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Applejack (March 20th - March 22nd 2014)

Created: 2020-12-18 03:38:10
Expiry: Never

  2. "O-Oh! Sorry AJ!"
  3. >You back out from the door, just starting to close it.
  4. >"Hang on there, pardner."
  5. >You pause, facing the door, fear encompassing you of what was to follow.
  6. >"Since ya came this far, might as well come on in."
  7. >You were still stuck in abject fear of what AJ would do to you for seeing her bathe.
  8. >You could faintly make out the sound of approaching hoof-steps amidst the clouding panic of words that scattered your mind.
  9. >You feel a light tug on the door handle before you feel your hand let go, swinging down to one side as the door is gently opened to.
  10. >"Sugarcube? ...Everythin' alright?"
  11. >She nuzzles your leg, gazing up at you with her beautiful, emerald eyes, concern clearly showing through them as they snap you out of your lapse.
  12. "Huh? Wha?"
  13. >She lightly grabs a hold of the right cuff of your shirt with her teeth and drags you in with her, shutting the door with a hind-leg as she seats you down on the toilet seat.
  14. >"Now... tell me- heh... just a minute."
  15. >She turns around and you soon hear the sound of her rinsing a cloth with the water in the tub.
  16. >During which, you notice how her wet coat clings to her body with a shine and how her mane glistens as the faint smell of apples can be made made out of all the fresh smelling scents in the room.
  17. >She turns back around carefully, facing you, cloth in mouth, before getting right up close and gently brushing down your left cheek.
  19. >Spinning around like a quick discus throw, she tosses the cloth back in to the tub with a splash.
  20. >"Heh, you had a bit uh mud on yer face. Hn-hn-hn~"
  21. >Her giggling caused a feeling to tingle inside, warm and comforting.
  22. >"Now, as I was sayin'... what's... on..."
  23. >By now, she noticed something that you apparently hadn't.
  24. >A blush had crept up your face as the tingling feeling increased inside, spreading across your body, giving you sensations that were hard to describe.
  25. >You watch as she glances downwards at the tuft of fluff on her chest, shifting her focus on to her back, croup, flank then back at you, sporting a stern look.
  26. >...Which soon turned in to a smirk of sorts.
  27. >She didn't say nothing, but she kept that look on her face.
  28. >It made the blood rush out of your face, giving you a paler complexion.
  29. >This only caused her smirk to grow as her transfixed stare remained.
  30. >At which point, you were lost, deep in the wells of her eyes.
  31. >Sooner or later, you felt yourself swim in your own consciousness.
  32. >You could feel her getting closer, her warm breath getting hotter as she approached, her damp coat dripping water on to the floor tiles beneath.
  33. >You felt as dampness encompassed the leggings of your bottoms as Applejack ran a wet hoof, now two, up your thigh, pressing herself closer against you.
  35. >You couldn't comprehend any of this happening.
  36. >She was now eye to eye with you.
  37. >The sounds of panic in your head, all drowned out in to silence as the only thing you could hear was her breathing.
  38. >Her slow, heavy breathing.
  39. >You felt her weight leaning in on you.
  40. >Opening her mouth, you could see her tongue, coated with saliva.
  41. >Looking down, something akin to steam begins to ooze out of her coat, causing the room to be more cloudy.
  42. >Looking back up, her gorgeous eyes, gazing directly into you.
  43. >You were pulled right back in when-
  44. >A lick.
  45. >"Boo."
  47. >Applejack jumps back, off of you, her fore-hooves clattering on the tiles below.
  48. >"I gotchya reeeal good there, didn't ah?! Hyeheheh~"
  49. >Your conscious returns in full; confused stare focused fully on her.
  50. >The steamy substance was still pouring out from her coat as a mixture of sweat and bath water had been dripping by the pint off of her.
  51. >Her coat glistening more and more each passing second.
  52. >"You. Like. Me."
  53. >...
  54. >"Don'tchya, sugarcube?"
  55. >It came off as a pure statement, filled with flirtatious energy.
  56. >"...Well, ah've gotta give it some thought 'ere."
  57. >You were practically stuck to your seat.
  58. >She glances back at you as she ponders, hoof to her chin.
  59. >"How's aboutchya take me out on a date? Saaay... Saturday. Ah'm free then. See how much 'uv a 'man' you are."
  60. >She approaches you as your eyes are continuously drawn back in to her own wells.
  61. >You feel something.
  62. >She's swirling her hoof around the base of your crotch, feeling for your package and getting a good feel of what's down there.
  63. >"...Huh, not bad. Not bad at all."
  64. >This mare.
  65. >Her attempt at arousal is fruitful as you feel a strain against the fabric of your underwear.
  66. >She retreats, teasingly from her ministrations, turning around and wrapping a towel around her still-soaking mane.
  67. >She opens the door and makes her exit, but not before turning to you with a flick of her damp tail and winking at you, giving a click of the tongue.
  68. >"Fahve-thirty, sharp."
  69. >Before you knew it, you were by yourself, left to your thoughts.
  71. >Now, you've dibble-dabbled here 'n' there in the pool of interspecies relationships, but they never really lasted too long.
  72. >Mares questioned you and your existence in Equestria and conversations would usually end up turning to political matters or about their jobs.
  73. >You'd tried to bring up the topics of hobbies, dreams and such, but you ended up finding out that ponies had more interest in what your species was rather than who you were as a person.
  74. >It was terrible.
  75. >The least you could say was that you'd been successful at laying two mares; one offering a thrilling experience, while the other - not so much.
  76. >You needed to focus on the now.
  77. >You'd caught Applejack in the bathroom while intending to use the tub for yourself - as you find yourself doing now - stripping down and emptying out the tub and refilling it with clean, fresh water.
  78. >You figure you can soak yourself in her liquids at a later date... IF you got that chance.
  79. >Scrubbing yourself clean, you ponder, looking around at the different scented candles that you spotted in two corners of the room.
  80. >It helped you to relax in ways you never knew, helping you to feel at ease and welcome to this place.
  81. >You thought long and hard about Applejack, just wondering what you could do to impress Applejack this coming Saturday.
  82. >'So wait, did she mean morning or afternoon?', you think to yourself.
  83. >'Knowing AJ, she'd probably want me to get up bright and early. She's one heck of an active mare.'
  84. >Relaxing in the hot water, you find yourself slowly drifting off to sleep before you hear a knock.
  86. >"Mah sister said to come down fer dinner when yer ready!", you hear Apple Bloom call.
  87. >Boy, was this going to be awkward.
  88. >Once you were done, you get out of the tub and dry yourself off and get dressed, making yourself look far more presentable.
  89. >On the way to the stairs, you spot Applejack, peeking out of her bedroom, looking at you with that same look of hers from earlier, before whipping her head back inside, tail swaying and rump shaking just outside her door before it disappears, followed by the door shutting.
  90. >What you'd do to just go in there and wreck that glorious, apple ponut hole.
  91. >Making your way downstairs, you struggle to calm your dick down when you spot Big Mac trotting by and in to the dining room.
  92. >Thankfully, he didn't spot your current state.
  93. >You knew you'd have to break the news eventually, given if you're successful this Saturday and that Mac there would be the first one on your ass about it.
  94. >Better start doing some late night exercises from now on.
  95. >"Now hope yerr didn' ferget ta wash those hand erv yerrs, pretty boy", Granny Smith calls out to you from the kitchen.
  96. >She has good ears.
  97. >Heading downstairs, you enter the dining room behind Big Mac and give him a nod, earning you one in return as you take your seats.
  98. "So, what's on Granny's dish this evening?"
  99. >...
  100. >"Good ol' stew. Apple crumble for afters. If we're lucky; served with custard."
  101. >Calm and stoic, but his hooves gave away excitement.
  103. >Your mind drifts as you wait for the two sisters to come down.
  104. >Applejack in a large bowl of apple crumble, covered in warm, yellow, custardy goodness.
  105. >'This here's good eatin'...', you mind hears her say as she licks her hoof clean of the sauce.
  106. >'Come and taste these apples, sugar...'
  107. >You snap upright as you hear hoof-steps trotting towards the doorway.
  108. >Granny, carrying a tray of today's evening meal, places it down on the table before approaching the stairs.
  109. >"Apple Bloom! Applejack! Come awn dahwn! Dinner's ready!"
  110. >In just moments you see Apple Bloom rushing down the stairs, nearly clambering over herself as she rushes in to take her seat to your left.
  111. >Opposite you, Big Mac looks at Apple Bloom sternly, causing her to 'eep!' and cover her face with her fore-hooves in shame of herself.
  112. >You then make out the slow, timed hoof-steps of her elder sister - the perpetrator of all the thoughts you were having right now and the blue-balling you received not too long ago.
  113. >She reaches the bottom, albeit on shaky hooves.
  114. >"Hey sis, come on in! We got stew!"
  115. >Slowly, Applejack makes her way over to her seat, going around Big Mac's side of the table and taking the seat to his right.
  116. >Granny followed in after her, going around to the other side of the table as the head of the household.
  117. >Big Mac passes a bowl out to Apple Bloom, you, then two to Applejack for her to pass one to Granny.
  118. >Now, with everyone at the table with a meal, the apple version of grace is made.
  120. >"For food and health and happy days," Granny starts.
  121. >"Receive our gratitude and praise," Big Mac follows.
  122. >"In serving others, Apples we be," Applejack continues.
  123. >"Repay our dept of love to thee." Apple Bloom closes.
  124. "Amen."
  125. >Soup goes over well and discussion covers the table, ranging from the orchard to the townsfolk.
  126. >However, there had been one thing you hoped wouldn't be brought up.
  127. >"Hey Granny, guess what?" Apple Bloom piped up.
  128. >"Yes, yes, what is it deary?"
  129. >"Applejack's got a date this weekend!"
  130. >The sound of Big Mac's spoon dropping in his bowl was heard in the brief moment of silence.
  131. >"Ooooooh~! So, whose the lucky fellah, sweetie? Hope it's not Caramel, that no-good, two-timing, cheating b-"
  132. >"Watch yer tongue, Granny." Big Mac cuts in.
  133. >"What date?" he asks, turning his attention to his sister.
  134. >"W-Well..."
  135. >She's doing everything in her power not to look at you and to keep her focus straight down at the worlds most interesting hooves.
  136. >"I just... met a guy, is all. Seemed nice and he asked me out on a date, so I thought I'd give 'im a chance."
  137. >"Wait, you said you knew him fer a while now!" Apple Bloom brings up.
  138. >"Apple Bloom," you make out her saying through gritted teeth as she leans down on the table towards her younger sister, having shifted both bowls out of the way first.
  139. >"What have I told you about sisterly conversation?"
  140. >Apple Bloom grumbles to herself.
  141. >"Well, since we're family an' all, I dunno why we have tuh keep silly secrets!"
  143. >"It's not about that, it's jus-"
  144. >By now, Granny's gotten out of seat, silencing the table.
  145. >Quietly, she trots out of the room, having collected up the bowls on to the tray she then carries as AJ and Apple Bloom return to their seats, waves of shame washing over them, feeling that they've disappointed Granny somehow.
  146. >Moments later, Granny trots back in with the tray now carrying the desserts.
  147. >There was no custard in sight.
  148. >The deflated look on Big Mac's face.
  149. >You felt that feel.
  150. >Granny takes the tray to her side of the table and starts serving dessert herself as the table remains quiet.
  151. >"Y'know, when ah was young, ah used to keep secrets between me and yerr great grandmother. Randy ol' mare she was, always keepin' an eye on those youngen stallions backin 'er day. Did y'know, she used to share all the juicy gossip with me when we was travellin'? Right before The Great Settlin', she picked me out a handsome stallion. Said he was a great guy; helped tons of ponies when they needed 'im. He'd never turn his back on someone. Turned out he was a creeper though. Stole mah underwear once, even."
  152. >Apple Bloom by this point had covered her ears, burring her face between her fore-legs.
  153. >Big Mac was looking down solemnly at his dessert.
  154. >Applejack just cringed, eyes tight shut.
  155. >"Granny, ponies don't-", Applejack piped.
  156. >"Well ah did! Had a sore spot on muh bottom, dear, poor ol' me back then... Anywhose, we gots the bloomers back and he gotta week behind bars. A week!"
  158. >Dessert was bumpy at best.
  159. >Just wasn't the same without custard...
  160. >A knocking came on the door and Applejack went to answer it while you were busy helping Granny and Apple Bloom with the dishes.
  162. >"Hey Applejack! How's things getting along?"
  163. >It was Twilight as you noticed, poking your head around the kitchen door frame.
  164. >"Ah'm good. Been a right quiet day tahday on the farm though. Did somethin' happen?"
  165. >"No, no, not at all! It's just been fairly peaceful really."
  166. >"Huh. Well, alrighty then. How's your day been, Twi'?"
  167. >"Oh, not too bad. Just spent the day in mostly; trying to get furniture sorted out downstairs and with Pinkie over, it took a while to get much done. You know how it is."
  168. >"That is one hectic mare. You sure she's okay? I mea, I haven't really spoken much with her lately and she seems all over the place."
  169. >"She's just fine. Just has a lot more on her plate given recent events, so..."
  170. >...
  171. >"Do ya want me to go get 'im?"
  172. >"Yes and thank you for looking after him for the day. He could really use your company. I never do spend much of my time with him, what with... well... uh, sorry. Go ahead."
  173. >Applejack calls out your name and you say your farewells to Granny Smith and Apple Bloom, wishing them good night.
  174. >Walking by the dining room, you do the same with Big Mac.
  175. >Approaching the front door, you nod to Twilight, turning to face Applejack.
  176. >Kneeling down, you wrap your arms gently around her withers in a warm embrace.
  177. "I'll see ya around."
  178. >Wink.
  180. >Twilight gives you and AJ a look.
  181. >No, not that look.
  182. >...Although that would be pretty funny.
  183. >"Oooookay then. Give Granny and the rest my thanks too."
  184. >Applejack pulls you close to whisper in your ear.
  185. >"See ya Saturday, hot stuff."
  186. >Getting up from your kneel, you head to Twilight's side as the two of you wave goodbye, going along the winding path back to Ponyville.
  187. >"What was that about?"
  188. >Of course, Twilight asks the question.
  189. >...
  190. >"Okay, if you don't answer, I'm not cooking you breakfast in the morning~!"
  191. >You were the better cook anyways.
  192. >After receiving silence as an answer, she grumps along feeling slightly dejected.
  193. >You really didn't want to say at this point and neither did Applejack from the looks of things.
  194. >Best to not let word get out anytime soon.
  195. >Applejack was known to be fairly cautious mare.
  196. >A very smart pony, despite what some others may claim and Twilight knew it.
  197. >The two of you pick up the pace as the moon had risen up to a certain point and the air just got to that level of chilliness that made ponies want to get home fast from work and such.
  198. >Some ponies were lucky enough to work from home as you saw looking through several shop windows where they'd begun packing things up.
  199. >Other places were only getting set up for the night hours as business was picking up nowadays for this time when Ponyville would get some outside visitors popping in for a visit.
  200. >Reaching the Library, the two of you head inside.
  202. >Twilight, using her magic throws her scarf over one of the hooks she has on the wall.
  203. >Over by the stairs, you notice a pile of books, blankets and pillows, all neatly arranged.
  204. >Before Twilight charges and dives in to them.
  205. >Popping her head out from amongst the bundle of things, she picks out one book in particular and tugs the bookmark with her magic, turning it to it's current page.
  206. >"Yesss..."
  207. "Uh... Twilight?"
  208. >"Oh, right. Your new room downstairs should be done so go check it out. Also, I think Pinkie may be down there, so go check up on her, will you?"
  209. "Okay. Thanks a bunch, Twilight. Really, I mean it."
  210. >"Don't mention it. Really, don't mention it. She's been hell."
  211. >Opening the too-short-for-you door leading downstairs, you sit your butt on the very short top step and shuffle your way down, two or three at a time.
  212. "Pinkie?"
  213. >"Mmnnn, I'm down here! Just... just give me a sec!"
  214. >What was she up to?
  215. >"Yattah! All done!"
  216. >Reaching halfway down, you spot Pinkie turning to face you, standing on her hind-legs with her fore hooves on her round hips.
  217. >She looked rather exhausted and out of breath.
  218. >"So, what do ya think?", she ask.
  219. >Off to one side of the tree trunk's inner walls, you spot what you presume is another one of Pinkie's crazy, new inventions.
  220. "What is it?"
  221. >"It's a massage chair, silly! After a hard day's work, don't you want to relax?"
  222. "I'm not sure trying to put the sisters out of business is a good idea, Pinkie."
  224. >"But it's not just any ordinary massage chair! It's super-duper-fantabulosity massage chair!"
  225. >You continue to stare blankly at her.
  226. >After another bout of awkward silence on this day, she just resigns to giving you that 'Just sit in the fucking chair already' look.
  227. >Taking your seat, she presents a remote to you, offering a surprisingly wide variety of different utilities that this chair would have to offer.
  228. >The Pinkie Push.
  229. >Pinkie Press.
  230. >Pink Power.
  231. >Prattle Me Pink.
  232. >'Not for you', hastily scribbled on a label stuck over the top.
  233. >You peel it back slightly, to see 'Pie Special' and look to see Pinkie grinning sheepishly, looking away from you.
  234. >You stick the label firmly back over.
  235. >Pinkathon.
  236. >Practice.
  237. >Get me some coffee.
  238. >One in the Pink.
  239. >Cat noises.
  240. >Live feed.
  241. >The list goes on and on as you found the remote had more options as you opened it up like some functional, electronic brochure.
  242. >You sigh and look back at Pinkie who wears a hopeful grin on her face.
  243. >"Do ya like it?"
  244. "I'm sure I will at some point, Pinkie."
  245. >"Yippeee!!!"
  246. >Thud! Thud!
  248. >After playing around with some of the chairs safer functions, (much to Pinkie's dismay) you continued to take a look around at the new furnishing and resigned yourself to your new bed.
  249. >It was fairly standard-looking, but a bed's a bed.
  250. >Thank the powers that be that you could actually fit on it and have legroom to spare!
  252. "I'm gonna hit the sack, Pinkie."
  253. >"Aww, what did the poor sack ever do to you?"
  254. "It's a metaphor, Pinkie. I'm gonna go to sleep."
  255. >"Well why didn't you say that then, silly?"
  256. >With you sitting on your bed, you lie down flat and turn your back to her as you pull the cover over you.
  257. >...
  258. >She's still there.
  259. "That's your cue."
  260. >"Oh, right!"
  261. >She zips over to the wooden inner walls of the tree trunk and taps it twice, a hole forming like some futuristic door made out of wooden mechanics.
  262. >"Night-night! Don't let the bed bugs bi-"
  263. >Within a moment, Pinkie is sucked through it like a tube.
  264. >Her voice fading as she goes back to wherever that tunnel thing leads
  265. >You had enough for today and just closed your eyelids to allow slumber to take over you.
  266. >During the night, Spike would be dragging his own bed downstairs to join you at the side of your bed to take rest away from Twilight and her late night reading session.
  268. >In the early hours of the morning, you managed to wake up and head upstairs,cleaning up some of the mess Twilight made.
  269. >Going up to her room, you find her splayed out on the floor beside her bed, legs kicking in the air as though she were running.
  270. >Smiling, you head on up to where she was, pick her up and gently tuck her back in to bed, drool having seeped on to your hand as you had her head cradled in your hold in one hand with her bottom in the other.
  271. >Heading back downstairs, you make way for the bathroom.
  272. >After a nice, cool shower and depositing your worn clothes in the basket by the door, you head back downstairs to the basement where your new room was located and got yourself dressed in fresh clothes you found packed inside your new cabinet beside your bed.
  273. >Spike seems to be waking up as you're getting your shirt on.
  274. "Morning Spike. Sorry if I woke ya. It's still early, so go get some shut-eye."
  275. >Grumbling to himself, he turns, pulling the covers back over and finds his way back to the land of nod.
  276. >Tiptoeing quietly up stairs after slipping on and tying up the laces of the custom-made trainers Rarity had made for you the other day, you make your way out of the library and in to the streets of Ponyville.
  277. >There was someone you needed to visit during this hour.
  278. >They'd surely be able to help you in your current predicament and perhaps help you get a proper schedule going for your exercise routine.
  279. >Breathing in the fresh, early-morning air, you head off.
  281. >Knock knock knock knock.
  282. >"Yeah, I'll be with you in just a minute..."
  283. >You hear a chain being moved about on the other side of the door before it opens up.
  284. "Turner! Glad to see you looking well"
  285. >He certainly seemed a lot perkier than he was a few days ago at the market, that's for sure.
  286. >You were glad he left his job a took some time off.
  287. >It was really draining on him and boy did it show.
  288. >"Heh, well it's a pleasure meeting you too. Now how can I help you in this early hour?"
  289. >He was always a night owl, but he always managed to find some time to take a nap.
  290. "I need some help. Got a date this coming Saturday."
  291. >"Ah, you too?"
  292. "Hm?"
  293. >"Well... come inside, it must be chilly out there!"
  294. >Inviting you in, you follow behind, closing the door behind you as a tinkering bell rings gently overhead.
  295. >"Take a seat, right over there."
  296. >He gestures you to sit in one of the more comfortable looking armchairs sat in front of the fireplace by a nice coffee table of sorts.
  297. >Sure, it was fairly small for you, you managed just fine.
  298. >Taking a seat opposite you, your friend picks up a mug of hot chocolate he had placed on the table and take a sip, closing his eyes as he leans his head back.
  299. >The sound of crackling fire rests between you.
  300. >He opens one eye, looking at you as you relax.
  301. >"Want some?"
  302. "Nah, I'm good."
  303. >...
  304. >"So... the mayor asked me out on a date."
  305. >You look at him in fair surprise at the revelation.
  306. >"Oh don't look at me like that... she's lovely."
  308. >"Sure, she can get quite hot-headed at times and is the cause for over half my problems, but she's actually a really nice pony once you get to know her."
  309. >The two of you continue to enjoy the fire's warmth in peace.
  310. >"So whose the mare and/or stallion set for Saturday then?"
  311. "You know I don't swing that way, Turner."
  312. >"Ehhhh~", he replies, grinning at you, turning his hoof over and over in an arch and back in front of himself.
  313. "No, I did not touch that guy inappropriately."
  314. >Now HE'S giving you that damn look.
  315. "Cut it out. He was just passing me my drink."
  316. >His eyebrow raises further as his smirk continued to widen.
  317. >...
  318. >"Care to tell me who your mystery date is?"
  319. >...
  320. "Can't say. Sorry."
  321. >"Aw, come on! I told you mine! Why do you have to keep stupid secrets from me? I'm your buddy, buddy!"
  322. >...
  323. >"Okay, okay, fine. Keep your secret, imaginary date to yourself then. What did you come here for?"
  324. "I just need some help getting ready for my date."
  325. >"A date with someone you won't tell me the name of? Buddy, there's not much I can do for you here if you don't fill me in! Dates differ from mare to mare. Not saying I'm savvy with many, but I have a good eye and you know that, so fill me in already!"
  326. "It's..."
  327. >"Come-ooooon~"
  328. >...
  329. >"Saaay iiiiit~"
  330. >...
  331. "...It's Applejack."
  333. >"...Oh."
  334. >...
  335. >Your friend remains quiet as he looks away from you.
  336. >You sit, looking down, twiddling your thumbs before gazing back at the fireplace.
  337. >Turner's expression is hard to read for most ponies, but you had no trouble on guessing what the issue was.
  338. >It was a bad idea coming here.
  339. >It was a bad idea to even bring it up.
  340. >You should've just laid down, in your bed and stayed asleep.
  341. >...Damn it.
  342. >"How did it go over?"
  343. "What?"
  344. >You turn to face your long-time friend as he catches your attention.
  345. "Oh... well, she, uh... she just sorta asked."
  346. >"Just tell me what happened."
  347. >...
  348. "I... caught her in the bathroom."
  349. >...
  350. "I meant to take a bath but I didn't know-"
  351. >"Okay... Okay."
  352. >...
  353. >"Go over to Carousel Boutique and beg for Rarity to make you a suit. I know how 'strapped for cash' you are, as you like to put it... so, you've gotta hope to high hell and get real lucky. You're gonna need to look real sharp."
  354. >He cuts in again just before you were about to speak up.
  355. >"You're also gonna need some casual clothes, or work clothes - whichever you'd prefer. She's probably gonna have you work with her for the day or something before the real date begins."
  356. >You nod in acknowledgement, neither of you still able to look one another in the eye.
  357. >"You're gonna go take her dancing. Some place nice and quiet; late evening, choose the location."
  358. >You just got an idea in mind.
  359. "By the lake. Perhaps a picnic?"
  360. >"Sure, go with that."
  361. >...
  363. >It took a while for the awkwardness to pass, but you eventually got to talking about each others' daily lives.
  364. >He got a hobby in literature and you told him about your new room.
  365. >After some further conversation, you parted ways, just as the sun was coming up across the horizon.
  366. >You waved goodbye, as did he before you set off on your morning run.
  367. >Going from casual pacing to light jogging and in to a run.
  368. >You ran around the outskirts of Ponyville, through Whitetail Woods, past the Everfree Forest entrance and up to Fluttershy's cottage to take a break, having seen her outside, feeding some of the critters scurrying about and around her.
  369. >Waving, you catch her attention upon approach as some of the critters climb up her to hide inside her mane.
  370. "Oh. Sorry, Fluttershy. Just thought I'd stop by and say 'hello' since you're up and all."
  371. >"What brings you out here?", she asks you, gently nuzzling one of the critters that had nervously poked their head out from inside her mane, comforting them in to exiting.
  372. >You weren't any immediate danger to them anyway, so they had no need to worry.
  373. "Just catching up on some exercise."
  374. >You start jogging in place, rotating yourself in an anti-clockwise circle.
  375. >By now, the other critters have taken their leave from within her mane.
  376. >"Oh good. It's nice to just take some time to yourself and have a good stretch sometimes!"
  377. >She plants her front hooves in to the ground in front of her and stretches her front half forwards.
  379. >U-Unf...
  380. >N-No.
  381. >Think about Applejack.
  382. >Think of her doing that.
  383. >Not Fluttershy's tiny backside, but Applejack's sweating, round, thick, strong thighs after a hard day's work.
  384. >That's the stuff...
  385. >Fluttershy, done with stretching, trots in place, copying you by spinning around in circles.
  386. >"Y'know... this is kinda fun! Heh-huhuh~!", she giggles adorably, chasing her own tail, patting it with a hoof for each time one's raised as she wags it around.
  387. >You smile at her before setting off down the path to continue your exercise, waving her goodbye.
  388. >She seems to be happy, laughing to herself in the distance now, on her back, kicking her legs around in joy as her friendly critters surround her.
  389. >You make your way past Carousel Boutique and continue on as you knew they wouldn't be open for another three and a half hours.
  390. >Picking up the pace from your mild jogging back to a run, you head on past a few familiar houses, waving to the pony who delivers the Thursday papers.
  391. >He chucks one over to you as you go, wishing you a good morning as you do the same.
  392. >Having caught it, you roll it up nicely and fit it in your back pocket.
  393. >Continue this every day and you'll feel better about yourself in no time!
  394. >A cool breeze, fresh air and a life of freedom.
  395. >What better things were there in life than being here in Equestria?
  396. >You had all you could ever need.
  397. >Well... almost.
  398. >You were going to face a lot of challenges, but it'd be worth it.
  399. >For her.
  401. >Upon approaching the library's front door, you slow your pace and do some stretches to help prevent aches and pains from arising.
  402. >Keeping your back straight, you lean to side, keeping your legs separated, forming an upside-down 'V' and lean your opposite arm upwards and over as far as you can stretch, feeling the pull.
  403. >You do the same for the other side after a short while.
  404. >Switching up, you lean a hand against the base of the tree and stretch your opposite legs outward, behind you, grasping your foot in your other hand and stretching yourself out.
  405. >After you start feeling the pull, you give it a moment before switching over to the other side, leaning your other hand against the tree and stretching out the other leg.
  406. >Amongst these exercises, someone apparently had been eying you.
  407. >Glancing over your shoulder, you spot the familiar pony and wave them good morning.
  408. >Roseluck got up the earliest amongst the three sisters and had a far busier schedule than the others and it was nice to get to see her during this part of the day when she looked a little more relaxed before the chaos of the day would fully hit.
  409. >Perhaps you could lend her a hand sometime.
  410. >She could really use some time off.
  411. >All done with your stretches, you head back inside and make your way in to the kitchen to get a start on breakfast.
  412. >Now what would Twilight and Spike like for breakfast?
  413. >More importantly, what should you have?
  414. >You checked your option, but you hadn't much to work with.
  416. >You managed to sort out breakfast for Twilight and yourself fairly well; settling for regular cereal for the main meal and having made some shortbread for afters.
  417. >Spike was a lot more difficult, considering his diet mostly consisted of gems, cutting them up and/or mixing them well would prove to be quite a challenge given your first attempts.
  418. >Fortunately, Spike had woken up by now and groggily plodded in to the Kitchen.
  419. "Still can't do much with the gems, Spike. Got any ideas of what you might like for breakfast?"
  420. >"I'll just have what you're having...", half-awake he plods his way over to his chair in front of the dining table and shuts his eyes tight, hoping to strain whatever sleep he has left out of him.
  421. >Twilight eventually comes down, thanking you for helping her back up to bed last night and for the breakfast you've made.
  422. >Things are sailing smoothly so far.
  423. >"Got any plans today?", Twilight asks her dragon assistant.
  424. >"Well, I'd been planning on going over to the market to pick up some groceries."
  425. "We're kinda running low."
  426. >Twilight takes a brief moment to think this over.
  427. >"Right. I'll need to run a checklist of our weekly groceries and take full inventory to see what we don't need, what we should get rid of and what needs to be picked up."
  428. "Alright."
  429. >"First, we finish up breakfast. Can't start the day without it!"
  430. >Twilight really enjoyed her meal and gave you her thanks while Spike remained a true neutral.
  431. >So begins the start of a new and busy day.
  434. >While Spike and Twilight are out to pick up the groceries, you've been left in charge of being responsible for the library and it's maintenance.
  435. >Seriously, Twilight gave you the speech.
  436. >You were tidying up some of the remaining books that Spike had been working on cleaning up and reorganizing before responsibilities were handed over to you.
  437. >Little guy was quick to ditch his one errand for another and I suppose he just wanted to spend some more time with Twilight.
  438. >He hasn't been to happy lately and you never figured out why...
  439. >It only took about fifteen minutes before you got a knock on the door.
  440. >Perhaps Twilight left her bag behind?
  441. >Opening it, you don't see anybody.
  442. >Closing the door, you find it stop, just before it shuts.
  443. >Looking down, you see a small, yellow hoof keeping it open.
  444. >Slowly opening the door again, you see the faces of none other than the-
  445. "What did you call yourselves again?"
  446. >"The Cutie Mark Crusaders!", they yell in unison, hoof-bumping one another in a tripod fashion.
  447. "Oh, right, so what brings you here so early?"
  448. >"Well, we thought we'd take another look around the library to see if we could find some books that may interest us!"
  449. >Apple Bloom says this, already having squeezed in between your legs and poking around in some of the books on the lower shelves.
  450. >"Yeah! It could spark off a few good ideas!"
  451. >Sweetie Belle followed behind, weaving around one side of your legs to catching up to the Apple filly.
  453. >Turning to face the front door once more, you look down to find Scootaloo just looking... bored? Melancholic?
  454. >You weren't quite sure, so you decided to press the immediate matter.
  455. "Hey."
  456. >Crouching down, you reach almost-eye level with her, given how tall you were.
  457. "What's the matter?"
  458. >You say gently so only she could hear.
  459. >She glances up at you but quickly focuses her attention back to her friends inside the Library.
  460. >Getting up, she doesn't answer you, choosing instead to follow after them as you get up, allowing her to pass by stepping aside, closing the door behind you.
  461. >You make your way over to the closet and take out some of the stools they had, placing them down for the girls to take a more comfortable seat.
  462. >Just in case, you grab several cushions as well and place them around the perimeter of the bookshelves in case they try to take something from one of the higher-up shelves and accidentally fell down.
  463. >They also make great seats too.
  464. >While Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom actively go through a book at a time, skim-reading, Scootaloo looks to be prodding some of the shelved books gently before moving on, enthusiasm not evident but nonetheless remains unnoticed by her fellow crusaders.
  465. >To help them out with the process, you decide to bring up a question.
  466. "Well, if you're the 'Cutie Mark Crusaders', what kind of talents interest you above all others? Be honest."
  467. >For a moment, Scootaloo glances up at you again before looking to the books once more.
  469. >Up on the wooden ladder, having reached one of the books up top, Apple Bloom climbs down to answer you after having chucked the book over to Sweetie to catch in her improving magical grasp.
  470. >"Ah suppose ah enjoy going on adventures, really."
  471. >"Hmm... I like doing lots of things! Even if I'm not good at doing it, I enjoy it all! For better or worse, I don't have any regrets, I suppose." Sweetie Belle brings up.
  472. >...
  473. >"Scootaloo?"
  474. >Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom look over to see what Scootaloo was up to.
  475. >Apparently she'd been fiddling around with a snow-globe that had been on one of the shelves amongst the books.
  476. >Must've been Spike's or something.
  477. >...
  478. >Timidly, you decide to speak up to break the silence.
  479. "What interests you, Scootaloo?"
  480. >...
  481. >"I just want to fly."
  482. >...
  483. >So much for that...
  484. >Her friends seem to be looking down to the floor, somber expressions written on their faces.
  485. >You suppose this was a fairly touchy matter, but you didn't want the others to feel discouraged just because of that.
  486. >You reach up high for the top shelf and pull down one of your own particular favourites.
  487. >'The Grand Adventure of Goldie the Aquatic Bird'.
  488. >It was your favourite since arriving here for just how bizarre and out of place it was.
  489. >Twilight hadn't been fond of it, pointing out all that was apparently 'wrong' with it and what did and didn't make sense.
  490. >For someone who loved books, she sure didn't like this one.
  491. >You liked to tease her about it in public conversation.
  493. >One fascinating tale later and you've got Scootaloo perched on top of you head, Sweetie Belle latching herself around your left arm while Apple Bloom lies down in your lap like a cat.
  494. >"That was an amazin' story! Ah wish mah big sister would read me more stories like that!"
  495. >Apple Bloom pouted in thought, subconsciously rolling over on to her back with her hooves in the air, allowing you to give her a tummy rub.
  496. >"Ahh-hh-hh-hh~", her voice vibrates as you rub up and down in quick motions.
  497. >"Stahp it! That's ticklish!", she giggles.
  498. >Scootaloo peers over at the shenanigans while Sweetie Belle moves forward, still clinging to your arm with one hoof and proceeds to blow a raspberry on Apple Bloom's tummy.
  499. >"Sw-... Sweeti-ii-ie Be-e-e-elle~!"
  500. >Apple Bloom has broken out in full with laughter, tears welling up in her eyes.
  501. >Scootaloo hops down to your side, extends her tiny wings and presents them for Apple Bloom to see with a cunning grin.
  502. >"No! N-No! Not tha-"
  503. >...and before you knew it, Scootaloo added on to the furious assault on Apple Bloom's tummy, tickling her with the tips of her feathers.
  504. >Apple Bloom by now has bitten her bottom lip and by now you take note that this was more than enough.
  505. "Okay girls, settle down."
  506. >Unfortunately, they didn't let up.
  507. >You watched as Apple Bloom's eyes slowly crept up, rolling upwards inside her head.
  508. >A torrent of urine squirted out of the filly and in to the shocked face of Scootaloo.
  511. >"O-oh!! Ewahh!"
  512. >Scootaloo leapt a few feet backwards as the stream raised to steeper arch in to the air before eventually coming to a slight drizzle, then stopping.
  513. >Apple Blooms face turned from one of momentary relief to that of worry.
  514. >"A-Ahm sorry! Ahm so, so sorry!"
  515. >She covered her face with her fore-hooves and began to cried.
  516. >Scootaloo looked like a mixed bag of emotions as pee dripped from the tip of her mane and her snout as she scrunched up her face, furiously trying to brush both the urine and it's smell off of her.
  517. >You certainly lost control of the situation and you'd be in trouble for sure.
  518. >Getting up, uneasily, you begin carrying Apple Bloom over to the bathroom.
  519. "I'm just going to take her to the bathroom so she can get cleaned up. Sweetie Belle, bring Scootaloo to the bathroom after Apple Bloom's done, okay?"
  520. >Sweetie Belle nods in acknowledgement looking terribly guilty for what had transpired.
  521. >Approaching the bathroom door, you enter and place Apple Bloom in the tub.
  522. "I'm gonna give you a quick wash, if that's all right? Sorry about the belly rub... I shouldn't've done it."
  523. >"...I-It's awlright, mister. I'm a big, strong pony... like mah sister! I-I can take of myself jus fahn!", she pouted, somewhat apologetically.
  524. "Are you sure?"
  525. >"J-Jus run me the water here and ah'll let you know when to go."
  526. >You gather a loufah, soap, lavender-scented shampoo and the conditioner and plonk them down besides the tub on a stool for Apple Bloom to reach.
  529. >You turn on the taps to start the flow of water in to the tub.
  530. >Testing it, you find that it's fairly warm and getting hotter, so you slow it down once it reaches a comfortable temperature for Apple Bloom.
  531. >"Thank you..."
  532. >Looking around, you find what you're looking for.
  533. >"Bubble bath!"
  534. >Opening the lid, you start squirting the lavender scented substance in to the tub as the water rises, bubbles beginning to form as the aroma fills the room.
  535. >"She prods one of the bubbles with her hoof, popping it, causing her to giggle as she continues to pop any big bubble that happens to form.
  536. >This keeps up even after you've turn off the taps once it reached three-quarter ways to the brim.
  537. "Think you can take care of yourself from here, Apple Bloom?"
  538. >Cheered up, she looks in to your eyes with a grin of confidence and with her best Big Mac impression replies with "Eeyup."
  539. >Shutting the door behind you, you make out continued giggling as Apple Bloom plays about in the tub.
  540. >Looking down, however, you see Sweetie Belle resting a hoof on the withers of Scootaloo who still dripped with urine on her front.
  541. >She didn't look to happy about the situation, but was more disappointed with herself at this point.
  542. >Turning around, you knock on the door and ask Apple Bloom through the side if it would be alright if Scootaloo joined her.
  543. >You don't seem to be getting a response as the only sound you make out is the shifting of water.
  545. >However, you hear her climb out of the tub as the water sploshes around and the patting of wet hooves approaching the door from the other side.
  546. >Backing away, you watch as Apple Bloom opens the door slightly and waves for Scootaloo to come in.
  547. >Scootaloo follow as Sweetie decides to stay outside with you.
  548. >Closing the door behind them, you hear the two of them climb in to the tub together with an exchange of apologies.
  549. >Not wanting to listen on two bathing fillies for an extended period of time, you lead Sweetie back to the main hall, heading to the closet to get out a bucket and mop.
  550. >As you head to the kitchen to fill up the bucket with cleaning agents and warm water, Sweetie Belle starts clearing the area where the incident took place so you could clean up the puddle that had spread across the floor in a line.
  551. >You dip the mop into the bucket and lift it out, just above as Sweetie Belle used her magic to help drain most of the water out of it before you began scrubbing the oak floor where the suspect urine laid in wait.
  552. >You'd repeat the process several times until the smell was fresh and no linger odours attacked your senses.
  553. >The cleaning agents you used were particularly special as when used on any oak surface, it would be absorbed, given that it collects nutrients, strengthening it.
  554. >Caution is advised when using these specialized agents and thankfully Twilight trusted you to use them when necessary.
  555. >Sweetie Belle seems to have gone back to reading books.

Subject 1 (Nov 19th 2013)

by EQA

Rainbow Dash Thread

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Equestrian Adventures Archive (Originally created: December 14th[...]

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Sweetie Wets the Bed (December 18th 2013)

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Applejack (March 20th - March 22nd 2014)

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