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[FR] Pain in the arse Part 2

By Brownee
Created: 2020-12-18 01:10:19
Expiry: Never

  1. *taptaptaptap*
  2. *taptaptaptap*
  3. >"-metimes you might have a situation where the guy will have an allergic reaction to the condom. If that's the case, girls have the alternative option in what's called a 'Diaphragm'."
  4. *taptaptaptap*
  5. >Your finger drumming is starting to annoy even you...
  6. "*siiigh*"
  7. >"I'm sorry, Miss Shimmer, am I boring you?"
  8. >Hearing your name snaps you to attention.
  9. "Oh, no sir! I'm sorry, I was... My mind is a little bit elsewhere from hearing your very informative lesson, Mr. Will."
  10. >"Hmm. If that's the case, I'd say you'll need to pay extra close attention."
  11. >Very subtle Sunset.
  12. >Now Iron Will knows you're thinking of boys, and need to pay attention to his safe sex lecture.
  13. >Do the gym teachers normally double as the health teachers as well?
  14. >It's a little strange to hear him shouting his motivational rhymes when it comes to teaching everyone about sex.
  15. >Not that you were really listening, anyway.
  16. >Your head has been elsewhere for the last three weeks.
  17. >Specifically, it's been back in Equestria...
  18. >On Anon.
  19. >Damn it, Twilight. You were so close...
  20. >The seemingly impossible prospect of a human in Equestria, the most golden of opportunities for you...
  21. >And you got denied.
  22. >All because he doesn't want to have sex with a pony?
  23. >Even Twilight thinks that's just sad.
  24. >Like, okay, granted, you're probably biased on the matter since you've experienced life as both a pony and a human, it's no big deal.
  25. >But to him...
  26. >Maybe it's a natural human thing.
  27. >Does everyone in this world share that thought?
  28. >You kind of want to ask, but you think going up to your classmates and asking if they'd have sex with a pony might be too weird.
  29. >And damn it, thinking about this subject is really sending your head elsewhere.
  30. >You're feeling a little agitated in your seat, rubbing your legs together and tapping your foot.
  31. >You just fold your arms and pretend nothing is happening.
  32. >But that just happens to be the problem.
  33. >Nothing happened!
  34. >You go back to Equestria for a little sexual relief, something you found is intensified much more as a pony than it is a human.
  35. >The cost of that is not doing it with a human, which is something that turns you on so hard.
  36. >But lo and behold, a human is in Equestria, something you weren't told about.
  37. >How did he get there?
  38. >How long has he been there?
  39. >Irrelevant! You were there for one reason, and what you wanted changed the very second he stepped in those gym doors!
  40. >But even after putting yourself out there, he didn't want it!
  41. >Why?!
  42. >You've been racking your brain over this ever since you came back to Canterlot High!
  43. >Every time you do, you keep thinking about how you were rubbing yourself over his cock while he was in that hospital bed...
  44. >If it weren't for the sheet covering him, he would've penetrated you right from the start and you could've ridden him for a while well before Twilight even got there...
  45. >That thought has been keeping you awake for a little while longer at night.
  46. >You picture him laying there, you using your hoof to line him up with your-
  47. >WAIT, Oh... jeez...
  48. >You didn't realise your hand was heading down between your legs...
  49. >You also didn't realise how flustered you feel...
  50. >You'd been holding your breath, biting your lip...
  51. >Really not the time and place, Sunset.
  52. >You take a deep breath and release it.
  53. >Despite settling back into your seat properly, your face still feels a little warm.
  54. >It's the last class of the day, but maybe you should use the bathroom... 'relieve' some of these feelings before you leave.
  55. >Hopefully nobody took notice.
  56. >Just in case, you take a quick glance to some nearby classma-
  57. >Oh... No.
  58. >Rarity is looking.
  59. >You don't hold a gaze on her, just look past her before turning to the front again.
  60. >She was sitting with her hand holding her head, thumb supporting her chin and her index finger over her lips.
  61. >You think she's got a slight smile to her.
  62. >Could she know what you were thinking?
  63. >Like, obviously not specifically what you were thinking, but she could have a general idea...
  64. >Damn it.
  65. >If she knows, you may not hear the end of it for a while.
  66. >That's all you need. A friend that can't stop gossiping, talking to you about boys when you're trying not to think about one.
  68. >Oh thank... whomever the humans show high praise to.
  69. >The sooner you get away from this class, the better.
  70. >"Alright, that'll about do us for today everyone. Just remember this of all things to take from the lesson; 'If you can't shield your rocket, keep it in your pocket!'"
  71. >Solid advice that will undoubtedly go ignored by a good number of students over the years.
  72. >You definitely didn't need to hear or think about that.
  73. >You grab your things and hastily leave the class ahead of everyone else.
  74. >The halls are getting flooded by other students.
  75. >Hm. Maybe it'd be best to just go home.
  76. >Privacy is one thing, but you also don't feel like masturbating in the school bathroom where others might hear.
  77. >Through the crowd of students, you slowly make your way to your locker.
  78. >Of course slowly, everyone always just happens to be in YOUR way.
  79. >Any time you need to do anything urgently, that just happens to be where everyone is to slow you down.
  80. >Okay, no big deal.
  81. >It's Friday, everyone is just trying to get out as fast as they can.
  82. >Something you'll be doing very shortly now that you've reached your locker.
  83. >You put the books of your last lesson in the locker while taking out the necessities.
  84. >Homework, magical diary, change of clothes...
  85. >Weekend ahead, gym day, emergency friendship recognition diary to inform Twili-
  86. >"Oh Sunset Shimmeeeeer!~"
  87. "Ahh... damn it."
  88. >You let out a sigh and softly hit your head against the locker door.
  89. >Recovering quickly, you turn to the direction Rarity's voice came from.
  90. >And she's got Rainbow Dash in tow.
  91. >It hasn't been two minutes and she's already talking?!
  92. >Come on, surely Rarity can see how personal it is.
  93. >Surely she wouldn't have blabbed about it so quickly...
  94. >... Right?
  95. >"So daaaaarling, anything in particular on your mind?~"
  96. >Damn it.
  97. "Uhm... *ahem* What do you mean?"
  98. >Your face still feels particularly warm, this conversation won't help it.
  99. >Your poker face is compromised at the moment.
  100. >"I mean that maybe you've got a certain something on the mind that may be causing distractions for you."
  101. "I don't know what you're talking about..."
  102. >"Come now dear, it's written all over your face. Not to mention it was fairly clear your mind was wandering during class."
  103. >Oh please don't start.
  104. >You were trying to keep these activities secret.
  105. >Rainbow Dash looks between you and Rarity.
  106. >"Uh... Something going on?"
  107. >Rarity smiles and turns her head toward Rainbow, though keeps her eyes on you.
  108. >"Our dear friend Sunset's mind was adrift during the sex ed class. Three guesses as to what that means.~"
  109. >"Ohhh... Ew."
  110. "Thank you, Rarity..."
  111. >You pack your bag and close your locker.
  112. >You consider walking off, but only manage to turn your head away.
  113. >Rainbow leans against the lockers.
  114. >"Hey, it's no big deal. It's sex ed. Everyone daydreams a little in that class. How can you not?"
  115. >You roll your eyes and Rarity puts a reassuring hand on your shoulder.
  116. >"Exactly. I'm only teasing Sunset. Whatever you were thinking about is perfectly natural."
  117. "Yeah, but talking about it out loud doesn't make it any less weird."
  118. >Rarity shrugs.
  119. >"Be that as it may, it's still a lesson in which we're being taught in explicit detail about sex. You'd have to be made of stone to not let your mind wander off either during or after the lesson."
  120. >Rarity pats your shoulder before she walks past you.
  121. >"Besides, you can't let the boys see that you were day dreaming during that lesson. Their hopes will raise, they'll get ideas. The last thing you want is a boy wanting to get your attention, and you unintentionally string him along."
  122. >Rainbow snorts.
  123. >"Says the girl who gets a whole variety of guys around here to carry her things if she asks nicely."
  124. >"Completely different! I'm a lady, my bags were heavy and they were being gentlemen!"
  125. >"Yeah, right."
  126. >You chuckle under your breath and shake your head slightly.
  127. >Rarity starts walking, you follow with Rainbow by your side.
  128. >"So. What're you doing now, Sunset? Gym day?"
  129. "Gym night, yeah. Though I was considering skipping going home and just going straight to the bus station. I need to get a little stress out."
  130. >You can either masturbate, or hit a punching bag.
  131. >Trying to avoid the subject of boys has made it so you don't really care which any more.
  132. >"Rarity and I were planning on meeting the others at Sugar Cube Café if you wanna come."
  133. >Mmh... You don't know if you want to keep being around them at the moment.
  134. >You love your friends dearly and everything, but there's times everyone needs some alone time.
  135. >Although, looking at the hall way clock on the way out...
  136. "I might as well. It'll be about another hour before my bus anyway."
  137. >"I still don't understand why it is that you insist on going to the gym in the next town. What's wrong with the gym here?"
  138. >Rarity's pace slows down until she's able to walk side by side with you and Rainbow.
  139. "I don't know, I just went to the next town for something, went to the gym while I was there and... I mean, it's kinda proven to be better for my workout."
  140. >Originally you told them that you went to the next town over when they wondered where you've been during times you were actually back in Equestria.
  141. >The last thing you want is them thinking you're homesick, so you... bent the truth a little.
  142. >It's not exactly lying.
  143. >Technically 'through a portal' can lead to 'the next town'.
  144. >Although just to be safe, you actually did find a gym in the next town, for times where you actually wanted a genuine workout.
  145. >Or for when, for one reason or another, you couldn't go to Equestria...
  146. >... Like now.
  147. >Rainbow joins Rarity in the questioning.
  148. >"Better how? I mean, most gyms would have the standard equipment, so... Unless that one is better for your self defence training?"
  149. >You're about to answer, but Rarity jumps to conclusions.
  150. >"Wait a moment, if that's the reason you're there... could it be because you've acquired a 'sparring partner'?!"
  151. >That caught you off guard and your eyes widen for a brief moment.
  152. >And that brief moment was caught by Rarity, who now steps in front of you and walks backwards.
  153. >"You did! Why else would you go all the way to a different town for such a thing?"
  154. "N- Wait, I-"
  155. >You can't even get to damage control before she gasps.
  156. >"Is it a boy?!"
  157. >She gasps again!
  158. >"Is that who you were thinking of in class?!"
  159. >Rainbow eventually comes to that line of thought as well and is now holding a similar look of surprise as Rarity.
  160. >How is it that she jumped to this conclusion so fast?!
  161. >"No wonder you seem intent on going straight to the gym today! You've found a sparring partner who probably knows how to handle you.~"
  162. "Oh for the love of- Rarity!"
  163. >The annoying thing is, she's not exactly wrong.
  164. >By sheer coincidence, this is still truth bending...
  165. >Rarity puts both hands on your shoulders and the three of you stop.
  166. >"Darling, you have to tell us all about him! What's his name? How strong is he? How does it feel when he holds you in his big strong arms while you wrestle?"
  167. >Rainbow seems like she wants to keep Rarity under control, but at the same time she's staring at you with the same curiosity.
  168. >With a gruff sigh, you bring your arms up to take her hands off your shoulders.
  169. "It's not... entirely like that."
  170. >You start walking again and they follow beside you.
  171. "For the sake of argument, let's say I did find a sparring partner that was worth going back to regularly exercise with. I did, have, am, and there was plenty of contact-"
  172. >Rarity is about to burst.
  173. "-In the sporting sense!"
  174. >Cutting her off before she could explode calmed her down slightly.
  175. >Now you're tip-toeing that line of lying and truth bending.
  176. >You are talking about Anon, whom you've only sparred with once, among other things. But they don't have to know that.
  177. "But after last time, I might've messed things up a little and... Well I think my workouts will be solo for a little while."
  178. >"Aww, Sunset... What happened?"
  179. >Rarity puts her hand on your shoulder as you walk.
  180. "Mmmh... Let's say I might've gotten a little carried away with my abilities and... there was an accident."
  181. >You could see Rainbow squint out the corner of your vision.
  182. "Now I don't think he's too interested in sparring with me now. So... that's got me a little down. Not to mention a little frustrated. Not too many people willing to step up to that sort of exercise."
  183. >So far so good on the truth bending.
  184. >"Why? What was the accident?"
  185. >Aaaaand Rainbow's question makes you jump to the point...
  186. >Can't tell them about what you did in the hospital.
  187. "Ehhh, I... MIGHT have accidentally... broken his pelvis with a power bomb..."
  188. >You feel Rarity's hand drop off your shoulder.
  189. >You glance out each side of your vision without turning your head, noting the silence you've received from them.
  190. >Not too sure what they're thinking, but it can't be particularly goo-
  191. >"*snort* Pffttahahahaha!"
  192. >Rainbow's bursting causes the three of you to stop.
  193. >"Rainbow Dash!"
  194. >"Ahaaaaaaaahaha, ohhhhh... Ohhh, that's hilarious."
  195. >She slowly calms herself down and wipes her eye with her palm.
  196. >"I hardly think serious injury to others is a laughing matter."
  197. >"Well then clearly sporty guys are a bit out of your understanding if you don't see why this is funny?"
  198. >Rarity seems slightly offended by this, but you and her are waiting for Rainbow's elaboration.
  199. >"Look, it's pretty obvious he's upset with Sunset because she bested him in the fight."
  200. "I'm... not sure I'd agree with tha-"
  201. >"Guys like that have fragile egos. They need to seem like the strong sort that always win."
  202. >Surely not all guys like that...
  203. >"Not only did you beat him, but you injured him as well. Heck, if you did it with a power bomb, then that's even more humiliating for him because he'd have to have left himself wide open for that sort of thing!"
  204. >She's not wrong...
  205. >About the idea at least, though the theory is slightly misplaced when you leave out the more important details.
  206. >Rarity holds a finger to her chin.
  207. >"I suppose that's one way to look at it. Competitiveness can get serious. We all know how Rainbow gets if she loses her games..."
  208. >Rainbow doesn't even try to defend herself.
  209. >Guess she knows how she gets too.
  210. >"And guys do like showing off how 'macho' they are. A show of strength and toughness like what you went through, it doesn't seem COMPLETELY unreasonable for Rainbow Dash's theory to hold weight."
  211. >Honestly now you're just starting to feel bad about them trying to help you with a problem that's not even about the root of the issue...
  212. "Well... It doesn't really matter. What's done is done, I can't change it. I'll just have to wait for things to blow over and see if I can find another sparring partner in the future."
  213. >You start walking again and they both follow behind, but Rainbow power walks in front of you.
  214. >"Oh come on, you shouldn't have to settle for that!"
  215. >She keeps in front and walks backwards.
  216. "Well what am I supposed to do?"
  217. >"Look, a guy like that's ego might be fragile, but that doesn't mean you can't re-inflate it!"
  218. >For once Rarity is the quieter of the three of you regarding the issue.
  219. >"Starting to think the 'ego' is the solution we shouldn't look for..."
  220. "It's not even about the ego! It never was!"
  221. >Rainbow shakes her head.
  222. >"It's always about the ego! Everyones ego plays a part in their activities! Which isn't to say everyone is an egotistical jerk, but you and this guy were sparring because of a mutual interest in doing it, right?"
  223. "Well yeah..."
  224. >"Well then you both knew that injury is a possibility! If he's going to be a baby and be angry at you for something like a broken bone when that was always a possibility to happen, then his ego is playing the part."
  225. "... Huh?"
  226. >"Look, all you need to do during his recovery period, and a little after is get him interested in doing it again. It doesn't just go away, it just needs a little kick to get going again."
  227. >Rarity rubs her chin.
  228. >"I'm guessing you mean a metaphorical kick, what with the broken pelvis and all, but I see what you're saying..."
  229. >Well you're glad she does, because you don't.
  230. >Rainbow slowed down slightly be a little closer to you.
  231. >"You like him as a sparring partner, right?"
  232. >Where is she going with this...?
  233. "...Yyyyes?"
  234. >"Then you gotta give him a few wins."
  235. "A few wins?"
  236. >"If his ego is a little damaged from being beaten, especially by hilarious injury, then you need to ease him back into it."
  237. "How am I supposed to do that?"
  238. >"What do you mean how? When he's recovered enough to be doing it again, obviously you're already going easier on him to make sure he's fit enough, but after that, you just have to... I dunno, slack off a little."
  239. >You're pretty sure Rainbow is talking about the competitive side of the activity rather than the beneficial exercise part.
  240. >"It shouldn't be too hard, you'd naturally be going easier on him because of his injury, and as he gets better and better, you only up your betterness a little so that he keeps being better than you physically and thinking you're a better match for him."
  241. >...
  242. >Her phrasing is becoming a mess of words, but you see what she's saying.
  243. >And considering she's giving you this information based on a 'half story' that you hadn't provided the full details for, you should've expected this.
  244. >It's not completely unhelpful, but you do internally facepalm for bringing this on yourself.
  245. >Rarity chimes in.
  246. >"Not to mention the other ways you can draw him back as well."
  247. >You and Rainbow both look at her.
  248. >"Oh please, you think I forgot what brought this up in the first place?"
  249. >In the first pl-
  250. >Oh no...
  251. >"Along with the idea of easy competition, you can also give him some obvious reminders of the benefits of this 'contact' sport."
  252. >Rarity raises her eyebrows at you, and her eyes glance a little lower on you.
  253. >You look down at yourself as we-
  254. >Ohhhhh...
  255. >...
  256. >Rainbow sighs.
  257. >"Well, yeah, that as well. I mean... He is a guy. I guess it isn't the most common for guys and girls to do this sort of activity together, so..."
  258. >Rarity giggles.
  259. >"It suddenly makes me want to know how he reacted to any moves with you wrapping your legs around him."
  260. >Rainbow rolls her eyes.
  261. >Rarity continues, and moves behind you.
  262. >"Or any sort of move where you have to hold him from behind."
  263. >She emphasis that with her arms locking around your mid section and trying to press herself into your back.
  264. >The effect is slightly lost with your bag between you and her, but you get her point.
  265. >Rainbow shakes her head.
  266. >"I'd imagine even guys would keep a level head when it came to sparring, particularly if they've done it long enough."
  267. >"Dear Rainbow Dash, never underestimate the power of the male hormone when they're aware of what's pressing into them."
  268. >Rarity steps back beside you.
  269. >"The point is darling is he clearly had an interest in you for one reason or another, the same way you do him. If this little spat is an issue, then you just need to ease him back into it."
  270. >Rainbow turns around and slows pace until she's by your other side again.
  271. >"Exactly. There's a bunch of ways you can do that, but if you're not back to beating each other up again after a little while, then he's clearly not worth the effort."
  272. >Sugarcube Cafe comes into view.
  273. >Though your pace slows down when your mind starts wandering...
  274. >Eventually you come to a stop while Rarity and Rainbow keep walking and talking on the issue.
  275. >Rarity notices you stopped and standing in the middle of the path rubbing your chin.
  276. >"Something wrong, Sunset?"
  277. >You look up.
  278. "Oh, no, not at all. In fact... you two might have just given me an idea."
  279. >"Oh have we now?~"
  280. >You swing your bag off and drop it down in front of you, rummaging through it.
  281. "You two go on ahead, I'll be a minute. I just need to quickly take some notes while this idea is fresh."
  282. >You look up at them and see Rainbow and Rarity giving each other 'knowing looks'.
  283. "Not THAT sort of idea!"
  284. >Rainbow smirks and Rarity rolls her eyes.
  285. >"Very well, don't keep us waiting too long!"
  286. >You huff at what they might be thinking and drag your bag off the path and over to a nearby tree.
  287. >After a second of going through it, you pull out the diary.
  288. >'Ease him into it' they said...
  289. >You think you can manage that...
  290. >You just need to convince HER of that...
  291. >You open the diary, flip to a blank page and start writing.
  292. "Dear Princess Twilight..."
  295. --
  298. >Damn it... the sound of that rain...
  299. >You gotta pee.
  300. >Which means its time to go through this shit again.
  301. >You groan as you start sliding your leg over to the side of the bed.
  302. "... Ow... Ow, fuck... Ow..."
  303. >Well, not as bad as yesterday at least.
  304. >Slow healing progress and all that.
  305. >You start to sit up so your body can turn in the direction your leg went.
  306. >It's just a matter of trying to lift yourself in such a way that doesn't really put much pressure on your butt.
  307. >Which is damn near impossible when you just wake up, so you just fight through it, whispering obscenities to yourself.
  308. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fffffffffffuck..."
  309. >And you're up.
  310. >You kind of wonder which took longer for you to get up, this or the day you went to the gym.
  311. >Like, this isn't so much unwillingness to get up as it is painful to do so.
  312. >The broken pelvis is the perfect excuse to sleep in, so no need to get up early.
  313. >But then again, as you bring your other leg around, you think that there really isn't much reason to get up at all.
  314. >Both feet hit the floor and you slowly stand.
  315. >It's been a solid three or fourish weeks now.
  316. >You're still in fair amounts of pain, but you can walk around at least.
  317. >And with that bit of progress, you decided you wouldn't be a burden on Twilight and Spike.
  318. >It's bad enough they have that other purple freeloader living with them.
  319. >Not that you weren't thankful for their help, but if you're walking, then it's time to get back to doing shit yourself.
  320. >The worst thing about how you are now is your limp.
  321. >You almost always end up grabbing, holding or leaning on anything and everything you walk past just to make sure you stay up.
  322. >Case in point, you start heading to the bathroom, grabbing and leaning on the bedpost, dresser and door as you pass them.
  323. >The leg putting the pressure on that side of the pelvis is walking on the toes.
  324. >You're not even sure why, it's not changing anything.
  325. >Once you get in the bathroom, you lock eyes with your biggest challenge...
  326. >The toilet.
  327. >Why you haven't seen anyone about getting a softer toilet seat yet, you'll never know.
  328. >So now you're just gonna have to deal with it.
  329. >You drop your pants and lower yourself down as slowly and gently as you can to take a seat.
  330. >You grunt in pain, but otherwise relax enough to do your business.
  331. >And once again, standing up is a pain.
  332. >Suppose the upside to all this is you now have an entirely legitimate excuse to sit in your comfy chair and drink all day.
  333. >Hell, judging by that rain, you weren't going anywhere anyway.
  334. >Got another day of healing to get to, so may as well get started.
  335. >Time for a shower.
  336. >Nice, relaxing, hot, steamy shower.
  337. >While you start running it, you step in t-
  338. "Hrrng, fuck!"
  339. >God damn it, why!
  340. >Random fucking movements of that leg or minor movement at the waist sends a spike of pain through you!
  341. >It seems so random because you can never seem to recreate the accidental ones to know which movements to avoid!
  342. >You stand there for an extra moment to just sigh it out, then finally step into the shower.
  343. >The warm water should be good.
  344. >Relax the muscles around it.
  345. >Hell, you should've just taken a bath in that case.
  346. >Screw it, you've got a full day of doing nothing ahead, that'll relax it plenty.
  347. >Although, in thinking that, you can move around a bit more...
  348. >Maybe there's something you can do to somewhat aid the healing process.
  349. >Physical therapy or something...
  350. >Is that how it works?
  351. >Maybe question Twilight about that.
  352. >If so, you could probably find help with that at the gym.
  353. >... Buuuut if you did that, you'd run the risk of seeing 'her' again...
  354. >Whiiich really wouldn't have been terrible if she didn't come close to molesting you in the hospital...
  355. >...
  356. >God damn it, can you even go to the gym now?
  357. >If the possibility exists that Sunset could be there any given day, that's really going to screw what you wanted to do.
  358. >Beyond physical therapy anyway, you wanted to get in shape. Or better shape at least.
  359. >That's how this whole thing started.
  360. >There wouldn't be any problems if she weren't so cock hungry!
  361. >You could have lived with that little spar, and even more in the future if she needed it.
  362. >But oh no, she has to be a pony that lives in some alternate world with humans, and now all she really wants is human cock!
  363. >Or... No wait, Sunset wants pony orgasms, but would prefer the human dick to the horse cock, she's just forced to pick one or the other when in the mood.
  364. >Damn, that's a tease.
  365. >Someone that spends most of their time as a human wants to fuck you, but she can only do it as a pony.
  366. >The universe really does love fucking with you.
  367. >...
  368. >Ah hell, this is all a moot point.
  369. >Twilight said she'd alert you whenever Sunset happened to be in this world.
  370. >You guess it's pretty safe to go do anything gym related without worry until told otherwise.
  371. >You face up to the faucet, letting the warm water run down your face.
  372. >If it weren't for the rain outside, you'd go see her for some thoughts on helping the healing process.
  373. >You'd see a doctor, but as was well proven, what do they know about your anatomy and bone structure?
  374. >Course, if you go see Twilight about it, she might seek answers from Sunset...
  375. >... Which may bring her back here to help you...
  376. >Are you paranoid, or is this a genuine concern?
  377. >Like, she was a nice girl, but can she control herself?
  378. >According to her, the only reason she comes back to Equestria was sexual relief, something only known to Twilight.
  379. >And she did listen to Twilight when she saw you getting humped in the hospital...
  380. >Maybe it's a case of Twilight needing to be there.
  381. >Something to consider.
  382. >Or you can just take the easy way out and keep doing what you planned to do today.
  383. >Lounge around, drink and wait it out.
  384. >Sounds like a solid plan to you.
  385. >You turn the shower off, let some water drip off you and step out.
  386. >Aaaand you forgot to bring clothes in with you.
  387. >With a slight grunt of annoyance, you just grab a towel and partly start drying yourself off while walking out of the bathroom.
  388. >Small drips across the floor never hurt anyone, you'll come back to it.
  389. >Your hindered movement has made you slack off a bit with the washing, damn near everything you wear is out in the laundry.
  390. >Pretty sure there was some clean undies in there at least...
  391. >Now it's just a matter of limping all the way to the other god damn side of the hou-
  392. >"Hi Anon."
  393. "AHH!"
  394. >Voice! Cover your shame!
  395. >One quick and painful movement to whip around the towel, try not to cry.
  396. >Ignoring that you may have screamed like a girl for the moment, you're a little more cautious as to who's in your damn house!
  397. >The voice came from your bedroom as you passed it...
  398. >Taking a few limps back, one hand holds the towel over your junk while the other grips the door frame for support to peer in...
  399. >Your eyes scan the room as more of it comes into view before they get to your bed an-
  401. >Tha-... Ju- Hang on, WHAT?!
  402. >Human!
  403. >There's a fucking human laying on your bed!
  404. >No words come out, just "Dyuhhh" sounds, your brain is a bit... confused right now.
  405. >Which is probably evident over your face, what with your eyes widened and your heavy breathing while trying to form words...
  406. >Who and How the fuck?!
  407. >You trail your vision up their body...
  408. >Woman Girlish, seemingly slightly wet, which fair enough, it's pouring down rain outside.
  409. >High heeled leather boots, each with an orange arrow pointed upwards.
  410. >Jeans that meet up to a green dress shirt.
  411. >All topped off with a leather jacket sporting the same orange arrow design over the sleeves.
  412. >But what really catches your eye is her orange skin and remarkable yellow and red hair...
  413. >... Bacon hair...
  414. >Nooooooo...
  415. >"I was kind of debating myself whether to surprise you by joining you in the shower. I did sort of get a little wet already."
  416. "... Sunset..?!"
  417. >Her answer comes in the form of a wink.
  418. >She's just sitting on your bed, one arm resting on a raised knee with her back leaned on the headboard.
  419. >Just casually sitting there like it's not a big fucking deal that she's here!
  420. >Or even that she's fucking HUMAN!
  421. "Whaaat the actual hell...? What are you doing here?
  422. >"Well, at this particular moment, I'm enjoying the view."
  423. >She says that with a sly smile, and her finger lazily pointing in an up and down motion at you.
  424. >Which becomes an enormous reminder that you're standing in the bedroom doorway, naked and wet.
  425. >You raise the towel covering you slightly more, but it's not like she sees anything right now...
  426. "Okay... Try again. WHY are you here and HOW are you human?!"
  427. >As you say that, now might be a good idea to find some pants.
  428. >Undies can wait.
  429. >You limp over to your draws to find some while she starts talking.
  430. >"Come on, Anon. I think you know the 'why' already."
  431. "That's just a god awful start to your explaining."
  432. >"Well, aside from that, I asked Twilight to be brought back here. We've been talking lately, and it seemed about time we had a proper talk in person. Needed to run something by her..."
  433. >The urgency in finding pants pauses for a moment when you hear her mutter that last part.
  434. >When you snap out of it, you find some pants and pull them out.
  435. "Okaaay...? So what, she just let you come here to see me?"
  436. >You keep your back to her as you drop your towel and put your pants on.
  437. >You'll have to live with her seeing your butt.
  438. >"Actually, she had to leave for Canterlot for a quick matter with her friends and left Spike to keep me company. I pretended to be researching the thought I had and snuck away the first chance I had."
  439. "Damn it Spike!"
  440. >You turn back around and see her now sitting on the edge of your bed, one leg cross over the other, leaning back on her hands.
  441. >Aaaand her legs are where your gaze is stuck.
  442. >The one leg crossed over the other just swinging slightly...
  443. >It's a god damn human leg...
  444. >There's a foot at the end of that...
  445. >Hang on, what?
  446. >Focus!
  447. "How the hell are you human?!"
  448. >Sunset grins.
  449. >"Twilight once told me of a spell she used to turn herself and her friends into Breezies. I had a quick look through her library and found it. That's what I was looking at to make Spike think I was researching."
  450. "Oh come the fuck on!"
  451. >"I wasn't sure what would happen when I eventually cast it, so I came prepared and brought some spare clothes in my bags just in case. Turned out I needed them. That's probably something I should tell Twilight about. Apparently the portal creates clothes for us, but a transformation spell doesn't."
  452. "And you just snuck out like that? The town didn't freak the fuck out from seeing another human?"
  453. >"It's raining Anon. Almost everyone is indoors. There were very few ponies to see me."
  454. >So that pretty much means that some did and you'll probably hear about it later... great.
  455. "And how did you find my house?"
  456. >"I asked the mailmare. She's making deliveries in the rain for some reason. I think she just assumed you and I were friends, she didn't seem all that surprised."
  457. "Damn it Derpy!"
  458. >You bring a hand up to rub your forehead, still wet from your body dripping.
  459. >Probably should've towelled off more before putting these pants on.
  460. >Sunset stands up and holds her hands behind her back.
  461. >"So... How's the pain?"
  462. >You're caught up for a moment just thinking about the fact that she has hands now...
  463. "It's still there, but I can walk around at least..."
  464. >"Good. That's um... That's another reason I wanted to come back. Apologise again..."
  465. >Yeah, you're not really buying that.
  466. >Last time she apologised, she started molesting you.
  467. >You'll believe she genuinely feels bad for the injury, but if you lower your guard for her, that's when she'd jump you...
  468. "It's fine, you don't have to. I agreed to the activity, so there's nobody to blame but myself."
  469. >She lowers her head slightly.
  470. >"That doesn't stop me from feeling guilty. I was the more experienced so I should have taken better precaution to make sure you'd avoid inju-"
  471. "Sunset, do me a favour, cut the shit."
  472. >She doesn't raise her head, but her eyes look up at you.
  473. "You said 'other reason' with that apology, and you said I already knew why you were here..."
  474. >She rolls her eyes and folds her arms.
  475. >"You know, just because I'm here to try and tempt you for sex, doesn't mean I don't feel bad for hurting you, right? I can't take a moment to show that I really am sorry?"
  476. "You're flat out admitting to having plans of raping me right now, so you tell me how I should be acting."
  477. >She lets off a chuckle.
  478. >"Oh come on, Anon. Rape? How many guys in that situation would really call it 'rape'?"
  479. "I'm a guy with a broken pelvis that had a horse take advantage of him, actually. I'd say it was almost no better than when my dog used to hump me for whatever stupid reason after I broke my ankle taking her for a walk, but my dog wasn't as intelligent. So yeah. Sexual assault is what I'm saying."
  480. >Sunset looks to have an expression that says she would 'love to hear this explanation'.
  481. "You practically threatened me into it. You were pressing on the injury so I'd cooperate. Bound by hands to the bed by magic, kept me from calling for help with that same magic, and flat out tried lying to a Princess that caught you in the act. So yeah, Shimmer. Seeing you here is making me pretty damn cautious of you right now."
  482. >Oh god, you need to watch what you say.
  483. >She's holding an unamused look on you.
  484. >Despite your attempts to keep a serious face, you're worried about her literally kicking your butt.
  485. >After a few seconds, she smiles again.
  486. >"Well maybe you should consider the possibility that I'm here to change that thought and make it up to you."
  487. >You only raise an eyebrow.
  488. >Change what thought?
  489. >And how can she possibly make it up to you.
  490. >Unfolding one arm to make a few motions toward herself with her hand, she continues.
  491. >"Maybe stop for a second and think of asking 'Why' I'm human instead of 'How'."
  492. >Why?
  493. >Beca-
  494. >...
  495. "Uhhh..."
  496. >Yeah, that's a fair point...
  497. >She cast a spell to turn herself human, but why would she do that here if her intention is just to fuck you as a pony?
  498. >Unless it's... not?
  499. >You can stand there and think about it, but one look back to Sunset and she answers for you.
  500. >"I'll admit, the idea came from getting advice from some friends. But do you remember what you said last time?"
  501. "What I said? When?"
  502. >One arm moves down to her hip and she takes a couple steps toward you.
  503. >"You said that me being a pony was a major turn off for you... But if I were human...~"
  504. "Oh balls..."
  505. >"'That it would probably be an entirely different story.'~"
  506. >Aaaaaand all you need right now is a 'boing' sound effect.
  507. >When you realise what she's getting at, and seeing that seductive look she has as she approaches you, your boy is almost immediately at attention.
  508. >"So tell me, Anon..."
  509. >She gets close enough to put both arms over your shoulders.
  510. >"What do you think of the Human Sunset?
  511. >At her question, your eyes take better focus of her face.
  512. >It's definitely the same Sunset.
  513. >She's missing the horn, and the muzzle, but replace those with human features, rearrange the hair from a mane...
  514. >You can admit that as a pony, she was kind of cute.
  515. >But like this...
  516. >Your eyes start trailing a little lower.
  517. >The jacket is a good look for her.
  518. >The green dress shirt matches her eyes.
  519. >And her chest...
  520. >She did get your attention last time in mentioning she had boobs, and there they are...
  521. >You glance back up at her face because you know she's definitely taking notice of you staring.
  522. >Though that smirk she's wearing is just telling not only that she doesn't care, but to keep going.
  523. >She knows she's got more than your attention.
  524. "She's... very nice."
  525. >Sunset lets off a small chuckle.
  526. >"Just 'very nice'?"
  527. >You don't answer that, you just take notice of her hand coming down from your shoulder and move towards your pants.
  528. >"I think this says you're thinking more than 'very nice'."
  529. >You're keep eye contact with her as her hand starts rubbing just below your waist.
  530. "H'oooh..."
  531. >The pants you grabbed were just cargo pants. Slight constricting, but not enough to prevent anything for her to grab...
  532. >The very definition of a tent in your pants, and her hand is just teasing around it.
  533. "Okay, maybe I do think a little more than very nice, but that doesn't say a lot for the situation."
  534. >She doesn't stop rubbing, or smiling, but her eyebrows go up slightly.
  535. "I mean, you know as well as I do how easy it is to get it up..."
  536. >"True. But unlike last time when I was a pony, I didn't have to do any stimulation beforehand.~"
  537. "Uhm... Right..."
  538. >Ohhh god, now she's touching it.
  539. >Open hand, rubbing the length, thumb teasing the tip, lifting and pressing against your waist...
  540. >She's playing with you right now.
  541. >Damn the blockade of pants.
  542. >And apparently you're so caught up in enjoying it that you'd forgotten she's the enemy.
  543. >You take a step back.
  544. "Okay, enough of that. Fine, yes, I admit, while I'd probably enjoy the company of damn near any human right about now, your appearance is preeeetty damn... desireable..."
  545. >Oh, you had to use that word...
  546. >Sunset's smile goes a little bit more smug.
  547. >"That's more like it.~"
  548. >She takes another step toward you, but you take another back with your hands up between you both.
  549. "BUT... I still want to know why. You've clearly got something planned, and I really hate to admit it, but it's working."
  550. >You swear to god, everything you say is just making her smile turn a little more smug and proud...
  551. "What's the game, Sunset? You said you kept coming back here, specifically for sex because orgasms as a pony were better than as a human."
  552. >You're not proud to admit that she's got you gently by the balls, but you've got enough self control to keep cautious about this.
  553. >She lets off an impatient sigh.
  554. >"Alright look. I've had some time to think about it, I remembered Twilight telling me that you're 'off-limits' so long as you don't want to do it. I'm doing my best to respect that..."
  555. >She turns and slowly paces away from you.
  556. >"But that doesn't leave me with much. The last few weeks, I haven't been able to get you out of my head. Sure, there's guys in the other world that I could spend time with, but the lingering thought of you, being a human in Equestria... You're like forbidden fruit."
  557. >She stops in the middle of the room and turns back to you.
  558. >"I'm not going to lie that I want you Anon, specifically while I'm a pony. But I don't want to just take it... Not like I was about to do last time. Sex isn't just something that should be forced, both parties have to enjoy it to get the most out of it. I want you to enjoy it..."
  559. >While she keeps explaining, her hands come together and she starts twiddling her thumbs...
  560. >"So... My friends suggested I try doing something to change your mind about me. Have you like me for me so appearances wouldn't matter. Or... something along similar lines, I didn't give them all the details."
  561. >Oh yeah, that surely would've been fun to explain.
  562. >"I figure showing you my human self is my way of 'easing you into it'..."
  563. >She just looks at you expectantly now.
  564. >Not too sure what to say here...
  565. >That sounded rather genuine, and she seems to have put some thought into how to approach this.
  566. >Although, that last statement...
  567. "'Ease me into it'?"
  568. >You've got a feeling you know what she means by that.
  569. >"Well... I mean, I do still want to have sex with you as a pony, but I can wait until you're more comfortable with me. You're in a worse position than I am, I thought you might like to have some time with a human..."
  570. "Ohhhh lordy..."
  571. >Settle down dick, you know what she said!
  572. >But there's a bigger issue here.
  573. "Look, I appreciate the sentiment, I'm sorry you can't stop thinking about it and I'm sorry you've put yourself through all this..."
  574. >Wait, is this really something you should be apologising for?
  575. "But I know what your ultimate goal is. I'm not saying it's a bad thing to aim for, but I feel pretty confident that you aren't going to reach it. It's not so much you, it's just the whole pony factor as a whole... I'm sorry Sunset, but I really don't think I can bring myself to fuck a pony. It's just too... weird... and kinda gross, honestly..."
  576. >Hearing that, Sunset looks somewhat upset and offended at the same time.
  577. "I really don't feel good in saying that, I don't dislike you as a person... or pony, whatever. I mean, I'm friends with Twilight and others all over the town. I can be friends with ponies no problem. But anything beyond that? Noooot really... And I'd have preferred you didn't go through all this effort for nothing. I mean, you literally changed your form just to try and appeal to me. That just makes me feel like a douche."
  578. >You give her body an up and down look once again.
  579. "And don't get me wrong, you look fantastic. But 'easing me into it' isn't going to work, and I don't want you to feel bad by the end of it when you try presenting yourself as a pony and I don't go for it. That'd make me feel bad as well. It's better just to avoid it all entirely..."
  580. >Sunset just folds her arms and holds a look on you.
  581. >She's got an appealing look and personality, even played with your dong through your pants a bit.
  582. >All valid reasons for that part of your brain to be screaming 'YOU FUCKING IDIOT!' at you.
  583. >But you're not going to be an arsehole that denies her what she wants after she gives you what you want.
  584. >And it can all be avoided if you just refrain from doing anything at all...
  585. >Sunset finally rolls her eyes.
  586. >"It doesn't work that way, Anon."
  587. "Beg' pardon?"
  588. >She takes a couple steps toward you.
  589. >"I get what you're saying, I do. But trust me, you'll be thinking differently by the time we get there."
  590. "I... really doubt that."
  591. >"I don't. If you really, truly like someone like that, then appearance doesn't matter. You'd have to be an incredibly shallow jerk to think like that. Are you saying you are?"
  592. "Umm..."
  593. >"I've talked to Twilight about you. You don't sound like one. And I know a thing or two about how the mind works. Twilight will tell you I've got a history of manipulation of others for one reason or another, all because I know how people act to situations. I can practically guarentee you that if we were to hook up, eventually you'll get past that thought to not want to have sex with a pony."
  594. "You cannot possibly know that..."
  595. >"I can, and do. Because I've experienced it myself."
  596. >You raise an eyebrow.
  597. >"What, you think I wanted to mount the first human I saw when I first went to that world? I was so confused and bothered by your statures that I almost felt bad when I tried picturing how clumsy sex must be for your kind. Even after exploring my new body myself, it took almost a year before I started to see advantages human intercourse has over ponies. A little longer still before I sucked up the courage to try it myself after getting to know a guy. Then it quickly just didn't bother me how he looked."
  598. "Ehhhh..."
  599. >Can't help but cringe a little.
  600. >That certainly would be an experience...
  601. >"Attraction to another stems from them as a person, not as they look. If you really do like me for me, then that'll only grow and you won't care what I look like. Ponies in this world are far more than animals like they are in your world."
  602. >You're really wanting to argue this, but she just keeps going.
  603. >"Eventually there is going to be a time when this personality you like is going to be a pony again... And you won't care. Your dick won't be able to tell the difference, Anon."
  604. >Okay, this is really stretching it.
  605. >You bring your hands up to wipe some water off your forehead.
  606. "I think you're really overassuming this. How can you be so confident things will turn out like that?"
  607. >Sunset approaches you and drapes her arms over your shoulders again.
  608. >"Twilight may know more about friendship than I do, but I know what makes people and ponies tick. Maybe it is just a gamble, but this is a gamble I think is worth doing.~"
  609. >Before you can retort that, she pushes her head closer to yours to lock lips for a second.
  610. >All action is from her, you're a bit too stunned to return the kiss.
  611. >She pulls away with a smile.
  612. >"So whether I'm right or not... You've got another 'human' in your pressence, and she would really like to have some fun with you.~"
  613. >Her arms come down, one left with a finger on your chest as she starts walking around your side, guiding you to turn with her.
  614. >Your body reacts without you having to think about it, limping and turning with her until you've both done a 180.
  615. "I really don't think that's a good idea, Sunset. This is just gonna lead to you regretting it."
  616. >She starts pushing her finger into your chest and you limp backwards.
  617. >"Well I suppose that's my decision, isn't it?"
  618. >Her finger has a brief moment of pushing you harder and your leg catches the edge of your bed, causing you to fall back on it.
  619. "Y'ooowwwwhttp://www...!"
  620. >"Sorry."
  621. >You let out a long pained groan while your butt adjusts to the surface.
  622. >Sunset stands at the edge of your bed, one of her knees climbing on beside you...
  623. "Technically it's a decision needing to be made by both of us!"
  624. >She gives a quick, faint chuckle.
  625. >"Good point."
  626. >Her hands reach down to your waist and undo the button of your slightly wet pants, opening them up more.
  627. >No tent containment, no constriction, he immediately springs free.
  628. >"Looks like you agree with me."
  629. "Do your studies of the human anatomy tell you that the male brain is NOT in the penis?"
  630. >"No, but like I said, I know how the mind works, and your mind hasn't willed your hands to stop mine."
  631. >Oh, bitch!
  632. >She's using logic against you!
  633. "... Wouldn't suppose your magic is binding them again, is it?"
  634. >One of her hands brushes up the center of her head and through some of her hair.
  635. >"Can't do magic like this, Anon. This is aaaaall on you.~"
  636. >You assume that was just to show the obvious lack of horn.
  637. >With a grumped sigh, you drop your head back on the bed.
  638. >Kind of run out of excuses at this point-
  639. >AAAAAAND there goes a shiver up your body...
  640. >She just stroked your boy upwards with a finger...
  641. >You look up and watch her climb up and over you, onto the bed.
  642. >"Any more reasons?"
  643. "... I've got a broken pelvis?"
  644. >Her head comes down low.
  645. >"Heh, almost valid. Just means I'll have to be gentle."
  646. >Sunset plants a kiss on your forehead, which feels like it was an excuse so she can press her boobs into your chest.
  647. >All you do is let off another grumped sigh.
  648. >And really... feeling them pressing on you...
  649. >Yeah, okay.
  650. >Now is the time to accept defeat.
  651. >You're in no position to fend her off, mostly because your body is unresponsive to your brain.
  652. >And for real, the blue balls you'll feel afterwards, if you stop now, would be killer.
  653. >You made your case, so everything from now onward is on her.
  654. >Have fun, Anon! Brain is signing out!
  655. >That weight off, your arms move up and around her midsection, holding her closer to you.
  656. >Sunset suddenly sports a victorious smile and brings her head down, this time kissing your lips again.
  657. >Only now you return it.
  658. >And she doesn't mind being the aggressor with it, wasting no time to push her tongue between your lips.
  659. >While she does that, your hands feel their way down her back until they make contact with her butt.
  660. >And what a butt to feel... through jeans.
  661. >Who cares, it's been a while with a person, this butt feels amazing to squeeze.
  662. >A few gropes of that and your hands go exploring again.
  663. >Back up her sides, going under her shirt.
  664. >Rubbing up and down her sides, and shifting around her back and belly...
  665. >Ohhhh the soft, smooth skin.
  666. >Your dick twitched just from what your hands are feeling.
  667. >Everything about what you're currently experiencing is too good to be true.
  668. >They move up far enough until your thumbs brush against bosom.
  669. >Or bra clad bosom.
  670. >And you just let out a delighted sigh through your nose.
  671. >Sunset picked up and that and lifts herself up, sitting on your midsection.
  672. >Partially sitting anyway, she seemed to be conscious enough to keep herself supported with her knees so she's not outright putting all pressure on your pelvis.
  673. >"Enjoy what you feel?"
  674. "I dooooooo.~"
  675. >She didn't need to ask that, she already knew.
  676. >And apparently she's decided its time for stage two.
  677. >She takes off her jacket and throws it behind her, then lifts her shirt up, over and off her head, exposing her entire upper body with nothing left but a black bra.
  678. >And you weren't sure you could, but you just felt yourself get even harder against her butt.
  679. >Sunset draws attention more to her chest by pushing them out more with her arms either side of them.
  680. >And all you do in response is let off a moan.
  681. >That seemed enough to satisfy her and her hands go down unbutton her jeans.
  682. >And if you could move your lower body right now, you'd take your pants off as well.
  683. >Your only option is to lay there and enjoy the sight.
  684. >She raises herself up enough for her jeans to come down, showing off her black panties.
  685. >And gooooood lord, the female human body is a beautiful thing.
  686. >You can miss it as much as you think possible, but you'd have never known exactly how much you missed it until you saw it again.
  687. >Even if this body is orange and has an odd coloured hair style going with it.
  688. >And sweet jesus, the things you want to do to this bo-
  690. "UM!... Protection?! Are you good on that, or do you have a condom, or...?!"
  691. >This is probably the last thing both of you would've thought of!
  692. >Sunset holds a surprised look as she'd mid-way moving her pants down, but then she looks like she just realised as well.
  693. >"I... Uhm..."
  694. >She stares at the wall behind you.
  695. >"... Huh... I actually haven't thought much about that..."
  696. "What?! What have you been taught over there?!"
  697. >"Well, I mean... I know it's something I should have, but it never actually occured to me to get any during my trips back here..."
  698. >Sunset looks down at herself and then to you.
  699. >"I'm not actually sure what happens when I go back through that portal..."
  700. >She rolls off and sits besides you, kicking her boots off and continuing to lose her jeans.
  701. "... What, and that doesn't raise any alarms to you?!"
  702. >"I'm suddenly a little curious about that, yeah. I might have to discuss that with Twilight later. Not to mention if the same thing happens with transforming spells."
  703. >Despite how this raises all sorts of red flags in your head, she kicks her jeans off and then follows through with removing her underwear too.
  704. "Kay, hang on, you're just blitzing through this considerable factor!"
  705. >"Well yeah. It's been more than a year since I started, I'm sure I'd have noticed something by now if it were an issue."
  706. >With that, she climbs back over your midsection and lays herself over your chest.
  707. >Not even the fact that she's completely nude down there and sitting on you can distract you from this.
  708. "You don't think maybe we should stop so you can address this concern at all?"
  709. >"Mmm... Nah."
  710. >With that, she lowers her head back down and goes right back to silencing you with a kiss.
  711. >Oh, yeah, okay, great. Terrific.
  712. >Not like that comes close to killing your boner or anything.
  713. >She breaks the kiss and sits straight up again.
  714. >"Although the transformation spell in Equestria makes it a little more curious... So if it'll set you at ease, I'll take caution and buy some control back through the portal."
  715. >You just blink at her-
  716. >AAAAAAnd she just sat herself lightly down so your dick is pressed against her butt!
  717. >Okay then! You were wrong. Bare nakedness down there can distract you from it.
  718. >She said she'll deal with it!
  719. >Problem solved! Brain signing out again!
  720. >Your eyes are drawn downwards based on what you're feeling.
  721. >You can't see what you're feeling, but you can see something better!
  722. >Ohhhh lordy, your hearts racing.
  723. >Her nethers are just resting lightly on your waist.
  724. >Words are particularly hard to form right now while your mind is on that.
  725. >If you could do anything more than moan like a dope, you'd ask if you could give that a kiss... or more.
  726. >Ohhh fuck, it's been way too long, you'd absolutely love to eat that out!
  727. >You lick your lips slightly just at the mere thought of it.
  728. >But before you could even try to make that request, your vision is blinded with blackness all of a sudden.
  729. >And a lovely smell.
  730. >You pull it off and realise it's her bra.
  731. >While you'd been admiring her lower body, she'd been removing the final article of clothing from her upper body!
  732. >And as you take a look... every single rational thought you had prior to this moment is gone.
  733. >You're pretty sure you just left a dollop of pre on one of her rear cheeks.
  734. >Sunset's just sporting a winning smile.
  735. >She takes the bra from your hands and lightly tosses it to the side before she takes hold of your wrists.
  736. >Her hands guide yours to her thighs, rubbing them up and around until you can feel the roundness of her butt.
  737. >Your hands are shaking just from how unreal this still feels!
  738. >You can't help but give a proper firm squeeze that isn't through her jeans.
  739. >While you try to keep a steady breath, you glance up at her face for a brief moment.
  740. >Sunset bites her lip when she feels your squeezing.
  741. >Your only regret right now is you forgot to finish taking your pants off while she took hers off!
  742. >Despite your enthusiasm, she continues guiding your hands, this time around her front.
  743. >They trail up her belly, letting you get a good feel of her abdominal muscles.
  744. >This chick really does work out!
  745. >Finally your fingers brush the bottom of her boobs, though unlike last time where you stopped at a mere brush, her insistance moves your hand all over them.
  746. >You take a deep breath when you feel her nipples slip between your fingers and into your palms.
  747. >As you give some very hesitant squeezes, you can feel her breathing being a little stuttered.
  748. >Sunset closes her eyes and relaxes a little more, putting some strain on your pelvis to cause some discomfort, but a lot of it goes unnoticed because of everything else you're feeling.
  749. >Her hands finally let go, and you're free to go exploring yourself.
  750. >And you waste no time with it, gently squeezing, feeling, rubbing...
  751. >You close your eyes and you just think of the motions like you're massaging her breasts, palms rubbing all over her nipples.
  752. >Sunset lets out a long sigh.
  753. >"How long HAS it been, Anon?~"
  754. "Too god damn long."
  755. >You open your eyes again so you can just keep admiring the body on top of you.
  756. >And you suddenly curse the broken pelvis when you're reminded of the pain as you have a heavy want to lean up and give those beautiful boobs a kiss.
  757. >You're at an enormous disadvantage with this and you can't do much but lay there and feel around!
  758. >What you wouldn't give to just damn the pain and just wrestle this girl for dominance and control until the both of you could hardly walk.
  759. >Cause knowing her, she'd have a ball asserting that dominance, and you'd be fine with that.
  760. >But what you're feeling already is a stern warning to not make any sudden movements.
  761. >So for now, you're forced to just let her get whatever she wants from you.
  762. >And frankly... This could be a HELL of a lot worse!
  763. >You fingers trail down to slip her nipples between them, giving them a light squeezing and pinching.
  764. >Each one causes her to make little squeaks, which does absolute wonders for you.
  765. >You're sure by now there's a glaze over that cheek your dick is rubbing against.
  766. >While her boob fondling is fun, you decide your right arm can keep doing that while your left caresses its way down her side to go back to giving that butt a squeeze.
  767. >There's a lot of body you'd like to hold, and she's apparently given you free reign to do so.
  768. >And those squeaks she gives off only intensify when she feels her butt being gropped.
  769. >Sunset keeps sitting there with her eyes closed, but the smile on her face is at least a solid sign she's enjoying it.
  770. >Not that you needed to look at her face to see that, you can FEEL how much she's enjoying it.
  771. >Your waist is getting a little dampness.
  772. >Her clear excitement is just getting you more excited.
  773. >You can't help but wonder how long she wants to keep this up, she looks and feels hotter with every passing moment.
  774. >So much so that it looks like she's glowing.
  775. >Like, her skin is lightening up a little more, like an actual sun-
  776. >... Wait...
  777. >Her skin actually is lighting up...
  778. >So is her hair...
  779. >Her entirety is just getting brighter!
  780. >The brightness intensifies to a point where she's just turning completely white!
  781. >You can't even look at the light, trying to squint to see whats happening, but you're forced to close your eyes to spare yourself going blind!
  782. >Your hands let go and pull away a little, but you suddenly feel an extreme pain in your pelvis like she just shuffed or repositioned herself ontop of you!
  783. >You're about to yell what the fuck, but the redness of your eyelids starts dying down, meaning the light must've stopped...
  784. >And... you feel something different...
  785. >You hands are back where they were, but it feels off...
  786. >The butt feels almost as nice to grope, but the boob is non-existant...
  787. >... Also fuzzy...
  788. >You crack an eye open a lit-
  789. >...
  790. >...
  791. >...
  792. >"Anon?... Why'd you stop?"
  793. >Sunset hadn't opened her eyes through that.
  794. >You guess she didn't feel it...
  795. >She finally does open them and looks at you.
  796. >"Whats wro-"
  797. >She cuts herself off when she sees your probably slightly terrorized expression.
  798. >She raises an eyebrow, looking to question you, but then looks down at herself.
  799. >You retract your hands straight away.
  800. >She looks at her body, and her now hooves, even moves them up to feel her re-sprouted horn.
  801. >"I'm... a pony again."
  802. >All you can manage is a slight nod.
  803. >Her arms and hooves drop to her sides.
  804. >"I, uhm..."
  805. >She clears her throat.
  806. >"I guess that spell was temporary..."
  807. "... You didn't know?"
  808. >"I... might've skimmed the book. Just found the spell and performed it."
  809. >Oh.
  810. >And clearly she didn't think that through because if it were permanent, she didn't have a horn to rectify it.
  811. >Great!
  812. >Even better, she's still ontop of you!
  813. >Okay, so... This is a definite mood killer.
  814. >So much so that you think you're flaccid again already...
  815. >The question is, does she notice?
  816. >Sunset rubs her cheek with her hoof and looks down at you.
  817. >No words need be said.
  818. >Clearly you both think this is fairly awkward.
  819. >She doesn't seem to know what to say, so... you break the ice with potentially the most dickish thing you could possibly say.
  820. "Are you... able to change back?"
  821. >She sucks in her lips for a moment.
  822. >"I didn't memorise it..."
  823. "Uhhhhh huuuh..."
  824. >She still hasn't moved off of you.
  825. >Actually, come to think of it...
  826. >You look down at where she's sitting...
  827. >That seems a little more moist than it was before.
  828. >Is-... Is she excited even more?
  829. >She still seems pretty freaked out by this sudden awkwardness.
  830. "I... guess we should take a trip to Twilight's castle to find it then?"
  831. >Sunset sucks her lips in again.
  832. >She glances up toward the window and back down at you.
  833. >"Well, it seems like its raining even harder now than it was before..."
  834. >You stop to listen.
  835. >... Yep, that definitely sounds like slightly harder rain than before.
  836. >But it's just water.
  837. >That sounded like an excuse not to.
  838. "Well, maybe we should cut this short the-"
  839. >You started to rise, but she just looks at you with her eyes slightly wider and didn't move in the slightest.
  840. >This... could be bad.
  841. "Sunset?"
  842. >"Anon..."
  843. >...
  844. >She's still not moving.
  845. "Sunset..."
  846. >"Anon...!"
  847. >Just like that, gone from bad to troubling.
  848. >Why? Why does this change things?!
  849. "Sunset, please get up..."
  850. >"I... I can't!"
  851. "What do you mean you can't?!"
  852. >"I... kinda don't want to!"
  853. >As she says that, you can feel her trying to hold back, but she's bouncing and grinding on your midsection slightly.
  854. >Each bounce sends a small amount of pain through you, which is just getting you more alarmed.
  855. >And that wetness isn't getting any drier
  856. >What you hear next is even more unsettling.
  857. >She does one of those desperate groans she did when Twilight told her to get off you back at the hospital!
  858. >"Anon..."
  859. "What?.."
  860. >"... I told you before that I start getting myself in the mood as a human before crossing through the portal..."
  861. "Ohhhh fuck..."
  862. >"I really need th-"
  863. "No!"
  864. >"Anon!"
  865. "NO!"
  866. >Fucking damn it, you helped her get in that mood!
  867. >Why did you do that?!
  868. >Damn it Dick!
  869. >You move your hands to her sides to try lifting her off you, but she tries pushing them away with her hooves.
  870. "Sunset-!"
  871. >"Anon!"
  872. "Sunset, get off!"
  873. >"I don't want to!"
  874. >You try pushing against her harder, but she matches the force.
  875. >You can't push very much in this position to begin with!
  876. >You try adding a little more pressure which pushes your butt down into the matress more, mostly only serving to send a larger amount of pain through you, but she does budge.
  877. >Unforunately, your wrist lights up with a magic glow...
  878. "... Sunset!"
  879. >"Anon, I need this! You can't do this to me again!"
  880. "You said you didn't want to do this! Both of us need to enjoy it, remember?!"
  881. >"Then relax and you will! I can't help myself, Anon! I didn't think I'd turn into a pony again! This body has extreme needs!"
  882. >Her magical pressure isn't much, but it's enough to counter whatever resistance you try putting into her!
  883. >You're in no condition to fight her off!
  884. >You need Twilight!
  885. >And god damn it, you have no way to get to her!
  886. >She doesn't even know Sunset is at your house!
  887. >You need to do SOMETHING!
  888. >She came from the castle, she snuck out when Spike turned awa-
  889. >Spike!
  890. >Sunset surely wouldn't do anything to you in front of him!
  891. >He can get a message to Twilight!
  892. >You just need to get this bitch off you before she humps your waist raw!
  893. >She's focused on keeping one of your arms at bay, your other is free.
  894. >You have a quick thought, and raise your free hand up and over your head.
  895. >She takes notice, but before she can react, you'd grabbed one of your pillows, smacked it into her face and pushed her backwards!
  896. >"HRRMPH!"
  897. >Sunset rolls back, off your midsection and off the bed entirely, hitting the floor.
  898. >You take this opportunity to sit up and sta-
  899. "YRRRRrrrghhhh... Oooof!"
  900. >You fight through that pain, bend down, grab your pants and pull them up, then start limping for the door!
  901. >"ANON!"
  902. >Limped running!
  903. "Fuck, fuck, fuck! Fuck! Fuck! FUCK!"
  904. >Every fucking step just sends pain right through your pelvis!
  905. >This is way too much activity!
  906. >Fucking Sunset!
  907. >Fucking Spike!
  908. >Fucking... FUCK!
  909. >You grab and lean on everything you possibly can through your house trying to make sure you don't fall over mid run!
  910. >Just get to the door and make a break for town and the castle!
  911. >Fuck the rain!
  912. >You hop and step your way to the front door finally, and right as you turn the handle, your pants fall down!
  913. >You didn't do the button up!
  914. >Damn the time constraints!
  915. >You don't know how far behind you she is, but you're not going bare-arsed through town!
  916. >You quickly reach down and pull them back up and step outside!
  917. >Cold rain hits you immediately.
  918. "OHH THAT'S COLD!"
  919. >Ignore it! Adrenline will keep you-
  920. >Oop, nevermind, that front step just destroyed your pelivs!
  921. >Your one and only step down just made your leg give out when it shot massive pain all through you!
  922. >You stumble for a few more painful steps until you finally fall and land on the grass.
  923. "Frrrrk!"
  924. >Now you're soaked!
  925. >Not that that's a worry, because as you were saying, adrenaline will keep you warm!
  926. >Problem is, that means nothing now because you can't get up!
  927. >In desperation, you start trying to crawl back to the pa-AAAAAATH!
  929. >That enormous surge of pain you just felt was the result of a hoof stomping your lower back.
  930. >You headbutt the grass just out of instinct to redirect the pain.
  931. >While your head presses into the ground, you turn it to see her standing over you out the corner of your eye.
  932. >And she looks none too pleased.
  933. >And getting wetter in the non-sexual sense by the second.
  934. >And she still hasn't taken her hoof off your arse!
  936. >That just makes her press on it harder.
  937. >The pain from it is agonizing enough that you pound the ground with your fist.
  938. "PLEASE!"
  939. >"Anon..."
  940. "FUCK!"
  941. >"Anon, this is what you're going to do."
  942. >All this panicked breathing from the pain you're feeling is making the rain water go up your nose.
  943. >"You're going to finish what you started-"
  944. "NO!"
  945. >"YES!"
  946. >She presses on your lower back again.
  947. "FFFFFFFFF-Unnngh!"
  948. >Both your arms are shaking as they press into the grass, the pain is that extreme.
  949. >"I'm not getting denied twice in a row, Anon!"
  950. "G-ouughhh!"
  951. >You want to yell at her more, but at this point you think you're close to vomiting.
  952. >The heavier the breathe, the more energy you lose.
  953. >Shock is setting in and you lay your head down on the grass.
  954. >"We're finishing what we started."
  955. "I... I can't get up..."
  956. >"Yes you can."
  957. "I really can't!"
  958. >"Well then we're doing it here!"
  959. "What?!"
  960. >There's a slight tingling sensation of magic felt on your left side and you're suddenly flipped over aggressively onto your back.
  961. "OW GOD Damn it!"
  962. >Now your view is that of a dark cloudy sky, rainfall and a wet maned crazy horse.
  963. >God fucking damn it, you wish you had neighbours in close proximity!
  964. >Yelling for help is already masked by the noise of the rain, but at least neighbours probably could've heard!
  965. >More pressure is applied to your lower back for a moment as your legs are suddenly lifted into the air and your pants fly off with magic.
  966. "Easy!"
  967. >"Don't tell me what to do!"
  968. "Suck a cock!"
  969. >You shake your head and rub the rain water out of your eyes.
  970. "Sunset, it's fucking raining, you can't do it her-"
  971. >"I don't care!"
  972. >Sunset stands beside your upper half, plants a hoof on your chest and leans down to kiss you again.
  973. >And you cannot bring yourself to return it.
  974. >Everything is ruined.
  975. >Brain came back during the panic and now all you can think about is how life just wants to screw you.
  976. >Before it just dangled the prospect of a human world in front of you teasingly.
  977. >Now it showed a girl from that world, in human form, willing to do all sorts of lewd things to you as a way of saying sorry.
  978. >She was so close and so real you could smell her.
  979. >You could FEEL her!
  980. >She was eager, willing and... as close to perfect as you'd probably get ever again.
  981. >But even that got yanked away from you and replaced with... this.
  982. >A horse doing her best to stick her tongue down your throat.
  983. >You've experienced enough physical pain in the last twenty minutes to feel like crying, but this...
  984. >This is a whole new level of pain.
  985. >And despite how the rain could cover it up, you're not about to cry in front of her.
  986. >Life isn't fair.
  987. >Sunset lifts herself back up.
  988. >She's wet enough that her mane is falling to cover most of her face.
  989. >She whips her head back to send it behind her head, spraying you with more water in the process.
  990. "Sunset, please..."
  991. >She just looks down on you.
  992. "Even if I had the energy, the mood is ruined so much I don't think I could."
  993. >She glances down toward your crotch, no doubt noticing its flaccidness.
  994. >She huffs and steps down that way.
  995. >"Then we just need to get it back up."
  996. "Ohhhh WOMAN! You MADE it retreat! My dick might as well be inver-aaahahhhahah..."
  997. >That's a tongue!
  998. >That's a tongue going over your dick!
  999. "God damn it, will you let me finish!"
  1000. >"That's what I'm trying to do!"
  1001. "Don't be a bitch, you know what I mean!"
  1002. >She partially lays herself over your midsection, licking and sucking at your flaccid cock.
  1003. >And you hate to say it... it's kind of working.
  1004. >God damn it penis, do you have no dignity?!
  1005. >"You know Anon... I saw you earlier..."
  1006. >Errggh, what now?
  1007. "Saw me what?"
  1008. >"Staring."
  1009. "No shit, you were naked."
  1010. >"And licking your lips..."
  1011. "I-"
  1012. >...
  1013. >Oh fuck no...
  1014. >Sunset's backside stands and steps over your head, finding rest on your chest.
  1015. >Worse still, her tail is draped over your head.
  1016. >... And she's winking.
  1017. >"I know what you wanted.~"
  1018. "Ohh, kill me..."
  1019. >"Why don't you show me what you wanted to do.~"
  1020. "Would rather drink ble-eeph!"
  1021. >Ohhhhh... fucking...
  1022. >Her horse vagina practically engulfed your nose as she winks against your upper lip.
  1023. >You elect to just lay there and put up with your face being sat on in this fashion.
  1024. >Last thing you wanna do is give her the satisfa-AAACTION...
  1025. >Ooooooh, that tongue!
  1026. >It really is working... more so now.
  1027. >Her tongue made its way under your foreskin and she's swirling it around!
  1028. >Son of a bitch, she knows exactly how to work it!
  1029. >And while you're doing your best trying not to enjoy that, your nose, lip and general breathing are unintentionally stimulating her...
  1030. >You felt her tongue retract.
  1031. >"This'll be over sooner if you'd get back in the mood, Anon."
  1032. >With that, you feel your shaft get taken in its entirety somewhere warm and moist.
  1033. >Of course a blowjob does it for you.
  1034. >Your dick can't help you fight her, noooo.
  1035. >He has to be the one to stand for her when you're trying to rebel.
  1036. >And while he gets the best tongue lashing you've had in years, your face is getting grinded on.
  1037. >You wish this would end.
  1038. >And... in thinking that... her words ring in your head.
  1039. >You look at this moistened orange and pink hole grinding up and down your face.
  1040. >... You really do want this to be over.
  1041. >Unnnngh...
  1042. >Bite the bullet, Anon.
  1043. >Try not to vomit.
  1044. >When you feel her wink against your lip again, you stick your tongue out...
  1045. >Apparently she felt it, almost jumping slightly, but settles back down into it.
  1046. >You give her a few licks along her lips, and her clit when it pops out.
  1047. >She's focused on taking you down to the shaft, but you get the feeling she wants more as her back half starts trying to grind on your tongue.
  1048. >Her doing that is giving you an enormous desire to punch her right in these stupid butt marks of hers, but you know doing so will just have her punch you right back in the butt where you're currently delicate.
  1049. >So instead you take your hands and sieze her by those butt marks to hold her still so you can plunge your tongue into her as much as you can.
  1050. >"MMMMmmmmph.~"
  1051. >Good, she enjoyed that!
  1052. >You're fucking glad!
  1053. >You wriggle your tongue around in her as much as you can manage just to make her hurry the fuck up and get off you!
  1054. >And you're doing your best to not think about the taste!
  1055. >Which is kind of... not TERRIBLE, but still pretty bad!
  1056. >Which also makes you wonder what makes you think her human pussy would've been like instead.
  1057. >Also also makes you think maybe eating pussy is really just a state of mind for you to enjoy the tas-
  1058. >"That's it, I can't take it!"
  1059. >Oh god, your dicks free!
  1060. >That rain feels cold!
  1061. >She finally gets off your face!
  1062. >Aaaaand spins around.
  1063. >"Time I got what I need!~"
  1064. >You just groan.
  1065. >"Don't be like that, Anon. Enjoy yourself.~"
  1066. "There is no possible way I can do that right now..."
  1067. >Sunset steps over you and positions her backside over your crotch.
  1068. >"There is if you'd relax.~"
  1069. "I'm being molested, it's raining, I'm freezing, my nipples are diamonds and my arse hur-ooooooopphh...!"
  1070. >She'd positioned your dick with magic and slowly descended onto it...
  1071. >"Mmmmmmm... Sorry, what was that?~"
  1072. "You're too heavy and my arse hurts!"
  1073. >"Then I guess you'd better give me a good time Anon!"
  1074. >Sunset raises herself up and slams herself down.
  1075. "HRRNGH!"
  1076. >"Wouldn't want you..."
  1077. >She does it again!
  1078. "NRGH!"
  1079. >"To feel bad..."
  1080. >And again!
  1081. "AHH'OW!"
  1082. >"While I ride you!"
  1083. >This last one makes you throw hands at her to try and lift her off you a little!
  1084. "STOP! GOD, FUCK!... Stop!..."
  1085. >You breathe heavily through that pain.
  1086. >You're getting so light headed from all this pain and heavy breathing, you start trying to drink the rain dripping down your mouth.
  1087. "Alright! You win! I'll go along with it, but PLEASE be gentler!"
  1088. >Sunset smugs a smile at you.
  1089. >God you wish you could headbutt that face.
  1090. >You take a few seconds to collect yourself before your hands move to her butt marks, the right hand giving her a few pats.
  1091. >She takes that as her cue to lower herself and bounce at a reasonable pace.
  1092. >Each bounce still has pain, but significantly less than she was doing.
  1093. >You do your part by squeezing and rubbing her flanks.
  1094. >"Mmmm.~"
  1095. >You match her delight with a defeated groan.
  1096. >As you keep trying to rehydrate yourself with the rain water, you do your best to lay on the cold wet ground and be comfortable.
  1097. >Your hands still guide her up and down on you while giving her a few squeezes, but you're laying there with your eyes closed trying desperately to picture her as that human that was ready to ride you earlier.
  1098. >Doesn't quite work...
  1099. >The flank isn't the same shape as that butt...
  1100. >It's still alright to hold, but by comparrison...
  1101. >You're too focused on it feeling like wet fur.
  1102. >The feeling on Sunset's hoof taking your hand and guiding it again causes you to open your eyes.
  1103. >She's gently bouncing on you with her eyes closed, clearly in her own bliss.
  1104. >Her hoof guided your hand down to her... crotch.
  1105. >At first you thought she wanted you to rub her clit with your thumb, but then you saw the two nipples...
  1106. >... Teats...
  1107. >Small crotch-boobs.
  1108. >Whatever they're called.
  1109. >She wants you to fondle those.
  1110. >Not even a handful, but... whatever.
  1111. >You run your fingers across them, catching them between fingers and squeezing and pinching like you were doing to her human tits before.
  1112. >The sensation of that causes her to chew her lip.
  1113. >"Oooooooooh that is so much better than anything hooves could try to do.~"
  1114. >She also sped up her bouncing...
  1115. >Her speeds getting a little painful and you're trying to get her to ease up with that hand on her flank, but she leans forward on her front legs and just keeps bouncing with her back legs.
  1116. >You grit your teeth through it, trying not to make any pained grunts to interrupt her.
  1117. >And then you feel it.
  1118. >Contractions around your dick.
  1119. >She just came.
  1120. >Her bouncing slows down as she rides it out, and her eyes open slightly while she catches her breath.
  1121. >Her mane also falls down her face while she's leaned forward.
  1122. "... You done?"
  1123. >She looks up at you.
  1124. >With a chuckle through her breath regaining, she whips her mane back behind her head.
  1125. >And you notice she hasn't stopped her slower bouncing...
  1126. >"What makes you say that?~"
  1127. "... The fact that you just came?"
  1128. >"And yet I'm not filled.~"
  1129. >Oh for fuck sake...
  1130. >"It's almost like you're not enjoying yourself, Anon.~"
  1131. "Gee, I wonder why."
  1132. >"Well you still haven't given me what I want, so I see no reason to stop."
  1133. >God damn it.
  1134. >"Aw, you don't seem too excited to keep the party going. Maybe you'd like it a little rougher?"
  1135. "No I wouldn't! Just... Please, get on with it..."
  1136. >She smirks, but her bouncing continues.
  1137. >You just need to think sexy thoughts.
  1138. >Give her what she wants so she goes away.
  1139. >You close your eyes again.
  1140. >Okay, come on...
  1141. >Come on, come on...
  1142. >Ignore what you feel, focus on what you had before.
  1143. >That soft skin.
  1144. >Gropable boobs and butt.
  1145. >That butt was rubbing against your cock while you were laying on the bed, that was damn nice.
  1146. >Your hand rubs her butt, which is human in your head, but reminders of it being a flank creep in when you can't not feel the fur.
  1147. >"Mmm, how about I help you out?~"
  1148. >You almost didn't hear that, trying to tune her out.
  1149. >But you feel something pleasant down there.
  1150. >It's a warm and gentle fondling of your balls.
  1151. >You creep an eye open and see her horn lit.
  1152. >Sunset sees you look and winks.
  1153. >"That do anything for you?~"
  1154. >You groan.
  1155. "Actually, yeah, a little..."
  1156. >It is pretty nice.
  1157. >Gentle massage, and a warm feeling to counter this cold rain.
  1158. >Really, you're almost literally fucking in a cold shower.
  1159. >You were disadvantaged from the start.
  1160. >Snap out of it, get back to thinking.
  1161. >Tits.
  1162. >She had a nice set.
  1163. >Nothing tremendously big, but certainly enough to give you a good handful.
  1164. >Enough to squeeze.
  1165. >Soft... perky...
  1166. >Your imaginary scene of squeezing them makes the hand doing the crotch groping react.
  1167. >Not that you really noticed, but Sunset just moaned about something...
  1168. >Oh, and the best thing...
  1169. >Her nethers.
  1170. >The one thing you didn't get any sort of experience with.
  1171. >Just sitting there, leaving a little wetness on your midsection.
  1172. >You wish she didn't just push you down on the bed...
  1173. >Had you noticed earlier, what you wouldn't have given to set her down yourself and put your head between her legs.
  1174. >You lick your lips again.
  1175. >You also find some pain ignored now, whatever butt muscles you can flex are giving you the smallest thrusts upwards...
  1176. >It's actually surprisingly not difficult to enjoy her going up and down your dick when you imagine that vagina you regret not sampling.
  1177. >But despite what you felt, what you groped and what you felt up...
  1178. >The one thing you're happy you got to experience were those kisses.
  1179. >Particularly when she was sitting over you on the bed, learning down.
  1180. >You can practically feel it now...
  1181. >Taste it too...
  1182. >...
  1183. >Okay, you don't need to open your eyes to know Sunset's currently leaned down kissing you.
  1184. >And you'd rather not, the mental image of her human form doing it is a lot better.
  1185. >Can't even taste the pony tongue.
  1186. >And it's doing wonders for you, because your little thrusts get ever so slightly more intense.
  1187. >You're getting close, and you're ignoring the extra pain coming with it.
  1188. >When she was kissing you earlier, you were a little too caught up feeling up and down her body.
  1189. >You've had your feel, now its a better time to embrace her.
  1190. >Your hands come up from her butt and crotch and lightly wrap your arms over her back, pulling her as close to you as you can.
  1191. >She moans into the kiss, and that's music enough to your ears that you ignore a little more pain.
  1192. >Holding her close to you decreased her ability to bounce, now only able to sway her hips a little.
  1193. >You're forced to put a little more effort into your thrusts to compensate.
  1194. >Your breathing into her is a little heavier, both from the extra pain, and being about ready to blow.
  1195. >And just by how passionate she suddenly tries making the kiss, she knows it too.
  1196. >And thank fuck for it, you can't take much more of it.
  1197. >Fortunately, her muscles down there are trying to help you along with it.
  1198. >That's enough to send you over the edge.
  1199. >You lift your head slightly, pressing your lips to hers a little harder as you give her what she wanted.
  1200. >"Mmmmmmmmmmmm.~"
  1201. >You groan to match her moans.
  1202. >Your dick throbs, shooting a few streams inside her.
  1203. >A couple seconds after that unloading, with a few more thrusts, you feel a little extra.
  1204. >Feels like she just came again.
  1205. >Guess she enjoyed it.
  1206. >When you start coming down from that, your body has had enough.
  1207. >You drop your head back down, forcing the kiss to break so you can catch your breath.
  1208. >Your arms flop outward, back on the cold and wet grass.
  1209. >Only thing you're really able to feel now is the warm body contact on your chest as she catches her breath as well.
  1210. >While that feels nice, you still have that desire for water, what with all that's been taken out of you.
  1211. >You're trying to lick the rain water without much thought.
  1212. >"Seemed like you finally started to enjoy yourself.~"
  1213. >You finally open your eyes again
  1214. >Rain droplets hit them directly, forcing you to blink a few times.
  1215. >You raise your head to look at that cyan eyes staring back at you.
  1216. >... Right.
  1217. >Despite how your imagination was helping you along with that... that's a pony laying on you...
  1218. >Congrats, dipshit. You fucked a pony.
  1219. >You groan a defeated groan and drop your head back again.
  1220. >"Now if only it didn't take so much effort to get there. If we could have stayed inside, and you weren't such prude for ponies, this would have been exaaaaactly what I was hoping for.~"
  1221. "Shut up."
  1222. >You sigh, and just stare up into the rainy sky.
  1223. >You can hardly see the top of Sunset's head in your field of view, but you just barely see her ears drop.
  1224. >She doesn't say anything, but she wetly slides off you, laying beside you.
  1225. >Your chest is now left bare again, letting the cold rain hit it again.
  1226. >Sunset lays her head on your upper arm.
  1227. >The only sound you hear is rain.
  1228. >...
  1229. >...
  1230. >...
  1231. >"Tell me... What did you like about me earlier?"
  1232. "What?"
  1233. >"What about me, before I turned back into a pony, did you like the most?"
  1234. >You sigh again.
  1235. "That's a dumb question."
  1236. >"Humour me.
  1237. "Ugh..."
  1238. >Mouthing slight obsceneties without saying them aloud for a moment, you shake your head slightly.
  1239. "I don't know. It's... You were a human. After the amount of time I spent without seeing one, it's kind of an attractive quality by default."
  1240. >"I don't believe that."
  1241. >You tilt your head to lock eyes with her.
  1242. "Why? I would. I'm not much of a foot person, but just the knowledge that you had feet made me want to-"
  1243. >"That's not how it works, Anon. Unless you're the shallowest person imaginable, you don't just find someone attractive based on their looks."
  1244. "Says the pony who comes back to Equestria for a fuck because it feels better like this than her human body."
  1245. >She learns up and puts a hoof on your chest.
  1246. >"And yet here I was trying to make a better effort! This is no different to your reaction when you saw my human form, besides how my self control went out the window. But think about that! If this was really all I was here for, why would I make the effort to get you comfortable when I could've just taken it?"
  1247. "Because Twilight has your number!"
  1248. >"Bullcrap! I know Twilight is big on forgiveness, but do you honestly think she'd allow anyone like that near her friends again willy nilly?! I've been talking to her about you, wanting to know more about you, and I think she was hoping this would happen!"
  1249. "What the fu-!"
  1250. >"Not THIS this, just... this sort of situation!"
  1251. >Sunset groans and shakes her head.
  1252. >"Look, I've gone behind her back and done this. I regret it NOW, and Celestia knows after I admit to it, and you tell your side of the story, I might as well just be banished back through the mirror for real this time. I don't think even she could forgive that..."
  1253. >You straighten your head again and look back up to the sky.
  1254. >"But despite what I did today, I think this was the plan..."
  1255. >Your free hand comes up to rub the side of your face.
  1256. >"I don't think she really liked the idea that I come here for a simple 'fuck' to satisfy some urges that I know are experienced better as a pony, but she knows that's not her business to pry on. But after that day a few weeks ago, I bet she started to think it might be an opportunity."
  1257. "Uuugh fucking christ..."
  1258. >"Just think about it. A lone human in Equestria. You don't persue any relationships, you don't find ponies attractive... You don't think that sets off all the alarms in the head of the Princess of Friendship?"
  1259. "Whether it does or not is not her business."
  1260. >Sunset's hoof comes up to tap your forehead a few times for emphasis.
  1261. >"PRINCESS of FRIENDSHIP, Anon! You're in HER Kingdom! It IS her business! She and other ponies don't want to see you alone and depressed!"
  1262. "Well good fucking job HELPING with that! Why do you act like I can just change who I am like that? With the YEARS I've been here?"
  1263. >"She knows you feel that way, and she's sympathetic towards it. So am I. But that's just my point. She wanted to help."
  1264. "Bang up job!"
  1265. >"What I just did here was from absolutely nothing she had in mind, don't be a jerk! When she learned you and I met that day, she thought she could smooth things over between us after what happened in the hospital because she knows you want some human interaction, and I'm the closest we've got!"
  1266. "Interaction... Right."
  1267. >"That isn't what she meant, but since she knows what I come back to Equestria for, she probably knows that could have been a possibility overtime... But look, I clearly failed this test big time, I accept that and I don't except you or Twilight to forgive me for it anytime soon..."
  1268. >Your free hand rubs your eye with the palm.
  1269. >"But don't blame her for any of this. Blame me."
  1270. "Oh don't worry about that..."
  1271. >Sunset sighs and sits up, looking down at you.
  1272. >"Look, I'm not going to say I LOVE you... But I do LIKE you, Anon. For a lot more than the fact that humans are a big interest to me sexually. It's not just because I got denied last time that I couldn't get you out of my head these past few weeks, I genuinely LIKED you..."
  1273. "Golly I'm flattered."
  1274. >"WHICH IS WHY I was so certain I could get you to eventually change your mind. I thought you had some interest in me for me as well. And Twilight thought the same thing when I brought it up to her...
  1275. >Pretty sure you made that reasonably clear before, but then she went and blew it both times.
  1276. >"And... Twilight thought that, with a lot of talking, you and I could be 'Good Friends'..."
  1277. >Sunset turns her head to the side, and looks like she has a moment of regret...
  1278. >"And I THINK she used that term to imply 'with benefits'..."
  1279. >...
  1280. >Yep, that was regret.
  1281. >Regret that she didn't wait a little longer...
  1282. >She looks back to you.
  1283. "So you think she was hoping we'd become 'fuck-buddies'?"
  1284. >Suset manages a small shrug and nod.
  1285. >You roll your eyes.
  1286. "Fucking stupid...
  1287. >You hardly believe Twilight would try to set that sort of thing up.
  1288. >Particularly with someone she knows you're super weary of.
  1289. >For god sake, while the broken pelvis was an accident, she threatened to make it worse, and tried raping you in hospital!
  1290. >Sunset brings a hoof up to rub her eye.
  1291. >It's hard to tell with her wet mane partially covering her face, but you think she might've started crying.
  1292. >Good.
  1293. >She looks up to the sky and back at the house.
  1294. >"We should get back inside. Don't want to get sick or anything..."
  1295. >You just mutter nothing sensical.
  1296. >Sunset's horn lights up and you feel that tingling on your side from earlier again.
  1297. >With a much gentler goal in mind now, she slowly rolls you onto your less painful side.
  1298. >The same magic tingling takes your wrist to help slowly lift you enough for her to put her head down under your chest.
  1299. >With the magic assisting her, she tries lifting you up with her head enough to get under you and position you over her back.
  1300. >Confident you won't slide off, she slowly and carefully heads back toward the house.
  1301. >You just lay there, flopped, feet dragging along the grass.
  1302. "Oh look at that, I look like you hunted me. Guess that's fitting, huh?"
  1303. >"Shut up."
  1304. >Oh yeah, wouldn't want to offend her or anything!
  1305. >While logic would denote you should be nicer to the pony who damn near stomped your pelvis to dust, you feel she is sympathetic enough to not do it again.
  1306. >You settle and just rub the dripping water out of your eyes with two fingers.
  1307. >One thing you notice as you're being carried is a thick, white drippage coming down between her legs as she walks.
  1308. >Your jizz started leaking out of her.
  1309. >Fucking lovely.
  1310. >Sunset picks up your pants she threw off you on the way and you finally feel the rain stop hitting you as you get inside.
  1311. >"I'll run a bath for you to relax in, hope that helps..."
  1312. >You want to make another negative comment, but that actually would probably be nice...
  1313. >Even if you are super pruney already.
  1314. >"And if it's all the same to you, I'll take a quick shower to warm up while I'm here, then I'll leave."
  1315. "Good."
  1316. >She doesn't turn around to look at you, but she does drop her head slightly.
  1317. >She brings you into the bathroom, puts the plug in the bathtub, runs the water, adds some bath salts and does her best to gently help you in until you're sitting comfortably.
  1318. >When you're situated, you finally get a quick look at her face before she gets into the shower.
  1319. >That's a lot of regret she's sporting there.
  1320. >Can't really bring yourself to care, honestly.
  1321. >She knows she brought it on herself, she apparently accepts it.
  1322. >What do you have to care about?
  1323. >You choose to sit there, arm on the side of the bathtub, head leaned in the hand.
  1324. >You only stop to turn the taps of the bath off before returning that position.
  1325. >A few short minutes pass for the shower to stop and Sunset steps out.
  1326. >She stands in the center of the bathroom to dry herself off, facing away from you.
  1327. >Finally she leaves the room.
  1328. >Another minute passes before she comes back in.
  1329. >You don't turn your head at all, but you can see enough from the side of your vision.
  1330. >She's wearing the jacket she brought with her.
  1331. >Not the shirt, pants or boots though. Guess they don't fit her pony body.
  1332. >"I'll tell Spike and Twilight to come check on you..."
  1333. >You're waiting for her to leave, but instead she hesitantly comes closer.
  1334. >For a moment you were confused and a little worried, but all she does is kiss the side of your head.
  1335. >She pulls back and turns to leave, stopping at the bathroom door.
  1336. >"... I'm..."
  1337. >She struggles with the words, but then sighs.
  1338. >"I'm really sorry, Anon... For what little that's worth..."
  1339. >FINALLY she leaves the room and, you both assume and hope, your house.
  1340. >When you hear nothing for thirty seconds, you let out the only sound you can...
  1341. "Nnnnmmmmmmuuuuuuuugh..."
  1342. >You lift your head back up, drop the arm back in the bath water and just look around like you have no idea what to do now.
  1343. >The fuck are you supposed to do after all THAT.
  1344. >Can't even really get out of the bathtub...
  1345. >Just gonna have to spend that day of relaxation you planned to have in the bathtub instead of your comfy chair until Twilight or someone comes.
  1346. >Fantastic, great, love it.
  1347. >Perfect end to the shitty day.
  1348. >God your arse hurts...
  1351. --
  1354. "Hrgnh... Hrrgnh...!"
  1355. >56... 57...
  1356. >58-HOOOOOOLY CRAP that's a wicked arm cramp!
  1357. >You bring it back down and let go of the handle.
  1358. >That's probably enough hammer strength...
  1359. >Damn it, didn't even make it to 60...
  1360. >Oh what do you care, 57 and a half is still good.
  1361. >Hell, for your third day back in the gym, you're just gonna go ahead and pat yourself on the back for that.
  1362. >Maybe you should increase the weight.
  1363. >Although... ehh, there's only two others in the gym at the moment, Bulk isn't around either.
  1364. >Better not push it, you don't wanna suddenly break something and have one of the other two come help you.
  1365. >Hell, you just got over the broken pelvis a few weeks ago.
  1366. >Took you long enough to not consider that the poor omen to keep you from a gym routine.
  1367. >Not that that specifically was the reason...
  1368. >But your brain overpowered those thoughts by continuously making you think you're a fat shit.
  1369. >You could've settled that by either going for regular jogs out in the fresh air where everyone can see you...
  1370. >Or you could've just come back to the gym, indoors, where at best there seems to be only five ponies maximum using the place.
  1371. >You're wondering if Bulk meeds to keep funding this place to keep it open, or if it just doubles as his home that he opens to others.
  1372. >Curious enough that you might ask him later.
  1373. >You sit forward and grab your water bottle from the floor besides you, taking a few swigs.
  1374. >Though in the middle of doing so, the corner of your eye comes into contact with daylight.
  1375. >Someone's coming in through the front door.
  1376. >And either it's a lot darker than you thought in here, or you don't actually know what time it was when you got here, because that sunlight should not be low enough to shine way the hell in here.
  1377. >Someone's making an overly dramatic entrance.
  1378. >Someone tall apparently.
  1379. >... And biped shaped...
  1380. >...
  1381. >Oh fuck no.
  1382. >No, no, don't acknowledge her.
  1383. >You face forward, eyes to the floor.
  1384. >You don't care what she wants, or what form she's wearing... kinda.
  1385. >After the hell she put you through, she can go back to her old routine of waiting for stallions.
  1386. >The fact that she's trying to be human again just tells you that clearly Twilight didn't chew her out hard enough.
  1387. >You sit back again and take hold of the handles.
  1388. >Fuck the arm cramp, you need to look busy.
  1389. >Looks like you're hitting 60 on the hammer strength machine after all!
  1390. >58!
  1391. >... You can see her coming over in the corner of your eye...
  1392. >... 59!
  1393. >Aaaand of course, she stops in front of you...
  1394. >Don't dignify her with eye contact.
  1395. >Look past her midsection!
  1396. "... 60."
  1397. >Aaaand your arm is about to explode, so you rest it.
  1398. >You don't let go of the handles, you just keep that determined look to not pay attention to her.
  1399. >Though she's just standing there... looks like a sports bra and shorts...
  1400. >One hand on her hip...
  1401. >You could at least not make eye contact by staring at her tits...
  1402. >... Or is that what she wants?
  1403. >...
  1404. >...
  1405. >...
  1406. >"... Do you want to hear me out?"
  1407. "I'm still sitting here, aren't I?"
  1408. >When did you decide that?!
  1409. >Fine then!
  1410. >Eye contact with tits!
  1411. >Either she hasn't noticed where you're looking or she doesn't care because she proceeds.
  1412. >"I've thought of a solution to all three of our problems."
  1413. "Three?"
  1414. >"You need to get over your disinterest in ponies and be eased into liking them. I need sexual satisfaction. You want, but won't admit to wanting, sexual satisfaction as well, specifically from a human."
  1415. "I'm starting to feel like there's a lot of assumptions about me being thrown around..."
  1416. >"Deny it all you want, but you were pretty excited about me being on top of you looking like this."
  1417. >Aaaaand that causes you to look further up and make eye contact.
  1418. >Huh... she's wearing that mask she was wearing when you first met.
  1419. >And she's also wearing a smug smile.
  1420. >Damn it.
  1421. "Fine. The human form gives me a boner like no other around here, for obvious reasons. I admit it, not that I needed to. What's your point?"
  1422. >You're being remarkably calm with her in your pressence.
  1423. >Guess the healed pelvis gives you a little confidense you could probably fight her off or get away properly.
  1424. >That smile she has turns into a grin.
  1425. >"A little friendly competition."
  1426. >You raise an eyebrow.
  1427. >"You remember how we met, right? That little sparring session where I accidentally broke your butt?"
  1428. >You look over to the mats where that incident occurred.
  1429. >She was wearing that mask and surprised the holy hell out of you by pulling some luchador bullshit.
  1430. >Moves you honestly didn't think, and still don't think, a pony should be able to do.
  1431. >And of course, the power bombing.
  1432. >Kinda makes you laugh when you imagine how that must've looked.
  1433. >"What do you say we do it again... But with some extra stakes?"
  1434. >...
  1435. "Against my better judgement... I'm listening..."
  1436. >You'd really rather just walk away, but that body is too good to ignore.
  1437. >Even if you get your arse kicked again, touching it, grabbing it and rubbing against it sure would be nice...
  1438. >What has being a lone human done to you?
  1439. >She moves her free hand to hold your cheek, stroking downward until only her finger and thumb are holding your chin.
  1440. >"I screwed up that night a few weeks ago. I didn't mean to transform back to a pony, but I misjudged the spell and then my urges took over. I... I know it doesn't mean much now, but I really am sorry about that..."
  1441. >Your eyes drift off to the side as you remember that moment, but focus back to her as she continues.
  1442. >"So here's what we'll do. We're going to spar again. Best of 9 rounds. If you win..."
  1443. >She comes down to eye level with you and moving in close to whisper.
  1444. >"We'll have sex, and I'll stay like this. Whatever you want.~"
  1445. >She leans her head in and brings her lips to yours.
  1446. >You're not sure if that's to try and sell the offer even more or not, but there's a whole lot of you that's liking this idea...
  1447. >Like, obviously she is trying to sell it, but there's way too much going through your head to think about that right now.
  1448. >She breaks the kiss and pulls back.
  1449. >"But if I win..."
  1450. >Ah crap...
  1451. >"We have sex, and I'll be a pony. No if's, and's or but's."
  1452. >...
  1453. >You just sort of purse your lips and squint after hearing that.
  1454. >You kinda knew that was coming, but apparently you were just too distracted to think on it.
  1455. "Ohhhhh I don't like how tempting a proposition this is..."
  1456. >Sunset lets out a soft laugh through her nose.
  1457. >"Come on, we've already done it once while I've been a pony. It couldn't have been that bad."
  1458. >You're not taking the time to look at the others using the gym, but you feel pretty certain they might be listening in.
  1459. >The place isn't exactly loud, and this conversation isn't the quietest.
  1460. "It was super fucking weird! And not even remotely on terms I was agreeing with!"
  1461. >Sunset pouts and tries looking away a little.
  1462. "Not to mention I still had the broken pelvis! You weren't even a little gentle! That shit hurt! And you were threatening to make it worse!"
  1463. >"And I apologised for it! I mean... I know, that doesn't even come close to making up for it, what with the pain I caused you and the... Well, mental scarring I guess?"
  1464. >The hand on her hip moves to rub her other arm.
  1465. >"Look, you're aware I admitted everything to Twilight. She didn't exactly yell at me or anything, not nearly as much as I deserve, but she was still disappointed enough that it took A LOT of talking to allow me back here to make amends."
  1466. >God damn it Twilight.
  1467. >She couldn't let you know first?
  1468. >"And trust me, she still wouldn't have if it weren't for how much I'd been discussing the issue with our friends through the mirror as well. Like.... Girl talk reached a whole new level. And there's another Twilight over there, the friendship discussions on this problem didn't have a single point overlooked or ignored. I was on the receiving end of two different Twilight opinions.I had to write reports to both of them."
  1469. >Good god!
  1470. >Only Twilight could create a homework assignment as a punishment for this sort of issue.
  1471. >"If it makes you feel better... The girls through the mirror are on your side. That's why Twilight is letting me try to make things right with you, because this idea was originally theirs. They want to hear the gossip of how things became beneficial for the both of us..."
  1472. "... That sounded all well and good until you said 'gossip'."
  1473. >"Oh like you'd care, it's not like you'll meet them any time soon, if at all."
  1474. >You sit back and rub your eyes for a couple seconds before you throw both hands up a little and drop them back in your lap.
  1475. "Alright, alright, fine. Point made. I guess at the very least I should be giving you a chance if Twilight says so... Not that I like having her be the decider, but I suppose she has best interests in mind..."
  1476. >You give Sunset a look up and down.
  1477. "Aaaand it helps that you're sporting that body again, not that I'm proud to admit. Wouldn't have given you the chance otherwise..."
  1478. >You stand up, and before you can do anything else, her arms are wrapped around you for a hug.
  1479. >You take a few seconds to process it, but hug her back.
  1480. "Did you walk all the way here like that as well? You must've had a lot of weird looks toward you..."
  1481. >"No. I've got the spell memorized now. I transformed outside and quickly put these clothes on."
  1482. "... Di-"
  1483. >"Behind the building."
  1484. "Oh..."
  1485. >You were going to ask if anyone saw her naked.
  1486. >The hug is finally broken and she starts leading you over to the mats.
  1487. >You follow along, though the downside of this idea is lingering in your head.
  1488. "As much as I like the sound of that condition for me winning... Didn't you say you were learning and practicing this sort of thing more as a human? How the actual hell am I even supposed to compare for this and win?"
  1489. >Sunset stands at the other side of the mats, facing away from you and stretching out her arms and upper body.
  1490. >"Well... I guess that all depends on how much you want some of this.~"
  1491. >Upon saying that, she bends down at the waist, low enough to touch her toes without bending her knees.
  1492. >And before she stands back up straight, she slaps herself on the butt.
  1493. >And oooohhhhh lordy, that booty...
  1494. "Aaaand I'm sold!"
  1495. >You hate yourself.
  1496. >You stretch a little yourself to prepare for the flooring you're about to receive.
  1497. >Sunset finishes and turns back to you.
  1498. >"If it makes you feel better, I might go a little easy on you for the first couple rounds."
  1499. >Yeah right. 'Easy' by her standards is probably flipping you around without the added pain.
  1500. >But fine. She wants it, you'd best bring it.
  1501. >You stand ready, eyeing her off with as cocky a grin as you can muster.
  1502. >"Ding."
  1505. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I'm so fucking sorry..."
  1506. >"It's fine, Anon. Don't worry."
  1507. >Second gym session with her, second hospital visit.
  1508. "No really, I got carried away, I didn't even know what I was doing..."
  1509. >"It's fine, relax."
  1510. >Except this time, you're not the one in the bed.
  1511. >You've been face down, muffling your apologies to the mattress for the last few minutes.
  1512. "And that part of you is just as bad, if not worse than what you did to me! God damn it!"
  1513. >Sunset's hoof touches your hand.
  1514. >You lift your head.
  1515. >Her spell diminished a little while ago and she's back to being a pony.
  1516. >"Anon. Really. It's fine. Accidents happen with this sort of activity. We accept them, get over them, recover and come back stronger."
  1517. >You're glad she's taking this so well, cause you don't even know what sort of effects this could have on her!
  1518. >Basically you tried to surprise her by jumping and... bringing some of your weight down on her in some fashion...
  1519. >Doing stuff you have no experience in so really it was the equivalent of flailing about like an idiot.
  1520. >And doing so cause your elbow to collide with her collar-bone, breaking it.
  1521. >Or fracturing it, it was hard to say.
  1522. >Which would probably normally be fine, that's reasonably easy enough to manage...
  1523. >But that was her human body!
  1524. >The doctors had to wait for her to turn back into a pony so they can assess the damage it would be to her pony body!
  1525. >Because apparently ponies don't have collar-bones!
  1526. >So what the hell did you just break?!
  1527. >She's sitting in the bed, disturbingly calm, with her arm in a sling.
  1528. >But how does that work for her, is she gonna keep it like that?
  1529. >Doesn't she need four legs to move around?!
  1530. "Why the fuck are you managing this so well?!"
  1531. >She just looks at you, somewhat amused.
  1532. >"It's not like you did any lasting damage. And I'll still be going back through the mirror afterwards. I'll just be my regular every day human self, walking on two legs, but with an arm incapacitated."
  1533. "... Oh."
  1534. >That's not all that terrible then, you guess...
  1535. >But you still feel bad.
  1536. >The door suddenly opens up and in walks Doctor 'Thinks-He's-Funny-Because-Butt-Joke' Intern.
  1537. >He comes toward the bed with what look like x-rays.
  1538. >"Nice to see you both again. I see we're still hurting each other for fun."
  1539. "Oh shut up."
  1540. >"I'm kidding, but maybe consider another hobby to avoid things like this."
  1541. >He motions his hoof between you both.
  1542. >You just drop your head back down on the matress.
  1543. >"Okay, so Miss... 'Shimmer'. Unfortunately there's a reasonably sized fracture of your scapula. Nothing that won't heal luckily, but I am going to have to ask you avoid putting weight on that leg for a few weeks at least."
  1544. "Fuuuuuuuuuck."
  1545. >Your vocalizing your sorrows is met with a hoof patting your head.
  1546. >"We, uh... We can provide you some painkillers and items of assistance until you're able to walk properly again."
  1547. >"Not necessary. I think I'll be able to manage it just fine, doctor."
  1548. >You lift your head back up as she says that.
  1549. >The doctor looks as confused as you.
  1550. >"Are you sure? It's not wise to take this lightly. At the very least, the painkillers would be a big help for you."
  1551. >Sunset just shakes her head.
  1552. >"It's fine. If I need them, I'll get them somewhere closer to home."
  1553. >The doctor raises his eyebrow and squints.
  1554. >"Not illegally, don't worry..."
  1555. >The doctor shrugs and begins to leave.
  1556. >"If you say so. It's not my recommendation, but it's your decision. Either way, Princess Twilight has been contacted like you requested. I'm sure she'll be here soon and we can discharge you."
  1557. >"Thank you doctor."
  1558. >After the door closes behind him, you sit there blinking a few times.
  1559. "Really? Not even the painkillers?"
  1560. >"I haven't experimented with the idea, but I'm going to assume that it'd be unwise to take medicinal drugs for ponies as a human."
  1561. "Ohhhhh, right, right..."
  1562. >And here you thought she was gonna make you look like a bitch for taking painkillers for your pelvi-...
  1563. >...
  1564. "Wait! I take painkillers from here, there aren't any negatives."
  1565. >"But you're stuck here, and surrounded by ponies. I'd rather not be getting looked after by my friends and seen taking painkillers designed for a pony. They don't even know that I come back to Equestria so regularly."
  1566. >Yeah, that would probably look a little off.
  1567. "Wait, really? They don't know you're here?"
  1568. >"Nope. I don't want them to worry about me, thinking I'm homesick or anything."
  1569. "So where do you tell them you've been the whole time when you get back?"
  1570. >"That I was at a gym in the next town. Technically it's not lying, I don't have to state that 'the next town' is through a mirror portal."
  1571. "... Huh... So you describe your stallion hookup's as dudes over there?"
  1572. >"I don't tell them about that, are you insane? I'll never hear the end of it!"
  1573. "... But you told them about me?"
  1574. >"Well... yeah. I looked like I was feeling guilty, and I needed some advice about you... So I told them I accidentally broke some guy's butt at the gym. At least it was easy to be truthful about it without spilling specific details."
  1575. >She seems to be able to dodge a whole lot of details way too easily...
  1576. >But whatever, it's not your business.
  1577. >Not until she starts talking about you after today anyway...
  1578. >You just sit there, tapping your hands on the mattress while you both wait for Twilight.
  1579. >"Sooo..."
  1580. "Hm?"
  1581. >You look to see that she's chewing her lip.
  1582. >"... Well... I mean... I should uphold my end of the bargain, right?"
  1583. >...
  1584. >"You did 'technically' win today..."
  1585. >Her face is going all red.
  1586. "Uhhhhhhh... You alright?"
  1587. >This look she's sporting is like a mix of embarrassment and confusion.
  1588. "I just broke you, and you're offering to get to it just like that?"
  1589. >At this moment, you just realised her good arm is down under the sheets.
  1590. >How long as she been touching herself?!
  1591. >"Well unlike you, I only broke something up here. Down there is... It's all intact and wanting.~"
  1592. >You just jerk your head back in surprise.
  1593. >"... Although I may have to take back that part of the bargain about 'whatever you want' for now... I might need some gentleness.~"
  1594. "Ooookay, I'm uhh..."
  1595. >You scratch the back of your head.
  1596. "I'm not really sure it'd be a good idea..."
  1597. >You're having difficulty finding the words of reason, but before you can keep going, she shuts you up.
  1598. >"Oh right, I'm supposed to..."
  1599. >Sunset's horn suddenly glows.
  1600. >That same glow surrounds her body before her figure becomes a blinding light light.
  1601. >You shield your eyes for a few seconds, but when you look again...
  1602. >What sits in the bed now is a injured naked girl, still biting her lip and flushing red.
  1603. >Aaaaaaand now you're awake downstairs!
  1604. >"How about now?~"
  1605. "I both enjoy and hate how easy you have it to change my opinions about you right now..."
  1606. >Aand that sheet is low enough to not even be covering her boobs.
  1607. >You have full view of nipples!
  1608. >You're pretty sure your face is as red as hers right now.
  1609. "Man, you must hate that you have to do it like this though... Your own plan kinda backfired. Not gonna get that pony orgasm you find so satisfying."
  1610. >"Well for all I know, I'm not gonna get any orgasm at this rate.~"
  1611. "Oooohohoho. You think I can't give you one if you're not forcing me to?"
  1612. >"Only one way to prove me wrong.~"
  1613. >WELL this is unexpected.
  1614. >Up until this morning, you really did not like this chick.
  1615. >With good reason.
  1616. >She took advantage of you while you were injured.
  1617. >She invaded your home.
  1618. >She almost injured you more chasing you into the rain.
  1619. >Then forced herself on you and threatened you if you didn't comply with her demands.
  1620. >All while as a pony too.
  1621. >And yet here you are, standing up and loosening your pants...
  1622. >You were not aware that you were a shallow, shallow motherfucker.
  1623. >By all experienced accounts, you should be leaving this room, but god fucking damn it...
  1624. >That body.
  1625. >...
  1626. >Well... Not just the body.
  1627. >Despite all she's done to you, you can't help but feel there's a really likeable person... pony, whatever, in there.
  1628. >There has to be. Twilight is encouraging this, right?
  1629. >You may just really, really want to feel some genuine loving touch of another human body, but you feel pretty conscious enough that you're giving this person a second... or third chance, in this case.
  1630. >Kind of an unlikely thing, but then again, your boner is apparently doing all your thinking today.
  1631. >You're just gonna have to trust him for now.
  1632. >You look into her eyes and see some genuine desire in them.
  1633. >An incredibly difficult thing to turn down...
  1634. >You step away from the bed and move over to the door.
  1635. >"Wh-What are you-!"
  1636. >You make sure it's closed properly and lock it.
  1637. "Knowing your luck, Twilight will end up walking in and interrupting again.
  1638. >Sunset flashes you a grin and breathes a sigh of relief.
  1639. >With eyes half lidded, she beckons you over with a finger.
  1640. >A moistened finger she just had under the sheets.
  1641. >Aaand, whoop! There go your pants!
  1642. "Alright then, you violent and annoyingly attractive 'mare'..."
  1643. >You climb up on the bed at her feet and move towards her.
  1644. "Ease me into it.~"

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