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Subject 1 (Nov 19th 2013)

Created: 2020-12-18 03:27:52
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are... just some guy.
  2. >Just... looking for a way in life that doesn't get you pushed through so much unneeded bullshit.
  3. >You want it clean.
  4. >Peaceful.
  5. >Uneventful.
  6. >Yet, you know the rest of you yearns for more.
  7. >You get up out of bed and hit the alarm once more as part of your daily routine.
  8. >You were now being brought in to a new high school - your second, in fact.
  9. >The old one faced financial issues and was forced to shut down.
  10. >Some of the industrial zones back where you used to live had to shut down too, so you and your family had to move to another city and get acquainted with the new surroundings.
  11. >It was pretty dull, to be honest.
  12. >Not so unlike your old place, but nonetheless you found yourself in yet another place with little of interest to do.
  13. >You've taken a shower, got yourself dried up and put on some neat clothes.
  14. >Sure, the school didn't have a uniform standard but you might as well dress to impress.
  15. >Didn't want anyone to think you were poor or something, all things considered.
  16. >Not really nerdy looking, but smart.
  17. >You head on downstairs for breakfast, have some cheese on toast, check your bag for school, brush your teeth, say bye to your parents and head off for school.
  18. >It was quite a ways, but your dad showed you the route after you first moved here in the car.
  19. >A twenty minute walk and you feel like your morning was dragged out too long and just wanted to get on with the day.
  20. >You're at the front gate and you've arrived with time to spare.
  22. >There are quite a few people around, so you presume that perhaps many students are late-runners.
  23. >You head on over to the staff office and knock on the door.
  24. >A lady welcomes you and asks you to take a seat.
  25. >You present to her your documents as requested when you were first brought here with your mother and as expected, you check out fine.
  26. >The school bell rings, but as for all exchange students, you'd wait for three or four minutes before being taken to your first class to be introduced.
  27. >"Today, class, we have a new student who will learn and grow alongside the rest of you. Please treat him with the same respect that you wish to be given in return."
  28. >Your new teacher turns to you.
  29. >"Please, introduce yourself to the class."
  30. "Name's Anon. Moved here recently and would like to see where things go from here, so I hope for the best. It's nice to meet you all."
  31. >"Very good. Now Anon, please take a seat on desk B-1, over there by the window."
  32. >You take your seat and wait for the lesson to begin.
  33. >Math.
  34. >Would help your noggin get down some calculations and such.
  35. >You pay attention and wave every now and then at some of the
  36. onlooking students who'd take a peak at you from time to time.
  37. >Second class takes place and it's with computers - certainly the most useful stuff you can learn about in this economical crisis.
  38. >A funky looking girl with a weird hairdo sits next to you and asks for some help regarding C++.
  39. >You go over your options.
  41. Continue
  42. Help
  43. Ask for a helper
  45. >You quietly run through what your teacher told the class earlier, giving her brief reminders here and there on what to do and helping guide her along.
  46. >She thanks you for the help and continues on saying that she's getting the hang of it.
  47. >Proud of yourself, you get back to your own work, quickening up the pace seeing as you still had to catch up a bit.
  48. >By the end of class you're left feeling proud of the website you were so far.
  49. >Sure, it was basic stuff and it had to be designed based off of the school's new aquarium project, but you're sure you did a good job with what you had to work with.
  50. >You're on a short break to take a look around the school a little more.
  51. >You have twenty-five minutes to spare before you'd be making your way back to class.
  52. >Where would you like to check out first?
  54. Home Classroom
  55. Neighbouring Classroom
  56. School Library
  57. Lunch Hall
  58. Gym
  59. Yard
  61. >You decide to head on over to the lunch hall.
  62. >Grabbing a serving tray, you wait in line.
  63. >There's a guy just in front of you in line who you recognize from homeroom.
  64. >He notices you and greets you with a smile.
  65. >"Hey Anon. So I take it you're doing well so far for ya first day?"
  66. "Yeah, I'm doing pretty good. Just standard stuff for me, really."
  67. >"Huh. So what was your old school like? Heard it got shut down a few months ago, but before then, how was it?"
  68. "Nothing too different from here besides those newspaper headlines and such."
  69. >"Oh, you mean the scandal?"
  70. "Between those three students and their teacher? Yeah."
  71. >"Man, given how she looks in the papers, any guy'd probably wish they were in their shoes. Well, except for that one guy..."
  72. "Yeah... was actually one of my classmates. Didn't talk very much, but a few people had their suspicions."
  73. >"Hm."
  74. >He takes his a drink of blackcurrant juice and a ham sandwich.
  75. >You decide to take the same but add a packet of crisps to the mix.
  76. >Prawn Mother-fucking Cocktail.
  77. >"By the way, the name's Jeice. Pleasure to meet ya. I'm gonna take my seat over there, so you can come join me if you want."
  78. >He heads off to take his seat with some other guys he starts conversation with.
  79. >Where do you wish to take your seat?
  81. Table by the doors (Red-headed girl)
  82. Table by the back (Jeice and Co.)
  83. Table to the middle (Fancy-looking girl and the vice principal)
  84. Table on the other side (Some girls who look like they'd form a band)
  86. >You decide to take a seat by the table nearest the doors.
  87. >You'll get back to Jeice a while later.
  88. >You just needed a bit of time to think about what's left to do for the rest of the day and plan it out.
  89. >The girl sitting opposite you looks to be a year or two below yours.
  90. >Red, curly hair.
  91. >Freckles.
  92. >A pair of glasses some would consider nerdy.
  93. >She looks up at you from her notebook as she catches you looking at her.
  94. >"Oh, hello there! Niesh to meetchyu."
  95. >She has a very noticeable lisp.
  96. >"Shay, I haven't shin you around here before... sho I take it you're new here, roight?"
  97. >You just nod.
  98. >This sounds ridiculously familiar. Something you'd expect to be said to any transfer student on their first day or so.
  99. >You've been watching too much TV.
  100. >"Anyway, the name'sh Twisht! Glad to make yer acquaintensh."
  101. >Her voice is somewhat grating on the ears, but she sure is pretty for someone her age.
  102. >Your not one to ogle, but she looked like one of those nerdy sorts who'd grow up to be a 11/10.
  103. >You needed to shake your head clear of those thoughts so you thought of Cool Guy.
  104. >Mind cleared, what will you do next?
  106. Continue Conversing with Twist
  107. Eat and drink your meal in quiet
  108. Excuse yourself and go over and see Jeice
  109. Excuse yourself to another table
  111. >You excuse yourself from the table and tell the girl you'd like to have a word with the vice principal.
  112. >"Okay! I'll talk to you later!"
  113. >You take your stuff on over to the other table and take your seat opposite the vice principal.
  114. >"Hello there, student. Is there something you wanted to discuss?"
  115. >"Yeah, I'd like to know if you would have any advice to give to a new student such as myself regarding the school."
  116. >"Oh, yes, of course. Rarity, you don't mind if we discuss things for a bit?"
  117. >The fancy girl, apparently named Rarity looks between the two of you.
  118. >"By all means, please go ahead."
  119. >She continues to eat her meal of sushi and fresh vegetables.
  120. >"Well, to start off, I'd suggest you look in to joining one of the many clubs that take place after school and finding a good group of friends to hang out with to help you make it through the school day. We at the school committee try to improve school facilities and social interactions between pupils but there are still some problematic issues at hand for the time being. I watch over the student council and make sure they do their duties correctly and to take notes on how they see fit to improve upon the school and it's foundations."
  121. >"May I suggest the Library's Book Club? I hear they could use a few more members. I'd join myself if it weren't for my schedule."
  122. >"Good suggestion, Rarity. There's also the IT Department, the sports team, the music arts group and if you can get enough backing, join the council."
  124. >So, you've got a few choices so far to choose from.
  125. >You take a sip at your drink.
  126. >"Some more may open towards winter time, but for the time being I'll let you think about it. Go out there and meet some new people. Make friends, have fun but remember; study hard!"
  127. >"I couldn't have said it better myself, Vice Principal!" Rarity replies.
  128. >Seems like some of the students have finished their meals and have gotten up to head elsewhere.
  129. >What should you do next?
  130. >You've only got fifteen minutes left.
  132. Try and get in conversation with Rarity and the Vice Principal
  133. Excuse yourself from the table and sit elsewhere to eat and drink
  134. Excuse yourself to go see Jeice and Co.
  135. Excuse yourself and take your meal to another table by yourself
  137. "Thank you very much."
  138. >You pick yourself up and take yourself to another table.
  139. >You're by yourself and have some time to think things over, given what the Vice Principal has told you.
  140. >You eat the rest of your meal and finish your drink and chuck the remains in to the trash.
  141. >God you loved those crisps.
  142. >You decide to get some fresh air and head out through the doors out back to where you find the yard.
  143. >You see some students playing football and a few more on the bleachers.
  144. >Notably, the girl you helped back in IT class is on the field with full control of the ball.
  145. >Looking to the bleachers you spot a few ladies of varying sorts mixed in with a few guys.
  146. >Looking around some more, you spot two girls giggling as they go behind a wall on the other side of the school from you.
  148. What do you do?
  150. >You decide to follow after the two girls as you plan on challenging one of them to an arm wrestling contest.
  151. >Once you turn the corner however, you only see one of them against the wall.
  152. >You look down towards her skirt.
  153. >...and theeere's the other.
  154. >The first girl is looking at you, smiling.
  155. >She pushes her friend's head in deeper as you continue to hear the sounds of sloppiness and muffled moans.
  156. >Uneventful.
  157. >Uneventful.
  158. >Uneventful!
  159. >Uneventful!
  160. >Your mind rapidly tries to process this as the blank stare on your face causes the girl before you to giggle.
  161. >She's one of the girls you saw earlier at the one of the tables in the lunch hall.
  162. >Short, cyan hair with a white streak going through it.
  163. >Pearly white teeth too.
  165. What do you do?
  167. >You decide to wing it and step closer towards the two.
  168. >They don't seem to mind.
  169. >The girl's still smiling at you, but turns her attention back to her friend.
  170. >You casually pull out your dick and start masturbating.
  171. >The girl raises her skirt a little further to give you a better view.
  172. >The other girl turns out to be a real looker.
  173. >Crazy hairdo of varying blues and you continue to watch as she licks away at the nub right in front of her.
  174. >The first girl pulls back her hair from the side gently to give the other a better look at you.
  175. >She's eying your cock as she continues to lap away.
  176. >You watch on as you build up the pace of your fapping.
  177. >The girl below waves for you to come closer.
  178. >You do so and she grabs your dick.
  179. >You freeze in momentary panic before she starts pumping away at it, still going at the other girl's pussy, dipping nose-deep into it but keeping her beautiful eyes on you.
  180. >She pulls her face out and moves her fingers to play with her friend's slit and nub instead as she moves her mouth over to the head of your cock, teasing it with light flicks of her tongue across the tip.
  181. >She then swirls her tongue around it before dipping in deep.
  182. >You stroke her hair and pull her in further, each time she goes deep.
  183. >You can't contain yourself much longer and your seed erupts from the your lower head, being swallowed deep in to the lowest depths of her throat.
  184. >She looks back up to you with an open mouth, showing no remains of your seed.
  185. >She got it all.
  187. >"Unique flavour. Not bitter, but hot and spicy! Name's Vinyl. This here's Lyra. Say hi, Lyra."
  188. >"Hiiii~"
  189. >"She's very girly but likes it rough. You should come see us some time if you're interested. There's a night club in the south end of the city I do gigs at, so if you'd like I could take your there on Saturdays."
  190. >You just nod dumbly in response.
  191. >"Uhhh... oh right, forgot to ask fer your name, kid. What is it?"
  192. "A-Anon."
  193. >"Huh. Nice name! Catch up with us later okay? You've probably got a class to attend."
  194. >Checking your watch, you see you're late, so you hurry to your next class, hurriedly pushing your dick back in your pants.
  195. >Not much going on but you learn a few interesting things in literature.
  196. >There is one person though who catches your attention, scribbling down notes madly on some paper and continuing on with the work at hand.
  197. >You'd talk to them but they're several desks away from you.
  198. >How do you plan on communicating with them without getting in to trouble?
  199. >Do you leave it until after class or continue your day as normal without bothering them?
  201. >This girl looks pretty deep in thought at the moment.
  202. >You take a page from your small notebook writing 'What's up?' on it.
  203. >You wrap it up in to a ball and toss it across the classroom over to her whilst the teacher wasn't looking and the other students focused on their work.
  204. >It lands next to them without causing any noise, but she felt it tap against her leg.
  205. >You watch as she curiously reaches down for it and opens it up.
  206. >She reads it and looks around the classroom and spots you looking at her.
  207. >She points to herself questioningly.
  208. >You nod in return.
  209. >She signs 'Just tired. Didn't sleep much. Stress.'
  210. >You get the message and nod.
  211. >You sign back to her with 'See you at lunch?'
  212. >She nods in response before getting back to work more cheerfully now.
  213. >She glances at you every now and then.
  214. >Cute girl.
  215. >Probably a 7/10.
  216. >Class ends and you make your way to your fourth.
  217. >Cooking.
  218. >You were never good at cooking things but you were willing to learn.
  219. >Your mother wouldn't be making you meals forever as sad as that may be to think about.
  220. >You need to learn how to cook for yourself and maybe for others as well.
  221. >As a new student, you've been partnered up with 'Pinkie', a wacky, pink-haired girl filled to the brim with energy and enthusiasm.
  222. >She was a good teacher for someone like you where you didn't get everything right at first when it came to organizing ingredients and doing what with which at what times and for how long.
  223. >Class is going fairly well for you.
  225. >You carry on and end up making cherry cupcakes with plenty of icing on top.
  226. >You and the others in the class finish cleaning the equipment and start putting it away when Pinkie makes convo with you.
  227. >"So what did you think? Fun, huh?"
  228. "It was good. Kinda hoping we go on to making some proper meals in the coming weeks though and not just treats."
  229. >You don't like treats?"
  230. "Nah, I like 'em, just only if I eat 'em in moderation."
  231. >"Okey dokey. Soooo... wanna hang out at lunch time?"
  232. >You're already planning on seeing that girl from class at lunch time to see what's up.
  234. What do you do?
  236. >You tell her there's someone you said you'd meet up with at lunch time to find out what's making them feel stressed out.
  237. >"Sounds like someone I know. Purple hair? Pink streak? Frantic scribbling?"
  238. >You nod.
  239. >"Yupperooni, that's her! You're looking for Twilight. She's up in the Library at lunchtimes so you'd best meet her there. To make things easier for ya, I think what's stressing her out is an argument she had recently with one of our friends. I could go with you if you want."
  241. Accept the offer?
  242. Or decline?
  244. >You take her invitation to join you as you make your way up to the library after class finishes.
  245. >The two of you bump in to Twilight exiting from the Library.
  246. >"Oh hey Pinkie. Huh, I thought I'd see you in the lunch hall. I gather Pinkie figured it out then?"
  247. >Once again, you add another nod to your collection of nods that day.
  248. >"Well, I'll just come out and say it; I messed up. I said something I shouldn't have to a friend of mine and now I'm worried they don't want to see me anymore. To be honest, they have all the right to."
  249. >"Oh don't be like that, smarty pants! There's always away to bring friends back together and I'm just the mare!" She says as she pumps her fist in the air in joy.
  250. >You and Twilight look at Pinkie quizzically at her choice of wording.
  251. >"Girl!"
  252. >Once again, she fist pumps the air.
  254. >The three of you are in the lunch hall and you grab your respective lunch choices.
  255. >Twilight goes for the salad.
  256. >Pinkie Pie grabs several bags of crisps, some ice creams and some chocolate alongside a plate of vegetables, gravy and mashed potatoes.
  257. >You just get the regular dinner meal.
  258. >The three of you take your seats on a table by the far end.
  259. >You spot the guy from before, Jeice, and his friend chatting at another table, waving at you before returning to eating his lunch.
  260. >You also spot Lyra from before, once again sitting with a group of other musicians.
  261. >No sign of Vinyl though, but Lyra's giving you a knowing look.
  262. >The three of you eat lunch together.
  264. "So during first break I saw a girl being eaten out by another and they invited me over and I got an amazing blowjob. Not what I'd expect for a first day at school but I'll take it."
  265. >...
  266. >...?!
  267. >The looks on their faces could not be bought by any known substance in the known universe.
  268. >"W-Wha?"
  269. >Yup. You really made this awkward.
  270. >You think you hear concealed laughter.
  271. >Pinkie bursts in to laughter as tears stream from her eyes.
  272. "What's so funny?"
  273. >"That's so- NYAHAHAHA! S-So out there! HAHAHAHAHAHA!"
  274. >Next to you, another girl takes a seat, placing her lunch on the table in front of her.
  275. >"Hey Flutters! You should've hear-"
  276. >"No." Twilight interupts.
  277. >"Aww..."
  278. >"Hello... um... so, um... who is this?"
  279. >Pinkie's still trying to contain her giggles.
  280. >"That's Anon. Say hi, Mr. Lucky Pants!"
  281. >"Pinkie!" Twilight growls.
  282. >"Oh! Hello Mr. Anon Lucky Pants. It's nice to meet you."
  283. >"Nyuhhh..."
  284. >Twilight just colapses her head on the table, careful to avoid hitting her food.
  285. >"Ooh! There's Applejack! Twilight, I'm gonna go talk to her, so I'll-"
  286. >"Nooo... No. I'll talk."
  287. >She gets up from the table and goes off to talk to somebody you hadn't spotted amongst the crowd of people.
  288. >You just continue eating lunch with the two girls, chatting idly about fitting in with the new school and stuff.
  289. >You've got thirty-five minutes left of lunch time.
  291. What do you do?
  293. >You decide to go through with telling Fluttershy each excruciating detail of what happened to you earlier today at first break.
  294. >By the end of it, both Pinkie and Fluttershy are blushing as though they had brick red paint dumped on them.
  295. >"C-Can I see it?" Fluttershy stutters out.
  296. "Wh-what?!"
  297. >"Di-di-did I stutter? Can I s-s-s-see it? Please?"
  298. >"Uhh, Fluttershy, try and cool it down. It looks like AJ and Twi have settled things over there." Pinkie speaks as the surprising voice of reason.
  299. >However, Fluttershy has other plans as she quickly but quietly ducks underneath the table.
  300. >"Fluttershy?! What are you doing?! Get up! Get-up-get-up-get-up-oh-gosh-they're-coming-oooverrrrrr!!!" Pinkie
  301. quietly calls out to her through hard, gritted teeth.
  302. >You feel a tug at your zipper.
  303. >Twilight and this 'Applejack' are closing in.
  304. >Oh shit... here we go.
  305. >"Howdy there, Pinkie! Uh... 'scuse me fer askin' but what's yer name?"
  306. >Oh goddesses above, she's beautiful.
  307. >"A-Anon."
  308. >"Well then, howdy Anon. Nice to meet ya. Name's Applejack. I'm sure you've met Twilight here already and since you're with Pinkie, I gather we'd make pretty good friends fast, huh?"
  309. >She shakes your hand.
  310. >It's shaking like a frenzy with the many various emotions you feel right now.
  311. >Fluttershy has pulled your dick out and has started playing with it in her small, soft hands.
  312. >Fuuuuck.
  313. >Applejack notices your anxiety but Twilight interrupts her before she could say something.
  314. >"Say, where's Fluttershy?"
  316. "Uh, she had to pop to the restroom real quick! Yeah! Said that it was a potty emergency with one of her critters! Heheh!"
  317. >Real nice save there, Pinkie.
  318. >"I'll go check on her."
  319. >Twilight makes her way over to where you believe the school's student restrooms to be.
  320. >Huh. Seems like she bought it.
  321. >Now what to do about Applejack...
  322. >You still needed to pry Fluttershy off your dick from under the table.
  323. >You look to Pinkie to see if she could help you with this.
  324. >A sudden sensation.
  325. >Lick. Lick. Liiiiiiick
  326. >Oh heavens above, she's licking you around the tip.
  327. >She's sweating buckets opposite from you and you feel that she's perhaps more nervous than you are about this situation.
  328. >"H-Hey, Applejack!"
  329. >She carefully slides out of her seat, preventing an exposed view of Fluttershy being caught by Applejack as she gets up and wraps an arm around her shoulder before walking away with her.
  330. >"There's some pretty neat additions to tomorrow's Specials menu that I think you're gonna like~!"
  331. >Thank goodness.
  332. >You crouch down to look underneath the table and see the willowy girl hide behind her hair as she continues to trace her tongue against the tip of your dick.
  333. >What do you do?
  334. >You don't want to get caught...
  335. >...but you don't want this to go unfinished.
  337. >You let her continue, trying to figure out how to avoid anyone catching you being sucked off.
  338. >You place you school bag to one side of her, beneath the table and move your other leg forward to try and conceal more of her willowy figure.
  339. >You move forward in your seat a bit too suddenly for her, causing her to gag with your cock jammed right up against the back of her throat.
  340. >You feel her pull out with a quiet gasp for air before sucking on your cock once more.
  341. >Shit, this feels so good...
  342. >Only too late do you hear the approaching sound of footsteps from behind.
  343. >Your breath stuck in your throat, you keep looking at your food, awaiting the inevitable.
  344. >...
  345. >It never comes.
  346. >You feel a pair of thin, smooth arms wrapping comfortingly around your neck as you hear the sound of someone breathing in a delightful scent through their nose before leaning their head on your shoulder, looking down at the spectacle below.
  347. >It was Lyra.
  348. >You came deep down inside the petite Fluttershy's throat as everything was let loose at once.
  349. >"So. How was it?"
  350. "..."
  351. >Fluttershy looks up at Lyra from the gap.
  352. >You feel her suck all the remaining semen from your dick out, ending with a pop.
  353. >"It was great~"
  354. "Wha..."
  356. >You've finished school for the day and you'd been invited to Lyra's place on Saturday and you were given her phone number.
  357. >On the back of the piece of paper reads 'Call me!~ xxx'
  358. >You head on home and sit on your bed up in your room.
  360. What do you do now?
  362. >You'd masturbate to the thoughts of all the shit that happened to you today, but you feel you're a little dry at the moment.
  363. >Today was a Thursday and you didn't really want to go to Lyra's without her having said you could.
  364. >Perhaps she leads a busy life or something,
  365. >You could probably give her a call or go ahead and do a bit of studying or something.
  366. >What do you do with the rest of your afternoon?
  368. >You decide you might as well give Lyra a call.
  369. >But would it be... 'too soon' to call?
  370. >You put the number in on your phone and wait.
  371. >"Hello?"
  372. "Uh, h-hi. It's Anon speaking."
  373. >"Oh hiiii, Anon!~ How're you doin'?"
  374. "I-I'm fine thanks."
  375. >"Sooo~ what did ya call me for?"
  377. "W-Well, um... uhh, given the stuff that went on earlier, I was wondering if perhaps we could meet up and... y-you know..."
  378. >"Hey-hey now, Anon - no need to be modest about it. At the moment, I've got a few papers to sort through and I might not be available for later this evening since my dad has a few things he wants some help with setting up."
  380. "Anything I could perhaps help out with?"
  381. >"Nah. I don't really introduce people to my dad. He gets a little too cranky for his own good. Plus, if he found out I liked fucking around he'd probably ground me for life or something. Heh. Weeeell, perhaps I could give one of my friends a call and see if they'd be interested. I'll call you back in twenty."
  382. "Okay, talk to you soon."
  383. >"Byeeeee~"
  384. >She hangs up and you rest your head on the pillow on your bed.
  385. >Your lust after today was increasing, the boiling in your balls on a steady climb up from what they were before.
  386. >What do you do whilst you wait?
  388. >You decide to lie back, relax and think about the events of your first day at school.
  389. >To recap;
  390. >You met and introduced yourself to your homeroom class.
  391. >Helped some girl in IT.
  392. >Met a young, lispy girl named Twist.
  393. >Met with the Vice Principal.
  394. >Learned of the different kinds of activities they have going on around the school during lunch hours and after-school hours.
  395. >Got sucked off by a smoking hot girl called Vinyl.
  396. >Get introduced to Lyra.
  397. >Get invited to go out to a party on Saturday.
  398. >Meet Pinkie Pie.
  399. >Make some treats to eat.
  400. >See her friend, Twilight, in class.
  401. >Meet up with her at lunch with Pinkie.
  402. >Meet Fluttershy, another one of their friends.
  403. >Recite what happened earlier at first break.
  404. >Experience some pressure with her blowing you one under the table.
  405. >Twilight fixes things with her friend, Applejack. God damn she looked fine.
  406. >Pinkie helped distract the two.
  407. >You finished inside Fluttershy's mouth as you get caught by none other than Lyra.
  408. >You and Fluttershy manage to leave the lunch hall without fuss thanks to her.
  409. >You got her number and an invitation to come 'round to hers on Saturdays.
  410. >Underwhelming afternoon session in History class.
  411. >Now, here you are after having given Lyra a call.
  412. >All the while listening to some music you plugged your earplugs in to listen to.
  413. >Still got fifteen minutes 'til you should be expecting call back.
  414. >Man, are you really that desperate for some booty?
  416. >Oh wait, there was that Jeice guy you met as well.
  417. >Was he really that forgettable?
  418. >Eh.
  419. >You continue listening to some more music.
  421. >The phone starts to vibrate.
  422. >Picking it up, you check to see that it's Lyra.
  423. >You answer it.
  424. >"Hey, Anon."
  425. "Hi again."
  426. >"Lucky for you, two of my friends are interested. One of them you already know already - Fluttershy - and the other can get pretty wild, so you might wanna calm her down a little before she gets a little too frisky with you. Her name's Carrot Top. The two haven't really been around each other for long and Fluttershy needs to get used to being around others, so I consider yourself pretty lucky she latched on to you as she did at lunch~"
  427. "Heheh..."
  428. >You're sweating yourself at the memory.
  429. >"So you might wanna pick one. Usually, if someone gets two or more people up for it, they get together as a group, but Fluttershy is a special case, so you get to choose. Don't worry about upsetting either of them, they're fine with whichever you choose. It's all in the name of having a good time, right?"
  430. "Yeah, I guess."
  431. >"Sooooo~ who will it be? Contestant number one; Fluttershy - who lives up to her name at first glance but has impressive skills with her fingers~"
  432. "Hmm..."
  433. >"Or will it be contestant number two? Carrot Top; frisky lover - wild in bed and hard to tame!"
  435. "I think I'll go with Carrot Top."
  436. >"O-key-do-keeey... here are her details, so better write 'em down, okay?"
  437. "Sure, sure."
  438. >You look around for another piece of paper and a pen.
  439. >After tearing out a page out of your small notebook and taking out a pen, you get ready to write stuff down.
  440. "Ready."
  441. >"Okay, well first her address is at..."
  442. >She goes on to give you her location, her phone number and her available times to call and/or visit.
  443. >"As an added note, she's been pretty keen on having a baby. She's 21 and has a pretty high sex drive so you might wanna carry protection unless you want to be paying for some bills in several months time. So when you're ready, give her a call and see how she's like for ya. If you don't exactly get along very well over the phone or you don't exactly feel like going through with things or just not comfortable about going with her, that's fine. Just get back to me if that happens and I'll give you the deets for Fluttershy instead, okay?"
  444. "Sure. Thanks again, Lyra."
  445. >"No probs. That's what friends are for!"
  446. "Setting them up for sexual activities with their other friends?"
  447. >"Eeyup! Ehahahah! It's nice talking with ya. Sure I can be busy a lot of the time, but feel free to contact me. Talk to ya later, buddy!"
  449. >She hangs up.
  450. >You look back at the little piece of paper on your lap then back at your phone.
  451. >On it, the clock displays 16:55.
  452. >Taking a deep breath, you dial the number in for Carrot Top.
  453. >She picks up.
  454. >"Hello? This is Carrot Top speaking."
  455. "Hello? The name's Anon? Lyra told me to call you?"
  456. >"Ooooh, so you're Anon? How's it hanging?"
  457. "Uhh, pretty good, pretty good."
  458. >"Nice. You got my details, correct?"
  459. "Y-Yeah."
  460. >"I heard you just recently transferred in to Canterlot High, correct?"
  461. "Yeah, that's right."
  462. >"Well, feel free to pop on over around six-thirty this evening. I'll be waiting for you, Anon. Prepare for some after-school sex education~"
  463. >Beep.
  465. >You'd fap, but you really don't want to be running on empty when you meet this lady.
  466. >Instead, you'd best prepare yourself and get ready.
  467. >What first?
  469. >You do some exercises to stretch and build your muscles for twenty minutes.
  470. >Next, you take a bath to freshen yourself up and to help calm and cleanse both mind and body.
  471. >You put on a decent set of clothes and find you have forty-five minutes to spare.
  472. >The journey there would take half an hour on foot but eight minutes by bus.
  473. >What do you do now?
  475. >You decide to head out early and go easy.
  476. >No need to rush, you've got plenty of time.
  477. >You'd get there without a sweat.
  478. >You've reached her house ten minutes early, but you can see one of the lights on shining through a window upstairs.
  479. >A silhouette is visible behind those curtains, appearing to be tidying up the hair on it's head.
  480. >The silhouette stops midway as it turns towards the window.
  481. >A gap between the curtains is formed as you see the lady behind them takes a quick peak at you.
  482. >You spot the faintest hint of a smile before she closes the curtains again.
  483. >The silhouette forms once more, but starts to move in a swaying motion.
  484. >Before you know it, she's pressing her breasts up against the window behind the curtain.
  485. >You can't 'see' them, but you make them out to be around D-cup from where you're standing.
  486. >Then, the silhouette moves away from the curtains.
  487. >The remaining time passes by and soon the door opens a smidgen as the lady within is peaking her head in to view from the doorway.
  488. >When she opens up for you to come in, she looks very flushed.
  489. >Beyond that, she's definitely an 8.5/10.
  490. >"Hello, Anon~ So, you've come for class a little early! Eager to get started?"
  492. "Kinda wondering if you wanted to watch a movie first before we got to that."
  493. >"Oh Anon, you're such a kidder! Heheh~ I'm no prude, y'know, so there's no need to be shy about it."
  494. >She closes the front door behind you.
  495. >"Just make yourself comfortable."
  496. >You head in to the living room that has a fireplace burning wood
  497. >A nice sofa with a coffee table placed in front of it.
  498. >A grandfather chair of sorts next to that.
  499. >TV is placed in a corner with a DVD player and many DVDs stacked in the shelf below it.
  500. >Some romantic, chick flicks, comedy, action; etc.
  501. >Anyway, you take your seat on the sofa and look in to the flames, passion rising up from deep within.
  502. >Carrot Top comes in carrying a mug of hot chocolate and hands it over to you.
  503. >"Here you go."
  504. "Thank you, Miss."
  505. >"Are you really taking the teacher-pupil thing seriously? Or are you just being really modest? Aww, you're such a cutie!"
  506. >Taking a seat next to you, she leans in and plants a kiss on your cheek.
  507. >She looks in to your eyes as you do hers as you take your first sip, finding that it's a little too hot at first.
  508. >"Careful, it's hot."
  509. >She winks at you before gently blowing ripples on the surface of the hot chocolate.
  510. >You take another sip but still find it's still a little too hot for you.
  511. >Carrot Top leans forward and dips her tongue in to the hot chocolate below.
  512. >Slowly looking back up to you with seductive eyes, she leans in to kiss you and you can only accept.
  513. >You taste some fine hot chocolate.
  515. >Your tongues dance together in bliss as you feel her climb up on top of you.
  516. >She takes your jacket off and puts it on the side of the sofa as you continue to kiss deeply, tasting each other's wanting flavours.
  517. >Only now do you realize just how much more mature her frame is compared to your own adolescent form.
  518. >Her breasts, tightly caught up in her dress press up against your chest as you ease your hands around her back, stroking her up and down.
  519. >Her hands are cupped to your face as she continues to lick away with your own tongue, mouth press firmly up against yours.
  520. >Your hands roam freely until you find her ass.
  521. >Beneath her short skirt, you find she's wearing nothing and that she's already mildly wet down there.
  522. >You dig your hands in to those cheeks as you continue to push your kiss further, trying to reign for control.
  523. >You part those cheeks as you mange to lift her up and place her laying beneath you.
  524. >The kiss, having been separated, you climb up her own body this time, looking up to see her very eager eyes.
  525. >You open up the front of her dress one by one from the bottom.
  526. >Each button being undone carefully as you watch her rise and fall for each deep breath she takes in her building excitement.
  527. >She would take notice of your own building excitement and begin unbuttoning your shirt.
  528. >Her great mounds spill out as the sudden release left nothing to spare from the jiggling that followed.
  529. >You got yourself on your feet and started unbuttoning your pants.
  531. >Pulling them down, you step out of them, using the last inch of foot to sling them off to the side.
  532. >You kneel down to her lower region and lift up her dress as she raises herself forwards, arms raised to allow the rest to be pull off from her.
  533. >She quickly unfastens the skirt as you help remove her delicate shoes and place them underneath the coffee table.
  534. >She lay there bare, just for you.
  535. >"Ravish me, child. Show me what you know and give me some loving~" she coos out lovingly.
  536. >A sense of pure, unbidden lust surrounds the two of you as you make your way down, kissing from her neck, down between her mounds before reaching the honeypot.
  537. >Sweet as nectar, you lap away at the flowing of her nether juices.
  538. >Your tongue, ever curious, explores her thoroughly.
  539. >She grasps at your hair and forces you in deeper.
  540. >The sounds of her not-so-satisfied moans motivating you onward, driving you to do better.
  541. >Your tongue searches around for the clit you've been hearing of.
  542. >You manage to find the nub at the entrance, poking out lightly, just above the slit.
  543. >You take a teasing lick at it, trying to gauge a reaction out of Carrot Top.
  544. >You hear her begin to cry out in glee as you find her weak spot.
  545. >You press the base of your tongue between her two openings and grind slowly upwards against her slit before rubbing against the nub that so desired the sensation.
  546. >She cried out in ecstasy.
  547. >"Again! AGAIN!!!"
  548. >You do as she commands and drag your tongue over, ever so slowly.
  550. >You increase the pace at which you lap at her over the course of the next few minutes, driving her closer towards the brink.
  551. >Between her moans and your head trapped between her tightening thighs, you manage to make out something.
  552. >"Stuh... Stooop~! uhnnnn... pleeeeease, just GIVE IT TO ME, PLEEEEEEASE!!!"
  553. >You didn't need to be told twice as you pulled your head out from between the grip of her thighs, halting the building torrent of pleasure that had been building up within her.
  554. >Standing up once more, you remove the rest of your clothing and climb up her twitching, sweaty and ever-so-needy body.
  555. >As soon as you were within reach, she wrapped her arms around you, pulling you in to her with a deep kiss.
  556. >She digs her nails deep in to your back and drags them downward before clamping her own grip on to your buttocks, lifting you up in an attempt to slam your stiff cock right in to her now slick entrance, coated in a mixture of saliva and her dripping honey.
  557. >"Give it to me, Anon. Fill me with your seed. Don't hold back. Cum inside me as much as you want. Fill me until I'm full!"
  558. >She rushes through a list of obscenities for every second after that you aren't inside her.
  559. >You take your stiffened dick in hand and prepare to ease it in.
  560. "Are you absolutely sure?"
  562. >You push it in as she screams at you desperately, hair a frazzled mess and gripping on to you for dear life.
  563. >As you delve in, her grip around you is unreal.
  565. >You try ever so hard to ease yourself deep in to her, but her grip around your dick is too damn hard!
  566. >Even as dripping wet as it was, you just couldn't get it all in!
  567. >She won't loosen up!
  568. >You slap her across the ass, causing her to wince.
  569. >You feel a twitch inside her.
  570. >You slap her rippling ass cheeks several times over and feel her twitching again and again.
  571. >You can slide in and out more easily as the space inside her fluctuates between spanks.
  572. >Once you're fully inside her, you cease the spanking and pull most of yourself out before slamming back in again, her back forming an arch, upwards.
  573. >"Ah! Aguuhh! Aguhhhaaahhh! AHHH!! AHHH!! AHHH!! AHHH!!"
  574. >As your thrusts and drive increases, so too does both her pitch and the squeezing around your cock.
  575. >It's unbearable for the two of you as you release load after load of your seed deep within her quivering fever hole, spraying her feminine juices all over you cock and drizzling out and over you balls and inner thighs.
  576. >You watch, exhausted as the cum drips on to the sofa below.
  577. >She kept milking for more from your cock until the two of you were left feeling haggard.
  579. >Twenty minutes past seven and you'd been resting, nuzzled up against her asleep for a short time before you woke.
  580. >You needed to head back home.
  581. >Slowly, you carefully get up, escaping her hold on you in her sleep and find the nearest blanket to cover her with, which you find on top of the grandfather chair.
  583. >You get yourself dressed and finish the mug of hot chocolate that had now gone cold, placing the empty mug down on the coffee table.
  584. >You give her a kiss on the forehead and head for the front door from where you came in.
  585. >You see a telephone with a notepad and pen on a stand next to the door and so make a note addressed to Carrot Top telling her that you enjoyed the brief time you had together but that you needed to head back home.
  587. >You close the door behind you as you leave and find yourself walking home in cold weather.
  589. >Sure, your parents would question where you went and you'd tell them you were out with some friends you made at school.
  590. >Happy with that, they let you head upstairs to your room in peace.
  591. >You have a quick wash before going to bed and enjoy a reasonable night's worth of sleep.

Subject 1 (Nov 19th 2013)

by EQA

Rainbow Dash Thread

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Equestrian Adventures Archive (Originally created: December 14th[...]

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Sweetie Wets the Bed (December 18th 2013)

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Applejack (March 20th - March 22nd 2014)

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