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[FR] Toothaches Suck

By Brownee
Created: 2020-12-18 01:03:20
Expiry: Never

  1. Random little story I did while absolutely off my tits on painkillers for each section because of an extreme toothache. Each section was written purely as a distraction from pain. Not making excuses for anything that may seem dumb or bad, just throwing that out there so my state of mind during is clear. I don't even remember writing majority of it, I just found the notepads of it on my desktop the next morning.
  3. --------------------
  5. *knock*knock*
  6. "Anon, open up! We need to talk!"
  7. >"It's open Twalot..."
  8. "Twilight!"
  9. >"Yeah, that."
  10. >You walk in and find Anon laying on his stomach on the lounge.
  11. "Why am I being told by Princess Celestia to talk to you about some dealings with changelings?!"
  12. >"... Wha?"
  13. "Changelings! What are you doing with them?"
  14. >"Who the fuck is 'changelings'?"
  15. "Changelings are creatures that feed off of love, Anon! Currently they're a threat to all of us, and you've been dealing with them!"
  16. >"...What? Naaaaah, I've been talking with a Green mare with black highlights or somethin, I dunno..."
  17. >He's slurring his words a lot, and you're realising he's drooling into the lounge.
  18. "What exactly have you been doing recently?"
  19. >"Got a mad toothache."
  20. "What?"
  21. >"Yeah, pretty bad. Been on a lot of painkillers and stuff..."
  22. >You look around and notice a pill bottle on the floor.
  23. >'Strong Pain Xtra'. The dosage is... well, normal for ponies, but given how he looks, maybe a bit much for him.
  24. >Or...
  25. "...How many have you taken?"
  26. >"A lot."
  27. "...Why would you take 'a lot'?!"
  28. >"Cause they're not working."
  29. "That doesn't automatically mean you should take 'a lot'!"
  30. >"I know, I haven't taken any in a while. I'm smart enough to not overdose."
  31. >...So he hasn't taken 'a lot'.
  32. >You aren't so sure about that.
  33. "Can you even lift yourself up?"
  34. >He closes his eyes and just chuckles out a response.
  35. >"Of cooouuuurse, but why would I want to. I'm rather comfortable right here..."
  36. "Well by the way you're talking and seeming to not be worried about my accusations of dealing with changelings, I'd like to think that... you..."
  37. >He hasn't opened his eyes again...
  38. >You poke his head with your hoof.
  39. >No reaction.
  40. "Did you just nod off?"
  41. >You smack him a little harder.
  42. "Hey!"
  43. >"AH what?"
  44. "Is there a reason you haven't gone to see a dentist about that?"
  45. >"As a matter of fact, yes. Problem is, it's not my first tooth problem and last time I went and saw Colgate, I found her sucking me off when I woke up."
  46. "...What?"
  47. >"Oh yeah! She fixed my problem, but decided to take advantage of me while I was doped up!"
  48. >You don't believe that.
  49. >It's incredibly unprofessional for somepony to do that.
  50. >He's just making excuses so he doesn't have to pay, or he's afraid of dentists like Fluttershy is.
  51. "Anon, why would Minuette want to do that to you?"
  52. >"Why wouldn't she want to do that to me? Look at me."
  53. >You slap a hoof to your face.
  54. >It's difficult to know if he's being serious when he's in this state.
  55. >Just get down to business.
  56. "Tell me about the pony you've been seeing lately."
  57. >He manages to roll himself onto his side at least to start explaining.
  58. >"Well, I was out seeing Zecora for whatever she could do about my tooth pain and on my way back, some random pony asked what was troubling me. I said I've got a tooth ache that is pretty much just throbbing pain up that whole side of my face. She said she could help with that."
  59. "And how exactly did she help with that?"
  60. >"Umm... well, she was a unicorn... just kinda hit me with magic and... poof."
  61. "...'Poof'?"
  62. >"No more pain... for a while, at least. Also felt amaaaaazing, was like a huge amount of morphine or something."
  63. "Why is this random mare helping you? What are you doing in return?"
  64. >"I have no idea. All she asks for was a hug each time... so I hug the fuuuuuck out of her. Soooo much relief... Fuckin' love the bitch."
  65. "Oh for the love of- Anon! She's a changeling! You've been feeding a changeling love through hugs in a state that you can't even really control! She's practically controlling you like that!"
  66. >"...Naaaaah, she's just helping my pain."
  67. "How often does she do it?"
  68. >"... I dunno, I just kinda snooze it off until she comes back around again."
  69. "Exactly. You do nothing but wait for her to come back so she can get a refill! She's being empowered by you and causing trouble elsewhere!"
  70. >Nothing about his expression changes, you don't even know if he's taking this in.
  71. >"... Huh, what a bitch."
  72. >Clearly not.
  73. "We're going to solve this, but first we're removing this pain of yours! Get up!"
  74. >"Bleeeeeh..."
  75. >With a sigh, you use your magic to roll him off the lounge and onto the floor.
  76. >He's doing absolutely nothing to help.
  77. >You're unsure whether he physically can't, or if he's just being lazy.
  78. >Figuring out which would be wasting time, you need him back here ASAP to trap the changeling.
  79. >You just drag him behind you with your magic as you exit his house.
  80. >"Why am I moving?"
  81. "I'm taking you to the dentist."
  82. >Those words get a sudden panicked reaction.
  83. >"Hell no! I'm not going there!"
  84. >Fortunately your magic keeps hold of him.
  85. "Afraid of the dentist?"
  86. >"Afraid of her raping me while I'm gassed, yeah!"
  87. "Anon, she's not going to do that. I don't know where you go that idea."
  88. >"By seeing her do it!"
  89. >You roll your eyes and keep walking.
  90. >He struggles all the way to Minuette's office.
  91. >He does seem pretty desperate, but he's probably still feeling the effects of the magic he was on.
  92. >You drag him inside and see Minette at the desk watching you drag in the patient.
  93. >"Hello Princess Twilight. And hello to you to, Anon."
  95. >"Charming as always. I see you remember me."
  96. "I'm so sorry. He has a toothache that's becoming a bigger problem than just pain. He's been hit with some magic and seems to think that you're going to... 'do things' to him."
  97. >"Indeed? Probably just frightened from his last visit. He needed a tooth pulled and took a lot to remain still. It made the experience... painful for him, to say the least. His fear is understandable."
  98. >Knew it.
  99. >He's avoiding dental work out because he's scared.
  100. >Adorable.
  101. >"If you could bring him in and put him in the chair, I'll take good care of him."
  102. "Thank you."
  103. >You drag the panicking Anon into the next room and get him into the chair.
  104. >"DON'T LET HER GAS ME!"
  105. >You have to put some extra magic into restraining him.
  106. >Keeping his arms and legs down so he can sit back in the chair.
  107. >Minuette prepares the gas, raising it to his face.
  108. >"Just relax Anon. Take a deeeeeeeeep breath and I'll help you..."
  110. "...What?"
  111. >He doesn't respond, he's trying to hold his breath.
  112. >Minuette just waits for him to start breathing again.
  113. >"Relax, Anon. You'll feel better after I'm through, I promise."
  114. >Eventually he is forced to breath.
  115. >He relaxes in the chair and can't put up any more struggles that can't stopped with light magic.
  116. >He starts to nod off.
  117. >"Perfect. Now then, Princess, I'll have his problem fixed very soon. Come back in a couple hours to pick him up."
  118. "Great. I need to go prepare to trap a changeling."
  119. >You turn to leave, but stop when you hear Anon let out a whimper.
  120. >Looking at him one last time, you just roll your eyes.
  121. >Fear of dentists. Cute.
  122. >You close the door behind you, only hearing Colgate get to work.
  123. >"Now then Anon... lets see how much relief I can give you.~"
  125. --------
  127. >"You're a fuc'hin bitch."
  128. "I'm sorry, what?"
  129. >"I hate you."
  130. "Anon, it's not exactly a problem you can just make go away with painkillers and magic, eventually you would have had to see a dentist."
  131. >"But Cholgate?! Any other dentist, Twilight! I fuc'hing told you what she'd do!"
  132. >You walk through town carrying the human sitting backwards on your back to take him home.
  133. >Anon's appointment went well.
  134. >Supposedly, he kept struggling, Minuette practically had to knock him out.
  135. >He'll be loopy for a while so it's easier to carry him home yourself.
  136. >Minuette said that his pain came from a tooth at the very back of his mouth and she performed a simple extraction.
  137. >Or at least, that's the version she tells you anyway.
  138. >It's also the one you believe.
  139. "I think you can drop the story Anon, it's over. Your fear of dentists doesn't have to haunt you now."
  140. >"I'M NOT FUCKING- AH!"
  141. >He brings a hand up to hold the side of his mouth.
  142. >"I'm not afraid of dentists! She literally sat on my dickh right after you left, rode me for a while until she was done, pulled my tooth out, then rode me again! She didn't get off my dickh the whole time!"
  143. "Anon, please stop, you're embarrassing yourself."
  144. >"Why won't you believe me?!"
  145. "Because you're implying that a pony performed dental surgery on you in the middle of intercourse. It's a little too ridiculous."
  146. >"She has ma'hic and just ripped the fuc'hing thing out!"
  147. >He gets worked up enough that he slides off your back and onto the ground.
  148. >"Ergh... fuck- ow..."
  149. >You sigh and move around over his head to look down on him.
  150. "Look, if it'll make you feel better, I'll look into the issue later. Not that I think there's anything to look into. Right now though, I need you as bait back at your house."
  151. >You take hold of him with your magic to lay him over your back and keep going.
  152. >He grumbles for a while.
  153. >"Wait, why am I bait?"
  154. "Because of the changeling we're trying to catch, remember?"
  155. >"...Nope."
  156. >If you weren't busy walking, you'd slap a hoof to your face.
  157. "Anon, you'd been unknowingly empowering a Changeling with love from hugs and other contact in exchange for some sort of magical pain relief. You were being used, and she's been overpowering other ponies and robbing stores with the power you give her."
  158. >"I don't remember such a thing."
  159. "How could you not?! You were practically drugged wi-... Actually, I think I just answered my own question."
  160. >You finally arrive at his place and push the door in, carefully not smacking his head on the wall as you enter.
  161. "Can you please just take my word for it? All you have to do is just be here. Rest even. The trap is set, we just need you here for her."
  162. >"Bleeeh... I don't wanna... I wanna 'o to bed and sleep off the terrible day..."
  163. "Perfect! Do that then, it makes no difference."
  164. >You take him to his bedroom and help him to bed.
  165. >He doesn't so much climb in as he just flops over the top of it, stripping his shirt and kicking his shoes off.
  166. >You'd guess given how long he was putting up with pain, he probably hasn't had a decent sleep in a while.
  167. >So this works out for both of you.
  168. >You look around for somewhere to hide and spot his closet.
  169. >That'll have to do.
  170. "Alright, I'm going to hide in your closet Anon. Just remember, if she-"
  171. >"*snore*"
  172. "...Right."
  173. >You open up and clear some space to sit.
  174. >It smells like him in here.
  175. >Also strangely a slight hint of Fluttershy.
  176. >Weird.
  177. >You keep the door open slightly and get comfortable.
  178. >It takes almost two hours.
  179. >Time you spent alone with your thoughts, pondering your position of watching the only male figure in town you're close to from his closet as he releases an insane amount of drool into his pillow.
  180. >Some knocking at his door snapped you out of your daydream.
  181. >"Anon? You home?"
  182. >Unfamiliar voice.
  183. >His front door sounds like it opened, indicating the mystery mare let herself in.
  184. >Hoofsteps make their way closer to his bedroom before you hear them just past the door you're behind.
  185. >"Aww. Poor Anon's so sore he passed out again."
  186. >The figure passes the door and moves to his bedside.
  187. >What did Anon say?
  188. >'Green Mare with Black highlights'?
  189. >Fits the description so far. Green body, very light blue hair with black highlights through it.
  190. >And a horn.
  191. >This must be her.
  192. >Though some more confirmation may be needed, just in case.
  193. >While your suspicions tell you to take action now, the chance of springing out of the closet and tackling an ordinary unicorn mare who likes hugs may look bad.
  194. >She leans down to his face.
  195. >"Anoooooooon... wake up.~"
  196. >"*snort* Who, Fu- where..."
  197. >He startles awake slightly sounding confused.
  198. >"Easy, Anon, it's just me."
  199. >"...Wha?"
  200. >"Bluegum, remember? How do you feel today?"
  201. >"Errrrrgh, I got raped..."
  202. >She brings her head back, confused by that statement.
  203. >"Uhm... okay then. Are you sore at all? You want to give me a hug so I can fix it?"
  204. >"Nah, it's fixed. That purple smart one came and forced me to go to the dentist to get it out... and get my dick wet unwillingly."
  205. >He's going to hold this against you for a long time, you just know it.
  206. >The mare jumps up on the bed with him to lay next to him.
  207. >"Awww, noooo. That means you don't need me anymore?"
  208. >"Myeah, sorry."
  209. >"Hmm... then maybe it's best I take in a large amount now."
  210. >"...Wha?"
  211. >She disappears from view as Anon just keeps laying there half asleep.
  212. >He seems to be rolled over on his back... and you hear a zipper.
  213. >Oh... ohhhhh...
  214. >This... COULD be the changeling taking love more effectively, buuuuut it still could just be an ordinary pony Anon is familiar with...
  215. >Could it be possible he's in a relationship to a mare he hasn't introduced to everyone?
  216. >"Mmm.~"
  217. >It would look very bad if you just burst out of the closet and use a spell to remove a disguise if she weren't a changeling.
  218. >Just wait a little longer.
  219. >All you see is Anon's face, still half asleep but it looks to be reacting to something.
  220. >Is she... sucking his-
  221. >"Ahh..."
  222. >That's a yes.
  223. >How he can remain half asleep through this is beyond you.
  224. >You hear the sounds of his pants being lowered as he lays there.
  225. >Your position is very uncomfortable right now to hear and partially see all of this.
  226. >"Time to give me all your love, Anon.~"
  227. >Your ear perks up.
  228. >You hear some sort of magic sound and a flash of green...
  229. >A look back to Anon shows him waking up more.
  230. >"Wha- WHOA, What the shit?!"
  231. >That's not a reaction somepony in a relationship would have.
  232. >"Is my dick in a cloaca?!"
  233. >That's DEFINITELY not a reaction somepony would have!
  234. >You buck the door wide open and see an undisguised changeling sitting over his midsection.
  235. >Before it can react, you run and dive at it, knocking it off Anon and tackling it to the floor.
  236. >While you remain on top of it as it struggles beneath you, you charge your horn to shoot a magical flare out Anon's window.
  237. >"Holy shit Twilight, what the hell?!"
  238. "I told you, the pony you've been seeing was a change-"
  239. >"Were you watching me sleep from my closet?! The fuck?!"
  240. "I said I wa- Oh forget it!"
  241. >The changeling keeps struggling, but your body keeps its wings pinned against you both while you do your best to keep its legs flailing.
  242. >You only have to keep it up for a 15-30 seconds so before royal guards come charging into the room.
  243. >With quick motions, you're rolled off the changeling so they can hold it down, allowing you to focus on restraining it with magic.
  244. >Once everything has settled, the guards take it away.
  245. >You look back to Anon, who looks confused while he rubs the side of his mouth.
  246. >"What just happened...?"
  247. >You sigh.
  248. "Like I've told you multiple times now, the pony you've been seeing was a changeling that you've been empowering with love in exchange for pain relief. Then she's been using that power to commit robberies before coming back to see you for a refill with a hug. Witnesses were saying they've seen a changeling around your home, and others have seen a changeling shifting disguises mid-theft. When word reached Princess Celestia, she wasn't sure if you were partnering with them or not, and asked me to investigate it. So with the assistance of those guards, I prepared a trap and they just had to wait for my signal... Alright?"
  249. >He sits there for a few moments, blinking.
  250. >Eventually he responds.
  251. >"So I get a god damn pain in my mouth and it makes me a suspect for thefts, and I get raped twice..."
  252. >He throws himself back down on his bed.
  253. >"Fucking toothaches are the worst..."
  255. --------
  257. *knock*knock*
  258. >"Yeah?"
  259. >Is he so lazy that he can't even be bothered to open the door now?
  260. "Anon, it's Twilight. I have something you need to hear."
  261. >"Uhh, any chance you could come back later? I'm pretty busy right now."
  262. "Since when are you EVER busy?"
  263. >"Since now. Go away please."
  264. >That's odd.
  265. >What could he be doing to not hear what you have to say?
  266. >Alright, well, just give him a few hours and come back lat-
  268. >What the-?!
  269. >You waste no time and teleport inside.
  270. >You spot him in his living room...
  271. >... Without his pants on...
  272. >... Grasping his crotch...
  273. >"Nrrrrgggghhhhhh that wasn't smart..."
  274. "What did you do?!"
  275. >He looks up at you and immediately tries to cover himself with his pants.
  276. >"Fuck sake, Twilight! I said I was busy!"
  277. "Do you really expect me to just walk away after hearing you scream?!"
  278. >He's about to retort, but stops to think for a moment.
  279. >Realising he can't argue that, he pulls his pants up.
  280. >"Fuck, whatever. What do you want?"
  281. "What were you doing?"
  282. >"I was disinfecting my dick. Burnt like hell."
  283. "Wha-... Why would you that?!"
  284. >"It seemed like a good idea."
  285. "How and Why does that seem like a good idea?!"
  286. >"Well, you saw what went down yesterday, I wanted to make sure I didn't get bugpone aids or something..."
  287. >It takes you a few seconds with your mouth hanging open, partially cringing, to process that.
  288. "And you thought that was necessary?!"
  289. >"Uh, yeah? What, are you saying that if you suddenly woke up to find a bugpone giving you a big ol' dicking, you wouldn't think you'd need a an extreme douching?"
  290. "... I-... You-... I-I don't think I feel comfortable discussing that!"
  291. >"Exactly."
  292. >Those thoughts cause you to shudder in disgust.
  293. >He's not shy in talking about stuff like that apparently.
  294. >You'll let it slide for this one time only given what happened.
  295. >"So why are you here, exactly?"
  296. >His reminder snaps you out of it.
  297. "Right... Uhh, I came to tell you that I went to go speak with Minuette like I said I would. Figured it's the least I could do since you helped out with catching the changeling."
  298. >That gets his attention.
  299. >"Yeah? How'd that go?"
  300. "Nothing that supports your claims. I still believe her side. Sounded like a standard treatment."
  301. >"Bullshit! I know what I saw."
  302. >You roll your eyes for a second before continuing.
  303. "Yes, well... Unfortunately for you, she also told me about something that you've apparently forgotten."
  304. >He raises an eyebrow.
  305. >"Which is?"
  306. "You need to go back in a few days."
  307. >"Uhh, what? Fuck that!"
  308. "You need to."
  309. >"Why?!"
  310. "The problem that was causing you pain is happening on the other side as well. She focused on the side giving you trouble first and thought it best to give you a break so a proper appointment could be made for the other side."
  311. >He sticks his finger in his mouth to feel around.
  312. >A raised eyebrow shows he suddenly realises what's there and pulls his finger back out.
  313. >"Oh fuck me."
  314. "Mmm. So your appointment is on Monday."
  315. >"But I'm not even in any pain there!"
  316. "She said it's best you get it removed before it does. I'm inclined to agree because I'd rather not come back here and find you taking too many painkillers."
  317. >"Oh pfft. Fuck Colgate then, just cancel it and make an appointment with someone else."
  318. >You move over to go sit next to him on the lounge.
  319. "Well... against my better judgement, I thought I'd give you the benefit of the doubt. You say she did these things, so here's your chance to prove it."
  320. >"Eh?"
  321. >You look at him with an uncertain expression.
  322. "I'll figure something out and when you go in for the appointment, we may be able to catch her in the act... if she does it at all."
  323. >He sighs.
  324. >"So I'm bait again?"
  325. "In a sense, yeah. Why, do you not want the truth to be known?"
  326. >"At the expense of fucking a horse again? Not really, no."
  327. "Pony, Anon. We're ponies. It's not all about you, if she does this sort of thing to you, who's to say she isn't doing it to other stallions."
  328. >"I'm to say that. Look at me, who doesn't want a piece of this? Far better than a stallion, hardly anyone can resist."
  329. >You eye him up and down as he gestures his hand the same way.
  330. "You know, it's very difficult to take you seriously when you act like that."
  331. >"Just stating the facts Twilight. I may be a damn handsome man, but that doesn't mean I want that kind of attention from all the single mares."
  332. >Again, you roll your eyes.
  333. "Think of it this way. Best case scenario, you go in, get drugged and you get your problem fixed before it comes back to bite you and leave. Worst case... you get a little bit of sexual attention that I can catch her in the act with and she gets reported."
  334. >He blows a raspberry.
  335. >"See, I don't even understand why you're even bothering because you clearly don't believe me."
  336. "Argh, look, It was unfair of me to put you in the position to be taken advantage of by the changeling yesterday and I feel like helping you with a problem your having is a way to repay you. Do you want help, or not?"
  337. >"Well, yeah, but this? I'm just surprised you're even considering doing it this way. I would've thought you'd do something bitchy like force a meeting between us for some one-on-one time, in which I'd probably get molested again since she has magic, then she'd lie about it afterwards."
  338. >You get up off the lounge.
  339. "Something like that, minus the ending, crossed my mind, yeah. Lets just say the way you keep going on about it is just making me want to make sure it's not happening."
  340. >"...Why?"
  341. "Minuette a dentist, Anon. If she's having intercourse with patients in the middle of their appointments, the matter needs to be addressed. Do you have any idea how unhygienic that is?"
  342. >"...THAT'S what you're focused on?!"
  343. "She'd be touching her patients and her own privates with those hooves, and sticking them in their mouths!"
  344. >"..."
  345. "What if they needed surgery when she does that?! However small a possibility that is of happening, it's STILL a possibility... and I can't get the thought out of my head...
  346. >You feel like gagging at the thought.
  347. "So are you going to go through with this or not?"
  348. >"... All I can think of is how if you think that's gross, you're in for a big a shock when a guy decides to eat you out one day..."
  349. "Wha- No, I- Ergh!"
  350. >Why do you even bother explaining anything to him?!
  351. >"Look, it's fine Twilight, whatever. If you're a germaphobe or... whatever you wanna call that issue, that's cool."
  352. "That's not the poi-"
  353. >"Either way, I'll do it. Kinda wanna see the look on that bitches face when she realises she's caught anyway."
  354. >For at least the tenth time this week, you slap a hoof to your face.
  355. >"Now would you mind if I went and took a shower? Since you interrupted my... uhh, private time I guess, my dick has just felt like it's been on fire this entire conversation.
  356. >Oh for the love of...
  357. >Surely he realises that he makes it really difficult to take him seriously for these kinds of situations.
  358. >You head to the door to leave.
  359. "Goodbye Anon!"
  360. >You slam the door on your way out.
  361. >"Seeya Monday, Twilight!"
  363. --------
  365. >Why are you doing this?
  366. >There's no reason to believe what he's saying.
  367. >You want to believe him, he's your friend, but...
  368. >Why does he have to accuse Minuette of sexual assault?
  369. >During procedures even.
  370. >Anon is a very... care free person... which also ties into being careless.
  371. >Both different traits, but both colliding.
  372. >Nonetheless, you promised to help him after he helped you, so...
  373. *knock*knock*
  374. >Perhaps being proven wrong will snap him out of it.
  375. >The door opens and he stands looking down on you.
  376. >"What up?"
  377. "You know very well 'what up'."
  378. >"Well aren't you fuckin' cheery today."
  379. "I'm forced to follow the claims of a human who is afraid of dentists, that believes his dentist is molesting him during his procedures, despite how utterly implausible and dangerous such a thing is, thereby possibly endangering the career of a very nice pony who is just trying to help you. What am I supposed to be 'cheery' about?"
  380. >"...Uhhh... It's a nice day?"
  381. >You look up.
  382. >...Well, it IS a beautiful day...
  383. >Doesn't really change anything though.
  384. >"Besides, Colgate is just putting on the act. She is Satan."
  385. "I don't know who that is, and I refuse to believe it until I see such a thing."
  386. >"Uh huh."
  387. >He shuts the door behind him and you both start walking into town.
  388. >"And I'm not afraid of dentists."
  389. "It's a common phobia, Anon. Lots of ponies don't like the thought of others looking in their mouths and doing things to their teeth, even if it's meant to help them."
  390. >"I am a fucking man and I can handle it when people put things in my mouth."
  391. "Uhh..."
  392. >"Yes, I said it that way on purpose to try and make a pointless joke."
  393. "Okay then..."
  394. >"Either way, I am dead friggin' serious when I say that Colgate was riding my dick when I'm half knocked out. She did it twice the other day! I swear on my penis it's true!"
  395. "Well, now that I know how you treat your little friend, I can't really take much from that statement."
  396. >"Disinfecting, Twilight! I was raped by a bug thing! What would you have done?!"
  397. "Still not discussing that!"
  398. >Sometimes you wonder how he functions.
  399. >A few more pointless discussions later and you're outside Minuette's office.
  400. "Alright. Here's what you do..."
  401. >He turns to you.
  402. >As he does, you immediately hit him with a spell, startling him.
  403. >"The shit?!"
  404. "Relax. The spell does nothing to you. It's more of a signal. Once your mind and body show signs of distress, it alerts me."
  405. >"Huh. How does that work?"
  406. "...Do you really want to know? Because if I explain it and you just say "Oh. Magic then." at the end of it, I'm going to be very annoy-"
  407. >"Magic, got it."
  408. "You weren't even listening!"
  409. >"Wha?"
  410. "Just-!... Argh! Just act normal and get in there!"
  411. >"I'm just teasing, Twilight. Good god, relax. Lighten up. I'll take you for drinks afterwards."
  412. >You sigh through your teeth.
  413. >What are you even supposed to feel right now?
  414. >He steps inside and you follow behind.
  415. >Empty waiting room, yet no Minuette behind the counter.
  416. >You walk up to ring the bell.
  417. >It takes nearly a minute, but surprisingly, Nurse Redheart comes through the doors.
  418. >"How can I help you?"
  419. "Nurse Redheart? What are you doing here?"
  420. >"I moonlight here occasionally. Minuette often needs assistance."
  421. >"Oh god, I'm gonna get raped by two of them!"
  422. >Nurse Redheart looks at Anon, confused.
  423. >"I'm sorry?"
  424. >You stomp on Anon's foot.
  425. >"Fu- AHH!"
  426. >He drops down to grasp it.
  427. "Don't mind him, nurse. He's paranoid over silly things."
  428. >"WHORE!"
  429. "He also swears at nothing when in pain. I'm trying to improve his manners."
  430. >The nurse looks at you both with an eyebrow raised.
  431. >"Ooooookay then. Minuette is currently busy with a patient, though it shouldn't be much longer. Please take a seat."
  432. >You nod and take Anon by the back of his shirt with your magic to the chairs.
  433. >"I'm capable of walking, why must you drag me everywhere lately?"
  434. "Why must you overdramatize situations, or be unhelpful in them?"
  435. >"Sorry, Princess. I'm but an innocent rape victim that simply wants justice. I apologise for being depressed."
  436. "Don't talk to me like that. I'm helping you, Anon, but your attitude lately has really made me question you."
  437. >"Ooooh, in what way?"
  438. "Your sanity, for one."
  439. >"You know what I think? I think you've had your head all up in your fancy arse treecastle for a bit too long, you forgot how to make the best of every situation."
  440. "What exactly, of these situations, is there to make the best of? I found you thinking you overdosed on painkillers, you were in severe enough pain to get the aid of a changeling which almost turned you into an accomplice for crimes, and you're accusing the town dentist of sexual assault and I'm forced to settle it."
  441. >"... Alright, point taken. We seriously should go for drinks later though."
  442. >Again, he's not taking this seriously.
  443. >You take a deep breath, in and out, through your nose.
  444. >A short while later, the door opens and out comes...
  445. "Pinkie Pie? What are you doing here?"
  446. >"Oh, Hiya Twilight and Nonny! I had an appointment with Colgate."
  447. "Why? What's wrong?"
  448. >"Nothing much. I just had holes that needed filling and she's the only pony I trust to do that for me. She's really gentle."
  449. >"PFFTHAHA-oof!"
  450. >You elbow Anon in the side.
  451. >Maybe it's just the atmosphere lately, but you really don't see the humour in these phrasings.
  452. >"Anyway, gotta get back to work. Byyye!"
  453. >Hopping out the door, Pinkie takes her leave.
  454. >That means Anon will be called in soon.
  455. "Alright, remember what I said Anon. Just act normal. The spell will do it's job."
  456. >"Righto."
  457. >A few seconds later, Minuette comes through the door with a clipboard hovered in front of her.
  458. >"Anonymous. Good to see you again."
  459. >He stands shakily...
  460. >"...N-Nice to see you too... Colgate..."
  461. >Oh dear.
  462. >"I... look forward... to getting loooooooots of relief from you..."
  463. >Normal, Anon! You said act normal!
  464. >Normal for him is yelling at Colgate, why is he putting on this act?
  465. >Colgate looks as confused as you.
  466. >"Uhm... are you feeling alright?"
  467. >"Greeeeaaaat! Just great! Lets get to you and the nurse fiddling with me!"
  468. >He struts past her and makes his own way through.
  469. >Colgate is speechless, looking at him as he passes, then looks to you, confused.
  470. >"Is he alright?"
  471. "Ohhhhh... I wish I could say yes..."
  472. >Minuette blinks a few times and shrugs, closing the door.
  473. >Her fading voice echo's through the halls.
  474. >"Nurse Redheart, could I have your assistance please?"
  475. >At the request, Nurse Redheart leaves as well.
  476. >Now you're alone, in the waiting room.
  477. >Should give you plenty of time to think.
  478. >What if Anon really is telling the truth?
  479. >Could he actually be serious?
  480. >Maybe he's trying to mask the situation with humour as a defense mechanism.
  481. >He did joke about mares liking his body... maybe that wasn't a joke?
  482. >Seeing a changeling mount him in his sleep might not say a lot since they're changelings, but...
  483. >His clothes in his closet smelt like Fluttershy for some reason...
  484. >Not to mention that Minuette seems to take his attitude surprisingly well.
  485. >It seems like something she'd be used to, surely there's a lot of fillies and colts she see's that must be terrors.
  486. >But Anon is a full grown human and could do a lot of damage, verbally and physically.
  487. >Yet she seems to take it in stride...
  488. >Perhaps too well...
  489. >And... if you are being 100% honest with yourself... he is a fascinating individual.
  490. >It isn't really all that difficult to see interest in him, so it stands to reason that it's possible a lot of other mares do as well.
  491. >And he's in there right now with one that he claims is very interested in him...
  492. >So much so, that he claims sexual assault during treatments...
  493. >Not that it rules out the possibility that he's insane, but it cou-
  494. >Oh, as if on cue, your horn starts to tingle.
  495. >A light purple glow surrounding it and the tingle turning into what feels like a minor vibration are indicative of the spell signalling you.
  496. >He's in distress right now!
  497. >You get to your hooves and lock onto his position with the spell, then teleport.
  498. >With a flash of light, you appear in a treatment room a-
  499. "What in Equestria are you doing?!"
  500. >Anon is held down in the chair with blue glows of magic surrounding his wrists and legs while Mineutte lays over the top of his body.
  501. >Her rear is positioned over his groin, and barely see his pants showing signs of an erection as the bulge is pointing up into Minuette.
  502. >Nurse Redheart is up near his head, holding it to face forward.
  503. >The moment they hear you, both look at you, surised, while Minuette is startled enough that she reels back.
  504. *pop*
  505. >"What the-!"
  506. >"AHHHHH!"
  507. >...And as she does so, you notice the tool her magic was holding in Anon's mouth... ripping a tooth out.
  508. >"Ohh wow, that isn't good..."
  509. >She puts the bloody tooth on the tray next to her.
  510. >"Nurse, clean that please."
  511. >"Yes Doctor."
  512. >Minuette raises herself up off of Anon and lands on the floor to approach you, removing her mask as she does so.
  513. >Her horn is still glowing, keeping his arms and legs secured with magic.
  514. >"Princess Twilight, what's wrong?"
  515. "Uhh... What-... What were you doing?"
  516. >"I was extracting one of the teeth he needs removed... as was appointed..."
  517. "Ohhhhhhhh... I-I thought..."
  518. >Oh Anon, why...
  519. >"You thought...?"
  520. >You sigh.
  521. >You really don't have a way out of this, so just come clean.
  522. "I thought you were... having intercourse with him..."
  523. >She stares blankly at you, as does Nurse Redheart after hearing that.
  524. >Anon speaks up with his mouth still open.
  525. >"'e 'as! 'ill her!"
  526. >You tightly close your eyes and cringe, hoping this is a terrible dream you'll wake up from.
  527. >What snaps you out of it is Minuette giggling.
  528. >"Ohh, Princess, don't tell me he convinced you of that."
  529. "Not exactly, I just... agreed to find out for him."
  530. >Minuette giggles more.
  531. >"I see. Well, rest assured, I am doing no such thing."
  532. "It's just... your position just then, it seemed..."
  533. >She turns and moves back toward Anon.
  534. >"Allow to explain and demonstrate."
  535. >Moving to the side of him, she gestures her head toward him.
  536. >"Anonymous is a very tall individual, even with how far I can make this chair lay back..."
  537. >She moves to his midsection and climbs up onto him.
  538. >"Anypony else I can just stand beside them to see what I need to. I need to have a clear view, and sadly with him, I essentially need to lay across him just to see into his mouth."
  539. >She looks down at her positioning and laughs.
  540. >"Though, I guess now I can see what made you think that."
  541. >"'ET HER O'H! 'Y 'ICKH!"
  542. >Anon is still screaming.
  543. "Uhm... what?"
  544. >"I believe he just said "Get her off! My dick!"."
  545. >You look at his pants again, and now notice that his fly is still done up.
  546. "I'm sooooo, so sorry, it's just I also noticed that he has a... bulge..."
  547. >She looks down at his pants as well.
  548. >"Ah, yes. It's just something that often happens with stallions. Their mind wanders when they breathe in the gas or get injected with anesthetic, and it occasionally does... that."
  549. >She looks away, embarrassed.
  550. >"And I was sitting right across it, oooh boy..."
  551. >This causes Nurse Redheart to giggle as well.
  552. >"'E 'AS 'APING 'E! 'E' 'ER A'AY!"
  553. >He's still panicking?!
  554. >"He said "She was raping me. Get her away."
  555. "Oh, Anon..."
  556. >"It's fine. I think it's just an effect of the anesthetic mixing with his phobia of dentists. It's actually pretty common. Your friend Fluttershy apparently sees me as a monster when I treat her."
  557. >Dentist Phobia!
  558. >You knew it!
  559. >Why did you go along with this when it's so obvious he's just afraid of dentists?!
  560. >"'ill 'e 'ich!"
  561. >...
  562. >'Kill the bi-' Okay, you get it.
  563. >The spell reacted to his panicking simply because his fear is mixing poorly with the anesthetic and making him think that her unorthadox, but necessary way of helping him was sexual assault.
  564. >And you feel all sorts of embarrassment for teleporting in on this and looking like a fool.
  565. >"Ready, Doctor."
  566. >The tweezers Nurse Redheart was holding come out of Anon's mouth, holding bloodied cottonballs.
  567. >Minuette retrieves her tools with magic again and lays back over his torso, putting her mask back on.
  568. >"Alright, lets get number two... gently this time..."
  569. >You look away, hiding your face with your wing as you try to move to the door.
  570. >"Princess, have you seen Anonymous's mouth in detail yet? It's quite fascinating."
  571. >...
  572. >Well, you haven't actually...
  573. >And you do enjoy learning more about him...
  574. >"Come, take a look."
  575. >At her insistence, you grab a nearby stool and move over to him to look.
  576. >The small mirror she has is used to guide your eyes as she explains.
  577. >"He has a mix of blunt and sharp teeth."
  578. "He's an omnivore."
  579. >"So it seems. If you also look down here, I've found another couple of holes that he should have filled, so I'll schedule another appointment next week for those..."
  580. >How are his teeth like this?
  581. >Maybe you should have a word with Pinkie Pie so she doesn't sell him so many sweets...
  582. >"Now, at the very back here is a strangely positioned third molar tooth. It doesn't seem to cause him discomfort, but I imagine it might with some others of his species because it's crowding. Unfortunately, a hole he didn't have treated has grown to a point where it's rotten and decayed."
  583. >Her mirror shows an entire side of the tooth is gone.
  584. >That explains all his pain.
  585. >"This is the cause of his previous discomfort and is best to remove now."
  586. >As her tweezers work to grasp the tooth, the pressure she applies gets a reaction out of Anon.
  587. >"'UCHIN 'E' OH' EH' ARG'H EGH' AH'!"
  588. >What in the world...
  589. >"Anonymouse, please refrain from talking or this will get complicated.
  590. >"EA' 'E!"
  591. >Okay, that one you got, he said 'Eat me.'"
  592. >While he keeps trying to swear at her, Minuette's magic applies the necessary pressure while Nurse Redheart holds his head straight.
  593. >With a few wiggles, his tooth eventually comes loose without much indication of pain from him.
  594. >Once removed, she places it on the tray with the other and hops off him.
  595. >Nurse Redheart cleans it with another cottonball and Anon seems to calm down.
  596. >"Alright, just give him a couple minutes and he'll be good to go."
  597. >Cotton balls are placed where the removed teeth where and his mouth is closed.
  598. >The nurse leaves and Minuette starts doing paperwork at the nearby desk.
  599. >Anon seems to snap back to reality, blinking a few times before looking at you.
  600. >"Twilight?"
  601. "Yes Anon."
  602. >"...Did we get her?"
  603. "No Anon... you stupid human..."
  604. >He looks confused but that lasts all of two seconds.
  605. >"I can't feel my face..."
  606. "Really?"
  607. >Lets test this.
  608. >With a surge of emotion...
  609. *slap*
  610. >The sound of you slapping Anon with the side of your hoof startles Minuette.
  611. >Before she questions you, you just raise a hoof towards her.
  612. >He's been acting like a lunatic, and bothering you with his behaviour a lot.
  613. >Even accusing Minuette of sexual harrassment.
  614. >IT WAS A PHOBIA!
  615. >You just couldn't help the surge of emotion and took the opportunity to slap some sense into him.
  616. >He just looks back at you.
  617. >"Hahaaaa... Didn't feel that."
  618. "Good!"
  619. >Surge of emotion or not, you would have regretted hurting him.
  620. "Now, you owed me drinks..."
  621. >You help him up and out of the chair and take a moment to gain the advice of Minuette, as well as details for his next appointment to fill those holes.
  622. >Using your magic to help him remain steady, you escort him out.
  625. >"You said we'd be able to-
  626. >"I know, I know! But we couldn't do it when Princess Twilight appeared, could we?!"
  627. >"I suppose not. You covered it pretty well though."
  628. >"Thank you. I pulled that excuse out of my flank on the spot. Don't worry though, she seems convinced. We just have to wait for next weeks appointment..."
  630. --------
  632. *knock*knock*
  633. "Anon... Are you in there?"
  634. >"Fuck off, Twilight!"
  635. >Guess you'll be having this conversation through the door then.
  636. "You're still upset, huh?"
  637. >"Naaaaaah, that's my new way of saying "Come in and have a beer with me!"."
  638. >It's been a few days since you embarrassed yourself for him in front of Minuette.
  639. >Admittedly, you were mad at him for what he was doing, but then it occurred to you.
  640. >At the end of the day, he's just a lone human who was scared out of his mind by a dentist.
  641. >People react to fear differently.
  642. >He... apparently claims sexual assault.
  643. >It's odd, but not implausible.
  644. "Come on, Anon. How long are you going to hold this against me? What do you really expect me to do?"
  645. >"Leaving me alone is a start!"
  646. "I'm not doing that..."
  647. >You sit down on the front step and rest against his door.
  648. >Trying to smooth it over with a lunch afterwards didn't go any better.
  649. >Once the anesthetic wore off on him, he wasn't very happy with you.
  650. >"Are you still there?"
  651. "Yes."
  652. >"Why?!"
  653. "Princess of Friendship, Anon. I ask again, what do you expect me to do?"
  654. >"No, see, that! That right there! That's the problem!"
  655. "...What do you mean?"
  656. >"This whole friendship bullshit! You act like you're trying real hard to be my friend, but you really couldn't care less!"
  657. "What? Why would you think that?"
  658. >"I know how fucking serious a sexual assault charge is, you think I'd claim that shit lightly?! Fluttershy has been harassing me for some time as well, but I haven't thrown that around because so far she's been pretty harmless about it!"
  659. >Fluttershy?
  660. >Wait, Fluttershy is actually doing something to him?
  661. >Is THAT why his clothes smelt like her?
  662. >"So when I say that Colgate is raping me whenever I go to see her, you can bet your arse I'm telling the fucking truth!"
  663. >...
  664. >Well...
  665. >Okay, he's got a point, it is a very serious accusation and doesn't really seem like something he'd throw around without reason.
  666. "I'm sorry you feel that way, Anon... It's just that everything I saw the other day seemed reasonable with how she explained it..."
  667. >"It's called LYING, Twilight! Everyone does it, even you!"
  668. >Okay, that's getting a little mor-
  669. >"Well maybe not Applejack, but even if she did, it'd be pretty bloody obvious she was..."
  670. >...Getting a little more personal.
  671. >Could that be true?
  672. >If Anon really was telling the truth and Minuette really was intending what he says she's done previously...
  673. >... But then again, it could still just be an irrational fear of dentists...
  674. >Why is this so hard to think about?!
  675. "Anon... this is a really difficult position for me. My whole purpose seems to be spreading the magic of friendship, and one would think that of all places for that to have effect, it'd be the town where I live. I know everypony here and it's just... extremely hard to see someone like Minuette doing as you claim."
  676. >"Then that's what you ask yourself, how well DO you know Colgate? Compare the amount of time you've spent with her to me."
  677. >Well, that's sort of an unfair comparison...
  678. >Minuette has lived here her whole life while Ano-...
  679. >...Anon is a new species to Equestria and you've previously obsessed in knowing every single detail about him and his world.
  680. >Okay, so... on some level, you technically know Anon better than most others in this town.
  681. >It's your curious nature and want to learn.
  682. >And while you consider Anon a friend, the sad truth is that you've kept a negative attitude toward the situation, partially because of his own attitude.
  683. >When it seems like he's not taking it seriously, it's hard for you to take it seriously, despite how hard you're trying for him.
  684. >Your negative attitude made you focus on the negatives of him as an individual, namely how care free he can be.
  685. >Rather than investigate fully as you should have done, you simply took the word of the supposed offender simply because Anon was being himself.
  686. >And to think... you're referred to as a Princess...
  687. "Alright, Anon... I admit it."
  688. >No response from him.
  689. >You just hope he's listening.
  690. "On some level, maybe I just simply didn't want to believe such a thing was happening. I love this town and everypony in it. I'm doing my best as a Princess to spread friendship in any way I can, and... Maybe I just blocked out the possibility of something like that happening."
  691. >With a light thump, your head rests against the door as well.
  692. "I'm blind to the possibilities of some behaviour going on in my very own home simply because I don't want it to happen. Then I go and side with the pony that has claims against her simply because you were being you... I know you well enough to know how you act, but for some reason I took it an annoyance for the situation. I saw something strange going on, yet was so uncomfortable by it that I just accepted the first explanation I heard, which sounded logical..."
  693. >You pause for a few moments and sigh.
  694. "Dodging the responsibilities I'm supposed to uphold because I didn't want to believe them. Some Princess of Friendship I am..."
  695. >Still silence.
  696. >Maybe he didn't want to hear it and went out of earshot.
  697. >You're about to get up and leave him in peace, but then the door opens and you fall backwards.
  698. >Laying on your back in his doorway, you look up at him.
  699. >"You're not a bad Princess, Twilight. You're just... inexperienced."
  700. >He kneels down closer to you.
  701. >"Yes, maybe I could've toned down my regular attitude a little and really take this seriously so you can, but it's hard to change who I am. Aside from that, I'm also now realising that even if I did prove Colgate is a rapist, that puts you in a situation you wouldn't really know how to handle."
  702. >That's true.
  703. >Vanquishing evil with the Elements of Harmony?
  704. >Stopping invasions of dangerous critters?
  705. >Creating peace between two factions?
  706. >You do those every year.
  707. >Dealing with criminal activities on the other hand...
  708. >What is the limit on when you should stop spreading friendship and really address the situation?
  709. >You honestly wouldn't even know where to begin.
  710. >You can't even imagine how you'd tell somepony that you need to sentence them to the dungeon...
  711. >"Alright, how about I make this a hell of a lot easier on you?"
  712. >You raise an eyebrow.
  713. >"We prove that Colgate is a bitch who molests me, I'll get my five minutes of verbally abusing her and then simply request a restraining order. That way, I don't ever have to see her again and you can go ahead and do your regular friendshippy bullshit on her, or whatever. You address the situation as Princess YOUR way."
  714. >...
  715. "I'm not really sure how I should respond to that..."
  716. >"You need experience in dealing with shit like this, and I simply want this to be over. While I don't particularly give a shit if it ruins Colgate's reputation and career, you clearly do. This is the only solution I see that solves both our problems."
  717. >He's right.
  718. >You don't really know what you'd do, but if he just wants it to be over, then something needs to be done.
  719. "Alright... I need to bring this to an end. But if I do that, and there's no evidence of her sexually assaulting you... then what?"
  720. >He shrugs.
  721. >"Hypothetically, I'll bitch and moan about it forever, but I'll also not need any more dental work done and don't have to see her again. In the future, I'll just see some other dentist..."
  722. >So realistically, the only negative consequences to come out of this are you embarrassing yourself again for accusing a nice pony of sexual assault.
  723. >"But don't worry... she'll do it again. I'll bet my dick on it."
  724. >You smirk.
  725. "Still not sure I should take anything from a statement like that after-"
  726. >"You want me to remind you that you'd do something similar again?"
  727. "...No."
  728. >You roll over and stand up.
  729. "Alright... if we're doing this again, I need to find a new spell. The one we used last time I didn't take into account that it responds to any form of distress."
  730. >"I'm not afraid of dentists..."
  731. "Well, maybe we'll see if that's true or not. Your appointment is Wednesday. I'll see you then."
  732. >You turn and leave.
  733. >"Thanks, Twilight."
  734. >It doesn't matter what the outcome is, you are not looking forward to this...
  736. --------
  738. "..."
  739. >"You okay, Twilight?"
  740. "..."
  741. >"...Hellooo?"
  742. "..."
  743. >"If you're not going to answer, I'm going to poke your mouth with something phallic."
  744. "..."
  745. >Hang on, what?
  746. >You stop channelling and blink a few times to snap back to reality.
  747. "Don't you dare!"
  748. >Anon yanks his hand back and away from your head.
  749. >"Oh, there you are. I wasn't sure if you were sleeping or whatever."
  750. >You rub your eyes for a moment and remember you're sitting on a bench in the park.
  751. "Did the glowing horn and eyes not tell you I was in the middle of a spell?"
  752. >"Honestly, I don't even know when you're doing a spell anymore. You do too many at any given time."
  753. "There's very clear hints for when a pony is using a spe- You know what, I've got too much stuck in my head right now that I can't even try to explain this..."
  754. >He raises an eyebrow.
  755. >"Yeah, I noticed you did look pretty disturbed throughout that. What were you doing?"
  756. >Witnessing something you'll never get out of your head...
  757. "I was testing the spell I'm going to use to help you."
  758. >"Oh yeah? What's that?"
  759. "It's called 'Mind Vision'. Basically, it allows me to see through your eyes and hear what you hear, while also hearing my own surroundings, without you feeling a thing and even knowing I'm there."
  760. >He suddenly grabs his crotch.
  761. >"I already don't like where you're going with this..."
  762. "I haven't used it on you yet, and I won't ever again after I do. It's an old spell, dark magic even. It was hidden in the castle of the two sisters for a reason, it seems. Imagine what would happen if somepony got hold of it to spy on anypony they want..."
  763. >"Like you're doing now?"
  764. "No, I-... Well... yes, but I was testing it, and I don't really have any other alternative to help you. I'm a responsible pony, Anon."
  765. >"Riiiiight. Your disturbed look is totally saying 'responsibility'."
  766. "Ha ha. Actually, given what I just saw, I think anypony would be disturbed as well before having any chance to do damage with it. Even still, it'll need to be removed again."
  767. >"What, did you see someone start masturbating?"
  768. "...Not... quite..."
  769. >"Ew, what did you see?"
  770. "Weeell... You got me curious when you mentioned Fluttershy had been giving you unwanted attention like that as well. I just... investigated that..."
  771. >You take a moment to process what you just saw.
  772. >"Oh. That would've been fun."
  773. "No... No, not really. Did you know she has a little shrine of you in her basement?"
  774. >"She previously mentioned something like that, yes."
  775. "What about having a lock of your hair that she kisses every so often?"
  776. >"... Well that's creepy."
  777. "And you're more concerned with Minuette?"
  778. >"Well yeah. Fluttershy's been harmless about it so far so I'll let her slide. Colgate got my dick wet without my permission. That's just something you don't do."
  779. >Ergh, why does he have to keep phrasing it like that.
  780. >This is what you kept referring to.
  781. "Alright, Anon, I need to be honest with you..."
  782. >"Oh here we go."
  783. "Shush. I admitted already that I didn't put as much effort into investigating this situation as I should have. I was too uncomfortable by everything you were saying and what I first saw, that I just took Minuette's explanation and agreed with it."
  784. >"She's lyiiing."
  785. "I'm not saying she's not, but you can take that as clear evidence that this whole thing is bothering me. You said you'd work on taking this seriously."
  786. >"I am."
  787. "Well then can you PLEASE stop talking about your supposed intercourse like that?!"
  788. >He holds both hands up in front of him.
  789. >"Alright, alright, jeez. We should really talk about that later, 'cause how are you gonna seduce a guy if you can't handle a little dirty talk? I mean I know you're smart and all, but if you're just gonna keep calling it 'intercourse', you're going to have to at least combine it with a pair of glasses and a pencil in your mouth."
  790. >You only respond by narrowing your eyes at him.
  791. >He gets the message and makes a gesture signifying zipping his lips.
  792. >You get off the bench and look up at him.
  793. "Well, at least the spell seems to work. Are you ready for your appointment?"
  794. >"I'm about to have holes filled, while also probably filling a hole unwillingly myself. 'Bout as ready as I can be."
  795. >You bring a hoof up to rub your temple.
  796. "Anon, please..."
  797. >"Sorry. I'm seriously trying to tone it down..."
  798. "Alright, just... Let's go. I'd just like to not hear any more of this."
  799. >You both start walking in the direction of Minuette's office.
  800. >Along the way, the only conversation you had was him wanting details about Fluttershy's Anon shrine.
  801. >You really need to talk with her after all this is over.
  802. >Or... at least stumble across it accidentally in her house.
  803. >You're not sure how to approach that...
  804. >Something for another day it seems.
  805. >Pressing issues ahead for now.
  806. >You're still having your doubts that Anon's story is true, but he keeps managing to make you re-think it over.
  807. >At this point, you're on a 'Maybe she is, but probably isn't.'
  808. >Which doesn't really say anything.
  809. >You're only there because you had to think about your position with Anon himself.
  810. >You said you'd investigate it properly and you didn't, which bothered him considerably.
  811. >The only way to really put this matter to rest is to do exactly that.
  812. >Which is what you're now going to do, seeing as you've arrived at her office.
  813. >You move off to the side of the building and sit.
  814. >Anon follows you, and once you're comfortable, your horn starts to glow.
  815. >With a flash of white in your own vision, your view changes.
  816. >You're higher off the ground than you just were and you have a view of the area behind you... as well as yourself.
  817. >"...So..."
  818. >And you hear his voice, both coming from where your vision is placed, as well as in front of you.
  819. "I'm currently in your head. I can see myself through your eyes."
  820. >"Huh..."
  821. >He waves a hand in front of his face.
  822. "Yes, I can see that."
  823. >"Awesome."
  824. "I can also see my own body. Glowing white eyes, mouth talking with what I'm saying... this is pretty disorienting."
  825. >What you see is based on where his eyes look.
  826. >Not being able to see freely yourself is so strange.
  827. "Okay. It's safe the say the spell will work. I can see and hear whatever you can, but I don't know what you're thinking. I can't smell, taste or feel anything you do either. Head inside and go about your appointment as normal. Just get a clear view of everything."
  828. >He nods and starts to leave.
  829. >He gets a little distance away and whispers to himself.
  830. >"Can you hear me?"
  831. >You speak a little louder to make up for the distance.
  832. "Yes Anon."
  833. >"Okay, sweet. Just making sure."
  834. >He proceeds to the entrance of the building.
  835. >Okay. This is it.
  836. >You can't communicate with Anon like this, so everything relies on what happens with him.
  837. >Hopefully he doesn't give away what you're doing.
  838. >He pushes through the doors and walks up to the front desk.
  839. >After ringing the bell, he hums a random tune to himself as he waits.
  840. >Before long, Minuette herself comes out to greet him.
  841. >"There you are, Anonymous. I'd been waiting."
  842. >"I'll bet you have, ya dirty bitch..."
  843. >Well... at least that's his version of 'acting normal'.
  844. >Minuette glances past him for a moment before looking back.
  845. >"You're alone today, I see."
  846. >"Just getting holes filled, right? Don't need help home."
  847. >She smiles.
  848. >"Holes will be filled, yes."
  849. >What a strange way to phrase that...
  850. >"I'm never going to have a normal fucking visit here, am I?"
  851. >"You're the only one that makes things difficult Anonymous. If you'd just learn to relax, you'd probably enjoy yourself more often."
  852. >Anon looks down and brings a hand up to rub his forehead.
  853. >"Clearly the concept of boundaries is lost on you, so maybe you just need a clearer message. I pay you to fix my fucking teeth without touching my dick, Colgate! Try doing it for once!"
  854. >Minuette only smiles and steps out from behind the desk and over to the nearby doors.
  855. >"This way, please."
  856. >She took a comment like that remarkably well.
  857. >Anon does as he's asked and heads through the doors.
  858. >A short walk down a hallway, he follows her lead into a treatment room.
  859. >"Take a seat."
  860. >He rolls his eyes and does so.
  861. >Wow, yeah, that seat really is way too small for him.
  862. >Like, it was obvious when you saw him laying in it, but his perspective makes it more obvious.
  863. >Once he lays his head back, Minuette calls out.
  864. >"Nurse Redheart, could you come and assist please?"
  865. >Anon's eyes widen when he hears that.
  866. >Nurse Redheart is there again, it seems.
  867. >That might complicate things for Anon.
  868. >If Minuette is doing things to him, would she do it in front of Nurse Redheart?
  869. >She also doesn't seem to be the sort of pony that would go along with it.
  870. >But... the other day, Anon was also worried about her inclusion as well.
  871. >Nurse Redheart walks in and positions herself at the top of Anon, hooves placed at either side of his head.
  872. >He just looks up at her.
  873. >"God, you're here too..."
  874. >"That's right, Anonymous. Nice to see you again."
  875. >"Fuck off."
  876. >And you have to sit through conversations like this...
  877. >Once again, his attitude is making it difficult to take this seriously.
  878. >Aside from a few odd phrasings, they've been polite to him.
  879. >"I asked Nurse Redheart to be here today, Anonymous. You and I know how you act during these procedures. She's just going to ensure you're secure and comfortable, as well as making things easier for me.~"
  880. >"Oh joy, I can't wait to be restrained to eat out horse pussy!"
  881. >Minuette approaches Anon again, her magic holding a... syringe?
  882. >"Attitude like that gets you nowhere, Anonymous. Open up."
  883. >"Hang on, why the fuck do you have tha- OW!"
  884. >She pricks him in the cheek and starts injecting it into him.
  885. >"Whoops! See why you shouldn't talk when I tell you not to?"
  886. >...Why didn't she correct that mistake?
  887. >"Ah, you bitch!"
  888. >From the way Anon's eyes are moving, you think he's moving his jaw up and down.
  889. >He must already be starting to go numb.
  890. >Why would she need anesthetic for this sort of procedure?
  891. >He lifts his head up a little and you and he both notice that his arms and legs are restrained to the chair with Minuette's magic.
  892. >Minuette approaches his side and climbs up on him and lays across his torso, in the same way you'd seen her do in his last appointment.
  893. >Standard dentistry tools are levitated in front of her.
  894. >Nurse Redheart's hooves take hold of his head and lays it back gently.
  895. >"Okay, lets get this out of the way. Open wide, Anon..."
  896. >He does as he's told and just stairs up at the light shining down on him.
  897. >Maybe the anesthetic is having an effect on him while his face goes numb so the light doesn't bother him, but it's bothering you.
  898. >Minutes pass and he only occasionally looks away and you see glances of the ends of Minuette's tools moving in his mouth.
  899. >As thought before, so far it seems like a standard procedure, aside from some strange phrasing.
  900. >That could very well just be Minuette's personality with certain patients though.
  901. >How does somepony like her really deal with others with attitudes like Anon?
  902. >"Alright, Anon. Take a mouthful, rinse and spit."
  903. >The attention of Anon and yourself is brought back as his vision spots a cup held up to his face.
  904. >It's raised so he takes in water, after which Minuette climbs off him.
  905. >His vision is slightly shakey for a few seconds as he rinses, before he leans over the small sink to his side and spits.
  906. >He lays back again, and Minuette is nowhere to be seen.
  907. >Likely doing paperwork of what she just did.
  908. >Nurse Redheart remains where she was, hooves resting either side of Anon's face.
  909. >Okay... So...
  910. >That seems to be done...
  911. >Anon takes a number of heavier blinks, but you don't see any suspicious activity.
  912. >He's just laying there silently, probably waiting to feel his face again.
  913. >All you hear through him is a little shuffling of papers nearby.
  914. >Paperwork, like you thought.
  915. >So... Anon is wrong.
  916. >Just like you thought!
  917. >This whole thing didn't even remotely seem to have him start panicking like he did the other day!
  918. >You just spent the last 15 minutes staring at a light because he was, while seeing dentist tools dancing around at the bottom of his vision, and an occasional glance of Nurse Redheart!
  919. >Ohhh you are going to have such words with him about this.
  920. >What a colossal waste of time.
  921. >Just stop the spell now and wait outside the doors fo-
  922. >"Now?"
  923. >Wait...
  924. >What did Nurse Redheart say-
  925. >"Now!"
  926. >Anon suddenly jumps in his chair.
  927. >"AH! FU'H!"
  928. >He glances downward and you spot a syringe with a blue glow around it sticking out of his mouth pumping more anesthetic into him.
  929. >"Now we can move onto you filling us, Anon.~"
  930. >Minuette climbs back ontop of him, except with a much more sultry look on her face...
  931. >Okay... this is... not looking like standard procedure...
  932. >Anon's head lifts up enough to see Minuette's magic glowing on his pants to undo them.
  933. >His head drops back again as he blinks heavily.
  934. >You've got your clear suspicions on what's happening right now, but you need to see it.
  935. >Something definitive, clearly viewed of what they're doing.
  936. >Whatever Minuette just injected into Anon's mouth is clearly taking effect, his vision is blurring between the moments his eyes are open.
  937. >Even his hearing seems to be muffled.
  938. >She could very well have given him a large does of anesthetic and his mind isn't properly registering his surroundings.
  939. >You do your best to understand what you can hear.
  940. >"*Mmmh... Mmmh mmph mmm mmphea*"
  941. >This keeps going for a couple minutes.
  942. >Come on Anon, just open your eyes!
  943. >"*Mmh Mmmph Mph -incess Twilight wo- ooph mm -terupt us today...*"
  944. >Anon's starting to come around...
  945. >All he sees is white.
  946. >"Oof... been waiting all week for this...~"
  947. >"Well at least you're here to keep his mouth busy so he stops yelling...~"
  948. >Wait...
  949. >The white he see's is moving.
  950. >He gets a glimpse of the room past it, and something pink connected to the whi-
  951. >Ohhh, you think Nurse Redheart is sitting on his face...
  952. >Oh no...
  953. >Your suspicions are confirmed when she lifts herself up slightly to look down on him.
  954. >"Colgate, I think he's coming to."
  955. >"Mmm~... Nothing a little more anesthetic won't fix..."
  956. >Anon gets a quick glance down.
  957. >It's hard to clearly make out, but you definitely see a blue silhouette ontop of his midsection.
  958. >And it appears his pants are undone.
  959. >Then you see a blue light levitating a syringe and a bottle again.
  960. >That's it!
  961. >You've seen and heard enough to draw the conclusion that they're assaulting Anon!
  962. >You need to get in there before he's injected again!
  963. >With a little focus, you stop channelling your spell.
  964. >A flash of white across your vision and your minds eye returns to your body outside.
  965. >You have to blink a lot to readjust to your surroundings, and shake off some disorientation.
  966. >...And you're greeted with the face of a grey mare sitting in front of you, watching you.
  967. >A certain mare with asymmetrical eyes.
  968. "Uhh... Derpy? Were you watching me?"
  969. >"Hi Princess. I was."
  970. "Why...?"
  971. >"Just wondering what you were doing."
  972. >Kind of an odd thing to d-
  973. >Wait, Anon!
  974. "Derpy, I need you to come with me please!"
  975. >Before she can even question why, you spring up.
  976. >Charging around the corner and through the front doors, you just assume Derpy is following you.
  977. >You run towards the doors that lead to the treatment rooms, opening them with your magic as you approach.
  978. >Once you get to the room Anon is in, you slam them open with your magic and enter.
  979. >And, just as you last saw them, there it is, clear as day.
  980. >Minuette having intercourse with Anon while Nurse Redheart rubs herself along his face.
  981. >Your entry startles them both, Minuette's magic dropping the syringe it was holding on the floor.
  982. "Get off him!"
  983. >Their flushed faces look at you, a panicked expression showing they know they've been caught.
  984. "NOW!"
  985. >They don't test you and immediately climb off him.
  986. >They move to the side of the room and avoid eye contact with you, seemingly frightened of the situation.
  987. >You hear hoofsteps coming up behind you and you take the chance to quickly do Anon's pants up with your magic.
  988. >Derpy approaches your side and you gesture your head towards Anon.
  989. "I need you to take him outside. I'll follow in a moment."
  990. >You move over to Anon and help him sit up.
  991. >He can't seem to focus on anything, let alone stand.
  992. >You carefully help him lay over Derpy's back.
  993. >She starts to leave, and he finally manages to focus on you.
  994. >"Told ya..."
  995. "Not now, Anon..."
  996. >You watch Derpy leave with Anon and wait a few more moments.
  997. >Then you shoot a glare at the two guilty ponies.
  998. >They're both still wearing panicked expressions and are just looking at the floor.
  999. "... I... I'm speechless! I honestly have no idea what to say here!"
  1000. >Minuette raises her head to speak, but you cut her off.
  1001. >"Princess-"
  1002. "Don't, Minuette! Just... Don't."
  1003. >She looks back down at the floor.
  1004. >You bring a hoof up to rub your face.
  1005. >This really is unbelievable...
  1006. "I'm disappointed in both of you... Why would you do that to somepony? Or someone, even? Clear protests from him, but you went ahead and forced yourselves upon him!"
  1007. >Nurse Redheart looks as if she's about to cry.
  1008. "Not only that, but you lied to me last week to cover it up! I heard what you two said a few minutes ago about me 'not interrupting you' this time!"
  1009. >That was enough for Nurse Redheart.
  1010. >Tears run down her face as she can't hold it in anymore.
  1011. >You stand there for a few moments trying to think of what to say.
  1012. >But you can't.
  1013. >The shock of this event is preventing you from thinking properly...
  1014. >You just sigh, irritated.
  1015. "I need to make sure that Anonymous is okay after... this. You two can think about what you've done, but I need time to think. There WILL be consequences for your actions."
  1016. >You turn to leave.
  1017. "Clear your schedules and report to the castle tomorrow at 10am. If you don't show up, I will send guards to retrieve you."
  1018. >Their heads only lower.
  1019. >This is too much for you to take in.
  1020. >You really have no idea how to handle this, it's so unreal...
  1021. >Right now, your priority is to make sure Anon is okay.
  1023. --------
  1025. >Oh Celestia, how do you do this...
  1026. >You're hoping it's not visibly clear to everypony else, but you're practically panicking on the inside.
  1027. >Like it was pointed out though, you need to settle this.
  1028. >You are a Princess, you consider these ponies your friends... and your friends have done wrong.
  1029. >Minuette and Nurse Redheart turned up as instructed, both looking worried for their lives.
  1030. >While you would normally share responsibilities with your closest friends, this is a matter purely for a Princess to settle.
  1031. >You're the only pony occupying their throne in the castle.
  1032. >Minuette and Nurse Redheart stand in the center of the room, awaiting judgement.
  1033. >Anon is also off to the side looking on.
  1034. >It's been silent for at least five minutes now, you've just been tapping your hoof on the arm of throne.
  1035. >Undoubtedly, it's causing a lot of stress for them, but you just have no idea of how to start.
  1036. >So maybe that's just how you should go. Just dive right in.
  1037. >You stop tapping.
  1038. >...
  1039. "I'm honestly at a loss for words here, ladies."
  1040. >They both suddenly avoid eye contact.
  1041. "I had a hard time believing Anon when he said what was happening during his appointments. Yet to my surprise, not only do I find that he was telling the truth, but there was another doing it as well."
  1042. >Nurse Redheart lowers her head.
  1043. "I'm doing what I can for everypony, but I have to ask... Why? Why in Equestira would you do that to an individual? Why would you think it's okay?"
  1044. >"'Cause they're horny bitches!"
  1045. >You outstretch a hoof aggressively toward that voice.
  1046. "Anon, be quiet!"
  1047. >He just holds his hands up to show he gets the message.
  1048. >Today is not a day you can let his attitude slide.
  1049. >You turn your gaze back to the two ponies.
  1050. >Minuette steps forward, finally deciding to speak up.
  1051. >"Princess, you're right... What we did was inexcusable. But Nurse Redheart and I have been friends for some time, and I convinced her to go along with it, which was no simple task. If I didn't, she certainly wouldn't have even considered such a thing. I take all responsibility for it."
  1052. >And that does not make things any easier for you.
  1053. "Whether or not she naturally would or wouldn't is irrelevant, Minuette. Nurse Redheart knows full well the actions she takes, and convinced or not, she willingly chose to do it."
  1054. >Minuette steps back now that her argument is invalid.
  1055. "Which is what really boggles my mind. You're both professionals in your own areas of medical practices. The difference between what's right and what's wrong should really stick out to you, whether it be your own choices, or choices you've seen others make. Not only do I know that you've seen Anon verbally and somewhat physically try to protest against what you'd been doing to him, but I know you take it to the extremes with the very tools you use to help ponies!"
  1056. >Nurse Redheart continues to look upset, but Minuette knows that was especially directed at her.
  1057. "Quite frankly, I'd say the only good thing about this situation is the fact that you knew what you were doing with them, because almost anypony else could have used too much..."
  1058. >"How is that a good thing?"
  1059. >Ohhh for the love of...
  1060. >Yes, that wasn't the smartest thing to say, but you're still having difficulty finding the words.
  1061. >Minuette and Redheart look in his direction as well.
  1062. >You bring a hoof up to rub your head and you sigh.
  1063. "Anon, look, I already know what you want done so you really don't need to be here, and I'm finding you to be a distraction. Would you mind leaving?"
  1064. >He just shrugs.
  1065. >"Yeah, whatever. I don't even know why I came. I'll be at home."
  1066. >...
  1067. >Why did he just accept that?
  1068. >You definitely did not put that as nicely as you could have...
  1069. >Ergh, think about it later, deal with the two ponies.
  1070. "So... I think it's only fair that I let you explain yourselves."
  1071. >You offer the floor to either of them and it turns into a few seconds of silence.
  1072. >With a quick glance to each other, Nurse Redheart steps forward.
  1073. >"The truth is that I can't think of any particular reason beyond simple desire."
  1074. >You raise an eyebrow, and listen intently.
  1075. >"It's disgustingly simple, but an unfortunate truth. Minuette and myself both work very stressful jobs, and find ourselves very busy all the time. Like, we're always there. The times we're not there, we're with our own friends and we hear gossip..."
  1076. >Minuette is listening as well, and hearing Nurse Redheart causes her to gain a look that says she knows exactly what she's about to say.
  1077. >"What we hear from them sometimes is about times spent with stallions that some of them experience, but quite often we hear them talking about Anon... We, uh... We're not the only ones that thought of him the way we have been..."
  1078. >What?
  1079. >More mares?
  1080. >Minuette jumps in.
  1081. >"Look, Anon is just a fascinating creature, and the general thought around town is that he's really attractive, for one feature or another. We hear about him a lot. So the day he came to my offices, or needed care from Nurse Redheart, we just started to see what all the fuss was about..."
  1082. "In what way?"
  1083. >"Like, we saw exactly how good looking he was, but topping it all off was how nice he was. He's polite, he makes jokes, he asks us about our work... It's an endearing feature with a stallion, especially given how rude or ungreatful some ponies can be with our work. He truly did seem to be a fascinating and one of a kind individual..."
  1084. >Nurse Redheart takes over again.
  1085. >"So with more and more talk among other ponies about him, coupled with talks from some of our friends about certain eventful evenings, AND mixing in our highly stressful work... We regrettably just fell to basic desires..."
  1086. >Basic desires...
  1087. >You bring both hooves up to rub your face as Minuette speaks again.
  1088. >"Again though, I talked her into it! I started it and convinced her to join... not that it makes it any better. But one treatment I gave with Anon turned into me finding excuses to have him come back and... One day I gave in and... took advantage of him while he was gassed."
  1089. "Did it ever occur to you to just try asking him on a date?"
  1090. >"I tried, quite a few times. He made it very clear that he wasn't attracted to ponies... I don't feel good in saying that that wasn't good enough for me..."
  1091. >Oh Minuette...
  1092. >"And... when I learned what he was capable of and what sort of endurance he had, one encounter led to another... and another, and another..."
  1093. "Alright, alright, I get it..."
  1094. >"Sorry. But I kept this to myself, nopony else knew... aside from..."
  1095. >She motions her head to Nurse Redheart.
  1096. "Fine. I've heard enough..."
  1097. >Like Nurse Redheart said... it's disgustingly simple.
  1098. >You're inclined to believe them, sadly.
  1099. >Most reasons of these kinds of incidents seem to just be 'because they felt like it'.
  1100. >You know these ponies though, they wouldn't just do this kind of thing without reason.
  1101. >And... it's hard to admit, but sexual urges are a powerful thing that can hit anyone...
  1102. >It's a matter of self control.
  1103. >And sadly, these ponies failed to demonstrate that.
  1104. "It's disappointing, to say the least. I know you both well enough and I never would have expected something like this from you. Or from anyone in this town, as a matter of fact..."
  1105. >It at least seems clear that they're not proud of their actions.
  1106. >Though there's always the possibility of that only being because they were caught.
  1107. "Your actions would invoke some high consequences. Sexual assault isn't a tolerable offence..."
  1108. >The moment sets in for them, as they brace for the punishment.
  1109. "But, after speaking with Anonymous himself about it... We're doing something different."
  1110. >That gets their attention.
  1111. >They still look skeptical, probably because of your mention of Anon, but seem a little more relaxed and hopeful.
  1112. "The amount of time you've been doing this to him, as well as your means of doing it involving injections of anesthetic and things of the like, would very likely result in an incarceration sentence for a few months, possibly years. I feel that, considering those that are involved, it would go against everything I'm trying to uphold."
  1113. >Now they look somewhat more relieved, but you're not done.
  1114. "And don't think I didn't consider the options. I've dealt with matters on a grander scale that have had harsher consequences, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't consider appropriate punishments for smaller crimes. I just know that you two are better than this."
  1115. >The look of relief is wiped off their faces as you finish saying that.
  1116. "Anonymous has simply requested restraining orders be taken out on you both. I'm obliging. Both of you will not be allowed near him and failing that will be seen as a criminal offence. Exceptions will be made for Nurse Redheart for specific medical emergencies, and even then, will be under supervision."
  1117. >Both of them look to each other for a moment, then back to you.
  1118. >They simply nod in acceptance.
  1119. "As for my part... I can't let it go as simply as that, so I'm going to order you both attend scheduled meetings with me. Something like this doesn't just go away and I'd like to get to the root of this to make sure it doesn't happen again."
  1120. >While seemingly unhappy about it, they say nothing and nod again.
  1121. "I may even have to set some up for a select few other ponies, judging by what you've told me... We can't risk this happening again, for Anon's safety..."
  1122. >That means you'll have to confront Fluttershy about her 'Anon Shrine'...
  1123. >That will not be a fun conversation.
  1124. >Minuette suddenly interrupts your thoughts.
  1125. >"It's... less than we deserve, Princess. Even knowing we brought this on ourselves, we're thankful for the decision. We never intended to hurt Anonymous, it's just that it seemed to be a misleading situation..."
  1126. "What do you mean?"
  1127. >"Well, he protested, and we should have listened to him, but something about his attitude and his body seemed to say different... Despite how long we'd been doing what we'd been doing, or how our friends interact with him as well, he never seemed to complain about it much afterwards. Like, we thought it was a game with him, or he actually was okay with it. His body during these encounters seemed to agree... That's what came as such a shock when we were caught. It took him that long to tell somepony like yourself about it..."
  1128. >That... IS strange.
  1129. >You speak to him quite frequently, admittedly borderline obsession just to learn anything you can about him or where he's from.
  1130. >Yet you only learnt just the other day from him that one of your closest friends was acting strangely around him.
  1131. >And even this whole situation, the first time he told you what Colgate would do to him when you were dragging him to the dentist...
  1132. >Why didn't he ever tell you before that?
  1133. >Maybe he thought you wouldn't believe him?
  1134. >He walks around everyday, brags about his features, speaks openly about almost everything...
  1135. >Were those hints, or...?
  1136. >There's something more to this ordeal, and him.
  1137. >You need to find out.
  1138. "I'll be looking into it further. As of now though, you both should have known better from the beginning. A little self control isn't difficult, but we'll be discussing that another time. Possibly as a group. I'll work something out and the schedules will be sent to you."
  1139. >Both ponies acknowledge your orders.
  1140. >"Yes, Princess."
  1141. >"Of course, Princess."
  1142. "Then for now, keep your distance from Anonymous. We're adjourned."
  1145. *knock*knock*
  1146. >It takes a few moments, but the door opens.
  1147. >Rather than give you any attitude, he just jerks his head inward.
  1148. >"Come in."
  1149. >At his instruction, you enter and he closes the door behind you.
  1150. >Walking past you and toward his kitchen, you follow behind to sit at his table.
  1151. >He takes a moment to go through his fridge before joining you, sliding a bottle over to you after popping the lids off.
  1152. >Beer?
  1153. >"You clearly look as if you need one."
  1154. >You haven't had one before, but... given what you hear, it couldn't hurt.
  1155. >You grab it with your magic and take a few gulps.
  1156. >"Slow down."
  1157. "Blergh..."
  1158. >This stuff is awful...
  1159. >Yet he just takes a few mouthfuls as well and is unphased.
  1160. >Maybe it's just one of those drinks that's meant to be terrible...
  1161. >You take a few more gulps.
  1162. >"So... you gonna tell me how it went?"
  1163. >You take the bottle out of your mouth and clank it on the table.
  1164. "I'm going to set up some counselling sessions, maybe even group sessions given how many ponies I just learned about... And they have their restraining orders. Unless it's a supervised emergency relating to your health given their professions, they're not allowed near you..."
  1165. >"Sweet."
  1166. >He just takes another few sips of his drink.
  1167. "How do you do that, Anon?"
  1168. >"Do what?"
  1169. "You just... shrug all this off. You made a big deal out of Minuette and Nurse Redheart sexually assaulting you, yet you constantly made jokes or comments that made me question how serious you were... and now that it's over, you act like nothing happened."
  1170. >He stares at you for a few seconds before raising his bottle to his lips again.
  1171. "Not to mention the Changeling incident a couple weeks ago... You joke about how I'd react if put in that situation, but you seem to have just shrugged that off completely..."
  1172. >Lowering the bottle again, he just sits in silence.
  1173. "I feel bad just from having to deal with that whole mess today, but then I look at you and think maybe there's more to this. What is going on in your mind?"
  1174. >"What do you want from me, Twilight? After everything you just helped me with, you want me to suddenly say that I mask a serious depression with the stupid jokes or comments that I think are funny? Or how about because my being a unique individual here forces me to interact with others that find me fascinating to a point of obsession, which develops crushes that pretty much just turns them into a horny bunch that barely give a shit about me as a person?"
  1175. >...
  1176. >"Honestly, yes, the rape from Colgate and Nurse Redarse and that bug thing really bothered me, Fluttershy's constant attempts to get my attention bother me, all the other ponies that do similar things are bothering me... If I just dwell on those thoughts and mix them with the problems I already have, I'd have thrown myself off a cliff some time ago."
  1177. >You look down at your bottle again.
  1178. >Taking another couple disgusting mouthfuls of it, you set it down.
  1179. "Why haven't you just talked to somepony about this? Tell them how you feel, develop a relationship. It doesn't seem like it would be hard, so many ponies are already fascinated by you."
  1180. >"Because, and you're probably not going to believe this... You are literally the only one that has actually sat down and had a proper conversation with me. About anything... Well, Pinkie has to, but she's obsessed with that about everyone, I don't see her often."
  1181. >...
  1182. >He's right, you don't believe that...
  1183. >"Sure, Colgate might've thought me an interesting person when she first had the chance to look at my teeth, Redheart the same with my physiology, Lyra with my hands and Fluttershy I assume just because I'm not a pony, and a good number of others for different reasons. But the endgame with all of them was simply that I'm apparently very attractive, and being polite to them was enough for all of them to want to fuck me."
  1184. >Well... when he puts it like that...
  1185. >"And building a relationship? Yeah, no. I'm hesitant about that with ponies in general, but after recent experiences, that thought has been pushed further away. The only one I'd come close to with that is, and I'm not throwing this out there as an offer... You."
  1186. >You look back up at him.
  1187. >"But that wouldn't work out because One, I'm nowhere near the area of having interests in ponies right now. Two, you've got too many responsibilities of your own as a Princess and all, even if I mostly see you doing bugger all. And Three, I know I irritate the fuck out of you regularly just from being myself."
  1188. >...
  1189. >You weren't quite expecting that...
  1190. >"So yeah. I'm going to continue being that guy who is a bit of a dick, while avoiding specific ponies that one situation or another would otherwise have me need to see them. That's what I was doing when this whole thing started, with that toothache I didn't want to see Colgate over. Pain that practically incapacitates me physically is more preferable than pain that effects me mentally."
  1191. >He finishes his speech off by snatching his beer off the table and downing whatever is left.
  1192. >For the umpteenth time this week, you're at a loss for words and unsure of how you should feel.
  1193. >You're saddened for his position, yet probably blushing slightly through a straight face because you're the one closest to him that he'd consider getting closer with.
  1194. >But then, you feel annoyed that he's been going through all of this without mentioning it to you.
  1195. >That's what you're there for, as his friend...
  1196. >Or maybe you have been busy, or maybe it's your fault for not noticing.
  1197. >Either way, you push your beer bottle away with your hoof and stand.
  1198. "Next week, after I get this these counselling sessions with ponies sorted, I want you to come to the castle. You're going to have your own session to talk with me, and as your friend... I'm not taking no for an answer."
  1199. >He doesn't say anything, but he does stand to see you out when you head towards the door.
  1200. >Once you're outside, you take another look at him.
  1201. "Bye Anon."
  1202. >"Take it easy, Twilight..."
  1203. >You start walking and hear him close the door behind you.
  1204. >Though you barely even get off his front lawn before you turn to look back at his house.
  1205. >One small feeling of concern is enough for you, and you start charging your horn.
  1206. >With focus on the target and a flash of white across your vision, you're back inside.
  1207. >Through his eyes, you see he's still at the door, looking at his feet with a hand on his hip and the other rubbing his brow.
  1208. >He spends another twenty seconds in the same position before he sighs and turns away.
  1209. >With a short walk to his couch, he drops himself upon it face down.
  1210. >You don't see much afterwards, so you stop.
  1211. >A flash of white puts your minds eye back to your body outside and you continue walking home.
  1212. >It seems clear enough with him, though.
  1213. >Whether or not the matter you'd been dealing with is resolved, you're going to continue helping him.
  1214. >As a friend should.

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