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[FR] Snakes Suck

By Brownee
Created: 2020-12-18 01:05:44
Expiry: Never

  1. Another story like Toothaches Suck where I'm not really in my right mind in writing it. I got bitten by a Red-bellied Black Snake and wrote this to pass the time in hospital. Like that one though, I'm not making excuses for quality, just letting you know the state of mind in writing it. I was coming down from the effects of the bite, as well as feeling the little effects of antivenom.
  3. --------
  5. "Hmm."
  6. >This is nice.
  7. >Peaceful, calming and nobody here to piss you off.
  8. >You may have to come here more often.
  9. >Following an incident involving a certain yellow pony, a trampoline and a super soaker containing what she described as 'Princess Cadances Love Juice', you decided to get out of town for the day.
  10. >You won't be shaking off memories of that any time soon.
  11. >Walking until you came to the river, you proceeded to keep following it along until you got an idea.
  12. >You made a quick walk back into town to purchase a couple things.
  13. >A fishing pole being the main item.
  14. >Bought some bait and a few snacks for the meantime and off you went.
  15. >Followed the river along until you got to an area that opened up a little more and seemed like a good spot.
  16. >Long grass in the surroundings, nicely shaded area and some large rocks along the bank to sit on and hang your feet in the water.
  17. >You're laying back and pretending to care about whether you catch a fish or not.
  18. >Sure, you wouldn't mind catching one, but as you just watch the leaves of the trees rustle through the soft wind, you find it difficult to give a fuck.
  19. >You take a moment to stretch your limbs, laying your head back further so it's practically upside do-
  20. >... A purple head just ducked down in the grass...
  21. "Twiliiiiight."
  22. >You wait a few moments, but no answer.
  23. >You sit up.
  24. "Twilight, I saw you. Otherwise I wouldn't say your name out of the blue."
  25. >Logic makes her peak out of the grass.
  26. "Are you following me?"
  27. >"... Possibly."
  28. "Do I want to know why?"
  29. >"I... may or may not be studying you."
  30. "Why, and why didn't you just ask?"
  31. >She steps out of the long grass and moves over to you.
  32. >"Because if you knew I was there, it wouldn't be a very good observation. I just wanted to see what you do when you're not around us."
  33. >She's David Attenboroughing you.
  34. >You don't really know if you should take offence to this.
  35. "Does this mean you were spying on me at home as well?"
  36. >"No. Just when you're out and about."
  37. >Lovely.
  38. >Well, can't really blame the nerd, she does obsess over details about you.
  39. >Honestly you should've expected something like this.
  40. >She hops up on the rock next to yours and sits.
  41. >"So... fishing?"
  42. "Yep."
  43. >"...To catch fish?"
  44. "I don't really think that word applies to any other context of this situation."
  45. >"Why then? What are you going to do with the fish?"
  46. "Uhh... Eat it, I guess."
  47. >She cringes.
  48. "I'm not a pony, Twilight. I can survive on fruit and veggies, sure, but I need meat. I could substitute what I gain from it with other foods, sure, but it just isn't the same."
  49. >She glances around a little before looking back at you.
  50. >"And... just fish?"
  51. "It's a compromise. I think everyone would freak out if I went around looking for beef or chicken or something. Fish seems to be the thing that is rather plentiful and hardly anyone cares about. I can live with that."
  52. >She sort of grumbles a little.
  53. >"I understand, I guess... But if you do that, other ponies might not like it..."
  54. "Not like they have to know. Hell, I'm sure if Fluttershy found out, I'll never hear the end of it. Just keep it to yourself."
  55. >You lay back down again.
  56. "So... you really have nothing better to do besides watch me? You have a god damn castle, is nobody complaining that their friend used a 'draw four' card in uno or something?"
  57. >"I think you have a different idea of what I do as a Princess."
  58. "Nah, I have a pretty good idea. You bum around all day."
  59. >"I do no-... Sometimes!"
  60. "Heh."
  61. >"Regardless, if something comes up, Spike can send me a message and I can quickly head back."
  62. "Right."
  63. >You hear a few splashing sounds.
  64. >The bobber in the water is bobbing up and down.
  65. "Ooo, here we go!"
  66. >You take hold of the pole and start reeling it in.
  67. >There's no struggle.
  68. >Like, you feel absolutely nothing.
  69. >Reeling it in completely, a bare hook comes out of the water.
  70. "... Bastard fish..."
  71. >Twilight giggles with a hoof held to her mouth.
  72. "You know, probably just as well. I wouldn't have a clue what to do even if I caught it."
  73. >You turn to start picking up your things.
  74. >"Then why do it?"
  75. "I dunno. Fun? Was just a thought when I came here."
  76. >Watch as you never bother doing it again!
  77. >Money well spent today.
  78. >Everything gathered, you nod to Twilight and start to walk back home with her.
  79. >"So if you aren't getting a fish, what are you going to do about your meat needs?"
  80. "Eh. It's not really a need, just a want. Quitting meat just like that when I came here was hard."
  81. >"Then this isn't a problem? I was under the impression you were an omnivore, judging by your teeth. You can survive on the same things we can, right?"
  82. "Well yeah, but not shit like hay or oats or crap like that. If it's gonna not be meat, it's gotta be something like a proper fruit or veg- Ah! AH! OW! FUCK! OW!"
  83. >A sudden pain shoots into your ankle.
  84. >You look down and-
  86. "SHIT!"
  87. >You weren't watching where you were walking and you stepped on a snakes tail.
  88. >Apparently that made it whip it's head around to sink its fangs into your ankle.
  89. >In reflex, you lift your foot up and smack it off with your hand.
  90. >The snake immediately slithers off through the long grass.
  91. >You decide to make a quick run to at least get out of the grass and into a clearing.
  92. >Twilight one ups you, following you out with flight.
  93. >Once you get on a dirt path, you kneel and grasp your ankle.
  94. >Bleeding. Nothing terrible, but it's sore.
  95. >Also feels like it's starting to swell up.
  96. "Ahhh, damn it..."
  97. >Twilight lands next to you, looking at the bite.
  98. >"Anon, we need to get you to the hospital right now..."
  99. "Oh shit, was it-?"
  100. >"That was a Black-bellied Red Snake. It's... venomous, though the effectiveness of being envenomed by it is questionable."
  101. "In what way?"
  102. >"Well, it's probably one of the least dangerous in the region, but you should still treat it seriously and get some medical attention."
  103. "Shiiiiit... Alright, lets go."
  104. >Black-bellied Red Snake?
  105. >What genius named it that?
  106. >You ignore the stupid process of naming animals and start walking... or limping.
  107. >Twilight keeps pace with you, looking concerned.
  108. >Guess the knowledgeable one would have a reason for that look...
  109. "So when you say least dangerous, does that just mean it'll mess me up?"
  110. >"Possibly. There haven't been very many reported deaths of ponies from those bites. Always some, but those can be from a wide variety of factors, most common being fillies and colts for their smaller bodies, but even that's rare."
  111. "Oh, so since I'm pretty big, I'd be fine?"
  112. >"I don't know. Even if it wasn't, there's still the possibility of longer lasting damage. In fact..."
  113. >Her horn lights up to take hold of the bottom of your shirt.
  114. "What-"
  115. *riiiip*
  116. >She just ripped off a large strip from your shirt.
  117. "Oh come on! I liked this shirt!"
  118. >Her magic wraps it around your leg, just below the knee, and makes a tight knot.
  119. >"That should hopefully delay any effects."
  120. >That's basic logic when faced with a snake bite, why didn't you think to do that?
  121. >She probably tied it that high because of how long it took to do it.
  122. >You both keep walking at the fastest pace you can manage and you reach town within ten minutes.
  123. >Problem is, seeing Ponyville also made you realise you're not feeling too good.
  124. >Also, that pain in your foot is kind of radiating a little further up your leg, yet at the same time you're losing some feeling.
  125. >Like, all you feel is pain, but the rest of the foot is really numb.
  126. >It's making you trip over nothing.
  127. >And of course you had to be on the opposite side of town from the hospital.
  128. >One more step finally makes your leg give out and you catch yourself on Twilight.
  129. >Then you notice how out of breath you are... as well as how much you're sweating.
  130. >In fact, you... you kinda feel like you need to vomit...
  131. >Twilight stops so you can try and right yourself, using her to lift yourself back up, but you fall right before you stand again.
  132. >She looks around, slightly panicked, before she starts dragging you.
  133. >Not that you take much notice of that, you're light headed.
  134. >She helps you to a nearby bench and sits you on it.
  135. >"Hang in there Anon, I'll get help and be right back!"
  136. "Go for it..."
  137. >With a purple flash, she teleports away.
  138. >You wipe the large amounts of sweat off your forehead and start breathing heavier.
  139. >That feeling in your stomach is getting worse.
  140. >Abdominal area starting to get tingley...
  141. >You really need a drink of water right now...
  142. >The feeling gets worse, enough so that the pain in your ankle is the only other thing you can feel.
  143. >You lean forward, holding your head in your hand.
  144. >Now you feel a burp coming up... which is just telling you that you're not holding it in anymore.
  145. >"Hi Ano-"
  146. "HEERRRGGHHH! *cough*cough* Oh god!"
  147. >That abdominal tingling suddenly turned into pain.
  148. >Also, someones voice...
  149. >"Oh my! What's wrong?!"
  150. >Ah shit, Fluttershy...
  151. >Of all fucking ponies...
  152. "Ergh... Snake bite..."
  153. >Your hand lazily points down to your ankle and she sees it.
  154. >"Oh no! My poor Anon!"
  155. "Not yours..."
  156. >"We have to do something!"
  157. "Twilight's already on it..."
  158. >"But who knows how long she'll be! I have to help you now!"
  159. >You sit back again and rub your face with both hands.
  160. >The sweating isn't really stopping.
  161. >Twilight really needs to hur-
  162. >Why do you feel something on your pants?
  163. >Glancing down, you see Fluttershy trying to unbutton our pants.
  164. "The fuck are you doing..?"
  165. >"I need to suck the venom out of your system!"
  166. >You put your hand down to impede her progress.
  167. "The bite was not on my dick!"
  168. >"But it's so far in your system that it could come out of it!"
  169. "Where the fuck did you hear that?! Aside from it being the wrong place, you also shouldn't be sucking venom out in the first place! Whichever idiot came up with that idea is probably dead from venom sucking!"
  170. >Doesn't really stop her.
  171. >"But you look really uncomfortable and I have to try something!"
  172. >You try pushing her away, but you find you're too weak for that.
  173. "If you do anything to my dick, I'll probably pass out!"
  174. >That seems to only make her go faster in undoing your pants.
  175. >Of course, if you're out of it, that gives her free reign over your body, you idiot.
  176. >She successfully gets them undone and starts to lower your undies.
  177. >A little unable to resist, you just say the first thing that comes to mind.
  178. "Fluttershy, I got bitten because I stood on that snake by accident. He's probably hurt."
  180. >Holy shit, that worked.
  181. >She completely drops what she's doing and starts to fly up looking in each direction.
  182. >When she looks back at you, you answer before she can ask by pointing toward the way you came.
  183. "That way... Long grass... river...ish..."
  184. >You drop your hand back down and feel completely exhausted.
  185. >She immediately flies off in the direction you pointed, not even so much as a goodbye or whatever.
  186. >Good to know she prioritises animals over taking advantage of you.
  187. >But god, that just used up too much of the little energy you have left.
  188. >You lean forward again, sweat dripping from your face, and wait a few seconds.
  189. >And like before, you vomit on the ground again.
  190. >Once that's done, you try to do your pants up again with shaky hands.
  191. >Then a purple flash appears in front of you.
  192. >"They're sending a medical cart to take you back Ano-... Why are your pants undone?"
  193. "Flu-shy... wanted dick... Fuck my stomach hurts..."
  194. >Twilight comes closer, though watches her step.
  195. >"You've been vomiting."
  196. "I really need water..."
  197. >"They'll bring some with them. It won't be long."
  198. >As if on queue, a pony wearing white pulling a long cart approaches.
  199. >Nurse Redheart jumps off the back and comes toward you.
  200. >"Mr Anonymous, how are you feeling?"
  201. "Like shit..."
  202. >She takes a moment to look at the bite.
  203. >"Can you climb up on the cart?"
  204. >You try standing, but fall immediately.
  205. >Nurse Redheart gets near you to try and lift you up while Twilight hovers over you to hold you up at your natural height.
  206. >Slow and steadily, you walk to the cart and climb on.
  207. >There's a small bed type thing in there you lay on.
  208. >"I'll meet you at the hospital, Anon,"
  209. "Kay..."
  210. >With that, Twilight teleports away again.
  211. >The cart starts moving and Redheart starts wiping all the sweat off your head and offers you water.
  214. >The next few hours are a bit of a blur.
  215. >You didn't pass out or anything, you were just too preoccupied with pain, dizziness and vomiting to take notice of anything else.
  216. >You rested reasonably well for a few hours while they rehydrated you and administered antivenom.
  217. >"See? This says they aren't even very aggressive, it just acted in self defence when you accidentally stood on it."
  218. >That didn't stop Twilight from staying with you, with a handy book to tell you exactly what you just went through.
  219. >Because she's useful like that.
  220. >"It lashes out to deliver a rapid, but often clumsy, bite and sometimes hangs on to try and chew savagely. That's why it hurt so much with the initial bite."
  221. >Realistically, that's probably just her way to avoid worrying.
  222. >Just read up on it to distract herself.
  223. >You don't blame her or anything, you were just a little careless.
  224. >"The venom has predominantly anticoagulant and myotoxic effects tha-"
  225. "Okay, enough knowledge. I know what I went through."
  226. >"You're lucky it wasn't something more dangerous."
  227. "I figured that."
  228. >"I'm just saying, you should be more aware of your surroundings.
  229. "It was long grass, I can't be expected to see everything in it!"
  230. >"I mean that you should've figured out what was in the area before settling there. What if it was a more dangerous snake?"
  231. "What, you take note of every single possibly dangerous thing wherever you go all the time?"
  232. >"Sometimes, yes."
  233. "And yet you walk into the Everfree every few days and become surprised in seeing something you didn't think you'd see that might be dangerous."
  234. >"Tha-... Alright, point taken."
  235. >Ha!
  236. >The victory of that conversation is shortened when you hear a tapping at the window.
  237. >Once you look over-
  239. >She has a fucking red snake wrapped around her neck and body!
  240. >"Anon, look who wants to talk to you."
  241. >Oh, you thought that was going to be a fetish guess or something, but there's a bandage around the tail of that snake.
  242. >She must've found the one you stepped on.
  243. >Twilight goes over to open the window and she flutters in, with the snake.
  244. >Surely there's rules against this...
  245. >"Anon, he wants to say he's very sorry for biting you."
  246. "Fluttershy, it's a snake that I carelessly stepped on by accident."
  247. >"And he acted very aggressively."
  248. "No, I probably would've punched whoever stomped on my arse as well. I don't blame the snake."
  249. >"...But he's very upset that he-"
  250. "You're just trying to get my guard down so you can finish what you started earlier aren't you?"
  251. >"...N-Noooo..."
  252. >She doesn't really have any standards when it comes to trying to courting someone, does she?
  253. >You could have the friggin' plague and she'll come up with an excuse to get close to you.
  254. "Fluttershy, tell the snake it was my bad, then get the hell away from me."
  255. >"Oh... Okay... Come on little snake, we'll say sorry another time."
  256. >She flies back out the window and leaves.
  257. >You look back at Twilight who's just sitting off to the side with a bemused look on her face.
  258. "What?"
  259. >"Are you afraid of snakes now?"
  260. "No. It's her I don't like."
  261. >"...You know she just wants to get to know you a little more, right? It's not so bad that she's showing interest in you like that."
  262. "Twilight, imagine a guy you don't particularly like that has a crush on you, and he decided to show that by waving around something dangerous in front of you on a regular basis just so you'd talk to him. Is that 'not so bad'?"
  263. >Her eyes trail to the side for a moment as she thinks of that, then focuses back on you.
  264. >"But she's the element of kindness, Anon. I hardly think she'd do anything dangerous, especially to somepony she really likes."
  265. "Well her 'kindness' is a little too extreme for me. She tried sucking me off earlier with the excuse that she's sucking out venom."
  266. >Before Twilight can even begin to think about that, a stallion in a white coat walks in levitating a chart.
  267. >"Mr Anonymous. We've administered the antivenom and you look a lot better than when you came in. How are you feeling?"
  268. "I smell like sweat, my foot still hurts and I could really go for something to eat."
  269. >"We'll have something brought up soon enough. Now, we don't know much about your species, so we're forced to give you the same treatment as we would anypony else here in this situation. We'll keep you overnight to make sure the antivenon does it's complete job, then we can send you home tomorrow if everything looks good."
  270. "Sweet."
  271. >"Indeed. Though I'd recommend you have somepony with you. You may still feel some minor pain and muscle weakness in your leg, so it's best that you remain in bed for tomorrow."
  272. >You blow a raspberry.
  273. >Now you need to find someone that's willing to be at your place all day tomorrow.
  274. >You've got a guess on who'd automatically volunteer...
  275. >"You can stay in the castle for the day if you'd like."
  276. >Twilight speaks up with a shrug.
  277. >"There's spare rooms, Spike and I can help you with anything, and there's plenty of books to read to pass the time."
  278. >Well, that's already better than the option you assumed would come up.
  279. >You give a thumbs up to the idea.
  280. >The doctor nods.
  281. >"Excellent. Then tomorrow morning, we'll release him into your care, Princess. Now then, best that you get some rest Anonymous. We'll check on you periodically."
  282. "Thanks."
  283. >The doctor leaves.
  284. >Twilight stands and starts to leave as well.
  285. >"I guess I should leave you to rest. I'll fix up the room and let Spike know what's happening. I'll be back tomorrow morning, Anon."
  286. "Great. Thanks Twilight."
  287. >Once she's out the door, you relax and close your eyes.
  288. >Hopefully they'll bring some food soon.
  291. >As promised, Twilight did help you back to the castle.
  292. >You feel completely fine, besides your foot which is still sore and weak at the time time.
  293. >The walk to the castle involved Twilight hovering next to you with your arm around her to walk.
  294. >Of course, the other plans changed.
  295. >Inside the castle were a fair few ponies that were coming to see her out of the blue.
  296. >She helped you to the room you'll be in, but her and Spike will likely be busy all day.
  297. >Spike at least said he'll come see you every so often to see if you need anything, but otherwise you're just laying in a bed reading some books.
  298. >You can live with that.
  299. >It's not like you're dying or anything, plus there's some dignity involved.
  300. >You're capable of limping around to get whatever you need, so there's not really any probl-
  301. *knock*knock*
  302. >Speaking of...
  303. "Yeah?"
  304. >The door opens and-
  305. >Oh jesus fucking christ, it's Fluttershy and the snake again.
  306. >"Hi Anon!"
  307. "Whaaaaat."
  308. >"I just thought that since Twilight is so busy today, I'd come and be your nurse."
  309. "I really don't need a nurse, and why the fuck do you have the snake again? Like really, if nurses carried snakes around with them all the time, they'd have heart attacks to deal with ontop of whatever they're already treating."
  310. >You put your book down to watch her.
  311. >Can't be too careful.
  312. >"Mr Licky here just wanted to try again and apologise to you."
  313. "Mr Licky?"
  314. >"Snakes do this adorable thing with their tongues."
  315. "I know, Fluttershy, but that's not licking. Also the fact that you named the thing that bit me is weird. And for the last fucking time, stop using the snake wanting to apologise as a way to get close to me, because I was the one that stepped on it."
  316. >"Oh I know. The poor thing has a broken tail."
  317. >Ah. That explains the bandage on it.
  318. >Then again, Fluttershy is also a nutcase.
  319. >There's some doubts that a broken tail, if thats even possible, would hinder a snake in the wild.
  320. >"So do you need anything?"
  321. "No."
  322. >"Is there anything I can do for you?~"
  323. "Hell no."
  324. >She flutters up onto the bed and sits at your feet.
  325. >The snake slithers down her body and goes onto the bed as well.
  326. "Look, I know that snake isn't typically aggressive and you probably used your bullshit animal powers to keep it under control, but can you please get it the hell away from me?"
  327. >"Oh he won't do anything Anon. He just wants to say hello."
  328. >You really aren't afraid of it, it's just a really uncomfortable situation.
  329. >It's just a situational thing you need time to get over.
  330. >If you've had one seriously bad experience with something simple, you become a little paranoid of it happening again.
  331. >Though this situation is amplifying the uncomfortable feeling because WHO THE FUCK BRINGS A SNAKE TO A SNAKE BITE VICTIM WHEN THEY'RE IN BED?!
  332. "Seriously, Fluttershy, please get it away."
  333. >"Shhhhh, shhh. Don't worry Anon. Just relax."
  334. >Oh jesus, she's really doing this.
  335. >She takes a few steps closer to you, hooves either side of your body as she gets closer to your face.
  336. >Luckily, unlike yesterday, you don't feel weak and you simply push her away with your hand.
  337. >Throwing the covers off yourself, you start getting out of bed.
  338. >"Anon, you need rest."
  339. "And you're disturbing that rest."
  340. >"I can help you relax.~"
  341. "By bringing a snake to bed? That's pretty fucked up, Fluttershy."
  342. >"He's just going to go explore. We won't be disturbed.~"
  343. >Explore?
  344. >The damn thing is moving to climb the bed post to your side.
  345. >Fluttershy takes the opportunity to push you back in the bed while you're distracted.
  346. >You respond by backhanding her in the face.
  347. >"That wasn't nice."
  348. "Nothing you're doing is nice!"
  349. >"I'm here to help you, Anon."
  350. "You've done absolutely nothing to help me today! You'd be more helpful if you left!"
  351. >"Oh don't say that. I know some ways to help you.~"
  352. >She starts trying to get ontop of you again.
  353. >"I never did manage to suck out that venom.~"
  354. "You're a bit late for that, and that's still not how it works!"
  355. >"We won't know until we try it. I just need you to relax.~"
  356. "How can I possibly relax when you're doing this?!"
  357. >"Like this."
  358. >She looks up above.
  359. >Your eyes follow.
  360. >...
  361. >That god damn snake was moving along the top of your bed.
  362. >It slowly comes down on your shoulder and moves in front of your face.
  363. >Coiling itself around your neck, it sits itself on your chest.
  364. >"Good boy, Mr Licky.~"
  365. >Holy shit, she trained the fucking snake!
  366. >You don't want to move, or even really breathe while this thing is here...
  367. >Like, one thing you know of snakes is that it takes some time to regenerate their venom.
  368. >Thank you Steve Irwin for that knowledge.
  369. >But you're not entirely worried about getting bitten here, you're worried about getting choked...
  370. >"Now then.~"
  371. >Fluttershy spins herself around on your chest and lowers your pants.
  372. >From this view, her arse is practically in your face.
  373. >And her tail isn't hiding her bits anymore...
  374. >You can see everything... and she's clearly excited about this situation...
  375. >"Ooooh, Anon, I found your trouser snake.~"
  376. >Oh god, that comment hurt more than the snake bite...
  377. >Her tail is flicked across your face a few times, the hair tickling your nose.
  378. >What you feel next tenses you up.
  379. >A few experimental licks over your unerect dick.
  380. >It doesn't take long to force it up.
  381. >Apparently it only got her more excited, her marehood starting to drip, tail flicking a little more.
  382. >Warmth engulfs your dick as she takes you in her mouth.
  383. >You lay there, still trying not to move since you're still fully aware that there's a fucking snake around your neck.
  384. >Though one thing catches your attention...
  385. >Fluttershy's tail is flicking across your face, as well as the snakes head.
  386. >And not that you can really tell, but you're getting a feeling that the snake isn't liking it.
  387. >Its body is still coiled around your neck, but it's moving down a little more.
  388. >Fluttershy's lips suddenly meet the bottom of your shaft as she deepthroats you.
  389. >Lifting herself off to breathe, she speaks up.
  390. >"You know Anon, while I'm trying to suck out your 'venom', there's a way you can return the favour if you want.~"
  391. >Her tails lifts up more, her marehood being shown to you.
  392. >Your clothes are going to be soaked by the end of this.
  393. >Her tail is still flicking across your face, but also the snakes... and it definitely doesn't like it.
  394. >Following the movements of Fluttershy's tail, it's mouth opens a little bit.
  395. >Once she brushes along its head again, it suddenly strikes.
  396. >"Ouch!"
  397. >Right on a butterfly of her cutie mark!
  398. >"That's too rough Anon!"
  399. >You just take the chance to speak while the snake is still around your neck.
  400. "Wasn't me..."
  401. >She sits up and looks behind her.
  402. >Her eyes widen when she sees the snake still sinking its fangs in her butt.
  403. >"Mr Licky! That's not nice! That hurts!"
  404. >She gently picks it off herself with her hooves, then rubs where it just bit her.
  405. >That was a terrifying thing to see...
  406. You're kinda surprised the pressure around your neck didn't get any tighter.
  407. >"Momma will speak to you about that later, but right now...~"
  408. >She gives you a grin and lowers herself back down.
  409. >And just like that, instant warmth and wetness around your dick again.
  410. >A fucking snake biting her arse doesn't stop this bitch.
  411. >You're stuck laying here and accepting this annoying fate.
  412. >Though a couple minutes pass and you notice something.
  413. >Fluttershy's mouth work starts to change, her breathing becomes heavier and her tongue movements sloppy.
  414. >She lifts her head up again and you can hear how heavily she's breathing without something in her mouth.
  415. >She spins herself around ontop of you again so she's facing you and you see her sweating.
  416. >"Maybe... we should move onto something... better...~"
  417. >She doesn't look good...
  418. >And you've got a pretty good feeling as to why...
  419. >She holds her lower half above your dick and clumsily attempts to get your penis inside her.
  420. >It isn't working, even if she has her hoof hold you.
  421. >After another minute of trying to focus on that, she suddenly gets so tired that she falls off you sideways.
  422. >As if whatever she was doing to the snake just broke, it starts to loosen its hold around your neck and move away.
  423. >How did that even work?
  424. >Don't question it, just get up and out of the bed.
  425. >"You're going... to love me... Anon..."
  426. >Okay, so clearly she's been envenomed by the snake, her sexual adrenaline probably making it rush through her quickly...
  427. >But why the hell did the snake have venom at all?
  428. >There is no way in hell that it would have regenerated its venom that fast...
  429. >...
  430. >Wait...
  431. "Fluttershy, how do you know this was the snake that bit me?"
  432. >"It was... the only snake I found... that looked like it had troubles..."
  433. >...
  434. >WOW!
  435. "Fluttershy, did you just pick up a random fucking snake out there?!"
  436. >"...N-... Uhm... Maybe?..."
  437. "You fucking dumb horse!"
  438. >The fucking animal expert, of all ponies, goes and picks up a random venomous snake out of the fucking blue.
  439. >She deserves everything she's getting right now.
  440. >"Anon... I don't feel good..."
  441. "I wonder why."
  442. >"...Can you make me feel good?~..."
  443. >Thats it.
  444. >You get off the bed and uneasily stand.
  445. >Limping toward the door, you open it and stick your head out.
  446. "Hey Twilight!"
  447. >It takes a few moments, but a flash of purple appears in front of you as she teleports in.
  448. >"What's wrong? Do you need something? I'm busy meeting some ponies."
  449. >You jerk your head in the room and let her see whats on your bed.
  450. "Your idiot friend needs to go to the hospital because she got bitten by a random snake she was using to molest me."
  451. >"What?!"
  452. >She rushes into the room to look over Fluttershy.
  453. >She spots the snake on the bed next to her and grabs it with her magic.
  454. >Taking the snake with her to the door, she yells out.
  455. >"Spike, we need to have the hospital send an emergency cart here right now!"
  456. >As Twilight rushes out of the room and you hear her saying panicked things around the castle, you look back at Fluttershy.
  457. >Karma literally bit her in the arse, and you're loving every minute of this... buuuut you should also help her.
  458. >You lay her so she's on her back and her head is on a pillow at least.
  459. >Her sweating is increasing a lot.
  460. >Weakly, she turns her head to you.
  461. >"Anon..."
  462. "What?"
  463. >You see her legs spread a little more.
  464. >"Could you... suck the venom out of me?~"
  465. >...
  466. "I fucking hate you, Fluttershy."

[FR] Fleeting Impulses

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[FR][Milky Way] Sampling Her Milk

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[FR] Toothaches Suck

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[FR] Snakes Suck

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[FR] Vehicular Accidents Suck

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