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Pink Haze - Part 2

By Glimbrain
Created: 2025-03-11 23:47:22
Updated: 2025-03-17 23:02:35
Expiry: Never

  1. Synopsis: Anon is bullied by three pink mares, but what goes around comes around.
  3. *** AUTHOR'S NOTE ***
  5. I will try to update this story every 3 days, but no promises.
  7. *** LINKS AND KINKS ***
  11. LATEST UPDATE: Line 2638 -
  13. CURRENT KINK LIST: an honest reconciliation between two best friends, mare on mare massage, light bondage (horn ring, spreader bar, shackles), hypnosis, maledom, female sexual dysfunction/orgasm denial, deep dominant kissing, cuckquening, yandere vibes, chubby mare molestation, teat fondling, cutie re-marking, mind control, mental regression to piggy, spanking, magical nose hook, femdom, mare on mare cunnilingus, neck biting, double blowjob under the bed covers, comfy slow bath sex, impregnation kink, ear nibbling, oinkmaxxing
  15. *** 14 ***
  17. >At the very heart of the Crystal Empire lies its structural soul—its castle.
  18. >This aptly named "Crystal Castle" is a towering, awe-inspiring megalith made of pure, gleaming crystal.
  19. >Its importance to the Empire cannot be overstated—for it functions as a lynchpin and a landmark both.
  20. >Powered by a magical artefact known as the Crystal Heart, this shining stronghold quite literally reflects the emotions of its crystalline citizenry, taking in positive vibes and beaming out incandescently inspirational light.
  21. >This invigorating radiance then warmly washes over the city, strengthening its inhabitants whilst also safeguarding them from the blisteringly cold blizzard that rages just outside its borders.
  22. >Protection aside, the Crystal Castle is also the cherished home where the Crystal Empire's Royal Family reside.
  23. >The Royal Family are essentially the Heart of the Heart, for it is they who are able to maintain this castle's protective glow.
  24. >Thus, it is only right that their dignified dwelling stands at the very height of opulence within this fair city; it is suitably staffed by a full suite of loyal servants, lavishly furnished with all kinds of deluxe decor, and its main balcony offers a resplendent sweeping view of the Crystal Empire's coruscant capital.
  25. >Indeed, every single chamber in this splendid castle is a clear sign of its keepers' high status—of their rightful regality.
  26. >And it is in one such chamber—a private bedchamber—that a young princess leisurely enjoys the fruits of her privileged upbringing.
  28. >She lies on her left side atop a bright-pink, heart-shaped bed.
  29. >This bed happens to be the very lap of luxury—combining soft satin sheets, posh plumed pillows, and a magnificently malleable mattress to form the complete comfy package.
  30. >A circular baldachin hangs a good few metres above the bed; its translucent pink curtains drape down to cover the crib's edges, forming a semicircle of veiled privacy.
  31. >Below it all, an embroidered turquoise rug spreads out from underneath the bed; it promises plushy paradise to any bare hooves that dare touch upon its supple surface. Incidentally, four silver hoof shoes happen to be positioned on top of this rug and by the bed's foot.
  32. >The world around this princess is a mash-up of posh prestige and girlish glee; the walls papered with pink floral patterns are only broken up by the stalwart presence of shining crystal columns.
  33. >The evening sun spills in through the two arched windows over by the right side of this bedroom; these windows are roomily spacey, with each classily curtained crevice providing a stunning view of the city down below—naturally, the curtains themselves are both pink, matching the decor.
  34. >Portraits celebrating royal coronations and similar sovereign ceremonies hang from the walls and decorate the crystalline furnishings.
  35. >A princess's crystal crown and silver peytral lies upon one particular furnishing—a dazzling dresser that's placed right by the bedside.
  36. >There's no questioning it—this is *truly* a room fit for royalty.
  37. >After all, this is Princess Flurry Heart's personal bedchamber.
  38. >And Flurry Heart herself is currently writing in her private diary, humming a happy tune to herself.
  40. >"Hm~ hm~ hm~"
  41. >As this room's sole occupant, she lies alone—yet her heart openly yearns for another.
  42. >Her earnest emotions are what fuel her feverish scribbles within this heartfelt journal; in it, she writes of a curious, alien stallion who has occupied her mind—and her heart—as of late.
  43. >She oh-so-dearly wishes to spend every waking hour with him—to spend her days nestled in his embrace;
  44. >To feel his supple hands slowly glide over her wings;
  45. >To nuzzle up to his bare neck and freely take in his scent;
  46. >To lose herself in a thousand nights of sweaty passion.
  47. >Her sensual scribblings grow more dissonantly lurid by the second.
  48. >Flurry takes a few breathy seconds to recompose herself, before continuing on with her prose of personal perfervidity:
  49. >This stallion is, by technicality, a lowborn, but this lovestruck princess cares naught for such sociopolitical barriers.
  50. >If fate would have her choose between her title or her love—then she would happily discard her crown without a second thought.
  51. >Yet she would just-as-happily offer him the Royal Throne if he so desired; she would elevate him to righteous Kinghood—and present herself to him as his loyal Queen.
  52. >In truth, she thought very little of him when first they met.
  53. >He was strange, alien, unique—and she was never particularly fond of those who dwelled beyond her priggish purview.
  54. >And yet…there simply something about him that quickly charmed her interest, despite her proclivities.
  55. >Perhaps it was the way he diligently worked her body over; perhaps it was due to just *how* exotic he was—or perhaps it was because of something else entirely.
  56. >In any case, she wanted to know more. She wanted to understand the strange feelings that were sprouting within her delicate heart.
  57. >And so she willingly—
  58. >*Knock knock knock*
  59. >Eyes shooting up from her passionately penned pages, Flurry squeaks out a gasp:
  60. >"Oh!"
  61. >Swiftly closing her diary and magically sealing it, she gently levitates it over to her bedside dresser, soon setting it down next to her crown and peytral.
  62. >Turning her head over to the right, she faces her bedroom double doors—which are just as ornately decorated as the rest of her room—and calls out:
  63. >"Who is it?"
  64. >A few unspoken seconds pass.
  65. >And when an answer eventually does arrive, it comes in the form of a quiet, restrained mumble—something that only the most finely tuned of equine ears can pick up.
  66. >"I-it's me, Luster Dawn…"
  67. >Flurry lets out a light sigh and nods to herself.
  68. >And with a brief pulse of her horn, she dispels her magical door lock before calling out again:
  69. >"Come on in, Lustie!"
  71. >One of the doors partially creaks open.
  72. >Another second passes, and a unicorn quietly slinks into Flurry's bedroom through the formed gap.
  73. >Her fur is cerise pink, while her loopy mane is a fiery orange.
  74. >This mare is Luster Dawn—one of Flurry Heart's best friends.
  75. >After carefully closing the door behind her, Luster's amber eyes flit up from the crystal floor to meet Flurry's curious blue peepers.
  76. >Straining out a smile, Luster shakily speaks up:
  77. >"H-hey, Flurry…"
  78. >Flurry returns Luster's smile with added aplomb and a friendly wave.
  79. >"Hi, Luster! Over here!"
  80. >With a slight nod and a wobbly gait, Luster wearily walks over to Flurry's bedside.
  81. >Flurry purses her lips in concern as the unicorn slowly approaches.
  82. >These two mares have known each other for a long time—long enough to proudly call each other "besties."
  83. >And as a certified bestie—Flurry is easily able to tell when something is wrong with her friend.
  84. >The brashly confident demeanour that Luster is usually known for has somehow withered away into a weak and worriable one.
  85. >Her eyes are sullen, while her tail is tightly tucked in between her hindlegs.
  86. >And to top it all off—her normally frazzled mane is now both frazzled *and* frizzled.
  87. >Flurry adopts a look of sympathy towards her friend as Luster steps onto the bedside rug.
  88. >"Oh, Lustie…what happened to you?"
  89. >Luster's lips part and pupils waver.
  90. >"I…"
  91. >She takes a bracing gulp, and then anxiously pleads her case:
  92. >"Flurry, we're—we're in trouble! It's Cozy Glow! She's—it's—th-the human! The human and her are working together and…and…!"
  93. >Luster takes a moment to raggedly gasp for breath, amber eyes falling down to the turquoise rug.
  94. >"Hah…h-hah…!"
  95. >Flurry calmly raises a forehoof.
  96. >"Deep breaths, Lustie," she sedately states. "Your mouth is moving a mile a minute."
  97. >"I…"
  98. >Steadily lifting her gaze, Luster looks up to Flurry with a strained expression.
  99. >"…I know… B-but—" Luster quickly shakes her head and furrows her brows. "—but we have to do something…! We have to—u-ugh…"
  100. >Luster's hindlegs suddenly wobble as she struggles to maintain her balance—nearly crumpling to the floor in the process.
  101. >Flurry watches on with pursed concern and a thoughtful hum; after which, she pats the spot on her right side.
  102. >"Come on up, Lustie. You look like you can barely stand."
  103. >Luster blinks at Flurry's offering, eyes timidly flitting between her friend and her friend's hoof.
  104. >Her ears suddenly fold.
  105. >"I…I-I shouldn't," Luster mumbles. "I-I might make a mess."
  106. >Flurry tilts her head.
  107. >"A…a mess…?"
  108. >Offering no verbal response, Luster simply looks to the side in shame.
  109. >Flurry casts a curious glance towards Luster's jittering hindlegs—and very quickly gets the picture.
  110. >"Oh, Lustie…"
  112. >Flurry's expression swiftly shifts from a sympathetic frown to a empathic smile.
  113. >"When one of my besties can barely keep herself upright—messes are the least of my concerns."
  114. >Giving the spot on her bed another pat, Flurry raises her voice:
  115. >"So come on up. Princess's decree!"
  116. >Ears shooting up in surprise, Luster's mouth hangs agape at her friend's authoritative tone:
  117. >"U-uh."
  118. >But after taking a quick gulp, she acquiesces, nodding in deference.
  119. >"O-okay."
  120. >Taking a few shaky steps forward, Luster clambers up onto the bed.
  121. >Turning around and sitting next to Flurry's right side, Luster rests on her haunches while crossing one hindleg over the other; she also lays both forehooves on her lap, cautiously covering it up.
  122. >And so these two pink mares sit on the bed's edge, facing the windows.
  123. >Unfurling her feathers, Flurry carefully drapes her right wing over Luster's back.
  124. >Flurry casts a sweeping glance around the room, soon lighting up her horn.
  125. >She then closes her curtains and relocks her bedroom double doors, making sure to grant her friend some much-needed privacy.
  126. >After her magic quietly dissipates, Flurry addresses her bestie with a patient tone:
  127. >"So, what's got you so worked up, Lustie?"
  128. >"I…um…"
  129. >Flurry gently caresses Luster's back with her wing.
  130. >"And take your time. There's no rush."
  131. >At her friend's suggestion, Luster takes a deep, fortifying breath.
  132. >Then another.
  133. >One more.
  134. >And, with a self-sobering nod, Luster is finally ready to talk:
  135. >"We're…Equestria is in danger, Flurry. Cozy Glow is back to her old tricks."
  136. >"'Old tricks?'" Flurry tilts her head. "Wait, are you saying you think Glowie has relapsed?"
  137. >"I *know* she has!" Luster snaps back. "A-and the two of us are most at risk, Flurry! She's planning to control the both of us with…with…"
  138. >Luster slowly trails off as her wavering pupils drift down Flurry's neck.
  139. >Her eyes suddenly widen.
  140. >"Th-that…a-ah…" Luster shakily gasps.
  141. >Flurry blinks in confusion.
  142. >"Lustie?"
  143. >"F-flurry…h-how…"
  144. >Luster gulps.
  145. >"…h-how long have you been wearing that choker for?"
  146. >"Oh, this?"
  147. >Reaching up her left forehoof, Flurry idly paws at the black pleather choker worn around her neck.
  148. >"Little more than a week, why?"
  149. >"A-ah…"
  150. >Luster's breathing hastens.
  151. >Flurry arches an eyebrow.
  152. >"Lustie…?"
  153. >Luster's eyes frantically dart around the room, particularly lingering on the windows and the door.
  154. >Her breathing also shoots up to a hyperventilatory pace.
  155. >"Lustie!"
  156. >Quickly slipping her left forehoof under the unicorn's chin, Flurry tilts Luster's head her way—forcing her bestie to look her straight in the eyes.
  157. >"Lustie, please!"
  158. >Though her face may be marred by concern, Flurry lowers her voice down to a softer tone:
  159. >"Please speak to me. Tell me what's bothering you. I won't judge you, I promise."
  160. >Luster blinks a few times;
  161. >Takes a gulping breath;
  162. >And nods.
  163. >"O-okay."
  165. >With a tranquil nod of her own, Flurry removes her forehoof from Luster's chin.
  166. >Luster takes the chance to have another, slightly calmer, glance at Flurry's choker.
  167. >"I-it's just," she shakily begins, "th-the thing that Cozy used to try and control my mind…it was a collar. And it was pitch black—just like yours—so I…s-so I th-thought…"
  168. >Flurry gives another nod.
  169. >"Oh, I see."
  170. >Lifting her left forehoof, she thoughtfully taps her choker.
  171. >"Well, I'm pretty sure this choker isn't controlling my mind or anything like that."
  172. >She flashes Luster a proud, toothy grin.
  173. >"I just think it looks cool!"
  174. >"O-oh."
  175. >Flurry reassuringly rests her right forehoof on Luster's left shoulder.
  176. >"But if you like, I can take it off for you. It's just…"
  177. >Cheeks lightly flushing, Flurry's eyes drift to the side.
  178. >"…it's a little embarrassing, really—what's under it…"
  179. >Shaking her head, Luster gently pushes Flurry's hoof away.
  180. >"No…no, that's fine. You don't have to."
  181. >Luster lets out a solemn sigh, eyes falling down to her lap.
  182. >"Sorry, Flurry. I'm just a little scattered, that's all."
  183. >Raising her gaze, Luster takes a third look at Flurry's choker—this one reasonably more composed.
  184. >"Thing is—the collar that human tried to put on me had these *freaky* red gemstones on it."
  185. >Luster's eyes move back up to Flurry's face.
  186. >"Yours is…it's normal. I can see that now."
  187. >Flurry clears her throat, flashing Luster an expectant look.
  188. >"And fashionable, right~?"
  189. >Luster blankly blinks—and then lightly chuckles.
  190. >"Eheh. And fashionable, yeah."
  191. >Flurry nods with a proud smile.
  192. >"Mm-hmm~!"
  193. >Her brows slightly knit.
  194. >"Oh, but wait a minute, Lustie."
  195. >She pauses for a moment.
  196. >"Earlier, you said that Cozy tried to put a collar on you—but now, you're saying that this 'human' did it instead?"
  197. >"Oh, er, yeah."
  198. >Luster awkwardly rubs her cheek.
  199. >"S-sorry, it's just that it all happened so quickly… I'm still trying to process things."
  200. >Flurry titters.
  201. >"It's okay, Lustie."
  202. >She leans forward.
  203. >"But tell me—what happened?"
  204. >Luster nods.
  205. >"Guess I better start from the beginning, then."
  206. >She takes a deep breath.
  207. >"Okay, so…you remember the human, right? That weird creature you, me, and Cozy got a massage from?"
  208. >Flurry taps her chin in quiet thought for a couple of seconds—before blithely nodding.
  209. >"Oh! The one you made kiss your butthole!"
  210. >Luster awkwardly chuckles.
  211. >"Y-yeah, that one…"
  213. >She shakes her head and clears her throat.
  214. >"A-anyway, few days ago, that very same human invited me back for another massage back at his parlour—but this time, it was on the house."
  215. >"Ooh…and did you accept?"
  216. >Luster nods.
  217. >"Yeah, 'course I did. Figured a free massage couldn't hurt, right? 'Specially if it was from a one-of-a-kind alien masseur."
  218. >She energetically gesticulates with her right forehoof.
  219. >"But it all turned out to be a dirty trick—you see, what that perverted human *actually* planned to do was place a mind-control collar around my neck as soon as I was distracted!"
  220. >Flurry gasps out in shock:
  221. >"No way!"
  222. >Lowering her tone, Luster continues:
  223. >"Yes way. But luckily, I was quick on the uptake—and I was able to subdue him before he could lay his grubby hands on me."
  224. >Flurry clasps her forehooves together.
  225. >"Wow! Nice going, Lustie!"
  226. >Luster rubs the back of her own neck.
  227. >"Eheh heh, yeah. Oh, but here's the thing, Flurry: once I started interrogating him on exactly *how* he got that collar—he told me that Cozy Glow was the one who gave him it."
  228. >Flurry's eyes widen.
  229. >"R-really? Glowie did?"
  230. >"Uh huh." Luster nods. "He also told me that she and him were planning to take over Equestria after they managed to enslave me."
  231. >"Take over Equestria…?"
  232. >After blinking a few times, Flurry shakes her head.
  233. >"B-but Lustie—how sure can you be that the human wasn't lying?"
  234. >Luster's lips briefly purse, and her eyes drift to the side.
  235. >"I…uh…used a truth spell to force that confession out of him." Luster's eyes flit back to Flurry's face. "He wasn't lying—I made sure of it. Cozy's definitely up to no good."
  236. >Brows furrowing, Flurry's gaze shifts down towards the bedside rug.
  237. >"But…but that means…that means that Glowie…"
  238. >Unwilling to finish her troubling train of thought, Flurry's lips purse to a quivering degree.
  239. >Returning the favour from earlier, Luster gently rests her left forehoof upon her bestie's right shoulder.
  240. >"Look, Flurry, I get it," she speaks up. "You want to keep believing in her after all the times you personally vouched for her."
  241. >Luster's expression becomes stern.
  242. >"But…I think it's time to face the facts: Cozy hasn't changed—and honestly, I don't think she ever will."
  244. >Flurry briefly shuts her eyes.
  245. >"Hasn't changed…"
  246. >She lets out a shaky sigh.
  247. >"Maybe…maybe you're right…but…but I…"
  248. >Sensing her friend's despondency, Luster flashes Flurry a friendly smile and gives her a few vigorous pats on the shoulder.
  249. >"Hey, Flurry, whatever happens—you'll always have me, alright?"
  250. >Lifting her gaze, Flurry gazes into Luster's amber eyes for a few seconds.
  251. >And she soon returns that very same smile.
  252. >"Hehe…" Flurry softly giggles. "Thanks, Lustie."
  253. >Tilting their heads to the side and leaning in towards each other, the two mares enjoy a cheek-to-cheek nuzzle for a few seconds.
  254. >After pulling away, Flurry questions Luster with a renewed spirit:
  255. >"Oh, but back to the matter at hoof—where is that human now?"
  256. >Luster crosses her forelegs together, expression becoming pensive.
  257. >"Well…that's why I came here, Flurry."
  258. >Slumping her shoulders, she lets out a long, heavy sigh.
  259. >"…I need your help. The human got away."
  260. >Flurry's face shifts to one of worry.
  261. >"He did? How?"
  262. >Luster's ears flop down as her gaze trails off to the side.
  263. >"Just when I thought I had him under control, there was something else that caught me off guard."
  264. >"Something else?"
  265. >"Yeah." Luster nods. "He owned a…freaky looking pet monster of some kind—I-I don't know. Whatever it was, it blasted me with a spell and covered his escape."
  266. >Resting her chin on her right forehoof, Luster continues:
  267. >"Make no mistake, Flurry—that human is not to underestimated, so we're gonna need all the help we can get if we're to…uh…"
  268. >Trailing off, Luster knits her brows at Flurry.
  269. >"…uh, hey, Flurry—you alright?"
  270. >With dilated pupils and a vacant stare, Flurry looks past Luster and quietly mumbles to herself:
  271. >"P-pet monster…?"
  272. >But at the sound of her friend's voice, Flurry quickly blinks herself out of her stupor—and her gaze refocuses back on Luster.
  273. >"Oh, um, sorry. Go on, Lustie."
  275. >With a nonchalant nod, Luster continues from where she left off:
  276. >"…so that means we're gonna need to pull out all the stops if we're gonna wanna stop these two."
  277. >Amber eyes burning with newfound determination, Luster addresses her friend with a firm tone:
  278. >"Flurry. Use your royal status to call in the Royal Guard; we need to find Cozy—smoke her out from wherever she's hiding…"
  279. >Turning away and closing her eyes, Luster's voice turns more gravelly:
  280. >"…and we *especially* need to find that human."
  281. >Flurry tilts her head, brows knitting in concern.
  282. >"'E-especially?'"
  283. >Luster opens her eyes, the flame in her gaze burning to a fever pitch.
  284. >"Yeah. Between the two of them, he's easily the most dangerous one. Believe me, we need to find him as soon as possible. Put up wanted posters. Search from house to house. Employ our best scrying spells. Use anything and everything we have at our disposal to capture him. And when we finally do get him: lock him up. Lock him deep within the castle dungeons where nopony else can possibly find him and then I can—!"
  285. >Luster suddenly stops herself and snaps her mouth shut, covering it up with both forehooves.
  286. >Flurry blinks a few times, nonplussed.
  287. >"Then you can…?"
  288. >"U-um…"
  289. >Steadily lowering her hooves, Luster hastily shakes her head.
  290. >"…n-never mind…"
  291. >Avoiding her friend's innocent gaze, Luster's eyes shift downward.
  292. >"S-sorry, Flurry. It's just—whenever I start thinking about that human, my mind goes all foggy."
  293. >Slumping her shoulders, Luster lets out a weighted sigh.
  294. >"And it's all because of this…this *stupid* spell, uuugh…"
  295. >Groaning out loud, Luster reaches down with her right forehoof and tenderly rubs the area just below her navel.
  296. >Some may call such an act indecent, but Flurry merely hums in thought while her friend openly tends to her own tension:
  297. >"Hm…"
  298. >Facing her head forward, Flurry sneaks a covert, sidelong glance down Luster's ailing body.
  299. >Much like how they were when she sat down, one of Luster's hindlegs is crossed over the other.
  300. >Her thighs are tightly clenched together, shuddering and spasming and pulsing out in pain.
  301. >It's crystal clear to Flurry that her bestie is suffering in one way or another.
  302. >And so, with a quaint and collected nod, she speaks up:
  303. >"Hey, Lustie, lie on your belly."
  304. >"Wha—"
  305. >Luster's wide-eyed gaze snaps back up to Flurry.
  306. >"—h-huh?"
  307. >Flurry meets her friend's complete shock with a cheery smile.
  308. >"You seem super stressed—sooo I wanna give you a relaxing backrub!"
  309. >"B-backrub?"
  310. >Luster arches an eyebrow.
  311. >"…Wait, you do backrubs?"
  312. >"That's right!"
  313. >Flurry proudly taps her chest with her left wing.
  314. >"Don't you forget—I am a princess of *many* talents, hehe~!"
  316. >Flurry's unbridled enthusiasm is like a wave of optimism, no matter the situation.
  317. >And, despite her own discomfort, Luster can't help but reflect that very same energy.
  318. >"Ahah…okay then." Luster's lips curl upwards. "Yeah, I wouldn't mind another…a backrub."
  319. >Flurry nods, and removes her wing from Luster's back.
  320. >Luster scoots backwards along the bed to give herself some more room.
  321. >And soon enough, she lowers herself down into a prone position, laying her body across the heart-shaped bed and facing out towards the curtained windows.
  322. >Her hindlegs lie tightly parallel to each other, while her pudgy belly pliably sinks into the plush mattress.
  323. >Propping up her fluffy chest with folded forelegs, a fidgety Luster lifts her head to shoot Flurry a trepidant glance.
  324. >"S-so, um, whenever you're ready, Flurry."
  325. >Flurry, who has now relocated herself over to Luster's left side, giggles while rubbing her forehooves together in a most mischievous manner.
  326. >"Prepare yourself, Lustie!"
  327. >Luster gulps.
  328. >"P-preparing…"
  329. >Sitting down on her haunches, Flurry calmly examines her bestie's back while continuing to rub her own hooves.
  330. >After building up enough princessly power, she exhales a deeply long puff of air from her mouth…
  331. >"Pheeewwww…"
  332. >And she suddenly *strikes* Luster's shoulder blades with both forehooves.
  333. >"YAH!" Flurry yells out.
  334. >"U-uhp!" Luster tenses up.
  335. >…
  336. >It is a strike most soft.
  337. >Leaning over her bestie, Flurry slowly begins to work her hooves in circles, tenderly kneading Luster's rigid muscle.
  338. >"O-ooh…" Luster shakily sighs out.
  339. >"Hehe~!" Flurry giggles. "You like, Lustie?"
  340. >Luster lets out another sigh, this one more easygoing.
  341. >"Y-yeah, it's…w-wow…"
  342. >Lowering her head, Luster rests her chin on the pink duvet beneath her body.
  343. >"Flurry, where did you…haah…when did you learn how to do something like this?"
  344. >Flurry pompously clears her throat.
  345. >"As the Crown Princess of the Crystal Empire, It wouldn't be right for me to rest of my laurels, so I'm always seeking to improve my repertoire!" She beams with pride. "This is just one of many things I picked up over the last week—alongside mane curling, hooficures, and baking!"
  347. >Luster blinks a few times, slowly taking in her friend's numerous accomplishments.
  348. >"W-wow… You're really something, Flurry…"
  349. >Luster can feel her worries steadily melt away at Flurry's tender touch.
  350. >Her face nestles into the royal mattress, while her hindlegs gradually spread apart, forgetting their prior tension.
  351. >"Ah~" Luster sighs out in relief, tail happily swishing about.
  352. >Now that Luster is notably more relaxed, Flurry takes the opportunity to press her bestie on her spellbound stresses.
  353. >"So, Lustie, about that 'stupid spell' you mentioned earlier—what did you mean by that? Is it the reason you're walking all wobbly?"
  354. >Luster's ears perk up.
  355. >"Oh, that…"
  356. >She stretches her right hindleg up into the air; it jitters about irritably.
  357. >"Yeah, it's…ugh…"
  358. >She cringes in discomfort, letting her hindleg flop back onto the bed.
  359. >Huffing out a sigh, she continues:
  360. >"Do you remember how I told you that the human's pet monster hit me with a spell?"
  361. >Flurry gives a curt nod.
  362. >"Yes."
  363. >"Well, I'm pretty sure that it…cursed me with something."
  364. >She wiggles her groin into Flurry's bed.
  365. >"It's…it's just made me unbearably *itchy* down there—and nothing I do brings me any *relief.*
  366. >She clenches her eyes shut.
  367. >"A-and my thoughts keep going back to that human."
  368. >Gritting her teeth, her tone descends into that same gravelly guttural tone from before, while her flaccid tail swishes turn to furious tail *thwaps.*
  369. >"I can *feel* my body *screaming* at me to…to *find* him and…and…ungh…"
  370. >She trails off, calming her tail and opening her eyes.
  371. >Turning her head over in Flurry's direction, Luster flashes her friend an apologetic frown.
  372. >"S-sorry. Too much info, right?"
  373. >Flurry titters.
  374. >"It's okay, Lustie. It sounds like you've been through a lot."
  375. >Flurry continues to apply her practised ministrations upon her friend's back, determined to ease what woes she can.
  377. >Thanks to Flurry's hoofy efforts, Luster's amorous agitations steadily fizzle down to manageable levels—yet the unicorn's underlying frustration remains ever present.
  378. >After a couple of minutes, Flurry speaks up once more:
  379. >"Hey, Lustie, have you told Princess Twilight about this? About Glowie and the human?"
  380. >Luster shakes her head against the duvet.
  381. >"No, not yet. This is a Crystal Empire problem, y'know? So I figured it'd be best to keep it *in* the Crystal Empire for now."
  382. >Flurry nods.
  383. >"Mhm, I agree."
  384. >"Plus," Luster continues, giving her tail a hesitant flick, "I, uh, didn't wanna face my mentor while I was like this." Luster looks to the side, ears flopping down. "It'd be really embarrassing…"
  385. >Flurry softly giggles.
  386. >"I understand."
  387. >Luster looks up at Flurry.
  388. >"And on that note, I was also hoping you could help me with relieving this…" she gives her rump a light rub with her right forehoof. "…issue of mine."
  389. >Flurry halts her hooves and casts a curious glance Luster's way.
  390. >"Help you…?"
  391. >The two mares hold eye contact for a couple of seconds.
  392. >Luster's cheeks suddenly flush red in realisation.
  393. >"U-um," she sputters out, "no, n-not like that, I-I mean…"
  394. >She clears her throat.
  395. >"I-it's just…I've had to deal with *this* for several hours now—and none of the counterspells I tried have worked."
  396. >She takes a brief pause, finding the right words.
  397. >"So…I thought you might know something about it."
  398. >Flurry tilts her head.
  399. >"Me?"
  401. >"Yeah. I know that you know your way around a magical spell, Flurry—I mean, you and me both studied under the same tutors, didn't we?"
  402. >Luster flashes Flurry a hopeful smile.
  403. >"And I figured that—considering what I'm dealing with—a Princess of Love might have a better idea about this type of magic than I do."
  404. >"Oooh…"
  405. >Resuming her hoofwork, Flurry hums in thought for a few seconds.
  406. >"Well," she speaks up, "this is just a guess, but it sounds like you might be suffering from an aphrodisiac spell of some kind—maybe an estrus inducer?"
  407. >"That's what I thought too—but something like that can always be dealt with by running a simple chilling spell throughout the loins."
  408. >Facing forward and away from Flurry, Luster furrows her brows.
  409. >"But this…this spell…it lingers."
  410. >Luster takes a scrunching, wincing blink.
  411. >"No. It doesn't just linger—i-it festers."
  412. >She anxiously chews on her bottom lip as she continues:
  413. >"It's like…it's like I can *feel* this spell seeping its way into my mind. It keeps whispering things to me about that human—dark things—and I…ugh…"
  414. >Luster's eyes flit back to her friend, and Flurry can see a clear sense of panic present in the unicorn's eyes.
  415. >"I-I'm gonna be honest with you, Flurry. I've been trying to put on a brave face for you and all—but as things stand," Luster's voice raspily cracks. "I-I'm not sure how much longer I can hold on…"
  416. >"Oh, Lustie…"
  417. >Flurry lets out a sympathetic sigh, keenly feeling her friend's plight.
  418. >She then speaks with a gentle tone:
  419. >"Don't you worry. We'll figure this out together."
  421. >Flurry's hooves work wonders on Luster's back.
  422. >"After I'm done with this, we'll go ask my mom if she knows anything about this spell, and failing that—we can always ask Princess Twilight herself; one of them is bound to know the cure to whatever's got you down."
  423. >As do her words work wonders on Luster's soul.
  424. >"In the meantime, you just focus on enjoying this backrub, okay? I'm here for you, Lustie."
  425. >Looking up at Flurry's inspiring smile, Luster finds herself gulping down her gloom.
  426. >And thus she nods, smiling back at her bestie.
  427. >"Yeah…thanks, Flurry."
  428. >Luster faces forward, closes her eyes, and sighs with solace.
  429. >"You're…you're a good friend."
  430. >"Hm-hm~!"
  431. >With a bright smile upon her face, Flurry takes her backrub to the next level, working her careful cloppers down along Luster's muscly back.
  432. >Flurry's fluid hooves are as a soothing salve to Luster's languid lamentations; it grants the unicorn hope that, perhaps, things will work out after all.
  433. >Matching Flurry's bright smile with a serene one, Luster shuts herself away from her worldly worries, enjoying only the soft caress of her friend's forehooves and the tranquil ambience of the royal bedchamber.
  434. >This ambience is only titivated through the soft sighs and heartfelt hums of two carefree souls.
  435. >"Hey, Lustie," Flurry speaks up, "we sure had our fun during those tutoring sessions, didn't we?"
  436. >"Heh heh, yeah. Gotta admit—the two of us together are a hoofful at the best of times."
  437. >"Must be why our tutors have had such a high turnover, hehe~!"
  438. >And so, idle chatter comes to fill the bedroom air during a massage between mares.
  439. >The princess and the prodigy.
  440. >Two magical ponies hailing from two different nations—yet their destinies intertwine through common interests and shared feelings.
  441. >They're both amazing mares.
  442. >And soon…
  444. >Flurry takes a moment to hum in thought.
  445. >"…You know, thinking about it…" she begins.
  446. >"Mhm?" Luster's left ear angles itself to face in Flurry's direction, while both of her eyes remain calmly closed.
  447. >"A little while back, I was able to sneak into my mom's private study without *anypony* noticing."
  448. >"Ooo," Luster coos, impressed. "Nice going, Flurry."
  449. >"Ehehe~" Flurry giggles. "All in a day's work!"
  450. >After taking another second to relish her past victory, she continues:
  451. >"Anyway, there were books on all sorts of spells in there—from love rituals to love curses."
  452. >"Oh yeah…?"
  453. >"Mm-hmm, and what you're going through right now is starting to remind me of a spell I read about."
  454. >"Huh…"
  455. >"Of course, I can't say for sure if it's the same thing that *you're* currently dealing with, but…"
  456. >"Eh, let's hear it, Flurry. Should give us a good starting point if nothing else."
  457. >Flurry nods with a hum.
  458. >"Okay, so, this spell: it falls under the category of love curses—and it's something called a 'Love Cage.'"
  459. >Luster huffs into the duvet.
  460. >"Weird name…"
  461. >Flurry giggles.
  462. >"Right? But make no mistake—its symptoms are the real deal."
  463. >Flurry lets out a soft sigh as the massage slowly moves down Luster's back.
  464. >"In the past, this curse was used by ponies who sought to inflict 'punishment' upon those they deemed to be dishonest with their feelings."
  465. >That one punitive word has Luster knitting her brows with concern.
  466. >"'P-punishment?'"
  467. >"Yep." Flurry nods. "You see, the Love Cage works by directly embedding itself into both the victim's heart and body; it fans the flames of desire—yet also prevents pleasure in all its forms."
  468. >"W-wow." Luster's expression tightens further. "All its forms, huh…"
  469. >"Mm-hmm, but it won't stop there, because the victim's base urges will only grow stronger with time—unbearably so, in fact."
  470. >"U-unbearably…?"
  471. >"These curse-driven desires will steadily become harder and harder to ignore, and when their overwhelmed libido can no longer handle all of that lust and love—the Love Cage's effects will begin leaking into every other aspect of their day-to-day life."
  473. >Flurry takes a pause, giving just enough time for Luster's throat to dry itself out.
  474. >"It'll start out by leaking into their cognitive capabilities, inhibiting their senses of smell and touch, amongst other things."
  475. >Flurry's eyes drift along Luster's prone body as the massage moves down to just above her tail dock.
  476. >"But the longer the spell goes on—and the more that the victim resists—the tighter the Love Cage will restrain every part of them."
  477. >The massage begins to move up Luster's body—from her dock to her croup.
  478. >"They'll suffer frequent lapses in concentration."
  479. >From her croup to her loins.
  480. >"They'll struggle to cast even the most basic spells."
  481. >Slowly kneading along her back.
  482. >"They'll stumble around on near-unresponsive limbs."
  483. >Up to her withers.
  484. >"And by the time the curse fully takes root in their mind…"
  485. >Flurry's lips make the slightest upturn.
  486. >"…it'll lock them up entirely."
  487. >Luster gulps.
  488. >"On average," Flurry continues, "the entire process is recorded to take about twenty-four hours from start to finish."
  489. >Luster silently mouths the number "twenty four" to herself, unable to find her own voice.
  490. >Flurry ends her explanation there, and an icy silence hangs in the air while Luster's withers get warmly massaged.
  491. >But after taking a deep breath, the unicorn finds the courage to speak up:
  492. >"…Um, hey, Flurry. Just curious, but are there any cures for this, um, Love Cage?"
  493. >Flurry nods, quick to respond:
  494. >"Yep. As it so happens, the 'key' to this Cage is super simple to find."
  495. >"O-oh yeah…?"
  496. >"Mm. All the victim has to do is accept all those *heartfelt* feelings that they've locked away."
  497. >The massage moves up to Luster's neck.
  498. >"They need to accept their love."
  499. >Flurry lowers her body, resting on all four of her hooves next to Luster's left side.
  500. >"They need to accept their destiny."
  501. >She leans forward.
  502. >"They need to accept…"
  503. >And she whispers into Luster's left ear:
  504. >"…submission~"
  505. >*Click*
  506. >You move your hands away from Luster's throat, having just affixed the collar around her neck.
  507. >Her eyes shoot open.
  508. >"Wh-wha—?"
  509. >You whisper into her right ear:
  510. "Hey there."
  512. >She recognises your voice.
  513. >She feels your weight atop her own.
  514. >And she screams:
  515. >"G-get off of me!"
  516. "Hm…"
  517. >You take a slow, thoughtful pause.
  518. >And then blithely shake your head.
  519. "Nah."
  520. >"U-ugh!"
  521. >Defiantly grunting, she jerks her head upwards—
  522. >Only to find that her face is being forced down into the duvet by your right hand.
  523. >Angrily growling, she thrashes about—
  524. >Only to find that her body is being pinned down by yours, while her limbs are being ethereally restrained.
  525. >Desperately gasping, she tries to cast a spell, any spell—
  526. >Only to find that her horn is being blocked around the base, solidly stymieing any magical outbursts.
  527. >This blockage comes not from your fingers, no, but by…
  528. >Luster manages to tilt her head just enough so that she can stare in shock at her smiling best friend.
  529. >"F-flurry!"
  530. >"Yes, Lustie?"
  531. >"Y-you—b-but why—where—I-I don't—"
  532. >Flurry interrupts Luster's panicked stuttering with a playful boop on her horn, causing the unicorn to flinch.
  533. >"Enough of that. What do you think of the spells I cast on you?"
  534. >Flurry's eyes flit up to Luster's horn, which now has a glowing light-yellow ring tightly affixed around the base.
  535. >"First off," she cheerily begins, "we have Moonwhisper's Magic Muffler!"
  536. >She giggles to herself, before continuing:
  537. >"Remember how we used to practise this spell on each other way back when?"
  538. >"No…no…" Luster shakes her head. "…th-this isn't real. It…it can't be."
  539. >"Second—I took the liberty of restraining all four of your hooves so you wouldn't be able to escape~"
  540. >You take the opportunity to steady your advantageous position atop Luster's body whilst you admire Flurry's magicwork.
  542. >For starters, it's all thanks to your Queen's magical prowess that this ambush was even possible; with a simple-yet-effective concealment spell from Flurry, Luster was none the wiser to your veiled presence.
  543. >Currently, you straddle Luster's squirming body with your own, resting your rump right on top of hers.
  544. >Your clothing situation happens to be quite the minimalistic one: you are dressed only in your skivvies—perfect for scaring any ne'er-do-well unicorns senseless.
  545. >When it comes to Luster herself, you can see that both of her forelegs now lie outstretched at her sides, while each forehoof is tightly and magically bound by a glowing light-yellow shackle.
  546. >These shackles have a horseshoe-esque shape, and are connected directly to the bed itself—preventing any erratic movements from the mare in question.
  547. >Another bed-binding yellow shackle surrounds the middle region of her torso; her chubby belly lightly spills out around it, providing you with both a valuable constraint and a captivating view.
  548. >Her hindhooves are spared any shackles of their own; instead, they are both held in place and forced apart by an also-yellow spreader bar. As indicated by the name, it spreads her hindlegs far and wide, granting easy access to her marely goods should you so desire it.
  549. >Not only are these ethereal restraints perfect for punishing pesky ponies—such as the unicorn beneath your body—but you note that all of these yellow bindings also feel pleasantly warm to the touch.
  550. >Turning your head over to the left, you cast an approving nod Flurry's way.
  551. >Flurry beams at you before glancing back at Luster.
  552. >"The spreader bar was something the two of us came up with together!"
  553. >Flurry lets out a lightly shocked gasp.
  554. >"Oh! And I almost forgot!"
  555. >Casting her gaze over towards her bedside dresser, Flurry magically opens its top drawer and pulls out…
  556. >A wooden cork.
  557. >Whimsically levitating said cork over to Luster's face, Flurry firmly affixes it onto the tip of her friend's horn.
  558. >"Wh-wha…?" Luster gasps out, utterly dazed.
  559. >"There we go!" Flurry giggles. "Perfect~!"
  560. >Through puffy eyes and downcast ears, Luster weakly whimpers at Flurry:
  561. >"F-flurry…wh-why?"
  562. >Flurry tilts her head.
  563. >"Why?"
  564. >Flurry airily hums to herself as she examines Luster's new horn cork.
  565. >"I just thought it'd look good on you."
  566. >Luster has no words for that response.
  567. >And so Flurry shoots her friend a wry smile.
  568. >"Oh, but you weren't asking about that, were you?"
  569. >She titters.
  570. >"Well, maybe if I tell you about the *third* spell I cast on you—you'll be able to figure it out."
  571. >"Th-third…?"
  572. >Flurry thoughtfully strokes her chin.
  573. >"Well, technically, it's the first one—since I fired it at you it hours ago."
  574. >Luster blinks dumbfoundedly—then, her eyes slowly widen in fear.
  576. >Flurry continues, cheerfully affirming her bestie's worst fears:
  577. >"Do you remember? It was back when you had so *wickedly* violated my beloved Master's mind and body…"
  578. >Clambering off of her bed, Flurry positions herself right in front of Luster's bound body; the unicorn's palpitating pupils track her friend's every move.
  579. >Sitting down on her haunches, Flurry fixes upon Luster with an icy smile.
  580. >"…and when I blasted you with the very same Love Cage curse that I had just told you about a few moments ago~"
  581. >With shaking pupils, shuddering breaths, and a desperately struggling body under your own—Luster hisses at Flurry:
  582. >"Y-you…i-it was you…!"
  583. >"It was~!"
  584. >Luster grits her teeth.
  585. >"F-flurry, you—a-agh!"
  586. >Luster's emergent retort is swiftly silenced as you reach down with your left hand and casually grope at her spilled-out bellyfat.
  587. >As your spread fingers freely sink into her flab, you find that it's just as pleasantly pliant as you remember it.
  588. >And yet, now that you're no longer under this unicorn's thrall—she somehow feels even *more* satisfying to fondle.
  589. >"Grr—!"
  590. >You can feel Luster's fierce amber glare upon your person—and so you awkwardly clear your throat.
  591. "Oh, sorry. Couldn't help myself."
  592. >With an impish grin upon your face, you give her protruding pudge a playful slap, eliciting a full-body shiver and a hiss from her.
  593. "Ah, how I've *missed* this body of yours."
  594. >"But you won't have to miss her any more, Master," Flurry chimes in, "not once you've made her your second slave, that is~"
  595. >"S-second…?"
  596. "Mm, yes. About that…"
  597. >Your gaze shifts downwards to Luster's mind control collar, which is now firmly fitted around her neck.
  598. >As you've seen countless times before—it's a black strap with spherically cut crimson gemstones embedded into it.
  599. >However, it's also very visible—and not melded into her flesh in the slightest.
  600. "…I can't help but notice that our slave isn't feeling very, well, 'slavey.' The collar's still visible around her neck—" You lightly tap the back of her collar. "—and Luster down here's *still* giving me the evil eye."
  601. >Flurry huffs and glowers at Luster.
  602. >"Lustie, stop giving Master dirty looks! You're making him upset!"
  603. >Luster blinks bewilderedly, her expression one of utter exasperation.
  604. >"F-flurry…"
  605. >Luster casts her shaky gaze towards her two-faced friend.
  606. >"You…y-you're under his control, aren't you? P-please, Flurry, you have to fight it! Y-you have to—"
  607. >"Correct."
  608. >"H-huh…?"
  609. >"I *am* under his control."
  610. >With a sadistically sinister grin upon her face, Flurry slips a forehoof under Luster's chin and props her head up.
  611. >"And I *love* it~"
  612. >Flurry takes her hoof away and takes a step back, letting Luster's chin listlessly flop down onto the duvet.
  613. >"Soon, you will too."
  615. >Luster whimpers with dread.
  616. >"On that note—" Flurry smiles up at you. "—may we proceed with the next part of Lustie's initiation, Master? I really want to show you just how skilled I can be with my magic!"
  617. "Please do." You nod. "I prefer it when my slaves can *properly* enjoy what's to cum."
  618. >Pun intended.
  619. >Flurry titters.
  620. >"You're so thoughtful, Master! That's why I love you~!"
  621. >Turning her eyes back to Luster, Flurry's horn begins to glow a curious colour—light blue.
  622. >Luster's eyes widen in fear.
  623. >"Wh-what are you…?"
  624. >"Just relax, Lustie. I'll have you ready and willing for Master in no time~"
  625. >Luster winces as her amber irises begin to flicker the same blue hue as Flurry's intriguing magic.
  626. >"A-ah! No!" she yelps. "Flurry! Stop it! Please stop it!"
  627. >"No can do, Lustie~"
  628. >Luster redoubles her efforts to try and break free from underneath your body, squirming and struggling with renewed resolve.
  629. >Unfortunately for her: you're a full-grown human—while she's a chubby, sedentary unicorn with bound limbs and blocked magic.
  630. >Without a shadow of a doubt, you hold the advantage here.
  631. >"N-no…no! Stop! S-stop, I…I…!"
  632. >Curtailing her convulsions, Luster opts to instead clench her eyes shut.
  633. >Flurry simply giggles, horn still held aglow.
  634. >"Lustie, that's not gonna stop my magic from coming through, you know~"
  635. >As if to affirm Flurry's claim, Luster grits her teeth in tensed trepidation.
  636. >"T-tch…!"
  638. >Yet this unicorn is nothing if not persistent.
  639. >In one last, truly *desperate* bid for defiance, Luster's eyes shoot open—
  640. >And she screams at the top of her lungs:
  642. >Flurry recoils at the sudden sound of her captive's booming voice, momentarily stopping her spell.
  643. >You recoil in much the same way—though you make sure to hold your position.
  644. >Flurry looks at you; you look at her.
  645. >Both of your mouths hang agape for a couple of seconds.
  646. >And then the two of you snort out a laugh in unison.
  647. "Pfft…"
  648. >"Ehehe~!"
  649. >"Wh-what!? "Wh-what's so funny?!" Luster snaps at the both of you. "Th-the guards w-will…they'll…!"
  650. >"Oh, Lustie…"
  651. >Using her left forehoof, Flurry blithely boops Luster's nose, causing the unicorn's face to scrunch up.
  652. >"…I soundproofed this room ages ago~"
  653. >Gaze flickering, Luster holds eye contact with Flurry for several speechless seconds.
  654. >But as the gravitas of her own hopeless situation slowly starts to sink into her noggin, you can feel Luster's defiance leave her body through your fingertips.
  655. >Her head listlessly drops down onto the duvet, and she begins weakly sobbing into the sheets.
  656. >…Part of you wonders if you even *need* to physically restrain her while she's like this.
  657. >Still, you'd better stay diligent, just in case.
  658. >You'd already underestimated this unicorn once before—you can't afford to slip up a second time.
  659. >Thus, you endeavour to keep Luster's pony body pinned underneath your human weight, pre-emptively quashing any rebellious movements that may arise.
  661. >Flurry's horn lights up once again as she gradually pours more and more of her blue magic into Luster's mind.
  662. >Unable to resist in any meaningful way, Luster can only groan in groggy discomfort, while her amber eyes recurrently and ephemerally pulse blue.
  663. >And as Flurry continues to channel her spell, the intervals between these coloured pulses steadily shorten—slowly overwriting Luster's natural eye colour with this invasive blue pigment.
  664. >"Flurry…p-please…" Luster weakly pleads. "Please don't do this…"
  665. >In response, Flurry simply offers a sympathetic smile to her ailing friend.
  666. >"Lustie…I know you're scared right now, but trust me: this is what's best for you—this is what's best for all of us."
  667. >"Uuugh…"
  668. >At this point, Luster's struggles have essentially ceased; with her mind being forced into placidity by Flurry's calming magic, her body has no choice but to follow suit.
  669. >…
  670. >'Calming magic?' Is that what this is?
  671. >All this time—you never thought to query Flurry on the specifics of what she's actually casting.
  672. >Huh.
  673. >Well, now's a good a time as any, you suppose.
  674. "By the way, Flurry."
  675. >"Yes, Master?"
  676. "What's up with that blue magic of yours? Thought your horn's aura was yellow."
  677. >Flurry nods.
  678. >"Mm, that's right. Normally, the colour of my magic is yellow, but this…"
  679. >She looks up at her bluely glowing horn.
  680. >"…this magic comes directly from the Crystal Heart—my birthright."
  681. >You raise an intrigued eyebrow.
  682. "The Crystal Heart, eh…"
  683. >It is the beating heart of this castle—and of the very city itself.
  684. >And as a Princess of Love connected to Crystal Heart via the magical marks on her flanks—it's no wonder Flurry is able to harness its power as her own.
  685. "So, what's the difference between this magic and your usual spellcraft?"
  686. >"While I can still use my regular magic just fine…"
  687. >To illustrate her point, the aura around her horn very briefly swaps to light yellow—before switching back to light blue.
  688. >"…the magic that originates from the Crystal Heart specialises in manipulating matters relating to our hearts. With it, I can convince Lustie to accept her feelings for you—and willingly embrace her destiny as your obedient slave."
  689. "That's…"
  690. >Mildly terrifying.
  691. "…quite the unique birthright you've got there."
  692. >She titters.
  693. >"And it's all thanks to the everlasting bond between *our* hearts that I can freely access its power, Master~"
  694. "Mm, I see."
  695. >Manipulating minds is one thing—but manipulating hearts?
  696. >That's on a whole extra level of violation.
  697. >But as a highly motivated, power-hungry mindslaver—it's one that you're all for.
  699. >There's just one more matter you'd like to iron out while you're here:
  700. "And you're absolutely sure that this'll work?"
  701. >Flurry lightly tilts her head.
  702. >"Mhm?"
  703. "Back when Cozy handed—er—hoofed me the first collar, she said that the recipient needed to be relaxed in order to be placed under its influence."
  704. >Luster, as she is right now, offers very little in the way of physical resistance.
  705. >However, she still feebly squirms and weakly grunts underneath your body, making her mental pushback very much known.
  706. >Thus, with an idle twirl of your left wrist, you continue:
  707. "You say that you can 'convince' Luster to accept her role as my slave."
  708. >Lowering your left hand, you tentatively tap the still-corporeal collar around Luster's neck.
  709. "Will this enable the collar to subjugate her mind—despite her current state?"
  710. >"Of course, Master." Flurry emphatically nods. "All she needs to do is stop offering any kind of resistance; take it from me, once Lustie accepts her new lot in life, she'll fall under the collar's spell and become your loyal slave—no problem!"
  711. >Considering Flurry has firsthoof experience when it comes to being brainwashed by magical collars, you suppose her word on the matter is as good as it gets.
  712. >And she has no reason to lie to you—not when the two of you have come this far.
  713. "Very well, then."
  714. >Throwing a glance down at Luster's somewhat-vacant expression, you can see that her blue eyes are now occasionally flashing amber.
  715. >"Oh, not much longer now!" Flurry cheerily muses as she looks over her entranced friend.
  716. >"Uuugh…" Luster groans.
  717. >Leaning in and reaching out with her right forehoof, Flurry delicately rubs around the underside of Luster's chin.
  718. >"Give in, Lustie," she coos. "Just give in to my spell~"
  719. >Luster's eyelids feebly flicker, and her breathing slightly hitches.
  720. >"Nnngh…Flurry…A-anon…"
  721. >Flurry continues to caress the area around Luster's neck.
  722. >"Yes…that's right. You, me, Anon—the three of us, living happily together…"
  723. >"Mmmrgh…"
  724. >Inspired by Flurry's tender touch, you lighten your right-handed grip upon Luster's head; then, you gently ruffle through her tussled orange mane.
  725. >"Uunngg…"
  726. >"Oh! Great idea, Master!" Flurry nods at you. "With the two of us working together to wear Lustie down—she'll be under our spell in no time~"
  727. "Mm."
  728. >As you continue to run your fingers through Luster's horsey hair, you note its distinctive texture:
  729. >Coarsely wiry, slick with grease, and clumped up in far too many places to count.
  730. >You swear it was like this when you got here.
  731. >Really, though—this mare could certainly stand to take better care of her mane.
  732. >It's something to consider for the future—after you've broken in her mind, of course.
  734. >Half a minute passes, and Luster's rebellious struggles have relegated themselves to the occasional bodily twitch and habitual droning groan.
  735. >You can almost *smell* her submission.
  736. >…On second thought, that may simply be the stench of her unwashed mare musk.
  737. >Something else to consider for the future, you reckon.
  738. >Now that Flurry's magic has secured a firm foothold in her friend's mind, you observe how Luster's blue eyes only rarely flicker into defiant amber hue.
  739. >Just a little more…
  740. >Hm.
  741. >Realising that your left hand is currently free to do whatever it wants, you move it up to the left side of her head.
  742. >Perhaps a tried and true Handyman special will help push her over the edge.
  743. >You carefully trail your fingers over to the oh-so-sensitive spot just behind Luster's left ear—
  744. >And you deliver unto her some gentle ear scritches.
  745. >"A-ah…!"
  746. >She tenses up, sharply inhaling.
  747. >You scritch her some more.
  748. >She sighs, softly exhaling.
  749. >"A-aah…"
  750. >With her neck rubbed, mane stroked, and ear scratched—Luster's already frazzled mind is quickly overrun with overbearingly soothesome sensations.
  751. >Her moribund mental barriers soon melt away into naught, giving Flurry's Spell of Heart ample opportunity to permeate the unicorn's now-malleable mind.
  752. >As her once-widened eyes droop into a more slackened state, Luster slowly and serenely succumbs to Flurry's light-blue magic.
  753. >All traces of amber leave her sullen sights as her very own independence is gently stolen away from her.
  754. >A few seconds pass, and—as if to signify the success of your Queen's magic—Luster's emotionless eyes begin to pulse and glow that very same shade of subdued blue.
  755. >Taking the chance to slacken your hold on this mollified mare, your right hand now laxly lies on top of Luster's head, while your left hand idly thumbs at her accessorised neck.
  756. "Hm…"
  757. >Indeed, despite her utter entrancement, the collar is still there.
  758. >You toss a glance towards Flurry, whose horn is still aglow with blue light.
  759. "So, what's next?"
  760. >Flurry nods to you.
  761. >"Now that my magic has taken root in her mind, we can finally speak directly to Lustie's heart—and we'll be able to hear her honest feelings towards you."
  762. "Honest feelings, eh…"
  763. >You decide to sit back and let your Queen do her thing.
  764. >As her horn swells with even more cerulean energy, Flurry further leans in towards Luster, positioning her snout mere inches away from her bestie's.
  765. >Gazing down upon both the unicorn and the alicorn, you note that their eyes now share the very same hue of blue.
  766. >However, there is a key difference between the two: Flurry's eyes shimmer with soft servility—while Luster's pulse with pressured prostration.
  768. >"Luuustiiieee?" Flurry airily addresses her friend. "Can you hear me?"
  769. >"Uuunhhh…"
  770. >Luster takes a sluggishly slow blink.
  771. >"F-flurry…?" she speaks with a disoriented tone. "Where…where am I…?"
  772. >"You're in a safe place, Lustie. There's no need to worry."
  773. >With her forehoof still extended, Flurry gives Luster's neck another loving rub.
  774. >"Anon's here too~"
  775. >Luster's soporific eyes shoot straight open.
  776. >"A-anon…?"
  777. >Luster's head suddenly swivels from side to side, prompting Flurry to both retrieve her hoof from her friend's face and take a couple of steps back.
  778. >"Wh-where…?" she gasps out. "Where is he…?"
  779. >Luster's strained struggles resume in earnest, compelling you to renew your hold on the mare.
  780. >Thankfully, her magical restraints have continued to remain in place, so you don't have to expend much energy in keeping her movements at a minimum.
  781. >This time, however, you can feel that her squirming resistance is not one born of desperate defiance—but of pleading *need.*
  782. >Your eyes flit to Flurry.
  783. >She gives you a nod.
  784. >You nod back.
  785. >And so you carefully lower your face down to Luster's left ear and whisper:
  786. "I'm right here, Luster."
  787. >Luster's breath hitches.
  788. >"A-ah…"
  789. >Running your fingers through her matted mane, you whisper into her ear once more:
  790. "Right here…"
  791. >You pull away from her left ear, letting your face hover several inches above the back of her head.
  792. >With a twitchy flick of her left ear, she rolls her head onto its right side.
  793. >Gazing straight upwards, her left eye—blue as the boundless sea—shakily strains itself to look up at you.
  794. >"A-anon…"
  795. >You silently smile at her.
  796. >She deeply inhales and exhales through her nostrils a few times.
  797. >"…Anon…mm…"
  798. >With your right hand, you continue to slowly stroke through her flame-coloured mane, gingerly working your fingers around the knots and clumps that have built up over time.
  799. >Maintaining eye contact with you, she takes a saliva-laden gulp, and her agitated struggles under your body steadily abate.
  800. >The sight of her becalmed body fills you with a strong sense of triumph—you find yourself fighting the urge to widen your smile even further.
  801. >Truth be told, you weren't expecting your Masterly mug to pacify her in such a strong way.
  802. >She must be in quite the emotionally vulnerable state to see you as a source of solace throughout all of this—especially after everything that's happened.
  803. >Flurry's magic truly works in mysterious ways.
  804. >However, despite Luster's docile demeanour—the controlling collar around her neck remains woefully inert.
  805. >And that means there's still work to be done.
  806. >Well, it's either that—or Cozy hoofed you a faulty collar.
  807. >But you prefer to remain optimistic.
  809. >"Lustie…"
  810. >Using her light-blue magic, Flurry gently tilts Luster's head so that the unicorn can look the alicorn in the eyes.
  811. >Blue meets blue, and princess addresses prodigy:
  812. >"You *really* like Anon, don't you?"
  813. >"I…"
  814. >Luster blinks, takes another gulp, and nods.
  815. >"…I-I do…"
  816. >She pauses for a second, imbued blue eyes quietly glimmering in the quaint bedroom air.
  817. >"…I love him."
  818. >"And how long have you loved him, Lustie?"
  819. >"Since…since the beginning. Since we first met."
  820. >"I see…"
  821. >Flurry nods to herself a few times, before continuing:
  822. >"Tell us, then. Tell us exactly how he made you feel—and start from the beginning."
  823. >"O-okay…"
  824. >You can't help but lean forward slightly, having found piquant intrigue within Luster's untold tale.
  825. >She's loved you from the "beginning?"
  826. >Now this—you have to hear.
  827. >Luster's tone is jittery, yet earnest:
  828. >"…Back then, I always thought studying was the most important thing in life; relationships, e-especially romantic ones, were never something I seriously considered."
  829. >She briefly closes her eyes.
  830. >"But that all changed about a year ago…when I saw him…"
  831. >After taking a deep breath, she slowly opens her eyes.
  832. >"…Anon."
  834. >Though neither you nor your Queen ordered it so, you can see Luster's lips subtly curl up into a nostalgic smile as she openly reminisces about her past:
  835. >"He was strange-looking, and lost, and l-lonely, and…and cute…"
  836. >Luster's innermost thoughts and feelings are laid bare before prying ears—and it's all thanks to the pervasive persuasion of Flurry's spell.
  837. >"He…he needed a helping hoof to get his bearings in this world, s-so I did what anypony would do: I gave him that helping hoof and helped him settle in—find his own place."
  838. >Her gaze falls down to the duvet.
  839. >"After that, I'd…I'd sure to check up on him every now and again—make sure…make sure he was doing alright. I hung out with him whenever I could find the time to. I…I wanted to know everything about him…"
  840. >She lets out a deeply wistful sigh.
  841. >"…it didn't take long before I wanted him to know more about *me* as well—I-I wanted to be a part of his new life here in Equestria. I really did…"
  842. >You feel something soft brushing against your back.
  843. >"So…so I started leaving…'hints' whenever we were together—hoping he'd pick up on them."
  844. >As if on cue, she woozily wriggles her body underneath yours.
  845. >"I'd…I'd rub my whole body against his legs when he wasn't looking…"
  846. >It doesn't feel like she's trying to escape—however, you are able to keenly feel her rump wiggling in between your thighs.
  847. >"…and hike my tail all the way up when he *was* looking…"
  848. >That soft "something" brushing against your back makes its presence even more known, turning from tentative to tickly.
  849. >"…making sure to show him that I was interested."
  850. >Whatever that "something" is, you can feel it slowly snake around your right side and wrap around your stomach.
  851. "Hm?"
  852. >Interest piqued, you straighten out your back and look down along your torso.
  853. >It's her tail.
  854. "Ah."
  855. >Luster's fuzzy tail has somehow coiled around your abdomen whilst you were unawares.
  856. >You suppose that makes sense; after all, you made no effort to restrain that part of her body.
  857. >But…damn.
  858. >Pony tails can be surprisingly prehensile when they want to be; it's actually quite unnerving.
  859. >It's a good thing she hasn't tried to strangle you with it.
  860. >You flash a concerned glance towards Flurry—who, thankfully, is already on the case.
  861. >Briefly swapping back to her "normal" yellow-tinted magic, Flurry delicately untangles Luster's tail from your torso.
  862. >Flurry then applies an additional restraint to the unicorn's bound body, affixing a rigid light-yellow ring around Luster's tail dock to prevent any further furtivity.
  863. >Once that's done, Luster lets out another sigh.
  864. >"But…no matter what I did or said," she continues, "he would never spare me a second glance. It almost felt like I was invisible to him at times."
  865. >A sentimental frown forms on her face.
  866. >"In the end, I had to leave him behind and return to Canterlot so I could finish my school semester."
  868. >…
  869. >Tail troubles aside, you have been following Luster's story to the letter.
  870. >And…honestly, there is a part of you that *does* feel some sympathy towards the mare you had unknowingly overlooked during your early event-filled days in Equestria—
  871. >That is, once you look past the attempted mind rape, wilful disregard for personal hygiene, and general raunchiness.
  872. >Still, it's not like either of you can go back in time to do things any differently.
  873. >You'll just have to make up for your past negligence in a most-Masterly manner.
  874. >And what better way to do so—than to enslave her *extra* tenderly in the here and now?
  875. >"So what happened next, Lustie?" Flurry asks.
  876. >"Once I made it back to Canterlot, I went straight back to my studies."
  877. >Luster pauses for a second.
  878. >"But I…I wanted to know where I went wrong. I wanted to know how a mare like me could be with a stallion like him."
  879. >"Mm-hmm." Flurry nods. "And?"
  880. >"So I read…books. I read a lot of books. All kinds of books."
  881. >As Luster continues, you notice her tone growing more gravelly and visceral:
  882. >"And through those books—I learned *exactly* how a whimsical, alien stallion like Anon is *meant* to be treated."
  883. >Her breathing both quickens.
  884. >"He…he needed a *mare* to show him his place. To…*force* him to father some *foals* and become a *proper* househusband…"
  885. >Through snarled teeth, her next line comes off as more of a beastly growl:
  886. >"…I knew that I had to make him *mine.*"
  887. >You blink dumbfoundedly.
  888. >Just what the hell was this mare reading over at Canterlot?
  889. >Fully flaring out her nostrils, Luster huffs into the duvet, breathing both heavily and heatedly.
  890. >You steady your grip on her just in case she tries to break free.
  891. >"…When I saw him again in that massage parlour after about a year—when he didn't even recognise me—I knew I had to make my move."
  892. >She lets out a steamily mareish snort.
  893. >"Knew I had to *thoroughly* stake my claim on him so neither of you two could get any ideas."
  894. >Flurry tilts her head.
  895. >"'Us two?'"
  896. >Luster's blue eyes make sharp contact with Flurry's.
  897. >"That's right. You. You and Cozy. I saw the way you two were looking at him—I saw how you let him grope at your wings without a care."
  898. >"Hm…"
  899. >Flurry casually unfurls one of said wings, soon bringing it up to her face so she can idly examine it.
  900. >Her eyes then drift up to yours.
  901. >She flashes you a sultry smile—fluttering eyelids and all.
  902. >You flash her one right back—wiggling eyebrows included.
  903. >She titters, covering her snout up with her wing.
  904. >Man, she's cute.
  905. >"…It should be me standing where you are right now," Luster suddenly speaks up.
  906. >Lowering her wing, Flurry casts Luster a curious look.
  907. >"Hm? Say again?"
  908. >"You don't deserve him. I'm the one who saw him first. I'm the one who helped him out. I'm the reason he got where is today."
  909. >Even through her wholly hypnotised state, Luster manages to let out a snort of indignance.
  910. >"He belongs to *me*—not you."
  912. >Flurry recoils at her friend's words, blinking a few times.
  913. >"Oh…"
  914. >Then, her face steadily falls into a frown.
  915. >"…but he's *not* yours, is he?"
  916. >"He… H-he should…"
  917. >Luster trails off, her flickering blue gaze beginning to lose focus as she struggles to stare Flurry down.
  918. >That burst of bellicosity from seconds ago is all but gone now.
  919. >And yet…it appears her words have struck a chord in your Queen all the same.
  920. >Something slowly shifts in Flurry's once-calm countenance.
  921. >You see her take a purposeful step forward.
  922. >You see her furrowed frown further twist into a sinister snarl.
  923. >And you see her eyes—
  924. >You see her eyes glow a cruel crimson.
  925. >Her horn's magical aura soon changes to match that very same glow.
  926. >The sight makes to arch a concerned eyebrow.
  927. "Flurry…?"
  928. >"G-ghk—!" Luster suddenly grunts out in sharp pain.
  929. >She shuts her eyes, wincing in agony and timorously shaking her head.
  930. >"F-flurry…!" Luster shrilly whines. "i-it hurts…!"
  931. >"Good," Flurry spits back. "You *deserve* to hurt."
  932. >The crackling crimson skewer atop her head spews spite and sputters scorn.
  933. >"That—and so much more."
  934. >It bears endless enmity towards those it deems its enemy.
  935. >"Because he's *my* Master, Lustie—*my* King."
  936. >"A-aah…!" Luster weakly whimpers out.
  937. >"So GET that through your THICK head, YOU—"
  938. >Quickly reaching out with your right hand, you firmly grasp Flurry's red-hot sizzling horn.
  939. >It burns.
  940. "Flurry, stop!"
  941. >"Ah—!" Flurry gasps out.
  942. >…
  943. >Wrapping your fleshy fingers around a spiralling spike that pulsates pure malice is *definitely* up there on the list of most moronic things you've ever done.
  944. >Yet you found yourself compelled to do so nonetheless.
  945. >For you recall having witnessed that very same shade of crimson when, several hours ago, Flurry had to wrap you up within her wings.
  946. >You were forced to experience each emotion within that magical malignance—and you were able to understand every one.
  947. >Thus, there was a part of you that realised—or simply hoped—that it wouldn't harm you if you reached out to it.
  948. >…
  949. >Well, you're not dead, at least.
  950. >Unclenching your eyes and butt both, you gaze at the princess standing by the bedside.
  951. >Flurry stares back at you, wide-eyed with light-blue hues.
  952. >You notice that you're still gripping her horn—which is mercifully now inactive.
  953. >So you let go of it.
  954. >Thankfully, your hand bears no burn marks or anything of the sort.
  955. >"M-master," Flurry mutters "I-I…"
  956. >She bows her head in shame, shutting her eyes.
  957. >"I'm sorry. I-I don't know what came over me."
  958. >A brief sigh escapes your lips, but it's not one of disappointment.
  959. >Leaning forward, you pet through her mane with the same hand you used to stop her horn.
  960. "It's okay, Flurry."
  961. >She looks up at you with a thankful smile.
  962. >You would be lying if Flurry's emotional outburst didn't give you ample room for concern.
  963. >But…
  964. >Hearts can be fickle things sometimes.
  966. >Retrieving your hand and leaning back into a more neutral position, you look down at Luster.
  967. >Her body weakly squirms underneath your own, while her face is contorted in deep discomfort.
  968. >The visceral anger has passed—yet the pangs of pain still remain.
  969. >Lifting your head, you throw a glance towards Flurry.
  970. "Hey, Flurry, take a breather."
  971. >Raising your right wrist, you wave her off to the side.
  972. "I'll handle things from here."
  973. >She makes a solemn nod.
  974. >"As you wish, Master."
  975. >She steps over to the right, moving away from Luster's field of view.
  976. >With the threat of a princess-powered mind crushing now no more, you lower your face down to Luster's right ear and whisper:
  977. "Hey, you still with us, Luster?"
  978. >Her ear flicks.
  979. >"…Nngh…" she lowly groans.
  980. "It's me, Anon."
  981. >"Ah… An…an…"
  982. >Her eyes slowly open.
  983. >"A-anon…"
  984. "Yeah…I'm here…" you say, lifting your head up and away from hers.
  985. >Luster follows the sound of your voice, once again tilting her head onto its right side.
  986. >And much like before, she turns her gaze upwards, soon sighting your smiling face above hers.
  987. >"Anon…"
  988. >Her eyes glow blue, indicating that she's still under the effects of Flurry's hypnotic spell.
  989. >Perfect.
  990. "That's right…"
  991. >The bustling of her body slowly abates as she takes you in with her eyes.
  992. >Using your right hand, you gently scritch around her scalp, ruffling her loopy mane as you do.
  993. "How are you feeling?"
  994. >Briefly closing her eyes, she drones out a groaning hum—followed by a sharp, hissing wince.
  995. >"…Head hurts…"
  996. "I see."
  997. >With your right thumb, you gently massage around her left temple, and she opens her eyes once again.
  998. "Well, do your best to hang in there, alright?"
  999. >Not that she has a choice.
  1000. >"Uurgh…"
  1001. >Her mane is still matted; that won't do.
  1002. >In lieu of bringing along a proper manebrush, you decide to put your right hand to more work; using your practised fingers, you start clearing out your soon-to-be-slave's tangles and knots.
  1003. >As you do so, you note how, despite how utterly disorienting her hypnotic trance must be, Luster's shaky gaze remains steadfastly focused on you.
  1004. >And that's exactly what you want.
  1005. "Hey," you carefully address her, "you like me taking care of you like this?"
  1006. >"Taking care…?"
  1007. >Her eye drifts towards your hand that's tenderly combing through her messily matted mane.
  1008. >"Ah…"
  1009. >Sealing the deal, you move your left hand down to just under her chin and scritch around her neck.
  1010. >Closing her eyes, she breathily coos in response.
  1011. "Nice, isn't it?"
  1012. >"Mm…" She reopens her eyes. "…it's nice…"
  1013. "Wouldn't you like to enjoy this every day?"
  1014. >"Every day…?"
  1016. >You continue to delicately run your fingers through those greasy follicles of hers.
  1017. "Me, stroking your mane…caring for you…"
  1018. >"I…"
  1019. >Her eyes thoughtfully drift to the side, and she lets out a wistful sigh.
  1020. >"I would like that…"
  1021. "Why stop at merely liking it?"
  1022. >"Huh…?"
  1023. "This comfy, relaxing lifestyle with the stallion you love…it can all be yours, Luster."
  1024. >Her eyes widen slightly.
  1025. >"It…it can…?"
  1026. "Mm-hmm." You nod. "If it's what you truly desire, then I'll give it to you."
  1027. >Pausing for a brief second, you watch as her topmost ear perks up at attention.
  1028. >Then, you continue:
  1029. "You only need to do one simple thing for me."
  1030. >After taking a slow blink, Luster's gaze drifts up to your own.
  1031. >"What…what is it…?"
  1032. >You flash her a gentle smile.
  1033. "All you have to do is submit."
  1034. >Her brows loosely knit.
  1035. >"Sub…submit…?"
  1036. "That's right. Submit to me."
  1037. >Your face lowers, your smile widens, your tone sharpens:
  1038. "Become my slave. Accept me as your Master."
  1039. >Her eyes flicker—and the red gemstones embedded in her collar begin to steadily pulsate.
  1040. >"As your…as your…submit…"
  1041. >Your Masterly words steadily worm their way into her psyche, slowly but surely bringing her under your dominion.
  1042. >Everything is going according to plan.
  1043. "Yes. Submit to me, your Master."
  1044. >"I…mm…submit to…mm…"
  1045. >She closes her eyes, groaning:
  1046. >"Nngh…rrgh…"
  1047. >Using both of your hands, you offer her more consolatory neck scritches and mollient mane massages.
  1048. "Go on, Luster. You're so close. So close to accepting my authority and living the life you've always dreamed of."
  1049. >"Mmg…mnrgh…"
  1050. >In an attempt to seal the deal, you repeat yourself:
  1051. "Submit."
  1052. >"Submit to…Mah…Mahs…aaah…"
  1053. >The pulsations of her collar quicken.
  1054. >Your smile grows more confident—for you know that it's only a matter of time now.
  1055. >It's been a long and mentally draining journey upon this roller coaster of ever-changing control—
  1056. >But soon—very soon—this stinky unicorn will finally become *yours.*
  1057. >"Mahs…suuh…rgh…nn…"
  1058. >She slowly shakes her head.
  1059. >"No…no, this…this isn't right… I…I can't submit to you…"
  1060. >Much to your surprise, the glow of her collar begins decreasing in intensity.
  1061. >It's as if…it's losing strength?
  1062. "Hm?"
  1063. >You arch an eyebrow.
  1064. >She's resisting? Even now?
  1065. >How?
  1066. >Through squinted eyes and an entirely unforeseen strength of will, Luster continues:
  1067. >"You…you're supposed to…to submit to me…"
  1068. >You furrow your brows.
  1069. "And what makes you think that?"
  1070. >Her breathing hastens.
  1071. >"You're a…weak, endangered, exotic stallion… You don't know any better… A strong mare needs to…needs to put you in your place before you…before you hurt yourself…"
  1072. >Her eyes suddenly shoot open, as do her nostrils begin to wildly flare in and out.
  1073. >You also feel her body start to squirm under your weight.
  1075. >Feeling a stark sense of danger coming from this mare, you quickly move your left hand away from her chin.
  1076. >"You…you need to be tamed…!" she raggedly gasps out. "Y-you need to be claimed…! It's the only way…!"
  1077. >The once-glowing gemstones embedded within her collar completely dim—becoming devoid of any crimson dominance.
  1078. >And if that wasn't bothersome enough, Luster's defiant squirms swiftly turn to frenzied thrashes as she attempts to break free and exert this "claim" of hers over you.
  1079. >She grunts and snorts, maintaining staunch eye contact with you the entire time.
  1080. >"Let me claim you…! Let me claim…!"
  1081. >Thankfully, both Flurry's restraints and your right-handed grip continue to keep Luster securely locked in place.
  1082. >Alas, despite her disadvantage, Luster offers no end of resistance towards the forces that bind her.
  1083. >With your right hand firmly pressing her face into the duvet, you watch as her inhibited horn continually sparks up, trying and failing to cast troublesome spellcraft.
  1084. "Huh…"
  1085. >It's all starting to make sense now—the reason why she's still hasn't fallen under the collar's Spell of Submission.
  1086. >Luster's innate desire to *dominate* you is just that strong.
  1087. >You'd wager that there's no chance in hell of her accepting you as her Master while she's like this.
  1088. >After all, she wants to make you *hers* just as much as you want to make her *yours*—perhaps even more so.
  1089. >This is inconvenient.
  1090. >But not insurmountable.
  1091. >In order to *properly* claim this mare instead of the other way around: you're gonna have to break her down.
  1092. >Which means you're gonna have to remind her of her rightful place under you.
  1093. "And how exactly *do* you plan to 'claim' me, Luster?"
  1094. >She heatedly huffs.
  1095. >"I'll run my magic through your mind… Get you squealing just like you did hours ago…!"
  1096. >She whinnies against the sheets, while her horn violently vibrates with all that menacing magic she's failing to cast.
  1097. >"Get your body addicted to mine…! Gonna make your humie penis submit to my mare pussy…!"
  1098. >You match her rebellious energy with a calm comportment.
  1099. "Oh, is that right?"
  1100. >She bucks her rump up into your groin, almost making you feel like you're on a impromptu rodeo.
  1101. >"Once you're inside of me…you'll never be able to go back to another mare…!"
  1102. "You sound pretty confident about that."
  1104. >At this point, it's worth re-establishing your current clothing situation—or, more accurately, the near-lack of one.
  1105. >With only a snug pair of white boxers worn upon your person, you are ready to go commando at a moment's notice.
  1106. >And now's the perfect time.
  1107. "Say, Luster," you address her, "why don't we let our bodies speak for themselves?"
  1108. >Slipping your left thumb underneath the hem, you slide your boxers down to knee-level.
  1109. >Freed from its fabricky restraints, your raw meat springs to action—already anticipating the fun to come.
  1110. >You then shuffle backwards, moving your right hand away from her head and lifting your rump up off of hers, and you soon position yourself directly behind her rear end.
  1111. >Now sitting up on your knees, you rest your right hand upon her right flank as you gaze upon her goods.
  1112. "I'll go ahead and stick this 'humie penis' of mine inside your 'mare pussy'…"
  1113. >Using your left hand, you carefully guide your dick—currently *engorged* with dominant desire—up to the puffy lips of her pony pussy.
  1114. "…and we'll see if I submit to you completely—as you say."
  1115. >Luster responds with a noise that you'd wager is a cross-breed between a growling neigh and a snorting snarl.
  1116. >You slowly rub your tip against the perimeter of her vulva, wryly chuckling to yourself.
  1117. "I'm not hearing a no…"
  1118. >She mareishly huffs in your direction while furiously wriggling her body against yours—attempting to drag you in before the fun can properly begin.
  1119. >"I'm gonna…I'm gonna make you mine…!"
  1120. >She lets out yet another aggressive neigh.
  1121. >"I'm gonna make you mine in front of Flurry…! Gonna make her watch…!"
  1122. >The sudden sound of a loud *STOMP* upon the crystalline floor rings out within the bedchamber.
  1123. >Throwing a glance over to your right side, you glimpse the scowling visage of a furious Flurry Heart, who has one forehoof intently poised in front of the other.
  1124. >Laxly lifting your right hand, you silently signal her to stand down.
  1125. >And with a disgruntled huff of her own, she relents.
  1126. >You smile at her, and then turn your gaze back down to the unicorn underneath you.
  1127. "Very well then, Luster. Let's get started on my 'submission.'"
  1128. >Granting her no opportunity to answer, you promptly spear yourself deep inside of her tunnel, hilting up to her very depths.
  1129. >In doing so, you lean all the way forward so that your body is positioned prone atop hers.
  1130. >Thus, your head hovers above hers, your hands press into the bed just above her magically bound forelegs, your legs lie along her forcibly spread hindlegs—and your pelvis pleasantly presses up against her pliably squishy rump.
  1131. "Phew…"
  1132. >Her hole is warm and wet, just the way you like it.
  1134. >After a quick breather, you quickly get to work on "capitulating" yourself within the insides of her cushy cunt, jackhammering your hips into hers with reckless abandon.
  1135. >And thanks to your efforts, Luster's vocalisations are very soon reduced to aggressively guttural animal grunts.
  1136. >Incoherent though her noises may be—they readily reflect her presumed power over you.
  1137. >Within her muddled mind, she's breaking you in—she's making you a slave to her marehood.
  1138. >It's up to your deft dickwork to dispel those disgraceful delusions of hers.
  1139. >However, as your eager thrusts soon slow down into more languid ones, you begin to suspect that you've made things *too* easy for yourself.
  1140. >There's something…ineptly inert about the state of her insides—they're failing to scratch the masculine *itch* that lurks deep within your loins.
  1141. >She feels completely different to how she was several hours ago.
  1142. >As of this moment, her walls are rubbery and slightly slimy; there's enough lubrication to provide you due passage—but not much else.
  1143. >Her spicy heat seeps deep into your skin—yet her fallow flower fails to follow up on her flaunted fervour.
  1144. >Her walls are waveless, seemingly content to let you do all the work in this erotic exercise.
  1145. >Where are the rippling, flexing contractions that make your knees buckle and your thrusts frenetic?
  1146. >Where is that finely tuned muscle control capable of expertly wringing out your wang?
  1147. >Where are the wet winks that gush over you with glee?
  1148. >They're all gone.
  1149. >Your disappointment is immeasurable—and your dick is ruined.
  1150. >It's to the point that you can even feel yourself softening inside of her.
  1151. >"Ngh…why…?"
  1152. >Letting out a strained gasp, Luster laments the state of her dysfunctional depths:
  1153. >"Wh-why can't I cum…?"
  1154. >Why, she asks?
  1155. >Well, you already know why.
  1156. >The answer, as it so happens, lies rightwards.
  1157. >You toss another glance Flurry's way, noticing how her scowl is slowly twisting into a smirk.
  1158. >Your Queen's smug sense of self-satisfaction couldn't be any more evident—after all, she's the one who caused this.
  1159. >Luster is still under the effects of the "Love Cage" curse that Flurry slapped her with several hours ago.
  1160. >It restricts her rapture—and denies her orgasm—until she *fully* accepts your righteous dominion over her.
  1161. >Alas, as a unicorn utterly inundated in her humie-dominating ways—release will continue to lie just out of reach for her.
  1162. >Still, there's always time for her to have a change of heart regarding the matter.
  1163. >…Well, perhaps not "always"—you recall that the Love Cage also has some rather…concerning effects if left to linger for the long term.
  1164. >However, you intend to properly "cure" this mare before such a sad fate can occur.
  1166. >"Guh…need to…just need to…!"
  1167. >Luster pathetically wiggles her hips against yours, desperate to claim something that was never in the cards to begin with.
  1168. >Her lips are loose. Her walls are weak. Her fluids are feeble.
  1169. >To put it plainly—ploughing her pussy feels more akin to fucking a warm fleshlight than an actual pony.
  1170. >It's just not doing it for you.
  1171. >Truthfully, her inhibited insides aren't the only reason you're so soft about her snatch.
  1172. >In fact, just a couple of weeks ago, this kind of one-sided action would have been *more* than enough to get you off.
  1173. >But now? Having gorged yourself *daily* on the *sumptuous* fruits of an adoring alicorn princess?
  1174. >Why, it's a miracle that you're even still rigid at this point.
  1175. >Flurry's heavenly hole may very well have left you desensitised to the cunts of "regular" mares.
  1176. >You chuckle at the thought.
  1177. >"H-hey…!" Luster breathily barks at you. "What's so…so funny…?! I'm…I'm claiming you…!"
  1178. >Luster's gasping grumble only causes you to chuckle louder.
  1179. >"G-grr…!"
  1180. >In your merriment, you notice Flurry stepping closer to the bedside, soon stopping just slightly to the right of both you and Luster.
  1181. >"Master? Is everything alright?"
  1182. >She speaks to you with a coquettish tone and a sly half-smile upon her lips.
  1183. >She knows; of course she does.
  1184. >You expect nothing less of your Queen.
  1185. "Ah, Flurry. This 'submission' isn't as exciting as I thought it'd be."
  1186. >Flurry lightly titters in response.
  1187. >"Y-you…! Get away…!" Luster snaps at Flurry while aggressively grinding against your groin. "He's mine…! I'm making him mine…!"
  1188. >Flurry regards her bestie with a cold glare before offering you a sympathetic smile.
  1189. >"Oh, Master… It looks like you could use a little energy boost~"
  1190. >Rearing up onto her hindlegs, Flurry places both of her forehooves onto the bed, resting them by your hands.
  1191. >She then leans in towards you, lidding her eyes and puckering up her lips.
  1192. >Luster watches on with wide eyes.
  1193. >"Wh-what are you doing…?" she gasps out.
  1194. >Leaning forward and a little to the right to meet her mouth, you press your lips against Flurry's—
  1195. >And you slowly make out with your mare, inches above Luster's weakly writhing body.
  1196. >"Mm~" Flurry softly moans into your mouth.
  1197. >"Wha…?"
  1198. >An interspecies tongue-wrestling match soon takes place as the two of you sloppily swap saliva.
  1199. >"No…! No, no! Stop that!" Luster wails. "Stop kissing my Anon…! I should be the one kissing him! I should be…!"
  1200. >Pushing Luster's face further into the sheets with your right hand, you completely disregard the despairing unicorn as you continue kissing your pink princess.
  1202. >Through this mouth-to-mouth contact, you can just *taste* how daring Flurry has become as not just your slave—but also as your Queen.
  1203. >Her tongue presses right up against yours, begging its beloved to balance her besottedness with your own.
  1204. >And yet, for all of her forward-facing fervency, her submissive streak is ever so quick to reveal itself as you push back against her tongue—bringing the battle of the taste buds all the way to her tonsils.
  1205. >Her ferocity falters, and you *fiercely* lap at her obedient organ from every angle, delightedly drinking up her delectable domestication.
  1206. >Flurry happily voices her gustatory glee.
  1207. >"Mmph~!"
  1208. >"Ugh…! Ugh…! Stop it…!" another pony pathetically moans.
  1209. >The unicorn underneath you tosses and turns as she stews in her own induced ineptitude; alas, all of her struggles are for naught—as her magical bindings keep her utterly restrained.
  1210. >You mash lips and twine tongues with your alicorn for a little while longer before pulling back.
  1211. >"Mwah~"
  1212. >A thick trail of shared saliva still connects your mouths as you lovingly breathe against the other—faces only mere inches part.
  1213. >The two of you linger high above the trough, ignoring the sea of light sobs that flows below.
  1214. >You stare into the skylike eyes of your princess—ones that have come to display a wholly *natural* subservience to you.
  1215. >Drinking deep of that blue beatitude, you revel in her reverence.
  1216. >An invisible-yet-unbreakable bond connects you both together.
  1217. >Sadly, the physical bond that lies between you is ever so susceptible to gravity's pull—and so, the string of spittle linking your lips together slowly comes to its natural end.
  1218. >Your eyes lazily track your drool's descending movements as it droops down…and down…and down…
  1219. >It eventually lands on the bed's pink duvet—and close to Luster's face.
  1220. >"U-ung…"
  1221. >Luster's puffy, wavering eyes fixate on that newly wettened mark upon the bedspread.
  1222. >With a slow blink, she listlessly inches her snout towards that stain of spit, sticking out her tongue as she does…
  1223. >Alas, her miserly movements are put to a sudden halt by way of magical intervention; Luster's face is held in stasis within a familiar yellow aura—outstretched tongue and all.
  1224. >The derisive sound of a snorting giggle directs your attention up to Flurry, who bears down upon her bestie with a smug grin and a glowing horn.
  1225. >"Oh, Lustie, that's pathetic~"
  1226. >Confidently exhaling through her nose, Flurry turns her gaze over towards her bedside dresser.
  1227. >Using her magic, she opens the top drawer;
  1228. >Retrieves a fresh tissue;
  1229. >Levitates said tissue over to the smear of saliva on her bed;
  1230. >Wipes it off in front of Luster;
  1231. >Floats the used tissue over to an ornate crystal trash can sitting by a forgotten corner of the bedchamber;
  1232. >Dumps it in;
  1233. >And sneers at her best friend.
  1234. >"Pathetic—and yet you're not worthy of even that~"
  1236. >With those scathing words, Flurry releases her magical grip on Luster's head.
  1237. >Mouth limply falling shut, Luster weakly gazes up at the pony she had once fully trusted as a close confidant.
  1238. >These two mares hold eye contact for several seconds, with this tense silence only being broken up by the occasional sniffle from Luster.
  1239. >Flurry sighs, lightly shakes her head, and then turns her gaze over to you.
  1240. >She addresses you with a soft smile and a gentle tone:
  1241. >"Did you enjoy that kiss, Master?"
  1242. "Hm…"
  1243. >Briefly closing your eyes, you swish your thoughts and feelings about in your mouth.
  1244. >You feel *revitalised*—as if you could nut in nine dead fish and still have plenty of pluck left for the tenth.
  1245. >After opening your eyes, you flash Flurry a grin and a nod.
  1246. "Very much so."
  1247. >Despite still being buried inside Luster's catatonic canal—you're now *much* stiffer.
  1248. >However, such energy is wasted on a pony who cannot "perform."
  1249. >Your Queen, quick on her wits, picks up on your predicament almost immediately.
  1250. >She giggles, pushing herself away from the bed.
  1251. >"Then there's more where that came from~"
  1252. >She turns around and saunters several steps away from you.
  1253. >Your gaze can't help but be drawn to her sashaying hips and swaying tail.
  1254. >"After all, Master—you needn't waste your virility on that *pig* of a pony…"
  1255. >She casts you a sly grin from over her withers.
  1256. >"…not when when you have your *Queen* right here~"
  1257. >Flagging up her tail, she winks at you—
  1258. >In both senses of the word.
  1259. "Nnf…" You bite your lip.
  1260. >Well, when a ponyprincess presents herself to you—who are you to say no?
  1261. >With a light grunt, you slowly dislodge yourself from Luster's clammy cunt, meeting very little resistance on the way out.
  1262. >"Wh-wha…what are you doing…?!" Luster gasps.
  1263. >Soon enough, your rigid rod stands loud and proud in the open air, freed from its substandard confines; you note how it almost points towards the mare who *truly* deserves your bounty.
  1264. >"N-no…! Put it back…!" Luster sorely squirms. "I still need to claim you…! S-still need to…!"
  1265. >Your penis pulses with pep—just not for the pony below you.
  1266. >After arching your back out in a much-needed stretch, you shuffle around Luster's bound body and clamber off of the bed.
  1267. >Utilising your dextrous human fingers, you fully remove your boxers—which were still dangling around your knees—and casually toss them off to the side.
  1268. >With both a bare body and a renewed libido, you stroll across the bedside rug and make your way over to Flurry's royal rump.
  1269. >"Nngh…! No! Come back…!" Luster desperately calls out to you. "Come back now…! Anon…!"
  1270. >You ignore her cries, your sights entirely set on the alicorn in front of you.
  1271. >This alicorn happens to be one wholly pleased by your arrival—in more ways than one.
  1273. >"Hehe~" Flurry giggles with a husky confidence. "Oh, Master…"
  1274. >Moving with grace, Flurry lowers herself down to the floor so as to lie on her back.
  1275. >With her hindlegs spread wide, her forelegs outstretched towards you, and a smile as sublimely sultry as ever—she coos out to you:
  1276. >"Take me now—right here on the bedroom floor~"
  1277. "As you wish…"
  1278. >You drop to your knees and shuffle closer to her, sceptre at the ready.
  1279. >Within moments, you have your body lined over hers, your hands resting at her sides—and her forelegs wrapped around your back.
  1280. >You smile back at her, your face a tongue's breadth away from hers.
  1281. "…my Queen."
  1282. >She softly snorts against your face, keeping her nostrils fully flared.
  1283. >The sweet scent of her mare air brushing across your skin invigorates you even further, upgrading your pony piercer into a princess *penetrator.*
  1284. >You prod her pulsing folds with your tip, causing her to hum out a happy moan.
  1285. >Slowly but surely, you sink your length in, getting your head past the lips—
  1286. >"Stop…!" A voice wails a short distance away from you. "Don't you…don't you dare…!"
  1287. >With a light huff on her part, Flurry cranes her neck up over your right shoulder, casting her gaze far behind your person.
  1288. >She soon unfurls both of her wings.
  1289. >Her right wing quickly wraps around your back, providing you with a warm feathery blanket on top of her hoofy embrace.
  1290. >And as for her left wing…
  1291. >It steadily glides down along your body, soon positioning itself just behind your balls—and hovering around the area where your penis is partly buried within her pussy.
  1292. >She then spreads her feathers, completely covering up the sensual sight—and tauntingly hiding it from Luster's prying eyes.
  1293. >You surmise that Flurry intends to leave Luster's vulnerable mind racing as to what's exactly happening behind that wing.
  1294. >Devious.
  1295. >And so, with a sly smirk upon her face, Flurry gently whispers into your right ear:
  1296. >"Claim me, Master~"
  1297. >Words give way to action—as do her velvety walls give way to your thrusting member.
  1298. >You quickly bottom out inside of her depths, letting out a deeply satisfied grunt—
  1299. >"Aaahn~!"
  1300. >—whereas she sounds out a loud *throaty* moan that resonates all throughout the bedchamber.
  1301. >If it wasn't for her soundproofing spell—you're pretty sure that the entire castle residency would hear of the Crown Princess's interspecies debauchery.
  1303. "Phew…"
  1304. >You let out a huff as you bump right up against Flurry's foalfactory.
  1305. >Her homely hole is an auspiciously snug fit for you; it conforms around your manhood, hugging you from every side—yet still providing you with total freedom of movement.
  1306. >"Much better than Lustie's sloppy pighole—right, Master~?"
  1307. "Mm…"
  1308. >Warm and welcoming, your Queen's love canal is the sexual equivalent of taking a week-long retreat to a cosy cabin out in the woodlands.
  1309. >Her tropical tunnel caresses you like a long-lost lover, splashing you with unbridled affection and massaging you with dutiful desire.
  1310. >Even as you slow your movements, her walls don't let up for a second; her comfy cockpocket continues to churns up your rod with convulsing clenches and rippling rubs.
  1311. >In short—perfect.
  1312. "*Much* better."
  1313. >She giggles, giving your back a winged caress.
  1314. >"That's because our bodies are *made* for each other, Master!" she loudly and proudly states. "Nopony is ever going to give you the pleasure that I can~!"
  1315. >With a hearty grunt, you amorously *affirm* her cunty claims, thoroughly pistoning your hips against hers, pulpily plapping her pink pony pussy—and filling up the room's once-gentle ambience with wet-sounding *slap shlick slaps.*
  1316. >The crystalline floor underneath your hands and feet is callously cold, yet the bodily heat that you two freely share is more than enough to beat off any disquieting chills.
  1317. >As you passionately partake in the horizontal mambo with your princess, your head rests upon her right shoulder, while your nose is firmly pressed against her neck—just below the spot where her choker is.
  1318. >You frequently and headily sniff at your Queen's neck, slaking your senses with both her regal scent and her magnificent moans.
  1319. >And while you happily snort up her neck from below, Flurry once again cranes her head up above your right shoulder, fixating her gaze far behind you.
  1320. >You can almost *sense* the snide smirk that Flurry is currently directing towards Luster.
  1321. >Through those unspoken emotions, your Queen's intent is as clear as day.
  1322. >She's sending a message—or rather, multiple messages:
  1323. >Flurry claimed you first;
  1324. >You chose Flurry over Luster;
  1325. >Flurry's body brings you greater pleasure than Luster's ever could.
  1326. >These are just some of the seeds that Flurry seeks to sow into her best friend's impressionable mind.
  1327. >She's establishing a pecking order between human-owned mares—ensuring that she remains a Queen in both title and rank.
  1328. >After all, while Flurry may be your mind-controlled slave, she still has her pride as a royal alicorn.
  1329. >She is a mare that is as vindictive as she is vengeful.
  1330. >And to those who stand between her and her beloved Master, she shows no mercy.
  1332. >Thus, she revels in the act of shattering her friend's fragile will—just as much as she relishes the chance to display her natural superiority over lesser mares.
  1333. >To that end, you can't help but notice that Flurry is moaning louder than she has ever moaned before; her salacious sounds are *wilfully* indulgent in volume—while her words are deliberately chosen to match:
  1334. >"Ahn~! Master! I love you! I love you so much!"
  1335. >"You don't need any other mare while I'm around, Master! Ahn~! You only need me~!"
  1336. >"Just you and me, Master! Ahn~! We'll live together~! Happily. Ever. After~!"
  1337. >She's hamming it up, certainly.
  1338. >But you also know that she means every word.
  1339. >During the time you've spent living with Flurry, you've come to realise that she carries a certain kind of "energy" about her.
  1340. >It's a darkly obsessive energy, one that will loyally follow you until the end—yet would happily cocoon you in her wings forever if she ever had the final say in matters.
  1341. >As her King, it's your job to rein her in.
  1342. >As her Master, it's your prerogative to partake of her pleasures.
  1343. >And as a man who has been perseveringly ploughing plush princess pussy—it's prime time for you to hit your promised peak.
  1344. >Hastening your thrusts and clenching your nuts, you primally snort into Flurry's neck.
  1345. >Flurry lets out a girlish gasp, not breaking eye contact with Luster for a single moment.
  1346. >"Oh~! Master's about to cum~! He's about to fill up my womb~!"
  1347. >She sensually strokes your back; whether she's doing it with her wing or hoof—you've become far too cunt-crazed to care.
  1348. >"Go on, Master~! Cum inside the pussy that understands your cock better than anypony else's~!"
  1349. >Her encouraging coos push you over the *throbbing* edge.
  1350. >You hilt inside of her and promptly—*furiously*—blast your steamy, creamy claim straight into her deepest depths.
  1351. >Her entire body jitters, tightens, and convulses around you, proving that a pony's outsides can work you over just as well as her insides.
  1352. >"Ah~! Master's cumming inside of me~! He's giving me his foals~! He's—" She suddenly throws her head back and squeals: "—aaahn~!"
  1353. >Lolling out her tongue, Flurry heartily whinnies up into the air, making her mareish pleasure known to all in the room.
  1354. >And your pulsing penis is *thoroughly* caressed with the gloopy touch of a heatedly slimy maregasm.
  1355. >"I'm…mmf…cumming too~! Ahn~! Making sure my scent is all over Master~! Making sure everypony knows that he's *my* special somepony~!"
  1356. >Your Queen has quite the mouth on her.
  1357. >Of course, you are *more* than content to let her run her upper lips while you clog up her lower ones.
  1358. >With matching moans and synchronised sighs, your lower halves squelch in harmony with one another; you squeeze out her squash while she coaxes out your cum.
  1359. >You move as man and mare, as King and Queen—as perfect partners.
  1361. >Soon enough, though, your royal rapture meets its ebbing end.
  1362. >You pump out all you have to pump—while she gushes out all she has to gush.
  1363. >Letting out a heavy huff, your sweaty, spent self lies atop her body, while your length remains fully buried inside of her snatch.
  1364. >Flurry matches your huff with a satiated snort as she tenderly trails a circle around your back with a hoof.
  1365. >"Master…mmf…filled me up… He's left his *legacy* inside of me… He's…mmf…he's a part of the Royal Bloodline now~"
  1366. >With a smug grin and a teasing titter, Flurry slowly moves her left wing away from your genitals, thus revealing your raunchy rapport to the world—or at least to the other occupant in the room.
  1367. >"Haaah~"
  1368. >Steadily shuffling her body, she cranes her neck so that your faces can meet.
  1369. >Her next words come not as blatant bragging to the world, but as an intimate whisper for you and you alone:
  1370. >"Mmf…Master…I love you~"
  1371. >You feel compelled to respond in kind:
  1372. "Hah…love you too, Flurry."
  1373. >She casts you a tender smile.
  1374. >Slightly lidding her eyes, she leans in towards you and presses her soft pony lips against yours.
  1375. >*Mwah!*
  1376. >It's just a quick smooch—but a loving one.
  1377. >With a hearty grunt, you slowly pull your softening member out of her with a wet *plop.*
  1378. >Flurry breathes out the lightest of gasps as she feels you leave her lips.
  1379. >You longingly stare into one another's eyes; almost completely forgetting why the two of you came here in the first place.
  1380. >But eventually, her eyes flit down your body, and then back up to you.
  1381. >Her smile soon curls into something more sinister.
  1382. >She raises her voice with intent:
  1383. >"Hey, Master, what do you think we should name our first foal?"
  1384. "F-foal? Uh, I…"
  1385. >You blink a few times, completely caught off guard by her familial question.
  1386. >Thankfully, you're able to scramble for an answer in record time:
  1387. "…um…Nonny…Heart?"
  1388. >She responds with a cheery titter.
  1389. >"Nonny Heart~! I love it~!"
  1390. >She gives you a short nosey nuzzle before extending her neck above your shoulder and looking past you once more.
  1391. >"Master's first foal—Nonny Heart~!" she shouts over to the bed. "The first of many to come~! And…"
  1392. >Her eyes narrow at her target, as do her lips curl into a smirk.
  1393. >"…I'll make sure they all have a horn *and* wings~"
  1394. >It's very faint, but you believe you can hear sobbing coming from behind you.
  1396. >With a heaving sigh on your part, you finally manage to pull yourself free from Flurry's full-body grip.
  1397. >Sitting up on your knees, you shuffle backwards and begin to turn away from her.
  1398. >During your pivot, you catch the slightest of frowns forming upon your Queen's face—but you pay it no mind.
  1399. >And after a smooth one-eighty turn, you cast your gaze towards Flurry's heart-shaped bed.
  1400. >Flurry herself circles around to your left side, curtly wrapping her right wing around your back.
  1401. >Squinting your eyes to focus your sights, you spy a pony lying bound upon the bed's edge.
  1402. >Oh, right. It's that unicorn: the one you did all this to break the spirits of.
  1403. >Luster looks—
  1404. >"Master~"
  1405. >Flurry slips her left forehoof under your chin, and, using a gentle force, she tilts your head to face her.
  1406. "Hm?"
  1407. >Confused yet intrigued by your slave's sudden assertive behaviour, you see Flurry lewdly lick her lips…
  1408. >But before you can react any further—she locks lips with you again.
  1409. "Mm!"
  1410. >It seems that your princess desires yet another round of oral affection.
  1411. >However…something feels *different* about this particular kiss.
  1412. >With half-lidded eyes, her mouth aggressively presses against yours as she noisily sucks on your lips, leaving a plenitude of pops with every peck.
  1413. >Casting a sly glance over to the left, Flurry slowly raises her left wing, levelling it up to your face and hers.
  1414. >It's only when she completely covers your snogging session from Luster's sights does it click for you:
  1415. >This must be an additional display of dominance from Flurry to put Luster in her place.
  1416. >Another act of "hiding the action"—as it were.
  1417. >Such mouthy exhibition borders on excessive—but you suppose it is better to be safe than sorry.
  1418. >If this is what it takes to break Luster's spirit and make her your slave, then you'll roll with it.
  1419. >With her left wing veiling your kiss, Flurry's right wing curls around the back of your head and strokes at your nape, while her left forehoof continues to hold your chin in place.
  1420. >Now that Flurry has shielded her smooch from prying eyes, her lipwork soon becomes even *more* forward.
  1421. >Her horsey tongue bursts into your mouth—and it does not take no for an answer.
  1422. >Touting its incredible flexibility, her tongue quickly and cordially coils around yours, softly *squeezing* out the appreciation of her beloved King.
  1423. >Your taste buds are left helplessly immobile as she drenches you in her slimy spit, merrily moaning to herself with indulgent delight.
  1424. >Messy morsels of sloppy saliva escape your mouths and drip down to the floor—which Luster can no doubt see.
  1426. >This is a complete role reversal from how you have usually subjugated her mouth.
  1427. >What could have brought about this sudden shift in behaviour?
  1428. >Is she still riding a domineering high, coming hard and fresh from the act of exerting her eminence over Luster?
  1429. >Or…could she perhaps be looking to turn the tables on you entirely? To become the Master—and you the slave?
  1430. >The very thought unnerves you; you are tempted to push her away and break this kiss entirely.
  1431. >However, if you do that—you risk killing the momentum you have tirelessly worked up towards breaking Luster in.
  1432. >And should you dawdle in dominating her will—you risk losing her mind to the Love Cage curse completely.
  1433. >So you decide to hold out.
  1434. >For Luster Dawn, you decide to leave yourself at the mercy of your Queen.
  1435. >Thus, Flurry subjugates the inside of your mouth at her own indulgent discretion.
  1436. >She wrings out your haplessly writhing organ like a snake slowly strangling its prey.
  1437. >She moans into your mouth, making crystal clear her capacious cravings.
  1438. >She breathes sweet authority down your throat—but whose?
  1439. >…
  1440. >Eventually, she releases her humid hold on your thoroughly milked muscle, soon turning her attention towards the other corners of your mouth.
  1441. >She swirls her slithery slatherer all around your maw, leisurely licking at both your teeth and gums—leaving a slimy trail of her Queenly saliva wherever she goes.
  1442. >When your tired tongue gives her explorative one a tentative prod—she quickly wraps you up and gives you few more laving squeezes.
  1443. >…
  1444. >Once she lets you go for the second time, you decide to exercise discretion and let her plunder your piehole at her pleasure—lest your tongue suffer another pressuring punishment.
  1445. >Flurry claims you just as you've claimed her; she lathers up your teeth, bulges out your cheeks, drools onto your tongue, and pokes at your tonsils.
  1446. >Each and every amorous action she takes reminds of just how easily this enslaved princess of yours can overpower you—or rather, *is* overpowering you.
  1447. >It terrifies you.
  1448. >Yet…it also titillates you.
  1449. >…
  1450. >After what feels like an eternity of oppressive osculation, Flurry finally releases her mouth-hold on you.
  1451. >With a sultry smile on her face, she gives your lips a few parting laps before pulling away from your mouth.
  1452. >She also slowly lowers her left wing, pulling back the feathery curtain on this act of unprompted passion and thus revealing you to the world.
  1453. >"Mhm-hm-hm~"
  1454. >Huskily giggling to herself, she swirls her long tongue all around her lips in a circular motion.
  1455. >As you heavily catch your breath, she steamily sighs against your face:
  1456. >"My King~"
  1458. >You find yourself unable to tear your gaze away from her boundless blue eyes.
  1459. >So, in lieu of these recent events, you decide that you must take a calculated measure of her loyalty to you.
  1460. >You rest your right hand under chin—mirroring what she's currently doing to you—and you peer deep into her sensual soul.
  1461. "Hm."
  1462. >Her warm breath is laced with pure desire;
  1463. >Her flared-out nostrils hungrily take in your human scent;
  1464. >And her loving gaze displays only the utmost devotion to you.
  1465. >You find clarity in observing her countenance:
  1466. >Despite how readily she overpowered your oral organs—you feel overwhelmingly confident that this *wasn't* a move to usurp your authority.
  1467. >But if that's the case—then what was it?
  1468. >…
  1469. >This isn't the time to question nor chastise your slave.
  1470. >Not when there's a *second* slave just waiting for you to break her in.
  1471. >So you move your hand away from Flurry's chin, letting your arm fall by your side.
  1472. >And, finally breaking eye contact with your princess, you turn your face to look over by the bed—just in time for Flurry to plant her lips on your left cheek.
  1473. >She huffs in disappointment, clearly having missed her mouthy mark.
  1474. >But enough of your Queen for the time being.
  1475. >Because right now, you can see that familiar cerise-pink unicorn lying bound on the bed, just as she sees you.
  1476. >Luster looks…
  1477. >…
  1478. >Luster looks downright despondent.
  1479. >Her blue eyes are puffy and reddened;
  1480. >Her ears lie limply at the sides of her head;
  1481. >Tears and snot freely leak down her whimpering face—and the section of duvet directly underneath her chin looks to have been completely chewed up in an act of spilled-out stress
  1482. >The collar is still clearly visible around her neck, but the effect that your little gambit had on her composure couldn't be any more apparent.
  1483. >All you have to do now is—
  1484. >"Master," Flurry calmly calls to you.
  1485. >Sitting by your left side, Flurry thoughtfully trails her left forehoof down from your chin.
  1486. >She then softly strokes at your bare chest, addressing you with a tone that is as tender as it is detached:
  1487. >"Let's just leave her."
  1489. >You see Luster's watery eyes weakly widen at her bestie's chilling proposition.
  1490. "Hm?"
  1491. >Turning your head over to the left, you meet Flurry's mindful gaze.
  1492. "Leave her, you say?"
  1493. >Flurry nods.
  1494. >"She's never going to submit to you, and if you ask me—she's far more trouble than she's worth."
  1495. >She casts her icy stare towards Luster.
  1496. >"If we let the Love Cage curse take care of her mind for us—we won't have to deal with her any more."
  1497. >You blink.
  1498. "'Any more?'"
  1499. >"Mhm." She nods. "And once her mind is out of the picture, we can just throw her body into a spare closet or something."
  1500. "Uh huh…"
  1501. >Quite the cruel statement from a former friend.
  1502. >Folding up both of her wings and turning around, Flurry saunters away from you and over to the bedroom double doors.
  1503. >Your eyes can't help but track the way she sways her hips.
  1504. >"Trust me, Master," she says, briefly stopping in place, "she's not worth your time.
  1505. >Flicking both her mane and tail your way, she throws you a confident grin from over her left shoulder.
  1506. >"After all, why bother with a frumpy unicorn like her…"
  1507. >Lifting her left foreleg, she lightly presses her hoof against her chest.
  1508. >"…when you already have a royal alicorn like me~?"
  1509. "Hm…"
  1510. >Still sitting on your knees, you tap your chin in thought.
  1511. >Your eyes flit over to Luster's pathetically squirming form…
  1512. >And then back to Flurry's majestically posing one.
  1513. "…perhaps you have a point, Flurry."
  1514. >She giggles.
  1515. >"Ah, I knew you'd see the light, Master~"
  1516. >She beckons to you with her left forehoof.
  1517. >"Come on, let's go."
  1518. >Standing up, you make your way over to where both Flurry Heart and bedroom exit lie, ignoring the desperate creaks and groans that come from the bed.
  1519. >Just as you're about to reach your Queen's side—
  1520. >"N-no! No!" Luster's voice squeaks out. "P-please don't go! I'll be good! I-I'll submit!"
  1521. >Quirking an eyebrow, you cast a stray look Luster's way.
  1522. "Hm? Say again?"
  1523. >Through shaking pupils and gasping shivers, she gravely pleads out to you:
  1524. >"I'll submit! I'll do anything!"
  1525. >She sniffles.
  1526. >"J-just please…p-please…don't go…! Don't leave me…!"
  1528. >Maintaining a calm composure, you walk across the rug and make your way over to the right bedside; Flurry silently follows you.
  1529. >Crouching down in front of Luster, you position yourself so that your head hovers several inches above hers.
  1530. >Just like before, she lies on her stomach, bound to the bed itself.
  1531. >Her yellow-tinted restraints remain unchanged: tight-fitting shackles around her forelimbs and torso, a spreader bar between her hindlimbs, a horn both ringed and corked, and a restrictive ring around her tail dock.
  1532. >The crimson collar around her neck glows brightly—a sure sign of her nearing submission.
  1533. >Her complete and utter enslavement is at hand—she only needs a few more pushes in the right direction.
  1534. "…Anything, you say?"
  1535. >She swallows her sorrow.
  1536. >"Y-yes! A-anything! I'll submit to you like you asked…! I-I'll be your slave…!"
  1537. "Slave…?"
  1538. >Humming to yourself, your eyes drift over her body.
  1539. >You see her snotty, teary face;
  1540. >Her chubby, doughy belly;
  1541. >Her curvy, squishy flanks;
  1542. >And you curtly shake your head.
  1543. "…No."
  1544. >You look down at Luster.
  1545. "I'm afraid even the title of 'slave' is *far* too prestigious for a pony like you."
  1546. >She snivels and shifts under your disapproving gaze.
  1547. >"Wh-wha…? B-but…! But I…!"
  1548. >You raise your left hand, silencing her.
  1549. "However."
  1550. >You pause.
  1551. "…I believe I can still find some manner of use for you."
  1552. >Lowering your left hand, you gently rest it upon her withers.
  1553. >Trailing your fingers along her spine, you note the feeling of her cerise-pink coat:
  1554. >It's short and somewhat bristly—a far cry from the immaculately groomed pelage of your princess.
  1555. >Nevertheless, there's still a plump measure of warm to felt within this pelt if you sink your digits in deep enough.
  1556. >Moving your hand lower, you slide your fingers down the right side of her body.
  1557. >Luster's well-fed form is both easy on the eyes and a delicacy for your digits; her chubby belly, pressed against the bed's duvet, lightly spills out at her sides.
  1558. >You rub around her pliant pudge, your lips soon curling into a slight smile.
  1559. "This…"
  1560. >You narrow your eyes, pinching her soft flab in between a few fingers.
  1561. >"A-ah."
  1562. "…body of yours."
  1563. >Your sharp eyes dart up to her wavering ones, and your fingers continue to absent-mindedly fondle her fatty flesh.
  1564. "This slovenly body isn't one that befits a proud pony—it's one of portly livestock."
  1565. >You suddenly, harshly slap her belly, causing her to let out a squealing wince.
  1566. "This is the body of a pig."
  1567. >You hear a snicker at your side.
  1568. >Luster's lips slowly part as she blinks in sluggish shock.
  1569. >"P-pig…?"
  1570. >You nod.
  1571. "Mm, yes."
  1573. >Seizing the opportunity, you take a good long *squeeeze* of her spilled-out bellyfat.
  1574. >"A-ah…!" she gasps.
  1575. >Your fingers sink right in.
  1576. "Your swine-like form is *overflowing* with surplus."
  1577. >You poke. You rub. You knead.
  1578. "Hell, you could easily feed a full family with this bounty."
  1579. >"F-family…" she mutters.
  1580. "Ah, and speaking of *feeding*—how could I ever forget these…"
  1581. >Your fingers trace the line between her belly and the bed.
  1582. >Once you reach the area just above her thighs, you promptly slip your hand underneath her body—
  1583. >"E-eep—!"
  1584. >—and pull out an *ample* mound of supple, furless teatflesh.
  1585. "…these abundantly *natural* milkers of yours."
  1586. >You hear a bitterly jealous huff at your side.
  1587. >Ignoring such invidiousness for the time being, you shamelessly squish Luster's right crotchboob within your left hand, causing her flesh to spill outwards and surround your fingers at all sides.
  1588. >Your grubby groping coaxes out several hitched breaths from her.
  1589. "It seems this prize pig has been truly *blessed* with a bounteous supply of teatmeat." You flash her a smirk. "How fortuitous for her."
  1590. >You note how the darkened flesh of her mountainous mare mammaries makes them stick out in comparison to her cerise-pink fur; once they're in your sights, it's hard to pull your eyes—nor your fingers—away from them.
  1591. >Moving up to the end of her mound, you teasingly pinch and rub around her nipple, causing her to emit a light hiss.
  1592. "Think of the foals—no—the *piglets* that these could feed."
  1593. >Luster gulps.
  1594. >"Th-the piglets…?"
  1595. "Yes, that's right." You nod. "*Your* piglets—and *our* offspring."
  1596. >Somehow managing to yank your sights away from her teat, you cast a sidelong glance towards Luster's face.
  1597. >Her wide eyes are wholly fixated on you—while her nostrils are fully flared.
  1598. >It's safe to say that you now have a *firm* grasp on her attention.
  1599. >Much like how Flurry wished to instil her unmatched superiority into Luster's impressionable mind—you desire to impress upon your pig your profound vision.
  1600. "I intend to put this body to great work."
  1601. >Gently pulling on Luster's teat by the nipple, you stretch it as far as you can along the duvet.
  1602. "After all, this gluttonous, hoglike figure of yours…"
  1603. >Once it can stretch no longer—you let go, letting her teat snap back to the area just underneath her belly.
  1604. >Her right thigh twitches at the impact—yet her gaze doesn't falter for a moment.
  1605. "…this is a body meant for breeding and not much else."
  1606. >You hold that smirk of yours as you gauge her reaction.
  1607. >Blue eyes as wide as saucers, Luster lets out a deep, steamy snort, totally entranced by your words.
  1608. >"Breeding…" she mumbles to herself.
  1609. "That's right."
  1610. >You run your left hand up along her body, soon resting it upon her right flank.
  1611. >Her hips feel both shapely and supple, providing *plenty* of fondling room for your fingers.
  1613. "Why else would you have been granted such ample, *life-bearing* thighs—if not to bear piglets aplenty?"
  1614. >You give her dumpy rump as sound *spank,* making it lightly jiggle.
  1615. >"H-haaah…"
  1616. >She exhales a hot and heavy breath, while her twitching tail strains against her dock ring as it desperately attempts to flag up.
  1617. >Good. You can tell that your words of *swinely* wisdom are getting through to her.
  1618. >You decide to offer your sow a boon for her fine listening skills.
  1619. "Flurry," you command, "remove the ring around her tail dock."
  1620. >"Understood, Master."
  1621. >With a quick flash of magic from your Queen, Luster's dock ring dissipates entirely.
  1622. >Her tail promptly hikes all the way up, sparing no expense in displaying her mareish excitement.
  1623. >You could say that with one of her restraints removed, Luster is one step closer to becoming a free mare once more.
  1624. >However, your benevolence bears a silent price, for this small sample of freedom has brought with it another shackle of servitude.
  1625. >And the best part is—this shall be a shackle she slips on of her own volition.
  1626. "Keep thinking of the piglets you'll make for me," you say, giving her smacked flank a tender rub. "Think of the *family* you'll gain by submitting to me."
  1627. >"H-hff…" she huffs out through her nostrils. "P-piglets…piglets with…Anon…f-family…"
  1628. >Her tail twitches with further excitement.
  1629. >The more that Luster comes to acknowledge your dominion over her mind, the less effect Flurry's Love Cage curse has over her constrained libido.
  1630. >Thus, by taking in your words and agreeing with them—even on a purely subconscious level—her loins begin to fire up in a way that feels blissfully stimulating rather than painfully straining.
  1631. >Her brain gradually unfogs from the brink, while her big blue eyes see you as her shining saviour.
  1632. >Dazed and disoriented to the world, Luster steadily recentres her psyche around the human she deeply loves—no matter what his plans for her may be.
  1633. >And as she does so, the Love Curse lessens its hold upon her libido even more, rewarding her by way of experiencing even greater pleasures.
  1634. >It's a positive feedback loop of renewed arousal—her body is telling her brain that she's doing the right thing by submitting to you.
  1635. >With reassurance like that, Luster is no longer in any state to deny you your rightful claim over her body and mind—especially after she almost lost you to Flurry earlier.
  1636. >Her priorities have shifted. Dominating you means nothing if there's no "you" to be with.
  1637. >She won't lose you again. She can't.
  1638. >If she has to wade through the muck in order to stay by your side, then she'll do just that.
  1639. >…
  1640. >Luster is close—so, very close—to embracing her new role in life:
  1641. >As your personal sow.
  1643. "Luster," you speak up, ensuring you have her full attention, "to live life as gravid as possible is simply your *destiny.*"
  1644. >Her eyes flicker for just a brief moment.
  1645. >"My…destiny…?"
  1646. "Mm."
  1647. >Your eyes fall upon her cutie mark—her "supposed" destiny.
  1648. >You've seen it a few times before: that imagery of a sun breaching a watery horizon—of the coming dawn.
  1649. "This cutie mark of yours…"
  1650. >You slowly trail your fingers around the hemisphere of her sunny mark.
  1651. "Perhaps it represents a steadfast hope for Equestria's future, placing you as a shining beacon to safeguard the land's Harmony…"
  1652. >You harshly jab the centre of her sun with your middle finger.
  1653. >"E-eep!" she squeaks.
  1654. "…or some other sentimental bullshit like that; honestly, I don't give a damn as to its meaning."
  1655. >Moving your left hand over her cutie mark, you completely cover it up with your palm—utterly eclipsing that pitiful "destiny" of hers.
  1656. >You speak with pride and purpose, imposing your will over her own:
  1657. "Because your *true* destiny lies with me—as my loyal sow."
  1658. >With your fingers outstretched over her flab, you *firmly* feel up her fat flank, squeezing out her heroic will—and forcing in your rightful authority.
  1659. >Her glowing collar pulses out crimson light with every grabby grope, steadily increasing in speed with each decree you give her.
  1660. "Your mind shall heed *my* command."
  1661. >Squeeze.
  1662. "Your magic shall serve *my* ambition."
  1663. >Squueeeeze.
  1664. "And your body shall bear *my* lineage!"
  1665. >Squuueeeeeeze.
  1666. >With her wide-eyed gaze adamantly affixed onto yours, Luster's blisteringly brisk breaths are as rapid as the blood red blinks of her collar.
  1667. >"My…true destiny…!" she gasps out. "T-to bear your lineage…!"
  1668. >She swallows hard, turning her head forward to face straight on.
  1669. >"A-ah…! Nngh…!"
  1670. >She shuts her eyes and grits her teeth, huffing and puffing in quickly building agitation.
  1671. >Her thighs twitch erratically as her thumping hindlegs furiously struggle against the spreader bar.
  1672. >These frantic motions of hers threaten to throw your hand off her flank entirely—but your grip remains resolute.
  1673. >You continue to *staunchly* squeeze her cutie mark—just as you continue to *thoroughly* imprint your destiny upon hers.
  1674. >No matter the course, you *will* make her yours—body and soul.
  1675. >In the midst of her squirming shuffles and steamy snorts, you feel her flank suddenly heat up under your hand.
  1676. "Hm…?" You raise an eyebrow at her temperate tushy.
  1677. >It's a pleasant warmth—one that emboldens your spirit the longer you hold onto it.
  1678. >Her heated rump doesn't press you into pulling your hand away; instead, it incited you into lovingly running your extended fingers through her fuzzy flankfur.
  1679. >"Hah…h-hah…"
  1680. >Soon enough, Luster steadily opens her eyes, taking heavy breath after heavy breath.
  1681. >And with that, the fire within her flanks soon fades.
  1682. >Gripped by curiosity, you remove your hand from her flank.
  1683. >You take a solemn at her destiny-bound derrière, and…
  1684. "…huh?"
  1685. >Her cutie mark—
  1686. >It's changed.
  1688. >The modification to her mark is but a slight one—yet it's a change nonetheless.
  1689. >For that rising sun upon her flanks—the one that heralds the coming of a new dawn…
  1690. >It now bears a small question mark inside of it.
  1691. "Oho…" You trail a finger around it.
  1692. >This strange symbol speaks to you—it speaks of *your* authority over her.
  1693. >"Wow…" you hear Flurry lightly murmur at your side.
  1694. >Briefly leaning above and over Luster's body, you glimpse down at her other flank:
  1695. >And her other cutie mark *also* bears a question mark within its sun—despite you not having laid a finger on it.
  1696. >You purse your lips in thought, pondering this development.
  1697. >The realisation soon hits you:
  1698. >With but a taut touch, you have just changed a pony's cutie mark—you have altered this mare's magical makeup to suit your own selfish ends.
  1699. >A satisfied smirk creeps up on your face.
  1700. >As you smugly savour your victory over Equestria's natural order, an errant question springs to mind—yet it happens to be quite the ponderer:
  1701. >How?
  1702. >How in the Crystal Empire did you manage to accomplish such a feat?
  1703. >Could this have been a result of the collar's subjugating spell?
  1704. >Maybe Flurry's heart magic helped you out?
  1705. >Or perhaps you channelled an innate human ability to manipulate destiny that you simply weren't aware of up until now?
  1706. >…
  1707. >Ultimately, the reasoning matters not.
  1708. >What matters is that you've left your mark on this mare's very being.
  1709. >Looking at it now…
  1710. >Hah.
  1711. >The sun's anonymised hemisphere brings to mind the vivid imagery of a mare's gravid belly carrying your child.
  1712. >So *this* is Luster's new destiny.
  1713. "It suits you well."
  1714. >You glance down Luster's face—and you see her glossy blue eyes looking back up at you.
  1715. >Her collar still rapidly blinks out red light, dutifully awaiting your final word.
  1716. "Hm…"
  1717. >You've somehow claimed this mare's destiny as your own.
  1718. >Now it's time to claim the rest of her.
  1719. >Taking your hand off her right flank, you lean backwards and crouch back down into your original position in front of her.
  1720. >This time, however, your head is more level with hers.
  1721. >And with your faces only several inches apart, you eminently address her:
  1722. "Did you feel that, sow? Did you feel your very destiny change under my decisive hand?"
  1723. >"Y-yes…I…"
  1724. >She heavily swallows.
  1725. >"M-my destiny…i-it's to devote my body to your bloodline… To bear as many piglets as I can in your name… A-and to serve your glorious reign over Equestria in every way possible…"
  1726. >You chuckle.
  1727. "Yes. That sounds about right."
  1728. >Slipping your right hand under her chin, you steady her head.
  1729. "You shall make a fine sow."
  1731. >She shakily blinks at you, lips quivering and pupils wavering.
  1732. >"A-anon…"
  1733. >You pinch her chin in between your fingers, making her squeak in surprise.
  1734. "Ah-ah," you admonish her. "A lowly pig such as yourself shouldn't address me so casually."
  1735. >Your grip on her lightens—yet your gaze on her sharpens.
  1736. >With a stern tone to fit the occasion, you lay down your Masterly mandate:
  1737. "I am your Master. And *you* are my sow. Understood?"
  1738. >She nods.
  1739. >"Y-yes… Master."
  1740. "Good."
  1741. >She understands her place—and with that, every ounce of resistance has now been squeezed from her body.
  1742. >Her rapidly blinking collar starts to distort in space around her neck; it prepares to shift with her very being, steadily shifting its matter from physical to magical.
  1743. >It's a much slower process than what happened with Flurry's collar—but it's happening all the same.
  1744. >And so, with a triumphant grin upon your face, you issue your consummate command to your sow:
  1745. "Then oink for me, piggy."
  1746. >Her mane-matted, wide-eyed, tear-stained, snot-dried face slowly and silently takes in your words.
  1747. >Then, after bracing herself with a light sniffle, she flexes out her nostrils and…
  1748. >*Oink oink oink oink oink*
  1749. >She shamelessly looses grunt after piglike grunt at your behest.
  1750. >*Oink oink oink oink oink*
  1751. >"P-pfftsnrrk…!"
  1752. >You hear Flurry derisively snorting out in laughter at your side, covering up her sneering mouth with a hoof as she does.
  1753. >It is an understandable reaction; after all, she has front row seats to the sight of her best friend utterly humiliating herself.
  1754. >*Oink oink oink oink oink*
  1755. >However, you yourself find zero humour in the matter.
  1756. >*Oink oink oink oink oink*
  1757. >Luster's lidded blue eyes remain transfixed upon your face, while her tail wags from side to side.
  1758. >Her fat pig belly continuously expands and contracts against the duvet as she sensually shoots oink after oink your way.
  1759. >…Wait, sensually?
  1760. >*Oink oink oink oink oink*
  1761. >Yes. She's enjoying this.
  1762. >And…so are you, in a sense.
  1763. >*Oink oink oink oink oink*
  1764. >Seeing your sow act so openly debased—it's awakening something inside of you.
  1765. >*Oink oink oink oink oink*
  1766. >It makes you wish to assert your claim on her.
  1767. >So you do.
  1768. >*Oink oink oi—*
  1769. >Lunging forward, you firmly press your lips right up against hers.
  1770. >*Squeal?!*
  1771. >She squeals in surprise.
  1772. >You don't stop there.
  1773. >Within moments, you have your tongue impatiently prodding at her lips.
  1774. >She quickly lets you into that saliva-laden piehole of hers.
  1775. >Your tongue darts in, lapping all around her insides.
  1776. >*Oink~* *Oink~* *Oink~*
  1777. >She grunts into your mouth.
  1778. >Your tongues soon intertwine, and the two of you play an sloppy oral ballad together.
  1780. >As you continue swapping spit with your sow, she tentatively sniffs at your face, flexing her nostrils in and out.
  1781. >She's taking in your scent—and memorising it as her Master's.
  1782. >*Oink~* *Oink~* *Oink~*
  1783. >Switching her tail movements from happy wags to excited bed slaps, she shuts her eyes and snorts you up with glee.
  1784. >While this kiss goes on, you manage to glimpse something out from the bottom corners of your vision:
  1785. >It's her collar—her crimson collar.
  1786. >*Oink~* *Oink~* *Oink~*
  1787. >Only…it isn't crimson any more.
  1788. >It's changed colour.
  1789. >*Oink~* *Oink~* *Oink~*
  1790. >It's turned pink.
  1791. >Alas, a glimpse is all you are able to witness of her altered accessory before it merges into her neck, becoming one with her being and finalising her submission to you.
  1792. >*Oink~* *Oink~* *Oink~*
  1793. >Luster has just become your personal property.
  1794. >Yet you can't help but wonder—what does the pink mean?
  1795. >You've seen all sorts of magical colours today:
  1796. >Yearnful yellows, aggressive ambers, bewitching blues, and remorseless reds.
  1797. >Perhaps…
  1798. >*Oink~* *Oink~* *Oink~*
  1799. >Perhaps that pink is related to *you* in some way.
  1800. >*Oink~!* *Oink~!* *Oink~!*
  1801. >With the collar gone, and your sow's mouth *passionately* plundered, you break away from the kiss, leaving a thick trail of pigspit behind.
  1802. >Opening her eyes, Luster fruitlessly tries to follow your mouth, only to realise that her limbs are still bound to the bed beneath her body.
  1803. >Huffing in disappointment, she instead contents herself with slurping up the string of spittle that connects you two together—loudly licking her lips after the fact.
  1804. >It seems that in turning Luster into your sow, her slovenly nature has grown tenfold.
  1805. >You'll have to properly house train her later—and nurture her into a pig worth pampering.
  1806. >For now, though, something else has caught your eye: it's *her* eyes.
  1807. >They're back to their natural amber colour.
  1808. >Perhaps it was the act of accepting her own submission that dispelled her blue-eyed trance; whatever the case may be, there's clearly no further need to tug at her heartstrings via your Queen's magic.
  1809. >Thus, you take the opportunity to peer deep into those piggy pools of hers, watching as they glimmer with newfound obedience.
  1810. >Luster peers back, finding instinctual clarity in your Masterly gaze.
  1811. >Her lips soon curl up into a wide, dumb grin.
  1812. >And she sends one more steamy *oink~* your way.
  1813. >You grant her a subdued smile of your own.
  1814. "Sow," you calmly address her with her new title.
  1815. >Lifting your right hand, you gently scritch under her chin.
  1816. >She squeaks happily, angling her head upwards and flexing out her nostrils.
  1817. >"A-ahem."
  1819. >The undeniably priggish sound of a mare clearing her throat directs your gaze to the princess still sitting by your left side.
  1820. >She bears a pensive frown upon her face.
  1821. "Ah, Flurry…"
  1822. >Your eyes briefly flit to the chewed-up section of duvet underneath Luster's chin, and then back to Flurry.
  1823. "Sorry about what happened to your bed."
  1824. >Flurry might be your slave, but she's also your Queen.
  1825. >You see no shame in apologising to her.
  1826. >"Oh, that's no problem, Master, really, but…"
  1827. >She pauses for a moment to chew on her words.
  1828. >"…may I speak plainly?"
  1829. >You nod.
  1830. "Go on."
  1831. >She takes a deep breath, then speaks her mind:
  1832. >"You…you needn't have lowered yourself so as to kiss that snotty swine, Master."
  1833. >You shake your head.
  1834. "Nonsense. Even the lowliest of sows deserve some form of affection."
  1835. >You turn your attention back to Luster.
  1836. >As you continue scritching your sow's neck, both of her ears cheerfully twitch about, while her tongue sloppily lolls out to the side.
  1837. >You chuckle, glancing back at Flurry.
  1838. "See?"
  1839. >Flurry lets out a wispy sigh, and her light-blue eyes drift down to the turquoise rug.
  1840. >Sensing your Queen's slavish dissatisfaction, you make to ease her woes.
  1841. "However."
  1842. >Raising your left hand, you move it over to just under Flurry's chin and lift up her face, causing her to look at you.
  1843. "When it comes to the highest of *Queens,* well…"
  1844. >You scritch her chin.
  1845. "…I'd say she deserves her King's *utmost* appreciation, wouldn't you say?"
  1846. >She lets out a contented croon, lips curling into a slight smile.
  1847. >"Mm-hmm~"
  1848. >She closes her eyes as she melts into your touch.
  1849. >The happy vibrations coming from your slaves' purring necks is rattling your bones in a good way.
  1850. >…Ah, that's right: "slaves."
  1851. >You've got two of them now.
  1852. >And, as it so happens, they both *really* love neck scritches.
  1853. >With your rightie rewarding Luster and your leftie lenifying Flurry—you like to think you've found a surefire way to placate your slaves whenever needed.
  1854. >You'd never tell Flurry this, but you happen to scritching the neck of your Queen and the neck of your sow in the exact same way.
  1855. >Oinking aside, these two mares truly are birds of a feather.
  1856. >And when you take your hand away from each of them—they both make the same adorably high-pitched whining sound.
  1857. >Luster gives you a silent look of strong longing, deeply wishing to once again feel the soft touch of your dextrous fingers upon her swinely skin.
  1858. >Flurry, on the other hand, vocalises her deep yearning in a more direct manner:
  1859. >"Maaasteeer…why'd you stooop?" she softly paws at your chest.
  1860. >You meet her quivering pout with a sly smile.
  1861. "Patience, Flurry; there'll be plenty of time for that later. For now, let's focus on the present."
  1862. >Her pout wavers as she tilts her head in intrigue.
  1863. >"The present…?"
  1864. "Indeed." You nod. "I have a proposition for you, my *beloved* Queen."
  1866. >Her ears shoot up as you refer to her by her favourite royal moniker.
  1867. >"Yes, my King?"
  1868. "After everything that has happened today, I wish to share in this victory with you."
  1869. >Bringing both hands up to the sides of her face, you carefully caress her cheeks.
  1870. "So, why don't we break in our new sow together?"
  1871. >Her eyes slightly widen.
  1872. >"T-together…?"
  1873. "Mm-hmm, as *King* and *Queen.*"
  1874. >She shakily yet heatedly exhales through her mouth.
  1875. >A few seconds pass as she deliberates on your words.
  1876. >Yet you already know her answer.
  1877. >Not because she's your slave—
  1878. >But because you know that she'll jump at any chance she can to prove herself as your most truest of Queens.
  1879. >Thus, you see a confident smirk soon form upon her face.
  1880. >"Of course, my King~"
  1881. >She ends her statement with a lewd lick of her lips.
  1882. >Spicy.
  1883. >Yet you'd best be careful not to egg her on *too* much—lest you get your face nearly eaten like last time.
  1884. "Well then…"
  1885. >Tilting your head back to the bed, you look towards the end, where a pink plush pillow prettifies each rounded top of her heart-shaped mattress.
  1886. "…why don't you go get yourself comfortable?"
  1887. >She nods.
  1888. >"At once, my King."
  1889. >Clambering up onto the bed, Flurry casually steps over Luster's body and makes her over to the pillows.
  1890. "Oh, hey, Flurry."
  1891. >Stopping in place, Flurry looks back at you.
  1892. >"Hm?"
  1893. >You tap the magical shackle around Luster's right forehoof.
  1894. "You may remove her shackles now."
  1895. >Flurry nods.
  1896. >"Very well."
  1897. >Flurry swiftly dispels the bed-binding shackles around Luster's forehooves and belly, causing them to shatter into short-lived particles of glittery magic.
  1898. >After knitting her brows, Flurry casts a quick glance at Luster's remaining restraints—her spreader bar, horn ring, and horn cork—before looking to you with a supplicating smile.
  1899. >"Oh, Master," Flurry addresses you with a pleading tone, "May we pleeeaaase keep the rest of our restraints on our sow? I think they suit her, ehehe~!"
  1900. >You hum in thought, taking a couple of seconds to consider her proposal.
  1901. >It wouldn't do to bind your sow forever, but you suppose there's no harm in keeping them on for now…
  1902. "…alright, but just for this session."
  1903. >You take a stern tone:
  1904. "After that, we'll remove them, understood?"
  1905. >Flurry immediately opens her mouth to respond, but instead opts to close it and nod with a smiling hum.
  1906. >"Mm-hmm!"
  1907. >If she had her way…
  1908. >Anyway, as Flurry trots over to her pillows, you cast your gaze back towards Luster, who, already making use of her newfound flexibility, has quickly folded her forelegs under her chest.
  1909. >She looks back at you with a curious expression.
  1910. >*Oink?*
  1911. >You briefly wonder if Luster can even speak while she's like this.
  1912. >You'd ask her directly…
  1913. >…
  1914. >But honestly, it's *way* hotter if she can't, so you'll leave the matter unaddressed for now.
  1916. "Today is your lucky day, sow."
  1917. >You slip your left hand under her chin.
  1918. "For you get to serve *two* Masters."
  1919. >*Oink oink?*
  1920. "Yes."
  1921. >You gently tilt her head towards the far end of the bed.
  1922. "Cast your swinely eyes over there…"
  1923. >Flurry has now made herself quite at home on her bed.
  1924. >You take a moment to admire her reclining form.
  1925. >She lies on her back, nape nestled into the bed's rightmost pillow.
  1926. >Her hindlegs are splayed out, while her forelegs are curled up.
  1927. >You can also see her shooting you a sultry smile from over her slender body—it makes your heart skip a beat.
  1928. >With Luster's gaze still being guided by your hand, you whisper into your sow's right ear:
  1929. "Your Mistress awaits."
  1930. >*Oink…*
  1931. >You let go of Luster's chin and let her face towards Flurry's direction.
  1932. >Being that your sow's hindlegs are still restrained by a magical spreader bar, her movements are clumsy ones; thus, she slowly pivots in place with her forehooves, using the bed's duvet as leverage.
  1933. >As she does so, she keeps her belly squished against the duvet while wiggling her rump from side to side.
  1934. >And, well, you may be a Master—but you are still a man.
  1935. >Your eyes can't help but be drawn to her swaying rear end as she swivels.
  1936. >They can't help but be drawn to those piglet-bearing hips, those fleshy flanks, that flagged tail, and that winking, drooling marehood…!
  1937. >Before you know it, your right hand reacts faster than your rational mind and—
  1938. >Spank!
  1939. >Luster squeals.
  1940. >Flurry snorts.
  1941. >Cheeks jiggle.
  1942. >You grin.
  1944. >With a fondling hand, you caress the slightly reddened mark upon your sow's fat rump.
  1945. >She looks back at you, ears perked up and nostrils flared.
  1946. "You have a *fine* body, sow."
  1947. >You gently pat her portly behind.
  1948. "Be proud of it."
  1949. >Luster lids her eyes, lightly pressing her butt into your palm.
  1950. >*Oink oink~*
  1951. >As tempting as it is to keep feeling her up—you press back, pushing her away from you.
  1952. "Go on now; don't keep your Mistress waiting any longer."
  1953. >*Oink*
  1954. >You know that your sow would happily take more spankings—but it wouldn't be right to leave your Queen out of the fun.
  1955. >With a huff, Luster slowly wriggles her way across the bed and over to Flurry.
  1956. >Yes, "wriggle"—that magical spreader bar leaves her unable to do much else.
  1957. >Not that you're complaining, at any rate; the side-to-side sway of her hips as she crawls along the bed is certainly an eye-teaser—as is the slimy snail trail that she leaves behind in her wake.
  1958. >You suppose her leaky libido must be making up for lost time after having been "Love Caged" up for hours.
  1959. >Now that you've sent your sow on her merry way, you take this golden opportunity to finally upright yourself from your crouched position.
  1960. >Straightening your knees and stretching your legs, you stand tall by the bedside.
  1961. >And in your ascension, you reveal your low-hanging fruit to the world—or, at the very least, to the two mares on the bed.
  1962. >Flurry's eyes immediately dart to your loud and proud manhood; she bites her bottom lip, balancing on a fine line between refinement and randiness.
  1963. >Intrigued by her Mistress's reaction, Luster casts you an over-the-withers look, soon bearing witless witness to your otherworldly wang; she gives off a lusty oink and a squelching wink, displaying her arousal far more openly—and messily.
  1964. >As satisfying as it feels to be the centre of such sensual attention…
  1965. >To be honest, between the chewed-up duvet and the slippery pig-stains being left everywhere—you're starting to feel sorry for whoever has to clean up Flurry's bedsheets.
  1966. >After all, you doubt that the pampered princess herself handles it.
  1968. >Soon enough, Luster has her body positioned right between Flurry's spread hindlegs.
  1969. >Flurry herself still lies on her back, but she's scooched backwards a little more; to that end, her upper half now rests against the bed's headboard.
  1970. >Her left foreleg laxly lies across her torso, while her right foreleg rests by her side, bending at the knee and pointing upwards.
  1971. >With her chin resting upon her right forehoof, Flurry regards Luster with a bored glare.
  1972. >Luster looks up at Flurry.
  1973. >*Oink?*
  1974. >Flurry sighs and rolls her eyes.
  1975. >"No. Not up here, sow."
  1976. >Flurry's horn comes to life, and a light-yellow aura soon encompasses Luster's whole face.
  1977. >"Your attention…"
  1978. >Flurry forces your sow's gaze downwards.
  1979. >"…should be brought down *here,* instead."
  1980. >Luster's amber eyes fall upon the raunchy region right between Flurry's thighs:
  1981. >Her modestly sized mareteats up above;
  1982. >Her princessly pucker down below;
  1983. >And between the two: her puffily pulpy horsepussy—already slick with anticipation.
  1984. >Luster blinks, then sniffs the air around her Mistress's nethers.
  1985. >Her nose slightly wrinkles.
  1986. >*Oink oink…*
  1987. >You suddenly lay another hard *spank* on Luster's fat flank, making her squeal out in shock.
  1988. "No backtalking your Queen, sow."
  1989. >Flurry titters at the sight of you sanctioning your swine.
  1990. >Indeed, you have now clambered onto bed with your two mares.
  1991. >While Luster was busy getting herself comfortable between Flurry's legs, you took the chance to position yourself directly behind your sow.
  1992. >Sitting up on your knees, you find yourself quickly coming to appreciate this new point of vantage.
  1993. >Not only do you get to ogle your sow's sumptuous rear end, but you also get to gaze upon your Queen's frontal majesty.
  1994. >You certainly have no complaints regarding either sight.
  1995. >"By the way, Master…"
  1996. >Casting your eyes over Luster's body, you look to Flurry.
  1997. "Yes?"
  1998. >"There's a spell I've been wanting to try out on our sow—something I think will really befit a beast like her."
  1999. >She shoots you a politely pleading smile.
  2000. >"May I?"
  2001. >You hum for a second.
  2002. "Well, as long as you don't break her, go on."
  2003. >"Hehe~!" she cheerily giggles. "Oh, thank you, Master!"
  2004. >Flurry channels yet another spell, one that wholly engulfs Luster's horn in yellow light.
  2005. >*Oink?*
  2006. >Interest piqued, you decide to reposition yourself and take a closer look; lying down next to Luster's body, you get a right-side view of her face.
  2007. >You see something stringy slowly snake its way out of her horn ring; it bears the same light-yellow hue as the ring itself.
  2008. >It travels down her forehead, splitting into two smaller strings once it reaches the bridge of her snout.
  2009. >Luster's eyes watch with a building sense of unease as these two spindly strings slither down the length of her snout, curtly slip into her nostrils—
  2010. >And yanks her nose upwards.
  2012. >Luster squeals in sharp pain as her magical nosehooks quickly go taut, forcibly and vertically elongating both entrances of her nostrils.
  2013. >The stretching sting applied to her two sensitive nasal cavities causes her wincing eyes to well up with tears.
  2014. >Flurry watches all of this with a toothy smile on her face, making no effort to hide her sadistic glee.
  2015. >"Ooh~! Now that's a *much* better look for you, sow~!"
  2016. >*O-oink!*
  2017. "Whoa."
  2018. >Wishing to test the limits of Luster's new restraint, you hook your right index finger into her right nostril; then, you steadily stretch its ala towards you, pulling on it horizontally.
  2019. >Luster's eyes widen in response to this added stimuli, quickly darting over to your face.
  2020. >Flashing her a half-smile, you lazily tug at her mucous membrane, pinching it in between your thumb and index.
  2021. "Yes… I must admit, you've outdone yourself, Flurry."
  2022. >Turning your head, you give your Queen an approving nod.
  2023. "Our sow truly *does* fit the part now."
  2024. >Flurry titters at your praise.
  2025. >*Oink oink oink!*
  2026. >Luster, on the other hand, oinks and huffs at you, letting her tongue loll out from her mouth while her tail thwacks from side to side.
  2027. >That's a surprisingly positive reaction, considering what she's going through.
  2028. >Your sow must have quite the masochistic streak in her.
  2029. >That, or she just really loves receiving your attention—no matter how painful it gets.
  2030. >If that's the case, then you'd be remiss to disappoint her.
  2031. >Thus, you slip your middle digit into her right nostril and gently press it against her septum, making Luster's teary eyes flicker in frantic fervour from all of the fingers that you're stuffing into her nose.
  2032. >She quietly yet heartily oinks at your intrusive touch, and, as you idly entertain yourself with the mucousy inside of her snout, you cast your eyes over the rest of your sow's fettered form.
  2033. >From the taut nose hook that's connected to her magic-inhibiting horn ring—to the spreader bar that keeps her hindlegs both bound together and held apart…
  2034. >Each and every restraint shares the same light-yellow glow.
  2035. >It's all Flurry's magic, naturally, but…
  2036. >You can't help but wonder just how knowledgeable your Queen is when it comes to this particular field of magic.
  2037. "So, where did you learn this one, Flurry?"
  2038. >"Oh, I read about it in a book!" She proudly beams at you.
  2039. "I see…"
  2040. >You halt your probing fingers for a moment, and you cast a curious glance Flurry's way.
  2041. "…and where did you happen upon this book?"
  2042. >She tilts her head.
  2043. >"My mom's personal study, why?"
  2044. >You blink a few times.
  2045. >Then you shake your head.
  2046. "No reason."
  2047. >It isn't worth worrying about.
  2049. >After probing your sow's snout for a little while longer, you deem your nasal expedition to be a rousing success.
  2050. >Thus, you pull your fingers out of her nostrils, leaving her snout to be stretched solely by her nose hook.
  2051. >Given where they've just been, your digits are now dreadfully drenched in her slimy snot—so you casually wipe them off on her right shoulder.
  2052. "Alright, enough dawdling."
  2053. >Using your right hand, you tilt Luster's chin to make her face Flurry's flower.
  2054. "Your Mistress has waited long enough, wouldn't you say?"
  2055. >*Oink…*
  2056. >Taking her sombre sound as solemn affirmation, you move your hand away.
  2057. >Luster lowers her snout down to Flurry's snatch and sniffles her snoofer right around the folds.
  2058. >The vibrant scents of your Queen's arousal freely flow into your sow's forcefully flared-out nostrils.
  2059. >Besides the cloyingly sweet fragrance of her Mistress's natural musk—she can also whiff the cummy smell of your lingering creampie, which had been deeply deposited into Flurry's womb not too long ago.
  2060. >Luster's senses lock onto that Masterly familiarity, causing her to amorously oink and sensually snort into Flurry's pulsating pussy.
  2061. >*Oink~* *Oink~* *Oink~*
  2062. >"G-gkk…!"
  2063. >Flurry shivers and grits her teeth in response to the hot swinely breath being blasted against her genitals; her thighs also spread just a little wider apart—while her right hindleg twitches about sporadically.
  2064. >On Luster's side of things, shy sniffs soon turn to lavish licks as she sloppily laps all around Flurry's puffy petals, shamelessly drooling her pigspit all over them.
  2065. >"H-hah…! Hah…!"
  2066. >Flurry's breathing hastens as she suddenly winks out a quick mare-squirt onto Luster's face, splashing your sow's face with a slimy reward for her slavish efforts.
  2067. >Some of your Queen's royal ambrosia shoots up Luster's exposed nostrils—which your sow reflexively snorts out as she continues to go to town on Flurry's fleshy flaps.
  2068. >Luster's tongue soon becomes more daring as she breaches the labia and laps around Flurry's inner folds.
  2069. >"Nngh…! Hah…!"
  2070. >Despite the ever-increasing intensity of her sow's sloppy servitude, Flurry manages to steadily bring her rickety breaths under control, soon fixing upon Luster with a smug smirk and an uppity taunt:
  2071. >"That's…mmph…that's right, sow… Put that tongue of yours to work… Trough at my pussy like the…mmph…like the *pig* you are~"
  2072. >*Oink~* *Oink~* *Oink~*
  2073. >Enjoying the animalism presented before you, you rest your left hand upon Luster's withers and gently caress it.
  2074. >While still dutifully drinking in her Mistress's sweet secretions, Luster's eyes drift over to your face.
  2075. >*Oink oink*
  2076. "You're doing well, sow."
  2077. >*Oink~*
  2079. >Luster seems more than content enough to follow through with her new royal duties and slavishly slather up Flurry's erogenous entrance.
  2080. >As you cast your eyes towards Flurry, though, you note that your Queen is barely holding herself together.
  2081. >Through laboriously snorty breaths and twitchily spread hindlegs, her hazy gaze is currently cast up towards the top of the bed's baldachin.
  2082. >Her forelegs now anxiously rub at the bedsheets by her side as she struggles to contain her own euphoria.
  2083. >The length of her swirly tail has been mostly pinned down by Luster's chubby belly, yet you can still see the very tip agitatedly flick at the air and weakly slap against the duvet.
  2084. >As things stand, Luster's sloppy tonguework will be more than enough to bring your Queen to her natural peak; there's no need for any intervention.
  2085. >However…
  2086. >You can't help but spy a truly tempting opportunity for a spot of sly roguery.
  2087. >And so, whilst continuing to pat Luster's withers, you address her:
  2088. "Ah, but do consider this…"
  2089. >*Oink?*
  2090. >With a wry grin on your face, you set about lighting a spark within her swinely heart.
  2091. "…should you manage to dig deep enough in your Mistress's core…"
  2092. >Leaning forward, you whisper into your sow's twitching right ear:
  2093. "…you just might be able to claim that creampie for yourself."
  2094. >Luster blinks, eyes slowly but surely widening in realisation.
  2095. >And she lets out an *earthily* sharp squeal.
  2096. >"A-ah!" Flurry suddenly yelps. "L-lus—*s-sow!* What are you—a-aaah~!"
  2097. >Flurry is quickly tongued into incoherence and Luster forces her oral organ all the way into her Mistress's depths.
  2098. >Luster licks, laps, and *swirls* her turbulent tongue all around Flurry's tunnel, poking and prodding at her womb in a desperate bid to piggishly pilfer your creampie from under her nose.
  2099. >Flurry throws her head back and lets loose a guttural whinny as her eyes nearly roll over, while her body loses itself to the squirming throes of mareish pleasure, clearly unable to withstand Luster's swinely assault.
  2100. >As you continue to rest your hand upon Luster's withers, you can feel your sow's body furiously rocking back and forth as she absolutely *devours* Flurry's love canal.
  2101. >The saucy sights and squelching sounds cause you to heartily chuckle.
  2102. >Of course, you didn't set this up just to be a mere spectator; such a role ill-suits a Master.
  2103. >After all, while your Queen may currently be getting licked out of her mind—your sow still has a few good holes of her own to fill.
  2104. >Thus, you tear yourself away from your sow's right side and reposition yourself at her rear end once more.
  2106. >Sitting up on your knees, you look down at Luster's drooling, winking snatch—which has already made a slimily damp spot on the bedsheets both beneath and around it.
  2107. >Resting both hands upon her fat flanks, you slowly pry her cheeks apart and line your manmeat up with her pigpussy.
  2108. >Her tail, already flagged, brushes against your chest with a curious swish.
  2109. >*Oink oink?*
  2110. "Yes, that's right…"
  2111. >Not stopping her spoliative slurps even for moment, Luster's ears angle themselves backwards so she can listen to your voice.
  2112. >Using your right hand, you tenderly rub her rump.
  2113. "…your Master is going to *breed* you, sow."
  2114. >*Oink oink!*
  2115. "And that's not all."
  2116. >*Oink?*
  2117. "If you *do* manage to fish that creampie out of your Mistress…"
  2118. >You squish and squeeze at her flabby cheeks, relishing the soft sensation of your fingers sinking right into her flesh.
  2119. "…Then I'll make sure to drench your pigwomb in my most *potent* seed—and I'll leave you utterly *gravid* with piglets."
  2120. >You smack her butt as part of your playful promise.
  2121. >*Squeal!*
  2122. >And she's off.
  2123. >Well, more *off* than she was before.
  2124. >Her broad tongue freely flounders inside of Flurry's flower, sloppily splashing pigspit wherever she goes in her earnest attempts to coax your cum out of your Queen's cunt.
  2125. >Your sow greedily gulps down any marely squirts that are sent her way.
  2126. >You take one look at Flurry Heart, who is currently seeing stars while being tongued by the Dawn.
  2127. >With her head thrown back and tongue lolled out, she snorts and moans incoherently as her chest frantically rises and falls.
  2128. >Indeed, Flurry looks very un-Queenly right now.
  2129. >But hey—at least she's not a pig.
  2130. >She's just being eaten out by one.
  2131. >And you—
  2132. >You're about to fuck one.
  2134. >Wasting no more time, you *plunge* yourself straight into your sow's sopping pigsnatch, hilting all the way up to her piglet factory and resting your nuts on top of that slimy bedsheet stain.
  2135. >*Squeal!*
  2136. >With a full-body shudder, she squashes all over you almost immediately, clenching and clasping and squelching and splashing and *flooding* your lower half with gushes upon gushes of backed-up maregasm.
  2137. >Your sow may fuck like a pig—but she cums like a *mare.* Her muskily pungent, off-white squash clings to your crotch like molten sugar.
  2138. >Her tunnel squeezes you just as tightly, staunchly refusing to let you go despite the constant flow of lubrication.
  2139. >You can barely move, but this possessively piggy pussy is certainly a welcome change from the constrained cunt that she was inflicted with as a result of the "Love Cage."
  2140. >Now that Luster has happily embraced her destiny as your submissive sow, it's safe to say the oppressive effects of that cruel curse are long gone.
  2141. >Considering that her new and improved swinely self has finally gotten a taste of your Masterly manmeat—it's no small wonder as to why her floodgates have freed themselves so fiercely.
  2142. >Hell, even as you ponder this fervent fact—your sow is *still* staining your scrotum with messy splurges of steamy, smelly marecream.
  2143. >And—judging by Flurry's loud and feral screams—you're certain that Luster is channelling her cathartic bliss straight into the depths of her Mistress.
  2144. >Thus, you ride out your sow's squelching orgasm, bucking your hips against hers as you strenuously sail down the swelteringly squashy sea of oinks and moans.
  2145. >Just as one mare's climax subsides—another's begins.
  2146. >"A-AH!"
  2147. >With a gasping scream and a shuddering snort, Flurry suddenly throws both of her forehooves around the back of Luster's head and presses her piggy face *deep* into her Queenly snatch.
  2148. >Regathering her composure, Flurry manages to tilt her head downwards and look her enfettered friend in the eye.
  2149. >Your Queen's thighs spasm and shake as she splashes out her own maregasm all over your sow's face and down her throat.
  2150. >Flurry reins her lolled-out tongue in, closes her mouth, and curls her lips into a triumphant smirk as she forces Luster to swallow her royal squash.
  2151. >"Drink up…sow."
  2152. >She takes a breathy pause, and flashes some teeth with her smirk.
  2153. >"Queen's decree~"
  2154. >*Oink oink oink*
  2155. >Luster is compelled to comply—lest she face the very real threat of drowning in marecum.
  2156. >She loudly slurps and audibly gulps down Flurry's marely mirth, drinking it up like the servile sow she is; most of it slides down her gulping gullet—while some of it goops up her stretched-out nostrils.
  2158. >The submissive sight before your eyes inspirits you towards rewarding your fecund sow with a more *virile* bounty.
  2159. >Now that the greatest waves of Luster's cathartic maregasm have passed, you find yourself graced with greater freedom of movement—allowing you to pleasurably plap your pig's pussy with passionate purpose.
  2160. >Luster's pighole works you over with a sloppily desperate fervour that's quite unlike the finely-tuned depths of Flurry's royal snatch; it's different, yes—but oh-so-stimulating in its own unique way.
  2161. >So, as you continue to crash your hips into hers, you find your body steadily leaning more and more forward over time, prompting you to move your hands from on top of her rump to the sheets by her sides.
  2162. >Every time you slam into her swelteringly squishy depths, she makes this adorably squeaky squealing sound; adorable—yet it serves to rouse your movements even more.
  2163. >Your thrusts also happen to push her face right up against Flurry's gushing flower; you like to think that it's giving Luster a deeper appreciation of her Mistress's more subtle flavours.
  2164. >As you continue to pillage your pig's hole, you notice Flurry lessen her hoofgrip on Luster's head as her orgasm finally wanes.
  2165. >She takes a long exhale through her nose.
  2166. >"Hah…"
  2167. >Followed by a giggly exhale, obviously quite satisfied with the marely mess that she's left upon your sow's face.
  2168. >Her eyes slowly meet yours, and she gives you a soft smile—
  2169. >It's a smile that's quickly replaced with a gasping moan as Luster refuses to let up in her muff diving duty.
  2170. >Gulping down the feeling of her promised afterglow, Flurry throws her head back against the headboard once more, letting her forehooves fall to her sides.
  2171. >And just as another mare's climax subsides…
  2172. >…
  2173. >Well, they do say nice guys finish last.
  2174. >You're not a nice guy—but you *are* close to finishing.
  2175. >Revelling in the upcoming finale to this fuckfest, you lean forward all the way, pressing the entirety of Luster's chubby body underneath yours as you *jackhammer* yourself into her pulsating pussy.
  2176. >You take a moment to appreciate your sow's scent, burying your nose into her neck.
  2177. >She smells…mostly of Flurry's recent maregasm, admittedly—but that's to be expected when your face is positioned right in front of her Queenly flower.
  2178. >However, there's also a second scent to be whiffed within your sow's musk; it's a subtle smell that nonetheless awakens something deeply primal in you.
  2179. >It's the smell of a freshly tamed sow—*your* freshly tamed sow.
  2180. >It *intoxicates* you; you simply can't get enough of it.
  2181. >And so you ravenously sniff and snort around your sow's vulnerable neck, desperate to take in more of her subjugated scent—desperate to make her even *more* yours.
  2182. >…
  2183. >Oh, you just can't help yourself.
  2184. >*Squeal!*
  2185. >Your sow lets out a loud squeal as you suddenly chomp down on her neck.
  2186. >You don't use enough force to harm her, of course—but you use just enough teeth to assert your Kingly *claim* on her swinely self.
  2188. >As you nibble on her neck, victory flows through your veins, congratulating you on your undeniable conquest over Luster Dawn.
  2189. >You've marked her body.
  2190. >You've subdued her mind.
  2191. >You've overwritten her very *destiny* to suit your needs.
  2192. >On every single level—this sow of a mare now belongs to *you.*
  2193. >No. There's just one more thing:
  2194. >You need to claim her womb.
  2195. >Wrapping your arms around her front, you bottom out inside of her depths, surrounding her at both ends.
  2196. >She squirms under you, but she makes no attempt to escape—for she knows her place.
  2197. >Your glans kisses her cervix while you gently nibble at her neck, making her submissively snort and oink into Flurry's flower.
  2198. >And with a heated snort of your own, you finally erupt, hosing down your sow's fertile garden with torrents upon torrents of your virile seed.
  2199. >You can feel a deeply cathartic calm flowing through your veins as you thoroughly *domesticate* the final untamed part of your sow.
  2200. >After being so rudely denied a chance to cum inside her womb so many hours ago, you have at long last turned the tables on this slovenly mare, repurposing her foal factory into your own personal piglet plantation.
  2201. >You lovingly lap at her reddened bite mark as you furiously fill her up, ensuring that no part of her is left unclaimed by you.
  2202. >Each throbbing cumshot grants you great release, knowing that one day, this utterly tamed sow will be lying sideways on your bed, her kicking belly wholly *gravid* with your offspring, her devoted gaze affectionately fixed your way…
  2203. >…
  2204. >Until then, though—you content yourself with busting the last of your life-giving loads inside of her.
  2205. >Untensing your body, you hotly breathe against her bite mark, making her shudder.
  2206. >And you growl into her ear:
  2207. "Mine."
  2208. >Her reply comes not in the form of a simple oink, but a passionately primal exhale through her nostrils—one that also happens to reverberate through Flurry, eliciting a gasp from her.
  2209. >Your dominion runs through both mares—as it should be.
  2211. >After that, you and your Queen would spend the rest of the evening drilling in your sow's new responsibilities together.
  2212. >Today was a most-fruitful day: a grand step towards your destiny as this realm's rightful Master.
  2213. >For one has become two.
  2214. >The highborn Queen and the lowly sow.
  2215. >Two magical ponies hailing from two different nations—yet their destinies intertwine through common interests and shared feelings.
  2216. >They're both amazing mares.
  2217. >And now they're both yours.
  2219. *** 15 ***
  2221. >…
  2222. >Wait for it…
  2223. >…
  2224. >Waaiit for it…
  2225. >…
  2226. >Waaaiiit for it…
  2227. >…
  2228. >*BEEP BE—*
  2229. "Gotcha."
  2230. >With a decisive smack on your part, you silence your alarm clock for the day.
  2231. >That's right—*your* alarm clock.
  2232. >You're back in your own bedroom—in your own house.
  2233. >You would've liked to stay in the Crystal Castle for longer than an evening, but alas—you must maintain a low profile in these current times.
  2234. >You might be a Master, but you're not invincible.
  2235. >Flurry Heart enjoys a fairly unsupervised life for a princess, having scant few royal responsibilities to carry out and next-to-nothing in the way of parental surveillance.
  2236. >Truthfully, you've come to find that latter factoid somewhat sad to think about; part of you wonders if the lack of attention in her life is what had caused her to latch onto you so strongly.
  2237. >Regardless of the matter, it's all thanks to that freedom of hers that she's able to spend so much time with you in your commoner's hovel.
  2238. >However, you're pretty sure that ponies will start asking questions if the local alien monkey man spends the night in the Crown Princess's bedchamber.
  2239. >And you are not prepared to answer those questions quite just yet.
  2240. >Thus, you have decided to continue sleeping in your own bed for the time being.
  2241. >So now, you awake—alone.
  2242. >Wait, alone?
  2243. >That can't be right.
  2244. >You're pretty sure you took two wonderful mares to bed with you last night.
  2245. >It's still pretty damn early in the morning, so they can't have left already.
  2246. >Where could they be…?
  2247. >They're not to your left.
  2248. >They're not to your right.
  2249. >But there *is* a conspicuously large lump under your bed covers.
  2250. >Positioned around your pelvic region, this energetic lump makes subtle slurping sounds as it sways from side to side.
  2251. >Incidentally, you can also feel a pleasant suckling sensation localised entirely around your nethers.
  2252. >Oh, yes. It's all starting to come together.
  2253. >…
  2254. >Your house is being haunted by a poltergeist!
  2255. >Steeling your soul and girding your loins, you slip both of your hands under your bedlinen and yank it up so that you may confront this wicked wraith and—
  2256. >Oh.
  2257. >There's no ghost.
  2258. >Your dick is just getting sucked under the duvet.
  2259. >Easy mistake to make.
  2261. >Now that this lewd truth is plain to your eyes, you can quite clearly see two mares congregating underneath the bed covers and around your monolithic manhood.
  2262. >Their bodies are veiled in the shade, yet they are still easily recognisable at a glance—for you happen to be intimately familiar with both of these mares.
  2263. >On your right, you have Princess Flurry Heart: your first slave.
  2264. >She's currently lying alongside your right leg.
  2265. >With her plush pony lips softly sealed around your manly meat, she moans like an angel as she lovingly throats your dick within her royal maw.
  2266. >Her eyes are calmly closed, yet she moves with a thoroughly trained expertise, dutifully bobbing her head up and down your manhood with sloppy slurps and wet pops.
  2267. >Her memberly mouthwork feels absolutely divine—yet she isn't the only one working your hog on this fine morn.
  2268. >Because Luster Dawn: your second slave, is currently lying alongside your left leg.
  2269. >With her supple pony snout rubbing up against your sweaty scrotum, she sloppily tends to your balls while she quietly oinks like the sow she is.
  2270. >All of her restraints from yesterday have been removed—yet she's no less servile for it; she also now wears a plain black choker around her neck, one that's identical to the one Flurry wears.
  2271. >Her amber eyes are wholly open and fully focused on your nutsack; her broad horse tongue carefully cups your jewels from below, giving the both of them a swinely tongue bath.
  2272. >When these two mares work together—Heaven becomes Nirvana.
  2273. >You truly couldn't ask for a better wake-up call.
  2274. "Phew…"
  2275. >Flurry slowly flutters her eyes open at the sound of your satiated sigh, quickly noticing your groggy gaze.
  2276. >She pulls herself off your pecker and gives your glans a wet smooch before smiling at you.
  2277. >"Good morning, Master~"
  2278. >You smile back at her.
  2279. "G'morning, Flurry."
  2280. >Luster retracts her tongue and gives your left nut a soft kiss.
  2281. >She then dopily grins at you.
  2282. >*Oink oink oink~*
  2283. >You chuckle.
  2284. "And good morning to you too, sow."
  2286. >Morning greetings exchanged, both mares promptly get back to work on gobbling up your genitals—Flurry on your shaft, Luster around your balls.
  2287. >Puffing out a hearty sigh, you take the opportunity to further examine your slaves as they tend to your morning wood.
  2288. >You note that they both have something affixed atop the tip of their horn.
  2289. >Flurry is wearing that pink fluffy pompom you bought for her not too long ago, while Luster is "wearing" a wooden horn cork.
  2290. >While these keratin-covering accessories share similar functionality with one another, they also serve to highlight the difference in status between your two mares.
  2291. >Flurry is your first slave—your Queen—while Luster is merely your sow.
  2292. >The unspoken hierarchy of your enslaved harem is as clear as day; however, when it comes down to it—both mares diligently devote themselves to your pole all the same
  2293. >You decide to reward their combined efforts with some headpats.
  2294. >And so, while holding up the underside of your bed's duvet with your left arm, you relaxedly ruffle through Flurry's swirly mane with your right hand.
  2295. >"Mmph~"
  2296. >Flurry's mane feels like flawlessly flowing silk; she's a pampered princess through and through.
  2297. >After a good few seconds of fondling her soft locks, you swap hands so that your right arm now holds up the duvet.
  2298. >You then playfully pet through Luster's loopy mane with your left hand.
  2299. >*Oink oink~*
  2300. >Luster's mane feels coarsely wiry to the touch, while also being a greasy mess that's riddled with tangles and clumps.
  2301. >One thing's for sure: your sow could certainly use a few pointers in proper mane care.
  2302. >Still, you must admit that both of your mares have their own unique charm to them.
  2303. >Flurry's charm just happens to be a lot cleaner—on the outside, at least.
  2304. >Incidentally, this marks the tenth day that you've spent living together with Flurry Heart—and you note that her dick-sucking skill has only grown stronger with time.
  2305. >As for your second slave: you're only on the first day with her—but you see great potential in her ball game.
  2307. >Moving your fingers away from Luster's mane, you hold up the duvet with both hands once more.
  2308. "So," you address your slaves in the shade, "you two enjoying yourself down there?"
  2309. >Flurry momentarily taking her lips off your cock to answer:
  2310. >"Mm-hmm~" She nods. "I've just been instructing our sow on how to *properly* wake you up, Master~"
  2311. >*Oink~!*
  2312. >"Hey!" Flurry snaps at Luster. "Less oinking—more ball worshipping!"
  2313. >*Oink…*
  2314. >Redirecting her swinish energy towards more raunchy matters, Luster gently guides your whole sack into her mouth with the aid of her tongue.
  2315. >With light suckles and humid breaths, your sow jostles your jewels with her slathery lapper as she carefully churns up your ever-roiling load.
  2316. >It feels as if your nuts have been submerged into a pleasantly slimy spa; you could absolutely get used to this.
  2317. >"Mmph~"
  2318. >Flurry once again takes your meat into her mouth, ready to provide your spear with some practised polishing.
  2319. >This time, however, she lets her Queenly instincts take over; to that end, she fully closes her eyes—and she makes judicious use of her slimy, highly flexible tongue.
  2320. >Her moist muscle swiftly coils around your manhood from base to tip, warmly wringing you out from every angle.
  2321. >She then moves with a proficient precision as she practically pistons her plush pony lips up and down your penis, peppering it with pulpy pecks every inch of the way.
  2322. >And while she furiously fucks her face against your groin, that slippery tongue of hers constantly slithers around your member, softly squeezing the air right out of your lungs and leaving you gasping for breath.
  2323. "H-hah…"
  2324. >This mare may be an angel in your heart—but she's a devil to your loins.
  2325. >You can confidently say that she's second to none when it comes to fellating human phallus.
  2326. >You've trained her well.
  2327. >The dyadic moans of this early morning fun are complemented by obedient oinks as your mares work wonders together in tag-teaming your throbbing pride.
  2328. >Between getting your balls earnestly suckled and your penis masterfully throated—it's only natural that you'd find yourself approaching the first nut of the day sooner rather than later.
  2329. >Your thighs shudder and shake next to the marely bellies lying next to them, these moiling movements serving to inform your slaves about your impending peak.
  2330. >And of the two—it is Flurry who quickly capitalises on the matter, promptly dropping her soft lips right down to your manly base.
  2331. >She then partially opens her blue eyes and stares straight at you, calmly awaiting your climax.
  2332. >That cool cerulean gaze of hers beautifully blends both princessly passion and Queenly impartiality; it almost glows in the darkness underneath the covers—and it's also what sends you over the edge.
  2333. >With a grunting exhale, you lightly buck your hips upwards as you pulse ropes upon ropes of slushy seed into Flurry's regal maw.
  2334. >Guided by her coiled tongue, your gunk splatters against the back of her throat and slides straight down her gullet.
  2335. >Treating your virility as her favourite meal of the day, your Queen emits loud, throaty gulps as she obediently downs every thick load you give her.
  2337. >In the heat of this morning moment, you roughly grip the back of her mane with your right hand and forcefully hold her snout against your pubey pelvis, making great gloopy use of your royal onahole.
  2338. >Your act of dominance makes her eyes briefly widen and her nostrils flare out as she indulges in her own personal pleasure derived from the act of servicing her beloved King.
  2339. >Even after she finishes milking out your last load, you continue to hold her against your base for a good long while, granting her the chance to sniff up your groinal manscent like it's sweet oxygen to her.
  2340. >*Sniff sniff sniiiffffff~*
  2341. >She lets out a soft moan and sensually grinds her body against your right leg, making no attempt to hide her basal contentment.
  2342. >You love that part of her—her instinctual honesty towards you.
  2343. >When you eventually do let go of her head, she slowly slides her lips up along your member, painstakingly uncoiling her tightly wrapped tongue from your length as she goes.
  2344. >Once she reaches the apex, she pops off your tip with a wet *chu,* and slurps the rest of her tongue back into her mouth.
  2345. >She then takes the time to lightly smack her lips together a few times, savouring your salty taste.
  2346. >"Mm~"
  2347. >She flashes you a lascivious smile.
  2348. >"Another magnificent load, my King~"
  2349. >Luster, who had been dutifully lapping around your balls all this time, gazes up at Flurry with a look of longing.
  2350. >Flurry soon meets Luster's expression with a disdainful frown.
  2351. >"What? Did you want this?"
  2352. >Luster silently nods.
  2353. >Flurry shakes her head and responds with an icy tone:
  2354. >"Too bad."
  2355. >She gives your tip a quick kiss.
  2356. >"Master's morning load belongs to me."
  2357. >She turns up her snout.
  2358. >"You would do well to remember that, *sow.*"
  2359. >Flurry spits out that last word with pure venom.
  2360. >Luster quickly averts her gaze, ears flattening.
  2361. >There is a cold friction that exists between your Queen and your sow—a divide of both status and sentimentality.
  2362. >It's strange; yesterday, you found a cruel catharsis in how your tormentor had her trust in her best friend so utterly shattered.
  2363. >But today, you find yourself worrying about the future stability of your slave harem should this inter-mare hostility continue to persist.
  2365. >Before you can muse on this matter any further, however—Flurry crawls up alongside your body and plants a chaste peek on your right cheek.
  2366. >She flashes you a brief smile—one that soon falls into a pensive frown.
  2367. >Sensing her solemnity, you sit up on your butt to be eye-level with her.
  2368. >And in doing so, you let your bed's duvet gracefully fall on top of Luster's body, granting your sow fully unsupervised access to your genitals—something you can already feel her "appreciating" right now.
  2369. >But instead of paying any more attention to the sow that's below, you decide to address your Queen in distress:
  2370. "Something wrong, Flurry?"
  2371. >She nods.
  2372. >"I'm going to be away for most of the day."
  2373. "Ah."
  2374. >Using your right hand, you give her withers a thoughtful stroke.
  2375. "…Duty calls, I'm guessing?"
  2376. >"Yes."
  2377. >Turning her head to the side, she gazes out towards the windows over by the left side of the room.
  2378. >"Foreign dignitaries are to be visiting the castle today, and my mom—who is *ever* so fond of keeping up appearances—expects the entire Royal Family to be present so that we may all greet our…"
  2379. >She rolls her eyes and groans.
  2380. >"…'esteemed guests.'"
  2381. >You let out a wry chuckle at her dry tone.
  2382. "Sounds like they really need you over there."
  2383. >She lightly scoffs to the side.
  2384. >"Not in the slightest. I'm only there to smile and wave like the pretty little princess I am."
  2385. >Turning her gaze back to you, her lips slyly curl upwards.
  2386. >"I'd much rather spend my time with you as your *Queen*—planning the beginnings of our *glorious* new empire together~"
  2387. >Leaning forward, she gives your face a slow nosy nuzzle, lightly exhaling into your nostrils as she does.
  2388. >Her marely breath is sweet with determination.
  2389. >After pulling back, she addresses you with a resolute tone:
  2390. >"You need only but give the word, my King, and we could storm the throne room right this very instant."
  2391. >Her smile widens with a desire to depose.
  2392. >"With our powers combined, we could overthrow my parents—and the Crystal Empire would be ours~"
  2393. >Her proposition is very tempting.
  2395. >…Alas, now isn't the time.
  2396. >Thus, you give your Queen a slight shake of your head.
  2397. "We mustn't rush things, Flurry. You know this."
  2398. >Her lips purse, and her eyes drift away from yours.
  2399. >"Yes, I know. Now isn't the time."
  2400. >Your goal hasn't changed; you still wish to take over this Empire one day.
  2401. >And with two magically adept mares by your side, you like to believe that the odds of staging a successful coup are very much in your favour.
  2402. >However, your sow is but a freshly tamed one; it would be folly to rely on her as she is now.
  2403. >You need to spend more time *thoroughly* ensuring her loyalty towards your cause.
  2404. >Plus, as Flurry had just mentioned—dignitaries from all over Equestria are visiting the Crystal Castle today.
  2405. >Certainly not the best time to make a play for the throne, at any rate.
  2406. >And so, you exercise prudence while staring usurpation in the eye.
  2407. >"But Master…"
  2408. >Flurry's eyes flit back to you.
  2409. >"…when *will* it be our time?"
  2410. >Trailing her right forehoof up along your chest, she wistfully caresses your collarbone.
  2411. >"It wounds me to have to keep hiding our relationship from the public eye."
  2412. >Her smile softens into one intoned with deep yearning.
  2413. >"And I long for the day when I may stand atop the castle balcony and freely proclaim my love for you onto the city's shining streets."
  2414. >How very theatrical of her.
  2415. >But you do understand her heartfelt sentiments, you really do.
  2416. "I know, Flurry."
  2417. >You return her smile with one of your own—that of firm confidence.
  2418. "And that day shall someday come, trust me."
  2419. >Lifting up your left hand, you scritch under her chin, causing her to softly hum with delight.
  2420. "That day where you and I shall rule over the Crystal Empire—no, the whole of Equestria—as King and Queen."
  2421. >She titters like an angel in response to your tender touch and rousing words.
  2422. >"Mhm-hm-hm~"
  2423. >She pulls away from you—though not before giving you a little love tap on the nose with her right forehoof.
  2424. >"Very well, Master. I shall hold you to that!"
  2425. >A Master being held accountable by his slave? Just what is the world coming to?
  2426. >Before you can question such queerness, Flurry teleports away from you with a faint flash of yellow magic.
  2428. >She reappears by the right side of the bed, standing on all four hooves.
  2429. >"My parents will be expecting me to be up bright and early for our guests, so I better return home as soon as I can."
  2430. "Gotcha."
  2431. >Using her magic, she removes the pink pompom from her horn and gently sets it down next to the alarm clock on your nightstand.
  2432. >"Oh, and before I forget…"
  2433. >Letting out a light sigh, Flurry shifts her gaze over to the grey duvet that covers your body from the chest down.
  2434. >With a brief pulse of her horn and a upward flick of her head, Flurry magically flips the top half of your duvet onto its bottom half—thus revealing your naked snake to the open air.
  2435. >This sudden exposure feels quite chilly on your skin—yet chillier still is the icy glare that Flurry is directing towards the mare by your crotch.
  2436. >Luster is currently lying on her side next to your left leg, while her head is resting upon your thigh.
  2437. >With her eyes serenely shut and her snout basically buried into your ballsack, she sleepily huffs up your spent scent without a care in the world.
  2438. >"Sow," Flurry spits.
  2439. >Luster jumps at the sharp and sudden attention, quickly casting her wide-open eyes Flurry's way.
  2440. >"In my absence," Flurry continues, "our Master shall be left in *your* care."
  2441. >She narrows her eyes, her tone sharpening to that of an incisory icicle:
  2442. >"Do *not* disappoint him—or you shall disappoint me in turn, understood?"
  2443. >Luster silently and rapidly nods in affirmation.
  2444. >In an attempt to lighten the mood, you clear your throat and address Flurry:
  2445. "Remember to wash up before you go greeting any dignitaries."
  2446. >Ears perking up, Flurry turns to you with a light blush on her face.
  2447. >"O-oh, yes. Of course."
  2448. "And especially don't forget the, uh…"
  2449. >You raise a finger and briefly brush it along the top row of your teeth.
  2450. "…mouthwash."
  2451. >She raises a forehoof and breathes on it; she then sniffs it.
  2452. >Her nose slightly wrinkles in response, and she flashes you a bashful smile.
  2453. >"Hehe, right."
  2454. >She gives you a curt bow.
  2455. >"Until then, Master."
  2456. >You smile back at her.
  2457. "Until then."
  2458. >Flurry's horn comes to life, and she promptly teleports out of the room.
  2459. >Thus, you are left with only your sow to keep you company.
  2461. >A few silent seconds pass.
  2462. >After which, Luster heaves out a heavy sigh—one that carries the weight of relief with it.
  2463. >She rests her head on your thigh once more and lazily sniffs around your exposed genitals.
  2464. "Looks like it's just the two of us now, sow."
  2465. >Her right ear flicks, and she tilts her head upwards to look at you.
  2466. >Those amber pools of hers shimmer with subservience, and you find yourself reflecting upon the nature of your new relationship with Luster Dawn.
  2467. >It's hard to believe that it was only yesterday when she had placed you under her spell.
  2468. >You remember how she brought you up to this very room and subjected you to all manner of humiliating acts.
  2469. >And when she discovered the mind-control collar hidden within your shirt pocket—she was on the cusp of breaking you in completely.
  2470. >But now, the horseshoe is on the other hoof, as it were.
  2471. >Despite what she did to you, you no longer have any reason to be wary of her—not when she's now under *your* control.
  2472. >Which means there's nothing to stop you from enjoying your sow in whichever way you so please.
  2473. >Your left hand, for example, has now its way onto her chubby belly—and you note that her pudge feels just as pleasantly plump as it did yesterday.
  2474. >You let your outstretched fingers sink right into that malleable pudge, squeezing around it at your leisurely pleasure.
  2475. >She coos at your touch, lidding her eyes and lifting up her left hindleg—thus flashing you a wonderful overhead view of those fat teats that she's been bestowed with.
  2476. >You also catch a squelchingly seductive view of her winking marepussy.
  2477. >Both swinely sights serve to enrich the mind and rouse the spirit—yet there also happens to be one more aspect of your sow that has caught your eye:
  2478. >It's that cutie mark of hers—that rising sun curiously peering at you from over the shimmering horizon.
  2479. >This sun is one well familiar to you, as it carries a punctual perplexity within its nubile nucleus.
  2480. >Moving your left hand along her body, you rest your fingers on her left flank and give her supple coat a gentle caress.
  2481. >Her questioned cutie mark is genially warm to the touch, as if pulsing with life—or perhaps fertility.
  2482. >You recall how it was at your very hand that her cutie mark changed to accommodate your destiny.
  2483. >But despite that, you still have no clue how you did that—nor do you know exactly what it is her new destiny even signifies.
  2484. >What you *do* know is that this mark makes her yours.
  2485. >Irregardless of what happened between you two in the past, this sow of a mare is your responsibility now, and you have no intention of abandoning her as a result of some petty grudge—especially after all the work you went through to claim her.
  2487. >As you continue to laxly trail a finger around the perimeter of her newfound destiny, you hear a hearty huff from your sow.
  2488. >Your eyes glide up along her body to meet her gaze; her expression is that of a lidded half-smile.
  2489. >It prompts you arch an eyebrow her way.
  2490. "Hm? Something wrong?"
  2491. >With another huff from her, she pushes herself up into a sitting position by your side.
  2492. >She then quickly straddles you, encompassing your thighs with her own and pressing her body up against yours.
  2493. "Oh?"
  2494. >You feel her pudgy tummy pleasantly squishing up against your gut—and you also feel your rigid length nestled right in between her soft mare milkers.
  2495. >Looping both of her forelegs over your shoulders, she warmly sighs against your chest before pulling herself up to be eye level with you.
  2496. >Peering deep into those amber eyes of hers, you pose a quizzical question:
  2497. "Something on my face, maybe?"
  2498. >She flashes you a wry grin and closes her eyes.
  2499. >You close your eyes much the same, expecting to soon feel the supple sensation of her pony lips upon yours.
  2500. >She does indeed give you a kiss—though not the kind you were expecting.
  2501. >Instead of a sloppily piglike mouth to mouth, she gently presses her fuzzy snout against your nose, entreating you with an endearingly eager Eskimo kiss.
  2502. >She subtly rubs her face against yours; the fur on her face feels quite tickly against your tender skin.
  2503. >As these nuzzly seconds pass, she becomes ever more brazen with swinish confidence; she leans into you, squashing her flexible snout against your nose and lining up her nostrils with yours.
  2504. >She then lightly sniffs at you, quietly taking in your scent.
  2505. >You find yourself returning her nasally affections, sniffing her up as she sniffs you.
  2506. >Compared to Flurry's sweet-scented exhalations, Luster's breath is earthy and smells strongly of hay.
  2507. >It's admittedly…overpowering to the senses, but you don't dislike it.
  2508. >In fact, you can't bring yourself to pull away from her; her breath tingles the mind in a surprisingly pleasant way.
  2510. >Once upon a time, even the mere idea of inhaling your sow's natural aroma would have caused you to gag uncontrollably.
  2511. >Yet here you are right now—quaintly sniffing her breath up as it were a flowery fragrance.
  2512. >Perhaps it's become something of an acquired taste—for your nose.
  2513. >Indeed, as you find yourself wanting to take in even *more* of your sow's scent, you wrap your arms around her back and—
  2514. >*Oink oink oink~*
  2515. >—she happily oinks against your lips, gleefully rubbing her entire body against yours as she revels in your reciprocation.
  2516. >…
  2517. >You open your eyes, seeing that hers are still closed.
  2518. >Lifting up your right hand, you slip your palm into the space between your faces and gently push her away.
  2519. >Her eyes shoot open the instant her nose leaves yours, and she needily whines into your repelling palm.
  2520. >Your reply is swift and stern:
  2521. "No whining."
  2522. >She emits a soft whimper, her amber eyes sorrowfully staring at you through the gaps between your fingers.
  2523. >You roll your eyes.
  2524. "Enough of that. Before we get out of bed, there's something I need to address…"
  2525. >You take the chance to remove the wooden cork atop her horn.
  2526. >After setting the cork down by your right side, you look back to Luster and knit your brows.
  2527. "…you can stop oinking, sow. Use your words."
  2528. >She takes several drawn-out blinks as she mentally processes your order.
  2529. >After giving your dictation a good deal of thought, she tilts her head.
  2530. >"Oink?"
  2532. >Sighing in irritation, you shake your head.
  2533. "No, I said to stop…"
  2534. >You pause.
  2535. >Then, you facepalm.
  2536. "…you just said the word 'oink.'"
  2537. >Her lips slowly curl into a grin.
  2538. >And she snorts out a laugh.
  2539. >"Eheh heh! Sorry, Master! Couldn't help it~"
  2540. >Clearly, the collar did nothing to staunch this mare's cheap sense of humour.
  2541. >Part of you wonders if she was merely withholding her wordage up to this point—or if the collar's command was inhibiting her speech in some way.
  2542. >In any case, it seems like you'll have to add "crass, raspy remarks" to the fat list of your sow's quirks.
  2543. >While she continues laughing, you quickly slide your right hand under her chin and firmly clamp her face between your fingers, swiftly silencing her snorts.
  2544. "So, you 'couldn't help' having fun at your Master's expense…"
  2545. >You narrow your eyes.
  2546. "…am I hearing this correctly?"
  2547. >"W-well, uh…"
  2548. >She falters under your intense gaze, flitting her eyes to the side and flopping down her ears.
  2549. >"Wh-when you put it like that…I-I, uh, th-thought it'd maybe be s-something that w-we could both laugh at, y-you know?"
  2550. >You scoff.
  2551. "Really, now…"
  2552. >Her eyes briefly flit to your face, and when she sees your unchanging expression, they quickly dart away.
  2553. >She gulps, nervously sniffling.
  2554. >It is only then that your expression lightens.
  2555. "…Okay, it was pretty funny."
  2556. >You let go of her chin.
  2557. >Her eyes anxiously drift back to you.
  2558. >Your lips slowly curl into a sly smile.
  2559. >Her countenance rises with relief, mouth steadily smiling as she responds with a nervy chuckle.
  2560. >"H-heh, right? It was—"
  2561. >You once again silence her—this time with a playful boop on the snout.
  2562. "I'm still gonna have to punish you, though."
  2563. >"Y-you are…?"
  2564. >She gulps again.
  2565. >"Wh-what do you have in mind?"
  2566. "It's something that'll make a *naughty* pig like you squeal a thousand times over."
  2567. >You blow a warm breeze across her face, causing her lips to lightly part in response.
  2568. "Take a guess at what I plan to do to you, sow."
  2569. >You pull away from her face with a smirk.
  2570. >She briefly bites her bottom lip, and you can feel her shapely thighs softly clench around your own as her mind races.
  2571. >Soon enough, answers spill out of her mouth, one after the other:
  2572. >"S-spitting in my mouth and forcing me to swallow?"
  2573. >"U-using my face as your seat cushion for the whole day?"
  2574. >"B-breeding my pigwomb until my ovaries squeal in repentance?"
  2575. >Her lip biting has become lip chewing at this point; she now grinds her teeth against her bottom lip, amorously awaiting her atonement at your firm hand.
  2576. >Your mouth forms a flummoxed flatline at her overactive imagination.
  2577. >Still, you see no reason to dispel those expectations quite just yet.
  2578. >Using both hands, you gently push back against her fluffy chest, and you address her with a commandingly cold tone:
  2579. "Lie down, you dirty sow."
  2580. >Her tail bats against the mattress.
  2581. >"Nnf…okay, Master~"
  2583. >You push her over to the left so as to avoid squashing your legs under her heft.
  2584. >Following your applied force, Luster flops back onto the mattress and lies supine.
  2585. >After taking a deep breath, she spreads both her forelegs and hindlegs wide, leaving absolutely nothing to the imagination.
  2586. >"Ready whenever you are~"
  2587. >She lifts her head and flashes you a sleazy grin.
  2588. >"Punish your piggy however you like~"
  2589. >Upon finishing her saucy statement, she throws her head back and closes her eyes.
  2590. >She sticks out her tongue and lewdly waggles it about in the air, lapping at an unseen prize.
  2591. >…Jeez, this mare really puts the "lust" in Luster, doesn't she?
  2592. >While your sow is busy tonguing an invisible…whatever, you stealthily slip on some undies and position yourself by her left side.
  2593. >You take a deep breath of your own to brace yourself; you've done what you're gonna do before—but alas, it's not about to make it any easier.
  2594. >Slipping your left arm around her back and your right arm under her hocks, you heave out a hefty grunt and lift her up at both ends, soon holding her close to your chest.
  2595. >"H-huh…?"
  2596. >This sudden shift in altitude causes Luster to halt her tongue waggling.
  2597. >She quickly opens her eyes, and she gasps out loud once she realises how you're holding her.
  2598. >"M-master? You…uh…you're carrying me like…"
  2599. >Shuffling off of the bed, you soon stand up by the bedside, holding Luster in a bridal carry.
  2600. >It feels like you're trying to bear the weight of a whole bear.
  2601. >Keyword: trying.
  2602. "Yep, I'm—ugh—"
  2603. >"Wh-whoa! M-master!"
  2604. >Luckily, you manage to stop your wobbly legs from buckling in on themselves just in the nick of time.
  2605. >Jesus, did this mare get even heavier than last time?
  2606. >Maybe being under the influence of a mind-control spell makes you stronger.
  2607. >Or weightier.
  2608. >"Are you alright?" she asks you with a worried tone.
  2609. "Y-yeah. I'm fine, I think."
  2610. >You quickly clear your throat.
  2611. "Anyway—you like this?"
  2612. >You hold her a little bit closer to your torso for emphasis.
  2613. >She takes a moment to respond—closing her eyes, nuzzling into your chest, and humming in thought.
  2614. >"…Mm, I like it." She sighs happily. "Always did."
  2615. "Good. Then you'll love what comes next."
  2616. >"Oh yeah?"
  2617. >She flashes you a toothy grin.
  2618. >"What's next? Are we moving over to our honeymoon suite~?"
  2619. "You could say that…"
  2620. >"Heh, I think I could get used to punishments like these~"
  2621. >You walk over to the bedroom door.
  2622. >"Oh! Allow me, honey-buns~"
  2623. >She magically opens your door for you.
  2624. >You step through the doorway and into the hall.
  2625. "Thanks, sweetie-poo."
  2626. >She chuckles at your nickname, soon closing the door behind you.
  2627. >"So, where are we going?"
  2628. "The bath."
  2629. >"Ah, alright."
  2630. >Taking a deep breath, you begin to make your way down the wall.
  2631. >"Heh heh, bath…"
  2632. >You take a few steps forward.
  2633. >"Wait."
  2634. >You take a few more steps forward.
  2635. >"Wait NOOOOOO—"
  2637. *** 16 ***
  2639. "Hold still."
  2640. >"Mmmnrgh…"
  2641. >Your lathered hands meticulously run through a tangled thicket of orange and yellow, much to the chagrin of the mare beneath it.
  2642. >"Nnrgh…"
  2643. >You and Luster are now in the bathroom, sitting in the bathtub together.
  2644. >Thankfully, there's more than enough room in the tub for the two of you to move around with minimal hindrance.
  2645. >You are sitting upright at one end of the tub, while your legs stretch out all the way towards the other end.
  2646. >Luster herself is sitting in between your legs, facing away from you.
  2647. >The messy mop of horse hair before your eyes is her matted mane, and you are currently applying a generous amount of mane conditioner to it.
  2648. >Ignoring her low groans and discomforted moans, you gently comb through your sow's lumpy locks with your soapy fingers—taking great care not to tangle these follicles any further.
  2649. >Let it be known that it took no small amount of effort to get to this point; you had to give this mare's greasy coat several *deep* rinses before you could set her in the bath and have the bathwater be…inhabitable--for lack of a better word.
  2650. >But thanks to your tireless efforts, you've washed enough of this mare's body to the point where you may safely sit in the bathtub together.
  2651. >Her mane, however—is still a total mess. But you're working on that.
  2652. >You've wet her mane, shampooed it, rinsed it off, and once you get this conditioner in—you can finally give this mare the hair care that she deserves.
  2653. >Now, as for your bathroom itself: while it's certainly no royal spa—you like to think this place gets the job done well enough.
  2654. >Directly to your left, you have a white-tiled wall that reaches all the way up to the beige ceiling, as walls tend to do.
  2655. >And over on your right, you have the rest of your bathroom—toilet and toiletries included.
  2656. >The bathwater is both pleasantly warm and soapily bubbly, reaching up to both your stomach and Luster's chest.
  2657. >Naturally, the two of you are completely naked.
  2658. >For you, it means the obvious—removing every article of clothing on your person.
  2659. >For her, it means taking off that black choker of hers—as well as the red hairband that tied up the back of her mane.
  2660. >Luster's frumpy mane, with her frizzy ponytail and loopy forelock—is now one uniformly wet mass of straightened mare hair.
  2661. >During your lathering and lotioning, you taken great care to keep her soapy locks out of her amber eyes.
  2662. >Incidentally, now that her mane has been fully let down, you're starting to see a whole new side to your sow.
  2663. >It's a barer side, a more vulnerable side.
  2664. >It's a side that, perhaps, she's been wanting to show you for a very long time.
  2666. "Alright…"
  2667. >You move your hands away from her thoroughly conditioned mane.
  2668. "…that'll be enough mane conditioner."
  2669. >Extending your right arm over the tub's rim, you hold out your hand expectantly.
  2670. "Now," you command, "pass me the brush."
  2671. >Luster heaves out a sigh, lighting up her horn.
  2672. >"Okay…" she grumbles.
  2673. >She can complain all she likes, but she's still bound to your dominion.
  2674. >You *will* care for your sow, whether she likes it or not.
  2675. >Soon enough, you feel a wooden weight being carefully deposited upon your open palm—it's the handle of your manebrush.
  2676. >And with manebrush now in hand, you tenderly comb through Luster's mane, starting from the tips and slowly working your way up to the roots.
  2677. >Whenever you encounter a particularly gnarly knot in her mane, you gently separate the tangled strands with your fingers and keep on brushing.
  2678. >"Grgrmrng…"
  2679. >Luster squirms in discomfort as you carefully tend to her delicate follicles.
  2680. >Momentarily stopping your manecare, you set your brush upon the tub's rim.
  2681. >You then thoughtfully massage around her tensed-up shoulders.
  2682. "Am I hurting you?"
  2683. >"N-no, it's just…"
  2684. >She sighs.
  2685. >"Wouldn't you rather wanna…y'know…use me?"
  2686. >You arch an eyebrow.
  2687. "'Use you?'"
  2688. >"Y-yeah, just…just use me like the dirty sow I am. It's…it's why I'm here, isn't it?"
  2689. >She huffs, tone lowering to a murmuring mumble:
  2690. >"You don't have to…to waste your time with all this fancy manecare. I-I don't need it."
  2691. >You shake your head.
  2692. "I don't have to—but I want to."
  2693. >Once again picking up your tool of detanglement, you resume your brushing.
  2694. "You might be my sow, but I can see a beautiful mare slumbering within you."
  2695. >You gently untangle a few more snarls in her mane.
  2696. "And as your Master, it's my duty to bring that mare out."
  2697. >The air hangs silent after your statement, the quietude only broken up by the subtle splashes of the bathwater and the serene sound of a brush running through mane.
  2698. >Eventually, you hear a light sniffle coming from Luster.
  2699. >You may not be able to see her expression, but you can feel her body relaxing ever so slightly.
  2701. >You continue to work through your sow's mane, making it all the way down to her roots where those pesky tangles are most prominent.
  2702. >Switching gears from bristle to gristle, you slowly work through each of the many snarls and gnarls that pervade her clumpy mane using your very own fingers.
  2703. >As you climb up along the crest of her neck, you can hear Luster making short sighs and quiet hums in response to your Masterly ministrations.
  2704. >While these noises are far from the gasping moans of euphoric pleasure that you are used to hearing from mares under your command, you nonetheless find these sounds to be quite pleasing to the ear.
  2705. >Her suspirations are ones of soft appreciation—and thus, they manage to coax a satisfied smile from your lips.
  2706. "So, you finally coming around to this?" you tease, running a finger through a smoothened strand of her mane.
  2707. >She takes a few seconds to respond while you clear away another knot in her locks.
  2708. >"It's…it's okay, yeah."
  2709. >She breathes out a sigh that's both long and deep, before continuing:
  2710. >"It's nice…"
  2711. "Good to hear."
  2712. >The rest of Luster's manecare is spent in contented silence; no more words are spoken from her as you work through the rest of her mane.
  2713. >However, her body provides you with ample amounts of physical feedback regarding your efforts; as the minutes continue to drag on, she steadily leans back against your torso.
  2714. >Indeed, the higher you work up along her crest, the closer she draws to your chest.
  2715. >And by the time you reach her poll and begin untangling her forelock—you realise that you're effectively spooning her whilst sitting in an upright position.
  2716. >She now sits on your lap, back lined up with your front, while her hindlegs lie atop your human legs.
  2717. >Yet, despite this near-optimal closeness, you can still feel her body subtly squirming against yours, as if yearning for something more.
  2718. >It's only once you've cleared away most of the tangles in her forelock do you finally address her:
  2719. "Something up?"
  2720. >She lightly gasps at your interrogative tone, perhaps surprised that you caught her out.
  2721. >"N-nothing bad. I just…"
  2722. >She wistfully sighs.
  2723. >"…I really like this."
  2724. >You chuckle.
  2725. "And to think you started out hating this when we got in the tub."
  2726. >Your sow has come a long way in such a short time—and all it took was some TLC on your part.
  2728. >"Mm…"
  2729. >She resumes her back-against-body squirming—but this time, she makes no attempts to hide her motions.
  2730. >"I…I want you to take care of me, Master," she speaks up. "I want to be cared for…"
  2731. >Her breathing quickens, and you notice how most of her movements are centred around her rump.
  2732. >"I want you to make me feel needed…and pampered…"
  2733. >Deeply inhaling through her nose, she slightly slides her body up along yours.
  2734. >"And…and I want…"
  2735. >She then lowers herself down onto your rigid member, steadily submerging you into her needy depths.
  2736. "O-oh."
  2737. >She throws her head back against your left shoulder and heartily exhales:
  2738. >"…aaahhh~"
  2739. >It is only now that you realise what she was trying to do with her prior shuffling and fidgeting.
  2740. >An astute Master—you are most certainly not.
  2741. >Luster's movements completely still once she has you firmly wedged inside of her.
  2742. >With her eyes closed and her head tilted up towards the ceiling, she breathes in and out through happily flared-out nostrils, smilingly savouring the feeling of her Master's meat filling her right up.
  2743. "Sow," you address her with a neutral tone.
  2744. >Her eyes shoot open, and her breath nervously hitches.
  2745. >"Y-yeah…?"
  2746. >You *could* call her out for her sly manoeuvre.
  2747. >But…
  2748. "…it's nothing."
  2749. >You're not entirely against this.
  2750. >Slowly, she tilts her head your way, and a faint smile soon crosses her lips.
  2751. >"Thanks, Master."
  2752. >You had planned to brush her tail after this, but you suppose that can be put on hold for now.
  2753. >The two of you could both use a break from the toils of toiletry.
  2755. >And so, while resting both of your hands upon the tub's rim, you recline backwards.
  2756. >Naturally, Luster follows your movement, leaning back against you and keeping her head nestled against your left shoulder.
  2757. >Soon enough, you find yourself reclining against the sloped end of the bathtub, making it so that the bathwater now comes up to both of your upper torsos.
  2758. >You then gently slip your left arm under both of her elbows, laying your limb across and around her chest.
  2759. >With a light hum, she loops her forelegs around and over your forearm, reciprocating your embrace.
  2760. >She closes her eyes, as do you close yours.
  2761. >From there, the two of you simply lie there in the bath together, calmly enjoying each other's presence—that, and the cosy feeling of your dick firmly jammed inside of her cooch.
  2762. >No more words need to be exchanged between you both; the soft moans and hearty sighs that you two breathe out are more than enough to convey your ardent affections towards each other.
  2763. >Her hole is an auspiciously snug fit for your member, being blessed with just the right level of tightness and temperature.
  2764. >Neither of you even need to move while you're like this; mare pussy happens to have the godlike ability to efficiently work you over through controlled contractions alone.
  2765. >Thus, you can *keenly* feel every winking flex and rippling squeeze she gives you—just as you're *deeply* sure that she can feel every heated throb and pulsating twitch you give off inside her.
  2766. >You may have only owned your sow for less than a day, but her walls caress your length with the warm familiarity of a lover's touch, making you feel right at home within her swinish snatch.
  2767. >Hell, you could probably stay wedged inside of her canal for hours with nary a complaint from either of you.
  2768. >You honestly can't ever see yourself going back to human women after this—or any other kind of non-equine women, really.
  2769. >After all, it's just like Luster said yesterday:
  2770. >Humie dick and mare pussy truly are made for each other.
  2772. >Your sow deeply inhales through her nostrils.
  2773. >"Hffffff…"
  2774. >…
  2775. >And exhales equally as deeply through her mouth.
  2776. >"Haaaaaahhh…"
  2777. >She then playfully kicks her hindlegs along the water's edge, making a few splashes as she does.
  2778. >"Mm…really love this…"
  2779. >You let out a satisfied sigh of your own.
  2780. "Same here."
  2781. >There's nothing quite like the lazily lurid sensation of having slow sex with your supine sow in a nice, warm bath.
  2782. "But hey," you continue, "you liked the brushing part too, right?"
  2783. >It's a honest question, though your voice comes out a little needier than you had hoped.
  2784. >Luster snorts out a laugh in response.
  2785. >"Heh, that wasn't too bad either."
  2786. >You quirk an interrogative eyebrow.
  2787. "'Wasn't too bad?' Really? That's all I get?"
  2788. >Her lips purse, while her eyes guiltily flit over to the wall on the left.
  2789. >"I-I didn't mean it like that…"
  2790. >You let out a chuckle.
  2791. "I know."
  2792. >Taking your right hand off the tub's rim, you move your digits over to Luster's face and gently scritch under her chin.
  2793. >"Mhm…" she idly hums at your touch.
  2794. >She closes her eyes and angles her head upwards, quietly relishing the feeling of your fingers against her skin.
  2795. >After caressing your sow for a bit longer, you trail your right hand up along the side of her face, soon pinching a strand of her well-groomed forelock in between your index and thumb.
  2796. >Thanks to your earlier efforts, it no longer feels like the gnarled mess that it was before.
  2797. >There's still a particular coarseness to her mane's texture, but it now feels delightfully smooth when you run your fingers from root to tip.
  2798. "You really are one of a kind, Luster—a sow amongst sows."
  2799. >She partially opens her eyes, gazing forward at nothing in particular.
  2800. >"Mm…yeah?"
  2801. "Yeah."
  2802. >Spying a stray lingering knot within her mane, you gently untangle it.
  2803. "Take these luscious locks of yours, for instance."
  2804. >Seizing the moment, you tilt your head and lay a quick peck upon her right cheek.
  2805. >"A-ah…" she lightly gasps, eyes shooting open the rest of the way.
  2806. >Pulling away from her cheek, you continue:
  2807. "With proper care, I wager your wondrous mane could outshine even Flurry's."
  2808. >Her eyes quickly dart to your face, interest piqued.
  2809. >Now it's your turn to feel somewhat awkward under her intense stare.
  2810. >"Better than Flurry's, eh…?"
  2811. >Nestling her head against your left shoulder, Luster directs her gaze all the way up to the ceiling, and she soon closes her eyes in deep thought.
  2812. >"Hm…"
  2813. >After ruminating on your words, she snorts triumphantly, lips curling up into a widely satisfied smirk.
  2814. >"Heh."
  2816. >Through this intimate connection between man and sow, you can sense a fiercely competitive spirit burning from within Luster's loins.
  2817. >That aggressively swinish confidence she displays whenever the tide turns in her favour…
  2818. >Even though you've now been freed from Luster's mind-control magic—there's still a part of you that deeply enjoys seeing this side of her.
  2819. >Perhaps that's why you're openly lavishing her with such impromptu praise.
  2820. >Or maybe her tight tunnel is loosening your lips somewhat.
  2821. >In any case, you find yourself moving your right hand down her body to rest your palm atop her chubby tummy.
  2822. >Her belly is almost completely submerged under the warm bathwater, with only the top of it peeking out from the watery surface.
  2823. >The sight of her pliant pudge entices you on a primal level, and while most of it may be hidden from your leering eyes—it's free real estate for your fondling fingers.
  2824. "Whew…"
  2825. >You trail a few circles around her navel—testing the waters, so to speak.
  2826. >After giving her potbelly a few prodding pokes—you decide to grab a firm handful of her cushiony chub, softly squeezing and gently groping it at your leisure.
  2827. >"Mmph…"
  2828. >Luster's eyes steadily flutter open, and she lets out a light chuckle.
  2829. >"Getting a nice feel of my belly, are ya, Master~?"
  2830. "Oh, it's not just that."
  2831. >Her eyes slowly drift over to meet yours, and she arches a curious eyebrow.
  2832. >"Mm? Is that right?"
  2833. "Yeah."
  2835. >You give her belly a few appreciative pats, before sliding your hand downwards to caress the area just above her teats.
  2836. "These rubs are also my way of speaking directly to your womb."
  2837. >She lets out a light huff, keeping her nostrils flared out.
  2838. >"O-oh yeah? What're you telling her…?"
  2839. >Flashing her a smile, you gently press your fingers against her lower abdomen and knead into it.
  2840. "I'm telling her to open up and accept my kids."
  2841. >Her eyes shakily lid as she bites her bottom lip.
  2842. >"…Nnf."
  2843. >Luster shuffles in place, spurred to amorous action by your heated words.
  2844. >With great effort, she lifts up her jittering right hindleg, soon resting her hindhoof on the tub's right rim to steady herself.
  2845. >Both of her forelegs tighten their grip around your left forearm, while her flexing tunnel suddenly clamps down *hard* around your throbbing meat.
  2846. >"H-hah…!"
  2847. >Her floodgates promptly burst open, causing her to throw out moan after throaty moan as her whole body shudders against yours.
  2848. >Wrapped up by your arm and pierced by your penis, Luster enjoys the fierce throes of her swinely maregasm while comfily snuggled up to her Master in the bath.
  2849. >"Hah…hah…"
  2850. >You can't help but let out a few huffs of your own as her squashy walls gush all over you with gusto.
  2851. >Her grip on you is steadfast, and the spicy heat of her marely lubrication makes the bathwater feel sub-zero in comparison.
  2852. >The carnal clenches of her cosy canal make you want to fire off a few virile shots of your own.
  2853. >Alas, you've still a ways to go before you hit your peak.
  2854. >When all is said and done, Luster's orgasmic convulsions settle soon down, and in this afterglow—you can spy a slimily off-white substance floating up to the water surface just above where your pelvis is.
  2855. >Well, it looks like you can safely toss the hygienic portion of this bathtime right out.
  2857. >Luster gazes at the sight of her swinish squash polluting the bathwater and snorts out a huffing chuckle.
  2858. >"H-heh, that's my way of…nnf…of letting you know I'm squeezing out a few eggs for your swimmers to get to, Master~"
  2859. >Even though she's your slave, her tawdry nature hasn't diminished in the slightest.
  2860. >But you don't mind it, not one bit.
  2861. >With your lips curling up into a grin, you lay another gentle peck upon her right cheek and whisper into her ear:
  2862. "Then I'll be sure to let my swimmers know *exactly* where they should be heading."
  2863. >You softly scritch at her lower abdomen, causing her to subtly squirm and shakily sigh out:
  2864. >"H-hah…"
  2865. "They'll be going right in here…"
  2866. >You suddenly snort against her neck, causing her to shiver in delight.
  2867. "…where our kids are."
  2868. >She sharply inhales through her nose as your words surely rouse her womb to action.
  2869. >"Mmph…phew…"
  2870. >Luster lets her right hindleg splash back into the bathwater as she heatedly breathes in your words.
  2871. >You take the opportunity to give her piggish pudge a thorough rubbing, making clear your continued appreciation for her gropeable heft.
  2872. >Her rubbery walls calmly churn themselves around your throbbing cock, steadily recovering from their recent release—yet remaining ever eager to coax out yours.
  2873. >The two of you lie in silence for several seconds, basking in the steamy harmony between a man and his sow.
  2874. >Eventually, Luster speaks up, her voice intoned with wistful sentiment:
  2875. >"I wanna…I wanna bear your piglets so badly, Master…"
  2876. "Mm-hmm?" you respond. "That right?"
  2877. >"Uh huh, and I…I wanna…"
  2878. >She snorts out a heated huff of air before continuing:
  2879. >"…I wanna steal you away from Flurry."
  2880. >You stop rubbing her belly.
  2881. >Her candid confession of churlish covetousness brings with it a tense quietude.
  2882. >Even the very water feels like it has stilled.
  2883. >Bereft of an immediate response, Luster cautiously tilts her head to the right.
  2884. >You are already there to make eye contact with her.
  2885. >And with a calm expression upon your face, you stare deep into those wavering amber eyes of hers.
  2886. "…Is that so?" you ask with a neutral tone.
  2887. >She gives you a nod.
  2888. >"Y-yeah…"
  2889. >She gulps with trepidation, yet staunchly maintains eye contact with you.
  2890. >"Does…does wanting that make me a bad sow, Master?"
  2891. >Her lips lightly quiver, and her voice slightly cracks:
  2892. >"Do…do you hate me for feeling this way?"
  2893. >Your lips briefly purse.
  2894. "Well…"
  2895. >Casting your gaze over to the right and away from her, you tilt your head up to the ceiling.
  2896. >Using one of your fingers, you trail a lazy circle just under her navel.
  2897. "…I don't hate you for it."
  2898. >You leave your answer at that.
  2899. >Her eyes linger on you for a few moments.
  2900. >Then, she speaks up:
  2901. >"Would you like to hear more?"
  2903. >You take a couple of seconds to respond, narrowing your eyes at a particular corner of your beige bathroom ceiling.
  2904. >Emotions such as these are better directly confronted than left bottled up.
  2905. "…Go on."
  2906. >You can feel her smile at you.
  2907. >She tilts her head upwards to look up at the same spot as you while she muses out loud:
  2908. >"We'd move out to the countryside and raise a big family…just the two of us…"
  2909. >Her eyes partially lid as she openly verbalises her deepest daydreams.
  2910. >"It'd be somewhere we wouldn't have to keep up with Friendship lessons… Somewhere we wouldn't have to worry about conquering the world…"
  2911. >Closing her eyes, she lets out a soft sigh, and leans back against you.
  2912. >"…somewhere we could just raise our piglets in peace…"
  2913. "Mm…"
  2914. >The two of you lay there in silence, staring up at the ceiling together.
  2915. >As you continue to idly fondle her bellyfat, her clasping marehood continues to lovingly massage your buried manhood, yearning to coax out your creamy response.
  2916. >"So what do you think?" she suddenly speaks up.
  2917. "Hm?"
  2918. >"About us, about…that."
  2919. >You once again feel her expectant gaze upon you.
  2920. >"About the two of us running away from it all and living our own life together—we could do it, you know."
  2921. >You hum.
  2922. "It's tempting…"
  2923. >You tilt your head down and make firm eye contact with her.
  2924. "…but Flurry would have to come with us. I won't abandon either of you."
  2925. >Your uncompromising response causes her to sigh and deflate against your shoulder.
  2926. >"…Oh, okay."
  2927. >You have a pretty good idea as to what's causing her chagrin.
  2928. "Hey, you and Flurry are best friends, aren't you?"
  2929. >She looks away from you.
  2930. >"I…I guess we are…but…"
  2931. >She trails off, and you press her further:
  2932. "But?"
  2933. >Her lips purse, her ears flatten, and her reply is downcast:
  2934. >"…She scares me."
  2935. >You part your lips to formulate a response, only to find yourself stopped by a troubling train of thought.
  2936. >In Luster's eyes, Flurry is a mare who:
  2937. >Betrayed her trust while she was at her most vulnerable;
  2938. >Slapped her with several mind-bending magic spells, including one which would've left her braindead had she continued resisting;
  2939. >And viciously cuckqueaned her right in her face;
  2940. >After everything she's suffered through, it's no wonder Luster's terrified of Flurry.
  2941. >You doubt you can ease your sow's anxieties with words alone.
  2942. >So you hold your tongue for the time being.
  2943. >Instead of turning this tender bathtime into an impromptu therapy session, you decide to let your body do the rest of the talking.
  2944. >After all, where words may not suffice, a targetted belly rub should serve to soothe your sow's woes.
  2945. >Rub, rub, rub…
  2946. >Squish…
  2947. >"Mm…"
  2948. >Success.
  2950. >The supple feeling of your sow's fertile body inspires a innate desire to take this bathtime romp to the next level.
  2951. >Thus, you slowly sit up off of the sloped tub wall, taking Luster up with you.
  2952. >"Huh? Master? What are you…?"
  2953. >With your back fully upright and your meat still firmly hilted inside of her, Luster's head now hovers just below your chin.
  2954. >Leaning forward, you gently take the tip of her right ear in your mouth and lightly chew on it.
  2955. >"O-oh…!"
  2956. >The thin membrane of her horsey auricle is both delicate and sensitive, which is something you make sure to keep in mind while you lazily and lovingly nibble on her ear.
  2957. >"A-ah...!"
  2958. >Luster's breathing hastens in respond to your animalistic actions, and she needily grinds her rump against you, huffing and puffing to herself.
  2959. >You continue to support her forelegs with your left arm, while your right hand hungrily gropes at her squishy belly.
  2960. >Her paunch amplifies your passion; the more you feel her up—you more you *need* to feel her up.
  2961. >And so you knead and squeeze and finger and fondle her piggish pudge, relishing every single second of it.
  2962. >This cycle of desire spins on ever-greased wheels, and when your hoggish hankerings reach a ravenous fever pitch—you suddenly smack her tummy, making her chub jiggle and causing her to sound out a familiar grunt:
  2963. >*Oink!*
  2964. >And when you flick your tongue at the pinna of her ear and hoggishly snort down her canal, she oinks again:
  2965. >*Oink~!*
  2966. >And when you promptly buck your hips up into hers—making her whole body bounce and jiggle atop your lap—she gives off yet another sensual oink:
  2967. >*Oink~*
  2968. >You vigorously hump her from below as you chew on her ear and feel up her belly, causing the bathwater around you to ripple and splash as a result of your heated movements.
  2969. >*Oink oink~*
  2970. >Taking her ear out of your mouth, Luster tilts her head upwards and to the side, snorting and huffing and grunting as she gazes up at you with gluttonous desire in her eyes.
  2971. >You answer her wordless call to action and press your nose right against hers, greedily snorting up her natural scent as she gleefully sniffs up yours.
  2972. >*Oink oink oink~*
  2973. >At this point, you realise that you've been oinking along with her.
  2974. >Lost in the throes of pure primal passion, you've become a pig just like her.
  2975. >Yet you make no attempt to run from nor reject this moniker—instead, you embrace it.
  2976. >You willingly thrust upwards into your sow's deepest depths and oink into her mouth while you boarishly beat your turgid meat all the way through her porcine passage.
  2977. >*Oink oink oink~*
  2979. >This shared bathtub quickly becomes a carnal cacophony of snorting and squealing and splashing and squelching as you furiously bounce her fat swinely flanks atop your dick, bumping right up against her farrow factory.
  2980. >Every time you lift her up into the air with a womb-tickling thrust, she drops you right back down to the bathtub's bottom with a rippling slam of her piglet-bearing hips.
  2981. >Your bestial movements are accompanied by a tantalising jiggle of her bounteous belly as she bounds up and down your manhood.
  2982. >Even now, you simply can't stop yourself from greedily grabbing at her pudge and swinishly squeezing it as you keep pounding her pig pussy from below.
  2983. >*Oink oink oink~"
  2984. >The two of you shamelessly oink against each other's mouths as you snuffle and nuzzle your noses together, letting her piggish pheromones electrify your mind.
  2985. >You *will* make this sow bear your piglets.
  2986. >Flesh slaps against flesh, and you can feel your porcine peak fast approaching, so you heartily oink into your sow's mouth to let her know that she's about to be filled with a farrow.
  2987. >*Oink*
  2988. >She instantly picks up on your message, passionately oinking back.
  2989. >*Oink~!*
  2990. >She promptly drops her hips right down to your base, taking you all the way in.
  2991. >Her bounces stop, and she instead wiggles her ample rump into your crotch, cordially coaxing out your imminent life-giving load and aiming it straight into her primed pigwomb.
  2992. >As your pulsating porker passionately throbs inside of her sensually squeezing, moistly milking walls—you explosively bust.
  2993. >You erupt the fattest of nuts inside of this equally fat pig, hosing down her womb and clogging up her cervix with copious clumps of lumpy boarseed.
  2994. >Moaning oinks turn to squealing wheezes as your sweaty bodies shudder against each other's, with your right hand still kneading and groping at her fertile belly.
  2996. >And once you finally finish filling up your fecund fuckpig with the last of your virile loads, you notice that her chubby belly has grown just that little bit more rotund, greedily retaining all of your fat hogspunk.
  2997. >Panting and grunting, you gently lay your back against the sloped end of the bathtub once more and let your softening spear fall out of her swinely snatch.
  2998. >The moment your penis exits her pussy—Luster immediately turns herself over and thrusts her snout up against your nose for a post-coital nuzzle.
  2999. >Belly to belly, she swiftly throws her forelegs over your shoulders and hooks her hooves around your back.
  3000. >Just like before, she hungrily sniffs up your scent while she happily oinks against your lips.
  3001. >*Oink oink oink~*
  3002. >You unashamedly oink back, instinctually wishing to shower your freshly bred sow with bawdily boarish affection.
  3003. >*Oink oink oink~*
  3004. >You wrap both of your arms around her back to hold her close; your left hand rubs around her loin while your right rests behind her head.
  3005. >*Oink oink oink~*
  3006. >Her warmly sloshing belly squishes right up against yours; it's a soft sensation that brings you great satisfaction, knowing that your prospective piglets are currently swimming around in her fecund fields—strenuously searching for a swinely egg or two to thoroughly fertilise.
  3007. >*Oink oink oink~*
  3008. >The both of you oink at each other for a steamily long while, joyfully sniffing up one another's scents as you lie in the sexually drenched pigsty that your bathtub has become.
  3009. >Eventually, the thick swinely fog that had taken hold of your mind begins to lift, and the capacity for speech at long last returns to you.
  3010. >Between the two of you, it is Luster who finds her words first.
  3011. >Gazing at you with half-lidded eyes, she sensually sucks on your lips, peppering you with possessively piggish pecks as she throatily and repeatedly whispers into your mouth:
  3012. >"My boar~"
  3013. >*Chu~*
  3014. >"My boar~"
  3015. >*Chu~*
  3016. >"My boar~"
  3017. >*Chu~*
  3019. >She continues to do this for a good thirty seconds, driven purely by a sowly desire to lavish her beloved boar with oral affection.
  3020. >By the end of it all, you truly do feel like you've become her swinely mate.
  3021. >Thus, when she finishes, you bestially grunt against her lips, making her whole body shudder with wanton delight; her tail also splashes about in the murky bathwater behind her.
  3022. >That reminds you—you still haven't got around to brushing your sow's tail…
  3023. >"Mm…"
  3024. >Once again, she lines her nostrils right up with yours and shamelessly sniffs up your boarly smell.
  3025. >As she does so, she boasts her piggish pride out loud:
  3026. >"Heh, you and me…we're both pigs, Master~"
  3027. >*Sniff sniff sniff*
  3028. >"A beastly boar and his loyal sow~"
  3029. >*Sniiffff sniiffff*
  3030. >"Mated for life~"
  3031. >*Sniiiffffff~*
  3032. >After taking a particularly deep whiff of your heady human scent, she happily sighs against your lips with a widely dumb smile on her face.
  3033. >"Haaahhh~"
  3034. >You smile back at her, gently trailing circles around her loin using your left hand.
  3035. "I suppose we are."
  3036. >"Heh heh~"
  3037. >You take a good long whiff of her sexily sweaty pig musk.
  3038. >It's pungently pleasant, yet piquantly prominent—which presents some cause for concern when you were supposed to be washing this scent off of her.
  3039. >You snort against her face, making her giggle dreamily.
  3040. "You know…"
  3041. >Briefly tearing your gaze away from your sow, you examine the contents of your bathtub:
  3042. >Your bathwater is now more souped up then it is bubbly; with a slimy sheen upon its surface, this once-clean fluid now bears both the colour and consistency of cream.
  3043. >It also smells; it smells good—but it *smells.*
  3044. >And consider the two of you have been stewing in this yellowy squash for God knows how long, well…
  3045. "…we're gonna have to take another bath after this."
  3046. >She chuckles.
  3047. >"That's fine with me."
  3048. >She affectionately nuzzles you.
  3049. >"If it means spending more time with you, Master, then I don't mind bathing, not one bit."
  3050. >Who would've guessed that all it took to turn your stinky sow over on bathtime was to screw her in the tub?
  3051. >Pig behaviour sure is a fascinating subject.
  3052. >Perhaps you should pen a book on your findings one day.
  3053. >…
  3054. >After enjoying another intimate round of mouth-to-mouth oinking, the two of you proceed to take a second bath together.
  3055. >It takes no small amount of time and effort, but by the end of it all—you have Luster's cerise-pink coat sparkling to a healthy sheen, while both her mane and tail feel silky smooth to the touch.
  3056. >She might be your sow, but you've finally succeeded in bringing out a piece of the beautiful mare that resides within her.
  3057. >You both relish in this victory—
  3058. >And then take a cold shower afterwards.

Beware the Strawberry Mare

by Glimbrain

Bench Fine

by Glimbrain

Club Anonymous

by Glimbrain

You have to eat the eggs

by Glimbrain

A Glimmer into the Past

by Glimbrain