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[FR] Vehicular Accidents Suck

By Brownee
Created: 2020-12-18 01:06:32
Expiry: Never

  1. No injury, no drugs, no nothing this time. No excuses for possibly poor quality (opinions vary). Though the story is somewhat based on a previous incident I had a few years ago, it's just one Anon kinda said stories based on how often I get hurt could just be like a weird series. So... the third in the 'suck' series.
  3. --------
  5. >"W-watch your step there, Anon..."
  6. "Twilight, I'm the one trying to support you. You're the one who's steps need to be watched."
  7. >"No, n-no... You also need to keep an eye on yours... You could have a big fall since you're only on two legs..."
  8. "Heh, I'll keep that in mind."
  9. >Reasonably fun night.
  10. >Solar Bum hosted a big event in her castle in Canterlot, all royalty there.
  11. >For some reason that made Twilight think you should come with her.
  12. >Meet the riff raff of Canterlot, see what all the stuck up, fancy pants of the big city think of the non-magical alien.
  13. >Funnily enough, there was a guy there actually named Fancy Pants.
  14. >Nice guy. Actually treated you like an equal.
  15. >Big events like that though, you get the feeling Twilight isn't too experienced with them.
  16. "So what happened to "I don't drink."?"
  17. >"I don't, what're you mean?"
  18. "That sentence for starters. Also how I'm letting you lean on me to get to the carriage."
  19. >"Oh, right... Well, there was wine... And how does a Princess just- *hic* say a declination when offered something like that?"
  20. "By saying "No thanks", I'd imagine. Not like you're under any obligation to drink any."
  21. >"But Princess Celesty was drinking some, so was Luna... and Cadance... and my B.B.B.B.B.B.B.F.F..."
  22. "Think that's too many B's. You know what you could've done? The high society knobs from my world tend to just taste the wine, then spit it in a bucket so they don't get intoxicated."
  23. >"Eeewwww... *hic*"
  24. "Yeah, I didn't get it either. You'd enjoy parties like that more if you get a little drunk. And evidently you did, so all is good."
  25. >You help her down the front steps of the castle, steadily.
  26. >"So why aren't yoooooooouuuu walking tipsy as well?"
  27. "Because I didn't drink anything."
  28. >"Pfffft, why not? Light weight."
  29. "This coming from the pony that had three small glasses? I, personally, just didn't think it would be appropriate for the fancy people if my first impression made was yelling everything I say while doing my elephant impression."
  30. >At the bottom of the steps, Twilight blinks a few times before waving over a couple Pegasus ponies for the carriage home.
  31. >"What's your 'elephant impression'?
  32. "It's when you turn the pockets of your pants inside out, then unzip the front so you can pull out your-"
  33. >"Back to Ponyville, Princess?"
  34. >You're cut off by the ponies pulling the carriage.
  35. >Probably just as well, she didn't look like she was listening anyway.
  36. >"Yes please. I think I need to get to bed."
  37. "Maybe drink a bunch of water first."
  38. >"Don't tell me how to live my water..."
  39. >Wut?
  40. >Twilight tries climbing on board the carriage, stumbling enough to need the assistance of her wings.
  41. >Even that doesn't really help her, they're flapping out of sync.
  42. >You give her a foothold by putting your hands under her back hooves and helping her in.
  43. >"Get outta' my butt, Anon!"
  44. "I'm not in your butt!"
  45. >You hear the two Pegasi of the carriage suddenly snort and laugh.
  46. >You ignore them. You'd probably laugh to.
  47. >Once Twilight is in and settled, you get in as well and sit next to her.
  48. >She leans forward with a hoof raised to address the two Pegasi.
  49. >"To the big tree I live in!... In that town... That way!"
  50. >Both ponies each have an eyebrow raised and smiles.
  51. >You put your hand on Twilights hoof to lower it and settle her back.
  52. "Why don't you rest for a bit, Twilight? I'll guide the nice ponies home for you."
  53. >"I'm not sure I trust your directing, Anonymous."
  54. "Well I feel confident that it would be better than yours, since you were pointing in the opposite direction of home."
  55. >She looks around, as if surveying the surroundings she probably can't even see would help her.
  56. >Looking back at you, she sits straight, puts her head back and closes her eyes while her voice suddenly sounds more... royal?
  57. >"Alright. This once. I shall allow you to be the guide. Take us home, good sir."
  58. "Holy shit, you are a hilarious drunk."
  59. >She doesn't respond or even react in any way.
  60. >Either she dozed off a little, or she's really trying to keep that performance.
  61. >Regardless, you lean forward to the two Pegasi.
  62. "So, I take it you know where you're going, right?"
  63. >One of them replies.
  64. >"Yeah, we got it covered. We just kinda wanted to see what else she'd say. Sorry."
  65. "No probs. It is pretty funny."
  66. >You sit back in your seat and they take off.
  67. >The bumps as they get into the air cause Twilight to drop sideways, head finding rest on your shoulder.
  68. >Yep. Dozed off.
  69. >Should only be a short flight. Ten to twenty minutes.
  70. >Hell, you're probably gonna have to carry her inside as well.
  71. >That'll be fun to explain to Spike.
  72. >You get past the half way mark before you gently move her off you so she leans against the side of the carriage.
  73. >Nothing better to do, you lean forward to talk to the guys in front.
  74. "So... How's the carriage pulling business?"
  75. >They both look at you for a moment, but one keeps focused while the other talks to you.
  76. >"It's nothing glamorous, but it pays reasonably well. Get to stay fit, meet some interesting ponies... or... other individuals..."
  77. "Like me?"
  78. >"I didn't really want to say anything, but yeah. What exactly are you?"
  79. "I'm a human. Only one of my kind here."
  80. >Looking around at the surroundings while you chat, you see you're pretty high off the ground.
  81. >There's another pegasus with a carriage up ahead, a couple gryphons off in the distance... Hell, all around nice view of Equestria from up here.
  82. >"So what do you do for a living? Must be hard for someone like you to get work?"
  83. "You'd think, but surprisingly no. I do oddjobs around town for people, lots of tasks where others might be too busy, and fingers are super useful."
  84. >They start to lower their altitude, Ponyville must be coming into view.
  85. >You can't see shit. They must have better vision.
  86. >"Oh, so you get to meet a bunch of ponies too?"
  87. "I guess, though I stick out like a sore thumb, so I kind of already met everyone in Ponyville. More from the insistence of my friends."
  88. >Looking ahead, that other pegasus with his own carriage, or maybe it's a cart, seems to go a little higher.
  89. >Something about his flight seems a bit off though, he seems to be drifting to the side a bit...
  90. >"A sore what?"
  91. "Sore thumb. It's this little appendage on my hand... just something humans say."
  92. >"Ah."
  93. >Now that other pegasus seems to be dipping a bit...
  94. >Or... maybe not a little bit... a lot.
  95. "Hey, is that guy up there supposed to be flying like that?"
  96. >You point up at the pony, one of your flyers taking a moment to follow your finger.
  97. >He's really dropping fast now...
  98. >"No... No, he's n-"
  99. >He and his cart suddenly turn towards you.
  100. >It's now that you notice that he's not even flapping his wings or outstretching his legs properly.
  101. >And he's coming down towards you, REALLY FAST!
  102. >"Oh crap, pull left! PULL LEFT!"
  103. >The orders shouted from one of your flyers to the other make you realise there's a heavy risk of collision as you watch this other pony drop closer.
  104. >Hell, they aren't even going to get out of the way in time!
  105. >This guy is going to take out half of the carriage if h-
  106. >Wait, Twilight!
  107. "Oh sh-"
  108. >You throw your arms around Twilight and pull her off that side of the cart, throwing her around you and against the other side.
  109. >Holding her against you, you cover her body with yours.
  110. *CRASH*
  113. "WHAT THE- ARGH!"
  114. >What is THIS on you!
  115. >Ugh, your head and several parts of your body are hurting so badly!
  116. >The thing over you slumps off and down on the floor.
  117. >You notice the world rushing around you, as well as some heavy damage to the other side of the carriage.
  119. >"I'M TRYING!"
  120. >You barely register the two other voices, looking down at what was covering-
  121. "...Anon?!"
  122. >Ergh, head!
  123. >You bring a hoof to hold where the pain i-
  124. >Why is that wet?
  125. >Bringing your hoof down... red.
  126. >You're bleeding?!
  127. >Feeling around, there's tenderness around your eye, but nothing that feels like an open wound!
  128. >Touching your horn is what gets you to react though, your body convulses in pain!
  129. >And at that moment, you suddenly realise your right back leg and left shoulder are in extreme pain as well!
  130. >But where did this blood come fro-
  131. >...
  132. >There's a red pool forming around Anon's face as he lays on the floor of the carriage.
  133. "Anon!"
  134. >You're about to slide off your seat to get down to him, but enormous pain shoots up your leg.
  135. >Made worse when everything starts becoming extremely bumpy.
  136. "AAARRGHH!"
  137. >Everything comes to a stop.
  138. >A quick glance around shows you've apparently landed... somewhere.
  139. >The two ponies that were pulling the cart unhook themselves and look over you and the carriage.
  140. >"Princess, are you hurt?!"
  141. "Yes! My leg and shoulder-"
  142. >"Damn it!"
  143. >He looked down at Anon for a second before he turns to his friend.
  144. >"Fly into town, quickly! Get the hospital to send out help! The Princess is hurt and this guy looks worse!"
  145. >"On it!"
  146. >Just like that, the other pegasus takes off as fast as he can.
  147. >You're trying to remain stil, but you're really concerned for Anon.
  148. >Before the pony tries to help you, you stop him.
  149. "Don't worry about me, help him!"
  150. >You point down at Anon.
  151. >He nods and gets down low to check Anon.
  152. >Rolling him over slightly, the sight doesn't look good.
  153. >Anon has a large gash over his forehead, and his nose and mouth is bleeding profusely.
  154. >Actually... that mouth bleeding is coming from within it.
  155. >Was he coughing up blo-
  156. >"AHH!"
  157. "What?!"
  158. >"His arm!"
  159. >You look a-
  160. >That's not meant to be out that far!
  161. >He's got an extreme dislocation!
  162. "Oh no, Anon!"
  163. >You're becoming light headed.
  164. >The shock of the situation is starting to settle in!
  165. >You try to remain upright, but you feel yourself drop sideways and land on your side on the seat.
  166. >Right on your bad shoulder.
  167. >The pain surging through you is too intense to hold back your screams...
  170. >It's been a rough few hours.
  171. >Eventually medical ponies arrived, Pegasi with strechers.
  172. >You and Anon were flown to the hospital.
  173. >They gave you something to manage your pain, but they didn't sound as hopeful with Anon.
  174. >Of course, you had so much pain on your mind, it was difficult to pay attention.
  175. >You got X-rays and plastered up.
  176. >The crash has broken your left shoulder and right back leg, as well as cracked your horn..
  177. >Along with that is a severe black eye.
  178. >That's not even the worst part though, questioning the doctor about Anon made you feel dread.
  179. >Two broken arms, one shoulder severely dislocated, a broken rib, fractured orbital bone of his skull and he was bleeding internally.
  180. >Worse still, you were told that at least two of those injuries were from you, which is how your horn cracked.
  181. >It's also the cause for the internal bleeding...
  182. >He shielded you from the impact and your horn collided with his rib extremely hard as the rest of him slammed into the side of the carriage.
  183. >Realistically, you're alive because of him, though he himself is lucky to be alive at all.
  184. >That is... if he gets through surgery.
  185. >They needed to stop the internal bleeding immediately, as well as fix his shoulder.
  186. >So while you're sitting in a bed, leg and upper arm in a cast and a bandage around your horn, you're going crazy thinking about Anon.
  187. >You decide to go get a progress update.
  188. >Gingerly getting yourself out of bed, you put weight on the only two legs you can use.
  189. >Moving is going to be too awkward. Minor weight can be put on the leg with the shoulder injury, but you need the help of your wings to stay up.
  190. >You limp and flap your way to the door.
  191. >The second you try to open it, however, it opens itself.
  192. >The doctor steps inside the room and pauses when he sees you right there.
  193. >"Princess, what are you doing out of the be-"
  194. "How's Anon?!"
  195. >That took him of guard a little, but he rights himself.
  196. >"Calm down, calm down. Anonymous is fine, for the most part. We've rectified his bleeding and stitched him up here and there. We put casts on his arms and bandaged everything else... To be honest, he's a lucky sasquatch."
  197. >That's mostly a relief.
  198. "So he'll be fine?"
  199. >"That's a little harder to say. His head suffered a lot of trauma... Until he wakes up, we won't be able to assess much of the damage. Unfortunately, the nature of this injury doesn't really give us any idea of when he'll wake up."
  200. "He's in a coma?!"
  201. >"In a way, yes. It's mostly that he's just resting, his body needing the time to regain itself. It could take several days."
  202. "Ohhhhh, Anon..."
  203. >"You, on the other hand, are quite lucky. Aside from the obvious injuries, it looks like he protected you from any major lasting harm. A few weeks and you'll be good as new again."
  204. >That's not a relief while you know that you were hurt less at the expense of Anon...
  205. >The news is going to your head again and you need to sit down...
  206. >The doctor notices and helps you back to your bed.
  207. >"We'll keep you here for a day or two before we decide when to send you home."
  208. "No... No, I'm not leaving until Anon can at least wake up... That's the least I owe him..."
  211. >Two days have passed.
  212. >Or... it's the day after the day with the morning after the night the incident happened.
  213. >Wow, your head really was rattled.
  214. >Your friends obviously got word and came to see you and Anon, each expressing worry in their own ways.
  215. >Fluttershy in particular seemed to show the most worry for Anon.
  216. >And you know exactly why, so that's not all that surprising.
  217. >She also showed some other emotion at the sight of him being naked in the bed, since the hospital doesn't have gowns for his kind.
  218. >Rarity will probably arrange something for him soon.
  219. >They're each making frequent visits when they can, but it's not as if you'd banish them if they didn't.
  220. >You've kept yourself occupied with some books you had Spike bring.
  221. >With limps and wings, you can manage to get yourself around, though the doctor recommends you take it easy.
  222. >Taking it easy for you is being by Anon's side as much as you can, even if it's just to read to him while he's sleeping.
  223. >The Pegasus that was the cause for the crash came by as well, panicking when he saw who you were.
  224. >He explained that he was extremely tired after a hard days work and was just trying to get home to his family, and unexpectedly dozed off during the flight.
  225. >By the time he noticed and tried pulling up, it was too late.
  226. >You reassured him that what happened happened and there's nothing you or he could do now, and told him to go be with his family.
  227. >He seemed to remain unconvinced about being let off that easily.
  228. >You mean it though, there's nothing that can change what happened.
  229. >All he can do is avoid flying while tired in the future.
  230. >It probably didn't help him every time he looked at Anon.
  231. >Which, sure, seeing him laying there, unconscious and tubes coming out of his mouth and nose, bandages and casts around him, eyes blackened from the fractured skull...
  232. >How is one supposed to react when you know you're the cause.
  233. >You feel more guilty than he does because he was protecting you...
  234. >You know you shouldn't...
  235. >Everything is telling you that had the situations been reversed, you would have done the same thing.
  236. >It just happened to be him that got the worst of it.
  237. >And you're having difficulty accepting that.
  238. >You sigh as you look over him in that hospital bed.
  239. "...Come on Anon... I need you to tell me everything is fine..."
  240. >...
  241. *knock*knock*knock*
  242. >That knock startles you and you drop your book.
  243. >Not exactly what you were expecting to hear after saying that, but alright.
  244. "Come in."
  245. >While you're trying to reach down for your book with your good arm and gingerly with the other, the door opens.
  246. >"Twilight?"
  247. "Hey Fluttershy."
  248. >"How is he?"
  249. >Fluttershy comes fluttering over to take a seat in the chair opposite you.
  250. "Same as yesterday. No signs of waking up yet, though there was one thing the Nurse saw..."
  251. >"What's that?"
  252. "He was 'pitching a tent' this morning."
  253. >"..."
  254. >You normally wouldn't say it like that, but given that it's Anon, it just seemed strange to not hear that term.
  255. >"So... he's still-"
  256. "It's at least a good sign if he's dreaming. Brain is still working and all..."
  257. >"What do you think he's dreaming about?"
  258. "I'm not sure. I've never really spoken to him about stuff like this. Maybe a girl?"
  259. >Fluttershy blushes.
  260. "A girl from his world, I mean."
  261. >"O-oh..."
  262. >That's another thing that kind of bothers you, though it's definitely not your place to pry.
  263. >Fluttershy has a big crush on Anon.
  264. >That's the whole reason she was the most upset out of everypony else, besides yourself, to see him laying there.
  265. >But you know for a fact that he hasn't expressed interest back to Fluttershy.
  266. >Not that you understand why, at least at first, but he says he can't stand her.
  267. >You know why specifically now, she acts different around him.
  268. >She's like a completely different pony when it comes to him.
  269. >Originally she acted like herself when they first met, but then she changed around him specifically.
  270. >And none of you ever figured out why.
  271. >"Can I try something?"
  272. "What?"
  273. >She gets off her chair and sets down on the bed with him.
  274. >"Do you think that if he can still get it up... He'd feel this?"
  275. >With her hoof, she starts rubbing his crotch through the covers.
  276. "I... I'm not sure... Studies have shown that somepony in a state like this can often hear everything around them, which is why I've been reading to him, but I'm not sure about feeling..."
  277. >Fluttershy continues anyway.
  278. >Despite getting no reaction from him, she keeps at it, lightly applying more pressure.
  279. "Fluttershy, I don't think Anon would like you doing th-"
  280. >"Look!"
  281. >A certain bulge slowly rises through the covers.
  282. >Okay, so... she can stimulate him.
  283. >You can feel your cheeks warming up as multiple thoughts start going through your mind.
  284. >You shake it off, this situation is a little wrong.
  285. "Yes, okay Fluttershy. He can get erections from being touched. I think you should stop now."
  286. >"But wait... What if we can make him feel better?"
  287. "Huh?"
  288. >"He could be in a lot of pain right now and we wouldn't even know. Ohhh, poor Anon..."
  289. "I don't think he would be, and even if he were, that's likely the reason he's still out. There's medications to help with it."
  290. >Fluttershy stops rubbing and looks to the side of the bed.
  291. >"But if he could feel what I was doing just now, maybe I could give him a good feeling..."
  292. >She starts to pull up the sheets from the side of the bed.
  293. >Is she doing what you think she's doing?
  294. "Fluttershy, even if he does feel it, what you're doing isn't right..."
  295. >"But just think, Twilight. If I could make him feel good, maybe he could wake up. Then he'd see that I was doing it and he'd love me..."
  296. "I-I don't... What?"
  297. >"It's just like that story of Sleeping Beauty... except he's the beauty... and it would be more than a kiss to wake him... and not on the lips.~"
  298. "Fluttershy, that's not a good idea."
  299. >"Then we'll be married afterwards and live happily ever after...~"
  300. >She isn't even listening to you.
  301. >She seems to start going through with her thoughts by sticking her head under the covers and trying to crawl under them.
  302. >You don't feel right allowing this.
  303. >Biting back whatever pain you feel in your leg and shoulder, you get out of your chair.
  304. >With the help of your wings, you climb up on Anon's bed with her, but immediately settle and lay across his midsection.
  305. >Avoiding touching the bulge, of course...
  306. >Once Fluttershy's head finds it's progress impeded by your body, she backtracks.
  307. >After she crawls back out, she just looks at you.
  308. >"What are you doing?"
  309. "Fluttershy, I can't let you go through with that."
  310. >"Why not?"
  311. "Look, I'd love it if you and Anon worked things out and got together, I really would..."
  312. >A smile forms on her face to hear your words.
  313. "But as it stands right now, I know that he wouldn't allow you to do what you're trying to do..."
  314. >And her smile drops.
  315. >"But he needs me to help him feel better..."
  316. "You don't even know if it would help him. It just feels wrong to sit here and watch you do this to him when I know for a fact that he'd be very uncomfortable by it."
  317. >She starts muttering under her breath.
  318. >"...Not like you have to watch..."
  319. "So I'm doing what I think is right. I've felt like I should be here to watch over him this whole time, so that's exactly what I'm going to do. Keep him safe..."
  320. >Fluttershy looks as if she'd been struck.
  321. >"But I'd never do anything to hurt him! I love him, you know that!"
  322. "Yes, I do. You're also one of my best friends and I love you... But I'm putting my hoof down on this. While he's injured and unconscious, I'm not letting you try to force yourself on him."
  323. >"But he loves me too! I know he does! I just want to help him feel better! He'll admit he loves me as well eventually! He might even do it if you just let me-"
  324. "What you do with Anon any other time is his and your own business, he's capable of voicing his own thoughts. He can't right now. Since I know he hasn't previously shown the same affections as you do to him, consider Anon under my protection while he's here."
  325. >That gets her worried.
  326. >She moves closer, trying to see whether she can move you off him.
  327. >Once she puts too much pressure on your shoulder, you wince in pain and your wings unfold and raise.
  328. >She backs off, worried that she hurt you.
  329. "Fluttershy... No. I'm sorry, but I'm not going to allow it."
  330. >It's sort of conflicting interests here.
  331. >On the one hoof, you don't want to get between her and Anon, that's their own problem they should resolve themselves.
  332. >On the other, you owe him.
  333. >You know he wouldn't want her to do this, especially while he's out...
  334. >So you're forced to step in.
  335. >As long as she's here and trying to act on her fantasies, you're going to protect Anon's body with your own.
  336. >He did it for you...
  337. >What kind of friend would you be if you didn't return it... even if the situation is as different as this one is.
  338. >Fluttershy looks saddened after hearing what you decided.
  339. >"Okay... I'm sorry, Twilight... I don't know what I was thinking..."
  340. "It's fine, Fluttershy. You're a good friend for wanting to make sure he's okay, but that way of doing it is just... inappropriate. It could hurt him more than it could help him."
  341. >"I understand..."
  342. >The atmosphere of the room has been effectively soured after what just transpired.
  343. >You didn't think you would be dealing with something like that today...
  344. >It's starting get late in the afternoon.
  345. "Why don't you head on home, Fluttershy? I'm sure you've got some things to do. He'll still be here tomorrow, so you can rest assured that he'll be fine. I'm not going to leave his side..."
  346. >She looks at you, then to him, and nods.
  347. >"Okay... good idea..."
  348. >She rubs his hand with her hoof for a moment before she gets up and hovers over him to plant a gentle kiss on his forehead.
  349. >"Get well soon, sweetie..."
  350. >She lands down on the floor and looks at you again.
  351. >"You too, Twilight. I hope you feel better soon."
  352. "Thank you, Fluttershy. I'm trying not to think about these compared to him, though..."
  353. >"Oh... Sorry..."
  354. >She heads toward the door.
  355. >"Keep him safe."
  356. "I will."
  357. >With that, she opens the door and leaves.
  358. >You're once again alone with Anon.
  359. >And thankfully, that small bulge you were feeling went down.
  360. >You sit up gingerly, trying not to use your broken shoulder, or put much weight on your broken leg.
  361. >With some slow and steady efforts, you hop down from the bed and move back into your chair beside him.
  362. >A nurse should be by soon with dinner for you...
  363. >Until then, you might as well continue reading to him.
  364. >You pick up the book you had with your hooves and flick through pages to get back to where you were.
  365. >Time like this, you wish your horn would heal quicker.
  366. >Doing everything by hoof, gently with one of them even, is a little difficult.
  367. "Alright... Where were we..."
  370. >Day three.
  371. >Or evening three you should say.
  372. >Not much different today.
  373. >When you woke up this morning, it was raining.
  374. >You got out of bed for a while to go to Anon's bedside and finish the book you were reading, then started another.
  375. >Occasionally you stopped to watch and listen to the rain.
  376. >It was constant all day, and is still going even now.
  377. >No visits from your friends, unsurprisingly.
  378. >You wouldn't expect anypony to go out of their way to come here with a downpour.
  379. >The doctor also came by briefly to take the tube out of Anon's mouth.
  380. >They're confident he can breathe on his own without disturbing the rib or the area the bleeding was.
  381. >The only other time anything happened was when you went to be examined by the doctor.
  382. >The bothering perks of being a Princess, every little thing about you needs to be checked regularly.
  383. >While they offer you the use of a wheel chair, you're not wanting to bother them with it and prefer walking on your own.
  384. >It's shaky and you need your wings to keep assisting you, but you do get to where you're going.
  385. >The only reason you don't just fly is because the left wings movements put a little strain on your shoulder.
  386. >Flapping them hard enough to fly hurts too much.
  387. >The downside is that walking with two legs and wings is pretty exhausting.
  388. >You've had dinner and read another chapter of your book to Anon, so you're ready to turn in for the night.
  389. >You crawl into bed and get settled, feeling relaxed enough that sleep feels as if it will come quickly.
  390. >While you're mostly there, a nurse sneaks in to turn the lights off.
  391. >Now you're just peacefully letting the sounds of rain drift you off to sleep.
  392. >...
  393. >...
  394. >...
  395. >...
  396. >...
  397. >...*rustle*...
  398. >...
  399. >...*rustle*rustle*...
  400. >Mmm?
  401. >Something that sounds like... moving sheets...
  402. >...
  403. >Anon?!
  404. >Your eyes shoot open.
  405. >You sit up fast enough that it hurts your shoulder a little.
  406. >Looking over at Anon, you can still hear some movement.
  407. >It's difficult to tell through the darkness, but...
  408. >It kind of looks like his legs are moving...
  409. >Or... it would, if they were that big...
  410. >"Hm.~"
  411. >...
  412. >Oh come on...
  413. >Anon doesn't make a small, delighted sound that high pitched.
  414. >So that just leaves one plausible possibility...
  415. >You're still sore and tired, but you put whatever energy you have into flapping your wings.
  416. >With your two good legs, you try jumping in the air, wings flapping to carry you over the floor.
  417. >With gentle force, as well as a partially held back grunt of pain, you land on Anon's bed, right at the head of the lump.
  418. >You lay across Anon's midsection again, out of breath and wincing from the amount of pain that whole move caused you.
  419. >The lump suddenly stops moving when it feels all of that.
  420. >Keeping your voice to a minimum, you call it out.
  421. "Fluttershy... How did you get in here?"
  422. >There's a few moments of silence before she finally speaks.
  423. >"...Through the window..."
  424. "Why are you still trying to do this?!"
  425. >Fluttershy moves backwards and her body appears out of the sheets again to sit on the bed with you.
  426. "I thought we talked about this! I'm not letting you get to Anon in that way while he's in this state, Fluttershy!"
  427. >"I-I know... I thought you were, uhm... Asleep..."
  428. >...
  429. "You were waiting for me to fall asleep just to do this again?!"
  430. >"Uhm... Maybe?"
  431. >Unbelievable.
  432. >Is she really that desperate?
  433. >You rub your temple with your hoof.
  434. "Look, Fluttershy, I don't like coming between you and Anon any more than you do. But like I said, last I heard, he was not interested in you. Maybe he's lying, maybe he's not, it's not my business. But unless there's evidence to prove otherwise, I'm not letting you do what you're thinking of doing to him!"
  435. >It's difficult to tell in the darkness, but Fluttershy looks sadder than she did yesterday to hear this.
  436. >Her lip is even quivering.
  437. >You sigh.
  438. "I'm starting to think maybe I should ask you to not see him until he wakes up if you're going to go behind my back like this..."
  439. >"N-No! No, no, no, don't do that!"
  440. >She takes your good hoof in hers.
  441. >"Please, Twilight! I promise, I'll be good! Don't make me unable to see my honey, please!"
  442. >Her honey?
  443. >You're really starting to think she's delusional...
  444. >You pull your hoof back.
  445. "Alright, alright. I'm sorry, but you were forcing me to that decision Fluttershy..."
  446. >The tiredness you're feeling makes a return to your eyes.
  447. "Look, you can come and see him again tomorrow, so please... Go home. Stop worrying, get a good nights sleep, know that he's safe. He's literally surrounded by ponies that can help him in the unlikely event that something goes wrong..."
  448. >Fluttershy nods.
  449. >She hops off the bed to the floor and looks back up at you.
  450. >"I'm sorry again, Twilight..."
  451. >Without even waiting for you to respond, she heads over to the window and jumps out, closing it behind her.
  452. >You breathe a sigh of relief.
  453. >Can't believe Fluttershy, after the talk you both had yesterday, still came and did it.
  454. >Sneaking in while you were sleeping...
  455. >What is it with this obsession she has?
  456. >You can believe that love makes ponies do crazy things, but that's so bizarre...
  457. >Not feeling much better in the tiredness, you try to stand.
  458. >'Try' being the key word.
  459. >You're so exhausted that your body feels as if it's mostly given up on you...
  460. >If you try getting back to your bed, you're going to fall to the floor... and it will hurt a lot...
  461. >You could call for assistance, but at this hour...
  462. >No, don't disturb them. They could be busy enough already.
  463. >...
  464. >You look at Anon.
  465. >Still sleeping, as he was...
  466. >There's a little bit of room on his left side...
  467. >You guess there's no harm in bedding with him for the night...
  468. >You move to his side, gently moving his arm a little more outwards to make room.
  469. >When it looks like there's enough, you lay between his arm and body, taking care not to lean on anything, or hurt his shoulder.
  470. >When you're getting onto your side so your own shoulder is upwards, you feel something.
  471. >The tip of your bandaged horn brushed against his side and you felt something different...
  472. >Lightly feeling it with your hoof... you feel padding over stitches.
  473. >This must have been where they operated on him for the internal bleeding.
  474. >Meaning his broken rib is here abouts as well, under the bandaging...
  475. >...
  476. >And you felt this at first with your horn.
  477. >You were told that the broken rib and bleeding were caused by your horn colliding with him, which is what cracked it.
  478. >The thing you're responsible for is right in front of you...
  479. >...
  480. >Or maybe this whole thing is your fault.
  481. >You asked him to come to that party, you got a little drunk from the wine, he helped you to the carriage...
  482. >And as a result, you fell asleep, which made him shield you with his own body when the other carriage hit...
  483. >Are you to blame for all of this?
  484. >If you were awake, you could've taken action...
  485. >Protected him and everypony else involved, maybe...
  486. >...
  487. >What could have been different that night if you didn't drink that wine?
  488. >You feel tears welling up in your eyes the more you think about it.
  489. >You don't know if you're at fault for all of this...
  490. >But thinking about it isn't helping this feeling of guilt go away.
  491. >You gently nuzzle into him, tears staining the bandages on his ribs.
  492. "... I'm so sorry, Anon..."
  495. >Day four.
  496. >By the time lunch time came, you felt well enough to go down to the eatery and get some food yourself.
  497. >Still limping and flapping, but the doctors and nurses aren't hassling you about getting you a wheelchair.
  498. >They wish you would, but they also respect your decision.
  499. >You're still getting the feeling that there's some special treatment for you especially just because you're a Princess.
  500. >But maybe there isn't, there's a large likelihood that anypony with a broken leg and shoulder really should be helped around.
  501. >You can manage yourself though.
  502. >It's a learning experience.
  503. >Cope without what you normally have, like magic.
  504. >That's your reasoning and you're sticking to it, regardless of whether or not it makes sense.
  505. >You're not being a burden on anypony.
  506. >There's other patients here that are probably worse off than you are anyway.
  507. >You don't really think you're being stubborn about it... though the current situation might be giving others that sense.
  508. >No magic, unsteady walking...
  509. >Yet you're taking a tray of food back to your room shared with Anon.
  510. >You have a sandwich, apple and drink on the tray and are trying to keep it all balanced on your back.
  511. >Your wings can keep the tray steady up there, but that leaves you yourself to be a little unsteady.
  512. >Slow and careful movements are what it takes to progress back to your room.
  513. >...
  514. >Yeah, you're definitely being stubborn about it.
  515. >You're pretty sure a nurse or somepony would be more than happy to help you...
  516. >But no!
  517. >Maybe you should get your head checked while you're here, you never used to be this proud...
  518. >The long and tedious journey back to your room does eventually reach its end though.
  519. >All on your own as well, yay.
  520. >You push the door in with your head, minding your horn and being careful with your steps.
  521. >Moving to a table right next to the door, you carefully slide the tray of food off your back and onto it so you can relax and stretch a li-
  522. >...
  523. >There's a large lump under Anon's covers again.
  524. >Come ON!
  525. >She cannot seriously be doing this still!
  526. >You don't know if she heard you come in and is pretending to be a part of the bed, or if she's just frozen in fear.
  527. >Either way, she's not moving.
  528. >Her brilliant hiding isn't perfect though, as her tail is hanging out the side of the bed.
  529. >You move up to it, grabbing her tail with your teeth and pulling backwards.
  530. >With a little strength and pain from the effort, she comes sliding out from under the covers and onto the floor.
  531. >All she does is look up at you with an attempted innocent face.
  532. >"...Hi Twilight."
  533. "You have GOT to be kidding me, Fluttershy!"
  534. >"You told me to come and see him today..."
  535. "I also told you to STOP doing that!"
  536. >She stands up and dusts herself off a little.
  537. >"But you also said that as long as you were by his side, you weren't going to let me do it."
  538. "...And?"
  539. >"You went away for lunch..."
  540. >You'd slap a hoof to your face if it didn't risk hurting you or losing balance.
  541. >You move over to Anon's bedside.
  542. "When I say these things, I'm not trying to be cryptic so you can find loopholes in them, Fluttershy! I'm saying them as a friend to both you and Anon, out of respect!"
  543. >You hop up on his bed and once again assume your position of laying over his midsection defensively.
  544. "I honestly cannot believe you just keep doing it behind my back... Do I have to ask a nurse, or security or somepony to sit in here with him every time I leave the room?"
  545. >"No! No, no, don't do that..."
  546. >Is this the kind of thing that Anon is continuously dealing with?
  547. >Just how extreme are these advances she makes on him?
  548. >If you weren't seeing it every day for the past two days, you probably wouldn't have believed it.
  549. >This love she has for him is getting a little too obsessive.
  550. >Even Cadance would try to enforce limitations on it...
  551. >And... you may just need to do that right now.
  552. "Fluttershy, I'd really hate to do this..."
  553. >Her ears perk up.
  554. "You keep going against what I'm asking of you, and ignoring the potential dangers for Anon that are associated with what you're doing..."
  555. >She takes on a worried expression, knowing where you're going with this.
  556. "I'm going to have to ask you to not come visit while he's in this state... please."
  557. >"No! No, you can't do that!"
  558. "I'm sorry, but you're not really leaving me much choice Fluttershy... I stand by my not wanting to come between you and Anon, but as of right now, he's completely incapable of making any decisions."
  559. >Tears start forming in her eyes.
  560. "I'll let you know when he wakes up, and you're free to see him again then, but until then... What you're doing is wrong, and I need to set up some restrictions."
  561. >"No, please Twilight! Don't do that! You know how much I love him, I can't bear to stay away from him when he's hurt like this!"
  562. "I'm telling you, he's fine Fluttershy! He's being taken care of by professionals! I'll keep you updated on everything about him, but I can't keep dealing with what you insist on consistently doing!"
  563. >She suddenly breaks down crying.
  564. >You'd try and comfort her in some way, but she did bring this on herself.
  565. "Please just go home, Fluttershy... I promise I'll send word to you when he wakes up."
  566. >While sobbing, she doesn't respond to you, instead just getting up and rushing to the window.
  567. >She leaps out and flies away, the sound of her cries fading as she distances herself.
  568. >Now you feel terrible.
  569. >What other choice did you have though?
  570. >There's no telling what would happen if she'd gone through with what she's trying to do.
  571. >It might give her what she wants, but you're thinking about Anon here...
  572. >What is going on in her head?
  573. >What is it about Anon that makes her act like that?
  574. >It really is a completely different Fluttershy when Anon is involved...
  575. >With a sigh, you get up and off him.
  576. >Lunch is still waiting for you.
  577. >A bite to eat, then maybe a couple more chapters from the book.
  578. >Then maybe when the doctor comes to check on Anon for the day, you can ask him to examine your head.
  579. >...Or not.
  582. >The morning sun shines through the windows.
  583. >Day five...
  584. >You roll ov-
  585. "ARGH!"
  586. >Why is there an enormous pain in your shoulder?!
  587. >Your arm didn't follow through with your rolling over.
  588. >Looking down, you find that it's tied to your bed with a sheet...
  589. >So is your leg...
  590. >How did-?!
  591. >"Oh! Good morning Twilight..."
  592. >Oh please no...
  593. >Fluttershy approaches your bed slowly.
  594. "Did you do this?!"
  595. >"I had to..."
  596. "Why?!"
  597. >"You were stopping me from taking care of my Anon's needs. It's nothing personal, Twilight, but you know that I need to take care those I care about."
  598. >She turns and moves over towards Anon's bed.
  599. >You try moving your arm, but it's against the bedside.
  600. >All you get is pain from trying to strain movement in your shoulder.
  601. >Your leg being tied down as well makes it difficult to bend down and undo it with your teeth.
  602. >You can't get it undone with your other hoof either.
  603. >Why did your horn have to be damaged?!
  604. >Fluttershy hops up onto the bed with Anon.
  605. >"Look at him, Twilight... He's sleeping like an angel, but he's in so much pain... So uncomfortable..."
  606. "If he were in that much pain, I'm sure he'd be awake by now! Don't do what you're thinking of doing Fluttershy!"
  607. >"But I need to make him feel better!"
  608. "What is happening to you?!"
  609. >She pulls the covers back and exposes his body.
  610. >"I'm taking care of Anon. That's what's happening to me."
  611. >She lowers her head to his genitals.
  612. "Fluttershy, stop!"
  613. >Ignoring you, she licks his penis and testicles a few times.
  614. >In a few moments, he gains an erection, causing Fluttershy to squeal with delight.
  615. >"He's going to feel a lot better after this.~"
  616. >With that, she takes his penis in her mouth and starts bobbing her head up and down.
  617. >You need to put a stop to this!
  618. >Your good hoof is trying desperately to undo the knot of the sheets, but you're getting nowhere with it.
  619. >"Mmm.~"
  620. >And you're being distracted by the sounds that Fluttershy is making.
  621. >Another glance over and you see her taking his entire penis in her mouth while her tongue is out the bottom, licking his-
  622. >Argh! Doesn't matter!
  623. >Your only choice is to try and use magic!
  624. >You try focusing on the knot and will it to become undone.
  625. >It's not working. You can't channel the amount of magic needed.
  626. >What little you do feel coming wasn't going to do anything but give you an extreme headache as well.
  627. >"*slurp*"
  628. "Ergh, can you please stop?!"
  629. >"Hmmhmm.~"
  630. >She's proud of herself...
  631. >Proud that she's gone against what you asked, just to be selfish.
  632. >Your friend is laying there, partially because of you, and he's completely incapable of doing anything to stop it.
  633. >Considering what he put himself through for you...
  634. >You really should endure at least a little bit of that to stop this!
  635. >In one swift motion, you throw your head down at the knot of the sheets, your body bending as much as it needs to for it.
  636. >An enormous amount of pain radiates through your shoulder, but you've got hold of the sheet in your teeth.
  638. >Pulling back and doing your best to ignore the pain, the knot comes loose and your arm is freed.
  639. >You take a moment to hold your shoulder, trying not to cry from the amount of pain you just experienced.
  640. >With more freedom, you just turn and roll your body enough that the sheet around the cast on your leg just slides off with ease.
  641. >Now getting off the bed, you take more care to not put weight on your freshly hurt shoulder as you approach Anon's bed.
  642. >Fluttershy either hasn't noticed or is uncaring about your freedom.
  643. >And once you start climbing up on the bed with her... you see why.
  644. >"*gulp*gulp*gulp*"
  645. >Anon's penis is pulsating between her lips.
  646. >She brought him to an orgasm and is swallowing it.
  647. >You fight the urge to voice your disgust and just continue climbing up.
  648. >Wasting no time, your push her head away with your hooves, and she gives no resistance.
  649. >She got what she wanted, so why would she?
  650. >One last little spurt of semen escapes as her lips are taken off him.
  651. >She just smiles and licks her lips.
  652. "Why?! Why did you do that?!"
  653. >"I wanted to ensure he was comfortable. And nothing relaxes a stallion more than that."
  654. "That was NOT for his benefit!"
  655. >You push her out of the way so you can take his sheets and put them back over him to cover him up.
  656. "That was very selfish, Fluttershy! I know you keep saying that you love him, but I think it's safe to say that what I've seen isn't love! This is some kind of unhealthy obsession you have with him, and it makes you completely disregard his well-being!"
  657. >"But I wouldn't do that if I didn't love him!"
  658. "That doesn't make it right!"
  659. >While you're trying to argue with Fluttershy, she doesn't look any less proud of herself.
  660. >In fact, even while you speak, you can see signs of her still enjoying the taste of what she just got.
  661. >It's a little disturbing to think about...
  662. >Though you're far more bothered by the fact that she did it without the consent of the one she did it to.
  663. >One can only wonder what effe-
  664. >"*groan*...Nnnn..."
  665. >Both you and Fluttershy snap to attention.
  666. >You look to Anon at the same time and see his head moving slightly.
  667. >His eyes are partially moving, looking like he's struggling to open them.
  668. >Though his orbital bone fracture might be the cause of that, his blackened eyes may have some swelling or pain through them.
  669. >"Mgghh... *cough*cough*... Hrrk..."
  670. >He's coughing from the tube in his nose.
  671. >He brings his arm up to investigate it, but you take it in your hooves.
  672. "Anon! Take it easy! Relax..."
  673. >He blinks a few times, but you can see him squinting to focus on you.
  674. >With another cough, he starts speaking with a husky, soft voice.
  675. >"...Wh-... Where am I...? *cough*"
  676. "In the hospital. Relax, take short breaths..."
  677. >Fluttershy sits on his other side, moving closer to him and looking like she's about to cry.
  678. >He starts breathing through his mouth and cringes with each deeper breath.
  679. >"...What happened?..."
  680. >He looks a little further down at you and sees the cast on your upper arm.
  681. >"What happened to you?..."
  682. "We were in a carriage accident, Anon..."
  683. >He glances off to the side for a moment, then relaxes.
  684. >"Ahhh, fuck... I remember now... Shit, are you alright?"
  685. "I'm fine, Anon... You made sure of that, but we're more worried about you..."
  686. >He coughs once more and cringes in pain, then looks at the ceiling.
  687. >"I'll walk it off..."
  688. >He turns his head and sees Fluttershy about to burst into tears.
  689. >"Oh sweetie, how are you feeling?!"
  690. >He sounds like he just let off a pained sigh.
  691. >"...The fuck... are you here for?"
  692. >"I wanted to make sure you're okay! You looked so uncomfortable and I was so worried!"
  693. >You hit the button on the bed to call the nurse.
  694. "She was also probably the reason that woke you up just now... I'm guessing the stimuli your body just experienced may have done it."
  695. >"...Wha?.."
  696. >Fluttershy leans down to plant a kiss on his forehead.
  697. >"I gave you a blowjob to make you more comfortable, sweetie.~"
  698. >...
  699. >That knowledge seems to wake Anon up a little more, eyes widening as much as they can.
  700. >At the same time, he also looks as if he just felt every bit of pain his body is undoubtedly putting him through at once.
  701. >"...You fu-"
  702. >The door opens and in comes the doctor, followed by a nurse.
  703. >"The call on Anonymous's bed was pre- Mr Anonymous! You're awake!"
  704. >He rushes over bedside, near you.
  705. >You give him room to look over Anon.
  706. >He shines a light over his face to look at his pupils.
  707. >"How are you feeling?"
  708. >"... Like hell... and also violated..."
  709. >"Any pain? Nausea? Things like that?"
  710. >"...I feel like puking..."
  711. >"We'll get you something for it then."
  712. >While the doctor continues to look him over, Anon glances at Fluttershy again.
  713. >Using the hand closest to her, he points at her.
  714. >"Doctor... Can I have this removed?"
  715. >The doctor looks confused.
  716. >"I'm... sorry?"
  717. >"She's disturbing me... far more than I can handle... I'd like her removed, please."
  718. >"Uhh..."
  719. >Fluttershy looks shocked to hear that.
  720. >The doctor looks at you, but you remain silent.
  721. >He relents and turns to Fluttershy.
  722. >"Miss, would you mind leaving the premises please?"
  723. >"What?! No!"
  724. >Upon her refusal, he turns to the nurse.
  725. >"Call hospital security."
  726. >The nurse nods and leaves.
  727. >"No, no, no, no, no! I'm not leaving my sweeties side! He needs me!"
  728. >She throws herself on Anon, wrapping her arms around his torso.
  729. >"AAARRGGH!"
  730. >"Miss, you're hurting him! Let go!"
  732. >"FUCKING... LET GO, BITCH!"
  733. >Hospital security ponies come in and pry her off him to drag her out.
  734. >"No! Anoooon! Twilight, do something!"
  735. "I told you I wasn't going to get involved while he was awake, Fluttershy..."
  736. >"Twiliiiiiight!"
  737. >She's dragged out of the room by security.
  738. >The doctor looks back to Anon.
  739. >"*ahem* Yes, well... I will go and get something for you to relieve some pain, then let you rest before we figure out what else to do for you.
  740. >"Alrighty then..."
  741. >The doctor nods and turns to you.
  742. >"Are you alright to sit with him, Princess?"
  743. "Yes. Thank you, doctor."
  744. >He nods once again and takes his leave.
  745. >There's a few moments of silence before Anon turns to you again.
  746. >"So hit me... What's the damage?"
  747. >You take a deep breath and release it.
  748. "Okay... You took most of the impact from the carriage crash because you chose to cover me with your body. The impact pressed you against my horn, which broke your rib and caused some internal bleeding. That was the first thing that needed to be fixed when they brought you here, you were taken to emergency surgery..."
  749. >"Damn..."
  750. "That impact also cracked my horn and gave me a black eye, but that's nothing in comparison. You also struck your head on the side of the carriage, a large gash over your forehead and a fracture to your orbital bone."
  751. >"Oh, that's why my head is killing me..."
  752. "Mmm... You also received a severe dislocation in your shoulder, and both of your arms were broken... You've been unconscious for five days..."
  753. >He raises his arms slightly to see them both encased in casts.
  754. >"Shit..."
  755. "As for me, aside from the cracked horn, I only received a broken shoulder and leg... It might have been a lot worse if you hadn't protected me..."
  756. >"Yeah, you were literally under where that carriage was about to hit. Had to."
  757. >So you're right.
  758. >If you hadn't fallen asleep that night, you could've prevented this...
  759. >You really are the reason he's here.
  760. "...I'm so sorry, Anon..."
  761. >"Wha?"
  762. "This... All of this is my fault..."
  763. >"How do ya figure?"
  764. "If I hadn't had that wine at that party, I wouldn't have been in that situation to make you feel you should protect me... this whole thing could've been avoided... I-It's my fault you're in here and...-"
  765. >That feeling of guilt is overpowering again and you can't hold back the tears.
  766. >"Shhh, shhh..."
  767. >You look back up at him and see he's patting the bed with his hand.
  768. >He's inviting you to climb up.
  769. >You do so and he makes room with his arm for you to lay next to him.
  770. >It takes you a moment, but you do.
  771. >He puts his arm around you, gently rubbing your back and injured shoulder.
  772. >You want to hug him back, but you're too close to his rib, instead deciding to unfold your wing over his front.
  773. >Doesn't stop you from feeling responsible though.
  774. "I'm sorry..."
  775. >"It's fine, it wasn't your fault..."
  776. "But if I'd been awake, I-"
  777. >"It probably still would've happened, there's nothing you can do. It just kinda came out of nowhere at the last minute..."
  778. "But I could have done something if I didn't drink that-"
  779. >"Twilight, remember what I said. You had fun that night, didn't you?"
  780. >...
  781. "Yeah..."
  782. >"Then it was worth it. You can't blame something like that on a completely unexpected event. Especially since it had no direct connection to it."
  783. >You sniffle and nuzzle softly into his side.
  784. >"There is nothing you should feel responsible for. It was a freak accident that I just happened to take the bulk of the damage in."
  785. >Your wing tries to hold him a little tighter.
  786. >"Sure, it was mostly because I tried protecting you, but that was MY quick decision to make and I don't regret it. It's still not even remotely your fault."
  787. >His hand rubbing along your side slows a little as he finishes talking.
  788. >You take a deep breath and let it out.
  789. "I'm sorry... It's just a hard feeling to shake... "
  790. >"I get that. Trust me though, you did nothing bad... well, maybe not with that, but I question where you were while Fluttershy was sucking me off..."
  791. >You can't help but let off a small laugh with that.
  792. "I was here the whole time. I didn't want to leave your side after what happened. She was trying to do it every day and I was trying to prevent her doing it. I laid across you so she couldn't do it, but then I woke up tied to my bed this morning..."
  793. >"Jesus... fucking crazy bitch..."
  794. "I'm starting to see that... I'll see if I can get the others and we'll talk some sense into her later."
  795. >"Don't think that'd help much."
  796. >You remain laying next to him, having partially cried out what you were feeling guilty for.
  797. >Even if he is awake now, you're going to remain by his side until he's healthy again.
  798. >"Well, thats one thing you can be happy to know I appreciate then..."
  799. "Hm?"
  800. >"If you hadn't stayed here, who knows how far she would've taken that while I was out... I could've woken up in the middle of her fucking me... Why exactly am I naked in the first place?"
  801. >You can't help but snicker at that.
  802. >You hold him a little tighter.
  803. "I'm just glad you're okay, Anon..."
  804. >"Same to you."

[FR] Fleeting Impulses

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[FR][Milky Way] Sampling Her Milk

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[FR] Toothaches Suck

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[FR] Snakes Suck

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[FR] Vehicular Accidents Suck

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