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[EQG Fingerbang] Stressed Melody

By Brownee
Created: 2020-12-18 01:08:45
Expiry: Never

  1. >It’s times like these where you always find yourself reflecting on life.
  2. >Given the circumstances, you’re unsure whether that would be offensive or not...
  3. >If she were to look over to you, would you look like you’re daydreaming?
  4. >Even then, would that be a bad thing?
  5. >Maybe you’re thinking of visuals to go with the music.
  6. >That’s the point, right?
  7. >Music merges with your mind, creating imagery to accompany it.
  8. >Right now it’s making you play a clip show in your head.
  9. >Appropriate… seeing as the music is coming from Octavia Melody.
  10. >You do spend a number of days wondering how things could have happened differently.
  11. >Honestly, you’re lucky to even know her, let alone be her best friend.
  12. >You’re just FemAnon, or Anon to your friends.
  13. >Why would a kind of average, somewhat sporty girl like you want to associate with her?
  14. >It’s a good question to be sure... and at one point, you thought you knew the answer.
  15. >Octavia’s family all seem to have such massive sticks up their butts that they’d need surgical assistance to remove.
  16. >At first glance, most others would think the same thing of her.
  17. >Everybody sees that quiet girl that keeps to herself around the school.
  18. >She’s almost always in the music rooms, always with that cello of hers.
  19. >If she’s not there, she’s in the hall, practicing onstage.
  20. >Everyone keeps saying, “Octavia’s got a big future ahead of her! She’s so talented!”
  21. >You’re not going to argue that.
  22. >You’re just sitting here, listening…
  23. >The sound she’s producing is... magical.
  24. >You never thought you’d enjoy the cello…
  25. >…but truthfully, it’s not the instrument or the music that keeps your attention, even if it did wind up growing on you.
  26. >It’s her.
  27. >It’s a little-known fact that you’re interested in girls rather than boys.
  28. >You hang with plenty of boys and such as well, but the fact that you’re a lesbian isn’t entirely common knowledge.
  29. >There are only a select few in this school that know.
  30. >Because of that, the day you actually saw Octavia, up close and in person...
  31. >Well, something just drove you to speak to her.
  32. >How could you, though?
  33. >She’s a quiet girl, she keeps to herself, blah, blah, blah…
  34. >You’re social and very friendly, so it seemed like it would be easy.
  35. >It wasn’t so much a factor of her looks or her gender; you’re not jumping on every pretty girl you see.
  36. >There was just something about her expression... and the fact that she only seems to spend her time in the music rooms.
  37. >It seemed lonely... unhappy.
  38. >You just had to meet her.
  39. >You wouldn’t be the first person in this school that people would turn to for such a ‘task’… that reputation primarily belongs to Pinkie Pie.
  40. >Still, sometimes even she becomes occupied… and you just felt a calling for it.
  41. >Entering the empty music room, you discovered Octavia practicing her cello.
  42. >You went in and acted like you were attempting to learn an instrument, but she saw through that pretty quickly.
  43. >It took some effort after coming clean in just wanting to say hello to her, but you managed to start a conversation.
  44. >Said conversation was interrupted by one of the music teachers coming in and telling you to leave.
  45. >For days afterward, you kept going back when it was just Octavia again until the teacher told you to leave.
  46. >Just talking and talking... and eventually, she began to loosen up.
  47. >Slowly but surely she became more and more open, enjoying the talks.
  48. >Eventually the teacher that kept interrupting you let you stay… apparently because it was as if she were practicing in front of an audience or something.
  49. >You suspected ulterior motives, though.
  50. >Octavia’s attitude and expression had changed since your first meeting, after all.
  51. >When you weren’t being kicked out, you hung out with her a little more after her practice was over.
  52. >She not only practiced during school, but after school as well… and she practiced ALL the time at home.
  53. >Apparently this is something her family had really pushed on her.
  54. >She wasn’t allowed to do anything else.
  55. >She didn’t socialize… she didn’t make friends… she didn’t go out at all, really.
  56. >It did nothing to dispel the claims of her family having sizeable sticks up their butts.
  57. >You changed that.
  58. >After a while, you’d begun driving her home after school, meeting her parents in the process.
  59. >They weren’t exactly big on Octavia having distractions, hence her lack of a social life.
  60. >Despite that, they were at least smart enough to realise the change in their daughter’s demeanour.
  61. >It was mostly boys they were worried about, anyway.
  62. >You’d brightened up Octavia somewhat, and her musical talent hadn’t suffered for it, so you got the okay to continue hanging out with her.
  63. >Unbeknownst to them, however, you’d been doing more than that.
  64. >You had to show her everything… let her be a girl for a change.
  65. >You talked, you spent a lot of time with her, you took her shopping… basically, everything a girl your age should do.
  66. >She still hadn’t become much of a social bug, in spite of all that…
  67. >…but that seems fine for her.
  68. >You became her best friend, and she became yours.
  69. >The only thing more you could ask of her parents would be if she were allowed to spend more time with others… but sadly, that damn music career being pushed on her keeps coming back.
  70. >She says she’s thankful that everyone is ensuring she has a future, but her skills aren’t going to become absolutely perfect in incredibly short bursts with more and more pressure being piled on.
  71. >It’s what stops her from hanging with you and the rest of your friends, or her coming to watch your games since you’re a bit of a sporty type.
  72. >There’s not a whole lot you can do about that, though, beyond working around the limitations.
  73. >Now, if you’re being COMPLETELY honest with yourself...
  74. >Yes.
  75. >Octavia is a beautiful girl.
  76. >You like her a lot.
  77. >She is definitely somebody you’d like to be more than a friend with.
  78. >You’re not going to jeopardize her future for that, though.
  79. >Octavia was a girl who looked sad and lonely, like she needed a friend… just a friend.
  80. >She knows you’re into girls; it’s one of the many things you’ve shared with her.
  81. >When you told her, she’d had no reaction.
  82. >No concern, no signs of interest, no judgmental looks whatsoever…
  83. >You don’t think she’s even aware of whether or not she’d be interested in a relationship right now anyway… not with everything being piled on her the way it is.
  84. >Still, you’ve got a sense of decency and you’re not about to screw her future over.
  85. >Even if you didn’t, it’s just not right to try and get her interested in girls when she hasn’t developed a proper interest in boys.
  86. >It doesn’t matter, though.
  87. >You’re absolutely fine with being best friends.
  88. >You wouldn’t trade that for anything.
  91. >“MS. MELODY!”
  92. >You’re suddenly snapped out of your daydream as a voice cuts the music short.
  93. >You’d been sitting in the very empty hall as moral support for Octavia, who had been playing onstage.
  94. >There’s some big performance show coming up that the music classes are putting on that can really impact her, so everybody is really on her case.
  95. >Also onstage is Ms. Harshwhinny, the teacher that was giving you all the trouble for trying to speak to Octavia.
  96. >“You need to concentrate! You can’t go about making mistakes like that during your performance! Your future is at stake, here!”
  97. >…
  98. >There was a mistake?
  99. >Granted, you don’t know the music… but it sounded completely fluent and perfect to you.
  100. >It must be something you’d have to listen for in order to catch it.
  101. >“Yes, Miss.”
  102. >Octavia flexes her fingers and takes a deep breath before she begins to run the bow along the strings again, picking up the music where it left off.
  103. >You sit back and begin to relax again, letting your mind wander…
  104. >…before the music is suddenly interrupted again.
  105. >“No, no, no! Ms. Melody, it’s an F! Not a G, not a D, an F! Why must you keep lowering your pinkie?!”
  106. >You’re a few rows back from the stage, somewhere in the middle of the hall, feet up on the chair in front of you…
  107. >Even from here you can spot Octavia’s agitation.
  108. >“S-sorry, Miss.”
  109. >Ms. Harshwhinny rubs her eyes briefly before resting her hand on her chin.
  110. >“Once again…” sighs Ms. Harshwhinny wearily before resting her hand on her chin. “Please, focus this time.”
  111. >Octavia fidgets in her seat, taking another deep breath and closing her eyes.
  112. >A few moments pass before the music starts up again.
  113. >This time you’re going to try and listen for what she’s talking about.
  114. >The low-pitched notes transition fluently and fill the room with sound.
  115. >You’re resisting in letting your mind wander again, listening carefully…
  116. >…
  117. >…
  118. >There it is.
  119. >You only JUST hear the sudden spike of a note.
  120. >That causes the music to stop completely.
  121. >Looking back onstage, you spot Octavia’s worried expression as Ms. Harshwhinny covers her eyes with a hand, slowly shaking her head.
  122. >She gives a sudden hand signal to stand and Octavia dutifully rises from her chair, leaving her cello and bow where they are before approaching the teacher.
  123. >“Ms. Melody, there is a lot depending on your performance tomorrow…” sighs Ms. Harshwhinny in exasperation, fixing Octavia with a cold stare. “Are you even aware of the gravity of this situation?”
  124. >“I-I’m sorry, Miss...” stammers Octavia quietly in response, her hands held behind her as she bows her head slightly. “I guess nerves are starting to hit me…”
  125. >“Well, you need to get yourself together!” snaps the teacher in response, tossing her hands up. “Great things are expected of you, Ms. Melody! Your family won’t be pleased if you mess this up! The slightest mistake could leave your future in question!”
  126. >That seems unnecessarily harsh...
  127. >A miniscule error like that is going to blow her entire future?
  128. >Octavia looks to be getting upset from the teacher’s words.
  129. >To most others, the face she has now is just Octavia’s neutral, everyday face… but you know her well enough to tell when something’s getting to her.
  130. >You just raise your hand from where you are in the hall, drawing Ms. Harshwhinny’s attention.
  131. “Miss, are you sure she has to be THAT perfect? I don’t think the majority of the people here are going to hear the tiniest little mistake... I barely even heard that last one, and I was trying real hard to hear it.”
  132. >“Ms. Anonymous, either keep quiet or remove yourself from the hall!”
  133. >Jeez.
  134. “Was just asking...”
  135. >You slump back in your chair, folding your arms over you.
  136. >That doesn’t seem to have helped Octavia feel any better.
  137. >She’s standing there with her eyes closed as Ms. Harshwhinny returns to her lecture.
  138. >“There are going to be quite a few people from the musician’s guild here to hear you play, Ms. Melody. They scout young talent every year, so this is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for. They will hear every single note you play, they will watch every movement your hands make. If you squander such an opportunity, you may not get another. One mistake could have them ignore you for the rest of your life!”
  139. >...
  141. >Jeez, Harshwhinny...
  142. >How would she talk to your team when the big game is coming up?
  143. >Octavia is only getting more upset, though she’s not letting her face show it.
  144. >You can tell she is starting to freak out internally.
  145. >“After everything your parents have given you your whole life, after all that practice... One mistake, and it’s gone just like THAT,” Ms. Harshwhinny emphasizes with a finger snap.
  146. >Her motivational skills could do with some improvement, themselves.
  147. >Octavia takes a stuttered breath in before answering.
  148. >“Y-yes, Ms. H-Harshwhinny...”
  149. >Ms. Harshwhinny doesn’t seem satisfied with that answer, if her ever-present scowl is any indication… though it’s rare to see any other expression from her.
  150. >“Take a ten minute break, Ms. Melody…” she sighs again, rubbing her forehead. “Clear your head. There’s still more to go over.”
  151. > Octavia doesn’t budge from her spot as Ms. Harshwhinny leaves the stage, exiting the hall… her footsteps fading away.
  152. >Soon, the only noise you can hear in the very empty hall is the sound of Octavia’s short, quick breathing.
  153. >In fact, her facial expression seems different from her neutral one...
  154. >She looks to be on the verge of tears.
  155. “...Tavi? You alright?”
  156. >Your voice snaps her out of it and she spends a moment trying to find you in the empty crowd.
  157. >“...No...” she responds as she hangs her head, her voice a little shaky. “No, I’m not.”
  158. >You stand up and start heading towards the stage.
  159. “I thought so. Look, don’t let what she said get to you. You’ve played that tune a bunch of times; you know it like the back of your hand. You’ve got nothing to worry about.”
  160. >“Then WHY am I making so many mistakes?!” she snaps, covering her eyes with her hands for a moment before bringing them up to her forehead, running her fingers through her hair.
  161. “You’re just nervous. Her words weren’t exactly motivational, but you’ll be fine. Just relax. It’ll just be another performance in front of the school, like all the others.”
  162. >Her gaze returns to you for a moment, before passing over all the empty seats.
  163. >“No it won’t…” she answers with a quick shake of her head, her breathing not having slowed down. “There’s going to be people watching me, judging me... professionals from the music guild! This is what my whole life has been building towards!”
  164. >Her eyes dart around the hall rapidly for a bit before she turns away from you, heaving a sigh.
  165. >“I can’t do it...”
  166. >She moves back over to her cello and starts packing it.
  167. >As it’s put in the bag, what she just said only now registers with you.
  168. “Wait, what?!”
  169. >“I can’t do this!” she echoes louder, the words tumbling out as she fumbles with the bag. “There’s too much pressure! I’m getting tense, my hands are shaking... I can’t do this now!”
  170. >She stands with her cello packed up and slung over her shoulder, making to leave.
  171. >You suddenly start freaking out… because she’s freaking out.
  172. >When Ms. Harshwhinny comes back and sees she’s not here, you’re going to get the blame for this.
  173. >Her family will hear word of this, and you’ll somehow get blamed more...
  174. >You can’t let her walk away like that!
  175. >You start urgently following her out of the hall.
  176. >Octavia’s pace is quick, forcing you to hustle in order to catch her.
  177. >She must really be freaking out over this.
  178. >You catch up to her outside the hall, coming up on the exit of the school.
  179. >Her power walking might as well be a run, she’s so distraught...
  180. “Octavia, slow down!”
  181. >“No, Anon!” she shouts back over her shoulder, not slowing a bit. “I can’t do it! I just... I can’t!”
  182. >You take a short run to get in front of her before she exits, resting both hands on her shoulders and attempting eye contact.
  183. “Look... I know you’re nervous, I know there’s a lot going through your head. But there isn’t anything to worry about; you’re just having a teeny-tiny little mental breakdown right now.”
  184. >Getting a good look at her face, her teary eyes are evident.
  185. >“Anon, this is the biggest thing I never wanted! If I fail this, if I make even the slightest mistake... everything that’s been pushed on me my whole life... everything my family did for me is... wasted!”
  186. >Right as tears begin to flow, you pull her into a hug.
  187. >You start rubbing and patting her back as she sobs into your shoulder.
  188. >“I-I... if I mess this up... what would my family think? How would I face them...? All their expectations, ruined by something as simple as a shaky finger...”
  189. >You’re not really sure what to say to her here.
  190. >For all its importance, she’s never spoken to you about it before.
  191. >In fact, judging from what Harshwhinny said...
  192. >…yeah, it really doesn’t seem like a big deal to you.
  193. “Tavi, don’t you think you’re blowing this way out of proportion?”
  194. >She doesn’t answer, but she doesn’t try to break the hug either.
  195. “Look, I don’t blame you for skipping the rest of your practice today... but can you at least let me take you home?”
  196. >A conversation along the way would help both of you… help you to understand why she’s so upset, and help her to understand that she doesn’t need to be that upset.
  197. >You can feel her nod into your chest after a few moments.
  198. >You shift around to her side, keeping your arms around her as you exit together.
  199. >All this fuss over a little mistake…
  200. >There’s clearly a bigger issue at hand, here.
  201. >This behaviour seems so unlike her.
  202. >You wonder if you can talk to her about it as you approach your car.
  205. >Octavia’s calmed down a bit.
  206. >As you drive through town, she hasn’t said anything… she just stares silently out the passenger window.
  207. >You’d like to ask her about this whole thing, but you don’t really know how to.
  208. >Should you just come right out and say it, or...?
  209. >She’d know you want to ask her about it, right?
  210. >…
  211. >It’s been a long day; she’s obviously stressed out.
  212. >Maybe instead of taking her straight home, you should help her relax a little.
  213. >You turn off the road usually taken to get to her place and go further into town.
  214. >Octavia doesn’t seem to have noticed, still staring absentmindedly out the window.
  215. >A few more minutes of silence and you finally come to a stop.
  216. >She snaps out of it and looks around.
  217. >“…wait, where are we?”
  218. “I dunno about you, but I’m starving. Thought we’d get some pizza.”
  219. >Octavia doesn’t immediately voice a protest, tentatively following you out of the car into the pizzeria.
  220. >Before you move up to the counter, however, she rests a hand on your shoulder.
  221. >“Anon, I don’t really feel like eating...”
  222. >Too upset to eat as well?
  223. >You smile back at her.
  224. “Well then, you can watch me eat while we talk about this little problem of yours.”
  225. >She lets off a huff and furrows her brow, walking off to claim an unoccupied booth.
  226. >After placing an order, you take your drinks over to sit with her while waiting for the waitress.
  227. >She doesn’t seem to have perked up any as you slide her drink over to her.
  228. >You take a few sips of yours before you just decide to come out and say it.
  229. “Alright. I don’t like seeing you like this, so help me understand why this is so bad. What is it about this performance that has you so stressed out?”
  230. >She looks up at you for a few moments before giving a little shake of her head.
  231. >“It’s nothing that you need to worry about, Anon. It doesn’t concern you, so it’s best to just let it go...”
  232. >You plant both hands down on the table while leaning forward.
  233. “Tavi, I spent a couple months just trying to get to know you… and longer still just trying to be accepted in the eyes of your family and teachers and... well, pretty much everybody. I know you better than most others, probably even your own family.”
  234. >You reach over to put your hand on hers.
  235. “Believe me... seeing you like this concerns me greatly. It helps to talk, and I’m all ears.”
  236. >She stares at you for a few moments longer before a tiny smile starts to creep its way on her face at last.
  237. >She moves a hand up to wipe away a tear forming in her eye.
  238. >It must have clicked that someone will listen, even to her bigger problems that don’t involve anyone else.
  239. >She must feel really vulnerable through this… no doubt she’s glad that someone’s willing to hear her out.
  240. >“Alright, I’ll talk... Just be warned that it might not seem like a big problem to you. Try to look at it from my position...”
  241. >You sit back and nod.
  242. >As if on cue, the waitress comes over to place plates of pizza slices in front of you.
  243. >You ordered some for Octavia, despite her telling you she doesn’t feel like eating… just in case.
  244. >You grab a slice off your plate and start eating, ready to listen.
  245. >Octavia takes a few long sips of her drink and takes a deep breath before she begins.
  246. >“So... you know why I’m always practicing with my cello. Why I’m always in the music rooms during all the breaks and even after school...”
  247. >You nod again in understanding.
  248. >She’s got a future as a big musician or something and it’s being pushed hard on her.
  249. >“There’s a lot expected of me. My parents were musicians as well. They play at most of the big events, parties, even just as part of an orchestra performance. It’s a path they expect me to follow...”
  250. >Yeah… it’s all understandable so far.
  251. >“When the school found out about it, and received instructions from them to ensure my education and music skills were top class, that is essentially all my life became. My cello is always with me. It’s how I pass the time, it’s what I identify myself with... it’s essentially my whole reason for existing.”
  252. >You feel like you need to interrupt here.
  253. >“Principal Celestia knew this was the case and encouraged me to explore alternatives with my life, to avoid letting my cello rule over me. But when you get a teacher like Ms. Harshwhinny, well... everything is suddenly about perfection and professionalism. In her eyes, I can be used as an icon… someone who found their greatness within that school, which would further its reputation, of course…”
  254. >That hits you the wrong way and now you’re definitely interrupting.
  255. “You’re a good person beyond these traits, though… I know this firsthand. Don’t sell yourself short like that.”
  256. >“I know, I know, I’m not intentionally-”
  257. >Octavia pauses for a moment to compose herself, allowing your comment to go unopposed.
  258. >“Thank you…” she speaks again, offering another little smile before continuing. “My point is I didn’t have much opportunity to be someone… or any at all, really. Or… maybe I did, but this life was just pushed on me so hard that I was afraid to pursue anything else. Before you, the only others I associated with were those also in the music class, usually in something of a similar situation as my own. They’ve got musical talent fostered… and little else.”
  259. >You hadn’t thought about it much until now, but yeah, she has performed with others.
  260. >You’ve definitely seen her with at least three others during mandatory performances.
  261. >There was someone playing piano, someone on a harp and... some girl on a trumpet, you think.
  262. >“The person I spoke to the most was Beauty Brass... she played the sousaphone.”
  263. >...or that.
  264. >“I only ever acquainted myself with them for performances, however. We didn’t talk much beyond that… not all of us, anyway.”
  265. >Octavia’s face flushes a bit after adding that last bit, sparking a bit of curiosity.
  266. “What do you mean?”
  267. >She smiles again… a small, shy grin.
  268. >“One of them was always in the music room as well. He wasn’t quite like me… he was genuinely very enthusiastic about his talents as a pianist.”
  269. >The guy on the piano?
  270. >“He, um... We started talking more and more. He seemed different from me… We ended up connecting on a slightly different level. I was starting to like him…”
  271. >You swallow what’s in your mouth hard at hearing this.
  272. >Is she saying what you think she’s saying?
  273. >“Eventually, one thing led to another and... during one of our practice sessions after school...”
  274. >You drop your pizza slice back on the plate, your mouth hanging open slightly.
  275. “Oh my God, Octavia... Did you...?”
  276. >Tactfully, you create a loop with your thumb and finger using one hand while inserting a finger of the other hand through it.
  277. >Octavia’s blush deepens at the display as she nods shyly.
  278. “Oh my God!”
  279. >Your outburst of excitement draws the attention of almost everyone in the building.
  280. >How did you not know about this?!
  281. >On some small level, your heart sinks at the news.
  282. >This here is confirmation that Octavia likes boys and such…
  283. >Guess now you should probably work on losing any lingering feelings you have for her.
  284. >Still… on a far bigger level, this is huge and you’re incredibly happy for her.
  285. “Wow, Tavi! I had no idea! All this time I thought you were a vir-”
  286. >“Shhh, shush!” she hisses frantically, waving her hand as if to physically cut off your speech somehow.
  287. >Right, right… that’s far too inappropriate to talk about in a public place like this.
  288. >But wow, this is big!
  289. “Sorry!... But damn, what happened with that?”
  290. >You resume eating your slice while she takes a few relieved sips of her drink, before finally deciding to start on her own pizza.
  291. >“I’m trying to keep that as secret as I possibly can,” she explains softly, nibbling at her slice. “I don’t want to risk anyone finding out about that... Can I trust you to please keep it to yourself?”
  292. >Her eyes meet yours, shining with urgency…
  293. >With a mouth full of pizza, you eke out a response.
  294. “Absolutely. I promise nobody will know.”
  295. >Much as you want to tell someone, you’re not about to risk your friendship or her reputation over it.
  296. “So what happened with... um...?”
  297. >“Frederick...”
  298. >You raise an eyebrow.
  299. >“Frederick Horseshoepin.”
  300. >A laugh escapes your mouth unbidden, which becomes a cough owing to all the pizza.
  301. >You take a moment to swallow, freeing yourself up to laugh properly as Octavia takes on a deeper shade of red.
  302. “Really? 'Horseshoepin' is his last name? That’s hilarious!”
  303. >You’ll be laughing about that in the back of your head for a while.
  304. >Octavia doesn’t seem nearly as amused, but she continues anyway.
  305. >“It turned out that he was a very self-centered person. I couldn’t tell whether it was ego or if he just didn’t realize he was doing it, but he started avoiding me afterwards. When I asked him about it, he said that I was distracting him too much and his piano abilities were suffering. We never really played or practiced in the same group or room after that again...”
  306. >Oh, that’s sad.
  307. >He sounds like a knob.
  308. >You take another bite and shrug.
  309. “Boys, huh? Once their dicks come into play, that’s all they can think with.”
  310. >, that sounded insensitive.
  311. >And pretty sexist... or feminist... or whatever.
  312. >Also didn’t really make sense, it was about his piano skills...
  313. >Some of your better friends are guys, what are you even talking about?
  314. >The comment leaves Octavia looking uncomfortable; she shifts about in the booth, breaking eye contact.
  315. “...sorry. That was a very, very bad attempt at a joke that turned into something else...”
  316. >You take a few sips of your drink again and realize you’ve gone way off-topic.
  317. “Okay, so... We’ll be talking about that experience later, but it’s back to the matter at hand for now. You feel like you’re just a tool the school uses to boost its reputation, and everyone besides me seems to be encouraging that view. I can see that being upsetting, but to have you break down into tears tells me there’s more to this. What’s happening?”
  318. >The reminder of her situation wipes the remaining good cheer from Octavia’s face – she chews her food more slowly than before, eventually swallowing, before heaving a sigh.
  319. >“The high expectations are putting a lot of pressure on me,” she elaborates, frowning. “My family, the school, everybody just looks at me and says “That girl has a future!” I’m practically handed everything I don’t want because of it... and I’m absolutely sick of it.”
  320. >You finish your pizza and wipe your hands and mouth before offering her your undivided attention.
  321. >“Don’t get me wrong, I’m thankful to have these skills as a musician. I know my family only wants to ensure that I have a future. I can’t fault them for that, but... well, you know how much effort you put in just to be allowed to be my friend. Even then, from my perspective, it seems as though they just thought of you as my own personal chaperone, disguised as a friend...”
  322. >You open your mouth to correct her on those views, but close it again when she continues.
  323. >“Now that there’s someone representing the musician’s guild scouting for talent... everybody is up in arms about me! The pressure intensified; this is the thing that everything has been building up to and it’s my big chance to prove my worth to everyone!”
  324. >She sounds as if she’s starting to panic again.
  325. >“Of course I’m going to freak out! How can anyone perform under this much stress? How can they see me toiling under this pressure and think that they should pile more on top of it?!”
  326. >She’s starting to get louder and more agitated.
  327. >“I just can’t do it, Anon! I can’t go through with it! I know this representative scouts new talent every year, but could you just imagine the disappointment everyone would have towards me if I blow it?! All it takes is one slip of the finger! One tiny slip! One chance blown and it will be like my family will disown me!”
  328. >She’s really panicking now, tears forming in her eyes again.
  329. >You’re forced to reach over the table to take hold of her shoulders and settle her down in her seat.
  330. >Her breathing is so heavy, one would think she were having a heart attack.
  331. “Tavi, settle down!”
  332. >You let her go for a moment to move around to her side of the booth, catching her in a hug.
  333. “I get it, alright? I know you’ve got big things expected of you and you wish you didn’t. It’s fine...”
  334. >She rests her head on your shoulder, calming down in your arms.
  335. >“You don’t know what it’s like... so much expected of you, so much pressure...”
  336. >Well... she’s right.
  337. >You certainly don’t know what that’s like.
  338. “Kinda comparing apples to carrots there, Tavi. I’m a girl that plays sports, remember? Most stressful thing that happens to me is when we lose… then you should see how Rainbow Dash flips her shit. She absolutely hates losing.”
  339. >You could feel her try to laugh at that, but not much came out of her.
  340. “That’s just what it is for you right now, though: stress. I know you’d play that little piece flawlessly tomorrow. You’ve done it heaps of times. You’re just letting everything surrounding this situation get to your head and it makes it seem a lot worse than it actually is.”
  341. >She lifts her head up to look you in the eye.
  342. >You smile and giggle slightly.
  343. “Besides, you’ve got the wrong impression. Yeah, it took some effort to convince your family to let me be your friend, but they allowed it because you seemed a lot happier. In actuality, that’s the primary thing they want.”
  344. >Octavia begins to return the smile; her whole demeanour has taken a turn for the better.
  345. >Guess you’ve set a new record time for cheering someone up.
  346. “And to think, you thought they were going to disown you for not impressing some guy right off the bat.”
  347. >That did it.
  348. >She lets off a small laugh as she wipes the tears from her face.
  349. >A few sniffles later and her arms come to rest around you, returning the hug as she sits her head on your shoulder.
  350. >“I’m sorry... I guess I overreacted over a silly issue...”
  351. “Only a little… but there’s nothing to be sorry for. I’ve got nothing that would compare to how you feel, but it’s completely understandable.”
  352. >You rub her back and plant a small comforting kiss on the side of her head.
  353. >She lets off a relieved sigh as you both continue holding each other.
  354. >“Thank you, Anon... This means so much...”
  355. “Come on, as if I wouldn’t be around to help you through stuff like this.”
  356. >Despite that part of you that’s sad and kind of jealous at the news of her clear interest in boys, you’re still perfectly happy with just being her friend.
  357. >You can’t really ask for more than that…
  358. >Sneaking a glance at the clock, you notice it’s the late afternoon.
  359. “Guess I should get you home.”
  360. >“Hm…?” she responds, breaking the hug to make eye contact with you.
  361. “You’ve got a performance tomorrow. Now that you know there’s not much to worry about, I take it you’ll want to practice a little more?”
  362. >She glances around for a moment, bringing herself back down to Earth.
  363. >“Oh... yes, I guess I should.”
  364. >You pat her on the shoulder before getting up.
  365. >She remains seated for a few moments in quiet thought… before eventually stepping out of the booth, following you outside.
  366. >After getting in the car and driving for a few minutes in silence again, you begin to wonder about her hesitance.
  367. >You seemed to have successfully cheered her up and given her the hug she needed...
  368. >…but now she’s just staring off into space again, probably worrying.
  369. “Are you okay?”
  370. >She snaps out of it to look at you, but doesn’t say anything.
  371. “Still worried about it, huh?”
  372. >That much is obvious without her having to say anything - you can see her face is riddled with worry.
  373. >She just sighs and looks out the window again.
  374. >“I’m not sure if I can face my parents tonight...”
  375. “Why?”
  376. >“I just left my practice this afternoon with you. I imagine word would have gotten back to them and suddenly they’ll be worried or angry and I’d have to explain myself and...”
  377. >She starts shaking her head as she thinks more on it.
  378. >That’s not gonna do much to alleviate that stress of hers.
  379. >She’s imagining all these scenarios that sound worse than they likely would be...
  380. >…then again, she’s got a big performance tomorrow, and she suddenly left her practice without telling anyone...
  381. >“I think I should just avoid everyone until I play tomorrow...”
  382. >You take your eyes off the road for a second to look at her.
  383. >Compared to everything she was freaking out over all afternoon, this seems to be a genuine concern.
  384. >Hell, you’ll probably get a talking to about it as well.
  385. >Still, there wouldn’t be much harm in her idea.
  386. >As long as you get her there tomorrow, what’s the worst that could happen?
  387. “Well, if you don’t want to go home, you can stay with me for the night. I’ve got plenty of extra room.”
  388. >She looks back at you, sporting a hopeful grin.
  389. >“Are you sure?”
  390. “Yeah, it’ll be fun. We’ll have a sleepover.”
  391. >You turn off the path to her home and onto one leading to yours.
  392. “We’ll talk, we’ll share, we’ll cook... We’ll see if we can’t ease out all that stress of yours. You’ll be a new, yet still very talented Octavia by tomorrow.”
  395. >Octavia’s mood had brightened significantly.
  396. >The whole drive home was spent sitting next to an overjoyed girl who didn’t even know what to say.
  397. >It was as if she’d just achieved freedom somehow, based on the few words her excited self managed to form.
  398. >She’s never really stayed over at a friend’s house before, so in a way it was true.
  399. >By the time you reach your destination, it’s early evening - the sun has just set.
  400. >As you pull up to the building you call ‘home’, you hear her take a nervous breath.
  401. >She’s actively going against a regular, strict routine on a grander scale than she has before.
  402. >Excitement should be expected.
  403. >She retrieves the few things she’d brought with her from the back seat while you go to unlock the door.
  404. >She arrives at the door beside you soon after and you open it, stepping inside… Octavia following in your wake.
  405. “Okay, welcome to the ‘Anonyhouse’. Bathroom is down the hall, kitchen is through there, living room is in there, TV and lounge contained within. Enjoy your stay and don’t be afraid to talk to me if you have any questions.”
  406. >She takes in the surroundings with a smile.
  407. >It’s probably got nothing on what she’s used to, but the change doesn’t seem to bother her at all.
  408. >You go and put your things away while pulling the scrunchie out of your hair to let it down before taking a look back at her.
  409. >She sets her cello and bag down somewhere before tentatively exploring the house.
  410. >“It’s a lovely place...”
  411. >You take a few glances around.
  412. “Mm, I’d say it’s average, but I call it home...”
  413. >She giggles a little, her hands held in front of her… protectively, it seems like.
  414. >Taking a moment to step out of your shoes, you turn back to her and find she’s just standing there, watching you intently.
  415. >It’s a lot like watching an animal be released into the wild for the first time… she doesn’t know what to do.
  416. “Go ahead and make yourself comfortable.”
  417. >She nervously starts moving around the house again, blushing in embarrassment as she sneaks a few peeks at you.
  418. >It’s kind of cute.
  419. >You figure you should find some spare sheets and a pillow for your guest, so you leave her to herself…
  420. >…though as you proceed down the hall, you can hear her following.
  421. >“S-so, um... you said that you could try and help with my stress... What, um... What did you have in mind?”
  422. >Her question brings you to a pause as you consider a suitable answer.
  423. >...
  424. >A few things immediately come to mind, but you’d best stick to the standard methods.
  425. >You start going through the hallway closet in search of a blanket.
  426. “Well, you could relax in a hot bath or shower, or we can just lounge around all night and watch movies...”
  427. >Hmm, what’s a normal thing to do during a sleepover…?
  428. >You grab the blanket you’re looking for and turn around.
  429. “Or we can just sit around and talk, I’ll give your shoulders a rub, maybe we can do each other’s hair and try out new loo-”
  430. *thud*
  431. >Your voice is cut off as you suddenly find yourself pushed against the wall, the blanket tumbling from your hands.
  432. >Before you can react, a pair of lips presses themselves against your own.
  433. “Mmmph?!”
  434. >It takes a few moments to register what’s happening, especially when you feel her tongue rubbing against your lips.
  435. >By force of habit, your lips separate to allow it entrance in your mouth.
  436. >The feeling of her tongue against your tongue suddenly snaps you out of it as you grab her shoulders and push her back a little bit to break the kiss.
  437. “...What are you doing...?”
  438. >Part of your brain is screaming at you for asking that.
  439. >She stares at you, blushing intensely and stutters out a response.
  440. >“I-I, uhm... I just felt this sudden feeling of impulsiveness and... I really wanted to show how greatful I am... to have you as a friend...”
  441. >Is this actually happening?
  442. “I-... I can see that. But showing me that way...?”
  443. >You really wish you weren’t questioning this.
  444. >“Do you, uhm... You like girls, right?... Do you not like me like that?”
  445. >Oh wow, this really is happening...
  446. “No, No-, I mean, Yes! I do, but... Argh! What-...”
  447. >You shake your head for a second.
  448. “...I do like girls, but I was under the impression you liked boys... I never tried anything because of that, and because I respect you too much for that...”
  449. >You can feel your cheeks warming up as you say this.
  450. >Despite it all, you’re arms are still keeping her at a distance.
  451. >“Well... I don’t really know where my interests are. You’re the only person I’m closest to and can share everything with... I haven’t really had any other options in that kind of thing, but even if I did, you’d still always be there.”
  452. >This is true.
  453. >It doesn’t matter what she does, you’d be there for her.
  454. >Regardless of feelings, you’d always be there to help her through everything...
  455. >... Just like today.
  456. >“To be honest... I’ve steadily grown more fond of you over time. I wasn’t sure what these feelings were since you were a girl, but I found my mind drifting more and more. To girls more than boys. I started thinking about this girl in class who was looking to be a ‘DJ’ or something, but I know that she associates with boys. Even through that, I kept thinking about you as well... I just didn’t think you’d ever see me as more than a friend... I just didn’t know what to do.”
  457. >...
  458. >Oh god, you just want to cry in joy right now.
  459. >But you’re still not entirely certain.
  460. >Primarily because she isn’t.
  461. “You... have no idea how much I’ve wanted to say how much I admire you. I held myself back because our friendship was more important, I didn’t want to jeopardize anything you had by springing this on you...”
  462. >Your arms still keep her back, but you’re not really holding her there.
  463. “Tavi, you’re one of the most beautiful girls I’ve ever seen, and learning about who you were compelled me to meet you. I had to talk to you, get to know you... The more I got to know who Octavia was, the more I felt saddened by the burdens she carries...”
  464. >She stares into your eyes, looking sad by what you’re saying.
  465. “But the more I felt saddened, the more determined I felt to give you the friend you really needed... even if that meant not following through with what I really wanted. I was happy to just be there for you, even through the constant questions in my head of “Will she ever like me that way?” I’d have gladly stepped aside if a boy caught your eye...”
  466. >She regains her smile and tears start to form in her eyes.
  467. >But this is where you need to be serious.
  468. >You hold her firmly again and look her in the eye.
  469. “Which is why you need to think this through, right now. You don’t really know where your interests are, which isn’t exactly a problem, but I don’t want you to do something that you’ll regret later...”
  470. >Her smile drops, listening intently to what you’re saying.
  471. “If you’re absolutely certain you want to be with me like that... I’m with you, 100%.”
  472. >You drop your arms from her shoulders.
  473. >Octavia doesn’t do anything for a few moments, only looking down at your hands and then glancing up at your face.
  474. >Her blushing and nervous body language as she stands there tell you she’s actually thinking about it.
  475. >All the while, that one part of your head that was happy a few moments ago suddenly hates you.
  476. >But this is something she really needs to think about.
  477. >And her answer finally comes in the form of her hands travelling to your sides.
  478. >She holds the bottom of your shirt and pulls it up, causing you to lift your arms as she takes it up and over your head.
  479. >As the cloth is removed, you find her staring at your chest, covered by nothing but a bra.
  480. >The blush on her face intensifies as her hand shakily reaches forward to touch you.
  481. >Given how nervous she is, and how you’re the more experienced with this, you help her along.
  482. >Stepping forward enough so that her hand touches your breast, she releases the breath she’s been holding as your own hands work on untying her bowtie and unbuttoning her top.
  483. >Once her blouse is open, you notice she has her eyes closed as the thumb of her hand explores your chest.
  484. >Just her thumb. The rest of her hand is still.
  485. >She’s absolutely adorable right now.
  486. >You decide to surprise her by taking her by the sides and pulling her in for a kiss.
  487. >She gasps quietly when she realises this, but eases into it.
  488. >Her lips part to allow you access to her mouth.
  489. >The dance of tongues boosts her confidence enough to let the rest of her hand explore.
  490. >All the while, you raise one of your hands to enter her shirt to grope one of her modest breasts.
  491. >What you feel isn’t quite what you expected. Just skin.
  492. >You break the kiss to look at her exposed breasts.
  493. >She’s not wearing a bra.
  494. >Even better.
  495. >You'd question it, but it doesn't matter right now.
  496. >Without a word, you take her hand in yours and start to walk toward the other end of the hall.
  497. >Leading her into your bedroom, you stop at the foot of the bed.
  498. >You walk around behind her, pressing yourself into her back as both of your hands are around her front, reaching into her shirt.
  499. >Holding and lightly squeezing her breasts, causing her to give off little moans, you whisper into her ear.
  500. “I’ve wanted to do this for a long time...”
  501. >You turn her around as your hands trail lower to remove the white skirt she wears over her dark grey leggings.
  502. >When it’s removed, you encourage her to take a seat on the bed.
  503. >She still looks very nervous, but the smile on her face and the wetness you can see forming tell you that she’s excited.
  504. >You get down to her level to lock lips again for a moment, letting your hand trail down to rub through the fabric of her leggings.
  505. >Your fingers are gathering wetness just from the gentle rubbing.
  506. >It causes you to break the kiss and let off a small laugh.
  507. >You look at your fingers and back to her, before you kneel down on the floor.
  508. >“S-Sorry... I don’t-“
  509. “Shh, shh. I’ll take care of it...”
  510. >You take hold of one of her feet to remove her shoes.
  511. >“So, uhm... H-How many times have you done this?”
  512. >You pause for a moment to process that question.
  513. “Heh... not normally something that gets asked during this, but... a few times. Locker room shenanigans, experimenting, flings, stuff like that. Only had one longer relationship with someone, but even that wasn’t as long as you’d think.”
  514. >You’ve removed both of her shoes and gently rub her feet.
  515. >Your hands slowly caress their way back up her legs to reach the top of her leggings.
  516. >Once there, you lift yourself back up to plant another kiss on Octavia’s lips to ease her down onto the bed.
  517. >When you’re ontop of her, you go lower again to pull the leggings off her.
  518. >“A-And... Who was t-that?”
  519. >She can’t stop talking.
  520. >That’s cute.
  521. >You take hold of the leggings, as well as her panties and slide them down.
  522. “A girl named Blossomforth. She’s one of the gymnasts. Just met in the locker room one day and... heh, things just started leading places.”
  523. >Octavia’s arousal becomes clearer as you practically become intoxicated by her scent.
  524. “She was unbelievably flexible as well. It made for some... interesting positioning.”
  525. >As the two pieces of clothing finally passes her feet to give you full view of her beautiful, naked lower half, you sit and admire her for a moment.
  526. >This body... this girl’s entirety is one you’ve wanted the most in your life.
  527. >And not just because of what you’re about to do to her.
  528. >You let this feeling sink in before you take hold of one of her feet and she sits back up.
  529. “So... why the questions? Just nervous talking?”
  530. >You can’t help but grin as you ask that while gently rubbing her foot.
  531. >“Uhm... *ahem* Partly that, yes... I just also don’t want to disappoint you...”
  532. >...
  533. >That right there.
  534. >That would be enough to make you cry over how much you love this girl.
  535. >There’s so much you’d like to say to reassure her.
  536. >Instead... it’s better to show her.
  537. >Your hands move up from her foot to her smooth leg as you leave a kiss on her foot.
  538. “Tavi...”
  539. >Your head slowly moves up to plant another kiss where it joins the beautiful leg.
  540. “There is no way...”
  541. >Your hands rub up more as your kiss her shin.
  542. “That I could possibly be disappointed.”
  543. >You stop at her knee and look up at her, while gently massaging her leg.
  544. “Right now, I feel like the happiest girl in the world.”
  545. >She smiles appreciatively down back at you.
  546. >You continue upwards, kissing her knee as your hands follow.
  547. “But this is more about you...”
  548. >You take hold of her thigh, raising yourself on your knees and kiss again, a little more inward.
  549. “I’ll be happy if you are. So I think it’s time...”
  550. >With your head very close to her, she lays back again, resting on her arms, eagerly watching you in excitement.
  551. >With one more kiss towards the base of her leg, you look back up hungrily at her.
  552. “...To show you the best method of stress relief.”
  553. >You grin and lick your lips as you see her bite hers.
  554. >The smell of her arousal is strong with your head this close.
  555. >You can’t help but just drop your mouth down on her.
  556. >With an excited and surprised squeak heard from her, you plant a final kiss on her glistening nether lips before you make it as intimate as possible.
  557. >Octavia lets out a few quiet moans that only progressively get louder when your tongue comes into play.
  558. >Gently parting her nether lips with your tongue, you progressively stretch it as far as you can to gather every bit of her arousal.
  559. >Her taste is far beyond words, you feel as if you wouldn’t be able to stop.
  560. >Her moans are music to your ears, and seeing her writhe in ecstasy from you fuels your desire.
  561. >You can feel the effects between your thighs as well.
  562. >A warm feeling of desire telling you just how much you want her.
  563. >As she nears her peak, her hands find their way onto your head with her fingers winding through your hair.
  564. >Sensing she’s close, you let your tongue trail slowly along her clit.
  565. >“Aaaahhhhh...~”
  566. >Whether she’s just very inexperienced, or it had been building up with all this spilling of feelings, she’s about ready so soon.
  567. >She’s actually writhing from it so much that you have to grab her legs and hold her.
  568. >A firm grip of her thighs held around your head, you go for an all out assault.
  569. >Her loud moans of delight are matched by her movements and tells you just how much she’s enjoying it.
  570. >You flick your tongue across her clit a few more times before you gently suck on it.
  571. >“AnooOOONNNN...!~”
  572. >Despite your concentration and face buried in her muff, you feel her raise herself from the bed slightly, arching her back as she climaxes.
  573. >She grips your head even tighter as a powerful orgasm is sent through her, her essence flowing into your mouth and on your face.
  574. >... You’re in heaven.
  575. >You gulp down what’s in your mouth and take a moment to breathe.
  576. >Looking up, you see Octavia had fallen back onto the bed, out of breath.
  577. >While she recovers, you can’t help but get up on the bed as well, crawling over her to plant another passionate kiss on her lips.
  578. >If she can taste any trace of her essence in your mouth or on your face, she doesn’t seem bothered by it.
  579. >As she moans quietly into the kiss, you lay yourself on top of her, squishing your boobs into hers.
  580. >You break the kiss so you can both breathe again, letting her speak.
  581. >“That was...”
  582. >Her eyes are closed as she tries to finish that sentence, the happy and satisfied expression on her face only growing bigger.
  583. >“...Exhilarating!”
  584. >You laugh at how she thinks that from such a short experience.
  585. “And that’s just the beginning.”
  586. >Her eyes suddenly open and she looks at you with surprise.
  587. >You sit up, remaining on top of her, sitting on her waist.
  588. >With a grin, you move your hands behind your back as she watches.
  589. >Within a couple seconds, your bra is unhooked and slides down your arms, exposing your breasts to her.
  590. >Octavia sits up as far as she can for a closer look.
  591. >Her face goes a little redder with each passing moment before she puts an arm around you while the other holds her up.
  592. >Pulling you closer, she rests her head between your breasts, and you hear her breathe softly.
  593. >“...I never thought that I’d ever do anything like this with you... I never even thought that I’d consider the female body to be as beautiful as I find yours to be right now...”
  594. >You put your arms around her back to hold her up, letting her arm that she was holding herself up with join the other around you.
  595. >She looks up at you, an expression of content happiness on her face.
  596. >“... This feels right... Probably the most right I’ve ever felt in my life.”
  597. >You lean your head down to plant a kiss on her forehead.
  598. >Octavia turns her head, resting on one of your soft breasts while she eyes off the other.
  599. >“...And I want to explore every inch of you... Show how much I love and appreciate everything about you.”
  600. >With that, one of her hands comes back around and is placed on the boob she was watching.
  601. >She lightly squeezes and gently massages your breast.
  602. >Her fingers brush over your nipple, the feeling causing it to harden.
  603. >She catches it between her fingers and lightly pinches and tweaks it occasionally.
  604. >It causes you to softly moan as you feel her hand softly kneading one breast, and then let out a squeak when you feel something else to your other.
  605. >Octavia had turned her head directly into the boob she was resting on.
  606. >She’s taken your other nipple into her mouth as she gently sucks on it while swirling her tongue around it.
  607. >Occasionally she grazes her teeth along it, lightly nibbling you.
  608. >Your heart is racing with the thought of her actually doing this to you.
  609. >You’re finding it difficult to believe it’s her first time doing this to a girl.
  610. >If this is just coming naturally to her, then you’re not going to question it because everything she’s doing feels amazing.
  611. >She suddenly takes you by the sides and slowly guides you sideways to roll you off her and lay you down on the bed.
  612. >The whole motion didn’t stop her mouth on your breast.
  613. >She transitions from light suckling to kisses being planted all over it before she starts going down.
  614. >Trailing kisses down your stomach and abdominals until she hits your jeans.
  615. >Wordlessly, her fingers immediately get to work in unbuttoning them.
  616. >Her eagerness is showing, not that you mind, as you watch her grab both your jeans and panties.
  617. >The moment your undies start to be removed, you feel just how wet you are.
  618. >Octavia pauses and after moment of her face going into a deep blush, she takes a deep inhale.
  619. >The scent hits you as well.
  620. >You’re insanely turned on, and Octavia can see just how much.
  621. >Her delighted face is indicative of the same feeling of intoxication you had when you were between her legs.
  622. >You snap back to reality as she continues removing your clothing.
  623. >Slowly, she helps you out of them, sliding them down your legs as you lift them in the air for her.
  624. >Once discarded, you lay there, legs spread, giving her full view of your moistened womanhood.
  625. >She bites her lip as she stares at you.
  626. >You can’t help but bite yours as well, anxiously waiting for whatever she may do.
  627. >She moves a slightly shakey hand towards you, hesitating before touching.
  628. >“...I can feel the heat from you without even touching...”
  629. “I... REALLY want this...”
  630. >”I can see that... you’re so wet...”
  631. >The wait of feeling her touch is getting to you.
  632. >You can feel your arousal beginning to drip.
  633. >After what seemed to be an agonizingly long time, which in reality was merely a couple seconds, she brushes a finger along your lips.
  634. >The contact causes you to take a stuttered breath in and bite your lip a little harder.
  635. >Octavia gathers some of your arousal on her fingers before she starts to insert one.
  636. >Every slight movement she does is sending immense pleasure to you.
  637. >You really did want this. In fact, you badly need it now.
  638. >You can feel yourself squeezing down on her finger, as if you were pulling her further inside.
  639. >She obliges, slowly rubbing the finger along the walls of your womanhood..
  640. >A quick look at her face while you’re trying to keep your breath shows uncertainty.
  641. >She sees you looking and looks back down at her efforts.
  642. >“I’m sorry, I... don’t really know how to do this...”
  643. >You just let out a chuckle as you drop your head back onto the bed.
  644. >Not knowing what to do or not, you’re still enjoying what she’s doing.
  645. >But helping her along a little bit wouldn’t hurt.
  646. “Trust me, Tavi, there is no wrong way for you to do this. You just need to do what you feel comes naturally...”
  647. >You lift your head back up to see her smiling again as she gets an idea.
  648. >Her fingers slide back out and you watch her bring it up to her lips to sample your essence.
  649. >The face she makes after getting a taste is adorable, showing she not only enjoyed it, but wants more.
  650. >She wastes no time in returning the finger back down to insert it back in you.
  651. >Feeling her sudden return causes you to drop your head back again.
  652. >Her actions still seem a little uncertain though, and while you’re enjoying her experimenting with this new experience, you feel you need to help her along some more.
  653. “You know that kiss you gave me right before we started?”
  654. >She looks up at you after your question and nods.
  655. “You should try giving the same kiss to ‘those’ lips.~”
  656. >Grinning at her after saying that, she returns the grin, knowing exactly what you mean.
  657. >She scoots back before leaning down close.
  658. >She uses two fingers to part your sensitive lips, and you shudder at the feeling.
  659. >You hear her take a deep breath in through the nose while she's up close.
  660. >While still parted slightly, she leans in to take a long lick upwards along your opening, licking up the renewed arousal beginning to drip.
  661. >Not the kiss you were expecting, but you’re not even going to think about complaining.
  662. >She removes her fingers before planting the kiss you were waiting for on your nether lips.
  663. >The kiss becomes increasingly passionate and you find your breath escaping you with each movement.
  664. >Finally her tongue comes into play, parting you once more for a full blown makeout session with your womanhood.
  665. >Once again, your head drops back onto the bed, only now it’s joined by your arms over your face so you can hold the top of your head.
  666. “Mmmmmmffff!~”
  667. >You try to stifle the moan from the amount of pleasure you’re feeling with your arms over your mouth, but there only gets so far.
  668. >Octavia’s eager tongue seems intent of exploring the entirety of your soaked opening.
  669. >And you’re not about to stop her.
  670. >A few more moans escape you while she practically drinks what you have to offer-
  671. “AH!”
  672. >An upward movement of her tongue caused it to rub along your clit.
  673. >“Oooh, was that what I think it was?~”
  674. >Without even letting you respond, she returns to the same spot, running her tongue along your love button.
  675. >This newfound talent of hers is causing you to writhe in much the same way she was earlier.
  676. >And she’s enjoying every second of it.
  677. “Taaaaviiiiiii...~”
  678. >Just when you think she’d found a good rhythm, she suddenly starts lightly sucking.
  679. >You gasp as your arms shoot away from your head to hit the bed so you can grab at the sheets.
  680. >Your legs start to move as well, and cause you to accidentally squirm away from her.
  681. >It was a reflex action, one you certainly wouldn’t have done willingly.
  682. >Apparently your body decided you needed a breather from her ‘kiss’.
  683. >This was why you had to grab her legs when you did it to her.
  684. >When you come down slightly from what was your approaching limit, you look back towards Octavia.
  685. >She’s just laying on her stomach, resting her head in her hand with a smile on her face looking at you.
  686. >You notice a clear trace of your own arousal around her mouth.
  687. >When she sees you noticing, she sensually licks her lips.
  688. >She seems very pleased with herself... as well she should be.
  689. >You just laugh as you drop your head back and run your fingers through your hair.
  690. “God... Inexperience doesn’t mean shit when it’s with someone you love...”
  691. >Her smile grows a little bigger and more adorable after you say that.
  692. >It only encourages you to continue.
  693. >You give her a lewd smile and beckon her over with a finger.
  694. >Octavia gets up on all fours and crawls over the bed towards you.
  695. >When close enough, your raise your hand to her chin and guide her in for a passionate kiss.
  696. >While you both enjoy the duel of tongues once more, your hands move to her shoulders.
  697. >Her blouse was still opened up and adorning her torso.
  698. >You help take it off her before throwing it in a random direction and away from the action.
  699. >With nothing left to do, you end the kiss.
  700. >Through the haze of passion, you notice a trail of saliva connecting your mouths.
  701. >You stare affectionately into her violet eyes as they gaze back to yours.
  702. “Time to show you the other methods of ‘relieving stress’... Lay down.~”
  703. >She does as you request, her now completely naked form laying on your bed with her head on a pillow.
  704. >You have to take a moment to admire every little bit of her.
  705. >You place a finger at the base of her neck and slowly and lightly trace a line downwards with it.
  706. >Down her chest, between her breasts, across her stomach, over her belly button, across her waist and then between her legs until finally it reaches its destination.
  707. >The light feeling causes her to shiver slightly, and she bites her lip upon seeing where you were going.
  708. >You cup your palm over her vagina and feel her arousal starting to build up all over again.
  709. >Your fingers gently rub along her nether lips for a moment while you lean down to lock lips with her again.
  710. >It lasts only a moment as you start moving your head down to her chest.
  711. >Her perfect, modest breasts stare back at you.
  712. >Looking back up to her, you find her blushing again.
  713. “... Are you even aware of how beautiful you are?”
  714. >“I... I am now... Yes.”
  715. >You giggle as you use your free hand to knead her boob, tweaking and pinching her nipple slightly.
  716. >As you get to work with that, you insert a finger, thrusting it slowly to let her ease into the feeling.
  717. >Shortly after, you insert another.
  718. >“Oooooh...~”
  719. >That’s not all she’ll receive.
  720. >Your hand keeps massaging and squeezing the breast closest to you.
  721. >Seeing her other boob unattended, you lay yourself over her so you can take the other into your mouth..
  722. >“Ohhhhh...~”
  723. >The thrusting of your fingers increases at a steady rate while you occasionally let your thumb rub her clit.
  724. >Swirling your tongue around and over her nipples, you feel her run her fingers through your hair, occasionally grabbing handfuls of it.
  725. >It doesn’t deter your efforts at all, as she soon learns while you begin to suckle on her nipple.
  726. >“Aaahhhhh Anooon...~”
  727. >Your fingers are picking up quite a speed now.
  728. >When you focus more into your hand movements, you release her breast from your mouth.
  729. >Kissing your way up her chest, you reach the base of her neck to nip at her.
  730. >Her breathing is becoming more rapid in response to your handiwork.
  731. >Unable to resist, you begin to suck at the spot you’ve been kissing.
  732. >Her hands are clawing at the bed as you do this.
  733. >You keep it up for a few seconds before releasing, leaving the mark of a hickey on her.
  734. >All concentration is put into your hand, pistoning in and out of her.
  735. >She’s squeezing her eyes shut as if she were trying to hold out for as long as possible.
  736. >“Anoooon....C-can-...”
  737. “Hmm?”
  738. >You slow down a bit to let her get it out.
  739. >“C-can we try... rubbing our... uhm...”
  740. >She seems embarrassed to finish saying what she’s thinking.
  741. >You’re pretty sure you know what she’s getting at though.
  742. >She wants to try scissoring.
  743. >Suddenly you remember how close you were earlier before your body made you lose it.
  744. >And there’s absolutely no doubt how much you would love to.
  745. >Pulling your fingers out of her, she relaxes to regain her breath.
  746. >You wait until she’s regained herself before you offer the two fingers you’d used to show how wet she is.
  747. >Without hesitation, she takes your hand and cleans the fingers off with her mouth, sampling her own arousal.
  748. “We most certainly can.~”
  749. >Once she’s done, you move down to her legs.
  750. >Putting your right leg over her left, you take hold of her right leg, causing her to have to roll onto her side.
  751. >You keep hold of her leg in the air as you scoot forward until both of your vaginas touch.
  752. >Everything that had been building up within you tonight suddenly makes itself known as the pleasure within you swells.
  753. >The simple touching of your sensitive parts alone amplifies the fire, but you haven’t even started.
  754. >Beginning a slow rubbing movement by thrusting your hips, you let off soft moans while Octavia seems to be losing herself again.
  755. >As you pick up speed, you can’t help but love the face she’s making, an intense flush on her face as she starts to moan while her eyes begin to roll and her tongue sticks out slightly.
  756. >Similar sensations build within you, your mind being flooded with pleasure.
  757. >The hold you have on her leg grows tighter as you grind as hard as you can against her.
  758. >The intense rubbing, thrusting and grinding is taking an effort as you build up a sweat, but you can feel yourself approaching the end.
  759. >Octavia is completely lost in a haze, every breath she takes immediately being followed by a moan that gets louder each time.
  760. >The arousal of the both of you is leaving a heavy scent of sex in the air, which only persuades you to go harder.
  761. >Finally, you’re brought to the edge as you hear Octavia’s loud cries of pleasure through your efforts.
  762. >“Oh God, Anon! I’m-... Aaaaaahh!~”
  763. >An explosion of combined feminine essence between your bodies sends waves of pleasure flooding through you as you finally climax in an orgasmic bliss.
  764. >...
  765. >...
  766. >You were so lost in that feeling that you hadn’t even realised you were still grinding slowly...
  767. >Once your mind starts to clear up, your efforts slowly come to a stop.
  768. >You let go of Octavia’s leg, which flops down onto the bed beside you.
  769. >As you sit there completely out of breath, the face you see on your pillow is by far the most adorable of what you’ve seen tonight.
  770. >Octavia’s head is on its side, eyes staring off into space as she drools into your pillow.
  771. >Once you’ve separated the scissoring position you had, her body rolls over onto her stomach.
  772. >The combined efforts of your hot and sweaty bodies have managed to make a mess of your sheets, but right now you couldn’t even come close to caring.
  773. >With exhaustion taking over, you crawl over and flop down on top of her.
  774. >While your boobs press into her back, you make an effort to slide your arms under her to cuddle.
  775. >With a few kisses along her neck and cheek, you try to snap her back to reality.
  776. “...So... still feeling stressed?”
  777. >Through her attempts to regain her breath, you get your answer.
  778. >“I’m feeling... So many things right now... But stress isn’t one of them...”
  779. >You laugh as you continue to shower kisses along the side of her head.
  780. >“I feel so... renewed... Like, nothing else really matters as much any more... I feel like I could tackle anything with you...”
  781. “Oh good... should put that to the test tomorrow...”
  782. >You roll sideways off her, still keeping your arms around her, but able to pull her closer.
  783. >Too weak to bother getting up, you grab the edge of the sheet and fold it over the both of you.
  784. >She gazes into your eyes while you stare into her beautiful violets.
  785. >You use a finger to brush away some strands of hair that was sticking to her face from the sweat.
  786. >With a content, yet tired expression, she rests her head on your shoulder, putting an arm over you.
  787. >“I can’t believe that there’s someone like you in my life... and I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to truly realise it... I love you... So, so much...”
  788. >Her arm rubs your chest, between your breasts and you tighten the hold you have while kissing her on the head.
  789. “I love you to... but I always knew that.”
  790. >It doesn’t take long to fall asleep, holding her in your arms.
  793. “Are you ready for it?”
  794. >Octavia takes a deep breath in before releasing.
  795. >“...I think so.”
  796. >Still clearly nervous, but she’s not in full on panic mode.
  797. >Given the talk that you both received from Ms. Harshwhinny this morning when you arrived, it’s not hard to guess why.
  798. >Apparently she called Octavia’s family and they spent the night worrying.
  799. >Supposedly they knew she was with you, so they didn’t get a police search at least.
  800. >...It’ll be fun to make up an excuse to them later of what happened yesterday.
  801. >Either way, she’s here as expected.
  802. >Mentally preparing herself in a room while she waits for her turn on stage.
  803. >You’re just with her for moral support at the moment.
  804. >“Ten minutes, Ms. Melody!”
  805. >Ms. Harshwhinny poked her head through the door to alert Octavia.
  806. >At those words, Octavia stands and looks over her cello.
  807. >“This is going to be hard...”
  808. “No it won’t. You’ll play it like the hundreds of other times you’d played it flawlessly and impress everyone out there.”
  809. >Octavia lets out a small laugh.
  810. >“No, no, not that. I’m just going to get quite a talking to after this. After disappearing like that yesterday...”
  811. >You move up behind her to wrap your arms around her midsection, pulling her into a hug.
  812. “Do you regret it?”
  813. >Her head turns to see yours resting on her shoulder.
  814. >“Not in the slightest.”
  815. “Then your happiness is all that matters.”
  816. >You give her a peck on the cheek, causing her to giggle.
  817. >Every bit of truth though.
  818. >She’s noticeably happier than she’s ever been.
  819. >The knowledge that there’s someone there for her all the time is enough to brighten up anyone's day.
  820. >She looks over her cello again.
  821. >“But if I’m completely honest with myself... I am still a little nervous about this...”
  822. >You chuckle slightly as your hands begin to travel up her body.
  823. “Well... there’s always our stress relief method...”
  824. >Your fingers start to undo the buttons of her blouse before slipping inside to hold and massage her breasts lightly.
  825. >She gasps suddenly as you start to gently nibble her neck.
  826. >Luckily her bowtie is covering up the hickey you left on her.
  827. >“N-No, no, no... I mean... M-maybe later... This is just regular nerves.”
  828. >You laugh as you release her, doing her buttons back up in doing so.
  829. >You spin her around in your arms and see her face a light red from your actions.
  830. >While you fix her blouse, you start to reassure her.
  831. “Don’t worry about it, Tavi. You’re going to be great. You’ll go out, you’ll play, everyone will listen and love it.”
  832. >She smiles as you pull her in for a hug.
  833. “If you just need the right motivation... then do it for me.”
  834. >She pulls back to look at you in confusion.
  835. “It doesn’t matter what happens, because I’ll be with you regardless. But why don’t you show me exactly how good you are with that cello, and play your heart out... for me?”
  836. >The smile starts to reform on her face again.
  837. >You lean your head in to press your lips against hers for a passionate kiss.
  838. >When it’s done, any hint of being nervous was gone from her voice.
  839. >“I can do that.”
  840. >Satisfied that you’ve done all you can, you peck her on the lips one last time for good luck.
  841. “I’d better get to my seat then. When this is all over... we’ll have to see about having another sleepover.”
  842. >You grin at her as you exit the room, hearing her giggle as you leave.
  843. >You spot Ms. Harshwhinny on your way to your seat, heading to where you left Octavia.
  844. >She gives you a glare as you pass her.
  845. >Yeah. Explaining yesterday to her later will definitely be fun.
  846. >You ignore those thoughts as you get out to the crowded hall.
  847. >The current performance on stage is finishing up and leaving.
  848. >Finding a seat somewhere in the middle row, you make your way there and wait to see your girl on stage.
  849. >Another minute or so passes before Harshwhinny introduces her and she walks out to the center of the stage.
  850. >She seems to be perfectly calm, and you see her still smiling.
  851. >Your actions and words seem to have had a far more positive effect on her than anything she was getting before today.
  852. >As long as she takes them to heart, she can keep that feeling.
  853. >Because they’re not just words for motivation. You meant everything.
  854. >Regardless of whether she impresses whoever this talent scout is, at the end of the day, you’ll be there for her.
  855. >Whether she needs a hug, a shoulder to cry on, a problem to vent, or just a friend... maybe even something more.
  856. >You’ll be there for her.

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