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Sweetie Wets the Bed (December 18th 2013)

Created: 2020-12-18 03:35:55
Expiry: Never

  1. "It's okay. I'll go clean up; flip the mattress, wash the sheets and change 'em."
  2. >"O-Okay..."
  3. >She's nervously shaking on her little hooves.
  4. >You scoop her up in your arms facing upward and smell the scent of her urine still on her coat.
  5. >She looks away, embarrassed about her current predicament, but at least she's calmed down now.
  6. "But first, let's run you a nice, warm, bubble bath."
  7. >She smiles at this and you carry her out of her room and over to the bathroom.
  8. >Putting her down on the bathroom rug, you lean in to the tub to reach the taps to get the water flowing, every now and then testing the waters.
  9. >Sweetie looks up to you, happily carrying a bottle of her favourite bath foam in her mouth.
  10. >"My shishter sheshs I might nert gert muhgerc-"
  11. >You take the bottle from her mouth and begin applying the liquid foamy substance to the waters of the filling bath.
  12. >"-levitation quite right for another seven months and there I was thinking I'd get it in just under two if I tried really hard."
  13. >She continues to discuss the past day with you and how it went before you turn off the taps as the bath reaches near the brim.
  14. >Rarity wouldn't mind you borrowing one of her towels considering that one too many had been put on the line outside to dry out.
  15. >You help Sweetie Belle in to the bath as you allow her to climb up your arm and lower her in to the foamy bubbles below.
  16. >She sinks in, sliding back down your wet arm and begins trying to splash you with the water.
  18. "Aha! Gotchya!"
  19. >You splash back at her, both of you giggling away with glee as you continue your foamy water fight.
  20. >She manages to get your hair and sleeves soaked in the process and the upper-most parts of you covered in foamy bubbles however.
  21. "C'mere you li'l rascal!"
  22. >You wrap your arm around her, beneath her little forelegs give her a noogie as she kicks playfully, trying to get you off by splashing more bubbles and water back at you at such close proximately.
  23. >You weren't gonna lose this water fight!
  24. >You reach down and tickle her belly, mushing the fur and rubbing your fingers in, getting the foamy bubbles in the right places to help her get nice and clean.
  25. >She just can't control her laughter as you lift her up slightly out of the water and blow raspberries on her cute filly belly.
  26. >You feel her tiny hooves tapping away at your head as you continue to blow.
  27. >You do relent however, feeling she's been punished enough, placing her back down in to the foamy tub of warm water.
  28. >However, it seems she isn't done quite yet as she pulls you down with her in to the bath, absolutely soaking you from the waist up.
  29. >Head submerged, you blow bubbles in the water to join those above.
  30. >You hear the submerged sounds of Sweetie Belle giggling at your predicament.
  31. >Pulling your head back up to the surface as well as the rest of you, you turn to look at her slowly with a fake scowl on your face.
  32. >She's quiet, but she looks to be barely keeping her laughter in as you pull out.
  34. >You eventually take your top off as you continue to play with Sweetie from outside the tub, leaning in.
  35. >Every now and then you'd take a few minutes working on one area, then the next; working down from her mane all the way to her little hooves.
  36. >You let Sweetie Belle handle the places you were too modest to go for as the two of you looked away from each other.
  37. >You had passed Rarity's washcloth over to her and she managed to do relatively well using her own levitation magic, only dropping it once or twice by mistake.
  38. >"Done!"
  39. >You turn back to face her to take back the washcloth from her levitating grasp before giving her your best 'Are you sure?' look.
  40. >In response she just puffs up her cheeks, turning red and grabs the washcloth back from you, turning to face away from you once more.
  41. >She's continuing to scrub away down there but she seems more focused on you not seeing her face than she is aware that she's showing her stuff to you.
  42. >You turn away from her hurriedly in embarrassment and pick up the towel you'd placed on the floor from earlier and use it to dry your hair off which Sweetie did her part to help wash earlier, using her hooves to mush the foamy bubbles and shampoo in.
  43. >After which, she'd tried levitating a plastic cup of bath water over your head to wash you clean, but ended up dropping it a few inches above your head, causing a little bump to form.
  44. >Of course, being the sweet filly she is, she apologized profusely, but you excused it, nonchalantly.
  46. >As bath time comes to an end, Sweetie Belle hoists her slippery self up your arm and grips on as best as she can.
  47. >You place her down on the rug by the side of the tub.
  48. >She's dripping and still has a few patches of bubbles in her mane and coat.
  49. >You crouch down and lean in to blow the bubbles off as she giggles at you.
  50. >You look to her with a smile before cradling her up in your arms, having quickly wrapped her in the towel as she tries to escape playfully as you rub her all over, trying to dry her off.
  51. >"S-Stop it! That tickles!"
  52. >She continues to laugh away as you dry her off, carrying her out of the bathroom after having pulled the plug, draining the water from the tub.
  53. >You take her back to her room to her bedside mirror and place her on her little stool next to it.
  54. "I need you to wait her for a bit, Sweetie and let your hair dry out a bit whilst I change the sheets, okay?"
  55. >"Okay."
  56. >You turn to face the bed and un-tuck the sheets from beneath the mattress and go around to the other side to do the same there, then pulling the sheets away from the bed, folding them in two, then four.
  57. >You head on over to the storage room and grab a laundry basket labelled 'TO WASH' and stuff the urinated sheets in it.
  58. >You look around for the right cleaning utilities to tidy Sweetie's bed and manage to find them after a moment's searching, thanks to the added help of Rarity's labels plastered all over the place.
  61. >Quickly, you pop to the kitchen to place the laundry basket down by the sink.
  62. >Going back up the stairs to Sweetie's Room, you enter to find Sweetie Belle attempting to brush her mane using her levitation magic once more.
  63. >You place down your things and approach her from behind, taking the brush from her magical grasp.
  64. >She turns to look up at you, before turning back to face her mirror, pouting as you gently brush her mane.
  65. >"I-I could do it myself just fine! I didn't need your help."
  66. >You can't help but find her completely adorable as you continue to brush her main, carefully getting all the knots out and aiming to cause as little pain for her as possible.
  67. >"Rarity has this thing she uses on her mane to get it to dry off quicker. It runs off of magic so I was kinda wondering if you could go get it for me."
  68. >You give her a look of disapproval but it doesn't last long as she's put on that one face of hers.
  69. >You just couldn't reprimand her when she's like this.
  70. "Okay, okay."
  71. >You head on out of the room over to her elder sister's, wondering just how she does that.
  72. >Room being open, you make your way over to Rarity's desk drawers and look around for what you presume to be some magic-powered hair drier of sorts.
  73. >To your luck, you find it in the middle drawer, pulling it out and giving it a proper look, comparing it to ones back home.
  74. >You head on over back to Sweetie's room and wave the magical hair drier at her reflection in her small mirror where she's sitting.
  76. >She smiles back at you through the reflection before turning back to face you.
  77. >You make your way over to her side, crouching down to be eye level with her.
  78. "So... how exactly does this thing work here?"
  79. >She takes it from your hands in her magical grasp.
  80. >"It just starts up with magic - it's not very specific - and the rest works itself, powered by internal magic inside of it."
  81. "What, like some sort of magical battery?"
  82. >"Uhh, yeah!"
  83. >The magical hair drier comes to life as you hear a WHOOSHING sound emanating from the nozzle.
  84. >Sweetie looks to it with a shimmer of mischievousness in her eyes.
  85. >Before you know it, she's pointing it at you, blowing warm air in to your face and then your hair, causing it to spike upwards like a pineapple.
  86. >Seeking your revenge, you take the opportunity as she's laughing at you with her eyes shut to grab the thing and turn it to face her, blowing the air back at her, turning the device to a higher setting.
  87. >The new velocity of air being blown in her face made her mouth open in a blur as her lips wobble to and fro in the artificial warm breeze.
  88. >After the two of you have your fun, you turn down the setting on the device and get to work on her mane, brushing it gently as the warm air helps you to form it to it's usual self.
  89. >Feeling a bit cheeky, you point the hair drier at her fur coat and cause it to puff up all fluffy-like.
  90. >She blushes and hides her face behind her hooves.
  91. >Cute.
  93. "Okay. So now that you're all nice, clean and tidy, I've got to wash the mattress, dry it off, flip it over and add new sheets to it."
  94. >"I'll help you!"
  95. >Placing the magic-powered hair drier to one side, you walk over to your scrub brush and bucket with washing detergent and apply some to the bed, scrubbing away to get any soaked through patches cleaned up and smelling fresh.
  96. >"Mfph."
  97. >Looking down to your side, Sweetie's looking up at you with a clean cloth in her mouth.
  98. >"Thanks, Sweetie."
  99. >You take it from her and reach over the bed and start the process of drying it off.
  100. >Sweetie gets the idea to use the magic hair drier to help speed up the process.
  101. >She's really getting on up there on from the other side of the bed, using her magic to switch the thing on.
  102. >Looking at the settings, she turns it to 'BAD FUR DAY'
  104. "Uh, Sweetie? I'm not sure you're supposed to do tha-"
  105. >It's too late.
  106. >As she places the nozzle on the mattress below, the thing gives out and black smoke erupts puffs out between the two.
  107. >She'd lit the bed on fire.
  108. >Quickly, you yell for Sweetie Belle to get away and look around for something suited to putting out fires as you were afraid that using the detergents would only make matter worse.
  109. >Looking around desperately as Sweetie runs out of the room, screaming, you spot a cabinet labelled 'IN CASE OF FIRE'.
  110. "Huh."
  111. >Quickly shaking your head to snap out of your momentary daze, you crouch down and open to find whatever was inside.
  113. >'In the case that you have to use this, inform Sweetie Belle she will not have any ice cream for the next two weeks.'
  114. >That was what was labelled on top of some sort of fire blanket.
  115. >Peeling off the sticky label, you unfurl the blank, rushing to place it over the small, building flame that was beginning to spread it's way across the mattress.
  116. >Just as you chuck the blanket at the flames before they could reach the bedposts however, a square cut-out of the roof just above the bed twisted upside-down with some sort of mechanism as a spread of water drops down on to the bed below.
  117. >Well, the fire's out at least.
  118. >But now you had a mattress that was now completely unusable.
  119. >Looking at the wet fire blanket that had flopped off of the side of the mattress due to the torrential downpour, you spot another label you'd apparently missed.
  120. >'Only use if the Splash-o-Matic isn't working.'
  121. >The faded ink writing says as you barely managed to make it out.
  122. >You guess Rarity had the safety of her sister in mind first and foremost.
  123. >Getting some paper towels from downstairs, you call out for Sweetie Belle.
  124. >You receive no answer.
  125. >Looking around, you can't seem to find her anywhere.
  126. >You do however manage to find her inside Rarity's room in a corner, cradled up and rocking back and forth.
  127. >The sound of her rocking and quiet crying could be made out, having been what revealed her position in the cluttered room.
  128. >Heading over to her, you crouch down to eye level with her.
  130. "Sweetie.... Sweetie, it's okay now."
  131. >She continues to rock in place, hooves in front of her face as tears stream out from between the gaps.
  132. "Sweetie..."
  133. >You place a hand on her withers, reassuringly.
  134. "Sweetie, stop."
  135. >She stops rocking in place, but still refuses to look up at you.
  136. >She continues to cry in to her hooves, head tucked between her legs.
  137. "Please, Sweetie, there's no need to cry."
  138. >With your other hand, you lift her chin up to face you, gently.
  139. >The tears still seem to fall freely from her face as she tries to look anywhere but at you.
  140. >She's a scared and nervous little filly whose been faced with a frightening experience and likely fears the repercussions of her actions.
  141. >You knew you needed to be careful about how you do this, but it was hard finding the right words to say.
  142. "I-I shouldn't have brought that thing in to the room in the first place... I'm so sorry for being so careless, Sweetie..."
  143. >She finally looks up to you as you struggle to not look away from her.
  144. >"Yo-You? C-Careless?! N-No... It was m-me that was the careless o-one... not you."
  145. >You're somewhat taken aback by how responsible she's being in this moment.
  146. >But you really couldn't let her take the blame for it.
  147. "No, Sweetie. It was I who got the hair drier from Rarity's room, not you. I-I can't let you take the blame for this."
  148. >Even with tears falling from her eyes, she's pouting at you.
  149. >"No you big dummy! I was the one who wanted to dry it off quickly! I was the one who-"
  151. >You pick her up, surprising her, cradling her in your arms once more as the moonlight shines in through Rarity's bedroom windows.
  152. >You stroke her back as she rests her head on your shoulder.
  153. >You continue to stand there with her for a while, giving her time as she gets it all out.
  154. >Tears start to well up in your own eyes but you manage to stay strong and stop yourself from crying too.
  155. >Over the next few minutes, you tucked Sweetie Belle in to her sister's bed and told her she could sleep here instead.
  156. >Placing the blanket over her, you bend down and kiss her forehead, just off to the side of her horn.
  157. >You weren't sure what to say to her in that moment, so you get up and turn to leave, making your way to the door, turning out the lights just as you're about to exit.
  158. >However, before the door closes...
  159. >"Wait..."
  160. >You turn back to face her as the slight light coming from the corridor behind you is all that lights up her face as her sleepy eyes make themselves apparent.
  161. >"Please... don't leave me here alone."
  162. >Standing by the door, you look to her and around the room filled only by the dim moonlight through the bedroom windows.
  163. >You walk over to her as she pats a spot next to her with a hoof.
  164. >Taking a seat next to her on the other side of the bed, she looks to you with barely a trace of nervousness in her voice as she asks,
  165. >"C-...Could you read me a bedtime story?"
  166. >Smiling gently, you lay down next to her as she shuffles closer towards you.
  168. "Well are you all nice and comfy?"
  169. >"Yup", she tiredly replies.
  170. "Then I'll begin..."
  171. >She nuzzles herself closer to you as you begin your tale.
  173. "Down in Manehatten, many, many years ago, there were a group of four young fillies who would sneak out of their houses come bedtime and get together once every week on a Saturday night. They would gather together at a run down, unused storage facility that would hold large wooden pallets and shelves upon shelves of wooden planks, all lined up in various shapes and sizes."
  174. >"Is this still relevant to the story?"
  175. "We'll get there eventually. So, on one particular night, the youngest of the group spoke up and suggested that they use this place to practice their routines for the coming Manehatten Festival. Once every year, just before the autumn leaves would fall from their branches, the festival of the city would be held to celebrate the anniversary of it's founding. Ponies from everywhere would come to see the celebrations and join in with the fun activities."
  176. >Sweetie looks up to you in curious wonder as you continue your story.
  177. "As the young fillies came from poor families, they found themselves stuck with no way to show off their true talents in life to the crowds that would turn up to the festival. They gathered all their bits together but found that they could barely afford a float."
  178. >"So what did they do?"
  180. "Why they took to the streets, of course. Searching around, wherever they could; loose change or notes flying around in a breeze, making their way in to cafés, sneaking in to bars through a back entrance when nobody was around, even down dark alleyways. They would steal."
  181. >"But why would they do that?" Sweetie squeaks.
  182. >"Because nobody saw what lied within them. If you didn't have a cutie mark back then, you weren't allowed to work a paying job."
  183. >"That stinks..."
  184. "It sure did. Well, the four of them scoured the city of it's loose change and not but once did they get caught."
  185. >"Then what happened?"
  186. "They were taken to the chief's office down at the police station and put under temporary custody. Their parents would be brought in for questioning of their actions but even they were surprised, save for one. The eldest filly's father was uncaring about the matter and didn't even come to speak with or scold his daughter. The father told the chief that he was going outside for a smoke. However, when all was said and done, only the eldest was left with the chief as the others were taken home for proper spankings by their parents."
  187. >"Spankings?!" Sweetie squeaks, cringing at the mere thought of such punishment.
  188. "Yup. That's how it was back then. Anyway, the father of the eldest filly had never come back to the station as he had taken off without notice. The police tried to get in contact with him, but they were unable to track him down."
  189. >"So he just-?"
  190. "Yeah."
  192. >You continue on with your story, telling of how the eldest spent her days in a foster home but would try her best to stay in contact with the others.
  193. >Over time, however, contact with them was hard to make and the filly, now a grown mare, was all alone and back on the streets after her foster parents abandoned her.
  194. >What could have happened to her friends?
  195. >How would she managed to stay alive and well in a city that had been decaying so much over recent years?
  196. >Not once had she realized what her special talent truly was.
  197. >Fortunately for her, laws had been changed to allow for anyone to work in the city as long as they were of age, regardless of background.
  198. >She set off to find her friends, lost in the city, working from job to job, day in and day out.
  199. >She would sleep in hotels she could manage to afford, never going above what she was willing to pay for a place to stay and determined to bring her undying dream back to life.
  200. >Only midway through you story did you notice that Sweetie Belle had fallen asleep, head leaning up against your arm, drool seeping out from between her open lips.
  201. >You try to ease her gently off you but to no avail.
  202. >She had you in her grip as she tightens herself around you, sleepy frown turning to sleepy smile as she finds herself comfortable, attached to you.
  203. >You sigh as you lift the covers and join her as you too begin drifting off to sleep after such a tiring day.
  205. >Lights are turned on from downstairs as the sound of bags being placed on the floor can be made out as you slowly rouse from your sleep.
  206. >It's about two o'clock in the morning.
  207. >You can hear a gentle trotting making it's way up the stairs, heading along the corridor.
  208. >The trotting stops just after passing the slightly-open door to the room, backing up to peak inside.
  209. >It's Rarity.
  210. >She spots the two of you looking to be sound asleep, but you wave tiredly at her signalling that you were indeed partially awake.
  211. >She quietly trots around to the side of the bed you're on, speaking in hushed whispers.
  212. >"Just what in good heavens are you doing in my bed?! I thought I told you that you only needed to get her to bed by eight and stay the rest of the night downstairs!"
  213. >You glance down at Sweetie Belle and back up to Rarity.
  214. >It was going to be tough explaining the situation to the mare without causing her to wake Sweetie up from her sleep, still clamped around your arm, head nestled up against you.
  215. >Thankfully, you'd spent enough time with the ponies around here to trust that you'd not do anything lewd or despicable, otherwise this situation would have alarm bells written all over it.
  216. "There'd been an incident in her room.."
  217. >Rarity raises an eyebrow at that.
  218. "Uhh... Sweetie... wet the bed."
  219. >Sweetie Belle in turn frowns in her sleep as Rarity sighs to herself.
  220. >"So you gave her a bath?"
  221. "Yes."
  222. >"Washed her mane and coat properly?"
  223. "Yes."
  224. >"100%?"
  225. "W-Well, not exactly-"
  227. >"-all of it?" she finishes.
  228. >You just look up to the ceiling, away from her.
  229. >Rarity just puts her face in the way of your view.
  230. >"So she's doing good on her levitation practice?"
  231. >You just nod, not sure of what to say, all things considered.
  232. >"So... why is Sweetie sleeping in 'my' bed? Didn't you change the sheets? Put them in the wash? Clean the mattress? Flip it over after drying it off?"
  233. >Nervousness creeps up on you again as Rarity is asking all the pressing questions.
  234. "Rarity, could you pass me a small teddy bear or stuffed toy or something?
  235. >"Um... alright?"
  236. >Confused, she lights up her horn, looking beneath her bed and pulls out an old box.
  237. >Within the box are several old-fashioned dolls.
  238. >Among them was the pony equivalent of a Raggedy Anne.
  239. >Pointing to it, she levitates it over to you cautiously, possibly in fears of what you might do to it.
  240. >You take it carefully and try to ease the grip Sweetie Belle has over your entire lower left arm, replacing it with the doll.
  241. >Sweetie seems to react not as well as you'd hoped, but she remains asleep.
  242. >You place the covers over her again with the doll and get up to lead Rarity outside of the room to give a better explanation of things.
  243. >You lead her down the corridor towards Sweetie Belle's room.
  244. "Rarity. I... borrowed your hair drier."
  245. >"Wh-Wh-Wh-What?! WHY?!"
  246. "Shhh!"
  247. >You hush her, looking back to Rarity's room briefly before continuing on.
  248. "I-It was to help tidy her mane properly."
  250. >She looks to be pondering to herself, stopping just before you reached Sweetie Belle's bedroom door.
  251. >"Sweetie told you to get it."
  252. "N-No...!"
  253. >"Please, it's only activated by magic and besides some of my clients and friends, Sweetie Belle is the only other to know about it. She's always been pestering me to use it on her, but it's specifically for me and me alone."
  254. >You give her a look, accusing her of her selfishness.
  255. >"It's not a matter of me not sharing, but it's because it was designed with me in mind and that I would be the only one capable if activating it and use it according to how it was intended to be used."
  256. >Your look changes to a quizzical one.
  257. >"Some devices like these can be activated with a simple spell or two but others are tailored for the suitor where no other should be able to function it."
  258. "Sweetie... well, she was able to use it with little problems."
  259. >Rarity didn't seem surprised at first, but-
  260. >"Problems? 'Little' problems? What happened with my drier?"
  261. "I-I, uh-"
  262. >"I wasn't asking."
  263. >She barges in to Sweetie Belle's room.
  264. >You can only hear the sound of Rarity barely catching her breath before fainting.
  265. >You manage to catch her before she falls.
  266. >You sweat nervously, unsure of what to do next.
  268. >You carry her back to her own room but it seems that Sweetie Belle had been woken up by the noise of the creaking floorboards below your feet.
  269. >Rarity had added extra weight to your body so you shouldn't have been so surprised.
  270. >You chide yourself for having been so foolish.
  271. >"What happened to her?" she whispers.
  272. "...she saw your room."
  273. >"Dang it..."
  274. "Wasn't like it could be hidden forever."
  275. >"Well..."
  276. >She pouts.
  277. >"Well at least we could've tried!"
  278. "You really think we could hide something? From Rarity of all ponies?"
  279. >She looks down and sighs.
  280. >"No..."
  281. >You approach the bed and lay her opposite Sweetie Belle, tucking her beneath the covers.
  282. >"I-I'm not sure that's such a good idea... what if Rarity tries to kill me when she wakes up?!"
  283. >You look to Rarity and decide to hell with it and fit yourself in between the two them.
  284. >Rarity's prone state on one side of you and Sweetie Belle on the other.
  285. >She's placed the pony Raggedy Anne on her other side as she nuzzles and clamps back on to you as you slide the covers over everyone comfortably.
  286. >Sweetie Belle nuzzles closer as she begins to sing.
  287. >"There were four in the bed and the little one said~"
  288. "Shhh..."
  289. >You have to hush her as you feel Rarity stirring slightly.
  290. >"Okay... I'll go to sleep now. Please protect me from Rarity, will you?"
  291. >You nod as she begins to doze off to sleep.
  292. >You stay awake for the following few minutes as you begin to feel a tap on your shoulder from behind you.
  294. >"You do realize both you and Sweetie are in for a lot of trouble now, don't you?"
  295. >You gulp.
  296. >"No matter... for now."
  297. >She yawns loudly as her previous day catches up to her.
  298. >Resigning to sleep, she presses herself up against your back and nuzzles your shoulder before falling asleep herself.
  299. >...
  300. >Well that was unexpected.
  301. >You begin to drift off to sleep yourself and await the coming day's mayhem when you felt a sudden thumping against your back.
  302. >Rarity... she's humping you.
  304. >You try your best to go back to sleep but...
  305. >...the humping never seems to let up.
  306. >You plan on prodding Rarity to catch her attention, but how?
  307. >You had an entire Sweetie Belle attached to your left arm, weighing you down to one side.
  308. >You try reaching backwards with your other arm but as you move it back to prod her awake, her sleeping form grabs it in a hold, much like Sweetie's own.
  309. >However, Rarity seems to be doing more than just nuzzling you now.
  310. >She's unconsciously licking your arm, coiling her pony tongue around the length of it, moving up and down in a pumping motion as though it were a-
  311. >Okay, stay calm and
  312. >be
  313. >cool.
  314. >No need to panic.
  315. >Was this what Sweetie Belle was really afraid of?!
  316. >Just what has been Rarity been up to over the past day to make her go this crazy?
  317. >You need to move to get Rarity off of you but you didn't want to risk waking Sweetie Belle.
  318. >If she woke up to this, she'd surely never look either of you in the eye again the way she used to.
  319. >Instead, you try forcing your right arm upwards.
  320. >In doing so, Rarity has slid down to your armpit with your arm fully raised in the air.
  321. >Her tongue plays in one of your weak spots and you have to do everything, gritting your teeth to conceal the laughter caused by this near-unbearable torture.
  322. >Slowly, inch by inch, you slide your arm back down in to place where it was before.
  323. >Rarity still continued to hump and lick away at you.
  324. >In that moment, you decided that enough was enough.
  326. >You forcefully tug your right arm away to get her off of you.
  327. >However, her grip on you is tighter than her sister's.
  328. >You were now lying on your back now with the new free space...
  329. >...that had been caused by pulling Rarity on top of you.
  330. >Her grip still held on your right arm as you feel Sweetie's grip around your left tighten a little.
  331. >Rarity continues to lick away at your exposed arm in her sleep, but she's still humping-
  332. >No, grinding against you.
  333. >Fortunately, ponies here wouldn't be able to stretch far, given the position this one is trying to assume.
  334. >The furthest she could get was your belly button.
  335. >As long as you kept your arm held up high, she wouldn't-
  336. >She would.
  337. >She totally just did.
  338. >You feel her pulling her soft, light and silken body down your own, dragging your arm down against your will as her kicky little hind legs try to wrap around your waist, ever so hard.
  339. >You do your best to fight it but damn is she a heavy sleeper in more ways than one.
  340. >You can feel her continuing her way downwards, getting closer and closer but you can thank yourself that you were wearing something down there.
  341. >...
  342. >Damn it, she's slipping herself in to your PJs.
  343. >Her soft hind legs slipping their way in through your leg holes rubbing up against your own, spreading a warm, silken sensation as she goes down.
  344. >By this point, you give up as you lower your arm the rest of the way as she slips the rest of way in; head resting on top of your chest.
  346. >She's still, however, continuing to lick at your arm.
  347. >Tired of it all, you put your face in front of hers in hope the change of shape puts her off and perhaps gets her to wake up.
  348. >Lick.
  349. >Liiiiiick.
  350. >She continues, licking your face like a relentless puppy yearning for attention.
  351. >At least your right arm is free now.
  352. >But just how were you going to get Rarity off of you.
  353. >You feel a building heat from below.
  354. >She's now rubbing against you.
  355. >Just... right there.
  356. >The only thing between them was your undergarment.
  357. >You felt her heat radiating against you as a tingling feeling emanates from your loins.
  358. >This was it.
  359. >You had just reached breaking point.
  360. >Your comfort zone has been breached.
  361. >All systems go.
  362. >Oil up.
  363. >Thrusters engage.
  364. >You desperately try hanging on to common sense and your rationality but it was only ever futile.
  365. >You stood no chance against her like this.
  366. >Tug.
  367. >You feel a tugging.
  368. >On your left arm.
  369. >It's Sweetie Belle, still asleep.
  370. >She looks uncomfortable.
  371. >This entire situation just made you feel uncomfortable, yet at the same time, comforted.
  372. >Your mind was a scramble and you just did not know what to do.
  373. >In one swift motion, you move your free arm down, beneath the covers and away from Rarity's grasp that had been momentarily lifted.
  374. >You hand could feel the heat now.
  375. >Your palms began to sweat as the heat continues to build up.
  376. >"P-Put it in me....".
  377. "...What?"
  378. >"Put it in me already, you buffoon! I can't last much longer!"
  379. >Holy-
  381. >Hurriedly, you attempt to pull down your undergarment with your one free hand, awkwardly shifting with the weight of two ponies attached to you.
  382. >You could feel her horsepussy lips opening up and squeezing around the outside of your hardening dick, trying to absorb it inside of itself.
  383. >Her winking mess hitting gently against the ballsack, sending electricity up your spine and getting you right and ready.
  384. >"Yes, give it to mummy" she mumbles
  385. >You really didn't know what to think of this ever-growing situation and you don't think you ever will.
  386. >The smell of her oozing fluids rising up the covers makes it's way to your nostrils.
  387. >The lips just continue to suck you in, inch by inch as Rarity's guttural moans climb in pitch and volume.
  388. >Quickly, you cover her mouth with your own as you feel her tongue begin tracing it's way across your teeth, experimentally searching around it's new-found space of play.
  389. >Her tongue was coating your insides with dabs of her building saliva as the excitement within her grew.
  390. >Beneath the covers, your free hand presses firmly in to her flank, getting a good feel for it as you push the rest of you deep within her, filling up her needy crevice.
  391. >Unbeknownst to you, Sweetie was beginning to stir again from her sleep.
  392. >You hadn't noticed the shifting on your left arm as you were clouded with so many sensations that were completely unknown to you.
  393. >It was unreal just how good her insides could feel.
  394. >Fuck
  395. >You could just stay inside forever.
  397. >Through such overwhelming pleasure, Rarity milks you for all you're worth, wanting nothing more than to quell the burning fever that had been gnawing away inside of her over the past week.
  398. >"P-Please be a dear... a-and cum inside me... qu-quickly now. Quickly, before-"
  399. >"R...Rarity?"
  400. >Instinctively, you pull out of Rarity and with her, roll off the side of the bed.
  401. >The sweat that had been building up had loosened Sweetie's grip on you, allowing both you and Rarity to narrowly escape.
  402. >You make a noise as you hit the floor below.
  403. >Rarity, still part-way inside your PJs lays on top of you as she quickly places a hoof over your mouth as she quickly pulls you with her under the bed.
  404. >The half-asleep filly, unaware of what was going on stands on all four hooves sleepily as she makes her way off of the bed after having sniffed the air, heading out the door.
  405. >Perhaps she would go use the bathroom.
  406. >Yeah.
  407. >You really do kinda need the privacy right now.
  408. >Both you and Rarity remain silent throughout.
  409. >At some point, Rarity resumed her position, having eased herself on top of your stiffened member, feeling the continuous dripping of her mare juices slide along the sides of your dick, continuing to milk you for your semen.
  410. >Sweetie Belle had just closed the door behind you when Rarity began to build up speed.
  411. >"I won't ask you again."
  412. >"Cum."
  413. >"Inside me."
  414. >"NOW."
  416. >The way she's pouting at you right now reminds you of her sister, Sweetie.
  417. >Oh...
  418. >Sweetie.
  419. >Shit.
  420. >You try to lift Rarity off of you, the feeling of her inner walls clamping down on you as hard as they could with as much lubrication as they had already was ridiculous.
  421. >Only for a brief moment are you successful in pulling her off, accentuated with a loud pop that leaves you weak.
  422. >She slams herself back down upon you, her inner walls now tighter than you thought possible.
  423. >Her squeals of delight, barely contained as she smashes her hips down on top of yours, splashing away like a fish out of water.
  424. >Her eyes roll to the back of her head as you just explode inside of her, feeling all the built up tension just ooze away in glowing goodness.
  425. >The alabaster unicorn above you collapses in a heaping puddle of pony pussy coated inside and out with cum.
  427. >The sound of chirping birds can be heard going at it outside the bedroom window.
  428. >It was sunrise.
  429. >"Raaaaarityyyyyy?" called out a familiar voice from downstairs.
  430. >"i've made you breakfaaaast!"
  431. >The pony lying in her drying puddle of cum on top of you snapped awake, smacking the back of her head on the bottom of the bed after sitting up with a jolt.
  432. >"Sw-Sweetie?" she calls out, followed by a loud yawn.
  433. >She then looks down at you.
  434. "Uh... good morning?"
  435. >"Gyahhhh!!!"
  436. >She scrambles off of you, shimmying out from your PJs and out from under the bed, scurrying out through the bedroom door whilst her coat was still matted with the remains of last night's apparent activities.
  437. >"Rarity? You okay up there?" Sweetie Belle calls out to her.
  438. >By now, you can just imagine the smoke coming up the stairs and wafting in through the room.
  439. >"I-I'm just taking a shower, Sweetie, I'll be down in just a few minutes!"
  440. >You figured as much.
  441. >"Okay!" Sweetie calls back.
  442. >Slowly, you crawl out from under the bed, back aching from having laid on the floor with the weight of a mare on top of you for a good number of hours.
  443. >Getting up to stretch, you stumble as you still hadn't pulled your PJs up yet.
  444. >You decided the best thing to do was to get started on cleaning up the lingering smell, so you take the nearest bottle of perfume you can find and spray a little bit of it here and there, eliminating the odour of last night's sweaty pony-fucking.
  445. >Still, you couldn't believe it.
  447. >You quickly head on out of the room and over to the bathroom door.
  448. >You enter, shutting the door behind.
  449. >"Why I never- Sweetie, what have-"
  450. "Need to clean up too."
  451. >You interrupt as she turns to look at you.
  452. >"Hmph! Why I never-"
  453. >She turns away with a blush and yet another one of her adorable pouts before you interupt her yet again.
  454. "Do you want your sister to come upstairs and see this?"
  455. >Opening one eye, half-lidded, still facing away from you with that adorable pouting, she casts a brief glance at you before looking back in to the mirror in front of the sink she stands up against.
  456. >"...Still, have you no manners? You just... barge in whenever you feel like, just because it suits you?"
  457. >She steps down, turning around to face you on all fours and begins to approach you, face fuming red.
  458. >"You couldn't just hide out of sight for a while or something?"
  459. >She's up on her hind legs again as she pushes against your shoulders with her fore-hooves
  460. >"Can't a lady get a little privacy?!"
  461. >She looks deep in to your eyes, absolutely infuriated with your intrusive behaviour.
  462. >"Raaaaaaarityyyyyyy?" Sweetie Belle calls out from downstairs yet again in a worried tone.
  463. >"Everything all right up there?"
  464. >"Ye-Yes, yes, Sweetie! Nothing to worry your little head about up here! Nothing at all!"
  465. >She's off of you as she says this, returning to the sink, brushing off the dry bits of gunky cum still clinging to her pony belly tufts of fine alabaster hair.
  468. >"D-Darn it all...!", she mutters dejectedly to herself.
  469. >She seems to be half-awake still.
  470. >You grab the used flannel from before and put the plug in the sink before running some hot and cold water.
  471. >You wash it around in the building water for a bit and rinse it out in to the tub a few times.
  472. >When the sink is halfway full, you tell Rarity to take a seat on the toilet as turn off the taps.
  473. >She resigns to you, taking her place as queen of toilets as a depressive mood seems to sink in to her,
  474. >You get some warm water water in to the flannel, rinse it out slightly and start rubbing gentle circles around her tummy with it.
  475. >Her face is the image of pit and you find it hard not to feel bad for her as you grab a bottle of oil she seems to pass to you from a small cabinet to her side, next to the toilet on the wall.
  476. >You put some of the oil in the palm of your free hand and begin rubbing it all around Rarity's fluffy tummy, causing her to jump a little at how cold it felt.
  477. >Soon, she's giggling, sniffling up any oncoming sadness as her mood began to improve with your caressing.
  478. "You like that?"
  479. >"Mhmm!" she nods with an adorable smile.
  480. >It really gets to your heart knowing you made her feel a bit better.
  481. >She begins rubbing her own tummy with her front hooves as her back continues to lean against the water tank and lid behind her.
  482. >She rubs circles around your hands with her oily hooves as you continue to do the same with her tummy as the flannel is put to one side.
  484. >Soon, her muscles relax as her face begins to take form of something incredulously erotic; tongue hanging out to one side, eyes partly lidded and flickering like a nervous twitch as they roll up to the top of her head.
  485. >You hear the trickle of liquid going in to the toilet below as the oil seems to have slid down her tummy, thinly and spread out all over her crotch, dripping lightly in to the pan below, along with a stream of urine coming from the pony you were tending to.
  486. >You're guessing she may have had a lot of wine to drink before she got back home last night.
  487. >You glance away from the pan and look up to her gorgeous, sapphire eyes as you continue rubbing the oil around, feeling the bits of gunky cum begin to slip away with the rest of the liquids.
  488. >Her body had warmed the liquids up as they oozed down her thighs and around her puffy pony pussy that had started winking again in ecstasy.
  489. >You grab the flannel once more, not wanting to embarrass Rarity any further and begin dipping it in the warm water within the sink from where you are, rinsing it out as you stretch your reach over the tub, still crouched in front of Rarity on the toilet.
  490. >Bringing the flannel back to the two of you, you begin rubbing it all around her lower body, wiping away any residual liquids that still clung to her fluffy tufts of hair.
  491. >"Mmm... don't forget down there, darling." >Rarity says with a slightly pleading look whilst trying to regain whatever modesty she thought she had left.
  493. >Going against your better judgement, you reach down there with the soft, wet flannel as you rub around her crotch area, feeling her puffy nether lips twitch in excitement as her continuous winking never sees to an end.
  494. >More of her urine continues to drizzle out from her little crevice as she finishes off relieving herself.
  495. >You wash and rinse the flannel once more.
  496. >Once she's done, you dip your flannel-covered hand inside of her and begin cleaning her out.
  497. >You rub around her inner walls as they desperately try to clamp on to you at wrist-deep in, squeezing you of the non-existent hand cum it desired.
  498. >Clambering with her fore-hooves she grabs the bottle oil from before and oozes some in to her waiting crevice, just as you were pulling out to get some of the lingering cum and urine out with yet another resounding pop from her puffy pony pussy lips.
  499. >The oil drizzles inside of her as her puffy lips continue to twitch and her little hind legs begin to kick at the ticklish sensation of the cool liquid being inside of her.
  500. >You curl up your free hand in to a fist and dip it in without the flannel and rub around her insides, pushing in and out, hard, as you feel her strong vaginal muscles grip on to you and convulse at the sheer force of you entering and exiting her womb passage with your oily hand - the oil, residual cum and urine leaking out between your arm and her pussy lips.
  502. >You continue this motion of pushing inwards and outwards from her narrow birth canal as you feel Rarity wrap her oily hooves around you once you hit deep enough.
  503. >Once she's reached her breaking point, she bursts, gushing all over your fist, still inside her and squirting out thinned streams of her mare-cum along with the rest of the fluids that had leaked out earlier.
  504. >"Rarity? I'm just gonna leave your breakfast on the bed, okay?" Sweetie Belle calls out from the other end of the corridor, by the stairs, carrying a tray of peculiar substances on her back.
  505. >"Hah... hah... I'll... be... right with you... hah... in a minute! Hah..." Rarity makes out between gasps for air.
  506. >"And you mister..." she says in a low growl.
  507. >"-are gonna get washed up nicely... and come downstairs for breakfast."
  508. "...but what about-"
  509. >"We're dating now."
  510. "What?"
  511. >"You, me, dating. No questions."
  512. >She gets up rather sloppily from her toilet throne and grabs the flannel off of you with her magic, washing and rinsing it out before dabbing around her bodily daintily before drying herself off in a spark of magic.
  513. >She's back to her lively self, but not for very long as she frowns to herself, in a bit of thought.
  514. >"Right... now that it's broken, I'm going to have to use that spell for the next two weeks before I can get a new one! Drat."
  515. >She trots out of the bathroom, adding a bit of pep in her step and trying to liven herself back up.
  516. >"I'll see you in a few."
  518. >You close the bathroom door and take a look around.
  519. >In the corner of the bathroom, besides the bath tub is the shower booth.
  520. >Taking off your stained PJs and underwear, you step inside and shut the thick, glass door behind you, changing the shower setting to read seven out of the 10 numbers available.
  521. >You begin to feel the sharp, cold wetness that wakes your whole body up before the water comes to a heated temperature.
  522. >"Sweetie Belle! Please be a dear and make some breakfast for Anon, won't you?" you hear Rarity call out.
  523. >"Okay!" you hear Sweetie reply over the running water that's washing over you.
  524. >Shit... no flannel.
  525. >There's also the matter of there being no clean towels to use in here...
  526. >"Looking for something?"
  527. >You look to the glass door that had been fogging up and see Rarity on the other side, levitating the flannel in place.
  528. >As you open the door a little to take it from her, she flings it away and in to the sink, pushing her hoof in the door and opening it up to get a better view of you.
  529. >She smirks before trotting inside with a sway of her hips, going around you in a circle once as she gets rained upon by the warm water from the shower nozzle above before settling in front of you.
  530. >Her tail swishes at your crotch, rubbing you just beneath your ball sack, along your inner thighs as she gives off a flutter of her eyes at you with a flirtatious giggle.
  531. >She then back up so she stands between your legs - you cock, twitching just above her mane.
  533. >Once again, you began to feel the twinges of nervousness around your body.
  534. >Sure, you just fisted this tight-cunted pony a few minutes ago after having lubed her up, but you were still (hopefully) a noble man.
  535. >However, it seems that your nerves have become apparent to said pony and she curls her neck upwards to look at you in the eyes.
  536. >She has that fiery look of determination in her eyes saying that she does not wish for cowardice to take over you, willing for you to not be overcome by her current flirtatious nature, however, her gaze also reflect a cold look of tiredness and intolerance.
  537. >You can really learn a lot from looking in to a hard-working mare's eyes.
  538. >"Look, dear... I'm in heat - and you're going to be my element of generosity and let me take from you what I need."
  539. >She swishes her tail around your backside and nuzzles herself in to you, leaning in to your hips.
  540. >"Now allow me to continue and perhaps I'll make it worth your while."
  541. >You sigh to yourself alongside Rarity as the continuous stream of warm water cascades around the two of you.
  542. >Moments pass before Rarity speaks up.
  543. >"Now, can you be a dear and help me wash my mane for me, please?"
  544. "Yeah, sure."
  545. >Just before you reach out for Rarity's Shampoo that she holds in her magical grasp, you see her give you a look.
  546. "I mean, yes, dearest Rarity."
  547. >"That's 'Mistress' to you, laddy. Now make sure your hands are clean and get ready to drive those fingers of your to work!"
  549. >Over the next few minutes you spent time and focused energy on massaging Rarity's scalp, carefully minding her horn and really getting good at your technique.
  550. >She takes a moment to allow the water to rain freely down upon her as she faces upwards to the nozzle with a relaxed smile.
  551. >Using her livitational spell, she switches the shampoo bottle for the conditioner.
  552. >Turning the faucet down, she passes the conditioner to you before letting you get to work.
  553. >Throughout the process, she's swaying her tail, swishing it from side to side, caressing your back with it, reminding you that you'd have to work on it later.
  554. >As you let it settle for a minute or two, you move on downwards and give her withers and the back of her neck a massage.
  555. >Soft moans emanate once more from her as she instinctively leans forward, stretching as you really dig your fingers deep in to her, easing out any remaining tension.
  556. >Her flanks is raised in the process, hind legs slightly making way up the tiling of the shower wall.
  557. >Taking the opportunity, you kneel down to pick her up beneath her front legs, raising her on her hind feet that slide to the floor following the motion as she stands.
  558. >You begin rubbing her tummy with one hand as the other probes for a weak spot; one that could get her laughing like her sister did.
  559. >You manage to find it just below the tuft of silken hair that was puffed up below her neck.
  560. >Tickling it forces her neck up and her eyes to close in laughter.
  562. >You take courage and lean in, giving her neck a loving kiss as you continue to rub at her belly and tickle her weak spot.
  563. >You feel her legs about to give out and catch her, scooping her up in your arms, cradling her as you continue your torturing.
  564. >"Ah...! Ahh...! Ahhhh~!"
  565. >Rarity's moans of pleasure spur you on as you make your way up her neck, the occasional laugh or two reverberating her vocal chords you can feel beneath each kiss.
  566. >You look at her closed eyes and ease your lips over hers, feeling her laughter flowing through you.
  567. >Her eyes open in surprise, but once more does she submit to desire.
  568. >She couldn't care at this point if you ruffled her mane or anything really.
  569. >She was all in that moment with you and nothing else would distract her.
  570. >Not even the sound of Sweetie Belle peeking through the open bathroom door.
  572. >The two of you continue to kiss and play with one another where you are for a while.
  573. >"Okay darling, th-that's enough now. Hee-hee~!"
  574. >Damn it, she's all sorts of adorable.
  575. >Using her magic once more, she turns the faucet back on only to be surprised by the spray of sudden cold water that hits her, causing her to stammer backwards in shook, raising her rear upwards and bumping herself into you.
  576. >Your cock is sandwiched between the lips of her pink, glistening pony pussy.
  577. >"Ah!", she yelps, turning to face you.
  578. >You've raised your arms with a smile plastered all over your face, unable to contain your laughter at the hilarity of it all.
  579. >You laughter is stopped though when she slams her hips slightly downwards, sinking your cock all the way inside harshly, giving you a brief moment of dick pain.
  580. >Rarity backs up even further in the shower, pressing her rump further in to you, expanding outwards as her internal muscles inside her vagina grip tightly around you.
  581. >She gives you a sour look, but you can see through to her playful nature and that she was only having some fun with you at your expense.
  582. >Soon, the water warms up again and she's letting it soak in to her mane as she orders you to massage her scalp once again and help make sure there are no knots as she moves her rump back and forth on you, a sucking and plopping noise each time her rump hits your hips, ripples forming on the smooth alabaster goodness.
  584. >When Rarity informs you that you're done with her mane, you retract your fingers and grasp for those delicious-looking ass cheeks that just scream out at you to grab and thrust deep in to them.
  585. >Taken aback by your unrefined and ungentlemanly action, Rarity stops moving her rump for a moment.
  586. >Then slams her rump as deeply as she could go on to you, crushing you against the wall, unable to move.
  587. >"Listen here, you rapscallion! You do not do such a thing to me without me saying so first!
  588. >Moving off of you, all the way up to the head of your dick, you are relieved of the pressure of her squeezing you up against the wall.
  589. >...For only a few seconds.
  590. >She slams herself balls deep back on to you so rapidly and forcefully that you hit your back hard against the wall behind you.
  591. >"Serves you right. Now be a dear and work on my coat next."
  592. >Over the next fifteen or so minutes, the two of you continued on having playful fun together in the shower, making sure that one another was clean and that not a single spot of grime remained.
  593. >It was simply amazing...
  594. >Until Rarity got you to brush your teeth thoroughly.
  595. >She complained that you didn't exactly have the cleanest of teeth and that our breath wasn't entirely minty fresh.
  596. >Unbeknownst to the two of you, Sweetie Belle had been watching.
  597. >Sweetie Belle saw everything.
  598. >It was terrible.
  599. >Terribly fascinating.
  600. >She couldn't tear her eyes from the two of you from the crack in the door.
  601. >She then left the two of you alone.

Subject 1 (Nov 19th 2013)

by EQA

Rainbow Dash Thread

by EQA

Equestrian Adventures Archive (Originally created: December 14th[...]

by EQA

Sweetie Wets the Bed (December 18th 2013)

by EQA

Applejack (March 20th - March 22nd 2014)

by EQA