch it anyway... or at least pay attention.
  799. >“I think I’m gonna have to make you cum before they finish... Only fifteen more laps.~”
  800. >Great. Now you’ve got a timer.
  801. >Maybe she’ll get too tired to keep going if you hold out until then.
  802. >Fat chance, but... tiny, miniscule, insignificant victories...
  803. >Fleetfoot wastes no time in starting a steady bounce again.
  804. >This is beginning to get unbearable on you.
  805. >She’s started twisting slightly as she slides agonisingly slow on her way back down.
  806. >Every tight grasp she does around your dick causes it to throb within her.
  807. >She looks up at you, her face showing exactly how much she’s loving this moment.
  808. >“You can’t deny it Anon... I can feel how much you want it... You looooove my pony pussy, don’t you?~”
  809. >Her hooves reach for your hands.
  810. >You’ve unclenched your fists as she takes them and guides them to find a place on her cutie marks.
  811. >“Give me all you got!~”
  812. >Nope.
  813. >Not giving her anything she wants.
  814. >You hands simply rest where they are and you make best attempts not to hold her any tighter.
  815. >“Suit yourself, but I’ll still get what I want.~”
  816. >Her bouncing picks up speed again and your hands are going up and down with her as they rest on her sides.
  817. >Her moans become louder once again as she clamps down on you and following the same pattern as the first, she quickly orgasms again.
  818. >While she’s relaxing, she feels you still throbbing inside her.
  819. >“My g-... You... You’re a beast!~”
  820. >While you’re trying to regain yourself in this short break, you see the racers fly past once again.
  821. >And with that, Fleetfoot moves her hips again.
  822. >You don’t know how many times they’ve passed, your senses have been clouded.
  823. >“Whats the point... in holding it in, Anon?... Your body knows what it wants... I can feel how much you want me...~”
  824. >With a grunt in frustration, your head falls forward and finds rest in her mane.
  825. >“I don’t think you’re going to last another seven laps. Just let it go, Anon.~”
  826. “Plea-... Please stop talking...”
  827. >“You’re well into this already... You’ve made me cum twice now... Why don’t you just enjoy the rest of it like I will?~”
  828. >Her logic is really beginning to make sense.
  829. >Parts of your brain are saying that you’ve suffered enough.
  830. >You just want to take a firmer hold of these hips and drill up into her.
  831. >Your hands are even shaking at the thought.
  832. >“Mmm... Come on, Anon... Do it.~”
  833. “Shut UP!”
  834. >She lets off a giggle.
  835. >“You know, angry sex is pretty awesome. I bet you’d love to just slam right up into me, wouldn’t you.~”
  836. >Dear god, how many laps are left?!
  837. >Time feels like it’s slowed way the hell down.
  838. >“Three more laps...~”
  839. >Fleetfoot vigorously starts to bounce again.
  840. >Her muscles feel as if they’re trying to milk you for anything you’ve got.
  841. >It’s reached a point where your breathing becomes heavier and accompanied by a slight moan.
  842. >“Two...~”
  843. >Your head is way too clouded to take in the surroundings, but the racers must be going faster than you thought.
  844. >Each hilting on you, you feel her clitoris winking out before raising herself again.
  845. >Your fingers tense up and provide a minor grasp on her arse.
  846. >You’re not going to make this.
  847. >“Ahh... One!...~”
  848. >You’ve been going too long and the sounds of her moans ringing in your head are getting to you.
  849. >Every fiber of your body just wants to give in.
  850. >You take a deep breath and close your eyes for the impending climax.
  851. >...
  852. >...
  853. >...
  854. >“And the winner is Spitfire!”
  855. “Oh fuck what!”
  856. >That was an announcer.
  857. >The race is over, all you hear are ponies cheering.
  858. >Fleetfoot feels as if she stopped bouncing and is just relaxing against you.
  859. >You don’t feel any more relieved, so... you did it.
  860. >You outlasted the race.
  861. “Hah... fuck you...”
  862. >“Congrats. You lasted longer than I thought...”
  863. “Damn right...”
  864. >Your body kind of hates you for it, but at least you can catch your bre- OH GOD, she’s moving again!
  865. >“And how does that stop me from getting my prize, hmm?~”
  866. >...
  867. >You just drop your head back down in her mane.
  868. “I don’t fucking know!... I’m so confused!...”
  869. >She stops her bouncing and raises herself up to a point where just your tip is in her.
  870. >She turns her head back and to look at you with her lustful pink eyes.
  871. >“Come on, Anon... I want eeeevery drop of what you’ve got, and you know you want to blow it inside me.~”
  872. >Her hoof is guiding your hand in circles to make you rub her arse.
  873. >Honestly... what is the point now...
  874. >You’ve got nothing to lose, and hardly anything worth gaining.
  875. >The sooner you just get this over with, the sooner you go home and shower.
  876. >“-Closing out the show today is going to be Rainbow Dash with her special ‘Sonic Rainboom’.”
  877. >The announcers voice registers in your head again.
  878. “...Holy shit, she’s doing it...”
  879. >“Oooh, you’re going to cum inside me to a Sonic Rainboom.~”
  880. >Fuck!
  881. >Your dick twitches as her marehood is dripping down your shaft.
  882. >She squeezes down on it and turns her head to look at you again.
  883. >“Come on, Anon... Make it so I can’t walk straight! You know you want to...~”
  884. >Her wing comes up to lightly stroke across your face.
  885. >...
  886. >That’s it. You’re done.
  887. >You grab this bitch roughly by the arse and slam her down on you with one quick motion.
  888. >“AAAHH!~”
  889. >As soon as she lets out a moan, you raise your hand and deliver a hard swat on her cutie mark.
  890. >Lifting her up, only to slam back down into her, you’ve just completely lost yourself to your basest desires.
  891. >“AHH! AHH! YEAH! YES! YESSSS!~”
  892. >You suddenly don’t care what it is on your dick right now.
  893. >All you know is you’re going to fuck it hard and cum inside it.
  894. >“Ahh! Harder!~”
  895. >Along with your hands guiding her up and down, you lean back so you can start thrusting up into her.
  896. >Within seconds, you feel your peak starting to close in.
  897. >“Look... Here she comes...”
  898. >You take a look upwards and see Rainbow coming down from the sky fast.
  899. >Nothing of which deters you from your task at hand though, slamming into this blue and white bitch on top of you.
  900. >“Ahh!... Give it to me, Anon! Give me all of it!~”
  901. “Ohhhhhhhh... FUCK I hate you!”
  902. >With the sound of an explosion echoing in your surroundings mixed with rainbow colouring flowing through the air around you, you give one mighty thrust.
  903. >Finding yourself as deep as possible within her, you burst and stain the deepest parts of her moist tunnel white.
  904. >Stream after stream is fired off within her as your dick throbs against her walls.
  905. >The most she can do is turn her head upwards to seize your lips in as passionate a kiss as she can manage.
  906. >One you don’t care to return, but you’re mind isn’t responding enough to break it.
  907. >In your head, the tongue invading your mouth is overwritten by her muscles down stairs squeezing you for every drop.
  908. >Her own fluids gush out and around your shaft, mixed with your own.
  909. >Eventually you come down from it and fall back onto the cloud, which is followed with her as she continues to relax on your chest.
  910. >All you hear is crowds of ponies cheering as you both relax and regain yourselves.
  911. >Neither of you made an effort to remove yourself from within her, she seems content in just remaining like that for a while.
  912. >Her hoof takes your hand and puts it over her, rubbing her belly.
  913. >A minute passes and you’ve softened to a point where she wiggles and releases your member.
  914. >Fleetfoot rolls off you and tries getting to her feet, needing the aid of her wings to stand.
  915. >Once you realise she’s off you, you quickly take the opportunity to put your dick away and do your pants up.
  916. >You sit up and just see the celebrations of the crowd and the Wonderbolts.
  917. >You look at Fleetfoot, who’s sitting to the side and seems perfectly content with herself.
  918. >The sight of her bothers you. It’s making you think.
  919. >On top of the degrading thoughts that you’re nothing but a tool to get her off, there’s another nagging feeling in your head all of a sudden.
  920. “You set this whole thing up from the beginning, didn’t you?”
  921. >She chuckles, still rubbing her belly.
  922. >“Not all of it, but for the most part, yeah.”
  923. >Knew it.
  924. “Why?”
  925. >Her wings span out and she slowly flies over to you.
  926. >She lands in your lap again, but this time facing you… along with your pants having been done up.
  927. >“Like I said, I like you. You saved my life, and you’re a beautiful thing to see. I had to have you. Show how much I appreciate what you did, and see if you could help satisfy some needs of mine.”
  928. >It’s a really backhanded compliment when they say they want to rape you after you save them.
  929. >“So when I heard you say you weren’t interested in ponies, I made a plan to get what I wanted just in case. I figured you couldn’t fly since you use a balloon to get up here. I’m sorry it came to scaring you like that, but if you just went along with it, it wouldn’t have happened. Besides that though, I had to really hope you’d want to help Rainbow Dash.”
  930. >She even used Rainbow…
  931. >No wonder she didn’t argue about that.
  932. >“I saw how excited she was getting at the thought of doing a show. Had to make sure you’d come support her again if she could perform. If it weren’t for you wanting to help her, you wouldn’t be up here and we couldn’t have shared this.”
  933. “Well that’s all you’re getting! I won’t be in anything like this situation again, so you can forget trying to get more from me!”
  934. >“I know. That’s why I said I’ll be satisfied after today no matter what. You won’t want to come back up here after today, you’re not going to be alone on a cloud... I wouldn’t have had another chance like this so I took and savoured all I could... and I enjoyed every single bit of it.~”
  935. >She leans her head in and plants a kiss on your lips… which you don’t return.
  936. >You have no words.
  937. >All you can do is glare at her.
  938. >Everything about this whole scenario was looking bad from the moment she followed you home.
  939. >Why did you come up here? There was a chance to help Rainbow with a dream of hers, and you were nice enough to do it.
  940. >And this is what you get out of it.
  941. >Karma is a fucking whore.
  942. >When she finishes her kiss, she looks out and see’s the stadium emptying.
  943. >“Looks like it’s time for me to go. I’d say Rainbow Dash will be back soon.”
  944. >She plants another kiss on your forehead.
  945. >“I had a really good time Anon. I hope you’ll get over this silly thought of not wanting to be with ponies and give me another chance in the future… but I guess I shouldn’t hold my breath.”
  946. >She lifts herself off you and floats in the air.
  947. >Adding to the insults, she gives you another view of her marehood, still oozing with your seed.
  948. >“Look me up if you eventually want to have some more fun.~”
  949. >And just like that, she turns and leaves.
  950. >You cross your legs and bring your hands up to rub your face.
  951. >If today has taught you anything, it’s that good deeds in saving someone’s life, or helping to make someone’s dream come true, or both, are pretty much met with degradation and depression.
  952. >To be honest… you kinda want to cry a little.
  953. >You’re a man though… so you’ll just sit and mope for a while.
  954. >It takes a good ten to twenty minutes of sitting on a cloud alone for Rainbow to come in at high speed and drop down on her back next to you.
  955. >“I. Was. AWESOME!”
  956. >She rolls over onto her stomach to talk herself up.
  957. >“I can’t believe I finally got to do that! I showed off my moves, I pulled off some daring stunts, I even got to show off my Sonic Rainboom! This is the single greatest day OF MY LIFE!”
  958. >She finally rolls onto her side to look at you.
  959. >“And I couldn’t have done it without you Anon! You had my back and helped me get here! Honestly, if I weren’t worn out enough already, I’d probably jump your bones and show you how much I love you right now!”
  960. >Oh dear god, that’s all you need…
  961. >You just bring a hand up to rub your eyes with your thumb and index finger.
  962. >Rainbow see’s your lack of enthusiasm and stops.
  963. >“Hey… what’s wrong?”
  964. >Should you go ahead and tell her that one of her heroes terrified you into submission to have her way with you, or let her enjoy her moment?
  965. >“Is this cloud smaller?”
  966. >Hell, would she even believe you?
  967. >You may as well just test that earlier karma theory and not completely ruin her mood.
  968. “Just take me home, Rainbow. I don’t particularly want to stay here any longer…”
  969. >Rainbow at least knows you don’t want to talk and gets into position to carry you out.
  970. >Only thing on your mind now is… What now?
  971. >Is there really any point in this whole ‘not wanting to fuck ponies’ thing?
  972. >Cause apparently if you’re not careful enough, they’ll take what they want anyway…
  973. >It was a mistake coming up to Cloudsdale at all.
  974. >God damn Pegasi.

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