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[FR] Pain in the arse

By Brownee
Created: 2020-12-18 01:09:27
Expiry: Never

  1. >Errgh, god...
  2. >Gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee, gotta pee.
  3. >Come on fatty, get up.
  4. >Up, up, up, up, up, up.
  5. >All that water you drank before bed is doing its work.
  6. >You wanted to get up early so you could start your new routine.
  7. >You're not doing much else in this world, so may as well get in shape.
  8. >Time to hit the gym!
  9. >Whenever you get out of bed, that is...
  10. >You try to coerce yourself out of bed by taking your pillow out from under your head.
  11. >It's a few moments later that you realise you're now cuddling it and still right for snoozing.
  12. >You start trying to will your feet to move to the side of your bed.
  13. >It's amazing how active your brain can be despite how dead to the world your body is.
  14. >Your feet shuffle their way to the edge of your bed, so you hang them over the side and pull with your legs.
  15. >The leg muscles are waking up, that's a good sign.
  16. >Your body slides across the bed a little while you keep cuddling that pillow.
  17. >Eventually your feet hit the floor, followed by your legs, then gravity hits you full force.
  18. >Now you're laying on the floor, cuddling your pillow.
  19. >It's cold.
  20. >And you still have to pee.
  21. "Mmmmrrrrggllh... ffffffffffffffuck..."
  22. >You roll over once.
  23. >Then again.
  24. >You keep going until you feel a wall.
  25. >And to think, you're gonna start trying to do THIS every morning?
  26. >Or every second morning at least?
  27. >While laying on your stomach, your force your legs to their knees and stick your arse in the air.
  28. >Taking one big inhale of air, your make a sudden contraction with your leg muscles to lift your whole upper body up.
  29. >And there you go, you're up!
  30. >You still haven't opened your eyes, but you're getting there.
  31. >Standing to your feet, you keep that mental picture of your surroundings to navigate blindly to the bathroom.
  32. >Once you feel the toilet, you drop your pants and take a seat, still hugging your pillow.
  33. >If any human friends were around, they may mock you for peeing sitting down.
  34. >It makes you question whether any know the plight of the morning dead man walk...
  35. >You'd rather not open your eyes to realise you're missing the bowl, or even pissing in the laundry.
  36. >At least you're more experienced with it now to know that that is currently not the case.
  37. >It takes a solid minute to finish that up, during which you'd slowly managed to open your eyes.
  38. >The world becomes clear again.
  39. >You stand, flush and head back to the bedroom.
  40. >Now shower or shaving. Not yet, anyway.
  41. >No sense in showering just to immediately work up a sweat.
  42. >Fortunately you'd left your new gym clothes out to just put them straight on.
  43. >Once you're dressed, you get your bag ready.
  44. >You don't know what anyone recommends before a gym session, but with how you feel, you're going to potentially ignore it.
  45. >You need coffee somethin' fierce.
  46. >Something to grab on the way.
  47. >You head to the door, step outside, lock up behind you and take a deep inhale of the morning air.
  48. "*COUGH*"
  49. >Mmm, fresh air!
  50. >Logic would tell you that while you're trying to get in better shape, you should probably jog to the gym.
  51. >But nah.
  52. >You're gonna continue your half zombified walk to the cafe first.
  55. >Okay, NOW you feel better.
  56. >You're awake and active.
  57. >Time to go do some gymming!
  58. >Bulk Biceps gym is just a little bit down the road.
  59. >Not what you'd call the most noticeable building in town, besides the giant statue of the ridiculously buff horse lifting on the top.
  60. >But hey, you only just noticed it recently so apparently it doesn't stand out that much.
  61. >It doesn't take long for it to come in view and you head inside.
  62. >And god damn this place is dead.
  63. >There's damn near nobody here.
  64. >Which, now that you think about it, is probably better.
  65. >More equipment for you to use without waiting, privacy in working out and nobody around to make you think they're judging you for looking stupid.
  66. >Well, nearly nobody. Bulk Biceps himself is wandering around looking like he's setting some shit up or wiping it off, you can't tell.
  67. >Aside from him, there's some purple stallion with a lamp for a buttmark running on a treadmill... kay, and some red and orangeish mare up the back kicking a punching bag.
  68. >Either something is happening today, or the gym is just not a popular place in this town.
  69. >Then again, Bulk seems to be the only pony with some clear muscle, besides Applejack and Big Mac, but they got the farm for that.
  70. >Apparently ponies don't worry about their physique as much as humans do.
  71. >Hm.
  72. >Welp, time to get started.
  73. >You head over to the front desk and wait for Bulk Biceps.
  74. >If this is gonna be a regular thing for you, you may as well get a membership.
  75. >You stand there for a solid two minutes before you're yelled at from across the room.
  76. >"IT'S FREE!"
  77. "Jesus, what?!"
  78. >Bulk is walking through the room pulling a crate of what appear to be weights behind him.
  79. >A LOT of weights.
  80. >Holy fucking shit, how strong is this dude?
  82. >...
  83. >Despite his tone of voice, he just casually heads over to the far side of the room pulling that crate behind him like its nothing.
  84. >You'd love to see him and Big Mac arm wrestle.
  85. >Okaaay, well, he said free service, so... Alright!
  86. >You grab your bag and head in to see what sort of equipment is available.
  87. >As you wander in, you look at the others in the building as well.
  88. >The purple stallion is minding his own business while the red and orangeish mare seems to be watching you as she keeps kicking the bag.
  89. >For some reason she's wearing some kind of blue and red mask.
  90. >Hard to tell from over here, but it looks like there's a symbol in the middle of it that looks to be... a sun?
  91. >She finally looks away and gets back to focusing on her exercise.
  92. >As you take a look around, something suddenly dawns on you.
  93. >This is a gym for ponies.
  94. >A lot of this equipment isn't exactly built in such a way for you.
  95. >Some of them you might be able to make some use out of in some form, but otherwise you can't even use most of these.
  96. >Like this one...
  97. >Instructions on how to use it are clearly labelled here, and apparently you'd need to be on all fours trying to pull this handle with your mouth.
  98. >You're not sure how normal it is for them, but for you, that's the first step of some BDSM shit.
  99. >Instead, for now, you're just gonna stick with something simple.
  100. >Weights.
  101. >Nothing simpler than lifting.
  102. >You drop your stuff nearby and grab a couple smallish medium sized ones for each hand. 10kg each.
  103. >Rotating between one at a time and both at a time, you progressively raise them in front of you and out to your sides.
  104. >You stand there doing that, mirin' yourself in the big wall sized mirror for a few minutes before a couple noises grab your attention.
  105. >That mare in the mask has moved from the punching bag to some kind of dummy to beat up.
  106. >Maybe you should have a go at hitting that later.
  107. >Time passes and your upper arms feel a bit tired. Time to move to something else.
  108. >You take a look around the room for something different and you quickly spot your next activity.
  109. >Leg presses. That'd do nicely.
  110. >You head over there and give it a quick look over while stretching your legs.
  111. >It's a bit of an odd designed contraption, but then again, ponies.
  112. >It's adjustable at least, you can put it into a position for you to sit in and lean back against.
  113. >Small machine though. Damn pony world.
  114. >Whatever, there's at least enough room for your legs, that's the important thing.
  115. >You have a few experimental pushes before you feel satisfied with it and start adjusting the weights.
  116. >Alright. There's lots of warnings against skipping leg days, so you'd best make this a good one.
  117. >The weight is good and your legs feel pretty great.
  118. >While you can feel the muscles putting in work, you know there's a certain point where you should stop.
  119. >Whether they're exhausted or not, you still gotta walk all the way back home, you don't want dead legs for that.
  120. >On the upside, while all these minutes pass, you're working up a decent sweat.
  121. >Your mental counter stops at about 46 before you take a quick break.
  122. >You lay your head back and wipe your forehead with your arm and catch your breath a bit.
  123. >...
  124. >"Excuse me."
  125. "Yo."
  126. >You tilt your head forward again and look around for the voice.
  127. >What you find is that masked mare by your side.
  128. >"Sorry to interrupt your workout, but when I saw you walk in today, I'd been debating myself ever since to ask you something. I thought I should see how you handled everything first."
  129. >You drop your legs back down to the floor and turn towards her, leaning forward with your arms resting on your knees.
  130. "Yeah? What's up?"
  131. >Giving her a quick look over, you see she's a unicorn and that sun symbol on her mask is her bum mark as well.
  132. >"Well, my sparring partner hasn't turned up today and I'm feeling really agitated if I can't get my regular workout. I was wondering if maybe you wouldn't mind helping me out?"
  133. >Sparring partner?
  134. "Sparring like... fighting? Or wrestling?"
  135. >"Well... sort of. More like controlled fighting, we don't intentionally try to hurt each other. Just some grapples, a throw here and there, a few submission holds..."
  136. "Ohh, so it's the 'Not-Wrestling' kind of wrestling. I got ya."
  137. >"Pardon?"
  138. "Or a safer UFC kind of thing."
  139. >"Uhm... I guess?"
  140. >You're thinking out loud, she has no idea what you're talking about.
  141. "Sorry, just comparing it to things of my world."
  142. >Well. She was beating up a dummy and a punching bag, so she could mean business.
  143. >But she's also a small pony with a horn she doesn't seem to use.
  144. >You don't think you're dumb enough to judge a pony by her size. If she does this regularly, she could be a handful.
  145. >But you wonder if she's wrassled with someone similar to your kind and size before.
  146. >And grappling? She doesn't even have hands, how would she go about doing that?
  147. >You think you could take her on without an incredible amount of trouble.
  148. >Heck, she asked you, so what kind of man are you if you don't help her out with that.
  149. "Yeah, alright. I can do that with you."
  150. >"Really? Great! This way."
  151. >She jerks her head in some direction and starts to walk off.
  152. >You stand, shake some proper feeling back into your legs, grab your shit and follow.
  153. >She leads you over to the side of the gym she originally was, though there's a bit more of an open space near it.
  154. >The floor is covered with several mats.
  155. >You drop your stuff over by the wall and test the softness of the mats with your foot.
  156. >Soft enough that landing on it shouldn't be too bad, but solid enough that it might still hurt a little.
  157. "Sooo... You do this regularly? I notice your mask, and it kind of makes me think you're a luchador or something, and that I'm somehow gonna get tossed around here."
  158. >While you step out of your shoes and kick them over to your stuff, she starts stretching and explaining.
  159. >"Realistically I'm mostly just doing it for the exercise. It's actually a very good workout. Arguably better than most of the other things here. But otherwise, there's also a bit of a self defence factor. Nobody wants to get ambushed in an alleyway or something, you know?"
  160. >You just nod to that, it makes sense.
  161. >You take off your shirt, leaving yourself with just your singlet and pants.
  162. >Thank god for the pony world, you might feel a little self conscious if there were humans around.
  163. >"And to answer the second question... You definitely will be thrown around a little."
  164. >A smile forms on her face as she said that.
  165. "Oh. Awesome."
  166. >"But otherwise, I'm not sure what a 'luchador' is, the mask is just... I dunno, I feel like I can do more when I wear it. Like I'm someone with more ability than my normal self."
  167. >You crack your knuckles, roll your shoulders and move your head side to side while you step onto the mats.
  168. "Heh. I guess that 'someone' prefers a bit more of a hands-on approach rather than magic?"
  169. >She takes a couple steps forward as well.
  170. "Or I guess in your case, it'd be hoofs-on app- WHOA!"
  171. >She suddenly runs full speed at you, right towards your legs.
  172. >You brace yourself, lowering enough ready to block and grab her, depending what she's about to do.
  173. >Rather than do anything you expected, she darts to the left to get you to react before quickly springing to the right and around your side.
  174. >In one quick motion, she turns and throws her back half around herself so her butt swings around to the back of your legs.
  175. >Your knees buckle and you fall backwards over her.
  176. >While you're busy still falling, she spins herself around, grabs your right leg and pushes forward and down on it, trying to force your knee to your chest.
  177. "OW, OW! FUCK!"
  178. >"Realistically I find myself in more situations where I can't use magic, so yeah. The 'hands-on' action tends to be needed more."
  179. >Holy shit!
  180. >You're about to try and force yourself up, but she eases off it herself.
  181. >While holding your leg slightly less uncomfortably, one of her hoofs extends to you.
  182. >"My name is Sunset Shimmer, by the way."
  183. >For a moment, you lay there slightly confused.
  184. >Aside from the rules not being spoken before hand, you're just guessing that little stunt was just a quick demonstration for you.
  185. >Otherwise, you finally bring your hand up to take her hoof and shake.
  186. "Anon."
  187. >"Hi Anon."
  188. >She lets go of your leg and backs up.
  189. >"Get ready. That was just to see if you're paying attention. Feel free to ask me to stop, or tap out at any time if it hurts to much."
  190. >She says that with a sly looking smile.
  191. >What the hell did you volunteer for?
  192. >Alright, lets get serious.
  193. >You get to your feet and roll your neck around.
  194. >Clearly she's capable, you guessed that from the start.
  195. >But if that was just to get your attention, you wonder what else she can do.
  196. >You hop in place a couple times and shake your hands to get ready.
  197. >A couple 'come at me' motions with your fingers and it starts.
  198. >"Ding."
  199. >After saying that, she immediately runs at you again.
  200. >Rather than take any chances, you sidestep a couple times.
  201. >She sees what you're doing and side steps so that you're both almost starting to go in a circle.
  202. >The problem is, her sideways movement is mixed with still coming towards you.
  203. >You've got less than three seconds to think this over.
  204. >If this were a person, you could probably make some quick and easy guesswork because of the whole two-legs thing and just go from there.
  205. >But she's a pony, moving on four. It's not like you can sweep the leg or anything.
  206. >Before you can think on that further, she finally takes action and jumps at you.
  207. >Instinct is telling you to catch her and use her momentum to spin her around and send her to the ground.
  208. >That instinct taking effect, you stick your right arm out to quickly get her chest and wrap around it.
  209. >Next, you WERE going to follow through with your thought, but you quickly realise that your arm is going back along with her.
  210. >Sunset forces your arm, and by extension, upperbody to move with her enough that you couldn't bring your left around reach her with it.
  211. >Instead, what happens is you suddenly feel her body contact along your back, and a pair of legs wrap around your left bicep and pull back as well.
  212. >Her momentum, mixed with her forcing of your upperbody to lean back causes you to fall backwards.
  213. >At first you end up falling ontop of her, but it's followed through by being rolled onto your neck.
  214. >Your legs go through the air with that roll and find contact with the mats again.
  215. >Sunset's legs quickly released your left arm before you were stuck in an awkward position and your body is completely rolled to a point where you're face down in the mat.
  216. >When your brain catches up with everything that just happened, you realise she's still got hold on your right arm and is just laying across your back.
  217. >All that motion within just a couple seconds.
  218. >Your don't bother lifting your head from the mat to address her.
  219. "So clearly this is gonna be fun for me."
  220. >"You thought I'd underestimate you because you're not a pony, right?"
  221. "Pretty much. I also see that you're gonna be a hell of a lot better than I would've figured for a pony."
  222. >"Sounds like you're not very knowledgeable about the capabilities of some ponies. You should check out the E.W.E at some point and see what ponies can do."
  223. >You finally lift your head up.
  224. "Well that's definitely going on the to do list when this is over. In the meantime, I'm gonna aim to get at least one pin on you before we're done here."
  225. >"Hmm, maybe you'll get lucky.~"
  226. >Ohhhh, that it.
  227. >Once she releases your arm and you get back up, you're gonna get serious.
  228. >Or more serious than you already were.
  231. >Your 'serious' still sucks!
  232. >It's been at least 45 minutes now and she's tossed you around so many times that it isn't funny anymore!
  233. >Not only that, she actually made you submit a few times!
  234. >Right now, you just got floored AGAIN!
  235. >You're on your back and Sunset's sitting on your chest holding your legs!
  236. >It's a very clear pin, but you're not paying much attention to it because her tail is over your face.
  237. "Pwwph! Pbbth! Alright! Pinned! Fuck! Get off!"
  238. >Nearly inhaled some of that tail hair.
  239. >She giggles to herself, lets your legs drop back down and gets off.
  240. >You slowly rise to sit up, your ribs aching a little bit.
  241. >"Ready to call it quits for the day?"
  242. >You take a few seconds before shaking your head and standing up.
  243. "Nup... Still need a pin."
  244. >Your breathing is heavy with how tired you are.
  245. >You can't even stand straight, needing to slouch over with your hands on your knees to catch your breath.
  246. >"Not to sound overconfident, but I think it's safe to say that's not happening."
  247. "Ohhh it's happening..."
  248. >Sweat is dripping pretty rapidly from your forehead and nose.
  249. >Your determination to get that pin is there, but you really are thinking that you're fooling yourself with this.
  250. >She's obviously the superior at this, you guessed that coming in.
  251. >Why are you still torturing yourself and continuing?
  252. >You stand back up straight, rolling your shoulders again.
  253. "Alright... Bring it, Baconhair!"
  254. >She just holds a look on you for a moment, smiling with an eyebrow raised.
  255. >Finally she just shakes her head and remains where she is, watching you.
  256. >You don't move.
  257. >Neither does she.
  258. >She's daring you to make the first move.
  259. >Alright... if that's how it's gonna be played, why not.
  260. >You could probably throw your weight around a bit.
  261. >Maybe Steve Irwin this situation, get yourself on top of her, laying on her back and holding her arms at her side.
  262. >Or get her in a headlock. That might work too.
  263. >It all depends on how she reacts.
  264. >Okay.
  265. >Time for action!
  266. >First move made, you start running at her!
  267. >As an immediate response, she also runs at you!
  268. >Think quick, Anon!
  269. >Alright, right as contact is about to be made, you can grab her around the midsection with both arms and pull her upwards so her front legs can't do shit with your body!
  270. >Then just whip her up and slam her down!
  271. >Perfect!
  272. >Moment of truth time!
  273. >Your hands are mere centimetres away from her head.
  274. >They go over them so close that your fingers touch her mane.
  275. >As your hands go to the sides of her midsection, something immediately goes wrong.
  276. >Her body lowers down with your hands.
  277. >You can't get your arms around her.
  278. >Not only that, but you've leaned forward a little more attempting to compensate for it...
  279. >That becomes your undoing.
  280. >Sunset immediately springs up and you feel both her front arms around your waist.
  281. >With her head pressed against your stomach, she goes up far enough that she manages to get you off the floor entirely.
  282. >She's standing tall on her back hoofs while holding you up in the air!
  283. >But that is for a mere moment, as her arms around your waist move down.
  284. >A slightly firmer hold is taken around your thighs and she pushes her head forward more.
  285. >Gravity suddenly comes into full effect.
  286. >When everything above your legs falls backwards in the air, her arms help out by forcing you down a little harder.
  287. >In the very last moment before impact, the entire situation flashes in your mind.
  288. >You just got power bombed by a pony.
  289. >That becomes very apparent with one hard slam to the mats.
  290. "HAAARRRGHH!"
  291. >Sunset quickly releases your legs, moves to your sides and places both hoofs over your chest to look down on you.
  292. >"Pinned again!"
  293. "Eerrghh!"
  294. >The pain from that impact is pretty damning.
  295. >Your head and back hurt enough, but you're feeling really bad in your lower back.
  296. >"I think that will be our stopping point. You're a fun punching bag, Anon, but everyone's got their limits. Live to fight another day and all that."
  297. "Unnngh..!"
  298. >You're finding it difficult to form words right now...
  299. >Sunset gets off your chest and lays beside you.
  300. >"Come on, I'll make everything better. What would you say to lunch?"
  301. >Actually... That pain in your lower back is pretty massive...
  302. >You lift your knee a little to-
  303. "AAGH!"
  304. >That gets a startled reaction from Sunset.
  305. >"What? What is it?"
  306. "Ngh... I can't move..."
  307. >You realise you'd been holding whatever of your breath you could, so you release it
  308. >When you inhale again, pain starts shooting in that lower back region.
  309. "Ennnngh, fuck!"
  310. >While you're swearing through your teeth, Sunset sits up looking concerned.
  311. >She takes her mask off to look you over.
  312. >"Um... Can't move at all, or...?"
  313. >You try moving your arms.
  314. >That's not so bad, you don't really feel much with them.
  315. >Trying to lift yourself up with them, however.
  316. "Ergh, when more pressure is put down there, it hurts too much!"
  317. >"Ohhh, um... Ahhh, that's not good. What do I do..."
  318. >Sunset takes on a slightly panicked expression, a hoof raised to her mouth.
  319. >She suddenly gets an idea.
  320. >"Bulk?! Bulk! We need the hospital to send a cart out!"
  321. >She suddenly stands and runs off somewhere, leaving you.
  322. >All you hear is her and Bulk Biceps talking in the background while you sit there trying to at least raise your leg.
  323. >It was painful, but you get your knee up at least.
  324. >No way in hell you're gonna be standing though.
  325. >Something is definitely wrong.
  326. >Sunset comes back to look down on you.
  327. >"There's going to be a hospital cart coming soon, so hang in there Anon..."
  328. >That panicked expression she's wearing doesn't seem to ease up at all.
  329. >"I didn't mean for this to happen, I'm so sorry!"
  332. >This is just fucking typical.
  333. >First day you decide to go to the gym and you end up in hospital.
  334. >If that's not a sign to keep being lazy, you don't know what is!
  335. >But no... You have to be honest with yourself.
  336. >This is your own fault.
  337. >You were offered the choice of whether you wanted to spar with a pony, you accepted it.
  338. >You didn't have to do it, but you did anyway.
  339. >You made your bed, you're sleeping in it.
  340. >Or you probably will be anyway.
  341. >A hospital bed, that is.
  342. >Just getting you onto the cart they sent out was enough of a challenge.
  343. >Nurse Redheart was on the back of the cart to help you, and she cautioned you to not move too much in case of some spinal damage.
  344. >And given how difficult it was to move your legs, that seemed like a scary possibility.
  345. >It frightened Sunset as well, who's still by your side.
  346. >She's sitting right next to your bed, arm leaning on the matress, hoof holding up her head while trying not to look upset over the situation.
  347. >Right now you're both just waiting for the results of your X-rays and such.
  348. >Hell, you're on so much morphine right now that you can't even feel anything unless you move too strenuously.
  349. >And she looks like she needs her mind taken off it, you can afford to help with that.
  350. "So where and how did you learn to do all that?"
  351. >She looks up at you and remains quiet for a few moments.
  352. >"Is now really a good time to have that sort of discussion after what I just did?"
  353. "I don't see why not. Not like there's anything else to do, or talk about."
  354. >Her eyes drift off to the side for a moment before she rolls them and talks.
  355. >"To be honest, it started off as more of a stress relief. I wasn't very friendly with others. If anything, they all really annoyed me."
  356. "And now I'm starting to think that mask was just so nobody would recognise you if you decided to beat the shit out of them."
  357. >"Oh stop it. This was stress relief to both work out the anger and learn self defence, I wasn't going to use it to attack anyone."
  358. "I'm still a little confused by that. Why would you need to if you had the magic? You said you found yourself in situations where you can't use magic more often than not, but how is that?"
  359. >Sunset bites her tongue and looks off to the side.
  360. >It's like she's realised she said something she shouldn't have.
  361. >"Well... Hm. Did you wonder why I didn't really have any difficulty taking you down?"
  362. "I was really about to chalk it up to you wrestling with Minotaurs on a regular basis."
  363. >"Heh, not quite."
  364. >She seems to look as if there's some big secret in her ability to handle you.
  365. >But that's a no brainer.
  366. >Ponies are on four legs, you're on two.
  367. >It seems like there's a lot less effort to take you off your feet.
  368. >Or maybe that's the morphine not letting you think on it too hard.
  369. >Speaking of which, the door opens up and in walks the doctor.
  370. >"Mr. Anonymous?"
  371. "Myes?"
  372. >The doctor is a pretty young looking stallion.
  373. >The sort of young that makes you question his ability...
  374. >He's not even in a coat, he's just wearing scrubs.
  375. >He walks over to the end of your bed and holds up what look like your X-rays.
  376. >"I don't feel particularly good in saying this, but I've run into a bit of a complication."
  377. "Oh god, what happened?"
  378. >"Well, nothing too bad right now, it's just that I've had to contact Princess Twilight and ask for her assistance."
  379. "...Why?"
  380. >The doctor holds up the X-ray and just looks at it while he continues.
  381. >"Well, she's sent over some notes about your physiology and anatomy some time ago as a precaution, based on what you've informed her of, as well as some of her own findings about yourself..."
  382. >He looks back at you.
  383. >"Aaaand I'm very sorry to say that I have absolutely no idea what I'm looking at here."
  384. >You raise an eyebrow.
  385. >You can only see the side of Sunsets head in your peripheral vision, you can tell she did the same thing.
  386. >"I mean, obviously this is a pelvis, but it's not a skeletal structure I'm very familiar with. I thought your legs were completely disjointed at first..."
  387. >You resist all the urges to facepalm right now and just hold a look on him.
  388. "Seriously, dude?"
  389. >"Yeah, sorry. I'm new here. Just an intern. Practically right out of med-school..."
  390. "Ergh..."
  391. >Maybe you should request a specific doctor for any and all future visits here.
  392. >One that can get familiar with you and your body.
  393. >You hear Sunset sigh beside you.
  394. >"Give me a look."
  395. >Her horn lights up in a light green aura, and that same green surrounds the x-ray as she takes it from the doctors hoofs.
  396. >Bringing it over to herself, she holds it up to the window to see it.
  397. "What, you think you can tell me about my arse better than a doctor can?"
  398. >She doesn't answer that.
  399. >The doctor moves to her side to look it over as well.
  400. >Finally she points at a part of it with her hoof.
  401. >"There. Right at the top of the sacroliac joint, there's a small fracture of the ilium right along the iliac crest."
  402. >...
  403. "Uhh..."
  404. >"That's really close to being worse, if that had gone inward toward the sacrum, he could've been in a lot more trouble."
  405. >The doctor nods along.
  406. >"Wow. You know about his skeletal structure as well, huh?"
  407. >"Well, not his specifically, but I have read a few biology books on humans in my spare time."
  408. >"Oh. I didn't know we had those."
  409. >"Actually we don't, but I-... It's complicated."
  410. "Umm..."
  411. >Sunset quickly turns back to you after hearing your confusion.
  412. >"To sum it up Anon, you pretty much broke your butt."
  413. "..."
  414. >"I mean, not technically your butt, but pretty close to, so..."
  415. >She turns back to the x-ray.
  416. >Okay, so... Did she just diagnose you?
  417. >Sunset continues, moving her hoof around that area she was pointing.
  418. >"Most of his pain would just be some intense swelling around this area pressing down on it, it's a particularly delicate zone for his kind. It doesn't seem too bad, it just looks like he'd need to take it easy until it heals itself."
  419. >The doctor is just nodding along.
  420. >Why is he going along with this?!
  421. >Why does she know your body?!
  422. >"Hm. So what do you think, prescribe some pain killers and have him rest for a few weeks?"
  423. "DUDE!"
  424. >They both turn back to you, the doctor looking confused.
  425. >"What?"
  426. "Why are you asking her for advice?!"
  427. >"Well, you didn't seem as if you'd know your body, and she seems to know what she's talking about. Who else is there?"
  428. "I would think that you'd wait for Twilight like you were originally planning to do since she's the only one here that'd have a better idea than you or me!"
  429. >Sunset gives the x-ray back to the doctor before patting your hand with her hoof.
  430. >"Relax Anon, I'm friends with Princess Twilight. I actually know more about humans than she would. Heck, I'd bet that she'd ask me for my opinion while I'm here."
  431. "Uhh, what?"
  432. >Sunset turns back to the doctor.
  433. >"Show Princess Twilight when she arrives, she'll confirm everything."
  434. >"Sure thing. Sit tight, Mr. Anonymous."
  435. "Oh, you are just the worst."
  436. >The doctor snorts a laugh and walks out, closing the door behind him.
  437. >'Sit tight' he says...
  438. >Of course it's at the expense of your arse being the problem, but like you can do anything else!
  439. >But hey, bigger issue you.
  440. >Turning back to Sunset, you address the elephant in the room.
  441. "Okay, so... Books on human biology? Knowing my body as good, if not better than Twilight? You'd best be explaining, girl."
  442. >Sunset starts rubbing the back of her head with her hoof.
  443. >"Mmmm, I guess Twilight didn't tell you about me, or... the other world."
  444. "Sorry?"
  445. >She sighs and drops her hooves on the bed.
  446. >"Alright, look. I mentioned that stuff to have some credibility to help you out, I was worried I'd paralysed you or something. But yes, I'm very familiar with humans."
  447. "Reeeeeaaaaally?"
  448. >"Really. And I thought I'd hit the jackpot when you walked into that gym this morning before all this happened..."
  449. "What?"
  450. >"Has Twilight ever mentioned her travels to... another world? Or through a mirror?"
  451. >You've been told of many of her adventures, but nothing that sounds as insane as that.
  452. >But then again, a lot of her adventures sound ridiculous.
  453. >That honestly wouldn't surprise you at this point.
  454. "She has not... Why?"
  455. >"Well... This form, my pony self. This is me naturally, I was born like this..."
  456. >She's gesturing up and down her body.
  457. >"But several years ago I'd found out about a mirror that now resides in Twilight's castle. A mirror that was a portal to another world... A human world."
  458. >...
  459. >Humans?
  460. "...Pardon?"
  461. >"A human world. From what I can tell, some sort of parallel Equestria, but with everyone you see here being a human over there. It's where I live now."
  462. >...
  463. >And your mind is blown.
  464. >You suddenly realise that not once today has she said 'somepony' or 'anypony' or any of that crap.
  465. >She's been talking like you!
  466. >No wonder you got along with her pretty easily!
  467. "So... You're saying that Twilight has had a portal to the human world, or at least SOME KIND of human world... And she didn't tell me?"
  468. >Sunset immediately jumps into damage control.
  469. >"If she didn't tell you, my best guess would be to save you from getting your hopes up. People and Ponies change when they go through the mirror, Anon."
  470. "How so?"
  471. >"I just told you that I was born like this, as a pony. But when I travel through the mirror, I turn human. So does Twilight."
  472. "Aaaand...?"
  473. >"Well, Twilight's assistant Spike? He turns into a dog."
  474. "Okaaay?"
  475. >"Think about it, Anon. Twilight and I are ponies that turn into humans when we travel through from this end. You're already human..."
  476. >Suddenly you realise what she's getting at.
  477. "Oh..."
  478. >"I don't think Twilight wanted to get your hopes up because you might not be human on the other side..."
  479. "Yeah... That wouldn't be very good."
  480. >Well. If that's the case, then you can't really blame Twilight for doing that.
  481. >You only find out now from Sunset Shimmer, and you feel pretty damn disappointed.
  482. >Not something you expected to hear when you woke up this morning.
  483. "So your fighting ability against me was because..."
  484. >"I'm attending a high school in that world, and Iron Will, the gym teacher over there, likes to have wrestling lessons for us. I managed to excel at it. The boys never knew what hit them. I pretty much just took lessons on the side while I was at it."
  485. >God, she must be a hard arse over there.
  486. >Wonder how the guys feel about a girl in their class being able to kick their arses without much effort.
  487. >"But still. In that world, I'm completely human. Hands, feet, fingers, toes... I even have boobs."
  488. >You raise an eyebrow.
  489. >"Heh, I thought that'd get your attention."
  490. >Sunset suddenly climbs up onto the bed from her chair.
  491. >"One thing I should probably tell you about. Why I'm back in Equestria..."
  492. >Her eyes suddenly take on a look you're not sure you're comfortable with.
  493. >"Some things I've learned. Travelling through the portal, the body changes. But there's some things that don't."
  494. >She suddenly stands over your legs, two of her hooves either side.
  495. >"The mind, the heart... The urges...~"
  496. >And with that last statement, you suddenly realise what that look she has is for.
  497. "U-Urges?"
  498. >"Humans are fascinating. A sex drive that can sneak up on them just like that.~"
  499. "Yeah, it's... It's a bitch."
  500. >"Mmhmm.~"
  501. >She steps forward a little until she's right over you, her face up close to yours.
  502. >"A particular thought occurred to me that I decided to come back and test a few months ago, and I've kept coming back since..."
  503. >She lowers herself down so she's laying on top of your chest.
  504. >You honestly don't know what to do right now.
  505. >Your arms are just hanging in the air at your sides like you're about to shove her off, yet you don't...
  506. >"Those 'urges' are satisfied soooo much better as a pony. An orgasm in this body is so much better than in the human body.~"
  507. >You swallow.
  508. "Th-That right...?"
  509. >Oh god, you can feel yourself tingling down there.
  510. >Don't get a boner right now, don't get a boner right now...
  511. >"Mmm. But see, a mare doesn't get in that sort of 'mood' as frequently and easily as a human does.~"
  512. "Oh shit..."
  513. >"Unless I start the process over there and come here to relieve it. As often as I want.~"
  514. >Now you start trying to gently push her off you.
  515. "WELL, you seem like quite a catch, I'm sure any stallion here would be lucky to spend some 'quality' time with you to help with that relief! Don't let my stay here keep yo-"
  516. >"Funny thing about that..."
  517. >Oh god.
  518. >"Humans and their stamina... Their endurance...~"
  519. >She gains a wicked smile as she looks at you.
  520. >"How about I drop the story and just wrap up by saying my stay in the human world has made me develop a particular fetish. Can you guess what it is?~"
  521. >She ends that sentence by sticking her tongue out and running it from your chin, up to the bridge of your nose.
  522. >Aaaaand that pretty much just screwed you over.
  523. >You can't see it with her blocking the view, but you definitely feel that you've pitched a tent under the sheets...
  524. >Not only that... But it's made contact with a certain somewhere...
  525. >"That's correct.~"
  526. "I fucking hate my dick right now."
  527. >"Don't be too hard on yourself. I know how human dicks work as well. A little stimulation aaaand...~"
  528. >She moves just a little bit along the tip of that tent, and your dick twitches.
  529. >Again! Not something you expected when you woke up this morning!
  530. >Why must going to the gym be a far worse decision than you ever imagined?!
  531. "If you like humans so much, why don't you stay in that other world and find yourself a nice guy?"
  532. >"Oh I could. Probably will eventually as well. Right now it's more of a case of preference. I can enjoy the quality time with a human to satisfy that fetish, or I can bring those urges back here and attract a nice, strong stallion somewhere for some far better satisfaction... Somewhere like, say, the gym?~"
  533. >You seriously picked a shitty day to go to the gym!
  534. >"And like I said... When I saw you walk in there this morning, I thought I'd hit the jackpot. Twilight didn't tell me there was a human in Equestria. This is literally the best of both worlds right now.~"
  535. "Oh trust me, with how you're acting right now, I can definitely tell you the reason for that."
  536. >"Mmm. Well, I'm so horny right now that I don't even care how you exist as you are in this world for now. Something to learn about later. So how about we just enjoy some 'quality time'?~"
  537. >Sunset moving her back half a little to rub against your tent.
  538. >At the same time, she starts planting some light kisses along your cheek.
  539. >That pretty much settles it.
  540. "How 'bout noooooooo..."
  541. >You FINALLY start acting on the situation, grabbing her arms and pushing her off you.
  542. >She looks as if her buzz was just killed, looking surprised as you just hold her away from your face.
  543. >"What? Why?!"
  544. >Though shifting position the way she did made it so she's now sitting on your midsection.
  545. >Which in turn made it so she's practically sitting ON your dick!
  546. >That ain't right!
  547. "Look, today's been... Well, fun to begin with, but I guess the end could've gone a lot better. I like you, Sunset, you seem like a pretty cool pony..."
  548. >She starts blushing.
  549. "But therein lies the problem. 'Pony'. No offense, but that's a pretty major turn off for me."
  550. >"Ohhh you can't be serious..."
  551. "I mean, if you were still a human, that sounds as if it'd be an entirely different stor-NN!"
  552. >Holy shit, you just felt something down there tighten.
  553. >You can feel the sheet covering your lower half is getting particularly moist around your crotch.
  554. >Apparently she is very away of what it is she's sitting on.
  555. "Sorry, I am serious. I'd say the reason Twilight didn't tell you about me was because she respects my feelings in not wanting to get involved with a pony..."
  556. >"Uugh..."
  557. "I guess if she knows of your fetish, she probably figured you'd come straight for me..."
  558. >Okay, whatever she's doing down there just kicked into overdrive, because she's vibrating on your cock!
  559. >"Come oooon, Anon! Can't you try it at least once? You might like it!"
  560. >Jesus, how antsy is this girl?
  561. >She needs the D bad!
  562. "Sunset, I really don't want to fuck a horse! If you need it that bad, I know some guys that could help out! Have you met Big Mac? I bet the name holds true down there as well!"
  563. >Her look turns annoyed.
  564. >A sudden feeling of dread swims through you, particularly as her horn lights up...
  565. >You start feeling some resistance in your arms holding her back.
  566. >That light green aura is around your wrists, pulling you off her.
  567. "Sunset...!"
  568. >"No..."
  569. "Please let go!"
  570. >"No! I'm sorry Anon, but this opportunity is far too good to just pass up..."
  571. >Your arms are forced up to the top of the hospital bed, on the railing.
  572. "Oh god, please don't!"
  573. >She lays herself on top of you again, starting to plant kisses along your neck.
  574. >Try as you might, stretching your neck up and away isn't really going to stop her from doing anything.
  575. "God damn it!"
  576. >"You wanna know what the funny thing is, Anon?~"
  577. >You open an eye to glance at her.
  578. >"The reason I chose the gym and sparred with you was because I like to assess my partners. A show of dominance, both on the mats, and in the bedroom.. If they beat me, then I'm more than happy to let them ravish me. If I beat them, I'm the more dominant, and I'll enjoy having all the control...~"
  579. >That realisation hits you as if you just had a fridge thrown at you.
  580. >"I knew very early on that you'd be my bitch.~"
  581. >At that moment, you feel her beginning to rub herself along your shaft through the sheet.
  582. "I'm really beginning to not like you now!"
  583. >Her tongue trails up your neck.
  584. >"Well, you only have yourself to blame now. I really did feel bad about hurting you. Enough so that I was going to take it real easy on you..."
  585. >Suddenly you feel one of her hooves moving down to your waist.
  586. >Before you can question what she does, she applies some hard pressure to the side.
  587. "FFFFFF-Nnnngh!"
  588. >"But now I guess I should just be thankful you can't go anywhere.~"
  589. >Dear sweet Jesus, that hurt!
  590. >When that pain starts dying down a little, you feel some other feeling coming from your neck!
  591. >It takes a moment to realise why.
  592. >She's locked lips around a section and started sucking.
  594. >Your words are cut off and you see a faint glow coming from below your nose!
  595. >With a little lip smacking sound, she stops sucking on your neck to address you with a seductive tone.
  596. >"Shh, Anon. Other ponies might hear us.~"
  597. "MMF FMMPH MMM!"
  598. >She just sealed your mouth shut with her magic!
  599. >Her mouth gets right back to work, sucking at the same spot.
  600. >Dear god, that feeling is so weird!
  601. >The kind of weird that is sending the wrong kind of message down stairs!
  602. >You can't help but feel a little harder from it, and she knows it!
  603. >Her grinding along your shaft has effectively left the hospital sheets soaked with her juices!
  604. >With one more powerful suck, she finally releases your neck from her lips and looks down on you.
  605. >"There you go. A little souvenir from me to wear proudly.~"
  606. >The fuck does she mean by that?!
  607. >Well, actually you know exactly what she means by that, but... Fuck!
  608. >Before you can moan and groan out some complaints, your thoughts are cut off from her lips suddenly meeting yours.
  609. >Apparently the magic holding your mouth closed eased up a little because you can part your lips.
  610. >However, before getting an opportunity to yell, you instead feel a tongue invade your mouth.
  611. "HRRK!"
  612. >Protests are obviously pointless, her mind has clearly been made up.
  613. >The feeling of a pony tongue moving its way in your mouth though...
  614. >You're about ready to vomit.
  615. >Which, at this point, is probably the greatest form of protest you can do.
  616. >It might even disgust her enough to stop.
  617. >But then you remember her pressing on your side with her hoof, and decide you'd rather not see what other pain she can dish out...
  618. >Finally her tongue stops wrestling with yours and she pulls her head back.
  619. >Her magic goes right back to forcing your lips closed.
  620. >She sits up, whipping her mane over her head.
  621. >"Mmmf, I can't wait any longer. I think it's time to move onto the best part, don't you?~"
  622. >You're not even sure you'd waste the effort protesting, even if you could.
  623. >This is your fate now.
  624. >You might as well accept it.
  625. >You guess it could be worse...
  626. >It could be Fluttershy...
  627. >Hell, Sunset Shimmer apparently spends her life as a human majority of the time these days.
  628. >Maybe you can make things better for yourself by putting that imagination to work and picturing how she'd look as a human getting ready to take you for a ride and threatening to break more of your pelvis...
  629. >Sunsets hoof starts fishing under the sheet and lifting herself up a little to try and lower them down-
  630. >"*ahem*..."
  631. "..."
  632. >"..."
  633. >The sound of that cleared throat made your eyes widen.
  634. >Sunset Shimmer took on a similar reaction.
  635. >You shoot a look over to the door and see...
  636. >SALVATION!
  637. >Salvation in the form of the purple dork!
  638. >Sunset turns her head to see her.
  639. >"Uhm... T-Twilight..."
  640. >"Sunset... What are you doing?"
  641. >Sunset is so surprised to see the purple Alicorn standing at the door that her magic lessens.
  642. >You can open your mouth now!
  643. "Twilight, help!"
  644. >Twilight looks at you for a moment, but then back to Sunset.
  645. >Sunset is just glancing between you and her.
  646. >"I-I can explain...!"
  647. >Twilight starts rubbing the side of her head with a hoof.
  648. >"I had a feeling this would happen..."
  649. >What?!
  650. >Twilight takes a few steps toward you both.
  651. >"Sunset... Did Anon consent to this?"
  652. >Sunset starts to sweat a little.
  653. >"...Yes."
  655. >That magic to seal your lips is back.
  656. >"He definitely did! He has an erection, he knows I'm in heat, all grounds to say that-"
  657. >"Sunset, I know Anon's penis can get erect with a little stimulation."
  658. >HA!
  659. >Suddenly you don't regret telling Twilight how your dick works that one time!
  660. >Sunset's really sweating now.
  661. >"Sunset..."
  662. >"Alright, fine! I'm trying to have sex with him! Can you please just let me have this?!"
  663. >"Sunset, the reason I didn't tell you about Anon beforehand was because I knew you'd act like this. I didn't tell you because Anonymous isn't interested in ponies."
  664. >Twilight glances at you.
  665. >"Which is a bit sad in my opinion, but it's his life."
  666. >Oh god, Sunsets getting agitated again!
  667. >You can feel her winking on your shaft!
  668. >"But Twilight... He's a human!"
  669. >"I know."
  670. >"You know how much I like-"
  671. >"I know, Sunset, but you can't do this. Not to Anon. Not if he doesn't want it."
  672. >"Unnngh...!"
  673. >Take the hint, bitch!
  674. >Twilight's looking a little more serious now.
  675. >"Sunseeeeeet..."
  676. >"Mmmf... But...!"
  677. >"Sunset, no."
  678. >"Mmmm!"
  679. >What is she, a dog?!
  680. >She subtly starts rubbing herself along you again.
  681. "Will you stop that!"
  682. >"Sunset, go back to the gym. You're here to look for a stallion for your urges, Anon is off the table."
  683. >Sunset is just chewing her bottom lip now, her face all read.
  684. >"Nnnnh...!"
  685. >"Sunset!"
  686. >"Ugh, FINE!"
  687. >Sunset's magic ceases and she finally gets up and off you, hopping down to the floor.
  688. >Her face is all red and flustered.
  689. >That must be an insane cockblock for her.
  690. >"I swear to Celestia, I'll have you next time, Anon."
  691. "Oh I hope not..."
  692. >She takes a deep breath and releases it.
  693. >She is really irritated now.
  694. >"That's a lot of my time gone now..."
  695. >She turns back to Twilight.
  696. >"Sorry, Twilight. I'll try to control myself a little better. I'll see you later, I guess."
  697. >Twilight waves her off.
  698. >"Good luck."
  699. >With that, Sunset lets off another irritated sigh and heads to the door.
  700. >She also seems to be leaving a little trail of drips behind her as she opens the door and leaves.
  701. >...
  702. "Soooo..."
  703. >Twilight takes a seat in the chair by your bed.
  704. >"I'm sorry about that, Anon. She means well, and she's really a nice pony. But she has had a history of control and dominance."
  705. >Somehow that doesn't surprise you.
  706. >But that's not really what you were about to ask.
  707. >Twilight even realises that now.
  708. >"She told you about the human world, didn't she."
  709. "Were you planning on telling me?"
  710. >"I was, if I had found some way to counter the transformation through the portal. I can't though, and I didn't want to dangle the prospect of a human world in front of you with no way for you to go there as you are."
  711. >Sunset was right then.
  712. "Don't worry, I get it. Thanks. I suppose it's better than just having it kept from me."
  713. >You lay your head back and relax.
  714. >You were in the middle of breathing a sigh of relief until you feel something prod your still erect dick through the sheet.
  715. "Hey, hey! No touching!"
  716. >Twilight poked you with her hoof.
  717. >"You really didn't want to do it with her? Even after all that she'd been doing?"
  718. "You mean causing me pain by pressing on the injury so I'd cooperate? No, can't say I did, really. Speaking of which, did she do what I think she did to my neck?"
  719. >You tilt your head away from Twilight to let her see.
  720. >"You mean that mark? What is that?"
  721. >God damn it.
  722. "It's a hicky. You suck at the flesh long and hard enough and makes them. Some people call them love bites."
  723. >"Wow. I've never seen that before. I guess if ponies do it to each other, the fur covers it up..."
  724. >You get comfortable again, but Twilight just keeps staring.
  725. >"'Love bite', huh? She must have really been infatuated with you."
  726. "Do I need to mention that she nearly broke my spine?"
  727. >"So I heard. I saw the X-rays from the doctor. Your lower back, right above your butt has a fracture."
  728. "Yeah, Sunset told me. Not the most pleasant thing to be sitting on..."
  729. >Twilight's hoof pats your hand.
  730. >"Well, the doctor also said that you're going to need to be taking it really easy for a few weeks. That means staying in bed."
  731. "Yaaaay..."
  732. >God damn it, how are you going to do things with this?
  733. >Basic shit like getting food, or showering and all that is gonna be annoying.
  734. >You re-adjust your position in the bed gingerly.
  735. >Noticing you're just about flaccid under the sheets and hospital gown now, you start wondering about Sunset Shimmer.
  736. "So how long before Sunset goes back to that other world?"
  737. >"I guess it depends on how long it takes until she satisfies her urges. Normally I'd say she should do so before the third night of her stay, but I've figured out a way to open and close the portal whenever I want."
  738. "Oh... Cool for her, I guess."
  739. >You're not really sure if you're comfortable with the thought that she could still be here without you knowing.
  740. >Especially with that last thing she said to you before she left...
  741. >"I'm going to have a room set for you at the castle. You can stay with me and Spike until you can move around easier, since you'll most certainly need the help."
  742. "Well I was just going to go home and complain about it to myself for a few weeks, but I guess that's the better option. Thanks, Twilight."
  743. >"Don't mention it."
  744. >She stands and moves toward the door.
  745. >"I guess I'll see the doctor about your prescription of pain killers and see when you're okay to leave."
  746. "Hey Twilight, can my room ha-"
  747. >"Yes, Anon. The room will have a lock on the door. Not that you'll really need it, I'll tell you when Sunset is around or leaving."
  748. >Twilight shakes her head a little.
  749. >"I can't believe I actually have to do that now..."
  750. "Sweet. Thank you Twilight!"
  751. >"You're welcome, Anon."
  752. >Twilight opens the door and walks out, leaving you in the room by yourself.
  753. >Alright. A room in the castle while you can barely move.
  754. >That's cool.
  755. >Except now you've got someone in town who's super crazed for the only human dick in the world, just because her pony body gets off better than her human body.
  756. >...
  757. >You're just going to stick to the weights next time.
  758. "Fucking gym days..."

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[FR][Milky Way] Sampling Her Milk

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